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1. / Who formulated the one gene–one enzyme hypothesis? (/ Concept 17.


Your Beadle and Tatum


Correct. Restating Beadle and Tatum's idea as one gene–one polypeptide reflects
the current idea that each polypeptide is specified by one gene.

2. / Genetic information of eukaryotic cells is transferred from the nucleus to the

cytoplasm in the form of _____. (/ Concept 17.1)

Your RNA

Correct. In transcription, a gene provides the instructions for synthesizing an

mRNA molecule, a polynucleotide that enters the cytoplasm to be translated.

3. / Which one of the following statements is true? (/ Concept 17.1)

Your Each amino acid in a protein is coded for by three bases in the DNA.

Correct. The mRNA base triplets are called codons, each of which codes for the
incorporation of a single amino acid.

4. / When RNA is being made, the RNA base _____ always pairs with the base _____
in DNA. (/ Concept 17.1)

Your U; A

Correct. In RNA uracil takes the place of thymine and, like thymine, pairs with

5. / Generally speaking, how many genetic codes are there? (/ Concept 17.1)
Your 1

Correct. The genetic code is universal. All organisms use the same genetic code to
translate mRNA to protein.

6. / What mRNA codon would be made from the DNA triplet CGT? (/ Concept 17.1)

Your GCA

Correct. C pairs with G, and T pairs with A.

7. / The number of nucleotide bases "read" together on the mRNA to designate each
amino acid is _____; this unit is called a(n) _____. (/ Concept 17.1)

Your 3; codon

Correct. The mRNA base triplets are called codons.

8. / The codons AAA, CCC, GGG, and UUU specify the amino acids lysine, proline,
glycine, and phenylalanine, respectively. Which of the following DNA sequences
would specify the peptide pro-gly-lys-phe if present in the template strand? (/
Concept 17.1)

Correct 3'-GGGCCCTTTAAA-5'

No. DNA contains thymine, not uracil, and in any case the template strand is
complementary to the mRNA.

9. / The codons AAA, CCC, GGG, and UUU specify the amino acids lysine, proline,
glycine, and phenylalanine, respectively. What peptide sequence would be
encoded by the sequence 5'-CCCAAATTTGGG-3', if present in the coding strand
of the DNA? (/ Concept 17.1)

Your pro-lys-phe-gly

Correct. The sequence of the coding strand of the DNA is equivalent to that of the
transcribed mRNA.

10. / How many nucleotides are needed to code for a protein with 450 amino acids? (/
Concept 17.1)

Your at least 1,350


Correct. Because the code is a triplet and three nucleotides code for the
incorporation of one amino acid, 450 x 3, or at least 1,350, would be needed.

11. / In many cases, more than one codon codes for the same amino acid. Because of
this, we say that the code is _____. (/ Concept 17.1)

Your redundant

Correct. For example, there are six codons that code for the amino acid leucine.

12. / Bacteria can transcribe and translate human genes to produce functional human
proteins because _____. (/ Concept 17.1)

Your the genetic code is universal


Correct. All organisms use the same genetic code, so it is possible (and the basis
of many biotech applications) to produce human proteins using another organism's
protein synthesis machinery.

13. / At one point as a cell carried out its day-to-day activities, the nucleotides GAT
were paired with the nucleotides CUA. This pairing occurred _____. (/ Concept

Your during transcription


Correct. The CUA of an RNA strand is complementary to the GAT of a DNA


14. / Which one of the following catalyzes the linkage between ribonucleotides to form
RNA during gene expression? (/ Concept 17.2)

Your RNA polymerase


Correct. The enzyme responsible for transcription is RNA polymerase.

15. / In eukaryotic cells, a terminator in mRNA synthesis is _____. (/ Concept 17.2)

Your a molecule of tRNA that recognizes a stop codon

Correct a specific nucleotide sequence in DNA that signals the RNA
Answer: polymerase to stop

No. Terminators are not tRNA molecules.

16. / In a eukaryotic cell, transcription takes place _____. (/ Concept 17.2)

Your in the nucleus


Correct. In a eukaryotic cell, there is compartmentalization of function, with

transcription occurring in the nucleus and translation occurring in the cytoplasm.

17. / One strand of a DNA molecule has the following sequence: 3'-
AGTACAAACTATCCACCGTC-5'. In order for transcription to occur in that
strand, there would have to be a specific recognition sequence, called a(n) _____,
to the left of the DNA sequence indicated. (/ Concept 17.2)
Your promoter

Correct. The region of DNA to which RNA polymerase attaches and initiates
transcription is the promoter, which typically extends several dozen nucleotides
"upstream" from the transcription start point.

18. / During the transcription of a given portion of a DNA molecule _____. (/ Concept

Your mRNA is synthesized on only one of the chains


Correct. After binding to the promoter, the RNA polymerase initiates RNA
synthesis at the start point on the template strand. Nucleotides from a pool within
the cell are used to elongate the growing strand of RNA. Nucleotide sequences
within the promoter determine in which direction the polymerase faces and which
strand is used as the template.

19. / In transcription, _____. (/ Concept 17.2)

Your all of the above


Correct. After binding to the promoter, the RNA polymerase initiates RNA
synthesis at the start point on the template strand. Nucleotides from a pool within
the cell are used to elongate the growing strand of RNA. Nucleotide sequences
within the promoter determine in which direction the polymerase faces and which
strand is used as the template.

20. / In eukaryotes, which of the following mechanisms of gene regulation operates

after transcription, but before translation of mRNA into protein? (/ Concept 17.3)

Your RNA splicing


Correct. Introns are deleted and exons are spliced together after transcription and
before translation.
21. / Usually, in eukaryotic genes _____. (/ Concept 17.3)

Your exons are transcribed, but the RNA transcribed from introns does not
Answer: leave the nucleus

Correct. The noncoding elements that lie between coding regions, called introns,
are spliced out of the mRNA during processing. The pre-mRNA never leaves the
nucleus; only the processed message enters the cytoplasm for translation.

22. / Which one of the following statements correctly describes mRNA processing? (/
Concept 17.3)

Your Introns are cut out of the primary transcript, and the resulting exons are
Answer: spliced together.

Correct. Eukaryotic mRNA molecules are processed before leaving the nucleus;
introns are removed and exons joined before the mRNA enters the cytoplasm for

23. / The structures called snRNPs are _____. (/ Concept 17.3)

Your part of a spliceosome


Correct. Particles called small nuclear ribonucleoproteins, or snRNPs, recognize

the splice sites and are part of a larger assembly, called a spliceosome.

24. / Nuclei of eukaryotic cells contain spliceosomes that are made up of _____. (/
Concept 17.3)

Your snRNA and protein


Correct. Particles called small nuclear ribonucleoproteins, or snRNPs, recognize

the splice sites and are part of a larger assembly, called a spliceosome, which
interacts with the ends of an intron. The snRNPs consist of proteins and snRNA
(small nuclear RNA).
25. / A cell biologist found that two different proteins with largely different structures
were translated from two different mRNAs. These mRNAs, however, were
transcribed from the same template within the cell nucleus. Which mechanism
below could best account for this? (/ Concept 17.3)

Your The two proteins have different functions in the cell.

Correct Exons from the same gene could be spliced in different ways to make
Answer: different mRNAs.

No. This may be so, but it does not explain their different structures.

26. / The function of tRNA during protein synthesis is to _____. (/ Concept 17.4)

Your deliver amino acids to their proper site during protein synthesis

Correct. Each tRNA molecule is used repeatedly, picking up its designated amino
acid in the cytosol, depositing this cargo at the ribosome, and leaving the ribosome
to pick up another load.

27. / Which of the following summaries of protein synthesis is correct? (/ Concept


Your Messenger RNA is made on a DNA template, and then amino-acid-

Answer: bearing transfer RNAs bind to it through codon-anticodon pairing.

Correct. Genes program protein synthesis via genetic messages in the form of
mRNA. The mRNA is read into a polypeptide on a ribosome, where tRNA
molecules bring amino acids for incorporation into the growing polypeptide.

28. / The bonds that hold tRNA molecules in the correct three-dimensional shape are
_____. (/ Concept 17.4)

Your hydrogen bonds


Correct. Nucleotide bases in certain regions of the tRNA strand form hydrogen
bonds with complementary bases from other regions.
29. / During translation in a eukaryotic cell _____. (/ Concept 17.4)

Your polypeptides are synthesized at ribosomes, according to instructions

Answer: carried by mRNA

Correct. The ribosome adds each amino acid brought to it by tRNA to the growing
end of a polypeptide chain.

30. / The P site of a ribosome does which one of the following? (/ Concept 17.4)

Your It holds the tRNA carrying the growing polypeptide chain.


Correct. The P site (peptidyl-tRNA site) holds the tRNA carrying the growing
polypeptide chain, while the A site (aminoacyl-tRNA site) holds the tRNA
carrying the next amino acid to be added to the chain.

31. / The first amino acid inserted into a new polypeptide chain in eukaryotic cells is
always _____. (/ Concept 17.4)

Your methionine

Correct. The initiator tRNA, which carries the amino acid methionine, attaches to
the initiation codon.

32. / Which of the following is a post-translational modification of a polypeptide? (/

Concept 17.4)

Your cleavage of a polypeptide into two or more chains


Correct. Once a polypeptide has been formed during translation, it can undergo
post-translational modifications.

33. / During translation, amino acid chain elongation occurs until _____. (/ Concept

Your the ribosome encounters a "stop" codon


Correct. Elongation continues until a stop codon occupies the A site of the

34. / Polysomes may be defined as _____. (/ Concept 17.4)

Your groups of ribosomes


Correct. Polysomes are strings of ribosomes reading the same mRNA.

35. / Cells are able to distinguish proteins destined for secretion or for segregation to
specific intracellular compartments from those that will remain in the cytoplasm
because _____. (/ Concept 17.4)

Your there are two types of ribosomes: one group that synthesizes
Answer: cytoplasmic proteins only, and another type that synthesizes secreted
or compartment-specific proteins only
Correct some proteins, as they begin to be synthesized, contain a signal
Answer: region that causes the ribosome with its growing polypeptide to
attach to the ER and translocate the polypeptide into the lumen
(space) of the ER

No. This is not true.

36. / What is the proper order of the following events in the expression of a eukaryotic

1. translation

2. RNA processing

3. transcription

4. modification of protein
(/ Concept 17.4)

Your 3, 2, 1, 4

Correct. In eukaryotic cells, the transcription of a pre-mRNA is followed by

processing. The mRNA then moves to the cytoplasm, where ribosomes construct a
polypeptide based on the codons in the RNA. The polypeptide is then modified, if

37. / What is a key difference in gene expression between eukaryotic and prokaryotic
cells? (/ Concept 17.5)

Your In prokaryotic cells, the mRNA transcript is immediately available as

Answer: mRNA without processing.

Correct. In the absence of a nucleus, it can simultaneously transcribe and translate

the same gene.

38. / A geneticist found that a particular mutation had no effect on the polypeptide
encoded by the gene. This mutation probably involved _____. (/ Concept 17.5)

Your a silent or neutral mutation


Correct. Silent mutations are attributable to the redundancy of the genetic code.

39. / Which one of the following types of mutation is least likely to affect the function
of the protein corresponding to the gene in which the mutation occurs? (/ Concept

Your base-pair substitution


Correct. Base substitutions can be silent (having no effect on the encoded protein),
minor (changing the amino acid to one with similar properties or being located in
an unimportant portion of the protein), or major (changing an amino acid that has
significant effects on the activity of the protein). Insertions and deletions usually
have disastrous effects.
40. / A base-pair substitution mutation in a germ cell line is likely to have no effect on
phenotype if the substitution _____. (/ Concept 17.5)

Your occurs in an intron


Correct. A base substitution in an intron that does not change the amino acid
sequence of the polypeptide encoded by that gene would have no phenotypic
effect on the organism.

41. / A virus infects a cell and randomly inserts many short segments of DNA
containing a stop codon throughout the organism's chromosomes. This will
probably cause _____. (/ Concept 17.5)

Your manufactured proteins to be short and defective


Correct. Alterations that insert stop codons cause premature termination of the

42. / A point mutation in which a single base pair is inserted or deleted from DNA is
called a(n) _____. (/ Concept 17.5)

Your frame-shift mutation


Correct. Insertions or deletions alter the reading frame (triplet grouping) of the
genetic message. Such mutations are called frame-shift mutations.

43. / Ultraviolet (UV) radiation is damaging to cells because it _____. (/ Concept 17.5)

Your causes mutations in the DNA


Correct. Mutagenic radiation, a physical mutagen, includes UV light, which can

produce disruptive thymine dimers in DNA.

44. / Transcription factors are found in __________. (/ Concept 17.6)

Your eukaryotes
Correct archaea and eukaryotes

No. Eukaryotes do use transcription factors, but there is a better answer.

45. / On the off chance that you might contract an archaeal infection, how might it be
treated? (/ Concept 17.6)

Your none of the above


Correct. If you were infected by an archaeal organism, you would probably baffle
the doctor.

46. / When genes are expressed, they produce _____. (/ Concept 17.6)

Your both b and d


Correct. It now appears that DNA codes for both polypeptides and many types of
functional RNA molecules.

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