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Apprentissage Automatique
IGE 42 - 5éme année (2021-2022)
Spécialité : Télécoms et Technologies Numériques

• 2 grands objectifs du cours
 apprendre les fondements théoriques
 savoir les mettre en pratique

• Appréhender les bases des méthodes de classification

et d'apprentissage machine.

• Être capables de distinguer les méthodes d'apprentissage, ainsi

que leurs contextes d'application.

• Mettre en pratique des méthodes de base en apprentissage.

• Être capables de modéliser un problème de classification réel

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et complexe par un modèle d'apprentissage statistique approprié.

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Autres cours
• Liens avec d’autres cours

• Algèbre

• Probabilités et statistiques

• Analyse de données

• Traitement et analyse de données massives

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• Homework
• Code (avec commentaries)
• Rapport (5 pages max)
• Pour chaque chapitre
• Binôme
• fezza.student@gmail.com
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Apprentissage non supervisé

Séparateurs a vaste marge

Arbres de décision

Apprentissage bayésien

Réseaux de neurones artificiels

Modèles de Markov cachés
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Apprentissage par renforcement
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Apprentissage non supervisé

Séparateurs a vaste marge

Arbres de décision

Apprentissage bayésien

Réseaux de neurones artificiels

Modèles de Markov cachés
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Apprentissage par renforcement
Machine Learning 7

• Définir AI, ML, DL

• Intérêt du ML

• Caractérisation des techniques d’apprentissage machine

• Critères de performance

• Identifier si un problème relève ou non du ML.

• Donner des exemples de cas concrets relevant de grandes classes

de problèmes de ML.
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ML Applications

Machine Learning 9

Artificial intelligence,
machine learning, and deep learning
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Some quotes

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History of ML
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Pourquoi utilisé le ML?

• 2 situations possibles :
1. On connait le calcul à effectuer pour résoudre notre problème:
Dans ce cas, c’est facile! On entre ce calcul dans l’ordinateur (c’est ce qu’on appelle la
programmation) et l’ordinateur nous donne le résultat.
Exemple : Déterminer la structure d’un pont

2. On ne connait pas le calcul qui résout notre problème:

On est bloqué. Impossible de donner à un ordinateur un calcul que nous ne connaissons pas.
Exemples : Reconnaitre un visage sur une photo, prédire le cours de la bourse, éliminer le cancer,
conduire une voiture
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• Le ML a justement été inventé pour venir débloquer la situation 2 (quand on ne connait pas le
calcul), en utilisant une technique audacieuse  Laisser la Machine apprendre à partir
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Pourquoi utilisé le ML?

• Le ML peut servir à résoudre des problèmes

• que l’on ne sait pas résoudre,
• que l’on sait résoudre, mais qu’on sait pas formaliser en termes algorithmiques
(c’est le cas par exemple de la reconnaissance d’images ou de la compréhension du
langage naturel),
• que l’on sait résoudre, mais avec des procédures beaucoup trop gourmandes en
ressources informatiques (c’est le cas par exemple de la prédiction d’interactions
entre molécules de grande taille, pour lesquelles les simulations sont très lourdes).

• Le ML est donc utilisé quand les données sont abondantes (relativement), mais les
connaissances peu accessibles ou peu développées.
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Définition du ML
• L’apprentissage automatique ou l’apprentissage par machine (Machine Learning) s'intéresse à
la conception, l'analyse, l'implémentation et l’application de programmes d’ordinateur capables de
s’améliorer, au fil du temps, soit sur la base de leur propre expérience, soit à partir des données
antérieures fournies par d’autres programmes.

• More engineering‐oriented definition:

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A computer program is said to learn from experience E with respect to some task T and some
performance measure P, if its performance on T, as measured by P, improves with experience E.
—Tom Mitchell, 1997
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Définition du ML
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Définition du ML

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Définition du ML

• How can we learn to perform image classification?


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Définition du ML

• How can we learn to perform image classification?

Task Experience

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Définition du ML
ML model

Performance  Accuracy

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ML model

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Définition du ML

• How can we learn to perform image classification?

Task Experience

Classification Performance 

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Machine Learning 21

Example 1: Handwritten digit classification

• Comment développer une intelligence artificielle ?
 Exemple : reconnaître des caractères manuscrits

• Par énumération de règles ?

 Si intensité du pixel à la position (15,24) est plus
grand que 50, et pixel à la position ... alors c’est
un «3»
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• Trop fastidieux, difficile de couvrir tous les cas


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Example 1: Handwritten digit classification

• Comment développer une intelligence artificielle ?
 Exemple : reconnaître des caractères manuscrits

• En donnant à l’ordinateur la capacité d’apprendre à le faire!

• Laisser l’ordinateur faire des essais et apprendre de ses erreurs

Apprentissage Automatique / Machine Learning

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Example 1: Handwritten digit classification

• E: Experience
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MNIST dataset
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Example 1: Handwritten digit classification

• P: Performance measure
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... et l’algorithme retourne un «programme» capable de généraliser à de nouvelles données

données d’entraînement vs. généralisation
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Example 2: Spam emails

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Example 2: Spam emails

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ML: a new programming paradigm

• Could a computer surprise us? Rather than programmers crafting data‐processing rules by hand,
could a computer automatically learn these rules by looking at data?


• A machine‐learning system is trained rather than explicitly programmed. It’s presented with many
examples relevant to a task, and it finds statistical structure in these examples that eventually allows
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the system to come up with rules for automating the task.

• Machine Learning is the science of programming computers so they can learn from data.
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Machine Learning Vs Traditional Programming

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Ingrédients du machine learning

• Le machine learning repose sur deux piliers fondamentaux :

• Les données, qui sont les exemples à partir duquel l’algorithme va apprendre
• L’algorithme d’apprentissage, qui est la procédure que l’on fait tourner sur ces
données pour produire un modèle. On appelle entraînement le fait de faire
tourner un algorithme d’apprentissage sur un jeu de données (training set).

• Ces deux piliers sont aussi importants l’un que l’autre. D’une part, aucun algorithme
d’apprentissage ne pourra créer un bon modèle à partir de données qui ne sont pas
pertinentes – c’est le concept garbage in, garbage out qui stipule qu’un algorithme
d’apprentissage auquel on fournit des données de mauvaise qualité ne pourra rien en
faire d’autre que des prédictions de mauvaise qualité. D’autre part, un modèle appris
avec un algorithme inadapté sur des données pertinentes ne pourra pas être de
bonne qualité.

• Le travail de machine learner ou de data scientist est un travail d’ingénierie consistant

à préparer les données afin d’éliminer les données aberrantes, gérer les données
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manquantes, choisir une représentation pertinente, etc.

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• Ensemble d’entraînement (training set), entrée (input), cible (target)

 on fournit à l’algorithme des données d’entraînement ...

 on note l’ensemble d’entraînement (training set)

= Number of training examples
= ith “input” variable / features
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= ith “output” variable / “target” variable
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Comment apprendre ?
• Mais comment apprendre ?
Pour donner à un ordinateur la capacité d’apprendre, on utilise
des méthodes d’apprentissage qui sont fortement inspirées de la
façon dont nous, les êtres humains, apprenons à faire des
choses. Parmi ces méthodes, on compte :

 L’apprentissage supervisé (Supervised Learning)

 L’apprentissage non supervisé (Unsupervised Learning)
 L’apprentissage par renforcement (Reinforcement Learning)
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Supervised Learning
• The idea of supervised learning is that the learning system is given
inputs and told which specific outputs should be associated with
them. We divide up supervised learning based on whether the
outputs are drawn from a small finite set (classification) or a large
finite or continuous set (regression).

 L’apprentissage supervisé (Supervised Learning)

 L’apprentissage non supervisé (Unsupervised Learning)
 L’apprentissage par renforcement (Reinforcement Learning)
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Machine Learning 33

Supervised Learning
• The idea of supervised learning is that the learning system is given
inputs and told which specific outputs should be associated with
them. We divide up supervised learning based on whether the
outputs are drawn from a small finite set (classification) or a large
finite or continuous set (regression).

 L’apprentissage supervisé (Supervised Learning)

 L’apprentissage non supervisé (Unsupervised Learning)
 L’apprentissage par renforcement (Reinforcement Learning)
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il y a une cible à prédire
(target value, “right answers” given)

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Supervised Learning
• L’apprentissage supervisé est lorsqu’on a une cible à prédire

 classification : la cible est un indice de classe

o exemple : reconnaissance de caractères
x : vecteur des intensités de tous les pixels de l’image
y : identité du caractère

 régression : la cible est un nombre réel

o exemple : prédiction de la valeur d’une action à la bourse
x : vecteur contenant l’information sur l’activité économique
de la journée
y : valeur d’une action à la bourse le lendemain
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Supervised Learning


Breast cancer (malignant, benign)
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Supervised Learning

• Mais tout ça, on peut le faire dans Excel ?

• A ce stade, vous pourriez penser que calculer le prix d’un
appartement selon sa surface habitable, tout le monde peut le
faire dans Excel (Il existe même la fonction Régression dans

• La force du Machine Learning, c’est qu’il est très facile de

développer des modèles très complexes qui peuvent analyser
des milliers de features (𝑥) qu’un être humain ne serait pas
capable de prendre en compte pour faire son calcul (et Excel
non plus).
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Machine Learning 37

Supervised Learning
• Par exemple, pour prédire le prix d’un appartement (𝑦), un modèle de ML peut
prendre en compte :
• sa surface (𝒙(𝟏))
• sa localisation (𝒙(2))
• sa qualité (𝒙(3))
• sa proximité avec une école (𝒙(4))
• etc.

• De même, pour prédire si un email est un spam (𝑦), le ML peut analyser :

• le nombre de liens (𝒙(𝟏))
• le nombre de fautes d’orthographe (𝒙(2))
• La présence de prix (𝒙(3))
• etc.

• Plus il y a de features disponibles, plus il existe d’informations pour que le

modèle prenne des décisions ‘intelligentes’, c’est l’intelligence artificielle.
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Unsupervised Learning
• Unsupervised learning doesn’t involve learning a function from
inputs to outputs based on a set of input‐output pairs. Instead,
one is given a data set and generally expected to find some
patterns or structure inherent in it.

 L’apprentissage supervisé (Supervised Learning)

 L’apprentissage non supervisé (Unsupervised Learning)
 L’apprentissage par renforcement (Reinforcement Learning)
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Unsupervised Learning
• Unsupervised learning doesn’t involve learning a function from
inputs to outputs based on a set of input‐output pairs. Instead,
one is given a data set and generally expected to find some
patterns or structure inherent in it.

 L’apprentissage supervisé (Supervised Learning)

 L’apprentissage non supervisé (Unsupervised Learning)
 L’apprentissage par renforcement (Reinforcement Learning)
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cible n’est pas fournie
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Supervised vs. Unsupervised

Supervised Learning

Unsupervised Learning
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Supervised vs. Unsupervised

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Semi-supervised Learning
• Since labeling data is usually time‐consuming and costly, you will often have
plenty of unlabeled instances, and few labeled instances. Some algorithms can
deal with data that’s partially labeled.
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Semi‐supervised learning with two classes (triangles and squares): the unlabeled
examples (circles) help classify a new instance (the cross) into the triangle class rather
than the square class, even though it is closer to the labeled squares
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Semi-supervised Learning use-case

• Supervised learning on unlabeled data and use the predicted outputs as input
for retraining other supervised learning models and test it on other unlabeled
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Quick note

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Reinforcement Learning
• Reinforcement Learning is a very different beast. The learning system, called an
agent in this context, can observe the environment, select and perform actions,
and get rewards in return (or penalties in the form of negative rewards. It must
then learn by itself what is the best strategy, called a policy, to get the most
reward over time. A policy defines what action the agent should choose when
it is in a given situation.

 L’apprentissage supervisé (Supervised Learning)

 L’apprentissage non supervisé (Unsupervised Learning)
 L’apprentissage par renforcement (Reinforcement Learning)
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Reinforcement Learning
• Reinforcement Learning is a very different beast. The learning system, called an
agent in this context, can observe the environment, select and perform actions,
and get rewards in return (or penalties in the form of negative rewards. It must
then learn by itself what is the best strategy, called a policy, to get the most
reward over time. A policy defines what action the agent should choose when
it is in a given situation.

 L’apprentissage supervisé (Supervised Learning)

 L’apprentissage non supervisé (Unsupervised Learning)
 L’apprentissage par renforcement (Reinforcement Learning)
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Types of ML
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Types de problèmes en ML
Yann LeCun: “Most of human and animal learning is
unsupervised learning. If intelligence was a cake, unsupervised
learning would be the cake, supervised learning would be the
icing on the cake, and reinforcement learning would be the
cherry on the cake.”
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Machine Learning 49

Instance-Based vs. Model-Based Learning

• One more way to categorize Machine Learning systems is by how
they generalize.

• Most ML tasks are about making predictions. This means that

given a number of training examples, the system needs to be able
to make good predictions for (generalize to) examples it has never
seen before. Having a good performance measure on the training
data is good, but insufficient; the true goal is to perform well on
new instances.

• There are two main approaches to generalization: instance‐based

learning and model‐based learning.
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Instance-based learning
• Possibly the most trivial form of learning is simply to learn by heart. If you were to create a spam
filter this way, it would just flag all emails that are identical to emails that have already been flagged
by users—not the worst solution, but certainly not the best.

• Instead of just flagging emails that are identical to known spam emails, your spam filter could be
programmed to also flag emails that are very similar to known spam emails. This requires a
measure of similarity between two emails. A (very basic) similarity measure between two emails
could be to count the number of words they have in common. The system would flag an email as
spam if it has many words in common with a known spam email. This is called instance‐based
learning: the system learns the examples by heart, then generalizes to new cases by using a
similarity measure to compare them to the learned examples (or a subset of them).
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Model-based learning

• Another way to generalize from a set of examples is to build a model of these examples
and then use that model to make predictions. This is called model‐based learning.

• “Fit” a model to the training data

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Model-based learning
• For example, suppose you want to know if money makes people happy, so you
download the Better Life Index data from the OECD’s website and stats about gross
domestic product (GDP) per capita from the IMF’s website. Then you join the tables and
sort by GDP per capita.

Does money make people happier?
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Model-based learning
• There does seem to be a trend here! Although the data is noisy (i.e., partly random), it
looks like life satisfaction goes up more or less linearly as the country’s GDP per capita
increases. So you decide to model life satisfaction as a linear function of GDP per capita.
This step is called model selection: you selected a linear model of life satisfaction with
just one attribute, GDP per capita
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Model-based learning
• A simple linear model
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Model-based learning
• A simple linear model
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Minimisation de perte (coût, erreur)

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Minimisation de perte (coût, erreur)

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Model-based learning
• Model selection consists in choosing the type of model and fully specifying its
architecture. Training a model means running an algorithm to find the model
parameters that will make it best fit the training data (and hopefully make good
predictions on new data).
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Machine Learning 59

Model-based learning
• Model selection consists in choosing the type of model and fully specifying its
architecture. Training a model means running an algorithm to find the model
parameters that will make it best fit the training data (and hopefully make good
predictions on new data).
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Model-based learning
• You are finally ready to run the model to make predictions. For example, say you want
to know how happy Cypriots are, and the OECD data does not have the answer.
Fortunately, you can use your model to make a good prediction: you look up Cyprus’s
GDP per capita, find $22,587, and then apply your model and find that life satisfaction is
likely to be somewhere around 4.85 + 22,587 × 4.91 × 10‐5 = 5.96.
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Main Challenges of ML

• Your main task is to select a learning algorithm and train

it on some data, the two things that can go wrong are:
1. bad data
2. bad algorithm

"It's not who has the best algorithm

that wins, It's who has the most data"

MLOps: From Model-centric to Data-

centric AI
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Main Challenges of ML
• bad data
• Insufficient Quantity of Training Data
• For a toddler to learn what an apple is, all it takes is for you to point to an apple
and say “apple” (possibly repeating this procedure a few times). Now the child is
able to recognize apples in all sorts of colors and shapes. Genius.

• Machine Learning is not quite there yet; it takes a lot of data for most Machine
Learning algorithms to work properly. Even for very simple problems you typically
need thousands of examples, and for complex problems such as image or speech
recognition you may need millions of examples (unless you can reuse parts of an
existing model).

14 million images
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Machine Learning 63

Main Challenges of ML
• bad data
• Insufficient Quantity of Training Data
• For a toddler to learn what an apple is, all it takes is for you to point to an apple
and say “apple” (possibly repeating this procedure a few times). Now the child is
able to recognize apples in all sorts of colors and shapes. Genius.

• Machine Learning is not quite there yet; it takes a lot of data for most Machine
Learning algorithms to work properly. Even for very simple problems you typically
need thousands of examples, and for complex problems such as image or speech
recognition you may need millions of examples (unless you can reuse parts of an
existing model).
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Main Challenges of ML
• bad data
• Insufficient Quantity of Training Data
• For a toddler to learn what an apple is, all it takes is for you to point to an apple
and say “apple” (possibly repeating this procedure a few times). Now the child is
able to recognize apples in all sorts of colors and shapes. Genius.

• Machine Learning is not quite there yet; it takes a lot of data for most Machine
Learning algorithms to work properly. Even for very simple problems you typically
need thousands of examples, and for complex problems such as image or speech
recognition you may need millions of examples (unless you can reuse parts of an
existing model).
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The importance of data vs. algorithms
Machine Learning 65

Main Challenges of ML
• bad data
• Non representative Training Data
• In order to generalize well, it is crucial that your training data be representative
of the new cases you want to generalize to.
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Main Challenges of ML
• bad data
• Poor‐Quality Data
• Obviously, if your training data is full of errors, outliers, and noise (e.g., due to
poor quality measurements), it will make it harder for the system to detect the
underlying patterns, so your system is less likely to perform well. It is often well
worth the effort to spend time cleaning up your training data. The truth is, most
data scientists spend a significant part of their time doing just that. The following
are a couple of examples of when you’d want to clean up training data:
• If some instances are clearly outliers, it may help to simply discard them or
try to fix the errors manually.
• If some instances are missing a few features (e.g., 5% of your customers did
not specify their age), you must decide whether you want to ignore this
attribute altogether, ignore these instances, fill in the missing values (e.g.,
with the median age), or train one model with the feature and one model
without it.
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Machine Learning 67

Main Challenges of ML
• bad data
• Irrelevant Features (garbage in, garbage out)
• Your system will only be capable of learning if the training data contains enough
relevant features and not too many irrelevant ones. A critical part of the success
of a Machine Learning project is coming up with a good set of features to train
on. This process, called feature engineering, involves the following steps:

• Feature selection: selecting the most useful features to train on among existing
• Feature extraction: combining existing features to produce a more useful one (as
dimensionality reduction algorithms can help)
• Creating new features by gathering new data
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Main Challenges of ML
• bad algorithm
• Overfitting the Training Data
• It means that the model performs well on the training data, but it does not
generalize well.
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Main Challenges of ML
• bad algorithm
• Overfitting the Training Data
• It means that the model performs well on the training data, but it does not
generalize well.
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Main Challenges of ML
• bad algorithm
• Overfitting the Training Data
• It means that the model performs well on the training data, but it does not
generalize well.
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Main Challenges of ML
• bad algorithm
• Overfitting the Training Data

• Generalization, not memorization

• Our goal is to build a system that can deal

with new data.
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Main Challenges of ML

Training Experience
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Main Challenges of ML
• bad algorithm
• Underfitting the Training Data
• It occurs when your model is too simple to learn the underlying structure of the
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Main Challenges of ML
• bad algorithm
• Underfitting the Training Data
• It occurs when your model is too simple to learn the underlying structure of the
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Main Challenges of ML
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Main Challenges of ML

y y
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Main Challenges of ML

y y
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Main Challenges of ML

n=0 n=1
y y
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Main Challenges of ML

n=0 n=1
y y

n=9 n=3
y y
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Généralisation vs. quantité de données

• Plus la quantité de données d’entraînement augmente, plus le modèle entraîné

va bien généraliser

y y
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Machine Learning 81

Capacité d’un modèle, performance

• Capacité d’un modèle
• aptitude d’un modèle à apprendre «par cœur»
• Exemple : plus n est grand, plus le modèle a de capacité.
• Plus la capacité est grande, plus la différence entre l’erreur
d’entraînement et l’erreur de test augmente.
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Machine Learning 82



y y
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Machine Learning 83

Hyperparameter Tuning and Model Selection

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Machine Learning 84


© FEZZA S. v21‐22
Split your data

Machine Learning 85

Hyperparameter Tuning and Model Selection

• Solution 1: Split your data Train/test

80% 20%
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Machine Learning 86


© FEZZA S. v21‐22
Split your data

Machine Learning 87

Train/test error and underfitting/overfitting

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Machine Learning 88


Split your data

80% 20%

Test set is only used once!
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Machine Learning 89

Split your data

60% 20% 20%

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Machine Learning 90


Split your data

60% 20% 20%

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Machine Learning 91

Split your data

60% 20% 20%

© FEZZA S. v21‐22

if the validation set is too small, then model

evaluations will be imprecise: you may end up
selecting a suboptimal model by mistake
Machine Learning 92


Cross Validation (k-folds)

• k‐folds cross‐validation, example k =5
© FEZZA S. v21‐22

Machine Learning 93

How to detect underfitting and overfitting?

© FEZZA S. v21‐22

Machine Learning 94


© FEZZA S. v21‐22
Hyperparameter Tuning and Model Selection

Machine Learning 95

Performance Measures
• Classification
• we want to assess a given classifier that learns how to predict y from x

• Classification accuracy is the number of correct predictions made divided by the

total number of predictions made, multiplied by 100 to turn it into a percentage.

• Confusion matrix – The confusion matrix is used to have a more complete

picture when assessing the performance of a model.
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Machine Learning 96


Performance Measures
• Classification
• we want to assess a given classifier that learns how to predict y from x

• Classification accuracy is the number of correct predictions made divided by the

total number of predictions made, multiplied by 100 to turn it into a percentage.

• Confusion matrix – The confusion matrix is used to have a more complete

picture when assessing the performance of a model.
© FEZZA S. v21‐22

Machine Learning 97

Performance Measures
• Classification
• The following metrics are commonly used to assess the performance of
classification models:
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Machine Learning 98


Performance Measures
• Classification
• The following metrics are commonly used to assess the performance of
classification models:
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Machine Learning 99

Performance Measures
• Classification
• The following metrics are commonly used to assess the performance of
classification models:
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Machine Learning 100


Performance Measures
• Classification
• The following metrics are commonly used to assess the performance of
classification models:
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Machine Learning 101

Performance Measures
• Classification

• ROC – The receiver operating curve, also noted ROC, is the plot of TPR versus
FPR by varying the threshold.
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Machine Learning 102


Performance Measures
• Classification

• AUC – The area under the receiving operating curve, also noted AUC or AUROC,
is the area below the ROC.
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Machine Learning 103

Performance Measures
• Classification

• AUC – The area under the receiving operating curve, also noted AUC or AUROC,
is the area below the ROC.
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Machine Learning 104


Performance Measures
• Classification

• AUC – The area under the receiving operating curve, also noted AUC or AUROC,
is the area below the ROC.

Label +  + +  
Score 0.9 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.3 0.1

Treshold >0.9 0.8‐0.9 0.6‐0.8 0.4‐0.6 0.3‐0.4 0.1‐0.3 <0.1

TP/P 0 1/3 1/3 2/3 1 1 1
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FP/P 0 0 1/3 1/3 1/3 2/3 1

Machine Learning 105

Performance Measures
• Classification

• AUC – The area under the receiving operating curve, also noted AUC or AUROC,
is the area below the ROC.

Label + ‐ + + ‐ ‐
Score 0.9 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.3 0.1

Treshold >0.9 0.8‐0.9 0.6‐0.8 0.4‐0.6 0.3‐0.4 0.1‐0.3 <0.1

TP/P 0 1/3 1/3 2/3 1 1 1
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FP/P 0 0 1/3 1/3 1/3 2/3 1

Machine Learning 106


Performance Measures
• Regression

• Basic metrics – Given a regression model f, the following metrics are commonly
used to assess the performance of the model:
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Machine Learning 107


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