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Members Attending: Chairperson Ronald A. Pizzuti, Vice Chairperson Barbara S. Robinson,

and Commission Members Adam K. Brandt, Julie T. Kunkel and Harry J. Lehman

Members Absent: Secretary/Treasurer George R. Oberer, Sr.

Ex-Officio Member Attending: Senator David Goodman and Representative Shawn N.


Ex-Officio Members Absent: Executive Director of the Ohio Arts Council,

Julie S. Henahan

Staff: Kathleen Fox, Executive Director; Samantha Cothern, Project Manager; Jessica Fagan,
Communications Manager; Cindy Huang, College Intern; Myra LaCava, Fiscal Officer; Cheri
Miller, Operations Coordinator; Jennifer Miller, Intern; Dave Wartel, Assistant Director/COO;
LeeAnne Woods, Project Analyst and Jayne Williams, Senior Project Manager

Guests: Otto M. Budig, Jr., Lori Payne, Attorney General Office, Dione Kennedy and David
Schrodi, Victoria Theatre Association; Peter Horan, Second & Main; Joyce Yut, McKinley
National Memorial; Staci Dennison, Cincinnati Museum Center; Brady Kress and Frederick
Mischler, Dayton History; and George Kane, Ohio Historical Society; Bernard Cason,

Call to Order
Chairman Pizzuti called the First Quarter 2007 Ohio Cultural Facilities Commission Meeting to
order at 10:02 a.m. by asking for a motion to approve the minutes of the November 29, 2006
Commission meeting. The motion was made by Commission Member Harry Lehman and
seconded by Commission Member Julie Kunkel. Upon Chairman Pizzuti’s call for a vote, the
November 29, 2006 Commission meeting minutes were adopted without corrections or

Call for Public Comment

Chairman Pizzuti called for public comment. There was none.

Chairman Pizzuti proceeded by giving an update on the status of Governor Strickland’s

appointments to the Commission. The Governor’s office is likely to make all three appointments
at one time. Chairman Pizzuti noted that he submitted names of three candidates, including
former Commission Member, Mr. Otto Budig, who was present at the meeting today and has
submitted his application for re-appointment. Chairman Pizzuti indicated that Mr. Budig would
not be eligible to vote today but that the Commission did appreciate his presence at the

Chairman Pizzuti went on to indicate that Paul Sieben is not seeking reappointment and Roger
Booker’s employment with the State Architect’s office ended in February.
Ex-officio member Julie Henahan could not be present at the meeting but submitted a
recommendation for the slate of officers for the Commission Members to review and adopt. At
the Chairman’s request, Ms. Fox read the proposed slate of officers. Commission Member

Lehman moved to accept the slate of officers and Commission Member Adam Brandt seconded
the motion. Chairman Pizzuti called for comments or additional nominations from the floor,
hearing none he called for the vote and the motion carried with no opposition and no

Mr. Pizzuti asked Kathleen Fox for the executive director’s report.

Executive Director’s Report

Ms. Fox welcomed the project sponsors attending and expressed appreciation for the effort put
into the preparation for the meeting.

Ms. Fox’s first item was an update to Commission members regarding the goal of signing all
legal agreements within 6 months of project approval by the Commission. She reported that all
four contracts for projects approved at the August 2006 and the one approved at the November
2006 meeting have been signed. In addition, there was one set of contracts for a project being
considered at this meeting that were ready for signature today if the Commission approves the

Executive Director Fox went on to introduce several new staff members including:
• Jessica Fagan, Communications Manager who has worked for several arts
organizations including Greater Columbus Arts Council, The Dublin Arts Council and the
Jazz Arts Group in Columbus. Among her duties, Jessica has assisted Ms. Fox on more
than 3 dozen legislative meetings to date.
• LeeAnne Woods, Project Analyst who has a law degree from Case Western Reserve
and an MBA from Florida International University and has worked in legal and
property/real estate businesses.
• Jennifer Miller, Graduate Student intern from the cultural policy and arts management
program at The Ohio State University.

Ms. Fox indicated that Chief Project Manager, Jayne Williams will be leaving the Commission
on March 16, after 11 ½ years, for an opportunity with the Wexner Center in Facilities
Management and Engineering.

Ms. Fox noted that one of the new items added to the agenda was honorary resolutions for the
Commission Members whose terms with the Commission have ended.

Ms. Fox gave the Commission an update on the status of the Governor’s Operating Budget
which was being unveiled earlier that morning. Based on staff’s conversations with the Office of
Budget and Management Commission staff understands that there will be a small cut to the
Commission’s internal operating budget. Ms. Fox noted that the Governor’s blue book would be
available later in the day but the actual bill would not likely be made available until the week of
March 19, 2007.

Executive Director Fox indicated that the Commission was not able to submit its full budget
request as approved at the November Commission meeting due to the prior administration’s
imposed budget request cap. The numbers the Commission was able to submit in the Office of
Budget Management electronic submission database was less than what is needed because
there had already been a significant budget cut two years ago and the Office of Budget and
Management cap did not allow for a recapture of that cut. Ms. Fox shared graphs showing the
capital appropriation trend increasing while the Commission’s operating budget continued a
downward trend.

Commission Member Lehman asked Ms. Fox to clarify the operating budget numbers that were
approved by the Commission versus what the Commission was permitted to request of the
Office and Budget Management and what she anticipated the Governor to propose in his budget
for the Commission’s operating budget.

Based on preliminary numbers from the Office of Budget and Management, Ms. Fox has been
told there will be about a $20,000 cut from internal operating dollars which were about $1.1
million this fiscal year. Ms. Fox explained that the Riffe Center equipment dollars and the debt
service dollars are on top of those internal operating funds and comprise 97% of the
Commission’s budget.

Ms. Fox indicated that she briefed the Commission Members including Representative Webster
who chairs the higher education sub-committee of the finance committee that will be hearing the
Commission’s testimony regarding the budget. A hearing was held by the Legislative Services
Commission, which will prepare the agency’s red book for the legislature.

Mr. Lehman asked if the Legislative members of the Commission would be able to assist when
the budget goes before the legislature. Ex-officio member Senator Goodman commented that
the results of the budget are not indicative of the efforts of Ms. Fox. She does an excellent job
communicating the importance of the Commission’s mission with the members of the General
Assembly. Representative Shawn Webster added that policy changes were easier than an
increase to the operating budget.

The next item Ms. Fox updated the Commission on is the work she is doing with the Legislature
regarding the policy agenda as approved by the Commission at the November meeting. The
main focus is work on an equalization of standards across various agencies and universities
that oversee community capital improvement dollars. The staff is hopeful a standardized policy
might be in place for the next capital bill. The staff is hearing that the next capital bill may be
introduced as early as spring of 2008 instead of the fall. She indicated that she is hearing
significant bi-partisan support from members of the legislature regarding the policy agenda.

Ms. Fox also reminded the Commission Members that the financial disclosure statements for
Gubernatorially appointed members are due to the Ohio Ethics Commission by Monday, April
16th. A letter from the OEC and a memo from the Commission office should have been received
by each member.

After the Ohio Ethics Commission reminder, Chairman Pizzuti turned the floor over to Assistant
Director Dave Wartel.

Management Agreement Renewals – Resolution R-07-01

The next agenda item was the authorization of 2-year management agreement renewals on 19
projects, conditional approvals of 2-year renewals on five projects and a management
agreement concurrent with a lease term renewal for one project.

Commission Member Kunkel asked for clarification on the conditions for the five projects from
Exhibit B of the resolution. Following explanation of the conditions to renew, Assistant Director
Wartel, indicated that the Commission staff had not yet received all of the required reports from
those five projects, but the staff would continue to work with the local sponsors to obtain the
information. Renewals would be signed so long as the satisfactory information was received
prior to the July 1, 2007 renewal date.

A motion to approve Resolution R-07-01 was made by Commission Member Lehman and
seconded by Vice Chair Robinson.

Chairman Pizzuti asked for further questions or comments and, hearing none, called for the
vote. Resolution R-07-01 was adopted with no opposition and no abstentions.

Schuster Center for the Performing Arts (Dayton) – Resolution R-07-02

Moving on to the first project agenda item, Mr. Wartel introduced the Schuster Center for the
Performing Arts and turned the floor over to Senior Project Manager Jayne Williams for an
overview of the project.

Ms. Williams explained the relationship between the Arts Center Foundation, which owns the
center and the Victoria Theatre Association, which manages the center, parking and ancillary
operations, and Second and Main. The project has received in total $30.75M in appropriations.
The two groups have plans in place to reduce the debt associated with the project that includes
the City of Dayton Bonds A, B & C, with Bond A ($4,955,000) to be paid off by April 2007.

Commission Member Lehman asked for clarification on the source of funding for Bond B
($5,730,000) after the Kettering Foundation contribution. Mr. Dave Schrodi with the Victoria
Theatre Association explained that the center will receive a trust from Dr. Schuster in the
amount of $5,000,000 upon his death that will go towards the debt associated with Bond B.

Mr. Peter Horan, Past President with Second and Main, went on to explain that Bond C
($1,750,000) would be paid off by the end of June through the sale and lease of the office space
and remaining condos. In addition, the debt from Bond G ($7,840,000) will be paid from the
parking garage revenues.

Mr. Wartel concluded the project introduction by recapping the resolution being considered.
Chairman Pizzuti asked for a motion to approve Resolution R-07-02. The motion was made by
Vice Chair Robinson and seconded by Commission Member Lehman. After inviting further
discussion or questions, Chairman Pizzuti called for the vote and the motion carried with no
opposition and no abstentions.

McKinley National Memorial (Canton) – Resolution R-07-03

Mr. Wartel introduced the next agenda item, The McKinley National Memorial, which is
celebrating its 100th anniversary this year. Project Manager Samantha Cothern introduced the
Director of the Stark County Historical Society, Joyce Yut, and the project to the Commission.

The Stark County Historical Society intends to use its total $800,000 in appropriations towards a
$1.2M project that will bolster the foundations of the three monumental staircases leading to the
memorial. High density polyurethane foam will be pumped at low pressure to fill voids under the
stone steps. The Society worked with the Ohio Historic Preservation Office and the National
Parks Service to receive the necessary approvals to use this material on the site, which is a
National Historic Landmark.

Commission Member Lehman inquired about expected attendance and handicap accessibility.
Director Yut indicated that the Historical Society is expecting a larger than normal attendance
for the 100th anniversary of the dedication of the memorial in summer 2007. The site averages
about 200,000 visitors per year and that the site is fully handicap accessible.

Mr. Wartel recapped Resolution No. R-07-03 and turned the floor back to Chairman Pizzuti who
asked for additional questions or comments. Hearing none, he asked for a motion to approve
Resolution No. R-07-03. Commission Member Brandt moved to adopt the resolution and the
motion was seconded by Commission Member Lehman. Chairman Pizzuti called for a vote and
the motion carried with no opposition or abstentions.

Charles A. Eulett Education Center – Edge of Appalachia Museum (Adams Co.) –

Resolution R-07-04
The next project on the agenda was the Charles A. Eulett Education Center – Edge of
Appalachia Museum, a research center serving southwest and southern Ohio naturalists,
educators, students and researchers.

Assistant Director Wartel explained that the project was approved by the Commission in
February 2006, but the construction bids came in higher than budgeted. The project received an
additional $300,000 appropriation in Am. Sub. H.B. 699 of the 126th General Assembly. Senior
Project Manager Jayne Williams indicated that the contractors are holding the bids for the
project in anticipation of the additional funding for the project.

There were no questions for the project representative, Staci Dennison of the Cincinnati
Museum Center, and Commission Member Lehman moved to adopt Resolution No. R-07-04.
The motion was seconded by Vice Chair Robinson. The resolution was adopted with no
opposition and no abstentions.

Strongsville Old Town Hall (Strongsville) – Resolution R-07-05

Mr. Wartel gave an overview of the Strongsville Old Town Hall, a structure built in 1879 that is
operated today by the City of Strongsville as a community center. He noted that the
representatives from Strongsville were not in attendance, but were available by phone if

Project Manager Samantha Cothern gave an overview of the general restoration project which
will include addressing some foundation, ADA and HVAC issues. The state appropriation of
$100,000 will be combined with $350,000 of local funds to complete the project.

Chairman Pizzuti inquired if the project sponsor has obtained firm numbers for the project,
noting that the Old Town Hall building is a difficult structure. Project Manager Cothern indicated
that she received a copy of an architect’s restoration analysis and the gentleman handling the
construction administration for the project is the local building official who works with all building
projects for the City of Strongsville.

Chairman Pizzuti called for a motion to approve Resolution No. R-07-05, which was made by
Commission Member Lehman. Commission Member Brandt seconded the motion. After
Chairman Pizzuti’s call for additional questions or discussion received no response, the vote
was requested, and the motion carried with no opposition and no abstentions.

Montgomery County Historical Society Archives (Dayton) – Resolution R-07-06

Assistant Director Wartel introduced the next project by indicating that Carillon Historical Park,
Inc. and Montgomery County Historical Society merged in August 2005 to form Dayton History.
He then turned the floor over to Senior Project Manager Jayne Williams to describe the scope of
the project.

Ms. Williams indicated that the project receiving the appropriation entails the renovation of the
first floor of the Kettering Foundation Education Center at Carillon Historical Park including
flooring, paint and exhibit space to be used by the Montgomery County Historical Society

Commission Member Lehman inquired about the legal entity status of Dayton History. Brady
Kress, President and CEO of Dayton History, clarified for the Commission that Dayton History is
the legal entity that owns and operates the Kettering Center and Carillon Historical Park and is
listed as a 501(c)3 entity. The merger between Carillon Historical Park, Inc. and Montgomery
County Historical Society became official in August 2005.

Commission Member Kunkel inquired about the decrease in attendance at Carillon Historical
Park. Ms. Williams indicated that since Dayton History was a new entity created from the
merger of two organizations, it was hard to get a true historical comparison of attendance
figures for Dayton History. Mr. Kress also added that they continually work on ways to maintain
and increase attendance and the renovation project to the Kettering Foundation Education
Center is designed to create a true interpretive center rather than just a gathering center at
Carillon Historical Park.

Upon clarification, Commission Member Lehman made a motion to adopt Resolution No.
R-07-06. Commission Member Brandt seconded the motion. Chairman Pizzuti asked for
additional questions or comments and hearing none called for a vote. The motion carried with
no opposition or abstentions.

State Historical Facilities – Resolution R-07-07

The next item on the agenda was the Ohio Historical Society. Assistant Director Wartel
reviewed the recent appropriations for the Commission members. The Ohio Historical Society
received 14 line item appropriations in Am. Sub. H.B. 699 and, at this time is ready to move
forward with 13 line items, which include four new projects and nine continuing projects.

Chairman Pizzuti asked Ohio Historical Society’s Director of Facilities, George Kane, to give
some background on the planned collections storage facility in conjunction with the long term
plans for the Ohio Historical Center. Mr. Kane indicated that the planned storage facility would
be a 62,000 square foot permanent, free-standing facility adjacent to the historical center
building and would be used to house various collections. This new facility will allow for
collections currently stored in offsite facilities to be centralized as well as allow for the future
growth of the collections.

Commission Member Lehman inquired as to whether the master planning for Serpent Mound
would be conducted by Ohio Historical Society staff or contracted out. Mr. Kane replied that they
plan to hire a firm to help develop a master plan. Mr. Kane further explained that the Ohio
Historical Society has been fortunate that this highly regarded archeological site is in a rural
location. However, due to expanded development in the area, the Ohio Historical Society has
seen the need to put plans in place to continue to protect the site from adverse impacts created
by the housing growth Adams County is experiencing. He also indicated that the site is pretty
much the same today as it was when 20th Century visitor facilities were built in the 1930s. The
Ohio Historical Society wants to look at a long-term development plan in terms of the visitor
facilities for this site.

Commission Member Lehman asked about the timing for the master plan and if funding
planning costs is allowed by the Commission’s statute. Mr. Kane indicated that the timing for the
master plan development is two years. Ms. Fox explained that the Ohio Historical Society

submits a six-year capital plan that details all of the work they will be doing with the capital
dollars they are requesting. The capital plan is reviewed by the Office of Budget Management.
Ms. Fox further indicated that because the properties are state-owned or OHS- owned
properties leased to the state operated under Ohio Revised Code Section 149.30, and already
presenting history to the public, the Commission can approve capital dollars for planning since it
is not a speculative project.

Chairman Pizzuti asked for a motion to approve Resolution R-07-07. Commission Member
Lehman made the motion to adopt, which was seconded by Vice Chair Robinson. Hearing no
further discussion or questions, Chairman Pizzuti called for the vote. The motion carried with no
opposition or abstentions.

Johnny Appleseed Heritage Center (Ashland Co.) – Resolution R-07-08
Assistant Director Wartel indicated that at the November 29, 2006 Commission Meeting, the
Commission asked the representatives from the Johnny Appleseed Heritage Center (JAHCI) to
submit a financial recovery plan in January to the Commission staff for review. The
representatives submitted a plan on January 12, 2007 and the Commission staff requested
additional details regarding operating revenue feasibility, fundraising plan goals and methods,
board involvement and its debt reduction plan. Assistant Director Wartel explained that
representatives of JAHCI were expected to be in attendance, but that a call had just been
received indicating that they would not attend due to the weather.

Assistant Director Wartel further explained the specific details the staff is trying to obtain from
the representatives of the Johnny Appleseed Heritage Center. The staff is interested in
obtaining the plan for generating positive operating results and eliminating debt. The Center is
projecting to have all-volunteer labor over the next five years and there are concerns from the
Commission staff on how an all volunteer staff can continue to operate a facility of this size. The
Commission staff has also requested more information on how the Center can generate positive
operating results with the projected marginal revenue on programming and minimal fundraising
efforts. The staff is also seeking specific information in regards to the exact fundraising goals
and methods and a clarification on the capabilities and commitment level from the volunteer
board. The recovery plan did not provide enough details on the debt reduction plan and the staff
has asked the representatives of the Center to provide documentation from creditors that the
debt recovery plan presented is acceptable to those creditors.

Commission Member Brandt inquired about the effort and comprehension level of the required
planning displayed by JAHCI that the Commission staff has observed. The staff feels that the
Center’s board may be overwhelmed by the recovery efforts needed.
Assistant Director Wartel further replied that the Commission staff has been able to research the
Johnny Appleseed lease, verify good standing with the IRS, Secretary of State, Attorney
General Charitable Law section and with the Auditor of State. In addition, the staff has been
able to communicate with the Muskingum Watershed Conservancy District , the property owner,
and has set a meeting with that organization.

Mr. Wartel reviewed Resolution No. R-07-08 which would reaffirm the authority granted in
Resolution No. R-06-33, request additional information submittals by April 16, 2007, authorize
cooperation with the Muskingum Watershed Conservancy District, and continue ongoing
reporting to the Commission.

Chairman Pizzuti inquired if it was appropriate to vote on the resolution at this meeting due to
the actions that the Commission is exploring. Executive Director Fox indicated that this

resolution will arrange for a dual track of allowing the representatives of Johnny Appleseed
Heritage Center the opportunity to implement financial recovery while also allowing the
Commission to explore alternatives.

Ms. Fox also added that Senate President Bill Harris, who sponsored the appropriation for this
project, has been kept informed by the Commission staff of the status. He has been
encouraging the JAHCI board to continue working to improve its situation. Ms. Fox indicated
that there may be a point in which the Commission staff needs to meet with the senator to
discuss alternatives.

Chairman Pizzuti asked for a motion to approve Resolution No. R-07-08. Vice Chair Robinson
moved to adopt resolution No. R-07-08 which was seconded by Commission Member Lehman.
There was no further discussion and the motion carried with no opposition or abstentions.

After the vote, Chairman Pizzuti inquired if this would be a facility the Ohio Historical Society
would consider operating. Ms. Fox indicated that the Ohio Historical Society was not currently
seeking additional properties but perhaps another organization in the Mansfield or Ashland
areas would prove more appropriate to manage the facility if needed.

COSI Toledo
Originally scheduled for today’s meeting, the COSI Toledo agenda item was deferred because
the organization is still developing its plans with regard to pursuing public funding through a
ballot issue, as well as contingency plans. An update on COSI Toledo will be set for a future
Commission Meeting agenda as appropriate.

Delegation of Commission Approvals – Resolution R-07-10
In Am. Sub. H.B. 699, the 126th General Assembly adopted and amended the Ohio Cultural
Facilities Commission’s section of the Ohio Revised Code to permit the Commission to delegate
approvals of appropriations of $50,000 or less to the Executive Director. In addition, the
Executive Director’s authority to make determinations and approvals is in the affirmative only.

Assistant Director Wartel indicated that the staff was recommending that the Commission
delegate authority to the Executive Director for 25 cultural projects with appropriations ranging
from $5,000 to $50,000. He further explained that the process that the staff and Executive
Director would use to review and approve these cultural projects would be substantially the
same procedure currently used for Commission review, including a quarterly report to the
Commission regarding delegated projects. Details of the process have been incorporated into
the project assessment and approval guidelines, an agenda item to be reviewed later in the

Chairman Pizzuti pointed out that the Commission had proposed the delegation of projects with
appropriations of $100,000 or less. He stated that he thought it was appropriate to include that
the Executive Director could only act in the affirmative.

Assistant Director Wartel clarified that at the suggestion of Commission Member Lehman, all of
the Executive Director’s approvals will be reported to the Commission at its quarterly meetings,
and will be officially recorded in the meeting minutes so that Commission’s official record is

Chairman Pizzuti asked for additional comments and questions and hearing none, asked for a
motion to adopt Resolution No. R-07-10. Commission Member Brandt made the motion and it
was seconded by Vice Chair Robinson. The motion carried without any opposition or

Project Assessment and Approval Guidelines – Resolutions R-07-11, R-07-12, R-07-13

As a result of adopted statute changes, the Commission’s project assessment and approval
guidelines needed to be updated to reflect the delegation of certain approvals to the Executive
Director, and to include the addition of Tennis Facilities to the Commission’s role in accordance
with the statutory changes made in Am. Sub. H.B. 699.

Chairman Pizzuti asked for questions or comments and hearing none, asked for a motion to
adopt Resolution Nos. R-07-11, R-07-12 and R-07-13. Commission Member Lehman made the
motion to adopt all three resolutions reflecting changes to the cultural, sports and state historical
guidelines. The motion was seconded by Commission Member Brandt and the motion carried
with no opposition and no abstentions.

Revised Legal Documents – Resolution R-07-14

For the next agenda item, Assistant Director Wartel indicated that the Commission staff worked
with Associate Assistant Attorney General Lori Payne to update the legal documents to reflect
recent changes including standardizing terminology, standardizing recitals, incorporating the
Declaration Regarding Material Assistance/Nonassistance to a Terrorist Organization (DMA)
form and clarifying invoice processing language.

Resolution No. R-07-14 was presented to the Commission to adopt the revised standard form
agreements for the Cooperative Use Agreement, Construction Administration & Funding
Agreement and the Non-Disturbance and Estoppel Agreement.

Vice Chair Robinson made a motion to adopt Resolution No. R-07-14 which was seconded by
Commission Member Brandt. Hearing no discussion or questions, Chairman Pizzuti called for a
vote. The motion carried with no opposition or abstentions.

Honorary Resolutions
At the conclusion of new business, Chairman Pizzuti indicated that the Commission had several
honorary resolutions to present at the meeting. The first honorary resolution R-07-H1 was
presented to Chief Project Manager, Jayne Williams for her service and dedication to
Commission and the projects. He thanked Ms. Williams for her service, congratulated her on her
new position at the Wexner Center for the Arts and indicated that she would be missed by the
Commission. The Commission also presented Ms. Williams with a framed photo of Stambaugh
Hall as a token of its appreciation.

Vice Chair Robinson made a motion to adopt honorary resolution No. R-07-H1. Commission
Member Brandt seconded the motion and the motion carried with no opposition or abstentions.

In addition to the honorary resolution for Ms. Williams, the Commission also voted on honorary
resolutions for former Commission Members Roger Booker and Paul Sieben in recognition of
their service to the Commission. Commission Member Lehman made a motion to adopt
Honorary Resolutions R-07-H2 and R-07-H3 which was seconded by Vice Chair Robinson. The
motion carried with no opposition or abstentions.

Implementation of Executive Orders
Assistant Director Wartel gave an update on recent executive orders and directives from
Governor Strickland. The Commission staff is seeking clarification and additional information on
the orders to pass along to the Commission Members.

Ms. Fox indicated that the ethics executive order stipulates that ethics training will be required
for each Commission Member. The staff is currently awaiting supplemental materials in the form
of an “FAQ” from the Governor’s staff and will distribute copies to the Commission staff when it
becomes available.

In addition, Executive Director Fox explained that a temporary freeze had been issued by the
Governor for all state agencies on expenditures for refreshments and food for meetings. Ms.
Fox indicated that Chairman Pizzuti provided the coffee and bagels for this meeting. The freeze
is in place until the end of April and the Office of Budget Management is expected to issue
guidelines for state agencies at that time.

Assistant Director Wartel reviewed the Executive Order with the Commission regarding the
Governor’s Energy Policy. The standards from Department of Administrative Services are
expected to be published on March 16. An energy audit will be required at all state facilities not
later than July 1. It was still not clear if the projects the Commission approves would be included
in the audit but the staff did expect that the Riffe Center theatres would be included. Fortunately,
the Commission staff had made energy efficiency a part of the management agreement renewal
negotiations with CAPA, and the planned equipment upgrades should satisfy the Governor’s
Executive Order.

May Commission Meeting Update

Assistant Director Wartel reminded the Commission that the 2nd quarter meeting will be a held in
Akron, OH May 24th. The staff is currently working with several projects in the Akron area to
host portions of the meeting including the Akron Art Museum, Akron Civic Theatre, Canal Park
and Stan Hywet Hall. There is also an event being planned for the evening of May 23rd for
Commission members who wish to travel to Akron the evening before.

Mr. Wartel indicated that more information would be forthcoming in the monthly reports and e-
mail communications from the staff.

Mr. Pizzuti asked for a motion for adjournment which was given by Vice Chair Robinson.
Commission Member Lehman seconded the motion, and Chairman Pizzuti called for a vote.
The March 15, 2007 meeting of the Ohio Cultural Facilities Commission was adjourned at 11:29

The following resolutions, all of which were adopted at the March 15, 2007 meeting, are
attached to these Minutes and are incorporated into and made a part of these Minutes:

Resolution No. R-07-01

Resolution No. R-07-02
Resolution No. R-07-03
Resolution No. R-07-04
Resolution No. R-07-05


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