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SAPtips4On FI/CO


February / March 2007 Volume V Issue 1

The relationship between

Balance Sheet accounts and
Profit Centers may be set
up as shown in Figure 13.
Accounts, account ranges, and
the associated default Profit
Centers may be entered.

PCA Master Data Set

In addition to configuration
setup, successfully imple-
menting PCA is also depen-
dent on setting up the associ-
ated master data.

Execute transaction KS01

to create a cost center, and
display the “Profit Center”
entry field for Cost Centers Figure 13: Change View EC-PCA
shown in Figure 14.

Here the Profit Center

“Test1” is entered.

Use Transaction MM02,

and select Plant and the
“Costing 1” tab, to display
the Material Master Screen
used to enter the Profit Cen-
ter (shown in Figure 15).

Here the Profit Center

“Test1” is set up for the

In addition to Cost Cen-


ters and Material Masters,

it is also necessary to assign
Internal Orders to Profit Cen-
ters. If default profit centers
are not defined in configura-
tion or manually, when pro-
duction orders are created, Figure 14: Create Cost Center Basic Screen
the Profit Center will default
from the Material Master.
This inheritance is also true for Rev- Tip: Transaction 1KE4 is the PCA a Profit Center assignment, the post-
enue transactions occurring in Sales assignment monitor. This report is ing will use the Dummy profit cen-
and Distribution. FI Profit and Loss used to ensure that all Cost Centers, ter (set up in Figure 7). The Dummy
posting occurring on Cost Centers Material Masters, Internal Orders, profit center should be reviewed at
will post to the default Profit Center etc., are assigned to a Profit Center. the end of month to ensure all data
assigned to the Cost Center. In the event that a transaction is has been assigned a Profit Center.
posted in the system and there is not

SAPtips.com SAPtips © 2007 Klee Associates, Inc.

SAPtips4On FI/CO

February / March 2007 Volume V Issue 1

Figure 15: Change Material

PCA Manual Transports With the information provided in

The configuration steps outlined this article, you are now in a position fit for PCA to provide managerial
will be saved to a transport and to evaluate how PCA can be config- reporting.
moved through testing and into the ured for your SAP implementation.
production system. In addition to the When an organization has similar
transports created by initial configu- operations that span company codes, William McNaughten, Enterprise
ration, it is also possible to transport PCA is the perfect managerial report- Resource Corporation. William is an
the PCA environment and master ing tool. independent consultant specializing
data manually, using the IMG menu in the CO module. He has over 11
path (provided in Figure 16). Additionally, when Cost Centers years SAP implementation experi-
and the revenue created by the Cost ence and specializes in the Control-
The menu options (shown in Fig- Centers may be grouped into Profit ling Module. William’s email address
ure 16) under “Transport Custom- Centers, this is also an excellent is Bill.McNaughten@SAPtips.com. ≈
izing Settings” should be explored.
The manual transports are
very useful to keep SAP cli-
ents up to date with changes.
Usually configuration settings
should not change much;
however, the PCA hierarchy

and Profit Centers will typi-

cally change often during a
project. The configuration
option Transport Master Data
allows you to move the Profit
Center Hierarchy and Profit
Centers from Development to
Quality Assurance to Produc-
tion while avoiding the need
for a manual entry.

The use and purpose of
PCA is not clearly understood
in many organizations.
Figure 16: Display IMG Transport Master Data

SAPtips.com SAPtips © 2007 Klee Associates, Inc.

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