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Attraction, Altruism, and Peacemaking


I) Attraction
1. The Psychology of Attraction
a) Proximity
-proximity is geographic nearness...close proximity increases attraction
-mere exposure effect- the phenomenon that repeated exposure to novel
stimuli increases liking of them
b) Physical Attractiveness
-first impressions most effected by physical appearance
-people’s attractiveness is surprising unrelated to self esteem and
-attractiveness judgements are relative to culture
-attractiveness also depends on feelings
c) Similarity
-we are more attracted to those like us (opposites do not attract)
2. Romantic Love
a) Passionate Love- an aroused state of intense positive absorption in another,
usually present at the beginning of a love relationship
-Two Factor theory: (1) emotions are made up of physical arousal and
cognitive appraisal and (2) arousal from any source can enhance one
emotion or another, depending on how we interpret and label the arousal
—adrenaline makes the heart grow fonder
b) Compassionate Love- the deep affectionate attachment we feel for those with
whom our lives are entwined
-passionate love wanes, and is replaced by compassionate love over time
-equity- a condition in which people receive from a relationship in
proportion to what they give to it
-self-disclosure- revealing intimate aspects of oneself to others
II) Altruism
1. Altruism- unselfish regard for the welfare of others
2. Bystander Intervention
-Bystanders help if they:
(1) notice the incident
(2) Interpret as emergency
(3) Assume Responsibility for helping
-bystander effect- the tendency for any given bystander to be less likely to give
aid if other bystanders are present
-Best odds of our helping someone are when:
(1) we have just observed someone else being helpful
(2) we are not in a hurry
(3) the victim appears to need and deserve help
(4) the victim is in some way similar to us
(5) we are in a small town or rural area
(6) we are feeling guilty
(7) we are focused on others and not preoccupied
(8) we are in a good mood
3. The Psychology of Helping
-social exchange theory- the theory that our social behavior is an exchange
process, the aim of which is to maximize and minimize costs
III) Peacemaking
a) Cooperation
-contact helps conflicting parties to make peace if under right circumstances
-superordinate goals- shared goals that override differences among people and
require their cooperation
-cooperative contact reduces conflict
-cooperation has especially positive effects when it leads people to define a new,
inclusive group that dissolves their former subgroups
b) Communication
c) Conciliation
-GRIT- Graduated and Reciprocated Initiatives in Tention-Reduction—a strategy
designed to decrease national tensions

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