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TP N°1 : Prise en main du Kit Workstation V7

TP N°1 : Prise en main du Kit Workstation V7

1. Objectif
Comprendre et mettre en œuvre la programmation en langage C des Microntroleurs de
Microchip en utilisant le Kit Workstation V7.

Kit Workstation V7

2. Description matérielle et installation des outils

2.1 Description matérielle
 Kit Workstation V7

Carte Workstation V7

 

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TP N°1 : Prise en main du Kit Workstation V7

Bus d’extension ou Micro Bus

Familles de Microcontroleurs de Microchip

Caractéristiques des Microcontroleurs de Microchip (Face avant)

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TP N°1 : Prise en main du Kit Workstation V7

Pins des Microcontroleurs de Microchip (Face arrière)

Caractéristiques des Microcontroleurs de Microchip (Face avant)

Pins des Microcontroleurs de Microchip (Face arrière)

 

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TP N°1 : Prise en main du Kit Workstation V7

Programmateur intégré ou Mikroprog


Cartes d’extension ou Click Boards

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TP N°1 : Prise en main du Kit Workstation V7

2.2 Installation des drivers et des outils

Installation de Package Manager Build.3.5.0 :
Dossier compressé : package_manager_v350.zip

Installation de BSP Libraires :

Dossier compressé : mikromedia_workstation_v7_bsp.zip

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TP N°1 : Prise en main du Kit Workstation V7

Installation des drivers du Kit Worksattion :
Dossier compressé : mikroProg For PIC Drivers v200.zip

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TP N°1 : Prise en main du Kit Workstation V7

Installation de MicroC For PIC

En connectant la USB Dongle License, installez MicroC For PIC. On
peut mettre à jour MicroC For PIC en cliquant sur « Help/Check For
Updates »

USB Dongle License

USB Dongle plugged into Laptop USB host connector

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TP N°1 : Prise en main du Kit Workstation V7

3. Activités pratiques

Environnement de MicroC Pro for PIC

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TP N°1 : Prise en main du Kit Workstation V7

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TP N°1 : Prise en main du Kit Workstation V7

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TP N°1 : Prise en main du Kit Workstation V7

 

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TP N°1 : Prise en main du Kit Workstation V7

Environnement de MicroProg Suite for PIC

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TP N°1 : Prise en main du Kit Workstation V7

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TP N°1 : Prise en main du Kit Workstation V7

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TP N°1 : Prise en main du Kit Workstation V7

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TP N°1 : Prise en main du Kit Workstation V7

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TP N°1 : Prise en main du Kit Workstation V7

Le but de cette activité est d’apprendre ………. A la fin de cette séance, vous devez
être capable ……………….
Schéma et description
Travail pratique
Programme source

Par M. JAROU 21 | P a g e
TP N°1 : Prise en main du Kit Workstation V7

* Project name:
Button (Demonstration of using Button Library)
* Description:
This program demonstrates usage on-board buttons.
On every GROUP4 button press coresponding GROUP3 led is
turned off.
* Test configuration:
MCU: PIC18F87J50

Oscillator: HS-PLL 48.0000 MHz, 8.0000 MHz Crystal

Ext. Modules: None.
SW: mikroC PRO for PIC

- Turn ON the GROUP3 LEDs
- Select VCC button press level and pull down GROUP4


unsigned short value;

void main() {
while(1) {
value = WS_GROUP4_In();

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Travail pratique
Programme source

* Project name:
ADC_on LEDs (Display the result of ADC on LEDs)

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TP N°1 : Prise en main du Kit Workstation V7

- Turn on GROUP3 and GROUP4 LEDs.
- To simulate analog input, place ADC INPUT jumper in A0
and use on-board potentiometer P2.

int value;

void main() {
while(1) {
value = ADC_Get_Sample(WS_A0);
WS_GROUP4_Out(value & 0x00FF);
WS_GROUP3_Out((value >> 8) & 0x0003);

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Travail pratique
Programme source

Par M. JAROU 24 | P a g e
TP N°1 : Prise en main du Kit Workstation V7

* Project name: Buzzer

* Description:
This project is a simple demonstration of how to
use sound library for playing tones on a piezo speaker.
* Test configuration:
MCU: PIC18F87J50
Oscillator: HS-PLL 48.0000 MHz, 8.0000 MHz Crystal
Ext. Modules: None.
SW: mikroC PRO for PIC

- Turn on piezo buzzer at SW4.8
- Select VCC button press level and pull down at GROUP0.3
to GROUP0.7
- Press one of the buttons at GROUP0 to play sound

void Tone1() {
Sound_Play(659, 250);
// Frequency = 659Hz, duration = 250ms

void Tone2() {
Sound_Play(698, 250);
// Frequency = 698Hz, duration = 250ms

void Tone3() {
Sound_Play(784, 250);
// Frequency = 784Hz, duration = 250ms

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void Melody() {
// Plays the melody "Yellow house"
Tone1(); Tone2(); Tone3(); Tone3();
Tone1(); Tone2(); Tone3(); Tone3();
Tone1(); Tone2(); Tone3();
Tone1(); Tone2(); Tone3(); Tone3();
Tone1(); Tone2(); Tone3();
Tone3(); Tone3(); Tone2(); Tone2(); Tone1();

void ToneA() {
Sound_Play( 880, 50);
void ToneC() {
Sound_Play(1046, 50);
void ToneE() {
Sound_Play(1318, 50);

void Melody2() {
unsigned short i;
for (i = 9; i > 0; i--) {
ToneA(); ToneC(); ToneE();

void main() {

Sound_Init(&WS_G4_B3_PORT, WS_G4_B3_PIN);
Sound_Play(880, 1000);
// Play sound at 880Hz for 1 second

while (1) {
if (Button(&WS_G0_B7_PORT, WS_G0_B7_PIN, 1, 1))
// G0.7 plays Tone1
while (WS_G0_B7_IN) ;
// Wait for button to be released

if (Button(&WS_G0_B6_PORT, WS_G0_B6_PIN, 1, 1))

// G0.6 plays Tone2
while (WS_G0_B6_IN) ;
// Wait for button to be released

if (Button(&WS_G0_B5_PORT, WS_G0_B5_PIN, 1, 1))

// G0.5 plays Tone3
while (WS_G0_B5_IN) ;
// Wait for button to be released

if (Button(&WS_G0_B4_PORT, WS_G0_B4_PIN, 1, 1))

// G0.4 plays Melody2

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while (WS_G0_B4_IN) ;
// Wait for button to be released

if (Button(&WS_G0_B3_PORT, WS_G0_B3_PIN, 1, 1))

// G0.3 plays Melody
while (WS_G0_B3_IN) ;
// Wait for button to be released

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Programme source

* Project name: Joystick
* Description:
This code demonstrates usage of on-board joystick button.

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TP N°1 : Prise en main du Kit Workstation V7

* Test configuration:
MCU: PIC18F87J50
Oscillator: HS-PLL 48.0000 MHz, 8.0000 MHz Crystal
Ext. Modules: None.
SW: mikroC PRO for PIC
- Turn on joystick switches at SW4

#include "Joystick_objects.h"

unsigned short Old_State;

void HW_Init() {

unsigned short WS_Joystick_Read(){

return (WS_JOY_DOWN | WS_JOY_LEFT << 1 | WS_JOY_PUSH << 2 |
WS_JOY_RIGHT << 3 | WS_JOY_UP << 4);

void main() {

Old_State = 0;

while (1) {
if (Old_State != WS_Joystick_Read()){
Old_state = WS_Joystick_Read();

if (WS_Joystick_Push_Pressed()) {
CircleCENTER.Gradient_End_Color = CL_GREEN;
else {
CircleCENTER.Gradient_End_Color = 0x8208;

if (WS_Joystick_Left_Pressed()) {
BoxLEFT.Gradient_End_Color = CL_GREEN;
else {
BoxLEFT.Gradient_End_Color = 0x8208;

if (WS_Joystick_Up_Pressed()) {
BoxUP.Gradient_End_Color = CL_GREEN;
else {
BoxUP.Gradient_End_Color = 0x8208;

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if (WS_Joystick_Right_Pressed()) {
BoxRIGHT.Gradient_End_Color = CL_GREEN;
else {
BoxRIGHT.Gradient_End_Color = 0x8208;

if (WS_Joystick_Down_Pressed()) {
BoxDOWN.Gradient_End_Color = CL_GREEN;
else {
BoxDOWN.Gradient_End_Color = 0x8208;

Le but de cette activité est d’apprendre ………. A la fin de cette séance, vous devez
être capable ……………….
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Travail pratique
Programme source

Par M. JAROU 29 | P a g e
TP N°1 : Prise en main du Kit Workstation V7

* Project name: LM35
* Description:
This code demonstrates usage of analog temperature sensor
MCU reads temperature from the sensor and prints it on
the mikromedia.
* Test configuration:
MCU: PIC18F87J50
Oscillator: HS-PLL 48.0000 MHz, 8.0000 MHz Crystal
Ext. Modules: None.
SW: mikroC PRO for PIC

- Place LM35 sensor in proper position and place jumper
J4 in G0.0 position.

#include "Resources.h"

TFT module connections

char TFT_DataPort at LATJ;

sbit TFT_RST at LATD3_bit;
sbit TFT_RS at LATE0_bit;
sbit TFT_CS at LATD2_bit;
sbit TFT_RD at LATH1_bit;
sbit TFT_WR at LATH2_bit;

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sbit TFT_BLED at LATC2_bit;

char TFT_DataPort_Direction at TRISJ;

sbit TFT_RST_Direction at TRISD3_bit;
sbit TFT_RS_Direction at TRISE0_bit;
sbit TFT_CS_Direction at TRISD2_bit;
sbit TFT_RD_Direction at TRISH1_bit;
sbit TFT_WR_Direction at TRISH2_bit;
sbit TFT_BLED_Direction at TRISC2_bit;

End of TFT module connections

unsigned temperature = 0, old_temperature = 1;

char s_temp[14];
float f_temp;

void DrawMainScr() {
TFT_Set_Pen(CL_Black, 1);
TFT_Line(20, 220, 300, 220);
TFT_Line(20, 46, 300, 46);
TFT_Set_Font(&HandelGothic_BT21x22_Regular, CL_RED,
TFT_Write_Text("LM35 TEST", 105, 14);
TFT_Set_Font(&HandelGothic_BT21x22_Regular, CL_BLACK,
TFT_Write_Text("TEMPERATURE", 85, 85);
TFT_Set_Font(&Verdana12x13_Regular, CL_BLACK,
TFT_Write_Text("mikroMedia Workstation", 19, 223);
TFT_Write_Text("www.mikroe.com", 200, 223);
TFT_Set_Font(&TFT_defaultFont, CL_BLACK, FO_HORIZONTAL);

void Display_Temperature(unsigned temp) {

TFT_Set_Brush(1, CL_WHITE, 0, 0, 0, 0);
TFT_Set_Pen(CL_RED, 1);
TFT_Rectangle(115, 115, 200, 145);

f_temp = (float)(temp * 0.322265);


s_temp[5] = ' ';

s_temp[6] = 'C';
s_temp[7] = 0;

TFT_Set_Font(&HandelGothic_BT21x22_Regular, CL_BLACK,
TFT_Write_Text(s_temp, 120, 120);

void main() {


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// Main loop
do {
// Perform temperature reading
temperature = ADC_Get_Sample(WS_G0_B0_AN);

// Format and display result on TFT

if ((temperature > old_temperature+1) || (temperature <
old_temperature-1)) {
// Add hysteresis to prevent display flickering
old_temperature = temperature;
} while (1);

Par M. JAROU 32 | P a g e
TP N°1 : Prise en main du Kit Workstation V7

Le but de cette activité est d’apprendre ………. A la fin de cette séance, vous devez
être capable ……………….
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Programme source

* Project name: DS1820
* Description:
This code demonstrates one-wire communication with
temperature sensor
MCU reads temperature from the sensor and prints it on
the mikromedia.
The display format of the temperature is 'xxx.xx°C'. To
obtain correct results, the 18x20's temperature resolution has
to be adjusted (constant TEMP_RESOLUTION).
* Test configuration:
MCU: PIC18F87J50
Oscillator: HS-PLL 48.0000 MHz, 8.0000 MHz Crystal
Ext. Modules: None.

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SW: mikroC PRO for PIC

- Place DS18x20 in proper position and place jumper J3 in
G1.7 position.

#include "Resources.h"

TFT module connections

char TFT_DataPort at LATJ;

sbit TFT_RST at LATD3_bit;
sbit TFT_RS at LATE0_bit;
sbit TFT_CS at LATD2_bit;
sbit TFT_RD at LATH1_bit;
sbit TFT_WR at LATH2_bit;
sbit TFT_BLED at LATC2_bit;

char TFT_DataPort_Direction at TRISJ;

sbit TFT_RST_Direction at TRISD3_bit;
sbit TFT_RS_Direction at TRISE0_bit;
sbit TFT_CS_Direction at TRISD2_bit;
sbit TFT_RD_Direction at TRISH1_bit;
sbit TFT_WR_Direction at TRISH2_bit;
sbit TFT_BLED_Direction at TRISC2_bit;

End of TFT module connections

unsigned temperature = 0, old_temperature = 1;

char s_temperature[6];

void DrawMainScr() {
TFT_Set_Pen(CL_Black, 1);
TFT_Line(20, 220, 300, 220);
TFT_Line(20, 46, 300, 46);
TFT_Set_Font(&HandelGothic_BT21x22_Regular, CL_RED,
TFT_Write_Text("DS1820 TEST", 95, 14);
TFT_Set_Font(&HandelGothic_BT21x22_Regular, CL_BLACK,
TFT_Write_Text("TEMPERATURE", 85, 85);
TFT_Set_Font(&Verdana12x13_Regular, CL_BLACK,
TFT_Write_Text("mikroMedia Workstation", 19, 223);
TFT_Write_Text("www.mikroe.com", 200, 223);
TFT_Set_Font(&TFT_defaultFont, CL_BLACK, FO_HORIZONTAL);

void Display_Temperature(unsigned temp) {

char cntr = 0;
char s_temp[10];
const unsigned short TEMP_RESOLUTION = 9;
const unsigned short RES_SHIFT = TEMP_RESOLUTION - 8;
char temp_whole;

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unsigned int temp_fraction;

TFT_Set_Brush(1, CL_WHITE, 0, 0, 0, 0);

TFT_Set_Pen(CL_RED, 1);
TFT_Rectangle(115, 115, 200, 145);

// Check if temperature is negative

if (temp & 0x8000) {
s_temp[cntr++] = '-';
temp = ~temp + 1;

// Extract temp_whole
temp_whole = temp >> RES_SHIFT ;

// Convert temp_whole to characters

if (temp_whole/100)
s_temp[cntr++] = temp_whole/100 + 48;
// else
// s_temp[cntr++] = '0';

s_temp[cntr++] = (temp_whole/10)%10 + 48;

// Extract tens digit
s_temp[cntr++] = temp_whole%10 + 48;
// Extract ones digit
s_temp[cntr++] = '.';

// Extract temp_fraction and convert it to unsigned int

temp_fraction = temp << (4-RES_SHIFT);
temp_fraction &= 0x000F;
temp_fraction *= 625;

// Convert temp_fraction to characters

s_temp[cntr++] = temp_fraction/1000 + 48;
// Extract thousands digit

s_temp[cntr++] = ' ';

s_temp[cntr++] = ' ';
s_temp[cntr++] = 0xB0;
s_temp[cntr++] = 'C';
s_temp[cntr] = 0;

TFT_Set_Font(&HandelGothic_BT21x22_Regular, CL_BLACK,
TFT_Write_Text(s_temp, 120, 120);


void main() {

// Main loop
do {
// Perform temperature reading

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TP N°1 : Prise en main du Kit Workstation V7

Ow_Reset(&WS_G1_B7_PORT, WS_G1_B7_PIN);
// Onewire reset signal
Ow_Write(&WS_G1_B7_PORT, WS_G1_B7_PIN, 0xCC);
// Issue command SKIP_ROM
Ow_Write(&WS_G1_B7_PORT, WS_G1_B7_PIN, 0x44);
// Issue command CONVERT_T

Ow_Reset(&WS_G1_B7_PORT, WS_G1_B7_PIN);
Ow_Write(&WS_G1_B7_PORT, WS_G1_B7_PIN, 0xCC);
// Issue command SKIP_ROM
Ow_Write(&WS_G1_B7_PORT, WS_G1_B7_PIN, 0xBE);
// Issue command READ_SCRATCHPAD

temperature = Ow_Read(&WS_G1_B7_PORT, WS_G1_B7_PIN);

temperature = (Ow_Read(&WS_G1_B7_PORT, WS_G1_B7_PIN) << 8)
+ temperature;

// Format and display result on TFT

old_temperature = temperature;

} while (1);

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Travail pratique
Programme source

Par M. JAROU 36 | P a g e
TP N°1 : Prise en main du Kit Workstation V7

* Project name:PWM
* Description:
This is a simple demonstration of PWM library. The
modules are initialized and started, after which duty ratios
can be adjusted by potentiometer.
The changes can be monitored LEDs.
* Test configuration:
MCU: PIC18F87J50
Oscillator: HS-PLL 48.0000 MHz, 8.0000 MHz Crystal
Ext. Modules: None
SW: mikroC PRO for PIC

- Turn on GROUP2 LEDs.
- Place ADC input jumper in A0 position and use
potentiometer P2 to change duty ratio.

unsigned int pwm_period, adc_value, adc_old = 0xFF;

unsigned char current_duty = 0;

void InitMain() {


void main() {

// Initiate PWM2
// Initiate PWM3
// Initiate PWM4
// Initiate PWM5


while (1) {
// Endless loop
adc_value = ADC_Get_Sample(WS_A0) >> 2;
if (adc_old != adc_value) {
current_duty = adc_value;
// Duty cycle is between 0 and 255
// set newly acquired duty ratio
// set newly acquired duty ratio
// set newly acquired duty ratio

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// set newly acquired duty ratio
adc_old = adc_value;
// slow down change pace a little

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TP N°1 : Prise en main du Kit Workstation V7

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être capable ……………….
Schéma et description
Travail pratique
Programme source

* Project name:
UART (Simple usage of UART module library functions)
* Description:
This code demonstrates how to use uart library routines.
Upon receiving data via RS232, MCU immediately sends it back
to the sender.
* Test configuration:
MCU: PIC18F87J50
Oscillator: HS-PLL 48.0000 MHz, 8.0000 MHz Crystal
Ext. Modules: None
SW: mikroC PRO for PIC

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- Turn on RX and TX switches at SW4 and connect USB cable


char receive;

void main() {

UART_Write_Text("mikroMedia workStation - USB UART Test");
UART_Write_Text("UART Module Initialised");

do {
if (UART_Data_Ready()) {
receive = UART_Read();
} while(1);

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Travail pratique
Programme source

Par M. JAROU 40 | P a g e
TP N°1 : Prise en main du Kit Workstation V7

Par M. JAROU 41 | P a g e
TP N°1 : Prise en main du Kit Workstation V7

* Project name:
ADC click (Using mikroE's ADC click board)

* Description:
This project is a simple demonstration of working with
the 2.7V 4-Channel
12-bit A/D Converter (MCP3204) with SPI Serial Interface.
The example for measuring on Channels 0, 1, 2 and 3 and
displaying the results on the Lcd.
* Test configuration:
MCU: PIC18F45K22
Dev.Board: EasyPIC7
Oscillator: HS-PLL 32.0000 MHz, 8.0000 MHz Crystal
Ext. Modules: ADC click board - ac:ADCclick

SW: mikroC PRO for PIC

- Place ADC click board at the mikroBUS socket 1 on the
EasyPIC7 board.
- Put power supply jumper (J5) on the EasyPIC7 board in
3.3V position.
- Maximal SPI clock frequency for MCP3204 running at 3.3V
is 1MHz.
- Input analog value should be in the range of 0 - 3.3V.

// ADC click module connections

sbit Chip_Select_Direction at TRISE0_bit;
sbit Chip_Select at LATE0_bit;
// eof ADC click module connections

// Lcd module connections

sbit LCD_RS at LATB4_bit;
sbit LCD_EN at LATB5_bit;
sbit LCD_D4 at LATB0_bit;
sbit LCD_D5 at LATB1_bit;
sbit LCD_D6 at LATB2_bit;
sbit LCD_D7 at LATB3_bit;

sbit LCD_RS_Direction at TRISB4_bit;

sbit LCD_EN_Direction at TRISB5_bit;
sbit LCD_D4_Direction at TRISB0_bit;
sbit LCD_D5_Direction at TRISB1_bit;
sbit LCD_D6_Direction at TRISB2_bit;
sbit LCD_D7_Direction at TRISB3_bit;
// End Lcd module connections

unsigned int measurement, lastValue;

// Get ADC values

unsigned int getADC(unsigned short channel) {
// Returns 0..4095
unsigned int tmp;
Chip_Select = 0;
// Select MCP3204
// SPI communication using 8-bit segments
channel = channel << 6;

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// Bits 7 & 6 define ADC input

tmp = SPI1_Read(channel) & 0x0F;
// Get first 8 bits of ADC value
tmp = tmp << 8;
// Shift ADC value by 8
tmp = tmp | SPI1_Read(0);
// Get remaining 4 bits of ADC value

// and form 12-bit ADC value

Chip_Select= 1;
// Deselect MCP3204
return tmp;
// Returns 12-bit ADC value

// Write measured values to Lcd

void processValue(unsigned int pv, unsigned short channel) {
char i, lcdRow, lcdCol;

if (channel < 2)
// If ADC channel 0 or 1 is selected
lcdRow = 1;
// write in the first Lcd row
// If ADC channel 2 or is selected
lcdRow = 2;
// write in the second Lcd row

if (channel % 2 > 0 )
// If even ADC channel is selected
lcdCol = 13;
// select Lcd column 13
// If odd ADC channel is selected
lcdCol = 4;
// select Lcd column 4

// Converting the measured value into 4 characters

// and writing them to the Lcd at the appropriate place
i = pv / 1000 + 48;
// Get thousandth digit of the ADC result
Lcd_Chr(lcdRow, lcdCol, i);
// Display it on Lcd
pv = pv % 1000;
i = pv / 100 + 48;
// Get hundreth digit of the ADC result
Lcd_Chr(lcdRow, lcdCol+1, i);
// Display it on Lcd
pv = pv % 100;
i = pv / 10 + 48;
// Get tenth digit of the ADC result
Lcd_Chr(lcdRow, lcdCol+2, i);
// Display it on Lcd
pv = pv % 10;
i = pv + 48;
// Get ones digit of the ADC result
Lcd_Chr(lcdRow, lcdCol+3, i);
// Display it on Lcd

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void main() {
// Configure AN pins as digital
// Configure AN pins as digital
// Configure AN pins as digital
// Configure all PORTS at the standard Slew Rate

// Initialize Lcd

Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CLEAR); // Clear display

Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CURSOR_OFF); // Cursor off

measurement = 0;
// Initialize the measurement variable

Chip_Select = 1; // Deselect MCP3204

Chip_Select_Direction = 0;
// Set chip select pin to be output

// Initialize SPI1 module at 500kHz, data sampled at the

middle of interval

Lcd_Out(1,1,"C0= C1=");
// Display channel 0 and 1 ID on Lcd
Lcd_Out(2,1,"C2= C3=");
// Display channel 2 and 3 ID on Lcd

while (1) {
measurement = getADC(0);
// Get ADC result from Channel 0
// Writes measured value to Lcd
Delay_ms(10); // Wait 10ms
measurement = getADC(1);
// Get ADC result from Channel 1
// Writes measured value to Lcd
Delay_ms(10); // Wait 10ms
measurement = getADC(2);
// Get ADC result from Channel 2
// Writes measured value to Lcd
Delay_ms(10); // Wait 10ms
measurement = getADC(3);
// Get ADC result from Channel 3
// Writes measured value to Lcd
Delay_ms(10); // Wait 10ms

Par M. JAROU 44 | P a g e
TP N°1 : Prise en main du Kit Workstation V7

Le but de cette activité est d’apprendre ………. A la fin de cette séance, vous devez
être capable ……………….
Schéma et description
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* Project name: RTC Click board example
* Description:
This project is simple demonstration how to read and
write date and time from PCF8583 RTC (real-time clock).
Date and time are read from the RTC every 1 second and
printed out on USART.
* Test configuration:
MCU: PIC18F87J50
Oscillator: HS-PLL 48.0000 MHz, 8.0000 MHz Crystal

Par M. JAROU 45 | P a g e
TP N°1 : Prise en main du Kit Workstation V7

Ext. Modules: RTC Click

- Place RTC Click board at mikroBUS 2
- Connect UART cable and turn on RX and TX Switches at
- Place GND button press level and pull up at G0.0

// Module variables
char seconds = 0, minutes = 0, hours = 0, day = 0, month = 0,
year = 0;
// Global date/time variables

// RTC Definitions
#define RTC_ADDR 0xA0 //0xA0 -> 1 = 0x50

* PCF8583 Functions

* Read data from RTC PCF8583
* input : addres of RTC register
* output: value of of RTC register
unsigned char RTC_Read(unsigned char addr){
unsigned char value;

WS_I2C_Start(); // Issue start signal

// Address PCF8583, see PCF8583 datasheet-
WS_I2C_Wr(addr); // Start from address 2
// Issue repeated start signal
// Address PCF8583 for reading R/W=1

value = WS_I2C_Rd(0); // Read seconds byte

WS_I2C_Stop(); // Issue stop signal

return value;

* Write data from RTC PCF8583
* input : addres of RTC register, value of of RTC register
void RTC_Write(unsigned char addr, unsigned char value){

WS_I2C_Start(); // Issue start signal

WS_I2C_Wr(RTC_ADDR); // Address PCF8530
WS_I2C_Wr(addr); // Start from address

Par M. JAROU 46 | P a g e
TP N°1 : Prise en main du Kit Workstation V7

WS_I2C_Wr(value); // Write value to RTC register

WS_I2C_Stop(); // Issue stop signal

* Read time from RTC PCF8583
* input : pointer to variables where RTC data will be stored
* output: variables with RTC data
void Read_Time(unsigned char *p_hours, unsigned char
*p_minutes, unsigned char *p_seconds,
unsigned char *p_date, unsigned char *p_month){

WS_I2C_Start(); // Issue start signal

// Address PCF8583, see PCF8583 datasheet
WS_I2C_Wr(2); // Start from address 2
WS_I2C_Restart(); // Issue repeated start
WS_I2C_Wr(RTC_ADDR + 1);
// Address PCF8583 for reading R/W=1

*p_seconds = WS_I2C_Rd(WS_ACK); // Read seconds byte

*p_minutes = WS_I2C_Rd(WS_ACK); // Read minutes byte
*p_hours = WS_I2C_Rd(WS_ACK); // Read hours byte
*p_date = WS_I2C_Rd(WS_ACK); // Read year/day byte
*p_month = WS_I2C_Rd(WS_NO_ACK); // Read weekday/month byte

WS_I2C_Stop(); // Issue stop signal

* Write time to RTC PCF8583
* input : variables with RTC data
void Write_Time(unsigned char c_hours, unsigned char
c_minutes, unsigned char c_seconds,
unsigned char c_date, unsigned char c_month){

WS_I2C_Start(); // Issue start signal

WS_I2C_Wr(RTC_ADDR); // Address PCF8583, see PCF8583
WS_I2C_Wr(0); // Start from address 0
(configuration memory location)
WS_I2C_Wr(0x80); // Write 0x80 to configuration
memory location (pause counter...)

WS_I2C_Wr(0); // Write 0 to cents memory location

WS_I2C_Wr(c_seconds); // Write value to seconds memory
WS_I2C_Wr(c_minutes); // Write value to minutes memory
WS_I2C_Wr(c_hours); // Write value to hours memory location

Par M. JAROU 47 | P a g e
TP N°1 : Prise en main du Kit Workstation V7

WS_I2C_Wr(c_date); // Write value to year/date

memory location
WS_I2C_Wr(c_month); // Write value to weekday/month
memory location
WS_I2C_Stop(); // Issue stop signal

WS_I2C_Start(); // Issue start signal

WS_I2C_Wr(RTC_ADDR); // Address PCF8530
WS_I2C_Wr(0); // Start from address 0
WS_I2C_Wr(0); // Write 0 to configuration
memory location (enable counting)
WS_I2C_Stop(); // Issue stop signal

* Show on the LCD display
* input : variables with RTC data
void Show_Time(){

seconds = ((seconds & 0xF0) >> 4)*10 + (seconds & 0x0F);

// Transform seconds
minutes = ((minutes & 0xF0) >> 4)*10 + (minutes & 0x0F);
// Transform months
hours = ((hours & 0xF0) >> 4)*10 + (hours & 0x0F);
// Transform hours
year = (day & 0xC0) >> 6;
// Transform year
day = ((day & 0x30) >> 4)*10 + (day & 0x0F);
// Transform day
month = ((month & 0x10) >> 4)*10 + (month & 0x0F);
// Transform month

UART_Write((day / 10) + 48); // Print tens digit of day

UART_Write((day % 10) + 48); // Print oness digit of
day variable
UART_Write((month / 10) + 48);
UART_Write((month % 10) + 48);
UART_Write(year + 48); // Print year variable
(start from year 2010)

UART_Write((hours / 10) + 48);

UART_Write((hours % 10) + 48);
UART_Write((minutes / 10) + 48);
UART_Write((minutes % 10) + 48);
UART_Write((seconds / 10) + 48);

Par M. JAROU 48 | P a g e
TP N°1 : Prise en main du Kit Workstation V7

UART_Write((seconds % 10) + 48);


//------------------ Performs project-wide init

void Init_Main() {



//----------------- Main procedure

void main() {
Init_Main(); // Perform initialization

RTC_Write(0, 0);

while(1){ // Endless loop

if (WS_G0_B0_IN == 0){
while(!WS_G0_B0_IN); // Wait until button is released
// write TIME: 19:16:00 and DATE: 23.11.2011
Write_Time(0x19, 0x16, 0x00, 0x40 | 0x23, 0x11);

Read_Time(&hours, &minutes, &seconds, &day, &month);


Par M. JAROU 49 | P a g e
TP N°1 : Prise en main du Kit Workstation V7

Le but de cette activité est d’apprendre ………. A la fin de cette séance, vous devez
être capable ……………….
Schéma et description
Travail pratique
Programme source

Par M. JAROU 50 | P a g e

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