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SPFS Indonesia 2005

Simple Goat Milk Pasteurization Process, the Technology

used For Goat Milk Home Industry (Banjar, West Java)

Supported by SPFS, Banjar sub-province has been successfully developing goat reproduction
and up to now the number of goats has reached about 360 which about 40% from the goat
population are categorized as dairy goat. SPFS and farmer groups in Banjar have started to
develop dairy goat breeding in the beginning of the year 2004 and now they can produce more
than 100 litters a day in total for the whole farmer groups.

It is evidenced that goat milk give something that cow’s milk doesn’t. Goat milk fat has much
higher concentration of so called medium chain fatty acids (MCT) which believe have uniquely
beneficial effects to various medical problems, disorders and diseases.

Before the goat milk can safely consumed by human, the pasteurization process is needed.
Basically, the pasteurization process uses heat to destroy harmful bacteria which also can
improve the milk keeping quality. For high volume of milk, pasteurization is usually done
mechanically using some advance technology. Milk production in Banjar is still categorized in
low-middle volume, so simple pasteurization or home pasteurization process is used which is
very easy, use simple equipment and can easily adopted by the local farmer.

Detailed Description of the Technology

Banjar sub-province is one of the SPFS covered district which has successfully developing goat
reproduction. In the year of 2003, SPFS provided 360 goats and in the beginning of 2005 the
goat’s population in Banjar had reached around 857. Besides goat meat, Milk is one of the
potential from goat especially dairy goat (Etawah, Saanen, Alpine and Anglo-Nubian). From the
total of goat population in Banjar SPFS covered district there are about 40% categorized as
dairy goat.

Milk Pasteurization Process used in Banjar

Pasteurization is basically the heating of milk or milk product to a specific temperature for a
specified period of time. This process has purpose to make milk and milk products safe for

SPFS Indonesia 2005

human consumption by destroying all bacteria that may be harmful to health (pathogens).
Moreover, pasteurization can also improve the keeping quality of milk and milk products
because it can destroy some undesirable enzymes and many spoilage bacteria.

For high volume of milk, pasteurization is usually done mechanically using some advance
technology. Milk production in Banjar is still categorized in low-middle volume, so simple
pasteurization or home pasteurization process is used which is very easy, use simple
equipment and can easily adopted by the local farmer. In addition, using home-pasteurization,
the milk will save to be consumed until 1 day by keeping the milk in the refrigerator and hold the
temperature at 40ºF (4-5ºC)

The home pasteurization used in Banjar :

1. Alcohol test equipment
2. Stove
3. Boiler with built in temperature
4. Electric fan
5. Cooler/ Refrigerator
6. Plastic sealer

The home pasteurization process used in Banjar :

1. Take small amount of the goat milk for alcohol testing purpose (milk sampling) (Figure 1)

Figure 1. Milk Sampling

SPFS Indonesia 2005

2. Put the milk sample to the alcohol test tool (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Alcohol testing

3. See the result of alcohol testing. The good quality of milk resulted in no coagulation and
lump (Figure 3)

Figure 3. Alcohol testing result

4. Put the milk on the boiler
5. Heat the milk to (165ºF) 72º C and hold at this temperature for 15 seconds. Use the
thermometer to do intensive control of the milk temperature (Figure 4). In addition,

SPFS Indonesia 2005

according to the pasteurization regulation, the composition of the temperature and time
can be shown by the table below (Table 1)

Figure 4. Heating the Milk

Temperature Time needed

63° C For not less than 30 min.
72° C For not less than 16 sec.
Table 1. The composition between the temperature and time for Pasteurization

6. Remove from the stove and cool it immediately (use electric fan) while stirring to 145ºF
(63ºC) (Figure 5)

Figure 5. The milk is cooled using electric fan

SPFS Indonesia 2005

7. Put the milk in the refrigerator, cooled the milk and hold the temperature at 40ºF (4ºC)
until used.
8. Then, pour the milk on the plastic pack and sealed the plastic use the sealer (Figure 6
and 7).

Figure 6. Pouring the Milk

Figure 7. Sealing the Milk Plastic Pack

9. Put the milk plastic pack in the refrigerator until it is ready to be sold.

SPFS Indonesia 2005

Composition of Goat Milk and its Benefits

Goat milk fat has much higher concentration of so called medium chain fatty acids (MCT),
capoic, caprylic, capric, lauric, myristic (33%) compare to cow milk fat (17%), and lower in
stearic and oleic (27%) lower than cow milk fat (45%). It is evidenced that medium chain fatty
acids (MCT) have uniquely beneficial effects to various medical problems, disorders and
diseases such as tuberculosis, gastritis, skin problems, osteoporosis, cholesterol etc.

Moreover, goat milk provides 13% more calcium, 25% more Vit B-6, 47% more Vit A, 134%
more potassium and 350% more niacin than cow milk. Goat milk is higher in chloride, copper
and manganese and none of the controversial bovine growth hormone (BGH)

Impact of the Technology

It is known that, goat milk is one of the positive impacts of the successful goat reproduction
implemented in Banjar. With the support of SPFS and all elements in Banjar, Langen Sari sub
district has become a Dairy Goat Breading Center in Banjar. In total, for the whole dairy goat
farmer in Banjar can produce more than 100 litters a day.

Figure 8. One of the Farmers in Banjar is Selling Goat Milk

Moreover, they also have their own market covering some regions in Bojong Sari, Langen Sari,
Kujang Sari, Banjar Sari, Pataruman and Lakbok. Although they only use cheap and simple

SPFS Indonesia 2005

pasteurization, they have successfully received added value from one of the goat product which
can absorb more employment and automatically will generate more income for the farmer.

SPFS Indonesia 2005

• Sources Information :
o Dr. Ayi Kusmayadi, National Field Manager
o Tata Suparman, DST Coordinator SPFS Banjar
o Nanan Rohanan, SPFS Banjar
o Rachmati, SPFS Banjar
o Johan Purnama, Deputy NFM Indonesia on Farming System
o Farmer’s Group in Banjar (Srimurni, Sri Rahayu, Karya Sadar, Langen Sari)

• Additonal external resources

o Merkel, Roger C. Sheep and Goat Production Handbook For Southeast Asia
(Third edition), Bogor : Indonesia.
o Clark, Stephanie. Comparing Milk : Human, Cow, Goat & Commercial Infant
Formula, Washington State University : United State. [
http://www.saanendoah.com/compare.html ]
o Bren, Linda. Goat Milk? Make Sure it’s Pasteurized. [
http://www.fda.gov/fdac/features/2004/504_milk.html ]

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