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Paradox is an illusion of perception that exists only in the mind of the

perceiver. This paper describes the mechanism of paradox and ways of
changing your perception to rise above paradox. Examples including
NLP Meta Programs are then exposed as paradoxes and a revised
approach for change is proposed.

The Hypothesis

The basis of Paradox lies in the perception that two independent

entities are perceived as opposite aspects of one entity. For example,
that perceived pain and perceived pleasure are part of a continuum
from pain to pleasure. Both pain and pleasure are independent
emotional states. The extremist paradoxical view is taken when binary
forms are perceived: e.g. True and False.


A mathematical perspective

There is an underlying basis in mathematics that transcends true-false

logic. This is the Fuzzy Set Theory of Zadeh [1] that provides the
mathematical basis for independent Truth and Falsehood values. This
is used in computer pattern recognition applications for better
performance than systems limited to a true-false basis. For example:

· Similarity provides the “truth” value – how close does a TV

image of a face match the picture of a face in the computer

· Difference provides the “false” value – what is it in the

picture that provides a contradiction?

· The decision on whether to perceive a match or a mismatch

depends upon the relative strengths of these matches, and upon
the relative strengths of matches and mismatches of other faces
in the records.

The states of similarity and difference are not absolute values. The
decision is relative and depends upon the context. The decision is
often then binary – yes or no. Thus, we reach a final binary state, but
we get there through fuzzy logic. As humans, we have the ability to
hold fuzzy decisions – to make provisional decisions and await further
This basis applies equally well to explain human perception of paradox.

An NLP perspective

Consider your congruence and incongruence signals. These are in

different parts of your body with different submodalities. Therefore,
they are independent signals. As they both have degrees of strength
depending upon circumstance, they will both send signals to conscious

Our perception of our internal signals is subject to a threshold. The

threshold is context-driven, and our decision circuitry pushes one
signal into awareness, thus creating the illusion of a binary system of

Becoming aware of this paradox, we can re-learn to better experience

both at the same time. Thus, many pairs are perceived as opposites in
reality rather than opposites in perception.

Paradox and Belief

Any statement has properties that exhibit degrees of truth and false
independently. For example, the statement “I believe that Atlantis
existed” holds a degree of congruence for a person that will depend
upon who is around them (to a greater or lesser extent). This
statement also has an associated degree of incongruence that will
have a different dependence upon the context. The perceptions of the
speaker and the listeners will each be different according to their
beliefs and to the extent that they pick up the subconscious
congruence and incongruence signals of the speaker.

Mental Cause

Mind uses key processes to work effectively. These include the

following pertinent processes:

Similarity and Difference enable us to form systems of classes of

perception. For example, in using the Meta Model, we use the
differences between generalisations, distortions and deletions, and the
similarities of examples of each pattern. This enables us to create a
mental model to know which patterns are in a sentence. We use the
same process to distinguish between different types of deletions and
to recognise a specific pattern such as simple deletion.

Through creating classes of perception and meaning, we form

relationships between patterns, and we associate meaning to classes.
Most of the working of mind is subconscious and highly parallel in its
taking account of factors. Little actually surfaces to conscious
attention, and what does, does so on the basis of importance as judged
by the subconscious. Focus of attention is therefore inherently limiting
and yet empowering to create a sufficiently limited world to
understand rationally.

The need for a focus of attention is a basis for conscious mind. This
focus does, however, give rise to a limited context for decisions.
Hence, the NLP New Code approach of using “choice points” that divert
the conscious mind for more effective decisions, thus creating a
decision context using all sensory information and no conscious
perceptual filters.

All of these processes contribute towards the illusion of binary

opposite: the need for relationship and decision, the need for similarity
and difference, and the need to focus attention come together to form
surface structures such as the NLP Meta Programs.


The structure of Meta Programs (MP)

Similarity and Difference

This MP has already been shown to be independent - above. A key

point is that the “Same”-“New” version of this MP influences the
perceived pleasure-pain MP. Security relates to “same” and the need
for challenge relates to “new”. Too much of either can cause a


The Away-Towards MP is derived from perceived pain and perceived

pleasure. These are independent senses that combine in certain
activities to create more of the other (in time). This shows that they
compete and the strongest signal dominates when it is significantly
greater than the other.

Chunk Size

The “Big-chunk, Small-chunk” MP reveals the level of detail at which a

person prefers to operate, and operates in the same way as the focus-
of-attention MP: sorting categories. We store classes of perceptions
(e.g. tree/bicycle/grammar/shopping) in tree structures in the
mind/brain. Associated with each class is a meaning with an associated
“importance”. We focus on what is important, creating the illusion that
we think at different levels of detail. Within the way the mind works, all
levels of detail work the same way.

Importance also depends on immediacy as it is linked to the pleasure-

pain MP.

Possibility and Necessity

These two modal operators are independent. The relative amount a

person is perceived to be one or the other reflects the surface
structure of the MP. In fact, one can be both strongly oriented towards
both operators at the same time. For example, the necessity of
success and the possibility of success can both be operating at the
same time – and indeed are required to, as part of the “Anthony
Robbins ultimate success formula” [5].


This MP is created from the “Same-New” drivers. A preference to follow

processes arises from getting know results. A preference for options
arises from a dislike of taking decisions and the desire to maintain


This MP is a perception: to create something new, one builds upon

one’s experience to date; to build, one creates the new part. The MP is
derived from the “Same-Difference” drivers. If we replace something,
we normally use a structure we already know as the basis for the
“different”. Thus, we build. The truly “new” is a rare and exciting gift.
Hence the old proverb “there is nothing new under the sun”. The
patterns underlying are: the innate desire to create, and the innate
desire for sameness/security. The build orientation also works from
pragmatic logic: re-use and building can be faster and more effective.
Most of the effective system developments arise from the build
paradigm of continuous improvement.


This MP is the NLP equivalent of the Myers-Briggs Extrovert-Introvert.

The MP covers a large number of independent skills and preferences –
only a few key parts are mentioned. The pro-active person is
characterised by actions of projecting ideas, of thinking through vocal
dialogue involving others, and of strong desires for social interactions.
The re-active person is characterised by thinking before speaking
(preference for internal dialogue), by preferences for solitude, by
difficulties in “thinking” when in a noisy environment.

The underlying elements of this MP are numerous and independent.

The deepest drivers are the social need and the way that internal
dialogue works for the person.

Self/Other-Referenced and decision-making strategy

This MP is related to one’s decision-making strategy. Whether one

decides internally or through dialogue depends upon context. Some
people are internal-referenced for small decisions and external-
referenced for big ones. Other people have these preferences
reversed. The projection of self-confidence affects the perception of
someone being self- or other-referenced. Also, some people prefer the
multiple perspectives of others’ views and thus the perception of self-
confidence is perhaps more a mirror of the perceiver’s self-confidence.

The underlying drivers of being self/other referenced are perceived

importance (of self, of other and of the decision), one’s decision-
making strategy, and one’s self-perception in relation to one’s
perception of” significant others”. A submodality sequence runs the
decision-making strategy, which may or may not involve seeking the
opinions of other people.

Associated / Dissociated

Association represents the degree to which one’s awareness

filters/barriers are open. See [3] for a discourse on the three barriers to
full association. Dissociation represents the degree to which one can
distance oneself from the emotional content of a situation and analyse
it dispassionately – with insight unaffected by emotion. These two
functions are easily perceived as a paradox. As one gains mastery, one
can be fully associated in terms of sensing emotions and also fully
dissociated from the effects of the emotions impacting your behaviour.
A third element is amount that you let out your emotions for others to
be able to sense.

Time Reference/Orientation

Perhaps the biggest perceptual illusion of them all is time. All time is
now. What happened in the past is subject to perception, what might
happen in the future is subject to perception. What is happening now is
subject to one’s focus of attention. Certainly, one can perceive
behaviours that show people to prefer to be “living in the past or
future”, depending upon their environment.
The in-time / through-time MP relates to association/dissociation:
associated, one is in-time, dissociated, one is through time. However,
one can be both at the same time! Awareness is the key.

Myers-Briggs Type Indicators (MBTI)

Extrovert-Introvert are two independent perceptions based upon the

self-other and pro-active/re-active MP’s and the drive for social needs.
A large number of categories define the Extrovert and the Introvert in
MBTI. These sub-patterns are created from deeper drivers (refer to
“Holigral Transformation” for a detailed analysis of these drivers).

Sensing-iNtuition are also two independent aspects of personality,

derived from the level of dominance of the conscious mind and the
subconscious mind, and from the process-flow strategy of the person.
Having both S and N balanced requires a harmony of the conscious
and unconscious minds and their different contributions in time.

Thinking-Feeling is derived directly from the associated-dissociated MP.

Few people get to the level of skill of being both T and F

Judging-Perceiving comes from combining the behaviour of fast

decision-making strategy with the options part of the process-options
MP. Hence, one can be both J and P. JP is more deeply driven by the
relative influence of the conscious and subconscious minds. Counter-
intuitively, the subconscious-dominant mind decides fast and the
conscious-dominated mind needs more facts first.

The MBTI theory dictates that JP determines whether one extroverts

the TF pair or the SN pair, and introverts the other as dominant and
auxiliary functions, respectively [7]. The MP analysis shows that there
may be exceptions to the rule!

Physical Paradox

Light and Dark are relative perceptions of electro-magnetic radiation

at visual frequencies. All perceptions of colour depend upon the
surrounding visual context through processes of colour “addition” with
light and “subtraction” with surface radiation. Apparently black objects
radiate at non-visual frequencies. Thus the very useful perceptual
paradox of light and dark.
Night and Day are projections of a circle/cycle. Vibration is a projection
of the underlying perpetual motion of energy.

Psychological Paradox

Male-Female, yin-yang, conscious-subconscious are all projected parts

of whole trinities. Most esoteric texts fail to represent the third part
that removes the paradox.

· In the case of merging conscious and subconscious, one adds

the super-conscious or Higher Self.

· In the case of Male-Female, the ceremony of marriage and the

symbol of gold for love bring together a harmony of male-female/yin-
yang and the union of self as a trinity of three equal and different

· The perceived Dark Side and Light Side of one’s psyche is

balanced with the principle of choice and the Higher Self. These are
really projections of aspects of conscious and subconscious mind.

An Underlying Model: Hermetic Philosophy (HP [4]) and


Having discussed the projections into paradoxes of underlying drivers

and aspects of mind, we now present an underlying model using

First, the 7 laws of HP are shown to be projections of three trinities:

· The HP Law of Correspondence covers: the all is in the one and

the one is within the all; as within so without (we perceive the world
as a Mirror of our self); and as above, so below. This is the fractal
nature of the universe, relating creation to chaos and the process of
recursion in the mind. This law creates the self-other illusion.

· The HP Law of Motion: everything vibrates (from Heisenberg’s

uncertainty principle), the law of rhythm and the law of polarity are
projections of this periodic motion. Chaos Theory predicts near-
periodic motion with many topologies. This projects cause-effect,
the seasonal cycles, and life and death.

· The HP Law of Creation encompasses the trinity of will,

manifestation and love (conscious mind, subconscious mind and
higher self). Projections of these laws create the laws of cause-
effect and gender. This is why marriage unites male and female
with gold to create one.

From the HP Law of Creation, mind can be given three, independent

components (at each logical level):

· Beliefs:

o Purpose: Expression of Choice (Free Will), Drawing

Spirit into Matter and Unconditional Love.

o Identity: Conscious Mind, Subconscious Mind, Higher


o Values: Logic and Rationalisation, Emotion and Flow,

Love and Witness.

o Capabilities: Conscious Mind (awareness, focus and

will), subconscious mind (sensing, processing and
manifesting) and higher self (observing, connecting and

· Behaviours: learning and deciding, learning and implementing,

and watching.

· Environment: Physical Universe, Body, and Spirit. Left Brain,

Right Brain, and Higher Heart.

The mechanics of mind then work with the following basic aspects
(See Phil Harland / John McWhirter / Charles Faulkner):

· Recursion (structure is repeated at every level),

· the Semiotic Triangle of Meaning (Index, Icon, Reference)


· Similarity, Difference and chunk size (the structure of level).

With the behaviours of:

· Sensing, perceiving and acting (processes).

Approach for Change

To break paradox, we show that the dual nature is independent and

simultaneous. To create a new way, we propose trinities in place of
dipoles because they enable three independent components that we
can readily understand (a 3D image). This produces the following re-
constructed NLP Trinities:

· The Law of Choice: coercion, dilemma and choice.

· First, Second and Third Positions (already in place!).

· Congruent, Incongruent and Curious (unknown).

· Similarity, Difference and chunk size.

· Environment, Behaviours and Beliefs (the higher logical levels

are all beliefs).

· Timeline, Perceptual Position and Logical Level (already in


· Choice and dipoles.

To hold paradox, we employ multi-tracking and using simple scaling

techniques [6]. In simple terms: point your hands towards visualised
meters of the levels of different meta program components, and
experience moving them independently. When you’ve done this, start
visualising and moving more and more of them in parallel and


1. Zadeh, “Fuzzy Set Theory”, www.cs.berkeley.edu/~zadeh/

2. Holigral Transforms (paper to be published by Steve Saunders)

3. Rapport 56 & 57 articles by Steve Saunders

4. The Three Initiates, “The Kybalion”.

5. Anthony Robbins, “Unleash the Power Within”, audio tape set.

6. Robert Dilts, “Encyclopaedia of Systemic and New Code NLP”

7. Naomi Quenck, “Beside Ourselves”.

8. Www.cleanlanguage.co.uk, Phil Harland's articles.

9. Www.sensorysystems.co.uk, John McWhirter's articles.

10. Charles Faulkner, presentations at ANLP Conferences, Autumn
2002 and Spring 2003

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