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P.O. Box 88
Phone 423/337-6224
Jan. 27,2011

The Regulations Division

Office of General Counsel
Department of Housing & Urban 'Dey.
451 i h Street, SW., Room (0276
Washington, DC 20410-0500

RE: Docket No. FR 5359- P-Ol

Equal Access to Housing in HUD Programs- Regardless of Sexual Orientation or Gender Identity ;~

You state HUD has a unique charge as the Nation's housing agency, to promote the Federal goal of providing
decent housing and a suitable living environment for all. I believe you will be endangering this goal and causing
hann to the housing communities, I disagree with the proposed rule in the following ways:
1. You fail to give a definite meaning of family. Therefore, each group can make up their own meaning. Your
definition of family basicallY,says a group_of persons ",:ho choose to-live together (regardless of marital status or
sexualorientatiDn). Calling a family a group ofpersolls who choose to live together leaves the door wice open for
program abuse. This will create a nightmare in detenninirigw,ho is on the lease, the f:imily composition and family
income. You could also have the possibilityofthis.changtngQn a weekly or monthly basis. Our current,definition~
of family is a group of people related by blood, marriage oroperatioRof law, who choose to live together, -This .
defines a family and certain things are required in order to be called 'a family. This_ creates stability for the home
and the community. I believe each area should be able to continue to define family.
2. This is not a matter of discrimination. In ~hoosing to name a group of people such as the Lesbian, gay, bisexual
and transgender (LGBT), you are choosing to group together a group of people who are not of the same race but
have made a personal and moral life style choice. Other groups who make a personal life style choice are drug
users and sellers, gang members, prostitutes, cults and murderers. You are saying any group of persons can call
themselves a fami Iy. This will cause chaos in the communities and take away the stability and security of the
families and would promote the following:
A. More violence, drugs and drug dealing in public housing (more temporary tenants)
B. A lifestyle of not working which will require more subsidy. The working families

will move out and leave the non-working. You will lose the economic mix, which is desired.

C. A life style where children will be emotionally and possibly physically abused and neglected. With
no requirements to be called a Hun iIy, the head or co-head will be able to change on a weekly basis or
whenever they choose. You will be taking away their security and stability.
D. YOll would be taking away the control the housing agencies have in processing and determining if the
tenants are suitable, if their behavior would have a detrimental effect on other tenants and whether they
could be expected to abide by the rules of the housing authority. With no definite meaning of family, rhe '"
group could change weekly, which would take away the authorities' ability to process sufficiently.
3. The proposed changes in this nIle will create an environment, which is ullsuitable for our families. Your
definition of family could be any group of people who choose to live together and also possibly choose not to work
and live in public housing or subsidized housing so the government can help. pay to support them in the life style
they choose. There are most likely lots of groups who will call themselves a family, so they do not have to pay
rent and be able to spend more money on drugs, alcohol and partying or whatever they choo,se ..
4 This rule would also cause major problems in our Section 8 Rental Assistance Progr.ams. We depend 011 having
landlords willing to participate in our program. If we demand they house groups of people as per your definition of
Hllnily, many will choose to no longer be a part of.our-program. They 'Nil! choose not to be bullied into housing
pe~p!e who have chosen a life [;tyle, which goes against their moral convictions. or groups of people who will
damage their property. Without sufficient landlords, we have no program" .
Vicki Bames, Ex. DiL
Sweetwater Housing Authority
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