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 Iron and steel foundries  Mining sites

 Non-ferrous foundries  Smelters
 Brick-firing and ceramics  Steam tunnels
plants  Fires (firefighting)
 Glass products facilities  Outdoor operations
 Rubber products factories  Surface mines
 Electrical utilities  Agriculture sites
 Bakeries  Construction sites
 Confectioneries  Merchant marine ships
 Commercial kitchens  Hazardous waste sites
 Laundries  Military training sites
 Food canneries  Athletic competitions
 Chemical plants

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 Heat from activity
 Heat from environment

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 Proses perpindahan panas karena terjadi kontak langsung secara
 Perpindahan panas terjadi jika :
 Terjadi kontak langsung
 Terdapat perpedaan panas antara permukaan yang kontak

 Proses perpindahan panas melalui media cairan (uap air) dan gas.
Perpindahan panas secara konveksi dibantu oleh pergerakan udara

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 Proses perpindahan tanpa adanya media penghantar ataupun
kontak langsung.
 Panas berpindah melalui gelombang energi panas

 Proses perpindahan panas dari tubuh (kulit) ke lingkungan seiring
dengan pengeluaran keringat

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 Model of Thermal Balance

H=M±R±C–E atau H+E=M±R±C

H = Jumlah panas tubuh (Suhu inti tubuh harus selalu konstan)

M = Panas akibat proses metabolisme
R = Panas Radian / Infra red (Berasal dari lingkungan)
C = Panas akibat konveksi (Berasal dari lingkungan)
E = Panas yang hilang karena Evaporasi

Jumlah panas tubuh merupakan jumlah panas yang dihasilkan dari proses
metabolisme ditambah (dikurangi) panas radiasi dan panas konveksi dari
lingkungan dikurangi dengan panas yang hilang melalui evaporasi

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 Model of Thermal Balance

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 If the value for S is zero, the body is in thermal
equilibrium, and heat gain is balanced by loss from the
 If S is positive, the body is gaining heat at the rate
indicated by the value of S.
 If the value of S is negative, the body is losing heat,
and body temperature is decreasing.

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 Chemical reactions occur continuously inside the body.
These serve to sustain life (basal metabolism) and meet
the demands of work (muscle metabolism).
 As muscle metabolism increases to meet work demands,
the rate of energy conversion from chemical energy to
kinetic energy increases.
 Because the energy conversion from chemical energy to
kinetic energy is inefficient, increased metabolism
results in increased rates of heat gain to the person.
 The rate of metabolism depends directly on the rate
and type of external work demanded by the job.

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 W is the amount of energy that is successfully
converted from internal chemical energy to mechanical
work on external objects.
 The rate of external work depends directly on forces
applied against external resistance and distance moved.
W is usually about 10 percent of M.

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 Solid bodies of different temperatures have a net heat
flow from the hotter surface to the cooler surface by
electromagnetic radiation (primarily infrared
 The rate of heat transfer by radiation depends on the
average temperature of the surrounding solid surfaces,
skin temperature and clothing.

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 The exchange of heat between the skin and the
surrounding air is referred to as convection.
 The direction of heat flow depends on the temperature
difference between the skin and air. If air temperature
is greater than skin, C is positive and heat flows from
the air to the skin. If the air is cooler than the skin, C is
negative and heat flows from the body. The rate of
convective heat exchange depends on the magnitude of
the temperature difference, the amount of air motion,
and clothing.

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 When two solid bodies are in contact, heat will flow
from the warmer body to the cooler body.
 The rate of heat transfer depends on the difference in
temperatures between the skin and the solid surface,
the thermal conductivity of the solid body that the
person contacts, and clothing that may separate the
person from the solid surface.

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 The fact that air is moved in and out of the lungs,
which have a large surface area, means there is an
opportunity to gain or lose heat.
 The rate of heat exchange depends on the air
temperature and volume of air inhaled.

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 The large surface area of the lungs provides an
opportunity to lose heat by evaporation.
 The rate of heat exchange depends on the air humidity
and volume of air inhaled.

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 Sweat on the skin surface will absorb heat from the skin
when evaporating into the air.
 The process of evaporation cools the skin and in turn
the body.
 The rate of evaporative heat loss depends on the
amount of sweating, air movement, ambient humidity,
and clothing.

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 Because W, K, Cresp and Eresp are small relative to the
other routes of heat exchange in industrial
applications, they are usually ignored. When
calculating heat storage, Equation 1 becomes Equation
2 as a general statement of heat balance.

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 Excessive heating or cooling of a small portion of the skin can
occur when it comes in contact with a hot or cold surface. The
contact can be either intentional or incidental. Injury occurs when
there is sufficient heat gain to cause a burn or heat loss to cause
the tissue to freeze (or at least become very cold for a period of
time). In these cases, the local storage rate (Slocal) becomes

where K is conductive heat transfer between the skin and an object,

and D is the rate of heat transfer to or from the local area by
conduction through the local tissue and by the heat supplied or
removed via local blood flow.

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 Climatic conditions of the environment
 Climatic conditions are widely used to describe the degree of
stress, as seen in casual descriptions by air temperature,
relative humidity, and wind chill.

 Work demands
 In heat stress, metabolic rate can add 10 to 100 times more
heat to the body than radiation and convection combined. In
cold stress, metabolic rate affects heat balance on the same
order as radiation and convection losses.

 Clothing..
 Clothing has three characteristics: insulation, permeability, and

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 Thedeep organs, especially heart,
lungs, and other vital organs

 Thearms, legs, and the tissues close to

the skin are referred to as the

 Thecore and the periphery compete

with each other for blood supply

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 The body does, however, maintain a constant
temperature at its centre, that is, in the interior of the
brain, the heart and abdominal organs. This constant
temperature is known as the core temperature, and
fluctuates very slightly at around 37OC. Maintaining this
core temperature is necessary for the normal function
of important vital organs.

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 Schematic Diagram of the
Human Temperature
Regulation System
(Grandjean 1986)

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 So much sweat is lost that
 dehydration results
 the body cannot cool itself by
sweating, and the core temperature
 Saltloss causes heat cramps
 So much of the blood flow goes to
the skin that other organs cannot
function properly

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 When body core temperature rises
 Blood flow to skin increases
 Sweating increases
 Heart rate increases to move blood – and heat - to the

 When this works well

 Core temperature drops or stabilizes at a safe level

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 Thermal stress is a combination of environmental,
work, and clothing factors, heat stress is a combination
that tends to increase body temperature, heart rate,
and sweating. These physiological adaptations are
collectively known as heat strain. (FIH-Chapter 12)

 Heat stress is the burden or load of heat which must be

dissipated if the body is to remain in thermal
equilibrium. It is represented by the sum of the
metabolic rate (minus external work) and gain or loss
by convection and radiation.

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 Heat strain is the change resulting from heat stress. It
may be an adaptive response e.g. increased sweat
rate, increased heart rate or body temperature, or a
harmful effect such as heat exhaustion or heat stroke.

 The buildup in the body of heat

 generated by the muscles during work
 coming from warm and hot environments

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 Heatstress is the net heat load on the body with
contributions from both metabolic heat
production, and external environmental factors
including temperature, relative humidity, radiant
heat transfer and air movement, as they are
affected by clothing.

 Heatstrain refers to the acute (short-term) or

chronic (long-term) consequences of exposure to
environmental heat stress on a person’s physical
and mental states.

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 Heat flow through the body, beginning with heating the body core by metabolism, the transfer
of heat by blood flow to the skin, heat gain or loss to the skin from the environment by
radiation and convection, heat loss by sweat evaporation, and cooler blood returning to the
core.Skin blood flow (sbf) to promote heat transfer is proportional to metabolic rate (M)
divided by the difference between core and skin temperatures (∆Tc-s).

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•Air temperature
•Radian heat (e.g.
Worker sun, kiln) Work
- Acclimatization • Workload
- Hydration • Work rate
- Clothing
- Medical Condition

Work safe British of Columbia)

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(Occupational Safety and Health Service Department of Labour Wellington New Zealand)

There are six main factors:

 Air temperature is how hot or cold the air around us is. It is what
we measure with a thermometer. It will have a direct warming or
cooling effect on a person. In situations with a high radiant heat
level, air temperature alone is not a good indicator of the thermal

 Humidity is the moisture content of the air. Relative humidity is

the moisture content expressed as a percentage, with 100% being
total saturation for that temperature. The warmer the air, the
more moisture is able to be carried in the air.

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(Occupational Safety and Health Service Department of Labour Wellington New Zealand)

There are six main factors:

 Radiant heat is emitted from anything that is hot. Radiant heat
will in time heat the air, but people will absorb heat far more
quickly. Radiant heat will affect people anywhere there is direct
sunlight, or where a person is close to a process that emits heat.

 Air movement in most situations will cool a person. This will

provide some relief to people in a hot situation, but extra chill to
people in a cold situation. In hot environments increasing the air
speed can be used as a control measure. In cold environments, a
wind chill factor can make a person considerably colder than if
there was no wind.

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(Occupational Safety and Health Service Department of Labour Wellington New Zealand)

There are six main factors:

 Physical activity will increase the generation of heat in the body.
In a cold environment, physical activity can help to warm a person.
In a warm or hot environment, physical activity can increase the
load of heat on a person. A high level of physical activity on a hot
day can place a worker at risk of heat strain, where the heat of
the day alone would not cause a problem.

 Clothing aids or prevents heat transfer from our bodies to the

surrounding environment. In a cold environment, a person should
wear clothing that will prevent as much heat transfer as possible.
Ideal clothing in a hot environment will allow a worker to freely
dissipate heat. Clothing can also be used to shield a person from
factors such as radiant heat or a high wind speed.

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(Occupational Safety and Health Service Department of Labour Wellington New Zealand)

Other Factor (personal factors)

 Weight
 Overweight people are more at risk of harm in both hot and cold
environments. This is due to an imbalance in heat transfer.

 Health
 There are a number of medical conditions that increase the risk of harm
to people working in an extreme hot or cold environment.

 Level of fitness
 A physically fit person will acclimatise better and generally cope with
heat or cold stress better than an unfitperson.

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(Occupational Safety and Health Service Department of Labour Wellington New Zealand)

Other personal factors

 Age
 As a person reaches middle age (45+), lifestyle health issues can start to
emerge. These can make people more susceptible to harm caused by
extreme hot or cold environments.

 Use of prescribed substances

 Use of some prescribed medications will adversely affect people
working in extreme hot or cold environments.

 Use of non-prescribed substances

 Use of many non-prescribed substances such as alcohol or cannabis will
adversely affect people working in extreme hot or cold environments.

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Thermal comfort
 What an individual feels in an ideal thermal environment. They are
not conscious of being either too hot or too cold.

Thermal discomfort
 A person experiencing thermal discomfort feels either too hot or
too cold. They can often be very uncomfortable, but the body’s
temperature control mechanisms are working adequately, and
there is low risk of harm.

Heat or cold stress and strain

 This is where harm or serious harm can occur to a person as a
result of working in a temperature extreme situation.

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