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The Runes


This little treatise is aimed at mainly two target groups:

- The interested yet inexperienced reader: to get a rough understanding what the
nordic runes are about and how they can be used ; I advise you though _not_ to
try any of the magical practices mentioned here - this should be left to those with
sufficient training and experience. If you wish to learn more, there are plenty of
excellent books to delve into the subject (some of these I have mentioned at the
bottom of this text), and/or you can ask those who already have the necessary
knowledge and experience.

-The experienced rune magician: while this treatise in itself might not contain much
new information it's a nice place to look up details about the runes gathered
together from various sources and my own experience and structured in an easily
accessible manner - a bit like a practical little reference text.

I have tried my best to put as much information in as little text as possible, often
using lists of keywords and phrases instead of fully written texts. These can be
used to meditate about a rune and so explore their meaning on one's own terms -
the runes are much more about understanding knowledge then about knowing
information. Beyond this keywords are a much easier way to quickly look
something up.
Often it is rather difficult to explain the full meaning and true depth of a rune in
Engish, since so much of them is also tied to their original language(s), one of them
or rather their descendants being my own native language, German. Therefor I will
sometimes mention German words which are of importance to understand a rune,
including their rough translation into English.

Origins and Use

The Runes are an old system of letters and magic symbols used by the nordic
people. Their origin is clouded in mystery, but some forms of the runes can be
found in various ancient cultures, leading to the theory that these symbols date
back to a much earlier culture, maybe the Indo-Europeans (also called Indo-
Germans), maybe another culture (like the mythic Atlantis, Thule etc.) - but for
sure one can only say that they predate even the scriptures of greek or phoenician
origin, and the Skandinavian people of the early middle ages still used them. Most
likely the shape and forms of the runes developed from early pictograms, later
changing into more simplified yet highly condensed structures which could easily be
craved into hard surfaces or painted onto them. Beyond the runes which are also
used as letters there is a great number of rune-like symbols which also carry both
mundane and spiritual/magical meaning, one of the most known of them the
swastika or hakenkreuz which was so badly abused by the Nazis. Aside from this
more historical thoughts about the origin of the runes there is a rich mythology
pertaining to them, beginning with the story of Odin hanging 9 days and nights
from a tree (most likely Yggdrasil), wounded by his own spear, and in a trance
receiving the runes and their meaning, then falling down from the tree (described
in verse 138 and 139 of the Havamal) - essentially this is the description of a
shamanic initiation ritual of going through the nine worlds of existence, receiving
the runes and coming back to our plane of existence, Midgard.

In the norse culture the runes were carved in wood, stone, bone and metall,
painted on surfaces etc., although their value wasn't simply that of writing but also
(if not entirely) that of magic and deep spiritual meaning. Most likely their original
use was by carving them into sticks and pieces of wood (the german word for
'letter' = 'Buchstabe' originates from this use - the first letters were cut into sticks
of beech (= buchen stäbe / beech sticks)). Yet the runes were/are also more then
just letters or symbols, but living words of power - even in modern German the
word 'raunen' (= murmuring or whispering) is reminder of the old practice of
chanting, murmuring or calling runes as a practice of magic, but we find similar
words in many of the old languages.
Beyond the use as letters Runes were/are a medium of divination, and even more
so they are symbols of power and magic, powerful tools and symbols to guide and
assist spiritual development and magical rituals - if not being essential part of
magical work entirely. Usually they were not just carved into a surface but also
colored in red - the color of power, life, death and magic. Each rune has a multitude
of levels of mening and connections both within the set of runes itself and to
nature, society, mythology, metaphysics, psychology, philosophy, spirituality etc. -
through the runes the entire multiverse and the nordic religion can be understood,
as for most complete metaphysical systems.

Systems and Variations

There are a number of 'Futharks' or alphabets of runes, which vary in number and
sometimes also the exact shape and name of the runes they contain, although
certain runes are common for all of them. Each Futhark can be devided into aettir
(sing. aett) or rows/families/groups, each containing a fixed number of runes. By
refering to the aett and the place in the aett, one can easily name a rune in a
special form of code, i.e. 1:2 to refer to the first aett, second rune = Uruz. This
method is the foundation for various forms of cryptographic use of the runes, i.e.
by carving notches in a certain order and method into sticks (see further down).
The most known Futhark is maybe the so-called 'elder' or 'common' futhark
(although there is some confusion how to call which of them), consisting of 24
runes in 3 aettir of 8 runes each. Other well-known Futharks are
- the anglo-saxon futhark (with 33 runes in 3 aettir of 8 runes and one aett of 9),
- the younger (some call this the elder) Futhark (with 16 runes in 1 aett of 6 runes
and 2 aettir of 5),
- the futhark of the Armanes, a more modern development from the early 20th
century (with 18 runes in 3 aettier of 6 runes each).
Here an example for an futhark, it's aettir and runes, the common futhark

According to some traditions, there are four meanings and three correspondences
and/or three functions of a rune:
The meanings are (with an example by the rune Mannaz):
- the meaning as a sound depicted by a Letter ([m] and the equivalent to the letter
- the meaning as a syllable ('man')
- the meaning as a word and ideogram (Human Being, Man, Moon, More)
- the meaning as a idea (the human being as a mirror of the divine)
The correspondences are:
- the physical-astrological (the power behind it)
- the chemical-biologcial (the material(s) and effects)
- the algebraic-systematic (the numeric value, number(s) etc.)
And/or the functions are:
- the form (ideographic and phonetic value)
- the idea (symbolic content)
- the order, expressed by a number (the dynamic character, expressing the
relationship with other runes)

There are several methods of encrypting runes, as mentioned above - usually by

the aettir and the place in the aett. Of course one needs to know the futhark that is
used for the encryption and the exact method in order to decrypt them again. This
methods of applying runes can also be used in the creation of runic objects, but
needs even more experience. Here one of the various methods of encryption, called
'Isruna' method, after the rune 'Isa'. It is very useful if only a small but long
surface is at hand, i.e. the inside of a ring: a row of notches or lines is
carved/painted, with long lines to tell the number of the aett, and short lines to tell
the place in it. To give an example ([l] stands for long lines, [i] for short ones) by
the common futhark:


1st aett, 4th rune

= Ansuz, 'A'
3rd aett, 5th rune
= Laguz, 'L'
1st aett, 2nd rune
= Uruz, 'U'
= Ansuz + Laguz + Uruz or A + L + U = alu

Rune Practice

Runes can be used in numerous ways (beyond the obvious use as letters). Some
- divination with sticks or stones engraved with runes
- creation of objects of magic by carving/painting runes in a ritual on their surface
- blessing/empowering places, objects, beings etc. by drawing runes into the air
over them, maybe chanting the rune and projecting their power accordingly
- rune chanting (also called 'Galdr') & stances (also called Stödhur, sing. Stadha) to
project their force and also use it on oneself ; there is also a set of hand positions
connected to the runes that can be used to channel/project their power
(important note: practicing magic of any kind - including rune magic - needs a good
amount of knowledge and slowly gained experience to avoid damage caused by
mistakes or nescience. I highly recommend _not_ to use the runes beyond
divination after only reading this document, except you have already plenty of
experience with magic (although meditation about the runes and slowly gaining
experience with the stödhur and hand positions should be quite possible). For
further reading about runes and rune magic I have added a list of a few books on
the bottom of this document)
An inverted rune (turned on it's head, a turn along the horizontal axis) contains the
negative counterpart of it's power, which doesn't have to be a bad thing, but often
a dangerous one - their use should usually be left to the experienced rune
magician, while in divination they can be interpreted according to the negative form
of the power.
There are Runes that can be turned around on a vertical axis, like Kenaz or Wunjo,
creating a mirror image of themselves. These mirror images contain the inactive,
introverted power of the rune or the absence of the principle, not their negative
Last but not least there are runes that stay the same no matter how they are
turned, like Gebo, Isa, Ingwaz or Dagaz. These runes are constant principles,
containing concentrated power that cannot be changed.

A more specialized was to use runes is by combining and merging them

into one, creating something similar to a sigil from several runes - a
famous example of this practice is the four-fold Kenaz: Kenaz is the
fourth rune of the futhark, and four times it is present in this merged
rune, greatly enhancing it's power (this is a nice merged rune to be
engraved into the personal tools of an artist or artisan to create inspired
and powerful objects of art and magic). Combining runes like that is mainly a
matter of experience, deep knowledge about the powers of the individual runes and
a keen sense for their interaction.

The Runes of the Common (Elder) Futhark

The runes of the Common Futhark can be divided into various groups. These groups
and their meaning are mainly of interest for the use in magic,
while of less importance for divination.
One of the groups are those of the three aettir: The first aett -
Fehu to Wunjo - deals mainly with


other names: Fa, Faíhu, Foeh, Fé, Far, Fiu, Feu, Feu ;
phonetic: F
meaning of name: mobile possession, power ; pictorial: the
horns of cattle
first rune of almost every futhark

Meaning: connected to the sparks that came from Muspelheim
during the creation of the universe, the Brisingamen created by
the four dwarves, the primordial fire which gave life and energy
into the universe, symbolizes creation by/through fire/energy,
also the fire from the dark abyss (of the self, the universe, the
multiverse...) ; more mundan: Cattle, mobile possessions, money ; creation and
destruction ; the igniting spark ; mobility, also moving/migration of things/beings ;
dynamic power, movement, growth, expansion, energy, fertility ; change &
restructuring ; as the inner fire also one of the sources of the power of vision and
sight ; connected to the mysteries of gold ; if used with wisdom a power of
devotion and passion which allows change and growth, if used unwisely great
destruction of self and surroundings
Magic: absorption/intake of energie of all kind, i.e. sun-rays (both actual sun-rays
and metaphysical sun-energy -> Protection from demonic influences,
empowerment, strengthening of one's magnetism), moon-rays (again both actual
and metaphysical, the latter: during waxing period -> strengthening of magical and
medial powers ; use during waning period not general recommended), rays from
fixed stars (strengthening of spiritual and occult powers) ; transfer of energy (fehu
is a positive transmitter-rune) ; strengthening of psychic and mental powers and
abilities ; furthering of personal and social growth, evolution and ascension ;
growth of personal wealth (financial, mobile possesions and mental wealth) ; safe
Stadha: standing straight, both arms extended at an angle forward and upward,
left arm somewhat higher then the right ; to absorb/receive energy: palms are
facing outward ; to transmit/project energy: fingertips are pointing outward ; Face
and hands should be pointing towards the source/target of the energy(transfer) or
the sun if used as a general Stadha.
Hand gesture: left arm pointing straight upward, index, middle and small finger
extended, ring finger and thumb parallel to each other pointing at an angle outward
and slightly upward, forming the 'horns' of Fehu
Galdr: fehu fehu fehu ; fffffffffff ; fu fa fi fe fo ; of ef if af uf ; fa
Divination: change, new beginning, growth, moving awy/to a place, migration,
change of residence, travel, money, cattle, mobile posession & riches, financial
power, material well-being, fire, breeding, siring a child, thought, etc., help in dire
need, the primodial fire, the siring, paternal principle, creation & destruction as part
of eternal change, dynamic forces
negative rune: failure, destruction, repression, intentions gone wrong,
enterprises/undertakings going haywire
Relatated: Colors: vivid red, blue and yellow-to-gold ; Gemstone: Topaz, Sapphir ;
Trees/Plants: Ash, Beech, Maple, Chestnut, Elder, Nettle ; Astrological: Aries, Leo,
Mars, Jupiter, Mercury ; Tarot: The Tower (16th of the major arcana) ;
Mythological: the Aesir, Frigg, Freya & Freyr, Njörd


other names: Ur, Urus, Uras ; phonetic: U

meaning of name: aurochs, fine rain, form-giving primodial power
pictorial: the horns of the aurochs, or fine rain falling down from the sky
second rune of the elder futhark

Meaning: symbolized by the aurochs ; connected with Ur-da, the great/primodial
mother, and the great cow Audhumla (nurturing, form-giving primordial creature)
symbolizing the primordial, form-giving power in the universe ; the live-giving,
fertility inspiring essence symbolized by fine rain (the rune can symbolize both the
horns of a bull and falling rain), washing away all that is impure or weak ; the fiery
power of life (water sparked with fire) ; the invisible pattern/energy behind matter,
the cosmic semen, the never-ending well, the source of all patterns ;
transforming/creative forces according to/following archetypic patterns ;
primordial 'water of life', water or primodial ice inspired with fire for
creation (see myth of Audhumla) ; condensed urge to create and
manifest, wild & untamed power of forming, but needs cooperation with
power of will for transformation in order to truly appear in this world as
manifestation ; the impulse to 'be' ; one of the strongest energies, but if
used without wisdom great destructive potential ; the mystery of self-
creation and creation from many parts as the self / multiverse is created
from many parts / worlds ; rune of Od/Chi/Prana, magnetic energies and astral
vibrations, the Earth-Magnetism (and as such also of the/some powers of the
Earth) ; wisdom, knowledge, tradition, natural order, healthy beings & society,
vitality, regeneration, organic structures and organisation(s), endurance,
steadiness, steadfastness, patience, courage, ability to adapt to changing
Magic: creating and forming of circumstances / (archetypic) structures by power of
will and inspiration, working with magnetic fields of the Earth & Ley-energies,
absorbtion of the powers/flows in the Earth-magnetism, understanding oneself,
causality and the natural flow of things (German: the 'Ursache' = cause, creason,
'ur-thing'), attraction of positive/'lucky' circumstances and chances, activation and
strengthening of the nervous centers of the head, the sense of hearing, the own
Od/Chi (and by this of the own self-healing abilties, radiance and charisma),
healing and staying healthy, against pain, dis-eases and in-juries
Stadha: torso bent forward, the straight back horizontal/parallel to the floor, arms
and fingertips poining to the Earth, head facing to the East, eyes focussed to the
Hand gesture: usually left hand (but also right one possible) ; Fingers forming an
'U' turned downward (without actually touching the palm) so the opening points to
the Earth, thumb close to the side of the hand ; the hand positioned about 4
inches/20cm in front of the Eyes /or/
thumb and index finger forming the Ur-rune, the other fingers are one with the
index finger, the opening faces downward
Galdr: uruz uruz uruz ; uuuuuuuuu ; uuuuuurrrrr ; ur urus uras
Divination: steady, permanent beings, things and circumstances, good luck in
time, well-being, health, medical doctors, healers, healing powers/help,
understanding and grasping things (figuratively and literally), the extent of one's
own powers and abilities, new possibilities and courage, sometimes also hint at
existing risks (for health or otherwise), causality, 'Ur-sache', the cause and source
of things, contact with the afterlife, life after death, the maternal principle
negative rune: unsteadiness, bad influences, illness, disease, nescience, ignorance,
insanity, inability to change or grasp something/oneself, position of weakness, the
'Maja' (illusion of physical reality), giving in / losing oneself to/in lower physical and
sexual instincts
Relatated: Colors: orange to gold-orange, light- to dark green, pure blue ;
Gemstone: Jasper, Carnelian ; Trees/Plants: Birch, Oak, Sphagnum ; Astrological:
Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, Sun ; Tarot: The Priestess (2nd of the major arcana) ;
Mythological: the Vanir, Audhumla, Erda

other names: Thorn, Thor(r), Thurs, Tar, Thuris, Thyth,
Thiouth ; phonetic: th
meaning of name: the god Thor or Asa-Thor
pictorial: thorn on a twig or the hammer of Thor, Mjöllnir
third rune of the elder futhark

Meaning: connected with the great god Thor, but also with his arch-enemies, the
gigants (powers of protection / of destruction), with thunderbolts & lightning ;
kosmic power linking and controling polare energies and direct use/application of
these ; action, deeds, use of strength and power ; instinctive and/or subconscious
willpower, will and willpower beyond/without the Ego/Self ; the border of
consciousness, the areas of the subconsciousness which are easier to reach ; the
shadow within the Self/subconsciousness which is useful/helpful only after
becoming aware and integrating it ; power of polare forces, guiding and controlling
them ; a relative force, born from the potential between opposing powers or
extremes, 'the power coming from the gap' ; tension born from extremes
which can be stress and presure, but also a source of power and energy ;
powers of Chaos, and powers that control Chaos ; thorn of death, thorn of
life ; regeneration after damage or destruction ; phallic power, fertility,
sexuality, libido, potence; Thurisaz and it's principles is also related to
Ingwaz the Preserver and Berkano the Resolver, and with Dagaz as a
combination of two thurisaz ; a dangerous principle/power/force/rune,
neutral but also incredible powerful, needs control and wisdom
Magic: activation of willpower ; funneling willpower into action ; ability to
(pro)create and shire both physically and intellectually ; sensing/understanding the
eternal flow of Life and Death, Creation and Destruction ; controling/influencing
Chi, Od and the electro-magnetic flow, exchange and energies (including the ones
between people and in sexual matters) ; magic concerning sexuality, physical
attraction etc. ; active Defense and Self-Defense ; destruction of enemies and
hostile forces, stopping both them and their weapons/tools and rendering them
powerless ; a rune also used in curses, banishments and to bind with force, a
powerful tool for all kinds of destructive, damaging and hurting rune magic, but can
easily cause a backlash as well, or serve as a protection against such magic (even
send it back to it's source, esp. when in great distress/danger - for this maybe in
combination with Naudhiz) ; a 'carrier-rune', enhancing the effectiveness and power
of a runic ritual if used the right way (but not always easy to control) ; source of
easily accessible yet often difficult to control raw power (esp. via emotions) in
Stadha: standing straight while facing East or South, left hand touching hip (palm
resting on hipbone) while arm is bent in an angle facing away from the body
also as a Stadha done between man (right) and woman (left), with the elbows
touching or intertwined, thus forming two individual Thurisaz, together a Dagaz
Hand gesture: usually with the left hand ; the tips of ring finger and thumb touch
each other, forming the trinagle while the other fingers are pointing up, forming the
straight line
Galdr: thurisaz, thurisaz, thurisaz ; th th th th th th th th th ; thur thar thir ther
thor ; thu tha thi the tho ;
ta te ti to tu ; da de di do du ; thor thorr thorn thurs thuris thyth ; Tat
Divination: willpower and action born from it, goals and pursuing them, strife and
conflict, aggressions (own and that of others), creative power born from
aggression, sexuality, stress and/or tension, things that are in the making, things
that return or are coming back, rebirth and return from what was lost, old or dead,
but also psychological problems born from the not yet integrated shadow,
aggressions, sexuality etc.
negative rune: damage, diseases, destruction, demise, demonic forces and
influences, deception, enemies, hindering and limiting forces, blockades and
obstruction of creativity and willpower, black magic, intrigues,
accidents, harm, but also the power over life and death
Relatated: Colors: light- or radiant blue, violett, bright green,
radiant red ; Gemstone: Chrysolite, Hyacinth ; Trees/Plants:
Oak, Pine, certain kinds of leek (also showing the relation to Laguz) ; Astrological:
Aries, Mars, Scorpio, Gemini, Libra; Tarot: The Emperor (4th of the major arcana) ;
Mythological: Thor, the Gigants


other names: Ansus, Asa, As, Ass, Ask, Ans, Ast, Os, Ol, Ors
phonetic: A (O according to the futhark of the Armanes)
meaning of name: the great god Odin
pictorial: Odins cloak moved by the wind
fourth rune of the elder futhark

Meaning: directly connected to the great God Odin (or Odhinn) and his mysteries,
but also a rune of Freya, and connected to the Aesir ; also symbol for the mouth
and for the mouth of a river ; Ansus is also considered a divine primodial entity by
some ; the spiritual/magical element of Air ; inspiration and (divine) knowledge,
ecstasy, intelligence, communication, mind ; the word and the song (in general, of
the world, of magic...) ; magic sound(s), words of magic, the sound of the
Wind (see Odin as a god of the winds ; wind as a carrier of semen, as
such a medium of fertility) ; conversation and discussion, the power of
the word ; receiving - transforming - expression ; carrier and content in
one ; mysteries of Death ; Ostara (the pagan Eastern) ; magic power of
the ancients/ancestors ; powers of order and harmony (in the universe, in
a person...) ; harmony between left and right side of the brain ; odinic
awareness/consciousness ; the Od (force of life) ; rune of liberation
Magic: enhancing/strengthening of active and passive mental and
magical powers, clairvoyance, telepathy etc., of charisma, magnetism,
communicative skills, intellectual abilities ; power of hypnosis, suggestion and
persuasion ; gaining creative wisdom, inspiration, ecstasy and communication with
the divine ; absorbtion/intake of hiher astral and mental vibrations ; overcoming
fear and death through the wisdom and knowledge about Odhinn (the odhinnic
principle) ; contains great powers to overcome all kinds of bondage, restrains and
blockades, freeing from anxieties as well as dealing with mundane or metaphysical
hindrances ; receiving rune
Stadha: standing straight, facing North or Eastboth arms extended at an angle
forward and downward, left arm somewhat lower then the right /or/
standing straight and facing East, left leg somewhat raised to the side, foot pointing
to the ground (maybe toes touching it), left arm parallel to leg, then the same
stadha with the right side facing North.
Hand gesture: thumb and index finger of the raised left hand touching and
forming a circle, the 'sign of Od or breath'.
Galdr: ansuz ansuz ansuz ; aaaaaaaaa ; aaaaaassssss ; as ask ast ans ansus asa ;
ooooooooo ; os ; ol
Divination: talking, chatting, discussions, communication, successful orator,
mouth, breath/breathing, exchange and processing of information, something that
is currently developing or being created, the womb of the mother, a hint that points
to causes lying in the past
negative rune: miscommunication, mistakes, words used against
someone/something, abuse of information, knowledge or wisdom, abuse/negative
use of communication, persuasion and/or suggestion ; corruptive or ruinous
influences/inducement, help/healing lost.
Relatated: Colors: pale purple & blue, dark blue (one of the
colors of Odin), pale greenish yellow/yellowish green ;
Gemstone: Beryll, Topas ; Trees/Plants: ash-tree, fly agaric ;
Astrological: Mercury, Cancer, Scorpio, Taurus, Moon ; Tarot:
Death (13th of the major arcana) ; Mythological: Odin, Freya, the Aesir.


other names: Raidha, Rit, Rith, Rita, Reid, Rath, Raitho, Rad, Rod, Ruoth, Rota,
phonetic: R
meaning of name: the chariot of the sun, the war-chariot of Thor
pictorial: unsure, maybe - if turned to the right - a wheel beneath a chariot, one
half of the sun wheel
fifth rune of the elder futhark

Meaning: the wheel (of the sun, the sun chariot, a war chariot, of fortune, of
justice...), also journey, path, riding... ; the eternal cosmic cycle(s) symbolized by
the path of the sun ; right action in accordance with the natural order of things ;
divine justice, the natural order of things, the primordial laws of the universe ;
justice ; 'Raten, Richten und Urteilen' (= counseling, judging and adjudicating (or
ruling)) ; Judge and Executioner ; salvation ; races, bloodlines ; riddles ; logic,
math and mental activity ; rhythm, dance, journey, pathways of all kinds, also the
web of paths between the worlds/planes of existence ; evolution and progression
along spiral patterns ; music & poetry as an expression of rhytm and harmony ;
organized and precisely structured institutions ; a principle/power which brings hurt
or damaged laws/powers of nature and their balance back to equilibrium
(sometimes in a violent way) ; something that is set in motion, moving
something/-one (or oneself); guided and concentrated/focussed patterns
of power ; being in control/gaining control, initative, making decisions, a
new undertaking ; counsel, conferring, consultation ; responsibility for
oneself and one's actions, personal conscience, one's path in life,
freedom, will ; rune of rituals, rune of religious magic
Magic: tuning into the rhythm of the world(s)/universe and stying in tune
with it ; activation of the higher energy centers and of magical
powers/abilities ; activation of the 'inner guide' (guiding voice from
within, intuition, spiritual guidance from within) ; strengthening of rituals and of the
experiences during a ritual ; retaining the impulse and impetus of youth while
gaining wisdom of time/age ; awakening ; gaining senstitivity and awarenes for
what is 'right' and 'wrong' in accordance to the laws of the universe ; strengthening
the feeling for cosmic balance and cosmic rhythm(s) ; experiencing and bringing
justice in the world ; power of cyclic dance
Stadha: standing straight while facing South or to the sun, left hand touching hip
(palm resting on hipbone) while arm is bent in an angle facing away from the body,
left leg kept straight is extented to the side, the tip of the foot in a line to the leg
pointing to the floor without touching the same ; right arm stays at the side of the
Hand gesture: left arm (or at least forearm) raised, tips of left index finger and
thumb touching each other forming an angle, the other fingers held together and
pointing away and down, almost parallel to the palm.
Galdr: rrrrrrrrr ; ra re ri ro ru ; rad reid rit rod reitho ruoth rita rota ; raidho raidho
raidho ; ru ra ri re ro ; rudh radh ridh redh rodh ; rut rat rit ret rot ; or er ir ar ur
Divination: justice, order, judge, counsel, salvation, laws of the universe/nature,
religious experience, rituals, return, journey, something coming back in cycles,
organized groups/patterns, rhythmic experiences
negative rune: injustice, lawless, violating acts, black magic against nature,
something is wrong, something that is wrong, a wrong path, despotism, being 'out
of rhythm', without tact, disharmony, something/-one ruled by
influences/circumstances out of control or not controlled.
Relatated: Colors: pale yellow, pink, fiery red to bright red, orange, green ;
Gemstone: Lapis, Carnelian ; Trees/Plants: Oak, Artemisia ; Astrological: Leo,
Virgo, Sagittarius, Sun, Jupiter ; Tarot: The Priest (5th of the major arcana) ;
Mythological: Forseti.

other names: Ka, Kaun, Kan, Kun, Kuna, Kona, Kien, Kam,
Chosma ; phonetic: K
meaning of name: controlled fire, burning
pictorial: the flame of a torch
sixth rune of the elder futhark

Meaning: kernel, female principle in the cosmos, maskuline will/power of
siring (see also Thurisaz) ; rune of creation, origin and generation in the
universe ; sexual rune (desire, heat, rut) ; reproduction (sexual and
otherwise) ; 'where something comes from' ; rune of king, those who 'can' (in the
way of skill and abilty), 'ken' and 'kin' ; Guru, master, magician ; genius ; higher
mysteries ; magical protection ; the more 'technical' aspects of magic ; controlled
energies, abilities and knowledge ; knowledge, consciousness and intellect ;
learning and teaching ; recognizing/understanding and applying/utilizing ; clear and
direct process of thought ; insight ; self-awareness ; both knowledge inborn and
knowledge learned ; transformation, regeneration through death and sacrifice to
wholeness again ; creative will, creativity ; ability to shape and form ; desire of all
kinds, including sexual ; fire of all kinds, used by mankind for a purpose ; torch ;
art ; valor ; favour ; confidence ; enthusiasm ; charisma ; concentration ; cure ;
kindness ; lineage and belonging to a tribe ; technical knowledge, artistic skill,
manual and skillful work, craftiness, dexterity (therefor also rune of
Wieland/Wayland _and_ Loki) ; the mysteries of the connection between creativity
and sexuality ; desintegration (inflammation), combinated with Ehwaz leads to new
beginning, new creation, therefore necessary principle (Ehwaz here as the re-
connecting, re-combining, re-forming principle) ; inspiration born from rational
thought and logic (line of fire (of inspiration) starting with Fehu, continuing with
Raidho, culminating in Kenaz) ; some connection to Heimdall and Freya, rune of
Magic: enhances intuition, (creative) inspiration and connection to all-that-is ;
tunes body and mind to higher levels ; enhances skillfullness in every way ; gives
(more) courage ; furtheres healing and regeneration ; Love-magic (esp. sexual) ;
protection against magic (and turning it against it's creator) ; gaining knowledge
(including and esp. 'occult' knowledge), researching/exploring deper meanings,
causes, situations etc., works like a guiding light during such undertakings ;
tool/weapon against unwanted influences while attracting wanted ones ; an astral
Stadha: standing straight, both arms extended at an angle forward, the left arm
pointing up- and forward (in an 45° angle), the right arm in the same angle down-
and forward ; position of the hands can be similar to Fehu, or the palm of the right
hand pointing forward to attract energy, the fingertips of the left hand pointing
foward to direct the energy towards the Manipulation wished for /or/
similar to above, but both arms are pointing parallel up- and forward (this is the
stadha of the younger futhark) /and/
the second stadha, done together with partner while the palms are touching
(connection and communion between partners - be it in a creative, sexual or
another way).
Hand gesture: using the left hand, the parallel fingers pointing up, the thumb
extended in an 45° angle to the palm/fingers /and/
with both hands or together with partner: same gesture, tips of thumbs touching
each other.
Galdr: kenaz kenaz kenaz ; ka ke ki ko ku ; kien kun kaun kona kuna ; ku ka ki ke
ko ; kun kan kin ken kon ; ok ek ik ak uk ; kaunnnnnnnnn
Divination: art, skill, creativity, artist, genius, skillful worker, dexterity, agility,
being favoured, reproduction (sexual), child, justice, power, something that exists
and continues, walking new paths, inventing/using new methods, opportunities,
discovering/gaining information
negative rune: failed workmanship, desintegration of something that exists,
degeneration, detoriation, stupidity, ignorance, fumbling around, clumsiness,
injustice, loss of knowledge or skill.
Relatated: Colors: white to yellow, blue-green ; Gemstone: Chrysolite/Olivine,
Agate ; Trees/Plants: Willow, Pine, Spruce ; Astrological: Mercury, Venus, Virgo,
Pisces ; Tarot: The Lovers (6th of the major arcana) ; Mythological: Heimdall,
Freya, Wieland/Wayland, Loki.

other names: Gibor, Gibur, Gi, Ge, Gifu, Gyfu, Gypu, Gipt,
Gigur, Gea, Geo, Geuua
phonetic: G
meaning of name: something exchanged between gods and
pictorial: inter-/correlation between two powers, crossing two beams to
create a structure (i.e. building a house)
seventh rune of the elder futhark

Meaning: gift, god, geo = earth, gigur = death, gifu = marriage, reproduction and
joining to reproduce, gifa = joining/union with the sister-soul or soulmate, the
companion ; a rune of the Element Air ; connected to Odin, to Odin and Freya as a
pair, to some extent also to Thor (sometimes seen as a guardian of borders and
their markings and of wedding agreements) ; the gift of Odin: Consciousness,
Breath/Spark of Life and Shape ; literally everything on Earth as a gift of the gods /
the gods are part of everything ; joining/union of two forces ; the power of creating
and generating on the material plane of existence ; becoming one with the powers
of the universe, merging with/into the deity ; agreements, treaties and staying true
to them ; giving/receiving gifts of all kinds, hospitality, generosity ; the circle and
cyle of Giver-giving-Gift-receiving-Receiver ; giving & receiving in a social and
economic context as something that creates connections between people (and also
with the gods) ; the eternal power of counterbalance ('quid pro quo') ; exchange of
energies, matter as condensed energy ; magic power, sacrifice and ecstasy (in a
balanced, calm way), sex magic ; the sexual aspect of the power/energies of life
(chi, prana, od etc.) ; association/union of two people to achieve a mutual goal or
to join forces of creation ; Love between siblings and soulmates ; also connected
with death, poison (German: Gift), greed ; the magical/alchemic/spiritual great
union: two become one but stay two, fully manifested in the rune Mannaz, in Dagaz
fully internalized and eternal ; Gibo is also connected with the swastika
Magic: harmonizing and enhanced awarenes of the connection with the sister soul,
soulmate ; creating/enhancing harmony between siblings and lovers ; joining the
powers of 'I' and 'You' in a sacred union/marriage ; attaining wisdom ; gaining of
cosmic awareness/consciousness, 'seeing the face of God', the great 'unio
mystica' ; sex magic and initation rites utilizing it ; strengthening/enhancing one's
magical powers by union with other forces ; combining and merging of runes (in
general and in particular i.e. in merged runes/runic sigils) ; enhances the
magnetism of the Earth, the flow of the powers of the Earth (the body reacts well to
this from the 3rd main energy center/chakra and down, if used together with low
frequencies/sound waves, while higher unfold their effects on the upper energy
centers, the epiphysis and the aura) ; 'antidote' ; protection from harm and misery
Stadha: standing straight, the feet spread at shoulder's width or more, the hands
extended to the sides and upward, thus forming the upper part of the Gebo-rune.
Hand gesture: folding hands with extended fingers interlocking, the thumbs held
to the side of the palms - the fingers form the upper part of the rune, the palms the
lower part /or/
left and right index finger extended and held crossed like a Gebo
a gesture for prayer and meditation, and harmonizing left & right hemisphere of the
brain (also enhancing memory) ; both gestures are done be holding the hands over
the head or in front of oneself.
Galdr: gebo gebo gebo ; gu ga gi ge go ; ga ge gi go gu ; ag eg ig og ug ; og eg ig
ag ug ; gub gab gib geb gob ; gaaaaaaaaaf ; gibor ; gibur gebur ; gefa gifu gefu ;
gea geo gebo ; gegur geuua ; Gibur Arahari
Divination: gift, giver, fulfillment, spiritual union, joining forces, finding and
becoming one with the soulmate / sister soul, protection from harm/misfortune,
finding inner and outer balance, becoming one with the gods/God, Death as the
beginning of eternal life
negative rune: misguided, disrupted or defiled power of creation, not finding one's
soulmate / sister soul / other part, yearning after fulfillment/union in vain , a gift
that brings misfortune, gift of the Danaer, infertile Earth/womb,
being far away from the gods/God, godless, being cut off from
oneself and the other.
Relatated: Colors: yellow gold or red gold, black, dark blue ;
Gemstone: Emerald, Opal ; Trees/Plants: Ask, Elm (Ask &
Embala), wild pansy ; Astrological: Pisces, Cancer, Virgo ;
Tarot: The Lovers (6th of the major arcana) or The Universe
(21th of the major arcana) ; Mythological: Odin, Freya, Thor,
Ask & Embala.


other names: Winja, Wynn, Vend; phonetic: W (V)

meaning of name: connection between beings originating from the same source
pictorial: banner or flag of the tribe or clan, weather vane
eighth rune of the elder futhark

Meaning: the bonds and deep-rooted attraction between like-minded, similarly
feeling and/or spiritually linked beings, between being that originate from the same
source and both recognizing and celebrating these ; joy, happiness, hope, delight,
merriness ; Harmony & Well-Being, Completion, Perfection wishes in general and
especially the wish for completion and fulfillment ; kinship, comradeship, friendship
and the bonds formed by these ; clan, tribe and living together harmoniously in
such ; joining different but similar/related forces and/or beings for and towards a
mutual goal ; harmony of self and surroundings (actively wished for and pursued,
and guided towards a or several specific goals) ; mysteries of merged runes
(whereas Gebo is the merging) ; connected to Freyr and the elves, to Wotan (Odin)
and/or Uller (angelo-saxon: Wuldor) as those who give blessing and fertility, the
fulfillers of wishes
Magic: strengthening ties between and unity of clan, kin and friends, manifesting
and/or enhancing comradeship and harmony ; preventing alienation ; good luck
and well-being ; gaining/enhancing awareness about the connections between
everything that exists and the multitude of levels of these relationships ;
recognizing relationships/connections that are still hidden ; realization and
manifestation of the true will (= the true power of wishes, the true way of wishing)
and by this fulfillment of wishes ; merging/combining of runes for a specific purpose
(to create runic sigils, merged runes, rune dances etc.)
Stadha: standing straight, the fingertips of the left hand touching the top of the
forehead, the right arm is held close to the body.
Hand gesture: [still being researched].
Galdr: wunjo wunjo wunjo ; wu wa wi we wo ; wun wan win wen won ;
Divination: kin(ship), comrades(hip), friends(hip), finding those one is related to
(by blood or by soul), happiness, merry celebration, gain, fulfillment, wishes
fulfilled, harmonious cooperation
negative rune: estrangement, disharmony, strife and war between kin, comrades or
friends (silent disagreements/disapproving between friends to sibling squabbles to
civil war), forces diverging that should be/act like one, loneliness.
Relatated: Colors: yellow, green ; Gemstone: Rose Quarz, Tourmaline ;
Trees/Plants: Ask ; Astrological: Leo, Aquarius ; Tarot: The
Strength (11th of the major arcana) ; Mythological: Odin, Uller,
Freyr, the elves of norse mythology.


other names: Hagal, Hagall, Hag, Haal, Hagl, Haegl, Halga, Lalga, Galga, Gilg ;
Hag-All, All-Hag (All: everything, outer space ; Hag: a protected place, home)
phonetic: H (hw)
meaning of name: primodial ice-egg, primodial cosmic semen of life, structures
and archetypical patterns
pictorial: primoridal/archetypical shape of a snowflake
nineth rune of the elder futhark

Meaning: the cosmic egg (entire potential paradigma of the multiverse, the egg of
manifestation) - surrounding, enclosing and including the All, the Everything, the
cosmos ; the cryst-al(l), "Krist-All / All-Krist" (Krist = frame/framework) ;
primordial, eternal and ever-coming re-union of cosmic Fire and Ice as the
energizing and effervescent cosmic semen, the hail- (Heil-) egg ; the cross(ing)
worlds, the tree of worlds (also see Eihwaz) ; smybol for the
creator/constructor of the worlds ; the cosmic pattern(s), the cosmic
frame(work) ; eternal cosmic harmony ; completion, perfection (already
present as a potential in the very first semen or egg) ; fusion, union ;
protection, harmony, 'Heil' (=salvation, well-being) ; hail, hail storm,
violent weather ; destruction (destructive powers aimed at
change/transformation) ; combination and amalgamation of
opposing/antagonizing forces in 'all that is' (Hag-All/All-Hag) ; wisdom ;
power of transformation, evolution following a pattern and within a frame of
existence, changing from one shape to the other step by step ; hail, hoe, heel,
hedge, hag, heal, 'Heil', 'Hexe' (= witch); mother of runes ; rune with equally
strong destructive, protective and transformative powers ; rune of worlds (with
matter and mind -> ' X ' Gebo) ; + = androgyn, life and death, one with God ;
+ = man(kind) and the world being one ; + = matter and mind as one ;
Hel, the underworld, the realm of the dead (and with this: the subconsciousness) ;
also symbol of Wal-hall in some contexts ; the Nornir, esp. Urd (and with this:
powers from the past)
Magic: very powerful protection ; perfection and balance of powers ; mystic and
divine exeriences and knowledge ; attaining wisdom ; gaining spiritual powers ;
gaining a feeling for the connection and unity with the powers of the universe, a
feeling (and reality) of being protected and cared for ; becoming aware of the
divine within and around us ; creating/gaining/projecting harmony and 'Heil' ;
working towards evolution and evolvement ; enhancing the working of epiphysis,
sympathetic nervous system and solarplexus ; protecting the home, oneself or
others from fire and destruction
Stadha: various Stödur are possible, all involving actual movement: Basic 'cross'
Stödur see left: standing straight with legs together no more then a foot's width,
the arms are extended at 90°, palms facing outward (for only releasing energy they
would point downward, for only attracting energy upward). Since all the following
Stödur are mainly geared towards self-imporvement and/or self-enhancement the
mind should be kept empty with as little distraction and other
impressions/perceptions as possible, or only focussed on the rune one is projecting
with one's self - thus allowing the flow of it's energy to be not diverted, diminished
or tainted in any way. This is part of most of the following Stadha:
Stödur 1: Starting with Basic Stödur (at best facing North or towards the Sun),
inhaling and exhaling 3, 7 or 9 times. Then turning in this Stödur with the sun
(clockwise), going through all four directions, each time chanting the Galdr. Back to
original position/facing, change to the Stödur of the Naudhiz-Rune and repeat the
process (chanting it's respective Galdr at least at first, the following three times it
can be replaced by the Galdr of Hagalaz. This is repeated in the following again with
the Runes Ehwaz, Isa, Algiz, Tiwaz and Gebo, thus eventually going through the
entire shape of Hagalaz. This Stödur is a powerful ritual, enhancing the working of
all hvel (chakras, energie centers)
Stödur 2: Starting with the Stödur of Algiz (also called Elhaz) while chanting 'Hag-',
then changing to the Stödur of Tiwaz (or Yr, the negative Algiz/Man), chanting '-All'
; this Stödur can be done while standing or while turning around (see above), with
switching between the Galdr 'Hag-All' and 'All-Hag', and helps both with polarization
and with tuning into one's surrounding and the universe in general
Stödur 3: Starting with the Stödur of Isa (with the arms pointing upwards, forming
an 'antenna' to the universe), then switching to the Stödur of Naudhiz, Ehwaz, the
Basic Stödur, Algiz, Tiwaz, and finally again Isa (with the arms at the sides of one's
body, ending the Stödur and re-focussing to self) ; this Stödur activates cosmic
channels and according energies to flow while grounding again.
Stödur 4: done between two people, facing and touching each other, each doing
the Stödur of Ehwaz, or (esp. between partners, a man and a woman) one doing
the Stödur of Algiz (usually the man), the other the Stödur of Tiwaz (usually the
Hand gesture: both palms are facing each other with the fingers extended, the
thumbs are extendend in a 90° angle towards each other with the tips touching
each other slightly.
Galdr: hagalaz hagalaz hagalaz ; hhhhhhhhh ; hu ha hi he ho ; hug hag hig heg
hog ; hul hal hil hel hol ; oh eh ih ah uh ; ha ha ha ; ha he hi ho hu ; Hag-All, All-
Hag ; hag haal halga
Divination: protecting, caring for, watching over (or being protected, cared for,
watched over), preserving influences, wisdom, harmony, 'Heil', blessing, the home
and oneself being safe from (violent) destruction and damage, the higher self and
powers from the subconsciousness, 'the god within you', transformation and
negative rune: defenseless and unprotected (in general and specifically against
destruction and misery), catastrophes connected to bad weather, destruction by
storm, hail or fire (symbolical or real), loss of structure, chaotic transformation
(negative mutation)
Relatated: Colors: radiant indigo, light green, orange, stripes of red and white ;
Gemstone: blue Sapphire, Carbuncle ; Trees/Plants: Fir, Birch, Willow, Yew, Ash,
lily of the valley ; Astrological: Aquarius, Libra, Sagittarius, Venus, Saturn ; Tarot:
The Tower or The Chariot or The Hermit (16th, 7th or 9th of the
major arcana) ; Mythological: Ymir, the Nornir, Hel.


other names: nauths, nyd, naudhr, not, naud(h)(r); phonetic: N

meaning of name: burning need and salvation from misery
pictorial: the flood or tidal wave [ \ ] and the bow wave [ | ] combining to create
the burning fire of need
tenth rune of the elder futhark

Meaning: rune of the fire of need ("Notfeuer"), the fire created by friction
between opposing forces ; (burning) necessity & suffering and salvation ;
the principle of opposing forces which are necessary for of the eternal
fate/destiny of the world ; synthesis of thesis and anti-thesis ; the forces
of fate driving the world, 'forcing' man and mankind, offering resistance to
the will and actions of man, but also holding the power of manifestation of will and
salvation ; divine justice (re-)balancing things ; "Not ist notwending (transl.:
need/hardship is necessary ; necessary (notwendig) here formed from two words:
not = need/hardship and wendig = turning something around) ; "Not macht
erfinderisch" (transl.: need makes you inventive) ; the 'Wheel of Fate' (Life and
Rebirth as a great wheel) ; eternal source of the many levels/layers of Orlög ;
cause and effect ; action born from conscious will guided by wisdom and knowledge
about the forces of Orlög and it's visible manifestation ; manifestation of the
invisible in the visible world, of the infinite into the finite, the divine into the earthly
; recognizing and paying attention to not accepted needs (be it by 'do what they
will' or by conscious rejection or even sublimation) ; that what is necessary, need,
necessities, resistance, misery, suffering, duress, trieals, tribulation and salvation ;
mistakes and failures as chances to learn ; fears as protecting & warning and/or
hindering & hampering ; offerings and actions of sacrifice and devotion ; ships &
(travel over) water ; rune of (re-)conciliation and protection/defense ; Love-Magic
born from need and yearning ; connected with the Nornir, esp. the Norn Skuld,
Niflheim and Niddhögg (as also 'the dragon of envy' the shadow in the
subconsciousness which hinders the self at unfolding it's true power and shape,
'gnawing' at it)
Magic: understanding of fate (Orlög), destiny and necessity ; attaining salvation
(often the hard way) and overcoming sufferng or negative parts of fate (Orlög),
'understanding & solving karma' ; solving hate, strife and quarrels ; (developing)
power of (magical) will and/or spiritual power ; attracting sudden inspiration ;
recognizing and understanding one's own needs ; conscious use of opposing forces
to reach goals (magical or oteherwise) ; creates/fuels the need for order (and the
wish to be part of the cosmic order of the world) ; protection ; gaining knowledge ;
certain kinds of divination ; forces out the truth and the urge to act upon it ; rituals
of hindering or binding opponents or undoing their deeds ; certain kinds of love-
spells born from need/yearning (use with greatest care or the need/affliction will
turn back on you!)
Stadha: standing straight, the right arm extended to the side and upward, the left
arm to the side and downward, so forming a line (see left picture) ; as a variation
the left leg can be kept straight and extented to the side, so forming the diagonal
bar of the Rune. /or/
(see right picture): assuming the basic 'cross' Stödur (see Hagalaz) while chanting
"aepandi nam", then lowering the arms towards the hips, hands resting on them
with the elbows pointing outward. /or/
With partner similar to Stödur 4 described at Hagalaz, but both assuming the
Naudhiz-Stödur instead.
Hand gesture: fingers of the flat right hand pointing straight upward, thumb
extended in an angle towards the palm (even more then for the Hand gesture of
Kenaz) /or/
Arms extended high above the head, both index fingers forming the Naudhiz rune,
thumb and other fingers forming a fist.
Galdr: not nit nyd norn ; na ne ni no nu ; naudhiz naudhiz naudhiz ; nnnnnnnnnn
(humming or singing) ; nu na ni ne no ; nudh nadh nidh nedh nodh ; nuth nath nith
neth noth ; un an in en on ; aepandi nam ("calling out in need/suffering"
took/found Odin the runes)
Divination: the inevitable, what can't be avoided ; need, seperation, resistance,
dependence, distress, hardship - but also persepective of an end of this, alleviation
and salvation (usually through insight and acceptance into/of the laws of the
universe and of karma) ; the ways of fate, the layers of Orlög,
the decision of the Nornir ; cause and effect ; under certain
circumstances the rune and it's position can show what is
needed / necessary or can warn of something
negative rune: no perspective of an end of the need,
resistance, hardship etc., inevitable downfall, ultimate 'no',
succumbing to fate as a result of going against one's karmic
destiny, depth, the layers of Orlög.
Relatated: Colors: dark red, light yellow, light or dark purple,
black ; Gemstone: Onyx, Amethyst ; Trees/Plants: Beech,
"Wiesenknöterich" (German name of that plant) ; Astrological:
Capricorn, Scorpio, Sagittarius ; Tarot: The Justice or The Wheel or The
Devil (8th, 10th or 15th of the major arcana) ; Mythological: Nornir esp.
Skuld, Ettins, Niddhögg.


other names: is, eis, íss, ich ; phonetic: I

meaning of name: primordial matter, anti-matter
pictorial: icicle or the primordial glacial stream/wave of ice from Niflheim flowing
towards Muspelheim
eleventh rune of the elder futhark

Meaning: the primordial ice, the world-ice ; primordial matter and anti-matter ; a
human being standing erect, upright ; the force concentrating the 'fire' (primordial
or not) in the center, allows the manifestation of/in physical matter by forming the
crystal (Hagalaz) ; absolute silence and standstill, absolute cohesion which is
expanding, concentrated singularity and it's first expansion/expression ; power of
density, as destructive and creative as Fire (Fehu) ; antagonistic / controlling
towards growth & change ; the Ego and it's knowledge of all other aspects/levels of
the self, the 'binder', 'coagulant' of the soul, holding it's aspects together
(incredible important during difficult/taxing initiations, but needs to be balanced by
dynamic forces) ; a line as the path of transition for the consciousness, thin but
safe and reliable ; personality ; Rune if the "I", of self-control and control by
others ; (magical) power of self-consciousness, self-awarenes and self-confidence ;
positive, creative power, decisive (will)power ; ice as a challenge in/for the struggle
of survival ; danger of losing oneself in materialism ; concentration ; unity ;
vibration of/at zero ; magnet ; duration ; resistance against change, preservation ;
vertical axis (of the world) ; ice ; iron ; phallus ; unicorn ; magic staff; Werdandi,
middle of the Nornir, dark goddesses, the ice gigants, Jötunheim
Magic: developing and enhancing concentration and willpower, focussing one's
willpower on a target/goal ; control and banishment of unwanted dynamic powers,
including many forms of strife, aggression etc. ; control and/or confining
banishment of other entities, 'freezing' other entities/people and/or their actions ;
Integration of the Ego into a balanced, mulitversal system ; protection from water
(both metaphysical and mundane) ; calming down storms and violent waves/tides ;
powerful barrier against magical attacks (works even against Thurisaz ; in
ceremonial magic: staff, dagger or sword, it's direction pointing upwards
Stadha: standing straight, both arms are being held close to the body (Stadha of
focus, ego, concentration of self) /or/
standing straight, both arms are held straight and raised above the head, palms
pointing towards each other or are touching (the body as an 'antennae' towards the
cosmos) /or/
standing straight, both arms are held straight and raised above
the head, palms pointing forwards (the barrier ; projecting the
banishing/static force)
Hand gesture: left or right hand as a fist, held up, index finger pointing up.
Galdr: isa isa isa ; iiiiiiiiii ; iiiiiissssss ; is iis isa ich
Divination: the self-conscious "I" ; positive, willpower, activity ; self-control ;
influencing others ; personal power ; (having) magical powers ; the power to
banish 'evil' ; unity in the multiverse ; duration ; the 'masculine' principle and it's
influence in the multiverse ; no change soon
negative rune: the sub-/unconsciousness ; passivity ; no own will ; being controlled
by others ; hindrance, being blocked ; no change soon
Relatated: Colors: light blue, violett, grey, black ; Gemstone: blue Sapphire ;
Trees/Plants: Willow, Beech, Acorn, Chestnut, Fir, Pine, Alder, Ask, Birch, Oak,
"Bilsenkraut" ; Astrological: Capricorn, Aquarius, Jupiter, Moon ; Tarot: The Hermit
(9th of the major arcana) ; Mythological: Werdandi, Ice Gigants.


other names: jer, jar, ger, ar, er, ra, er, asa ; phonetic: J
meaning of name: circle/cyle(s) of life, of the sun
pictorial: sacred union of sky (upper angle) and earth (lower angle) ; the
dynamic cycle of summer and winter
twelfth rune of the elder futhark

Note: There are two versions of this rune - Jera (typical for the elder
futhark, shown on the right) and Ar (typical for the younger futhark). While of
similar meaning in general, Jera is a more universal form of the essence of this
rune, Ar is a more spcific one (which also has a reversed meaning). Their essence is
the same, but their manifestation and direction are different. This becomes most
visible in divination and Stödhur/hand gestures.
Meaning: circle and cycles of life, the sun, the change of seasons etc., the eternal
circle/cycle ; cyclic evolution, patterns and processes (seasons, birth-growth-death-
rebirth...) ; the path of the sun during the year (Raidho: the daily path, Sowilo: the
archetypical sun, Dagaz: the (day)light coming from the sun...) ; eternal change of
things which yet stay the same ; change from spirit to body, mind to body, energy
to matter (both in the circle of runes and in the world) ; good things coming to one
as a result of good deeds (in the sense of 'in accordance to the laws of nature') - if
the seeds were planted well, the harvest will be good' ; fertility as part of nature ;
rune of the two parts of the year (light/summer & dark/winter) ; beauty, 'light',
creativity, peace, harmony, enlightenment, wisdom, hope, virtue, faith, trust, honor
& valor, well-being, healing, fulfillment ; processes that take slowly take place or
that will develop over time ; rune of leaders and those initiated ; rune of time ; Jera
and Eihwaz together can form a spiral - column and circle ; the eagle (eagle as
symbol/animal connected with the sun) ; the god-siblings Freyr & Freya
Magic: creates or enhances fertility and creativity, peace and harmony, faith and
honor ; manifestation of concepts and ideas in the physical world ; manipulation of
time and of the temporal aspect of a process ; helpful for gaining wisdom and
enlightenment ; understanding the cyclic nature of the multiverse as well as the
secrets of the omnipresent circles and cycles ; one of the runes of light and sun
power, helpful for healing, exorcism, banishment of and and protection against
negative influences ; manipulation of 'sun od/chi/prana', enhancing and
strengthening the life force ; banishes insecurities and doubts
Stadha: standing straight, right arm raised and bent in the elbow so the thumb of
the hand touches the hairline, left arm bent in the same angle downward and
backward with the fingers touching the hip /or/
The Ar Stadha: standing straight, both arms are being held close to the body while
the right leg is extended to the side and downwards /or/ the right arm is extended
to the side and downwards instead (either way forming the Ar rune - see above the
rune variations, second rune from the right)
Hand gesture: the right hand and it's fingers pointing upward, the thumb is
extended in an angle towards the palm and fingers (again forming the Ar rune) /or/
the thumbs held close to the side of the hand, both hands bent at an angle so that
the fingers and the palm form one half of the Jera rune, the wrist of the left hand
resting in the palm of the right hand, the fingertips of the right hand touching the
lowest joints of the fingers (between fingers and palm) (internal focussing gestrure)
fingers and palm are kept straight in a line, thumbs of both hands are extended in
an angle ; both hands facing each other, the fingers of the right hand pointing
towards the joints of the fingers of the left hand
Galdr: jera jera jera ; jjjjjeeeeerrrrraaaaa ; jjjjjjjjjj ; ju ja ji je jo ; jur jar jir jer
jor ; ar jar ra jera asa ; ae ai ao au ea ia oa ua ; aaaaaaaaa ; Aar
Divination: hopes and expectations (i.e. shown by surrounding runes or as a
general hint towards one's own hopes) ; turning point ; change taking place slowly
but surely ; results of former deeds ; fertility ; creativity ; a timeframe ; something
happening again in a different way
negative rune: same as 'normal' meaning (a circle is a circle no matter what)
if used as the Ar rune: positive meaning: sun power, honor, change towards good,
faith, fertility, creativity, gaining understanding, harvest of one's work, a full turn of
the circle offering it's gifts, fullfillment, enlightenment / negative meaning:
distortion, dishonor, change towards something bad, distrust, infertility,
misunderstandings, illusions, a full turn of the circle making one face the results of
missed chances and misdeeds, hollowness
Relatated: Colors: silvery grey to light blue-green or blue,
orange, powerful yellow ; Gemstone: Moonstone, Amber ;
Trees/Plants: Yew, Ash tree, Fir, Oak, Rosemary ; Astrological:
Sun, Saturn, Uranus, Sagittarius, Cancer ; Tarot: The Fool or
The Wheel (0th or 10th of the major arcana) ; Mythological:
the god-siblings Freyr & Freya.


other names: iwaz, eihwas, eoh, ihwar, yr, ir, yb ör, eur, W-ybe, ver ; phonetic: y
(ü ö) (between e and i)
meaning of name: the yew as tree of life and death, tree of worlds
pictorial: the vertical column/pillar of the tree of the mulitverse
thirteenth rune of the elder futhark

Meaning: yew, iris, bow, rainbow ; Yggdrasil the tree of worlds as center and
column of the multiverse connecting the nine worlds of existence ; the vertical
cosmic axis ; mysteries of Life & Death ; symbol of eternal life (evergreen tree);
life-giving force and path towards it ; the hidden, at first slumbering fire of
transformation and enduring willpower from within (activated by the power of
Naudhiz, manifested by/in the power of Kenaz) ; driving force of evolution ;
connecting force between extreme opposites, uniting / joining them in a dynamic
way ; path between Asgard (gods), Midgard (mankind) and Hel (netherworld),
transforming their essences one into the other on the way ; divine initiation ;
connection between the worlds -> see magic, the shamanic path of
initiation ; related to the full stretch between the illusion of Maya and the
wisdom of Nirvana ; endurance, perseverance (yew is a very strong wood - perfect
for longbows ; see also Uller) ; karmic trials ; ecstasy and/or lust ; protection &
defense ; bravery (or boldness) ; hunting ; errors, illusions, insanity or insight,
understanding and wisdom ; (24 vertebrae of the) spinal column ; Yggdrasil ;
Odin ; Uller
Magic: protection, banishing/averting destructive forces ; strengthening one's own
powers ; gaining willpower, endurance, inner strength, spiritual knowledge, insight,
creativity and visions ; remembering past lifes ; accessing memories of ancestors
and the earth ; understanding the mysteries of Life and Death ; overcoming fear of
death ; transformation and focussing energies - raising and descending (i.e. along
the major energy centers along the vertical axis of the body) ; communication
between the worlds ; initiation into the wisdom of the nine worlds ; cosmic axis
(with Jera as the spiral around it)
essential rune of the shamanic path of initiation and wisdom: descending into the
netherworld and traveling up through all nine worlds, thus gaining wisdom and
knowledge, with sacrifices as a way to aid the journey (the god Odin hung nine
days at a branch of Yggdrasil, wounded by his own spear, until he found the secret
knowledge of the runes) and the possibility of physical and spiritual manifestations
(and thus physical sacrifices being made in a spiritual way)
(note: the yew tree contains a toxin wich influences the central nervous system and
can cause hallucinations which is used by some shamanes for their rituals - in warm
summer days it can even be found in the air around yew trees)
Stadha: standing straight both arms extended in about 50° forward and
downward, one shank lifted in the same angle.
Hand gesture: so far only known as the Yr gesture: Arm pointing downward,
thumb, index- and middle finger forming the forked shape of Yr (see rune
variations, last two examples)
Galdr: eihwaz eihwaz eihwaz ; iwaz iwaz iwaz ; eeeeeeeeee ; iwu iwa iwi iwe iwo ;
iwo iwe iwi iew iwu ; yyyyyyyyy ; yur irr yb ; W-ybe Eibe
Divination: endurance, perseverance, trying and trials, choice between two
opposing topics of equal worth/interest, ambition, motivation, taking up action,
activity, courage, taking risks to reach a goal, ecstatic lust, life & death
negative rune: illusions, chaos, errors, misguided, insanity, losing oneself in the
physical world or madness, greed and senseless lust, death & life
Relatated: Colors: grey, black, dark blue ; Gemstone: Topaz, Blood Stone ;
Trees/Plants: Yew, Alder, Elder, "Alraune" ; Astrological: Cancer, Scorpio, Moon,
Mars ; Tarot: The Hanged Man, Death or The Tower (12th, 13th
or 16th of the major arcana) ; Mythological: Odin, Uller


other names: pairthro, peordh ; phonetic: P

meaning of name: divination and prophecy to see and understand Orlög (Karma,
pictorial: cup or bowl to mix and throw runes, dices etc.
fourteenth rune of the elder futhark
Meaning: tools of divination ; Orlög, Wyrd ; cosmic law, cause
and effect in one ; evolution and change ; eternal change and
always remaining the same in one ; the great plan of cosmic evolution ; time and
the 'all is now, now is all', the great mystery of simultaneity of time ; synchronicity,
concidence ; causality and synchronicity as a horizontal and vertical axis of
consciousness (1) ; the three nornir Urd - Werdandi - Skuld and their powers ; well
of Wyrd, of Urdhr (see Nornir), of Mimir ; laws of the Nornir, of
'fate'/'Karma'/'Orlög' ; mysteries and rituals of divination and prophecy ; ways and
chances to learn about Orlög (individual, on a greater scale and in general) ; the
'world of ideas', the Akasha chronicle ; the invisible, neverchanging power that
moves everything through time and development ; birth ; a power of creation
flowing from within to the outside, into the world ; hidden potential, powers and
talent not yet manifested/unfolded (as something inherited from ancestors, gained
in previous lifes and/or gained through hamingja) ; rune of fate ; rune of space-
time (Jera: time-space, perthro space-time, the cosmic axis Eihwaz/Yggdrasil
between the two) ; together with Naudhiz and Berkano main powers behind change
in the multiverse ; Frigg (spinning, weaving and cutting the threads of life, as the
(1) Causality: action X causes effect Y and activates something Z, according to laws
of the universe ; Synchronicity: occurrences X, Y and Z happen together and have
in their 'coincidence' a deeper meaning, according to cosmic laws
Magic: divination, prophecy ; gaining access to the 'world of ideas', the Akasha
chronicle ; seeing and understanding Orlög ; manifestation of ideas or events as an
act of magic ; working with the flow of Orlög/Karma/fate/the nornic laws/the
cosmic plan ; meditation and magic work to explore and understand abilities and
powers still hidden ; manipulation of space-time (see also Jera for time-space)
Stadha: sitting on the floor, back held straight, knees somewhat pulled towards
the body, feet with full contact tothe floor, ellbows resting on the knees with the
forearms extended in an angle up- and forward ; mostly done facing westward.
Hand gesture: still being researched.
Galdr: perthro perthro perthro ; pu pa pi pe po ; purdh pardh pirdh perdh pordh ;
po pe pi pa pu ; peeeeerrrrththththrrrrrroooooo ; peorth pairth pearth
Divination: usually a deeper esoteric meaning or - if as answer to a direct
question it means 'no answer will be given' ; rite or experience of initiation,
discovering a new and so far hidden aspect, ability or power of oneself, or simply
hinting at these still hidden traits ; hinting at secrets or things (still) hidden ; 'the
wheel of fate is turning'
negative rune: death ; creative energies turned around, turned inside out ;
blockades of the free flow of energies of creativity and/or power of own fate ; going
against the nornic laws.
Relatated: Colors: black ; Gemstone: Onyx, Hematite, Amethyst ; Trees/Plants:
Beech, Aconite ; Astrological: Saturn ; Tarot: The Wheel of Fortune/Fate (10th of
the major arcana) ; Mythological: the Nornir, Frigg.


other names: elhaz, algis, eohl, ihwar, yr; phonetic: Z, R

meaning of name: a protecting, guiding power, valkyrjur
pictorial: horns of an elk or similar, branches (and roots) of a tree), flying swan,
spread and extended fingers of a hand
fiftteenth rune of the elder futhark

Meaning: Elk, Swan, Raven, Yew ; a protective wall or surrounding barrier ; Shield
; Bifröst ; path of branches and roots ; Protection ; Defense ; Life ;
connection between the gods and mankind ; connection to the concept of
the valkyrjur, guarding/guiding spirits (see swan and raven as some of
their shapes/messengers), shieldmaiden, also to the guides to/of the
afterlife ; divine twins, the alcis (see second rune variation from the right
- face to face or back to back, combative and protecting) ; Man and
Woman (see the shapes of the rune again) ; Life & Death and Death &
Life ; Elhaz = power which makes mankind strife for reaching Asgard,
power to reach the divine on the inside and the outside ; power Heimdall's
as the guardian of Bifröst ; strong connection to Eihwaz/Yr and Man(naz), in parts
even used in similar ways and meanings as Mannaz (or same rune symbol being
seen both for Algiz and Mannaz - usually called Man in that case)
Magic: Protection, Defense (note: four or eight Algiz in a circle and facing outward
are a most powerful protection and shield) ; mystic and spiritual communication
with 'otherworldy' beings and other worlds (esp. Asgard and the cosmic
wells/sources of Urdhr, Mimir and Hvergelmir) ; sacred connection between a
person and the 'higher self', 'divine self', 'fetsch' etc. and resulting protection and
enlightenment ; essential rune for working with the valkyrja ; powerful spiritual and
magical guide and focus for energies ; useful for practical, calm and/or
contemplative work (invocation of runes, transfering the conscience to higher
levels, vision quests, chanting etc.) ; enhancing and strenghtening the hamingja
(magical power(s) and 'good luck') and od/chi/prana/life force (for the practical
application see Mannaz) ; used together with Eihwaz: gaining and strengthening of
magic willpower ; the stadha, together with Uruz, Sowilo and Ansuz calls
upon/down mighty force(s) & energies and gives great power to heal oneself and
others (incl. 'laying on of hands')
Stadha: basic stadha: standing straight, arms extended at the sides and upward
(head and arms forming the upper part of the rune /or/
kneeling on the floor, sitting on the heel bone/feet ('japanese style'), head slightly
bent backward so the face is looking a bit upward, arms see basic stadha /or/
see basic stadha, but kneeling on the right leg with the left thigh parallel to the
floor (right knee and left foot touching the floor).
Hand gesture: similar to the 'victory' gesture: Arm (or at least forearm) pointing
upward, thumb, index- and middle finger forming the forked shape of the rune with
the index finger in a vertical position to the ground.
Galdr: algiz algiz algiz ; elhaz elhaz elhaz ; zzzzzzzzzz (deep, humming and/or
hissing or whistling sound) ; uz az iz ez oz ; oz ez iz az uz ; (as a
connection/variation of Mannaz: see there)
Divination: being protected, protective forces, guidance from above, spiritual
insight and guidance, spiritual undertakings and/or quests, vision, magical powers,
hamingja, valkyrja ; negative rune: either Eihwaz or: descent into matter, losing
sight of the higher planes/connection with the guiding spirits/forces, bad luck, being
defenseless, without protection, helpless.
Relatated: Colors: gold, indigo ; Gemstone: amethyst, quarz (crystal), lapis ;
Trees/Plants: Yew, Angelica ; Astrological: Cancer, Leo, Uranus ; Tarot: The Star or
The Moon (17th or 18th of the major arcana) ; Mythological: the Valkyrjur,

other names: sig, sieg, saugil, sal, sol, sul, sugil, si, zi, soula,
sigi, sigil, si-gi-il ; phonetic: S (Z, 'SCH')
meaning of name: part of the dynamic sun wheel (Swastica,
pictorial: the sacred sun wheel
sixteenth rune of the elder futhark

Meaning: sun, light, sun power ; 'Heil' (wellfare, well-being, salvation, deliverance)
; column ('Säule') ; school ; success, victory ('Sieg') ; life ; liberation ; solution ;
cleansing ; clarification ; symbol for the soul (SaL ; from the divine/God to the
divine/God) ; the radiant, shining ; spuming, fizzing, sizzling, buzzing and
whizzing , ,
Magic: ;
Stadha: .
Hand gesture: .
Galdr: ;
Divination: ; negative rune: .
Relatated: Colors: ; Gemstone: ; Trees/Plants: ; Astrological: ; Tarot: ;
Mythological: .


other names: iwaz, eihwas, eoh, ihwar ; phonetic: U

meaning of name: aurochs, fine rain, form-giving primodial power
pictorial: the horns of the aurochs, or fine rain falling down from the sky
seventeenth rune of the elder futhark

Meaning: ;
Magic: ;
Stadha: standing straight .
Hand gesture: .
Galdr: ;
Divination: ; negative rune: .
Relatated: Colors: ; Gemstone: ; Trees/Plants: ; Astrological: ; Tarot: ;
Mythological: .


other names: iwaz, eihwas, eoh, ihwar ; phonetic: U

meaning of name: aurochs, fine rain, form-giving primodial power
pictorial: the horns of the aurochs, or fine rain falling down from the sky
eighteenth rune of the elder futhark

Meaning: ;
Magic: ;
Stadha: .
Hand gesture: .
Galdr: ;
Divination: ; negative rune: .
Relatated: Colors: ; Gemstone: ; Trees/Plants: ; Astrological: ; Tarot: ;
Mythological: .

other names: iwaz, eihwas, eoh, ihwar ; phonetic: U

meaning of name: aurochs, fine rain, form-giving primodial power
pictorial: the horns of the aurochs, or fine rain falling down from the sky
nineteenth rune of the elder futhark

Meaning: ;
Magic: ;
Stadha: standing straight .
Hand gesture: .
Galdr: ;
Divination: ; negative rune: .
Relatated: Colors: ; Gemstone: ; Trees/Plants: ; Astrological: ; Tarot: ;
Mythological: .


other names: iwaz, eihwas, eoh, ihwar ; phonetic: U

meaning of name: aurochs, fine rain, form-giving primodial power
pictorial: the horns of the aurochs, or fine rain falling down from the sky
twentieth rune of the elder futhark

Meaning: ;
Magic: ;
Stadha: standing straight .
Hand gesture: .
Galdr: ;
Divination: ; negative rune: .
Relatated: Colors: ; Gemstone: ; Trees/Plants: ; Astrological: ; Tarot: ;
Mythological: .


other names: Laukaz / lagus / lagu / lögr / laukr ; phonetic: U

meaning of name: aurochs, fine rain, form-giving primodial power
pictorial: the horns of the aurochs, or fine rain falling down from the sky
twentyfirst rune of the elder futhark

Meaning: the founding energy of life in the multiverse and secret source of all
organic life, symbolized by a wave, a waterfall or the green part of leek ; also the
laws of life in the multiverse as in Midgard (the physical world of mankind), as such
the pattern of deeds and patterns of the past which lead to future forms of life ; the
primordial water containing the potential of life, needing the structuring influence of
ice and the energy of fire for manifestation ; log = the primordial laws/order, the
Logos (that what hovers within/over the water) ; lögr = primordial
water ; powerful rune of initation (sprinkling water on a newborn is part
of an old pagan ritual of name-giving, thus becoming part of the
clan/tribe) and of rebirth, but also of crossing the primordial water to go
to the realm of the dead - lifeforce raising and secending ; rune of the
astral plane, rune of tides ; fast-growing leek is a symbol for organic
growth, phallic power and fertility (both physical and spiritual) - and
Laguz is the rune of magic with herbs as of seidr ('witchcraft') ; connected
to the non-physical parts of living beings ; the yearning for the other
part / partner / 'you' to walk the path of life together - rune of love ; rune of water
and the ocean ; vitality, life force, strengthening of magnetic power, gaining
guidance for difficult initations & tests (both in everyday life and in a ritual way),
also for certain kinds of visions and intuition, helps to gather energy/magic power
to be focussed by force of will Runes somehow associated with Water ;
Magic: ;
Stadha: standing straight .
Hand gesture: .
Galdr: ;
Divination: ; negative rune: .
Relatated: Colors: ; Gemstone: ; Trees/Plants: ;
Astrological: ; Tarot: ; Mythological: .


other names: Laukaz / lagus / lagu / lögr / laukr ; phonetic: U

meaning of name: aurochs, fine rain, form-giving primodial power
pictorial: the horns of the aurochs, or fine rain falling down from the sky
twentysecond rune of the elder futhark

Meaning: Ingwaz is the rune of the God/Hero Ing (or Freyr), the God of Earth, as
such also a rune that has to do with sexuality. It stands for the potential of energy
and power that can be unleashed and channeled, but needs to be focussed first,
needs to mature and gather - within the Ingwaz. It is a very powerful rune, that is
often used before other ruens are applied, to gather power and concentrate it, but
also to ground and focus oneself. Many say that in this rune lies one of the greatest
secrets of nordic sex magic as well. Applied, one can mainly use this rune for
gathering, maturing, storing and focussing of energies and thoughts, for various
kinds of rituals/ ceremonies regarding fertility and sexuality, for passive meditation,
grounding oneself and for concentration of thoughts, feelings and/ or energy, and
their focussed, precise release The stada is quite simple: you stand upright with
your feet together (they can be a little bit apart if you feel more comfortable/stable
that awy, but no more then the width of your foot apart), and for the strongest
grounding / inner or emotional focussing you bring your fingertips together in front
of you, below your navel, above your groin (= more or less at the area of your 2nd
chakra), thus forming the outer corners/angles of the rune with your elbows, the
lower corner with your fingertips. If you can, project the rune Ingwaz and its power
into your position, and/or hum or chant 'Ingwaz' or 'Ing' (or 'ung ang ing
eng ong' ... either once, three times, nine times, 81 times ... but then it
gets a bit repetitive ^^;) either in your mind or aloud. Start in one of the four
directions (I recommend North, in the morning you can also try east or in the
evening west, but then the ritual has additional effects), and turn with the sun
(clockwise) to each of the directions, repeating the stada and the
chanting/projecting, thus doing it i.e. 4 times (one full turn) chanting three times
each = 12 times (or 3 turns, or 9, or 81... the number three and four are closely
connected to the runes) Another version that has a bit less grounding effect (but
still nicely) and more a concentrating effect of the mind is like follows: Stand as
before, but now bring the hands above your head, fingertips touching in the air
over the middle of your head, the ellbows pointing outwards, thus forming the
outer corners/angles of the Ing, your finger tips the upper angle
Magic: ;
Stadha: standing straight .
Hand gesture: .
Galdr: ;
Divination: ; negative rune: .
Relatated: Colors: ; Gemstone: ; Trees/Plants: ;
Astrological: ; Tarot: ; Mythological: .


other names: Laukaz / lagus / lagu / lögr / laukr ; phonetic: U

meaning of name: aurochs, fine rain, form-giving primodial power
pictorial: the horns of the aurochs, or fine rain falling down from the sky
twentythird rune of the elder futhark

Meaning: ;
Magic: ;
Stadha: standing straight .
Hand gesture: .
Galdr: ;
Divination: ; negative rune: .
Relatated: Colors: ; Gemstone: ; Trees/Plants: ; Astrological: ; Tarot: ;
Mythological: .

other names: Laukaz / lagus / lagu / lögr / laukr ; phonetic: U
meaning of name: aurochs, fine rain, form-giving primodial
pictorial: the horns of the aurochs, or fine rain falling down
from the sky
twentyfourth rune of the elder futhark

Meaning: ;
Magic: ;
Stadha: standing straight .
Hand gesture: .
Galdr: ;
Divination: ; negative rune: .
Relatated: Colors: ; Gemstone: ; Trees/Plants: ; Astrological: ; Tarot: ;
Mythological: .

Aesir: family or race of gods, their main focus on magic, law, war and the sky (including weather) ; sing. Áss,
pl. Ása
Asgard: world of the Aesir, one of the nine worlds of nordic cosmology
Audhumla: primordial cow, one of the first beings, gy
Bifröst: rainbow bridge connecting Asgard and Midgard
Brisingamen: created by four dwarves, their cooperation led to fertility
Frigg: wife of Odin ; the allknowing goddess who never speaks
Gigants: divided in many different races like Thursar (sing. Thurs), Jötunen (sing. Jötun), Etinn etc. ; most are
mostly known for their strength and simplemindedness, but sometimes also very cunning ; symbolizing the
forces of Chaos and destruction in many songs and myths, sometimes also of unbridled powers of the Earth
hamingja: magic power similar to 'mana' or 'manitu' in other cultures, dynamic, moving, 'makes things
happen', mental power to make changes, related to good and bad luck, guardian spirits ; pl: hamingjur
Havamal: "The words (song) of the High Ones" ; second poem/song of the elder Edda (most important writing
of norse origin), mainly consisting of words of wisdom, magic chants and spiritual/religious ceremonies
Midgard: "the world in the middle", world of Mankind (situated in the middle as one of the nine worlds of norse
cosmology), the physical world, the world where we live
Mimir: well
Mjöllnir: hammer Thor's, a powerful weapon both wielded and thrown, even though the handle is too short for
a normal hammer ; symbol of protection by the might of Thor
Muspelheim: the sparks from Muspelheim were essential during the creation of the world
Nornir: also the Nornes, three spirits/deities of fate (usually seen in the shape of women) which give water
from the primoridal well of Urdhr to the tree of worlds Yggdrasil, thus keeping it alive ; symbol of cause and
effect in the multiverse, of the powers of evolution ; sing. Norn
Orlög: the past as the layers on which present and future are build, past actions as causes for present and
future circumstances and events ; similar to the meaning of 'fate' ; true for the entire cosmos as well as for a
single individual, as all is connected with everything that is.
Skuld: youngest of the Nornir, the Norn of the future, also often considered one of the valkyrja, even their
leader ; Skuld is related to the German word "Schuld" (dept/obligation/guilt) - what was in the past and still
forces us in the present)
Uller: the god of the Bow, the hunt and the time of Yul, also an archaic god of death
Urd: oldest of the Nornir, the Norn of the past
Urdhr: primordial well near Yggdrasil, it's waters are are given to the tree of worlds by the Nornir to keep it
Valkyrja: or Valkyries, the 'Chooser of the Dead', spirits who carry the slain warriors (and other who attract
their attention) to Walhall ; at least some are also considered as daughters of Odin with mortal women (or
spirits or lesser deities) ; guardian spirits who are attracted to certain people, forming or being a channel
between the gods and the people ; pl.: valkyrjur
Vanir:family or race of gods, their main focus on fertility, nature and the Earth ; after al ong war with the
Aesir hostages were exchanged and peace was achieved - the Vanir who came to the Aesier eventually
became part of them, yet retaining their original character and traits ; sing. Van
Walhall(a): The hall of Odin, where half of the fallen warriors come and live until the day of Ragnarök (End of
the World) when they will fight alongside the Aesir against the Gigants and their allies.
Wayland: powerful smith of maybe divine origin
Werdandi: middle of the Nornir, the Norn of the present ; Werdandi is related to the German word "Werden"
(becoming/future form of being) - what is as the foundation of the future
Yggdrasil: cosmic tree going/growing through all of the nine worlds of norse cosmology (or planes of
existence), also a symbol of these worlds and their order, even a symbol of life and cosmic, living order
Ymir: meaning "the noise/clamor", primordial gigant

A small selection of books for further reading

(Note: As far as I know many of these books are only available in German, and not everything in them is
necessarily true, nor are all the conclusions found in them, but all of these books offer interesting
informations, so I've added them to this list) All of these books have contributed to this document, as well as
my own experiences.

Edred Thorsson: Futhark - Handbook of Rune Magic

Edred Thorsson: Runelore - A Handbook of Esoteric Runology
--- these two books by Edred Thorsson are in my opinion some of the best ever written about runes, and
useful both for the beginner and the experienced --- for further reading here a few other books that have
proven useful in some way ---
Freya Aswynn: Leaves of Yggdrasil
Karl Spiesberger: Runenmagie
Karl Spiesberger: Runenpraxis der Eingeweihten
F.B. Marby: Runenschrift, Runenwort, Runengymnastik
F.B. Marby: Der germanische Einweihungsweg in Sinnbildern und Symbolen
Guido von List: Geheimnisse der Runen (and others of his writings, although they are sometimes quite
influenced by antisemitic ideology)
Harry Radegeis: Runen im Leben der Völker
Erhard Landmann: Weltbilderschütterung

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