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selects all hard disks.

recordcmdfile | rcf Record Command File

Support This function uses the device type and device qualifier
identified in Current Device Status:
Select device(s)
[description {<description string>}]
[file {<full file path>}]
stoprecordcmd | srcf
runcmdfile | rncf
Stop Record Cmd File
Run Command File

Tool Device selections are additive. [file {<full file path>}] [stop {yes|no}]
recordoutput | ro Record Session
[description {<description string>}]
CSTM Tips: [file {<full file path>}]
• The Current Device Status function lists available stoprecordout | sro Stop Record Output

Manager •
tools for a given device, as well as it’s device type
and qualifier, the status of the last tool run on the
device and a recommended action.
The activity and failure log(s)s for the most recent
uiactlog | uial
readuutconfigfile | ruc

updatetoolinfo | uti
Display UI Activity Log

Recheck available tools
(Version A.19.00) tool(s) run on the selected device(s) can be viewed
stmstartup | ssu Start diagmond Daemon
lateactlog stmshutdown | ssd Start diagmond Daemon

CSTM latefaillog
resetsysactlog | rsa
localmaplog | lml
Clear Sys Activity Log
Display HW Scan Log
• Display System Act Log
Reference Guide If an expected tool seems to be missing… is the
proper license installed?
localsysactlog | lsal
syslog | sl Display ‘syslog’
• In an interactive tool in CSTM and MSTM, use Ctrl-C os | os Escape to HP-UX Shell
‘Escape to UI’ to initiate other tools. Use the ‘Attach’ exit | ex | quit Exit STM
Hewlett-Packard command to restore contact with the interactive tool.
System Menu Commands:
————————————————— connectsys | cs Connect to UUT
CSTM Command Syntax: [system {<system name>}]
How Can I Program STM? • In general, if a command is issued without
[system add {<system name>}]
parameters, then the user will be prompted for all
STM can execute CSTM commands either directly, or [system delete {<system name>}]
information that can be entered with that command.
when placed in CSTM command files (scripts.) For selcurrentsys | scs Select ‘Current’ UUT
Example, you can… • When being prompted for command values: You
[system {<system name>}]
may type ‘cancel’ to abort the dialog, ‘default’ to
[system add {<system name>}]
• Pipe commands directly into CSTM: default values, or ‘ok’ to accept remaining values.
• When parameters are used, only the information [system delete {<system name>}]
echo “selall ; vop querynondes ; verify ; wait ;
associated with the specified keyword is changed. disconnectsys | ds Disconnect from UUT
veractlog” | cstm > outfile
• If only one parameter exists for a command, the [system {<system name>}]
• Redirect a command file to cstm: keyword may be omitted. savemap | smap Save HW Map in file
cstm < script.stm • Only the least number of characters that make each [file {<full file path>}]
CSTM command and keyword unique need to be printmap | pmap Print HW Map
• Run a command file within stm: [printers {<printer name>}]
File -> Run Command File...
• Note: UUT = Unit Under Test; HW = Hardware remapsystem | rs Re-examine System HW
• Invoke a command file when starting stm: (Devices) maplog | ml Display HW Map Log
xstm –f script.stm displaylic | dl Display Install’d License
[] optional license | lic Install a License
• Put CSTM commands in .stmrc in the directory from [password {<stm license password>}]
{} required
which STM is run. (Copy the default .stmrc from <> description of text to enter following a keyword hplicense | hlic Install HP Only License
/usr/sbin/stm/ui/config/.stmrc, and then modify it) | or [password {<hp license password>}]
deinstalllic | dlic De-install License
How Do I Create a CSTM Script? command | abbreviated_command Description sysactlog | sal Display System Act Log
A CSTM script can most easily be created by recording [keyword {required keyword response}] daemonstartup | dsu Start Diag Daemons
commands while running XSTM or MSTM: [daemon {<daemon name>}]
File -> Record Commands -> Start Recording daemonshutdown | dsd Stop Diag Daemons
File Menu Commands: [daemon {<daemon name>}]
saveconfig | scfg Save Option Settings
How Do I Select Devices? [file {<file name>}]
daemonkill | dk Kill Diag Daemon
Groups of devices with common attributes can be [daemon {<daemon name>}]
restoreconfig | rcfg Restore Option Settings
selected using the select class functions. For example: daemonactlog | dacl Display Daemon Log
[file {<file name>}]
selclass type disk qualifier hard [daemon {<daemon name>}]
map Display HW Map experttool | xt Start Expert Tool exeroptions | eop Change Exercise Options
expactlog | xal Display Exp Tool Act Log [execctrl]
Device Menu Commands: expfaillog | xfl Display Exp Tool Fail Log [time {<minutes>}] [continuously]
currdevstatus | cds Display Device Status expinfo |xinf Display Exp Tool Help [behavior]
cleartoolstatus | cts Reset Device’s Tool Status runutil | ru Run a Utility Tool [errorexit|errorcount {<errors allowed
select | sel Select Device(s) [utility {<utility name>}] before test termination>}]
{[-] all|device [testcoverage]
utilactlog | ual Display Utility Activity Log [maxcoverage|medcoverage|mincoverage]
{[-] all|<device num>|
[utility {<utility name>}| [gentactlog {yes|no}]
<device num> - <device num>}|
device {<device num>}] [reporterrors|reportwarnings|reportinfo]
path {[-] all | <path string>}}
utilfaillog | ufl Display Utility Failure Log [queryallow|querynondes|querydes]
selall | sall Select All Devices
[utility {<utility name>}| fwupdateoptions | fop Change FW Upd Options
selclass | scl Select Class (legacy)
device {<device num>}] [file {<update file>}]
[type {all|<device type>}] [gentactlog {yes|no}]
utilinfo | uinf Display Utility Help
[qualifier {all|<device qualifier>}] [reporterrors|reportwarnings|reportinfo]
[utility {<utility name>}]
[hwpath {<path name>}] expoptions | xop Change Expert Tl Options
lateactlog | lal Display Last Run Tool’s Act Log
slclass | sc Select a Class of Devices [gentactlog {yes|no}]
latefaillog | lfl Display Last Run Tool’s Fail Log
[type {<device type/qualifier>}] [reporterrors|reportwarnings|reportinfo]
aborttool | abt Abort Tool(s) on Selected Devs
[product {<product>}] utiloptions | uop Change Utility Options
suspendtool | st Suspend Tool(s) [gentactlog {yes|no}]
seldevtyp | sdt Select Same Device Types
resumetool | ret Resume Tool(s) [reporterrors|reportwarnings|reportinfo]
selprod | sp Select Same Products
killtool | klt Kill Tool that wouldn’t abort launchoptions | lop Change Debug Options
seldevabove | sda Select Devices Above
abortutil | abu Abort Utility [debugmode {yes|no}]
seldevbelow | sdb Select Devices Below
[utility {<utility name>}] [sourcedir {<path to source code>}]
unselall | usal Unselect All Devices
killutil | klu Kill Utility that won’t abort [motifflag {yes|no}]
unselclass | uscl Unselect Class (legacy)
[utility {<utility name>}] [display {<address of display machine>}]
[type {all|<device type>}] [testmode {yes|no}]
displayquery | dq Display a Pending Query
[qualifier {all|<device qualifier>}] [filename {<systest input file>}]
attach | at Attach to Escaped From Tool
[hwpath {<path name>}] mapoptions | mop Change Map Display
uslclass | usc Unselect Class of Devices [tool {<tool name>}]
wait Suspend UI Till Tools Complete [maprefresh {<seconds>}]
[type {<device type/qualifier>}] [textmap {yes|no}]
[product {<product>}] Options Menu Commands: [showpath {yes|no}]
setfilter | uscl Unselect Class of Devices infooptions | iop Change Info Tool Options [pathwidth {<path field width>}]
[gentactlog {yes|no}] [showprod {yes|no}]
[reporterrors|reportwarnings|reportinfo] [showqual {yes|no}]
Tools Menu Commands: [queries {yes | no}] [prodwidth {<product field width>}]
information |info Start Information Tool(s) veroptions | vop Change Verify Tool Options [showtool {yes|no}]
infolog | il Display Information Log [execctrl] [showtimeused {yes|no}]
infoactlog | ial Display Info Activity Log [showtimetogo {yes|no}]
[iterations {<loop count>}| [showloopsdone {yes|no}]
infofaillog | ifl Display Info Failure Log time{<minutes>}|continuously] [showloopstogo {yes|no}]
infoinfo | iinf Display Info Tool Help [behavior] [showstatus {yes|no}]
verify | ver Start Verify Tool(s) [errorexit|errorcount {<errors allowed [statuswidth {<status field width>}]
veractlog | val Display Verify Act Log before test termination>}] generaloptions | gop Change General Options
verfaillog | vfl Display Verify Fail Log [testcoverage] [queries {yes|no}]
verinfo | vinf Display Verify Tool Help [maxcoverage|medcoverage|mincoverage] [confirmation {yes|no}]
[gentactlog {yes|no}] [hostinfo {yes|no}]
diagnose | dgn Start Diagnose Tool(s)
[reporterrors|reportwarnings|reportinfo] [termwait {yes|no}]
diagactlog | dal Display Diagnose Act Log [queryallow|querynondes|querydes]
diagfaillog | dfl Display Diagnose Fail Log [cstmpager {<pager>}]
diagoptions | dop Change Diagnose Tool Options
diaginfo | dinf Display Diag Tool Help [printers {<printer name>}]
[execctrl] [uiactivitylog]
exercise | exc Start Exercise Tool(s) [iterations {<loop count>}| [reporterrors]
exeractlog | eal Display Exercise Act Log time{<minutes>}|continuously] [reportwarnings]
exerfaillog | efl Display Exercise Fail Log [isolation] [reportinfo]
exerinfo | einf Display Exercise Tool Help [fru|component] [launchoptions {yes|no}]
firmwareupdate | fwu Start FW Update Tool [testcoverage]
[maxcoverage|medcoverage|mincoverage] Help Menu Commands:
fwupdateactlog | fal Display FW Upde Act Log [gentactlog {yes|no}]
fwupdatefaillog | ffl Display FW Upd Fail Log help Display Help
fwupdateinfo | finf Display FW Update Help [queryallow|querynondes|querydes] [<command>]
version | vers Display STM Version

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