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Thermodynamics of High Polymer Solutions!

Esso Laboratories of the Standard Oil Development Company, Chemical Division, Linden, New.Jersey
(Received October 15, 1941)

A statistical mechanical treatment of high polymer classical values, which accounts for the large deviations of
solutions has been carried out on the basis of an idealized high polymer solutions from "ideal" behavior. The entropy
model, originally proposed by Meyer, which is analogous of disorientation of a perfectly arranged linear polymer is
to the one ordinarily assumed in the derivation of the found to be of the order of R cal. per chain segment. After
"ideal" solution laws for molecules of equal size. There is introducing a suitable heat of mixing term, partial molal
obtained for the entropy of mixing of n solvent and free energies are computed, and the calculations are com-
N linear polymer molecules (originally disoriented), pared with experimental data for all concentrations. Phase
.:lS= -k[(n/~) In vI+N In V2J where VI and V2 are volume equilibria have been calculated in the region of partial
fractions and ~ is the number of solvent molecules re- miscibility. The theory predicts, in agreement with experi-
placeable by a freely orienting segment of the polymer ment, that the critical composition for partial miscibility
chain. This expression is similar in form to the classical lies at a low concentration of polymer. Low intrinsic
expression for equal-sized molecules, mole fractions having viscosities of polymers dissolved in poor solvents are
been replaced by volume fractions. When the disparity attributed to the tendency for the molecule to assume a
between the sizes of the two components is great, this more compact configuration in such an environment.
expression gives entropies differing widely from the

INTRODUCTION Meyer and co-workers"· 6 have found that 118 1

for solutions of long chain compounds dissolved
I Tproperties
is customary to correlate the thermodynamic
of binary liquid systems with the in simple solvents, e.g., for carbon tetrachloride
solutions of long chain esters, is much greater
so-called "ideal" solution laws. These rest funda-
mentally on an entropy of mixing given by than Eq. (2) would predict. In other words, they
have found strong negative deviations from
Raoult's law, even when l1ti 1 =O. Meyer and
Uihdemann 5 suggested that this abnormal
where nl and n2 are the numbers of moles of the entropy effect was due to the ability of sections of
two components, and Xl and X 2 are their mole a long chain solute molecule to act more or less
fractions in the mixture. Partial differentiation of independently of one another as kinetic units.
(1) with respect to nl yields for the partial molfll Thus, the effective mole fraction should be
entropy of dilution greater than the actual mole fraction. An equiva-
(2) lent explanation has been advanced recently by
Powell, Clark and Eyring. 7 Apparently they
Although (1) and (2) frequently have been ap- were unaware of the serious criticisms of this
plied indiscriminately, at finite concentrations point of view advanced by Huckel,2 principally
they can be justified theoretically only when on the grounds that it inherently assumes pri-
molecules of the two species are equivalent in mary validity of the ideal solution laws when
size and shape, i.e., when molecules of the two applied to mixtures of molecules differing greatly
species are interchangeable in the liquid. The in size. Huckel has also pointed out that the
importance of this limitation has been empha- kinetic units cannot be truly independent, nor are
sized by a number of authors during recent they independently interchangeable in the liquid
years. 2- 4 as applicability of (1) or (2) would require.
Finally, in order to explain experimental results,
1 Presented before the Division of Physical and Inorganic
Chemistry of the American Chemical Society, at the
Atlantic City Meeting, September 11, 1941. • K. H. Meyer and R. Liihdemann, Helv. Chim. Acta 18,
2 E. Hiickel, Zeits. f. Elektrochemie 42, 753 (1936). 307 (1935).
3 E. A. Guggenheim, Trans. Faraday Soc. 33, 151 (1937). 6 Ch. G. Boissonnas, Helv. Chim. Acta 20,768 (1937).
4 R. H. Fowler and G. S. Rushbrooke, Trans. Faraday 7 R. E. Powell. C. R. Clark. and H. Eyring, J. Chern.
Soc. 33, 1272 (1937). Phys. 9, 268 (1941).

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1t IS necessary to assume a size for the kinetic sideration. Somewhat arbitrarily, the symmetry
unit, which, though equal to the entire solute number of these molecules is taken to be two, due
molecule at infinite dilution, decreases rapidly to (assumed) indistinguishability of the two ends
with increasing concentration, approaching a of the molecule. Concurrently with the derivation
limiting size of some 15 to 30 chain atoms 5,7 at of the fundamental relationships, special promi-
high concentrations. nence will be given to the assumptions involved.
Recently MeyerS has provided a more plausible Assumption 1: the mixture of polymer and
explanation of the "abnormalities" of solutions of solvent molecules is assumed to conform to
long chain, or polymeric, molecules. He has Meyer's model. This involves assumption of (a) a
suggested an idealized model for such solutions, quasi-solid lattice in the liquid, (b) interchange-
which consists of a quasi-solid lattice, not unlike ability of segments (not necessarily identical
that customarily used in the derivation of (1) for with the polymer structural units) of the polymer
the case of a mixture of equal-sized molecules. A chain with solvent molecules in the lattice cells
cell of the hypothetical lattice may be occupied and (c) independence of lattice constants on
either by a solvent molecule or by a segment of composition. Although these assumptions obvi-
the polymer (solute). The segments of a given ously are quite artificial, there is some consolation
polymer chain must occupy a continuous se- in the fact that analogous ones are inherent in the
quence of adjacent cells, which, however, may model from which Eq. (1) is derived for mixtures
meander irregularly through- the lattice. There of small molecules of equal size.
will be many such sequences emanating from a Assumption 2: all polymer molecules are as-
given cell, and the polymer molecule may con- sumed to be of the same size.
form to anyone of them through suitable Assumption 3: the average concentration of
rotations about the valence bonds of the chain polymer segments in cells adjacent to cells
skeleton. According to' Meyer, entropies of unoccupied by the polymeric solute is taken to be
mixing in excess of "ideal" values given by (1) equal to the over-all average concentration.
are the result of these numerous configurations Let no = the total number of cells in the lattice.
available to the polymer molecules. N = the number of polymer molecules, each
Meyer has discussed his model in qualitative composed of x segments, anyone of which may
terms only. Recently quantitative statistical replace a solvent molecule in the lattice.
mechanical treatments 9- 11 of this model have ,,= a coordination number for the lattice, i.e.,
been carried out independently by Huggins and the number of "first neighbor" cells in the lattice
the writer. On the basis of the preliminary available to the next consecutive segment of the
accounts which have been published concerning polymer chain.
these investigations, the results appear to be in In order to determine the total number of
substantial agreement. In this paper the writer's possible non-identical configurations, let us first
treatment of the problem wiIl be presented in consider the process of successive addition of
full, with particular emphasis on an extension of polymer molecules to the empty lattice con-
the model and applications to hitherto unex- taining no cells. After N polymer molecules have
plained characteristics of polymer solutions. been added, there will be no-xN cells which may
be occupied by the terminal segment of the next
DERIVATION OF THE ENTROPY OF MIXING polymer molecule to enter the lattice. According
to assumption 3, the expected number of avail-
Throughout this paper polymer molecules
able unoccupied cells immediately adjacent to
which are linear, i.e., consist of a single linear
the cell occupied by the terminal segment of this
sequence of structural units, are under con-
polymer chain will be ,,(no-xN)/no. For the
8 K. H. Meyer, Zeits. f. physik. Chemie B44, 383 (1939); third segment the expected number of available
Helv. Chim. Acta 23, 1063 (1940). cells wiIl be given by a= (,,-l)(no-xN)/no,
9 M. L. Huggins, J. Chern. Phys. 9, 440 (1941).
10 Paper presented by Dr. Huggins before the Wilder D. since the cell occupied by the terminal segment
Bancroft Colloid Symposium. Ithaca, New York, June 20, eliminates one of the neighboring cells.
II P. J Flory, J. Chern. Phys. 9, 660 (1941). Assumption 4: the expected number of avail-

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able positions for each successive segment is k is Boltzmann's constant, we obtain ll

taken to be equal to a= (I' -1)(no-xN)/no. This
is of the nature of an approximation, as it fails to j.Smixing= -k[nln (_n_)+Nln (~)]
exclude impossible configurations in which two n+xN n+xN
segments, separated by two or more intervening
+k(x-l)N[1n (1'-1) -lJ-kN In 2. (7)
segments but belonging to the same chain,
occupy the same cell. Use of this "assumption" This expression refers to the entropy change i;;:
obviously will lead to computation of too many the process of mixing n pure solven t and N
configura tions. perfectly arranged (or oriented) polymer mole-
For the expected number of configurations cules, subject, of course, to the assumptions
which the particular chain may assume without introduced above concerning the nature of the
shifting the terminal group we have solution. When x= 1, (7) reduces to the classical
. expression (1), except for the symmetry term.
[ I' / (I' - 1) Ja x- 1
(3) A few remarks should be made concerning the
use in the above derivation of "expected values"
and for the expected total number of configura-
for the numbers of configurations, since actual
tions for the chain in the entire lattice
values in many cases may deviate enormously
(4) from expectancy. When a is greater than unity
(i.e., when the concentration of polymer is not
(4.1) too great) the expected number of available
configurations which extend from a given site in
where the factor! has been included in order to the lattice, is, according to Eq. (3), a very large
eliminate redundancy of configurations due to number. (We consider x to be at least of the
the indistinguishability of the ends of the polymer order of 100.) But the actual number of configu-
chain. rations may be zero; for example, there might be
The total number of possible configurations for only one cell available for the second segment and
the system consisting of N polymer and n solvent none for the third. On the other hand, for a more
molecules in a lattice composed of no=n+xN favorably located initial cell, the number of
cells is given by available configurations may be an exceedingly
large number. Since the total number of sites
W=(ljN!) II liN, (5) available to the terminal segment of the Nth
N~l polymer molecule to be added to the lattice is
where the factor 1/ N! eliminates redundant very large when a> 1, the actual total number of
configurations which differ only by an interchange configurations available to the particular mole-
cule will deviate negligibly from the expected
of one or more pairs of polymer molecules.
number calculated from (4).
Substituting (4.1) in (5) we obtain by suitable
When a is appreciably less than unity, i.e., at
rearrangemen t
high concentrations of polymer, the expected
number of configurations (Eq. (3» extending
W= ('Y-1)(X-l)N(~)[ (no/x)! ]x. from a given site will be very much less than
.no 2NN! (no/x-N)! unity. If a is sufficiently small, e.g., of the order
of 0.5, then liN also may be extremely small (for
Replacing factorials by Stirling's approximation, large x). That is, at high polymer concentrations
N!=(Nje)N the expected number of configurations available
W= ( - -
-1) (x-l)N (1/2)N----
for an additional polymer molecule is much less
than unity. Of all the possible configurations for
e nnNN the N -1 polymer molecules in the lattice, only a
small fraction (not exactly equal to liN) possess
For the entropy of mixing, according to the well- one or more continuous sequences of x vacant
known Boltzmann relationship S=k In W, where cells any place in the entire lattice ..\ccording to

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this interpretation, liN is the average "yield" of above, these vacant cells should be treated as
such sequences of unoccupied cells per configura- molecules of a second component. However, their
tion of the N -1 polymer molecules in the lattice. concentration is so small that no significant error
Thus, after a certain conC'entration is exceeded, has been committed in setting n = 0 in the
addition of more polymer molecules to the lattice derivation of (8).
(possessing a fixed number of cells) decreases the The entropy change on mixing n solvent with
i:otal number of configurations for the system. 12a N randomly entangled (liquid state) polymer
In spite of the use of expected values from which molecules is
actual deviations may be large, Eq. (6) for the
ASmixing = ASm ixing - AS*
total number of configurations should be a valid
approximation at all concentrations, subject only
= -k[n In ( _ n )
to the original assumptions. n+xN
The "configurational" entropy of a lattice filled Or
with N polymer molecules in the absence of
solvent, which is obtained by setting n=O in (7), (10.1 )
isll where VI and V2 are volume fractions of solvent
AS* = kN In (x/2) and polymer, respectively. The pure liquid
+kN(x-1)[ln (')1-1)-1]. (8) polymer (disoriented) will be chosen as the
standard state for the solute, as is customary for
When x is large binary liquid mixtures. Equation (10) will serve
AS*/Nx""k In [(')I-1)/e]. (9) as the starting point for the derivation of the
thermodynamic relationships discussed below.
That is, the entropy change per mole of segments It is interesting to note that (10.1) is so similar
is of the order of R.12b These relationships express in form to (1) ; replacement of volume fractions
the entropy change for the transformation of N by mole fractions in the logarithms of the former
polymer molecules from a state of perfect yields the latter. The entropy of mixing of
orientation and arrangement in the lattice to the polymer and solvent is greater than (1) would
state of random entanglement. This probably is predict, but less than that for mixing the com-
the source of an appreciable portion of the pletely dissociated polymer segments with sol-
entropy of fusion of polymer crystallites (e.g., in vent. Meyer's8 qualitative discussion of the
rubber, polyesters, etc.). Obviously, other terms problem leads to the same conclusion.
arising from change in the lattice constants and
in the arrangements and motions within the seg- PARTIAL MOLAL FUNCTIONS
ments when fusion occurs also contribute to the
Differentiating (10) with respect to n, there is
total entropy of fusion.
obtained for the partial molal entropy of the
It can be shown that the lattice "saturated"
with polymer molecules will contain a few vacant
cells, equivalent to the "holes"13 in simple liquids. AS I = -R In (1-V2)-R(1-1/x)V2 (11)
From the point of view of the equations used
=RV2(1/x+vd2+vN3+·· .). (11.1)
12. Alternatively, one may consider that the polymer
molecules are continually diffusing in the lattice, i.e., the
system is continually changing from one configuration to
another. Then VN is the time average number of available
sequences of x units.
l.b H. Mark, J. App. Phys. 12, 41 (1941), using the Inasmuch as the forces acting between two
statistical theory of the internal configurations of polymer polymer molecules, or between a polymer and a
molecules, has arrived at a similar value for the entropy of
disorientation per chain bond about which there is free simple molecule, obviously are of the same sort as
rotation. those operating between pairs of simple mole-
13 H. Eyring, J. Chern. Phys. 4, 283 (1936); H. Eyring
and J. O. Hirschfelder, J. Phys. Chern. 41, 249 (1937). cules, the heat of interaction between a polymer

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molecule and its environment should vary THE EFFECT OF SEGMENT SIZE
linearly with the composition. Consequently, the It has been assumed that a section of the
heat of mixing can be represented by a relation- polymer chain which occupies a volume equal to
ship used by Scatchard14 for simple molecules that of one solvent molecule is equally free to
~H=BVIV2nN/(nVI+NV2)' (13) occupy anyone of 'Y -1 cells, entirely inde-
pendent of the configuration of preceding seg-
where B is a constant for a given pair of liquids ments of the chain. If the solvent molecule is
and VI and V 2 are the molar volumes of solvent very small, or if there are limitations, perhaps
and polymeric solute, respectively. According to steric in nature, on the tortuosity which the chain
the model considered here, V 2=XV1 • may comfortably assume, then the size of the
The partial molal heat contents are, according section of the chain which is free to orient itself
to (13) at random, irrespective of the orientation of the
(14) preceding sections, may be equivalent to the
and volume occupied by several solvent molecules. In
~ii2=BV2VI2=BxVIVI2. (15) this situation, we may construct a new lattice in
Combining these equations with (11) and (12), which one cell will accommodate either fJ solvent
there is obtained for the partial molal free energy molecules or one segment of the polymer chain.
of the solvent The entropy of mixing according to this revised
model will be given by either of the Eqs. (7) or
~Pl=RTln (1-V2) (10), provided that n is replaced by n'=n/(3; x
+RT(1-1/x)V2+B V 1VZ 2 (16) likewise has been decreased by the same factor,
= -RTv2[1/X+(1-K)V2/ 2 but a modified symbol is unnecessary. Differ-
+vN3+· .. ], (16.1) entiating the resulting expression with respect to
where n (not n')l1
K=2BVdRT ~Sl= -(R/(3)[ln (1-v2)+(1-1/x)v2] (18)
and for the partial molal free energy of the solute = (Rvdi3)(1/x+vd2+vN3+···), (18.1)
~F2=RT In (I-VI) -RT(x-l)VI and
+BV1xVI 2. (17) ~FI = (RT /i3)[In (1-V2)
Equations (16.1) and (11.1) reduce to the +(1-1/X)V2+KvN2] (19)
"ideal" solution relationships at infinite dilution. = - (RTvd!3)[I/x+(1-K)vd 2
This is virtually a necessary consequence3 of the +vN3+· .. )], (19.1)
Gibbs-Duhem relationship
where K is re-defined as 2i3B Vd RT. Equation
a~Fda In Xl=a~Fda In X 2•
(19.1) reduces to ~FI= -RTXz at infinite dilu-
Since for any acceptable model for the system the tion, as is required. Equation (12) for the partial
activity az of the solute must be proportional to molal entropy of the solute can be applied intact
the concentration at infinite dilution when i3> 1, except that x must be taken equal to
the number of re-defined segments per chain.
a In ada In X2=(1/RT)a~F2;a In X 2= 1 Consequently, Eq. (17) can be written
a~Fda In Xl=RT.
Or ~F2=RT[In (I-VI)
~FI=RT In Xl -(x-l)vl+KxvN2J. (17.1)
which at infinite dilution may be replaced by COMPARISONS WITH EXPERIMENTAL DATA
(16.2) Osmotic pressures of dilute polymer solutions
have been investigated quite extensively,15-19 as a
which is identical with (16.1) as V2 approaches
zero. 16 H. Staudinger and G. V. Schulz, Ber. 68, 2320, 2336
(1935); G. V. Schulz, Zeits. f. physik. Chernie A176, 317
14 G. Scatchard, Chern. Rev. 8, 321 (1931). (1936).

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means for determination of molecular weight. and on solutions of polyvinyl chloride in tetra-
Strong deviation from Van't Hoff'~ law, i.e., from hydrofurane, a good solvent, and in dioxane, a
"ideality," are invariably observed at low con- poor solvent,23 confirm this deduction. 24 However,
centrations, necessitating a frequently precarious to conclude, as Gee22 has done, that a better
extrapolation to infinite dilution. Experimental extrapolation to infinite dilution is obtained in
results for a number of dilute polymer sofu- the presence of alcohol is not necessarily correct;
tions15.16.19.20 support the simple relationship be- higher terms in the series expansion of (19) must
tween osmotic pressure 7r and concentration c of be included if the extrapolation is to be improved.
polymer (in grams per cc) Al though the sta tistical theory presen ted above
(20) predicts the correct form for the osmotic pressure-
concentration relationship (20), quantitative
where Mn is the number average molecular correlation with the observed "deviation term"
weight of the polymer and b is a constant, inde- (i.e., bc2) requires a larger value of !3 than would
pendent of Mn,15.l9 representing the degree of be expected from steric considerations regarding
departure from ideality. chain flexibility. Thus, from osmotic pressure
For dilute solutions Eq. (19.1) yields measurements on dilute solutions of rubber in
7r= -!:J.F"\/V1"""RTvdV l /3x+RT(1-K)vlj2 V 1/3 toluene, Meyer, Wolff and Boissonnas found
V 1b=56 cal. at 298°K. The heat of mixing,
which reduces at once to (20) ;21 overlooking the deduced from the temperature coefficient of
difference between volume and weight concen- the osmotic pressure, was negligibly positive. 25
tration in the second term Taking K=O, according to (21) bV1 =300/,B, or
b""" RT(1- K) /2 Vl!3. (21) {3""'5.3, which corresponds to about seven
isoprene units, or 28 chain atoms, per segment. A
Huggins 9. 10 has reported a similar deduction of
similar value for b VI was obtained by Wolffl7 for
(20) for the case K = 0, {3 = 1.
gutta-percha in toluene.
When vaTious solvents or solvent mixtures are
For the system toluene-polystyrene, according
considered, according to (21) the greater the heat
to osmotic pressure measurements by Schulz,l.
of mixing the smaller will be the value of b at a
b VI = 39 cal. at ordinary temperature. Although
given temperature, since K depends directly on
reliable data concerning the heat of mixing do not
the heat of mixing constant B. As K approaches
unity b approaches zero, and the solution ap- appear to have been obtained,26 certainly the
proaches classical "ideality." When K becomes heat effect accompanying mixing of two such
but slightly greater than unity, (x large), the chemically similar materials is negligible, and it
region of partial miscibility is reached and the may be assumed that K = O. A value of {3 = 8 is
polymer will no longer dissolve to an appreciable
23 H. Staudinger and J. Schneiders, Ann. d. Chemie 541,
concentration (ef. seq.). Thus, a dilute high 151 (1939).
polymer solution should be most nearly "ideal" 24 R. E. Powell, C. R. Clark and H. Eyring, in a paper
presented at the Conference on Viscosity sponsored by the
when it is approximately on the verge of pre- New York Academv of Sciences, February 14, 1941, have
cipitation. Osmotic pressure measurements on reached the fantastic conclusion from Gee's results that a
benzene-methanol mixture is a hetter solvent for rubber
rubber dissolved in benzene-alcohol mixtures 22 hydrocarbon than benzene alone. Apparently they have
("onfused the literal meaning of the term "ideal" with its
16 K. H. Meyer, E. Wolff and Ch. G. Boissonnas, Helv. conventional meaning with reference to the so-called
Chim. Acta 23, 430 (1940). "ideal" solution laws. Addition of meth<lnol to the benzene
17 E. Wolff, Helv. Chim. Acta, 23, 439 (1940). solution of rubber decreases -/:"F\ the free energy of
18 O. Hagger and A. J. A. Van der Wijk, Helv. Chim. dilution, thus d~creasing the thermodynamic solvent
Acta, 23,484 (1940). power. Si!!ce -/:"F , is greater for pure benzene solutions
,. See also, H. Mark, Physical Chemistry of High than -/:"F, for an "ideal" solution, addition of methanol
Polymeric Systems (Interscience Publishers, Inc., New decreases the discrepancy between observed and "ideal"
York, 1940), pp. 228-245. values, but this is another matter.
20 G. Gee, Trans. Faraday Soc. 36, 1161 (1940). 25 L. Hock and H. Schmidt, Kautschuk 10, 33 (1934),
21 Actually, the partial molal volume "V, should be used have shown bv direct calorimetric measurements that the
in place of V" but since the difference between them is so heat of mixing of benzene and rubber is positive, but very
small in dilute solutions (see ref. (16)) they need not be small.
distinguished here. 26 See Ch. G. Boissonnas and K. H. Meyer, Zeits. f.
22 G. Gee, Trans. Faraday Soc. 36, 1171 (1940). physik. Chemie B44, 392 (1939).

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2 cients of polymer viscosities,27 but the writer is

not inclined to consider this as more than a
coincidence. Vicsous flow isa kinetic phenomenon,
whereas the thermodynamic properties of polymer
o solutions (taking the pure liquids as reference
states) depend primarily upon configurational
characteristics, according to the premises of this
paper. Unless it can be shown that kinetic and
configurational segments should be the same,
correlation 7 of these independently estimated
segment sizes is likely to be illusory.
In Fig. 1 partial molal free energies calculated
from Eq. (19) are compared with experi-
mental values for solutions of rubber in toluene
(Meyer, Wolff and Boissonnasl6 ) and in benzene
-1 (Stamberger 28). The dilute solution data, which
are from those discussed previously, were ob-
o 1.0 tained osmotically. Data at higher concentrations
(v2>0.20) are based on vapor pressure measure-
FIG. 1. Partial molal free energv as a function of the ments. 29 Stamberger28 found no perceptible differ-
volume fraction of polymer for {3 = 1 and {3 = 5.3 . .--osmotic ences in the vapor pressure lowering for samples
pressure results for toluene-rubber, reference 16; O-re-
suits from vapor pressures of toluene-rubber mixtures of rubber varying considerably in molecular
reference 16; D-results from vapor pressures of benzene: weight. This is in agreement with Eq. (19) which
rubber mixtures, reference 28.
predicts virtual independence of !1F Ion x when x
is large and the solution is not too dilute.
required in order to bring the theoretically
The upper curve in the figure has been
derived relationship into agreement with experi-
calculated from (19) taking K=O, {J=1 and
ment; the corresponding segment contains about
x = 2900, which corresponds to the average mo-
16 chain atoms.
lecular weight, 270,000, obtained by Meyer and
If rotation about each single bond in the chain
co-workersl6 from the limiting value of 'Trlc. For
were completely free, one or two single bonds
the lower curve a value of {J= 5.3 has been chosen
should be sufficient to allow a new choice of
in order to obtain agreement with experiment at
direction of the chain independen t of its preceding
low concentrations (see above). The value of x
portions. Allowances for the limitations on the
has been lowered correspondingly to 550 in order
effective available configurations due to the
to preserve consistency with the observed mo-
potential restricting rotation about single carbon-
lecular weight. \Vith increasing concentration the
carbon bonds and to the steric interferences of
experimen tal points depart from the {J = 5.3
side chain substituents, presumably would raise
curve, approaching the {J = 1 curve at high
the segment size somewhat. But it is difficult to
concentrations. The comparison of observed and
account for segments of the size indicated by the
calculated values at high concentrations of
above analysis on these grounds alone. Over-
polymer is shown more effectively in Table I by a
simplifications inherent in the model which has
tabulation of observed activities al = pdp10 and
been postulated, and in particular assumption 4,
those calculated from (19) and the relation-
probably are responsible for a considerable part
of the discrepancy. The latter assumption allows ship In al=!1FdRT, taking {J= 1.
too many configurations to be included, thus 27 P. ]. Flory, ]. Am. Chern. Soc. 62,1057 (1940)' W.
giving a configurational entropy which is too Kauzman and H. Eyring, ibid. 62, 3113 (1940). '
28 P. Stamberger, ]. Chern. Soc. 2318 (1929).
large. • 29 C?ncentrat~ons for the experimental data actually are
In weight fractIons, although volume fractions are indi-
The segment sizes calculated above are similar cate9 .. The difference is unimportant, however, since the
to those deduced from the temperature coeffi- denSities of the two components are similar.

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The measure of agreement in this range is all that be preferred, thus decreasing the configurational
should be expected considering the crudity of the entropy (d. seq.).
original assumptions. In spite of these additional limitations imposed
I t would be possible, of course, to improve the on the partial molal entropy and free energy
agreement between theory and experiment by Eqs. (18) and (19) when tJ.H»O, it is of interest to
assuming an appropriate dependence of {3 on V2. examine the character of the phase-composition
However, this apparent variation of {3 may diagram which they predict when tJ.H is suffi-
reflect imperfections in the theory, rather than ciently large to cause separation into two phases.
an actual variation in segment size with con- Equilibrium between two phases in a binary
centration. system requires that their compositions V2 and
v' 2 shall be such that
tJ.F\(V2) = tJ.F\(V'2) , tJ.F 2(V2)=tJ.F 2(v'2). (22)
When there is a large heat effect accompanying
the mixing of two liquids composed of molecules When tJ.H1=0, i.e., when K = 2{3B VI/RT= 0, tJ.F 1
of ordinary size, the observed entropy of mixing decreases continuously as V2 increases from zero
usually deviates considerably from the ideal to unity. But when K is sufficiently positive,
entropy given by (1), i.e., the solution is not according to (19) the curve for tJ.F 1 will possess
"regular. "30 Due to differences in the energies of a maximum and a mmImum in this range.
interaction between neighboring pairs of like and Differentiating (19) with respect to V2 and
unlike molecules, distribution of the two species equating to zero
is not random, as is assumed in the derivation KXV22- (Kx-x+1)V2+1 =0,
of (1). Furthermore, if tJ.H <0 the comparatively
large solvent solute interactions in the solution the solution of which is
are likely to lead to a higher degree of local Kx- (x-1)±[(Kx-x+1)2_4KxJ!
orientation of neighboring pairs than is found in V2=~~-~~~~~~~~--~~- (23)
the pure components, thus decreasing the 2Kx
entropy of mixing; if tJ.H> 0, the opposite is The critical condition for incIpIent separation
likely to be true. into two phases requires that the maximum and
Similarly, in the case of polymer solutions for minimum in tJ.F 1 coincide, i.e., that the two roots
which tJ.H is large in magnitude the entropy of of (23) shall be equal. This occurs when l1
mixing should not be expected to agree with that
calculated assuming random distribution of the K (critical) = (1 +vxF/x. (24)
two species, random configurations for the Substituting (24) in (23)
polymer molecules, and packing and local orien-
tations equivalent to the pure liquid com- V2 (critical) = 1/ (1 +Vx). (25)11
ponents.l 8 "Deviations" should be expected to When x is large the critical value of K is
arise from the same sources discussed above for slightly greater than unity, and it approaches
simple molecules. When tJ.H>O, moreover, com- unity as x approaches infinity; at larger values of
pact configurations of the polymer chains should K two phases will co-exist in equilibrium. The
TABLE I. critical composition, at which the two phases
become identical, according to (25), occurs at a
v, a! (abs.)!' a! (calc.) low concentration when x is large. The same
0.95 0.20 0.13 relationships could have been derived by setting
0.90 0.36 0.25 atJ.F d aV2 equal to zero, since
0.80 0.57 0.45
0.70 0.73 0.60
0.60 0.86 0.73
atJ.F 2/a V2= - ({3:~1)atJ.FI/aV2' (26)

30 J. H. Hildebrand, Solubility of Non-Electrolytes (Chem-

ical Catalog Company, New York, 1936), second edition,
In Fig. 2, -{3tJ.FI/RT calculated from (19)
p.65. when x = 1000 is plotted against V2 for several

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values of K in the neighborhood of K (critical)

= 1.0644. Two scales have been used in order to
cover in a single graph a broader concentration
range. The character of the curves changes very
rapidly with K. Since K depends inversely on the
absolute temperature, these curves may be re-
garded as representative of a series of tempera-
tures in the vicinity of the critical temperature
for total miscibility. The corresponding curves for
-t:.F2/RT show related characteristics, as is
required by (26); the occurrence of a maximum
in t:.Fl is accompanied by a minimum in t:.F 2, and
Vice versa.
When K exceeds the critical value, there exists
a pair of values V2 and v' 2 which satisfies the
FIG. 2. Partial molal free energies as functions of the
equilibrium conditions (22). The smaller of these volume fraction of polymer for various values of K in the
(V2) will lie between zero and the maximum in critical region for partial miscibility.
-t:.Fl plotted against V2, as in Fig. 2; the larger
(V'2) will lie at a concentration greater than that in series gives as an approximate relationship
at the minimum in -t:.F\. The value of t:.F 1 (V2) between V2 and v' 2
= t:.F 1 (v' 2) must necessaril y be small, since t:.F 1 at (l/x) In (v'2/v2)=2/x+(v'2)2/2·3
the maximum in the curve is small. In fact, +(V'2)3·2/3·4+(V'2)4·3/4·5+···. (29)
except when K is very near K(critical) , it is
permissible to set t:.F 1 (v'2) = 0 and to compute V'2 These procedures are unsatisfactory very near
from K using Eq. (19); -iJt:.FI/iJV2 is so large at the cri tical poin t, e.g., for K < 1.10 when x = 1000.
V'2 that the error so introduced is insignificant. Here it is necessary to solve for K and V2 by trial.
Since (19) can be solved explicitly for K but The curve in Fig. 3, showing V2 and V'2 as a
not for v' 2, it is more convenient, having set function of I/K when x=1000, has been calcu-
t:.F 1 = 0 to compute K for a given value of v' 2. lated as described above. Since the ordinate is
That is, we may take proportional to the absolute temperature, the
curve represents the calculated temperature-
composition diagram. The concentration (V2) of
polymer in the solvent phase rapidly approaches
Substituting (17.1) in the second part of (22)
a negligible value as 1/K decreases. This is
(In V2) /x- (1-I/x) (l-v2) + K(I-v2)2/2 amplified by the following calculated composi-
= (In v' 2) / x - (1 -1/ x) (1 - v' 2) tions which extend beyond the range of Fig. 3.
+K(I-v'2)2/2, (28) See Table II.
Thus, the theory predicts an extremely unsym-
which can be solved by trial for V2 using the above metrical phase composition relationship. The
values of V'2 and K. If necessary, a second solvent is readily soluble in the polymer even at
approximation can be computed by substituting large values of K (e.g., far below the critical
the first approximation values of K and V2 into temperature for complete miscibility), but the
(19) to obtain t:.F 1 , which in combination with V'2 polymer will dissolve perceptibly in the solvent
will yield a second approximation value for K. only very near the critical point, and then only to
The second approximation value of V2 can then be a small extent.l1
obtained from (28). These deductions are confirmed by the work of
In the range where this procedure is applicable Bronsted and Volqvartz 31 on mixtures of various
V2 is quite small (assuming a large value of x). lauric acid esters with high molecular weight
Replacing (l-v2) and (l-v2)2 by unity in (28),
31 J. N. Bronsted and K. Volqvartz, Trans. Faraday Soc.
substitution therein of (27) for K, and expansion 35, 576 (1939); ibid. 36, 619 (1940).

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0 various approximations which have been intro-

o.9~ duced. But the ability of the theory to predict
0 50
the two outstanding characteristics of such
binary systems, namely, a very low critical
0 0 • •
composition, and a high swelling capacity ac-
companied by negligible solubility, is a most
• gratifying confirmation of the validity of Meyer's
model and the statistical treatment of it which
0 0 has been presented here. Many of the so-called
gels composed of polymers saturated with solvent
doubtless owe their existence merely to this
peculiarity of the temperature-composition curve,
rather than to any peculiar colloidal structure, as
o o
o 010 0.20
generally has been assumed.
FIG. 3. Phase composition curve calculated for a solution
of a polymer composed of 1000 segments. e-n-propyl POOR SOLVENTS
laurate-polystyrene, reference 31; Q-chloroform-cellulose
acetate, reference 32. Staudinger and Heuer34 observed that the
relative viscosity of a dilute solution of poly-
(average ca. 300,000) polystyrene, which had styrene was less in a poor solvent than in a good
been fractionated to remove low molecular one at the same concentration. They also found
weight constituents. Below the critical tempera- that the addition of a precipitant, e.g., ethanol, to
ture for complete miscibility, none of these were a solution of polystyrene in a solvent such as
observed to dissolve the polymer to an appreci- toluene reduced the relative viscosity continu-
able extent, although the polymer imbibed as ously to the point of precipitation. Staudinger
much as several times its volume of solvent. and Schneiders23 found lower viscosities for
Bronsted and Volqvartz concluded that their solutions of polyvinyl chloride in dioxane than in
results were "compatible with the existence of a tetrahydrofurane, which their osmotic pressure
critical point at which the solubility of solvent in results showed to be a better solvent. Similar
the swelled phase is infinite." Their results are results were obtained by Gee 22 on solutions of
also consistent with a critical value of V2 slightly rubber in various solvents and solvent mixtures.
greater than zero, which would be in accord with The diminution of viscosities in poor solvents
theoretical predictions. frequently has been attributed to decreased
Bronsted and Volqvartz's data for the n-propyl solvation. If by "solvation" some specific inter-
laurate-polystyrene system are shown in Fig. 3. action between solute and solvent is meant, it is
The temperature scale, shown on the right, has difficult to conceive of solvation in a toluene
been related to 11K by an arbitrary propor- solution of polystyrene, where the van der Waals
tionality factor (340) so that the absolute temper- forces between like and unlike components are
ature is proportional to 11K, as the definition of both similar and small. Furthermore, if solvation
K requires. Results of Papkov, Rogovin, and does occur, how can it be so markedly decreased
Kargin 32 on the chloroform-cellulose acetate
(average molecular weight about 175,000)33
system are also shown using the same tempera- 11K v, v',
ture scale.
0.862 1.4XlO- 5 0.1915
Quantitative agreement between theory and 0.833 1.7 X 10- 7 0.2357
experiment cannot be expected in view of the 0.770 1.3 X 10-13 0.3300
0.715 1 X 10-21 0.407
32 S. Papkov, S. Rogovin, and V. Kargin, Acta Physi- 0.625 5 X 10-42 0.527
cochim. U.R.S.S. 8, 647 (1938). 0.500 3 X 10- 9• 0.683
33 This estimated molecular weight is based on a specific
viscosity given by the above authors, and the intrinsic
viscosity-molecular weight data of E. O. Kraemer, Ind. 34 H. Staudinger and W. Heuer, Zeits. f. physik. Chemie
Eng. Chern. 30, 1200 (1938), Al71, 129 (1934).

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by the addition of a few cc of alcohol which has no CONCLUSIONS

particular affinity for either component?
Quantitative statistical treatment of Meyer's
When the heat of mixing of polymer and
model accounts for the following hitherto unex-
solvent is positive, i.e., in a poor solvent medium,
plained peculiar properties of high polymer solu-
the polymer molecules should tend to prefer more
tions: (a) the shape of the partial molal free
compact configurations where intramolecular
energy-composition diagram throughout the com-
contacts are more numerous. As is well known,
position range (i.e., the large deviation from
globular or spherical polymer molecules enhance
"ideal" entropies), (b) the virtual independence
the viscosity of their solutions relatively little in
of partial pressure on molecular weight of the
contrast to the marked effects of uncoiled long
polymer chains which assume more or less polymer except in dilute solutions, and (c) the
random configurations. Therefore, the low rela- extreme dissymmetry of the mutual solubility-
tive viscosities in poor solvents very probably temperature diagram and the limited high
reflect changes in average configuration of the swelling capacity of linear polymers in certain
polymer molecules, dependent upon the solvent media. These achievements confirm the correct-
medium. Intrinsic viscosities at incipient pre- ness of the general point of view regarding these
cipitation are of the order of one-half or less of systems. On the other hand, quantitative agree-
the values for the same polymers in a good ment between calculations and observations is
solvent medium. 22 This would lead to the con- not particularly good, presumably due to im-
clusion that the polymer molecule at the critical perfections of the model itself and to limitations
point pervades about the same volume as another of the present treatment imposed by assump-
molecule of half its chain length in a good solvent. tion 4.


Statistical Mechanics of Nearest Neighbor Systems

II. General Theory and Application to Two-Dimensional Ferromagnets
Sterling Chemistry Laboratory. Yale University. New Haven, Connecticut
(Received October 2, 1941)

This is a continuation of an effort to reduce to the solution of a characteristic value problem

the rigorous calculation of thermodynamic properties of systems in which the intermolecular
forces are sufficiently short ranged so that practically the entire potential energy of the system
results from interactions between nearest neighbors. The partition function of such a system
can be expressed in terms of the largest characteristic value of a linear operator equation and
finally as the ratio of partition functions of systems with relatively few particles whose potential
energy functions differ somewhat from those in the original system . .A method of evaluating
grand partition functions and one of introducing interactions between more distant neighbors
are discussed. The general theory is applied to the calculation of magnetization, internal
energy, and specific heat of two-dimensional ferromagnets on the basis of the Ising model.
There seems to exist a X-point phase transition in the change from ferromagnetic to nonferro-
magnetic states.

I. INTRODUCTION total potential energy of the solid to be repre-

sented by the sum of the interactions of each
T HE intermolecular forces in many solids
are sufficiently short ranged to permit the molecule with its nearest neighbors. With this
approximation the evaluation of the potential
* Sterling Research Fellow in Chemistry, Yale Uni- energy contribution to the partition function
versity. Present address, Cornell University, Ithaca, New
York. and the thermodynamic properties of a solid can

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