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TA duties for NSC 3361 (Behavioral Neuroscience)

In general, this is not a time-intensive endeavor, but nonetheless it is an important responsibility. I take
teaching seriously, and I expect you to as well.
1. Office hours. 1-2 hours a week, which you can expect to be not well-attended, but still you have to be
there as promised. Office space is usually obtainable via the GEMS office in the Conference building,
which you should sign up for as soon as you know your schedule. I have asked the students to let me
know if you are not there as promised; failure to keep hours you post will result in a failing grade for this
2. Grading portfolios. We have 5 portfolios to grade, with one about every 3 weeks. Grading
requirements are intentionally lax, but yours must be defensible. My rule of thumb: 0 for plagiarizing
more than a sentence, 1 for really short answers or longer ones that show little thought or work put into
it, and 2 otherwise. If your give a grade less than 2, explain briefly why, so the student can learn. Grades
are due 7 days after the submission deadline.
3. Test proctoring. We need help each test. Three undergrad TAs per test will make things run smoothly;
two is the minimum needed. A signup sheet posted on our web site will keep our schedule current and
let everyone know what‘s cooking and with whom. It is fine to switch around, but not fine to not cover
your assignment. Test grading will be done by the graduate TAs; you might want to learn from them how
to do it with the scantron wizard. You should be at the test 15 min ahead of time, to answer the
last-minute crises. The tests will be in my secretary Abbie Bailey’s office (GR 4.504, ph 883-6869). She
goes home at 4:30 PM so pick-up of 501 section tests will need to be prior.
4. Class attendance is not needed, though of course it is fine if you want to come.
5. Review sessions are needed before each test. Ideally we have two reviews before each test. I will
reserve a classroom on each of the two days before the test. This also gives students a fair chance to
plan ahead to come. Be creative in your review sessions. Have contests; give prizes, or whatever works
to teach the material.
6. Email communication in this course should be confined to elearning. This keeps all email
correspondence within the course, and keeps students from playing us against each other. Use the ‘reply
to all’ option when appropriate, such as when a student asks all TAs for someone to meet with them;
that way, the other TAs know when someone has agreed to the student’s request. Of course, regular UT
email will also work if that is more appropriate for your message.
7. If you have a problem, let me know immediately, so we can work on it.
8. Pre-semester meeting Sunday January 9 at noon in my office at JO4.214, lasting about 20 min, longer
if you go with me to La Madeleine’s for lunch afterward.

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