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In This Issue I
1991 Eel SYMPOSIUM 115
DIVISION OF . . . es
s-.of e - - PETE WILSON
CALIFORNIA GEOLOGY SUBSCRIPTION FORM............................ 118
5(Jcr9lary for ResoutWS
Slate Geologlsf
Cover: View from Rmg Mounlaln Preserve across Tiburon and Belvedere toward
san Franclsco_ Boulders in the foreground are serpenllne. the olliClal slate rock of
TectInIcal Editor
Calilorma A sheet of serpenline IS a cap rodl at RIJ'IQ Mountain. AssOClaled with
Don DupliiS
Lena _
the serpentine afe e:totlC rare rocks. Some rare plants lIVing on the serpenlme are
Assastilnt Ed'IOi
Grapha and DesIgn: only lound here Because 01 liS umque rocks. plants. and archeologICal artIfacts,
PubllcabOnS Supennsor- Jell TlIITQlIt Ring Mountam has been set aside as a nature preserve An article aboutlhls area
starts on page 99 Photo by RICk Yorlr

a..-. ~ 1.16,..., SlrMt fIoorrl 13' I CALL FOR PAPERS

(T~ 916-U5-182S1 Coast Ranges Field Trip and Guidebook
"""*'-- n ............. CllliI.-
6llO BMu er.... sacr-. CA 95814-0131 The South Coast Geological Society's fall 1991 field trip will be to the
~ ............._gl6-"~S116
southern Coast Ranges from near Santa Barbara to Santa Maria. The trip
LlIII ............. otta 107 SCUI'I~, Room 1065 will be in late September or early October. Articles are invited for the guide-
(T........ Zl3-62ll-3S6O) book that will accompany the field trip. Subjects need not be confined to the
"'--II .... Ollu _380 CMc: ~. $<.01, 100 exact area 01 the field lrip. Deadline for submitted papers is July 15. 1991.
~"",CA~-1991 For informaHon about article format and conlent call Lavon Lewis al 714-
(T~ 415-646·5920)
858·9602. Send submHted articles 10: Lavon Lewis. South Coast Geological
CAlIFOANIII GEOLOGY \ISSN ~ aS55j kI pubkIhecl Society. P.O. Box 10244, Santa Ana. CA 92711 Y
monll'Oy by 1lIe DepanmenI 01 eor-v.loon, 0Ma00n 01 "'oJIft
llIlCl GIology The Reco<ds ono:t .. 8t 1721-2OIh S!r8tlt
SiItt_LO. ell 95814 Socand CIa.. ~ paid .,
s.a.,nenro, ell f'oslmaSlllf 5e1ld addt chanon 10
CAliFORNIA GEOlOGY (USPS 350 &1(1), Box 2980 SIer.- GJ.{JI m,l( \1 SO( In)" OF \ \URI( ,\
menlO, CA 95812-2910 GSA
AI9at'Ia COI'CIfI'W'Il 0rv1II0tl of 1.1. . . wid a.olooY ~
Annual Meeting

~ W1d.- Mms.-ated 10 !he - ' " _
ea.- .. 1nClI.ded on !he ~ _ e-Ibul«l-"Clet,
pI>c*l\lf/lPhS. _-'_~-.u""""- The annual meeting of the
Geological Society of America
AATICLIES ARE SOt.E1.Y 1liOSE OF nE AUTl«JAS AHD will be held October 21-24, (,S-\'I'N!
of this meeting is MGIobaI Chal- 1991 ANNUAL MEETING
Cones_nee o.nould De .""•••..cl 10 Ell 10< lenge- and there will be accom-
CAl.FOAN!AG£CJ..OOY. 660 a.o.. 0.-. s.a-, CA ~n !Mgo, CMifotniA. Octoblr 21-24
_14·(1131 panying sessions about natural
~ $10001*,... SonolI_ S'25~ hazards. global change. and the GlDBAL CHALLENGE
5enIS ~ _ n c:!'IInO" 01 dlr_ ............. limits of natural resources. For • T.1l1liell Stuiorls
10 CAl6(lANlA GEOlOGY. P 0 80Jr 2lI8O, sac._, CA
1iI6lI12-2i80 further information contact: • EJ.llibits
Vanessa George. Meetings Coor- • FIIId T""s
dinator, Geological Society of • Short Courus

May 1991fVolume 441Number 5 America, 3300 Penrose Place.

P.O. Box 9140. Boulder. CO ~.--'._"'-

CGEOA 44 (5) 97-120 (1991) 80301. (303) 447-2020:'><" ......._ .. raIMl. KrUlllEll II


Geology and Mineralogy of Ring Mountain
- A Popular Nature Preserve
Marin County
Division 01 Mines and Geology


T he Ring Mountain is
at the northern end of the Tiburon
Peninsula (Photo 1) in south central
Marin County. about 15 miles north of
downtown San Francisco (Figure 1). It
is named for George E. Ring. a county
supervisor who lived near the area al
the lum of the century (Holing. 1988).
The Ring Mountain area is protected
because of the distinctive mineralogy.
flora. fauna. and Indian petroglyphs
that occur there. This area is the natural
habitat of several species of rare and
endangered plants and a unique species
of spider. the blind harvestman spider.
In addition to these rarities. Ring Moun-
tain has a distinctive assemblage of un-
usual rocks and is the type area of the ...
- mineral lawsonite, an important indica-
tor mineral discovered there in 1895
and named for the famed University of
Photol. View of Rmg Mountain looking
southwestward across Corte Madera.
Photo by D.L. Wagner.
Encroaching urbanization prompted
The Nature Conservancy to set aside
this exceptional area as a preserve. It
California geology professor. Andrew was later declared a Scientific Resource
Lawson (Holing, 1988). Zone by the Department of Conserva-
tion's Division of Mines and Geology
under authority of the Surface Mining
and Reclamation Act of 1975. By 1985
The Nature Conservancy acquired title
to 377 acres and initiated a manage-
Sail 1)(//,10 ment program that provides protection.
Bay VallejO scientific research and education. and
public use of the area (Photo 2). Ring
Mountain is a preserve: collecting
rocks or plants is prohibited.


PACIFIC Marin County is part of the northern

Coast Ranges geomorphic province and
OCEAN is underlain primarily by assorted rocks
GoIdC'n Gate of the regionally extensive Franciscan
r~-+, Bndge Francisco Complex (Photo 3). Franciscan rocks
N include grayYJacke. sandstone. shale. al-

San Bcr~c1e)' tered basaltic rock (greenstone). chert.
<iIII Figure 1. Location map at the Ring
Mountam Preserve. Tiburon Peninsula,
Marin County, Calilornia.


Debris flow type landslides occur in ...
some areas that are underlain by thick
clay-rich soils which accumulate from
weathered material. Many 01 the slopes
above Paradise Drive between Trestle
Glen Boulevard and the ridge spur
south of El Campo are mantled with
landslides developed in this type of soil.
Wrinkled and sagged topographic fea-
tures that occur on clay-rich soils are
characteristic of active or recent land-
slides. The lack of forest cover on the
northern side of Ring Mountain also
suggests slope instability. In contrast.
lhe more stable slopes that occur to the
southeast are heavily forested with bay
and live oak trees.
Photo 8. Large landslide on the north slope of Ring Mountain near the Paradise Drive
entrance to the preserve. The hummocky topography is typical 01 landslide terrains. SERPENTINE SOILS
The large rock slabs in the middle ground have moved downslope from the serpentme
sheets thai cap the ridge top. Photo by S. J. Rice. Because the serpentine solls in the
Tiburon Peninsula are low in essential
plant nutrients. but contain toxic
amounts of magnesium. nickel. chro-
These faults are not active and the Groundwater saturation in the po- mium. and cobalt. most plants cannot
stresses exerted on the rock units in this rous melange and its swelling soils con- grow in these soils. The plants that do
area now are different from those that tribute to landslide activity below the grow on these toxic soils have adapted
caused the Ihrust faulting. However, melange-serpentine contact. Over time to the harsh conditions. Most rocks
these faulted contacts do represent this process undermines the otherwise contain abundant aluminum. an element
zones of relative weakness that affect more stable serpentine cap rock: frag- that forms the principal ingredient in
slope stability; sheared and shattered ments. including acre-size serpentine clays derived from weathering proc-
rocks and abundant landslides in this slabs. have been added to the other esses. However. because serpentine has
area are evidence of this instability. landslide debris and carried downslope. almost no aluminum. clay minerals do
not fonn as a weathered by-product
LANDSLIDES This type of slope failure is almost from it. Serpentine also has scarce
continuous around the periphery of the amounts of potassium. sodium. calcium.
The diverse rock types that make and phosphorous; all important plant
.serpentine sheets in the Ring Mountain
up Ring Mountain differ significantly nutrients. Consequently. serpentine
area. especially where the melange is
in such characterisllcs as permeability. lorms very thin gravely, nutrient-poor
thickest (Photo 8). In places where the
stability. and in the type of weathered soils where only specialized plants have
underlying melange is thick. composite
products. The weakest of these is the adapted.
landslide aprons extend from near the
intensely sheared matrix materials in
hill crests to the San Francisco Bay.
the Franciscan Complex melange. II is Three notable plant species occur
Large slabs of .serpentine and promi-
the source of many landslides in this naturally only on the harsh serpentine
nent blocks 01 resistant metamorphic
area. particularly the larger ones. soils of the Tiburon Peninsula: Tiburon
rocks have moved well dO\Wl1slope of
their original positions. Indian Paintbrush (Castilleja neg/ecra).
Melange matrix material is fine Tiburon jewel flower (Streptanthus
grained. relatively impermeable and. in niger) (Penalosa. 1963), and Ca/ochor'
[n the past some 01 these transported
the near-surface oxidizing zone. tends (us riburonensis) (Hill, 1973). The last
rocks have been mapped as in-place:
to alter to soils that are rich in swelling species. commonly called the Tiburon
however. eroded "windows" reveal that
clays. The melange acts as a groundwa- Mariposa lily. was discovered only a few
these units flowed over underlying sand-
ter barrier beneath the more pervious years ago and occurs on Ring Mountain
stone units. Such a window of un-
serpentine sheets that cap the ridge within an SO-acre area underlain by .ser-
sheared in-place sandstone exposed in
crests in the Ring Mountain locality. pentine (P. Ellman. personal communi-
the creek bed southwest of Marin
Groundwater readily accumulates in cation. 1976).
Counly Day School is evidence that a
the innumerable cracks of the coarsely
ridge spur near the school is the lobe
sheared and lractured serpentine and
of an old landslide.
is the source of numerous seeps and
springs in the area.


Following the discovery of lawsonite.
other relatively rare minerals and rock
types have been found in the vicinity of
Ring Mountain. This locality continues
to be the focus of study by geologists
and mineralogists because of its intrigu-
ing rock and mineral associations. A
selected list of technical literature about
this area includes: Ransome (l895),
Holway (1906). Smith (1906), Taliaf-
erro (1943). Switzer (1951), and Dudley
(1969 and 1972). In addition. this local-
ity is referenced in perhaps another
hundred technical earth science-related

In some of the older technical litera-

ture. the Ring Mountain area is referred
to as the "Reed Station locality," a
name derived from the railroad siding at
the old Reed Ranch headquarters in the
area. Photo 4. Weathered serpentine on the crest of Ring
Mountain. Photo by D.L. Wagner.


The Ring Mountain area is made up of detached rock slices

or wedges emplaced by a dynamic thrust fault system that
juxtaposed older rock units over younger ones (Figures 2. 3).
Younger sedimentary rocks occur in the lower strata of the
mountain while much older metamorphosed rocks are on top.

sandstone and Shale

Well stratified unmetamorphosed sedimentary units. formed
from sand and mud. were deposited in a deep oceanic envi-
ronment probably in the Late Cretaceous (about 80 million
years ago). These sandstone and shale units are exposed in
many road cuts along Paradise Drive and Tiburon Boulevard
northwest of where they intersect Trestle Glen Boulevard.
They are also exposed in wave-cut cliffs along much of the
northeast shore of the Tiburon Peninsula. Good exposures of
these sedimentary rock sequences reveal that they are mainly
composed of sandstone beds. ranging from a few inches to a
few feet in thickness. and are interbedded with shale. Bedding
is characteristically steeply dipping and is contorted into tight
folds that are often overturned.

Serpentine and Melange

Much of the crest of Ring Mountain is capped by large
sheets of serpentine rock. Serpentine is formed by igneous
processes and is thought to originate in the Earth's mantle
that lies deep beneath the crust. 11 most certainly formed far
deeper than did the sedimentary units that now lie beneath iI.
Although these serpentine sheets have not been dated, they
Photo 5. Vein of pumpellyite In a block of glaucophane schist. are perhaps the oldest rocks on the Tiburon Peninsula: proba-
The vein is about one inch across. Photo by D.L. Wagner. bly more than 150 million years old.


ExotIC MetamorphIC Rocks

Many prominent dark colored bkx:ky

masses occur as outcrops principally
downslope of the serpentine sheets
(Photo 7). These unusuall.Wather-resis-
tant metamorphic rock bodies are in-
strumental in making Ring Mountain a
celebrated geologic locality. In general.
each of these monolithic masses has a
dIfferent assemblage of minerals than
the nearest adjoining rock mass. Most
of these bodies are coarse-grained. mas-
Sive to schistose rock typeS: eclogites.
hom~met amphibolites. glauco-
phane-gamet schists. stilpnomelane-
riebedute-quartz schists. chlorite schists.
and actinolite schists. Some haw such
unusual mineral compositions that none
of the standard rock names apply. The
petrology and mineralogy of these umts
• have been investigated in considerable
o. O' 'u . detaU by DOOley (19671.
.... ~ 0 , .. _., .

FIgUre 2. GeologIC map of the Ring Mounlaln area. Tiburon Peninsula Map uMS These peculiar metamorphk: rock
are; sp. serpentine: 1m _ melange; gl • glaucophane sctust. chi. chlOf1le schist;
Is • landslide: x rnar1ts outcropS or blocks too small to map at thIs scale. Geology masses range in size from less than a
after RICe and others. 1976. foot to many tens of feet across. They
are-or I.Wre-embedded in less-resis-
tant sheared melange matrix or in ser-
pentine. Some are partially exposed by
TIle serpentine sheets that cap Ihe dence that highly altered serpentinized erosive processes or the less resistant
two hill cresls in the Ring Mountain mantle rock was thrust over the unmeta· rock surrounding them and appear to
area (Agure 2) are se~raled from the morphosed sedimentary units. In places be In place and partially embedded.
underlying sanqslone and shale units by the melange is only a few lens of feet Others have eroded out and lie as loose
a thick zone composed principally of thick. However. under the main saddle rock masses on the surface of the
intensely sheared Franciscan Complex between the two serpentine crests. the ground. and many have been trans-
melange (Photo 6). The melange repre- melange is much thicker and Is perhaps ported downslope by landslides: some
sents an ancient fault zone and is evi- several hundred feet In thickness. as far as the San Francisco Bay.

thrust faults


S8fper1bT\lzed peoOollte

Thll'Ho-thlck-becIcIecI sandstone and shale

Melange 01 Il'\tensety sheared rock matenal that contams dislocated blocks 01 exotIC
0= metamorphic roc::Xs SlJd'I as edogIle. glaul::of)hane sctuslS, and garnet arnphibolites

Ftgure 3. DlagrammalJC cross sectIOn ollhe RIng Mountaln area. Tiburon P8fIU'l$Ula. Mann County, Ca~fon'lla. shoWII'IQ
fault slices of serpenllTl8 and melange thrust
CIVet' steeply dipptng sandstone and shale Aher RICe, J981


New Eyes on Eastern California
Rock Varnish
DAVID H. KRINSlEY, Geologist
RONALD I. DORN, Geographer
Department of Geology
Arizona Stale University, Tempe

This anicle presents findings from recent Investiga1l0ns of how 117' II~'

rock varnish lorms and describes the manner in which thIs unde,-
standing can aid researchers. Rock varnish is typically a glossy-
I OV o
brown to black coaling thai commonly develops on rod\; surfaces \
in arid climates. (t may take tens of thousands of years 10 form a
complete coating over rock surlaces.... editor, \ Las "ega5
• '<'7",,"
astern California deserts have long been an exceptional
E area for studying rock varnish. Although olten referred CIMA " ,

to as Mdesert varnish. ~
the same phenomenon has been ob·
served on glacial moraines. periglacial stone garlands.

, ,

waterfalls in Yosemite. and on rocks in virtually every terres- '" I BarSIO....
trial weathering environment in California. Because this phe-
nomenon is produced by environments other than that of a
I •••
desert. the term ~desert varnish~ is renamed in this article I
Los '
with the broader term ~rock varnish~ (Oorn and Oberlander. Angeles /' Sen Bernafdino
1981b. 1982; Krumbein and Jens. 1981). •
• •
Some of the earliest observations of ferro-manganese coat· I

ings on rocks were made near the Salton Sea in southern
Cali/ornia (Black. 1855). Von Humboldt. Darwin. and other
19th century natural scientists realized thaI the major problem
in understanding the rock varnish phenomenon was the de- Figure 1. Map 01 southeastern California Identifying sites dis-
termination of how manganese imparts a distinctive dark col- cussed In the text and figures: Cr. Cronese: JT • Joshua Tree
oration on rocks. National Monument: OV • Owens Valley: LW • Lathrop Wells;
ML • Manlx Lake: MM • Marble Mountains: DV. Death Valley.
A number of hypotheses have been proposed to explain
the occurrence of rock varnish. The following explanations
originated during examination of rock varnishes in the Mojave Four different types of rock varnishes were first recognized
Desert; (1) the role of pollen in providing manganese (White. in the Mo;ave Desert: (I) black surface varnish exposed to the
1924). (2) the role of lichens in somehow catalyzing varnish atmosphere. (2) a shiny ground-line band at the soil-atmos-
accretion (Laudermilk. 1931). (3) physical and chemical phere-rock interface. (3) an orange bottom varnish that covers
changes althe rock surface (Hooke and others. 1969). and the underside of stones in a desert pavement, and (4) crack
(4) the role of bacteria in concentrating manganese (Oorn varnishes that formed in rock crevices and range from black
and Oberlander. 1981a). manganese (Mn)-rich to orange Mn-poor/iron-rich (Engel and
Sharp. 1958: Hooke and others. 1969. Darn and Oberlander.
Researchers who worked in the Mojave Desert proposed
The mineralogy of rock varnish was established primarily
three possible ways rock varnish may form: (1) the constitu-
by work on samples from the Mojave Desert (Figure 1). Potier
ents of rock varnish are derived from the underlying rock
and Rossman (1977. 1979a.b) found black varnishes to be
(Hooke and others. 1969). (2) rock varnish is the result of
composed of up to 70 percent clay minerals (mixed·layer illite-
external sources (Polter and Rossman. 1977. 1979a.b: Oorn
montmorillonite. with some kaolinite) and up to 30 percent
and Oberlander. 1982). and (3) rock varnish is the result of a
combination of the underlying rock and from outside material
(Engel and Sharp. \958). Bolded terms are in Glossary on page 115.



SITE POSITION N. AO , , K C. TO ", Nl C. ,., •• ....

" ."

"' "' "' .,

" " '.25 Zn

Sal, Springs. Mojave Dcun' U""'"~ 0-25" 4.40 25." 37.49 1.61 ,.~ 0.80 11.77 14.SO
"' "' "' "' "'
., '2'
., ... .".n '"'' .,., "3 ..'" '" ."'"
T1Ili.I Fan. Death Valley Fonner Rod< FfX1U ... bid'" 0.14 23.7439.09 0.49 0.70 3.45 4.87 1.~210-87 13.47 0.13 0.12 0.27 O~
M3ni~ Lal<e, Mojave Dcun
Maunal<a TiU, Ha\O'llii
:> 1m Above Soil 1.10 3M 25.77 32.3~ Ll~
0.30 2.11 1.3~ 12.47 .n .25 '" '" 0.21 0,22 0.14
29.77 0.69 0.20 3.30 4.89
WiLbSilieaSkin 0.62 1.98 21.13 1l.60 2Ll3
0.49 0.98
S;",.; Pntinsula, Esl"P'
p.,,,,glyph. S. A... ,ralia
Ing"';". PeN Desen
Ave.. Roek, AUSlr.olia
• Rcoulu. ~ nonnalized '" 1~
>Im Above Soil
> I m Abov., Soil
From Rod< F"""" ...
na·· ..

'3' 22.94
1,21 22.81
2,11 20.4~
'3' 28.77
33.34 .33

'" "'
., .,
2.42 2.91
'.19 2.18
4~.88 .33 1.13 2.91 6.22

2.11 1.4~

'" ,." ""

21.70 .,
'.AO '.AO "'
'><" ., •."
1.19 11.91 16.~7
'" '" '"

.,"' '" ., '"
." •."

O.ll ."


•• Measu"""".... by PlXE (Cahill, 1986), except forLb., Sail Spring. """,pIe which we... Ollalyzed by el«:l"'" mieNp<'Ol:><'(POIler and Rouman. 1979&).
••• Below Umi\ or detection
•••• NOI available

manganese and iron oxides. The chem- years earlier in the construction of a dirt elements composing the imaged miner-
istry of rock varnish was also deter- road. The controversy was resolved als; higher atomic numbers are brighter.
mined from samples taken from the when it was realized that the pavement
Mojave Desert (Engel and Sharp. 1958; had partially reformed with previously BSE and secondary electron (SE) mi·
Lakin and others. 1963; Hooke and varnished cobbles (Dorn and Oberlander. crographs of cross sections of eastern
others. 1969; Potter and Rossman. 1982: E1vidge. 1982). California desert varnish samples were
1979a). Not surprisingly, the major ele- used in this investigation to address on-
ments of rock varnish (silicon. alumi- Rock varnish can be used as a tool to going discussions concerning (1) the
num. manganese. and iron) reflect its help interpret paleoenvironmental fluc- internal versus external origin of varnish
clay-oxide mineralogy. tuations. Potassium-argon (K-Ar) dating constituents, (2) biological versus abiotic
of volcanic flows in the Coso (Duffield origin. and (3) the use of rock varnish in
Elements in concentration greater and others. 1981) and Cima (furrin and surface exposure dating. SSE is also
than 0.5 percent can be quite variable others. 1985) volcanic fields provided used to identify previously unknown
and typically contain magnesium. phos- age constraints that were used in testing textures. Although a variety of varnish
phorus. potassium. calcium, titanium, innovative rock varnish dating and types are present in the Mojave Desert,
and sometimes sodium. copper, zinc. paleoenvironmental research methods. this investigation concerned only the
barium. and lead (Table 1), Over 30 These methods include cation-ratio dat- most studied and most noticeable: man-
other trace elements have been ob- ing (Dorn. 1983. 1989: Darn and oth- ganese-rich, black-subaerial varnish
served (Bard. 1979; Darn and others. ers. 1990). radiocarbon dating (Darn formed on rock outcrops exposed only
1990). and others. 1989), and micromorphol· to airborne fallout.
ogical and microchemical changes that
The debate over the length of time are indicative of paleoenvironmental INTERNAL VERSUS
needed for rock varnish formation cen- fluctuations (Dorn, 1986, 1988, 1990). EXTERNAL ORIGIN
ters around field observations made in One of the longest lasting controver-
the Mojave Desert. Engel and Sharp The use of rock varnish as a geo- sies in the study of rock varnish is
(I958) proposed that a complete coat- chemical prospecting tool has also been whether the constituents are derived
ing of varnish could form in 25 years, proposed based on research in the from the underlying rock or from exter-
and this hypothesis was passed on in Mojave Desert (Lakin and others, 1963; nal material. Following Walther (189l).
literature (for example, Cooke and War- Dorn and Oberlander. 1981b). the notion of high desert temperatures
ren. 1973). Still, most Mojave Desert "sweating" solutions from the interior of
rock varnish researchers agree that BACKSCATTER ELECTRON the rock has remained an appealing
complete varnish formation takes thou· MICROSCOPY hypothesis (Glennie, 1970: Garner,
sands to tens of thousands of years 1974; Shlemon. 1978; Smith and
(Blackwelder. 1954; Hunt. 1954; Hunt Backscatter electron microscopy
Whalley. 1988). However. most reo
and Mabey. 1966; Hooke, 1972, (BSE) uses electrons rather than light to
searchers find conclusive micromorphol-
Darn and Oberlander. 1982; Elvidge, view minerals in thin section. [t images
ogical and microchemical evidence that
1982). mineral textural (grain to grain) parame-
varnish is an external accretion (Potter
ters such as shape, size, orientation and
and Rossman. 1977. 1979a.b; Allen.
The disagreement over the length of grain boundaries. SSE also exhibits
1978: Perry and Adams, 1978; El-
time it takes to form rock varnish arose chemical contrasts between minerals.
vidge, 1979: Dorn and Oberlander.
because Engel and Sharp (1958) ob- and these contrasts show up on micro-
seJVed varnished cobbles in a desert graphs as various shades of gray. de·
pavement that had been disturbed 25 pending on the atomic number of the



In the 1970s the face of one of the large blocks of meta- Dudley, P.P., 1969, Glaucophane schists and associated rocks of
morphic rocks in the Ring Mountain area was found to have the Tiburon Peninsula. Marin County, California: Ph. D. thesis,
University of California. Berkeley, 116 p.
several ancient Indian petroglyphs (Photo 9) carved on it
(Hotz and Clewlow, 1974). These were the first petroglyphs Dudley, P.P., 1972, Comments on the diSlribution and age of the
high'grade blueschists and associated eclogites, and amphi·
reported in the San Francisco Bay area by archaeologists. bolites from Tiburon Peninsula, California: Geological Society
The carvings are in chlorite schist. a very soft rock, but one of America Bulletin, v. 83, no. 11, p. 3497-3500.
with a greater resistance to weathering than many other kinds Hill, A.J.. 1973, A dislinctive new Calochortusfrom Marin County
of rock types. Since their discovery, other petroglyphs have California: Madrono, v. 22, no. 2, p. 100,104.
been found in the Ring Mountain area and all are carved in Holing, Dwight, 1988, Calilornia wild lands, a guide to the Nature
similar chlorite schist. Some may be 2,000 years old (Holing, Conservancy preserves: Chronicle Books, p. 53·60.
19881. Holway, A.J., 1906, Eclogites in California: Journal of Geology,
v. 12, no. 4, p. 344-358,
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Hotz. V" and Clewlow, CW.. Jr.. 1974, First report of the petro·
glyphs: Master Key of Los Angeles County Museum, v. 4,
We greatfully acknowledge the assistance of Gail Newton. p. 148.
DMG plant ecologist. and the manuscript reviews by Don
Murdoch, Joseph, and Webb, R.W.. 1966, Minerals of California,
Dupras, Cynthia Pridmore, and Mary Woods. DMG Centennial Volume (1866-1966): California Division of Mines
geologists. and Geology Bulletin 186, 560 p.
Penalosa, J., 1963, A flora of the Tiburon Peninsula, Marin
County, California: The Wasmann Journal of Biology, v, 21,
no. 1, p. 1·74.
Ransome, F.L., 1895, On lawsonite, a new rock·forming mineral
from Tiburon Peninsula, Marin County, California: University of
California Publicaltons, Bulletin 01 the Depanment of Geology,
'0',1, no. 10, p. 301·312.
Rice, S.J., 1964, A trip to the lawsonite type locality: California Di·
vision of Mines and Geology Mineral Information Service, v. 17,
no. 6. p. 96·98.
Aice, S.J., Smith, T.C., and Strand. A.G., 1976, Geology lor plan·
ning, central and southeastern Marin County, California: Cali-
fornia Division of Mines and Geology Open-file Aepon OFR
Rice, S.J" 1981, Field trip guide, Stops 1, 2, and 3 (Marin Head·
lands, Ring Mountain, Pillowed Greenstone) in Kleist, John A.,
editor, 1981, The Franciscan Complel\: and the San Andreas
fault from the Golden Gale to Point Aeyes, California: Ameri-
can Association of Petroleum Geologists Pacilic Section, p, 13.
Smith, J.p", 1906, The paragenesis of minerals in the glauco-
phane bearing rocks of California: American Philosophical
SOCiety Proceedings. v. 45, p, 183·242.
Switzer, G.. 1951. Mineralogy of the California glaucophane
schists: California Division of Mines Bulletin 61, p. 61-70,
Talialerro, N. L., 1943, Franciscan·Knol\:vilie problem: American
Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v, 27, no. 2,

amphibollle: A dark-colored metamorphic rock composed
01 minerals of the amphibole group,
eclogUe: A high.grade metamorphic rock chiefly composed
of garnet and pyrol\:ene.
harz:burglte: A dark plutonic rock chiefly composed 01 otivine
and enstatite.
Photo 9. Indian pelroglyphs carved into chlorite schist. ophiolite suite: A group of rocks including serpentine. gabbro,
Photo by S. J. Rice. basalt and chert that commonly occur together.
rodingite: A massive dense rock composed mainly 01 garnet
associated with serpentine; formed by chemical alteration.
schist: A rock composed of aligned platy minerals: the major
constituent mineral is used as a modifier {e.g. chlorite SChiSt),


Ring Mountain
~ildlife Preserve

T he Nature Conservancy offers

free gUided natural history walks
in the Ring Mountain Preserve dur~
ing the spring wildflower display
from April through June. The 377-
acre preserve is open daily year-
round during daylight hours. A 1-
1!2-mile moderately steep hiking
trail loop in the preserve provides
visitors with scenic vistas of San
Francisco Bay and the surrounding
towns of Sausalito and Tiburon.
Admission is free.

Ring Mountain can be reached

from San Francisco by taking High-
way 101 north to the Paradise Drive
Exit in Corte Madera. Follow Para-
dise Drive southeast for 1 3/4 miles
(do not go into the town of Tiburon).
Just past Westward Drive is a fire
road with a gate and a ~Ring Moun~
tain Preserve" sign. Park off the
The rare Tiburon mariposa lily (Ca/ochor/us liburonensis) grows naturally only in
pavement on the shoulder of Para- serpentine soils al Rmg Mountain. Firsl recognized in 1973. this perennial blooms
dise Drive and walk to the hiking In May and June and has lan, Cinnamon, and yellow flowers. Courtesy of the
trail. For additional information con- Department of Fish and Game Endangered Plant Program; photo by Rick York.
tact: The Nature Conservancy Ring
Mountain Preserve. 3152 Paradise
Drive, 11101. Tiburon. CA 94920;
(4151 435-6465. Although this lily occurs nowhere else Larger individuals can produce as
in Ihe world, it is abundant at Ring many as eight flowers although the
Some of the unusual plants at Mountain and provides food for a host average is two or three. The Tiburon
the preserve include Tiburon Indian of native insects, birds. and small ani- Mariposa lily flourishes among boul-
paintbrush, with a yellow flower. an mals. ders and serpentine bedrock out-
Oakland star tulip. with a pale pink crops. possibly as a result of the nu·
flower. and the rare Tiburon Mari- The Tiburon Mariposa lily is a bul~ merous associated seeps and springs
posa lily. This plant. classified as bous perennial characterized by a dis- and the inaccessibility to grazing.X'
ColochorfUS tiburonensis in the tinctive cinnamon-and-yellow-colored
botanical literature. only grows natu- flower. It can be about two feet high at
rally in one area on Earth: in the full maturity and the flowers commonly
serpentine soils of Ring Mountain. are in full bloom by the end of May.

"" MAY 1991
Figure 4. Continual deposition withoul ero-
sion is one o! the charactenstics necessary
to successfully date lock varnish. Figure 4d
illustrates a sample that will yield a reliable
dale. The other figures illustrate problems
that are identified using BSE (4a-4c) and
secondary electron microscopy (4e-41). For
scale 4a. 4d. and 4e ., 130 micrometers.
4b • 15 mICrometers. 4c • 60 micrometers.
4f • 35 mICrometers.

4a. Hollows eroded into varnish at lhe base

and near the top. probably by microcolonial
fungi or other acid·secreting organisms.
Sample collected from the Marble Moun-
tains. San Bernardino County.

4b. Redeposition of manganese and iron

oxide in fractures in the varnish (bright
stringers). Irom Hanaupah Canyon alluvial
fan. Death Valley.

4C. Erosional hollows and redeposition of

oXides. Irom lathrop Wells cinder cone,
southern Nevada.

4d. layered varnish Irom Marie Byrd Land.


4e. Time·transgressive behavior 01 varnish

depositIon, llIustrated from granodiorile gla·
ciallil! at Pine Creek. Owens Valley. Var-
nish is growing on grain boundary (upper
lelt). but is having trouble colonizing the
surface of a smooth quartz grain (lower

4f. Unusual situallon where varnish is not

completely abraded by aeolian abrasion in
lhe Cronese BaSin. There are possibly SIX
evenlS recorded: (1) a lower layer is depos·
ited; (2) varnish below the double arrow IS
eroded. perhaps by microcoloniallungi: (3)
varnish IiIls in this depreSSIOn: (4) aeolian
abrasion truncates varnish above the
double arrow; (5) a new layer of varnish
dePOSitS above the double arrow: and possi-
bly (6) some aeolian abraSion may have
occurred on top of the newest varnish layer.

Fe-oxidizing organisms: (3) the geo- Mn and Fe can be concentrated by Backscaller imagery of Mojave Des-
graphic distribution of varnish; (4) meas- slight Eh-pH fluctuations, according ert rock varnish provkles new indirect
urements of varnish alkalinity (pH) that to the abiotic model presented by Hooke support for the biological hypothesis.
are unsuitable for the physical and and others (1969), Elvidge (1979), and Bacteria that concentrate manganese
chemical oxidation of manganese: (5) Smith and Whalley (1988). Change to occur as rods. cocci. and filaments (PIQ-
the lack of varnish at micro-sites that are slightly more acidic conditions would be ure 3b. 3d). Micron-scale deposits of
conducive to the physical and chemical expected to mobilize more manganese manganese-rich material could be fossil-
oxidation and reduction of manganese: than iron from source material. Subse- ized bacteria casts (FIgure 3e). Krinsley
(6) findings that Mn-Fe accretions in quent drying or a change to a more alka- and others. (1990) and Jones (1991)
soils. caves. springs. lakes. ore deposits. line condition would be expected to re- observed stromatolite-like features that
and oceans are due to microorganisms $l.llt in the precipitation 01 manganese. they allributed to a biological growth
(Khak-mun. 1973; BoIOlina. 1976; Although this mechanism is theoretically process. The authors also find these
Dean and Ghosh, 1980: Ghiorse. 1984: possible. no data have yet been pre- structures in eastern California (FIgures
Peck, 1986; Cowen and others. 1986: sented 10 support this hypothesis. Also. 2a and 2b) mimicing, at the micron
Chandramohan and others, 1987; Hein the only experimental data on the physi· level. megascopic structures that have
and Koski. 1987). and (7) the experi- cal and chemical hypothesis indicated by been described as stromatolites.
ments of Jones (1991). this mechanism do not concentrate Mn
(Jones. 19911.


Figure 5. Newly discovered textures Db· USE OF VARNISH IN DATING specimens of varnish that will yield reli-
served in Mojave Desert varnish with aSE. able dates. as well as specimens that
Scale from top 10 bOttom of the micro- Rock varnish forms on desert land-
will yield unreliable dates. For example.
graphs; 5a 15 micrometers, 5b .. 60 mi·
K forms. surface artifacts. and petroglyphs Mojave Desert rock varnishes illustrate
crometers. 5c • 5 micrometers. 5d • 130 that have been difficult to date by con-
micrometers. how BSE can be used to discriminate
ventional dating methods. Many differ- what sample types will yield inaccurate
Sa. Loose. poorly organized varnish grow- ent approaches to dating rock varnish dates. as opposed to samples that will
ing on lOP of better organized varnish from have been proposed. Nevertheless. yield credible dates. Figure 4 presents
the Marble Mountains. prior to dating there are two basic some of the newly recognized features
strategies for analyzing rock varnish. associated with rock varnish that yield
Sb. Slightly beller organized loose debris.
still rich in Mn and Fe, but not layered. also One approach is to remove the varnish unreliable dates (Figures 4a. 4b, 4c, 4e,
trom the Marble Mountains, San Bernardino from the rock (Dorn, 1989: Dorn and 40 and samples that yield reliable dates
Mountains. line indicates varnish/rock others 1989; Liu and Zhang, 1990).
(Figure 3e. 4d) for dating (Krinsley and
The other approach is to analyze the others. 1990).
5c. Close-up of 5b. discussed in greater varnish still attached to the rock by
detail in the text. scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
(Harrington and Whitney, 1987) and VARNISH TEXTURES
5d and Sa. Cracks through the varnish with particle induced X-ray emission or
iumerole-like mounds" at the lOp. Rede- Backscatter electron micrographs
PIXE (Pineda and others. 1988).
position of Mn-Fe oxides has occurred on
the sides of cracks. Samples from Death
(SSE) of newly discovered textures were
Valley (Sd) and the Coso volcanic !ield (Se). Accelerator-radiocarbon dating (Darn first observed on Mojave Desert var-
and others. 1989) and cation-ratio dat- nishes. One such texture shows loose
ing (Dam. 1983. 1989: Harrington and debris that is mostly of clay size (less
Whitney. 1987; Pineda and others, than 2 micrometers) and appears to rest
1988: Liu and Zhang. 1990) are poten- on well-formed layered rock varnish
tially the best methods to date rock var- (Figure Sa). Note that it is composed of
nish. Regardless of which varnish dating a variety of minerals. indicated by vari-
technique is used. however. there are ous shapes and chemical contrasts.


Figures 2a-2g. Backscancr electron micros-
copy mICrographs. IlIuSlraling aspects 01 the
varnish/rock boundary and varnish weather-
Ing. scales are the distance top to bollom
01 the micrographs: about 130 micrometers
lor 2a,2b.2e.2g: and 60 micrometers lor

2a and 2b. Varnish Irom Death Valley Can-

yon alluvial fan. Death Valley. The stroma-
tolite·llke growth IS lighter than the underly-
Ing rock because it is rich in manganese
and Iron. Note how the varnish has tormed
across mineral boundanes in the underlying
rocks and the manner In which distmct mor-
phological change occurs trom the varnish
to the rock.

2c. With time. rock under the varnish

weathers and the varnish collapses into the
growing VOid. resulting in a mIl( of varnish
and rock. shown by this close-up view of
the bottom 01 varnish. collected Irom Ha'
naupah Canyon alluvial Ian. Death Valley.

2d. An erosional unconformIty within var·

nish formed on the Bishop TuH. These mi·
crodepressions may have been eroded by
acids secreted by mlfoco!onlal lungi grow-
ing in the past, and later relilled by minerals
of quanl and feldspar (dark) and barium
sulfate (bright) mll(ed with newly accre\lf1g
varnIsh (lighter materiat).

2e. Nicely layered varnish on Hanaupah

Canyon alluvial Ian. Death Valley, where
the rock has weathered under the varnish,
btlngmg about the collapse 01 varnish into
the underlying VOids.

2f and 2g. Areas of 10wer·atomlC number

minerals (darker) where the manganese
and iron have been leached away by water
f10wmg through the varmsh. This allows the
detrital grains rich in tltamum. baflum. and
iron to stand out as bright spots. Samples
were collected from ancestral shorelines of
Lake Maml( (Meek. 1989). Line along the
bottom of 2g indicates the varnish/rock

Well-defined breaks between the var- supports field·based suggestions that derived from sources external to the
nish and different rock minerals--clearly rock varnish may form a coating that rock (Palter and Rossman. 1977.
indicating an external origin for rock can preselVe the original rock from 1979a.b: Allen. 1978: Perry and
varnish-are shown in Figures 2a and eroding (Butler and Mount. 1986). Adams. 1978: Elvidge. 1979: Darn
2b. Figures 2c-2e also illustrate an ex- and Oberlander. 1982).
ternal origin for most varnish constitu- Given the complexity of the varnish-
ents as well as indicating ways in which rock interface displayed in Figure 2. it is
pieces of rock can become incorporated easy to see how an original rock source ABIOTIC ORIGIN
into varnish: rock particles may fall into for lhe varnish continues to be postu-
depressions created by varnish growth lated (Smith and Whalley. 1988). Some There is considerable ongoing con-
and organisms that erode the varnish rock detritus can become incorporated troversy over how iron-and especially
(Hgure 2d). Rock material may also be- into the varnish. as the process of var- how manganese-are enriched in rock
come mixed into the developing varnish nish accretion and rock weathering con- varnish. The manganese concentrations
during sequences of rock weathering tinues. However. it is well documented in black varnish are typically 50 times
and varnish collapse Into underlying that the clay. oxide. and trace element higher than in the underlying rock or
voids (Figures 2c. 2e). Such evidence constituents thaI make up varnish are desert dust (Oorn and Oberlander.


Figure 3. Bacterial origin of rock varnish In
the Moiave Desert. SCales Irom top to bot·
10m 01 micrographs are 5 micrometers !or
b. 110 micrometers for c. and 15 microme·
lers for d and e. Images 3b--3d are Irom
secondary electron (SE) microscopy: 3e is
lrom backscaner electron microscopy.

Ja and 3b. Figure 3a illustrates !WO en·

ergy-dispersive X'ray fluorescence analy-
ses: AI • aluminum. Si • silica. K • potas·
Slum, Ca • calcium, n • titanium, Mn •
manganese, Fe • Iron. Figure 3b shows
rod·shaped bacteria (genus unidentilied)
growing on rock varnish on granite from
Indian Cove at Joshua Tree National
Monument. These bacteria were actively
concentrating manganese. as illustrated in
the larger Mn peak in the upper analysis of
Figure Ja. The lower Mn peak in the lower
analysis illustrates the overall concentra·
tion of manganese in the surrounding var·

3c. Microcoloniallungi, shown here grow,

ing on varnish from Warm Spl"ings allUVial
fan, Death Valley. While these fungi do
not coocenlfale manganese, they can 01·
ten erode microdepressions inlo the var·
nlsh, probably by the secretion of organic

3d. Budding bacteria growing on varnish

on a talus cone in southern Death Valley.
This type at bacteria has been identified as
Meta/Iogenium (Dorn and Oberlander,
1982) or Arthrobacter (Palmer and others,
1985). Like Ftgure 3a, manganese was
being actively enhanced.

3e. Fossil bacteria have been very dillicull

to identify in cross section. However, it is
possible that the approximately 1 micron·
wide bright spots in this ngure may be bac,
teria thaI are encapsulated in manganese
oxides. Sample Irom Hanaupah Canyon
alluvial fan, Death VaHey.

1982; Jones. 1991). Bulk analyses of

manganese to iron ratios (Mn:Fe) of
varnish scraped from rocks in the
Mojave Desert are typically in the range
of 2: 1 to 1:4. but can vary on the mi·
cron'scale from 1: 100 to over 100: 1
(Dom 1990).

Analyses of bulk varnish samples col·

lected from lhe Mojave Desert show
manganese and iron concentrations Biotic Model Jones. 1991) and possibly by other
typically in the range of 10·15 percent rock-surface organisms (Krumbein and
for both, but again. these values can The biotlc model suggests that Mn
Jens. 1981: Taylor·George and others,
vary greatly over distances of a micron and Fe are oxidized and concentrated
1983). Support for this model. mostly
or so. T we types of mechanisms of by bacteria (Krumbein, 1969: Krumbein from the above articles. is based on: 11)
manganese enhancement have been and Jens. 1981: Dorn and Oberlander.
in situ obseRVations of bacteria thaI con-
proposed, a biotic model and an abiotic 1981a, 1982: Palmer and olhers.
centrate Mn and Fe (such as in Figures
1985: Dorn and Dragovich. 1990:
model. Ja. 3b. 3d): (2) cultures of Mn- and


atomic number: An element is defined by the number of protons in lis nucleus. The number of
protons is called the atomic number. For example, the atomic number of hydrogen is 1, the atomic
number of the major elements in varnish are aluminum 13. silica 14. manganese 25. and iron 26.

Eh-pH nuctuaUons: For chemical reactions in which electrons are transferred from one ion to an-
other. the oxidation potential of an aqueous solution is called Eh and is measured in volts. Oxidation
potential is directly measured by a meter. A positive value indicates that the solution is oxidizing; a
negative value indicates that it Is chemically reducing. When the pH and Eh of a solution aTe known.
the stability of the minerals In contact with the water can then be detennined.

thin .section: Nearly all rocks are transparent when ground sufficiently thin (the standard thickness is
0.03 mm). When placed under a polarizing petrographic microscope with a rotating mounting stage,
the optical properties and textures of the constituent minerals and clasts reveal how the rock formed.
A thin section viewed under crossed polarized light resembles stained glass in color.

periglacial stone garlands: Tongue-shaped mass of fine sediments on the downslope mass of stony
embankments found in cold climates. such as arctic and alpine regions. Note: often found atop west-
ern Ranges not high enough to be glaciated~

• • • • • • • • • Announcement. • • • • • • • •

1991 EEZ Symposium and activities within each of the EEZ effort to assess the geology and seafloor
subregions (east coast, Gulf of Mexico. processes around the Farrallon Islands
The 1991 Exclusive Economic Zone west coast. Alaska and islands) and to off central California; the Pacific Map-
(EEl) Symposium will be held Novem- identify ongoing mapping and research ping Program at the University of Ha-
ber 5-7. 1991 in Portland. Oregon. programs in these geographical areas. waii: the development of a comprehen-
The theme of the meeting is ~Working sive digital surficial sediment and
together in the Pacific EEl" and will The Symposium will include approxi- bathymetric data base for the west
focus on results of ongoing seafloor mately 30 individual presentations and coaSt. Hawaii. and Alaska. and the on-
mapping and research in the western poster displays from scientists and or' going work of individual western states
United States. The meeting is cospon- ganizations active in the EEZ of the to map and assess the resources of their
sored by the U.S. Geological SuJVeY western United States (California. Ore- coastal waters.
(USGS). National Oceanic and Atmos- gon. Washington. Alaska. and Hawaii).
pheric Administration (NOAA) Joint Subject matter will focus on the seafloor For more information contact,
Office for Mapping and Research and will include an overview of ongoing
Millington Lockwood
(JOMAR). the American Association federal and state activities. results of
USGS-NOAA Joint Office for
of State Geologists, and the Oregon seafloor research projects, uses and us-
Mapping and Research
Department of Geological and Mineral ers of the EEZ. applications of data and
915 National Center
Industries. information. and technological ad-
Reston. VA 22092
vances. Symposium sessions will discuss
17031 648~6225
the relationship among federal. state.
This is the fifth in a series of biennial
academic, and private sector activities in 0'
symposia held since the issuance of the
mapping. research. and determining the
Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZl Procla- Gregory McMurray
resources of and providing information
mation in 1983. Previous symposia Oregon Department of Geology
in the EEZ. technological advances. and
have been held in the Washington. D.C. and Mineral Industries
computer modeling of seafloor proc-
area and have focused on EEl mapping 910 State Office Building
and research from a national perspec- 1400 SW Fifth Avenue
tive. The intention of the 1991 Sympo- Case studies will be presented Portland, OR 97201
sium is to refine the specific interests describing the results of a cooperative (5031229~5580~

MAY 1991
A Page For Teachers

Geothermal Energy
(Adapted in part from ~Steam Press.- published by lhe Geothennal Education Office. v Ln. 1. 1988.)

Geothermal resources are an Impol'1ant poIIutm because nothing IS burned publtshed annually to further educate
source of energy for both the United Slates TIle steam IS produced COllrt~ of youth and other interested readers about
and the 1OoOrid. Right now in the Umted Mother Nature, geo(hermal energy and its Vital role In
States there is enough electricity generated helping to ~ain a healthy and dean
from geochermal to &JPpIy ~r three mU- Like solar and wind. geothermal Is a re- I.lIOTk:I Class sets of "5l:eam Pres.s~
newable energy source. which means that are available for a nominal charge.
lion households with electricity; thats
enough electricity to supply the needs ....'C won't run oot of It Geothermal. as
wen as these other renev.table energy .About Geotherma[ Energy. ~ Geotl1er
of Oregon and Washington combined,
sources. has no fuels that must be trans· mal EducatiOn Office. 664 Hilary Dove.
ported. so there are no chances of acci· Tiburon. CA 94920. (SOO) 866·4GEO
What is geothermal energy? dents like oil spills. This booklet is in a cartoon format and
provides an introduction to geothermal
II \s heal energy that comes [n contrast energy.
Irom the interior 01 the Earth to other
and is transferred to the crust renewable "Geothermal Energy in California.~ text
Geothennal energy becomes energy by S,F Hodgson, Illustrations by J
hydrothermal energy when it resources. Spnggs 1988, California Department of
converts water to hot water gcothennal Consel\lation. Division of Oil and Gas.
and/or steam. is a very 1416. Nll1th Slreet. Room 1310. Sacra-
reliable mento. CA 95814 22 p. This booklet
Visible forms of geo- source of provides an IntroductiOn to geothermal
thermal energy include: elec1ricity. energy In CalifotTiia It Is designed lor
It is avail- students in fourth through ninth gr<ldes
HoI spnngs. geysers. or natural and readers .....ho u.'ant a revIeW of the
~e.am that occurs ....flen Wilt('\'" .bIo "'"
lime. day sub,ect IndMduaJ and classroom sees
comes In contad UoiIth hot rocks and mght are available free-of-<harge.
UoiIthln the crust and rises to the
surface of the Earth 0.::-',>- "
TIle follou.,ng are availab£e al the re-
gIOnal DMG Publkalions and Informa-
Volcanoes......hich OCCUl'" .....hen tIOn offICeS: Los Angeles (213) 62Q.
magma Itself surfaces as \ava 3560. P1eas.ant HiD ('lIS) 646·5921.
and Sacramento (916) 445-5716
How is geothermal energy
used to produce electricity? "Geothermal Re$OUrces in Cahfor-

Reservoirs of hot Willer and steam are

trapped in fractured rock or sediment In

'> nia. - by S Bezore 1984 CAU-
n 6. p. 115-118 This
the Earth's CnJ5t. --- ", article explains the origin
To release the steam and water from the ~­
• " ' \ and characteristics of
geothermal resources
reservoir a deep hole is drilled and a pipe G2
in CalifOrnia and

is inserted. highlights commu-
1be sleam is used to tum the blades 01
a turbine and generate electricity. -- ...... ""-5rlI __

. . - r000l7"-

? nities in California
that utilize this

The hot water is used to heat another GEOTHERMAL
od.:i... , ~ -Geothermal
liquid that has a lower boiling point
The liquid turns into a gas and is used
to tum .a turbtne.
AREAS .:;-- ~
_ ::::-
~ Resources 01 Cali-
lomla (Geologic
Data Map No 4).
The angLlli'l1 hot wat('\'" Is returned 10 compiled bo; C T
the Earth Solar energy is only available when the HlQ9lns. 1980. Department of C0nser-
stnl IS shining and UoiInd energy only u.hen vatiOn. OMsion of Mines and Geoiogy
Why is geothermal energy there is a UoiInd bkJwIng This Willi SIZe map is a compilallon of aI
important? the thermal spnngs and u.oeIIs on record
Natural steam is one of the least expen- in California
Geothermal Is a clean. reneu.oable. reh sive ways of aD the fuel) to generate eIec·
able. and economical energy source that trielty. In fad. the cost of dnnmg a natural -Technical Map of Geothermal
produces electricity ....'thout burmng steam u.'CU pays lor It.5"11 in a few years. Resources of California {GeologIC
which makes the fuel free alter that. Data Map No 51.- compiled bo; H H
TraditJOl\i'lI pou.-er plants bum fossllfuels MaJmundar 1983 Department of
to make steam that turns the turl:lIl1eS to Sources of Information: ConservatIOn. Division of Mines and
make electricity. The burning of fossil Geology. This Willi :;ize map shows tne
fuels produces large amounts of carbon "Steam Press. Geothermal Education relatlOllship of tectonic features. such as
dioxide and other pollutants. In contrast. Office. 664 Hilary Dnve. Tiburon. CA faults and volcanoes. to the occurrence
at a geothermal power plant there Is hllle 94920. (SOO) 8664GEO ThIs journal is of geothermal resources."'"


This texture suggests that the material MFumerole-like" mounds are fre- REFERENCES
was Mdumped" in place. and cemented quently found at the top of the rock
Allen. C.C .. 1978. Desert varnish of the
with Mn and Fe oxides. varnish (Figures ScI and 5el. These Sonoran Desert: optIcal and electron
mounds sil atop fractures that fre- probe microanalysis: Joornal 01 Geology,
Figure 5b may display the next stage quently penetrate an entire varnish sec- v. 86. p 743-752.
in reorientation of loose debris. The tion. Fractures that end in mounds are Bard. J.C" 1979. The development ot a patl'
grains are somewhat smaller and the usually hned in places with zones con- nation dating technique lor Graal Basm
pore spaces are smaller. The subsurface taining high concentrations in Mn and petroglyphs utiliZing neutron activation
and X-ray fluorescence analyses: Unpub·
debris in Figure Sb is surrounded by- Fe. It is likely that the Mn and Fe are llshed Ph.D. dlssertallOn: UniverSity of
and grades into-layered. more typical mobilized and transported easily into California, Berkeley, 409 p.
varnish. The sequence appears to be fractures where they precipitate. Fluids Blackwelder. E.. 1954. Geomorphic proc·
least organized at the top and most or- that reach the surface precipitate and esses m the desert: Calilornla State Divi-
ganized at the boHom. It is likely that build the surface mound. This is yet an- SIon of Mmes Bullelin, v. 170, p. 11-20.
Figures Sa and 5b represent one way other mechanism of redistributing var- Black. W P" 1855. Geological report. Explo-
that aeolian detritus is incorporated into nish malerial. rations and surveys lor a railroad route
varnish. from the MISSIssippi River to the PaCifiC
Ocean: Special Executive Document 78,
33rd Congress. second session. pt. III.
To provide some idea of the great v. 5, P 263.
Eastern California deserts are widely
variability of debris that presumably Bolotina. I.N" 1976, Influences of enVlfon-
recognized by scientists for the excellent
originated from airborne fallout. high mental conditIOns on the development of
examples of rock varnish that occur
magnification images were examined manganese-depositing soil mlcroorgan·
there. The occurrence of extensive var- Isms: Soviet SOlt SCience. v, 8 (1). p. 29-
(Figure 5c). At high magnification. en-
nish development. vegetatlon-environ- 34.
ergy-dispersive X-ray analysis, X-ray
mentaltransilions from arid to humid. Butler. P.R. and Moont. J.F.• 1986. Cor·
diffraction. and backscattered electron
the presence of K-Ar dated Cenozoic roded cobbles in southern Death Valley:
textural analysis indicate that loose de" then relallonshlp to honeycombed weath-
volcanic rocks. and its proximity to ma-
bris consists of iron oxide, manganese ering and lake shorelines: Earth Surface
jor universities. makes this region an ex-
minerals. clay minerals, feldspars, and Process and Landforms, v. 11. p 377-
ceptional area for Investigating rock 387.
quartz, Some of the very small material
may be amorphous. as suggested by Cahill. T.A" 1986. Particle-Induced X-ray
high resolution transmission electron emission in Whan. R.E. coordinator. Met·
Recent findings using backscatter als handbook. 9th edition, Matenals char·
electron microscopy are giving re- acterlzation: American Society fOf Metals.
searchers additional insights into this V. 10, p. 102-108.
Another previously unknO\.VTl varnish
phenomenon. This technology permits Chandramohan. 0 .. Lokabharathi. P.A..
texture (Figures 2f and 2g) is indicative Nair, S. and Matondkar, S.G.P.. 1987,
researchers to view rock varnish chem-
of abundant water flow. The water Bacteriology of terromanganese nodules
istry and texture simultaneously and from the Indian Ocean~ Geomicrobiology
leached much of the manganese and
permits sources of varnish constituents. Journal. v. 5, p. t7-31.
iron. making the varnish darker with
origin of manganese enhancement In Cooke. R.U. and Warren A.. 1973. Geomor·
elements of a lower atomic number.
varnish. reliable rock varnish dating. phology in deserts: University 01 CalifOf-
The water also speckled the varnish
and new microscopic textures to be OIa Press. 374 p.
with minerals that are rich in elements
studied in great detail. lt is now appar- Cowen, J.p.. Massoth. G.J. and Baker. E.T..
with higher atomic numbers (such as
ent that a number of varnish accretion 1986, Bacterial scavenging of Mn and Fe
titanium and barium). Erosion of man- in a mid-to far-lield hydrothermal particle
processes occur other than deposition
ganese and iron from the varnish makes plume: Nature. v. 322. p. 169-171.
in even layers (Figures 3e. 4d). These
it more porous and easier to see the Dean. W.E, and Ghosh. S.K.. 1980. Geo-
recently discovered varnish processes
detrital particles included. chemistry 01 freshwater ferromanganese
may be used by researchers for dating deposits in North America In Varentsov.
and for reconstructing past environ- t.M. and Grasselly. G.Y. editors. Geology
Another textural feature Indicative of
mental changes. and geochemistry of manganese: manga'
manganese and iron mobility is "infiltra- nese on the bottom of recent basms: E.
tionM(Figure 4b). The white stringers Schwelzerbarfscf!e Vorlagbuchhandlung,
that run across the grain in Figure 4b Stullgart. Germany. v. III. p. 255·277.
are high in manganese. iron. and alumi· This research was supported by Dorn, R.I" 1983. Catlon·ratlO dating: a new
num and silica (indicative of clay miner- grants to D. Krinsley from Mifflin & rock varnish age determinatIOn tech·
als). The mobility of Mn and Fe would Associates. Incorporated. and to R.I. nlque: Quaternary Research. V. 20.
indicate a redistribution 01 varnish con- Darn from the National Science Foun"
stituents. Precipitation of manganese dation and the National Geographic Dorn. R.I.. 1986. Rock varnish as an indica-
lor of aeolian environmental change in
and iron can widen existing rock frac- Society. We thank SW. Anderson. T.A. Nlckling. W.G.. edItor. Aeolian geomor-
tures. suggesting a new type of weath- Cahill, D. Darn, T.E. Gill. and P. Trusty phology: Allen & Unwin. London. p. 291-
ering mechanism (Krinsley and others. for discussions and field and laboratory 307.
1990). assistance _


Dorn. A.I.. 1988. A rock varnish interpreta- editors. Current perspectives in microbial Meek, N.. 1989. Geomorphic and hydro·
tion of alluvial·lan development In Death ecology: Amencan Society for Microbiol- logic Implications of the raped Incision of
VaHey, California: National Geographic ogy. p. 615-622. Afton Canyon, Malave Desert. Calilor-
Research. v. 4. p. 56·73. Glennll~.K.W.. 1970, Desert sedimentary nia; Geology. v. 17. p. 7-10.
Dorn. A. I.. 1989, Cation·ratio dating of enVIronments: ElseVier. 222 p. Mustoe. G.E.. 1981, Bacterial oXldallon 01
rock varnish: A geographical perspec· Harrington. C.O. and Whitney, J.W, 1987, manganese and iron in a modern cold
live: Progress In Physical Geography. v. Scannmg electron microscope method spring: Geological Society 01 America
13. p. 559-596. for rock varnish dating; Geology. v. 15. Bulletin, v. 92. p. 147·153.
Dorn, A.I., 1990. Ouaternary alkalinity fluc- p. 967-970. Palmer. F.E .. Staley. J.T.. Murray, A.G.E..
tuations recorded in rock varnish ml- Hein. J.A.. and Koski. R.A.. 1987, Bacteri- Counsell, T. and Adams. J.B.. 1985,
crolaminatlons on western U.S.A. vol· ally mediated diagenetic origin for chert· Identification of manganese-oltldizlng
canics: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclima- hosted manganese depoSits in the Fran- bacteria from desen varnish: GeomlCro-
tology, Palaeoecology. v. 76. p. 291- CIscan Complelt. Call1ornia Coast biology Journal, v. 4. p. 343-360.
310. Ranges: Geology, v. 15, p. 722-726. Peck. S.B., 1986. Bacterial depoSition of
Dom, A.I., CahiM, T.A.. Eldred, A.A.. Gill. Hooke. A.L.. 1972, GeomorphIC eVidence iron and manganese oltides in North
T.E.. Kusko, B.H., Bach, A.J. and Ellion- for late Wisconsin and Holocene tectonIC American caves: National Soil Science
Fisk, D.L., 1990. Dating rock varnishes deformation. Death Valley. California: Bulletm, v. 48, p. 26·30.
by the cation ratio methOd with PIXE. Geological Society of America Bulletin, Perry, A.S. and Adam. J., 1978, Desert var-
ICP. and the electron microprobe: Inter· v. 83. p. 2073·2098. nish: evtdence of cyclic deposition 01
national Journal of PIXE. v. t, p. 157· manganese: Nature, v. 276. p. 489-491,
195. Hooke. A.L., Yang, H. and Weiblen. P.W.,
1969. Desert varnish: an electron probe Pineda. C.A.. Jacobson, l. and Pelsach.
Dorn, A.I. and Dragovich, 0 .. 1990. Inter- study: Journal Geology. v. 77. p.275- M., 1988. Ion beam analySIS for the de·
pretallon of rock varnish in Australia: 288. termination 01 cation-ratIOs as a means
Case studies from the arid zone: Austra- of daMg southern Alrican rock var-
lian Geographer, v. 21 p. 18·32. Hunt. C.B.. 1954. Desert varnish: Science.
v. 120. p. 183-184. nishes: Nuclear Instruments and Meth·
Dorn. A.t.. Jull. A.J.T., Donahue, D.J.. lin- ods in PhySICS Research. v. B35. p. 463·
ICk, T.W. and Toolin, L.J., 1989, Accel· Hunt, C.B. and Mabey. D.A., 1966, Strati· 466.
erator mass spectrometry radiocarbon graphy and structure. Death Valley. Cali·
fornia: U.S. GeologICal Survey Proles- Polter. R.M. and Aossman. G.A., 1977,
dating of rock varnish: Geological Soci- Desert varnish; The Importance of day
ety AmerICa Bulletin. v. 101, p. 1363- sional Paper. v. 494A. p. 90-92.
minerals: Science, v. 196, p. 1446-1448.
1372. Jones, C.E.. 1991. CharactenstlCS and ori-
glfl 01 rock varnish from the hyperafld Palter, R.M. and Rossman. G.A., 1979,
Dern. A.I. and Oberlander, T,M.. 1981a. The manganese-and iron-oltide mineral-
Microbial origin of desen varnish: Sci- coastal deserts of nonhern Peru: Oua'
ternary Research, v. 35, p. 116·129. ogyof desert varnish: Chemical Geol-
ence. v. 213, p. 1245-1247. ogy, v. 25, p. 79-94.
Dorn. A.I. and Oberlander, T.M., 1981b, Khak·mun. T.. 1973. PartiCipation of micro-
organisms In the formation of manga- Paller. A.M. and Rossman. G.R.. 1979.
Rock varnish origin. characteristics and Mineralogy of manganese dendntes and
usage: Za;lschrifl fur Geomorphologle. nese-iron concretions In soils of the
brown forest zone 01 the far east: Soviet coatings: AmerICan MlOeraloglst, v. 64.
v. 25. p. 420-436. p.1219·1226.
Soil Science. v. 5, p. 96-99.
Dorn. R.I. and Oberlander. T.M.. 1982, Shlemon. A.J.. 1978. Quaternary soil-geo-
Rock varnish: Progress in Physical Ge- Krlnsley, D., Dorn. A.I. and Anderson, S.,
1990, Factors that may interfere With the morphic relationships, southeastern
ography, v, 6. p, 317-367. Mojave Desen. Calilornla and Anzona.
dating of rock varnish: Physical Geogra·
Duffield W.A. and Bacon, C.A., 1981. Geo· phy,v. tl.p.97-119. in Mahaney, W.C., editor: Ouaternary
logiC map of the Coso volcaniC field and Soils: UniverSity of East Anglia. England,
adjacent areas. Inyo County, California: KrumbelO, W.E" t969. Uberden Emliuss p.187-207.
U.S. GeologIcal Survey Miscellaneous der Mlkroflora auf die Exogene Dynamik
(Veswrrterung und Krustenbi/dung): Ge- Smith, B.J. and Whalley. W.B.. 1988. A
Investigations $erles. v. 1-1200. note on the characteristics and possible
oJoglsche Rundschau, v. 58, p. 333·363.
Elvldge. C.D.. 1979. Distribution and forma· origins 01 desert varnishes from south-
tlon 01 desert varnish in Arizona: Arizona KrumbelO, W.E. and Jens, K.. 1981. BIO- east Morocco: Earth Surface Processes
State University. M.S. theSIS, 109 p. geniC rock varnishes of the Negev Des· and landforms. v. 13. p. 251-258.
ert (Israel): An ecological study 01 Iron
Elvidge. C.D.. 1982. Aeeltamination of the and manganese translormatlon by cya- Taylor-George. S., Palmer. F.E.. Staley.
rate of desert varnish formatIon reported nobactena and lungi: Oecologla. v. SO. J.T., Borns. D.J.. Curtiss, B., and
south of Barstow. California: Earth Sci· p.25-38. Adams, J.B.. 1983, Fungi and bactena
ence Surface Processes and Land- Involved in desert varfllsh formation:
forms. v. 7, p. 345-348. Lakin. H.W.. Hunt, C,B., DaVidson, D.F, Microbial Ecology. v. 9. p. 227·245.
and Odea. U.. 1963. Vanallen 10 minor·
Engel. C.G. and Sharp. A.S.. 1958. Chemi- element content of desert varnish: U.S. Turrin. B.D.. Dohrenwend. J.C.. Drake, A.E.
cal data on desert varnish: Geological Geological Survey ProfeSSional Paper. and Cunlss, G.H., 1985. K·Ar ages from
Society of America Bulletin. v. 69, v. 475-B, p. B28-B31. the Clma volcanIC lield. eastern Malave
p.487-518. Desen, Callforflla: Isochron West. v. 44,
Laudermllk. J.C.. 1931. On the orlQlO of p.9-16.
Garner, H.F., 1974, The origin of land- desert varnish: Amencan Journal of Sci·
scapes. a synthesis of geomorphology: ence. v. 21. p. 5t-66 Walther, J.. 1891, Ole Denudation inder
Odord University Press. 734 p. Wusle: Akademl der Wissenschaflen:
Liu. T. and Zhang. Y., t99O. Establishment Malhemafischk-Physicalisdle, Abhand-
Ghiofse. W.C.. 1984, Bacterialtranslorma- 01 a cation·leaching curve of varnish for
tions 01 manganese in weiland environ' lungen, v. 16. p. 435-461,
the Dunhuang region. western China:
ments m Klug. M.J., and Reddy, CA, Seismology and Geology, in press. White, C.H.. t 924, Desen varnish: Ameri·
can Journal 01 Sctence. v. 9. p. 413·420.



Book Reviews
Books reviewed in this section are not avallable for purchase from DMG.

EngIneering Geology California produces nearly half of the bores its way through the Earth's crust.
oil it consumes every year. In 1989. the drill bit chips off rock, which drilling
CONSTRUCTION AND DESIGN OF this state produced 337 million barrels fluki carries to the surface. At the sur-
CEMENT GROUTING: A guide to of oil while consuming 706 million bar- face. the ground-up rock pieces as well
grouting in rock formations. By A. Clive rels. Oil and gas exploration in Califor- as formation gases and fluids are ana-
Houlsby. 1990. Available from: John nia is continuing. Since its inception in lyzed by g"ologists commonly called
Wiley & Sons. Inc .. 605 Third Avenue, Mmud loggers.· This book introduces
the 1930s. the oil exploration service
New York. NY 10158.442 p. $74.95, known as ~mud logging~ has expanded the types of data bases acquired by mud
hard cover. Price does not include sales to encompass several geoscience. pe- loggers and explains how this informa-
tax. shipping, or handling. troleum, and engineering disciplines. tion is interpreted and utilized. It is de-
This volume is another in the Wiley Although there has been a plethora of signed to accompany profeSSional mud
Series of Practical Construction Guides. new high-tech oil and gas exploratory loggers in their analyses of subsurface
Alling open cracks in rock foundations techniques in recent years, the only way geologic information. The author as-
with grout made of cement and water to find out exactly what lies under- sumes the reader has a fundamental
requires experience and skill. After ground is to drill a well. It remains a understanding of modem petroleum
placing. the cement grout sets and pro- tried and true way to accurately under- technology. chemistry. physics, and
vides a permanent filling Ihal strength- stand the subsurface geology. As it geoscience.
ens the rock foundation and reduces
seepage flow. Foundation grouting re-
duces the permeability under dams. ,-----------------------------
strengthens weak rock foundations. and
Complete address 10flTI on nexl page.
significantly aids In mining construction,
IndICate nvrnoer 01 copies. Pric::e iTl(:luOes
tunnel construction. and placing subsur- ., postage and sales lax.
face shafts. This guide describes the BULLETINS
equipment used in grouting, how to 8189 MJnerals 01 Calilornia. 1966 .. _59.00
_B202 Geology 01 the Point Reyes Peninsula. Mann CounJy, Calilornia. 1977 57.00
assess a proposed grouting site. how to
design grouting Jobs. how to prevent a SPECIAL REPORTS
shoddy grouting }ab, and suggests de- _ _ SR97 Geolog>e and engll1eenng aspects 01 San FraTlClSCO Bay fill. 1969 55.00
tails for contract specifications for a suc' _ _ SRl54 Supplement: a catalog ot strong mollon accelerograph records 18COV8Ied by
the othce 01 Slror.g mollon sludies during 1982. 1983 ..$4.00
cessful grouting job. The term grout is _ _ SR157 MII1&ra!.esource potential ollhtl Rockhouse Wilderness slUdy area
derived from the old English word (Kern and Tvlal9 counties. CaJ,lofl'lIaj. 1987 .. 51 J.(lO
*gruC and originally referred to coarsely
ground meal. Later. by analogy. it was
_M$4 Geology or the Reddlng 17 S'l quadrangle. Shasta County. California
used to describe a liquid mortar of simi- (scale 1:24.000). 1965................ . 53.00
lar consistency. Since ancient Roman __ MSS Geology of Jne weslarn Valleolos syTl(:hne, San Benl10 CounJy, California
times through the middle ages and into (scale: 1:31.250). 1965.. .. $3.00
_MS8 Geology 01 the Palo Alto quadrangle. Santa Clara and San Mateo counties.
the present. grout has been used to Cahfornla (scale. 1:62,500). 1966 54.00
strengthen walls. bridges. aqueducts. _MSll Geology or a po!1lOn of wflStern Mann County. Cahlorn,a (scale: 1:48.000). 1969 5HIO
and (or numerous engineering projects. _MSJOGeology 01 11le southeast ql.laner 01 the Oal Mountain quadrangle,
los Angeles County. Cahtom,a (scale: 1:12.000). 1979..... .. $8.00
Geologists commonly come into contact _ _ MS33 Geology or llle southwaSlern part 01 the Oat Mounla,n quadrangle.
VJith grouting practices when placing Los Angeles Counly, Calilornla (scale" :12,000). 1978 .. 51.00
down-hole casing, stabilizing founda-
tions. and lor mining and tunneling GEOLOGIC DATA MAP NO.7
_ _ GOM7 lsostati(: resiclual graVIty map 01 Cali!ornia and offshore southern Cahlol'llia.
construction. 199\ (scale: 1:750.000) (NEW) .. 512.00

_ 1 year (12ISSlH1S) ............................................................ 510.00
ExplorallOn Geology _ 2 yea,s (24 Issues) . .. $20.00
Each back issue .. ............................. .. 51.25
MUD LOGGING HANDBOOK. By Speaty volume and month ,................................... .. .
Alun Whittaker. 1991. Available from: List 01 Available Publications F,"
Prentice Hall Inc.. Prentice Hall Building,
Englewood Cliffs. NJ 07632. 530 p. TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED ................•, - -
$64.00. hard cover. (Price does not in-
clude sales tax. shipping. and handling).


• • • more Book Reviews RESERVOIR UMNOLOGY: Ecologi~
cal Perspectives. Edited by Kent W.
Thornton. Bruce L. Kimmel. and Forrest
E. Payne. 1990. Available from: John
Physical Geology Wiley & Sons. Inc., 605 Third Avenue.
New York. NY 10158. 246 p. $49.95.
GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF lecHon. This series of articles spans the hard cover.
AMERICA SPECIAL PAPER 253, Cen- entire field of geological science and is
tennial Articles. Edited by R.D. reprinted here for use In graduate Limnology is the study of the physical.
Hatcher. Jr. and W.A. Thomas. 1990. courses. seminars, and as a convenient chemical. meteorological. and biological
Available from: The Geological Society reference. A few of the topics in this characteristics of lakes. pools. and
of America. P.O. Box 9140. Boulder. collection include: fluvial geomorphol- ponds. It is commonly implied to be the
CO 80301. 470 p .. $24.50. paper ogy. processes in the Mississippi River study of all inland water bodies. The
cover. delta. tectonics of sedimentary basins. word ~limnologyM is derived from the
serpemines and ultramafic magmas re- Greek words limne for "marsh and
This volume titled MCentennial Ar-
lated to ocean basin evolution, the role olegy for Mstudy of." As the demand for
ticles" includes papers that W€re ex-
of waler in the evolution of granite. low- clean water mounts. the importance of
tracted from volume 100 of the Geo-
temperature deformation. and Basin reservoirs increases. Reservoir parame-
logical Society of America Bulletin, a
and Range extensional tectonics at the ters in this book include: diffusion. dis-
monthly journal. AUlhors were invited
latitude of Las Vegas. Nevada. persal. mixing of dissolved and particu-
to submit specified articles for this col-
lale malter. sediment transport. dissolved
oxygen dynamics, and phytoplankton
nutrient dynamics. There are nine chap-
ters authored by 12 experts of reservoir
limnology. This book is aimed at wafer
Please print or type
resource managers including limnolo-
PAYMENT MUST BE INCLUDED WITH ORDER gists. aqualic ecologists. fishery scientists.
NAME _ environmental scientists and engineers.
and hydrologists.
CITY _ Sod MechanICS


edition. By Roy Whitlow. 1990. Avail-
TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED~ $, _ able from: John Wiley & Sons. Inc., 1
Wiley Drive, Somerset. NJ 08875-
CALIFORNIA GEOLOGY SUBSCRIPTIONS 1272. 528 p .. $43.95, soh cover.
This book is designed as a basic lexl-
n, yr. $10.00 , 2 yrs. $20.00 (Individual Issues are $1.25 each)
book for civil engineering students and
, NEW SUBSCRIPTION: Allow 60 days for delivery of firsllssue. others concerned about engineering as-
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eo_ 2980. Sacramento, CallforOla 95812·2980. bearing capacities. shear strengths.
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• • • • • • • • DMG Releases • • • • • • • •
DMG OFR 90·16
MINERAL LAND CLASSIACATION OF availability thai is used for land-use decisions properly in June. 1990. High-qualily ag-
TI-lE HANNAH RANCH SITE. TULARE by county and cily ollicials. and planners. It gregate resources occur on the property
COUNTY. CAUFORNlA, FOR PORTLAND Is important Ihal land-use and pl3nning dei::i- which are suitable for a variety of aggre-
CEMENT CONCRETE AGGREGATE. By sions be made wilh the knov.iIedge 01 under- gate commodities. The aggregate re-
C.L Pridmore. 1990. 13 p .. $5.00 lying mir'ICral deposits. sources meet the criteria established by the
This open·file report was writlen in re- Open-File Report 90·16 presents the re- State Mining and Geology Board lor port-
sponse to a pelition for classificatiOn by sults of the Division of Mines and Geology's land cement concrete aggregale
Kaweah River Rock Company. [n<:orpor<lted IOMG) mineral land classification study of the Reference copies of Open-file Report
'The classification is conducted under the 775 acre Hannah Ranch site in Tulare 90-16 are available in the Los Angeles.
authority of Ihll Surface Mining and Reda- County. Classification was based on the pres- Sacramento. and Pleasant Hill offices of
mation Act of 1975 (SMARA}. SMARA re- ence or absence of malerial suitable for use the Division of Mines and Geology. A
quires the Stale Geologist to classify land as porlland cement concrete ~regate. This copy of the reporl may be purchased over-
based on the presence. absel'lCe. or polenlial evaluation is based on data prOVided by the the·counter from the Geologic Information
o<:curnmce of significant mineral deposits. petitioner. Kaweah River Rock Company. and Publications Office In SacramenlO. II
This report provides an objective. scientifi- The data were confirmed by a ooe-day field may be ordered by prepaid mail order
cally-based assessment 01 mineral resource examination by DMG stall of tile petitioned from, Division of Mines and Geology. P 0
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GEOLOG[C EXCURSIONS IN NORTH- prctallon of the geology and tectonic hislory laSI 5 my. there have been both large·scale
ERN CAUFORNIA SAN FRANCISCO TO of California The concepts of seafloor strike slip and thrust faulting along the Hay-
THE SIERRA NEVADA. Ediled by Doris spreading. subducTion. forearc basins. arc- ward. Calaveri'lS. and other aclive faults In
Sloan and DaVId L. Wagner. 130 p. $10.00. related magmatism. and transfonn faulting the region.
Special Publication 109 contains guides were applied to the fonnerty enigmatic and To the southeast. in tne Diablo Range
and explanatory text for II field trips con- contradictory relationships of the Franciscan
[Trip 9). evidence is presented that indicates
ducted in associatiOn with the 87th Annual Complex. the Great Valley sequence. the
that the Coast Range ophiolite was the sile
Meeting of the Cordilleran Section of Ihe Salinlan block. and the Sierra Nevada batho- of a volcanic arc during the latest Juri'lSSic
Geological Society of America (GSA) and the lith. Application 01 plate-Tectonic models to
and that the well-exposed low-angle fault
Seismological Society of America. held in nonhem California made it the type ex-
that fonns the present boundary betv.leen
San Francisco. March 25-27. 1991 ample of an active continental margin. lhe ophiolite and the underlying Franciscan
This volume was planned by the TechOlcal The field guides in Speclal Publication metagri'lywacke. is probably a normal fault.
CommlUee 01 the 87th Annual Meeling and 109 provide all up·to-date application of formed during uplift of the Franciscan sub-
organized by a subc:ommillee consisting of these current models and concepts to Cali- dllCliOn complex.
M.C. Blake. Doris Sloan. and D.L. Wagner. fornia geology. Trips I. 3. 4. 5. and 8 em· Fanher to the easl. in the Sierra Nevada
Twenty-eight authors. representing govern- phasize the Quatemary tectonics of the San
rrrip II). detailed structural i'lnd isotopic
ment (12). universities {lZ}. and industry (4) Andreas transform system and its role in
studies indicate that the development of
conTributed to the publication. There are recent sedimentation. Trips 6 and 10 em- cleavage and metamorphism along the Foot-
abundant tables. photos. and illustrations phasize Neogene and Quatemary volcanism. hills suture zones was taking place at the
throughout tne volume, lhought by some to be related to passage of same Ume as deposition of the older pan of
the triple junction rather than to subduction
In the past. meetings oflhe Geological the Great Valley sequence and early meta-
Society of America have provided impetus for [n the Santa Cruz Mountains near lorna morphism of the Franciscan Complex
the Division of Mines and Geology to release Prieta rrrip 5). and in Marin County [Trip
Thus. nearly every manifestation of plate
publications describing the geology of Califor- 2}. paleontologic and paleomagnetic data in-
tectonics can be seen in nOrlhem California.
nia Bulletin 190. Geology of Northern Cali- dicate thaI Franciscan terranes east of the
and Ihe geologic features described in (his
fornia. was published in conjuncllon with the San Andreas faull have been translated guidebook provide an excellent introducTion
1966 GSA meeting held in San Francisco. IlOrlhward from near-equatorial latiludes.
10 the geologic and tectonic history of the
II contained guides for seven field trips in lhe reqwring that large-scale transform faulting
Bay area. the northem Coast Ranges. the took place prior to the development of the
San Andreas system. Trip 2 also presents Special Publication 109 is available for
Sacramento Valley. and the Sierra Nevada
eW:lence that the Sahnian block has been reference or purchase at the Division of
Now. 25 years later. the gUides in Special
offset about 90 mi (ISO km)ln the last lO- Mines and Geology olflces in Los Angeles.
Publication 109 cover much of the same
IS million years (my) by the San Gregorio Pleasant HIll. or Sacri'lmento. It may be or-
ground. but the geology is interpreted from
faull. dered by mail from, Division of Mines and
a profoundly different perspective.
Geology. P.O. Box 2980. Sacramento. CA
The advent of plate tectonics in the late Trip 7. in the Berkeley HiUs of the cen·
196& h<'ld an enormous impact on the inter- tral Coast Ranges. suggests lhat during (he

MAY t991
P.O. BOX 2980

DMG Releases (continued) . . . . .


ISOSTATIC RESIDUAL GRAVITY MAP OF CAUFOR- detached thrust sheet within the western Klamath Mountains,
NIA AND OFFSHORE SOUTHERN CAUFORNIA. By Car- and (2) a gravity low caused by Iow-density sedimentary rocks
ter W. Roberts, Robert C. Jachens, and Howard W. Oliver. in the Ventura basin modified by the associated mantle up-
scale 1:750.000, $12.00. warp accompanying isostatic compensation 01 the basin lill
(Jachens and Griscom. 1985).
TIle isostatic residual gravity map of California effectively
separates gravity anomalies caused by geological variations in The gravity map is printed on the wall-size colored geo-
the crust from large &uguer gravity anomalies that result logic base map of California (scale 1:750.000). Approxi-
from isostatic compensation of the topography. By removing mately 65.000 land gravity stations were used in the compila-
the isostatic effects of mountain roots, the smaller geologic tion; an increase of several thousand stations since the
anomalies are better defined. This map should be useful for Bouguer compilation of Oliver and others (1980).
oil and mineral explorationists as well as for anyone inter-
ested in the interpretation and extrapolation of subsurface Copies of Geologic Data Map No. 7 are available for refer-
geology. ence at Division of Mines and Geology offices in Sacramento.
Pleasant Hill. and Los Angeles. Copies may be purchased
This regional-residual separation reveals important features from lhese offices for $12.00.
that are not easily recognized on the Bouguer gravity map
and converts others Ihal are difficult to interpret into anoma- REFERENCES
lies that can be readily analyzed. Major residual anomalies
Jachens. R.C" and Griscom. A.. 1985. An isostatic reSidual gra'lIly
that are now more easily recognized include (l) a gravity map or Calirornia: a residua! map for interpretation 01 anomalies
anomaly caused by the Gorda plate sulxlucted beneath north- Irom intracrustal sources. in Hinze. W.J.. editor. The ulility 01 re-
ern California. and (2) a pattern of linear gravity highs along gional gravily and magnetic anomaly maps: Society of Explora-
tion Geophysicists, Tulsa. Oklahoma. p. 347-360.
the western margins and gravity IOVJS in lhe eastern parts of
both the Sierra Nevada and Peninsular Ranges batholiths Oliver. H.W., Chapman. R.H.. Biehler. S., Robbins. S.L. Hanna.
W.F.. Griscom. A., Beyer. LA., and Silver. EA. 1980. Gravity
(Jachens and Griscom, 1985).
Map or California and its continental margin: California Division
of Mines and Geology. Geologic Dala Map No.3, scale
Prominent anomalies that now are more amenable to 1:750.000.""
quantitative analysis include (l) gravity highs defining a major


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