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NO. 4, JULY 1978

[4] A. Dunbar,“Calculation of doublycurvedreflectorsforshaped [8] L. V. Blake,“Radioray(radar)range-height-anglecharts,”

beams,” inProc. IRE, vol. 36,pp. 1289-1296,Oct. 1948. MicrowaveJ., vol. 2, pp.
[5] A Brunner,“Possibilitiesof
doublycurved [g] M. H. menand G. N. T a d o h s , “A wide-band sqme-wave-
antennas,” IEEE Trans. guide
polarizer,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., vol.
AntennasPropagat., vol. Ap-19,pp. 52-57, Jan. 1971. AP-21, pp. 389-391, May 1973.
161 T.Carberry,
F. theow for the doubly [lo] R. L. Fmte, p. R. Franchi,and R. L. Taylor,
curved reflectorantenna,” IEEE Trans. AntennasPropagat., path on the height-findingcapability of fixed-reflectorradar
V O ~ .AP-17, pp. 131-138, Mar. 1969. systems,Part 2: Application to an air searchradarsystem,”
[7] J. L. Altman, MicrowaveCircuits. New York: Van Nostrand, In-House Rep. RADC-TR-76-215, July 1976.
1964, pp. 326-327.

A Theoretical Investigationof the Rectangular Microstrip Antenna Element


Absrmct-A theoreticaltreatment of the rectangularmicrostrip defining a mutual conductance. From the far fields, the direc-
radiating element has been performed. The element has been modeled tivity of a patch and the mutual conductance between patches
as a lineresonatorwithradiationtakingplace at the open-circuited are calculated.
ends. This has been verified by using a liquid crystal visual detector.
With the simplified model, the input impedance and the far fields have
been calculated for different resonant modes. The interaction between LINE RESONATOR
the radiating ends will effect the input impedance, and this has been
A rectangularmicrostripradiatingelementexcitedinthe
consideredby defining a mutualconductance. Also, a mutualcon-
ductance between microstrip elements has been expressed in far-field is schematicallyshown in Fig. 1.The
quantities and plotted as a function of spacingalong the E- and H-element is fedwith a transmissionline in the planeof the
planes.Thedirectivity of an isolated element hasbeen calculated aspatch or from the back through the ground plane to give a
field distribution which usually is uniform along the width. In
the directivity of one radiating end times the contribution due to the
array factor. this case the structure can be treated as a microstrip line reso-
natorwhich is opencircuited atbothendsandsupports
The fringing fields of the resonator can be viewed by means

T HE MICROSTRIP antenna consists of a radiating structure of a liquid crystal detector [9] to verify the assumption about
spaced a smallfractionof a wavelength above a ground the field distribution. By placing the detector above the patch,
plane.Antennas of thistypehavefoundapplicationswhere the E-fields in the plane of the detector can visually
be observed.
cost, weight, and ruggedness are important factors.Most of the Black andwhitereproductionsofthreedifferentdetector
workreported so farhasbeenexperimental. However, the color displays of the resonant mode structures on same micro-
circular disc microstrip element has theoretically been treated strip element are shown in Fig. 2. The regions of intense fields
as a cavity [ 11, [ 21 while therectangularpatchhasbeen are the dark areas along the edges of the patch. The radiation
modeled as a pair of slots separated bya transmission line [ 31 , takes place at the ends of the line resonator and the micro-
[ 4 ] . A different approach has been presented [ 51, [ 61 where strip element, therefore, essentially behaving as two uniformly
the radiating structure is modeled as a grid of wire segments. illuminated slots. At the higher order resonant modes, standing
Some basic design formulas for microstrip patch antennas have wave maximaareobservedalongthepatchseparatedby a
also been reported [ 71, [ 81. half-dielectric wavelength.
In this paper, the rectangular microstrip radiating elementis
theoretically investigated. The input impedance as a function
of the feed point is calulated by considering the element as a RADIATION PATTERN
line resonator with the open-circuited terminations modeled as
The radiation pattern of a rectangular microstrip element
an R C network. From a radiation point of view the element is modeled as two slots separated by a distance L is approximately
treated as two narrow slots, one at each end of the line reso- found by pattern multiplication.
nator. The interaction between the two slots is considered by Along a vertical cut in the E-plane it is determined by the
array factor alone since the far fields of a slot are constant in
Manuscriptreceived June 3, 1977; revisedDecember23,1977.This this plane. Along the ff-plane, the array factor for odd mode
in a Postdoctoral
under the southeastern excitation is constant it is for the even modes.
Center for Electrical Engineering Education, Inc.
Theauthor is with the DeputyforElectronicTechnology (RADC), Therefore, the radiation patterns Of the Odd modes are ‘Om-
Air Force Base, MA 01731. pletely

001 8-926X/78/0700-0532S00.75 O 1978 IEEE



B 2

Fig. 1. Rectangular microstrip radiating element.

Fig. 3.
-30 -15 (dB) 0

Radiation pattern along E-plane of first mode, 3.10 GHz.

-30 -15 (dB) 0

Fig. 4. Radiation pattern along E-plane of second mode, 6.15 GHz.

Fig. 5. Radiation pattern along E-planeof third mode, 9.15 GHz.

(C) (dl
Fig. 2. Liquidcrystaldisplaysofrectangularmicrostripelement
excited in different modes. (a) Microstrip element. (b) First mode,
3.10 GHz. (c) Second mode, 6.15 GHz. (d) Third mode, 9.15 GHz. Fig. 6. Radiation pattern along H-planeof f i s t mode, 3.10 GHz.

Radiation patterns of the rectangular microstrip element in one end of the microstrip element, is pure real. By transforming
Fig. 2 withthedimensions10mm X 30.5 m m havebeen +
the slot admittances G jB to the common point and adding
recorded for the first three resonant modes. The vertical cuts them together, the input impedance at resonance is found as
along the E-planeareshown in Figs. 3-5. As a comparison,
thetheoreticalradiationpatternsarealsoincluded in the
figures as dotted lines. The minor fluctuations in the recorded
patterns are due to the finite ground plane (0.61m X 0.61 m).
A vertical cut of the radiation pattern along the H-plane of the
lowest mode is shown in Fig. 6. The two slot model of the sin 20x (1)
microstrip radiating elementgives very good agreement between
theory and practice except in the region close to endfire. where Yc is thecharacteristicadmittanceand 0 is thethe
propagation constant of a microstrip line of width W. Usually
G / Y c < 1 and B/Yc 1, and therefore (1) simplifies t o
The input impedance for different feed point locations can
be calculated with the network model [ 4 ] . At resonance, the .&(x) = - cos2 px,
input impedance at an arbitrary feed point, a distance X from 2.G
NO. 4, JULY 1978

At resonance, the voltages at the ends of the microstrip element

are in equal magnitude and the phase difference is a multiple
of 180'. Takingintoaccountthemutualconductance G12
impedance has to be modified to

where G l l is the radiation conductance ofan isolatedslot.

The plus sign corresponds to the odd modes while the minus
sign refers to the even modes. The denominator is simply the
radiation conductance of a patch at resonance.

A mutual conductance [ 101 between two antennas can be
derived by considering the total radiated power in a manner
similar to that used t o define the radiation conductance for an
isolated antenna. If the antennas are excited by equal voltages,
the mutual conductance expressed in far-field components is -.
~ / I ~ ~ . F J ~ ~
' '

Fig. 8. Normalized mutualconductancebetween two narrow slots

along H-plane.

where ds is a vector normal to a sphere of large radius, V o is L and width W excited in the odd modesis
the voltage across the slot, and the asterisk denotes the com-
plexconjugate.Themutualconductance is used to express (
array input power and array directivity.

G1, =
$ln sin2

cos2 8
* cos 8 )

Consider two slots of length W placed in the X-Z plane and

alignedin the Z direction.Themutualconductancewhen
radiating into half spaceis

The first term in ( 6 ) is twice the mutual conductance be-

tween two slots along the E-plane spaced by a distance X . The
slots separated by distancesX L and X - L along theE-plane.
The approximation used to derive (6) is that the far fields of
a patch are determined by the element factor times the array
where J o is the zero-order Bessel function of the first kind. At The integrals in (6) have been computed numerically and
zero spacing, (5) gives the radiation conductance of an isolated the results are shown in Fig. 9. The mutual conductance be-
tween two patches dong theH-plane for odd modesis
Values of this integral have been calculated for two special
cases. The normalized mutual conductance between two narrow sin2 (E * cos 8 )
slotsalongtheE-plane is showninFig. 7 asafunction
spacing. The longer the slot, the higher the mutual conduct-
J[ cos2 8
ance. The corresponding curves for coupling along the H-plane
are plotted in Fig. 8. As expected, the conductance decreases
much more rapidly.
The mutual conductance between two rectangular micro-
strip elements is found from (4) and the far fields. Along the
E-plane, the mutual conductance between patches with length

:I 1.01

, E

-j ” -.._
a;q z

\ 8:0.3A
,y -x-
c2 :>,
- .-
^ ^
;;,/-, ‘w\2-p =-\3 - &=x. -~

5, \
_- ,:. I,-
- - ?

-. ‘ V -
E -0.5’
Fig. 9 . Normalized mutual conductancebetweentwo rectanguh Fig. 10. Normalized mutualconductancebetweentworectangular
microstrip elementsalong E-plane. microstrip elementsalong H-plane.
The first term is identified as twice the mutual conductance
between two slots spaced a distance Z along the H-plane. The
second term is twice the conductance between two slots sepa-
rated a distance L along the E-plane and a distance2 along the
H-plane. The normalized mutual conductance has been com-
puted and the result is drawn in Fig. 10. As with the slots, the
conductance decreases faster along the H-plane than along the
E-plane. An interesting point is that the conductance is higher
alongtheE-planeforwiderelements,whiletheopposite is
true along the H-plane. Patches excited in the even mode reso-
nances can be analyzed in a similar way.
Themicrostripelement is consideredasanarray of two
slots spaced a distance L along the E-plane. The directivity of Fig. 11. Relativedirectivity of rectangularmicrostripelementat
a patch can thus be expressed as the directivity of a slot [41 resonance.
times the contribution due to the array factor. For odd mode
excitations, the latter contribution at broadside is [ 101
D A F =- (81 The microwaveliquidcrystal detector was suppliedby
1 $812 James Sethares, RADC/EE.
where g12 is the normalized mutual conductance, as shown in
Fig. 7, between two slots along the E-plane.
The relative directivity of a patch is plotted in Fig. 11 as a REFERENCES
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pp. 74-78, Jan. 1974.
CONCLUSION A. G. Derneryd, “Linearly
microstrip antennas,”
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resonator. The radiation takes place predominantly from the Nov. 1976.
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fringing fields at the open-circuited ends. This has been veri- microstrip antennas,” in IEEE AP-SIntl.Symp.Digest, pp.
fied by liquid crystal displays. These fieldsalso represent an 395-398, Oct. 1976.
extension of the element, making the physical resonant length P. K. Agrawal and .M. C. Bailey, “An analysistechnique for
just shorterthanamultiple of ahalf-dielectricwavelength. microstripantennas,”IEEE Trans. AntennasPropagat., vol.
AP-25, pp. 756-759, NOV.1977.
Calculations of the input impedance show that by varying C. M. Kaloi,“Asymmetricallyfedelectricmicrostripdipole
the feed point along the line resonator, the element can be antenna,” Naval Missile Center,Point Mugu, CA, Report TP-
matched to all practicalimpedance levels. Fromaradiation 75-03, Jan. 1975.
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mutualconductancebetweentheradiatingendsgenerally in-house exploratory development program on microstrip patch
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The mutual conductance between elements can be seen as 75-200, Dec. 1975.
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