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* BOOK OF ZIFFANIAH — teaching the new creation- revelation process which sustains the new- creative

witness of the voice of eternal righteousness found perfected in the tribute offering of a pure heart. Draft_E-155

Christ in a transformation of righteousness, or the pure blood of the Righteous Father who is the Father of the spirit of man
even the righteousness blood of the Father Elohim who is the Father of the Son of God even Jesus of Nazareth who partook
of the righteousness blood of the Father as he Jesus was a son of the flesh of the Father a literal blood connection to the
blood of the God of heaven the Almighty God of heaven and all matter in the expanse of eternity. The righteousness element
found in the blood of Jesus was the element of his patronage or the element of his Godhood having been the Only Begotten
Son of God in the flesh even the Son of righteousness even as the Father who is called Elohim is the Lord of righteousness
even the Lord of all heaven who reigns supreme in knowledge and eternal dwellings of light even the Lord of eternal
righteousness even the righteousness element which is the element of eternal life in the heavens and throughout all eternity.
Ye have come to the knowledge of the righteousness element that abides within thy blood even as ye have partaken of the
eternal- righteous element of the Father Elohim through the lineage of righteousness which is granted unto thee as ye have
been adopted into the lineage of the Son of God even Jesus Christ as ye abound in the knowledge of the eternal
righteousness of the Father even God over all gods partaking of the eternal knowledge of righteousness which is a
circumscribing witness of the redemption witness of the atonement of the blood of the Father having taken up residence in
the pure heart of the one who is found as a living witness and testifier of the ordinance of the cutting of spirit which breaks
open the heart with the element of pure righteousness as the descending blood of righteousness is transfigured upon the
heart in a covenant of lineage to bind that heart to the lineage of the Father in the name of Jesus Christ even as though the
heart were the literal son or daughter of God the Father even to the capacity to partake of the knowledge of righteousness in
a lineage of extended dominion even as the pure righteousness element of the Godhood of God the Father was the inherited
mark of righteousness designating the Son of righteousness, even Jesus Christ as an inheritor of all that the Father hath even
a dominion or the capacity to rule in heavenly courts of righteousness where the rule is of the word of righteousness
revealed as a pure knowledge of truth and uprightness revealed in the season of dominion and circumference to inherit as a
child of God partaking of the righteousness element of godliness as one born of the covenant of the pure love of God even a
transfigured child of holy covenant who has received the pure blood of the Righteous Father even the righteous element of
godhood transfigured upon the heart as the cutting of the covenant of spirit awakens the blood to a knowledge of
righteousness even as the transfigured knowledge of the redemption is encapsulated in the transfer of the lineage of
righteousness which is the element of the knowledge of eternal- life inheritance even as the knowledge of eternal life is an
inheritance obtained through the transfigured blood of righteousness. So be it written to thine understanding as ye do
configure an understanding to answer thy question as to the sealing capacity of the element of righteousness found in the
blood for the way and season of righteousness abideth upon the pure heart which is called pure even as the blood of
righteousness abides as a transfigured component of the season of the transfigured element of eternal life. [April 25, 1999
May 9, 1999 (1) [SACRIFICIAL LIGHT ABIDING IN TRUTH. Bright light foreordained to bear the eternal- life capacity
of great knowledge and the inherited traits of godliness in the presence of God, Hearken to the foundational tribute of the
words of Christ to awaken the mighty- sacrificial element of righteousness abiding in the heart to a knowledge of the eternal
nature of everlasting life. Hearken to the things of an awakened countenance prepared to sacrifice the things of the world.]
May 10, 1999(1)
May 10, 1999 (1) Blessed art thou as ye write in the holy name of Jesus Christ. Be at peace and partake of the new arena of
sanctified knowledge as ye put forth thine arm into the fire of the veil of eternal- life inheritance. So be it according to thy
desire for eternal richness to be found upon thy countenance in the name of the Father even Elohim and in the name of Jesus
Christ and in the name of the Holy Ghost who hath brought thee forth to greater understanding that ye abide in the circle of
extended- arm fellowship where thy cup is filled with the revelatory manna of eternal- life inheritance. Rest in the
knowledge found upon thy brow as ye find thy peace extended unto thee and ye are prepared to inhabit a greater
understanding of all righteousness. So be it written and given unto thee as ye feast in the presence of God and forsake not
thine inheritance to hear the words of living light found resting upon thy brow hi the holy name of righteousness that ye be
found perfected in the precepts and principles of perfected righteousness even that ye be found a partaker of the righteous
inheritance bestowed upon thy brow even as ye find the peace of the word of everlasting life configured upon thine
understanding in the holy name of righteousness. So be it written to grant thee the knowledge of eternal- life inheritance
even as ye find the comfort of greater light bestowed upon thee and ye experience the fullness of the everlasting covenant
brought forth unto thee even that ye would have illuminated unto thee the precepts and principles of the fullness of the
everlasting gospel of the order of the Son of God even a fullness of the promises of everlasting life restored unto thee in the
name of the Father and in the name of the Son of God and in the name of the holy administrator of righteousness even the
Holy Ghost who doth stay the forces of darkness and temptation— to administer unto thee the rights and privileges of the
inheritance of greater godliness even that ye would be found a partaker of the mind and will of God to grant thee peace in

Please contribute by making copies to share the message. BOOK OF ZIFFANIAH is printed as an introductory unpublishedmanuscript
for review. STREAMS OF RENEWAL, INC. is a nonprofit 501(c)3 foundation enlisting the support of those who desire to change the
world through new- creation fellowship and renewal. Future website is www.streamsofrenewal.com. friendship@streamsofrenewal.com.
All support is welcome. 9138 Arlon Street, A3-231, Anchorage, Alaska 99507. Patricia Kathleen Malone Southard. DraftJE-155

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