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 Commitment to the future-improving safety for everyone as well as
minimizing the burden on the environment and utilization of the earth¶s
 Creating new value- applying modern ideas to create new value that fulfills
changing needs and gives shape to dreams.
 M panding values-helping people realize their dreams by contributing to
local communities.
Honda is striving to be a company that society wants to e ist by pursuing CSR
initiatives based on the Honda philosophy and sharing joy with people worldwide.

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ë aintaining a global viewpoint, the company is dedicated to supplying
products of the highest quality yet at a reasonable price for worldwide
customer satisfaction.
ë Respecting the individual by taking initiatives not to be bound by defined
ideas, but think creatively and act on one¶s own initiative and judgment,
while understanding that one must take responsibility for the results of those
ë Mquality means to recognize and respect individual differences in one
another and treat each other fairly. The company is committed to this
principle and to creating equal opportunities for each individual. An
individual's race, se , age, religion, national origin, educational background,
social or economic status have no bearing on the individual's opportunities.
ë The relationship among associates at Honda should be based on mutual trust.
Trust is created by recognizing each other as individuals, helping out where
others are deficient, accepting help where we are lacking, sharing the
knowledge, and making a sincere effort to fulfill the responsibilities.


ë The Joy of Buying is achieved through providing products and services that
e ceed the needs and e pectations of each customer.

ë The Joy of Selling occurs when those who are engaged in selling and
servicing Honda products develop relationships with a customer based on
mutual trust. Through this relationship, Honda associates, dealers and
distributors e perience the joy in satisfying the customer and in representing
Honda to the customer.

ë The Joy of Creating occurs when Honda associates and suppliers involved
in the design, development, engineering and manufacturing of Honda
products recognize a sense of joy in the customers and dealers. The joy of
creating occurs when quality products e ceed e pectations.

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ë croceed always with ambition and youthfulness.
ë Mnjoy the work, and encourage open communications.
ë Œe always mindful of the value of research and endeavor.
ë Respect sound theory, develop fresh ideas and make the most effective use
of time.
ë Strive constantly for a pleasant flow of work.

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In June 1992, Honda announced the Honda Mnvironmental Statement, defining its
commitment and guiding its efforts to address environmental issues.





We will make efforts to recycle materials and conserve resources and energy at
every stage of our products¶ life cycle from research, design, production and sales,
to services and disposal.
We will make every effort to minimize and find appropriate methods to dispose of
waste and contaminants that are produced through the use of our products, and in
every stage of the lifecycle of these products.
As both a member of the company and of society, each associate will focus on the
importance of making efforts to preserve human health and the global
environment, and will do his or her part to ensure that the company as a whole acts


We will consider the influence that our corporate activities have on the local
environment and society, and attempt to improve the social standing of the

ë Honda launched its solar power business in 2002. The non-silicon solar
panels feature low CO2 emissions during production, making them a natural
fit for the Life Cycle Assessment approach that forms the basis of the
environmental activities.
ë Hanshin Koshien Œaseball Stadium installed solar panels manufactured by
Honda Soltec Co., Ltd. in arch 2010. It has covered the huge roof known
as ³Ginsan´ at ?anshin Koshien Stadium. Honda¶s environmentally
friendly solar panels are helping to build a foundation for sustainable local
ë r. Okada In renovating the Ginsan (the large roof covering the stands, a
hallmark of Hanshin Koshien Stadium), it will reuse rainwater and installed
an energy-saving climate control system and worked to restore the ivy for
which the stadium is famous.
ë s. ori Restoring the ivy, which is more than 80 years old, is in particular
maintaining the stadium¶s history and traditions, and it has also served to
make the facility more environmentally friendly by ³greenifying´ its walls..
r. Okada Until now, the facility had been using well water for cleaning purposes
and to water the grass on the field. Now we¶vereduced our use of well water by
capturing runoff from the stadium¶s Ginsan roof in an enormous tank for later
reuse.We also looked at how we could reuse energy by taking advantage of the
large Ginsan roof to install solar panels. We became aware that Honda
manufactures solar panels while we were considering various manufacturers¶
products and decided to consider a Honda Soltec system based on the strength and
reliability of the Honda brand as

s. ori In our renovations of the aging stadium facilities, we

pursued the three concepts of improving comfort, improving safety,

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and maintaining the site¶s history and traditions, all under an over arching theme of
creating an environmentally friendly stadium.

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