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Autism ASD (autism spectrum disorder)

As you probably may know there are many diseases related to disorders of neural
development, and one of the most important nowadays is autism. Trough this essay we will know
and learn about the definition of this disease, the most accepted causes, the distinctive
characteristics of autistic children and finally summarize some important points which are related
to certain treatments.

Autism is a permanent disorder of neural development characterized by impaired social

interaction and affects communication, imagination, behavior and emotional reciprocity. All this
sings are willing to appear in children before 3 years old. Autism affects the process of the
information in the brain by the alteration of nerve cells that helps to synapses function. The
symptoms are generally related with the inability of social interaction, isolation, and uncontrolled
movements (in most cases their hands). The baby that suffers autism could be unnoticed until
four months of life, from this stage language development doesn’t evolve. Its origin is due to an
abnormality of neural connections which is attributable, in most cases, to a genetic mutation.

The causes of the autism syndrome are unknown in most of the cases, but many
researchers believe that this disorder or syndrome is a result of some environmental factors that
interacts with a genetic susceptibility during the pregnancy. The most accepted causes are related
to Harris Coulter a doctor who says that the administration of a vaccine (whole-cells pertussis) in
early childhood may affect in terms of genetic mutation. The environmental factors that have been
claimed to contribute to or exacerbate autism are certain foods, infection diseases, heavy metals,
solvents, pesticides, alcohol, smoking, illicit drugs and prenatal stress.

The distinctive characteristic of autism is the poor social interaction. The caregivers are
generally the ones who noticed the autism sings, in early childhood a baby with autism could show
indifference to people or focus intensely in an object excluding others during long time.
It might seem that children with autism develop normally but then they become
indifferent to social activity. The children with autism could not answer to his name and avoid eye-
contact; autistic people have problems to interpret other’s feelings or thoughts because they can’t
understand social pauses, voice tone or facial expressions and they have a lack of empathy.

Most of the autistic children make repetitive moves like swinging and spin around.
Although they look shy, they act in violent ways like self-abusing biting his body or hit their head.
They speak in third person; they don’t know how to play with others and they are not interested in
what others say.

The autism syndrome might produce a higher risk in certain concomitant affections (those
illness that coexist together) including the fragile X syndrome (which causes mental retardation),
tuberous sclerosis (growth of brain tumors), epileptic seizures, Tourette syndrome, attention
deficit or hyperactivity disorder.
About 20 or 30 per cent of children with autism develop epilepsy when they reach
adulthood. While people with schizophrenia may show some autistic-like behavior, their
symptoms usually do not appear until late adolescence or early adulthood.  Most people with
schizophrenia also have hallucinations and delusions, which are not found in autism.

In most children the symptoms present an improvement with the correct treatment or
medication according to the age of each patient. Despite of doesn’t have a cure autism is treatable
with behavior therapies which are designs to remedy the specific symptoms and give a
substantial improvement. There exist some therapies but I believe the educational behavioral
intervention is one of the most useful in schools, it consist in therapies using intensive training
sessions geared to highly structured and the skills to help children develop language and
social skills, such as Applied Behavior Analysis, family counseling for parents and siblings of
children with ASD often helps families to cope with the particular challenges of living with a
child with ASD.

Medication:  Doctors may prescribe drugs to treat specific symptoms associated with ASD,

such as anxiety, depression, or obsessive-compulsive disorder. Antipsychotic drugs used to treat
severe behavioral problems. Seizures can be treated with one or
more anticonvulsants. Medications used  to treat people with impaired attention deficit can be
used effectively to help decrease impulsivity and hyperactivity.

Other therapies: There are a number of controversial therapies or interventions available

to people with ASD, but few, if any, are supported by scientific studies. Parents should be cautious
before adopting unproven treatments. Although dietary interventions have been useful in some
children, parents must take care that the nutritional status of your child follows directions

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