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Asymptotic approximations of high frequency wave

propagation problems

Mohammad Motamed and Olof Runborg

Department of Numerical Analysis,

School of Computer Science and Communicatopm, KTH,
100 44 Stockholm
Email: mohamad@nada.kth.se, olofr@nada.kth.se

Summary. The numerical simulation of highly oscillatory solutions of high frequency wave
propagation problems is important in many applications, including seismic, acoustic, optical
waves and microwaves. When the wavelength is short compared to the overall size of the
computational domain, and direct simulations using the standard wave equations are very ex-
pensive, due to requiring a large number of grid points to resolve the wave oscillations. There
are however computationally much less costly models, that are good approximations of many
wave equations and are used in applications. In this paper we consider asymptotic approx-
imations of high frequency waves. We focus on geometrical optics, geometrical theory of
diffraction and Gaussian beams and review the mathematical models and numerical methods
based on such asymptotic approximations.

1 Introduction
The numerical approximation of high frequency wave propagation is important in
many applications for different types of waves: elastic, electromagnetic as well as
acoustic. Examples include the forward and the inverse seismic wave propagation,
radiation and scattering problems in computational electromagnetics (CEM) and un-
derwater acoustics.
In this review we consider numerical simulation of waves at high frequencies and
the underlying mathematical models used. For simplicity we will mainly discuss the
linear scalar wave equation,
utt − c(x)2 ∆u = 0, (t, x) ∈ R+ × Ω, Ω ⊂ Rd , (1)
where c(x) is the local speed of wave propagation of the medium. We complement
(1) with initial or boundary data that generate high-frequency solutions. The ex-
act form of the data will not be important here, but a typical example would be
u(0, x) = A(x) exp(iωk · x) where |k| = 1 and the frequency ω ≫ 1. With slight
modifications, the techniques we describe will also carry over to systems of wave
equations, like the Maxwell equations and the elastic wave equation.
2 Mohammad Motamed and Olof Runborg

When the frequency of the waves is high, (1) is a multiscale problem, where
the small scale is given by the wavelength, and the large scale corresponds to the
overall size of the computational domain. In the direct numerical simulation of (1)
the accuracy of the solution is determined by the number of grid points or elements
per wavelength. The computational cost to maintain constant accuracy grows alge-
braically with the frequency, and for sufficiently high frequencies, direct numerical
simulation is no longer feasible. Numerical methods based on approximations of (1)
are needed.
Fortunately, there exist good approximations of many wave equations precisely
for very high frequency solutions. In this paper we consider variants of geometri-
cal optics (GO), which are asymptotic approximations obtained when the frequency
tends to infinity. Instead of the oscillating wave field the unknowns in standard ge-
ometrical optics are the phase and the amplitude, which typically vary on a much
coarser scale than the full solution. Hence, they should in principle be easier to com-
pute numerically.
The main drawbacks of the infinite frequency approximation of GO are that
diffraction effects at boundaries are lost, and that the approximation breaks down
at caustics, where the predicted amplitude is unbounded. For these situations more
detailed models are needed, such as the geometrical theory of diffraction (GTD) [16],
which adds diffraction phenomena by explicitly taking into account the geometry of
Ω and boundary conditions. The solution’s asymptotic behavior close to caustics
can also be derived, and a correct amplitude for finite frequency can be computed
[21, 25, 13].
The purpose of this paper is to review the mathematical models and numerical
methods for high frequency waves based on GO and GTD. For other reviews of this
topic, see [3, 8, 24, 34]. The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 the equations
used in GO are derived and a survey of numerical methods for such high frequency
models is given. The techniques to add diffraction effects and to correct the standard
geometrical optics approximation at caustics are discussed in Section 3.

2 Geometrical Optics

In this section, we first derive the equations that are used in geometrical optics. We
then review numerical methods based on different formulations.

2.1 Mathematical formulation

The starting point is the Cauchy problem for the scalar wave equation (1),

utt (t, x) − c(x)2 ∆u(t, x) = 0, x ∈ Rd , t > 0, (2)

u(0, x) = u0 (x), x∈R ,
ut (0, x) = u1 (x), x ∈ Rd ,
Asymptotic approximations of high frequency wave propagation problems 3

with highly oscillatory initial data u0 and u1 . Here c(x) is the local wave velocity of
the medium. We also define the index of refraction as η(x) = c0 /c(x) with the refer-
ence velocity c0 (e.g. the speed of light in vacuum). For simplicity we will henceforth
let c0 = 1. The wave equation (2) admits solutions of the type

u(t, x) = A(t, x, ω)eiωφ(t,x) , (3)

with A and φ representing the amplitude and phase functions, respectively. The level
curves of φ corresponds to the wave fronts of a propagating wave.
Since (2) is linear, the superposition principle is valid and a sum of solutions is
itself a solution (provided initial data is adapted accordingly). The generic solution
to (2) is, at least locally, described by a finite sum of terms like (3),
u(t, x) = An (t, x, ω)eiωφn (t,x) . (4)

with An , φn being smooth functions and An depending only mildly on the frequency
ω. Typically this setting only breaks down at a small set of points, namely focus
points, caustics and discontinuities in c(x).
In this section, we will assume the geometrical optics approximation that ω →
∞. This means that we accept the loss of diffraction phenomena in the solution and
the amplitude’s breakdown at caustics, which we will come back to in Section 3.
There are three strongly related formulations of geometrical optics, which we will
review here.

Eikonal equation

Let us start by deriving Eulerian PDEs for the phase and the amplitude functions that
are formally valid in the limit when ω → ∞. We consider time harmonic waves of
type u(t, x) = v(x) exp(iωt) with ω fixed. Inserting it into the time-dependent wave
equation (2), we get the Helmholtz equation

c2 ∆v + ω 2 v = 0. (5)

We assume that the solution to (2) has the form (3) and that the the amplitude function
in (3) can be expanded in a power series in 1/iω. We then get the asymptotic WKB
expansion, [13],
v = eiωφ̃(x) ãk (x)(iω)−k (6)
and substitute it into (5). Equating coefficients of powers of ω to zero gives us the
eikonal equation and the the transport equation for the phase and the first amplitude
term in the frequency domain,

|∇φ̃| = 1/c = η, 2∇φ̃ · ∇ã0 + ∆φ̃ã0 = 0. (7)

For the remaining amplitude terms, we get additional transport equations

4 Mohammad Motamed and Olof Runborg

2∇φ̃ · ∇ãk+1 + ∆φ̃ãk+1 + ∆ãk = 0.

When ω is large, only the first term in the expansion (6) is significant, and the prob-
lem is reduced to computing the phase φ̃ and the first amplitude term ã0 . Since the
family of curves {x | φ(t, x) = φ̃(x) − t = 0}, parametrized by t ≥ 0, describe a
propagating wave front, we often directly interpret the frequency domain phase φ̃(x)
as the travel time of a wave.
In what follows we will drop the tilde for the frequency domain quantities and
denote the first amplitude term a0 by A (or A1 , A2 , etc. when there are multiple
crossing waves).
One problem with the eikonal and transport equations is that they do not accept
solutions with multiple phases. There is no superposition principle for the nonlinear
eikonal equation. In fact, for the case in (4), the derivation must be done term wise,
and the {φn } and {An } will, locally, satisfy separate eikonal and transport equation
pairs. However, the eikonal equation still has a well-defined solution. It is a nonlinear
Hamilton–Jacobi-type equation with Hamiltonian H(x, p) = c(x)|p|. Extra condi-
tions are needed for this type of equations to have a unique solution known as the
viscosity solution, which is the analogue of the entropy solution for hyperbolic con-
servation laws, [7]. As can be deduced from the previous paragraph, at points where
the correct solution should have a multivalued phase, i.e. be of the type in (4), the
viscosity solution picks out the phase corresponding to the first arriving wave, i.e.
the smallest φn in (4).
It is well known that solutions of Hamilton–Jacobi-equations can develop kinks,
i.e. discontinuities in the gradient, just as shocks appear in the solutions of conserva-
tion laws. In the case of the eikonal equation, the kinks are located where the physi-
cally correct phase solution should become multivalued. We notice that the transport
equation has a factor involving ∆φ, which is not bounded at kinks, and therefore we
can expect blow-up of a0 at these points.

Ray equations

Another formulation of geometrical optics is ray tracing, which gives the solution
via ODEs. This Lagrangian formulation is closely related to the method of char-
acteristics. Let (x(t), p(t)) be a bicharacteristic pair related to the Hamiltonian
H(x, p) = c(x)|p|. We are interested in solutions for which H ≡ 1. In this case
the projections on physical space, x(t), are usually called rays, and we have

dx 1
= ∇p H(x, p) = 2 p, x(0) = x0 , (8)
dt η
dp ∇η
= −∇x H(x, p) = , p(0) = p0 , |p0 | = η(x0 ). (9)
dt η
Solving (8, 9) is called ray tracing. In d dimensions the bicharacteristics are curves
in 2d-dimensional phase space, (x, p) ∈ Rd×d . It follows that H is constant along
them, H(x(t), p(t)) = H(x0 , p0 ). Note that p(t) ≡ ∇φ(x(t)) if p0 = ∇φ(x0 ).
Asymptotic approximations of high frequency wave propagation problems 5

Hence, with this initialization, the rays are always orthogonal to the level curves of
φ, since dx/dt is parallel to p = ∇φ by (8). Moreover, for our particular H,
d dx(t)
φ(x(t)) = ∇φ(x(t)) · = p(t) · ∇p H(x(t), p(t)) = H(x(t), p(t)) = 1.
dt dt
Thus, as long as φ is smooth, we have

φ(x(t)) = φ(x0 ) + t.

Since φ corresponds to travel time, this also shows that the parametrization t in (8, 9)
actually corresponds to unscaled time; the ray x(t) traces one point on a propagating
wave front at time t. The absolute value of its time derivative |dx/dt| is precisely
the local speed of propagation c(x) by (8), and since p is parallel to dx/dt, while
|p| = H(x, p)c(x)−1 = c(x)−1 , the vector p is often called the slowness vector.
As was discussed before, the solution of the eikonal equation is valid up to the
point where discontinuities appear in the gradient of φ. This is where the phase
should become multivalued but, by the construction, cannot. The bicharacteristics,
however, do not have this problem, and we can extend their validity to all t.
In order to compute the amplitude along a ray we also need information about
the local shape of the ray’s source. Let (x(t, x0 ), p(t, x0 )) denote the bicharacteristic
originating in x0 with p(0, x0 ) = ∇φ(x0 ), hence x(0, x0 ) = x0 . Let J(t, x0 ) be
the Jacobian of x with respect to initial data, J = Dx0 x(t, x0 ), and assume that it is
nonsingular. The amplitude is then given by the expression, [26],
η(x0 ) q(0, x0 ) −im π
A(x(t, x0 )) = A(x0 ) e 2 , (10)
η(x(t, x0 )) q(t, x0 )

where q = det J is the geometrical spreading measuring the size change of an in-
finitesimal area transported by the rays, and m = m(t) is a nonnegative integer called
the Keller–Maslov index. It represents the number of times q(·, x0 ) has changed sign
in the interval [0, t], i.e. the number of times that the ray has touched a caustic which
are sets of points where q = 0. These are points where rays concentrate, cf. Figure 5.
We see clearly from (10) that the amplitude is unbounded close to caustic points.
This formula is therefore valid only before and after these points.
The elements of the Jacobian is given by another ODE system, obtained by dif-
ferentiating (8, 9) with respect to x0 ,
   2 2
d Dx 0 x Dpx H Dpp H Dx 0 x
= 2 2 , (11)
dt Dx0 p −Dxx H −(Dpx H)T Dx 0 p

with initial data

Dx0 x(0, x0 ) = I, Dx0 p(0, x0 ) = D2 φ(x0 ).

Here D2 represents the Hessian.

Note that since we have the constraint H(x, p) = 1, or |p| = η(x), the di-
mension of the phase space (x, p) can actually be reduced by one. For example in
6 Mohammad Motamed and Olof Runborg

two dimensions, with x = (x, y), by setting p = η(cos θ, sin θ) and using θ as a
dependent variable in (8, 9) instead of p, we get the reduced equations,

= c(x, y) cos θ, (12a)
= c(x, y) sin θ, (12b)
dθ ∂c ∂c
= sin θ − cos θ. (12c)
dt ∂x ∂y

Kinetic equations

Finally, we can adopt a purely kinetic viewpoint. This is based on the interpretation
that rays are trajectories of particles following the Hamiltonian dynamics of (8, 9).
We introduce the phase space (t, x, p), where p is the slowness vector defined above,
and we let f (t, x, p) be a particle (“photon”) density function. It will satisfy the
Liouville equation,

ft + ∇p H · ∇x f − ∇x H · ∇p f = 0.

We are only interested in solutions to (8, 9) for which H(x, p) = c(x)|p| ≡ 1,

meaning that f only has support on the sphere |p| = η(x) in phase space. We then
arrive at the Vlasov-type equation
1 1
ft + p · ∇x f + ∇x η · ∇p f = 0, (13)
η2 η

with initial data f0 (x, p) vanishing whenever |p| = 6 η. We note that, if η ≡ 1, the
equation (13) is just a free transport equation with solution f (t, x, p) = f0 (x−tp, p)
which corresponds to straight line ray solutions of (8, 9).
By the Wigner transform, one can show that a sum of simple wave solutions (4)
to the wave equation (2) corresponds to a sum of particle solutions to (13),
f (t, x, p) = A2n (t, x) δ(p − ∇φn (t, x)), (14)

when ω → ∞. See [15, 36].

2.2 Numerical methods

There are different classes of computational techniques, based on the different math-
ematical models for geometrical optics discussed in Section 2.1: see Figure 1. We
give a brief introduction here.
Asymptotic approximations of high frequency wave propagation problems 7
utt − c(x) ∆u = 0

Rays Kinetic Eikonal
d x

= 1
∇η 2 ft + η12 p · ∇x f |∇φ| = η
+ η1 ∇x η · ∇p f =0
? ? ?
Ray tracing Wave front Moment methods, Hamilton–Jacobi
methods Full phase space methods

Fig. 1. Mathematical models and numerical methods. Wave front methods use aspects of both
the ray and the kinetic model.

Ray tracing

The ray equations derived in Section 2.1 are the basis for ray tracing. The ray x(t)
and slowness vector p(t) = ∇φ(x(t)) are governed by the ODE system (8, 9). This
system together with another ODE system for the amplitude, (11), are solved with
standard ODE solvers giving the phase and amplitude along the ray. The solution at a
desired point is then interpolated from the solutions along the rays. This can be rather
difficult in the regions where ray tracing produces diverging or crossing rays. More-
over, ray tracing is only of interest for problems involving a few number of source
points. For problems with many source points, ray tracing may be computationally
expensive. Some general references on ray tracing are [6, 22].

Hamilton–Jacobi methods

To avoid the problem of diverging rays, several PDE-based methods have been pro-
posed for the eikonal and transport equations. When the solution is sought in a do-
main, this is also computationally a more efficient and robust approach. The equa-
tions are solved directly, using numerical methods for PDEs, on a uniform Eulerian
grid to control the resolution. Different types of numerical techniques have been pro-
posed to compute the unique viscosity solution of the eikonal equation, including
upwind methods of ENO or WENO type [40, 31], fast marching method [35], group
marching method [18] and sweeping method [38]. However, since the eikonal equa-
tion is a nonlinear equation for which the superposition principle does not hold, these
methods fail to capture multivalued solutions corresponding to crossing rays. There
are also Hamilton–Jacobi based methods proposed for computing multivalued so-
lutions. Among those are a domain decomposition based method by detecting kinks
8 Mohammad Motamed and Olof Runborg

[10], big ray tracing [2] and the slowness matching method [37]. The multivalued so-
lutions, in these methods, are constructed by putting together the solutions of several
eikonal equations. Nevertheless, finding a robust technique to compute multivalued
solutions is still a computational challenge.

Wave front methods

Wave front methods are closely related to standard ray tracing, but instead of com-
puting a sequence of individual rays, the location of many rays coming from one
source is computed. At fixed times, those points form a wavefront whose evolution
is tracked in the physical or the phase space. This can be based on the ODE formu-
lation (8, 9) or the PDE formulation (13).
Wave front construction, [41], is an ODE-based front tracking method in which
Lagrangian markers on the phase space wave front is propagated according to the
ray equations (8, 9). To maintain an accurate description of the front, new markers
are adaptively inserted by interpolation when the resolution of the front deteriorates.
For the PDE-based wave front methods in phase space, the evolution of the front is
given by the Liouville equation (13) and the front is represented by some interface
propagation technique, such as the segment projection method, [9], and level set
techniques, [30]. The segment projection method uses an explicit representation of
the wave front while the level set method uses an implicit representation.

Moment-based methods
Moment-based methods take as their starting point the kinetic formulation of ge-
ometrical optics (13). This equation has the advantage of the linear superposition
property of the ray equations and like the eikonal equation, the solution is defined by
a PDE and can be computed efficiently on a uniform Eulerian grid. Direct numerical
approximation of (13) is, however, rather costly, because of the large set of indepen-
dent variables (six in 3D). Instead one can use the classic technique of approximating
a kinetic transport equation set in high-dimensional phase space (t, x, p), by a finite
system of moment equations in the reduced space (t, x). The moments mij are de-
fined as
mij (t, x) = pi pj f (t, x, p)dp, p = (p1 , p2 )T . (15)
η(x)i+j R2 1 2
Multiplying (13) by η 2−i−j pi1 pj2 and integrating over R2 with respect to p gives us
the infinite system of moment equations
(η 2 mij )t + (ηmi+1,j )x + (ηmi,j+1 )y (16)
= iηx mi−1,j + jηy mi,j−1 − (i + j)(ηx mi+1,j + ηy mi,j+1 ),
valid for all i, j ≥ 0. Since the system is not closed, we have to make the closure
assumption that at most N rays cross at any given point in time and space, [33]. This
amounts to requiring that (14) holds. The closed system is then a 2N × 2N system
of nonlinear hyperbolic conservation laws with source terms, which can be solved
with finite difference methods on fixed grids.
Asymptotic approximations of high frequency wave propagation problems 9

Full phase space methods

As was discussed, solving the full phase space Liouville equation (13) is significantly
more expensive than solving e.g. the eikonal and transport equation. This is, however,
only under the assumption that we are interested in the solution for just one set of
initial data. In many applications, we seek the solution for many different initial
data (sources), with the same index of refraction η(x). Examples include the inverse
problem in geophysics and the computation of radar cross sections. For these cases,
solving a PDE in the full phase space can be an attractive alternative. Full phase space
methods include the fast phase space method, [11], and the phase flow method, [43].

3 Geometrical theory of diffraction

The main shortcomings of standard geometrical optics are the failure to include
diffraction effects and its breakdown at caustics. In this section we give a brief in-
troduction to how diffracted waves can be added to geometrical optics and how to
correct the approximation close to caustics.

3.1 Mathematical formulation

The geometrical theory of diffraction (GTD) can be seen as a generalization of ge-

ometrical optics. It was pioneered by Keller in the 1960s, [16], and provides a tech-
nique for adding diffraction effects to the geometrical optics approximation. GTD is
often used in scattering problems in computational electromagnetics, where bound-
ary effects are of major importance, for example in radar cross section calculations
and in the optimization of base station locations for cell phones in a city.

Diffraction at nonsmooth boundaries

In general, diffracted rays are induced at discontinuities in the standard geometrical

optics solution. By the reflection law, this happens primarily at singular points of the
boundary, such as at corners and edges where the normal, and therefore the reflected
field, is discontinuous. At these points an infinite set of diffracted rays are produced
which obey the usual geometrical optics equations. The amplitude of each diffracted
ray is proportional to the amplitude of the ray hitting the corner and a diffraction coef-
ficient D. The coefficient D depends on the directions of the inducing and diffracted
rays, the frequency, the local boundary geometry and the shape of the incident wave
front. An example is given in Figure 2 where the incident plane wave is reflected off
a half plane. This divides the space into regions A, B and C according to the number
ray families present (two, one and zero respectively). The resulting geometrical op-
tics solution is discontinuous at the region interfaces. Infinitely many diffracted rays
shoot out in all directions at the singular tip of the half plane, which thus acts as an
(anisotropic) point source.
10 Mohammad Motamed and Olof Runborg


θinc θd

u uinc

(a) GO (b) GO + GTD

(c) Helmholtz

Fig. 2. A typical geometrical optics solution in two dimensions and a constant medium (c ≡ 1)
around a perfectly reflecting halfplane (a), and the same problem augmented with diffracted
waves given by GTD (b). In the geometrical optics case, region A contains two phases (inci-
dent and reflected), region B one phase (incident), and region C is in shadow, with no phases
and hence a zero solution. On the boundaries between the regions the geometrical optics so-
lution is discontinuous. Real part of a solution to the Helmholtz equation for this problem is
shown in (c). The diffracted wave is faintly visible as a circular wave centered at the halfplane

By (6) the error in standard geometrical optics solutions is of the order O(1/ω).
However, the derivation of (7) from (6) does not take into account the effects of
geometry and boundary conditions. In these cases the series expansion (6) is not
adequate and extra terms must be added to match the solution to the boundary con-
ditions. These terms represent the diffracted waves. They are of the order O(1/ω α )
for some α ∈ (0, 1) and hence normally much larger than the the usual error in stan-
dard geometrical optics, but still small for large frequencies. Discarding diffraction
phenomena, may therefore be too crude an approximation for a scattering problem
at moderate frequencies.
One typical improved expansion that includes diffraction terms is
∞ ∞
X 1 X
u(x) = e Ak (x)(iω) −k
+ √ eiωφd (x) Bk (x)(iω)−k ,
k=0 k=0

which is similar to the standard

√ geometrical optics ansatz (6), only that a new
diffracted wave scaled by ω has been added (index d). For high frequencies, the
diffraction term B0 is also retained, together with the geometrical optics term A0 .
Asymptotic approximations of high frequency wave propagation problems 11

More elaborate expansions must sometimes be used, such as those given by the uni-
form theory of diffraction (UTD), [20].
It is important to note that the diffraction coefficients only depend on the local
geometry of the boundary. Relatively few types of coefficients are therefore sufficient
for a systematic use of GTD. Diffraction coefficients have been computed for many
different canonical geometries, such as wedges, slits and apertures, different wave
equations, in particular Maxwell equations, and different materials and boundary

Creeping rays

Another type of diffraction is generated even for smooth scatterers. When an incident
field hits a smooth body there will be a shadow zone behind it and the geometrical
optics solution will again be discontinuous. There is a curve (point in 2D) dividing
the shadow part and the illuminated part of the body. Along this shadow line (shadow
point in 2D) the incident rays are tangent to the body surface. The shadow line will
act as a source for creeping rays, that propagate along geodesics on the scatterer
surface, if the surrounding medium is homogeneous, η ≡ 1. The creeping ray carries
an amplitude proportional to the amplitude of the inducing ray. At each point on a
convex surface with perfectly conducting material, the creeping ray sheds surface-
diffracted rays in the tangential direction, with its current amplitude. The amplitude
decays exponentially along the creeping ray’s trajectory. In three dimensions, the
amplitude also changes through geometrical spreading on the surface. The diffracted
rays follow the usual geometrical optics laws. A 2D example is shown in Figure 3.
We will now derive the equations used for computing the creeping wave field
generated on the scatterer surface. Assume that the scatterer surface can be repre-
sented by a regular parameterization x = X̄(u), where x = (x, y, z) ∈ R3 is the
coordinate in 3D physical space, and the parameters u = (u, v) belong to a set
Ω ⊂ R2 . Let the scatterer be illuminated by incident rays in a certain direction. We
assume that the shadow line u0 (s) is represented by a curve in parameter space, with
s being the arc length parameterization. A wave field, associated to the creeping rays,
is generated on the surface

vs (u) = a(u)eiωφ(u) , (17)

where φ(u) and a(u) are surface phase and amplitude. The creeping rays are related
to (17) in the same way as the standard GO rays are related to the leading term of the
series (6). Like in GO, the surface wave field can be formulated either as PDEs or as
a system of ODEs.
Let us first give the PDE formulations. According to Keller and Lewis [17], the
surface phase satisfies the surface eikonal equation,
˜ = η,
|∇φ| ˜ := JG−1 ∇φ,
∇φ G = J ⊤ J, J = [X̄u X̄v ] ∈ R3×2 , (18)

where η(u) is the index of refraction at the surface. There is also surface transport
equation giving the surface amplitude a(u).
12 Mohammad Motamed and Olof Runborg


Fig. 3. Diffraction by a smooth cylinder. Top figure shows the solution schematically. The
incident field uinc induces a creeping ray uc at the north (and south) pole of the cylinder. As
the creeping ray propagates along the surface, it continuously emits surface-diffracted rays ud
with exponentially decreasing initial amplitude. Bottom figure shows the real part of a solution
to the Helmholtz equation. The surface diffracted waves can be seen behind the cylinder.

One can write (18) as a Hamilton-Jacobi equation H(u, ∇φ) = 0, with the
1 η 2 (u)
H(u, p) ≡ p⊤ G−1 (u) p − . (19)
2 2
Note that in the case η = constant, the rays associated with the surface eikonal
equation (18) are geodesics, or shortest paths between two points on the surface.
Henceforth, we will assume η ≡ 1.
Another formulation of the creeping wavefield is based on ODEs. Introducing a
parameter τ , the bicharacteristics u(τ ), p(τ ) are determined by the solution of the
following Hamiltonian equations

u̇ = Hp = G−1 p, (20a)
ṗ = −Hu . (20b)

Here the dot denotes differentiation with respect to the parameter τ . Note that p(τ ) =
∇φ(u(τ )) for all τ ≥ 0, as long as φ is smooth. As a consequence, from (18) and
˙ = |J u̇| = |JG−1 p| = 1, and therefore we can identify the
(20) we obtain that |X̄|
parameter τ with arc length along the creeping rays X̄(u(τ )). Setting u̇ = ρ cos θ
and v̇ = ρ sin θ, we can reduce the system (20) to
Asymptotic approximations of high frequency wave propagation problems 13

γ̇ = g(γ), g(γ) := ρ(γ) (cos θ, sin θ, V(γ))⊤ , γ := (u, v, θ)⊤ , (21)

where −1
ρ(γ) = X̄u cos θ + X̄v sin θ ,
V(γ) = (Γ11 cos2 θ + 2Γ12
1 1
cos θ sin θ + Γ22 sin2 θ) sin θ−
(Γ11 cos2 θ + 2Γ12
2 2
cos θ sin θ + Γ22 sin2 θ) cos θ.
Here, Γijk (u) are Christoffel symbols. Moreover, we have

φ̇ = ∇φ⊤ .u̇ = p⊤ G−1 p = 1, φ(0) = φ0 (u0 ), (22)

implying that the phase φ corresponds to the length of the ray,

φ(u(τ )) = φ0 (u0 ) + τ.

In order to determine an equation for the amplitude, we apply the optical form of
energy conservation principle in a small interval from τ to τ + dτ , [23], and obtain
a(u(τ )) = a0 Q(s, τ ) 2 exp −ω 1/3 β(τ ) ,

where a0 is the amplitude at the starting point on the shadow line, s is the arc length
parameterization along the shadow line, Q(s, τ ) is the geometrical spreading at dis-
tance τ from the starting point, and β(τ ) is a function representing the attenuation
given by the ODE
 1/3 !
q0 π ρg (γ)
β̇ = exp i =: α(γ), β(0) = 0. (23)
ρg (γ) 6 2

Here q0 ≈ 2.33811 is the smallest positive zero of the Airy function, and ρg (γ) is
the radius of curvature of the surface along the ray trajectory.
We now  set ũ(s, τ ) := u(τ ), with ũ(s, 0) = u0 (s) and let X̃(s, τ ) :=
X̄ ũ(s, τ ) be a point on the geodesic at the distance τ from the starting point
X̃0 (s) = X̃(s, 0) on the shadow line. The geometrical spreading of the creeping
ray at X̃(s, τ ) in the physical space is given by, [27],

X̃τ⊥ · X̃s
Q(s, τ ) = ⊥ · X̃
X̃0τ 0s

To compute X̃s , we first note that X̃s = J ũs . We then differentiate (21) with respect
to s and derive the following ODE system

γ̃˙ s = Dγ g γ̃s , γ̃s (s, 0) = γ̃0s (s). (24)

By solving this system, ũs and therefore X̃s can be computed. All equations
(21,22,23,24) are referred to as surface ray equations by which we can compute
the phase and amplitude of the surface wave field (17).
14 Mohammad Motamed and Olof Runborg

There is yet another formulation, which can be seen as an analogue to the kinetic
formulation of standard GO, [11, 28]. We introduce the phase space P = R2 × S,
where S = [0, 2 π], and consider the triplet γ = (u, v, θ) as a point in this space.
The ray trajectories on the scatterer, given by (21), are then confined to a subdomain
Ωp = Ω × S ⊂ P in phase space. We consider a ray γ̄(τ ) satisfying (21), starting at
γ̄(0) = γ = (u, v, θ) ∈ Ωp and ending at the boundary ∂Ωp = ∂Ω × S. We call this
end point (U, V, Θ) ∈ ∂Ωp the escape point of the ray. See Figure 4. We then define
three types of unknown escape functions for this starting point γ, as follows:
• F : P → P, F (γ) = (U, V, Θ) is the escape point.
• Φ : P → R is the length of the ray starting at γ and ending at F (γ). We also refer
to this as the travel-time of the ray.
• B : P → R is the difference between the β-values at the escape and starting
points, where β satisfies (23).

(U, V ) Θ

(u, v)

Fig. 4. A ray trajectory in the parameter space, starting at γ = (u, v, θ) ∈ Ωp and ending at
the escape point F (γ) = (U, V, Θ) ∈ ∂Ωp .

In order to derive equations for these functions, we notice that F is constant for
all γ(τ ) along the geodesic, and therefore

F (γ(τ )) = 0 ⇒ g1 Fu + g2 Fv + g3 Fθ = 0, γ ∈ Ωp . (25)

Here the coefficients g = (g1 , g2 , g3 )⊤ in (25) are known and given by (21).
In the same way, by (22) and (23), we can write the equations for Φ and B. Each
escape function f (γ) of the above types satisfies the escape PDE

g1 (γ) fu + g2 (γ) fv + g3 (γ) fθ = h(γ), γ ∈ Ωp , (26)

where the forcing term h is 0, 1 and α(γ) for f = F , f = Φ and f = B, respectively.

The boundary condition at inflow points of ∂Ωp are

γ ∈ ∂Ωpinflow , ∂Ωpinflow = γ ∈ ∂Ωp | n̂(γ)⊤ g(γ) < 0 ,

f (γ) = b,
Asymptotic approximations of high frequency wave propagation problems 15

(a) GO (b) Helmholtz

(c) ω = 90 (d) ω = 180 (e) ω = 270

Fig. 5. Caustics generated when a plane wave is refracted by a cylinder of higher refractive
index than the surrounding media. The geometrical optics solution by ray tracing is shown in
(a), while (b) contains an actual solution of Helmholtz equation (real part). The concentration
of rays coincides with the pronounced dark/light pattern (high amplitude) in the solution.
The figures in the bottom row (c–e) show the absolute value of the Helmholtz solution in
a horizontal cut in the middle of the top figures, for increasing frequencies ω. The cylinder
boundaries are indicated by dashed lines. The amplitude away from the caustic is independent
of ω but grows slowly with ω at the caustic.

with n̂ being the outward normal vector in the phase space. The boundary value b is
γ, 0 and 0 for f = F , f = Φ and f = B, respectively. Note that one can also derive
escape equations for computing geometrical spreading, using the ODE (24).
The escape equation (26) is a linear hyperbolic equation, and the variable velocity
coefficients g = (g1 , g2 , g3 )⊤ are known and determine the characteristic direction
at every point γ ∈ Ωp . One important property of the solutions to the escape PDEs
is that they are in general discontinuous due to discontinuous boundary conditions.


Close to caustics the amplitude grows rapidly in the geometrical optics approxima-
tion and blows up at the caustic itself. In reality the amplitude remains bounded, but
increases with the frequency ω, see Figure 5. The error in the standard series expan-
sion (6) is thus unbounded around caustics. To capture the actual solution behavior
there are better expansions that have small errors uniformly in ω, derived e.g. by
Ludwig [25] and Kravtsov [21]. The expansions are different for different types of
caustics. For a fold caustic there are two ray families meeting at the caustic, with
phases φ+ and φ− . Letting ρ = 34 (φ+ − φ− ) a more suitable description of the
16 Mohammad Motamed and Olof Runborg

solution u in this case is

u(x) = ω 1/6 eiωφ(x) Ai(−(ωρ(x))2/3 ) Ak (x)(iω)−k

+ iω −1/3 Ai′ (−(ωρ(x))2/3 ) Bk (x)(iω)−k ,

where Ai is the Airy function. The dominant term close to the caustic, |ρ|ω ≪ 1 is of
the order O(ω 1/6 ) with an error of O(ω −1/3 ). Away from the caustic, on the convex
side where ρ > 0, we can use the fact that |Ai(−x)| ∼ x−1/4 and |Ai′ (−x)| ∼ x1/4
for large x, to conclude that the dominant term is of the order O(1) with an error of
O(ω −1 ), i.e. the standard situation for geometrical optics.

3.2 Numerical methods

The diffracted rays generated by discontinuities and shed by creeping rays obey the
usual geometrical optics equations. The main computational task is thus based on
the standard GO approximation discussed in Section 2. However, computing creep-
ing ray contribution to the field involves more technicalities, and one needs to find
geodesics on the scatterer surface as well. We therefore here discuss computation of
creeping rays in more detail. We then review numerical methods for computing the
wave field at caustics.

Creeping rays computation

There are different numerical techniques for computing creeping rays. Similar to the
numerical methods in standard GO, these techniques have advantages and disadvan-
tages. Here, we will briefly review the methods based on the surface ray equations
and surface eikonal/transport equations. We then discuss in more detail a new method
based on the escape equations.
Lagrangian techniques are based on surface ray equations. The simplest and most
common method is standard ray tracing which solves these ODEs on triangulated
surfaces [14]. Assuming the geodesic paths are given by piecewise linear curves,
it is possible to find the linear ray path on each triangle, analytically. This method
gives the surface phase and amplitude solutions along creeping rays. Interpolation
must then be applied to obtain the solution everywhere. But, in regions where rays
cross or diverge this can be rather difficult. However, the interpolation can be sim-
plified by using wave front methods [41, 12] in which, instead of individual rays,
an interface representing a wave front is evolved. Nevertheless, for some problems,
such as RCS where creeping rays from all illumination angles must be computed,
Lagrangian methods can be computationally expensive.
Eulerian techniques are based on surface eikonal and surface transport equations.
These PDEs are discretized on fixed computational grids, and there is no problem
with interpolation [19]. However, these equations only give the correct solution when
Asymptotic approximations of high frequency wave propagation problems 17

it is a single wave. In the case of crossing waves, more elaborate schemes have been
devised to capture multivalued solutions, [27, 42].
We now discuss an adaptation of the fast phase space method, [11], for standard
geometrical optics to computation of creeping waves, presented in [27]. This method
is based on the escape equations (26). As a first step, the escape equations must
be solved numerically. There are different approaches for solving (26). One is to
discretize the PDEs in the phase space using a finite difference or finite volume
approximation and arrive at a system of linear equations Af = b̄, where A is a sparse
N 3 ×N 3 matrix, with N being the number of grid points in each coordinate direction
of Ωp , and b̄ represents the boundary conditions. This system can then be solved
iteratively, and one can speed up the computations using suitable preconditioners [5].
However, in the case that characteristics change direction many times in the phase
space domain, it is difficult to find good preconditioners. Another way to solve the
escape equations is to write them as

ft + g1 fu + g2 fv + g3 fθ = h,

and solve these time-dependent equations until the steady state ft = 0. However,
finding a fast algorithm which is not much restricted by the CFL condition is anal-
ogous to finding a good preconditioner in the iterative method. Yet, another method
is a version of fast marching algorithm given by Fomel and Sethian [11]. The basic
idea of the algorithm is to march the solution outwards from the boundary and use
the characteristic directions to update grid values by interpolating them from their
known neighboring grid points. Note that since the solutions to the escape PDEs
can be discontinuous, it is important to use suitable interpolation techniques, such
as essentially non-oscillatory (ENO) interpolations, to avoid the unphysical Gibbs
oscillations. The algorithm is of complexity O(N 3 log N ).
The escape PDEs solutions contain information about all possible creeping rays
in all directions. To extract properties like phase and amplitude for a ray family, post-
processing of the solution is needed. We first note that F (u1 , v1 , θ1 ) = F (u2 , v2 , θ2 )
implies that (u1 , v1 , θ1 ) and (u2 , v2 , θ2 ) lie on the same geodesic. Suppose we want
to compute the surface phase at a point on the illuminated scatterer. We assume that
the shadow line γ0 (s) in known. For each point u ∈ Ω covered by the surface wave,
there is at least one creeping ray, starting at the shadow line, which passes through
it. We can thus find s = s∗ (u) and phase angle θ = θ∗ (u), as the solution to

F (γ0 (s)) = F (u, θ). (27)

The phase at u is then given by

φ(u) = φ0 (u0 (s∗ )) + Φ(γ0 (s∗ )) − Φ(γ ∗ ), γ ∗ = (u, θ∗ ) ∈ L(γ0 ),

where L(γ0 ) is a sub-manifold of phase space P on which the creeping rays generated
at γ0 (s) lie. Note that there may be multiple solutions (s∗ , θ∗ ) to (27), giving multiple
phases. Using the same technique, the amplitude can also be computed.
To solve (27), we note that since F is a point on the phase space boundary, it can
be reduced to a point in R2 . The left and right hand sides of (27) are then curves in
18 Mohammad Motamed and Olof Runborg

R2 , and solving (27) amounts to finding crossing points of these curves. Discretizing
the shadow line in N grid points, we need to find crossing points of two complex
lines of N straight line segments, which can be done in O(N ). For all N 2 points
on the scatterer surface, the computational cost for solving (27) will be O(N 3 ). The
total complexity, including solving the escape PDEs and solving (27), is therefore
O(N 3 log N ). This is expensive for computing the field for only one shadow line.
For example by using wave front tracking or solvers based on the surface eikonal
equation, the complexity is O(N 2 ). However, if the solutions are sought for many
shadow lines and only a few points on the scatterer, the phase space method is more
efficient. One such example is computing the monostatic radar cross sections (RCS).
The method described above requires one fixed parameterization X̄(u) of the
scatterer. It has however been modified in [28] for more complex scatterer surfaces
which cannot be represented by a single non-singular explicit parameterization. The
surface is split into several simpler surfaces with explicit parameterizations. These
multiple patches collectively cover the scatterer surface in a non-singular manner.
The escape PDEs are solved in every patch, individually. The creeping rays on the
scatterer are then computed by connecting all individual solutions through a fast
post-processing. The inter-patch boundaries are treated by the continuity of creeping

Wave field computation at caustics

Here we focus on the Gaussian beam method for computing the wave field at caus-
tics. See [4] for another method based on the GO approximation.
The Gaussian beam method is an asymptotic method for computing high-frequency
wave fields in smoothly varying inhomogeneous media. It was proposed by Popov
[32], based on an earlier work of Babic and Pankratova [1]. Gaussian beams are
closely related to ray tracing, but instead of viewing rays just as characteristics of
the eikonal equation, Gaussian beams are fatter rays: They are approximate high
frequency solution to the wave equation or the Helmholtz equation which are con-
centrated on a standard ray. Contrary to standard GO rays, Gaussian beams accept
complex valued phase functions. The main advantage of this construction is that
Gaussian beams give the correct solution also at caustics where standard geometrical
optics breaks down.
We now review the governing equations. We consider a ray in a two-dimensional
Cartesian coordinate system x, y given by the ray tracing system (12). In orthogonal
ray-centered coordinates (t, q), where q is the axis perpendicular to the ray at point t
with the origin on the ray, the paraxial Gaussian beam solution closely concentrated
about the central ray is given by

u(t, q, ω) = A(t, q) exp {iωφ(t, q)}, (28)

where the complex-valued amplitude A and the phase φ are given by the eikonal and
transport equations with complex initial data for φ. They are approximated by Taylor
Asymptotic approximations of high frequency wave propagation problems 19
A ≈ A(t, 0) = c(x(t), y(t))/Q(t), (29)
2 2
q q P (t)
φ ≈ φ(t, 0) + qφq (t, 0) + φqq (t, 0) = t + . (30)
2 2 Q(t)
The complex-valued scalar functions P and Q satisfy the dynamic ray tracing system
= c2 P,
dt (31)
dP 1
= − (cxx sin2 θ − 2cxy sin θ cos θ + cyy cos2 θ) Q.
dt c
As initial data for (31), we may choose

Q(0) = Q0 > 0, P (0) = i.

One can show that this choice will guarantee that two important conditions are satis-
fied along the ray: Q(t) 6= 0 and Im(P (t)/Q(t)) > 0. The first condition guarantees
the regularity of the Gaussian beam (with finite amplitudes at caustics). The second
condition guarantees the concentration of the solution close to the ray. Note that in
order to have a good accuracy in the Taylor expansions (29,30), we should have
beams which are as narrow as possible. We therefore choose the Q0 which gives
minimum beam width.
In the Gaussian beam method, the initial/boundary condition for the wave field is
decomposed into initial conditions for Gaussian beams. Individual Gaussian beams
are computed by solving the ray tracing and dynamic ray tracing systems (12,31).
The contributions of the beams concentrated close to their central rays are determined
by the approximations (29,30) entered in (28). The wave field at a receiver is then
obtained by a weighted superposition of the Gaussian beams situated close to the
receiver, [39]. One can also construct a wave front Gaussian beam method in which
a front of Gaussian beams is tracked. See [29].

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