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7, NOVEMBER 2000 2567

Differential Space–Time Modulation

Brian L. Hughes, Member, IEEE

Abstract—Space–time coding and modulation exploit the and have also been proposed for wireless local loop (Lucent’s
presence of multiple transmit antennas to improve performance BLAST project [38]) and wide-area packet data access (AT&T’s
on multipath radio channels. Thus far, most work on space–time Advanced Cellular Internet Service [2]).
coding has assumed that perfect channel estimates are available
at the receiver. In certain situations, however, it may be difficult Thus far, most research on space–time coding has assumed
or costly to estimate the channel accurately, in which case it is that perfect estimates of current channel fading conditions are
natural to consider the design of modulation techniques that do available at the receiver. This is reasonable when the channel
not require channel estimates at the transmitter or receiver. changes slowly compared with the symbol rate, since the trans-
We propose a general approach to differential modulation for
multiple transmit antennas based on group codes. This approach mitter can send training symbols (or a pilot tone) which en-
can be applied to any number of transmit and receive antennas, able the receiver to estimate the channel accurately. Specific
and any signal constellation. We also derive low-complexity dif- codes designed for this situation include the transmit diversity
ferential receivers, error bounds, and modulator design criteria, schemes in [9], [10], [23], [36], [37], the layered architecture in
which we use to construct optimal differential modulation schemes [7], [38], the trellis codes in [28], and the block codes in [1],
for two transmit antennas. These schemes can be demodulated with
or without channel estimates. This permits the receiver to exploit [30].
channel estimates when they are available. Performance degrades In some situations, however, we may want to forego channel
by approximately 3 dB when estimates are not available. estimation in order to reduce the cost and complexity of the
Index Terms—Differential modulation, group codes, multi- handset, or perhaps fading conditions change so rapidly that
path channels, noncoherent communication, space–time coding, channel estimation is difficult or requires too many training
transmit diversity. symbols. For example, in frequency-hopping systems, fading
conditions may change significantly from one hop to the next;
I. INTRODUCTION in time-division systems, the channel may change between two
successive frames. Channel estimation may also be difficult in

O NE of the goals of third- and fourth-generation cellular

systems is to provide broadband data access to highly mo-
bile users. Real-time multimedia services, such as videocon-
high-mobility situations. Consider a vehicle transmitting at a
symbol rate of 30 kHz and a frequency of 1.9 GHz. If the vehicle
moves at 60 mi/h, the coherence time is on the order of 50–100
ferencing, can require data rates on the order of 2–20 Mb/s.
symbols [12]. If multiple antennas are used, the path gains be-
However, the data modes of existing cellular standards, such as
tween each pair of transmit and receive antennas must be esti-
IS-136 and GSM, currently support rates two to three orders of
mated. Thus if five training symbols were used per antenna pair,
magnitude smaller [2]. In order to meet this goal, it is important
a system with four transmit and one receive antenna would re-
to develop new wireless communication methods that achieve
quire 20 training symbols—a significant overhead. Third-gen-
a higher spectral efficiency (data rate per unit bandwidth) for a
eration European cellular standards are required to operate on
given power expenditure.
trains moving up to 500 km/h [5], [12]. At this speed, the coher-
On multipath radio channels, the tradeoff between spectral ef-
ence time in this example is less than 20 symbols, in which case
ficiency and power consumption can be dramatically improved
it is not clear whether accurate channel estimation is possible.
by deploying multiple antennas at the transmitter and/or re-
ceiver [7], [8], [20], [21], [32]. For example, using antennas For such situations, it is useful to develop modulation tech-
at both the transmitter and receiver can increase spectral effi- niques that do not require channel estimates at the transmitter or
ciency by a factor of more than over comparable single-an- receiver. For a single transmit antenna, frequency-shift keying
tenna systems [7]. Space–time coding and modulation strate- (FSK) and differential phase-shift keying (DPSK) can be de-
gies, which exploit the presence of multiple transmit antennas, modulated without the use of channel estimates or training sym-
have recently been adopted in third-generation cellular stan- bols. It is natural to consider extensions of these schemes to
dards (e.g., CDMA 2000 [34] and wideband CDMA [33], [15]), multiple transmit antennas. Motivated by the information-theo-
retic arguments in [16], Hochwald and Marzetta have proposed
Manuscript received August 1, 1999; revised March 1, 2000. This work the use of unitary space–time block codes, in which the sig-
was supported in part by the National Science Foundation under Grant
CCR-9903107, and by the Center for Advanced Computing and Communi- nals transmitted by different antennas are mutually orthogonal.
cation. The material in this paper was presented in part at the IEEE Wireless Optimal receivers, error bounds, and design criteria for unitary
Communications and Networking Conference, New Orleans, LA, September codes were derived in [11], and some specific code construc-
27–30, 1999 and at the 33rd Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and
Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, October 24–27, 1999. tions were given in [12]. More recently, Tarokh and Jafarkhani
B. L. Hughes is with the Center for Advanced Computing and Communica- [31] have proposed differential transmit diversity schemes for
tion, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, North Carolina State two antennas. Like FSK and DPSK, all of the schemes in [12]
University, Raleigh, NC 27695-7914 (e-mail: blhughes@eos.ncsu.edu).
Communicated by M. L. Honig, Associate Editor for Communications. and [31] can be demodulated without channel estimates at the
Publisher Item Identifier S 0018-9448(00)09649-8. receiver.
0018–9448/00$10.00 © 2000 IEEE

In this paper, we propose a new and general approach to dif-

ferential modulation for multiple transmit antennas based on
group codes. This approach can be applied to any number of
transmit and receive antennas, and any signal constellation. We
also derive low-complexity differential receivers, error bounds,
and modulator design criteria for the case where the number
of transmit antennas equals the block length of the group code.
We then use the design criteria to construct optimal differential
modulation schemes for two transmit antennas. These schemes
can be demodulated with or without channel estimates. This Fig. 1. A flat-fading channel.
permits the receiver to exploit channel estimates when they are
available. Performance degrades by approximately 3 dB when
estimates are not available. When channel estimates are avail- where is the complex fading path gain from transmit antenna
able, the group codes derived in this paper can also be used as to receive antenna and is a noise variable. Here
space–time block codes, as in [1], [30]. where is the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) per receive antenna.
While this paper was under review, we learned of independent We assume that the elements in the transmit and receive arrays
work by Hochwald and Sweldens [13] which proposes a sim- are spaced so as to produce independent fading between each
ilar approach to differential space–time modulation. Although pair of transmit and receive antennas. The path gains and
there are differences in the proposed receivers and the generality noise variables are therefore independent and identically
of the formulation, the differential encoding method and mod- distributed, complex Gaussian random variables with proba-
ulator design criteria in [13] are essentially the same as ours. bility density function (pdf)
However, the derivation of optimal modulation schemes for two
transmit antennas is unique to this paper.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section II, Defining the code matrix by
we introduce the channel model and provide some necessary
background on space–time coding with and without channel es-
timates at the receiver. In Section III, we introduce our approach
to differential modulation for multiple transmit antennas, and .. .. .. ..
. . . .
derive low-complexity receivers, error bounds, and design cri-
teria. Finally, optimal modulation schemes for two transmit an-
tennas are given in Section IV, and our main conclusions are we can recast this channel in an equivalent matrix form
summarized in Section V.
II. PRELIMINARIES where is the receive matrix, is the
A. Channel Model fading matrix, and is the noise matrix.
Consider a wireless channel in which data are sent from We distinguish between two communication situations for
transmit antennas to receive antennas [7], [8], [28], [32]. At this channel. We say the receiver has perfect channel state infor-
the transmitter, data are encoded using parallel encoders, one mation (CSI), if the receiver (but not the transmitter) has a per-
for each transmit antenna. The resulting encoded symbols are fect estimate of the fading matrix . If neither the transmitter
mapped into a unit-energy constellation and modulated onto a nor the receiver know the outcome of , we say there is no CSI.
pulse waveform of duration for transmission over the channel. In this paper, we are primarily interested in methods for trans-
Let denote the constellation point selected by the en- mitting data without CSI. In order to show why these methods
coder of transmit antenna at time . work, however, we make use of results on communication with
The signal that arrives at each of the receive antennas is perfect CSI, which are summarized in the next section.
a superposition of the fading transmitted signals and noise, as
illustrated in Fig. 1. We assume that the delay spread of the mul- B. Perfect CSI at the Receiver
tipath is small and that the receiver has obtained symbol, but not Most work on space–time coding has assumed that perfect
phase, synchronization. Moreover, we assume that is small CSI is available at the receiver. We now summarize results on
compared with the channel coherence time, so that fading con- optimal receivers, error bounds, and design criteria for this sit-
ditions can be considered constant over symbols. At each re- uation from [9], [28].
ceive antenna, a demodulator synchronously samples the output A space–time code for the constellation consists of a collec-
of a filter matched to the pulse waveform, thereby producing tion of code matrices , where .
decision statistics in each symbol interval. Under these con- When is known at the receiver, the pdf of the received matrix
ditions, the relationship between the decision statistics and the given that is transmitted is
transmitted signals is given by

where “ ” is the trace and denotes the conjugate transpose. If For the unit-energy quaternary-phase shift keying (QPSK) con-
the code matrices are equally likely, the optimal receiver is the stellation , it is easy to verify that the 16 code
maximum-likelihood (ML) detector ([18, p. 72]), which reduces matrices in this scheme have minimum distance .
to the minimum Euclidean distance detector Therefore, the diversity is and the minimum product
distance is .

C. No CSI at the Receiver

In the absence of CSI at the receiver, Hochwald and Marzetta
Here “ ” denotes any argument that achieves the maximum [11] have argued heuristically that the capacity of the multi-
(or minimum). Let be the pairwise error proba- antenna channel (1) can be approached for large or by code
bility of this receiver, i.e., the probability of incorrectly decoding matrices with equal-energy, orthogonal rows. Accordingly, they
as , in a code consisting of only these two matrices. The focused attention on codes with the property
Chernoff bound on this error probability takes the form ([28, eq.
(9)]) for all (7)

which they called unitary space–time codes. In this section, we

(3) summarize results on optimal receivers, error bounds, and de-
sign criteria for unitary codes from [11]. We present this work
where is the identity matrix and denotes the determinant. in a different form than [11], however, in order to more clearly
For large , this bound behaves as where and relate it to the results of the previous section. At first glance,
depend on the difference matrix . The parameter it may appear that these results should also follow as a special
is equal to the rank of and can be case of those in [29]; however, the channel is modeled
interpreted as the diversity advantage of the code pair [9]. The as memoryless in ([29, eq. (2)]), which is inconsistent with our
maximum diversity is therefore , provided . assumption that is fixed for .
The quantity can be interpreted as the coding advantage, and When is transmitted and is unknown, the received ma-
is given by trix in (1) is Gaussian with conditional pdf

where denotes the product of the nonzero eigenvalues of

, including multiplicities. This is clearly a matrix analog of the where . Note that the matrix identity
product distance [4], [35], which arises in single-antenna fading and the unitary property (7) imply that
channels. When , note that the product distance does not depend on . Further note that
(4) reduces to

which follows from the identity
Also, note that if and only if .
For large , the performance of any space–time code
is determined primarily by the minimum Given these results, the ML detector for a unitary code re-
diversity duces to a quadratic receiver

and to a lesser extent by the minimum coding advantage, A Chernoff bound on the pairwise error probability of this
receiver for unitary codes was derived in [11, eq. (18)]. We can
rewrite this bound in a compact matrix form as1

If we are interested only in codes with , however, note

that we can simply use the single-performance criterion
As in the previous section, we can extract useful insights
on code design by examining the asymptotics of this bound.
which is positive only if , in which case . To the best of our knowledge, the following observations are
For example, consider the transmit diversity scheme proposed new, unless otherwise indicated. For large , the bound in (9)
by Alamouti in [1], in which antennas are used to send behaves as , where and now depend on
two symbols by transmitting the code matrix the cross-product matrix . The diversity advantage
1As shown in [11], the bounds in (3) and (9) can both be sharpened by a factor
of two, omitted here for simplicity.

is equal to the rank . at the receiver, achieves full diversity in both cases, and there ex-
Hochwald and Marzetta [11] have observed that the maximum ists a simple noncoherent receiver that performs within 3 dB of
diversity is , which is achieved when is not a the coherent receiver. However, the scheme also has some limi-
singular value of . Observing that tations. First, the encoding procedure significantly expands the
signal constellation for nonbinary signaling (e.g., from QPSK to
(10) 9QAM). Second, the approach does not seem to extend to com-
plex constellations for , or real constellations for ,
we see that if and only if the rows of and without a penalty in rate. As noted in [31], the scheme relies on
are linearly independent, which is possible only if . the fact that (6) is a complex orthogonal block design, and such
The coding advantage is given by a quantity analogous to designs do not exist for [30]. (Real orthogonal designs for
the product distance (4) and were derived in [30], and these can be used to con-
(11) struct BPSK modulators for up to eight transmit antennas [31].)
When and the vectors and are real, this quan- In this section, we present a new approach to differential mod-
tity reduces to , where is the angle between and ulation for multiple-transmit antennas based on group codes.
. We therefore propose to call this quantity the angular dis- This approach can be applied to any number of antennas and any
tance between and . Angular distance provides a design constellation. The group structure greatly simplifies the analysis
criterion for space–time coding without CSI, which is analogous of these schemes, and may also lead to simpler and more trans-
to the product distance (4) for perfect CSI. From the identity parent modulation and demodulation procedures.
, we see that is symmetric in
A. Unitary Group Codes
and . For , the angular distance reduces to
Our approach to differential modulation is based on a new
class of space–time block codes which possess a group struc-
ture. Consider a system with transmit antennas and constel-
lation . For any , let be any group of unitary
For large , the performance of the code matrices ( for all ), and let be a
with receiver (8) is determined mainly by matrix such that for all . We call the
collection of matrices
and a (multichannel) group code of length over the constellation
. The rate of this code is given by b/s/Hz,
where denotes the cardinality of .
Once again, if we are interested only in codes with , we Multichannel group codes are a generalization of Slepian’s
can use the single-performance criterion group codes [26] to multiple antennas and complex constella-
tions. For and groups of real orthogonal matrices, Slepian
considered the use of such codes on the Gaussian channel and
which is positive only if , in which case . showed that they possess a high degree of symmetry: each code-
As an example, consider the performance of the code (6) in word has the same error probability, the ML decoding regions
the absence of CSI. If is any unit-energy phase-shift keying are all congruent, and the set of (Euclidean) distances from a
(PSK) constellation, then for all codeword to all of its neighbors is the same for each codeword.
. Thus the code is unitary and the results above apply. In [6], Forney introduced geometrically uniform codes, which
For any code matrices and , these identities also imply extend Slepian’s idea to groups of arbitrary isometries with re-
, where is the all-zero matrix. We spect to Euclidean distance. Since the results in [6], [26] are
conclude that , and hence the code is essentially useless rooted in Euclidean distance, however, they do not apply di-
in the absence of CSI. rectly to fading channels like (1). For the purposes of this paper,
however, all that we require is the group structure.
Example 1: For , -ary PSK is a group code
For a single transmit antenna, one of the simplest and most with and , where
effective noncoherent modulation techniques is DPSK. Differ- .
entially encoded PSK can be demodulated coherently or nonco-
herently. Moreover, the noncoherent receiver has a simple form Example 2: For and , -ary pulse-position
and performs within 3 dB of the coherent receiver on Rayleigh modulation is a group code over , with
fading channels ([19, p. 774]). It is natural to consider exten- and , where is
sions of this technique to multiantenna channels. the right-shift matrix
Recently, Tarokh and Jafarkhani [31] have proposed a differ-
ential modulation scheme for transmit antennas based on
.. .. .. .. ..
Alamouti’s code (6). This scheme shares many of the desirable . . . . .
properties of DPSK: it can be demodulated with or without CSI

Example 3: For , the pair In the following sections, we derive new receivers, error bounds,
and code design criteria for this situation.

B. A Differential Receiver
We now derive a receiver for differentially encoded unitary
is a group code over the QPSK constellation group codes with . In the absence of CSI, the ML detector
. for the sequence (13) consists of the quadratic receiver (8) ap-
plied to the entire received sequence , where
The class of group codes is apparently very rich, and includes
polyphase codes [39], permutation codes [25], codes from re-
flection groups [17], all binary linear codes with BPSK modula- Even for moderate values of and , this receiver is quite com-
tion [6], [24], and block-circulant unitary codes [12]. From this, plex. We, therefore, seek a simpler suboptimal receiver.
it is clear that group codes can be constructed for any number Given the example of DPSK, it is natural to look for a receiver
of transmit antennas and any constellation . We can always that estimates using only the last two received blocks
choose to be a matrix in and let be any group
of permutation matrices. While permutation groups can When , the code matrices that affect are
always be used, most complex constellations have symmetry
properties which permit the use of a wider variety of unitary
Note that and imply . From this,
matrix groups.
we can easily show that for all . It
The core idea of this paper is that group codes can be dif-
follows that the matrices satisfy
ferentially encoded in a way similar to PSK. For simplicity, let
for all , and can therefore be regarded as a
us consider to be the set of possible messages. To initialize
unitary block code of length .
transmission, the transmitter sends . Thereafter, mes-
If were known at the receiver, the optimal decoder for
sages are differentially encoded: to send in block the
this block code would be the quadratic receiver (8), which de-
transmitter sends
pends only on the cross-product matrices
The group structure ensures that whenever (15)
. Moreover, the rate of the code is essentially Since these matrices do not depend on , however, the re-
ceiver does not require knowledge of the past in order to decode
for large . the current message. Moreover, this receiver reduces to a simple
In this paper, we consider the structure and performance of and elegant form, as shown in Fig. 2
differentially encoded group codes, subject to two additional re-
strictions. First, we assume that is a unitary code, as in (7),
so that the results of Section II-C apply. Clearly, is unitary
if and only if . Second, we assume for simplicity
that . All of the results presented here extend in a nat-
ural way to and to single-antenna systems; however, this
extension requires additional tools and introduces some compli- (16)
cations, and so will be treated elsewhere.
where “ ” denotes the real part of the trace, and the last
Note that unitary group codes can be used in several different
step follows from the identity . In Fig. 2,
ways. First, if we encode messages by
denotes a one-block delay. Although this receiver is much
(14) simpler than ML detection based on , its complexity
rather than (13), then is essentially a space–time block code, grows exponentially with and , since comparisons
as in [1], [12], and [30]. In this case, the results of Section II-B are required.
apply when perfect channel estimates are available at the re- This receiver has an estimator–correlator interpretation. If
ceiver, and the results of Section II-C apply when estimates are the receiver knew both and the fading matrix , then the
not available. Second, can also be differentially encoded, optimal detector would be the minimum Euclidean distance rule
as in (13). When perfect CSI is available, we can still apply the (2). For unitary codes, this reduces to a correlation receiver
results of Section II-B to decoding the sequence , and then (17)
recover from and . We expect the error probability
of this scheme to be approximately twice the error probability We now recognize (16) as a correlation receiver in which
of without differential encoding, since an error in tends is estimated by the previous received block
to result in two errors in the message sequence. (A similar phe-
nomenon occurs with differentially-encoded PSK [19, p. 274].) Thus the differential receiver has the same form as the receiver
In this paper, we are mainly interested in the final possibility, for perfect CSI, and differs only in the quality of its channel
in which is differentially encoded and CSI is absent at the estimate. More generally, this suggests that the same receiver
receiver. Here, unitary code matrices are used in a different way can be used with noisy channel estimates derived from other
than in [11], so the results of Section II-C do not apply directly. sources, which lie between these two extremes.

where is the product distance (4). Recall that measures

coding advantage when perfect CSI is available at the receiver.
Using , we can express this in terms of the
distance between the messages

Fig. 2. A differential receiver. These results have important implications for the theory and
design of differential space–time modulation. First, DSTM
C. Error Bounds and Design Criteria based on the group code achieves maximum diversity
in the absence of CSI if and only if achieves maximum
By differential space–time modulation (DSTM), we mean the
diversity for perfect CSI. Second, the coding advantage of
differential encoder (13) combined with the differential receiver
DSTM without CSI is exactly half the coding advantage of
(16). In this section, we derive a bound on the pairwise error
for perfect CSI. Third, the design criteria for DSTM are
probability of DSTM and criteria for optimally designing and
the same as in Section II-B: choose so that and
. As in the previous section, we assume and .
such that is as large as possible. From (21), we can clearly
Consider again the detection of in (13) based only on the
choose to be any matrix that satisfies , since the
block . Recall that
choice does not affect performance.
Comparing with (3) for , we see that (19) is essen-
tially the same as the Chernoff bound for perfect CSI, except
is a unitary block code of length , and note that for a 3-dB loss in . This suggests that the pairwise error prob-
ability of DSTM suffers a 3-dB loss relative to the performance
of the block code with the correlation receiver (17) and per-
fect CSI. This conclusion can be verified by examining the exact
is a unitary block code of length . pairwise error probabilities for large . This performance loss
When channel estimates are not available at the receiver, the is due mainly to the suboptimal receiver (16), which uses only
optimal detector for the block code is (16). Thus the per- the two most recent received blocks to estimate , rather than
formance of DSTM is the same as the performance of the block the entire received sequence.
code with ML detection (8). Hence the pairwise error prob-
ability is bounded by (9). From (15) and the unitary property IV. OPTIMAL UNITARY GROUP CODES
(7), we have for all and
Section III provides a general framework for differential
space–time modulation based on unitary group codes. In this
section, we characterize all unitary group codes with
and , and we identify those that are optimal in
the sense of achieving the largest minimum product distance
(18) . All of the codes presented here can be used in two distinct
ways: First, when perfect CSI is available at the receiver, we
Thus (9) can be written as can use them as space–time block codes with encoder (14) and
decoder (2), as in Section II-B. Second, when CSI is absent,
we can use the differential encoder (13) and detector (16), as in
Section III-B. As shown in Section III-C, the design criteria for
(19) these two applications are related by and .2
For , the choice of affects the constellation
For large , this bound takes the form , where but not the distance structure of , as shown by (21). We can
and represent the diversity and coding advantage of the pair therefore choose to be any matrix that satisfies .
. From Section II-C, we know that In particular
is equal to the rank of the left side of (18), which clearly equals
the rank of . From Section II-B, we therefore have (22)
, which is the diversity advantage
of and for perfect CSI. From Section II-C, the coding is a convenient choice for all of the codes presented below. We
advantage is equal to the angular distance , say that two codes, and , are equivalent if there is a
which from (18) reduces to unitary matrix such that . From Section II-B and
(21), it is easy to see that equivalent codes have the same di-
versity and minimum distance . Throughout this section
and the Appendix, we specify groups by their generators. Let
2In principle, the codes in this section could also be used as space–time block
codes without CSI at the receiver, as in Section II-C. Since n = t implies  =
(20) 0, however, these codes provide no diversity in this context.

denote the group consisting of all distinct prod- TABLE I

ucts of powers of . OPTIMAL UNITARY GROUP CODES (n = t = 2)
Suppose that . In the Appendix, we show that
all unitary group codes with and are
either cyclic or dicyclic (cf. Appendix D). For odd ,
the cyclic group code is defined by (22) and


where . This code takes values in the

-PSK constellation and has code matrices, diversity
advantage , and minimum product distance

which is positive for all odd (cf. Appendix B). For ex-
ample, the cyclic group code has and
. For all , the dicyclic group code
is given by (22) and


which takes values in -PSK and has code matrices, di-

versity advantage , and minimum product distance
. For example, the code in Example 3 is di-
cyclic with and . In the Appendix, we show that
every unitary group code with and is
equivalent to an cyclic code or the dicyclic code. Thus
there are at most nonequivalent unitary group codes
with these parameters.
Unitary group codes with maximum are given in Table I
for all . All of these codes use the initial ma-
trix (22). Also shown for comparison at the bottom of the table Fig. 3. Bit-error probability of the quaternion code (r = 1).
are Alamouti’s QPSK code [1], and the differential version of
this code proposed by Tarokh and Jafarkhani [31], which takes
values in 9QAM.
For 0.5 b/s/Hz, the only unitary group code with
is the cyclic group code, which is therefore optimal. For
, the and cyclic group codes are both op-
timal. The code given in Table I is equivalent to the
cyclic group code (see Table III in Appendix B), but has the ad-
vantage of taking values in BPSK rather than QPSK. Note that
this code has the same code matrices as (6) for binary and ;
thus it is essentially Alamouti’s binary code. The differentially
encoded version of this code was given in [31]. To the best of
our knowledge, the observations that (6) is a group code for bi-
nary and , and that it is optimal with respect to , are new.
The group structure may be useful in simplifying the encoding
and decoding procedures.
For , the dicyclic code given in Example 3 is optimal.
Since the underlying group is known in algebra as the quater-
nion group ([14, p. 32]), we call this the quaternion code. Note Fig. 4. Bit-error probability of the optimal R = 2 code (r = 1).
that this code has the same minimum product distance as the
optimal code, but achieves a 50% higher rate. When per- the quaternion code can be differentially encoded and detected
fect CSI is available at the receiver, the quaternion code achieves without expanding the constellation. Fig. 3 gives a plot of the
three quarters of the rate of Alamouti’s QPSK code, but with a bit-error rate (BER) of this code for one receive antenna ,
3-dB higher coding advantage. Moreover, when CSI is absent, with and without CSI. At a BER of , the performance of the

quaternion code with coherent detection is roughly 1.1 dB better knowledge, the only known approach to designing differential
than Alamouti’s QPSK code, and with differential detection is space–time modulation in other situations.
about 2.0 dB better than the corresponding code in [31]. In a sense, this paper raises more questions than it answers.
For , the best cyclic and dicyclic group codes have Multichannel group codes are a rich topic for further investiga-
the same minimum distance. In Table I, we choose the dicyclic tion. The structure and algebraic properties of these codes will
code because the second-nearest neighbors are significantly far- be investigated in a companion paper. The proposed approach
ther apart. Fig. 4 shows the BER of this code for , along to differential modulation extends in a natural way to
with the performance of single-antenna differential QPSK. Note and to single-antenna systems. This extension requires addi-
that this code performs somewhat better than would be expected tional tools and introduces some complications, however, and so
on the basis of product distance alone.3 Comparing with [31, will be treated elsewhere. Since we have suggested DSTM for
Fig. 4] at , we see that the code is 1.4 applications like frequency hopping and fast-fading channels,
dB worse than Alamouti’s QPSK code for coherent demodu- it is natural to explore extensions of DSTM that exploit time
lation, and only 0.5 dB worse than the corresponding differen- and frequency diversity as well as space diversity. In particular,
tial code in [31]. In exchange for this loss of performance, the DSTM seems to extend in a straightforward way to dispersive
code in Table I can be differentially encoded without changing channels when combined with orthogonal frequency-division
the signal constellation, preserves the constant modulus prop- multiplexing. Although the approach presented here permits the
erty of the constellation (i.e., 8PSK instead of 9QAM), and has design of differential modulation schemes for any number of
a simpler differential encoder and decoder. For coherent trans- transmit antennas and any signal constellation, we have only
mission, however, the encoder and decoder of the code skimmed the surface in terms of the actual design of codes. Our
are more complex than Alamouti’s code, and the constellation is results suggest, however, that the extensive literature on group
larger (8PSK versus QPSK). Similar observations apply to the codes can be leveraged to provide a wealth of space–time block
optimal cyclic group code. codes and differential space–time modulation schemes.
Finally, for , the cyclic group codes are op-
timal for and . In Table I, we arbitrarily choose APPENDIX
the code.
A. Group Design Preliminaries
V. CONCLUSION In this appendix, we characterize all unitary group codes with
We have considered the design of space–time coding and and , and we identify those
modulation techniques that do not require channel estimates at with maximum product distance . We assume familiarity with
the transmitter or receiver. We proposed a new and general ap- linear algebra at the level of [27] and group theory at the level of
proach to differential modulation based on unitary group codes, [14, Chs. 1 and 2]. We begin with some useful results on
a rich class of space–time block codes which extend Slepian’s unitary matrices.
idea to multiple transmit antennas and complex signal constel- Consider the matrix
lations. This approach can be applied to any number of transmit
antennas and any target constellation. For the particular case
, we derived low-complexity differential receivers, error
bounds, and design criteria for differential space–time modula-
tion. From these results, it is clear that differentially encoded If , then the determinant is a unit-
unitary group codes can be decoded with or without channel es- magnitude complex number. Since
timates at the receiver. This allows the receiver to use channel
estimates when they are available; however, performance de-
grades by 3 dB when estimates are not available. Finally, we
used the design criteria to construct optimal unitary group codes it follows that and . Hence any unitary
for . These codes can also be used as space–time matrix takes the form
block codes when CSI is available at the receiver. As noted ear-
lier, some of these results have been obtained independently by
Hochwald and Sweldens [13]. (25)
The methods proposed here are not the only way to perform
differential modulation with multiple transmit antennas. For ex- where . We say that is diagonal if
ample, the differential transmit diversity schemes of Tarokh and in (25), which we write as . We say is
Jafarkhani [31], which are based on orthogonal block designs, off-diagonal if , and we write . The
do not fit within our framework. As pointed out in [31], how- nonzero entries in diagonal and off-diagonal unitary matrices
ever, modulators based on orthogonal block designs seem to be always have unit magnitude.
limited to for real constellations and to for complex
constellations. The approach presented here is, to the best of our Lemma A1: Let be unitary, and let be the
unitary matrix in (25). a) If , then is diagonal if and
3This can be explained by observing that each code matrix in the R = 2 group only if is diagonal or off-diagonal. b) is off-diagonal
code has two nearest neighbors, whereas Alamouti’s QPSK code has four. if and only if and .

Proof: To prove a), note that TABLE II



where . If , then is diagonal

if and only if , which holds if and only if is diag-
onal or off-diagonal . To prove b), note that
if is unitary. If is off-diagonal then
, which is true if and only if and
Lemma A2: Let be unitary. Then has a
nondiagonal unitary square root if and only if . Moreover,
generates a cyclic group of order , which we call the
every such root is of the form
cyclic group. It easily shown that the minimum distance of this
group is

where is real, is a nonzero complex number, and

Proof: Suppose that , where
From (25), we have

which is positive for all odd . For a given , the smallest

distance is , which is achieved by
For any nonzero complex number , note that and ( or ). The cyclic group codes
implies . Setting and , with maximum are given in Table II for – , along
we see that if is not diagonal then with the constellation , assuming the use of the initial matrix
implies and . Since this further implies (22). The following lemmas show that every cyclic group code
, a nondiagonal root exists only if . Substi- with is equivalent to an cyclic group code.
tuting and into (25), we obtain (27). Lemma A3: For , every group of diagonal matrices
with and is an cyclic group, for some
B. Cyclic Groups odd .
Since we are interested only in codes with , Proof: Let be a generic element of .
by the remarks following (5) it suffices to search for unitary If and have the same or , then
group codes that maximize the modified distance Thus all of the matrices in differ in both and . Since
and are both powers of . Since there are
exactly distinct powers of , each appears in once and
only once in each diagonal position. Let
be such that . Note that has order , so .
where the second equality is similar to (21). From Section II-B, Since all of the matrices in differ in , it follows that
if and only if , in which case . In this is an odd power of . Hence , for odd
section, we characterize all cyclic groups with and , thereby proving the lemma.
Lemma A4: For , every cyclic group code with
A group is cyclic if there is a unitary matrix such that
and is equivalent to an cyclic group
code, for some odd .
Proof: Let be a cyclic group code with generator .
Recall that a matrix is said to be normal if .
where is the order of , i.e., the smallest integer such that Normal matrices can be diagonalized by unitary transformations
. For example, if , is odd, and ([27, p. 311]). Since the unitary matrix is clearly normal, there
, the matrix exists a unitary matrix such that is diagonal.
Since is equivalent to . Note
that is a group of diagonal matrices with . Hence,
by Lemma A3, is an cyclic group.



The groups in Table II can often be represented in smaller a subgroup of with index . Since all subgroups of
constellations by using a nondiagonal generator. For example, index are normal ([14, p. 45]), is a normal subgroup of
the group generated by . Hence for all ([14, p. 41]), where
. In particular, , which
implies is primitive in , proving c).
Lemma A6: Let be an odd integer such that ,
is equivalent to an cyclic group, since the eigen- where . Then for every such that
values of are . Used with the initial matrix (22), this , there exists an integer such that
group code takes values in the -PSK constellation. Table III
gives the generators and minimum distances of all such groups (29)
for – . From Table II, we see that all of the cyclic
groups in Table III are optimal. except for and .
Proof: Let denote the greatest common divisor of
C. Dicyclic Groups and . From elementary number theory ([22, p. 102]), the
Let be an arbitrary group and let denote the maximum congruence has exactly solutions
order of any element in . Recall that always divides , in
and if and only if is cyclic. In this section, we consider
groups with . Such groups can always be (30)
generated by two elements. For example, if then
For , note that always satisfies (29). We therefore
(28) restrict attention to .
Suppose first that . From [22, p. 102], the con-
is a group with and . Since gruence (29) has a solution if and only if divides
and is the well-known dicyclic . It follows that there is a solution for every in (30) if and
group ([3, p. 7]). Table IV gives all of the dicyclic groups for only if divides , or equivalently, if and
, along with their minimum distances and constella- only if divides . Since and
tions, assuming the initial matrix (22). For , note that and are both powers of , no
, so the resulting group is cyclic rather than greater than . Moreover, since and are consecutive
dicyclic. even integers, only one is divisible by ; hence or
In the rest of this section, we show that every unitary group . It follows that is a power of
code with and is equivalent to the dicyclic not greater than , which always divides . Thus to every in
group code (28). We first require two technical lemmas. (30) there is an that satisfies (29), which proves the lemma for
all . If , we have and hence
Lemma A5: Let be such that and
the only nonzero number in (30) is . Since
If is a diagonal element of order and , then a)
and clearly admits no solution in (29), the proof is
is not diagonal, b) is a nonprimitive element of , and
c) is a primitive element of .
Proof: If is diagonal, then is a group of diagonal ma- Lemma A7: Every group code with
trices with . By Lemma A3, must be cyclic and there- and is equivalent to the dicyclic group code (28). More-
fore contains an element of order , which contradicts the as- over, there is no group code with and .
sumption that is the maximum order. Hence cannot be di- Proof: Let be an arbitrary group code with
agonal, which proves a). Since all elements in must and , and let be any el-
be either in or the coset . Since , it follows ement of order . Since the subgroup is cyclic
that and hence . If is primitive in and has positive minimum distance, by Lemma A4 it is
, then has order , a contradiction. Thus is a non- equivalent to a cyclic group. We can therefore assume
primitive element in , proving b). Finally, note that is for some odd . Let be any

matrix in . Since , every element in must be an cyclic group code if , and is equivalent
either in or in ; hence . to the dicyclic group code (28) if . In this section, we
Suppose first that , in which case . By Lemma show that there are no other possibilities. In particular, we prove
A5, is a nonprimitive element of , and hence . Since divides , this implies or ; hence
for some integer . By Lemmas A2 and A5, is either cyclic or dicyclic.
is a nondiagonal matrix of the form (27), where . Using
Lemma A8: If is such that and ,
(5) and (27), we can explicitly calculate the distance between the
then contains and this is the only element of order .
group matrices and for all
Proof: To show that is the only possible element of
order , let be such that and . It follows
that the eigenvalues of satisfy . Since
implies , both eigenvalues are . From the proof
Since this vanishes for , it follows that , of Lemma A4, is a normal matrix, which can be diagonalized
which is a contradiction. We, therefore, conclude that . by a unitary matrix . Hence . To show
In particular, for is the only possibility. that contains , let be any element with order .
Hence, there exists no group with and . Since divides is even. Setting , we have
Now suppose and . By Lemma A5, is nondi- and , and hence .
agonal and lies in and is therefore diagonal. Since
, it follows from Lemma A1a) that is off-diagonal. Lemma A9: If is such that and ,
Lemma A5 further asserts that is a nonprimitive element of then .
. By Lemma A2, it follows that is of the form Proof: Since the result follows from Lemma A8 for ,
we can assume . Suppose that and .
Since is a prime power, the first Sylow Theorem ([14, p.
(31) 94]) asserts that every proper subgroup is normal in
some larger subgroup of order . Let
where and . For , the where is any element of order . Then is a group
only elements in of the form are the matrices , with and order . From Lemma A7, it follows that
where is such that . Hence for is equivalent to the dicyclic group (28). We can, therefore,
some that satisfies . Given and , we assume , where and
can use (5) and (31) to calculate the distance .
Let be the subgroup of diagonal matrices in . Since
contains , we have . Conversely, by Lemma A3,
is a cyclic group and, therefore, its order is bounded by the
maximum element order: . It follows that ,
Note that if there exists an such that , which shows that every diagonal matrix in is in . For any
then vanishes and hence . Since off-diagonal matrix , note that is diagonal and
is odd, Lemma A6 shows that for all and , with the therefore contained in . Thus every off-diagonal matrix in
possible exception of and . is contained in . We conclude that consists of
We have now proved that, if has , then the all of the diagonal and off-diagonal matrices in .
only possible values of and are and . It Since , it follows from the Sylow Theorem that
follows that and . Substituting is normal in some larger subgroup . Let be any
into (31), we obtain . Defining the unitary element in . Since is normal in must be
matrix , we observe that is equivalent to in and is therefore either diagonal or off-diagonal. If
, where is diagonal then, by Lemma A1a) with and
is either diagonal or off-diagonal. However, this implies
, which contradicts our choice of . Hence, must
be off-diagonal. By Lemma A1b), this is possible only if
, which requires . For , Lemma A8 implies
that all elements of have order , except . Moreover, every
matrix of order is a square root of . By Lemma A2, each
Since is the dicyclic group (28), which has positive minimum nondiagonal root of is of the form
distance, we conclude that every group with
and is equivalent to the dicyclic group code (28), thereby
completing the proof. (32)

D. Other Extensions and Optimal Groups where is real, is complex, and . Since
Let and let be any unitary group code with if , we see that the diagonal entries of
, and maximum element order . In Sections and both have zero real part only if is off-diagonal
B and C of this appendix, we showed that is equivalent to . This implies , another contradiction. Since

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