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Computers and Structures 84 (2006) 1012–1028


Structural analysis of prestressed Saint Venant–Kirchhoff

hyperelastic membranes subjected to moderate strains
Antonio J. Gil *

Civil and Computational Engineering Centre, School of Engineering, University of Wales Swansea, Swansea, SA2 8PP, UK

Received 7 January 2005; accepted 1 February 2006

Available online 17 April 2006


This paper presents a complete numerical formulation for the nonlinear structural analysis of prestressed membranes with immediate
applications in Civil Engineering. The membranes will be considered to undergo large deformations but moderate strains. Therefore,
Nonlinear Continuum Mechanics principles dealing with large deformations on prestressed bodies will be accounted for. The constitutive
model adopted for the material will be a prestressed Saint Venant–Kirchhoff hyperelastic one. To carry out the computational resolution
of the structural problem, the Finite Element Method (FEM) will be implemented according to a Total Lagrangian Formulation (TLF),
by means of the Direct Core Congruential Formulation (DCCF). Different numerical schemes—first and second-order unconstrained
optimization techniques—will be presented to solve the resulting geometrically nonlinear problem, which involves the minimization
of the total potential energy system functional. These ones will be improved by a parametric line search algorithm according to a poly-
nomial interpolation. Eventually, numerical examples will be introduced to verify the robustness of the aforementioned formulation.
 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Saint Venant–Kirchhoff hyperelastic material; Prestressed membranes; Total Lagrangian formulation; Finite Element Method; Optimization

1. Introduction prestress whatsoever. Then, two different and successive

loading steps may be distinguished according to their
The subject of this paper is the geometrically nonlinear effects on the stabilization of the prestressed membrane.
analysis of prestressed membrane structures with arbitrary The first load step of prestress loading is developed to pro-
geometry undergoing moderate strains. An increasing vide the necessary in-surface rigidity to the membrane. The
application of this structural models is reaching extremely second load step of in-service loading is comprised of a
different knowledge fields, which move from the well- wide group of loads: snow, wind or live loads among
known Architectural field to the recently discovered Bio- others.
mechanical field. In all these cases, it is feasible to find The theory of hyperelastic membranes, as for example,
membranes undergoing large deformations and subjected propounded by [1,2] or [3] treats the problem from an ana-
to a previous state of prestressing. In this paper, we will lytical viewpoint, arriving after complex algebraic manipu-
focus on those particular ones where strains can be mod- lations to final formulae of difficult application. Some
elled as moderate, despite having large deformations. simplicity, although not much, may be accomplished if
First, an initial arbitrary shape for the membrane is the Von Karman compatibility equations are used (see
defined by means of any shape finding technique. This ini- [4,5]). Regardless of the important implications of this
tial membrane structure does not undergo at this stage any approach into the theoretical understanding of these struc-
tures, a main disadvantage is that it flows into a nonlinear
Tel.: +44 0 1792 295902; fax: +44 0 1792 295903. partial differential equations of impossible analytical
E-mail address: a.j.gil@swansea.ac.uk solution.

0045-7949/$ - see front matter  2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A.J. Gil / Computers and Structures 84 (2006) 1012–1028 1013

Because of this lack of numerical results, variational

approaches ought to be taken into consideration as the best
ones to provide feasible solutions from a practical stand-
point. Regarding this approach, some authors have treated
the problem of finite hyperelasticity set on rubber-like
membrane materials by means of the Finite Element
Method (FEM). By following this path, interesting papers
are those due to [6–11], where initially unstressed mem-
branes are analyzed when undergoing large strains. For
these cases, the Updated Lagrangian Formulation (ULF)
is considered to be the most suitable for the derivation of
the tangent stiffness matrix. Fig. 1. Motion of a body.
The discussion to follow is divided into six parts. Section
2 reviews the classical nonlinear strong form equations for
according to X = (X1, X2, X3). As a result of the application
a general structural problem starting from an initial
of a displacement field, the current or spatial position of
unstressed configuration. Section 3 presents in detail the
the body’s particle at a time t may be obtained as a func-
same formulae but considering a prestressed configuration
tion of its material coordinates as1 xi = xi(XA, t). Therefore,
as the initial one. In these both sections, concepts such as
the body will move to a new configuration Bt with domain
Green–Lagrange strain tensor, Piola–Kirchhoff or Cauchy
Xt and frontier oXt (see Fig. 1).
stress tensors are introduced as basic tensorial tools to
For convenience here and in what follows the standard
carry out the forthcoming numerical approach. Analo-
summation for repeated indices is adopted, as well as the
gously, Helmholtz’s free energy functional is defined for
classical indices convention to express spatial derivatives:
later calculations. The consideration of the Saint Venant–
ðÞ;k ¼ oðÞ . The balance of linear momentum at a local level,
Kirchhoff hyperelastic material as the adopted model will oxk
in the absence of inertial effects, may be expressed in Eule-
be of great effect to end up with a linear constitutive rela-
rian description as follows:
tionship of easy implementation.
Section 4 entails a comprehensive explanation of the rji;j þ qbi ¼ 0 in Xt ; f i ¼ ti dC ¼ rji nj dC on oXt ð1Þ
Finite Element semidiscretization of the previously The conservation of linear momentum is set up in the cur-
obtained strong form. After the weak form is derived in a rent configuration Bt of domain Xt, and the traction vector
straightforward manner, the displa cement field is interpo- t may be deduced from the Cauchy stress tensor r and the
lated by means of shape functions based on a Lagrangian unit normal n on the frontier oXt. Analogously, Eq. (1)
mesh geometry. The resulting formulation will be the so may be obtained in Lagrangian description
called Total Lagrangian Formulation (TLF). Afterwards,
the exact linearization of the Total Lagrangian weak form P Ai;A þ q0 bi ¼ 0 in X0 ; fi0 ¼ t0i dC0 ¼ P Ai nA dC0 on oX0
of the momentum balance is carried out in detail. For the ð2Þ
sake of further computing implementation reasons, the
Direct Core Congruential Formulation (DCCF) is In this case, the conservation of linear momentum is for-
reviewed as the most appropriate one. mulated at a local level in the initial undeformed configura-
With the objective of giving a complete and robust for- tion B0 of domain X0, and the traction vector is implied
mulation to analyze the whole structural problem, another from the nominal stress tensor PAi and the unit normal n
variational approach in terms of the Total Potential Energy on the frontier oX0. The upper and lower case indices stand
functional (TPE) is introduced in Section 5. Thus, the next for the initial and current configurations, respectively. This
section introduces the different numerical algorithms that makes this stress tensor to be considered as a two-point
based upon incremental-iterative schemes were used in tensor (see [12]), as a difference of the Eulerian consider-
the present research. Eventually, based on a linear isopara- ation of the Cauchy stress tensor. It should be recalled that
metric three-node triangular finite element, numerical the nominal stress tensor is the transpose of the so called
examples are provided in Sections 7 and 8. These cases will first Piola–Kirchhoff stress tensor (see [13]).
show adequate performance as the required quadratically Another stress entity must be introduced for the sake of
convergence of the Newton–Raphson method is obtained. convenience: the second Piola–Kirchhoff stress tensor SAB,
The conclusions are presented in the last section. which can be framed as a Lagrangian stress tensor. The
mathematical relationships among the different enumer-
2. First load step and preliminary results ated stress tensors, that is, Cauchy, nominal and second
Piola–Kirchhoff stress tensors, are shown right below by
Let us consider a material body B in an initial unde-
formed configuration B0 with domain X0 frontier oX0,
defined within the 3D-Euclidean space. The material coor- 1
Capital (A,B,. . .) as opposed to (i, j,. . .) indices have been used in order
dinates of a body’s particle at a time t = 0 will be described to clearly distinguish the initial configuration B0 from any other.
1014 A.J. Gil / Computers and Structures 84 (2006) 1012–1028

means of the well-known deformation gradient tensor

FiA = xi,A and its determinant or jacobian J:
J rij ¼ xi;A P Aj ¼ xi;A xj;B S AB ð3Þ
xi;A ¼ ð4Þ
oX A
Once the balance of linear momentum equations have
been established in the two descriptions par excellence, this
is, Eulerian and Lagrangian—formulae (1) and (2), respec-
tively, another required equation is the one which gives the Fig. 2. Motion of a prestressed body.
concept for the Green–Lagrange strain tensor EAB and the
right Cauchy–Green strain tensor CAB
state will be considered as incremental (see Fig. 2). It is thus
1 feasible to obtain the spatial coordinates for the time t* of a
EAB ¼ ðC AB  dAB Þ; C AB ¼ xi;A xi;B ð5Þ
2 particle as a function of its material coordinates in the ini-
In the mathematical description of the material behav- tial unstressed configuration B0 according to yi = yi(XA, t*).
iour, the response of the material is characterized by a con- As a consequence, the complete deformation path is
stitutive equation which gives the stress as a function of the built up from the composition of two successive steps:
deformation history of the body. For the structures pre- the first one, from the initial configuration to the primary
sented in this paper, hyperelastic—also known Green elas- state and a second one, which can be traced from the pri-
tic—materials are considered for the following derivation. mary state to a secondary state. By recalling the chain rule,
Furthermore, due to the fact that the rotating component relations among deformation gradient tensors can be dis-
R of the deformation gradient tensor F—according to the played as follows:
polar decomposition theorem F = R Æ U, see [12]—is small oy i oy oxj
¼ i ð9Þ
enough, the Saint Venant–Kirchhoff constitutive model oX A oxj oX A
can be concluded as the most appropriate for our purpose.
Eventually, the formal mathematical formulae for this Formula (9) can be rewritten in index notation as
model may be summarized by using the Helmholtz’s free follows:
energy functional (see [33]) or internal strain energy func- y i;A ¼ y i;j xj;A ð10Þ
tional wint as follows:
Analogously, the relation between jacobians is given as
owint owint J ¼ J 0J

S AB ¼ ¼2 ð6Þ
where J represents the jacobian at the primary state, J*
stands for the jacobian at the end of the secondary state
and J 0 symbolizes the jacobian as a consequence of the
The equations gathered at (6) and (7) relate the second
incremental deformation. The scope of the next sections
Piola–Kirchhoff stress tensor with the Green–Lagrange
will be to set up the equations presented in the former sec-
strain tensor by means of a fourth-order tensor, known
tion for the secondary state by adopting the primary one as
as the material elasticity tensor, which contains all the elas-
the reference configuration—subjected to a previous stress
tic moduli of the material. Therefore, the classical explicit
expression for the strain energy functional per unit of vol-
ume would be
3.1. Green–Lagrange strain tensor
wint ¼ CABCD EAB ECD ð8Þ A material particle’s position in the primary and second-
ary states may be expressed in terms of the incremental dis-
placement field as follows:
3. Second load step: strong formulation
y i ¼ xi þ ui ) y i;A ¼ xi;A þ ui;A ¼ xi;A þ ui;j xj;A ð12Þ
Let us consider now three possible configurations of the The Green–Lagrange strain tensor for the secondary
material body: in one hand, an initial undeformed state B0 state is
and, in the other hand, a primary state Bt and a secondary
state Bt , for the time instants t and t*, respectively. Among 1
EAB ¼ ðy i;A y i;B  dAB Þ ð13Þ
these two stages, a displacement field u = (u1, u2, u3) may be 2
defined in R3. From now on, quantities which proceed From (12) and (13), the Green–Lagrange strain tensor
from the movement from the primary to the secondary can be rewritten as
A.J. Gil / Computers and Structures 84 (2006) 1012–1028 1015

1 1 rji;j þ q bi ¼ 0 in Xt ; fi ¼ ti dC ¼ rji nj dC on oXt ð22Þ
EAB ¼ ðxi;A xi;B  dAB Þ þ ð2xi;A xj;B eij þ ui;A ui;B Þ ð14Þ
2 2
P Ai;A þ q0 bi ¼ 0 in X0 ; fi ¼ t0 
i dC0 ¼ P Ai nA dC0 on oX0 ð23Þ
1 P 0ji;j þ qbi ¼ 0 in Xt ; fi ¼ ~ti dC ¼ P 0ji nj dC on oXt ð24Þ
eij ¼ ðui;j þ uj;i Þ ð15Þ
2 where
The difference between the Green–Lagrange strain ten- orji
sor for the primary and secondary states can be obtained as rji;j ¼ ð25Þ
oy j
EAB  EAB ¼ xi;A xj;B eij þ ui;A ui;B ¼ xi;A xj;B E0ij ð16Þ oP Ai
2 P Ai;A ¼ ð26Þ
oX A
oP 0ji
1 P 0ji;j ¼ ð27Þ
E0ij ¼ eij þ uk;i uk;j ð17Þ oxj
where the incremental Green–Lagrange strain tensor E0ij The formula (24) along with the boundary and continuity
has been introduced for the sake of convenience and it rep- conditions, synthesizes the strong formulation of the struc-
resents a relative measure of the strain at the secondary tural problem according to a Lagrangian description with
state by taking the primary one as an adequate reference. respect to a reference stressed configuration. This equation
It should be remarked that this later one is not an un- will be used throughout the remainder of this paper.
stressed state.
3.4. Constitutive law
3.2. Nominal and second Piola–Kirchhoff stress tensors
By accounting for the Saint Venant–Kirchhoff constitu-
As it was introduced formerly, the Eulerian Cauchy tive model adopted for the material behaviour, the expres-
stress tensor may be transformed to a Lagrangian and a sion (6) can be reformulated by means of a Taylor series
two-point stress tensor by considering an initial and a cur- expansion truncated after the first-order as follows:
rent stressed configurations. This two new tensorial entities owint owint o2 wint
were referred to as the second Piola–Kirchhoff and nomi- S AB ¼ ¼ þ ðE  ECD Þ ð28Þ
nal stress tensors respectively. By considering as initial con-
figurations the initial undeformed configuration and the The accuracy of this Taylor series depends directly on
primary state configuration, the following formulae can the smallness of the step ECD  ECD . For tension membrane
be obtained respectively: structures in Civil Engineering applications, as it was afore-
mentioned, this is a valid assumption. Thus, from (16) and
J  rij ¼ y i;A P Aj ¼ y i;A y j;B S AB ð18Þ (28), the following expression can be written down:
J 0 rij ¼ y i;k P 0kj ¼ y i;k y j;l S 0kl ð19Þ S AB ¼ S AB þ CABCD xi;C xj;D E0ij ð29Þ
By considering relation (11), Eqs. (18) and (19) can be By recalling (21) and (29)
modified to obtain
S 0ij ¼ J 1 xi;A xj;B S AB þ J 1 xi;A xj;B CABCD xk;C xl;D E0kl ð30Þ
P 0ij ¼ J xi;A xk;B y j;k S AB
The fourth-order tensor of elastic moduli can be referred
S 0ij ¼ J 1 xi;A xj;B S AB ð21Þ to the prestressed configuration as follows:

The expressions gathered at (20) and (21) summarize the Cijkl ¼ J 1 xi;A xj;B CABCD xk;C xl;D ð31Þ
existing relationship between the nominal stress tensor P 0ij Eventually, Eq. (30) may be reformulated to give the
and the second Piola–Kirchhoff stress tensor S 0ij expressed final expression
in the prestressed configuration Bt, with respect to the sec-
ond Piola–Kirchhoff stress tensor S AB represented at the S 0ij ¼ rij þ Cijkl E0kl ð32Þ
initial undeformed state B0.
This final formula is set up to show the constitutive law for
3.3. Linear momentum balance law a prestressed Saint Venant–Kirchhoff hyperelastic material.
The second Piola–Kirchhoff stress tensor is expressed in
The conservation of linear momentum of the material terms of an easy linear relationship which depends on three
body in the secondary state may be depicted with respect tensorial entities: Cauchy stress tensor in the primary state,
to three possible descriptions: B0, Bt and Bt , according fourth-order tensor of elastic moduli and the incremental
to a Lagrangian formulation for the first two ones or an Green–Lagrange strain tensor of the secondary state re-
Eulerian formulation for the later one. Thus ferred to the primary one.
1016 A.J. Gil / Computers and Structures 84 (2006) 1012–1028

3.5. Internal strain energy balance x ¼ Xpret þ u xi ¼ X pret

i þ ui ð41Þ
According to this new nomenclature, the strong formula-
Another important feature which needs to be obtained is
tion of the problem in a Lagrangian description with respect
the incremental strain energy accumulated into the struc-
to the prestressed configuration is summarized in Fig. 3.
ture along the deformation path from the primary to the
Tensor P 0ji has been replaced with Pji, tensor S 0ij with Sij
secondary states. By performing again a Taylor series
and tensor E0ij with Eij. Thus, the weak form may be devel-
expansion truncated after the second-order, the internal
oped in a Total Lagrangian format (TLF) by means of the
strain energy functional per unit of undeformed volume
so called Principle of Virtual Work. Neglecting inertia
may be developed as
forces, this gives:
wint ¼ wint þ X þ ! ð33Þ
dW int ðdui ; ui Þ ¼ dW ext ðdui ; ui Þ ð42Þ
Both terms of the above equation can be expanded as
owint  Z Z
X¼ ðE  EAB Þ ð34Þ
oEAB AB dW int ¼ dF ij P ji dV ¼ dEij S ij dV ð43Þ
pret pret
1 o2 wint
!¼ ðE  EAB ÞðECD  ECD Þ ð35Þ dW ext ¼ dui bi dV þ duiti dC ð44Þ
2 oEAB oECD AB Xpret Cpret

The terms X and ! can be expanded as where the work conjugacy property of the tensors S and P
with E and FT, respectively, has been employed for the
X¼ S AB xi;A xj;B E0ij ¼ J rij E0ij ð36Þ
equalities at (43); b is the body force vector and t are the
1 1 surface tractions.
! ¼ CABCD xi;A xj;B E0ij xk;C xl;D E0kl ¼ J Cijkl E0ij E0kl ð37Þ
2 2
4.2. Semidiscretization of the weak form
By substituting (36) and (37) back into (33), the incre-
mental internal energy per unit volume is obtained as
  The weak form equations obtained formerly may be
1 combined with a finite element discretization of the dis-
wint  wint ¼ J rij Eij þ Cijkl Eij Ekl ¼ Jw0int
 0 0 0
2 placement field in terms of the nodal values and shape
functions NI as
where w0int represents the incremental energy per unit vol-
ume measured in the prestressed configuration. By inte- ui ¼ uIi N I ; i ¼ 1; 2; 3; I ¼ 1 . . . N nodes ð45Þ
grating over the initial undeformed volume X0 and by
applying the mass conservation principle from this volume
X0 to the prestressed one Xt, the total incremental energy is
given as
DW int ¼ ðwint  wint Þ dX0 ¼ Jw0int dX0
X0 X0
¼ w0int dV ð39Þ

Therefore, the internal strain energy functional per unit

of volume of the primary state takes the final form
w0int ¼ rij E0ij þ Cijkl E0ij E0kl ð40Þ

4. Finite element semidiscretization

4.1. From the strong to the weak formulation

The aforementioned primary and secondary states can

be understood as an initial prestressed state Bpret and a
final in service loading state B due to the consideration of
live and dead load. Henceforth, the coordinates of any par-
ticle will be renamed as Xpret for the initial prestressed state
and x for the final in service loading state. These ones are
related by means of the incremental displacement field u
as follows: Fig. 3. Strong formulation for a Lagrangian description.
A.J. Gil / Computers and Structures 84 (2006) 1012–1028 1017

This enables the nodal equivalent internal and external tion of the global vector of external forces is given through
vector forces, fint and fext, respectively, to be obtained in the following derivation:
a straightforward manner for a given node I in tensor nota- Z Z
tion as f Iext ¼ tN I dC ¼ p nN I dC ð54Þ
I oN I oN I where p is the pressure scalar acting on the considered
finti ¼ P ji pret dV ¼ F ik S kj pret dV ð46Þ
Xpret oX j Xpret oX j material body. By applying the Nanson rule for the unit
Z Z normal n—see for instance [12] or [14] for details, it can
fext ¼ b i N I
dV þ ti N I dC ð47Þ be deduced:
Xpret Cpret Z
Or in a more compact matrix notation as f Iext ¼ p J FT npret N I dC ð55Þ
f int ¼ T I
P rN dV ¼ FSrN I dV ð48Þ Particularizing for an isoparametric three-node linear
Xpret Xpret finite element, both in matrix and in tensor notation
f Iext ¼ bN I dV þ tN I dC ð49Þ pCpret ox ox
Xpret Cpret
f Iext ¼  pret
3 onpret
1 on 2
Assembling these forces for all the nodes of the Lagrangian I pCpret oxl oxm
fext ¼ ilm pret pret
mesh gives the global equilibrium equations i
3 on1 on2
f int ¼ f ext ) f res ¼ f int  f ext ¼ 0 ð50Þ
where npret
1 and npret2 are the local plane coordinates, ilm is
where fint is the global vector of internal forces, fext is the the so called alternating third-order tensor and · stands
global vector of external forces and fres is the global vector for the classical cross product between 3-D vectors.
of residual forces. This last vector represents clearly the out Analogously as above, this vector can be linearized
of balance forces as a result of the strong nonlinearity con- along the direction of the displacement vector u, hence this
tained into the structural problem. results in
pIJ pCpret ilm oN J oN J
K ij ¼ F m2 dlj pret þ F l1 dmj pret ð57Þ
4.3. Linearization of the global equilibrium equations 3 on1 on2

The set of equations depicted at (50) presents a geomet-

rically nonlinear feature, so an iterative solution scheme 5. Direct Core Congruential Formulation
will be required. Among all the available methods, the sec-
ond-order Newton–Raphson one accomplishes the best From the computational viewpoint, a very elegant pro-
convergence properties. The total tangent stiffness matrix cedure termed Direct Core Congruential Formulation
required by the later one is formed by linearizing the global (DCCF) may be applied to perform the implementation
equilibrium equations (50) in the direction of the incremen- stage of the formulation developed above. This methodol-
tal displacement u. ogy, hardly used in the existing literature, presents as pio-
By carrying out the linearization of the global vector of neer studies the ones due to [15,16]. The main ideas
internal forces, it turns out to be behind this formulation can be discovered in the notable
paper due to [17]. A more recent paper about the topic is
df Iint ¼ df mat
int þ df int ¼ ðK
þ Kgeo ÞduJ ð51Þ [18].
matIJ geoIJ The scope of the DCCF is to establish the set of global
where K and K stand for the elemental material or
equilibrium equations whose unknowns are the compo-
constitutive stiffness matrix and the elemental geometrical
nents of the displacement gradient tensor G which is given
or initial stress stiffness matrix, respectively. Each one of
these matrices can be expanded and represented in tensor
notation as follows: oui
Z Gij ¼ ð58Þ
IJ oN I oN J oX pret
K mat
ij ¼ F ik C F
nklm jl dV ð52Þ
Xpret oX n oX m The aim is to establish a set of core equations as indepen-
Z dent as possible with respect to subsequent finite element
IJ oN I oN J
K geo
ij ¼ d ij S mk dV ð53Þ discretization criteria. According to [17,18], the term core
Xpret oX m oX k
emphasizes this issue. These core equations are basically
By assuming that the body forces b and external surface the set of equations to be satisfied (equilibrium, compatibil-
tractions t not associated to pressure forces remain con- ity and constitutive law), expressed in a continuum manner
stant and by taking into account that the pressure compo- (at a particle level). Complete independence is obtained if
nent is dependent upon the geometry due to changing the relationship between the displacement gradient tensor
orientation and surface area of the structure, the lineariza- and the nodal displacements of a finite element model is
1018 A.J. Gil / Computers and Structures 84 (2006) 1012–1028

linear. In this paper, this linear relationship will always be sT ¼ ð S 11 S 22 S 12 Þ ð63Þ

the case as the finite elements used for all the numerical
By substituting Eqs. (62) and (63) back into (43) the vector
examples will be isoparametric and linear. At the same
of global internal forces may be rewritten in an easier way
time, this approach helps to distinguish the different
sources of nonlinearity that arise in the analysis of pre- Z
stressed structures.
f int ¼ BT /int dV /int ¼ si hi þ si Hi g ð64Þ
Afterwards, every single component of the displacement V pret
gradient tensor may be easily expressed in terms of the
where summation is implied for repeated indices according
nodal displacements of the Lagrangian mesh (according
to Einstein’s notation. By proceeding in the same manner,
to a prescribed finite element model). Naturally, it is at this
the contributions to the total tangent stiffness matrix Kmat
stage that properties concerning geometry and discretiza-
and Kgeo may be obtained as
tion are brought to light. The consideration of only trans- Z Z
lational degrees of freedom for the nodes of the Lagrangian mat
K ¼ T mat
B M B dV K ¼ geo
BT Mgeo B dV ð65Þ
mesh makes the DCCF particularly simple and easy to V pret V pret
implement. This methodology, as stated in [17,18], is not
Mmat ¼ ðhi þ Hi gÞC ij ðhTj þ gT Hj Þ Mgeo ¼ si Hi ð66Þ
restricted to isoparametric linear finite elements, however
it makes it simpler. In this paper, as the main objective is where the fourth-order tensor of elastic moduli has been
to show the performance of the technique rather than its transformed into a 3 · 3 matrix by applying the Voigt rule
computational implementation, isoparametric linear finite vectorization procedure to Eq. (82) to come out with:
elements will be preferred. Fig. 4 shows a summary of this
s ¼ rpret þ Ce ð67Þ
By employing a classical vectorization of the displace- As it can be observed, the second of the equations in (64)
ment gradient tensor (see for instance [12,14]) into a col- and equations in (66) represent the so called core equa-
umn vector g and by expressing this one in terms of the tions. On the other hand, the first of the equations in
nodal displacements, it turns out to be (64) and equations in (65) represent the transformation
from the core space to the physical space (see Fig. 4).
g ¼ Bu ð59Þ
Eqs. (64)–(67) constitute the fundamentals of a Finite Ele-
where B is the matrix of the gradient of the shape functions ment code program. This core formulation provides a very
and u is the column vector that gathers the nodal displace- flexible framework to model any nonlinear structural prob-
ments for the N nodes of a single finite element lem under a Total Lagrangian Formulation. As a conse-
  quence, the numerical examples presented later on in this
uT ¼ u11 u12 u13 . . . uN1 uN2 uN3 ð60Þ
paper, have been performed under this numerical basis.
Analogously, the 2 · 2 submatrix of in plane components
of the Green–Lagrange strain tensor E may be vectorized 6. Energy principles
into a column vector e by following the kinematic Voigt
rule (see [12]) as The mathematical formulation of the structural problem
e ¼ ð E11 E22 2E12 Þ ð61Þ has been collected in the formula (50), which summarizes
the global equilibrium of the membrane by means of a sys-
Every component of the new vector e may be expressed in tem of nonlinear equations imposed on the nodes of the
terms of the vector g as Lagrangian mesh. The solution of this system of equations
1 by means of a Newton–Raphson scheme may flow into a
ei ¼ hTi g þ gT Hi g ð62Þ badly convergence algorithm. The Newton–Raphson algo-
rithm satisfies local convergence. However, it lacks global
where hi and Hi are a vector of order ng and a symmetric convergence. This means that for a sufficiently close initial
matrix of order ng · ng, where ng represents the dimension approximation to the final solution, the algorithm con-
of the vector g. Both of them are constituted of numerical verges. Otherwise, namely for highly nonlinear problems,
values comprising (1, 0). Eventually, the in-plane compo- the algorithm might not converge appropriately. Reference
nents of the second Piola–Kirchhoff stress tensor may be [29] explains in detail this issue. For the sake of this reason
transformed into a vector by means of the kinetic Voigt and given the implicit characteristics of the structural mem-
rule as brane to be analyzed, an alternative approach based upon
Energy principles may be taken into consideration—see
[19] for a further explanation of this technique.
Let us consider once again the material body B in an ini-
tial prestressed configuration Bpret-primary state, which
after the application of a displacement field, it maps into
a configuration B-secondary state. Therefore, it is feasible
Fig. 4. DCCF scheme. to obtain the incremental relationship among the initial
A.J. Gil / Computers and Structures 84 (2006) 1012–1028 1019

and final coordinates (see Eq. (41)). The consideration of which results to be the total potential energy P. As a con-
the loading process undertaken over the material body B, sequence, any appropriate technique may be used to carry
from the configuration Bpret to the one B, enables the def- out this mathematical optimization.
inition of three classical mathematical functionals known This alternative approach of understanding the struc-
as tural problem by means of minimization techniques can
be found in some References, for instance, [20–25]. Fig. 5
• External potential energy functional summarizes the different steps to reach the equilibrium
Z Z B Z Z B solution: the total potential energy functional (zero-order
ext pret ti dui dC
P ¼ q bi dui dX  methods), its gradient or unbalanced force vector (first-
Xpret Bpret Cpret Bpret order methods), or even its hessian or total tangent stiffness
ð68Þ matrix (second-order methods). A comprehensive explana-
tion of these procedures is developed in [26,27].
• Internal potential energy functional
7. Numerical techniques
U¼ S ij dEij dX ð69Þ
Xpret Bpret
So far we have considered the derivation and calculation
• Total potential energy functional of the equilibrium equations of a particular finite element
P ¼ U þ Pext ð70Þ system. In this section, a brief description of the numerical
methods employed to solve the resulting geometrically non-
linear problem is presented. Any of the developed numerical
The former functionals gather the external, internal and
algorithms may be understood as an incremental-iterative
total potential energy accumulated in the structural mem-
technique, whereby the spatial description of the membrane
brane along the loading path. The process is considered
at the increment n and at the iteration k + 1 is obtained
to be adiabatic and kinematically slow, so the generation
starting from the known configuration at the same step n
of thermal and kinematic energies can be neglected.
and at the former iteration k. An admissible direction rep-
The system of global equilibrium nonlinear equations
resented by dkn along with a step coefficient akn included with
represented in the Eq. (50) was obtained through the semi-
the purpose of increasing the convergence of the eventual
discretization procedure starting from the weak form of the
algorithm, are related as follows:
structural problem or, equivalently, by means of the well-
known Principle of Virtual Work (PVW). From a mathe- xkþ1 ¼ xkn þ akn dkn ð72Þ
matical perspective, this means that both internal and
external nodal forces are derived from potential function- Different incremental-iterative schemes are presented right
als, known as U and Pext, respectively. This mathemati- below for three different families of numerical methods:
cal property makes the mechanical system to be named steepest descent method, conjugate gradient method and
as conservative. This principle is nothing more than the Newton–Raphson method. The first two of the former ones
variational formulation of the total potential energy, also are first-order methods, whilst the last one can be classified
known as the Minimum Potential Energy Principle. as a second-order one. This classification is established
according to the ideas shown in the previous section.
dP ¼ dU þ dPext ¼ dW int  dW ext ¼ 0 () dW int ¼ dW ext
ð71Þ • Steepest descent method
Eq. (71) represents the minimization of the total potential of ðxkn Þ
energy functional with respect to the displacement field. d kni ðxkn Þ ¼  ð73Þ
This formula may be understood as a classical uncon-
strained optimization problem for an objective function • Newton–Raphson method
k k o2 f ðxkn Þ of ðxkn Þ
d ni ðxn Þ ¼  ð74Þ
oxkni oxknj oxknj

• Conjugate gradient method

of ðx0n Þ
d 0ni ðx0n Þ ¼  ð75Þ
of ðxkn Þ
d kni ðxkn Þ ¼  þ bk1 k1
n d ni ð76Þ
gkn  gkn ðgkn  gk1
n Þ  gn
nFR ¼ T bk1
nPR ¼ T ð77Þ
Fig. 5. Variational formulation of the structural problem.
n  gk1
n gk1
n  gk1
1020 A.J. Gil / Computers and Structures 84 (2006) 1012–1028

The coefficient bk1n that appears into the conjugate gra- the sake of convenience. In [5,14,28], different appropriate
dient method derivation, may be formulated according to techniques are presented.
the Fletcher–Reeves approach—bk1 nFR —or the Polak–Ribi- Although the quadratically mathematical convergence
ere one—bk1
nPR (see [29]). of the Newton–Raphson method is much higher than the
The parameter ak is obtained by a line search technique one gathered in the remainder of the above presented pro-
that allows to raise enormously the convergence of the final cedures, however the former one does not satisfy the global
algorithm. Its implementation according to a backtracing convergence theorem for nonlinear numerical descent
strategy within the interval (0, 1) must be introduced for schemes (see [29] for further details). This important reason

10 11 12 13 14

100 100 2 4 5 7

1 3 6 8

15 1 2 3 23
50 50
10 12 13 15
OY axis (in)

9 11 14 16

OY axis (in)
0 4 5 6 24 0

17 19 22 24

18 20 21 23
–50 –50
17 7 8 9 25

25 28 30 32

–100 –100 26 27 29 31

18 19 20 21 22
–100 –50 0 50 100 –100 –50 0 50 100
OX axis (in) OX axis (in)

Fig. 6. Numerical example 1: Discretization.

x 10 2
2 10


Infinite Norm on Residual Forces

Total Potential Energy




–3 –10

–4 10
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
Iterations Iterations

Fig. 7. Numerical example 1: Convergence curves.

A.J. Gil / Computers and Structures 84 (2006) 1012–1028 1021

has to be taken into consideration specially when treating Table 1

with highly nonlinear structural problems. The implemen- Numerical example 1: Displacements (in.)
tation of these algorithms altogether allows flexibility at Node Levy and Spillers Present work
the time of choosing the right method to approach the u v w u v w
equilibrium solution. 1 0.015 0.015 1.431 0.014 0.014 1.423
2 0.000 0.017 2.605 0.000 0.017 2.600
8. Numerical example 1 5 0.000 0.000 6.642 0.000 0.000 6.626

This example is considered in [30]. It is a squared plane

membrane initially prestressed. The edges of the mentioned The in-service load is composed of a point transverse
membrane are completely fixed. The side length is 240 in. load applied right in the middle of the membrane’s domain.
and the thickness is measured as 0.004167 in. Mechanical The load which takes a value of 10 Kip is considered down-
properties for the material have the following values: wards. According to Fig. 6, the Lagrangian mesh is com-
30,000 Ksi for the Young modulus and 0.3 for the Poisson prised of 32 isoparametric three-node linear elements and
ratio. The prestressing effect is considered to be 80 Ksi iso- 25 nodes.
tropically distributed. These magnitudes can be converted To accomplish the final solution, the employed method
to standard SI units by accounting for: 1 in. = 2.54 cm, was the Newton–Raphson one according to one load incre-
1 Ksi = 6897 KPa and 1 Kip = 4448.4 N. ment. Two convergence curves are gathered in Fig. 7. The

Fig. 8. Numerical example 4: Displacements OX and OZ. Fig. 9. Numerical example 4: Cauchy stresses rI and rII.
1022 A.J. Gil / Computers and Structures 84 (2006) 1012–1028

Table 2
Numerical example 1: Cauchy stresses (psi)
Element Levy and Spillers Present work
rxx ryy rxy rxx ryy rxy
1 97377.6 85212.4 2801.5 97300.1 85163.9 2796.7
3 83510.2 96859.1 8657.1 83501.5 96830.3 8630.7
11 144691.0 97830.7 15615.6 144470.8 97849.2 15582.4

first one shows the evolution of the total potential energy reinforced by means of cables in the interior and in the
along the iterations path, whilst the second one represents perimeter of the prestressed membrane. The necessary
the infinite norm on residual forces vector with respect to anchorage has been achieved by means of pinned masts.
the number of iterations as well. The later one shows per- An isometric view of the structure is displayed in Fig. 10
fectly the required quadratic convergence of the Newton– and a plan view is shown in Fig. 11. As it can be observed,
Raphson algorithm. the membrane presents symmetry with respect to the OY
Fig. 8 shows the displacements field along the cartesian axis, so hereafter only half of the model is to be studied
axis OX and OZ, respectively. Both representations reveal with suitable boundary conditions.
in a clear manner the axisymmetry of the considered mem- Three sorts of finite elements will be considered for the
brane. Table 1 details the displacement values for three dif- following numerical simulation. The fabric textile will be
ferent nodes of the mesh. The accuracy of the numerical modelled by an isoparametric three-noded finite element
example can be observed by checking the results with the according to the formulation described in previous sec-
ones obtained in [30]. tions. The cables will be represented by an isoparametric
Analogously, principal Cauchy stresses rI and rII can be two-noded finite element according to the same formula-
viewed in Fig. 9. Table 2 presents the numerical values for tion described in previous sections. Further details of this
three different elements of the membrane as well as its com- implementation can be found in References [37,39].
parison with the ones of [30]. Perfect agreement can be Finally, the pinned masts will be represented by a classical
deduced. isoparametric finite element. To prevent compression stres-
ses being generated in any of the membrane or cable ele-
9. Numerical example 2 ments, the wrinkling algorithm proposed in [38] was
This example represents a more realistic prestressed To define an initial arbitrary shape, the Force Density
membrane. It is shade pavilion composed of a fabric textile Method was used (see [32]). For simplicity, this technique

Fig. 10. E2: Initial configuration, isometric view.

A.J. Gil / Computers and Structures 84 (2006) 1012–1028 1023

Fig. 11. E2: Initial configuration, plan view.

was preferred over some other available techniques, Initial shape

namely, dynamic relaxation (see [34]) or updated reference
4 246
strategy (see [35]). For both internal and perimeter cables, 234
the considered force density factor was ten times higher 244232 221
than the one for the interior domain. The kinematic bound- 3 243 231 220
242 230 219
ary conditions for nodes along the membrane’s perimeter 241 229
240 228
217 206207
239 227 216 205
are displayed in Table 3. Fig. 12 shows a plan view of 2 235
223 224
238 226
237 225 215
213 214 202 203
209 210 211 212 201 191 192
the initial configuration, where the node numbering of 196 197 198 199 200
187 188 189 190 180181182
183 184 185 186 178 179
the selected Lagrangian mesh can be observed. Fig. 13 174 175 176 177
170 171 172 173 167168169
164 165 166
shows the isometric view of the structure after form finding 1 157 158 159 160 161 162 163
152 153 154 155 156
145 146 147 148 149 150 151
OY axis (m)

analysis has taken place, where cable and membrane ele- 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143
ments can be easily distinguished. 0 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130
105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117
As a result of this shape finding analysis, an initial shape 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
101 102 103 104
is achieved under a controllable prestress loading. More- –1 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86
87 88 89
66 67 68 69 90 91
over, this control is set in terms of the relative values for 53 54 55 56
70 71 72
57 58
73 74
75 76
40 59 60 77 78
the force density coefficient among the different compo- 27
42 43
29 30 44 45 61 62
–2 14
15 16 17 31 32 46 47 63 64
nents of the membrane. In other words, this shape is not 2 3 4 18
5 19 33
6 20 35 50
dependent on the absolute values of the prestress but on 7 21
8 22
–3 9 23
its relative ones, so this permits the reduction of the abso- 38
10 24 39
lute prestress as much as desired. Therefore, an initial 11 25
shape with a negligible prestress loading is obtained. –4 12

0 1 2 3 4 5 6
OX axis (m)
Table 3
Fig. 12. E2: Initial configuration, plan view.
E2: boundary conditions (m)
Node x y z
13 6.0 4.5 12.0 9.1. First load step: Prestressing
130 6.0 0.0 0.0
247 6.0 4.5 12.0 Once the initial equilibrium shape is obtained, an appro-
OY axis 0.0 – – priate and realistic prestressing loading is applied to the
1024 A.J. Gil / Computers and Structures 84 (2006) 1012–1028

Initial shape 250


12 8

10 6
8 4
OZ axis (m)

6 2

OY axis (m)
4 0 130

2 –2

0 –4
2 –6
OY 0
ax 6
is 4
(m –2 –8
) m)
x is (
0 O Xa
Fig. 13. E2: Initial configuration, isometric view. 253
0 2 4 6 8 10
OX axis (m)

Fig. 14. E1: Reinforced cables and masts configuration.

structure. Firstly, masts are added to the structural model.
This fact allows the tensioned membrane, the reinforcing
cables and the masts to behave in an interactive manner Table 4
E2: spatial coordinates (m)
rather than analyzing the compressive members separate
from the membrane-cable assemblage. This methodology Node x y z
is strongly encouraged in [36]. 248 5.000 3.500 0.0000
Fig. 14 represents all the masts and reinforced cables 249 5.000 3.500 0.0000
250 7.042 10.41 0.0000
added to the analysis at this stage. Spatial coordinates 251 11.91 5.542 0.0000
for the masts’ extreme nodes are displayed in Table 4, see 252 11.91 5.542 0.0000
also Fig. 14. 253 7.042 10.41 0.0000
The reinforcing cables are taken with EA = 1.2e4 kN, 130 5.0 0.0 5.0
where E stands for the Young’s modulus and A symbolizes
the cross sectional area. The masts pinned at their respec-
tive foundations are considered to have EA = 2.0e5 kN. Table 5
The textile fabric is assumed to behave isotropically with E2: boundary conditions (cm)
Et = 5.0e2 kN/m and m = 0.3, where in this case t denotes Node u v w
the membrane thickness.
250 5.0 5.0 5.0
The prestress process is carried out by means of an 251 5.0 5.0 5.0
imposed displacement on nodes plotted in Fig. 14. Table 252 5.0 5.0 5.0
5 summarizes the applied displacements u, v and w along 253 5.0 5.0 5.0
the corresponding space directions OX, OY and OZ, 130 5.0 0.0 5.0
respectively. 248 0.0 0.0 0.0
249 0.0 0.0 0.0
OY axis 0.0 – –
9.2. Second load step: In-service loading

Once the structure is prestressed and stabilized, an in- accounted for according to its projection on a plan view.
service snow loading was considered. The snow load Figs. 15–17 show the displacements contour diagrams for
applied on the structural membrane will consist of the different loading conditions.
1.0 kN/m2 distributed across a central region of the mem- Again, the interior and perimeter cables act as stabiliz-
brane which extends up to 6.0 m2. This whole surface is ing members for the overall performance of the membrane
A.J. Gil / Computers and Structures 84 (2006) 1012–1028 1025

Fig. 15. E2: OX displacements. (a) Prestress load and (b) snow load.

Fig. 16. E2: OY displacements. (a) Prestress load and (b) snow load.

and therefore, they reduce the displacements that result This fact agrees with the moderate strain requirement to
from the different applied loads. From the strain point of justify the application of the Saint Venant–Kirchhoff
view, a maximum value less than 1.0e  2 was achieved. hyperelastic model.
1026 A.J. Gil / Computers and Structures 84 (2006) 1012–1028

Fig. 17. E2: OZ displacements. (a) Prestress load and (b) snow load.

Fig. 18. E2: Cauchy stress rI. (a) Prestress load and (b) snow load.

Figs. 18 and 19 display the contour diagrams for the can be noticed, at the prestress stage the whole membrane
principal Cauchy stresses rI and rII, respectively. As it is under pure tension.
A.J. Gil / Computers and Structures 84 (2006) 1012–1028 1027

Fig. 19. E2: Cauchy stress rII. (a) Prestress load and (b) snow load.

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