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BOOK OF ZIFFANLAH — teaching the new creation- revelation process which sustains the new- creative

witness of the voice of eternal righteousness found perfected in the tribute offering of a pure heart, Draft_E-200

May 13, 2001 (2) Glory be unto the name of the Lord that ye recognize thine opportunity to be directly involved with the
coming forth of the knowledge of God in these last days that ye would rejoice in being found worthy to attain a clarification
of an eternal seal of overcoming that ye would rejoice in the joy of an everlasting mark of circumcision upon thy heart in the
remembrance covenant of eternal life that ye do salute and stand forth to hail the Lord God in the deliverance stance of
recognizing those of high caliber and stationed endurance of the opposition which is set to accompany the faithful in their
mission of life to the inhabitants of the earth. So be it granted to thee to find the way brought to thy remembrance that ye
might be found in possession of a loyal heart unto God. [May 13, 2001 (2)]
May 13, 2001 (3)
May 13,2001 (3) Write that ye might come to understanding as ye clear the worldly perception from off thy brow that ye be
found a participant in the exchange of wisdom and instruction granted the faithful in the name of Jesus Christ. [May 13,
2001 (3)]
May 13, 2001 (5)
May 13,2001 (5) [I heard the words of the Lord in my mind when praying about an assignment given to me through the
Spirit of the Lord:] What can man do when I have given thee an assignment? [May 13, 2001 (5)]
May 18, 2001 (I)
May 18,2001 (1) [I heard the words:] Ye have suffered in my name not in vain.
May 23, 2001 (I)
May 23,2001 (1) [I heard the words when awakening from sleep:] I have taken thee out of the world.
May 23, 2001 (2)
May 23,2001 (2) Write in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ that ye might be diligent in the focus of extending thy
dominion unto a greater realm and experience of godliness. Blessed art thou as ye find the new fruit of eternal life and are
blessed in thy capacity to gain greater insight and functioning faith to overcome all things in thy perspective. Awaken to the
things of eternal righteousness and find the strength which passeth the mortal limitations and awakens unto a godly focus
and understanding. Blessed art thou as ye come unto the functioning- priesthood blessings which are of greater knowledge
restored to the earth in the season of thy gratitude to overcome all words of destruction which curtail thy faith in the living
God, for the words of destruction come from an attitude which is seen in a desire to thwart the test and escape from the
capacity of the heart to restore all knowledge and inheritance capacities as an inheritor of the new covenant of dominion and
experiential effort to become like unto God in all aspects of the trial unto perfect faith. Be bold in thine accepting of the
tribute welcome into the presence of God, for thine inheritance with Christ is levied upon thy heart as an increase in
dominion and priesthood fellowship with the messengers of an eternal restoration to achieve an at- one- ment with the King
of all kings, and the Lord of all lords, and the Master of all masters, and the symbolic welcome to a greater- functioning
capacity to overcome all words of infiltrated darkness and discouragement, for ye shall not be understood by those who seek
gain unto their heart, neither shall ye be comprehended in thy desire for righteousness as ye ascertain the fellowship
requirements of greater- functioning dominion and power to elevate thy mind and heart to the face of the perfect love of
God. So be it written that ye rejoice in the light of reunion with the everlasting focus of a righteous perspective, whereby ye
would hearken to the atonement focus of an everlasting dominion and an everlasting- priesthood reception of the face of
everlasting righteousness. So be it granted unto thee that ye do come forth unto the cleansing of thy spirit from the
perspectives in the world which would leave a residue of discouragement and disharmony upon thy perspective— even the
destruction which is inherent in the worldly focus and paradigm. So be it granted unto thee to retain a reunion of perspective
with the face of an everlasting harmony and righteous application of the dutiful heart in the work of eternal salvation and the
work of an everlasting inheritance in the presence of God forever and ever. [Finished 1:18 p.m. May 23,2001 (2)]
May 23, 2001(3)
May 23,2001 (3) Write and be found in the focus of an eternal perspective that ye find thine inheritance in the words of an
eternal perspective which give thee the capacity to overcome all things in the name of Jesus Christ Blessed art thou as ye
find the renewal and purpose in the face of discouragement. For ye have been willing to overcome the worldly perspective
and adopt the face to face- communication procedure of reaching into the fruit of the way of eternal inheritance in the name
of the Inheritor of all things, even the Son of God, for ye have found the reunion capacity of the blessings of an everlasting
dominion conferred upon thee that ye might rejoice in the pure endowment of eternal- life inheritance obtained in the way
and season of an extended- overcoming capacity and dominion in the name of Christ So be it granted unto thee to write and
bring forth the capacity to overcome all things in the functioning- eternal dominion of eternal- life inheritance. So be it unto
a renewed love fostered within thy breast unto the breaking forth of the manna of an everlasting inheritance. [May 23,2001
May 23, 2001 (4)
May 23,2001 (4) [I was praying for the clarity to gain understanding in my heart I heard the words of the Lord in my

Please contribute by making copies to share the message. BOOK OF ZIFFAN1AH is printed as an introductory unpublished manuscript
for review. STREAMS OF RENEWAL, INC. is a nonprofit 501(c)3 foundation enlisting the support of those who desire to change the
world through new- creation fellowship and renewal. Future website is www.streamsofienewal.com. fliendship@streamsofrenewal.com.
All support is welcome. 9138 Arlon Street, A3-231, Anchorage, Alaska 99507. Patricia Kathleen Malone Southard. Draft_E-200

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