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Plant Physiol.

(1972) 50, 308-310

Short Communication
Mitotic Index and Cell Cycle of Lemna perpusilla
under Different Photoperiods1
Received for publication January 18, 1972

Department of Biology, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York 11973

One of the major problems in the photoperiodic induction of thymidine technique (14) as described by Van't Hof (17). The
flowering is the mechanism of time measurement. Bunning has plants were transferred to medium containing 12 ,uc/ml triti-
suggested the involvement of circadian rhythms (4), a model ated thymidine (T-H3)3 on the 2nd day under the light-dark
supported by evidence from several plant systems. (6-8, 13). cycles. T-H', obtained from Schwarz Bioresearch Inc., specific
Lemna perpusilla is a short day plant in its flowering re- radioactivity 6.0 c/mmole, was added to 200 ml of growth
sponse (9), and its photoperiodic time measurement appears to medium. This transfer to the radioactive solution was done at
be controlled by a circadian rhythm (8), which can be corre- the onset of light under the 16-hr photoperiods and at the onset
lated to an overt circadian rhythm of CO2 output (10, 1 1). The of darkness under the 12-hr photoperiods. At the end of a
origin of the rhythmicity in CO2 output is not yet clear, nor is it 30-min pulse label the plants were washed and returned to the
known what aspects of the endogenous circadian rhythm are nonradioactive growth medium. Samples were fixed at hourly
involved in the photoperiodic response. Since synchrony in the intervals, hydrolyzed, stained, and squashed on microscopic
increase of cell number has been documented in several orga- slides as described above. The slides were then hydrated to
nisms (3, 12, 15, 19, 20), it seemed worth undertaking a study water by means of a graduated ethanol series, dipped in Kodak
to find whether cell division is synchronized in L. perpusilla by NTB liquid emulsion, and exposed for 10 days (17).
light-dark cycles and what other effects light has on the cell
cycle of this plant. RESULTS
Cell Division. The mitotic index of samples grown under in-
MATERIALS AND METHODS ductive or noninductive photoperiods (Table I) did not vary in
Vegetative stocks and experimental plants of Lemna per- a periodic manner through the 24 hr day. This indicates that
pusilla strain 6746 were cultured on half-strength Hutner's cell division in L. perpusilla is not synchronized by light-dark
medium supplemented with 1% (w/v) sucrose. The vegetative cycles.
stocks were grown under continuous illumination from cool The Mitotic Cycle Duration. The intention was to compare
white fluorescent lamps (350 ft-c) with the air temperature 24 mitotic cycle duration under long night and long day condi-
to 26 C. Experimental plants were grown in perforated vials tions. The curves for T-H3 labeled mitotic figures as a function
immersed in 38- X 200-mm test tubes containing 60 ml of of time after labeling are given in Figure 1. The curve for the
growth medium. They were transferred to growth chambers 12-hr night shows two distinctive peaks of maximally labeled
and kept under either 12- or 8-hr inductive photoperiods or mitotic figures while in the 16-hr day curve the second peak is
16-hr noninductive photoperiods (450 ft-c) at 25 C. suppressed.
The mitotic index-defined as the percentage of mitotic fig- The mitotic cycle time under the long dark period, measured
ures-was determined by counting the number of mitotic figures from the time interval between two successive maxima, is about
in samples taken at 3-hr intervals during the 24-hr cycle on the 6 hr. The post-DNA synthetic period (G2) and mitosis (M) are
2nd and 4th day. For this purpose, plants removed for sampling equivalent to about 3.25 hr measured by the interval from
were fixed overnight in one part glacial acetic acid and three hour zero to the time when the ascending portion of the curve
parts ethanol, hydrolyzed for 20 min at 60 C with 1 N HCl, is one-half maximum. The DNA synthetic period (S) is about
and stained with Schiff's reagent (Feulgen stain) overnight at 5 3 hr as measured by the interval between the ascending and
C. The meristematic regions (stained deep purple) were re- descending portions of the curve at the one-half maximum
moved from the rest of the frond on a microscopic slide. The value (14).
cells were separated with a blunt glass rod in 45% (v/v) acetic These are rough estimates and they leave a very short time
acid, further squeezed under a cover glass, rapidly frozen on for pre-DNA synthetic period (G1) duration. Similar values can
Dry Ice, immersed in 100% ethanol, and permanently fixed be calculated for the light conditions, except that one has diffi-
(5, 17). For each sample, three slides were made and 1000 cells culties in measuring the cell cycle duration, based on these
of each slide were scored for mitotic figures. data.
The mitotic cycle duration was measured by the tritiated Average nuclear diameter was measured at interphase in the
primordia of 4 fronds utilizing 10 cells per tissue. The perma-
nent slides used for these measurements were prepared by
1 This research was carried out under the auspices of the United microtome sectioning and hematoxyline-erythrosin staining.
States Atomic Energy Commission.
2 Present address: Department of Biological Sciences, State Uni-
versity of New York, Albany, N. Y. 12222. 'Abbreviation: thymidine-3H: T-H3.
Plant Physiol. Vol 50, 1972
The nuclear volume, based on diameter measurements, in
interphase, is about 48 /2. By extrapolation, based on this w
value and the curve given by Baetcke et al. (1) demonstrating
the relation of DNA content to nuclear volume, one gets a 80
value of 3 picograms DNA per cell for L. perpusilla. The cellu-
lar DNA content of 3 picograms so estimated and the mitotic
cycle time of 6 hr fit nicely into Van't Hof's (16) data showing O
260 -
a relationship between the two.

-J 40-
One cannot explain the overt circadian rhythm of CO, out- -LJ
put in L. perpusilla on the basis of synchrony in cell division,
since the mitotic index of this plant does not change in a z -20-
rhythmical manner over the 24 hr day; rather, it is constant w//
at the level of 3 to 4%. Therefore, one must look to other ci:
processes as the source for this rhythmicity as well as for the a.C00 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
understanding of endogenous rhythms involvement in photo-
The results indicate that under long night conditions, the FIG. 1: Change in the percentage of radioactive mitotic figures
population of cells synthesizing DNA at the onset of darkness with time after 30 min pulse label with T-H'. 0: L. perpusilla
passes through at least two cycles having identical mitotic was grown under 16-hr photoperiods. Pulse label was given at the
cycles duration. Under long day conditions however, the curve onset of light on the 2nd day of the non-inductive photoperiod. 0:
becomes progressively irregular, a kind of response predicted The plants were grown under 12-hr photoperiods, and the pulse
for heterogeneous populations of cells by Van't Hof and Mc- label was given at the onset of darkness on the 2nd day under the
Millan (18). Thus light may induce heterogeneity in the average inductive photoperiod.
cell cycle duration in at least two ways. First, the cycle of cells
proliferating in the dark may be altered by exposure to light alternative exists. Bernier et al. (2) showed that increasing the
so as to increase the average duration. Second, exposure to day length from 8 to 20 hr for 1 day was accompanied by the
light may cause previously nondividing cells to enter the mi- division of cells previously "held" in G2 for an undetermined
totic cycle, thus perturbing the cell population kinetics estab- length of time. The division of these G2 cells represents a re-
lished in the dark. At the present time, evidence of the second entry into the mitotic cycle and would, of course, change the
cell population kinetics established during the previous 8 hr
Table I. Mitotic Division under Differentt Photoperiods day growth period.
Each value is a mean of three counts. For each count 1000 cells Further experiments are also needed to determine whether
were scored. LD: light dark cycles of 8, 12, or 16 hr light, respec- the continuous presence of light is required to induce this kind
tively. Time: hr after lights were turned on. of response, or whether light pulses such as those used to in-
hibit the photoperiodic flowering response are sufficient.
No. of Cells in 'Mitotic Division Further experiments should also determine the location of cells
Time affected by the light conditions and the relationship to the
LD 8:16 LD 12:12 morphogenetic response of flower development.
Acknowledgments-I am indebted to Dr. Jack Van't Hof for his continuous
0 28.0 interest in this work, his helpful suggestions and discussions, and his generosity
1 58.3 in allowing me to use his laboratory equipment. I am also thankful to Dr. William
2 30.0 52.8 S. Hillman for grammatical corrections of this manuscript and his encouragement
3 34.6 to proceed in this project.
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