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Q1: The 1997 rover deal was a ___ years agreement

A. 2 C. 3

B. 4 D. 1

Q2: Malow’s Theory of motivation select the wrong one

A. Safety C. Self actualisation

B. Self-motivation D. Physiological needs

Q3: In Hertzberg theory of motivation what are the hygiene factors

A. Work condition C. Employee recognition

B. Responsibility D. Interesting work

Q4: Which of the following is not an advantage of traditional Job Evaluation?

A. Basic pay structure C. Emphasis on Job holder

B. Equal Pay D. Career Development

Q5: What is Flex Fund also known as

A. Menu style C. Data Style

B. Cafeteria Style D. Hotel Style

Q6: Traditional appraisal method does not have

A. Interview with the manager C. report after 6 months

B. Report after 1 year D. Set objectives

Q7: Which of the following is not a source for collecting market data?

A. Tests C. Surveys

B. Recruitment agency D. Government Information

Q8: which of these is not a part of flexible benefits?

A. Reflex Fund C. Voluntary Benefits

B. Benefits via salary sacrifice D. Flex Fund

Q9: The theory of motivation proposed by Latham & Locke is also known as

A. Gold Theory C. Hygiene Theory

B. Goal Theory D. Motivator Theory

Q10: Which of the following is not a part of the UK Pension Scheme?

A. Group pension Scheme C. State pension

B. Shareholder Scheme D. Define benefit scheme

Q11: The Theory of Expectancy is also known as



Q12. Broadband pay structure is

A. Controlled structure C. Management Free structure

B. Limited management D. Variable structure

Q13: Which is not a part of company’s financial participation?

A. Stakeholder C. Share ownership

B. Share option D. Profit Sharing

Q14. Job Evaluation know- how select the incorrect one

A. Human Relation skills C. Depth and range of technical know how

B. Breadth of management D. Depth and breadth of technology

Q15: which is not a type of variable pay?

A. Profit related pay (PRP) C. Shop floor Scheme

B. Job evaluation pay D. Sales commission

Q16: Bargaining power was the highest in which of the following countries

A. Spain C. UK

B. France D. China

Q17: Equal pay Amendment was done is the year

A. 1981 C. 1982

B. 1983 D. 1984

Q18: which of these is not a part of flexible benefits?

C. Reflex Fund C. Voluntary Benefits

D. Benefits via salary sacrifice D. Flex Fund

Q19: Which of the benefits are incorrect

A. Company pension £5400

B. Subsidised meal £300

C. Child care £1000

D. Leased Car £4000

Q20: Which is the common pay structure in a Pubic sector?

A. Pay spine C. Broadband

B. Job families D. Spot pay

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