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1. Points Assigned: 8.

00 – Short Essay —
The video featured in Lesson 11, "Living Large," describes the 1950s as a period
of unprecdented growth and prosperity for the United States. As described in th
e video, discuss at least two of the factors that contributed to the United Stat
es' prosperity during the 1950s.
Your Answer: Unions contributed to the United Sates prosperity during
the 1950. Industrial worker started to join Unions because after the war barging
for better wages and working conditions was part of the norm. The employees fin
ancially benefited from the Union because they started making more money. Becaus
e of increased wages people were able to purchase more things which improved the
economy. <br /> The GI bill was also a major factor that contributed to the US
prosperity because returning soldiers was allowed to learn new trades or start t
heir own business which would allow them to be a more productive citizen. <br />
<br />
2. Points Assigned: 4.00 – Multiple Choice —
The most significant social trend in the postwar era in America was
Correct Your Answer: B
A. the decline of the nuclear family.
B. the flight to the suburbs. (correct answer)
C. a decline in the size of the family.
D. the emergence of the drug culture.
E. the growth of the "Sun Belt."
3. Points Assigned: 3.00 – Multiple Choice —
The individual who invented the concept of mass construction of suburban homes w
Correct Your Answer: A
A. William Levitt. (correct answer)
B. C. Wright Mills.
C. William Douglas.
D. William Whyte.
E. Charles Newcastle.
4. Points Assigned: 4.00 – Multiple Choice —
Which of the following was NOT an important stimulus to American economic growth
in the late 1940s and early 1950s?
Correct Your Answer: A
A. direct government aid to industrial development (correct answer)

B. the pent-up demand for consumer goods

C. heavy government spending during the Cold War
D. $37 billion in American savings
E. the Korean War
5. Points Assigned: 4.00 – Multiple Choice —
Critical to life in the suburbs in the 1950s was
Correct Your Answer: A
A. the automobile. (correct answer)
B. efficient mass transit.
C. the development of jobs close to the home sites.
D. the restructuring of American school systems.
E. air conditioning.
6. Points Assigned: 4.00 – Multiple Choice —
The cover story in Look Magazine for December 25, 1956 featured this photograph
of Lucille Ball, Desi Arnaz, and their son Ricky. This photo demonstrates what s
trong cultural value of the 1950s?
Correct Your Answer: D
A. significance of music in family cohesiveness
B. power of television and motion picture stars to influence societ
C. rising influence of Hispanic culture in the United States
D. importance of the nuclear family unit to the parents of the baby
boom generation (correct answer)
E. decline of marriage and families in the 1950s
7. Points Assigned: 4.00 – Multiple Choice —
In 1946, Dr. Benjamin Spock wrote a bestselling book on
Correct Your Answer: E
A. marriage.
B. public education.
C. the Cold War.
D. space travel.
E. infant and child care. (correct answer)
8. Points Assigned: 0.00 – Multiple Choice —
The dominant social theme of the 1950s was
A. patriotism.
B. religion.
C. reform.
D. consumerism. (correct answer)
E. protest.
9. Points Assigned: 4.00 – Multiple Choice —
People's attitudes toward organized religion in the 1950s was
Correct Your Answer: A
A. incredibly positive and religious affiliation boomed. (correct a
B. seen mainly in the growing numbers of Protestants.
C. not as important in their lives as in previous generations.
D. the only way to deal with the emotional stress of the Cold War.
E. something there was no time for as life became more hectic.
10. Points Assigned: 0.00 – Multiple Choice —
A major point of agreement among those concerned with education in the 1950s was
their belief in the need for
A. segregated schools.
B. instruction in values and ethics.
C. a college education. (correct answer)
D. neighborhood schools.
E. local control of the educational system.
11. Points Assigned: 4.00 – Multiple Choice —
The most influential social critic of the 1950s was
Correct Your Answer: B
A. Dean Acheson.
B. David Riesman. (correct answer)
C. Billy Graham.
D. Whittaker Chambers.
E. Ernie Kovacs.
12. Points Assigned: 4.00 – Multiple Choice —
According to the social critic C. Wright Mills, the real villain in American soc
iety in the 1950s was
Correct Your Answer: B
A. the Soviet Union.
B. the corporation. (correct answer)
C. the labor union.
D. the university.
E. the government.
13. Points Assigned: 3.00 – Multiple Choice —
The first U.S. satellite placed in Earth's orbit was
Correct Your Answer: D
A. Vanguard.
B. Mercury.
C. Apollo.
D. Explorer. (correct answer)
E. Voyager.
14. Points Assigned: 4.00 – Multiple Choice —
Sputnik, the earth satellite put into orbit by the Soviet Union in 1957, was cap
able of
Correct Your Answer: B
A. launching a missile attack against the U.S.
B. transmitting a "beep...beep...beep" radio signal. (correct answe
C. carrying out high-level photographic surveillance.
D. carrying a dog into space.
E. serving as a communications satellite.
15. Points Assigned: 4.00 – Multiple Choice —
The National Defense Educational Act was passed in response to
Correct Your Answer: E
A. the discovery that the Soviets had nuclear weapons.
B. Truman's attempted nationalization of atomic energy.
C. Truman's call for educational reform.
D. a populace unsure of what to do in the event of nuclear war.
E. the launching of Sputnik by the Soviet Union. (correct answer)
16. Points Assigned: 4.00 – Multiple Choice —
Eisenhower's legislative record could be characterized as
Correct Your Answer: C
A. impressive, particularly in terms of social programs.
B. oriented toward much heavier government spending.
C. very modest. (correct answer)
D. in the tradition of Roosevelt and Truman.
E. radical.
17. Points Assigned: 4.00 – Multiple Choice —
With respect to the New Deal, Eisenhower
Correct Your Answer: B
A. actively sought to dismantle its key programs.
B. maintained its welfare programs but limited their expansion. (co
rrect answer)
C. pushed for the creation of new, more radical programs.
D. was a firm believer in the effectiveness of its programs.
E. maintained all central structures except welfare.
18. Points Assigned: 0.00 – Multiple Choice —
During the Truman administration
A. voting discrimination against African Americans came to an end.
B. public schools were desegregated.
C. an order for desegregation of the armed forces was issued. (corr
ect answer)
D. Congress established a permanent civil rights commission.
E. the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department was weakened
19. Points Assigned: 3.00 – Multiple Choice —
The NAACP lawyer who argued the Brown v. Board of Education decision before the
Supreme Court was
Correct Your Answer: C
A. Orville Faubus.
B. Martin Luther King.
C. Thurgood Marshall. (correct answer)
D. Malcolm X.
E. John Lewis.
20. Points Assigned: 4.00 – Multiple Choice —
The case of Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka overturned the
Correct Your Answer: A
A. Plessy v. Ferguson decision. (correct answer)
B. Sweatt v. Painter decision.
C. Sims v. Simpson decision.
D. Allwright v. United States decision.
E. Delacourt v. Alabama decision.
21. Points Assigned: 4.00 – Multiple Choice —
In its decision in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, the Supreme Court
Correct Your Answer: B
A. refused to rule on the question of segregation.
B. declared separate educational facilities to be inherently unequa
l. (correct answer)
C. continued to support the doctrine of separate but equal.
D. ruled that the NAACP's case had no merit.
E. ordered federal funding of new schools and universities to meet
growing needs.
22. Points Assigned: 4.00 – Multiple Choice —
As a result of Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka,
Correct Your Answer: D
A. segregation in the South ended almost immediately.
B. segregation was allowed to continue for ten years.
C. African American protests against discrimination began to declin
e in number.
D. the slow process of desegregating schools was begun. (correct an
E. martial law was immediately imposed in most southern states.
23. Points Assigned: 4.00 – Multiple Choice —
The Deep South responded to court-ordered desegregation
Correct Your Answer: D
A. by moving immediately to end discrimination in schools.
B. with grudging acceptance of the decisions.
C. by closing all of its schools.
D. with massive resistance. (correct answer)
E. with bloody race riots.
24. Points Assigned: 3.00 – Multiple Choice —
President Eisenhower had to send in federal troops in 1957 to enforce the desegr
egation of the public schools in

A. Chicago, Illinois.
B. Los Angeles, California.
C. Tallahassee, Florida.
D. Little Rock, Arkansas. (correct answer)
E. Topeka, Kansas.
25. Points Assigned: 4.00 – Multiple Choice —
Martin Luther King, Jr.'s philosophy of protest stressed
Correct Your Answer: E
A. massive protest in the streets.
B. acceptance of discrimination until the courts could act.
C. acceptance of discrimination until African Americans could form
a more solid economic base.
D. intensive, radical action.
E. nonviolent, passive resistance. (correct answer)

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