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BOOK OF ZIFFANLAH — teaching the new creation- revelation process which sustains the new- creative

witness of the voice of eternal righteousness found perfected in the tribute offering of a pure heart. Draft_E-165

March 10, 2000 (1)

March 10, 2000 (1) [I felt a comforting Spirit come over me as if I were in the presence of God. The impression to write was
implanted in my mind. I write in accordance to this impression.] Ye are brought forth to understanding this day as ye
reverence the name of God within thy heart and mind. Ye have been found prepared for an elevated understanding to grant
thee peace and to grant thee acceptance before the throne of God. Blessed art thou this day as ye are brought to a measure of
righteousness and are found prepared to leave the things of a lower realm of functioning and ascend to a higher level of
functioning in the presence of God with thine arms out- stretched in praise unto God. Be at peace and partake of the
understanding nature of a forgiving countenance which beckons thee to see through the lens of an elevated perspective
given to thee of God. Rejoice and be found prepared to offset thy critical thinking with the non-judgment attitude allowing
the things of God to take their course. Stand back and watch the hand of the Lord in thy behalf. Blessed art thou this day.
[March 10, 2000 (1)]
March 19, 2000 (1)
March 19, 2000 (1) As ye partake of the happiness abounding a pure heart ye partake of the fruit of eternal life in the
presence of God the Eternal Father even as ye do understand the fruit of the consumption of the vast reservoir of unlimited
knowledge and circumference abounding in the knowledge of eternal principle and truth inhabiting the mind of God.
Blessed art thou as ye find the things of the nature of God delightful and of good report. So be it written that ye abide a new
foundation of happiness allotted the pure of seeking the glory of God abounding in the presence of God. [March 19, 2000
March 20, 2000 (1)
March 20,2000 (1) Blessed art thou as ye configure the article of righteousness within thee as ye rejoice in thy deliverance
from the chains of the world which bind thy mind to the season of rejoicing in the words of Jesus Christ. Blessed art thou
for I have come unto thee and have given thee a blessing to walk in the world with an awareness of the things of the eternal
realm. Blessed art thou as ye find the peace of the Lord abiding upon thy countenance and ye walk into the realm of living
water where ye would partake of the pattern of love and communication even the awareness of the words of eternal life
which fill thy heart with the love of God in the presence of God. [March 20, 2000 (1)]
March 23, 2000 (1)
March 23,2000 (1) Blessed art thou this day even as ye review the word of the Lord in thy heart unto a desire to feast upon
the light of renewed consciousness and gratitude in the partaking of the things of a glorified- endurance quality in the name
of Jesus Christ. Blessed art thou in thy desire to obtain a circumference of knowledge as ye write the things of a harrowed
brow unto a knowledge of the love of God provided for thine instruction and mentoring. Blessed art thou even as ye
overcome the things of the world and become tutored in the way of righteousness and the glory of God surrounding the
opportunity to delay the effect of unrighteousness from attacking thy heart and mind for I grant unto thee this knowledge as
ye overcome the desire to have the way cleared of obstacle and the path laid out before thee as one of ease and complacency.
For ye shall stand in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and overcome the attitude of slothfulness and the lack of desire to
defend thyself against false- witness for ye shall stand in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ in the true measure of
discipleship and endure all things in the name of Jesus Christ. [March 23, 2000 (1)]
March 24, 2000 (1)
March 24, 2000 (1) Blessed art thou this day as ye come to a peace which cannot be innumerated to another even as ye
some unto the knowledge of the forgiving duty ye owe thyself. Blessed art thou as ye overcome the faultfinding nature of
the carnal man which condemns one in a repentant state of mind and heart. Rejoice in thy deliverance from the necessity to
adopt the attitude of the world to gain favor with those who look to see the mortal frailty before asking of God to have
revealed the spiritual circumference of the heart- perfect for the heart- perfect has partaken of the things of a better world
and the knowledge of the redemption quality of the blood of Jesus Christ in the forgiveness process. So be it written to grant
thee peace of heart and mind to overcome the things of the world in seeking the newness of heart found surfacing to seal
upon the thoughts a kindness which evaporates in the gaze of the carnal mind. So be it given thee to understand ye are loved
of the Father and the Son of God as ye overcome the fruitless condition of a barren heart which bears not the fruit of
righteousness. So be it granted to thee to partake of the manna of the fruit of righteousness in thine own heart as ye are
found prepared to overcome all things in the knowledge of righteousness. Blessed art thou as ye come to the way of the fruit
of righteousness in that ye partake of the word of righteousness in thy desire to find the peace which is illuminated in the
pure heart. So be it written to grant thee the favor of God in thy day of fruitfulness among the fruit- bearing frees of the
vineyard of God. [March 24, 2000 (1)]
March 25, 2000 (1)
March 25, 2000 (1) Blessed art thou as ye respond to the call to write in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Blessed art thou
this day as ye gain greater understanding and are given the capacity to endure great hardship and trial in the learning process

Please contribute by making copies to share the message. BOOK OF Z1FFANIAH is printed as an introductory unpublished manuscript
for review. STREAMS OF RENEWAL, INC. is a nonprofit 501(c)3 foundation enlisting the support of those who desire to change the
world through new- creation fellowship and renewal. Future website is www.streamsofrenewal.com. friendship@streamsofrenewal.com.
All support is welcome. 9138 Arlon Street, A3-231, Anchorage, Alaska 99507. Patricia Kathleen Malone Southard. Draft_E-165

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