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The intriguing human psyche - more complex than the metamorphosing cocoon and more
phenomenal than the human brain could ever imagine. Human psyche is one of life's most
strange and unparalleled traits within the physical being. It enables our extrasensory perception,
encourages drive and motivation, feeds our emotional balance and at times, permits us to
undertake feats that our conscious being would never allow. It controls impulses in our brains
that activate our dreams, fills our fears and is the driving force of our physical stamina. The deity
within of which all life transforms into the wakened being - thus is the human psyche. If we
incorporate our psyche within the realm of our conscious, we can attain a higher level of
spirituality, peace and enable our mentality to overcome physical & mental weaknesses.
Practicing trance concentration through our psyche, we capacitate ourselves with unimaginable
forces of nature. It is worth asking why we have both perceptions and conceptions of the world.
Why is perception somehow separate, and in several ways different from our conceptual
understanding? Very likely it is because perception, in order to be useful, must work very fast;
whereas we may take minutes, hours, or years, forming concepts. Perception is not traditionally
thought of as an intelligent activity, though the power, especially of vision, to probe distance
gains time needed for intelligent reactions to on-going events. It can be argued that the
development of distance perception freed organisms from the tyranny of reflexes, and allowed
perception to be intelligent. Are perceptions picked up by the senses, or are they created
internally by the perceiver? This question about the passivity or activity of perception is long-
standing, and still debated. If sensations are created by the brain, a notion that receives strong
support from physiology, we should expect to find, as we do, a vast amount of brain activity for
perception. Whereas, if perceptions are simply 'picked up' the brain would have little to do. But a
very great deal goes on, physiologically and cognitively.


Human perception about Honda is that it provides luxurious cars in reasonable prices. Even if
someone is not that rich to buy Toyota or Mitsubishi, he can buy Honda of the same category.
Also due to Honda¶s product line it is widely known by the people that¶s why they have a good
market reputation. Consumers think that Honda products are economical and a common man can
also buy it and not only its products are cheaper, but it also provides them the reliability of their


Since its start it is Honda¶s aim to provide luxurious cars in reasonable prices to the consumers.
That is why its slogan is ³The Power of Dreams´, which means that they know about what
people dream and they make their dreams come true. Honda is also conscious about its quality
products. Providing products in reasonable prices with good quality and according to the
consumer¶s satisfaction is not an easy task, but still it is meeting the consumer¶s needs and

It is due to Honda¶s quality products with reasonable prices that they have widely penetrated themarket.
Looking at the current scenario of world¶s economic downfall people are less likely to buy expensive
cars, but yet they are willing to buy Honda because of its cheaper prices and that is why they have vastly
entered the world market.

The survey is a non-experimental, descriptive research method. Surveys can be useful when a
researcher wants to collect data on phenomena that cannot be directly observed (such as opinions on
library services). In a survey, researchers a  a   . "A population is any set of persons or
objects that possesses at least one common characteristic." Examples of populations that might be
studied are 1) all 1999 graduates of GSLIS at the University of Texas, or 2) all the users of UT General
Libraries. Since populations can be quite large, researchers directly question only a a  (i.e. a small
proportion) of the population.Sampling in educational research is generally conducted in order to
permit the detailed study of part, rather than the whole, of a population. The information derived
from the resulting sample is customarily employed to develop useful generalizations about the
population. These generalizations may be in the form of estimates of one or more characteristics
associated with the population, or they may be concerned with estimates of the strength of
relationships between characteristics within the population. Data are usually collected through the
use of questionnaires, although sometimes researchers directly interview subjects. Surveys can use
qualitative (e.g. ask open-ended questions) or quantitative (e.g. use forced-choice questions) measures.
Our survey is quantitative as we have used close ended questions. For a sample we went to the Park
Towers and interviewed the people regarding our research. Our sample size is consisted of 25 people.
We also looked into the matter that our research should be free from biasness and we conducted the
research purely with neutral people as it gave us good results.

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