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An Algorithm for Reducing the Peak to Average Power Ratio in a

Multicarrier Communications System

Vahid Tarokh Hamid Jafarkhani
AT&T Labs-Research AT&T Labs - Research
180 Park Avenue 100 Schulz Drive
Florham Park, New Jersey 07932 Red Bank, NJ 07701
tarokh@research.att.com hamid@research.att.com

Abstract - O n e of t h e m a i n i m p l e m e n t a t i o n One of the main implementation disadvantages of

disadvantages of a multicarrier c o m m u n i c a t i o n OFDM is the high peak to average power ratio (PAPR)
s y s t e m is t h e possibly high peak to average of the transmitted signals. This forces the use of power
power r a t i o of t h e t r a n s m i t t e d signals. amplifiers with large linear range which translates into
O n e proposed solution is given by J o n e s a n d higher cost. In this light, any reduction of the peak to
Wilkinson El]. It is based o n a p p l y i n g a specific average power ratio of the transmitted signals can be of
phase shift ( n o t d e p e n d e n t o n t h e codeword) to importance in engineering OFDM systems.
each dimension of t h e t r a n s m i t t e d codewords. In this paper, we use the Jones-Wilkinson phase shift
T h e s e phase s h i f t s a r e known b o t h to t h e trans- method [l] for a given code C. The block diagram of the
m i t t e r a n d t h e receiver. T h u s t h e phase s h i f t s system is given in Figure 2 . However, unlike [I],we pro-
can b e c o m p e n s a t e d for i n t h e receiver with- vide a polynomial time algorithm for determining the
o u t changing t h e d i s t a n c e p r o p e r t i e s of t h e code. required optimal phase shifts. The new algorithm en-
Therefore, n e i t h e r t h e r a t e n o r t h e c o d e perfor- ables us to apply the Jones-Wilkinson method to various
m a n c e is sacrificed. T h e phases need o n l y o n c e medium length as well as long codes of practical interest,
be c o m p u t e d off-line a n d t h e complexity of t h e a computational task for which no solution was known
s y s t e m does n o t increase. before.
Our c o n t r i b u t i o n is to provide a n a l g o r i t h m We apply our algorithm to some of the codes adapted
to c o m p u t e t h e phases t h a t minimize t h e max- for use in the physical layer of future wireless local area
i m u m peak to average power r a t i o t a k e n over networks by the ETSI BRAN Hiperlan-I1 standardiza-
all possible t r a n s m i t t e d signals. T h e new algo- tion committee. We report the computed reductions in
r i t h m enables us to a p p l y t h e Jones-Wilkinson peak to average power ratio.
m e t h o d to various m e d i u m l e n g t h as well as long
The organization of the paper is as follows. In Section
codes of practical interest, a c o m p u t a t i o n a l t a s k
11, we review the communication model, formulate the
f o r which n o solution was known before.
problem and establish the notation. Section 111 proposes
W e a p p l y our a l g o r i t h m to s o m e of t h e codes
our proposed algorithm. Some simulation results are
adapted f o r use i n t h e physical layer of f u t u r e
provided in Section V.
wireless local a r e a networks by t h e ETSI BRAN
Hiperlan-I1 s t a n d a r d i z a t i o n c o m m i t t e e . We re-
p o r t t h e c o m p u t e d r e d u c t i o n s i n peak t o average 11. THESYSTEM
power ratio.
The model of a multicarrier communication system is
I. INTRODUCTION given next. At each time T = O,T,2 7 , . . . blocks BT of
Multicarrier communications (OFDM) has employed k bits arrive at the encoder. These k bits are encoded as
for wire-line communications and has also been adapted a sequence of N constellation symbols from a constella-
for use in the future wireless local area networks. In such tion Q with 2= elements. The admissible sequences are
a system (Figure I), the input bits are encoded into con- called codewords, and the ensemble of all possible code-
stellation symbols using a code C. Then N constellation words is a code C of rate R = k / N . For the simplicity of
symbols are provided to the input of a discrete Fourier presentation, we will assume without loss of generality
transform (DFT) by a serial to parallel block. The out- that the elements of Q have equal energy normalized to
put of the DFT is multiplexed and transmitted over the be one.
channel (after modulation). The receiver performs the Upon processing the k input bits BT,the output
inverse operations. First the received signal is demulti- of the encoder is a sequence of N constellation sym-
plexed and fed into the inverse DFT (IDFT) block. A bols C O , c1, . . , C N - 1 . This codeword goes through a se-

parallel to serial block converts the output of IDFT to rial to parallel converter and a DFT (discrete Fourier
a serial sequence and the decoder provides the output transform) device producing a sequence of symbols
bit stream. CO c1I . ’ ’ 9 C N - 1 .

0-7803-5565-2/99/$10.0001999 lEEE

Then I11 The Method of Jones and
N-1 Wilkinson
C1 = ciexp[-2dij/N],
i=O The choice of a code to provide a certain level of error
protection at a given rate is the topic of coding tech-
for 1 = 0 , 1 , 2 , . . . , N - 1, where j = 2/7T. niques and is outside the scope of this paper. We as-
This sequence is the input to the RF chain which sume that a coding expert has produced various can-
produces the transmitted signal. The transmitted signal didate codes that have the desired transmission rate as
at time t is then given by well as a certain desired error protection level. For each
candidate code C the method we propose reduces the
PAPR(C) without reducing the rate or error protec-
tion capability of C and without increasing its decoding
complexity. The method is applied to each possible code
for 0 5 t 5 $, where fo is the carrier frequency, fs is and the one which minimizes the peak to average power
the bandwidth of each tone, and R(z) denotes the real ratio is selected.
part of z . The relation between the quantities fs and Consider a code C with codewords of length N .
7 depends on whether a guard time is assigned, or a For a codeword c = cocl . . . c N - 1 , we will refer to
cyclic prefix is used and these details have no bearing C O , c l , . . . , CN-1 as respectively the zero-th, the first, . . .,

upon the method presented in this paper. However, we and the ( N - 1)-th coordinates of C. To decrease the
note that fs = 1/T is commonly assumed in an ideal peak to average power ratio, Jones and Wilkinson [l]
situation We write c z = d, e,j, where d, and e , are proposed that the i-th coordinate of all codewords of C
the real and imaginary parts of the symbol c , , thus be shifted by a phase 4;known both to the transmit-
ter and t,he receiver. Since the i-th coordinate of every
codewords is phase-shifted by the same fixed angle I$;,
~ ( t=) +
[d2c0s(2n(fo z f s ) t ) + e2szn(2.rr(fo+ zfs)t)l. these phase shifts can be compensated for in the receiver
2=0 following the application of the IDFT. Thus these phase
The receiver receives the signal S ( t ) perturbed by shifts do not change the error correction capability, the
noise. The RF chain at the receiver down-converts, pro- rate of the encoder nor the decoding complexity of the
cesses the received data and obtains estimates of the receiver. Following these initial phase shifts, any arbi-
parameters Ct,Z = 0 , 1 , . . . , N - 1. The receiver then trary codeword c = cocl . . . CN-1 is mapped into
applies an IDFT on these estimates and generates es-
CO exp(j4o) c1 exp(j4i) . . . C N - I exp(j4iv-1).
timates of C O , c l , . . . , CN-1 from which it extracts the
block BT of input bits. We let C(&, 4 1 , ' . . ,c$N-~) denote the set of phase
However, there are input bits b,, z = 0 , + . , N - 1 for shifted codewords.
which the terms in (2) add constructively. For instance The transmit,ted signal s ( t , 40,41,. . . , ~ N - I ) is
for the BPSK constellation, the all zero input bit stream
000' . . O is mapped to the sequence of all ones producing
~ E ~ ' c o s ( 2 5 ~ ( fzfs)t)
o at the output of the transmit-
ter RF chain. This signal has its peak power N 2 at time
t = 0. Thus the peak to average signal power ratio of
for 0 5 t 5 l / f s .
the transmitted signals can be as large as 2N for the
BPSK constellation.
Assuming that = f o / f s >> 1, it is well-known that
For any sequence c = c o c l . . .C N - 1 , we will denote the average power of s ( t , 4 0 , 4 1 , .. . , ~ N - I ) is k$ =
N- 1
by PAPR(c) the peak to average power ratio of the cor- Thus the peak to average power ratio of
responding signal S ( t ) in the range 0 5 t < k. For a the signal s ( t , 40,411, . . . , ~ N - I is
) given by
code C the peak to average power ratio of C is defined to
be the maximum peak to average power ratio amongst PAPR(c(40,41,..-,4~-1),6)
the codewords of C. That is
2 max
R (E:;' c, exp[-(aT(fo + zfs)t + 4 , ~ ) ~
PAPR(C) = max[PAPR(c)]. (3) OStSl N

which only depends on the parameters of the OFDM

The peak to average power ratio problem can now be
system, the codeword cocl . . . C N - ~ and the phases
407 4 1 1 . ' ' , 4N-1.
Statement of The Problem: For a given transmis- The important insight of Jones and Wilkinson [l] is
sion rate and a certain desired error protection level, that following an appropriate choice of the phase shifts,
design an encoder C such that PAPR(C) is minimized. the code C(40, 41 , . . . ,~ N - I )can have a lower peak to

68 1
average power ratio than C. In fact, for any code C, we Let c denote the codeword for which g ( t , < ) is at-
should choose $ 0 , $ 1 , . . . , $ ~ - 1 such that the peak to tained. >
If W(c . w ( t , C ) ) 0, then c maximizes
average power ratio of C($O,$ 1 , . . . ,$ ~ - 1 ) is minimized. W ( c . w ( t , C ) ) amongst all codewords. This means that
In other words, /IC - w(t,C)1I2 = 2N - 28(c . w ( t , C ) ) is minimized.
Alternatively, if W(c . w ( t , C ) ) < 0 , then c minimizes
argrninPAPR(C($o,#l,-..,$N-l), W(c . w ( t , C ) ) amongst all codewords. This means that
IIc - w ( t , C)llz = 2 N - 2 8 ( c .w ( t , 6)) is maximized. 0
must be computed.
The minimizing values $0,41, . . . , 4 ~ - 1need only be Definition IV.l For a n y code C , we define
computed once and they can be tabulated for various
codes of interest. Because these values are computed off- -c = {- c , I c E C}.
line, this computation does not add to the complexity W e refer to -c as the negative of c and -C as the neg-
of the transmitter or the receiver. It remains to design atave code of C . A code C is symmetric if -c E C when-
an algorithm for computing these minimizing values. ever c E C.
Corollary IV.l Let C denote a code whose codewords
IV The Proposed Algorithm have equal energy. Let g ( t , C ) be as defined by Equation
A The Instantaneous Peak to Aver- e For each t , the value of g ( t , 5) is attained either
age Power Ratio by the codeword c E C closest to w ( t , 6) or by the
negative of the codeword c E -C closest to w ( t , Cl.
We observe that Equivalently, the value o f g ( t , 6) is attained either
by the codeword c E C closest to w ( t , C ) or by the
PAPR(c) = 2 max g ( t , C, c ) , codeword c E C closest to -w(t,C). If C is sym-
metric, the value o f g ( t , 6) is attained by the code-
where word c closest to w ( t , C).
The complexity offinding the codeword of a code
C with the largest peak to average power ratio at
each time is at most twice as much as the decoding
Let cornplexzty of C . I f C is symmetric the complexity
of findeng the codeword of a code C with the largest
peak to average power ratio at each time is at most
as much as the decodeng complexity of C.
for 0 5 t 5 1. We refer to g ( t , 6, c ) as the instantaneous
peak to average power ratio of the codeword c and to Proof: We refer the reader to [3]. 0
g ( t , C ) as the instantaneous peak to average power ratio It follows from the above that if the signal constella-
of the code C. We focus on algorithmic computation of tion points have equal energy and if the code C supports
these functions. a soft decision decoding algorithm, then the value g ( t , C )
The next Theorem provides a geometric interpreta- can be easily computed. Linear block and convolutional
tion of the value of instantaneous peak to average power codes, and more generally trellis codes all have well de-
ratio at time t and will turn out to be very important fined trellises, and computation of the closest and far-
for computation. The theorem has an analog for QAM thest codewords from w ( t , C) can be accomplished using
constellations [3]. a straightforward application of the Viterbi algorithm.

Theorem IV.l Let C denote a code whose codewords

have equal energy. Let g ( t , (J) be as defined by Equation B Computation of Peak to Average
(4). For each t , the value o f g ( t , C ) is attained by the Power Ratio
codeword c which is the closest t o or the farthest code-
If the function PAPR(C(&, $ 1 , . . . ,$ N - I ) , C ) can be
word from the vector w ( t , <) given by
c o m p u t e d accurately for any 90,91,. . ., G N - ~ then
, we
(exp(Zot + $o).i,exp(Clt + h).i,.. . , exp(Cnr-lt + #N--l).i),
can apply standard minimization techniques to compute
the values 40,$ 1 , . . . ,$ ~ - 1 , that minimize the peak to
where C1 = 2n(C + i) f o r 0 5 i 5 N - 1. power average of C($O,41,. . . ,~ N - I ) .To this end, we
recall that
Proof: For any vectors x = ( x o , x ~ , . . . , x N -and
~) y = = 2 omax
PAPR(C($O,$~,...,~N--~),C) g(t,C).
( y o , y l , . . . , yrv-1) let x'y = xigi denote the inner
product of x and y. We can now rewrite Ng(t,C) =
j t g

The following lemma will be very useful in computing

P ( C . C)V. PAPR(C($o,$ 1 , . . . ,$N-I), C)-

L e m m a IV.1 For any (, the function g ( t , () is contin-
uous on t E [0,I]. 40= 0.00 41 = 0.75 42 = 0.75 43 = 0.50
44 = 0.25 45 = 0.25 46 = 0.50 4 7 = 0.50
4 8 = 0.00 4 9 = 0.75
410 = 0.75 411 = 0.25
Proof: The proof is given in [3]. 0 412 = 0.50 413 = 0.50414 = 0.75 4 1 5 = 0.00
We conclude from the above lemma that by evalu- 416 = 0.50 417 = 0.00418 = 0.75 419 = 0.25
ating g ( t , C ) at sufficiently many uniformly spaced sam- 420 0.50 421 0.25 4522 = 0.25 4 2 3 = 0.50
ples, PAPR(C(40,41,.. . ,~ N - I )()~ can be computed to 4 2 4 = 0.50 4 2 5 = 0.50 426 = 0.75 4 2 7 = 0.75
any degree of accuracy. For each sample point the de- 4 2 8 = 0.50 4 2 9 = 0.25 $30 = 0.00 4 3 1 = 0.00
coder of C must be used once to compute g ( t , () and the 4 3 2 = 0.00 4 3 3 = 0.00 4 3 4 = 0.75 4 3 5 = 0.00
number of these uniformly spaced samples depends on 4 3 6 = 0.75 437 = 0.25 4 3 8 = 0.50 439 = 0.75
( which is very large in practice. For instance, for the 4 4 0 = 0.25 4 4 1 = 0.75 4 4 2 = 0.50 4 4 3 = 0.25
carrier frequency of 2 GHZ, 1MHZ available bandwidth 4 4 4 = 0.00 4 4 5 = 0.00 4 4 6 = 0.75 4 4 7 = 0.25
and 512 tones, ( is of the order of l o 6 and small changes
in t (say of the order causes 2x(t to change sig- Table 1: Phase Shifts of QPSK type for the rate
nificantly. For most practical systems the complexity of 1/2 BPSK convolutional code. Each number must
the computation of P A P R ( C ( ~ ~ , ~ ~ , . . . us- ,~N-~)be, multiplied
C) by 360 t o give the phase shift in de-
ing just the above uniform sampling is too great. grees.
The application of any minimization method for com-
puting the minimizing values of 40,41,. . . , ~ N - I re-
quires that PAPR(C(&,# l 1 . . . , ~N-I),() be computed
for many different values of 4 o 1 41, . . , div-1 and this In this section, we apply the algorithm described in
can be infeasible if the number of samples is too large. the previous section to various codes adapted for use
This leads us to consider alternative methods for in the physical layer of future wireless local area net-
computing PAPR(C(40,$ 1 , . . . , ~ N - I ) , e).A fruitful works by the ETSI BRAN Hiperlan-II standardization
approach is to study the change in the value of g ( t , () committee. The method we use for finding t,he mini-
for any fixed t as changes [3]. mizing phases for the function G,-,(C1) is the gradient
Our result in [3] is summarized in the following the- method. Once the phase shifts were computed, they
orem. were rounded to QPSK, 8-PSK and 16-PSK phase shifts.
The peak to average power ratio was then recomputed
T h e o r e m IV.2 Let a code C and phase shifts for the rounded phase shifts.
40,. . . , ~ N - I be given. Suppose that the interval [O, 13 The 5 GHZ OFDM system of ETSI BRAN Hiperlan-
is divided into L equal subintervals given by points t o = 11 standardization committee has 48 subcarriers, with
0 , tl = 1 / L ,t 2 = 2 / L ,
G . ., t L = 1. Let coding rates of 112 and 314. There are 48 subcarri-
ers with OFDM symbol duration of 3 microseconds and
600 nanoseconds guard interval. The subcarrier spac-
ing is 416.666 kHz. The BPSK, QPSK and QAM signal
constellations can be employed corresponding to respec-
Suppose that ( 3 4 N Z . Let 51 = 4N2 and
L = 16N3. Then the estimation error in replacing tively 8, 16 and 32 Mbps for the rate half code. Inter-
leaving is also employed t,o break the possible bursty
PAPR(C(40,..., ~ N - I ) , C ) with G,-,((1) is less than
dB, for N 2 32. nature of errors. To avoid difficulties in A/D and D/A
NT converter offsets and carrier feed-through in the RF sys-
tem, the subcarrier falling a t DC is not used [a]. The
Proof: The proof is given in [3]. 0 coder is the standard rate 112 convolutional code [4].
In view of the above results, for large N the com- For more details see [a].
plexity of computing G L ( ( ~ )is at most 8N3 times the For the BPSK case, we have computed the following
complexity of soft decoding of C. For small N, we could phase shifts. In each case the numbers must be mul-
increase both (1 and L to increase the accuracy of re- tiplied by 360 degrees to give the corresponding phase
placing P A P R ( C ( ~ O , . . . , ~ Nwith e)
- ~ )G,~ ( c 1 ) . shift in degrees. The first set of shifts are shifts of QPSK
We can now use any applicable minimization method type and are given in Table V. The reduction in PAPR
to find the minimizing values of 40,...,4~-1 for is 4.09 dB.
G,-,((l). Once the answer is computed, we know for By allowing shifLs of 8-PSK and 16-PSK type, the
these values of 40,. . . , 4 ~ - 1the peak to average power reduction in PAPR increases respectively to 4.22 dB and
ratio of the phase shifted code is within dB of the 4.46 dB. The phase shifts of 8-PSK type are given in
NZ Table V.
computed value (for large N)or even less for small N.
We note that the Gradient method only converges
to a local minima. In this light, there may be other

$0 = 0.000 41 = 0.625 42 = 0.625 43 = 0.500
$4 = 0.250 45 = 0.250 46 = 0.375 47 = 0.625
48 = 0.000 4 9 = 0.875 410= 0.875 411 = 0.375
#12 = 0.625 413 = 0.625 414 = 0.625 415 = 0.875
416 = 0.375 417 = 0.875 41s = 0.750 419 = 0.125
420 = 0.500 421 = 0.250 422 = 0.250 4 2 3 = 0.375
424 = 0.500 425 = 0.500 426 = 0.625 427 = 0.750
42s = 0.375 4 2 9 = 0.250 430 = 0.125 431 = 0.000
432 = 0.125 433 = 0.000 434 = 0.750 435 = 0.875
436 = 0.875 437 0.250 4313 = 0.625 439 = 0.750
440 = 0.250 $641 = 0.750 4 4 2 = 0.375 443 = 0.125
444 = 0.875 445 = 0.875 446 = 0.750 447 = 0.250

Table 2: Phase Shifts of 8-PSK type for the rate

l / 2 BPSK convolutional code. Each number must
be multiplied by 360 to give the phase shift in de-

IDFT b e - M u G

Figure 1: OFDM Block Diagram.

Figure 2: The Phase Shifted OFDM Block Diagram.
phase shift values that give a greater reduction in peak
to average power ratio for the above code. The use
of more powerful minimization methods instead of the
gradient method may yield even better results.

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