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Petition for Politicians to Repeal ObamaCare and Replace it with the


To the Honorable _______________________________________,

”We the People” of the United States of America demand that our
politicians enact the American Healthcare Freedom Plan as the best-
in-class replacement for our legacy and ObamaCare healthcare plans.
Our plan fixes all major problems facing our current healthcare system
while reducing government and employer costs drastically. As our
public servant “We the People” oblige you to enact this plan featuring:

- $6,000 for every individual or working and non-working spouse

annually that is currently taken from our compensation and given
directly to the health insurance industry – these funds will cover all
routine and health maintenance costs and all excess funds are
retained by the individual and are never taxed, fully inheritable and
can be borrowed against to fund major life purchases and repaid with
pretax dollars – ObamaCare works to eliminate this benefit - this is one
of the many solutions provided by the new Un-Political Party (UPP) to
CONSUMPTION by allowing all citizens to do both with the same
dollars and thus propel our economy into unprecedented growth

- 30%-50% reduced costs for routine and preventative care by

eliminating the excessive costs of 3rd party payer plans in our current
system that ObamaCare exacerbates because of Big Money payoffs

- A Fix to Medicare: Ending the cycle of forced government

dependence, broken promises and stolen trust funds by giving each
individual citizen our own TAX FREE inheritable healthcare trust fund

- Reduced health insurance costs by up to 90% or more for all

Americans by maximizing the use of “PURE INSURANCE” however
ObamaCare Increases health insurance costs for every American
- Implement Universal Encrypted Total Health Cards/Dual User and
Provider Card System to eliminate over $200 Billion in private sector
healthcare fraud annually and over $100 Billion in Medicare fraud and
Medicaid fraud, waste and abuse annually

- Individually Owned Lifetime Policies for every American citizen

- Total Competition: Tearing down the artificial state border barriers to

slash health insurance costs up to 50% – not touched by ObamaCare

- Employers to save up to 30% or more per employee vs. ObamaCare

that is costing employers more with even greater increases expected

- Reduce Major Medical and Long Term Care Costs by 20-90%

- 100% Price and Performance Transparency = Best Value Service

- Tort Reform: 33%-50% cost savings – not touched by ObamaCare*

- Ending the $2,000 annual cost per family for “Defensive Medicine”
that is forbidden in ObamaCare due to “Trial Lawyer Lobby” payoffs

- A unique fix to preexisting condition health insurance costs that

affects SENIORS the most vs. ObamaCare Plan to “JUST TAKE A PILL”

- Reduces the Cost of Prescription Drugs & Medical Devices Up to 30%

- provides the lowest cost solution to the “uninsured” issue whereas

ObamaCare leaves 30 million uninsured even after full implementation

- And this fantastic plan with its many additional features and benefits
can be implemented in 6-12 Months with current infrastructures and
technologies vs. ObamaCare* that will take over 5 years to implement
and 159 new unfunded government bureaucracies & new regulations

We the People demand the total REPEAL of ObamaCare and replacing

it with the American Healthcare Freedom Plan. This is the only plan
that removes the immoral and corrupt paybacks by our politicians*
with taxpayer dollars to their Big Government Special Interest Group,
Corporate Welfare Executive and Union Boss political donors.

All of our Un-Political Party Advocacy Campaigns located here:

http://www.scribd.com/UnPoliticalParty are the key elements to the
new American Freedom Benefit Package that will bring prosperity and
freedom from government encroachment to all U.S. citizens while
providing the best-in-class solutions to the major problems facing our
nation. Our plans eliminate the annual $2 Trillion Pork Barrel Premium
cycle where the Special Interest Groups “buy” politicians who then
use our tax dollars to repay these same Big Money donors.

“We the People” put you on notice:

We will use the ballot box to stop all politicians from ineptly borrowing
40 CENTS and then WASTING 50% of every federal tax dollar spent.

For more information read the FULL REPORT HERE:

We, the informed citizenry, will watch you on this issue to ensure that
you do not choose the unethical and immoral route of Big Money
donations vs. the will of We the People. It will be best for your political
career to unite with us and lead a campaign to clean up our corrupt
political system and replace it with the smart UPP solutions. See here:

Respectfully, your well informed and very active constituent,

Name: ___________________________ Phone (Optional): ______________________

City: _____________________________ Email (Optional): _______________________

State: ___________________________ Zip Code: ______________________________

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