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IN MY OPINION A TIME TO BE COUNTED by Sharron Aisenman, Editor Stand before the people you

fear and speak your mind-

We’re watching and crying as everyday people in North Africa and the Middle East, people much even if your voice shakes.
like you and me, choose to fight, to die, if need be, for fundamental human rights--to have their Maggie Kuhn, Founder
voices heard and their votes counted. The obscene gluttony and greed of their rulers made us
angry, or should have, and the pictures of the hungry men, women and children have made some
stop and conclude, “This shouldn’t be happening in our world.” Somehow we want to see these “So the anti-Kock
crises and revolutions on the other side of the world as unconnected to our own fair and just de-
movement has
mocracy. But aren’t we fighting the same fight right here in the USA?
begun, and it’s
We watched American citizens rush to the Wisconsin capitol building in shock and outrage at the gathering steam.
scandalous and deplorable acts of Wisconsin’s Reactionary Gov. Walker and the unprincipled Labor supporters
immoral Republican Senators and Representatives who followed his lead and ignored the funda- may not have the
mental values of Democracy to impose a new despotism, usurping American’s hard won rights, money the Kochs
to organize, to vote, to basic American fairness. Tax evading Multi-National Corporations, favor have, but we have
seeking special interests and well-placed lobbyists, all the paid servants of our moneyed elite, something better
have corrupted the elected representatives from both parties at all levels of government, federal,
state, county and city. Ours is becoming the best government you can buy. Ours is becoming a a conscience.
government of, by, and for sale to the highest bidders. They don’t even bother to hide it much Combined with
anymore. The worst part is that we know it. The baddest part is we do little about it. creativity and
You’ve seen the news by now. You’ve heard the recorded telephone call to Gov. Walker from the
it could get us
Buffalo Beast pretending to be David Koch (one half of the brother act controlling the largest pri-
vate corporation in our country). In a conversation, made all the more terrifying by Walker’s ur-
gent obsequiousness, their plan of attack was made crystal clear…attack the rights of Americans Lauren Kelley,
wherever they live. Wisconsin is only the beginning. End workers rights anywhere and every- associate editor,
where. Benito Mussolini and Adolph Hitler would be proud. AlterNet and
freelance writer.
Now We Must Fight…Fight Those Who Would Remake Our Country For The Benefit Of Their
Corporate Paymasters!

Unless we want to be corporate fodder, to be used up and thrown away, it’s time to stand up,
recall the bums, vote out the hypocrites, boycott the products of the corporations attempting to
take over our democracy. Know the enemies of democracy and stop paying them to destroy our
democratic state and despoil our land out of their unbridled greed and power lust. It’s time for
all GOOD PATRIOTS to TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK! Stand up and be counted. Fight
Now!!!! Stand and Fight as if your very life depends on it…because it does.


Be It resolved that the Austin Gray Panthers support and urge a
national boycott of Koch Industries products to begin immediately. Dream Rally held at Austin Capitol
List of products on page four. Photo by David Thomas

Gray Panthers of Austin, Convener: Gary Dugger 512-225-4789; Ofc: 512-458-3738 www.graypanthersaustin.org
3710 Cedar St, Box 15, Austin, TX 78705 National Gray Panthers www.graypanthers.org
Page 2

War On The Poor by Clint Smith, National Gray Panthers Executive Board
It’s past time we recognize that the ongoing efforts to slash social spending in the name of budget deficit reduction are continuing, and will continue-
-not only by our Texas' Legislative proponents of 'smaller government,' but in other States, too. While working hardships, especially on the 'working
poor', it may be that among the unintended consequences will be the development of Coalitions similar to those that were so effective in the past!-
Examples of what appears to be a nationwide 'war on the poor' exist in various localities. In Pennsylvania more than 40,000 people have now been
dropped from a state-subsidized insurance program for the working poor. Citing a $4 Billion budget deficit, Tom Corbett, the newly elected Republi-
can governor, cut the Adult Basic program. The New York Times called it 'One of the largest disenrollments in recent memory'. Before it was
chopped it had been unable to keep up with demand, leaving more than half-a-million citizens on the waiting list for the program Corbett can-
celled. Similarly, Washington State Democrat, Governor Christine Gregoire dropped 17,500 adults from its state-funded program for the working
poor. Arizona Governor, Republican Jan Brewer proposes eliminating Medicaid coverage all together for some quarter million recipients. It remains
to be seen how deep and wide this devastating trend will be allowed to cut in the months to come.
In Washington D.C. the House GOP boasts that their spending bill funding the U.S .government for the balance of fiscal year 2011 makes the larg-
est cuts to annual domestic spending in history. Why don’t they boast that their cuts will carve more than 8 million unemployed workers off job train-
ing and employment services, force low-income veterans into homelessness, result in millions of college students losing some or all of their educa-
tion aid, or cause tens of thousands of vulnerable seniors to lose access to home-delivered food baskets? They are strangely silent. That’s just part
of the results of a reactionary program that rewards the wealthy with tax cuts while attacking the poor and the middleclass in the name of budget
deficits. And at a time when 14 million Americans are out of work, they would eliminate proven, successful jobs programs like, the Green Jobs In-
novation Fund, Youth Build and other national service programs.
If anyone is really interested there is an easy way, a simpler way to reduce the deficit, raise taxes. Federal taxes are the lowest they have been in
80 years. You heard right. The lowest in 80 years! Gee Whiz!! Do you think that could be at least one reason why our Federal deficit is the highest
ever? Ever in our history? Surprised? Why? The massive tax cuts pushed through by Reagan, Bush I and the Shrub (Bush II) were never paid for
and the economic stimulus produced didn’t come close to making up for the loss in revenue. So…. here it comes. Colossal, immense, stupendous
deficit we can slice out of those who have the least while we give the wealthy more and more money they can spend off-shore on investments and
factories that employ few if any Americans. We actually pay them to continue to impoverish ourselves. Now that’s real horse trading!!! Cutting
spending to cover the deficit is not only impracticable, it is impossible. If we seriously tried we would drive the world economy, not just ourselves,
into the most dire and unimaginable depression ever known.
The only choice is to raise taxes. There, I’ve said it again. We must raise taxes on the rich. After all they are fat with the money we gave them and
they can afford it. Even some of the Super Rich have followed the lead of Warren Buffet and recognize this. Why wait? We can’t afford to wait
until it’s too late.
Maybe we won’t. At last a favorable trend may be developing. Is this the darkness before the DAWN! The standup, stand-strong rebellion of Wis-
consin public sector organized Labor have started to take back the initiative from the right-wing nut jobs now in control in too many state capi-
tols. This could be a golden grass roots opportunity, based on our long-standing commitment to Economic and Social Justice, for Gray Panthers to
take the lead, along with Progressive and Activist allies to move into a new Organizing and Mobilizing Era! It’s time to call upon the ghosts of the
Civil Rights Struggle, the Unionization Battles, the Progressive Populists, all who truly made this nation the hope of the world, and let these icons of
our fighting past lead us forward into the new century. Gray Panthers are On The Prowl Again!

“How You Can Boycott the Kochs” by Lauren Kelley, AlterNet

Over the past few weeks, the billionaire Koch brothers and their front groups have steadily increased their involvement in Wisconsin Governor Scott
Walker’s efforts to strip state workers of their collective bargaining rights,“ according to Lauren Kelley, AlterNet. As earlier reported, “Walker is deep
in the pocket of the Kochs, having received some $43,00 for Koch Industries while running for governor in 2010. Once Walker was elected, he made
sure to take care of his friends/financiers, giving out massive tax breaks to Kock Industries, and more recently, launching the ongoing effort to quash
Wisconsin union workers’ rights.”
“But why are the brothers Kock so interested in stifling labor rights in Wisconsin? For one thing, they have significant business interest in the region,
with at least 17 facilities and offices in the state and some 4,000 miles of pipeline through Kock Pipeline Company, L.P. Also, the Kochs recognize
that the outcome of the battle in Wisconsin could have national implications: If Walker wins, workers elsewhere might be less inclined to put up a
fight. And that would be good for the Kochs’ bottom line,” according to Adele Stans Washington bureau chief, AlterNet.
“The Koch-funded Astroturf group Americans for Prosperity has launched a pro-Walker campaign, comprised of a propaganda-filled Web site and
petition, at $342,000 worth of ad time on network and cable TV, and anti-union rallies at the Wisconsin state capitol building, for which AFP paid to
but in Tea Partiers.
“Did the Kochs think no one would notice or care about the influence of AFP and Koch Industries in Wisconsin: If so, they were wrong.” On page four
you’ll find a list of consumer products that you should put to memory to NEVER purchase again!
Page 3

Open Meeting Act Violations by Austin City Council

On January 25, County Attorney David Escamilla received a complaint about violations of the Open Meetings Act by Austin City Council and Mayor
and has launched an inquiry. On January 28, the City Council, in closed-door session approved $159,000 of tax payer dollars to pay three attor-
neys to provide legal advise and counsel on the Texas Open Meeting Act issues resulting from the complaint.
“The 2010 calendars of four council members published with the January 25 story provide evidence that the city has, in effect, maintained an insti-
tutionalized conspiracy to conduct a daisy chain of meetings involving the mayor, every council member, and the city manager immediately preced-
ing each council meeting for the purpose of circumventing the Texas Open Meetings Act,” according to The Austin Bulldog report.

Reported by The Austin Bulldog, March 1, “In emails from Glen Coleman, policy aide to Council Member Randi Shade, sent emails to all the other
council members’ executive assistants detailing how to disable the chat system’s ability to track the history of communications and sidestep the
requirements of the Texas Public Information Act.” “In the heat of a council meeting, you may wish to communicate sensitive information that
would not be appropriate for all of us to read in the (Austin American-) Statesman the next day,” Coleman stated in an e-mail at 9:22am July 8,
2009, addressed to all council executive assistants. It would seem Mr. Coleman does not believe the public has a right to know. To read the law-
suit and exhibits go to www.theaustinbulldog.org

What Did They Know and When Did They Know It?
By E-mail From Mayor Leffingwell to a City Commission Member: “I’m not copying all others on this because I think the e-mail, if there are re-
sponses among Council Member(s) to a quorum of members, violates the Open Meetings Act.” Certainly knew by this time. It doesn’t take an
attorney or Judge to figure out the meaning of this.
So Leffingwell knew and we can reasonably suppose the Council knew. After all they were supposed to complete a course of instruction on the Act
shortly after their elections. Were their intentions to circumvent the letter or the spirit of the Open Meetings Act? What is their problem with con-
ducting city business in full view of their constituents? Oh my God, should they be expected to actually listen to the citizens before they make up
their minds and vote? Oh my God, just think of the amount of Staff time that is tied up, how difficult it is to conduct city business under such oner-
ous conditions! How can we do the People’s business if we can’t meet and talk quietly, in private? Stop acting like a bunch of kindergartners and
at least pretend to listen to your real bosses, the citizens and voters of the City of Austin, Texas.

Austin American Statesman Finally Takes Notice! Austin NAACP Files Ethics Complaint Against Mayor & Mayor Pro Tem

The head of Austin's NAACP has filed a complaint against Austin’s mayor and mayor
pro tem after controversial emails became public.
- The ethics complaint from Nelson Linder says Lee Leffingwell and Mike Martinez a acted unprofes-
- Regarding Austin Fire Chief Rhoda Mae Kerr, Leffingwell wrote Martinez, “Biggest snow job I’ve seen in
a long time. Kerr is definitely a ‘company man’ and will not earn the respect of her firefighters, in my opin-
ion.” Martinez responded, “It was the worst...nothing will change in that department with her in charge.
Left: Leffingwell Right: Martinez

They played this hard. McDonald put pressure on Bobby [Austin African American Firefighters Association president Bobby Johns] to write that
letter via the black community. Truly sad and Kerr’s lowest moment.”
- Linder told KEYE TV Tuesday the city of Austin has pending lawsuits in regards to the Austin Fire Department and its policies and that Leffing-
well and Martinez’s comments could undermine those pending cases. He also said making those types of comments against employees is
against city charter.” American Statesman, March 2, ‘11

Austin Bulldog Files Lawsuit to Compel Compliance With Public Information Law
March 1, 2011, The Austin Bulldog filed a lawsuit in state district court to sue the mayor and each council member in their individual capacity,
and the City of Austin, for failure to promptly and fully respond to The Austin Bulldog’s requests filed under the Texas Public Information Act
(TPIA), Chapter 552 of the Government Code.
—The city’s decision to withhold certain government records, including records involving public business that were created or received on the
mayor and council members’ cell phones or personal computers, lays bare a major problem preventing citizens from obtaining complete informa-
tion about the affairs of government. To withhold records created or received on officeholders personal computers and cell phones is to effectively
gut the Texas Public Information Act. To allow this to stand would amount to an open invitation for city officials and employees to conduct business
in the shadows.
—Withholding these public records from disclosure as requested by The Austin Bulldog on January 19, 2011, and January 27, 2011, and doing
so without seeking an Attorney General’s opinion, only adds to the city’s previously reported problems in governmental transparency, evidenced
by The Austin Bulldog’s story which exposed the ongoing violations of the Texas Open Meetings Act.
Gray Panthers of Austin, Convener: Gary Dugger 512-225-4789; Ofc: 512-458-3738 www.graypanthersaustin.org
Page 4

Don't buy Koch Industry !!!!

Gray Panthers of Austin Board Meeting, February 18, 2011
Chevron Union Minutes of Gray Panthers of Austin Board Meeting, February 18, 2011, Lyons Gardens
Union 76 Conoco Meeting was called to order at 6:45 p.m. by Convener, Gary Dugger
Angel Soft toilet paper
Those in attendance:
Brawny paper towels Gary Dugger Bev Henson Chris Nielsen Leslie Aisenman
Dixie plates, bowls, napkins and Sharron Aisenman Clint Smith (G/Natl GP) Josiah Ingalls (Guest) Linda Del Toro (Guest)
Mardi Gras napkins and towels
Mike Ford (Guest) James Wheeler (Guest) Annette Rierson (Guest) Jennie Son (Guest)
Quilted Northern toilet paper Minutes of previous meeting were accepted with two additions:
Soft 'n Gentle toilet paper 1. In the future require motion to adjourn Board Meeting.
Sparkle napkins
Vanity fair napkins 2. It was agreed the Austin Gray Panthers support single member Districts.
Zee napkins Mike Ford Presented “Water Fluoridation: an Idea Whose Time Has Passed.” It was agreed the
Georgia-Pacific paper products
and envelopes
GPA would support resolution to call on City of Austin to stop putting hazardous waste, Fluoro-
silicic Acid in our drinking water.
All Georgia-Pacific lumber and
building products, including: Gray Panthers are organizational members of the ACLU. The National ACLU has two positions
Dense Armor Drywall and Decking the Gray Panthers would like to challenge and would be discussed more at a future meeting.
ToughArmor Gypsum board 1.Right of Corporations to spend unlimited amounts on elections. 2.Corporations are People
Georgia Pacific Plytanium Plywood
Flexrock Treasurer’s Report: Convenor Dugger assured all’s in order. Outreach is underway: current
Densglass sheathing
G/P Industrial plasters (some prod- Treasurer, still in office but not present, has given notice of resignation.
ucts used by a lot of crafters)
FibreStrong Rim board
Mr. James Wallace, Wallace Development LLC gave presentation of Rosewood Oaks Apart-
G/P Lam board ment Community (an affordable housing development) and gave litany of delays and obstruc-
Blue Ribbon OSB Rated Sheathing tion from/by City Council for years. Agreed Austin Gray Panthers draft letter of support for
Blue Ribbon Sub-floor
DryGuard Enhanced OSB James Wallace.
Nautilus Wall Sheathing Clint Smith emphasized that National Gray Panthers offices pleased with Austin Network’s 40th
Thermostat OSB Radiant Barrier Anniversary Gray Panthers accomplishments, and a special follow up meeting ASAP will en-
Broadspan Engineered Wood Prod- able Austin to build on and continue these initiatives. A special meeting was call for Friday,
ucts February 18, 2011, 11:00 pm at Lyons Gardens.The next regular Board Meeting will be Tues-
XJ 85 I-Joists
FireDefender Banded Cores
day, March 15, 2011, 6:30 pm at Lyons Gardens. Every one is invited.
FireDefender FS Meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m. Prepared by Sharron Aisenman, acting Secretary
FireDefender Mineral Core
Hardboard and Thin MDF including
Auto Hardboard, Gray Panthers of Austin Special Board Meeting, February 23, 2011
Perforated Hardboard and Thin MDF
Wood Fiberboard GRAY PANTHERS OF AUSTIN, SPECIAL BOARD MEETING for February 18, 2011
Commercial Roof Fiberboard Rescheduled to February 23, 2011, Lyons Gardens. Called to order 11:00 am. By Convener:
Hushboard Sound Deadening Board
Regular Fiberboard Sheathing Gary Dugger Those in Attendance: Members: Gary Dugger, Sharron Aisenman, Leslie Aisen-
Structural Fiberboard Sheathing man Guest: Clint Smith, National Gray Panthers
(INVISTA Products): General discussion of By Laws and Amendments of GPA & possible changes to. Need to full
COMFOREL® fiberfill Treasurer’s vacancy; possible hire bookkeeper, to be discussed. Membership form needs up-
COOLMAX® fabric
CORDURA® fabric dating. Sharron will revise current membership form.
DACRON® fiber
POLYSHIELD® resin Let’s look at where tax payer’s money is being wasted, locally as well as nationally. Agreed
SOLARMAX® fabric Gray Panthers of Austin TO SEND LETTER to ca Escamilla, cc newspapers editors and writes,
SOMERELLE® bedding products “Why are they not acting/reporting on possible illegal acts/lack of action of city council, city at-
SUPPLEX® fabric torney?” They have financial & fiduciary responsibility to citizens to investigate, prosecute. Defi-
TACTEL® fiber cit Reduction begins with exposing public corruption.
TACTESSE® carpet fiber
TERATE® polyols Discussion of possible change of name of Gray Panthers of Austin to more relevant name of
TERATHANE® polyether glycol Texas Gray Panthers. The Austin Gray Panthers support the Wisconsin 14 and labor action
PHENREZ® resin taking place in Wisconsin. Leslie and Sharron Aisenman will design/print brochure for GPA to
POLARGUARD® fiber and hand out at American Dream Rally in Austin on February 26, 2011, and complete AGP News-
LYCRA® fiber
letter to be ready for distribution by March 1, 2011, or as soon as possible. Meeting adjourned
at 12:30 pm. Prepared by Sharron Aisenman, acting Secretary
The Gray Panthers of Austin
Page 5

Gray Panthers of Austin Pass Resolution to Stop Use of

Fluoride in Our Drinking Water!

February 15, 2011 the Board of Direc-

tors of the Gray Panthers of Austin
met with Mike Ford (pictured left)
(www.fluoridefreeaustin.com), dis-
cussed fluoride in our drinking water,
and unanimously passed a resolution
calling on the City of Austin to stop
putting the hazardous waste, fluoro-
silicic acid, in our drinking water.

1. Whereas, Fluorosilicic Acid is a toxic waste product of the fertilizer

industry that, if not sold to cities, must be disposed of in special steel
containers deep underground in the Rocky Mountains;
2. Whereas, 98% of the population of Europe, 99% of China, and
100% of Japan are not medicated with fluoridated water; THE PEOPLE UNITED, WILL NEVER BE
3. Whereas, 24 different studies have found REDUCED IQs in children DEFEATED...THE PEOPLE UNITED WILL
associated with moderate levels of naturally occurring fluoride in the NEVER BE DEFEATED!
water; Was heard in every capitol of every state in
support of Wisconsin workers and the De-
4. Whereas, The federal Centers for Disease Control (CDC) admits
mocratic Senators who had left Wisconsin
to block the vote that would strip public
a. fluoridated water should not be used in baby formula as it
workers of their bargaining rights, just the
crosses an infants incompletely formed blood brain barrier, and
first step in breaking the backs of all unions
b. the decay reduction benefits of fluoride come from toothpaste
and our democracy.
applied directly to the teeth, not from drinking
5. Whereas, fluoride interacts with necessary elements like calcium AUSTIN.
and iodine, disrupting bone, glandular, and even brain function,
6. Whereas, 37 years have passed since Austin began fluoridation,
and based on current knowledge, this policy of mass medication needs
to be discontinued, be it

RESOLVED, The Gray Panthers of Austin urges the Austin City

Council to:

1. Immediately publish a warning on the water urging parents to

not use city water with baby
2. Immediately identify all infants under 1 year old and all preg-
nant mothers and immediately and
directly warn these parents of the risks to
their babies.
3. Immediately discontinue medicating our drinking water with
fluorosilicic acid.
Page 6

National Gray Panthers Support Rosewood Oaks Proposal in Austin, Tunisia, Egypt &
Texas Libya:
TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN In Solidarity for
On behalf of the National Gray Panther Organization, we go on record in full support Justice & Peace!
of and encourage full funding for the Rosewood Oaks Proposal initiated by Mr.
James Wallace, President, Wallace Development Corporation, Austin, Texas.
Gray Panthers salute
The Rosewood Oaks Proposal is an effective Local Initiative reflecting National Pol- the citizens of Tunisia,
icy, as stated in President Obama's January State of the Union “take strong actions
toward deficit-reduction by Investing in what strengthens us, and by cutting what Egypt and Libya for
does not!” 'Rosewood Oaks' aligns with these criteria! their courage and com-
mitment to political jus-
Finally, Mr. Wallace's Rosewood Oaks Proposal also aligns with the National Gray
Panther Organization's Economic and Social Justice Goals and Objectives: and, in tice.
particular - as reflected on www.graypanthers.org website - our 40th Anniversary
2010 - 11 Central Texas Actions and Events: www.graypanthersaustin.org. We are inspired by the
In Solidarity, Clint Smith, Gray Panthers Board, boldness of the protest-
ers and stand in unity
as Gray Panthers who
are equally committed
to achieving justice and
Gary Dugger, says,
peace for all people in
the United States and
I want to join the Gray Panthers movement for a fair the World.
and just society.
Individual membership ($30)
Student membership ($10)
Household membership ($50) Please list Names
and ages.
Other, Contribution __________________________
State:_______________________ Zip:_________________
Phone:______________________ Age:________________
Amount Enclosed:_______________
My Organization would like to join. Please contact me
Regarding sliding scale fee:_________________________

The Gray Panthers is an intergenerational, multi-issue national social action organization

dedicated to three main causes… the environment, health care and peace.

Gray Panthers of Austin, Convener: Gary Dugger 512-225-4789; Ofc: 512-458-3738 www.graypanthersaustin.org
3710 Cedar St, Box 15, Austin, TX 78705 National Gray Panthers www.graypanthers.org

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