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Physica D 137 (2000) 392–401

Far-infrared spectra of acetanilide revisited

A. Spire a,b , M. Barthes a,∗ , H. Kellouai a , G. De Nunzio a
a Groupe de Dynamique des Phases Condensées, cc26, Université Montpellier-2, 34095 Montpellier cedex 5, France
b Laboratoire de Physique Mathématique, Université Montpellier-2, 34095 Montpellier cedex 5, France

Received 9 April 1999; received in revised form 19 July 1999; accepted 20 July 1999
Communicated by A.C. Scott

A new investigation of the temperature dependence of the far-infrared spectra of acetanilide and some isotopomers is
presented. Four absorption bands are considered at 31, 42, 64, and 80 cm−1 , and no significant change of their integrated
intensity is observed when reducing the temperature. The temperature induced frequency shift values and other properties of
these bands are consistent with an assignment as anharmonic lattice phonons. These results rule out the assignment of the 64,
80, and 106 cm−1 bands as normal modes of the polaronic excitation, as previously suggested. ©2000 Elsevier Science B.V.
All rights reserved.
Keywords: Polaron; Localized modes; Nonlinear excitations; Dynamics; Far-infrared spectra

1. Introduction roughly constant. (ii) It appears in both infrared and

Raman spectra at the same frequency, but only from
The possibility of finding experimental manifesta- crystalline and not from amorphous ACN.
tions of nonlinear coherent structures like breathers or Possible explanations for this unconventional in-
solitons, at a microscopic scale in solid state physics, frared and Raman band have been much debated The
is an exciting goal in order to check recent theories first proposed theoretical model was a self-trapped
and to get a better understanding of the properties of localized state created through coupling of Amide-1
matter. In this field, the problem of the anomalous quanta with optical phonons and sometimes labeled
peak at 1650 cm−1 in the Amide-1 spectrum of ac- as a “Davydov soliton” [3] or a “vibrational polaron”
etanilide (C6 H5 NHCOCH3 , or ACN) [1], and some [4–6]. This nonlinear excitation — if it exists — should
of its deuterated derivatives [2,28], has attracted many be able to translate along the lattice without energy
experimental and theoretical studies in recent years. dissipation, and may be involved in some biological
This “unconventional” infrared peak has the fol- processes involving energy transfer (cf. ATP depen-
lowing properties: (i) Its intensity is strongly temper- dent reactions, muscle contraction, DNA replication,
ature dependent, in contrast to absorption bands from gene activation ?), see e.g. [7] or [29].
quasi-harmonic vibrational modes whose intensity is Other hypotheses have been also suggested and dis-
cussed in order to explain this unconventional band,
∗Corresponding author. for example Fermi resonance [8], or alternatively the
E-mail address: mariette@gdpc.univ-montp2.fr (M. Barthes). presence of either static conformational substates,

0167-2789/00/$ – see front matter ©2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
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A. Spire et al. / Physica D 137 (2000) 392–401 393

or of a dynamical exchange of the amide proton or D3-ACN; C6 D5 NHCOCH3 , or D5-ACN;

in a double well potential along the N–H...O bond C6 D5 NHCOCD3 , or D8-ACN), in a temperature
[9]. range of 5–300 K.
Related spectral anomalies have been also discov- These new data are compared to other measure-
ered in other organic systems with intermolecular ments of the low frequency dynamics in ACN and
H-bond networks [10], including some amino-acids derivatives obtained by Raman [17–19,31], neutron
and poly-alanines [11]. scattering [16,20], and data from computer modeling
At the present time, among the available theories, [21]. Finally, the validity of attempts to connect the
the polaron model gives the best agreement between calculated eigen-frequencies of the polarons to the ex-
properties and predictions [1,2,12,13,28]. perimental spectral lines of ACN is analyzed and ques-
Moreover, a strong temperature dependence of the tioned.
intensity of three absorption bands in the far-infrared
spectrum at 120, 80, and 64 cm−1 [14] has been re-
ported. Changes of intensity of about 90% were re- 2. Experimental
ported in the range 10–300 K, analogous to that of
the unconventional Amide-I mode, and it was sug- Experiments were carried on a Bruker IFS 113V
gested that this temperature dependence was a confir- spectrometer, with a resolution of 0.5 cm−1 , and then
mation and a new experimental signature of solitons of 0.2 cm−1 . Two liquid He cooled Si bolometers
(“polarons”). were used in the range 20–50 cm−1 and 17–100 cm−1 ,
Recently, Kalosakas, Tsironis and Aubry (KTA) with a 20 mm mylar beamsplitter. A DTGS pyroelec-
[15,30] succeeded in calculating the normal modes tric detector was used to collect data in the range
of the self-trapped state, using theories connecting 50–200 cm−1 . At each temperature before collecting
the polaron problem to breathers, suggesting new the intensity (I ) transmitted by the sample, the spec-
and experimentally testable predictions for the po- trum of the incident light (I0 ) is also recorded, to
laron eigen-frequencies that could be found in the avoid changes of absorbance of the windows of the
far-infrared region. They also suggested the exis- cryostat when varying the temperature.
tence of a polaron glass at low temperature, with Energy, halfwidths and line shapes of the absorp-
long-lived and perhaps experimentally observable tion peaks were determined using a nonlinear least
localized modes. This distribution of defects should square analysis program. The thickness of the differ-
keep the system out of equilibrium for reasonably ent samples were around 0.1–1 mm and their trans-
long timescales and may be responsible for far-IR parency was sufficient to collect the transmitted inten-
absorption. sity. Single crystals were platelets oriented in the b,c
However, no other experimental proof of the exis- plane (the hydrogen-bonded chains are parallel to the
tence of polarons has been demonstrated: no broaden- b direction).
ing in the quasielastic neutron scattering spectra has
been observed [16], as it may be expected from some
dynamic disorder created by such localized defects. 3. Infrared spectra
So it became necessary to consider in more detail the
properties, and specifically the localized nature of the In Fig. 1 the absorbance of a single crystal of ACN
far-infrared spectra in ACN and in some related com- is shown at several temperatures. Three bands at 42,
pounds. 65 and 80.5 cm−1 (at ∼ 5 K) are observed. Another
In this paper, we present a new study of the absorption bands also exists at ∼ 31.3 cm−1 , but is not
far-infrared spectra of ACN (single crystal and micro- observed in the spectrum of the single crystal. This
crystalline powder) and three of its deuterated deriva- band may be drowned in the periodic oscillations of the
tives (microcrystalline powder of: C6 H5 NHCOCD3 , background resulting from the interferences between
394 A. Spire et al. / Physica D 137 (2000) 392–401

Fig. 1. FIR absorbance of a single crystal of ACN at different temperatures: (—) 5 K; (. . . . . . ) 70 K; (− · − · −) 108 K; (-----) 164 K.

Fig. 2. Absorption spectra at 31.3 and 42 cm−1 (at 5 K) in crystalline powder of ACN: (—) 50 K; (. . . . . . ) 100 K; (− · − · −) 200 K; (-----)
250 K.
A. Spire et al. / Physica D 137 (2000) 392–401 395

Fig. 3. (A) Absorption spectra in crystalline powder of D3-ACN: (—) 5 K; (. . . . . . ) 70 K; (− · − · −) 90 K; (-----) 136 K; (– – –) 228 K.
Insert: FlR bands in D5-ACN: (—) 100 K; (. . . . . . ) 50 K; (– – –) 5 K. (B) Absorption bands in D8-ACN: (—) 5 K; (. . . . . . ) 70 K; (− · − · −)
108 K; (-----) 164 K; (– – –) 290 K.

multiple reflections of the light by the surfaces of the low it to be active if this band is of B3u symmetry.
crystal. More likely, the experimental polarization ge- This last band appears more clearly in the spectrum of
ometry (the electric field of the incident light being a powder sample (Fig. 2). Following the same argu-
parallel to the b,c plane of the crystal) does not al- ment, the weak intensity of the band at ∼ 80 cm−1 in
396 A. Spire et al. / Physica D 137 (2000) 392–401

Fig. 4. Absorption spectra in crystalline powder of ACN (resolution 0.2 cm−1 ): (-----) experimental spectra; (—) result of the fit; (− · − · −)
and (-..-..-) Lorentzians; (. . . . . . ) tail of the band at 106 cm−1 taken as a Lorentzian: (A) T = 55 K; (B) T = 88 K; (C) T = 150 K; (D)
T = 180 K.

the spectra of the single crystal may also be explained ature (Fig. 3). The band at ∼ 31 cm−1 and the band
by its forbidden symmetry. at 42 cm−1 consist of only one component, which can
All these bands have been observed in the spec- be fitted by one Gaussian.
trum of the three deuterated derivatives, with compa- The precise measurement of the temperature depen-
rable energy and intensity when varying the temper- dence of the intensity of these peaks (which is the
A. Spire et al. / Physica D 137 (2000) 392–401 397

Fig. 4. (Continued).

main purpose of the present study) is not straight- ature increases above 60 K, so a proper subtraction of
forward. In some cases, an apparent change of about the background has to be carried out. Secondly, and
50% of the integrated intensity is observed over the this effect is especially strong for single crystals, the
full range of temperature. However, the bands at 65 periodic oscillations resulting from interferences have
and 80 cm−1 share some intensity with each other and also to be subtracted. Moreover, the background itself
with the wide band at ∼ 106 cm−1 when the temper- increases with increasing temperature, in connection
398 A. Spire et al. / Physica D 137 (2000) 392–401

Fig. 6. Temperature dependence of the width of the FIR bands.

Fig. 5. Integrated intensity of the bands at 80 cm−1 (dark squares),
80 cm−1 (dark circles), 64 cm−1 (open circles), 42 cm−1 (crosses)
64 cm−1 (open circles), and 42 cm−1 (triangles).
and 31 cm−1 (dark squares).

with some incoherent scattering of light, related to the frequency of the band) ranged from 5.3 × 10−4 to
thermal motion of some atoms. (Such an effect is also 6.8 × 10−4 cm−1 K−1 . They are consistent with ex-
observed in some biomolecules, like lysozyme [22], pected values for external modes, and in good agree-
and disappears at LHeT.) ment with previously measured values from Raman
To minimize these effects, new spectra with an im- scattering [18].
proved resolution (0.2 cm−1 ) have been collected, with The symmetry of these vibrations may be esti-
a very thin powder sample. The spectra are fitted with mated with the help of the calculations developed
Lorentzians, and for temperatures above 60 K the con- by Hayward et al. [21]. The assignment is given in
tribution of the tail of the peak at 106 cm−1 is taken Table 1 .
into account. The experimental spectra, the individual Several spectra collected between 100 and
components and the result of the fit are given at several 200 cm−1 are shown in Fig. 8. The temperature
temperatures in Fig. 4. The integrated intensity of the dependence has been studied for every sample. The
bands deduced from this careful analysis of the new width of each absorption band increases with increas-
set of data (Fig. 5) is, within the experimental accu- ing temperature. However no spectacular change of
racy, approximately constant. This is in contradiction
with the previous measurement (Fig. 2 in [14]).
All four bands experience a limited increase of
width (Fig. 6) when increasing the temperature.
This behavior is similar to that of the low-frequency
Raman bands [19], the width being roughly linearly
dependent on temperature.
The energy of the four bands increases quasi-linearly
with decreasing temperature (Fig. 7) and becomes
constant at around 30 K. The temperature in-
duced frequency shift values, 1ν/1T , vary from
−0.022 cm−1 K−1 for the 31 and 42 cm−1 band to
−0.038 and −0.048 for the 64 and the 80 cm−1 bands,
respectively. The fractional frequency shift values
(obtained by dividing 1ν/1T by the low temperature Fig. 7. Temperature dependence of the frequency of the FIR bands.
A. Spire et al. / Physica D 137 (2000) 392–401 399

Table 1
Frequency (5 K) experimental (cm−1 ) Frequency Assignment Symmetry character of
calculated [20] the crystal mode [20]
ACN ACN D3- D5- D8-
crystalline powder

– 31.3 31.2 31.3 31 25 Translation B3u

41.5 41.5 41.2 41.5 41 42 Translation B1u
63.5 (Weak) 63.4 63 Librational B3u
64.4 64.4 61.5 60.8 55 Librational B1u
65 65 63.4 62a 62.2 66 Librational B2u
80 80 78.5 80a 77.4 79 ␶ Phenyl B3u
81 81 79.5 79 79 Translation B2u
(Weak) (Weak) 83 83 Librational B1u
a From Ref. [28].

the integrated intensity could be detected. No strong The band at 102 cm−1 , observed on D3-ACN and
temperature dependent band at 118 or 128 cm−1 D8-ACN is certainly one component of the CD3 tor-
appeared, as reported in [14]. sional mode. In the same way, the band observed
at 150 cm−1 , only in ACN, D5-ACN, and ACN-ND
(or C6 H5 NDCOCH3 ), is related to the CH3 torsion.
The intense band at 107 cm−1 (at 15 K) in ACN ex-
hibits a large energy shift with temperature (92 cm−1
at 290 K), so it may be assigned to the H-bond strain.
Its height decreases strongly with increasing temper-
ature, with a simultaneous increase of its width, so it
is not possible to prove a significant variation of its
integrated intensity.

4. Discussion

Our new investigation of the FIR spectra of ACN

and derivatives has failed to confirm the assertion of
[14] of anomalous behavior of these low frequency
modes. The careful analysis of the FIR bands does
not reveal any significant change of the intensities
with decreasing temperature, within the experimental
The temperature dependence of the energy of the
modes below 100 cm−1 is consistent with the expecta-
tions for external modes, and the frequency shift val-
ues are comparable to those obtained in Raman scat-
tering. The linear increase of the widths of the bands
with increasing temperature reflects a “classical” an-
harmonicity [23], already observed for different Ra-
man bands in the same range of frequency, on ACN
Fig. 8. Spectra of five isotopomers in the range 100–200 cm−1 . and its derivatives [15–17,30,31].
400 A. Spire et al. / Physica D 137 (2000) 392–401

Moreover, the observed frequencies and the symme-

try of the four bands below 100 cm−1 are in reasonable
agreement with molecular dynamics simulations [21],
so their assignments as lattice phonons seem estab-
lished. On the other hand, most of their characteristics
are inconsistent with assignments as eigen-frequencies
of the polaron. First, the temperature dependence of
this part of the vibrational spectrum, already studied
by inelastic neutron scattering with different instru-
ments (1N6 at ILL [18], FDS at LANSCE [19], TFXA
at ISIS [23]) has not revealed any significant anomaly
of intensity, in agreement with our FIR data. Secondly,
in the present work, the bands at 64 and 80 cm−1 are
observed as well in pure ACN showing an “anoma-
lous Amide-1 mode”, as in D3-and D8-ACN which
have no anomaly in the Amide-l range. The Raman Fig. 9. Temperature dependence of the width of the mode at
107 cm−1 (+++) (presumably the H-bond strain), as compared
scattering studies [17–19,31] report no anomaly in the to the width of the IR band at 770 cm−1 (× × ×) (out-of-plane
low frequency spectra, either. All these effects favor N–H bond), of the IR band at 1503 cm−1 (circles) (overtone of
the attribution given in Table 1, and disprove the in- γ N–H), of the Raman band at 1497 cm−1 (diamonds), and of the
Raman anomalaus mode at 1650 cm−1 (triangles).
terpretation suggested in [14].
Interestingly, the width of the band related to the
deformation of the hydrogen-bond, at 107 cm−1 , does absorption bands have been observed that exhibit
not follow a power law with T [2,28], as expected some usual anharmonic behavior when decreasing
in different theories of anharmonicity [24], but obeys the temperature: energy increase and narrowing of
an exponential law. The width of the “anomalous” the half-width of the peak. However, the integrated
mode at 1650 cm−1 , and of the γ (NH) mode at intensity of these peaks remained constant, within the
770 cm−1 , have also an exponential dependence with experimental accuracy, in the full range of tempera-
T . Other infrared, (at 1497 cm−1 [2,28]) and Raman ture. So, we assigned these peaks to lattice phonons,
(at 1503 cm−1 [19]) bands in ACN have been found in agreement with data from molecular dynamics
to obey the same law (their widths are shown for com- simulations.
parison in Fig. 9). These last two bands also show an Though this new investigation does not confirm the
anomalous increase of intensity at low temperature, evidence for the normal modes of vibrational polarons,
and they were tentatively assigned to the overtone of and there is no direct proof whether vibrational po-
the out-of-plane bending of the amide proton. So it larons or other nonlinear coherent structures do exist
appears that the “mechanic” or “optic” nonlinearities in this material, some properties of the ACN spectra
of the hydrogen bond motions may be very different doubtlessly result from nonlinearities.
from that of the other vibrations of the solid. Is this Previous experiments have demonstrated the part
specific anharmonicity at the origin of the whole set played by the coupling of different oscillators:
of spectroscopic anomalies? 1. The large number of overtones of the “anomalous”
band at 1650 cm−1 [19,25], is a signature of a “lo-
calized” mode, that is an oscillator “dressed” by
5. Conclusion the lattice phonons [5,26]. The part of the lattice
phonons is confirmed by the fact that the mode at
We have reexamined the far-infrared spectra of 1650 cm−1 is found only in crystalline ACN, and
ACN and of three isotopomers. Below 100 cm−1 four not in amorphous ACN [1]. Moreover, this effect
A. Spire et al. / Physica D 137 (2000) 392–401 401

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