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The Newspaper of Information Systems Management
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turnsto FirstClass
trccessgt'aphicsliblalies anclcomniunicate.By documents into
By LynclaRrrdosevich
noon Nlonday,thcy deliveleda [hick pt'oposal Notes'ploprietaly
to the insuler',completcwith g'aphics and dia- databases using
Lihe nrany of its Big Six consultingancl ac- gt'anrs.In this case, I(PNIGwon the account, Lotus Development
countingfilnr lllcthlen, Id)i\'l[iPeatN'latrvichis beating Electlouic Data SystcntsCorp.,IBIVI C o r p . ' su n i q u ep t ' o -
t'ollingout a t:ot'polntewitlegtuuptvat'esysteni and Coopels& Lybland in the prrcess,Don- gr'anrminglangrurge,
nleant to help its plol'essiortals nurteciiicientlv erhuesairl. Ottau'krsaid.
shtu'etheil cxpeltise. Without l(trott4edge Nlanager', puttingtogeth- I,'ilst0lass en- KPMG Peat
Llo*'evcr',unlilie its s)mpetit()l's,lfl)Nl(-idid el such a ploposal rvouldhuve taken tht'eeto abledIIPNIGto buikl Manvick
n o t b u i l d i t s s v s t c n to n N o t e s .l t a t h e t ' ,i t i s five businessdays - cven pulling out all stt4ts a htut end tltat lets Radnor,Pa.
Lrsing Fils tCLLss,ii clicnt/scrvcrgrotll)\\'irrc - he added. ttsefs see dilecto-
svstetn ft'ont SoftAlc, Inc., tu ct'etrteti ttnificd "We u,antto delivel kr cvely indiviclualin the lies of valious docrt- Challenge:To createan(i
lttnt end hrt'tltcvnriortsirtlot'ntatitln sotltces. lilm the conibiuedintcllectualglobal nssetsot m e n t s . U s e r s c a u m a i n t a i na n e l e c t r o n i c
I{PNIUis stalting to t'ollout its ntassivcin- the filni," said Allan Flank, nrunagingpat'tnet' t h e n u p l o t i d s e l e c - k n o w l e d gbea s et h a t
housc glou pu'iu'e systenl, drrbbedl(ttxvlcd grt at the enablingtechnologicsdivision. tions bv clickingott p r o f e s s i o n ai nl s
'l'hc l(PNl(l n,ould not providc spccific costs [ol i c o n s . l l e c a u s et h e g e o g r a p h i c adl liys p e r s e d
NLuragcr', to 17,(X)0 cnrpkryccsthis nrontlt.
systcnralkrrvsl(l i\,[(ipelsonuclLtsiltgil'lattitt- thc ploject bLrtsaitl lrilst0lass licensescost infolrnatior.r lerttairts a r e a sc a na c c e s s ,
tosltcsot' PCs to r:lit:litli icottsatttl atttrttsst'c- loughlr'lliI 0 pcl uscr. in its native applica-
nroteclatabasc's that grntain. lttt' instttttcc,trx- tiru folniat on a sep- Technology: Apple
antplcsof sturccsslitlpt'oposalsfot' ilttttt'spattc Notes alternative a r a t c [ i l e s c l ' v e l ' , C o m p u t eIrn, c .Q u a d r ao r
rutilization. Although I(?N4(ileconrmendsNotcs to man;, lC']Nl(i is {r'ee to nti- P o w e rM a c i n t o sshe r v e r s ;
Nlichael[)ortiilttte, a nlarlitgenlolit utnsttltitlg clicnts,it n'as not suitabletbr IGNIG'sapplica- g r a t c f r o n t F i t ' s t - F i b e rD i s t r i b u t eDda t a
ptu'tnor,stLidtLpikrtvcrsionol l{ntxvletlgc Nlatt- t i o n , i n p t r l t b c c t r L r soef i t s p l o p l i e t a l y C l a s s t o o t h e t ' l n t e r f a cnee t w o r lw( i t h
agcl hclpctl l(']t\,[(iu,in a birl at a Not'tlttritstitt- dirtriberse stluctule, acconlingto Tony Ottavio, gror.rpwal'ecngines C i s c oS y s t e m sI n, c .r o u t e r s
suriin(ie0{)ticcl'r't. .\t i} p.m. 0n rt I''t'itlrt),in r\tt- I(l't\l(i's chiei inftrlnrationofficer. s u c h a s t h e f o t ' t h - t o c o n n e cwt i d e - a r eLaA N
g'ust,tho insulcl aslicd l(P\,l(ilitr a 1lt'opttsal Fol instance,much of the company'sinfot'- c o m i n g I V I i c t ' o s o f t s e g m e n tfso r r e m o t ed i a l '
iot' a nttiiot'tcchnoklgl,ovet'haul. nrirtionis contuinedin NlicrrsoftColp. Word, E x c h a n g e s e r v e r , u p ; S o f t A rsc F i r s t c l a s s
l,irrrr'paltnolsrvolliingin dilfclcntciticscol- Exccl irnd PowelPointiiles on Novell,Inc. Net- Ottaviosaid. b u l l e t i nb o a r d sa n d
'l'o 'fom Austin,au
labolirtcrl ovcl thc u,cekenrlusing lirtos'lctlgtt Wale selvels. use Notes,the film would conference software.
il,lanagclto gatllcl bacliglouudin[ot'ntation, have hatl to nlove the inlolmtrtion in all thosc aualystat Galtnel
Gloup, [nc., agleed R e s u l t sR: e d u c etdh e t i m e
tlrat once a courpally a n d i m p r o v e dt h e q u a l i t yo
buildscodein Notes, p r o p o slas .
that code is not
poltable to othel platfot'nts."l(PNl(i is betting
that in trvo years, Oraclc and Bxcharlgett'ill
providea bettel solutiouthiu Notes,"hc sttid.
I(PNIGbegan testing l(nou'ledgc t\'[anager
last suntnterwith 1.100users in the advantrctl
technologiesdivisionitt Rtrdnot',Pa. lieftrlc tltc
systenlwas installed,plol'essionals tt'rtt'ltingon
a ploposalhad to call tu'ortnclto lind expet'tsitt
the aleas itt l4tich they needeclinftlt'tttation.
In plepaling fol Iiros4edgeil'lanager'. liPtrl(i
found tliat its lalgest technologl'challcngc tt'as
building tlie undellf irtg netl'ot'li supllolt.
conlpiurllt'uus both Apple'falli and IPX on all
LANs trnd TCP/lP on s'ide-at'eaconncctions.
Diagrrosingpt'oblemsovel the mixerl-plrttocol
netl,olh is nloblentrrtic. Ottaviosaitl.

K P M G ' sA l l a n F r a n k :D t ' l i t , a r i t t l l i r t l t ' l l c t t t r t t l u s s ? l t ;l o e r e r y i t r t l i t ' i t l t r t t l i r t l l t r ' / i t ' t t t

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