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In nowadays, it is too fastest to acceptance all of information for learning
and knowing. It can be effectiveness and changing with society and everyone.
We should to be flexible for ability to stand whenever fact. The leadership with
a group or organization when you can knew and can following to reach at
every situations but you can forward the step with stability in the same time.
Communication is the first process that everyone will be judging you when
they completed to look at your appearance. The appropriate with
communication is so importance

Communication begins when one person sends a message to another

with the intent of evoking a response. Effective communication occurs when
the receiver interprets the message exactly as the sender intended. Effective
communication uses less time and less recourse; Communicating with each
subordinate as a group. The most efficient communication is not necessarily
the most effective, however. What you want to achieve is effective
communication is the most efficient way.

This business report is to empower participants with effective oral

communication skills to handle interactions with people at workplace and
personal level from our research.

The information in this report identify characteristic of strength and

weaknesses in listening, and eliminate bad habits and attitudes that are
counterproductive to communication effectiveness. We found more description
and researched the right techniques of listening skills and develop appropriate
listening style to sharpen communication skills for building trust, consensus,
relationship and improving efficiency.

The emphasis for every student must learn the effective workplace
communication, for the best teamwork and help the company or group working
grow to new heights. Workplaces are full of employees from different
backgrounds and cultures and it is highly probable that there are differences of
opinion. Therefore, the crucial role of effective workplace communication
becomes more important.

The different thinking of change and communication, effectiveness

workplace communication becomes an important and useful concept. How to
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relate well with others by using the skills to build rapport, communicate
succinctly and powerfully?

While the skills required to achieve this goal can be learned, do not
occur without awareness, commitment and practice. When communicate
effectively, that is signify for succeed. As the range and pace of change
accelerate at work and the demands of doing “more with less” becomes a daily
reality, improving the impact of our workplace communication may be the first
step in turning old challenges into new opportunities.

Ultimately, this report will help you to ensure that you make positive
changes in your personality and adopt the effective communication
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EXCULSIVE SUMMERY………………………………………………...…1-2

TABLE OF CONTENTS………………………………………………………3

1. Communication basics……………………………………..…4
1.1 Check your body language…………………………...4
1.2 Focus on the tone of your voice………………...……4
1.3 Avoid fidgeting when speaking or listening…...……5
1.4 Show interest…………………………………..………5
1.5 Actively listen…………………………………..………5
1.6 Mirror the body position of others…….……..………5
1.7 Respect the space of others………………….………5

1. Communication basics…………………………………..……6
1.1 Check your body language……………………………7
1.2 Focus on the tone of your voice………………...……8
1.3 Avoid fidgeting when speaking or listening…..…9-10
1.4 Show interest………………………………...……11-12
1.5 Actively listen………………………………..……13-14
1.6 Mirror the body position of others………………15-16
1.7 Respect the space of others………………..……17-18



 APPENDIX I…………………………………APPENDIX 1-2
 APPENDIX II……………………………… APPENDIX 2-14
 APPENDIX III…………………..…………… APPENDIX 15
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Communication is an essential part of what it means to be a human. It
allows us to express needs, desires and emotions. Communication in the
workplace is just as important; allowing us to convey ideas and thoughts.
Reference: Wondershare Software
Written By: Lee Brotherston and Colleen Woodeward

1. Communication basics

1.1 Check your body language

Something as simple as how you sit or stand while
communicating can have a profound effect on how people
receive and respond to your message. For example, consider
the unspoken signs we send out when we interact with others
relaxed hands with open palms are often associated with
sincerity, whereas crossed arms are often associated with
defensiveness or aggression.
So the next time you are in a conversation, think about the
message your body may be communicating to the person you
are speaking to. You can help communicate openness by
keeping your arms relaxed and not crossed and your hands
open and not clenched. Aggressive or impatient physical
signals such as clenched fists, hands on hips or standing with
your feet spread apart can contradict the sincerity and defeat
the goal of what you are trying to say. You may be surprised at
how a few simple non-verbal signals encourage people to
accept what you are communicating.

1.2 Focus on the tone of your voice

How people perceive what you are saying can be impacted
significantly by the tone of your voice. Think of how many ways
you can say "yes" or "no"--you can express doubt, anger,
indifference, or any range of emotions with either of these
simple, short words. Try to keep an even and normal voice
tone and volume. This will avoid any mixed messages and help
people stay focused on your words and their meaning.
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1.3 Avoid fidgeting when speaking or listening

This will only draw attention away from what you have to
say and reduce the impact of your message. Avoid excessive
hand movements, playing with objects (such as a pen or a
cup), constantly wringing your hands or frequent shuffling. To
keep people focused on your message, try to remain relaxed,
speak clearly and maintain eye contact.

1.4 Show interest

Try leaning forward slightly when listening to others. This
shows interest in what the other person has to say and can be
seen as a strong nonverbal cue indicating 'straight talk.'

1.5 Actively listen

This will ensure that communication remains clear. Try
open questioning, gentle probing, and 'checking in' periodically
throughout the conversation to see if you've understood
everything correctly. In any conversation it's important to show
respect for co-workers' ideas by giving them your full attention
while they speak, and not interrupting or finishing their

1.6 Mirror the body position of others

This shows that you are 'in tune' or 'in sync' with what the
other person has to say. For example, if the person you are
with leans forward or crosses their legs while speaking, try
(discreetly) mimicking their body movements. Good
communicators also use this technique to relax other people
and make them feel at home during their conversation.

1.7 Respect the space of others

It's very appropriate to consider personal space and
boundaries, when you are communicating face-to-face with
another person. A good rule of thumb is to stand about an
arm's length from others when talking. Standing too close can
make people uncomfortable and standing too far away
suggests that you may feel intimidated. Find a middle ground
that makes everyone, including yourself, comfortable.

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1. Communication basics
Communication begins when one person sends a message to another
with the intent of evoking a response. Effective communication occurs when
the receiver interprets the message exactly as the sender intended. Effective
communication uses less time and less recourse; Communicating with each
subordinate as a group. The most efficient communication is not necessarily
the most effective, however. What you want to achieve is effective
communication is the most efficient way.

The Importance of Communication to Workplace Effectiveness

Effective communication is essential for the functioning of any
workplace. The leadership needs to transmit orders and policies, build
cooperation and team spirit, and identify problems and their solutions. Member
in workplace or group work need to clarify directives, provide feedback, make
their problems known, share feeling and perceptions to solve problems and
resolve conflicts.
Communication breakdowns contribute to a host of workplace problems,
from failure to carry out simple directives properly to low productivity and
quality. When addressing team member, many leadership engage in one-way
communication, giving team member the impression that their feelings and
input do not matter. To ensure that effective communication occurs, leadership
should be tactful when expressing their own feelings, acknowledge such
expressions, and be tactful when expressing their own feeling.
Communication in workplace serves three major purposes. It allows
members to coordinate actions, share information and satisfy social needs.
When team members are happy with how their supervisors communicate with
them, their job satisfaction and work output increase and they are more
committed to the workplace. Simply asking team member for advice can have
dramatic payoffs.
Communication processes within workplace are rapidly changing. In
addition to still vital face-to-face, telephone, and written communications, voice
mail, electronic mail, video conferencing, faxing, and personal computers
make a vast magnitude of complex. (Robert E. Coffey; Curtis W. Cook;
Phillip L. Hunsaker. 1968. Reference: Management and Organization
Behavior : Page 196-197)
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1.1 Check your body language

When you interact with other people, there are two
ways your message comes through to them. You consciously
covey your message through your words; your body language
unconsciously sends signals as well. Body language is
comprised of the nonverbal gestures and mannerisms that
may indicate a person’s true feelings.
Your body language can reveal things that your
words do not. In fact, your body language – the frown – will
show your true feelings. While most people manage to exert a
great deal of control over the words they let cross their lips,
many have difficultly when it comes to keeping their body
language in check. (Dawn Rpsenberg Mckay. 2009.
Reference: The Everything Practice Interview Book: Page 31)

Use these charts for a quick glance to keep your

body language in check while you are at workplace (Harmony
Stalter. 1976. Reference: Employee Body Language
Revealed: Page 273)

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1.2 Focus on the tone of your voice

The tone that you use can be, either intentionally or
unintentionally, inappropriate and can infuriate customers or
colleagues. An apathetic, droning or listless tone of voice can
convey the message that you don’t care or are not interested
in the customer or colleague and their problem/ query.
A rushed tone can make you sound impatient. In fact,
different tones of voice can change the meaning of the same
words. By changing the inflection in your voice, you can say
the words “Your statement is ready now” in an angry way,
sarcastically, apologetically, shyly and even in humorous way.
Customer or Colleague obviously wants to be greeted
or spoken to by someone whose tone of voice sounds
interested, helpful and patient. If they have been treated
unfairly or a mistake has been made they will expect an
apologetic and sincere tone to be used. It helps to smile whilst
you are taking even when you are on the phone you will be
surprised how doing this simple thing lifts the tone of your
Consider the expression “Oh, that’s just great”. A
different message can be conveyed depending on how the
voice is used to express the words. For example, said in a
friendly tone of voice when someone has receives something
they are pleased with, it conveys a friendly, grateful in fact they
are not pleased with something and things are not in fact
Pitch is also used to change the emphasis of the
message. If they were speak in very quiet voice that you could
hardly hear, you would probably feel they were not confident in
what they were saying to you. If they were shout, you would
feel that they were treating you as an inferior person, not
respecting the role you can play in the learning process. A
well-modulated pitch, at a level that all can hear, is what we
So the tone of voice, volume and pitch that are used
can affect the message being conveyed. (Maggie Jones.
2006. Reference: The Official CIM Course Book: Page 65)
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1.3 Avoid fidgeting when speaking or listening

Listen or thy tongue will keep the deaf. - Native

American Proverb
Listening is an essential part of communication, and it
is different from hearing. Being a good and patient listener
helps you not only solve many problems at work or home, but
also to see the world through the eyes of others, thereby
opening your understanding and enhancing your capacity for
empathy. In addition, you learn a lot from listening. As simple
as listening to and acknowledging other people may seem,
doing it well, particularly when disagreements arise, takes
sincere effort and lots of practice.

Be attentive:
Use your face, voice and body to show that you are
interested in what that person is talking about; Listen with an
accepting attitude; Ask questions which show that you like to
listen.; Use ideas and emotions to try to communicate to the
person; Test yours understand.
Encouraging words to show you are listening:
Mmm,hmm; I see; Right; Uh,huh.
Encouraging words to continue them:
Tell me more; let’s talk about it.
Things to avoid:
Do not interrupt; do not interrogate; do not try to think
of your response in your head while listening; do not change
the subject.
Things to avoid:
Do not interrupt; do not interrogate; do not try to think
of your response in your head while listening; do not change
the subject.
 Never criticize while listening, and never attack another person
for his or her feelings.
 The more difficult listening becomes, the more important it is to
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 Remember that when your counterpart feels that he or she has

been listened to, he or she is much more likely to listen to your
 Postpone an important conversation if you are not in the mood
to listen. It is better to not talk about it if you are not ready than
to try to force through a conversation where you are too
distracted by emotions, worries, and other things that prevent
you from listening.
 Avoid phrases that imply that you have not listened fully to the
points communicated to you such as "Yeah but..." Instead,
learn to use phrases that provide confirmation that you have
heard the other side fully, such as "I see. Now tell me what you
would say to this..."
 Keep in mind that sometimes we need to listen "between the
lines," but there are times when we need to absorb things at
face value. When we listen intensively, our minds are often
busy placing what we hear into the situation and our emotions,
which creates barriers to our ability to listen fully what is being
said. This is similar to making judgments and drawing
conclusions before all has been said. Don't do that. Take it at
its face value and go with the flow.
 When you look at the person you are listening to, look into their
eyes. This shows that you are 100% focused on them, and not
distracted by other things going on. Avoid staring or looks of
 Try and be optimistic as often as possible.
 Never poke fun at or ridicule the person you are listening to.
 Avoid trivializing. Avoid comments like, "Thousands of people
have this problem so don't worry about it".
 Avoid parroting by repeating the sentences word for word. This
can be quiet annoying to the person you are trying to listen to.
 Refrain from telling or imposing advice.
(Reference: http://m.wikihow.com/Be-a-Good-Listener)
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1.4 Show interest

There are many possibilities for corporate outings.
Alas, many of them are never explored fully. Here are five ideas
to consider, as part of making your next company outing more
 Include competitive elements to make your next outing
more fun. If everyone in the outing agrees, you can
include friendly competition as one way to keep people
interested. Perhaps some part of the outing requires
cooperation, where people in teams (who normally do
not work together much) have to unite to accomplish
objectives. You might also include prizes for different
achievements as part of the friendly competition.
 Take an outing to a place representative of a team
member's culture. This does not have to be too
elaborate; a simple trip to a cultural center, or even a
local restaurant with ethnic cuisine can provide the
opportunity to learn more about each team member's
cultural heritage, values, and unique contributions to not
only the company, but to larger society as well.
Certainly, this should only be the beginning of learning
more about the diversity within your team, but a
company outing can be a good way to get the topic
started in your company, in a non-threatening way.
 Have a company outing which helps the disadvantaged

While charity events are good in their own right, a

company outing can help to get a sense of the larger role your
company plays within society. This also helps to give your firm a
good reputation in the event that problems are discovered later
on within the company. There are many worthwhile organizations
within each community, and a company outing to see the work
they do can inspire employees within your company to see the
larger purposes which you are all working towards.

 Have an outing which visits a successful business in a

different industry. Businesses which are highly
successful generally are doing many things right. By
having more than one person visit, it is more likely one
of your team will get some new ideas which you can
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adapt, and include in your own business. Look for

companies which are expanding operations, those
which are hiring, or those which have been in the news
recently. You may even be able to get a tour, with some
advance notice.
 Have an outing which is a team member's hobby (which
others have not tried). These outings can not only build
bonds of camaraderie, but they can also serve as useful
skill building opportunities. Who knows, perhaps some
of your team may become interested in adopting the
hobby, once they have actually tried it. New hobbies can
be a great way to learn more about the world, as well as
the specialized vocabulary common to some activities.
There may even be a hidden business opportunity or
two as well.

Put simply, there are many ways to make your

corporate outing more interesting. You can include some
competitive elements, visit culturally significant locations, help the
disadvantaged, visit another business which is doing well, or even
have an outing involving team members' interests. In doing so, it
is more likely that your next company outing will be a memorable
(Reference: http://EzineArticles.com/5606759)
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1.5 Actively listen

Listening is the process of hearing and interpreting a
message. We think we are communicating effectively but in
fact this may be partially true. We spend 80% of our time
communicating but most of what we do involves sending
messages to others. Listening is an integral part of the
communication process. A goal for the business
communications professional is to develop conscious listening

 Cultural differences in communications include:

 Slang used by an older or younger generation
 Language or tonal accents used by another race
or nationality
 Regional differences in language style
 Jargon used by a certain profession or industry
 Physical appearance

 Refers to listening openly to the speakers point of view,

which emerges out of dialogue.
 Occurs when all of the communication partners listen for
and reflect on how talk affects the whole group, team or
 Peter Senge (1994), describes conscious listening as
“deeper patterns of meaning that flow through a group…
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that build a subtle awareness of collective thought that

profoundly transforms our experience of what is
Conscious listening should be a goal for
anyone in business. Here are a few exercises to assist
with skill-building. Break into groups discuss the
 Discuss how you would work in a group with a
non-native speaker
 List strategies for overcoming gender barriers to
 Discuss strategies for overcoming a negative
communication history with a colleague.
 Identify at least four strategies for conscious
 Identify several strategies for listening during a
conflict and with chronic complainers.
(Reference: http://faculty.winthrop.edu/burgessb)
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1.6 Mirror the body position of others

Whether your manager is agreeing or interested in
your conversation can be understood from his body language.
If he is standing with his foot and body turned towards you,
i.e. mirroring your body pose, then it is a sure sign he is
agreeing with you. When his body posture is not mirroring that
of yours it means he is not in agreement with you. A manager
and an employee who want to establish a good rapport with
one another should mirror their body postures. This is a non-
verbal sign that two people are thinking along the similar lines.

Body posture and facial expression is very important to

capture the attention of someone you are meeting for the first
time. Scientific research has proved that body language and
voice is responsible for creating 38% of your overall first
impression. Therefore the nonverbal communication using
your body posture has great communication impacts.

You should take care to practice in front of the mirror to

analyze your body posture before meeting someone of great
importance for the first time. Your body movements and
gestures must be carefully analyzed before the meeting. Be
careful about the way you look and act. Your actions are non
verbal messages and it should coincide with what you are

The initial impressions on the way you act, sit or stand

are more important than what you have to say. Your body
posture expresses many things about you. If you want to
attract the attention of the person to whom you are
communicating your body posture must be pleasant.

Always maintain a sweet smile on your face during the

meeting. Smile has a wonderful and pleasant effect on others.
A genuine smile will always work in attracting others
especially women. It lets everybody feel that you are a friendly
and harmless person. You cannot go wrong in attracting a
person if you are carrying a smile on your face.

A powerful eye contact is essential for attracting people.

You should deliberately practice developing the ability to
maintain positive eye contact with people you are
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communicating. Be natural in the way you are making the eye

contact and don’t stare at the person.

You must ensure that you are standing upright when

you are talking to a person for the first time. The upright
posture will always generate a positive impression on you.
Having a proper upright posture conveys the message that
you are a healthy, strong and self confident person. It makes
a person look more attractive.

You body movements should be confident. You

movements and actions during the communication will be
carefully noticed by others. It reflects the confidence in you.
You can practice the body movements in front of mirror to
make it perfect. Self confidence is most important for a
person’s success.

You have to touch the person on the body during the

process of communication. Light touches are harmless during
a conversation. The way you shake hand with the person is
also important. A slight pat on the hand or shoulder often
exhibits your level of affection. Gentle touches during the
conversation have the ability to break the ice.

Walk confidently with you head up. The positioning of

you head shows your level of self confidence. You should also
give a firm handshake. When you are sitting on a chair, sit
straight and lean forward. This indicates your level of interest
and attentiveness to the person.

You must be careful to control nervous gestures like

hair twisting, nail biting or pen clicking. You must instead show
warm and positive gestures like smiling and gentle touching.
You must also avoid cold gestures like not smiling or avoiding
eye contact and placing hands on the hips.
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1.7 Respect the space of others

“Everybody needs a little respect
everybody needs a little time
everybody needs a little respect
everybody needs a little.”

Everybody needs a little respect. You know when you

have respect. You know when you don’t. But what is respect
really? And, how is respect demonstrated at work?
You can demonstrate respect with simple, yet powerful
actions. These ideas will help you avoid needless, insensitive,
unmeant disrespect, too.
 Treat people with courtesy, politeness, and kindness.
 Encourage coworkers to express opinions and ideas.
 Listen to what others have to say before expressing your
viewpoint. Never speak over, butt in, or cut off another person.
 Use people’s ideas to change or improve work. Let employees
know you used their idea, or, better yet, encourage the person
with the idea to implement the idea.
 Never insult people, name call, disparage or put down people
or their ideas.
 Do not nit-pick, constantly criticize over little things, belittle,
judge, demeanor patronize. A series of seemingly trivial
actions, added up over time, constitutes bullying.
 Treat people the same no matter their race, religion, gender,
size, age, or country of origin. Implement policies and
procedures consistently so people feel that they are treated
fairly and equally. Treating people differently can constitute
harassment or a hostile work environment.
 Include all coworkers in meetings, discussions, training, and
events. While not every person can participate in every activity,
do not marginalize, exclude or leave any one person out.
Provide an equal opportunity for employees to participate in
committees, task forces, or continuous improvement teams.
Solicit volunteers and try to involve every volunteer.
 Praise much more frequently than you criticize. Encourage
praise and recognition from employee to employee as well as
from the supervisor.
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 The golden rule does apply at work, or, as professional

speaker Leslie Charles, says, “Implement the platinum rule:
treat others as they wish to be treated.”

There are many other ways to demonstrate respect at

work. These ten constitute a solid foundation. Implemented
consistently at work, these respectful actions help ensure a
respectful, considerate, professional work place.
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In summary, effective
communication in the workplace
really boils down to setting clear
goals for teams and making sure
management are keeping all team
members informed on a regular
basis through clear messages.
Communication channels within
the team will naturally form as
individuals collaborate so you
should try to nurture this through
regular meetings and conference
calls to establish team identity,
trust and open communications.
Remember that communication is
vital and it needs to be constantly
worked at. Be conscious of what
you communicate and how it is
done. A failure in communication
will result in a failure of
At least; we try all the
best with this report business and
wish all of you who reading on our
report will be get knowledge or
information what you want.
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Wondershare Software
Lee Brotherston and Colleen Woodeward

Robert E. Coffey;
Curtis W. Cook;
Phillip L. Hunsaker. 1968.
Management and Organization Behavior
“Page 196-197”

Harmony Stalter. 1976.

Employee Body Language Revealed
“Page 273”
Maggie Jones. 2006.
The Official CIM Course Book
“Page 65”






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