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Vision Committee Meeting May 9

Present: Laura, Lisa, Sean, Mary, Riane, Toma, Wendy, John

1. new members & volunteers: Toma, Wendy and John were welcomed in.
We decided to keep meetings at Monday 9:00 sharp for now.
Perri Gorrara has created a draft “concept” document attached to these
minutes and in standing by for more instructions. Katarina has created a blog
and will post anything we send her.

2. Survey
Wendy presented a draft survey based on the minutes of April 21. We
decided to narrow it down to preferences for hiring staff. Wendy and laura to
finalize it, including a preamble summarizing past visioning and a question
about focus, then the whole cttee will see a final draft, then distribute on
May 18.

3. Report from kids committee:

Riane reported that this committee, made up of her, Magdalene and Erin,
had met and created a fun plan for an afternoon program with the kids,
tentatively may 25, involving creativity, the school space, adult volunteers
and fun.

4. next step in refining the vision: Laura suggested another open-to-all,

facilitated meeting at the end of May to work on further articulating the
vision. Suggestions: include an educational component, use the phrase
“emerging themes” to make clear we are not making narrow, binding
decisions. Nothing decided.

5. Communications/blog
• Any general queries to be directed to Lisa if you feel you can’t answer
• Lisa and Mary to finalize minutes of May 28 mtg with Sherry and Allan
• Laura to edit May 2 evening community meeting so it is a summary
• Lisa to summarise initial “emergency” meeting March 28
• Mary to finalize “how our committee was formed” document
• Laura to craft timeline of all of this for blog
• SOMEONE (WHO WAS IT? WAS IT ME?) to summarise the results of
visioning so far
• Everything will go on the blog once it’s ok-ed by the committee
• When a few of these are on the blog, we will notify people through the
school newsletter and the email list
• We will also have a binder at the school with all these documents
• We are using the term “transition year” not “bridge year”

6. Hiring for fall: we have many unanswered questions and also some
input for the SD.
• Lisa to collate our questions
• Laura to arrange a phone consult with Allan and Sherry for this Tues or
Thurs or next Tues, with Lisa and james participating
7. our committee:
We bid farewell to Riane who is working hard on the school garden and the
kids’ voices committee. She has been an invaluable member of this
We now have a general mandate formalized in two PAC motions On
Thursday, May 5, stating that “the visioning committee is established and
empowered to work with the school district and community to create and move
towards implementing a vision for the school,” and “The visioning committee will
liason with all relevent bodies and report to PAC.”

We agree that any minutes, summaries, reports, etc, from our work will go
out to all committee members to be okayed before being made public, sent
to the District, etc.

We need to tighten things up in terms of making sure we have and follow an

agenda, and keep to task. We also need minutes of our meetings. Laura took
on this meeting but no promises for the future.

list of things to do that popped up during the meeting: Need to do:

talk to Jeff Hopkins re a consultation process (L). Organize our documents.
Get stuff on the blog, ie minutes, links, timeline of all done so far, glossary.
Have agenda for our meetings, send it out ahead of time, have it printed for
the meeting. Communicate with parents/community members. Educate
parents/community members.

NEXT MEETING: Monday, May 16, 9:00 sharp. I will compile and send out a
draft agenda on Thursday. Topics so far: prep for Sherry’s talk (childcare,
facilitator, minutes, etc), further consultation/education/refining the vision
meeting, committee terms of reference/mandate, consultation plan. Send me
more if you have them.

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