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BOOK OF ZIFFANIAH — teaching the new creation- revelation process which sustains the new- creative

witness of the voice of eternal righteousness found perfected in the tribute offering of a pure heart. Draft_E-18

good food and fodder— that royal food of industry and longevity of life eternal in the presence of God. Ye forsake the
things of the world for the things of the better world. Ye become sanctified to the hearing of the words of eternal life; ye
become adept at partaking of living manna hi the name of Jesus Christ. Ye prepare thy heart to be set apart for the work of
the Lord Jesus Christ. Ye prepare for the blessings of life eternal; ye partake of living manna in the eternal world because
thy heart has been turned to life eternal in the holy presence of God. So be it written and given unto thee that ye come away
from the world and prepare thy heart to be added upon the blessings of life eternal in the presence of God. [October 31,
1994 (1)]
November 4, 1994(1)
November 4, 1994 (1) Ye come with a desire to glorify thy Father in heaven with thine obedience. Ye shall be found
perfected in thy desire for obedience in the presence of God; for the presence of God is likened to a veil of living manna for
sustenance and glory, a veil between man and God which are increments of living light and understanding, even the purified
manna of righteousness, even the words of Jesus Christ found secluded from the eye which has not partaken of the sacrifice
of the atonement of Jesus Christ. Ye have partaken of the sanctifying light of pure faith in thy Savior and Redeemer Jesus
Christ in which is found the redeeming quality of righteousness which when partaken of in an attitude of sacrifice sanctifies
the soul and cleanses the pure- believing blood of everlasting dominion. [3:00 a.m. November 4,1994 (1)]
November 5, 1994 (1) [PRAISE BE UNTO THE GOD OF TENDER MERCY. Praise be the name of God who hath
delivered me from the jaws of hell; for I hear the word of the Lord in my mind and heart. The tree of knowledge of good and
evil awakens within me as I pursue a course of righteousness. I partake of the knowledge of the tree of life- giving
substance, even the holy substance of faith hi Jesus Christ. I desire to praise the Lord my God and declare allegiance to him
in all the facets of my life. I desire righteousness brought forth and desire to see the face of God in the holy of holies within
mine own spirit of righteousness. Blessed be the name of God for bis tender mercies received as a reward for faithful service
in the household of faith. Blessed be the name of the Lord God Jehovah who blesses me with added understanding. I praise
God for his tender mercy given unto me in the days of my affliction.] [PRAISE BE UNTO THE GOD OF TENDER
MERCY; November 5,1994 (1)]
November 15, 1994 (1)
November 15, 1994 (1) Ye are being called to occupy a place of faith hi the kingdom of God upon the earth that ye would
hear the words of the Lord Jesus Christ because of thy desire to come forth at the last day clothed with the revelation of the
Lord across thine understanding. Ye are being taught through thine own experience to cherish the good spirit of prophecy
and of revelation and to deny the evil process of counterfeit instruction heard in the mind of a double focus. For the evil is
brought forth unto thee through a counterfeit spirit as thy desire changes to that of seeking thine own way and thine own
direction. Blessed be the name of the Lord unto thee for ye have sought the cleansing water of the words of Jesus Christ
which fill thee with renewed desire to serve the living God and desire to be found in the pathway of righteousness
forevermore. Blessed be thy name among women as ye have been reinstated in the covenant of eternal life through thy faith
in the living God; for ye have been called this day to belief and further commitment to the words upon thy countenance even
as the words of eternal life cleanse thy heart and mind and fill thee with new hope in the presence of God. So be it written
and given unto thee that ye might understand righteousness, the bearing of the sacrifice of thy Savior Jesus Christ unto a
bearing of the blood of Jesus Christ among the children of the Father who hear with uncommon accuracy the words of
eternal life and bask in the work of salvation upon the earth. [November 15,1994 (1)]
November 16, 1994 (1)
November 16, 1994 (1) Release thy joy in praise unto the Most High God. Release thy stored knowledge of the plan of
eternal life and be found walking in the household of faith unto the new day of knowledge given unto thee of the
progression of the soul in an attitude of gratitude. [November 16, 1994 (1)]
November 21, 1994 (5)
November 21, 1994 (5) Ye have asked upon the pure principles of fellowship in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for ye
have broken through the veil of the eternal world which has brought thee peace in the statement: Behold the Lamb of God,
thy Savior Jesus Christ. Behold the word of the Lord Jesus Christ. Write the word of the Lord and be found worthy to
inhabit an understanding of light and life and salvation at the tree of eternal life that ye would come to understanding based
upon the knowledge of the things of an eternal- life perspective viewed in the sequence of an eternal- life knowledge of the
good word of God. So be it given unto thee that ye would experience peace in the foundation of righteousness in thy spirit
unto beholding the face of Jesus Christ within thine own understanding. [November 21, 1994 (5)]
November 30, 1994(1)
November 30,1994 (1) Ye have come on bended knee and have found peace in the name of the Lord this day even ye
would be willing to be beckoned to greater knowledge which would ease the stresses of mortality for thee and which would

Please contribute by making copies to share the message. BOOK OF ZIFFANIAH is printed as an introductory unpublished manuscript
for review. STREAMS OF RENEWAL, INC. is a nonprofit 501 (c)3 foundation enlisting the support of those who desire to change the
world through new- creation fellowship and renewal. Future website is www.streamsofrenewal.com. friendship@streamsofrenewal.com.
All support is welcome. 9138 Arlon Street, A3-231, Anchorage, Alaska 99507. Patricia Kathleen Malone Southard. Draft_E-18

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