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SCIS Technology Skills Scope and Sequence Student:

Updated - 20 August 2008

Technology Skills at Grade Level: Pre-School Year:

Technology Literacy Mastery Quarter

Take appropriate care of technology equipment (talk & demonstrate the dangers, cables,
electricity, touching buttons, etc)
Operate CD software with teachers assistance (hold, put in & take out)
Manipulate mouse: move, left click and drag items

Technology Ethics Mastery Quarter

Follow rules established in the classroom and computer lab for using equipment and
programs (talk & demonstrate the dangers, cables, electricity, touching buttons, no
eating/drinking, clean hands, tidiness, etc)

Keyboarding Mastery Quarter

Key/letter recognition (Kids Pix Letter/Number Sort; Writing Name Print Artist)
Use correct body position at keyboard

Personal Productivity Mastery Quarter

Access and use graphics tools (Kids Pix, Paint, Print Artist)

Basic Skills Support Mastery Quarter

Use software for drill and practice (How Many Bugs, Jump Start Pre-School, Baileys, Fun

Please use the space below to list software applications student used this year.

Software Application Platform

Mac Windows Other
Mac Windows Other
Mac Windows Other
Mac Windows Other
SCIS Technology Skills Scope and Sequence Student:
Updated - 20 August 2008 Student: ________________________
Technology Skills at Grade Level: Pre-K and K Year:

Technology Literacy Mastery Quarter

Name basic computer components (CPU, LCD, printer, mouse, cables, etc)
Take appropriate care of technology equipment (talk & demonstrate the dangers, cables,
electricity, touching buttons, etc)
Operate CD software with teachers assistance (hold, put in & take out)
Manipulate mouse: move, left click and drag items

Technology Ethics Mastery Quarter

Follow rules established in the classroom and computer lab for using equipment and
programs (Talk & Demo)
Work cooperatively when using technology

Keyboarding and Desktop Navigation Mastery Quarter

Key/letter recognition (Kids Pix Letter/Number Sort; Writing Name Print Artist)
Key identification (Copy a piece of pros or short poem in MS Word; Put numbers into a 100
number square, MS Word)
Use correct body position at keyboard
Manipulate Objects – click, drag & move using ‘handles’. Change color/size and font. (Print
Recognize and use icons - Understand and use drop down menus from tool bar

Personal Productivity Mastery Quarter

Access and use graphics tools (Kids Pix, Paint, Print Artist)
Change the appearance of objects (color, shape, line thickness, fill, size, pattern, etc.)
Duplicate and move an object
Develop illustrations or representations of problems and ideas using technology (ex. sorting
objects in Kid Pix, matching and patterning in MS Word, Pages, etc)

Basic Skills Support Mastery Quarter

Use software for drill and practice (Bugs, Hardest level; Trudy /Sammy; Fun House)
Use appropriate grade-level on-line interactive games/activities to answer questions and
solve problems

Please use the space below to list software applications student used this year.

Software Application Platform

Mac Windows Other
Mac Windows Other
Mac Windows Other
Mac Windows Other
SCIS Technology Skills Scope and Sequence
Updated - 20 August 2008 Teacher:
Technology Skills at Grade Level: First Grade
Technology Literacy Mastery Quarter
Name basic computer components (CPU, LCD, printer, mouse, cables, etc)
Demonstrate appropriate care and handling of technology equipment (CPU, printers, etc)
Print documents unassisted after approval
Save files and documents to correct locations (Find folders)
Use correct shut down procedure

Technology Ethics Mastery Quarter

Follow rules established in the classroom and computer lab for using equipment and
applications (set at the start of the year and presented as a document for students to sign)

Keyboarding & Desktop Navigation Mastery Quarter

Recognize and locate all letter and number keys.
Demonstrate ability to use both hands when using the keyboard
Model correct body position
Move between two applications. (create a picture in MS Paint and move it into MS Word)

Personal Productivity Mastery Quarter

Word Processing
Type sentences (MS Word, Storybook Weaver)
Create original documents and save to file (MS Word)
Access and use graphics tools (Kid Pix, MS Paint, etc)
Develop illustrations or representations of problems and ideas using technology (Kid Pix to
create rubric stories)
Internet Browser
Open a bookmarked site (predetermined by teacher)

Basic Skills Support Mastery Quarter

Use software for drill and practice
Use appropriate grade-level on-line interactive games/activities to answer questions and
solve problems

Please use the space below to list software applications student used this year.

Software Application Platform

Mac Windows Other
Mac Windows Other
Mac Windows Other
Mac Windows Other
Mac Windows Other
SCIS Technology Skills Scope and Sequence
Updated - 20 August 2008 Teacher:
Technology Skills at Grade Level: Second Grade
Technology Literacy Mastery Quarter
Demonstrate appropriate care and handling of technology equipment (laptop, printers, etc)
Print documents unassisted after approval
Save documents to correct location (student u-drive or s-share)
Retrieve documents from server (s-share or resource drive)
Use correct startup/shut down procedures (Mac and PC)

Technology Ethics Mastery Quarter

Follow rules established in the classroom for using equipment and applications (set at the
start of the year and presented as a document for students to sign)

Keyboarding & Desktop Navigation Mastery Quarter

Use correct finger placement, home row and all reaches
Apply touch typing skills in other applications (Pages)
Model correct body position
Use special keys such as space bar, delete, shift, caps lock, enter
Use drop-down menus, scroll bars, open and close windows

Personal Productivity Mastery Quarter

Use spell checker appropriately
Incorporate enhancements such as fonts, style, and size into documents
Word Processing (Pages)
Type sentences unassisted, using correct capitalization, punctuation, and spacing
Create a first draft entry at computer, edit and finalize through printing
Use computer graphic programs to create original illustration
Insert clip art from within programs (Pages, Keynote, etc)
Spreadsheet (Numbers)
Identify rows, columns, cells
Enter data into a spreadsheet
Use spreadsheet data to create bar graph

Information Location, Retrieval, Processing and On-Line Safety Mastery Quarter

Locate information on-line (Firefox)
Maneuver within electronic media with teacher assistance
Discuss and demonstrate on-line safety at all times

Please use the space below to list software applications student used this year.

Software Application Platform

Mac Windows Other
Mac Windows Other
Mac Windows Other
Mac Windows Other
Mac Windows Other
SCIS Technology Skills Scope and Sequence
Updated - 20 August 2008 Teacher:
Technology Skills at Grade Level: Third Grade
Technology Literacy Mastery Quarter
Demonstrate appropriate care and handling of technology equipment (laptop, printers, etc)
Print documents unassisted after approval
Save documents to correct location (student u-drive or s-share)
Retrieve documents from server (s-share or resource drive)
Create organized file structure on server (personal file folders on u-drive)
Use correct startup/shut down procedures (Mac and PC)

Technology Ethics Mastery Quarter

Follow rules established in the classroom for using equipment and applications (set at the
start of the year and presented as a document for students to sign)
Explain and demonstrate an understanding of plagiarism

Keyboarding & Desktop Navigation Mastery Quarter

Use correct finger placement, home row and all reaches
Apply touch typing skills in other applications (Pages)
Model correct body position
Use special keys such as space bar, delete, shift, caps lock, enter
Use drop-down menus, scroll bars, open and close windows

Personal Productivity Mastery Quarter

Use spell check, grammar and thesaurus independently
Incorporate enhancements such as fonts, style, and size into documents
Select (highlight) text – use cut, copy and paste techniques
Word Processing (Pages)
Type sentences unassisted, using correct capitalization, punctuation, and spacing
Create a first draft entry at computer, edit and finalize through printing (using spell/grammar
check and thesaurus)
Develop illustrations or representations of problems and ideas using technology (ex. use
Pages to create a postcard from Autumn Festival)
Insert clip art from within programs (Pages, Keynote, etc)
Use clipboard to transfer graphics between programs
Spreadsheet (Numbers)
Identify and manipulate rows, columns, cells
Enter data into a spreadsheet
Use headers for titles, names, etc.
Use spreadsheet data to create bar, pie and line graph (class survey and record results)

Multimedia Authoring (iMovie, Keynote, Garage Band, etc) Mastery Quarter

Create a multimedia project that includes graphics, text, sound, and transitions

Information Location, Retrieval, and Processing Mastery Quarter

Navigate Internet with a browser (Firefox) including use of go, back, forward, home, save
and print (tool bar)
Identify ways that Internet and software applications promote a global community
Discuss and demonstrate on-line safety at all times

Continued on next page.

SCIS Technology Skills Scope and Sequence
Updated - 20 August 2008

Technology Skills at Grade Level: Third Grade

Please use the space below to list software applications student used this year.

Software Application Platform

Mac Windows Other
Mac Windows Other
Mac Windows Other
Mac Windows Other
Mac Windows Other
Mac Windows Other
Mac Windows Other
SCIS Technology Skills Scope and Sequence
Updated - 20 August 2008 Teacher:
Technology Skills at Grade Level: Fourth Grade
Technology Literacy Mastery Quarter
Demonstrate appropriate care and handling of technology equipment (laptop, printers, etc)
Print documents unassisted after approval
Save documents to correct location (student u-drive or s-share)
Retrieve documents from server (s-share or resource drive)
Create organized file structure on server (personal file folders on u-drive)
Use correct startup/shut down procedures (Mac and PC)

Technology Ethics Mastery Quarter

Follow rules established in the classroom for using equipment and applications (set at the
start of the year and presented as a document for students to sign)
Explain and demonstrate an understanding of plagiarism
Recognizing and report computer misuse

Keyboarding & Desktop Navigation Mastery Quarter

Use correct finger placement, home row and all reaches (10 wpm/85% acc.)
Apply touch typing skills in other applications (Pages)
Model correct body position
Use special keys such as space bar, delete, shift, caps lock, enter
Use drop-down menus, scroll bars, open and close windows

Personal Productivity Mastery Quarter

Use spell check, grammar and thesaurus independently
Incorporate enhancements such as fonts, style, and size into documents
Select (highlight) text – use cut, copy and paste techniques
Use shortcut keys when appropriate (Apple shortcut key combinations)
Independently use a digital equipment for class projects (camera, scanner, etc)
Word Processing (Pages)
Type sentences unassisted, using correct capitalization, punctuation, and spacing
Create a first draft entry at computer, edit and finalize through printing (using spell/grammar
check and thesaurus)
Use tab to indent paragraph
Manipulate layout of document: use margins, alignment, and line/paragraph spacing
Develop illustrations or representations of problems and ideas using technology (ex. use
Pages to create a postcard from Autumn Festival)
Insert clip art from within programs (Pages, Keynote, etc)
Paste or insert graphic into another document (digital camera, other sources)
Wrap text around inserted graphics (Pages)
Spreadsheet (Numbers)
Identify and manipulate rows, columns, cells
Enter data into a spreadsheet
Use headers for titles, names, etc.
Enter formulas for calculation (create a simple personal budget)
Use spreadsheet data to create bar, pie and line graph (class survey and record results)
Change attributes in charts (change colors, fonts and backgrounds)

Multimedia Authoring (iMovie, Keynote, Garage Band, etc) Mastery Quarter

Use appropriate grade-level simulation and problem-solving resources to answer questions
and solve problems (Internet activities like BBC Wordmaster)
Develop a plan or storyboard for individual multimedia project
Create a multimedia project that includes graphics, text, sound, and transitions
Communicate using various Web 2.0 tools (Blog, Podcast, etc)
Continued on next page.
SCIS Technology Skills Scope and Sequence
Updated - 20 August 2008

Technology Skills at Grade Level: Fourth Grade

Information Location, Retrieval, and Processing Mastery Quarter
Navigate Internet with a browser (Firefox) including use of go, back, forward, home, save
and print (tool bar)
Identify ways that Internet and software applications promote a global community
Use appropriate search engines to perform a basic search
Evaluate web sites for ease of use, appropriate information, presentation, etc.
Discuss and demonstrate on-line safety at all times

Please use the space below to list software applications student used this year.

Software Application Platform

Mac Windows Other
Mac Windows Other
Mac Windows Other
Mac Windows Other
Mac Windows Other
Mac Windows Other
Mac Windows Other
Mac Windows Other
Mac Windows Other
SCIS Technology Skills Scope and Sequence
Updated - 20 August 2008 Teacher:
Technology Skills at Grade Level: Fifth Grade
Technology Literacy Mastery Quarter
Demonstrate appropriate care and handling of technology equipment (laptop, printers, etc)
Print documents unassisted after approval
Save documents to correct location (student u-drive or s-share)
Retrieve documents from server (s-share or resource drive)
Create organized file structure on server (personal file folders on u-drive)
Use basic troubleshooting techniques (restart, force quit)
Use correct startup/shut down procedures (Mac and PC)

Technology Ethics Mastery Quarter

Follow rules established in the classroom for using equipment and applications (set at the
start of the year and presented as a document for students to sign)
Explain and demonstrate an understanding of plagiarism
Credit sources (bibliographic information)
Recognizing and report computer misuse

Keyboarding & Desktop Navigation Mastery Quarter

Use correct finger placement, home row and all reaches (10 wpm/85% acc.)
Apply touch typing skills in other applications (Pages)
Model correct body position
Use special keys such as space bar, delete, shift, caps lock, enter
Use drop-down menus, scroll bars, open and close windows

Personal Productivity Mastery Quarter

Use spell check, grammar and thesaurus independently
Incorporate enhancements such as fonts, style, and size into documents
Select (highlight) text – use cut, copy and paste techniques
Use shortcut keys when appropriate (Apple shortcut key combinations)
Independently use a digital equipment for class projects (camera, scanner, etc)
Word processing (Pages) Mastery Quarter
Type multi-page document unassisted, using correct capitalization, punctuation, and spacing
(edit a set document)
Create final draft entry at computer, edit and finalize through printing (using spell/grammar
check and thesaurus)
Use tab to indent paragraph
Create columns of text
Create a table and enter data
Graphics Mastery Quarter
Develop illustrations or representations of problems and ideas using technology (ex. use
Pages to create a postcard from Autumn Festival)
Paste or insert graphic into another document (digital camera, other sources)
Arrange objects (rotate, alignment, flip, group, white spacing, etc)
Wrap text around inserted graphics (Pages)
Spreadsheet (Numbers) Mastery Quarter
Identify and manipulate rows, columns, cells
Enter data into a spreadsheet
Use headers for titles, names, etc.
Enter formulas for calculation (create a simple personal budget)
Use spreadsheet data to create bar, pie and line graph (class survey and record results)
Change attributes in charts (change colors, fonts and backgrounds)
Insert spreadsheets and/or charts into other programs (Insert chart to Keynote presentation)

Continued on next page.

SCIS Technology Skills Scope and Sequence
Updated - 20 August 2008

Technology Skills at Grade Level: Fifth Grade

Multimedia Authoring (iMovie, Keynote, Garage Band, etc) Mastery Quarter
Use appropriate grade-level simulation and problem-solving software and resources to
answer questions and solve problems (ex. participate in an Internet scavenger hunt or
interactive activity such as National Geographic Lewis and Clark Journey)
Develop a plan or storyboard for individual multimedia project
Create a multimedia project that includes graphics, text, sound, and transitions
Communicate using various Web 2.0 tools (Blog, Podcast, etc)

Information Location, Retrieval, and Processing Mastery Quarter

Navigate Internet with a browser (Firefox) including use of go, back, forward, home, save
and print (tool bar)
Identify ways that Internet and software applications promote a global community
Use appropriate search engines to perform a basic search
Evaluate web sites for ease of use, appropriate information, presentation, etc.
Discuss and demonstrate on-line safety at all times

Please use the space below to list software applications student used this year.

Software Application Platform

Mac Windows Other
Mac Windows Other
Mac Windows Other
Mac Windows Other
Mac Windows Other
Mac Windows Other
Mac Windows Other
Mac Windows Other
Mac Windows Other

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