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Sandro Neiva & Alessandro Silveira Film Direction.

43 min, 38 s. VT documentary

Synopsis: Blood Stained Gold is a vt documentary which approaches socio-

environmental consequences from gold mining activities in Paracatu ( Minas Gerais
State, in Brazil) as from 1987. The Canadian industrial group initiated its activities in
town in 2007 – under the approval of legally constituted environmental agencies –
aiming to extend the mining expansion project for an extra 30 year period. The Paracatu
inhabitants are left with enormously exposed wounds due to open pit mining activities
in the urban site, plus the resulting toxic dust affecting and disintegrating the now
visibly ailing traditional land users.

File images and testimonies were originally captured in film and super –VHS permeated
throughout the film with mini- VD contemporaneous images and testimonies format.

Testimonies have been taken from some of the people who live in the mining
surrounding area and are, for sure, the mostly affected ones by the resulting
consequences, plus the testimony of a company CEO, a geologist, a MD PhD and also
from the Goias State Criminal Justice State Prosecutor.

Interview, Narrative, Script and Assembly


Photography Direction

Art Direction

Editing and Finishing


Old file images and interviews





Still Photography

A Missa da Terra Sem Males (The Mass for The Land with no Evil )
Concierto de Aranjuez – Adágio (Aranjuez Concert – Adage)
Type Of Negative
Murro no Olho (A Punch in the Eye)

Additional Images
The Corporation – Marck Achbar documentary film, Jennifer Abbot and Joel Bakan

Photos from the Paracatu History Museum and Paracatu Public Archives

General Direction

Sandro Neiva & Alessandro Silveira 2008 – 43 MIN – COLOR


OFF 01 – Paracatu is located in the NW of Minas Gerais State, 200 kilometers

away from Brasília. Portraying majestic colonial baroque estate houses, this 90
thousand inhabitant city was founded over 200 years ago and it was already
famous in the XVIII century due to the gold rush cycle. No sooner had the news
about Paracatu gold spread around the then province of Minas Gerais, thousands
of various social class adventurers and all types of immigrants rushed to the site.
For years to come the Paracatu currency had been gold dust.

DIOGO SOARES RODRIGUES (Paracatu ex mayor) – Whenever one talks about

Paracatu, the memory of gold miners come to our minds. They were then referred to as
gold glimpsers, not gold miners.

JOSÉ FERREIRA GOMES (mining company neighbor) – Gold was the substance
flowing in Paracatu through the informal gold diggers (the “garimpeiros”). Most of the
local population owes its raising to informal gold diggery or to gold derived activities.

DIOGO SOARES RODRIGUES (Paracatu ex mayor) – The Portuguese found out there
was gold in Paracatu and the city came from its exploration. Gold diggers came from
different areas of the State to specifically mine its gold.

OFF 02 –Exactly as at the time of the dominant Portuguese Crown the gold
produced in Paracatu still keeps on flowing to overseas hands. For the Paracatu
inhabitants wounded land surface from open pit mining, chemical rejects depot -
where once there were beautiful valleys and unpolluted creeks and streams
surrounded by attractive mountain skylines - we now have buried poison, toxic
dust and an ailing population.

OFF 03 –Portuguese and their allies, the English, in colonial times, have been
replaced by the transnational Canadian KINROSS which runs the Rio Paracatu
Mineração, have been exploring gold in Paracatu since 1987.

To follow: “Blood Stained Gold” card. A SANDRO NEIVA & ALESSANDRO

SILVEIRA documentary film composition.

DIOGO SOARES RODRIGUES (Paracatu ex mayor) – The news spread on Paracatu

having much gold to be mined the Rio Paracatu Mineração S.A. installed itself in town
and much gold have they been removing out. Very little, indeed, remains in Paracatu.

NICOLAU ANTÔNIO DE OLIVEIRA (mining company neighbor) – Now RPM

installed itself above our heads and damaged everything around.

INTERVIEWER – How does it feel to have RPM as a neighbor?

RÔNIA MARIANO (mining company neighbor) – It is horrible, an absurd, such an

affront, total lack of respect! They threaten us anyway they manage to do it.
URUBATAN DOS SANTOS (mining company neighbor) – This company has already
destroyed everything. What kind of environment can we have inside a hole? They have
devastated all. They have devastated all, finished all.

CARMEN LOPES DOS REIS (mining company neighbor) – I do not find this right at
all! I find it disgusting. I keep looking and find it horrible that they have managed with
such an absurd situation as this. So beautiful it used to be around here! People feel sorry,
really sorry! The beauties of the river banks are gone and now we have to face them this

SERGIO ULHOA DANI (MD, PhD) – The main damage can be inferred from the
water, air and soil. All streams or creeks which had the gold mountains as recharge
areas are seriously affected or forever gone.


CARMEN LOPES DOS REIS ( mining company neighbor) – IF we had been the ones
to perpetrate such an absurd situation INCRA would be after our heads, the Forest
Police would too and I don’t know who else would. Now just take a look, what
disgusting rubbish! Look closely to this most horrible thing!

NICOLAU ANTÔNIO DE OLIVEIRA ( mining company neighbor) – They have

eliminated the water springs flow. Waters no longer flow over here. The São Domingos
community is short of water, drying out.

LEANDRO FRANCISCO ( mining company neighbor) – I recall as if it were today, as I

a child I would bathe at the river waters, jumping or fishing on different water springs.
There was a place named the Big Blue where we would all go to bathe. Everybody

LEANDRO FRANCISCO ( mining company neighbor) – Today as you come up here

what you see is this creek fully taken by sand. No longer the water springs. Our Nature
is finishing up.

SERGIO ULHOA DANI (MD, PhD) – Besides those, we also have the Saint Domingos
creek and the Saint Anthony creek, practically destroyed by the mining company.

VALDIR LOPES DOS REIS (mining company neighbor) – There is over there a tank
which tends to overflow into this direction – so at the rainy season they build up taller
protection walls so that the water does not overflow over here. The water that there
falls, there remains. They have brought in new heavy machinery that can go 1.000
meters deep into the soil to restrain the water there.

RÔNIA MARIANO (mining company neighbor) – This creek over here no longer has
flowing waters. It is finished. It used to experience flooding times. It could reach as far
as the mango tree you can see but today it does not reach the fence. For them to carry
out with mining procedures they will have to lower it about 100 meters. But as soon this
is accomplished the creek shall disappear. They will have to provide for urgent creek

URUBATAN DOS SANTOS (mining company neighbor) – Neither fauna neither flora,
it is over!

VALDIR LOPES DOS REIS (mining company neighbor) – There is no more water, nor
mangabas, nor pequis, nor gabirobas.(typical local fruits).

URUBATAN DOS SANTOS (mining company neighbor) – We used to see around here
the mateiros (type of deer), siriemas (long legged cariamas) all around here is gone,
the soinhos (marmosets) are gone too. All disappeared.

VALDIR LOPES DOS REIS (mining company neighbor) – It used to be full of birds,
ducks which looked like geese – like the ones in the pantanal – beautiful specimens. We
used to have all around here.


VALDIR LOPES DOS REIS (mining company neighbor) – One can no longer advance
into their land – they would not accept it. If you get into the adjacent areas to catch a
pequi fruit for example, they come after you demanding to see what is into the bag. It is
not unusual for their security guards to grab our bags and throw it away, saying it must
belong to the mining company. Our freedom to come and go at the countryside is gone.

URUBATAN DOS SANTOS (mining company neighbor) – We can no longer seed or

plant and that used to be our drive: to plant, to wait for the crop and raise our cattle. We
shall never again be able to do it.

JOSÉ FERREIRA GOMES (mining company neighbor) – That could have never
happened. We spend a lifetime in a place where suddenly all is forbidden – even to get
into there.

VALDIR LOPES DOS REIS – We have lived here for many years. They wanted to
prevent us from catching leftover firewood but we were forced to ignore it. As time
goes it gets worse. They increase the number of machinery and we keep on standing.

OFF 04 – There will never be enough for them. No corporation in the planet dares
neglecting the stockholders interests and their economics fundaments. Profit above
all, even over public interest. It is not Nature’s law. It is a very specific law. Whom
should they be loyal to?


RÔNIA MARIANO (mining company neighbor) –They want to buy the land from us
but they would even reach market price. Some people think they pay a fortune but the
do not.
VALDIR LOPES DOS REIS (mining company neighbor) – Their proposal is to buy
everything. They always say it.

NICOLAU ANTÔNIO DE OLIVEIRA (mining company neighbor) – They are very

powerful people all is left for us is to retreat. Isn´t it?

ANDRESSA LOPES (a mining company neighbor) – We could not cope. We could no

longer stand the pressure. We went to bed and the very next morning, still dark, there
they were surrounding the house. I said “better to sell it to them”.

SERGIO ULHOA DANI (MD, PhD) – Coward practices from the company or their
representatives to press people to sell their land for peanuts as they say in Paracatu. That
is not acceptable. Within the roots of everything lies the pressure approach, the
intimidation methods from the “grand company”.

ANDRESSA LOPES (mining company neighbor) – The area over there today belongs
to RPM.

VALDIR LOPES DOS REIS (mining company neighbor) – If you are willing to sell
they will buy all. The problem is: with this money we can not afford to replace it and
we can not raise our children.

URUBATAN DOS SANTOS (mining company neighbor) – Sure they just want to pay
the price they repute as fair.

ANÍSIO JOSÉ DE CARVALHO (mining company neighbor) – If they came looking for
fair business on a deal with us so that we could leave the area – which would be good
for us as well. But when they come they just want to know our price. They have never
made an offer. They do not want to deal.

URUBATAN DOS SANTOS (mining company neighbor) – They ought to present us

with an honest, clean, fair proposal - from the company to the land occupants.

NICOLAU ANTÔNIO DE OLIVEIRA (mining company neighbor) –They have been

around for three times. They pressed me to sell. I said “no”. It was not my intention to

RÔNIA MARIANO (mining company neighbor, showing the mining company’s leaflet
depicting the future landscape of the mining site) – The mine was re-habilitated. The
Cava Lake is here, right in my house.

INTERVIEWER – What do you think about this?

RÔNIA MARIANO (mining company neighbor) – I take this as an affront. .Could I

ever get into town and decide I AM going to build on a land that belongs to you? I
certainly can not. And then what? Well, they tell me IF I do not sell I AM going to
deliver it on their terms – anyway they want, because they will get into my land no
matter what.
NICOLAU ANTÔNIO DE OLIVEIRA (mining company neighbor) – If I ever find
anyone interested to buy, I sell. I find the area over here too much degraded to live in.

RÔNIA MARIANO (mining company neighbor) – Two houses have been left.
Everything else they bought. Mrs Nenzinha and Pelé still remain. They know well what
is being done to them. When they arrived here they imposed the buying price but
Nenzinha and Pele would not sell it cheap.

NICOLAU ANTÔNIO DE OLIVEIRA (mining company neighbor) – Though we

belong in here, because here we were born and raised but there is a time we can no
longer put up with it.

ANDRESSA LOPES (mining company neighbor) – The money owner orders it all. The
poor ones there located, there used to live in go on retreating.


ROBSON FERREIRA (mining company neighbor) – My grandfather died at 96. He left

us 10 years ago. My grandfather was a “careta” (scaring ghost figure portrayed in a
dance) then. It was a tradition inherited from his father and from his grandfather. Three
centuries ago there was the “caretada” (scaring ghost dancing parade). Today the “
caretada” is no longer performed. Most people would like to but they do not know how
to assemble the costumes anymore, the masks – adapted to a very particular way of

MARIA CAMPOS DOS SANTOS (mining company neighbor) – They displace

everybody. I was born and raised here, next to my parents, my mother and everything
and everyone else.

MARIA PEREIRA GUIMARÃES (mining company neighbor) – My grandmother was

from 1876. Here she was born and raised. Her grandparents and great- grandparents
were the owners of the area.

SERGIO ULHOA DANI (MD, PhD) – Hundred year old communities have been
disintegrated. People who were used to live in that environment are now being
dislodged. Theirs lives and their dreams are also scattered. Where are they supposed to
go to?

PAULO SERRANO NEVES (GOIAS State Criminal Prosecutor) – That means to

remove from them their right to live, specifically speaking. It is not enough to be alive,
eating, sleeping, and working. Their culture counts.

ROBSON FERREIRA (mining company neighbor) – Slavery is back to my people

through this company. A new kind of slavery which does not force you to work, does
not hit you, it simply prevents you to live as you used to.

SERGIO ULHOA DANI (MD, PhD) – The right approach would be for this company
to re- allocate these communities to healthier sites , to provide them with whatever they
used to have before the RPM mining company arrived here.
MARIA CAMPOS DOS SANTOS (a land user who lives next to the tailings dam) –
What do they expect from us? Would they expect us to live under a bridge or something
like that?

PAULO SERRANO NEVES (GOIAS State Criminal Prosecutor) – We do not share the
practice of rendering cult to immaterial values, non tangible values)

SERGIO ULHOA DANI (MD, PhD) – Even if it should not be possible to restitute the
environment where those people were born, were raised and spent their lives, much
could be done to partially restitute environmental health. The mining company had done
nothing so far.

MARIA CAMPOS DOS SANTOS (a land user who lives next to the tailings dam) –
They have never approached me on buying the land but IF they do I shall not sell it

MARIA PEREIRA GUIMARÃES (a land user who lives next to the tailings dam) – We
are entitled to all this. Double rights, one because we are afro - descendants and second
because it had been bought. Legally bought – we have an inventory on that since 1855.

PAULO MAURICIO SERRANO NEVES (Goiás State Criminal Prosecutor) – The

History of Brazil is the history of violence against cultures.


MÁRCIO JOSÉ DOS SANTOS (geologist) – To talk about safe dam in Brazil or Minas
Gerais sounds more like a bad taste joke. Simply, because there is not such a thing as a
100% safe dam.

INTERVIEWER – Do you fear this dam could explode some day?

ANÍSIO JOSÉ DE CARVALHO (a land user who lives next to the tailings dam) – We
fear it all right. They say it is safe, there is no danger but we raise the question: Why
should man made construction resist destruction when even nature made things do not?

AUGUSTO TEIXEIRA (a land user who lives next to the tailings dam) – What do I
know? But I do not trust man made constructions are meant to be resistant.

MARIA PEREIRA GUIMARÃES (a land user who lives next to the tailings dam) –
One wonders when they insist there is no danger.

AUGUSTO TEIXEIRA (a land user who lives next to the tailings dam) – I have seen
dams which exploded and flooded – and they seemed to be much stronger than this one.

MÁRCIO JOSÉ DOS SANTOS (geologist) – Even if the mining company C.E.O.
placed his family to live just below the dam I would still not accept that the dam is
100% safe.
SERGIO ULHOA DANI (MD, PhD) – It rains over the dam and we know water erosion
is quite efficient to destroy what they have built.

ANÍSIO JOSÉ DE CARVALHO (a land user who lives next to the tailings dam) –
When there is flood the thing below cracks down - from up to down. No soon it happens
they rush to fix it up.

INTERVIEWER – What do you mean by “cracks down”?

ANÍSIO JOSÉ DE CARVALHO (a land user who lives next to the tailings dam) – The
flooding overflows from one level to another level and then it fails to cope, it cracks…

SERGIO ULHOA DANI (MD, PhD) – There are grooves throughout the dam.

ANÍSIO JOSÉ DE CARVALHO (a land user who lives next to the tailings dam) – This
grooving comes from water erosion.

MÁRCIO JOSÉ DOS SANTOS (geologist) – My family would never live there.

AUGUSTO TEIXEIRA (land user who lives next to the tailings dam) – They say there
is no danger. They say so because they are not the ones who live down below.

MÁRCIO JOSÉ DOS SANTOS (geologist) – I would not advise anyone to live down
there, having the dam over their heads.

ANÍSIO JOSÉ DE CARVALHO (a land user who lives next to the tailings dam) – We
are in the middle of the area of risk. We run all sorts of risks.

PAULO MAURICIO SERRANO NEVES (GOIAS State Criminal Prosecutor) – The

Brazilian Lottery mega-prize is one for almost 60 million, but there is a winner.

AUGUSTO TEIXEIRA (a land user who lives next to the tailings dam) – I put all my
money here and for nothing, useless now, for me or my wife .I put an add at the real
estate agency but whenever the prospective buyer comes by the business does not
materialize. They fear the dam collapse.

PAULO MAURICIO SERRANO NEVES (Goiás State Criminal Prosecutor) – If there

weren’t risks in the area someone would have bought it all – even if it were sold cheap it
would still be good to make some money.

SERGIO ULHOA DANI (MD, PhD) – There is a risk of rupture in the dam and that
happening it would spill the sludge toward the populations which are downstream the
dam and it would contaminate the environment with arsenic and other poisoning
substances which are present in the tailings.

PAULO MAURICIO SERRANO NEVES (GOIAS State Criminal Prosecutor) – This

area of risk demands a solution toward people and presently available resources
granting their survival away from the scene of risks.
OFF 05 – Can all products be manufactured on a sustainable way? Not always.
Can one extract products from mining activities on a sustainable approach? Hard
to believe!


RÔNIA MARIANO (mining company neighbor) – Gosh! The dust is an absurd! You
get up in the morning, fix all up in the house and soon afterwards it looks like an
earthquake went throughout the house.

LEANDRO FRANCISCO (mining company neighbor) – We get dust everyday! The

machinery work 24 hours a day. As the tractors carry on with their catching, the
resulting dust impregnates into our houses.

ANÍSIO JOSÉ DE CARVALHO (a land user who lives next to the tailings dam) – On
rainy days when the wind comes along we get darkened environment all over – so much
dust there is.

SERGIO ULHOA DANI (MD, PhD) – Lack of vegetation expose mined areas as IF
there existed a dust plant. toxic dust, poisoning dust – spread all over town.

LEANDRO FRANCISCO (a land user who lives next to the tailings dam) – We
undergo a great problem with the cowboys. Many of them have come around just to
leave in no time because their children are soon affected by the problem.

MÁRCIO JOSÉ DOS SANTOS (geologist) – The hydro-metallurgy process precipitates

arsenic and that is an extremely toxic, poisoning element.

SERGIO ULHOA DANI (MD, PhD) – A sulphet-rich ore, which in the presence of air
and water changes into an acid soup, quite rich in arsenic and sulfuric acid.

MÁRCIO JOSÉ DOS SANTOS (geologist) – Arsenic poses a great danger simply
because one does not know what to do about it.

NICOLAU ANTÔNIO DE OLIVEIRA (mining company neighbor) – The combination

of rain and wind dirties all around here – it brings along a kind of dust, a white dust.

SEBASTIANA PEREIRA DA CRUZ - (mining company neighbor) – A white dust that

impregnates all, like salt. It is quite thin but you can see and feel it as you slide your
hands on the furniture.

LEANDRO FRANCISCO (mining company neighbor) – The white dust- it falls all over
your property. It is not worth cleaning the house because soon afterwards you can
literally write over the dust.


Wherever it adheres, it kills all!

MÁRCIO JOSÉ DOS SANTOS (Geologist) – the finishing process uses an extremely
toxic substance called cyanide. Cyanide is lethal.

MÁRCIO JOSÉ DOS SANTOS (Geologist) – Great part of this used cyanide is put into
storage into tanks which are buried and kept underground. We are transferring the
cyanide problem to future generations.We are just burring the problem.

LUIS ALBERTO ALVES (RPM/Kinross Director) – We can be punished! We are the

ones environmentally responsible. Any problem we are the ones to answer for it!

MÁRCIO JOSÉ DOS SANTOS (Geologist) – When such substances are carried by
water and precipitates/ infiltrates on the soil by means of acid drainage – which does
exist in that área – the contamination can reach many kilometers of distance.

OFF 06 – They make it legal for them to create murdering technologies. Profit is
what matters, continuous profit – “legal and sustainable” but for the enterprise
owner and stockholders at anyone else’s expenses.


SERGIO ULHOA DANI (MD, PhD ) – Besides pneumoconiosis, respiratory tract

affections, there is evidence that through ingestion , mainly to what concerns children,
that through dust, serious illnesses can increase significantly – like cancer, for example.

SERGIO ULHOA DANI (MD, PhD) – Scientific literature corroborates that in the
neighborhood of mines such as this operated by the Rio Paracatu Mineração – the
incidence of cancer can increase tenfold over normal indexes.

RÔNIA MARIANO (mining company neighbor) – If you just look at the people who
are affected by the proximity you will notice how they suffer from different illnesses ,
due to this RPM company.

SEBASTIANA PEREIRA DA CRUZ (mining company neighbor) –We used to have a

life here before this company came over. We could work, play and run in the fields and
there was nothing to feel ill about. After they came, all changed dramatically. We have
to spend on medication what we can and also what we can not afford.

SERGIO ULHOA DANI (MD, PhD) – This company main and mandatory obligation
lies with their stockholders. The local population is the one with all to lose. The
community loses its natural patrimony and its cultural patrimony. For the communities
and populations is left the socio-environmental, degrading impact.


ANÍSIO JOSÉ DE CARVALHO (a land user who lives next to the tailings dam) – The
noise is bothersome. One can not sleep when they are at work.
MARIA CAMPOS DOS SANTOS (a land user who lives next to the tailings dam) –
The noise exceeds the tolerable. It is too much for one to cope.

ANÍSIO JOSÉ DE CARVALHO (a land user who lives next to the tailings dam) – We
have cracks all over our house. Whenever they operate the big tractor it all shakes. The
house is full of cracks.

RÔNIA MARIANO (mining company neighbor) – I have hired a company to measure

the decibels. It was quite loud. . It was measured at mid-night, at 1 o’clock A.M. Then
they paid for their own evaluation report. .Question is: would they generate noise when
the inspectors are checking out? One knows that this checking has a previously date and
time. If you were RPM would you put your noisy machine to work at this day and
time? Well… most likely, no. I have constituted a case against them on the account of
noise and dust. Well. All I have to say is that the law-suit does not move on. When they
(the company) present a law-suit it seems to move extraordinarily fast. But when the
common citizen legally complains – it does not move forward in Court. From the
common citizen all is demanded, demanded… over and over…


URUBATAN DOS SANTOS (mining company neighbor) – They have simply

dissipated the informal gold diggers class (the “garimpeiros”) in Paracatu.

RÔNIA MARIANO (mining company neighbor) – There is a month since they were
arresting garimpeiros at the river banks in Paracatu.

VALDIR LOPES DOS REIS (mining company neighbor) – The Forest Police came in
and took away the garimpeiros’ pan and everything else that was part of their job.

RÔNIA MARIANO (mining company neighbor) – In reality the forbidden activity

should be the one related to mercury, not the gold diggers’ activity (the “garimpo”)

URUBATAN DOS SANTOS (mining company neighbor) – The gold belongs to the
people, to the ones who are the land users.

JOSÉ DO CARMO SOBRINHO (a land user who lives next to the tailings dam) – We
have always digged gold around here. There had never been any prohibition.

ROBSON FERREIRA (mining company neighbor) – My grandfather raised 21 children

from the work of the gold digging pan (the “bateia”). Inside the São Domingos
community. If you dare doing that in the Sao Domingos area today you are to be
arrested. .

RÔNIA MARIANO (mining company neighbor) – There were people who worked all
day long to obtain one gram of gold. They have ended up into the police car.
VALDIR LOPES DOS REIS (mining company neighbor) – We now owe everywhere.
We used to prospect gold to purchase the everyday bread for the kids.


MANOEL MARTINS (mining company neighbor) – They seduce the people of Parcatu
by offering jobs. However, inside the RPM company the job opportunities are just for
lower and intermediate levels. The leading positions are for the ones out of town.

URUBATAN DOS SANTOS (mining company neighbor) – Is the company generating

Jobs??? Well it might be but do you know who for? For Piauí state. It is far from here. It
is disrespect to the Minas Gerais state. They also generate jobs, besides Piaui, to Baia
state workers cheap labor.

MANOEL MARTINS (mining company neighbor) – They damage our environment and
forward the profit to Canada and overseas.

INTERVIEWER – Is there any gold originated in Paracatu at the local market?

JOÃO ARAÚJO DE OLIVEIRA (goldsmith) – No! Not here. It can not happen here.
Here we have the RPM company that explores the local gold but they would not sell it
to us. In the seventies and eighties it was easy to obtain gold because the mining
activities were democratic. One could easily acquire gold to work.

SERGIO ULHOA DANI (MD, PhD) – Suddenly all of the economy of a small city is
moved around to grant the success of a single company. Isn´t that true?

JOÃO ARAÚJO DE OLIVEIRA (goldsmith) – Look, in my opinion something should

be done for us to be able to use the gold we have here – our gold.

SERGIO ULHOA DANI (MD, PhD) – Though, individually this company can generate
many jobs – the municipality has diversified activities to grant its self- sufficiency.
There was self- sufficiency long before the Rio Paracatu Mineração came by.

JOÃO ARAÚJO DE OLIVEIRA (goldsmith) – They prevent us from working in our

profession. They prevent us from doing anything in our own profession. It is not just
me. There are many of us in the same situation.

INTERVIEWER – How many professionals in this category are there?

JOÃO ARAÚJO DE OLIVEIRA (goldsmith) – We can talk about a minimum of twenty.

URUBATAN DOS SANTOS (mining company neighbor) – Then… all that was left
was the “big gold diggery” (the “big garimpo”, the “garimpão”). The big gold diggery is

OFF 07 – (mining company neighbor) – The Kinross-RPM Expansion Project

III accounts for more than 15 tons of gold production/ year. The expectation is for
more than 30 years of exploration, thus more than 450 thousand kilograms of the
precious metal. We are talking about more than half of total of gold that left Minas
Gerais at the times of Brazil colony.

SERGIO ULHOA DANI (MD, PhD) – We now face a very serious risk – the three
major water springs, the main ones to form the Saint Rita Creek- to be completely
destroyed by a second tailings dam – a dam to have 11 kilometers of extension. The
existing dam already has around 1,000 hectares of surface and the other one is to be
bigger than this.

URUBATAN DOS SANTOS (mining company neighbor) – What about the flood? “ If
you do not cooperate you are going to be flooded “ – they put it this way.

SERGIO ULHOA DANI (MD, PhD) – The Rico Creek is the main one to go through
the city of Paracatu. The RPM Expansion Project will destroy this important water
spring. We were courting the preparations for the Rico Creek wake ceremony but we
know realize that through Rio Paracatu Mineração Expansion Project we are to prepare
the definite burial of the Rico Creek.

URUBATAN DOS SANTOS (mining company neighbor) – All here is to be flooded.

SERGIO ULHOA DANI (MD, PhD) – There is a serious problem as to have re-
composition of this mined area – subject to be kept degraded for various generations to


URUBATAN DOS SANTOS (mining company neighbor) – This used to be the access.
It was natural that people would continue to come by the slag depot area.

LUIS ALBERTO ALVES (RPM/Kiross Director) – we no longer use the terminology

“garimpeiro” (gold digger) – unfair for what we have today. We use the term

SEBASTIANA PEREIRA DA CRUZ (mining company neighbor) – People would

arrive at the area to collect some scrap they would no longer have use for.

URUBATAN DOS SANTOS (mining company neighbor) – When we talk about scrap
we mean leftovers, rejects, like scraped food. Whatever becomes leftover, is a reject.

LUIS ALBERTO ALVES (RPM/Kinross Director) – We no longer refer to the small

“garimpeiro” who would come by to catch a few grams of our gold for their own
maintenance. That no longer apllies. The situation is serious. The guys get in here with
guns. It is concentrated on criminals. Mind you, if we say we are going to let people
come by and take it over, in one week the situation in Paracatu is to become monstrous.
Our great objective, our great target is to de-motivate people to come around.

SEBASTIANA PEREIRA DA CRUZ (mining company neighbor) – They prohibited

people access. If they got into the area the security guards would run after them, with
their unrestrained dogs after them. All of this happening right above our heads.


URUBATAN DOS SANTOS (mining company neighbor) – They have entered the farm
several times – shooting at the “garimpeiros”.

RÔNIA MARIANO (mining company neighbor) – IF you belong to the mountains as a

land occupant you know well about the ones they shot dead.

URUBATAN DOS SANTOS (mining company neighbor) – There were rotten,

wounded guys exposing their leg bones. I have taken some to the hospital. They have
shot many people around here. One died.


are removing something that belong to us. That is wealth of Paracatu. We did not have
the needed means to explore it and then they came in with everything.

URUBATAN DOS SANTOS (mining company neighbor) – Countless times I had asked
the security guards not to shoot adding that one day they would kill someone over there.

RÔNIA MARIANO (mining company neighbor) – The authorities deal with two
different weights and measurements. They prohibit us but they let free the mining
company destroying everything about.

LUIS ALBERTO ALVES (RPM/Kinross Director) – We use our own security forces,
police action and Public Ministry actions. We have hired a company specialized which
is specialized on dogs security support. They carry a badge, like the ones used by the
Shock Police Brigade. Our orientation to our guards lies on the following: administer it
but do not retreat. If you retreat, if you let they in, say goodbye.

OFF 08 – On the evening of June 27, 1998 the Paracatu Born citizens : Luis
Oliveira Lopes, José Oliveira Lopes and Evandro Oliveira Lopes – known as the
“Canela brothers ” – reached the RPM/Kinross depot to use leftover mined gold.
The first one was shot dead and the second one was paralyzed and died two years
later due to the shooting complications. Evandro was shot too, but managed to
survive the tragedy.

EVANDRO OLIVEIRA LOPES (brother of the deceased “garimpeiro”) – He said there

had been a telephone call to warn about the presence of the Canela brothers in the area.
An ambush was then prepared – they were at the road waiting for us. They waited for us
to enter the area. But it so happened that we saw them and we knew then we could not
work. There were security guards everywhere. That is when my brother said “let’s us go
back”. We were leaving. We had not caught anything. Suddenly, on our way out, we
were shot. We had not caught anything. We heard them saying “It is the Canela brothers.
Let´s kill them now”.

ANA LOPES DE MORAES (mother of dead “garimpeiros”) – They decided one day
they would get in there. They went but it did not work out the way they planned. They
had not even touched the slag. Before they had arrived there they received the shooting
and that was it. I was left without them, struggling to raise their children.

MÁRCIA LOPES OLIVEIRA (“garimpeiro” widow) – I was left with 5 small, suffering
kids. Since then I have been struggling to live my life alone.

LUIS ALBERTO ALVES (RPM/Kinross director) – Not to retreat! The only arm I have
today is “do not retreat”.

EVANDRO OLIVEIRA LOPES (dead “garimpeiro” brother) – I remember coming to

get my brother and my uncontrolled arm sliding down.

INTERVIEWER – How many times have you been shot?

EVANDRO OLIVEIRA LOPES (dead “garimpeiro” brother) – I was hit by a single

shot. My arm is wrongly bent. This nerve here was reached and this finger too. I can not
use them to lift any weight.

MÁRCIA LOPES OLIVEIRA (“garimpeiro” widow) – My brother-in-law was killed.

EVANDRO OLIVEIRA LOPES (dead “garimpeiro” brother) – The other one was shot
in the leg. He became an invalid. He remained on a wheelchair until he died.


are taking away what belongs to us and on the top of it they kill us. Just as they have
killed the brother of my brother-in-law. They did not have to do that. Did they?

INTERVIEWER – Did you take the case to Court?

ANA LOPES DE MORAES (mother of dead “garimpeiros”) – I did not. I was told there
was no way I would have a legal support.

MÁRCIA LOPES OLIVEIRA (“garimpeiro” widow) – A lawyer told me my husband

acted unlawfully. I had then searched for one of these City Hall lawyers. He told me
then that my husband acted wrongly (as an outlaw).

INTERVIEWER – Have you ever gotten any compensation money?

ANA LOPES DE MORAES (mother of dead “garimpeiros”) – Never. I have never got

MÁRCIA LOPES OLIVEIRA (“garimpeiro” widow) – No. Nobody ever came to me to

give any help. I took care of everything by myself. I had to manage with his funeral.
Would you believe I did not get even a pension. Wherever I went all doors closed to me.
ANA LOPES DE MORAES (mother of dead “garimpeiros”) – I feel sorry, deeply sorry.
The sadness and the agony of not having my sons, their children being left orphans for
me to look after them. They are with me. That is how I feel.

MÁRCIA LOPES OLIVEIRA (“garimpeiro” widow) – They did not deserve being
killed as they were. I even thought they could have been arrested but not killed. They
could have arrested them and incarcerated them.

LUIS ALBERTO ALVES (RPM/Kinross director) – We do not have means to do it. We

are seven, eight guards in all – for thirty invaders. If that happens it will happen again
what had already happened – there shall be deaths.

MÁRCIA LOPES OLIVEIRA (“garimpeiro” widow) – I thought the company

representatives had to come to me. They never did. Ten years have since passed. They
will not do it. Do you know what I get for a living? Sixty-six reais from the Family
Support government plan.


ERIS RIBEIRO PEREIRA (dead “garimpeiro” cousin) – There were five of us. We
went there together. We were working and then the company group arrived next to the
palisades trying to ambush us and shooting. One of us, a cousin of mine was left behind
as we ran. He was caught and hardly hit before he was shot. They shot him on his back
and killed him. The shot could have hit me on my back if it were on a straight but I
quickly jumped over the palisades and the shot hit my foot. The legal suit that followed
on granted the killer just one year on a part-time imprisonment. There is a legal suit on
me. I am waiting to see what is going to happen.

LUIS ALBERTO ALVES (RPM/Kinross director) – All adopted measures were

intimidating ones – we meant to calm the situation down.

OFF 09 – HOW MUCH IS ENOUGH? Why can not a billionaire be happy on

being half a billionaire? Would it not be good for his company to make CLEAN


URUBATAN DOS SANTOS (mining company neighbor) – They are maliciously

gambling. The local authorities take no action.

MANOEL MARTINS (mining company neighbor) – The legally constituted entities

simply close their eyes.


that does not depend on me “

MANOEL MARTINS (mining company neighbor) – It seems... well it is more than just
“seems”, they have been urged to keep their mouths shut. It is the only explanation.
JOÃO ARAÚJO DE OLIVEIRA (goldsmith) – Paracatu reminds us of a colony from
the times the Portuguese first came in. People from nowhere would come by and take
away what they pleased. They leave nothing behind for us here.

MARCIANO DA CRUZ DOS REIS (mining company neighbor) – It is like that here!
Outsiders come in, manage a life of their own and then go away. Where are the mayors?
The bossing people, where are they? I wonder if they are not sharing partners!


is what I call the coward Paracatu. Why can we not change all this situation in here?

Mayor – I know the Legal Right and Reason are all yours.

RÔNIA MARIANO (mining company neighbor) – They do not care about the people.
They care about their pockets. Most unfortunately this is the picture of national politics,
true to Paractu too.

PAULO MAURICIO SERRANO NEVES (Goiás State Criminal Prosecutor) – It is

enough the gold taken away from Paracatu and from the rest of Brazil when we had no
applicable law.

ANÍSIO JOSÉ DE CARVALHO (a land user who lives next to the tailings dam) – The
City Hall has no interest to find out anything. It is interested on getting their share,
whatever they already earning.

MARCIANO DA CRUZ DOS REIS (mining company neighbor) – We are kept with
our fingers to suck. The outsiders come in, sweep the profits and we are left with our
fingers to suck.

PAULO MAURICIO SERRANO NEVES (Goiás State Criminal Prosecutor) –

Development needs led the country to be given away for peanuts. We are talking about
the law being interpreted by a red tape expert. Suddenly we are left with a third level
boss (sic) at a given official department, one who is decreeing on how the Constitution
should be interpreted on a particular issue.

MÁRCIA LOPES OLIVEIRA (“garimpeiro” widow) – Authorities act coldly. All act
alike and nobody did anything. Everybody kept their mouths shut because all of them
fear RPM, because RPM has got the money we do not have. You can go as far as to the
top of the ladder and you get a “NO”, they tell you RPM has got the money. Then
everybody keeps their mouths shut, say nothing and retreat.


LEANDRO FRANCISCO (mining company neighbor) – I have no idea whatever can

become of my children and grand –children, the generations to come.

URUBATAN DOS SANTOS (mining company neighbor) – It is for the young people of
this generation to take some action NOW!
PAULO MAURICIO SERRANO NEVES (Goiás State Criminal Prosecutor) – We run
the risk of being hated by this generation.

JOSÉ DO CARMO SOBRINHO (a land user who lives next to the tailings dam) – They
are going to point their fingers to us, to the older generation.

PAULO MAURICIO SERRANO NEVES (Goiás State Criminal Prosecutor) – Our

descendants before dying from the total scarcity of resources we left them, might as
well spit at our coffins.

JOSÉ DO CARMO SOBRINHO (a land user who lives next to the tailings dam) – We
are the ones to be blamed for giving it all away to the outsiders.

RONIA MARIANO (a mining company land user) – It is the Power of Money. Have
you heard about this Power?

PAULO MAURICIO SERRANO NEVES (Goiás State Criminal Prosecutor) – Truth is:
we are preventing our children, our young to participate at the construction of their own
future. The people have the legal right to have this mining company to answer in an
absolutely clear way, to tranquilize everybody, that nobody has been contaminated.
They have to corroborate that there is no soil or environment irradiated contamination,
that there is no risk of the dam cracking down... they have to say it over and over.

PAULO MAURICIO SERRANO NEVES (Goiás State Criminal Prosecutor) – You,

gentlemen who are part of the mining company: beware that you are on Brazilian
territory and there is left citizenship here. There are Brazilians to defend Brazil.

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