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1. Just what is the 22-Strand DNA Activation?

The 22-Strand activation is an activation of Spiritual Empowerment. It activates the master plan for
your life purpose and divine potential.

2. How many strands are there?

There are 12 strands that relate to the physical body and 12 spiritual strands, and that each of these
24 key strands has sub-stands. This process activates 11 of each.

3. Why would someone get a 22-Strand DNA Activation?

A significant tool for spiritual empowerment, it enhances our ability to become who we came here
to be and to successfully complete our contracts and life work. It aligns us with living our truth.

4. What changes have people noticed since having their DNA activated?

• A greater sense of well being and more certainty about connecting to Spirit.
• Integration of more brain capacity and efficiency.
• More directed, grounded, and on purpose than ever before.
• Strong motivation to achieve goals and dreams.
• It is more natural to make healthy choices.
• Enhanced immune system.
• More energy and greater clarity of intuition.

5. How can my ancestors and descendants be affected by something I do now?

The activation is communicated through the genetic pathways that are shared (in common) with your
ancestors and descendants. The information for reprogramming the genetic coding is transmitted through
the unified field that connects all beings through time and space. This field has been referred to by many
different names, including "The Web of Life", "The Mind of God", "The Bio-field", "The Collective
Consciousness" and many more.

6. How does the 22-Strand Activation build the immune system?

a. The activation may have the effect of causing the removal of toxins in the body. This enables the body to
be healthier and also causes a strengthening of the immune system.
b. Release emotional patterns that no longer serve you and are compromising your life-force vitality.
c. The Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Light are putting more light in your body through the 22-Strand DNA
Activation, therefore raising your vibratory frequency to increase your connection to God. The higher the
vibration the more light you can hold in your physical body. The more light you can hold in your body, the
stronger your immune system and the higher your level of vitality. This can be measured with a frequency
measuring scale.

7. How does the 22-Strand Activation increase your brain capacity?

Science tells us that we currently use only 3% of our DNA and, correspondingly, only 5-10% of our brain
capacity. By activating the DNA, more of our full potential comes online, both in your genetic
consciousness and in your mental capacity.
8. Can anyone receive this activation?
This activation can be performed on anyone who requests it, including small children. In the case of
children under 12, we ask that the child asks for the activation and that there is parental consent. In fact, we
often find that the Indigos (6th Root Race) are greatly benefited by this activation/increase in light and it
helps them find balance and purpose.

The only exceptions are people who are mentally ill or emotionally unstable. The only reason to have this
activation is for empowerment. If the person is not likely to be empowered, it is not appropriate.

9. Will I be enlightened if I have this activation?

Depends on what enlightenment means to you. It will certainly be beneficial to your spiritual growth.

What does enlightenment mean to you? Enlightenment is different than empowerment. Empowerment
takes an average person and makes them something more so they can become teachers, healers, leaders
who serve the needs of humanity. This empowerment from the 22-Strand DNA Activation is about fully
actualizing your contracts while you are still here on earth in the physical body.

10. Are there other people activating the DNA? How is yours different?
There are other people working with the DNA and all light work is of great benefit.

Other DNA work does not open the etheric spine, therefore from our understanding, they are not activating
the DNA. Only an Archangel, working through a human, can open the strand. The DNA is activated with
Light coming in directly from the Hierarchy of Light. The other DNA Activations are valid healing
techniques and these systems work well together. They offer vast opportunity for change, healing and
letting go of mental, emotional, and belief systems. But none of them other than the 22-Strand technique
open up the etheric spine and activate the DNA.

The 22-Strand DNA Activation process is very sacred and as a result of the activation, it lights up and
activates the person's full potential. With this much light in their physical material, people can create
change for themselves beyond what even an Archangel can do for them.

The 22-Strand DNA Activation is about spiritual empowerment. This activation has been used for
thousands of years and comes from King Solomon. Each practitioner receives specialized training to do the
etheric surgery that activates the DNA.

11. How can DNA Activation in this day and time be connected to King Solomon?
King Solomon was searching for a way to access the original divine blueprint for healing and
empowerment. He gathered one shaman or master from every tradition to put together this system. What
resulted was a series of eight modalities, one of which is the 22-Strand DNA Activation. This activation of
empowerment has been handed down through the oral tradition within the Mystery Schools and has been
used for thousands of years by the initiates of these schools. It is through this lineage that the 22-Strand
DNA Activation has come to us today.

12. How do you receive authorization from the Spiritual Realms to do this activation?
Through being trained and initiated by a Guide representative of the Brotherhood/ Sisterhood of Light in
the mystery school tradition. We received our instruction and initiation from the Rocky Mountain Mystery

13. Are there any scientific studies that show people are really changed by this activation?
Not that we know of. This process has only been offered to the public since 1998. However, what we have
is participant observation, which is a beginning level in the scientific process. What we are experiencing
both for ourselves and others is an opening and expansion to life, more clarity and focus, and moving
directly toward our goals. In other words, we are observing people preparing themselves to do planetary
service. That is the data we have.
14. What does it mean in regards to the 22-Strand Activation to hold more light in the body?
Some people that you know have more light than others. They're the kind of people you like to be around
because they have a certain "something" about them. They seem to have it more together...a kind of inner
peace. Holding more light tends to create this. An Activation enables you to hold more of this light.

The Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Light are putting more light in your body through the 22-Strand DNA
Activation, therefore raising your vibratory frequency to increase your connection to God. The higher the
vibration the more light you can hold in your physical body. Raising the vibration is about increasing the
vitality in the body - passion for life.

15. Why does one need to be initiated in order to activate the 22-Strands of DNA? Can I do this by
calling in my own guides?
The Brotherhood/Sisterhood of Light and Archangel Metatron have told us that for this activation to take
full effect in the physical body, they need someone in the physical body to work through who has been
trained and initiated. This is a very sacred process and requires the services of someone who is authorized
to open up the etheric spine and administer this activation.

16. Is it dangerous physically, mentally, or spiritually to have this work done? Can it negatively affect
the DNA?
No, this process will only empower you, it will never disempower you. It is not dangerous and cannot
negatively affect the DNA. However, we do not recommend it for those who are in the midst of serious
emotional issues. There is one thing we like to tell people: Baseball stadium analogy. May bring up more
than the person wants to handle.

17. Is there any relationship between DNA activation and ascension?

Many people are talking about ascension and I've come to understand that they are talking about different
things. I want to answer your question accurately, so I need to know what you mean by "ascension"?

By raising your vibratory frequency, awakening the DNA to its full potential, and activating the blue print
of who you truly are, it cannot help but assist in the ascension process.

The mystery schools teach that ascension is the spiritual evolution of the physical body. As a result of the
activation your body will change - you will become a light body. (In fact, the whole human race has to
make this transition to the light body.)

18. How long does it take to see the effects from an activation and what kinds of effects are seen in
people within the first month, three months, 9 months?
It varies from person to person and really depends on each individual. Some experience major changes
right away and for others it's very subtle. A tendency that we have noticed is that if you have done a lot of
inner work, it may seem more subtle. And if you are really sensitive and intuitive, you may experience
stronger sensations. Although these are just tendencies, because it really depends on the person.

DNA Activation takes time. For the cells in the physical body to reproduce themselves completely it takes
seven years. It is like putting light in the top of the Empire State Building - it takes time for it to filter down
so that each window is fully lit up.

As far as what we see in people, there is one common denominator, and that is Spiritual Empowerment. In
other words, the things, people, and situations in their life that no longer support their life work and purpose
start falling away and circumstances, people, and skills in alignment with their life work and purpose start
coming forward. They become aligned with living their truth.

19. Do some people find that they do not get any benefits from this activation? Why do you think this
is so?
As we said before, some of the changes can be very subtle. And everyone starts from their own unique
place. Also, many of us are involved with many different modalities, and so it can be really challenging to
determine what we received from each modality.

My clients say they notice changes for the better. Many are very enthusiastic and notice it in leaps and
bounds. I believe it varies from person to person. If you have done a lot of work on yourself, then it is less
noticeable. If you are sensitive and intuitive it can be very noticeable. I think it depends on the person's
awareness and their particular process.

20. Empowerment is a grand term. How do you define it in relation to what is achieved by this work?
Empowerment takes an average person and makes them something more so they can become teachers,
healers, leaders who serve the needs of humanity. This empowerment is about fully actualizing your
contracts while you are still here on earth in the physical body.

This empowerment is about coming into alignment with your purpose for being here. This is also referred
to as your life's work, or fulfilling your contracts with God. When you are clearly directed and fully
grounded in the physical body, you can perform your highest service work for the light.

This activation of empowerment has been proven over and over for 3,000 years and we know it works. It
works for us as it will work for everyone who is activated.

21. Can someone experience healing as a result of the 22-Strand Activation?

A side effect from the DNA Activation is that often the body heals itself as a result of the way it uses the
light that was put into the 12 receptors.

For more information contact:

Celestial Connections Healing & Teaching Center

Phone: 610.401.5350

Email: connectionsbymaree@gmail.com

Web Site: http://connectionsbymaree.tripod.com/

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