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Denman Island School PAC Vision Committee Meeting

Presented by: Laura Busheikin, Riane daSilva,

Lisa Lundy, Sean Novak, and Mary Hicks
Held: April 21, 2011 @ the Denman Community School Library

Agenda: Present information in the form of an oral and/or video presentation about possible
models/pedagogical philosophies for our school: 21st Century Learning, Place-Based Learning,
student-centred learning, Hybrid models, and Neighbourhood Learning Centres (DICES).
Remainder of the meeting will be set aside for a questions/feedback regarding our future

In Attendance: Laura Busheikin, Riane daSilva, Sean Novak, Lisa Lundy, Mary Hicks, Anne
DeCosson, James Warner (PAC Chair), Veronique Ericksson (PAC Treasurer), Erika Moser
(Principal), Karla Florian (Staff), Ashera Woodburn (Staff), Edi Johnston (Staff), Bethany Ireland
(Staff)Paddy O’Connell (DICES Coordinator), Sherry Frost (DICES Assistant Coordinator),
Kathie Tolson (DICES Board Member), Charlie Johnston (DICES Board Member), Peter
Marshall (DICES Board Member?), Melissande Gagnon (Preschool Teacher), Dennis Lavalle,
Brian Miles, Sheila Nopper, Ron Sakolsky, Tricia Olma, Steve Ireland, Peter Janes and
Magdaline, Ashley Jones-Smith, Helen Mason, Charlie Tait, Cathy Stoyko, Magda Brzygalski,
Dawid Brzygalski, Eli Hutchens, Megan Hutchens, Wendy Wright, Vern Wright, Donna Wooley,
Karyn Parkinson, Erin O’Brien, Tomas Scousy, Sara Seabrook, Patti Willis, Sylvie Marcel, Dar
Lessard, John McGillvray (Staff), Katarina Meglic, Robyn Mayor, Aaron Muirhead, Neil
Bochman, Seva Ganga, Rebecca Moore, and Cathy Noakes.

Call to order/welcome: The meeting commenced at 5:30 p.m. Sean Novak: Thank you everyone
for coming to the meeting this evening. The Visioning Committee was formed after an initial
PAC meeting with the parents (in March). We’ve met with the District who gave us a mandate to
bring forth ideas/models, survey the island, and gather information; which is why we’re here
today. (Please see “Vision Committee Background” at the end of the minutes for a more detailed
summary of how this process occurred). I’d like to introduce, Anne DeCosson, the Facilitator for
our meeting today.

Anne DeCosson (Mediator): Anne introduced herself, talked about her background in mediation
and family/child services, as well as expressing her dedication to the school.

Anne (query): “Choose 3 words that express the best school we can imagine”. Feedback:

Critical Thinking, Balance, Love, Learning, Compassion, Cherish, Individualized, Safe, Support,
Inspired Growth, Activity, Sports, Music, Happiness, Laughter, Vibrant, Kindness, Engaged,
Tight Knit, Focus, Community Involvement, and Expertise, Open-Mindedness, Eagerness, More
Families, balanced, Opportunities, Encouragement, Life Skills, Relationships, A,B,C’s,
Bioregional, Intelligence, Caring, Accountability, Creative, Freedom, Integrity, Enthusiasm,
Clarity, Health, Joy, Dream, Innovention, Alternative, Cooperation, healthy, Joy, Dream, local,
Initiative, Community Involvement and expertise, Window, Evolving, Honesty, Play, Life skills,
Relationships, and Encouragement.

Laura Busheikin’s presentation (21st Century Education): I joined this committee because the
school is so important to the community. Schools can become a “special program” school or
“special designation” school. We are here to discuss what’s possible and to get a “temperature” or
general sense to bring back to the School Board what parents want here. The School Board has
asked for community input. This is an opportunity to define ourselves. A School that has a special
program focus (i.e. Arts, Sports, Natural Sciences) might not be a fit for all kids; so we need to
keep it a broader perspective. However, it can allow us to influence job decisions, curriculum,
budgets, etc. Education is going through a paradigm change and the “buzz” words out there are
just a context for the possibilities. Tonight we will show some videos, give brief presentations,
and get parent/community members feedback.

1st Video Presentation on 21st Century Education:


Riane DaSilva’s presentation (Student Centered Education and Place-Based Education):

Thank you all for coming. This is an incredible opportunity for our kids and community.

Riane presented the introduction of a longer document (link below) on Student Centered

Curriculum-centered teaching focuses on and meets the requirements of the curriculum. the
school district, often carries out the decision-making process.

In Instructor-centered teaching the instructor determines the content and organization of the
course to a great extent. The students are recipients of the instructor’s knowledge.

Student-centered teaching focuses on the student. Decision-making, organization, and content

are largely determined by the student’s needs and perceptions. The instructor acts as coach and

All three types are similarly effective for factual knowledge. However, student-centered teaching
leads to “better retention, better transfer of knowledge to other situations, better motivation for
further learning, and better problem–solving abilities….Active participation by students helps
them construct a better framework from which to generalize their knowledge.”

Student-centered learning requires students to be active, responsible participants in their own

learning. This teaching method acknowledges student voice as central to the learning experience
for every learner. In a child-centered classroom, children initiate their own learning by choosing
activities that interest them. They work in a more independent way to discover their potential in
unique ways. Additionally, child-centered learning allows students to work in ways that
complement their various learning styles.

For the entire document on Student Centered Learning please go to


Place Based Education occurs when children, teachers, and adults in the community use the
social, cultural, and natural environment in which they live. This environment provides an
inquiry-based learning laboratory for K-12 students to gain knowledge and skills across the
curriculum. It is a dynamic, interdisciplinary approach.

For the entire document on Place Based Education please go to


We are presenting a video about the Saturna Ecological Education Centre (SEEC) which melds
place-based education with student centred learning and other approaches. The video is an
example of High School students’ education through SEEC, however you will see the elementary
children in the background learning along side the older students. This is the first of three parts,
the others are available through the links below.

2nd Video Presentation: Saturna Ecological Education Centre (SEEC):

SEEC Part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1M59h--

Links to more videos on SEEC; not viewed at the meeting:

SEEC Part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6C2-

SEEC Part 3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6C2-


Laura’s presentation: (Hybrid Model):

In the Hybrid Model, the home school student can be blended into the day school. Phoenix
School is an example of a Hybrid model. The School District on Saltspring Island asked the
parents why they were home-schooling their children, and the parents reply was that they wanted
to be more involved in their children’s education. A model that integrated these families into the
school emerged.

Lisa Novak & Paddy O’Connell’s presentation: (Neighbourhood Learning Centres):

Neighbourhood Learning Centres have been around for several years. Community can use school
facilities outside of school hours and is focussed around how the community can support the kids.
There is no money currently available for this model. DICES is used as the example of this
model. Their funding has been incrementally cut several years in a row. DICES is currently
running programs on very limited resources.

Anne (query): Is there any information or clarification anyone needs provided at the

Question: What is the timeline here for these decisions to be made?

Committee reply: The communication with the District has not been satisfactory, we really have
no idea despite all of our inquiries. Ideally decisions could be made by September. The District is

in the brain-storming stages and the committee has another meeting with them on April 28th.
Hornby school/Pac is in the same position and they are asking the District for more time. We all
feel we need more time and can advocate for that. However, it’s been made clear that a small
school population is not viable and that is why they are coming to us for input into a future
direction for our school. With these new ideas we may become more dynamic, and flourish, and
in doing so attract more parents and families.

Question: Is the school closing?

Committee reply: The School District told us no when we asked them. Resources will get smaller,
could be good or bad. If we have vision, we can gather energy for the school and bring in the
community to assist. Don’t let it be “destruction of the school, by neglect”. We need to re-fertilize
this community, bring people back into the school, be vibrant & growing. Maybe we can become
more vibrant and more dynamic.

Question: If we embrace a model, like one we’ve seen here tonight, will the School District cover
the costs or will the costs be passed on to the parents?

Committee reply: SEEC is an example of a place-based model funded by their school District.

Question: Are the Hornby/Denman kids being merged into one population? I’ve heard that the
the Denman kids are going to have to go to Hornby to save money on the Staff cost, etc. What is
the Structure going to look like?

Committee reply: We can address that at some point here. It is a possibility.

Anne: Any more feedback regarding clarification/information required before we move on?

Anne (query): Attraction/Aversion Piece: What do you like about the models shared tonight
or what are you attracted to, and what don’t you like or want for the D.I. School?

(* Are topics that had a high response, C = Community Member reply, P = Parent reply)

*Child- Centered, Self-Directed, and/or individualized learning:

a. The challenge program in town is a great example of student-centered, whole child,
active learning where self assessments occur. It’s unfortunate that it’s not available to all
students. Funding for the challenge program was cut back by 30% last year. (P)
b. I want child-centered learning. (P)
c. I want Inquiry based learning, engage their curiosity. (P)
d. Hearing lots of great things here. Flexibility for the student is needed to accommodate
different learners. Have opportunity to focus on individualized learning. (C)
e. We have a need for individualized teaching, but that can demand more resources.
Mentorship a significant piece. (P)
f. I like individualized learning that supports the interests and abilities of each child. (C)

g. Kids may not make the best choices in an “inquiry based approach”. i.e. A child may not
“choose” to do mathematics. (P)

(* Are topics that had a high response, C = Community Member reply, P = Parent reply)

*Child- Centered, Self-Directed, and/or individualized learning:

h. Exciting moment, amazing opportunity. This moment represents my dream here. We can
work with the community to individualize programming. Tell Sd71 what we need.
Hornby/Denman may need to combine to keep social component viable. (P)
i. We need to consult the kids and see what they think about all this.

*Placed-Based Learning:
a. Place-based learning model is perfect for Denman (C)
b. I like SEEC (P)
c. Provides “hands on” experience in terms of how education supports children in real ways
rather than just learning from a book. (P)
d. Island of only 300 people and they have 100 mentors. Think what we can do here. (P)

a. Finding someone in the community to assist, lots of talent here that can teach life skills to
the kids. (C)
b. There are a wide range of ideas kids could pursue with the assistance of community
members and learn respect for their elders. I grew up in Fanny Bay and wasn’t very “city
smart”. Mentorship could have been very helpful in helping to bring a ‘Reality check”
and reducing naivety. Experience with a tradesperson could be helpful. (P)
c. With computer use, there is nothing “Hands on”. Apprenticeship & community based
learning fantastic opportunity. (P)
d. Mentoring good for the mentors too. Kids energize the seniors and the seniors calm down
the kids. (P)
e. More mentoring programs needed in order to individualize teaching. (P)
f. Real apprenticeship, community based learning important. (C)
g. There is so much skill here on Denman and a willingness to share it. Tap into it. (C)
h. Transition Denman is already compiling a list of skills that community members might
be willing to share; i.e “cheese making”. It’s in the ‘Re-skill” portion of Transition
Denman’s doc. Good resource. (P)
i. Have trips off island with mentors. (P)

*Home school children:

a. Home school kids should use school as a resource and be integrated into the school. (P)
b. As home school learners we would like to see the courses being offered to the children
changed. Can the same vision and responsibilities offered to the adult learners be offered
to the children too? i.e. have a children’s writers workshop, offer physical education
/sports activities. Be more “learner-centered”, show respect through choice. (P)

c. Have home school children incorporated into other programming/classes. (P)
d. Home school children need the social component and should be included in the day
school programming at least a few days a week. (P)

(* Are topics that had a high response, C = Community Member reply, P = Parent reply)


a. I like the model of 21st Century Learning. It’s an umbrella other models can potentially fit
into. Learning can be local or more cosmopolitan/global. We can gain some control over
how we want technology used in teaching our kids. Mentorship is a possibility as it can
potentially expand our resource base. (P)
b. 21st Century Education can integrate art, nature, technology & use local or global
resources. (P)
c. Appropriate use of technology is important. (P)
d. Technology use possible, but human contact with our kids very important. (P)
e. We don’t want technology to replace teachers, but we should understand the technology
as it is a large part of our lives, and our children’s lives. We should educate them on the
proper use of technology. (P)
f. I don’t want our kids to miss out on what’s happening in the world or “live in a bubble”
on Denman. I knew a woman lived on Denman and when she left she realized how naïve
she was and even following bus schedules was challenging. (P)
g. I don’t want kids taught solely by computers. (P)
h. Technology is a tool, not a solution. (C)
i. We live on an island with a very small population and limited resources. We’re
concerned that our child will receive a good education and have lots of experiences to
draw from, so that they will be well prepared when they head out into the world. We
want our child to have cosmopolitan/global experiences, as well as local. We don’t want
a model that is overly parochial (too local). (P)

*Outdoor/Environment/Physical Ed:
a. Outdoor education component provides for real interactive learning experience (P)
b. Kids need to learn through their senses. (P)
c. I want to see the kids outside playing even if it’s raining. They won’t melt! I don’t want
indoor recess. (P)
d. Earth week: It’s very beautiful here, very committed people on this island regarding
climate change and communities worldwide. Kids that I have worked with on Denman
truly appreciate nature and their community. (C)
e. We need more Sports and Physical Education (P)

*Staffing & SD71:

a. Staffing needs to be modeled on our needs. Maybe administrative positions need to

decrease in order to increase more staffing and have more teachers with the kids. Over
the years I have taught many wonderful students here who have grown up and become

really good citizens and adults. Parent involvement and dedicated teachers created such a
strong influence on these students. You need support from SD71. (C)
b. With all of my kids it was always about the teachers, not the models that were in place. It
has a lot to do with staffing. I want to see the preschool moved into the school. It’s really
important to have the big kids involved with the little kids, because it benefits both. (C)

(* Are topics that had a high response, C = Community Member reply, P = Parent reply)

*Staffing & SD71 (continued):

c. Teachers in town LOVE the kids from the Denman school. These kids love interaction,
love communication. Interaction with the community here is essential. Our kids will run
up and hug their parents at school. Kids in town won’t do this. (C)
d. Parents need to put some time in here, it can’t just fall on the teachers. (C)
e. Does SD71 have insurance/union concerns regarding community members coming into
the school to teach? There have been barriers in the past with this issue. One parent said
that they couldn’t bring a community member in to assist with their son in the school
unless the individual was a school “parent”. (P)
f. We need better, more open communication to happen with SD71. More accountability
regarding staff. (P)
g. We want Karla! (P & C) - vast majority of the room!
h. Fabulous ideas and lots of opportunity for change. SD71, however, has the power, the
money, and makes all the decisions here. We need innovative communication to happen
with the District. (C)
i. I don’t want the kids (or Staff) full time on Hornby Island. Too much ferry riding (from
grade 8 on). (P)
j. I don’t want assessment driven, curriculum driven, top down driven education model.
k. I don’t want to work with someone who doesn’t want to be here, who doesn’t understand
the historical context of the school and our community, and has no investment in doing
so. (C)
l. I don’t want kids taught as a “category” or “manufactured by date”. (P)
m. We don’t want SD71 to rush us or shut us down! We need time to get a “reality check”
here. We need a year to organize and get community support in place. We don’t want an
unclear timeline. (P)
n. It’s important to get the Staffing that we need and want. We want input into hiring & to
be active participants in creating the school that we want. (P)
o. Concern about whether or not there will be support from the School Board to move in the
direction we want. (P & C)
p. I home schooled my child ¾ of the year last year and again for part of this year. I don’t
want programming/teaching being off-loaded onto the parents. I want teachers to be
involved and not have our children merely plugged in via distance. Mentoring could be
involved, but having trained teachers is a really important piece. (P)
q. We want to have parent input & some power over who is hired for the teaching positions
on Denman. (P)
r. As we’ve seen this past two years, Staff is a critical piece to this school functioning well,
or not. We need input in hiring, we need energetic teachers, and we need teachers who
truly want to be here. (P)

s. We don’t want budget cuts affecting our Staffing. (P)
t. We need dedicated, enthusiastic teachers who encourage passion (P)
u. We want adequate staffing and flexibility in hiring. (P)
v. We need to have Jeff Hopkins come speak on Denman & with our School District (P &

(* Are topics that had a high response, C = Community Member reply, P = Parent reply)

*Mixed aged classrooms:

a. Older kids working with younger kids really important here. Social piece is really critical.
Older kids can be models on the playground as well. There has been too much violence
and name-calling happening. More Leadership needed. (P)
b. I like mixed aged classrooms. (P)

Remaining feedback:

~Build on what the school and community does and has done well. (C)

~Combining schools could be heading down a dangerous road OR it could be interesting. (C)

~Move away from coercion. (C)

~ We don’t want our kids to waste another year of their lives. (P)

~ We need flexibility for the students and the ability of the teaching/learning model to continually
evolve and change. The future is so uncertain and we need to support our children’s opportunity
and ability to adapt and meet the realities of their future world. (P)

~Don’t be scared if some of our kids need to go to Hornby School, could be good for
socialization. (P)

~Get the Secondary school kids involved in the Elementary School. (P)

~We need the ability to evolve and take the time to get it right. (P)

~We have a very dynamic community and student body looking for more experiences for their
kids. Some families may decide to leave. We should support them, and get something going here
“sooner rather than later”, as they need to make decisions. (P)

~I like Multi-use purpose. (P)

~ Parents, community, and kids involvement required here. It’s not just a staff/parent thing, but
more of a community issue. It takes a village to raise a child. People without kids have a lot more
energy. Our kids are your future. (P)

~ We need consistency. Make use of our local resources. The reality of parent involvement is that
there are lots of working parents. It could become unfair, with some parents pulling more weight
than others. This could cause resentment. (P)

~These school models have evolved over years. They’re likely to continue changing with time.
(P & C)

~Honour the historical continuity on Denman. Look at what has worked over the years and what
you might want to toss. Get the children’s feedback in terms of what they want out of their
education. What list of words would they come up with to describe the school/learning that they
want? We need to be practical about the changes that can actually happen. (C)
(* Are topics that had a high response, C = Community Member reply, P = Parent reply)

Remaining feedback (continued):

~Some kids who do not want to go to High School in town could become leaders in their
community through the school. (P)

~I like Restorative Justice, where kids are involved in the mediation process. (P)

~Great ideas. What will SD71 say? A political strategy is needed. Endorse on-going process, take
it seriously, take back this information and use it to convince the School District to go along with
it. (C)

~The Windsor House Model includes a justice/peer mediation model. (C)

~We don’t want name calling or violence in our school. (P)

~ We don’t gaps that might occur in learning. (P)

~We don’t want more kids leaving the school (P)

~I’m wondering how kids are going to cope with reality if kept on Denman Island without more
cosmopolitan experiences.

Next steps:

1. Vision Committee Member feedback on “Next Steps”:

a. Our committee needs to step down soon and hand this work over to the parents,
the PAC parent body, & interested community members to continue. We’ve all
worked really hard, and I don’t want to speak for other Committee members, but
I think we’ve all become quite exhausted; given the timelines the District has
placed on us to gather all of this information and bring it to the parents. We really
need all the parents and interested community members to give their time and
b. We have a meeting on the “School Structure” scheduled for May 2, 2011. We
need all the parents to come and be willing to step in and assist as required, in
order to continue working on our school’s future direction.

c. I think we all feel that our committee will be dissolving after we’ve met with the
District on April 28th and bring forth that information to the parents on May 2nd.
We can’t continue pushing this ball uphill on our own.

2. Parent/Community member feedback on “Next Steps”:

a. Parents find out what the children of the island want here
b. Who are the (possible) mentors?
c. Find out logistics of parents and other involvement.
d. We need a political strategy. Maybe those who have attended this meeting can
endorse the ideas and direction of the vision committee. Give weight and support
for their meetings with the School Board.

Closing: The next meeting on the “School’s Structure” is scheduled for Monday, May 2nd, @
5:00 p.m. at the Denman Island School. Please plan on attending and spreading the word to at
least 5 other people, about this meeting and the upcoming one. Please sign the e-mail list in order
to stay informed and involved. We also have a sign up sheet, regarding the support that parents
and/or community members can offer the School in this process. You can hand this in tonight or
Dar Lessard has kindly offered to pick up completed forms left in our mailboxes as well. Anne
gave a round of applause to the committee members for their work to date and to all of the
parents and community members who showed up tonight to support our school and give their
valuable feedback.

Meeting Adjourned: The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m.

Minutes were recorded and transcribed by: Mary Hicks and Karyn Parkinson
Focal points (summarized on flip charts) by: Anne DeCossen and Laura Busheikin

Links for parents & Community members:

Sir Ken Robinson: Do Schools Kill Creativity?



Personalizing Learning (21st Century Learning)Video – New Brunswick 21st Century Learning


Upside Down and Inside Out: Why good schools alone will never be good enough to meet the

needs of the 21st Century, John Abbott


21st Century Learning Initiative articles, John Abbott


Slideshare Learning 2.0


Video – (with discussion guide) Evolving Education, Learning in the 21st Century,


Links for parents & Community members:

Evolving Education featuring SEEC (Saturna Ecological Education Centre)

Part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1M59h--

Part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6C2-

Part 3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ZbUg-oTzZI&feature=related

Heather McTaggart (cohort of John Abbot, 21st Century Learning Guru) discusses the role of the
home, the school and the community in education. http://www.youtube.com/watch?

Heather McTaggart speaks about the fact that although human beings are inquisitive by nature,
for many children learning becomes something that is viewed as 'not fun'.

Heather McTaggart discusses the need for schools to educate students for the realities of today
and the possibilities of tomorrow. http://www.youtube.com/watch?

Place Based Education synopsis (intro presented at April 21st info meeting)-

Place-based (PBE) Emphasizes learning through participation in service projects for the school
and/or community http://www.promiseofplace.org/

Phoenix School Gulf Island School Phoenix are alternate schools serving grades K to 12 for all of
Salt Spring Island. The schools believe in high parent participation in school life. Phoenix High
School serves 30 students (06/07) in grades 7 to 12. Phoenix Elementary has a maximum
enrollment of 42 students for grades K to 8. In 06/07 there are 34 students.

Student Centred Learning synopsis (intro presented at April 21 info mtg)-


A very interesting scholarly article, looking at Student Centered Learning at the University level


BC Education Coalition


Community Alliance for Public Education


Educhatters Blog




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