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Civil Society. Relationships not controlled by the state or, more commonly, all forms of association
outside of state and market. Currently also denotes work of nongovernmental organizations. Used by
critics and movement activists to refer to source of resistance to and the sphere of social life to be
protected against globalization.

Cold War. Hostile relationship, reflected in arms race and competition for global influence, between
Soviet bloc and U.S.-led NATO, 1945-1991. "Iron curtain" across central Europe marked key division in
"bipolar" world until fall of Berlin Wall, 1989. End variously traced to internal difficulties of Soviet
regime, pressure from U.S. arms buildup, and resistance to Communism in eastern Europe.

Colonialism. Permanent rule of one country or region by another, usually based on conquest. Feature
of European expansion since sixteenth century, as Western powers took control of people and territory
across much of globe. Last wave in Africa, late-nineteenth century. South American colonies gained
independence in nineteenth century, African and Asian after WW II.

Commodification. Tendency to turn goods and services, even land and labor, into products for sale in
market; used critically to describe loss of human qualities in capitalist production and exchange

Communism. Ideology centered on eliminating class inequality via collective ownership of means of
production; form of one-party government controlling economy and society in name of such ideology.
Rooted in work of Karl Marx and other nineteenth-century critics of industrial capitalism. After heyday in
mid-twentieth century, influence declined with demise of Soviet Union and other Communist regimes

Comparative Advantage. Standard economic concept accounting for gains from trade due to tendency
of countries to export goods they produce relatively efficiently. "A country has comparative advantage
in producing a good if the opportunity cost [value of opportunities forgone in making a choice] of
producing that good in terms of other goods is lower in that country than it is in other countries" (P.
Krugman and M. Obstfeld, International Economics: Theory and Policy, 1997, p. 14). In particular
cases, used to justify specialization by countries in international division of labor.

Core. Wealthy countries with dominant role in world economy. Geographic equivalent of capitalist
ruling class. World-system theory designation for areas that control capital, operate with leading-edge
technology and free labor, are supported by strong states, can set global terms of trade and exploit
regional division of labor.

Cosmopolitanism. Attitude of concern for world as whole, interest in universal principles; commonly
contrasted with nationalism, particularism

Cultural Imperialism. Form of cultural hegemony enabling some states to impose worldview, values,
and lifestyles on others. Term used by critics of American global influence to describe how U.S.
dominates others, e.g., by disseminating ideology of consumerism, hedonistic popular culture, or
particular model of free-market society.

Foreign Direct Investment. Investment by firm based in one country in actual productive capacity or
other real assets in another country, normally through creation of a subsidiary by a multinational
corporation. Measure of globalization of capital. Effects on growth and inequality in developing
countries disputed.

Fundamentalism. Worldview or movement centered on restoring religious tradition or sacred text as

guiding force in society, usually in opposition to ideas or practices considered modern. Term originates
with American Protestant conservatives in early twentieth century; since used for type of
evangelicalism. Commonly applied to efforts of Islamist groups or regimes favoring conservative
morality and strict application of Islamic law. Appeal partly attributed to dislocations due to
globalization; in turn influences global debate about process. Exemplified by policies of Islamic
Republic of Iran (1979-).

G7. Group of seven major economic powers (US, Japan, Germany, France, UK, Italy, Canada),
engaged in regular consultation on financial stability and economic growth (occasionally G8 in
deference to Russia; see University of Toronto G8 Information Centre)

Globalization. Expansion of global linkages, organization of social life on global scale, and growth of
global consciousness, hence consolidation of world society.

1. "[T]he inexorable integration of markets, nation-states, and technologies to a degree never

witnessed before-in a way that is enabling individuals, corporations and nation-states to reach around
the world farther, faster, deeper and cheaper than ever before . . . . the spread of free-market
capitalism to virtually every country in the world " (T.L. Friedman, The Lexus and the Olive Tree, 1999,
p. 7-8).

2. "The compression of the world and the intensification of consciousness of the world as a whole . . . .
Concrete global interdependence and consciousness of the global whole in the twentieth century" (R.
Robertson, Globalization, 1992, p. 8).

3. "A social process in which the constraints of geography on social and cultural arrangements recede
and in which people become increasingly aware that they are receding (M. Waters, Globalization,
1995, p. 3).

4. "The historical transformation constituted by the sum of particular forms and instances of . . . .
[m]aking or being made global (i) by the active dissemination of practices, values, technology and other
human products throughout the globe (ii) when global practices and so on exercise an increasing
influence over people's lives (iii) when the globe serves as a focus for, or a premise in shaping, human
activities" (M. Albrow, The Global Age, 1996, p. 88).

5. Integration on the basis of project pursuing "market rule on a global scale" (P. McMichael,
Development and Social Change, 2000, p. xxiii, 149).

6. "As experienced from below, the dominant form of globalization means a historical transformation: in
the economy, of livelihoods and modes of existence; in politics, a loss in the degree of control
exercised locally . . . . and in culture, a devaluation of a collectivity's achievements . . . . Globalization is
emerging as a political response to the expansion of market power . . . . [It] is a domain of knowledge."
(J.H. Mittelman, The Globalization Syndrome, 2000). For views related to 5. and 6., click here or here.

Global governance. Rules and institutions for managing and regulating actions or processes of global
import; specifically, object of international reform efforts pursuing design of democratic transnational
institutions and control over economic activity (see also Issues, #6)
Glocalization. Process by which transsocietal ideas or institutions take specific forms in particular (i.e.,
local) places.

Human Rights. Rights of persons to freedom of speech and conscience, equal treatment, work and
health, among others, as defined in Universal Declaration adopted by UN in 1948, supplemented by
1960s Covenants on social, economic, political, and civil rights. Variously interpreted by states, hence
subject of global debate. For Declaration, click here.

Hybridization. Mixing of elements (e.g., musical styles) from different cultures or origins in particular
contexts; used to express active and creative engagement of groups in distinctively adapting global
ideas or products

IGO. Intergovernmental organization. Formed by and membership restricted to states. Examples: UN,

Imagined communities. Definition of nations as finite, sovereign communities, imagined rather than
face-to-face or primordial, stressing deliberate creation of binding tradition and shared identity (B.

INGO. International nongovernmental organization. Members can be individuals, companies, or

associations. Examples: Amnesty International, Red Cross, International Olympic Committee,
International Organization for Standardization.

Indigenous Peoples. First (original) residents of certain areas. Characteristics often under threat of
displacement due to development, now possessing globally recognized claims to autonomy and
identity fostered by supportive movements.

Multiculturalism. Doctrine asserting value of different cultures coexisting within single society; globally,
vision of cultural diversity deliberately fostered and protected (see also Issues, #5)

Neoliberalism. Late-twentieth century variant of theory that competition among businesses in market
with limited state regulation best fosters growth; specifically, advocacy of free enterprise in competitive
global markets and movement of goods and capital unburdened by tariffs and regulations; commonly,
term of opprobrium used by critics of capitalist ideology to denote emphasis on market expansion as
value in itself, held to cause destruction of "collective structures which may impede the pure market

NGO. Nongovernmental organization. Many domestic NGOs connected internationally. Cf. INGO.

Orientalism. Historically, scholarship by Western experts on Asia; currently, distorted representation of

non-Western culture by Western intellectuals, attributed to political bias and assumed superiority.
Influentially used by E. Said in Orientalism to criticize Western treatment of Arab culture as reflective of
historical domination. For details, click here.

Particularism. Values or practices valid only for specific group in own setting as basis for distinct
identity, also view emphasizing importance thereof. Commonly contrasted with, or criticized on grounds
of, universalism.

Periphery. Poor, exploited regions, historically dominated by strong, wealthy countries. World-system
theory concept denoting militarily weak regions economically dominated by capitalist core, subject to
unequal exchange, limited to raw material exports, reliant on labor-intensive production.

Protectionism. Effort to shield domestic producers against foreign competition via tariffs, quotas, etc.
Widely reduced under global free trade agreements; popular among critics of trade for countering job
loss and environmental harm; criticized by economists for ignoring comparative advantage doctrine.

Realism. Theory asserting primacy of states and state interests in international affairs; claims that
states act rationally in pursuit of power, international system is "anarchy," and international politics is
separate from domestic; influential but disputed (cf. V. Ferraro)

Rio Declaration. Statement of principles calling for worldwide environmental protection by 1992 UN
"Earth Summit" conference in Rio de Janeiro. Click here for text.

Structural Adjustment. Policy of reducing government expenditures, lowering inflation, limiting imports,
devaluing currency, and increasing economic efficiency, required by IMF of countries in debt as
condition for debt restructuring (acronym: SAP). Criticized for inducing economic decline, decreased
social protection. For IMF review of criticism, click here.

Sustainable Development. Policy of promoting growth consistent with protection of environment, e.g.,
via shift to renewable resources and local community participation in development projects.
Compromise reached in international negotiation, recognizing interests of developed and developing
countries. Normative principle with mixed practical effect.

Time-Space Compression. Increased pace of life and overcoming of spatial barriers, through
communication and transportation technology, resulting in apparent shrinking of time to the present
and globe to a single space, altering everyday experience of social relations and awareness of global
interdependence. Cf. D. Harvey, The Condition of Postmodernity, 1990, p. 240.

Transparency. Evolving global standard for state institutions and international organizations, requiring
open processes according to general rules subject to monitoring; regarded as basis of accountability,
diminishing corruption.

Universalism. Principles considered valid for all across globe, or doctrine emphasizing importance
thereof. Example: universal human rights, or advocacy thereof. Commonly contrasted with, or criticized
on grounds of, particularism.

World polity theory. Holds that proliferation of models and principles for global action, including
sovereign state and individual, shape globe through institutional enactment, creating similarity across
societal boundaries.

World-system theory. Holds that sixteenth-century capitalist expansion from European core founded
now fully global hierarchy of regions and geographic division of labor, enabling owners of capital,
supported by strong states, to profit from control of cheap labor and unequal exchange. See I.
Wallerstein, The Modern World-System, Vol. 1-3, 1974-; for papers by Wallerstein and colleagues,
click here; for relevant journal, click here.

Copyright 2000-2001 - Frank Lechner

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