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BOOK OF ZIFFANIAH — teaching the new creation- revelation process which sustains the new- creative

witness of the voice of eternal righteousness found perfected in the tribute offering of a pure heart. Draft_E-67

has been purified to remembering the word of the Lord hi thy mind and heart. Ye are brought forth to remember godliness in
the presence of the Lord, even as the things of godliness are awakened within thee even that ye find the way before thee as
the bestowal of a map where ye trust to God for the things of thy deliverance; for I speak to thy capacity to be brought forth
to understanding to be taught to forgive the weaknesses and frailties of others who may have yet to gain the godly strength
to endure all things as ye have passed through the tribulation and fire of scorching trauma in the mind which finds an ember
of righteousness in the replaying of the song of eternal life written within the fiber of thy purified heart. So be it given to
thee to find an answer to thy question based on the things which are brought to understanding according to thy desire for
added knowledge to bring thee forth to new compassion for the suffering of those who have a desire to find the key to their
remembrance unlocked as a fellowship promise given in the name of the Holy One of Israel [November 25, 1996 (1)]
November 26, 1996 (I)
November 26, 1996 (1) [I heard the words in my sleep:] The key is the righteousness element.
November 27, 1996 (1)
November 27,1996 (1) My beloved daughter in whom I am well pleased. Ye hear my voice as ye are beckoned to write the
word of the Lord this day. Rejoice and be awaiting the time when ye are found before the throne of the Father Elohim, and
are addressed as co- inheritor with the literal Son of God, even Jesus of Nazareth who doth perform unto the Father a
ransom for thee in thy determination to believe the wondrous word of the Lord and follow in the footsteps outlined from the
beginning of the world, even the time of beginning when ye partook of an assignment to further the work and the glory
surrounding an everlasting inheritance based on the tribulation required to separate the things of mortal fame and honor
from the things which are burnished to require a sacrifice brought forth in the sacred name of Jehovah who overcame all
things and who brought a determination to the forefront to declare his willingness to rise above the level of weakness and
nonbelief to a level of belief in the eternal nature of God— even the station of knowledge which would seal upon the mind
and heart an understanding of the way and the fortune of everlasting life while in mortality unto a reconveying of the
ordinance of eternal life conveyed through the things of the Spirit of the Eternal Father who declareth to thee to stand and be
enlisted in the redemption of thy heart to righteousness. Stand and be brought forth to a redemption of thy foreordained
element which hearkens to the knowledge and season of righteousness abiding within thee to overcome all things placed
before thee. Rejoice, my child, rejoice; and welcome are ye to obtain a facility of welcome to obey the knowledge given to
thee to rejoice in thy deliverance from the world in thy belief in the way opened before thy view of the eternal station and
knowledge granted to thee to behold thy willingness in thy days to obtain an endowment of understanding to further the use
of thine eternal agency to come within thyself to understand the beloved nature of thy calling and election to righteousness
and the knowledge of the progression element of understanding the mind and will of the Father as raised upon thy brow to
receive the appointment to knowledge to find a pattern of deliverance before thy way as brought forth to thee as an inheritor
of the comfort given of the Holy One of Israel to befriend thee in thy stance of righteousness. Rejoice and be made glad this
day as ye are addressed as a daughter of eternal righteousness with an approbation to receive an out- pouring of knowledge
and the capacity to formulate faith before thy view in the opening of the well of living knowledge and understanding
wherewith ye would stand at the veil of thine appointment to write as called upon by the things of righteous desire which are
brought to thee in thy tribulation revealed and thy days numbered to have opened to thee an attitude of sacrificial obedience
to become one with the Eternal Father and the Spirit of eternal righteousness, even thy Father of the redemption wherewith
ye see into the eternal measure of righteousness and are found prepared to obtain a dominion of knowledge and a dominion
of understanding raised upon thee to find the key to eternal life and the element of the way assigned of the things of an
inheritance with the Son of God, even Jesus of Nazareth, while ye dwell in the flesh to obtain a knowledge brought forth to
thee in the things which are delivered to thy mind and heart and given unto thee to rejoice and raise thy heart toward heaven
and obtain a rightful view into the things of eternal knowledge and extended life in the way and season of righteousness. So
be it written to give the firsthand- compliance knowledge of thy reign with the literal Son of God as ye are received into the
fellowship of one who has received a welcome into the knowledge of having overcome the world and having partaken of a
living- rightful knowledge given to those whose garments are cleansed and whose blood is prepared to acknowledge a
deliverance from the world of sorrow and sin. Prepare, my beloved, to leave and go on to thy rightful inheritance obtained in
the deliverance format of a daughter of zion having obtained a reassurance that all is well in thine eternal inheritance as a
rightful heir of eternal salvation unto whom is spoken the words: Receive ye of my right hand; and be forewarned to
knowledge received as an heir of righteousness inheriting a throne of eternal dominion and a throne of prepared allegiance
to the principles of eternal overcoming in the world wherewith thy mind and heart are put at ease in thy season of
deliverance from the things of a mortal focus. Welcome to the knowledge of eternal life and find thy peace in the precious
blood spilt for thine inheritance that ye would be offered a knowledge of thy completion of thy mission to the earth as ye are
instructed to prepare for thy transition to a realm of greater service and foreordained stewardship. Welcome back to my
bosom and rejoice in thy deliverance from the things of the world and inherit with the Son even the things of eternal
dominion and be regarded as an inheritor with the Son of God, even Jesus who is glorified and prepared of God to the

Please contribute by making copies to share the message. BOOK OF ZIFFANIAH is printed as an introductory unpublished manuscript
for review. STREAMS OF RENEWAL, EVC. is a nonprofit 501(c)3 foundation enlisting the support of those who desire to change the
world through new- creation fellowship and renewal. Future website is www.streamsofrenewal.com. friendship@streamsofrenewal.com.
All support is welcome. 9138 Arlon Street, A3-231, Anchorage, Alaska 99507. Patricia Kathleen Malone Southard. Draft E-67

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