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Vision functions

Please, choose the one or more correct answers:

1. Vision functions include:

A. peripheral vision
B. Color vision
C. Adaptation
D. central vision
E. Binocular vision
F. Double vision

2. Low visual acuity is the result of:

A. pupil reactions
B. Opacities of optic system
C. Ambliopia
D. epiphora
E. Diseases of the retina & the optic nerve
F. Refractive errors

3. Defects of vision field’s are located in:

A. optic system
B. optic focus
C. chiasma
D. optic disk
E. optic tract
F. optic nerve

4. Disturbances of vision field’s are followed by:

A. Refractive errors
B. glaucoma
C. retinitis
D. nevritis of the optic nerve
E. orbital tumor
F. myopia

5. The primary colors are:

A. grey
B. yellow
C. red
D. green
E. white
F. blue

6. Night blindness is associated with;

A. pigmentary degeneration of retina
B. optic nerve disease
C. Vit. A deficiency
D. kidneys diseases
E. liver diseases
F. myopia

7 .Binocular vision is:
A. double vision
B. vision with fusion reflex
C. both eyes vision
D. vision with physiological diplopia
E. central vision
F. vision with diplopia

8. Binocular vision is based on:

A. visual acuity 0,8 and more
B. visual acuity 0,1 and more
C. fusion reflex
D. corneal reflex
E. saved motility of the eyeball
F. anisometropia

9. The cones form following vision:

A. Visual acuity (central vision)
B. Fields of vision (peripheral vision)
C. Color vision
D. Light adaptation
E. Darkness adaptation
F. Binocular vision

10. The rods form following vision

A. Vision acuity (central vision)
B. vision Field’s (peripheral vision)
C. Color vision
D. Light adaptation
E. Darkness adaptation
F. Binocular vision


1. The globe consists of the layers:

A. uvea
B. fibrous
C. periorbita
D. conjunctiva
E. retina
F. Tenon capsule

2. The parts of uvea are:

A. iris
B. cornea
C. ciliary body
D. optic nerve
E. choroidea
F. retina

3. The cornea is divided following layers:
A. anterior epithelium
B. Bowman’s membrane
C. Bruch’s membrane
D. stroma
E. posterior epithelium
F. nerve fibre
G. Descemet’s membrane

4. The sensory retina is divided following neurons:

A. pigment epithelium
B. rods and cones
C. glials cells
D. bipolar cells
E. ganglion cells
F. fibroblasts

5. The tear film is formed by following layers:

A. secret of the goblet cells
B. aqueous humor
C. tears
D. secret of the meibomian glands
E. secret of the sweat glands

6. The parts of the fibrous layer are:

A. conjunctiva
B. cornea
C. iris
D. ciliary body
E. sclera
F. retina

7. The supplying artery of the globe is:

A. facial artery
B. ophthalmic artery
C. vertebral artery
D. angular artery
E. posterior cerebral artery
F. external carotid artery

8. Venous drainage of the eye occurs to:

A. superior sagittal sinus
B. sinus cavernosus
C. pterigoid plexus
D. inferior sagittal sinus
E. transversus sinus

9. The retina receives blood supply from:
A. short posterior arteries
B. anterior ciliary arteries
C. central retinal artery
D. long posterior arteries
E. lacrimal artery
F. temporal artery

10. The sensory nerves of the globe are:

A. oculomotor nerve
B. first branch of trigeminus nerve
C. abducens nerve
D. trochlear nerve
E. facial nerve
F. second branch of trigeminus nerve.


1. The symptoms and signs of the conjunctivitis are:

A. pain
B. blurred vision
C. iching
D. burning
E. conjunctival injection
F. circumcorneal injection

2. The symptoms and signs of the keratitis are:

A. pain
B. blurred vision
C. iching
D. corneal infiltration
E. photophobia
F. conjunctival injection

3. The symptoms and signs of the iridocyclitis are:

A. pain
B. discharge (exudation)
C. blurred vision
D. keratic precipitates
E. pupil is small
F. pupil is dilated

4. The membranes are formed in the acute conjunctivitis, caused by:

A. staphylococcus
B. streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcus)
C. corynobacteria diphtheriae
D. adenovirus
E. chlamydia
F. allergy

5. The mucopurulent discharge is in the following types of acute conjunctivitis:
A. bacterial
B. viral
C. chamydial
D. allergic
E. fungal

6. The signs of acute bacterial conjunctivitis are:

A. conjunctival injection
B. mucopurulent discharge
C. mucous discharge
D. follicular reaction
E. membranes
F. blurred vision

7. The signs of adenoviral conjunctivitis are:

A. mucopurulent discharge
B. follicular reaction
C. subconjunctival hemorrhages
D. membranes
E. enlargement of preauricular nodes
F. mucous discharge

8. The signs of trachoma are:

A. superior tarsal follicles
B. membranes
C. pannus formation
D. subconjunctival hemorrhages
E. scarring
F. conjunctival injection

9. The treatment of acute bacterial conjunctivitis consists of:

A. antibiotic drops
B. corticosteroid drops
C. antibiotic ointment
D. sulfonamide drops
E. antiviral drops
F. corticosteroid ointment

10. The follicular conjunctivitis may be induced the following reasons:

A. bacteria
B. adenovirus
C. chlamydia
D. allergy
E. herpes simplex virus

11. The treatment of herpetic keratitis consists of:
A. antibiotic drops
B. antiviral drops
C. systemic antiviral therapy
D. corticosteroid drops
E. antiviral ointment
F. corticosteroid ointment

12. The factors of recurrent herpetic keratitis are:

A. fever
B. exposure to ultraviolet light
C. trauma
D. psychic stress
E. corticosteroid therapy

13. The treatment of bacterial corneal ulcer consists of:

A. antibiotic drops
B. antiviral drops
C. cycloplegics
D. systemic antibiotic therapy
E. steroid drops
F. corneal coagulation

14. The treatment of iridocyclitis consists of:

A. mydriatic (cycloplegic) drops
B. non-steroid anti-inflammatory drops
C. steroid drops
D. systemic non-steroid anti-inflammatory therapy
E. miotics
F. systemic antihistamine therapy

15. The complications of iridocyclitis are:

A. glaucoma
B. vitreous opacity
C. keratic precipitates
D. cataract
E. discharge
F. corneal perforation.

Diseases of the ocular Annexes

Please, choose the one or more correct answers:

1. Ocular annexes consist of:

A. cornea
B. orbit
C. eyelids
D. sclera
E. lacrimal organs
F. optic nerve
2. Diagnosis of exophthalmoses includes:
A. endophthalmitis
B. thyroid disease
C. neoplasm
D. iridocyclitis
E. pseudo tumor
F. cellulites

3. The main clinical symptoms of orbital diseases are:

A. displacement of the eyeball
B. exophthalmos
C. strabismus
D. motility defects
E. diplopia
F. anisocoria

4. Complications of the exophthalmoses are:

A. redness
B. pain
C. ulcer of the cornea
D. blindness
E. lagophthalmos
F. enophthalmos

5. Superior orbital fissure syndrome includes:

A. enophthalmos
B. exophthalmos
C. miosis
D. midriasis
E. ptosis
F. uveitis

6. Lagophthalmos is the result of the plegia of the following nerve:

A. N.oculomotorius
B. N.ophthalmicus
C. N.trochlearis
D. N. facialis
E. N.abducens
F. N.opticus

7. Complications of the lagophthalmos are:
A. cyclitis
B. cornea abrasion
C. cornea ulcer
D. keratitis
E. canaliculitis
F. scleritis

8. Chalazion is the inflammation of the following glands & cells:

A. Moll
B. Zeis
C. Meibomian
D. lacrimal
E. Krause
F. Goblet

9. Hordeolum is the inflammation of the following cells:

A. Moll
B. Zeis
C. Meibomian
D. lacrimal
E. Krause
F. Goblet

10. Entropion leads to:

A. enophthalmos
B. endophthalmitis
C. cornea ulcer
D. eyeball’s redness
E. keratitis
F. conjunctivitis

11. Symptoms of the dry eye are:

A. lacrimation
D. red eye
C. foreign-body sensation
D. often blinking
E. blepharospasm
F. lagophthalmos

12. Tear film consists of:

A. aqueous humour
B. lipides
C. blood
D. water
E. mucin
F. air

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