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Militarv Adviser's Office

Pakistan Mission to the
United Nations, NY
71 #-, 2-
#+ I/ No: Milty-18/1/2010 (A)
Ph: (2 12) 879-8600 Ext. 142
Fax: (2 12) 744-7348
E-Mail: pakmushir@gmail.com
11 Fcbruary 201 1

FAX Total pages: 12

To : MO Me, GH
Fax: 92 (51) 61-3 1799

Subject: UNOAU: Nomination of an A m v Officer in the Rank of Lieutenant Colonel

For Recruitment on Secondmcnt as Militaw.Plannine Officer

Further to our fax message of even number dated 31 January 201 1 on the above subject.
1. Enclosed please find a copy of UN Note Verbals No. DPKO/OMA~2011/00276dated
8 February 201 1 rquesting the Government of Pakistan to nominate an officer in the rank of
Lieutenant CoIonel for appointment on secondment as Military Planning Officer to the United
Nations Office to the African W o n (UNOAU), The post is a contracted post at P-4level, with
an initial contract for one year. A copy ot'ofacancy Announcement is attached.
2. A suitable officer who has the experience as planner with pacekeeping and should have
worked in strategic HQs, excellent writingdrafting ability, should be familiar with AU Pace
Support Operations Doctrine and should be able for capacity building for his colleagues.
3. CVPersonal History Form of the nominated ot'ficer may be provided before 11 Marcb
2011for onward transmission to the UN.

4. Regards. n

(Hamm.ad Ahmed Dosar)

FEB-11-2011 06:13 PAREPUN NY
t tb. I I. LV I I Y ; > I ~ I V I u I R\J/ I \) 3


The Secretaria of the United Nations presents its compbentg to tbe

Pezmanent Mission of Pakistan to the United N d o u and has the honour to refer to
the cantxibudon of military -me1 to ttze United Nations Office to the
Afiicm Union (UNOAU),

The Secretariat would be gatefuf ifthe Government of Pakistan would

consider off- a candidate in the rank of Lieutexmt Coloficl (or cqnivalent) for
reuuitmcat on seamdment as Military P l d g Officer. Details regarding the post
are provided in the attached Vacancy Announcement The post i s a UN contracted
post at P 4 Level with an initial contact puiod o'fone year.

Should the Govemmmt of Pakistan wish to nominate a candidate, the

m d d UN Pasonal HTlstoxy Roae for Military (PI@) form (attached) in respect
of the candidate should be submitted no lPter than 1.1. March 2011to Force
Generation Sexvice, Office of Military Affairs, Department o f Peacekeeping
Operatioq 380 Madison- Room M-15003A,New Yo&, ?W10017, USA.
The nominated candidate must meet all the quiremenu for the psition as
descri'bed in the Vacancy Announcement Preference d l be given to equally
qualijied women candidates in an & i to increase f d e rcpxesentationin the
UN. Short listed candidatGs will be inkviewed by a panel and the selected
candidate should be prepared to deploy by May 2011.

The Secretariat of the United Nations avails itself of this opportunity to

mew ta the Pemzumt Mission of Pak5stan to the United Nations the a s u m c e s
of its h i g h

8 February 201I

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