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annual report 2010

presented to the all souls annual meeting

april 27th 2011

Page 1
annual meetings
thursday, 27th april at 8:00pm

parishioners’ meeting
Churchwarden Elections

annual parochial church meeting

1 Apologies for Absence
2 Minutes of APCM 2010
3 Matters Arising
4 PCC Elections
5 Election of Deanery Synod Representative
6 Electoral Roll Report
7 The Reports:
· PCC Report
· Finance Report
· Fabric Report
· Appointment of Sidespeople
· Other Reports
8 Any Other Business

minutes from 2010 APCM : april 22nd

Lucy Anstey, Lizzy Ammon, Pat and Ken Andrews, Charlotte Berding, Al Bird, Debbie Braun, Karl
Burgess, Tom and Rosalie Callway, Tilly Connor, Jan Cowie, Marcus Cutler, Adrian and Cath Davies,
Brenda Dickens, Iain and Nikki Fletcher, Richard and Catherine Frank, Nicola Ghanem, Jamie Goode,
Maggie Greenfield, Martin Houghton-Brown, Charles and Charlie Hudson, Tim and Bobbie Jonsson,
Tom Johnson, Craig and Jen Knipe, Andreas Koestler, Ali Matthew, Matt McCarty, Nick and Katherine
Merrifield, Linda Northern, Helene Parry, Richard Peart, David Peppiatt, Adrian and Tors Ramsey, David
and Davina Rowe, Krista Small, Tim and Helen Stephens, Charles Tapson, Julian and Swan Treasure,
Eleanor Tuck, Deborah Warne, Jon and Rachel Wooden, Beth Thyr, Katherine Wareham, Sue Wing.
Apologies: Rob Anstey, Shelagh Clifford, Russell Dickens, Bill Greenfield, Ness and Ryan Reddick,
Claire Wedderburn, Mark and Oliver Wing.

Richard Frank welcomed everyone and opened the meeting. The meeting was in two parts:
the Parishioners’ Meeting, open to all who live in the parish, and the Parochial Meeting, open
to those on the electoral roll of All Souls.

previous minutes - The April 2009 minutes were approved.

pcc elections
Iain Fletcher, Nick Merrifield, Krista Small and Tim Jonsson were elected to the PCC. Karl
Burgess and David Bryant were standing down. Richard thanked Karl and David for their work
for the PCC. David Rowe will be joining Jan Cowie as Deanery Synod Rep.

election of churchwardens
Cath Davies was elected churchwarden. Deborah Warne remains in this office.
David Rowe stood down as churchwarden after ten years in the post. Richard thanked David

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and Davina for all their work while David has been churchwarden. The church gave David a round
of applause

election of sidespeople
Ken & Pat Andrews, Paul and Lindsay Wilson, Nick and Katherine Merrifield, Jan Cowie,
David Vroegindeweij, Charles Tapson, David Rowe and Mark Wing.

review of reports
Reports were distributed to members of All Souls present, who were encouraged to read them later.

finance feport
Al Bird (Treasurer) gave a presentation on the 2009 Accounts. All Souls was now using the SAGE
accounting system.

1. Income for 2009 was up from £175,158 to £186,772; an increase of £11,614 (excluding the
exceptional one-off giving at the end of 2009 for The Link). We also used £26,650 transferred
from our Woodridge Trust fund to complete The Link.
2. Total giving, including tax refunds, increased by £12,117 (excluding 2008 Link giving).
3. Total expenditure in 2009 decreased by £19,545 (factoring in Children’s and Youth Worker
departure and other savings).
4. The Diocesan Common Fund increased by £5,083 in 2009 and will increase again by £6,000
in 2010, to a total of £56,000 for 2010.
5. Overall, income and expenditure for 2009 was generally in line with expectations and the
budget. All Souls was receiving around £14,000 a month.

Al thanked Sue and the Finance Team for monitoring the project management and cash flow in the
absence of a Treasurer. Richard noted that All Souls had been implementing the new SAGE
accounting system. Jen Knipe had put in hours setting it up and Sue had shouldered the
responsibilities of payments, cheques, etc. Richard added that, month by month, we were meeting
our costs. God was providing exactly what we needed.

Richard spoke on “His love endures for ever” from Lamentations 3.

No other business.

The meeting was then closed and was followed by worship and testimonies.
Helene Parry – PCC Secretary

parochial church council (pcc)

The proposed PCC for 2011/12 would be:

Clergy: Richard Frank (Chair); Charles Hudson

Church Wardens: Deborah Warne & Cath Davies
Deanery Synod: David Rowe & Jan Cowie
Standing for election this year: Helen Stephens; Pranay Jeyechandran; Karl Burgess;
David Peppiatt; Eleanor Tuck; Becky Kimble
Continuing for another year: Helene Parry (Hon. Secretary); Al Bird (Treasurer); Charles Tapson;
Debbie Braun; Nick Merrifield; Iain Fletcher; Krista Small; Rosalie Callway

Page 3
pcc report
The PCC has met six times since the All Souls Annual Meeting last year. Its meetings have
covered matters from the reorganisation of children’s and youth work to the addition of
Ivybridge to All Souls’ parish. Each meeting begins with a report from Richard, which the PCC
then discusses.

In the past 12 months, the PCC has covered matters ranging from the challenges of
church growth, encouraging church giving, the take-up of short study and discussion courses,
and the launch of All Souls’ tenth birthday celebrations. Recent highlights of PCC meetings
have included planning improvements to the building and Richard’s I nduction as vicar.

Helene Parry - PCC Secretary

electoral roll report

The updated electoral roll has 133 people, of whom 97 are resident outside the parish. Since
the revision of last year’s role, 21 names have been added and 1 name removed. New
applications can be made at any time after the APCM - please ask Sue Wing for further details
and/or an enrolment form.

Sue Wing - Electoral Roll Officer

commentary on 2010 finances

2010 was another very active year for All Souls with challenges (both planned and unplanned)
which we rose to meet together as a church with strong backing from parishioners and the
Diocese alike. Thank you to the All Souls community for your continued support.

We spent £13,109 more than our unrestricted income for the year which we achieved with
the help of an additional loan for £15,000 from the Diocese to cover agreed maintenance

Ÿ Total unrestricted income in 2010 was £172,463 - broadly the same as 2009 regular
income, with some additional restricted funds donated towards the 2020 Vision project
Ÿ Total regular giving, including tax refunds, was broadly flat at £116,669 (2009 £117,223)
Ÿ Total rental income was slightly down at £39,309 (2009 £42,782)
Ÿ This is generally encouraging considering the recession and changing congregation –
though does present challenges to both sustain necessary ongoing maintenance
activities and realise further development & growth plans which will all require further
income and investment
Ÿ The Ivybridge is now part of the parish with its associated finances transferred for
restricted use on the estate

Ÿ Total expenditure in 2010 decreased to £185,572 (from £232,973 which had included
an additional c.£40k of one-off LINK building work)
Ÿ The Diocesan Common Fund increased as agreed by £8150 in 2010 to £58,150, and will
increase again as planned by £6,034 in 2011 to a total of £64,184 for 2011.
Ÿ Overall, the Income and Expenditure in 2010 was generally in line with expectations
and the budget. Huge credit is due to cash flow monitoring of Sue & the finance team
to keep everything afloat!

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Ÿ The PCC are extremely thankful and very appreciative of the generous giving which has
allowed the church to grow and provide resources for the congregation and the

Balance Sheet
We entered 2010 with an overall net debt owing of £11,871 in short term loans from
parishioners along with a longer term Diocesan loan taken out in 2009 to help complete the
Link project. Having paid off the parishioner loans and maintained repayments to the Diocese
as planned in 2010, a further Diocesan loan for £15,000 was awarded in late 2010 to fund an
urgent boiler replacement and associated plumbing, electrical and redecoration works in the
Church Halls. We therefore ended 2010 with an overall net debt owing of £24,980, with a
clear budget and plan to meet the necessary repayment obligations in 2011 and beyond.

2011 Budget
The 2011 budget is prudent and so far tracking to plan. With running costs pared back to the
essentials, and proactive review of utilities providers and other regular outgoings by the
finance team, the priorities are to maintain our obligations to the Diocese (common fund and
loan repayments) while eagerly looking to attract further funds to invest in the numerous
additional community oriented projects in the pipeline.

Al Bird - PCC Honorary Treasurer 2011

Page 5

Annual accounts for the period

1 January 2010 to 31 December 2010

Statement of financial activities

Unrestricted Restricted income Endowment FUNDS FUNDS
Note funds funds funds TOTAL 2010 FUNDS 2009 2008 2007
£ £ £ £ £ £ £
Incoming resources 3
Incoming resources from generated funds
Voluntary income 126,236 24,769 0 151,005 138,460 160,891 135,361

Investment income 0 4 0 4 133 1,817 2,062

Incoming resources from church activities 46,227 0 0 46,227 54,174 48,285 33,466

Total incoming resources 172,463 24,773 0 197,236 192,767 210,993 170,889

Resources expended 4
Costs of Generating Funds

Church activities 185,572 294 0 185,866 232,973 245,536 171,025

Total resources expended 185,572 294 0 185,866 232,973 245,536 171,025

Net incoming/(outgoing) resources before transfers 13,109 24,480 0 11,371 40,206 34,544 136
Gross transfers between funds 0 0 0 0 0

Net incoming/(outgoing) resources before other recognised gains/

(losses) 13,109 24,480 0 11,371 40,206 34,544 136

Other recognised gains/(losses)

Gains and losses on investment assets 0 0 0 0 0 387 520

Net movement in funds 13,109 24,480 0 11,371 40,206 34,931 656

Total funds brought forward 1 January 11,871 140 0 11,731 28,475 63,406 64,062
Total funds carried forward 31 December 24,980 24,620 0 360 11,731 28,475 63,406


Annual accounts for the period

1 January 2010 to 31 December 2010

Balance Sheet as at 31 December 2010

Unrestricted Restricted income Endowment
Note funds funds funds 2010 2009 2008 2007
£ £ £ £ £ £ £
Fixed assets
Tangible assets Curate's House 5 450,000 0 0 450,000 450,000 450,000 0

Investments 8 0 0 0 0 0 25,500 36,626

Total fixed assets 450,000 0 0 450,000 450,000 475,500 36,626

Current assets
Debtors 6 259 0 0 259 5,596 4,494 14,044
0 0
Cash at bank and in hand 8 2,620[1] 24,620[2] 0 27,240 3,571 4,304 21,465
Total current assets 2,879 24,620 0 27,499 9,167 8,798 35,509

Creditors: amounts falling due within one year 7 8,168 0 0 8,168 12,104 5,823 8,729
Net current assets/(liabilities) 5,289 24,620 0 19,331 2,938 2,975 26,780
Total assets less current liabilities 444,711 24,620 0 469,331 447,062 478,475 63,406
Creditors: amounts falling due after one year 7 469,691 0 0 469,691 458,793 450,000

Net assets 24,980 24,620 0 360 11,731 28,475 63,406

Parish Funds
Unrestricted funds 24,980 0 0 24,980 11,871 1,818 25,989

Restricted income funds 0 24,620 0 24,620 140 26,657 37,417

Total funds 24,980 24,620 0 360 11,731 28,475 63,406

The notes on pages 2 to 3 form part of these accounts

R Frank
Signed by one or two trustees on behalf of all the trustees ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

A H Bird
Print Names Date of approval
R Frank Vicar (PCC)
A H Bird Treasurer (PCC) Apr11

Page 6
Notes to the financial statements

For the year ended 31 December 2010

Note 1 Basis of preparation

There has been no change to the accounting policies during the year.

Note 2 Accounting Policies

The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the Church Accounting Regulations 2006 together with applicable accounting standards and the SORP
The financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention except for the valuation of investment assets which are shown at market value. The
financial statements include all transactions, assets and liabilities for which the PCC is responsible in law. They do not include the accounts of church groups that owe their
main affiliation to another body, nor those that are informal gatherings of church members.

Restricted funds represent (a) income from trusts or endowments which may be expended only on those restricted objects provided in terms of the trust or bequest, and (b)
donations or grants received for a specific object or invited by the PCC for a specific object. The funds may only be expended on the specific object for which they were
given. Any balance remaining unspent at the end of each year must be carried forward as a balance on that fund. The PCC does not usually invest separately for each fund.
Where there is no separate investment, interest is apportioned to individual funds on an average balance basis.
Unrestricted funds are general funds which can be used for PCC ordinary purposes.

Incoming resources
Planned giving, collections and donations are recognized when received. Tax refunds are recognized when the incoming resource to which they relate is received. Grants
and legacies are accounted for when the PCC is legally entitled to the amounts due. Dividends are accounted for when receivable, interest is accrued. All other income is
recognized when it is receivable. All incoming resources are accounted for gross.

Resources expended
Grants and donations are accounted for when paid over, or when awarded, if that award creates a binding or constructive obligation on the PCC. The diocesan parish share
is accounted for when due. Amounts received specifically for mission are dealt with as restricted funds. All other expenditure is generally recognized when it is incurred and
is accounted for gross.

Fixed assets
Consecrated and benefice property is not included in the accounts in accordance with s.96(2)(a) of the Charities Act 1993.

Movable church furnishings held by the vicar and churchwardens on special trust for the PCC and which require a faculty for disposal are inalienable property, listed in the
church’s inventory, which can be inspected (at any reasonable time). For anything acquired prior to 2000 there is insufficient cost information available and therefore such
assets are not valued in the financial statements. Subsequently no individual item has cost more than £500 so all such expenditure has been written off when incurred.
Individual items of equipment with a purchase price of £500 or less are written off when the asset is acquired.

In 2008 a house was acquired for the new curate at a cost of £450,000. This is funded by interest and equity loans of £200,000 and equity loans of £250,000 from the
Diocese and church members respectively. The asset and the liability are reflected in the balance sheet.

Investments are valued at market value at the year end.

Note 3 Analysis of incoming resources

Unrestricted Restricted income Endowment
funds funds funds 2010 2009 2008 2007
£ £ £ £ £ £ £
Voluntary income
GIVING FROM CONGREGATION (incl gift aid) 116,669 116,669 117,223 124,436 93,942
GIFTS & ('ONEOFF') FROM CONGREGATION 9,567 1,031[3] 0 10,597 21,237 620 5,579
IVYBRIDGE GIVING 23,739 23,739

Total 126,236 24,769 0 151,005 138,460 160,891 135,361

Activities for generating funds 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Little Souls Income 4,941 4,941 3,289
Total 4,941 0 0 4,941 3,289 0 0

Investment income
DIVIDENDS AND INTEREST 4 4 133 1,817 2,062
Total 0 4 0 4 133 1,817 2,062

Income from church activities

Rental Income (Halls, Flat) 39,309 39,309 42,782 40,218 31,847
Parochial FEES & Events 1,852 0 0 1,852 2,158 1,015 651
REFUNDS (80% Insurance Claim) 0 0 0 0 7,052 968
Total 41,162 0 0 41,162 44,940 48,285 33,466

Other income 124 0 0 124 5,946 0 0

124 0 0 124 5,946 0 0

Total Incoming Resources 172,463 24,773 0 197,236 192,767 210,993 170,889

Note 4 Analysis of resources expended

Unrestricted Restricted income Endowment FUNDS FUNDS FUNDS
funds funds funds TOTAL 2010 2009 2008 2007
£ £ £ £ £ £ £
Church activities
Admin Fees (Bank, Accounting Etc) 1,416 0 0 1,416 1,195 659 501
Cleaning & Materials 2,535 0 0 2,535 3,011 3,472 3,984
Copyright For Music 436 0 0 436 423 445 309
Electricity And Gas 9,028 0 0 9,028 12,362 8,217 4,893
Funerals, Banns And Weddings 1,215 0 0 1,215 969 487 378
Insurance & Legal Fees 4,453 0 0 4,453 4,584 4,304 4,049
Other Utilities (Water, Telephone, Alarms) 3,973 0 0 3,973 3,478 2,024 1,465
Sunday Refreshments 1,445 0 0 1,445 1,722 889 630
Common Fund (Diocese) 58,150[4] 0 0 58,150 50,000 44,917 42,371
Clergy Expenses 1,183 0 0 1,183 1,062 1,688 749

Page 7
Curate House Interest 7,200 0 0 7,200 7,193 8,298 0
Salaries, Professional Fees & Ni 38,524[5] 0 0 38,524 44,650 65,478 39,684
Training, Gifts, Vicar's Discretionary Fund 609 0 0 609 1,991 1,836 2,078
Maintenance Church Buildings 5,807 0 0 5,807 8,366 23,221 30,264
Maintenance Vicarage, Curate House + Flat 1,547 0 0 1,547 239 18,247 4,123
Buildings Design/Development 16,263 0 0 16,263 55,017 29,517 2,000
Little Souls Costs 4,303 0 0 4,303 4,110
Giving (Soul Connections Fund & Special Services) 13,293 0 0 13,293 19,030 11,241 4,535
Childrens And Youth Work 2,286 0 0 2,286 1,360 6,094 3,926
Discipleship And Outreach Events 2,732 0 0 2,732 1,630 1,048 189
Mission And Ministry Resources 3,309 0 0 3,309 4,142 2,033 7,076
Office Equipment, Supplies And Postage 5,589 0 0 5,589 4,755 10,064 15,993
Xmas Decorations And Celebration 201[6] 0 0 201 1,428 1,177 1,241
Welcome (Literature, Events…) 76 0 0 76 255 192 587
IvyBridge 294 294
185,572 294 0 185,866 232,973 245,546 171,025

TOTAL RESOURCES EXPENDED 185,572 294 0 185,866 232,973 245,546 171,025

Note 4 continued Analysis of resources expended

Staff costs 38,524 38,524 44,650 65,478 39,684

During the year the PCC employed an Administrator, a Personal Assistant to the vicar (for part of the year), a Church Secretary and a Youth Worker all part time.
The total cost of employment (including PAYE and NI) was £38,524 (2009 £44,650). This figure includes Site Director Professional Fees.
There were no Pension costs or Pension contributions in 2008 (2007 Nil)

Note 5 Fixed Assets

In 2008 a house was acquired for the new curate at a cost of £450,000. This is funded by interest and equity loans of £200,000 and equity loans of £250,000 from the diocese and members and equity
loans of £250 respectively. The asset and the liability are in the balance sheet.,000 from the diocese and members.

Note 6 Debtors (unrestricted funds)

Tax recoverable (outstanding gift aid for 2010) 259[7] 259 5,596 4,494 13,513
0 0 0 531
259 259 5,596 4,494 14,044

Note 7 Liabilities

Amounts falling due in one year(unrestricted funds)

Accruals for utilities and other costs 8,168 8,168 6,861 2,585 8,292
Parishioner Loans 0 0 5,243 3,237 437
8,168 8,168 12,104 5,823 8,729

The outstanding amount (£5243) of the parishioner loans borrowed to cover development cost overruns in early 2009 were settled in full as agreed by August 2010.
Longer Term Loans: In addition to the loans for the curate's house obtained in 2008 (per Note 5), there are now two further Diocesan Loans in place, each with 3 year
repayment terms. As at Dec 31st 2010 there was £6208 outstanding on the first Diocesan loan (for £14k) drawn down in 2009 to complete the Link project and other
additional costs associated with the curate's house. Repayments are proceeding to plan and should be completed in 2012. In late 2010, a further £15k Diocesan loan was
approved to fund urgent replacement of the very old boiler with associated plumbing, electrical and redecoration works of the Church Halls. This work was completed in
December 2010, and repayments began in 2011, to be repaid in full in 2014.

Note 8 Restricted Funds and Investment

The restricted funds comprise £141 in a bank account associated with The Martha Lugg Wooldridge Trust, and £1034 in a deposit account which are both restricted for
development work to the Church buildings, along with £23,445 in a bank account restricted for church activities with the Ivybridge.

Page 8
report on the ‘fabric’ (buildings)
of all souls
2010 was a “quiet year”, at least compared to the last decade!
The “highlights” weren’t as great as in the past and perhaps
that is significant after ten years of recovery and growth
culminating in Richard becoming the incumbent. Here are a

Ÿ The Fire Risk Assessment was reviewed and klaxons and exit plans have now been fitted
in all major rooms.

Ÿ The halls boiler installation was investigated by independent engineers as it was

proving increasingly unreliable and, with parts no longer available, it might have failed
at any moment. It was recommended that it be replaced and after obtaining
competitive tenders MK Heating was appointed and carried out its replacement.

Ÿ Following the routine electrical testing of the wiring installation, various improvements
were made in the Studio and elsewhere to improve safety.

Ÿ Consideration was given to the overhaul or replacement of the wood block church floor
as it is worn and loose in places. It was found that it was economic to overhaul the floor
which may be carried out when adequate funds are available.

Ÿ Negotiations have been concluded for the renewal of the licence of the parking space
adjacent to 53 Newry Road to the new owner of the house following its sale by the
previous owner.

Ÿ A plastic curtain has been fitted to the main hall side door in order to reduce heat loss
during the morning use of the garden by Pebbles nursery.

Ÿ The main hall toilets (previously the ‘ladies’ toilets) were refurbished in the summer
(long overdue) and ‘gents’ have been stripped out to be used as storage.

And looking ahead we will be carrying out some minor redecoration of 25 Brantwood Avenue
(which is in excellent condition) preparatory to the arrival of our new curate, Calum Lindsay.

Charles Tapson – Buildings Manager

Page 9
vicar's report to the apcm
My report on 2009 was all about the “new” – our new Link (which it’s
now hard to believe hasn’t always been there!), new bishop (and ‘nearly
new’ curate!), new parish boundaries, new ‘Messy Church’ and of course
the new second service.

In contrast, 2010 has been, I think, about consolidation, depth and

strength – about celebrating our past and digging in for the future.

One thing, of course, has remained the same – that ever-faithful love of God, revealed in
Jesus and known by his Spirit, who is the one at the heart of all we do and aspire to be.

looking back with thanks

It was always going to be a special year, with the tenth birthday of the church plant providing
a good reason to look back with gratitude on the first decade of this new start for All Souls.

Celebrations began in the summer with a “garden party” (i.e. a barbecue in our back garden!)
for the remaining members of the original ‘planting’ team. It was that evening that, alongside
giving thanks for all that God had done through that team, we particularly marked David
Rowe’s ten years, alongside Davina, as Church Warden here. Their remarkable leadership,
pastoral care and spiritual wisdom has formed a vital part of the heart of the church since the
beginning. Helene’s specially commissioned card, drawing out the ‘tasks of a Church Warden’
was a fitting, and humorous, tribute!

October saw the 10th Birthday Weekend, with Bishop Paul

spending from Friday evening to Sunday afternoon with us.
Bishop Paul has been a friend and encourager to All Souls since
he spent his very first Sunday as a bishop with us here in 2009
and his presence was a fantastic way to mark our decade. The
Bishop spoke at an Alpha Supper for nearly eighty on the Friday
evening, at a very well attended and received leaders’ event on
the Saturday and at our Celebration service on Sunday
morning, before joining our Ivybridge congregation in the
afternoon. A memorable and encouraging weekend!

confidence in the future

Wind forward a few months to the beginning of this year and we were able to welcome
Bishop Paul back once again for the Church of England’s official way of recognising the
newfound strength of All Souls as a local parish church. The official language was of
“reinstating the Living” and the “Collation and Induction” of me as Vicar – something most
of us thought I’d been doing for nearly six years’ already!

Fundamentally, the service was more about the church as a whole, than simply about me
personally. Through it, the Church of England was showing that it recognised an end to the
“temporary” status of All Souls, as a church plant. We’re here for the long-haul and it was
great to be able to celebrate that fact, rooted in God’s faithfulness, alongside our Bishop.

One of the things that especially struck me over the year is just how much impact the story of
these ten years has on those who hear it for the first time. For those outside the life of a local
church, the story they hear about Christianity in general and the Church of England in

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particular is nothing better than decline. To hear of a church not just recovering 'from the
brink', but actually thriving and growing is nothing short of astonishing – and has been a
reason in itself for people to re-examine their preconceptions of church.

making contact
Many people simply have no contact with church
whatsoever, whether in decline or growth and that,
of course, is one of the reasons Little Souls
continues to be so vital in its service to so many
local young families.

This year has continued to see an enthusiastic

crowd for their 'Messy Church' services and a good
number of families trying out Sunday church for the
first time, particularly for the 'high days and
holidays'. We're increasingly convinced that Little
Souls represents the foundation for something more, finding new ways to serve and reach out
to the many young families who live locally and who already recognise in Little Souls an
organisation they can trust and a team they have begun to know. Watch this space!

two services one church

This time last year, we were still getting used to a second service, the 4.30pm service having
started in September 2009. It’s been really encouraging to see that service put down solid
roots now, with a (more than!) viable congregation and a growing sense of identity and
vitality. We’ve had a few new households join, some from the morning service - particularly
as children have grown up and started sport on Sunday mornings - and a few who had been
members of churches elsewhere, but had fallen out of churchgoing with the onset of Sunday

Running two services continues to present its own challenges - not just the extra teams to
recruit and support, but the need to keep our sense of identity as a whole church. It’s been
good to keep up our regular pattern of ‘together’ Sundays where both congregations get to
worship in one service and we plan to continue that in the coming year.

Overall we’ve continued our gentle growth over the past year - certainly the numerical ‘spike’
we saw when we started a second service hasn’t gone away and we now see an average of
about 120 adults and 100 children across the two services on a Sunday.

leadership change
Our parish boundaries changed a year ago, as you’ll know, to take in the Ivybridge Estate and
with it, oversight of the Ivybridge Community Church, led by Luke Taylor. You can read a brief
report on that conregation below, but I want to give personal thanks here to the leadership
team of lay people who have taken on the week-by-week running of ICC since the departure
of Luke for a new position. They have carried a tremendous load and God has used them very
remarkably in the lives of individuals there and the church as a whole.

Change is in the air, of course, for All Souls too. Tors Ramsey has been a member of All Souls
nearly since the beginning of the church plant, with Adrian currently heading up our Worship
Teams. Tors has been training for ordained ministry whilst working on the staff here,
particularly in refocusing our efforts and energy on the fledgling Underground Group. With
their departure this summer so that Tors can serve her curacy (church to be confirmed at time
of writing) will come a real sense of loss - both from Tors’ input into the preaching, worship

Page 11
and teenager ministry of the church and much behind-the-scenes pastoral and prayer ministry
work Tors has been done... As well as Adrian’s committed and effective leadership of the
Worship Teams. They are going to be a tremendous blessing elsewhere - and we’re going to
miss them here!

At the same time, the moment we knew was coming three years ago - but
have been in denial about ever since! - will arrive as Charles moves on
from his curacy training here to be Rector of Broxbourne with Wormley.
There will be plenty of time in the coming months to say our ‘Goodbyes’
and to show our appreciation for all that he has brought to the life of All
Souls, alongside Charlie and Milly and Pippa, but for myself I find it
genuinely impossible to imagine life and ministry here without him. I trust
God that his going will be a huge blessing for the churches he’s going to
serve - and that God won’t leave us wanting, despite the hole that he and
his family will leave behind.

looking ahead
Even as we’ve been consolidating the growth of the previous years and whilst some of the
‘new’ things have become so much ‘part of the furniture’ that we’ve forgotten they were ever
new, we’ve also been looking ahead. Giving thanks for the first decade makes us consider the
next ten years of what God may do here.

First up will be a new curate - Calum Lindsay will be joining us in July fresh from his training
at Ridley Hall in Cambridge. We’re looking forward to welcoming him to All Souls and all that
God has to bring here through him.

Secondly we want to work in a focused way to grow our vision for 2020, especially three key
areas: 1. Outreach to young families, 2. The (re)development of our buildings for mission and
ministry and 3. Our ministry to and with the Ivybridge Estate. We’ll be establishing three ‘2020
teams’ to help our thinking and planning move on in these areas. If you’ve like to be part of
one of them, do let me know...

If you’ve read this far, you’ll see there’s so much to be thankful for - and hopefully you’ll also
see that it’s not to do with patting ourselves on the back, but looking ‘upwards’ to the God
who is always faithful and always at work... for the first ten years and for the next.

Richard Frank - Vicar (!), April 2011

ivybridge community church

The Ivybridge Community Church (ICC) was planted by a team
from St Stephen's Twickenham about six years ago. Its vision is
to be 'a church that everyone from the Ivybridge community
would love to belong to'.

The last year has seen much change for ICC...

First, in the summer of 2010, Luke Taylor (who had led the
team since its inception) moved to a post in Windsor. His and
Gissy's unique gifts and enthusiasm are much missed, but they have left behind a strong

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foundation for the work on the estate. A very committed team, led by Iain and Nikki Fletcher,
Matt and Charlie Bending, Aideen Long and, more recently, Suzaan Meyers, has continued to
provide Sunday services at the BridgeLink Centre and to minister to those who come and to
others. They have continued to run events like the Christmas Giveaway and Storehouse, as
well as forging stronger connections with the community at Kirkstone Lodge.

Secondly, as a result of the changes in the parish boundaries which came into effect in April
2010, the Ivybridge estate formally became part of the All Souls parish. Since September,
Richard and Charles have preached at one service a month each at ICC, and other members of
All Souls have joined the team. In addition, Richard has started taking assemblies at Ivybridge
School and Nikki Fletcher has joined the Governing Body.

ICC also now has its own website, created by ICC member James - you can take a look at:
www.ivybridgechurch.org.uk - with a great range of pictures and videos. There’s also a
facebook community and text message notices service!

We are praying that God will draw new people to join the ICC team - perhaps helping twice a
month on a Sunday afternoon - so do chat to one of us if you’re interested in finding out
more. We’re also looking to put a team together focusing on the long-term future of our
ministry and mission on the estate.
Richard Frank - for the ICC Team

youth and children’s team reports

youth – the underground
In 2010 we continued to develop the youth group following the work
started in 2010/2009. In the summer term 2010 there was a sense of
enthusiasm following the youth Alpha (winter term 2010). We aimed to
consolidate some of the teaching that had emerged through Alpha and
to pick up on some specific points of interest and query. One example
was Richard coming to do a Q & A on the Old Testament. We also had
Rosalie and Fi coming to talk about the environment and to begin to
explore how issues of the environment impact our faith and vise versa.

The autumn term began with some changes to the structure of the group. Although we had
a small number of 'graduates' from Soultime, we began to think about planning long term
and set up a trial older youth group that met monthly. We tried this for a term, and whilst we
felt it was fruitful in many aspects, we decided that in terms of resourcing, we were not ready
yet to stretch to two youth groups.

Socially, Karl and Kate and others have made a couple of visits to Soul Survivor gatherings and
there is a plan for a group to go to the summer festival. The group did a great job at raising
money for Comic Relief, which resulted in a total of £360 being raised!

On Sundays this year we have been using the parables for our discussion time together. We
are looking forward to the autumn term when there will be a big intake of new

Karl Burgess & Tors Ramsey

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creche (am)

Creche (birth to around 2 years) has been busy over the past year. We cater for babies and toddlers
with toys, juice and biscuits and coffee and a chat for the parents. Creche numbers have grown over
the last year and we've had to move lots up to the Explorers group to make room for the ongoing baby
Becky Kimble

explorers (am)

The Explorers group continues to meet on Sunday mornings in the dance studio, catering for
those moving up from crèche (around 2 years of age) to those about to start their final year
of nursery or pre-school. Even with the recent move of children up to Gems, Explorers still has
17 on its list, and numbers vary from 9 to 18 (if it’s a joint service/baptism). The team has,
unfortunately, reduced with the recent moves, and we are down to 7 currently, with 3 leaders
and 4 helpers, and are due to lose one of our experienced leaders during mid summer.

We are very fortunate to have had Brenda Dickens setting the themes, content and crafts for
our sessions since September. These, we usually simplify greatly for the needs our young
group, relying heavily on visual aids and/or action. The format of the sessions has remained
the same, with free play followed by the bible story corner (refreshments - as with the other
groups, we are cutting down on biscuits and trying to introduce slightly healthier snacks),
craft session and songtime or free play again.

Many of the leaders and helpers have until recently, assisted with crèche, and it’s lovely to see
babies and young toddlers that we looked after in crèche growing up and taking their first
steps in understanding the message of God’s love for them.
Fi Budden

gems (am)

Gems has been going really well and I have enjoyed leading it. We
average about 12 children each week. I am going to break this report
into two groups - September 2010 to February 2011, and March 2011
until the present.

Sep 10 to Feb 11
We saw a big growth in this group of children in terms of their maturity
& development. Their understanding of the stories grew and they were
more and more able to apply things to their lives. As time went on they
become more hands on with the crafts and quite enjoyed making things rather than just
sticking and colouring. Their confidence has grown and they felt quite happy to ask questions
or give their comments (whether relevant or not!). As to be expected the boys generally have
less concentration in craft time and like to compete and compare with each other. They still
had fun though. On the other hand, the girls loved spending ages doing their crafts and

The material and crafts were pitched at the right level for this age group (mainly 4 to 4 1/2
years) and my team of leaders and helpers were outstanding in their delivery.

Mar 11 to present
With the "All Change" Sunday happening in March, the group dynamics (and teams) have
changed a lot. This has had two obvious effects. The first is the age of the children has

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dropped and therefore the material and craft have had to change to accommodate this. I
would say that it took a few weeks for us to find a pitch that works well in terms of telling the
story and getting across the session aim. It is a work in progress that we get better at each
week. The crafts have been fine but we need to give the children a bit more support.

The second effect being having new leaders and children we all have had to get to know each
other. The new leaders have hit the road running and all have been great in delivering great
sessions. The children have settled in well but it has taken about a month for them to get used
to their new groups and structure. Most of them feel happy to come in and are soon taking
part if they are a bit shy. I have heard good reports from parents that their children are now
happy to be left in Gems on their own so well done to all our leaders and helpers.

On the whole, Gems is going really well. We have a great team of people running the groups
each week and the children are all settling in well. Our current Gems team is made up of
Rosalie, David, Stewart, Tony, Anna, Sam, Lorraine, Andrew, Karen and myself.
Brenda Dickens

pre-schoolers (pm)

Sunday afternoon in the Studio sees the preschoolers group in full swing. Numbers vary each
week, as do the ages of the children - but we can have anything from between 5 to 10 babies
to reception age children playing, having fun and talking about Jesus. We generally manage
do a craft activity and the kids love to do the bible story colouring sheets. Thanks to all the
leaders and helpers who give their time to this group - you're great! .... If you're reading this
and are interested in being part of the team do let me know!
Cath Davies

soul time (am & pm)

Soul Time, our largest children's group,

runs during our morning and afternoon
service. We cater for the widest children's
age range in the church – from Reception
age children up to Yr 6. The activities
range from quizzes and team games, bible
stories, drama, and short DVDs, worship,
prayer time, and craft activities (such as
making key rings, cards, photo frames), all
relating to the theme of the week.

The biggest change during the last year has been moving from three age-groups (Reds, Greens
and Blues) all meeting together in the large hall to just two groups (Movers – Reception to Yr
3) and Groovers (Yrs 4-6), but differentiating to a greater extent between the activities for
each group The two groups still meet together in the large hall in the morning session, and
take part in some activities together, but in the afternoon, Movers meet in the small hall and
Groovers in the large hall, each with separate teams of leaders. The change has been
well-received by children, parents and leaders alike.

Over the past year we have covered many bible stories and themes. Here are a few – God’s
world and looking after it, parables of Jesus including the tiny seed & the story of the weeds,
Jesus’ baptism, Jesus choosing his disciples, the armour of God, miracles of Jesus, also

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marking occasions such as Christmas & Easter.

We aim to plan fun, thought provoking and stimulating sessions for the children whilst
delivering a clear biblical message for them to take away.

Soul Time in the morning tends to have around 25 children each week. With the influx of
reception age children, the age range has increased even further. Unlike in the afternoon our
oldest group – the Groovers – are very erratic with only 2 regular attendees although the
group can bulge up to 8 in some weeks. Certainly in my (Russell) week we have yet to find an
effective solution. We have recently been lucky enough to have some of the worship team
joining us to sing a few songs which has worked really well. The morning team leaders are
currently Charles, Richard and Russell with at least one vacancy, and includes a total of around
12 different leaders.

Soul Time in the afternoon continues to grow apace, from 15-20 children on average at the
beginning of the year to over 35 on occasion towards the end. The afternoon teams are led
by Sharon, Tom & Annabel, Charles and Richard (Movers) and by Tim, Debbie and Matthew
and Karen (Groovers), and involve a total of 19 different leaders.

joining the team

More than eighty members of All Souls are part of our Sunday youth and children's teams -
helping out once a month as part of an age-group team, with some taking responsibility for
leading sessions, many simply helping with setting up and working alongside small groups of

Most leaders are new to children's work - no previous experience is needed! You simply need
to enjoy the company of the age-group, be happy to engage with them at their level and to
enjoy being part of God at work amongst the young. All our leaders undergo a Criminal
Records Bureau check at 'enhanced' level.

We are always on the look-out for people to come and give it a go - why not try it out one
week and see if you enjoy it?

Simply chat to Richard, or to the leader of a particular group if you'd like to know more.

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serving others
Charles and I continue to be involved in the life of several local schools - in particular, two CofE
schools, but also the two primary schools in our parish.

I continue as Governor at the Blue School, with particular responsibility for Child Protection
issues and IT, also sitting on the Blue School Trustees. Each week, I go into the school to sing
with the Nursery class and then to take an assembly for the rest of the school. It continues to
be a real highlight of my week, being able to engage with the school on such a regular basis
and really get to know children and teachers alike. I meet each with Jon Frostick, the
headteacher, to chat and to pray. It is a hugely over-subscribed school and sadly some from
All Souls have not been able to get a place there for September.

Charles is a Governor for his part at the the Green School (chairing the Finance Committee)
and both of us take assemblies and midweek communion services there. The Green School is
a highly regarded a girls' CofE secondary school attended by many local children, including
some from All Souls. In addition to assemblies and services in the school, we’ve been involved
in two retreats run by staff as a voluntary option for pupils to explore deeper and wider issues
of faith and life than the normal curriculum would allow.

Last year marked my joining the Governors at Worple School - a Hounslow LEA primary
school on the northern boundary of our parish which serves many local families. I’m
continuing to build up my input there, for example spending an hour with their Year 6 class
just before Easter looking at the easter story.

This past year, however, has marked my first contacts with Ivybridge School - a Hounslow
LEA primary school on the Ivybridge Estate and now part of our parish. I’m building on the
superb foundation laid by Rev Luke Taylor, who used to lead the Ivybridge Community Church
and beginning to go in for half-termly assemblies. Nikki Fletcher, a member of All Souls and
part of the ICC leadership team has also joined the Governing Body there to further strengthen
our links.

Over the coming year, we are going to be taking a look at whether we can build links with
other schools where children from our area go, particularly if there are some with little or no
other church input into assemblies and lessons.

Little Souls meets every Wednesday during term time from 10am - 11.30am. It is a place
where babies and toddlers come with their carers to play - we use both halls and outside in
the garden, when the weather is nice. The carers love a chance to meet friends and have a cup
of coffee and the children love the space to play and eat popcorn. Richard or Charles lead
singing during the last 15 minutes of our time together.

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We are full nearly every week and with sinking hearts have to turn people away most weeks
during the winter months otherwise our halls would be too crowded.

Little Souls has continued to be a fun team to be part of. A huge

thank you to Cath, Janine and Rosalie who have retired from the
team this year. Janine and Cath deserve a medal after their
particularly long years of service.

As leaders move on, God graciously provides new ones. A huge

thank you to Krista, Lou, Tuane, Nasrin, Sally, Charles and Charlie
who each week give up their time and energy to bless their
community in this way. We will of course be saying goodbye to
Charles and Charlie during the summer term so a big thank you to
them for all they have done for Little Souls and once again we trust God will send us along a
few more leaders. Anyone interested?

We have now had five Messy Church events over the previous 16 months. They take place
after school on a Friday. Doors open with tea and coffee followed by an hour of craft
activities based around the church. Richard gives a 10 min talk and song and then it is time
for dinner (we only feed the children - our cooker wouldn't cope with adults too!) It is
glorious choas and everyone seems to have a fun time. Unlike Little Souls carers are being
invited into the worship area and the activites tie into a Christian theme or celebration. We
hope that it will whet peoples appetite to know more about God and at the same time give
everyone a fun time together.

Thank you to a huge team of people who help make it happen - to everyone who turns up in
the morning to blow up balloons or make hot cross bun mix to those who lug tables away at
the end.

If you want a flavour of Little Souls or Messy Church have a look at the photos or a super DVD
made by Olly Wing on our website.

Catherine Frank

local connections
Our links with the local community continue to grow:
Ÿ Little Souls (see above) continues to attract new folk, serving their needs and giving
them a link with the church.
Ÿ The Ballet school continue to lease the Studio and also hire our halls on a weekly basis;
Ÿ Pebbles Nursery is run in the large hall 4 mornings a week (during term time only)
Ÿ The North St Margarets Residents Association held two events last year in our halls for
our neighbours – one in May and one at Christmas.
Ÿ We took part in ‘The Big Lunch’ last July, together with our local residents, where we
provided amongst other things, live music, bouncy castle, refreshments, face painting
Ÿ We opened up the church to serve refreshments and sell Fairtrade goods during the
‘Annual Great Street Sale’ last September.
Ÿ We hosted an evening with Canon Andrew White (Bishop of Baghdad)
Ÿ We hosted an Invitation Dinner to launch our Alpha Course during our 10th Anniversary
Sue Wing

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soul living
The soul living team started up in 2009 to look at how All Souls can make a positive and
practical impact on our local community, natural environment and wider world. We are
seeking to promote more sustainable living as individual members of the church, as well as in
how the church runs its buildings and infrastructure.
Recent activities included an in-depth analysis of whether solar panels (photovoltaic) were a
viable future option for All Souls (answer, in a nutshell, “maybe one day” - but there’s rather
more to the report than that!) and tracking our carbon footprint to see if this can be reduced
over time. All Souls made a commitment to reduce its ‘footprint’ by at least 10% in 2010 (part
of the 10:10 campaign internationally) and we more than achieved this, as shown below!
We continue to look at ways to improve the efficiency of our heating and to continue to
recycle as much as possible, as well as seeing how to keep ‘sustainable and simple’ living at
the forefront of our teaching programme and decision making.
Contact: Rosalie Callway - rfcallway@gmail.com

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monday communion
The Monday Communion is a more traditional service format than the Sunday services, and is
a short service followed by a light lunch (home made soup/rolls/cakes). The service has been
running on a monthly basis (1st Monday of the month) for over a year and, although is still
small in numbers, those that do come along attend on a very regular basis, and really seem to
enjoy both the service and the lunch.

The service is open to anyone available to come on a Monday, however, most of the regular
attendees are retired and we feel the service would suit older people. Having tried to publicise
the service, we now realise that word of mouth is the most positive way of encouraging
people to come along. Therefore, we ask that people let neighbours, friends and relatives
know about the service.

We are grateful in having had Helen assisting with many of the Monday sessions recently,
particularly after Ali’s departure, and also for Vani and Charlie who have been making soups.
New helpers would be welcomed, and anyone who is interested in helping, one Monday a
month, to set up, make soups, or to chat to those attending (even with children in tow) should
speak to Richard or Charles.

Fi Budden

Soul Connections exists for two purposes: helping keep the worldwide mission of God’s
church (material and spiritual) in focus within the life of All Souls and overseeing the
distribution of a proportion of All Souls income to projects and organisations that help fulfil
this aim. The team members are David Rowe, Tors Ramsey, Rosalie Callway, Eleanor Tuck and
Sue Wing.

In 2010 we supported:
Ÿ Acts 88 – working in Richmond schools
Ÿ Tearfund
Ÿ Bob & Becky Faber – working in Bulgaria
Ÿ Ivybridge Community Church
Ÿ Tors Ramsey – ministerial training
Ÿ Joshua Opondo – Diocesan Youth pastor in Kenya
Ÿ Ali Mathew – Book grant
If you would like to find out more about Soul Connections or
would like to be a member of the team, do contact Richard or
Sue for further details.

Sue Wing

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small groups and short courses
small groups
At present, we have seven groups, with around 93 adults are involved, which represents more
than half the regular adults in All Souls. The groups, which are organised on broadly
geographical lines and co-ordinated by Charles, Mark and Deborah, meet the first week of
every month for fellowship, discussion and prayer. Alongside home groups, we are continuing
to develop prayer triplets, bible-reading partnerships and bible studies in people's homes.

Soul Women, led by Charlie, has been meeting weekly through the year, providing a meeting
place for women around during the day (most of them with a baby or young child in tow).

alpha and digging deeper - short courses

We continued to offer a number of short courses, typically running over three weeks, on
different a range of different subjects.

In the summer term of 2010, we ran three one-off evenings. Ali led a Soul Review trip to the
controversial film, Four Lions. Richard hosted an evening entitled The Questions’ Children
Ask, helping parents to grapple with their young children’s questions about faith. Finally,
Charles put on a session called God on the Go, looking at practical ways to engage with God
in the midst of busy lives.

In the autumn term, we ran the Alpha Course, over seven weeks plus a day (at David and
Davina Rowe’s) looking at the person of the Holy Spirit. We had around twenty guests on the
course, as well as a team of eight leaders and helpers.

In Lent, we ran three ‘Digging Deeper’ courses:

Richard ran the Why Jesus? course over four evenings, with a small group of
enthusiastic participants.
Ÿ Tongue Tied, led by Ruth Bushyager (a regular member of our morning congregation,
but also the Kensington Area Missioner), helped a group to look at questions of
personal evangelism, covering ‘What's the good news and how did Jesus share it?’,
‘Sharing our faith... without sounding odd’ and ‘The tricky questions’.
Ÿ Finally, Charles led Reading Romans a series of four bible studies looking at passages
from chapters 3 to 8 of Paul’s letter.

sung worship
At All Souls we believe that we have been created to be
in relationship with God our Father - as we spend time
worshipping together as a church we seek to deepen
that relationship as we encounter and spend time in the
presence of the living God.

Year before last the worship team started meeting

regularly and this has continued during 2010, meeting
on a (near) monthly basis. The main function of these

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meetings has been to share and practice new songs, share ideas and to deepen the
relationships amongst the team. Many thanks to those who have given up their Mondays
evenings to support this - I am convinced that they have made a real difference to the quality
of friendships as well as to the coherence of the musical playing and our knowledge of the
sound equipment at our disposal.

We have been able to introduce a considerable number of new songs into the All Souls
portfolio during this last year. These have come both from new material as well as
introduction of some old classics and considerably older hymns ('Come thy fount of every
blessing' has been a particular personal highlight).

The sound team also continue to gain in confidence as they become more and more familiar
with the sound kit that we have at church (seems hard to believe not so long ago we didn't
have anyone operating the sound desk).

Once again Christmas served to be a real highlight with the mix across services of classic carols
and modern material as well as congregational and choir led pieces at the Carols by
candlelight. 'Joyful, joyful' Sister Act style was a real treat.

During 2010 Tim Jonsson, who had been one of our worship leaders in the morning service,
moved away from London. As a result at times we have been a little stretched to facilitate full
worship bands across both services. This has meant that we have had to think creatively about
how we deploy our resources and experiment with more 'acoustic' worship styles which has
been both surprising and enriching in terms of our overall worship experience. It is also down
to the committment as well as the musical skill and versatility of the team (many team
members play more than one instrument) that has meant this has been less of an issue than
it might have been.

A big thank you to all those involved in serving All Souls in this important ministry.

Adrian Ramsey

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