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Antiaircraft Journal
631 Pennsylvania Avenue., N.W. WASHINGTON 4, D. r..

OFFICERS Published from 1892 until 1922 as
HO:"ORARY PRESIDENT Published from 1922 until 1948 as the
COVER: Lincoln i\lcmorial with \\lashington i\lonument and Capitol in
ATTACK. By Major Niel M. Wrcidt 2
GROUND FORCE i\IOBILITY. By Brig. Cen. Paul M. Bobinett 9
21st AAA AW BN (SP). By Lt. Co/. D. B. Williams 16
THE DEFENSE OF EUROPE. By Cen. Alfred M. Cruenther 18
promote the efficiency of the Antiaircraft By Major Harry R. Jackson al/d Cp/. J. G. Torian 21
Artillery by maintailling itJ JtandardJ and tra- AWARD IN 32nd AAA BRIGADE 23
ditionJ by diJJeminating profeHional knowl-
iVIENTAL SOP. By Brig. Cen. Strode Newman 24
edge, by inJpiring greater effort towar'd the
IS IT LEVEL? By Capt. Bel/soIl E. Brister 26
improvement of materiel and methodJ of
Iraining and by foItering mutual underJtand- DISTINCTIVE UNIT INSIGNIA. By Capt. Rllssell P. Mahon 27
ing, reJpect and cooperation among all armJ, THE AAA RECORDS SECTION TRAINEH. By 1st Lt. H. L. Jones 29
brancheJ and componentJ of the Regular THE AAA DEFENSE PLANNING TEMPLATE.
Army, National Guard, Organized ReJerveJ, By Major C. P. BOllntree 30
and ReJert'e Officer!' Training Corpi. FORT TOTTEN. By 1st Lt. Joseph W. Lemiellx 31
The JOURNAL prints article. on subjects of
AAA OCS CLOSES. By Major Roger L. SteltZ/ler 39
professional and general interest to personnel of
the Antiaircraft Artillery in order to stimulate ROTC CAi\IP. By 2nd Lt. Tom Catlow 40
thoucht and provoke discussion. However,
opinions expressed and c:oncl:Jsions drawn in DISTRIBUTION OF SCHOOL INSTRUCTIONAL ~IATERIAL.
articles are in no sense official. They do not re-. By Lt. Co/. W. Craig Boyce, Jr 41
Beet the opinions or conclusions of any offielal
or branch of the Department of the Army.

The JOURNAL does not carry paid advertisinat_

The JOURNAL pays for orhrinal articles upon NEWS AND CO:\li\IENT 45
publication. ~lanU8cript should be addressed to
the Editor. The JOURNAL is not responsible LETTERS TO THE EDITOR 48
for manuscripts unaccompanied by return


PUBLICATIO:-; DATE: June 1, 1953 )1 Sgt Fred A. Baker, Business Manager
Sgt lei James E. Moore, Jr., Editorial Assistant
Sgt Paul 1\1. Plumly, Cire. l\lgr.

~ubli~bed bimontbly by tbe United States Anti&ir~r&ft .A1;so~i&~ion. Editorial and ex~cutive 0!lices. 631 Pennsylvania Avenue. ~.W ..
8shlngton 4, D. C. Terms: $3.00 per year. Foreign subscrIptIons, $4.00 per year. SIngle copies, 7Sc. Entered 8S second-class matter
~tn~~:~;:g0l'~s~~ia~ib.:dditional entry at Ricbmond, Va .• under tbe Act of Marcb 3. 1879. Copyrigbt. 1953, by tbe United States
"w HAT about atomic attack?" No
doubt every antiaircraft artillery officer
FOllRTI-l-PreparatiOlls must be made
to assist lleiglzboring units, aJld where
necessary, tile local civilian populace.
1\AA defense. There is one scale pro-
vided for each of three "yields" of
atomic bombs,-40 KT, 100 KT, and
and soldier has asked himself this ques-
tion, perhaps in a moment of reflection, Notice the keynote of these princi- 200 KT. The "yield" of an atomic
or when beginning to ponder O\-er the ples-preparation. \Vhen the attack bomb is the term used to refer to the
plans, orders, and training programs comes,-when the bomb begins to fall, total amount of energy released by the
that must, sooner or later, bring him -when the blinding. brilliant radiance bomb. Yields are expressed in terms of
face to face at last with a ,-ery real bursts forth in all its awesome terror- the equivalent amount, in thousands of
problem. "\;I,1hat to do about ;tomic that will be too late. So, let us see what tons, or kilotons (KT), of TNT re-
attack,-what call be done?" preparations we can make,-what we quired to release the same total amOunt
As the vague musings of first reflec- can plan and train for before it is too of energy as the atomic bomb. The
tions begin to acquire a more tangible late. atomic bombs dropped on Japan had
form, we ask ourseh-es, "Is my unit Let us simplify our study of' this yields of approximately 20 KT. i\n
likely to be subject to an atomic attack? problem by limiting its application to atomic bomb of 20KT yield is com-
-If so, what kind of attack will it be?- medium and heavy At\A gun battalions monly referred to as a "nominal" atomic
\Vhat are the chances for the unit to and the group and brigade headquarters bomb. The particular yields selected
surviye?-\Vould it even be possible to in antiaircraft defense of vital areas. -40, 100, and 200 KT -were taken for
continue performing our mission?-How The application of our solutions and illustrative purposes, only, as yields of
can we increase our chances, not only ideas can easily be adapted to almost hypothetical atomic bombs that would
of surviving, but of continuing to per- any AA1\ unit or defense situation. have twice, five times, and ten times.
form our mission?-vVhat can we do respectiyely, the yield of the "nominal"
"\\1hat aspects of atomic attack by
now?-vVhat can we do then?" atomic bomb, and in no way do they
the enemy are most likely to affect 1\1\A
The first step in analyzing any mili- represent yields, or orders of magnitude
gun units and their higher headquar-
tary problem begins when an answer is of yields, of actual atomic bombs.
ters?" Since it may be fairly presumed
found to the question, "vVhat is my On each of the effects scales there
that, by this time, all or nearly all per-
mission?-that is-what do I have to do?" are marked off the approximate slant I
sonnel in AAA units have received
This question can be answered by lay- ranges from the point of burst of the
more or less basic instruction in the
ing down four basic principles of atomic particular yield bomb at which the fol-
effects of atomic weapons and in de-
defense. fensi,'e or protective measures against lowing effects will exist:
FIRST -The primary aim is to be able atomic attack, no attempt will be made
to carry Oil with the missioll-at the (A) The initial gamma radiation
here to review that information in de-
least, to be ready for tile "next attack." dosage (4()() roentgens) which
tail. However, some of the main atomic
SECOND-The 1Init must be actively will be fatal to 50% of all per-
weapons effects which have a direct
prepared to meet and sltrvive the at- sons exposed if untreated.
bearing on problems confronting 1\1\A
tack. (B) Severe blast damage (5.2 pounds
units must be examined.
THIRD-PreparatiollS 1Ill1st be made per square inch overpressure).
Figure 1 shows three graphical dam-
to minimize losses of personllel and (C) Incendiarv action and severe
age scales on which are condensed
equipment. certain data concerning the most sig- (third degree) skin burns (10
nificant of the various types of effects calories per square centimeter)
resulting from the explosion of an on an average day.
Major Niel M. Wreidt served during World atomic weapon. 1\11 the data contained (D) Incendiary action and severe
War " with the l06th AAA AW Bn (SP) in
in Figure 1 were obtained from "The (third degree) skin burns (10
N. Irelond, Africa, Sicily, Italy-including
the Anzio Beachhead, France, and Germony, Effects of Atomic \Veapons" (an ex- caljsq em) on a very clear day.
serving in turn with the 1st Armored, 2d (E) {-.loderate blast damage (2.7
Armored, 3d Infantry, and 45th Infantry Di. cellent, unclassified book for sale by
visions. He is presently assigned to the Office the Superintendent of DocumCJ1~, p.s.i. overpressure).
of the Secretary of Defense for duty on the (F) 1\ loderate (second degree) skin
stof! of the Military liaison Committee to
thru the JOUfu"AL, for $1.25). Dam-
rhe Atomic Energy Commission. age scales should be made to the same burns (3 caljsq em) on an av-
scale as the maps used in planning the erage day.

(G) ~Ioderate (second degree) skin location of the batteries, and the con- The inner limits of such a defense
burns (3 caljsq cm) on a very ditions of the enemy attack. could recei\'e third degree skin burns
clear day. By analyzing typical AAA defenses, and incendiary action from the thermal
general conclusions can be drawn as to radiation.
The variables in an attack with atom- the type and degree of effects likely to 2. The AAA defenses of vulnerable
IC weapons are the number, location, be expected by AAA organizations in areas of intermediate size (about 3000
rield, and height of burst of the atomic position defending a vulnerable area at- yards in radius) could expect thermal
bombs which it is assumed will be em- tacked with atomic bombs up to 200 effects ranging from third degree burns
ployed by the enemy, and certain terrain KT in vield: and incendiary action at the inner limits
and weather conditions. Also, for any 1. For large vulnerable areas (4000- of the defenses to moderate (second
gi\'en set of those variables, a different 5000 yards or more in radius) and ex- degree) skin burns at the outer limits
defense layout will affect the damage tended AAA defenses, thermal radiation of the defenses.
estimation. The variables in a defense sufficient to cause moderate (second 3. For small vulnerable areas (2000
layout are the size and shape of the degree) skin burns might reach almost yards or smaller in radius), typical
rulnerable area, the number, type, and to the outer limits of a typical defellse. AAA defenses could expect initial gam-

MAY-JUNE, 1953
ma radiation to be a minor effect (but TABLE I: JAPANESE DAi\ IAGE (Distances in yards)
no hazard) at the inner limits of the AVERAGE OVER- WIND
defenses. Se\'ere thermal effects could DISTANCE PRESSURE VELOCITY DURATION
be expected throughout approximately IN JAPAl'J (p.s.i.) (m.p.h.) (Sec.) DAi\lAGE IN JAPA:\ Ill'
the inner half of the defenses. with 1333 10 270 0.77 Reinforced concrete s~ gu
moderate effects O\'er the remainder. stack with S-inch walk (2l
The maximum effects ranges upon o\'erturned. Roof tib \0'
which the foregoing conclusions are bubbled (melted by hell. W
based are obtained from bursts at 2000 IS-inch brick walls COIn- \)I
feet over targets at or near the outer pletely destroyed.
edges of the vulnerable areas. The 2000 5.2 160 0.98 Severe damage to entire
ranges would be shorter for targets lo- area. Severe structura,
cated closer to the centers of the vul- damage to steel frame [(
nerable areas. In the foregoing conclu- buildings. 9-inch brick \l
sions, only thermal effects have been walls moderately cracked. \J
noted, for two reasons. First, nuclear Incendiary action; third lJ
radiations do not have sufficient range \
degree skin burns.
to affect likely AAA positions. Second,
2667 2.9 100 1.12 Severe damage to homes,
blast effects are not only apt to be
hea\')' damage to windo....
comparatively slight at likely AAA po-
frames and doors. Foliage
sitions, but their computation depends
scorched by radiant heat.
closely on the chosen height of burst,
due to the reRection of the shock wave 3333 2.0 70 1.20 Blast damage to majority
of homes. Se\'ere fire dam.
from the ground combining with the
age expected. Flash igni.
shock wave itself to produce what is
known as a "j\ lach stem." tion of dry combustible
I-laving brieRy outlined the magni-
tude of the maximum effects likely to
4000 1.5 50 1.25 Light damage to window
frames and doors, moder.
be encountered at average AAA posi-
ate plaster damage. Light
tions from up to a 200 KT atomic bomb,
to moderate skin bums,
the next things to consider are the
damage and casualties which would
result from such effects and the de-
fensivc mcasures that should be taken. \\Tith respect to blast damage, the blast damage, 2.7 pounds per square
Thc Japanese experienccs at Hiroshima most susceptible items of equipment inch, at points markcd (E). I-!owe\'er,
and Nagasaki provide a basis for pre- and materiel to be found in an AAA due to the "Mach stem" effect pre\'i-
dicting the extent of damage which can position are items such as radar antennas ously mentioned, these ranges should
be expected to result from various mag- and fire control equipment in general. be regarded as \'C!)' approximate.
nitudes of effccts. Table I shows the Undoubtedly the large fire control vans
average distances from GROUND would be especially susceptible to blast
ZEBO at which certain results were ob- damage. It can be estimated that most ~A equipment and materiel in gen- ..
served in the atomic bombings of Japan. fire control equipment would suffer ap- eral are less susceptible to thermal effects
\Vithout delving into whatever ex- preciable damage when subjected to than are personnel. Some communica-
perimental data there may be concern- blast shock waves of about 5 or more tions equipment, if exposed, may be
ing the actual damage caused by atomic pounds per square inch peak overpres- slightly damaged by thermal radiation
explosions on specific items of military sure. An interesting comparison is that of about 3 to 5 calories per square centi-
cquipment and materiel, certain gen- the strength of an atomic shock wave meter and would probably be severely'
eral results can be estimated using the required to destroy an average brick damaged at about 10 calfsq cm. Am-
Japanese experience as a basis. In gen- wall is only 4 pounds per square inch munition would probably not receiv£
eral, it can be stated that at thc distances peak overpressure. Light damage to any thermal damage at normal AAA
from GROUND ZEBO which AAA some fire control equipment may result positions.
positions would normally be placed, the from overpressures as low as 2 or 3 Gasoline in vehicle tanks or in canS
blast damage would probably be light, pounds per square inch. Tents and would probably not be ignited by the
and the thermal damage and casualties light structures would undoubtedly be thermal radiation directly. Howe\'er,
severe to moderate. Of the three types susceptible. If gasoline tanks were rup- if the containers are ruptured by blast
of atomic effects-nuclear, blast, and tured, a fire hazard would be created. or flying debris, there may be a fire
thermal-the thermal effects are mili- In the construction of the damage scales hazard, especially if nearby inflammable
tarily the most significant at the dis- of Figure I, "severe" blast damage due materials have been pre\'iously ignited.
tances at which AAA positions are to 5.2 pounds per square inch occurs at \Vhereas the thermal radiation from an
likelv to be located. the points marked (B), and "moderate" atomic explosion is emitted very quickly,

[he shock of the blast wave would not may also ignite some types of clothing. The figure most commonly used for
be felt until many seconds later. In The extent of thermal radiation depends planning purposes is the prompt, whole-
Japan there was evidence that in some a great deal on the clarity of the atmos- body radiation e:.:posure which will
instances the blast wa\'es had extin- phere. The slant ranges in Figure 1 probably be eventually fatal to about
guished flames caused by the thermal for 10 cal/sq cm on average and on 50% of the personnel e:.:posed, if these
~Jdiation. ~ lany of the fires that fol- very clear days are marked (C) and personnel are not treated for radiation
lowed the e......
plosion, moreover, were (D), respecti\'ely, and for 3 cal/sq cm, sickness. This figure is taken to be
the result of secondary effects created (E) and (F), respectively. about 400 roentgens for the average
hi' the blast damage, rather than by the individual. 1\ lost of the practical pro-
i~itial thermal radiation. tective measures against gamma radia-
Sandbags vary as to the composition BEFORE estimating the probable ef- tion are based on reducing the radiation
of the material they are made of and as fects of nuclear radiations upon the intensity to below the 50% lethal dose
ro whether the material is treated or AAA defenses, it is well to state briefly b'el. The slant ranges at which indi-
untreated. Since sandbags are widely what general types of casualties will be viduals would be exposed to a radiation
used in fortifying AAA positions, it is produced by various exposures. In the dosage of 400 roentgens from 40, 100,
of interest to know whether they will most severe exposures, close to ground and 200 KT atomic bombs are indicated
be burned by the thermal radiation from zero, of probably several thousand roent- in Figure I by the points marked (A).
Jtomic explosions, causing the sand to gens, death may occur within a few In a normal AAA defense, nuclear
spill out, and thus weakening the forti- hours. Exposure to 600 roentgens will radiation will not usually constitute a
fications or getting sand into equipment be fatal in nearly all cases within 2 hazard. Probably the greatest chance
Jnd onto ammunition. The average weeks. A 400 roentgen exposure results of an AAA position being exposed to a
critical heat energy for the various types in the death of about 50% of the per- radiological hazard would occur if an
of sandbag materials in use indicates sons exposed from 2 to 12 weeks later. enemy aircraft carrying an atomic bomb
that, at the distances at which AAA These predictions of fatalities presume were damaged by fighter action or AAA
positions are normally deployed in de- no medical treatment. ~ loderate expo- fire. In such a- situation the bomb
fense of vulnerable areas of about 3000 sures from 100 to 300 roentgens may might be deliberately jettisoned, or the
I'ards or more in radius, sandbags will produce illness in about 2 weeks but plane might crash with the bomb still
;I'ithstand the effects of the thermal are usually not fatal. Smaller exposures aboard. In the first instance, the bomb
radiations likely to be encountered from are not apt to produce anv noticeable might explode normally with a full-
up to a 200 KT atomic bomb. In the symptoms. scale explosion at the proper altitude,
defenses of smaller vulnerable areas,
AAA positions might be emplaced close-
ly enough to likely GROUND ZERO
points within the vulnerable areas to 40KT /()() KT ZO()KT
make sandbags susceptible to being 0 0 0
burned. In such cases treated sandbags
will offer an appreciably greater amount 1000 I()()() 1000
of protection than untreated sandbags. A
Camouflage materials may also be
ZOO() ZQ()O 200()
susceptible to thermal incendiary ac- f J()()Q J(J(}(} 3""0
tion. In general, the same principles
apply as for sandbags. However, ordi-
"e 4()OO

nary camouflage materials are probably

5000 c 500" c 50()O
considerably more inflammable than
sandbag materials, and hence create 60()O F {,()()(} D 600()
more of a hazard. If thev cannot be
I especially treated, it might 'be advisable 7000
1 to use other materials which are less 8000 8000
inflammable. Improvisation in such
matters has always been one of the G
A-SO" LETlfAi G,fN,II1fA
strong keynotes of the antiaircrafr.t amrti71- lo,O()o
leryman's well-known versatili~ B-SEY"'!?.£" 8i.AST.PANAfi£
1 Personnel varv, in their sensitivitv, to C-INCFNb/ARY ACTltW-ArUA6£ DAY
Rash burns. However, for the average D-INCENO/AItY ACTIOt'I-YEHY CLEM bAY
person, a thermal energy of about 1 or E,'-/ft1fJtJ£RAT£ BiAJ'T ./JANA6E r,
2 cal/sq cm will produce slight (first F- NQNItATE" 8UItNJ'- AYF/fAfiF DAY
degree) burns, about 3 cal/sq cm will G- NtJl)£RATE 8//HKS-YBO' ('LEN? f),f Y
produce moderate (second degree)
burns, and about 10 caljsq cm will pro- Figure I-Damage Scales. Slam ranges in yards; hypothetical yields. Data ob-
duce severe (third degree) burns and tained from "The Effects of Atomic W'eapons."
MAY-JUNE, 1953 5
or if the bomb itself were damaged. it cave-ms. ment which are partially behind forti-
might hit the ground and produce a nu- Blast protection should be provided fications will receh-e protection to the
clear fizzle eA.'plosionof somewhat less wherever the analysis of the damage extent that they are below the line of
violence than a normal explosion. The situation for an AAA defense indicates sight from the~, over the top of the
nuclear fizzle might also occur if the plane the probability of blast damage to parapet to the atomic burst.
crashed with the bomb still aboard. If equipment and materiel or the possi- In order to gain increased protection
such events occurred in the vicinity of bility of casualties among personnel from the heat rays, the parapet should
an AAA position, then the radiological serving the equipment due to Hying be raised, or if that cannot be done for
hazard might affect the AM personnel debris. Although the ability of the some reason, a more or less temporary
in that area. The chances for these human body to withstand strong blast shielding can be place to extend suf-
things to happen, however, are estimated effects is well known, this does not nciently above the parapet to give the
as fairly remote. mean that no protection for personnel needed protection. The shielding can
is needed against blast. The secondary be of any material which will not be
blast effects due to Hying debris and ignited by the amount of heat calculated
CDMMAND posts of higher head- collapsing structures or persons being to be received at the position. For ex-
quarters, communications centers, opera- Hung about are far more important in ample, thin metal sheeting, wood, or
tions centers and aid stations sometimes producing casualties. A man standing in cardboard might be used. Various kinds
are established in buildings which are lo- the open could probably be picked up of wood will be ignited by heat ener-
cated conveniently to the defenses. If and Hung against a structure or onto the gies from about 9 caIjsq cm for Douglas
the buildings which are selected for ground by a shock wave of 5 or more nr to about 25 cal/sq cm for black
these purposes are within the radius of pounds per square inch overpressure. maple. These ngures vary appreciably
moderate or severe blast damage, it may The injuries he might sustain in such with the nature of the wood, its dryness,
be desirable to provide shelters inside a situation could be severe depending treatment, e.g., pain~, varnish, etc. Card-
the buildings. Although this is fre- on the nature of the object he was board and corrugated paper would
quently a complex problem, it is essen- Hung against. probably bum around 5-10 cal/sq crn.
tially the same for atomic as for ordinary In the Japanese experience, the The slant ranges at which heat inten-
high explosive bombs. Preferably the secondary effects accounted for about sities of 3 and 10 cal/sq cm would be
buildings chosen for such shelters should 50-60% of those killed and about 75% received from 40, 100, and 200 KT
be nreproof, reinforced concrete, or of the total casualties. The nature of atomic bombs are indicated on the dam-
steel frame buildings that are resistant the indirect injuries from blast varied age scales in Figure 1. If wood or metal
to collapse. Shelters within these build- from complete crushing, severe frac- is used for shielding, proper precautions
ings should be located on the lower tures, and serious lacerations with hem- 'should be taken to stake it down nrmly
Hoors, in halls, or in the interior por- orrhage, to minor scratches, bruises, and so that it will not become a hazard by
tions for the best protection. Secondary contusions. Shock was a serious com- being blown about by the blast waw.
hazards such as might result from Hying plication in many cases. Furthermore, If no other means of protection are
glass and debris, nxtures, or falling many burns were also, in a sense, an available, the heat resistance value of
plaster, or from fire, should be avoided indirect effect of the blast. clothing must be depended upon. Since
or eliminated to the greatest extent pos- Guns and nre control and communi- the thermal energy from an atomic burst
sible. cations equipment should be protected. is emitted very quickly, the heat received
Shelters outside of larger structures Fortified emplacements should be con- does not have time to spread appreciably
would normally be used for lower com- structed to provide not only protection below the surface. At the distances for
mand posts, aid stations, personnel, of equipment from blast and thermal normally placed AAA positions, thermal
storage of key items, etc. These shelters effects, but also of personnel from direct radiation would not be expected to pene-
should be located well clear of buildings thermal radiation and secondary blast trate clothing, even though the outer
to avoid the hazards of nre and Hying effects. Fire control data transmission clothing might scorch or char. Better
debris. A buried or semi-buried shelter cables should be dug in. protection is provided when there is
of the cut-and-cover type will usually more than one layer of clothing. Ordi-
Protective measures against thermal
offer the best protection from an air radiation take into account that the nary fatigue clothes will give fair pro-
burst. Various materials normally avail- heat radiated from the bomb travels in tection against intensities of thermal
able for such purposes include wood, a straight line. Thus, from a 100 KT radiation which would otherwise cause
sandbags, soil, corrugated sheet iron, burst at a height of 2000 feet, a thermal second and third degree burns.
oil drums, etc. The Japanese experience radiation intensity of 3 call sq cm,
has indicated that doors are not needed enough to cause moderate (second de-
if a bafHe or turn in the entrance gree) skin bums and to scorch or ignite PROTECTION against initial gam'
shields the occupants from the direct some materials, would occur at a hori- ma radiation will not normally be re-
heat rays of the bomb. T\vo means of zontal range of about 6000 yards on an quired at most AAA positions except
exit are essential. A ramp for the en- average clear day. The angle which for the unusual cases mentioned pre-
trances is preferable to steps. Some dig- the heat rays would make with the hori- viously. In the event of an atomic bomb
ging tools should be placed inside as zontal at that range is about 6.35 de- detonation unusually close to an AM
insurance against being trapped by grees. Therefore, personnel and equip- position, close enough to constitute I

from exposures to serious doses of radia-
tion, we must realize one thing. If we
are close enough to an atomic explosion
to receive serious doses of radiation, \ve
are also close enough to be subjected to
extremely severe blast and thermal ef-
fects. However, if some adequate pro-
tective cover is close at hand, the time
factor, if we know it and utilize it, can
still sa\'e us.
i\ lost of the gmJllJ/u radiation occurs
between 0.1 second and 10 seconds. The
sllOek ware travels faster than the speed
of sound at first, but quickly slows down
to a speed approaching that of sound.
The closest that AAA positions will
normally be to a GROUND ZERO
point will be about 3000 vards. The
shock wave from a nominal atomic bomb
will arrive at that point in about 6
If a battery is not busy firing, the men
should be able to reach adequate cover
within about 5 seconds. Some men
might already be within sheltered posi-
tions; some would need more or less
than 5 seconds to reach cover. Those
who can take cover in 5 seconds or
U.S. Army Photo
BATTERY D, 50ist AAA GUN BN. less will escape blast (including Hying
debris) and gamma rays, but not the
By raising the parapets higher around this gun pit the crew would receive better heat rays. Thus it can be concluded
protection from the heat and blast effects of atomic explosions. Note no loose
that Hash burns are the most likely type
objects are lying around to become a hazard under an atomic shock wave.
of injury to be sustained by AAA troops
radiation hazard, protection can be based of 400 roentgens. Therefore, if A1\A in position. But if the battery is busy
upon two means: first, providing a suf- positions are adequately fortified against firing, the men will not be able to take
ficient mass of protective material be- the normal hazards of conventional war- cover, and hence there will be more
tween the individual and the atomic fare, as well as the blast effects of atomic casualties, to whatever extent protective
burst, including the rising ball of fire; bursts, by means of cut-and-cover shel- measures are not complete. The pro-
and second, getting behind that mass of ters, gun pits dug in and built up with tection from Hash burns afforded by
protective material quickly enough. earth and sandbags, etc., they will be clothing thus becomes very important.
Now, at first glance the task may seem adequately protected against intense There is another aspect of nuclear
impossible, at least out in the field at gamma radiation if the parapets are high hazards,-the so-called residual nuclear
an AAA position. The terms "sufficient enough. radiations and contamination. In most
r mass of protective material" probably 1\ man who is in an exposed position circumstances, the fall-out of radioactive
r conjure up visions of thick concrete em- when the bomb bursts has a surprising materials from the cloud column result-
placements, which most of us will prob- amount of time to seek protection from ing from an air burst will not be a
, 1ably never have. And "quickly enough" gamma radiationyIf he can duck into radiological hazard. The CBR person-
may seem like the magician's hand adequate cover within 10 seconds of the nel who are especially trained for the
which is quicker than the eye. Not so! burst, he will only receive 80% of the purpose will be able to monitor any ra-
The problem is really very simple. radiation he would otherwise. If he can dioactivity found with special radiation
First of all, we don't need concrete duck within 7 seconds, he can cut a monitoring instruments. The chances
fortifications. Ordinary soil, when tight- 400 roentgen dose down to 300 roent- of hazards to AAA positions due to re-
gens, which will mean that he has saved sidual nuclear radiations and contamina-
'ly packed, is about 60% as effective as
" concrete in cutting down on the gamma his life, If he can duck within I second, tion are probably very remote.
rays. This means that a little more than he can cut an 800 roentgen dose down
t 30 inches of tightly-packed soil is about to 400 roentgens, thus improving his
• as effective as 20 inches of concrete. And chances from sure death to a fifty-fifty LET us consider a few ideas and hints
) 20 inches of concrete is sufficient to re- chance even if untreated; if treated, his which might be helpful in stimulating
duce a lethal dosage of about 10,000 chances are better. the planning for preparing AAA units
a roentgens to below the 50% lethal dosage Now, when we talk about escaping to meet the requirements of the four

MAY-JUNE, 1953 7
basic principles mentioned earlier. AM defenses wire is usually regarded of the essential equipment in a gun bat-
One important idea which underlies as the primary means. Provision must tery is the fire control equipment. h
all civil defense planning for atomic dis- be made, and our thinking geared, for is conceivable that an AM battery
aster and which could well be adopted the quick and effective change of the might receive damage severe enough to
by military organizations is this: help primary means of communication. With- put its fire control system out of com-
for stricken areas (units) must come in a battery position, however, wire will, mission but not its guns or the personnel
from outside the stricken area (unit). of course, remain the primary mea~ to man the guns. Should, then, the
Now if this help is to be timely and But if it is to survive blast and heat, It guns be allowed to stand useless if the
effective, some careful and thorough must be adequately protected. Local engagement continues or if there is an-
preparations are in order. Each unit- wire should be dug in. Depending upon other attack before the fire control equip-
firing battery, headquarters batteries at the nature of the soil, almost any depth ment is replaced? Not necessarily. Here
all levels-should organize, train, and sufficient to cover the wire will probably is where the improvisation and versatili-
equip one or more mobile rescue teams. be adequate. About 6 inches should ty for which the AAA is famous are
There should be a relatively large num- do the job in average soil. If for some brought to bear upon the problem. Al-
ber (at least two per battery) of first reason the wire cannot be dug in or though not as effective as continuously
aid teams, about half as many monitor otherwise protected, provision should be pointed, continuous fire, there are vari-
teams, a few light rescue teams, and made for rapid and complete replace- ous types of barrage fire methods which
perhaps one or two heavy rescue teams ment of the entire system. This should can be used. Plan and prepare now for
established within an AAA group or apply also to non-local wire,-that is,- the improvisation which may suddenly
brigade defense. from one position to another,-all the be thrust upon you!
wire in an AAA defense. To sum it all up, the keynote of suc-
As we have already seen, the major
medical problem will be the treatment Key communications facilities should cess against atomic attack is planning
of bums. Since there will undoubtedly be adequately fortified. If it is necessary and preparation. Of course we all know
not be enough medical personnel within that they be placed in severe damage it, but don't forget that many a good
an AAA unit to cope with the situation, zones, duplicate facilities, completely plan failed because the right people
and since a large percentage of men who equipped, should be provided in loca- didn't know about it, or because the
will be burned can continue on duty tions which are out of danger. troops and staffs who would have to exe-
if treated, it will pay real dividends t~ cute it had not been adequately pre-
train all personnel thoroughly in first aid pared and trained to execute it rapidly
for bums. Furthermore, the medical SUPPLY officers' problems are likely and efficiently. The psychological im-
supply situation is apt to become sud- to be tremendous. The proper location pact of an atomic explosion is so great
denly critical. Within the limits of avail- of supply points with respect to damage that only thorough preparation, by in-
able supplies, higher commanders should zones may save a lot of trouble. Re- doctrination, by training, by laying in
plan for stockage of supplies for bum supply after the extensive damage likely the right supplies, by building the neces-
treatment such as occlusive dressings, to be caused by an atomic attack will sary fortifications, will enable prompt re-
sedatives, etc., at each AAA position. make heavy demands upon the supply covery and continuation of the mission.
The stockage at each position should not officer's organization and facilities. Items Idle thinking, or even ardent planning,
only be adequate for the estimated which are not commonly matters of re- will not alone suffice.
casualties there, but should also provide supply are likely to become so very The day of atomic warfare is here.
adequate supplies for any mobile first aid suddenly and in large quantities. This Make no mistake about it-atomic weap-
teams established there. will have an impact all the way back ons wiII be used against sufficiently im-
Commanding officers and medical of- up the supply channels. With proper portant targets. And don't forget that
ficers of AAA units should remember planning for emergency re-supply, AAA any vulnerable area which has been giv-
that the AAA units located around an defenses need not be thrown for a loss en AAA protection is unquestionably of
area struck by atomic bombs will un- for lack of supplies after an atomic at- sufficient importance to be a target for
doubtedly find themselves rendering tack. atomic attack.
some kind of assistance to civilians. After the shock wave from an atomic The atomic weapon is not an "ab-
Within the limits of our ability, and blast has passed a gun position, and as solute" weapon. It is a weapon to be
keeping our primary mission foremost, soon as the situation permits, one of respected greatly, but it should not be
we should plan accordingly. the things that should be checked which regarded with panic or unreasoning fear.
Communications under disaster con- might be overlooked if there has been We have seen the kind of damage and
ditions are of vital importance. Most only slight or no damage, is the orienta- casualties typical AM defenses are like-
important of all will be mobile com- tion (and perhaps synchronization, also) ly to receive from atomic bombs up to
munications-that is, radios mounted on of the elements of the battery. All equip- ten times as powerful as those used at
vehicles so that rescue teams and recon- ment and materiel necessary for firing Hiroshima and Nagasaki. And we now
naissance parties can report to and be should be inspected and run through know how, with proper preparation, we
controlled by a central authority. Radio appropriate checks to insure an accurate- can successfully meet and survive the
is thus seen to acquire a primary statUs ly firing battery as soon as possible after attack, and continue to perform our
among the means of communication un- the attack. AM mission with minimum losses of
der disaster conditions, whereas in static Probably among the most vulnerable personnel and equipment.
Modern warfare is mobile warfare. The nation that acts on
the lessons of history will field forces predestined for victory


IN a military sense mobility implies

more than just mobility in equipment
uations. On the other hand, mobile-
minded leadership, lacking mobile
ill January in tl1eir anlllfalmeeting they
started an illteresting variatioll ill this
and in organization. It is also a state weapons and organization and adequate pattern. They started the delivery of a
of mind. If it does not exist in the logistical preparation for the operations, strong organized punch for Armor and
minds of responsible high level civilian can only develop unsound projects its jmportance ill ollr national defense.
and military leaders, mobility is impos- which will ultimately lead to disaster. General Jacob L. Devers, retired Army
sible on. the battlefield even though So it is that static or defensive warfare Field Forces Chief, Lieutenant Gell'
Iequipment and the organization of forces is the refuge of mediocre civilian and eral Edward H. Brooks, Retiring Second
1make it possible. The lack of mobility military leaders and mobile warfare the Army Commander, and Lieutenant Gen-
in mind will result in rigid, shortsighted pitfall of the incautious. These two possi- eral Willis D. Crittenberger, retired
plans and in sloth-like operations which bilities are the scarlet threads that run First Army Commander and Armor As-
will tend to degenerate into static sit- through all of recorded military history. sociation President, delivered lIrgent
The story of war is the record of an speeches for increasing and massing our
*Reprinted by permission, from Armor,
unending contest between the propo-
~Iarch-April 1953 issue. Armored forces in the Army.
nents of static and mobile concepts. Following this meeting the March-
\Ve are Hsed to seeing the Army sit April Armor published as the lead artide
Brigadier General Paul M. Robinett, reo
back qllietly wl1ile the Air Force and Ground Force 1\ lobility by Brigadier
tired, writes from the experience of a coreer
in the mobile orm. leoder of a Combat the Navy representatives sound off in General Paul M. Robinett. As this ar-
Command of 1st Armored Division in the ticle has attracted widespread attention
I Tunisian Campaign in World War II, he is
their battle for headlines and the lions
now Chief of the Foreign Studies Branch, share of the federal budget. frOIll the American Press, we reprint it
Office of the Chief of Military History, U. S.
H111en our friends in the Armor As- here ill full through the courtesy of the
sociation met at Fort Knox, Kentucky author and Armor.-En.

MAY-JUNE, 1953 9
Napoleon, for example. came upon the were not fully tested in \ Vorld War U
scene at a time when the armies of Eu- because of a lack of imagination in t~
rope had fallen into a fixed pattern and preparation of plans and in the organiq.
military operations were conducted in tion of forces. The chiefs of the variOUs
a sluggish, geometric manner. It was the military establishments and their princi.
end of the period of mercenaries. He pal staff subordinates were of tradition-
adopted a re\'olutionary practice by de- ally conservati\'e mold-some more than ~
veloping military organization in an others. In Great Britain. France. and
army of the masses which was capablc the United States the idea of mobile
of moving with great rapidity, of living warfare was not welcome. There were
off the country, and of striking with some advances in mobility but its ad\.()-
great violence at a decisive place and cates, particularly in Great Britain and
time. Napoleon was a genius of ma- France, had no official part in the prep-
neuver and, for a time, of logistics. In aration of either plans or forces. l\lam'
the end, however, he brought about his advocates of mobility, notably Fuller.
own ruin in pursuit of the elusive Rus- Liddell Hart, and De Gaulle, were to
sian Army, beyond the limits of his Librar:y of Congress
, have more inHuence in the enemy camp
mobility and in disregard of logistical than in their own lands. In Germam'. '
considerations. Guderian's ideas of mobility were ~o
attack at the outbreak of hostilities, The
Another great disciple of mobility was better received in the General StaR'.
French forces were quickly thrown back
Hitler. Taking advantage of the industri- On gaining control in 1933, Hitler
and were fighting for existence in a
al potential of his country, of the military quickly adopted the idea of mechanized
series of retrograde actions. On the oth-
decadence of his neighbors, and of the warfare, but his administrative organiza.
er hand, the German high command,
disarmed status of Germany, he develop- tion was inefficient. Finally, he was
although tactically successful, lacked
ed military organization and equipment lured into precipitate action by the pros.
energy and weakened the enveloping
of great mobility and offensive striking peets of quick and sure tactical successes
forces by detaching elements to the east
power. Consequently, by 1939 all op- but with the Panzer command stilI in
and by failing to mass the cavalry on
posing ground forces were obsolete and an incomplete state and its destructi\'e
the exposed right Hank. It soon lost the
ripe for destruction. But the Fuehrer operational possibilities imperfectly un.
ability to continue the offensive and was
was an impatient man and launched a derstood. Although improvements were
forced back upon the defensive. It had
series of lightning wars before his ma- made and Panzer corps and armies were
hoped that by repeated limited objective
chine was fully built. He won some of created, the German armored force was
attacks it could hold the initiative and
the greatest victories of all time but to never as fully developed as mobile.
eventually wear down and destroy the
no avail. His obsession for mobility and minded commanders, such as Guderian.
Allies in the west. But it failed com-
his lack of comprehension of logistical planned, but remained a makeshift suh-
pletely when the weight of the United
considerations led him into the limitless stitute to the end. It was so because •
States Army tipped the scales against
depths of the Soviet Union without hav- Hitler made twenty-five Panzer divisions
Germany. Genius was lacking on both
ing taken the precaution of preparing out of ten without increasing his tank
sides during the prewar planning and
for a winter campaign; led him beyond strength proportionately. Neither did
organization of forces and in the actual
the capabilities of his mobile forces, and German invention and production ever
employment of existing mobile forces in
ultimately to his doom. Hitler entered match Hitler's requirements, which were
the conduct of operations.
upon this venture with less than 3,500 far greater than he envisaged. Thus he"
The possibilities of mobile warfare
Mark II, III, and IV tanks while, Gu- won only tactical successes and even-I
derian estimates, the Soviets had 17,000 tually suffered an annihilating defeat.
tanks in 1937 and had increased the The mobile-minded Fuehrer came to his I
number by the time the campaign tragic end still commanding imaginary
opened on 22 June 1941. But the great mobile forces, which in reality existed
surprise to the Germans was the appear- only on paper.
ance of the superior Soviet 1'-34 tank hi the United States mobile-minded
near the limit of their penetration. men were denied responsible posts in
the \Var Department. They had no
part whatsoever in planning the \\Torld
INTERESTING examples of offen- War II Army or in formulating strategic
sive mobile-minded high commands, plans for the employment of the Army.
lacking the means for mobile operations German blitz successes in Poland were
or the abilitv to concentrate those avail- rather lightly regarded, but the fall of
able, were those of France and of Ger- France, under the crushing blows of
many at the beginning of \\Torld \Var Kleist's and Guderian's Panzer forces,
I. The high commands of both nations made a profound impression. However.
had decided upon the offensive and each the basic reasons for the German victory
Captured Germau Photo
of them attempted to launch a great Hitler in the west were not well understood.

. resulted from a strategical surprise, was joined the armored corps was aban-
frV/l1 the speed and violence of the at- doned and all ideas of annored armies
:JCkby massed and coordinated Luft- discarded in favor of a more even dis-
:life and Panzer forces on a narrow tribution of mobile troops throughout
flOntat the point of main effort. from the field forces. For example, during
.he speedy exploitation of the break- operations in Europe a typical Ameri-
hrough, and from the relentless pursuit can corps included one armored and
11 the brokf'll Anglo-French armies. two infantry divisions and, in time, each
infantry division included one or more

OLLO\VING the German successes
\\'estern Europe, the Armored Force,
separate tank battalions. Such an allot-
ment of armored elements did not ma-
terially increase the mobility of infantry
ith almost autonomous authority, was divisions or corps. But, on the contrary,
quickly created by the \Var Department it precluded the creation of efficient
n 10 July 1940 and General Chaffee, armored corps and armies capable of
I long-time advocate of mobile warfare, cross-country mobility in all their parts.
placed at the head. I-Ie had the vision U. S. Army
This inevitably led to operations on a
;l) lacking in the \Var Department, but broad front with lack of armor concen-
death intervened and his grand idea was tration at points of main effort. Conse-
In the European Theater the lack of
;oonblighted by less imaginative minds. quently, the Anglo-American campaign
mobile mindedness in the \Var Depart-
The crisis in Europe having ameliorated, in the \Vest was a conventional opera-
ment was equally apparent in Allied
the traditionalists in the \Var Depart- tion in which superior numbers of men
Force Headquarters and in 12th Army
ment reverted to form. Effort and means and equipment overcame a failing ene-
Group Headquarters. All of the princi-
that should have gone into the creation my, hopelessly thrown back everywhere
pal commanders and staff officers as-
f an offensive mobile force of armored upon the defensive. The possibility
signed to these two important headquar-
corps and armies were squandered in existed for a classical and speedy victory
ters were soundly based in traditional
de\'e1oping inefficient antitank organiza- of enormous proportions. But this would
broad front operations by infantry. The
nons and equipment. Some of the lat- have required the concentration of a
concepts of battle and of logistical sup-
:er,as for example a 37mm gun mounted highly mobile armored army on the right
port originating in these headquarters
In the tail end of a light truck and a Hank, backed with adequate logistical
displayed a uniform lack of imagina-
-Smm gun mounted in the front end of support both on the ground and from
tion in concepts of mobility. A mobile-
a half track, although probably adopted the air. The actual performance of
minded subordinate, General Patton,
only as stopgap equipment, were re- General Patton's Third Army on the
frequently achieved limited successes by
tained too long and proved useless and right Hank during its driye across France
circumventing his superiors, but he was
sometimes even tragic to the little band furnished only a hint of what might
not even able to destroy the German
which fought the meeting engagement have been accomplished by an adequate-
Fifteenth Army which extricated itself
lI'ith German troops in Africa. Yet it ly supported armored army on that Hank.

I cost many millions of dollars and, most

unfortunately, represented the squander-
Ing of military personnel, of strategic
from France, established a defensive
position, and inHicted very heavy casual-
ties before being ~riven out.
General Patton was mobile-minded but
his army was only a typical American
army, not an armored army, and lacked

lI materials, and of labor on defensive

organizations. This violation of the prin-
riple of economy of force and of means,
General Chaffee had envisaged a mo-
bile force including armored corps and
armored armies. But before the battle
the necessary logistical support from the
air and on the ground. This support
could have been furnished had higher
together with others, could have been staffs been mobile-minded in sufficient
I responsible for our defeat had the bal- time to prepare the means. Little could
ance been more closely drawn than it be done by improvisation.
Finally, when Germany culminated a
I blitz th;ough the Balk~ns by seizing
i Crete with airborne troops, the \Var De-
A CONTRIBUTING factor to the
mediocrity of the Anglo-American vic-
:partment, not knowing the exorbitant tory in "Vestern Europe during \Vorld
I cost of the apparent victory in blood \Var II, one which c1earlv indicated the
I and materiel, created an excessively large lack of mobile minded~ess, was the
!airborne force-the most costly and the multiplicity of overstaffed headquarters
I least mobile form of ground troops. But in the chain of command and the ex-
Worse still, these units were allowed to cessive control exercised bv these head-
recruit the adventurous, dynamic, mo- quarters. From the divisio~s and corps,
bile-minded personnel fro~ the Army. the chain extended back through army,
This tended to reduce the quality of the army group, and Allied Force to the
infantry, armor, and artillery personnel Combined Chiefs of Staff and the
because the Air Forces got first choice. Chiefs of State-Churchill and Roose-
MAY-JUNE, 1953 11
velt. This, howe\'er, does not re\'eal the tendencv should be resisted in order force almost immediately passed to the
real situation: because \'arious head- that the intellectuals mav shoulder their Soviet Union and led it to become in.
quarters had deputy commanders the full responsibilities as fighting men and creasingly belligerent in all its actions.
practical effect was to still further leaders. To rectify the imbalance it had itself
lengthen the chain of command. Over- Sufficient information is not yet at created, the United States was forced
stuffed staffs tended to slow down de- hand to fully analyze the Soviet per- to expand its armed forces and to initio
cisions, to retard the How of information, formance in Eastern Europe but enough ate an enormous re-armament program.
and to delav the transmission of orders. information is a\'ailable to indicate that Herein is found the opportunity of all
lllustrative of overstaffing was General the Communists' performance on that nations which build their militarv Or.
Eisenhower's headquarters which in- front was rather mediocre considering ganization and armament last.
cluded more than 16,000 officers and the means at their disposaL the nature
enlisted men during operations and more of the terrain over which the fighting
than 30.000 by the time the occupation took place, the determination of Hilter FOLLOWING World War L Ger.
of Germany was under way. The troops to hold ground, and the weight of the many was stripped of armament and
sen'ing under such command arrange- ground and air effort of the Allies from denied the right to build certain types
ments were not e\-en capable of the mo- the \.Vest. \Vith a few exceptions, nota- such as tanks and airplanes. On the
bility inherent in their equipment and other hand the Allied nations retained
organization. Sloth-like operations and old armament and expended little upon
a tendency to fall back upon the de- new developments. \Vhen Germany re-
fensive inevitably resulted and were gen- armed, it took ad\'antage of considera-
crally overcome by the initiative and ble research into the weapons of other
resolution of troop leaders near the front. armies but neither copied the old ones
American planners would do well to they had been compelled to abandon
turn to history for a few basic principles nor the new ones of other nations. It
concerning staffs rather than blindly del-eloped weapons and organization
accept the \Vorld \Var II pattern. Von with which to destroy the armed forces
Steuben was a capable general staff of its prospecti\-e enemies. Following
officer. He sums up his experience as World War II the United States de-
follows: "~Iy observation is where one mobilized its armed forces and scrapped
person is found adequate to the dis- about 80 per cent of its equipment while
charge of a duty by close application, the Soviet Union retained the mass of
it is worse executed by two and scarcely its equipment. Consequently, it created
done at all hv three." Still later, General for the United States the same advan.
\Villiam T.' Sherman, the outstanding U. S. Army tage that Germany had following \Vorld
Patton \Var I. Taking a lesson from German
Army commander of the Civil \Var,
severely criticised large staffs in these eAverience, military forees and equiP-

hly the Russian breakthrough and ad-
words: "A bulky staff implies a diVision ment retained by the Soviet Union could
vance to \Varsaw in the summer of
of responsibility, slowness of action, and have been rendered utterly obsolete by
1944, the Soviet effort was little more
indecision, whereas a small staff implies de\.eloping a more Hexible and mobile
than a methodical advance on a broad
activity and concentration of purpose." organization with superior weapons.
front during which German resistance
The severest criticism of an overlength- \Vhen caught in a predicament such as
was simply ground underfoot.
cned chain of command has been made that of the United States, however, the
The American situation following natural tendency is to develop quickly 1
by the profound student of war, Clause-
\Vorld \Var II was that of a victor with the military organization and equipment
witz, who has said: "... an order loses
all the advantages and disadvantages necessary to counter the enemy rather
in rapidity, force, and exactness if the
that usually accrue to a nation under than those intended to defeat and de-
graduation ladder down which it has
such circumstances. I-laving destroyed stroy him. This natural tendency is,
to descend is long .... " Even if allow-
the menace posed by the German and therefore, defensive and static and not
ance was made for the simplicity of
Japanese war machines, with the help offensive and mobile and should be
warfare during the days of Von Steuben
of allies, it found itself one of the two avoided.
and Sherman, little justification can be
remaining great powers. Unlike the There is aheadv certain evidence to
found for the excessively large staffs other, however, the United States, while
during 'World \Var n. Their conclu- show that American civilian and mili-
retaining the atom bomb, abandoned tary leadership has followed the natural
sions still apply. Something must be its armed forces and lost, through im- tendency and has lost faith in the most
done to prevent the staffs from degen- proper storage, or scrapped its military mobile ground weapon-the tank. In
erating into intellectual boondoggling. equipment. On the other hand, the this connection we need only recall the
There are degrees of refinement in staff Soviet Union retained its armed forces statement of Secretary of the Army Pace
work which go far beyond the practical and equipment and adopted a line of to the West Point cadets on 6 June
requirements of the armed forces and action diametrically opposed to that of 1950:
a marked tendency for intellectuals to its former associate. As a result of these
worm their way into such work. This opposite decisions, preponderance of The principles of the recoilless

weapon, the bazooka, and the shaped rent leadership has led to the parceling areas as bases. Such an organization,
charge are being developed to a point out of mobile armored troops and of coordinated with a dominant and proper-
where the mechanized panzer blitz- permanently tying them to the capabili- ly constituted air force capable of all
krieg will play a much less decisive ties of foot soldiers having only a nylon support missions including the deliver-
role than it did in the last war. suit and a steel helmet to protect them ing of essential airborne troops and the
Adding to those the more recent from enemy fire. This dispersal of the atomic bomb, could overwhelm any
developments with regard to guided mobile elements of the Army will lead armed force that exists in the world
missiles and rockets, target seeking to static actions on a broad front and, today. With it the true genius of our
equipment, and the possibilities of even if successful, will result in position native military leadership would rise
tactical use of atomic weapons, it may warfare based upon mobile equipment, again to the level set bv General Grant
well be that tank warfare as we have fire power, and manpower. This is just and his mighty team-of Meade and
known it \,,'ill soon be obsolete. as fallacious as the passive defense based Sheridan in the east and Sherman in
on field fortifications, obstacles, mines, the west and south. In cooperation with
In addition to official pronouncements
and fire power such as the Maginot the blockading fleets at sea this com-
indicating a loss of faith in mobility
Line. Decisive results can never be bination brought the Civil War to an
lIld the mobile arm, the postwar field
achieved by such immobile measures. end. A proper mobile force, with up--
exercises haye written out this lack of
to-date support in the air and on the sea
faith on the ground. There is, however,
and with the guidance of gifted leaders,
evidence to show that our leaders have
put their faith in airborne troops which IF the United States abandons the
dominant principle of mobility in favor
might again take the risk, incident to
a deep penetration into the enemy's
!l')meof them consider to have the high-
of the static concept, it will forfeit its heartland, that Sherman took, and
estorder of mobility. General Bolte has
best chance of winning the next great would reap an even greater harvest. The
saidthat our objective is airborne armies.
war. It lacks the necessary manpower logistical plan for Sherman's operation
But an analysis of the facts will show
for such a concept. Besides, such a con- contemplated living off the country, but
conclusively that airborne troops are the
his wagon train carried the minimum
least mobile of all ground fighters, al- cept would be faulty even if the man-
requirements necessary to reach a base
though primarily for offensive warfare power were available. If the genius of
at Savannah, Ga. That was the reserve
and tied to other ground elements. For the American people is fully employed
that reduced considerably the risk he
example, on several occasions in World in developing the forces required to win
took. -
War II, it was planned to use airborne the next war, advantage would be taken
troops but ground elements had already of their mechanical ability and produc- It is the historical example that needs
seizedthe objective before they could be tive capacity. This would lead to the careful study by those who would fully
launched. Unless carefully coordinated organization of armored, full-tracked exploit the possibilities of mobile war-
with armored elements, airborne troops corps and perhaps armies capable of fare in this era of cross-country tracked
are inevitably drawn into piecemeal ac- being operationally and logistically sup- vehicles, airplanes, guided missiles, and
tion at a time when they are bruised, ported from the air and of operating in atomic bombs. Air power has made it
battered, and confused by the landing. the great plains areas of the world to- possible for an armored force, completely
At the very best they are but light troops wards decisive geographical, political, mounted in cross-country fighting ve-
incapable of sustained action or of stand- and production centers without regard hicles, to operate on land in much the
ing against heavily equipped, mobile to frontiers or linear defenses established same fashion as an air-supported fleet
ground troops. There is a role for air- by the enemy and would lead also to operates on sea. This modifies the ortho-
borne troops, but it is not to win wars the organization of light troops capable dox concepts of linear or broad front
by themselyes. Such troops are of high- of effecting the final subjugation, occu- tactics and of secure lines of ground com-
est importance to armored corps and pation, and administration of territories munications in war.
armies in seizing defiles and airfields overrun by the mobile army. The problem of combining air power
essential for rapid sustained operations The modem mobile army should be and mobile ground forces into an of-
and in partisan activities behind the capable of operating logistically from fensive team is the challenge that con-
enemy's front. Airborne and armored landing areas in much the same way that fronts American military leadership in
elements and air forces must be trained fleets operate from naval bases. Advance the dangerous days that lie ahead. This
together continuously if they are to into hostile territory should be from is the combination that can relieve the
function efficiently as a team. landing areas to landing areas and opera- infantrv of the bloodv battles of broad
The defensive mindedness of our cur- tions should be extended from such front o'perations. -

If so, send us your new address. If you do not yet know the new address,
write us to suspend mailing your JOURNAL. Then we hold it here and forward
when we do get your new address. That will give you the best service.
The Postmaster can forward your journals, but he will not do it unless you
arrange it and furnish copy of your official orders.

MAY-JUNE, 1953 13

The 10th AAA Group is e\-idently od-much work and little talk. He also ROKA interpreters to get acquainted -
right in line with the stepped-up train- stressed the value of training aids and and accustomed to scope of instruction ;\
ing for ROK Army troops. Colonel remarked that some of the ROK students and special weapons terminology.
Charles G. Dunn, commander, reports with artistic ability were a great help "A qualified Ordnance maintenance S
that the first antiaircraft training on the in making up some of the training aids. section with adequate supply of critical f1
self-propelled 1'116 with its quad fifty \Ve note particularly his recommenda- spare parts be prO\'ided for maintenance J

tions that: d

~ "Adequate trammg aids be pro\'ided

to include graphic training aids in suf-

ficient quantities, instructional stands, \

cutawav models and facilities to use
training films. In ROKA training, it
was found that to make explanatory re-
marks supporting graphic representation
was the most effective method.
"Supply and Ordnance support be es-
tablished in ROKA channels prior to
issue of armament. This is most impor-
tant to adequately support maintenance
and repair of vehicles and weapons. U.S. Arm~' Pho\<)
U.S. Army Photo
Capt. Stachelski briefs Col. Stilwell, "At least a five day period be pro- Target Practice.
Senior Advisor, and Lt. Gen. Lee Heung vided for instructor personnel and
Koon, Commander I ROK Corps. of both weapons and vehicular equip-
ment. This section could be used both
mount was conducted for 200 selected for maintenance of weapons and instruc-
officers and men from the I and II ROK tion of ROKA Ordnance personnel."
Corps during the period April 1st to \Ve also note that Captain Stachelski
20th. Captain Alexander C. Stachelski and his instructor group were com-
was in charge of the instruction team mended by Lieut. Gen. Lee I-Ieung
which included nine other officers and Koon, Commanding General of the I
ten enlisted men, all hand picked. ROK Corps, in which he emphasized:
The instruction included driving, op- 'To a man, your group displayed an
eration of all equipment, target practice industry, an efficiency and a spirit of
at aerial targets, and maintenance. cooperation of superior caliber. The well
In Captain Stachelski's interesting prepared, thorough, and clear-cut pro-
final report he mentioned particularly gram of instruction was a credit both
the sixteen Korean interpreters available to the technical proficiency of the super-
U.S. Army Photo
and how the language barrier made nec- Lt. Cooke, 50th AAA AWl Bn, teaches visory personnel and to their high mo-
essary the stress on the applicatory meth- how to orient. tivation."


PIO 25th Infantry Division

LESS than three years ago SFC Kim changes. This spring he won't work the for ROK troops, Kim Yon Kun is learn-
Yon Kun, 9th ROK Division, led the age old plow, symbol of order and se- ing how to blast Commrmist aircraft
quiet, routine life of a farmer in Cen- curity; he'll direct the deadly fire of a from the sky. After 17 days of intensive
tral Korea. Then on June 25, 1950 quad fifty. training under American instructors the
North Korea struck. \Vith the Com- As a specialJy selected student of the former farmer will be a qualified gun-
munist forces sweeping into South Ko- 25th Division's Quad Lightning Acade- ner and moved to the front lines in sup-
rea his peaceful life underwent volcanic my, a light antiaircraft artillery school port of his division.

The academy is training 18 complete \ Villiams, Battalion Commander of the \Vhile Kun is undergoing fire train-
:rews in the operation of the weapon, 21st AM Battalion and former instruc- ing, 18 of his fellow soldiers are study-
in a complete course. Training received tor of gunnery at Fort Bliss, said that ing the driving of the quad fifty. With
by Korean soldiers is a carbon copy of the Koreans' reaction to the classes was two days of class work and ten da\'s of
) .\merican artillery schools only in more "terrific." field \~'ork the dri\'ers cover m;inte-
concentrated form. ''These ROK soldiers have picked up nance, safety measures, adaptation to
Sergeant First Class Kim Yon Kun the instruction on the quad fifty like weather, and operation of the half track.
is typical of the other students drawn lightning," said \ Villiams, "Being a se- In the last three days of the course
from ROK Di\'isions. Thrust from an lect group, they make number one stu- drivers and artillerym~n combine thei;
J~ed farm society, he has had to make dents. Besides their country's protection newly acquired skills on the Eighth
d;astic adjustments to the mechanized is at stake." Army firing ranges. The coordinated
complications of modern warfare. Three Kun is part of the artillery section of team has an opportunity to simulate ac-
\'Carsof combat experience have singled the school. Some of his fellow soldiers tual battle conditions.
him out as a part of an elite corps of are attending the drivers school, second The difficulty_ of instructino 0 Korean
Korean soldiers chosen for specialized division of the Quad Lightning Acade- soldiers who know little Enolish o is les-
training. my. At the end of two weeks the twin sened by stressing the application aspect
The academy is part of an overall pro- sections are united into a working team. of training.
gram to strengthen the fighting power The drivers maneuver the half track In the first days of the school when
of the ROK divisions. With Korean sol- into a position where the artillerymen there was a shortage of interpreters,
diers taking over ack ack positions the fire the weapon. American instructors had the double task
ROK divisions achieve more fighting In the course of his training, Kun is of teaching the 50 cal machine gun and
strength and independence. instructed in all aspects of the 50 cal the English names of the parts.
I "The Communists better look out for machine gun and the uses of the quad "This is a bolt," said Sgt. James Braz-
these boys," said 1st Lt. Kenneth E. fifty. Particular stress is put on battle zell, instructor at the academy from the
Wood, School Director from 21st AAA situations that have developed in Korea. 21st AAA Battalion, as he held up the
Battalion. "If the enemy starts any air For the first week the former farmer part to the class.
Jctivity he'll find a well trained group learns individual subjects. On the 50 'This is a bolt," repeated the ROK
of fighters that can use the quad fifty cal machine gun he studies the break- soldiers.
with death dealing accuracy." down, maintenance, and operation of
"OK, now what is the name of it?"
Classes are small in number because the weapon. He learns the techniques
asked the instructor.
of the amount of material to be covered of communication, the fine points of
"OK, now what is the name of it?"
in a short time. Language difficulties tactics, and the practice of direct and
repeated the ROK soldiers innocently.
of translating English into Korean would indirect fire.
Despite language difficulties the ROK
make large classes impractical. As a "\Ve Americans have been tinkering
soldiers are learning the most recent
member of the average class of six stu- with old jalopies since we've been knee-
high to a grasshopper," said Sgt. \Vil- developments in ack ack fighting. Sol.
dents, Kun listens to instruction first in
liam Shields, instructor at the academy diers graduating from the academy will
English and then in Korean. Classes

II are interpreted by ROK officers who are

also studying the quad fifty.
Echoing the opinion of American in-
structors at the school, Col. Daniel B.
from the 21st AAA Battalion. Compli-
cated machinery is a comparatively new
thing to most of the ROK students. But
they've adapted to the situation quickly."
be the backbone of the ROK army air
defense. Increased antiaircraft artillery
will be one of the last steps in making
the ROK divisions self supporting.



I Tho 3,d AAA <ontinuo; to funotion
in Korea in spite of a severe winter;
nature. This program proved to be very
beneficial; not only did it save the roads
though the Battalion dropped 112 EM
below authorized strength by the end

I much snow, sleet and rain and then

the spring thaw. In order to save the
- roads from complete destruction and
and gasoline but most of the vehicles
in the second and third echelon shops
came off of deadline due to less usage,
less accidents and less demand on the
of the training. Only four men per
sguad could be sent for firing as the
tactical mission within the Division had
first priority. Plans are under way for the
Conserve fuel, the 8th Army instituted
a policy of reguiring a Field Grade Of- limited stock of parts always present in third practice which is to commence
ficer to authenticate all vehicle trip tick- Korea. about l\lay 1st.
ets. On a few of the worst days only the On March. 6th the second annual During' January, 1st Lt. Joseph W.
regimental, battalion or separate com- AAA target practice was completed at Hunt, Battery D, was promoted to Cap-
pany commanders could authorize a trip; the Inchon Firing Range. l\luch bene- tain, awarded the Bronze Star for i\leri-
and these had to be of an emergency fit was derived from this training even torious Service and just six days prior

MAY-JUNE, 1953 15
to time for normal rotation he became Poole, who is being rotated to the ZI
a non-battle casualty in a jeep accident, for reassignment, is also assigned to
suffering a broken leg. Battery C re- Btry C.
joined the Battalion after supporting the 1\lajor Spalding has returned to the
9th ROK Di\'ision on the Central Front Battalion for duty as S3, after being BRONZE STAR IV)
more than two months. absent four months on TDY with 3rd Corporal Robert E. Wilson
In February Captain George Forstot Infantry Division as Commandant, Corporal Rolph Gilley
departed for the U. S. where he was NeO Academy. Captain Jack Young, BRONZE STAR 1M)
separated from the sen'ice. He was former 53, is now Battalion Track Vehi- Captain lawrence E. Snyder
awarded the Commendation Ribbon for cle 1\laintenance Officer. Two recent 2nd Lt. David C. Williams
service in Korea. Battery B, known as arrivals. Captains \Verner and Bergeron, Captain Joe W. Hunt
"Battling Baker," was taken oyer by 1st are assigned as S2 and LNO respective- 1st Lt. James E. Knox
Lt. John ?\lattas, former Battalion S 1. ly. Lt. Ellis is serving as Battalion Com- Captain Robert D. Baker
(In April he was promoted to Captain.) munications Officer, arriving in 1\larch Captain Frank Dittrich
Captain Adam Collins joined the Bat- from Camp Stewart, Ga. SFC Estal Brewer
talion early..in February from Fort Bliss The Battalion is continuing its mis- SFC leon H. McGurk
and is now Battalion S 1. sion of close support of the Regiments M/Sgt Fronk Wambeke

During i\larch approximately 65 Ei\l on the 1\ILK AAA Defense of the Ar- PFC Harold A. Zerbock
were rotated to the Zl. 1\larch also saw tillery and Division Installations. Also Sgt Ryan l. Enicke
the departure of six captains, one lieu- logistical support is being rendered to MISgt Eugene Muro
tenant and one warrant officer. Cap- the 15th Infantry in the form of three
tains Baker, Btr)' C; Dittrich, Btry A Armored Utility Vehicles for hauling
WOJG Charles E. Poole
and Barrentine, Hq. Btry, departed on supplies and personnel to and from the
FEC01\1 transfer as well as 1\1r. Niss- outposts. Two sector weapons, 90mm PURPLE HEART
guns, are being manned by personnel PFC Robert l. Honn
blatt, Brr)' B. Captain Snyder, Battalion
from Batteries C and 0, with Lt. Kruse PYT-2 Ollie F. Travis
Track Vehicle 1\laintenance Officer, and
Lt. Allen, LNO, departed for the ZI in charge of the platoon-designated by COMMENDATION RIBBON \
for separation from the service. Captain the Battalion as BAITERY X-RAY. w/Metal Pendant I
Cheney, Air Observer for the 6147 Tac- The men enjoy this assignment very Captain George Forstot
tical Air Control Group (1\losquito Ob- much as it gives them some opportunity Corporal Ernest Q. Smith, Jr.
server), departed for reassignment in the to utilize field artillery methods of firing. Corporal Jake Chavez
ZI. Captain Charles Thorpe, Battalion At the present time the emphasis of M/Sgt Richard F. Kirby
Communications Officer, volunteered for training is being directed to air defense Corporal Carroll C. Coates
Air Obsen'er duty and was transferred in the entire division. Utilization of AIR MEDAL wIt st Oak Leaf
to Light Air Section, 3rd Infantry Di- single 50 Cal. WIGs on ring and M63 Cluster and 2nd Oak Leaf
vision Artillery. ground mounts is being stressed. Air- Cluster;
During April approximately 127 EM, craft recognition training is receiving at- DISTINGUISHED FLYING CROSS
one officer and one warrant officer will tention also. Maintenance of vehicles w/1 st Oak' Leaf Cluster
be rotated. The officer is Lr. Lawlor, and weapons continues to absorb most Captain John P. Cheney, Jr.
Brry C, who is leaving the service. I'vlr. of our efforts.

21st AAA AW BN (SP)

LT. COL. D. B. WILLIAMS, Commanding

1\lajor Paul Krofchik, former Battal- Battalion S4, Captain Edward C. Max- Quigley continues to command A Bat-
ion S3, departed on an inter-theatre as- well, the Commanding Officer of B Bat- tery.
signment to the Safety Advisory Group tery, Captain Elmer Wilkins, the Com- In addition to its normal missions of
in Japan on 12 February 1953. He has manding Officer of C Battery, Captain antiaircraft and infantry support, the
been replaced by Major Allen W. Cha- Robert Gaillard, all rotated to the states battalion has been assigned an additional
vet, who recently arrived in Korea from during March 1953. mission of training antiaircraft crews
Ft. Sheridan, Illinois. As a result of these losses Captain for the Republic of Korea divisions. \Ve
l\'lajor Herbert F. Tenwinkel de- Richard C. Cochran, formerly com-
will try to get you some pictures and a
parted on an inter-theatre transfer to manding 0 Battery, has taken over as
brief story on this training by the 1st
the 40th AAA Brigade on April 18th. 54. 1st Lt. William Martin has been as-
of May, and we will also continue to
His replacement as Executive of this signed as Commanding Officer of 0 Bat-
Battalion is 1\lajor Ralph E. Deems, a tery, Capt. Herman Marks as Com- work on additional articles on tactics
recent arrival in Korea from Army Field manding Officer of B Battery and 1st and technique which would be of in-
Forces at Fort 1\lonroe, Virginia. Lt. Chris \V. Stevens designated to corn- terest to AAA men and submit them to
In addition to the above losses the man C Battery. Captain Francis G. you as completed.

ment that conducted an a\.iation e:\:pedi-
tion over t\laska, to im.estigate thou-
sands of miles of forest and mineral re-
At the outbreak of \Vorld \Var II he
was Director of Aviation Training of
the Bureau of Aeronautics.
In 1943 he went to the Pacific where
he won two Distinguished Sen'ice i\Ied-
als as commander of fast carrier task
groups under Admirals Halsey and
In 1945, he was ordered to duty as
Commander Fleet Air at Seattle, \Vash.
He became the Vice Chief of Naval
U.S. :>8\"Y Pboto U.S. Army J'hoto
Admiral Arthur \'{l. Radford Operations in 1948. In April 1949, General Matthew B. Ridgway
President Truman made him Command-
Admiral Arthur William Radford er in Chief of the Pacific Fleet and High paign, and in June, 1944, he parachuted
Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff Commissioner of the Trust Territory of with the leading elements of his division
~ Admiral Radford has been identified the Pacific Islands. into Normandy where he played a major
for forty-one of his fifty-seven years with role in the invasion of vVestern France.
General Matthew Bunker Ridgway In August, 1944, he took command of
the United States Navy; a proponent of
Army Chief of Staff t~e XVIII Airborne Corps to direct its
\iavy aviation for thirty-three years.
He was born in Chicago, Feb. 27, General Ridgway was born March 3, operations in the Ardennes Campaign
1896, and appointed to the United 1895, at Fort Monroe, Va., the son of and on through Germany in the advance
States Naval Academy in 1912 from Col. Thomas Ridgway, Coast Artillery to junction with Russian forces on the
Grinnell, Iowa. Corps. Graduated from the United Baltic on May 2, 1945.
After his graduation from Annapolis States Military Academy in 1917 and Since the war he has had a series of
in 1916, it took him not quite four years assigned to the Infantry. top level jobs leading to the assignment
to find his way to the Naval Air Station At the time of Pearl Harbor he was as Deputy Chief of Staff for Adminis-
at Pensacola, Fla., to begin flight train- assigned to the vVar Department Gen- tration, the position he gave up in De-
ing. He has been a Naval airman in eral Staff. In March, 1942, he was des- cember, 1950, to take command of the
the general sense ever since. ignated assistant commander of the 82nd Eighth Army in Korea.
In 1921 he came to \Vashington for Airborne Division; later became com- Succeeding General MacArthur a
r. a tour of duty in the newly established mander and took the division to North few months later, General Ridgway's
I :'\avy Bureau of Aeronautics, and fol- Africa where he planned and executed record as United Nations Commander
, lowed that up later in duty at sea with our first large-scale airborne assault-the in the Far East and Supreme Command-
I the aviation unit~ of the Aroostook, the attack on Sicily. er for the Allied Powers in Japan, and
Colorado and the Pennsylvania. General Ridgway led the 82nd dur- finally as the Supreme Commander, Al-
In 1929 he took charge of the detach- ing the early phases of the Italian Cam- lied Powers, Europe, is well known.


U.S. Air t'orce Pboto U.S. ~8VY .Pboto U.S. Army Photo
General Nathan F. Twining Admiral Robert B. Carney General Alfred M. Gruenther
Air Force Chief of Staff Chief of Naval Operations Supreme Allied Commander, Europe
MAY-JUNE, 1953 17
Status of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization Today*

I T is a sad commentary on the state

of the world that the defense of Europe
"Within the last three years the forces available to NATO have practically dou-
bled in size ... the effectiveness of the existing forces has been substantially
should be an appropriate subject for dis- increased."
cussion nearly eight years after V-E Day.
Unfortunately, however, the strains are northern tip of l'\orway to the eastern attack utilizing their full capabilities,
such that the success of this defense border of Turkey, a distance of some General Ridgway probably does not have
project may well determine the fate of four thousand miles. To facilitate de- forces adequate to meet it.
Western civilization. fense planning, his area is organized
To meet the threat of Soviet Com- into major commands as follows: Better Off Today
munism, twelve nations of the free We are, however, instantly better off
world formed the North Atlantic Treaty Four Major Commands than we were two years ago when Gen-
Organization, commonly referred to as 1. The Northern Command, with eral Eisenhower started out. Further-
NATO, on April 4, 1949. Last year headquarters at Oslo, Norway, is under more, there are NATO plans for the
Greece and Turkey joined NATO, so a British Admiral, Admiral Brind. He increase of these forces, and if NATO
there are now fourteen member nations. has a unified command with army, navy, is able to continue the upward trend-
and air forces under him. and I am sure it will-we shall reach a
Top Political Body 2. The Central Command has its position where it will be extremely un-
The top political body of the organiza- headquarters at Fontainebleau, France, profitable for an aggressor to attack us.
tion is the North Atlantic Council, about thirty miles from Paris. For that General Ridgway therefore considers
which meets in continuous session at area General Ridgway himself is in com- that his fundamental mission is to pre-
Paris. The U. S. representative is Am- mand with the land command being serve the peace by making an attack of
bassador Draper. Two or three times a under Marshal Juin, a French officer, aggression extremely expensive to an
year the ministers of the member na- the air forces under U. S. Gen. Lauris aggressor.
tions meet in formal sessions in Paris. Norstad, and the naval forces under Ad- From time to time Soviet Propaganda
miral Jaujard of the French Navy. announces to the people of the captive
The Standing Group, consisting of
3. The headquarters for the South- nations and to the world that NATO's
representatives of France, the United
ern sector is at Naples. That area in- intent is an aggressive one. I can assure
Kingdom, and the United States, is the
cludes Italy, Greece, and Turkey, and you that during the two years that
supreme military authority. It meets
is under U. S. Admiral Carney. He has SHAPE has been in existence there has
regularly in Washington. Gen. Omar
under him land, air, and naval forces. never been a single sentence written
N. Bradley is the U. S. member. Under
4. For the Mediterranean area the which involves an aggressive war plan.
the Standing Group there are several
headquarters is at Malta, and the Medi- Our plans are defensive and based en-
military commands. The one with which
terranean command is under British Ad- tirely on the assumption that the enemy
I am connected is called Supreme Head-
miral Mountbatten. So much for the takes the first aggressive move.
quarters, Allied Powers, Europe, usually
command setup.
referred to as SHAPE. That headquar- Instant Retaliation
ters was activated by General Eisen- Coordinated Plan I can tell you, however, that if an
hower on April 2, 1951, and it is now
Now, how are we doing? One of Gen- enemy does take that first step our plans
commanded by Gen. Matthew B. Ridg-
eral Eisenhower's first tasks was to pre- are based on instant retaliation 1:6 the
pare a c06dinated defense plan to meet extent that our capabilities permit, and
General Ridgway's mission is to de- any emergency. I am pleased to tell you I can also assure you that those capabili-
fend Europe. His area extends from the ties are constantly increasing.
that that plan has now been completed,
*Courtesy OrdnanC'e, May-June, 1953. and every commander in General Ridg- The Soviets now have approximately
way's area extending from the north of four million men under arms, organized
Norway out to the Caucasus knows ex- into 175 land divisions-the most power-
This is the text of an address by Gen. actly what he would do if an emergency ful land force in the world-some 20,000
Alfred M. Gruenther, U. S. Army, Chief of should develop today. operational aircraft, and a very powerful
Staff, Supreme Headquarters, Allied Powers,
Europe, delivered before the members of This does not mean that the forces submarine fleet. SHAPE plans are based
the Michigan Post, American Ordnance Asso. to implement the emergency defense on a consideration of the capabilities
ciation, at their spring meeting in Detroit,
March 18, 1953. plan are adequate. I regret to tell you which that force could execute if the
that if the Soviets should execute an decision were given by the men of the

Kremlin. and it makes the creation of adequate
I do not sav that such a decision is "The United States of America is French forces in Europe a difficult one.
zoing to be made. That im'oh-es an now the unquestioned leader in the I would say that perhaps our major
~timate of enemy intentions, and that world, and our associated countries
NATO problem is the maintenance of
in NATO, as they go forth to work
determination is a matter which lies a sound economy. It will profit \'ery
out a collective defense system, are
Within the field of governments.

looking to the United States for guid- little if, in buildinuo up a defense force ,
ance and support." the economies of the NATO nations are
Estimate of Forces wrecked. Perhaps our biggest asset in
I General Ridgway has presented to the that field is the economic potential of
I '\orth Atlantic Council an estimate of Burning Q,:,estion the United States,
';he forces which are considered neces- As you know, the question of Ger- The North Atlantic Council is now
;Jry effectively to meet such a threat if man participation in the defense of Eu- engaged in a serious study to determine
it should de\'elop, and the North At- rope is now a burning question. Six of what portion of the nati~nal assets can
lantic Treaty nations are now in the the European countries, France, Bel- be diverted for defense purposes. Gen-
process of building their forces to reach gium, The Netherlands, Luxemburg. eral Ridgway has stressed to all officers
this goal. Italy, and \Vest Germany, have prepared at SHAPE the absolute necessitv of
I \Vithin the last three vears the forces the framework of a European Army making the requirements for SH~\PE
11'ailable to NATO have practically which will permit of German participa- forces the minimum ones which will ac-
doubled in size. In addition, the ef- tion. complish the mission, because he rec-
fectiveness of the existing forces has That treaty, known as the European ognizes the significance of economic
been substantially Increased. \Vithin Defense Community Treaty, is now be- strains.
the NATO countries the military budg- fore the six parliaments for ratification.
ets have more than doubled during this What Can A.a.A. Do?

There are reasonable expectations that
period of time. 1\ Ioreover, the conscrip- it will be passed by the six countries The question arises as to what part
tionin many of the countries has been within the next several months. members of the American Ordnance As-
increased. In other words, the North From the military point of view, that sociation and similar groups have in this
1 .\tlantic Treaty nations have made con-
: siderable progress.
project is an extremely important one,
because the availability of German forces
project. First of all, I think we should
make it unmistakablv clear that the
Above all, the concept of collective will permit the creation of a shield in struggle which exists i'n the world today
security has been accepted without ques-
tion. No longer is there any feeling
central Europe which will enable us to
mobilize our reserves while the active
the ver)' svstem
is basicallv a struuule' to o\'erthrow
which vou 0 uentlemen
that anyone nation, whether it be the forces meet the initial onslaught. Ob- of the I\.O.A. have done so much to
United States or little Luxemburg, can viously, the German forces are very well create-a system of free enterprise with
prO\'ide an effective defense system by placed to perform that mission. cooperation between management and
itsown means. Of course it cannot be overlooked that labor. A free bargaining system is anath-
\Vhat are some of our problems? First the participation by Germany in the ema to the Communist system.
of all, as I have indicated previously, European Defense Community creates \Ve now have before 'us a challenge
our forces still are not adequate. Air many political problems, and those are as to whether the free-enterprise system,
power is the dominating factor in mili- now being considered by the various with its emphasis upon the dignity of
tary planning today, and the creation of parliaments. the human indi\'idual, is going to be
lir forces is therefore of top priority. Another major problem is that some able to exist in the type of world in
Next we have the question of build- of the North Atlantic Treaty areas are which we live.
Ing up satisfactory reserve forces. Gen- engaging in conflicts in other parts of You gentlemen have proved without
eral Ridgway's strategy is based on the the world-the United States in Korea, question your excellence in the field of
minimum number of active forces and the British in Malaya, and the French production. As a result the United
I :he creation of the maximum number in Indo-China. States has attained a position of power
f reserve forces which can be mobilized which is unparalleled in history. It car-
un an instant's notice and which can The French Campaign ries with it, however, very gra;e respon-
nght effectively within a very few days. The French effort in Indo-China is, sibilities.
The creation of effective reserve forces in my opinion, improperly understood The United States of America is now
.sone of General Ridgway's m~jor prob- in the United States. One-third of the the unquestioned leader in the world,
lems. It means that men who belong French military budget is now going and our associated countries in NATO,
io reserve organizations will have to for the Indo-China conflict, which has as they go forth to work out a collective
pend a certain amount of time-say been going on since 1946. Each year defense system, are looking to the
from three to four weeks-each year in the French \Vest Point, Saint-C)T, loses United States for guidance and support.
military training. That, of course, in- approximately one of its graduating
I'olves time away from their normal pur- classes in the Indo-China struggle. The Military Aid Programs
suits and presents a major economic over-all casualties have been very heavy. You have had the evidence of this
problem for each of the member coun- The resulting stalemate in that area support in our Military Aid Programs.
:ries. has been a tremendous drain on France, The l\Iilitary Aid Programs are furnish-
MAY-JUNE, 1953 19
ing equipment which is arriving in in- gress last October stated that. He also You realize that we are confronted
creasing quantities now. Without it stated that his hope was that the West- now with a new peace organization for
there would be nothing more than a ern nations, bv reason of commercial collective security, the implementation
shambles in the defense structure which rivalries, .would so disintegrate that the of which presents many difficulties that
is being set up. Soviet Union would be able to walk in must be resolved.
The question is going to arise as to and take over. The £rst question that always com~
the length of time that such aid can con- The only element where the Soviets up is, "Are our allies doing their part?'
tinue and the economic burden which have an ad,'antage over us of the West And you can prove, I am sure, that the
the United States can bear. is in the £eld of unity. They get that allies are not doing their part. It is also
In addition to the £nancial side, there unity by the gun-in-the-back method. possible that they may be able to prove
is very de£nitely the spiri.tual side, too. We have to get it by the intricate and that we are not doing our part.
We are working in a col1ective-security the very difficult method of cooperative Detroit and our other great American.
system for each one of the fourteen na- negotiation. production centers are being defended
tions represented in the North Atlantic Someone has referred to NATO as from an area 3,000 miles away. We can-
Council. Each one of these is a sover- an administrative monstrosity. I could not defend Detroit from Selfridge Field.
eign power with rights, sensitivities, and say that you could probably prove a It is being defended in Western Europe.
internal political problems. We have the pretty good case that it is a cumbersome NATO, in the £nal analysis, is your de-
job of leadership in this group to the organization. fense and your problem. It is up to us.
end that an effective colleotive defense Great Britain, as you know, for a hun- as United States citizens to see that this
system be established. dred years was the leader of the free organization works.
As you look at NATO ~nd consider world. And throughout the British popu- What I am pleading for is a greater
that there are fourteen sovereign nations lation, and especially throughout the understanding, a greater interest, on the
represented, you could say that such British school system, practically every part of the American public in this very
an organization cannot possibly work. I man was taught the responsibilities of important problem. I am not asking you
think I could prove to you, mathemati- Great Britain in its role of world leader-
to rubber-stamp what we are doing. We
cally, that it cannot work. At the same ship. For our defensive alliance to suc-
welcome criticism. The one thing we
time, I can prove to you that, for the ceed I am convinced that we are going
cannot survive is indifference.
sake of civilization, it must work. to have to do the same thing.
If this effort fails, we deserve to go Obligation Discharged
down in the chaos which will surely Spiritual Leadership
We have discharged the obligation
ensue. I am not pessimistic on this mat- It is not enough to be having an ex-
which General Eisenhower has imposed
ter, but I do say that the £rst two years, cellent production line. The production
on us. The four hundred and six officers
in my opinion, will prove to have been problem part is on the way to solution,
who are in our headquarters now, and
the easiest two years. but the moral and spiritual leadership,
the understanding of these nations, is a corresponding number in the subordi-
Great Danger still a problem that challenges our best nate headquarters, are dedicated to this
Our great danger is that we may be efforts. I can think of no better organi- purpose. They will devote the rest of
tempted to divide among ourselves. Sta- zation in the whole world to assist than their lives to it because in it is the sole
lin in his speech before the Soviet Con- the American Ordnance Association. hope of preserving peace.

With a preface by Gen. Eisenhower and an appreciation by Liddell Hart, Marshal de Lattre covers the war
from December 1943 through to its conclusion. In his treatment of international controversies de Lattre adds
stature to his book and himself with his restraint and dignity. He was an artist in warfare, but one with iron
will and fierce driving power. He had deeply engrained faults, as he knew himself, but high military virtues.
The story told by the commander of the French First Army is a notable one little known as yet in this country_

by lUarshal de LaUre de Tassigny $9.50

Gunnery Depart11lent,AA & GM Branch, The Artillery School

BEFORE presenting a procedure for It was this problem which motivated equipped section it will suffice here
the application of the simplified deter- the current articles on simplified wind that the two general methods, the visual
mination of baUistic wind data as out- determination. This method is recom- and the electronic, be explained with
lined in the article Simplified Wind De- mended as a short term solution for application to this new wind determina-
termination (Nov-Dec 1952 AA JOUR- units which do not have sufficient school tion system. The remainder of the
NAL), it is worthwhile to consider the trained meteorological personnel availa- methods are merely variations of these
,reasonsfor proposing the use of such a ble. two methods. It will be assumed in the
method. Used in conjunction with the newly following that the reader is familiar with
Actually complete simplicity of meth- issued Rawin Set AN/GMD I-A, this the visual and electronic procedures
od can only be achieved at the sacrifice method may provide accurate data com- presently in use. Although this is not
of accuracy and validity; in fact a blind parable to that of the present standard necessary we refer you to TM 20-240
search for simplicity might completely method outlined in TM 20-240, but this (November 1950).
nullify whatever progress has been made must be verified by valid' comparison In the visual method the equipment
since 1944 in improving artillery bal- tests. Therefore it is important to keep required is that for the standard visual
listic meteorological technique. This in mind that at the present time this method, a 3().-gramor IDO-gramballoon
progress has been considerable in terms simplified method is only a short term of suitable color, a theodolite, a timer
of improved instrumentation and scien- solution. It should not be considered a or stop watch, a polyphase slide rule, and
tific technique as far as obtaining the substitute for the proven method out- communication equipment. The balloon
raw upper air data is concerned. It must lined in TM 2().-240. is prepared and carefully weighted as
be admitted that, like so many fields in An empirical analysis of the method prescribed in TM 20-240 (November
the military profession today, artillery (Nov-Dec 1952 AA JOURNAL) indi- 1950). The ballistic wind data is com-
ballistic meteorology is a specialist field. cates an adequate approximation of the puted directly from the theodolite read-
For this reason Army Field Forces estab- weighting factors of the standard pro- ings on the flight of the balloon taken at
lished several year ago an adequate serv- cedure. Preliminary comparative statis- the calculated time the balloon reaches
ice school program to train the necessary tical test data supports this fact. How- the various representative altitudes of
.specialist personnel. Units in the field ever, it should be pointed out that the the zones. Figure I presents a table of
are now being issued the latest develop- accuracy of the ballistic data of either the calculated time of arrival at the vari-
ments in electronic meteorological ma- method depends upon the initial accu- ous representative altitudes to the near-
teriel including radiosonde equipment racy of the raw data. In other words, it est 6 seconds 0/10 minute) for message
.and the new Rawin Set AN/GMD I-A. cannot be expected that the ballistic type 2.
Latest revision of TO & E's provides ex- data computed by means of the simpli- In the electronic method (here is
cellent meteorological support for all fied method based upon visual flight meant the tracking of a balloon-borne
gun units. observations will be as accurate as ballis- radiosonde with a theodolite) the prop-
While all of this may be undisputed tic data computed by means of the pres- er balloon and radiosonde are set up in
fact, nevertheless, many units in the ent standard plotting method based upon the manner prescribed by TM 2()'-240
field and in training do not have access electronic flight data. (Nov 1950) for such flights. From re-
to valid met support. In attempting to Outlined below is the procedure for lease elevation and azimuth, readings are
.solve the problem locally, they can tum applying this simplified method of de- taken at intervals of one (l) minute on
only to the pertinent technical manuals termining ballistic wind data to the the balloon. The time-altitude c~rve is
for help and are immediately stymied present methods of gathering raw data. plotted on the Baroswitch Evaluation
by the apparent complexity of the pre- Chart ML 346/TM as prescribed in
scribed procedure. Gathering Raw Data TM 20-240 (Nov '50). The time at
Making the sounding, or the upper
air observations, is quite simple and
straightforward. It is the application of
T HE method of obtaining wind data
will depend upon the equipment avail-
which the transmitter reaches each re-
quired representative altitude (Fig. 1)
is determined by reading across the
weighting factors and the plotting of able to the meteorological section. Al- Baroswitch Evaluation Chart to the
ballistic wind vectors which seem to though combinations with some of the Junction of the time-altitude curve and
mystify and frustrate the average artil- latest equipment make as many as five the desired altitude. By interpolation to
leryman. or six methods available to a completely the nearest 1/10 of a minute from the
MAY-JUNE, 1953 21
30' (half a degree) inten-al. From 20
to 45° the smallest interyal is 5 min,
ZONE ZONE LIMIT ALT. 30-GM lOO-GM Those angles aboye 45" ,,,ill
be ex-
1 200Yds 200 1.0Min O.5Min plained in the procedure.
2 500Yds 500 2.2 1.3
3 1000Yds 830 3.7 2.2
4 1500Yds 1250 5.8 3.3 The procedure involyed in the com-
5 2000 Yds 1670 7.3 4.4 putation, for simplicity, must be di"ided
6 3000Yds 2500 into 2 cases; those cases in which the
12.0 6.5
7 4000Yds 3330 16.1 elevation angle is greater than 45° and
5000Yds 4160 20.0 those in which the elevation angle is
8 11.6
9 6000Yds 5000 24.5 less than 45°.
10 8000 Yds 6660 33.0 19.4
CASE I. Where elevation angle is be-
11 10000Yds 8330 41.2 24.7
low 45°.
Given: cp, the elevation angle; H, the
I-minute interval recordings the corres- flights), the elevation (cp) and azimuth representative altitude in yards of
(8) readings to the balloon from the the zone in question; t, the time
ponding elemtion and azimuth angles
are computed for the various representa- release point at the time t. These argu- in minutes.
Step 1: Set the angle cp on the T scale
tive altitudes. ments are employed in the comput~tion
by the following formulae. (See Editor's under the stationary hairline lo-
Note.) cated on the right end of the back
Computing the Ballistic Data
side of the rule. (This represents
H cot cp
W=.034I-- the cot cp on the D scale.)
THROUGHOUT the development t Step 2: Place the moveable hairline
of this simplified procedure there have Where W = ballistic wind speed in over the value of H on the C
been many suggestions made as to meth- M.P.H.; H = altitude in yards; and scale. (A change of indices may
ods of computing the ballistic data. t = time in minutes since balloon re- be necessary as in any multiplica-
Among these are a computer designed lease. tion process.)
by Colonel Harris and described in his Ballistic wind azimuth is the back Step 3: Move the C scale until the time
article, a set of horizontal tables as pres- azimuth of 8 in mils. t is under the hairline.
ently used, and a series of graphs and Step 4: Move the hairline to the value
charts as used in the old simplified pro- Computing the Ballistic Wind Ve- 341 on the C scale.
cedure. However, most of these methods locity using the Conventional Step 5: Read the ballistic wind speed on
have their shortcomings in the fact that Polyphase Slide Rule, ML-59 the D scale under the hairline.
the facilities for construction are not The twenty inch slide rule ML-59
within the average firing unit. With is a component part of met station set CASE II. Where elevation angle cp is
the exception of Colonel Harris' com- AN/TMQ-4. Three scales are required greater than 45°.
puter most of them do not present a in the computation; they are the C scale, Given: cp, the elevation angle; H, the
wide enough range of application to be the D scale, and the T scale (on the representative altitude of the zone
used in conjunction 'with all of the latest rear of movable scale). in question; t the time.
available equipment. Although with It is assumed that the reader is famil- Step 1: Set 900-cp (the complementary
modifications Colonel Harris' computer iar with the C and D scales, their read- angle) on the T scale under the
is the ultimate solution, for the present, ing, and their operation in the process stationary hairline on the right
our goal can best be reached by employ- of multiplication and division. However, end of the back side of the rule.
ing the conventional polyphase slide the T scale and its use may be new to The cot cp is now presented on the
rule (l\1L-59) to compute the ballistic some and requires a brief explanation. C scale above the right hand index
wind speed and a set of back azimuth of the D scale.
tables in the Tl\l 20-241 to compute How to read the T Scale Step 2: Place this value (cot cp) on the
the ballistic wind direction. The remain- The purpose of the T Scale is to ob- D scale by moving the hairline to
der of the article ,vill be on the employ- tain the Tangent and Cotangents of the value of cot cp on the D scale.
ment of these already available facilities. the various angles. (Although an under- Step 3: Place the left hand index of the
There are various methods of gather- standing of these functions is not neces- C scale under the hairline.
ing raw data for the computation of sary for either the reading of the Scale Step 4: Move the hairline to the value
ballistic data. However, the object of or the computing procedure being out- of H on the C scale. (A change
anv of the methods is to obtain the four lined.) The Scale is graduated from a of indices may be necessary as in
necessary arguments for the computa- little less than 6° to 45° in degrees and any multiplication process.)
tion. They are the representative alti- minutes. (60 min to a degree.) Up to Step 5: Move the C scale until the time
tude (H) (fixed for the zone in ques- 20° the 1° intervals are subdivided into t appears under the hairline.
tion), the time (t) at which the balloon 2 min intervals with distinguishing Step 6: Move the hairline to the value
reaches this altitude (fixed for visual marks at each 10 min interval and at the 341.
Step 7: Read the ballistic wind speed Step 5: !\ love the C scale until 32 on to any gi,'en standard altitude is very
on the 0 scale under the hairline. the C scale is under the hairline. closely equal to the m-erage wind speed
Step 6: !\ Im'e the hairline to 341 on the and direction up to a representative alti-
Computing the Ballistic Wind C scale. tude of 83.3 per cent of the standard
Direction Step 7: Read the Ballistic Wind Speed altitude.
of 9 m.p.m. (8.68) under the hair- Accordingly, in the method presented
Gi\'en: () in degrees the azimuth angle
line on the 0 scale. herein the al'erage wind data for the
obsen'ed at the representati\'e alti-
tude. representative altitude is computed and
Ballistic Direction Computation used as the ballistic wind for the given
By the use of the table Va (pg 205)
From Table Va in T!\I 20-241, (), standard altitude.
of T!\ I 20-241, Meteorological Tables
218.6 appears between 216.6 and 222.1,
for Artillery com-ert "azimuth to balloon, The formula used in computing the
corresponding to 0700 mils or a Ballistic average wind speed can be derived sim-
degrees" to "\Vind direction mils."
Direction of 07. ply. \\'hen the balloon has reached any
Although the detailed solution has given altitude: let H = the balloon alti-
Example been given here for the slide rule l\IL- tude in yards; R = horizontal range in
CASE 1. Computation of the Ballistic 59 the Ballistic Wind Velocity Equa- yards; t = time in minutes since balloon
\Vind data for Zone 5 in which tion can be soh'ed using any slide rule release, and: cJ> = angle of elevation
the raw data presents H = 1670; equipped with a T scale. from point of release to balloon.
cp = 3r; () = 97.2°; t = 3:18
or 3.30 min. Final Caution R
Cot cp = -
Remember that in the foregoing sim-
Ballistic Wind Speed Computation plified method the data used to deter- R = H Cot cp
mine the ballistic wind data for any R
Step I: Set 37 on the T scale under the Wind Speed (yds per min.) --
stationary hairline on the right end standard altitude are the H, t, cp, and
of the back of the rule. () for the representative altitude (83.3% H
of standard altitude). Cot cp
Step 2: l\love the hairline to 167 on
the C scale. EDITOR'S NOTE. In the No\'ember- R 60
December 1952 JOURNAL the authors Wind Speed (m.p.h.)
Step 3: 1'. love the C scale until the t 1760
analyzed the antiaircraft ballistic wind
value 33 is under the hairline. H x 60 cot cp I-I cot cJ>
weighting factor system and pointed out -60 - .0341---
Step 4: 1'. love the hairline to 341 on the that in normal wind conditions the bal- t x 1/ t
C scale. listic weighted wind speed and direction Ed.
Step 5: Read the Ballistic Wind Speed
23 m.p.m. (22.9) on the 0 scale
under the hairline.
Ballistic Direction Computation
From Table Va in Tl'.l 20-241, 0,
97.2 is between 92.9 and 98.4, corres-
ponding to 4900 mils or a Ballistic Di-
rection of 49.

CASE II. Computation of the Ballistic

Wind data for Zone 5 in which
the raw data presents H = 1670;
cp = 64; () = 218.6; t = 3: 12 or
3.20 min.

Ballistic Wind Speed Computation

Step I: Set 90°-64° or 26° on the T
scale under the stationary hairline
on the right end of the back of
the rule. Read 488 on the C scale
over the right hand index of the
o scale.
Step 2: Place the hairline o\'er 488 on
the 0 scale. U.S, Army Photo
Step 3: Place the left hand index on SILVER STAR
the C scale under the hairline. PFC Gordon R. Mathias, Battery B, 60th AAA A \X' Bn, is awarded Silver Star
for gallantry in action in Korea by Co!. M. \X'. May, Jr., Commander 32nd AAA
Step 4: !\love the hairline to 167 on the Brigade. Following special review by the 60th they confer with distinguished
C scale. Swedish and British journalists who attended.
MAY -JUNE, 1953 23
821ld Airhome Division

IT is axiomatic that an SOP is not a Suddenly another thought arrived un-

substitute for thought. 1 belie\'e, how- bidden. i\lajor Bristow seized it, walked
ever, that everyone should have a men- O\'er to i\lajor Fox, the S4, and said:
tal sumdillg operating procedure. Off- "\Ve mm'e to an assembly area near
hand most people will at once say, "An FOXHOLE tonight, closing by 0530 to-
SOP for thinking-ridiculous!" But 1 morrow. You better have the trucks
am sure it can be shown that an SOP ready."
for thinking is quite practicable and is, "1 have trucks for only one battalion
in actual fact, used by all logical think- at a time. \\There and when do you
ers. want them?" •
\Ve ha\'e specialized mental SOPs in
the Army for certain types of situations
"1 don't know yet. I'll let you know t
-though we normally do not recognize
On another sudden thought I\lajor

this fact, nor do we call them standing
operating procedures, Consider the spe- Bristow hastened into the regimental
cial case of the five paragraph order, commander, Colonel Hightower, and
which is an SOP with two primary pur- told him of the division order.
poses: U,S, Army Photo "Well," said Colonel Hightower,
(I) To insure that orders are com- Brigadier General A. Strode Newman "what are you going to do?"
graduated from the Military Academy "1 thought the Colonel would issue a
plete, by thinking them through in the
in 1925 and was commissioned in the
same sequence each time. field order."
Infantry. \X'earer of the DSC, a veteran
(2) To facilitate reading and under- paratrooper, and a well known contrib- "I-Iell, yes, I'll issue a field order-
standing orders. utor to the service journals, General but what are you going to do in the
Experience shows that often a man of Newman is now the Assistant Division meantime?
average mentality will-by using this or- Commander, 82nd Airborne Division. "Sit down with paper and pencil and
derly thought process-produce a more make notes of what you are going to do,
complete and practical order than his a solution by i\lajor Bristow, S3 of an the order in which you are going to do
more brilliant contemporary who has a infantry regiment in division reserve. them ... and then report back to me,"
facile but erratic thought process. Lieutenant Colonel i\ lansfield, Divi-
The purpose of a standardized meth- sion G3, phoned Major Bristow this
od (or SOP) for estimating the situation warning order: "Div Atks at 0700 tomor- FORTUNATELY, the above oc-
is similar to that of the five paragraph row 15 July, Your regiment moves to curred during maneuvers so that before
order. assembly area vicinity of FOXHOLE the division entered combat Colonel
The method (or SOP) for searching after dark tonight, closing prior to 0530 Hightower had a new S3.
an area from an observation post is to tomorrow. Officer messenger will bring \\Then Lieut. Co!. Mansfield, Division
divide the area into segments, then you the Div Fa by 1600 today." G3, phoned a similar warning order to
search one segment at a time in a logical "Yes, sir," Major Bristow said, and Major \Vheeler, the new Regimental
sequence. \Vhile a man with poor eye- hung up. 53, there was a noticeable difference in
sight may not achieve as good results He sat for a minute and allowed ran- how Major \Vheeler went about things
as a man with good eyesight, never- dom thoughts related to the problem to -though he probably did not realize he
theless a man of any given acuteness of Hash through his mind. Then he glanced used a mental SOP.
vision will achieve the best results pos- brieHy at his map and noted the regi- After hanging up the phone Major
sible for him by employing this (or some ment must move approximately two \Vheeler reached for a pencil and paper,
similar) logically organized procedure. miles to reach the village of FOXHOLE. looked at the map closely, and then
Examining these three selected SOPs, Again Major Bristow allowed the prob- leaned back in his chair to think. First
it is readily seen they are founded upon lem to come to him mentally, thoughts he ran quickly through the problem
the same basic principle: Hoating by in route step in any order. mentally to be sure he understood just
For each given problem select a place "Lieut. Garrison," he called to his what he was getting ready to do.
to SUlr"tand examine the problem sys- Asst. S3, "have the draftsman and typist His summary ran about like this:
tematically by proceeding through it in ready for a regimental Fa."
a consciously organized and logical fash- "About what time, sir?" It's now 1430.
Ion. "1 don't know yet. I'll let you know Div order here via Ln a by 1600.
To illustrate, here is a problem with later." Regt order required-CD. could dic-

tate by 1700. Regt FO to he dictated at 1700. Where can things go wrong? (In
Troops move after dark-probably by Informed Alexander to get ready. this case decided it could he the Initial
marching since distance short and we Garrison issuing warning order to unit Point, at the turnoff on unimproved
haye few trucks. commanders, and to Rgt staff. road, and in the guide system at FOX-
Send someone to check route and as- HOLE-so marked these to he double
sembly areas. (These he checked off, because they checked.)
Notify other staff members. had heen taken care of. Now he started He is now ready to carr)' out the
Thing to do first is to tell C.O. of notes of things to do.) plans, crossing off each item as it is
situation, and request decisions on Send Garrison 'to reconnoiter route completed.
which to base recommended plan. To summarize and recapitulate:
and select unit assembly areas near
FOXHOLE. A mental standing operating proce-
Having written down a few notes,
Have him take guides from all units. dure is practicable, and in people of
Major Wheeler went in to see Colonel
Determine order of march. naturally logical minds is unconsciously
Select initial point, and figure time followed by them. To others experience
"Colonel," he said, "Division tele-
for each unit to dear. will gradually teach certain methods-
phoned this warning order," ... and
See S4 re traffic control. but almost anyone who will deliberately
he transmitted the warning order.
Get Sig 0 started laying wire. give thought to organizing his thinking
"Shall I prepare for a regimental or-
Take Station List of units to C. O. can soon evolve an orderly procedure to
der about 17oo?"
with oral plan. be consciously followed.
"Yes, I'll dictate the order, and you
Check with S2 about Para la of FO. A suggested mental SOP procedure is:
can confirm it in writing. Have the bat-
talion commanders come in person." Also that S4 and Sig 0 have recom- (1) Think briefly through the prob-
"I recommend, sir, we move by march- mendations ready for C. O. lem-viewing it asa whole in your
ing, starting at 20()()-dark will he at Check distribution list. mind's eye, and fixing in your
1925. I can give you an oral plan for Prepare Para 1b for C. O.-and sug- mind exactly what the problem is
tonight's move in about twenty min- gestions for Para 3x. you are to solve.
utes." Check preparations by Alexander for (2) Consult with others who may be
"Yes, that's all right, Wheeler. And reproducing FO quickly. concerned.
issue warning orders to that effect also." Have Alexander set up map, folding (3) Select a starting point, and think
Major Wheeler went back to his fold- chairs, boxes, etc to facilitate C. O.'s through the problem step by step
ing table and called in Lieut. Garrison, dictated FO. in some logical sequence.
the Asst. S3, and Master Sergeant Alex- At 1650 call roll of those present to (4) Make brief notes-or a rough
ander, his operations Sgt. receive FO. sketch-to clarify and solidify
"Alexander," he said, ''have your Be prepared at 1700 with oral orders your thoughts.
draftsman and stenographer ready at re initial point, time each unit will (5) Go back thro-ugh your notes re-
1630 to put out a field order. clear, etc as OK'ed by C. O.-also any checking, looking for vague spots
"Garrison, telephone the following other instructions re move. -and visualizing the progression
warning order-write it down: The regi- C. O. dictates FO at 1700. of the physical action.
ment moves by marching to FOXHOLE , Actively check reproduction and dis- (6) Briefly review the problem again
tonight, beginning at 2000. Further de- tribution. mentally, balancing the problem
tails later. A regi-mental-FO will be is- If OK with C. 0., take quick jeep against the solution to be sure the
sued orally at Regt CP at 1700 today. ride out to see how Garrison is organ- solution has fully solved the prob-
"Have all units send representatives ized at FOXHOLE with guides. lem.
to receive it-battalion commanders to If OK with C. 0., take Sig 0 and
Hq Comdt along to select CP site. The above may seem a very nebulous
come in person. Also notify the staff."
Suggest to C. O. possibility of Asst mental SOP, but then the subject of
S3 staying forward with small Adv thought processes is a very intransigent
CP Gp to facilitate control. thing in itself.
ML\JOR Wheeler then picked up his
There is not, nor can there ever he a
pencil and paper again. He now had
From these notes Major Wheeler out- mechanical substitute for the magic proc-
his basic decisions and was ready to
lined his plans to Colonel Hightower- esses of our brain which we call think-
think the thing out in detail. So he
and received his OKs, decisions, and ad- ing, nor can any system be evolved
selected as a starting point the time he
ditional instructions. which will increase the brain capacity
received the order, and thought the
After adding to his check list to in- of any given individual in the solution
problem through chronologically until
sure carrying out the C. O.'s desires, of any given problem. But there very
the regiment closed in FOXHOLE.
Major Wheeler rechecked all his plans: definitely is a mental procedure through
Received Div warning 0 at 1430-in- Will anything conflict with anything which an individual can insure getting
formed C. O. else? (In this case the answer is maybe the maximum thought results from the
Div written FO due at 1600. -check 'Nith Division to get clearance brain capacity with which he is en-
Decision is to move by marching. to use road for time desired.) dowed.


MAY-JUNE, 1953 2S

How many times haye vou heard,

"Soldier, you ;re canting y~ur piece"?
guns but rarely will you see anyone
check the level of the radar parabola.
level; with field artillery the trunnions
are leveled when possible, but sights and
It is not just the new recruit that is The radar is the eyes of the battery and quadrants are used to insure that the
guilty of canting his piece either. Nearly if it is off-level 10 mils, the guns will lay is level (not canted); with AM
every weapon in the Army is subject to be off that much also, even though the SP weapons the vehicle is put into p0si-
the same error of being canted or not guns are level. tion so as to level the weapons; with
level. l\lachine guns have to be care- The big problem is to convince every- 90rnm and 120rnm AAA and fire con.
fully checked to prevent canting, and one concerned of the importance of trol equipment the problem of leveling
heavy machine gun sections are issued leveling equipment and teach them how becomes complicated unless the equip-
a quadrant with which they can level to do it quickly and efficiently. ment is thoroughly and completely un.
the dial of base of the machine gun. A Let's look at a AAA gun battery that derstood by the using personnel; a gun.
bazooka is not accurate at longer ranges has all guns perfectly level but the radar ner's quadrant is used to level AM
mainly because of the cant of the piece. parabola is four mils out of level on one guns in a complete circle; most radar
Mortars and artillery are especially af- side. If a target is fired at while the parabolas are leveled by raising or lower-
fected by the smallest cant or being out parabola is in the center of the low ing the four corners of the van or trailer
of level. Canting the piece is one of the side, the guns will be aiming four mils until the parabola is level in a complete
most important considerations in firing higher than they should because the circle, This is complicated since the
any Army weapon. radar has to look four mils higher to see jacks work separately and when one
AAA guns are no exceptions. Not the target and it sends that information jack is lowered or raised, the opposite
only does every gun have to be level in to the computer and the computer sends jack must be lowered or raised the same
a complete circle (6400 mils), but the it to the guns. If the target is at a range amount or the other opposite jacks will
gun-laying radar parabola has to be level of 10,000 yards, the error in elevation hold all the weight and the van will
in a complete circle (6400 mils). Search will be 40 yards. If the target was fired rock. There is the problem of one side
radars, gun-laying radars, and missile- at by this battery at any other azimuth, or corner settling, so a constant check
tracking radars all have to be perfectly there would still be more than enough of level must be made (especially in a
level if they are to accomplish their mis- error to cause a miss because as the pa- new position),
sion. rabola moves away from the center of the The problem of leveling medium and
A recruit with a few days training low place, there is a cant of the parabola heavy AAA guns seems complicated
in preliminary marksmanship can tell which causes erroneous data to be sent since there are three major components
you that if you cant the piece to the to the computer and guns. to be adjusted so that the gun will re-
right the round will go to the right. This With a command guidance system for main level in a complete circle. Actual-
man ,viII correct the error of canting the a surface-ta-air missile (SAM), the prob- ly it is a simple matter to level 90mm
piece as he is coached and convinced lem of level becomes so acute that the and 120mm AAA guns if the leveling
of the importance of keeping it level. best of engineers will have a problem mechanism is understood. The pedestal
Long hard hours are spent in correcting solving it. Also since it isn't practicable can be on level ground, or as much as
the riReman, and it takes even longer to have engineers and an excess of equip- a three degree slope and the upper
and harder training to correct the crews ment in the battery, the delicate adjust- carriage and gun can still be leveled.
of antiaircraft weapons and fire control ments of leveling of equipment will have It must be remembered that there is
equipment. Of course the responsibility to be done by battery officers and tech- no cross-leveling mechanism for these
of having equipment level rests with the nicians, using TOlE field equipment. guns. It is assumed that the trunnions
commanders, but the actual application A five mil error in level could cause a are le,'eled on the upper carriage (this
of leveling falls to the platoon leaders missile to miss a target 400 yards 0,200 is done when the gun is assembled),
and section sergeants. Quite often you feet at a range of SO,OOOyards. Even so the job of leveling is simply to get
may see commanders check one or two a one mil error is far too much tolerance the upper carriage level, and level the
in guided missile SAM equipment; so, gun tube with the upper carriage. The
"soldier, don't cant that piece." proper sequence of leveling one of these
guns is as follows:
Captain Brister began his service with the
louisiana National Guard. With a taste of
Marine Corps service aboard ship and a
more strenuous workout with the Infantry
in Europe in World War ll, followed by
How can we solve the problem of
le,.eling? With small arms we coach
1. Unlock jacks and rough-level (use
vials on jacks).
2. Traverse gun tube over two op-
AAA service in Korea with the 50th and 68th and practice; with the cal .30 heavy posite jacks. (Longitudinal axis of gun
AAA Battalions, he is now writing training
literature in the School at Fort Bliss. machine gun a quadrant may be used; over two opposite jacks.)
with mortars (60 and Slmm) we cross- 3. Level gun tube with elevating
hand crank (use gunner's quadrant). in a complete circle, to insure that the that settling rounds should be fired at
-1-. T rayerse gun tube 3200 mils. gun is perfectly level. the lowest angle of elevation possible
5. Check Je\-el with quadrant. in order to cause the pedestal to dig its
6. If the gun tube is not level, correct
half of the error with the e1eyating hand
crank, and the other half with the jacks.
IT ,vill be noted that no mention was
made of setting the eleyation dial. This
way into the ground and thus settle fas-
ter and more solidly.
In conclusion we can say that:
EXA\IPLE: If there is a four mil should not be done until the gun is 1. It is definitely a problem to eyery
error (that is, if the gun tube is four leyel; then there will be less work and weapon in the Army to preyent cant
mils high), depress the gun tube two the setting will not be confused with (or keep the weapon level).
mils using the eleyating hand crank, the actual leveling of the gun. 2. It would seem simpler to build
and depress the other two mils using If the gun is not level in a complete cross-leveling mechanisms for weapons
the jacks. circle, after the steps outlined above, than to build sights that correct for
7. Trayerse the gun tube 1600 mils there has either been a human error, errors.
(over the other two opposite jacks) and or the equipment has been damaged and 3. l\lore training is needed on all
Ie-reI by using the jacks only. It must cannot be leveled. However, it takes a
weapons concerning leveling.
be remembered that the upper carriage lot to damage this heavy equipment, so
4. On some weapons such as AAA
and the gun tube have been leveled in in nearly every case it is the human error
medium and heavy guns, and guided
two opposite directions, and are coordi- that causes the gun to be out of le,'el.
missiles, the problem of level is so critical
nated with each other. If the gun tube If there is confusion about the sequence,
it may be necessary to use automatic
and upper carriage are not level in these or an error has been made and the gun
other two opposite directions, it is just leveling devices such as gyros or elec-
is not level at any azimuth, then the
a matter of leveling by using the jacks whole process should be repeated, start- tronic-mechanical automatic leveling de-
only, which should cause the gun and ing with step 1. vices.
upper carriage to be level in a complete A gun will not stay level until it is Until someone perfects an automatic
circle. settled solidly on a good foundation leyeling device, the problem of leveling
These are the steps, in sequence, of with no roots, rocks, loose sand, or other is going to be with us, and the thing to
how to level medium and heavy AAA conditions that may cause the gun to remember in firing any weapon is, don't
guns. A constant check must be made, settle or shift. It is the author's opinion cant that piece.


Depart11~ent of Nonresident Instruction, The AA & GM Branch, TAS

IN a previous article on distinctive

unit insignia in the March-April 1953
series, the coat of arms ,vill be designed
by the Heraldic Branch, Office of the
time, we can depict the infantry back-
ground by making the bend blue.
issue of this JOURNAL, the history of dis- Quartermaster General, based on the Remember, a color is not put on a
tinctive markings, the development of history and combat achieyements of the color, and here we are trying to put
heraldry as a science, certain heraldic unit. However, you, as a commander azure on gules. The heraldists have a
laws, and the development of insignia or member of the unit, may want to way to get around that. It is called
and their adoption in the United States submit suggestions. fimbriating and means an edging. So,
Army, were brieRy cm'ered. The shape of the coat of arms is of if the blue bend is fimbriated with one
Let us now see how a coat of arms small concern, so we use any of the of the metals such as gold Cor) we can
might be evolved for a fictitious unit, standard shapes that are seen in military say we are not putting a color on a color.
the Steenth AAA Battalion. heraldry. The background should be Now, we might desire to add a charge
As a background for the unit, let us red, gules, to signify the branch, artil- to the field. What does the unit historv
assume that the battalion is a direct len'. say? We see that the unit was stationed
descendant of the Umpteenth Infantry Now, what can be used for charges on the Mexican Border during the trou-
regiment, which senred in the Philippine or ordinaries? We peruse the unit his- ble there and, by looking around, we
Islands during the Philippine Insurrec- tory and find that in World War I the find that Mexican Border sen'ice is some-
tion, on the Mexican Border during direct antecedent of this unit was an times symbolized by a cactus. We may
1916, in France during World War I, infantry regiment which was one of the put it in the sinister chief point and,
and overseas during W orId War II as units involved in the Battle of the Marne to keep from breaking the rules about
an AAA outfit. in France. Thus, we can put a wavy colors, make the cactus green Cor "prop-
As stated in the first article of this bend on the insignia and, at the same er," the natural color), and fimbriate it
MAY-JUNE, 1953 27
~ow we ha\'e arrived at the motto.
the last thing to which we have to give
some thought. Look hard in the his- ~
tory. Oho, what is this? \Vhat is the
statement that Colonel Schmikes made
when the outfit was trying to reduce
the 1\ loro stronghold in the Philippines
and had been repulsed se\'eral times?
Right on the field, in the midst of the
jungle, with missiles falling all about
him, he shouted "Let's give it one more
try," and that time the attack was suc-
cessful. So, there is our motto, hand-

Completed coat of arms. '-

in gold. Now we look at the history a MOTTO
again and nnd that the unit served in
the Philippines during the Philippine
Insurrection. \Ve nnd that the symbol THE CHIEF THE FESS picked and very brave-sounding. Now,
commonly used for that service is a our coat of arms is finished, and we have
Kataipunan sun so we put it in dexter something like the illustration below.
base point in gold, and here we need One more phase of heraldry that
not fimbriate since gold is "or," a metal, might be interesting to the reader is the
and can be placed on a color without portion dealing with blazonry or the
breaking a heraldic law. science of wording the description of
Now, let us consider what we want THE BEND
the coat of arms of the unit so that
for the crest. In Greek mythology there other persons familiar with heraldry may
is a story about one god who stole the mentally picture the coat of arms. This
sun god's chariot (the sun) and raced is an exacting phase of the heraldic art
away with it. The sun god blasted with its own laws and rules. To illus-
him from the sky with a lightning bolt, trate this point, the blazonry of the coat
the first recorded antiaircraft artillery of arms we have just designed is as fol-
action. Since the Steenth Battalion is lows:
1\AA, let's use that story and adopt the SINISTER Gules, a bend azure, fimbriated or.
lightning /lash as our crest. To make In sinister chief a giant cactus proper,
it symmetrical, let it be crossed /lashes, fimbriated of the third, in dexter base
and let's make them gold to carry out a Kataipunan sun proper. The crest,
the artillery colors of red and gold. lightning /lashes saltirewise of the third,
Now, the torse or twisted cloth on on a torse of the first and third. On a
which the crest is set! There isn't much scroll of the third the motto, "Give it
to worry about here, just make the THE CHEVRON
one more try," sable.
twists gold and red (gules) alternately. The book Intelligible Heraldry, by
The remaining part of the coat of Sir Christopher and Adrian Lynch-Rob-
arms is the scroll. \Ve can make that inson, D. Van Nostrand Co., Inc., New
as fancy as we wish, and no one will Ordinaries commonly used in military York, gives an informative and enter-
object so we give it many folds. shields. taining coverage of heraldry.


An outstanding story of the Eighth Army retreat in 1950 before the Communist
assault. Includes Operation Roadblock-Second Division. A vivid and realistic
portrait of a bitter battle with the Chinese Reds.

By Brig. Gen. S. L. A. Marshall $5.00


PROFICIENT and economic train- hours required for firing; second, use of records section, the screen cabinet is
inot> of observers for AAA records sec- the trainer greatly aids the records of- also equipped with three sliding boards
tions is being accomplished at the Third ficer in the selection of the most alert located behind the screen. One board
:\rmy AAA Training Center, Camp and qualified men as observers prior to duplicates a recorders form, another
Stewart, Georgia by the use of a versatile the service practices, and at the same shows the computation score form and
training aids device, the AAA Records time will increase the speed and accu- the third is a plain blackboard used in
Section Trainer. racy of those men selected. working problems or showing diagrams
Designed and built at the Third Army The trainer consists of two cabinets, to the class. A detachable headboard on
Training Aids Sub-Center, Camp the screen cabinet and the control cabi- the top of the screen cabinet accommo-
Stewart by the writer, Post Records Offi- net. The screen cabinet is six feet high dates two window shape type charts
• cer, and 2nd Lt. James F. Jordan, Post and four feet wide consisting of a plastic which can be used to assist the instruc-
Training Aids Officer, the trainer simu- screen blacked out beyond the circum- tor further.
lates the actual view as it would appear ference of the circle and inscribed with Built in its present form, the estimated
to an observer through the observing cross hairs. The lateral and vertical cost of this trainer is $350 which in-
r scope on the AAA B. C. Scope set at 20 cross hairs are marked off in mils exactly cludes materials and labor with a 10%
I power. as the observers scope. overhead for original models.
, With a series of lights behind a plastic The control cabinet consists of a con- . Its versatility is such that the trainer
I screen, bursts of AA projectiles are simu- trol panel and a rostrum. On the con- is readily adaptable for instruction on
I lated on the screen as desired by the trol panel are twenty control buttons in any type of telescope such as the radar
instructor. This enables the instructor four rows of five buttons each. Each parabola scope, tracker-head scope, and
\ to give the observers an accurate preview row controls one quadrant of the screen. binoculars, with slight modification.
and instruction on what they will en- Powered by a six volt dry cell battery,
\\lith the use of this trainer no longer
counter while observing on the firing the control panel is connected to the
do firing units have to contend with
range. screen by a cable made of extension
using records observers suffering from
The economy resulting from the use cord wire with each wire split to serve
visual hallucinations, inability to coordi-
of this training aid in the classroom or two lights. Eleven wires are split mak-
ing a twenty-two Conductor Cable, one nate mind, eyes, and speech during rap-
in the field can be measured in man
hours saved and in dollars and cents by of which is connected to the battery. id firing. As the typist or radar PPI
the following means: first, the observer The cable is made long enough to place operator can overcome deficiencies by
crews can be properly trained without the control cabinet at the rear of the constant practice, so the records section
the use of live ammunition or the per- class where the instructor has a complete can be brought to the desired level of
sonnel needed to fire the guns, saving view of the screen and the students. proficiency without sacrificing ammuni-
the cost of the ammunition and man To assist in the training of a complete tion, firing time and labor.

MjSgt. Barnes, Shop Foreman, demonstrates the AAA Records Section Trainer.
MAY-JUNE, 1953 29

Introduction Fire Unit AnalYzers.

Anyone of-these templates can be
made in the 53 office. A piece of clear
IF you happen to be an AAA gun bat-
reasonabl~. heavy acetate is the mOSt
talion 53, or a group or brigade 53, you
ideal material to use. All lines can be
will know the need for aids that speed
etched with compass and needle and
up the planning processes. Changes
filled in with grease pencil. Gun circles
in locations occur often and many or-
are drawn in appropriate increments ac-
ders are issued orally. Quite oft~n a
cording to scale. The small circles rep-
.group 53, for example, receives a three
resenting battery sites are drilled out to
line message which says in brief to mO\'e
allow pencil markings of positions. The
units to new location and prepare gun
Rag, block, and radar cut-outs can he
defenses. If the 53 has two gun battal-
omitted, but are helpful in submitting
ions his first concern is the location of
overlays showing positions. Although
the gun batteries. First, appropriate
Figure IB-Template for 6 or 12 Bat- templates for 90mm are the only ones
maps are laid out, size of the area to
teries. discussed here, the same types can be
be defended is determined, and bat-
prepared for l20mm.
ten' locations and analYsis follow. Gun
cir~les are drawn eith~r on the map or this defense, and it is the purpose here
to describe such an aid. Uses
on overlay paper. Eight radii are drawn
and their intersection with the oun Under ideal conditions of terrain
planning tables now exist which gi\'~ TAKING the 4 and 8 battery tem-
circle determines the best location. So
data on the best solution. In each case plate shown in Figure lA and compar-
often at this stage, however, battery lo-
the 53 is striving to pian the most effec- ing it with the 1\AA Planning Factor
cations are not possible based on map
ti\'e defense. It might be assumed that Table, it can be seen that any combina-
indications. Thus, the process of re-
actual solutions in accordance with tion of vulnerable area and f;ur or eight
.drawing radii and circles begins until the
designed planning factors are seldom batteries is shown. Thus vou merely
best solution is obtained. This is the
achieved. Experience in observing bat- ha\'e to determine the siz~ ~f the are~
.time when the 53 needs an aid that will
talion and group operations for more to be defended and the optimum gun
speed up the mechanics of preparing
than two vears shows otherwise. \Vhere
defenses 'are o\'er land masses, the
"school solution" can, in most cases, be
obtained bv careful analysis. Of course
there may' be special c~nditions which
have to be worked out on an individual
basis. Generally, though, the "school
solution" can be obtained in most cases.
This aid, which we call the "AAA De-
fense planning template," is nothing
more than a graphical representation
where the planning factor table for the
90mm can be applied.

.... -.-
_ ... ..:.._ •• -t __

Description of Template

Figure Ie-Template for 16 Batteries.

Figure lA-Template for 4 or 8 Bat- T HE best arrangement from a stand-
point of usage would be to ha\'e three ring, and the template has the graphical
templates: one for 4 and 8 batteries; solution for you.
one for 6 and 12 batteries; and one for Here is a typical example of its use
Major Rountree graduated at V.P.1. in
1940 and entered active duty as 2nd Lt. 16 batteries. (Figures lA, lB, and Ie.) and advantage: You have been given
CA Reserve. Integrated into the RA in 1946, \Vith this arrangement the 53 can select the mission to defend an area with eight
he hos served with the 12th AAA Group
Stofl in Germany since 1951. one or more as desired. These templates batteries. The vulnerable area is shown
are designed to the same scale as the in black cross-lines on the map in Figure
2;\. Use the template to find out the solution on the template, begin to ro- determining how close it comes to being
rJdius of the area. In continuing your tate it to various positions until an ob- the "Best Solution:' The gun circles as-
process, then, you would center the tem- sen-ation of all eight batteries reveals sist you in checking battery locations
plate over the defended area with the ideal map locations. As a result of this radially-to determine if they do not
'"0" radii pointing northward and parallel analysis, Figure 2B shows that the ap- de,-iate from the best position more than
I to the grid lines. Then insert a pin in pro,'ed solution can be applied in this is normally permitted. The tick-marks
• the center. In this case the vulnerable case-the map indicates that each battery on the gun rings located on each side
Jrea has a radius the size of circle one can be located as shown with reasonablY
of the small circles (battery positions)
J). After referring to the planning good access to positions_ This template,
will assist in checking deviations on the
fJctor table you decide that the batteries therefore, has eliminated the necessity
gun circles.
should be located on the number fi,'e to draw on the map or overlay paper.
(5) ring (see HI 4+1). (With grease It has permitted you to determine the After the exact positions of the bat-
. pencil check on the template the bat- "Best Solution" rapidly and with the teries have been determined, an analysis

I lery positions to be used.) This situa- least amount of work. follows, using the Fire Unit Analyzer.
tion is shown in Figure 2A. In obsen'ing This template can also be used to Therefore, radii at each 30 degrees are
[he location of each battery, you can check the accuracy of a defense sub- shown on the template to assist in this
see that two batteries (northeast and mitted by a subordinate headquarters. process. This eliminates the necessity
,~ southwest) are located in the river. Bear- This can be done by placing the tem- of drawing these lines each time an anal-
'r ing in mind that you have the approved plate over the defense submitted and ysis is required.

,...,. C\ ~ - 'H' ~Io""''-'-'

'UA 0('/";, ........M It ..,,,,.\,,-


-."" .
- (.-..., .,
I - "f-_~,
,- • 1,-

~'" ~l~~_'
I .- -~ " "'-
\ ~
~ Jt v \ ~

~v /~..

,~- '-"" '
-~~ ~ ~~-7 '.
'flI:~~-:-~IF.~' ..... ~-
---,. ........... ~-
\I' lJi JJ'" ...
~ J~_ - V'i! '~ ....
Figure 2A-Orientation of 4 or 8 Battery Template with Figure 2B-4 or 8 Battery Template in approved position
grid North. for the defense.

Aide-de-camp, 56th AAA Brigade

The movement of the 56th AAA Bri- vehicular tunnel in New York City; a inch gun and 8 and 12 inch mortars.
gade to Fort Totten in January of this thousand-foot tunnel completed in 1863. On 23 July 1898, President McKinley
year returned that post to its standing In 1864, an economy-minded Congress signed an order designating that the
as an artillery center. discontinued work on the coastal forti- Fort at \Villets Point at the East En-
Designed originally to guard the en- fications and they were never finished. trance to New York harbor be called
trance to New York harbor during the The fort was subsequently the home Fort Totten in honor of Brigadier Gen-
Civil \Var, Fort Totten enjoys military of the Grant General Hospital (1864); eral Joseph G. Totten, who was serving
, traditions dating back to the French and the Battalion of Engineers (1865) and as the Chief of Engineers at the time
Indian \Var. the Engineering School (1868). of his death on 22 April 1864. His
In 1862, construction work began on At the time of the Spanish-American untimelv death resulted from wounds re-
the lower fortifications along the Sound. "Var, a second set of fortifications was ceived during the siege of Vera Cruz,
Powder and munitions magazines were constructed on the hill above the original ~Iexico.
built at the top of the hill, connected coastal batteries. This consisted of two In 1903, the Coast Artillery took over
'with the shore fortifications by the first large lO-inch disappearing guns, one 7- Fort Totten, manning it with fi,'e bat-
MAY-JUNE, 1953 31
teries. During \\Torld \Var I, additional and adults enjoy vlsItmg it. ~lost of manded by ~lajor Irving L. Ranolf and
guns were installed. The fort was also the buildings are of prewar brick con- participating in the New York Defense
used as a concentration area for troops struction with additional frame struc- Charlie Battery is on site in the resen';
until time for them to board transports tures required for housing of \Vorld \Var tion.
for France. II troops. It is presently commanded 326tl1 1'11'1 Operati01ls Detadllllent_
In 1922, the 62nd Coast Artillery Reg- by Brigadier General Harry F. ~leyers, commanded by Lt. Donald F. Leary and
iment arri\'ed at this fort. This unit and Colonel \V. H. E. Holmes is Deputy participating in the New York Defense.
was equipped with antiaircraft weapons Post Commander.
Armed Services Mediml PrOC1lrement
and later became a mother unit for the Fort Totten continues to maintain its
Agency-the Engineering Development
United States antiaircraft artillery de- reputation of guardian of New York
Division of the Agency carries on ex-
fense system. In July 1942, this Regi- City by furnishing support to AA troops
tensive projects in the development of
ment, after having furnished cadres for presently on sites for the defense of the
pilot models of new items of field medi.
many AA units, departed for service in city. ~lajor units located in the fort are:
cal equipment, as well as re-engineering
the ETO. Headquarters mid Headquarters Bat- and designing present equipment. The
During 1937 and 1938, extensive im- ter)', 56th AAA Brigade-commanded Army, Navy and Air Force have com-
provements were made at the Fort. by Brigadier General }-Iarry F. Meyers bined their efforts at Fort Totten in this
Buildings were remodelled and modern- and charged with the AA Defense of laboratory to evolve types of medical
ized, new roads constructed, swamps critical areas in the First Army area: equipment that will best meet the needs
and marshy areas filled in and the Fort Headquarters mid Headquarters Bat- of the Armed Forces.
was beautified and improved to the point tery, 41st AAA Gun Battalion-com-
that it became one of the most attrac-
It is interesting to note that the 56th
manded by Lt. Col. Carl F. Chirico and AAA Brigade Headquarters and Head-
tive army establishments in the United participating in the New York Defense. quarters Battery is occupying the same
States. To this day, local citizens refer Headquarters mid Headquarters Bat- building that in the past housed the 62d
to the fort as the "Country Club." tery, 34th AAA Gun Battalion-com-
In December 1941, the Antiaircraft Coast Artillery Regiment and the An- •
manded by Lt. Col. Harry B. Reubel
Artillery Command of the Eastern De- tiaircraft Artillery Command.
and participating in the New York De-
fense Command was organized at Fort fense. Baker Battery is on site in the Camp Hero, Fort Tilden and Fort
Totten under command of Major Gen. reservation. Terry are satellites of Fort Totten. AA
Sanderford Jarman. From 1942 to 1944, Headquarters mid Headquarters Bat- troops are also based on and supported
Fort Totten was used as a concentration ter)', 526th 1'11'11'1 G1II1 Battalion-com- by Camp Hero and Fort Tilden.
area for the Antiaircraft Artillery Com-
mand. There was a constant How of
AAA units reporting in to the Fort Tot-
ten headquarters, where they were re- UNIT ACTIVITIES
assigned to outlying stations in the New
York area and to points as far away as
Camp Stewart, Georgia. 56th AAA BRIGADE
The newest antiaircraft artillery weap- In January of this year, the reorgani-
ons were minutely tested at Fort Tot- zation of AAA units assigned to the Air
ten during that period. The first radar Defense of the United States was put
used on the East coast was installed in into effect. Headquarters and Head-
1941. The M1 Polaroid Training quarters Battery, 56th AAA Brigade,
School, a. new method of training anti- commanded by Brigadier General Harry
aircraft gunners, was operated at the F. Meyers, was ordered to move from
Fort during 1944 and men from the Fort Devens, 1'./lass.to Fort Totten, New
Harbor Defenses of New York, Long York and assume command of all AA
Island Sound and Narragansett Bay at- troops in the Air Defense of the First
tended. Army area, with the exception of ele-
The AAA Command left Totten in ments of the 53d AM Brigade in New
September 1944. Jersey, effective 26 January 1953.
In that same month, the 1379th AAF This reorganization has worked out
U.S. Army l'hoto
Unit of the North Atlantic \Ving, Air very well. Closer liaison with support- Brig. Gen. Harry F. Meyers
Transport Command, arrived. The Fort ing headquarters has been established
was used for the housing of the soldiers and the feeling that the AA troops and ers down to and including battalion level
and officers who operated the LaGuardia servicing branches are a "team" has so that this relationship has now pro-
Field terminal of the North Atlantic greatly increased. This is a result of gressed to a social as well as a military
Wing of the ATG the visits by General Meyers and his status. The presentation to the services
The Fort of today covers an area of staff to First Army Headquarters, supply of our critical mission and the require-
147 acres. The lower fortifications, con- depots and ordnance maintenance units ment for immediate and thorough sup-
structed in 1862-1864, are still in good and depots. These liaison visits have port was just about all that was needed
condition and numerous boy scout troops been further implemented by command- to get 100% cooperation from them. This
ISbeing borne out by our steadily in-
creasing percentage of operational readi-
Camp Hero, at 1\lontauk Point, Long
Island, and Fort Tilden, both satellites
of Fort Totten, as well as other posts in
• the locality of AA troops in the First
.-\rmy Area each have Ordnance Fire
Control teams supporting our units.
f,Jch of these teams is normally com-
posed of one officer and se,'en enlisted
men. They are continually on the go
. within the defense areas, checking fire
control equipment and repairing it then
and there if possible and instructing new

,personnel on the proper maintenance

and operation of that equipment. Their
work has been invaluable because of the
inexperience of the personnel we ha,'e.
The increase in mission was not ac-

I companied by an increase in personnel.

Trying to wade through the multitude
of "home work" while maintaining teams
, to visit the defenses in the First Army
areas has proven to be quite a task. It
is very rare when three or four mem- 53d AAA
Target practice in the 85th AAA Gun Battalion.

U.S .. \rm)' Photo

sible air attacks which might be sent

to destroy air bases on Okinawa is the
bers of the staff are not on the road. Brigadier General Robert J. vVood re-
turned on 14 1\lay to assume command mission of the 97th. Under the guiding
However, as problems are met and con-
of the 53d AAA Brigade after 90 days hand of Colonel Eugene H. vValter,
, quered, the feeling of optimism is climb-
TDY in connection with activities of the group commander, the unit has risen
ing. These teams are always on the
the !\lutual Security Program. In his to this responsibility with full measure
alert for worthwhile ideas to pass on
absence the Brigade was commanded by of alertness and esprit.
from one defended area to another.
~lany improvements in housekeeping Colonel Arthur C. Peterson. Colonel The 97th, composed of the 22nd AAA
have resulted from this. Peterson, whose normal assignment is A\ V Bn, 65th AAA Gun Bn and the
A heavy blow was dealt to the ef- Commanding Officer of the 24th AAA 85th AAA Gun Bn plus the 507th AAA
ficiency of the unit in the first week of Group, Philadelphia, will go to Wash- Opns Det., is presently being operated
~Iarch when thirty enlisted men of the ington on 1 July for a new assignment. under strict tactical contro!. Fire units
original assignments made to the Head- Colonel Joseph C. Connel will take that are largely isolated form a protective
quarters Battery upon its activation in over the 24th AAA Group following ring of AAA weapons around this Gi-
February 1951 departed for discharge. Colonel Peterson's departure. New AAA bra Iter of the Pacific. Because of this
~Iost of the men held key positions in gun battalion commanders in the 24th isolation there is a definite morale prob-
the staff sections. Fortunately we re- Group are: Lt. Col. Clyde Gregory, lem, but a diversified training program,
ceived some men from training centers 51st; Lt. Co!. William )-Iorton, 738th; plus wholesome and plentiful entertain-
with eight weeks basic training, Some and Major Engle R. Brooks, 19th, ment, have all but eliminated this haz-
of these men had civilian skills which Lt. Co!. Charles E. Roden, Executi,.e ard. Presently a plan to move all the men
could be utilized in the unit. After Officer, 24th Group, and Major Thomas of the units from tent quarters to perma-
teaching them the Army version, they M. \Vhite, Executive Officer, 51st Bat- nent-type buildings has been effected.
fitted right into most of the slots vacated. talion, have returned from the Com- Under this improvement of position
!\Ilajor \Vorth C. Conner, S4, and mand General Staff Schoo!. campaign many of the automatic weap-
WOJG Percy Clayworth, Food Service Colonel Cecil E. Spann, Command- ons fire units have already been moved
Advisor, departed for the Far East in ing Officer of the 18th AAA Group, into prefabricated housing.
the latter part of February. They were Pittsburgh, will go to the Army War Annually, all Battalions are engaged
replaced by Captain Daniel G. Kane College in August. Lt. Co!. Thomas S. in three service practices. Antiaircraft
and WOJG Kenneth \V. Brown. Other Reilly has taken command of the 74th Artillery firing on Okinawa is difficult
recent arrivals are 1st Lt. Anthonv \V. AAA Gun Battalion in the 18th AAA to carry out on schedule-just like so
Kay and CWO Werner Boehm~, S4 Group. many other places. A prophet's qualifi-
Section. cations are often required in coordinat-
General Meyers is now in command 97th~AA GROUP ing the use of the range with other
of the Eastern Army Antiaircraft Com- The past 12 months have been ,'er\' armed forces, and forcasting the weath-
mand during the leave of absence of eventful ones for the 97th AAA Group er, since the weather on Okinawa is
Brigadier General Frederic L. Hayden. based on Okinawa. Defense against pos- usually cloudy with scattered showers.

MAY-JUNE, 1953 33
~o definite ,vet or dry seasons exist on duty at the AA & GM Center, Colonel Lt. CoL Mark C. B. Klunk, now over
Okinawa, nor do the frequent typhoons Harold G. Haskell joined the 5th AM seas, is expected to join the group n
and typhoon wind conditions have a Group at Camp Hanford, Washington, July.
fixed season. Seemingly, the typhoons in April. Colonel Haskell is currently
are more frequent during the scheduled serving as Executive Officer, 5th AM 65th AAA GROUP
Group preparatory to assuming com- Fort Clayton, Canal Zone
firing periods, despite the variance of
the schedule. Nonetheless, the 97th to mand of that organization when Colonel Colonel Ben E. Cordell, Group Colli-
date can boast a successfully completed John C. Steele departs for the National mander, has recently returned to duty
target practice every :liring season. War College course. after a few weeks illness in the Fort
Organization Day, the anniversary of On 20 April 1953, the 10th AAA Clayton Hospital. Lt. CoL Reinhard
the 97th AAA Group, is annually ob- AW Bn (Smbl), stationed at Geiger L. Speltz was in command during the
served on 1 May. At this time all ele- Field, Spokane, Washington, was re- period. Lt. CoL Veto Blekaitis is still
ments of tbe Group come together and lieved from attachment to the 5th AAA the Group S3 and Major Walter E.
stage a large celebration in tribute. Field Group and reverted to its former status, Badger, the Adjutant. Other kev staff
events, motor rodeo, baseball, softball, reporting directly to the Commanding officers are: Major Victor Stefanis: Radar
and many other events constitute the General, 31st AAA Brigade. The bat- 0; Capt. Douglas A. Armstrong, Comm.
program. The 97th was fortunate this talion is currently engaged in training 0; 1st Lt. Albert W. McDaniel, S4;
year in having a 10-bout boxing card under Army Training Program, 44--302. Capt. Kirk M. Rose, Btry. Comdr.; Ma-
staged for their benefit. Many members Captain Martin A. Small, S. c., was jor G. M. McKelvy, CO., 506th AM
of the unit competed and climaxed a recently assigned to Brigade Headquar- Oprs. Det.; 1st Lt. Melvin Holst, CO.,
perfect day. Organization Day was big- ters as the communications officer. 38th RCAT.
ger and better than ever. Perhaps the Lt. Col. Frank J. Petrilli commands
highlight was the presentation to the 17th AAA GROUP the 903rd AAA AW Battalion with
Catonsville, Maryland headquarters at Fort Clayton. Major
85th AAA Gun Bn., of four battle
streamers won by them in the England, Colonel Frank J. Zeller assumed com- Richard F. Taylor is the Exec and Major
Rhineland, Ardennes-Alsace, and Cen- mand of the 17th AAA Group which Woodrow A. Jones, the S3.
tral Europe campaigns during World was activated on 10 April 1953. This Lt. Col. Elton D. Winstead com-
War II. Maj. Gen. David A. D. Ogden, new group continued the functions of mands the 764th AAA Gun Battalion at
Commanding General, Ryukyus Com- the 20Sth AAA Group, a Connecticut Fort Davis with Lt. Col. John G. Wiggs
mand, presented the streamers at a color- National Guard unit which completed as his Exec and Major Bernard G.
ful, formal retreat ceremony. its period of Federal Service in May Simms as S3.
Lt. Col. Nelson Burge, CO, 22nd 1953. Major Paul J. DeSio and Major
AAA AW Bn, and Captain Lawrence Francis Crowe, formerly S 1 and S3 26th AAA AW BATTALION
B. Peterson have recently departed this respectively, have returned to Connec- (SP)
command. Soon Col. Eugene H. Wal- ticut with the 20Sth AAA Group and
Lt. Col. Wilson H. Birch, Commanding
ter, Group CO; Lt. Col. Maurice J. are continuing their military avocation
Palizza, Executive Officer; Lt. Col. Wil- there. For the readers and former members
liam F. Kuhn, CO, 85th AAA Gun Bn; Principal staff officers in the new of the battalion who like to keep in
and Lt. Col. Harry C. Brown, CO, group are Lt. Col. Robert R. Corey, touch, some highlights of our activities
65th AAA Gun Bn, are all due to depart Executive (now on orders for FECOM); are reported ..
for the ZI. Recent arrivals include: Lt. Lt. Col. James S. Young, new Executive The 26th AAA AW Bn (SP), an
Col. Harry E. Eaton; Lt. Col. David Y. and S3. Capt. Victor J. Zebrowski, for- integral part of the 24th Infantry (Vic-
Nanney; Lt. Col. Reed J. McCracken merly S4, has departed for guided mis- tory) Division, is in a training status in
and Maj. Darius J. Crews. sile training at Fort Bliss. His position Japan. Battalion headquarters and D
was recently :lilled by Capt. James J. Battery are stationed with the Division
31st AAA BRIGADE Harrison who has just returned from Artillery Headquarters, and other Bat-
Korea. Early in June it is expected that teries are parts of the three Regimental
Brig. Gen. E. F. Cardwell, Commtmding
Major J. W. Mann will return from the Combat Teams. The Batteries are wide-
On 20 April 1953, Lt. Col. Franklin Command and General Staff School to ly scattered with the minimum distance
A. Werner departed from the 31st AAA round out the 17th AAA Group staff apart being 30 miles and the maximum
Brigade for Camp Roberts, California, by filling the S 1 and S2 vacancies. distance apart being 400 miles.
to assume command of the 52d AAA Among the Battalions composing the Captains Charles J. Walczak, Ken-
AWBn. group Lt. Col. Wm. H. Price, Jr. com- neth A. l\10sher, William J. Clark, Her-
During his assignment to the 31st mands the 35th AAA Gun Battalion and man W. Riedeburg, and Grady T. Smith
AAA Brigade, Lt. Col. Werner served Lt. Col. Robert E. Frith, the 602nd. The command Batteries A, B, C, D and
successively at Camp Hanford, Wash- 89th Battalion, recently commanded Headquarters respectively. These com-
ington, as Commanding Officer, 501st by Lt. Col. Thomas H. Barfield, is now manders are doing an excellent job in
AAA Gun Bn, Executive Officer, 5th under the guidance of Lt. Col. James maintaining the overall efficiency of
AAA Group, and Commanding Officer, Kravitz, since Colonel Barfield departed their units under conditions inherent in
518th AAA Gun Bn. early in May for duty in the G3 section working for and under another com-
Following a short period of temporary of the AA & GM Center at Fort Bliss. (Continued on page 36)

** * * * * * ***
* ******
*ROLL ** *
13th AAA Group 8th AAA Training Bn 82nd AAA AW Bn
Original Honor Roll Maj. M. D. Kert Lt. Cal. H. K. Clark
Col. W. C. Mahoney
88th AAA Airborne 8n 9.h AAA Training Bn 83rd AAA Gun Bn
26th AAA Group

Lt. Co/. R. 8. Barry, Jr. Maj. W. E. Osburn Lt. Cal. A. P. Dahl
Col. H. O. Lind
228th AAA Group 1 Olh AAA Training Bn 95th AAA Gun Bn
29th AAA Group Lt. Cal. P. E. Pique
Col. T. H. Pope Lt. Col. V. T. Terribile

Col. P. l. Wall 96th AAA Gun Bn
I071h AAA AW 8n 1M) 11th AAA AW Bn
Lt. Col. E. R. Mciver 30lh AAA Group Lt. Col. R. E. Hood
Lt. Col. J. E. Wales
305th AAA Group Col. W. H. Murray 97th AAA Gun 8n

11.h AAA Training Bn
Col. John S. Mayer, N. Y. 65th AAA Group Lt. Cal. W. F. Careoran
Lt. Col. A. O. Chittenden
Col. B. E. Cordell 102nd AAA Gun Bn
Separate Commands 12.h AAA Gun Bn
Maj. E. R. Welte, N. Y.

681h AAA Group Lt. Cal. P. R. Cibotti, Jr.
Cenlral AAA Command Col. W. B. Hawthorne 120th AAA Gun Bn
Col. D. J. Bailey 12.h AAA Training Bn Lt. Col. H. C. Gray, N. Mex.
142d AAA Group Maj. l. E. Marlowe

Hq Western AAA Command Col. R. Hardy, Ala. 123rd AAA Gun Bn
14.h AAA Gun Bn Lt. Cal. I. E. Dominguez, P. R.
Brig. Gen. E. J. McGaw 197th AAA Group Maj. H. C. Lorek
Hqs. Far East AAA Spec. Sch. Col. A. S. Baker, N. H. 126th AAA AW Bn

lS.h AAA AW Bn (SPI Lt. Col. R. C. Correa
It. Col. W. H. Nicolson 200th AAA Group Lt. Col. J. Y. Brightman 127th AAA AW Bn (SPI
Col. C. M. Woodbury, N. Mex.
Guided Missile oepl. 1 B.h AAA Gun Bn Lt. Col. H. G. White, N. Y.
20S.h AAA Group

Maj. G. W. Seabrook, III
AA & GM School 133rd AAA AW Bn
Lt. Cal. J. H. Pindell
Col. F. M. McGoldrick 20lh AAA Gun Bn Lt. Cal. E. J. Modjeske, Illinois
207.h AAA GroUp Lt. Col. C. F. Ottenger
Officer Candidate School 137.h AAA AW Bn

It. Col. R. G. Irish, N. Y. 21 st AAA AW Bn (SPI
Col. K. R. Kenerick Maj. F. R. Nairn
AAA Repl Training Center 211 th AAA GroUp Lt. Cal. D. B. Williams 140th AAA AW Bn
Col. E. W. Heathcote Cal. D. MacDull, Mass. 32nd AAA AW Bn Lt. Cal. l. H. Ripley
Lt. Cal. E. F. Moody

Dept. of Gen. Subs. 214th AAA Group 144.h AAA AW Bn
AAA & GM School Col. J. G. Johnson, Go. 34th AAA Gun Bn Lt. Col. R. T. Dunn
Lt. Col. R. M. Page, Jr. 21 8th AAA Group Lt. Col. H. B. Reubel 14Sth AAA Gun Bn

AAA & GM School
Col. V. P. lupinacci,
220th AAA GroUp
Col. R. H. Hopkins
Po. 36th AAA Gun Bn
Maj. l. D. Pazy
37th AAA Gun Bn
Lt. Col. H. J. Cunningham
1 50th AAA Gun Bn
Lt. Col. l. O. Ellis, Jr., N. C. *'
Col. P. W. Shunk Maj. R. G. Duncan 168th AAA Gun Bn
224.h AAA Group
Non-Resident Ins. Dept. Col. E. W. Thompson 38th AAA Gun Bn Lt. Cal. R. E. George
AAA & GM School Maj. C. D. Arnold 243rd AAA AW Bn

233rd AAA Group
Col. T. H. Watkins 39th AAA AW Bn 1M) Lt. Cal. E. E. McMillan
Col. W. T. Stone, Calif.
Lt. Col. P. J. Locey, Jr. 2715t AAA AW Bn
243rd AAA Group
Brigades 41 st AAA Gun Bn Lt. Cal. l. C. Saylor

Col. E. E. McMillian
34th AAA Brigade Lt. Col. C. F. Chirico 336th AAA Gun Bn
Brig. Gen. R. W. Chrichlow 260th AAA GroUp Lt. Col. P. A. Voyatzis
4B.h AAA Gun Bn
Col. G. V. Selwyn, D. C. 340th AAA Gun Bn
35th AAA Brigade Lt. Col. D. W. Malone
Brig. Gen. T. V. Slayton 302nd AAA GroUp 49th AAA Gun Bn Lt. Col. R. T. Bard, D. C.
Col. J. M. Welch Maj. C. O. Lallite 387th AAA Gun Bn
45th AAA Brigade

Col. F. F. Miter 313th AAA Group 50th AAA A W Bn Lt. Cal. R. Wetheroll
47th AAA Brigade Col. A. F. Haehle Lt. Col. J. O. Hodgson 443rd AAA AW Bn (SPI
Col. G. C. Gibbs 326.h AAA Group S3rd AAA Gun Bn Lt. Cal. T. F. Gordan

S61h AAA Brigade Col. M. D. Meyers, Po. Lt. Cal. J. H. McCann, Jr. 4S0.h AAA AW Bn
Brig. Gen. H. F. Meyers 374th AAA Group 56th AAA Gun Bn Lt. Col. G. W. Shivers
10Sth AAA Brigade Col. T. F. Mullaney, Jr., Illinois Lt. Col. M. A. Selsor, Jr. 4S9th AAA AW Bn
Lt. Col. W. F. Shover

Brig. Gen. A. H. ooud, N. Y. S 1 Sth AAA Group 60th AAA AW Bn
107th AAA Brigade Col. F. G. Rowell, N. Mex. Lt. Col. Wm. D. Word 464th AAA AW Bn
Brig. Gen. J. W. Squire, Va. Maj. J. Munroe, Ala.
63rd AAA Gun Bn
111 th AAA Brigade
Brig. Gen. Chos. G. Sage,
112th AAA Brigade
N. Melt.
1 st AAA Training Bn
Lt. Col. C. F. Colley
64th AAA Gun Bn.
Lt. Cal. D. B. Nye
49S.h AAA AW Bn
Lt. Col. G. E. Miller
501 st AAA Gun Bn *'
Brig. Gen. J. W. Cook, Cali!. Col. J. H. Doyle Lt. Cal. J. C. Parker
65th AAA Gun Bn
2615t AAA Brigade 2nd AAA AW Bn S02nd AAA Gun Bn
Lt. Col. H. C. Brown
Brig. Gen. J. B. Moore, Del. It. Col. R. F. Meconi Lt. Col. P. J. Maline

66th AAA Gun Bn
2nd AAA Training Bn SOS.h AAA Gun Bn
Lt. Cal. J. C. Wilkerson
Groups Maj. J. D. Benner Lt. Col. M. E. Chatas
3rd AAA AW Bn 70th AAA Gun Bn
l,t Composite Group S06th AAA AW Bn

It. Col. O. A. Moomaw Lt. Cal. J. E. Barton
Col. T. H. leary Lt. Col. J. H. Valliere
2nd AAA Group 3rd AAA Tng. Bn. 71 st AAA Gun Bn S07th AAA AW Bn
Col. A. S. Buynoski Lt. Col. A. S. Naylor Lt. Cal. B. R. Brown LI. Cal. J. M. Carson
4th AAA Group
Col. l. A. Bonifay
5th AAA Group
4th AAA AW Bn
It. Col. E. O'Connor,
4th AAA Training Bn
73rd AAA AW Bn
Lt. Col. P. W. Pedrotti
74.h AAA Gun Bn
S13th AAA Gun Bn
LI. Cal. H. Mclauchlin,
51 8th AAA Gun Bn
Jr. *'
Cal. J. C. Steele
61h AAA Group
Maj. K. l. Boullon
5th AAA Training Bn
Maj. F. R. Whitehead, Sr.
Lt. Col. R. S. Reilly
76th AAA Gun Bn
Lt. Col. S. R. Kelley
Maj. l. T. Hansen
51 9.h AAA Gun Bn
Lt. Cal. A. E. Holt
Col. A. A. Adams
6th AAA Training Bn 77th AAA Gun Bn S26th AAA Gun Bn
71h AAA Group
Lt. Col. G. l. Crawford, Jr. Lt. Col. W. P. Wright, Jr. Lt. Cal. W. T. Lind
Cal. M. J. Marlin
79th AAA Gun Bn S315t AAA AW Bn

8th AAA Group 7th AAA AW Bn
Col. O. H. Kyster, Jr. Lt. Col. H. E. Michelet Lt. Col. W. A. Brinkerholl Col. P. J. Gunlach

11th AAA Group 8.h AAA AW Bn 80th AAA Airborne Bn SSO.h AAA Gun Bn
It. Col. W. A. Stricklen Lt. Cal. J. Evans Lt. Cal. N. E. Cole
Cal. F. H. Shepardson

MAY -JUNE, 1953

• ¥-
26th AAA AW Battalion (SPl
(Continued from p.Jge 34)
mander when its parent headquarters is
playing the role of a training inspector.
In spite of this condition the "Ack-Ack"
standards are always high, and annual
IG inspections, Command inspections,
and other reports always place the 26th
high in its accomplishments.
Three sen'ice practices are held year-
ly. The ranges used are at Katakai and
1\lisawa. These ranges are under the
control of the 40th AAA Brigade, a
separate major command. The firings
indicate the need for more service prac-
tices, since teamwork during actual fir-
U.S. Army
ing is a must. The rotation problem Headquarters (SP), pass in review ..
is reflected at each new firing. New
teams must be built. Replacements from sion Artillery headquarters together with cum, N. Y., in 1898. In the lineaoe o
other than antiaircraft sources must be the 3d Battalion of the 21st Infantry the 748th AAA A\V Battalion served
sold on the weapon. Many such soldiers Regiment participated in a review in in Europe in \\Torld \Var II with a dis-

freeze on the weapons, and psychologi- honor of 1\lichio Muragama, Governor tinguished record.
cally cannot fire. Drills and training ate of Yamagata Prefecture, celebrating the Battery A was acti\'ated in 1\larch
good, but only firing brings out certain first :lI1niversary of the ratification of 1949 and assigned to the 24th Infantry
characteristics of the individual and the the Japanese Peace Treaty. An estimated Division moving into the battle in Kore~
required degree of teamwork to keep a 3,000 spectators many of whom were with the Division in Jul\', 1950. Batten'
weapon firing. Japanese Nationals viewed the parade. A has been awarded ~he Presidenti~1
Recently the Division Artillery Com- Five officers currently remain with Unit Citation, the Korean Presidential
mander presented the first battalion the battalion who were with it in Ko- Unit Citation, and battle honors for {
standards received by this unit. An ap- rea. They are Major Thomas E. Kava- seven campaigns in Korea.
propriate formal ceremony with field naugh, Captain Charles J. \\Talczak, 1st The remaining batteries in the Battal.
music was held. A short time later the Lieutenant I-larry G. Estes, 1st Lieu- ion were activated on the battlefield in
battalion received its four \Vorld \Var tenant Don P. i\lorgan, and WOJC Korea with cadres from A Battery plus
II streamers earned by the 784th battal- Eugene C. Lee. Hq and Hq Battery, 52nd 1\1\1\ A\V
ion in Europe. The history of the 26th AAA A\V Bn and Battery 1\, 21st AAA AW Bn.
On the 28th of April all members of Battalion traces back to the 7th Regi- Lt. Col. Hoy A. Tate was the first
the battalion stationed with the Divi- ment of Artillery, activated at Fort Slo- Battalion commander.

* * * * * * * * * * Roll-Continued
************ Honor
SS2d AAA Gun Bn 720lh AAA Gun Bn. 9S0lh AAA AW Bn
327th AAA Opns. Det.
Lt. Col. J. Stricklond Lt. Col. G. A. Duke, Calif. Lt. Col. J. P. Wallis, Go. Maj. F. W. Smith
SS41h AAA Gun Bn 7241h AAA Gun Bn 9S151 AAA Gun Bn SOOth AAA Opns. Del.
Lt. Col. F. J. Logosse Lt. Cal. E. H. Hahn Lt. Col. W. G. Bobbitt Maj. C. D. May, Jr.

6781h AAA AW Bn 7261h AAA Gun Bn 30lh AAA Lt. Blry SOlst AAA Opns. Det.
Maj. J. 8. Crayton, S. C. LI. Col. C. F. Arnold, N. Melt. Capt. W. A. Branl Maj. D. I. Grant
6971h AAA AW Bn Blry A, 371h AAA Gun Bn
7371h AAA Gun Bn S02nd AAA Opns. Del.

Maj. W. C. Thompson, N. Melt. Lt. A. 8. Whitesides
Lt. Col. 8. W. Perry Copt. J. R. Myers
6981h AAA Gun Bn
S061h AAA Opns. Del.
Lt. Col. F. Monico, Illinois 7641h AAA Gun Bn Operations Detachments Maj. G. M. McKelvy

701 sl AAA Gun Bn Lt. Col. E. D. Winstead
Lt. Col. F. F. Quisl 13151 AAA Opns. Del. S08th AAA Opns. Det.
7681h AAA Gun Bn.
70SIh AAA Gun Bn Maj. J. L. Welling, S. C. Copt. G. J. Lahey
It. Col. T. H. Kuyper

Lt. Col. F. O. Roever 77Jrd AAA Gun Bn 142nd AAA Opns. Det. S09th AAA Opns. Del.
7081h AAA Gun Bn Lt. Col. G. F. Slavin Maj. B. D. Boyett, Ala. Maj. J. P. Bodkin
LI. Col. P. L. Gelsinger 8041h AAA AW Bn IMI 1771h AAA Opns. Del. SIOlh AAA Opns. Del.

710lh AAA Gun Bn. Maj. S. N. Caudill, N. Me><. Copt. J. J. Nieho/l Maj. R. H. Maser
Capl. T. T. Chisman 18151 AAA Opns. Del.
8671h AAA AW Bn Sllth AAA Opns. Det.
7121h AAA Gun Bn
Lt. Col. W. R. Parr Copt. C. Geek Maj. G. J. Burke
Lt. Col. R. W. Harnett
7161h AAA Gun Bn
Lt. Col. J. R. Stewart, N. Melt.
90Jrd AAA AW Bn
Lt. Cal. F. J. Petrilli
933rd AAA AW Bn
2861h AAA Opns.
Copt. H. J. Tarves
307nd AAA Opns.

AAA Opns.
P. C. Hubble
AAA Opns.

7171h AAA Gun Bn
Lt. Col. E. D. Pelzer, N. Melt. Lt. Col. R. M. Huston Maj. N. L. Funke Lt. R. A. Durkins

34th AAA BRIGADE Battalion haye new commanders: Lt. fabricated buildings are now in the
Col. Charles C. Jeffries. from the MA process of construction for all units.
and G1\1 Center, Fort Bliss, with the The battalions of the 22nd AM
Com mall d j II g
73d. and Lt. Col. Zebulon L. Strickland Group are now using the firing range
By ,\Iajor Theodore Wyckoff
with the 552d. at Camp I-laven, \ Visconsin for target
Spring and summer 1953 and the ad- A recent arriyal in Europe is Lt. Col. practice.
\"('ntof good firing weather spell a hea,')' Eric F. Rundquist, who has been as- The 28th AAA Group, Colonel John
schedule for 34th Brigade units in Ger- signed duties as chief of the 34th Bri- G. Turner commanding, will soon have
J1\an\'. At Grafenwohr Training Area gade Testing Team. This team will ad- more convenient firing facilities estab-
near'~iirnberg, the 62d, 73d. 91st and minister the annual Army training tests lished at Camp Claybanks, near 1\1us-
H3d Battalions led off the year's A \V to all 34th Brigade battalions ::md group> kegon, i\ lichigan. available for its bat-
6ring using a new system of range pro- as well as to the organic AA battalions talions.
crdure deyeloped by the Brigade staff, of the American line divisions in Ger- Since October the Brigade has grad-
111 which the established range fan does manv and the II th AAA A\V Battalion uated 142 officers and men in its splen-
double duty by accommodating two fir- stationed in Salzburg, Austria. did operators school for new gun battery
1I1g lines instead of one. fire con trol.
On 1\lay 1st, Brigade gun battalions 45th AAA BRIGADE Beginning June 14 the Brigade will
started using a new range at Todendorf,
The 45th AAA Brigade Headquarters, provide support for antiaircraft reserve
• on the Baltic Sea northeast of Ham-
Colonel Frank F. 1\liter commanding, component training at Camp I-laven,
burg. First on the new range was the
moved to Fort Sheridan, lIIinois in Feb- Wisconsin and Camp Claybanks. i\lich-
95th A1\A Gun Battalion from Mann-
ruarv. At the same time the 22nd AAA igan. Twenty-four National Guard or
heim. commanded by Lt. CoL Paul E.
Group Headquarters. Colonel John Al- Reserve units will be conducting their
Pigue. Coordinating safety regulations,
frey commanding, moved to the Chicago summer camp training.
air missions and logistical and adminis-
location on South Shore Driye. There Lt. Col. S. L. Cone, formerly the
trati,'e details at the new range with
the Group is better located to supervise Brigade Executive, has been transferred
the British Army of the Rhine, was a
the battalions in its command. to the Ordnance Corps and duty at De-
major task accomplished by the Brigade
Last November all of the Brigade troit. His successor it Lt. CoL Lee 1-1.
staff. British, Canadian, Belgian, Dan-
units were housed at positions in new Burnham, formerly CO 18th AAA Gun
ish, and Dutch AA units attached to
jamesway tents. Permanent type pre- Battalion.
"BAOR" will share the new range with
gun battalions of the 34th Brigade.
In April the last of the National
Guard units attached to the Brigade re-
turned to the Zl. I-Ieadquarters and Brigadier General Richard W. 1\layo
Headquarters Battery of the 242d AAA arrived at Camp Stewart in i\larch to
Group of the Connecticut National command the Third Army AAA Train-
Guard left Federal service, its place in ing Center. His last assignment was in
.\Iannheim being taken by the reactiv- Korea where he commanded the 5th FA
ated Headquarters and Headquarters Group and served as the artillery officer
Battery 1st AAA Group, with Col. Rob- of the II ROK Corps. Both American
ert A. Kessler in command. Other Na- and Korean field artillery were in his
tional Guard units which have recently command. Under battle conditions he
reverted to inactive status are the 633d directed the organization and training
and 717th Gun Battalions, which have of 26 ROK FA battalions and nine ar-
been replaced respectively by the 40th tillery division headquarters.
Gun Battalion, commanded by Lt. CoL General1\layo began his Army service
Eugene F. Boomer, and the 25th Gun as an enlisted man in 1920. Graduating
Battalion, commanded by Lt. Col. John from USMA in 1926, he has served
A. Bates. since in the Field Artillery. He was a
As is to be expected, there is a steady member of the 1928 and 1932 Olympic
Row of old and new faces. In the 8th pentathlon teams and was the coach
U.S. Arm\' Photo
Group in \Viesbaden, commanded by and captain of the 1936 team. His sports Brig. Gen. Richard W. Mayo
CoL Olaf F. Kyster, a recent departure are the five which comprise the pen-
was Lt. CoL Richard 1. Shagrin, for tathalon: riding, track, fencing, swim- The 13th AAA Group under Colonel
over a year CO of the 5th AAA AW Bat- ming and shooting. \\'m. C. Mahoney, Jr., heads up the
talion, who left for his new assignment Colonel vVm. A. Cauthen serves as AAA units. j\lajor Carl D. Arnold com-
as Secretary, General Staff, Seventh General Mayo's Chief of Staff. Others mands the 38th AAA Gun Battalion;
Army. on the General Staff include: 1\lajor Lt. Col. Norman E. Cole, the 550th;
In the 12th Group, in Karlsruhe, CoL Bernard D. Reams, Gl; Lt. CoL Henry Major Frank V. Pechulis, the 551st; Lt.
Cah'in L. Partin commanding, the 73d M. Reed, G2; Lt. Col. Albert C. Wil- Col. F. J. Lagasse, the 554th; and Major
AAA A W Battalion and the 552d Gun liams, G3; Lt. CoL Frank E. Terry, G4. Robert \V. McCartney, the 549th.
MAY-JUNE, 1953 37
~Iajor Aubrey E. Shelley, Brigade SI, Ack-Ack Grenades
has orders to the Panama Canal Zone. 15th AAA AW BN. (SP) T \\'0 1'larine Corsair pilots reponed a
Captains A. E. Conn, Assistant 53 and AWARDS new Communist antiaircraft weapon.
N. T. Sheldon, Assistant SI have orders Red troops, standing on high hills. threw
to USAFFE. hand grenades at them.
Lt. Col. Bruch H. Johnson
Lt. Col. \Vm. A. Stricklen commands 1st Lt. Chester L. McKinney Captains Lawrence 1'\. Crawley and
the 8th AAA AW Battalion at Camp 1st Lt. Allan D. 5hepersky Bradford N. Slenning, both members of
Lucas, Michigan. 5gt. Harold E. Anderson
1'IAG-12's "Devilcats" squadron. re-
Major G. W. Seabrook, III, relieved 5gt. Gerald R. Seifer
Sgt. Lee A. Williams ported the incident. They were search.
Lt. Col. Burnham in the 18th AAA Gun
Pic. Harold H. Patchett ing for the pilot of a downed Air Force
Lt. Col. \-Vm. A. Brinkerhoff com- BRONZE STAR MEDAL F-84 Thunderjet just south of \Vonsan
mands the 79th AAA Gun Battalion; Major Alva E. Drake when the "new weapon" was unveiled.
Capt. Edward R. Chandler After making low searching runs for
Lt. Col. Stephen C. Farris, the 86th;
Copt. James B. Cochran, Jr.
Lt. Col. F. W. Jacks, the 99th; Lt. Col. Copt. Charles L. Douthitt nearly two hours, the i\larines \\'ere
Stephen T. Kosiorek, the 504th; Lt. Col. Copt. John R. Kennedy about to return to their base when the\'
Albert 1'1. Wilcox, the 516th and Major COMMENDATION RIBBON spotted 15 enemy troops on the ridge
Hugh E. Jordan the 734th. 1st Lt. Ernest L. Bengston, Jr. (Chap) lines. The Reds were nearly as high as
1st Lt. Arthur C. Hartis the 1'larine planes because the fighter-
52nd AAA BRIGADE 1st Lt. Charles F. Lyons
bombers were searching the \'alleys.
Brig. Gen. Legare K. Tarrmlt, 1st Lt. Allan D. Shepersky
WOJG J. P. Mitchell After firing .30 and .50 slugs at the
Comnumding MjSgt. Lamar Alewine planes, the Red troopers wound up and
Mj5gt. Leslie L. Devine pitched the grenades.
Colonel Frank H. Shepardson, Dep-
Sic Ralph H. Dellinger
uty Commander for Operations, leaves Sfc Roy R. Lewis (Cluster) 'The first time I saw one come toward
in August to attend Air \Var College Sgt. Allen F. Joseph me I even ducked," Capt. Slenning re-
class No. 54 at l'vlaxwell Air Force Base. Cpl. Jack M. Hughey ported.
Colonel Arthur L. Sanford, Jr., Com- Both Corsairs returned with numerous
manding Officer, 80th AAA Group, small arms damage, but none of it was
PFC 'Borrows' A Tank Gun To
leaves soon to attend the Army \Var due to grenades.
College, Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania.
Destroy Chinese Bunker*
The Marines didn't return the fire be-
Lt. Colonel Robert \V. Molloy, former With the 2d In£. Div., Korea-A 20-
cause it might have jeopardized the life
CO 526th AAA Gun Bn (120mm), is year-old crew member of a 2d Div. quad- of the pilot who may have been a cap-
now Brigade S3, with Major Harry fifty position recently "borrowed" a tank tive of the Reds.
Landsman as assistant. gun and blasted apart a Chinese Com-
Lt. Colonel Willis T. Lind, former munist bunker with one shell.
Brigade S4, is now CO of the 526th PFC Eugene Umaske, a right can-
AM Gun Bn (120mm).
noneer on a half-inch howitzer position
Lt. Colonel William A. DePalo, from Guided Missile
at A Btry., 82d AAA AW (SP) Bn.,
spotted the Reds building a big bunker Pamphlet
Istanbul, Turkey, is now Brigade S4.
The Brigade resumed annual target in the distance. Third Printing of
practice firing at l'\'lontauk Point, L. 1., He decided it was too far for the quad-
on 4 May 1953. Firing had been sus- fifty to destroy, so he strolled over to a THE JOURNAL'S
pended in February. nearby tank position. authentic and factual compila.
"Say, I found a Red bunker way back tion of Guided Missile articles
there," Umaske told the UN troops published in the Journal
manning the tank. "Can I borrow your
90 millimeter a minute?"
"Go right ahead," the allied soldiers Price
told him. vVhereupon the Indianhead
ack-ack artilleryman estimated the range,
aimed the piece, loaded the weapon and Order From
while the UN crew watched fascinated,
fired one round. Antiaircraft
It punched right into the almost com- JOURNAL
U.S. Army Photo pleted enemy position, flattening the 631 Pennsylvania Ave., N.\XT.
Best Battery Award to 1st Lt. Conrad
structure. \X'ashington 4, D. C.
X. Miser, CO Brry C, 740th AAA Gun
Bn., by Col. W. H. Murray, CO 30th
AAA Group, at Fort Funston, Calif. *Army Times, May 16, 1953.

1o'tt Bliss ?2ews
Operatiolls Officer, oes

,ON 17 Juh' 1953 when Class Num- Sidney R. Kliesing; i\lilton D. i\lobley; between the ages of 20 and 26, with at
ber 14 walk across the stage of Theater Claude S. i\lorris, Jr.; James M. Oswalt; least 116 AGCT and an OCT of 121 or
Number I at Fort Bliss to receive their Frank R. Pease; Arthur \\1. Storer; and more, who has not had too much mili-
diplomas the Antiaircraft Officer Candi- Gene F. \Vilson. tary experience (from one to five years
date School will pass into history after Distinguished Graduates have the op- only), and at least a year of college.
nineteen months of operation. portunity to apply for Regular Army I\Iarital status, his basic component,
It will have graduated approximately commissions within a year of graduation. previous combat service and the Serv-
1175 successful candidates for commis- The Officer Candidate School at Fort ice Area he comes from appear to
sions. From the earlier classes many Bliss was inaugurated 14 October 1951 have little bearing on a candidate's
graduates are serving in Korea, many under its first Director, Colonel Robert chances to successfully complete the
are battery commanders, and some are H. Krueger. \,yhen Colonel Krueger school.
serving in staff positions as battalion left the school in August, 1952 to be- Closing of the Officer Candidate
intelligence and operations officers, as come the commander of Camp Drake in School at Fort Bliss does not mean that
well as motor and supply officers. In- Japan, Colonel Kenneth R. Kenerick the branch will receive no further OCS
formation received from commanders in took over the duties of Officer Candidate trained officers. Rather, 40% of the Ar-
the field has been that these graduates School Director. Of the officers who tillery candidates will be earmarked by
are held in high esteem for their effi- were on the ground Roor at the start The Department of The Army for An-
ciency and ability to get the job done. only three remain. They are Lt. Colonel tiaircraft prior to their reception at Fort
Class Number 13, under the guiding George J. Bayerle, Jr., Assistant Director; Sill. Upon completion of the 22 weeks
hand of Major Peter M. Furgiuele, Lt. Colonel J. E. Olivares, President of of school at Fort Sill and commissioning,
Senior Tactical Officer, had the distinc- the Officer Candidate Board, and who the Antiaircraft graduates will attend
tion of graduating the lOOOth candidate will retire from the Army this June; and an eight week school at Fort Bliss to
on 16 April 1953. He is Second Lieu- Major Asa P. Gray, Jr., first the Opera- indoctrinate them into the techniques
tenant Winfield C. Boyd, Jr., of Rose- tions Officer and currently the Senior of their branch. Then they will be sent
mont, Pennsylvania. Boyd was a member Tactical Officer for the one remaining to their first duty assignment.
of a class of 91 who were commissioned candidate class. "\,yell done" can be written of the job
on this date. Throughout its history the school done over the months the school has
Of these 91 graduates, 10 were desig- maintained the attitude of self-criticism operated. The best traditions of the
nated Distinguished Graduates. They and constantly made efforts to improve Officer Corps have been maintained.
were Second Lieutenants Charles E. its product, the platoon leader. Duty, Honor, Country have been in-
Talmage, who was also Honor Graduate; Experience of the school reveals that stilled into about 1175 young officers.
Jack C. Bollinger; Richard C. Duffus; the candidate most likely to succeed is "Well done," indeed.

The Graduating Class No. 13 presents itself to the Reviewing Officer.

MAY -JUNE, 1953 39
By 20 LT. TOM CA now, Summer Camp PIO

THE largest antiaircraft artillery cently completed permanent troop houl.

ROTC Summer Camp e,'er held at Fort ing on the main post. In this group of
Bliss is scheduled at the Antiaircraft ten buildings will be the camp head- r
Artillery and Guided i\lissile Center, quarters, along with the camp BOQ.
from June 20th through July 31st. One Another of the buildings will house a q
thousand, eight hundred cadets will re- post exchange set up expressl~' for the p
ceive instruction at the west Texas post cadets. The ROTC troops will be the D
during the six-week encampment. first occupants of these new barracks.
~Iajor General S. R. ~lickelsen, Com- Final ceremonies of the encampment t
manding General of the A1\ & GM Cen- will feature a formal retreat parade. Fon
ter, is the camp commander. Colonel Bliss and Summer Camp officials will
E. R. Crowell, Professor of 1\lilitary make up the reviewing party. Individ-
Science and Tactics at Texas \\'estern ual awards for proficiency will be giwn
College, El Paso, has been named the to distinguished military cadets, and to
Deputy Camp Commander for the sec- the college graduates who have com-
ond consecutive year. pleted the summer course successfully
U.S. Army Photo
The cadets will come from twenty- Colonel Evans R. Crowell, PMS & T will go commissions as second lieuten-
seven uni,'ersities and colleges in the at Texas \X'estern College, £1 Paso, ants in the Army Reserves.
United States and Puerto Rico. The ROTC Deput)" Camp Commander.
latter is sending 154 men, the largest
group thus far scheduled for the camp. the 90mm guns. After each group TERIES FOR AA DEFENSE
In addition to cadets from these twenty- finishes practicing with weapons in the Secretary of the Army Robert T.
seven schools, a possible 300 more men gun parks, it will move to the million Stevens h;s announced th'at two of the
• from universities with branch general and a half acre Fort Bliss ranges for tar- Army's newest weapons will be teamed I

units may attend the encampment. get practice. to bolster the nation's antiaircraft sys.
Instructors for the summer training Twenty hours of instruction have tem in the near future.
period will be officers and enlisted men been designated for a practice reconnais- The two weapons-the Nike and the
currently on duty with ROTC units in sance and in emplacing 90mm antiair- Skysweeper-will complement each oth-
schools in the continental United States craft artillery gun batteries. The cadets er around principal population and in-
and Puerto Rico. Additional instructors will then fire a tactical problem from dustrial centers, the secretary said.
will be furnished from personnel at the positions. Mr. Stevens revealed that action has
Fort Bliss. RiRe marksmanship has a prominent been initiated to establish antiaircraft
Training will stress practical field-type place on the schedule. Thirty hours will battalions equipped with the Nike
work. It will give the cadets a chance to be spent on the preliminary riRe in- guided missiles. The Skysweeper, only
practice the academic antiaircraft artil- struction circle and small-arms ranges. recently made public, is an antiaircraft
lery subjects studied during the academ- Each cadet will have the chance to gun which can track all enemy planes
ic year. Latest AA weapons and equip- qualify on the M2 carbine. and is specially effective against lower
ment, including the l\1-33 Fire Control Probably the most interesting class altitude attacks.
Unit, the "Skysweeper," and the T141 scheduled will be a display of the The Nike will take care of any high-
Twin 40mm gun will be used in the Army's newest 1\A cannon, the "Sky- altitude intruders and can be fired day
instruction. sweeper." There will be a lecture and or night in foul or fair weather. It is
Major attention will be given to light demonstration on the new 75mm weap- reputed to be able to hit enemy aircraft
and medium AA crew drills and firing. on. or missiles traveling at supersonic speeds.
The class will be divided into two A visit to White Sands Proving The Army had revealed last October
groups, each group alternating on the Ground is set up to give a short indoc- that tests on the Nike had justified its
90mm guns, while the other drills on trination in guided missiles. The trip use and that tactical and technical train-
automatic weapons. This method of in- will take about half a day. ing of officers and men had gotten un-
struction, combined with the committee Field artillery technique will also be der way at the Guided Missiles Center,
system, insures each cadet thorough in- covered by the ROTC cadets in the last Ft. Bliss, and at the White Sands Pro,'-
struction and practice. phase of their course. The field artillery ing Grounds, Las Cruces, N. 1\1.
A general breakdown of the training work is organized to cm'er forward ob- The organization and location of anti.
schedule shows seven tv-four hours to be serving, laying in the battery, and will aircraft units converted to the employ-
spent on quadruple-mount 50 caliber include instruction on the guns. ment of the N ike will be on a progres-
and twin-mount 40mm automatic weap- \Vhile at Fort Bliss the cadets will sive basis, and the first are expected to
ons. Sixty-nine hours will be spent on be quartered in ten buildings of the re- be physically established this summer.

Distribution of School Instructional Material
Executive, Dept. of NOllresidellt IllstructiOll, AA fr GM Br, T AS

THE interest in and numerous re- About once each month the accu- the school be processed through battal-
quests for lesson plans and manuscripts mulated material is reviewed. listed, ion, in order that effective screening
,pertaining to antiaircraft artillery train- packaged, and mailed direct to the desig- and/or consolidation can be made.
indicate that more information on nated units. In addition to the list of Occasionallv with the SOL will be
the efforts of the AA & Gl\ 1 Br, l'AS, material a few brief informatory para- distributed a discussion of some phase
to distribute. this material is needed graphs are sent along. These paragraphs of artillery. As an example, a recent SDL
throughout the service. state the purpose of the SOL, ask for had a single sheet on aircraft recogni-
The school operates a Special Dis- comments on how to improve or what to tion. Comments and recommendations
tribution List (SOL) to facilitate the eliminate, and also refer the addressee were solicited in order that published
Circulation of training literature. Each to the Book Department of the school if literature would more closely meet the
r lesson plan and manuscript published
at the AA&Gl\ I Br, l'AS, for resident
additional copies are desired.
As an economy measure only one copy
requirements of using personnel. Also
with the SOL are distributed such items
. use is carefully considered for its value of each item is sent to a unit. The one as the Book Department Catalog, new
lto units in the field. Instructional ma- copy will present resident instruction Special Texts, pamphlets, addresses,
I terial may be of interest to a specific type thought on the subject and will in many AAA training film e\'aluations, and other
of unit or to all artillerymen. In any cases have to be modified for local use. If items which will be of help to the unit
erent, sufficient additional copies are additional copies are desired they can commander and his staff.
printed to permit distribution of one be secured readily at a nominal cost. The SDL can serve better in unit
copy to each concerned unit of battalion A standard lesson plans costs about five training if the function of the Special
size or larger. If an item is of interest to cents and manuscripts seldom cost more Distribution List is publicized in the
a battalion it is also given distribution than ten cents. unit and if the material contained in 400

to all AAA groups and AAA brigades. It is recommended that requests by in- the SDL is made available to the people
The reverse is not necessarily true. dividuals for instructional material from III the unit most directly concerned.



A NE\V field manual on a new piece

of materiel is currently being printed
has been brought up to date, and illus-
trations and diagrams have been added
distributed. ATT 44.1 CI, AAA Gun
Battalion (90mm), has also been printed
and will soon be in distribution. This to the many in the first edition. and distributed.
new publication, F1\I44-61, Self-Pro- Two new training circulars are ex- The following publications are
pelled Twin 40mm Gun (1'141), de- pected to be in distribution by late sum- planned for production during fiscal year
scribes the improved version of the well- mer 1953. TC ( ), Service of the 1954:
known l\119 \~'hich has proven valuable AN/TPS.1D, is being reviewed at Army
in surface as well as in antiaircraft mis- Field Forces in preparation for printing, Field Manuals
sions in Korea. The new manual is and TC ( ), Safety Precautions for Fl\ 1 44-33A, Service of An tiaircraft
illustrated with 37 figures. Guided l\lissile and I-Ieavy Rocket Fire Control System 1\133, is a new
Fl\1 44-4 C2, which adds a general Training, has gone to OCAFF for re- manual. It will not supersede FM 44-33
coverage of the antiaircraft fire control view. which was written for the T33 but will
systems 1'33 and M33 to Fl\1 44-4, AAA ATP 44-300, AAA AW Bn (self-pro- identify and describe the complex com-
Guns, is in the hands of the printer. pelled) Divisional Type; ATP 44-301, ponents of the newer 1\133 in great de-
Distribution should be made in the next AAA AW Bn (self-propelled) Nondivi- tail. Emplacement, march order, and
30 days. sional Type; ATP 44-302, AAA Towed drill are thoroughly covered in step-by-
ST 44-150, Introduction to Guided AW Bn Nondivisional Type; ATP 44- step instructions. Plentiful illustrations
~lissiles, has been reprinted at AA & 310, AM Gun Battalion; ATP 44-330, will make the text clear.
Gl\1 Br, l'AS, for the fourth time since AAAOD; and ATP 44-360, AM Bri- FM 44-( ), Organization, Tactics,
the original edition III 1949. The text gade and Group, have been printed and Fire Control, and Gunnery, 1'69 (Sky-

MAY-JUNE, 1953 41
the M33 will be cO\'ered in the;e films.

General Dahlquist
General John E. Dahlquist, Com-
manding General of Fourth Army, and
since promoted to three stars, conducted
the annual inspection of training and
facilities at Fort Bliss, April 29 and 30
in his first ,'isit to the post since he as-
sumed command of the Fourth Armv in
arch .•
Military honors, including a 13-gun
salute, were paid General Dahlquist by
the 59th AAA Battalion and the Fo~
Bliss Band when he arrived at the post,
April 28.
He took a sharp look at all activities
on the post, including a night trip to t
the Fort Bliss range and a visit to the
1st Guided l\lissile Brigade.

AFF Board No.4

.. , U.S. ATm~' Photo
AFF Board No. 4 now has a liaison
G eneral Hodge, Army FIeld I'orces ChIef, demonstrates to Fort Bliss trainees
the proper way to shoot in the combat assault course. Gen. Mickelsen and Col. officer from the Corps of En oineers
t> '
Heathcote in right background and Lt. Frazier, instructor, observe. Major R. A. Billip. Other liaison of.
Employment are being processed. The ficers at the Board include those from
sweeper), is a new manual.
changes to FM 44-2 will incorporate the the Signal Corps, Ordnance, 1'.llarine
FM 44-( ), Service of Nike SAM,
Corps, British Army and Canadian
is a proposed manual to cover the drill use of a defense analyzer for light anti-
and operation of the Nike surface-to-air aircraft artillery and the principles of Army.
antiguerrilla and antiairborne employ- The Board's Ordnance officer, Lt. Col.
guided missile.
ment. The changes to FM 44-1 will Elwyn N. Kirsten, is leaving for new
FM 44-( ), Tactics and Techniques,
bring the basic manual up to date, duties at Aberdeen Proving Ground. His
Nike SAM, w,ill cover the organization,
tactical employment, fire control, and A change to FM 44-44, Service of replacement will be Lt. Col. J. P. Tray-
Radio Set SCR-584, will cover the use lor .... Lt. Col. William F. LaI-latte
gunnery for the Nike guided missile
of new IFF equipment. of the Guided l\'lissile Service Test Sec-
tion is leaving for G4 duties in the
Hvl 21-80, Recognition Training, will
Training Circulars Pentagon .... Capt. Armand M. Kole-
supersede FM 21-80, 1944. A careful
A new training circular, Tactical Con- sar and Capt. E. M. Vinson, also of the
study of the best techniques for teaching
trol and Employment of Skysweeper, GM Service Test Section, have left
recognition was made before the manual
will present the current thought on or- for the Far East Command.
was started.
ganization, tactics, and logistical con- Newcomers to the Board include:
FM 44-4, Antiaircraft Artillery Guns,
will be a revision of the 1950 publication siderations for using units. It is proposed Major O. Garcia; Captains R. S. Craig
to expand this circular into a field and D. N. Gower; Lieutenants G. A.
and will consolidate existing changes to
the earlier manual. manual in 1954. Amburgey and R. E. McDonald; and
FM 44-8, Antiaircraft Operations TC ( ), Service of the I'vlTQ-l WO W. A. Desjardins. Major John
(AAOC), will cover drill, operation, and Cusick has joined the detachment of
Center and Antiaircraft Artillery Infor-
maintenance of this new service unit the Board at Fort George G. 1'.leade,
mation Service will be a revision of Fivl
44-8, 1944. for antiaircraft operation centers. Maryland.
FM 44-60, Service of the 40mm Gun Housing Project
Training Films
and Associated Fire Control Equipment,
Shooting of three new films on Sky- The first 10 units of the new trOOp
will supersede the manual of 1945.
sweeper has alreadv started at Fort Bliss. housing project now under construction
FM 44-69, Service of the 75mm Gun
These training fil~s will show emplace- at Fort Bliss were formally accepted by
Mount T69 (Skysweeper), will super-
ment and march order, orientation and Major General S. R. Mickelsen, Fort
sede the lirst Skysweeper manual pub- Bliss Commander, in a brief ceremony,
svnchronization, and artillerv drill for
lished in 1951 and will bring the text
the Skysweeper. ' April 30.
on this weapon up to date.
Three training films on AAFCS 1\133 The project, including 31 barracks 10
Changes are being made in Chicago under the house approximately six battalions of
Changes to two manuals, FM 44-2, supervision of AA & GM Br, T AS. troops along with motor parks for their
Antiaircraft Artillery Automatic \Veap- Start-stop procedure, orientation and use, is scheduled for completion in late
ons, and F1\l 44-1, Antiaircraft Artillery synchronization, and fire missions for summer.
Is 0 0 K R E V I EW S
• ERALSTAFF. By. Walter Goerlitz.
which required the creation of the £irst
organization which was truly a general
~~~~~~. ~:b:~~:;~\'~o~~in~~v~~
i\ lanchurian-Korean
would have already ended in a victory
for the U.N. General i\lacArthur's re-
theater, that war

cent letter to Senator Bvrd hits the nail

Frederick A. Praeger, Inc. 508 staff, he de\'otes a full half of the book on the head: "... the lack of the will
pages. $7.50. to \\Torld \Var II and its immediate for victory .. ."
causes. The author of this book claims that
For years, the German General Staff the development of a powerful strategic
This book is one which, because of
has sto~ in American eyes as the epit- air force will save dollars and manpower.
its subject matter alone, is of funda-
ome of autocratic ultra-militarism. And Assuming an overall defense budget of
mental importance to the soldier who is
ret, there is no denying that this same 40 billions, he would give 27 to the Air
a serious student of his profession. It
~rganization, existing as a model agency Force and the rest, 13 billion, to the
will be equally essential as a text in the
for operational direction of armies, has Army and Navy together; build the Air
study of military history, of public ad-
had a tremendously important influence Force to 250 groups but limit the Army
ministration and of geopolitics. All in
upon the organizational development of to 10 airborne divisions. He purports by
all, it may be said that not for a long
\ Jrmies all over the world. statistical analysis to show that air power
time has there been a new book of so
Actually, this organizational influence is more economical than infantry.
basic a significance in the military field.
is only half the picture. The historical There are many interesting and chal-
impact of the German General Staff lenging statements to be found in \Vings
Lt. Col., Artillery
must be measured also in terms of its for Peace. Its presentation seems some-
effects upon the actions of Germany as WINGS FOR PEACE. By Brig. Gen. what too one-sided, an attempted over-
~ a nation. The two events which have Bonner Fellers, U. S. Army, Ret. simplification of a problem that has be-
had the most far-reaching influence dur- 248 pp. Chicago: Henry Regnery come complicated.
ing the present century are the two Co. $3.50. Admitting the tremendous potentiali-
World \\Tars. In both, it was the Ger- Here is an interesting book, aptly ties of long-range air power, nevertheless
man General Staff which in large part timed, easy to read and provocative in it cannot yet be concluded that the
{ guided the course of German national its aim. General Fellers' style is brief, problem of Red domination in Asia can
policy. clear and positive; short sentences and be solved as simply as General Fellers
The sinister quality of the actions of paragraphs and an absence of involved seems to believe. Keep our present
the German General Staff has colored discussion point out markedly the facts ground and naval strengths, increase air
American attitudes toward the charac- and ideas he seeks to hammer home. to a sensible total; but spend more ef-
teristics of that organization as an ad- Although written by a "ground gen- ficiently by cutting out luxuries, waste
ministrative device for the direction of eral," it supports Major Alexander P. and outmoded weapons.
armies. In \Valter Goerlitz's book there de Seversky's "Air Power: Key to Sur- Wl\l. COOPER FOOTE
is presented, for the first time, a dispas- vivaL" It will increase the blood pressure Colonel, U. S. Army, Retired
sionate account of the German General of most ground force generals and their
Staff, both of its institutional develop- planning staffs; rile our admirals, but
ment and of its activities in the politico- certainly please the U. S. Air Force.
I military field. The writer approaches
• his subject through the men who were
Despite all this, General Fellers' book
possesses merit and should be read .
an introduction by the author.
Random House, N. Y. 320 pages.
~ most influential in making it what it He challenges our ability to cope with
Democrats and Republicans alike
was, both for good and ill-Gneisenau, the Reds on the basis that our present
should get a great deal of pleasure, from
1 Scharnhorst, Clausewitz, Schlieffen, the military setup reflects the roles and
this collection of forthright, scholarly,
two i\ loltkes, and names less historical missions of World Wars I and II and
and witty speeches. Stevenson no doubt
but more familiar such as Seeckt, Fritsch that it is not designed to provide for our
won many friends with his candor and
, and Brauchitsch. This method holds the survival in the early phases of a Third
ability to make people laugh, at the
I reader's interest better than might be the \\Torld War. He takes a dim view of
Republicans as well as the Democrats.
case if the book had been merely a trea- the ability of the NATO defense plan
This collection of speeches is worthwhile
, tise upon organizational relationships. to cope with a major effort by the So-
reading no matter what your political
At the same time, it is to be regretted viets.
opinion may be.
that there are not included a few or- General Fellers blames the limited
ganizational charts to clarify the com- war in Korea on our State Department THE NEW MILITARY AND NAVAL
plex relationships which developed. and on the "infantry generals in the DICTIONARY, edited by Frank
While Goerlitz provides background Penta~on who are dedicated to the prin- Gaynor, Philosophical Library,
to illustrate the origins of the staff in ciple that war can be decided finally New York.
rudimentary form in the seventeenth only by ground combat." Insofar as this A very comprehensive and up-to-date
century, and demonstrates how it was reviewer is aware, nothing has occurred definitive glossary containing over 7000
the d~velopment of the mass armies to disprove the infantry generals' idea, terms, used bv all branches of the armed

beginning with the Napoleonic wars especially in Korea and Indo-China. Ob- forces.
MAY-JUNE, 1953 43
NO STONE UNTURNED. By Ian "wooden horse" escape. However, this "3. The author's early recognition ci
R. Hamilton. New Yorl<::Funk & is no mere repetition of the account of Stalin's anti-Semitic tendencies whiclt
Wag nails Co., 1952. 191 pages. that e\'ent which was published several had come out into the open at the time
$3.75. years ago. It provides not only a new of our accepting the manuscript."
slant on that particular episode but con- Dr. Runes, in this trenchant and clear
The account, by one of the partici- tains much material which is new both volume, presents a critical analysis ~
pants, of the theft of the Stone of Scone on the escape and on POW life. Marxian doctrine and the Soviet dis-
from \Vestminster Abbey has special in-
Stolen Journey offers the military tortion of this dogma while reducing it
terest in a Coronation year. However,
reader food for considerable thought. to practice. He makes it abundantly clear
the impudence and audacity of the es-
More than that, it is a good yam in its again that the facts pertaining to the
capade, together with the complete con-
own right.-J. B. B. T., JR. nature of Soviet Communism, which are
fusion into which it apparently threw
only now becoming generally recognized
the traditionally staid and methodically
U-BOAT 977. By Heinz Schaeffer. in the western world, were available for
efficient Scotland Yard, make for highly
New York: W. W. Norton & Com- anyone's examination 20 and more years
entertaining reading at any time.
pany, Inc., 1952. 260 pages. ago. This book is a useful addition to
The students who stole the "Stone $3.50. any.collection on the subject.-M. N. K
of Destiny" were engaged in no mere
This is a book to make the reader
prank. They were ardent Scottish N a-
angry while at the same time arousing BATTLECRY. By Leon Uris. G. P.
tionalists, seeking to focus public atten-
his admiration for an impressive feat of Putnam's Sons, New York. $3.75.
tion upon their cause. For the American
seamanship. Schaeffer lets the reader A story of Marines in World War II,
reader, unfamiliar with the details of
squint through the eyepiece of his peri- from boot camp to battle, by an enlisted
Britain's domestic politics, the somewhat
scope at some of the destruction wrought
shrill polemics of this book are less in- Marine about the members of a radio
bv the crews and ships which stalked
teresting than the details of the theft squad, their life, their women. Warm
itself. But the account of the actual un- their prey from below the surface. There
characters, natural. In the tone and
are tense as well as triumphant mo-
folding of the plot is of compelling language of the barracks and with nne
interest. ments, with the depth charges falling
ever closer. loyalty to the Marine Corps.
The moderation with which the cul-
The chief concern of this book, how-
prits were treated after they were caught THE GREAT ESCAPES. Selected
ever, is with the long Hight, after VE-
furnishes a revealing picture of the
Day, from European waters to Argen- and edited by Basil Davenport.
British character-especially enlighten-
tina. The author and his crew, by virtue William Sloane Associates, NYC.
ing in contrast to the attitude of the
political extremists who caused the of great daring and endurance, suc- 409 pages. $5.50.
ceeded in eluding the Allied navies, only
whole furare.-J. B. B. T., JR. Twenty-eight famous escape stories,
to have their sub interned upon arrival
including Mohammed from Mecca,
STOLEN JOURNEY. By Oliver at their destination.
Mary Queen of Scots from Lochleven
Philpot. New York: E. P. Dutton It is the author's attitude which is so
Castle, Napoleon after Waterloo, Win-
& Co., Inc., 1952. 448 pages. irritating. One must admire his ability
to carry off his outrageous intention, but ston Churchill from Pretoria, Louis XVI
there can be no approval of the act itself, and Marie Antoinette and others equally
In the growing mass of literature on no condoning of the motivation. How- engaging.
prison-camp escapes, especially by per- ever, this frankly "unreconstructed" Ger- "For stories of escape appeal to the
sonnel of the RAP, this book stands out man should provide us with a valuable most fundamental of all human in-
as one of the most readable. Unlike lesson.-J. B. B. T., JR. stincts, that of self preservation: We
some of the others, this author does not
want to get away from Mr. MacGregor
begin his narrative in the Stalag, with THE SOVIET IMPACT ON SOCIETY
even before we want to marry a princess
the plan for the successful break about by Dagobert D. Runes. Published
to mature; instead, he begins with the by the Philosophical Library, New and live happily for ever after."
moment when he ditches his Beaufort in York. 202 pages. $3.75. A collection of high literary merit,
the North Sea. We accompany him and one you will like right by your read-
Here is an unusual case of a book
and his crew in their dinghy to rescue, ing lamp.
being published nfteen years after it
which in this case also means capture,
was written. The publisher's decision
and then through their various moves YOUR GREATEST POWER, by J.
to print the book now without changing
through the German POW camp sys-
the original manuscript was based main- Martin Kohe. The Ralston Publish-
ly on three factors: ing Co., Cleveland, O. 61 pages.
Primarily, however, this book is not
"1. The amazing foresight of the au- $1.00.
an account of prison life as such. Once
behind the wire, the preoccupation of thor in connection with the expansion- A moving pep talk on the Power to
the book, as well as of the prisoners, is ary intentions of the U.S.S.R. in Asia. choose-to choose wealth-conditions-
with escape. Mter repeated failures, "2. The author's thorough analysis of personality-happiness. Brief and to the
success is nnally achieved in the famous the economic fallacies of Marxism. point.
Army Aviation
Army plans to use NCO pilots in its
future flying structure, and to boost its
present pilot strength to 2.600 .... An
Army a\'iation school has replaced Air
Training Department of Artillerv School
at Ft. Sill, Okla ..
General Officer Promotions
Brigadier General Sam C. Russell was
Merger fact that ~ lajor H. R. Jackson and Cpl.
promoted to that grade in l\ larch and as-
J. G. Torian. meteorological instructors
No agreement has \'et been reached signed to duty in \Vashington as the
in the AA & G~ I School, had a splendid
on the proposed merg~r with the Asso- Army Deputy G4 for Foreign l\lilitarv
method of checking the wind data bv
ciation of the U. S. Arm\'. \Ve continue Assistance. He was originally slated t~
using the standard slide rule in a si~-
10 publish the ANTIAIR~AFT JOURNAL command the 45th AAA Brigade; how-
plified solution.
on normal schedule. The deadline date ever, when he completed his tour of duty
Their procedure is presented in this
for articles and other matter for the July- in the military assistance program in Eu-
issue in the article, "An Application of
.\ugust issue will be July the first. rope and came back to the Pentaoon to
Simplified \Vind Determination." It is • I:>
make hIS final reports his orders were
worth careful studv• in each AAA brio-
Lieutenant General Lyman L. Lem- I:>
a d e, group, and gun battalion. The first
nitzer, Deputy Chief of Staff for Plans General Russell graduated from
thing you will note is their profuse
and Research, and Vice President of the USMA in 1932 and joined the Coast Ar-
apology. Don't let that stop you. \Ve
1I. S. Antiaircraft Association, returned tillery. He served with AAA in Europe
almost did, and came near missino out
on ~Iay 23rd from Great Britain where . I I:> in \Vorld \Var II. His graduation at
on It comp etely.
• he delivered the Kermit Roosevelt Ex- the National \Var College in 1947 was
\V~ were also a bit rusty on our
change lectures. followed by a tour of dutv with the Gen-
operation of the slil) stick , havinoI:> for-
General Lemnitzer arrived in Eno- l:> eral Staff in Washingto~.
gotten about using that index on the
land by the liner United States on April Brigadier General Tom V. Stayton's
rear of the slide rule at the right end .
• 27 and visited first the Southern Com- promotion was recently announced. He
Anyway, we finally pushed through to
I mand and the Royal Military College
find what we consider a practical and
took command of the 3'5th AAA Brigade,
of Science. His first lecture was given Fort ~ leade, l\ laryland, in February fol-
valuable solution.
at the Staff College, Camberley, April lowing his tour of dutv in Korea as the
The article has the approval of both
30. On May the 4th he addressed the executive officer of th; 3rd Infantry Di-
the AA & GM Branch, TAS, and the
Royal Military Academy at Sandhurst. vision Artillerv, and a brief tour with
Chief of the Army Field Forces. How-
He then visited the Scottish Command OCAFF ..
ever, they emphasize that the outlined
and later returned to lecture at the Im- General Stayton entered the Armv as
procedure is not to be considered a sub-
I perial Defense College in London on
stitute for the standard procedure.
a private in 1926. I-Ie graduated f~om
,~Iavll. USMA in 1931 and was commissioned
I Following his visits in England, Gen- Air Combat Scoreboard in the Coast Artillery. During \Vorld
eral Lemn.it.zer 1departed for the conti- \Var II he served with the AAA in
Since the Korean \Var started and up
I nent to VISIt NATO and the various
I U. S. Headquarters.
to l\larch 1, 1953, FEAF has sustained
aircraft losses as follows:
Panama and with Armv Service Forces
in Washington. He gr;duated from the
.~ .Lieutenant General Sir George Er- National War College in 1950 .
. skme, C-I-C, Eastern Command, United To ground antiaircraft 495
To aerial combat 97 Retired
Kingdom, visited this country in April to
To other causes 119 Colonel Francis B. Kane retired in
deliver the Kermit Roosevelt Exchange
7fT Washington, D. c., April the 30th for
lectures at the Army \Var College, the Total
USMC land based alc losses 104 physical disability after 30 years service.
~Iilitary Academy, and the C & G. S.
( College. Other land based UN alc losses .. 73 He had been serving in the Pentagon
t The funds for these lectures were
established by the widow of the late
Enemy Losses:
Destroyed-7S0, including 611 MIG-
as the Chief of the Special V\leapons
Branch, R & D, Army G4.
I Kermit Roosevelt to promote closer re- 15's; probably destroyed-139, including
Colonel Kan: has ;ccepted a position
with \Vestinghouse in Baltimore. He
Ilationship .between the military services 11: MIG-l~> d~maged-S63, including
and ~Irs. Kane will reside on Admiral
of the United States and Great Britain 77) ~IIG-b s (VIrtually all enemy losses
t . in air-to-air combat) .. Road, North Severna Park, Md.

Meteorology Other USAF Activities: General Officers Assignments

Under Meteorology For AM in the Sorties flown-604,017; vehicles de- Brigadier General James G. Devine,
~.Jarch-April issue we pointed out the stroyed-64,579; railcars destroved-S,- 40th AAA Brigade, to Camp Stoneman;
need for officer supervision and help in 612; bridges destroyed-628; ta~ks de- to await orders.
our Met stations; the need to check the stroyed-l, 140; tunnels-770; and troop Brigadier General Robert J. \Vood,
accuracy of the met messages, and the casualties inflicted-144,795. 53rd AM Brigade, to USAFFE.

MAY-JUNE, 1953 45
Colonels To Attend National War Lon R. Dickson, Ent AFB, Colo. Colonel Eugene W. Hiddleston, Fro..
College Harold D. Higgins, Fort Bliss, Texas Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, to University
Kenneth R. Kenerick, Ft. Bliss, Texas William E. Holmes, Stewart AFB, N. Y. of Delaware as P.M.S. & T.
John C. Steele, North Richland, Wash. Harold R. Kressin, Fort Bliss, Texas Colonel Edward T. Ashworth, frolll
Yale H. Wolfe, \Vashington, D. C. Reno A. Mazzucchi, 12th AAA Group National War College to Hq Army AA
Donald C. l\IcNair, Blacksburg, Va. Command, Ent Air Force Base, Colo-
Colonels To Attend Army War M. R. McCarthy, Hamilton AFB, Calif. rado.
College Bruce V. Silvis, Fort Sill, Okla. Colonel Henry G. McFeely, fmlll
Llewellyn Sobke, Fort Sill, Okla. Army Gl Washington, D. C., to Hq
N. W. Baltzer, 32nd AAA Brig., Eng.
Alexander A. Zaresky, Fort Hayes, Ohio Sixth Army, San Francisco, Calif.
Walter C. Conway, FECOM
Seymour I. Gilman, Washington, D. C. Colonel Walter A. Rude, from West-
Recent Assignments ern Army AA Command, to P.M.S. & T.
Robert W. Hain, Hamilton AFB, Calif.
Colonel Calvin Partin from 12th AAA University of Washington, Seattle.
Henry D. Lind, Ft. Lawton, Wash.
Group in Germany to PMS & T Utah Colonel Ernest B. Thompson, from
J. K. McCormick, San Francisco, Calif.
Francis M. McGoldrick, Ft. Bliss, Texas
State, Logan, Utah. Army G3, Washington, D. c., to P.M.S.
Colonel H. E. Strickland from & T., Georgia School of Technology,
Alvin D. Robbins, Ft. Meade, Maryland
FECOM to Senior Instructor, Mil. Dist., Atlanta, Georgia.
A. L. Sanford, Jr., Ft. Wadsworth, N.Y.
Concord, N. H. Colonel Stuart M. Alley, from Car-.
Norman A. Skinrood, FECOM
Colonel Wm. H. Hennig, NWC to lisle Barracks, Penna., to Hq Eastern
Cecil E. Spann, Jr., Broughton, Penna.
Army General Staff, G2, Pentagon. Army AA Command.
John DuV. Stevens, Washington, D. C.
Oren Swain, Ft. Bliss, Texas
Colonel Tom W. Sills, NWC to Colonel Joseph c. Conell, from
G. V. Underwood, Jr., Wash., D. C.
Army General Staff, G4, Pentagon. Washington, D. c., to 24th AM
Colonel Marian G. Pohl, Rome, Italy Group, Swarthmore, Pa.
to National Industrial Conege. Colonel Avery J. Cooper, Jr., from
Lieutenant Colonels To Attend
Lt. Colonel Harry V. Heim, New- Carlisle Barracks, Pa., to Hq. 45th AM
Armed Forces Staff College
burgh, N. Y., to Ft. Bliss, Texas. Brigade, Fort Sheridan, m.
Ned E. Ackner, Washington, D. C. Colonel Iver A. Peterson from Wash- Colonel Arthur C. Peterson, from
Charles F. Heasty, Princeton, N. J. ington, D. C. to 1st GM Group, Fort 24th AAA Group, Swarthmore, Pa., to
James R. Laney, Jr., Ft. Monroe, Va. Bliss, Texas. Washington, D. C.
George B. Webster, Jr., Ft. Monroe, Va. Colonel Roy E. Hattan from Wash- Colonel Robert A. Turner, from Car-
E. A. H. Woodman, Ft. Monroe, Va. ington, D. C. to Hq Fourth Army, Ft. lisle Barracks, Pa., to Army G3, Wash-
Sam Houston, Texas. ington, D. C.
C & GS C Students: Lt. Col. Richard G. Thomas from Colonel Ramon C. Dougan, Naval
COLONELS: Washington, D. C. to 1st GM Group, War College to Europe.
D. L. Anderson, San Francisco, Calif. Ft. Bliss, Texas. Colonel Wm. F. Spurgin, Air Uni-
George J. Bayerle, Jr., Ft. Bliss, Texas Lt. CoL Jack E. Barton from Ft. versity to USAFFE.
Charles W. Casey, Fort Bliss, Texas Meade, Md., to Hq Army AA Com- Lt. Col. PaulO. Franson, from Bos-
Philip R. Cibotti, Jr., New York, N. Y. mand, Ent AFB, Colorado. ton, Mass., to student, Tulane Uni-
Norman E. Cole, Camp Stewart, Ga. Colonel Albert G. Franklin, from duty versity.
John R. M. Covert, Fort Monroe, Va. as Chairman of the Allied Liaison Com- Lt. Col. Clarence T. Marsh, Jr., from
Elmer P. Curtis, Fort Bliss, Texas mittee in Berlin to Deputy Commander, West Point to USARCARIB, Fort Ama-
William L. Farrar, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Eastern Army AA Command, Middle- dor, C. Z.
Alfred J. Floyd, Charleston, S. C. town, N. Y. Lt. Col. Albert F. Rollins, from Fort
William 1. King, 68th AAA Group Colonel Franklin replaced Colonel Bliss, Texas, to Washington, D. C.
William S. La Mee, Washington, D. C. Peter Schmick who departed in April Lt. Col. George W. Best, Jr., from
Stanley V. Lesneski, Fort Bliss, Texas via Fort Sill to duty as a field artillery Fort Meade, Maryland to 549th AAA
George B. Macaulay, Seattle, Wash. commander in USAFFE. Gun Bn., Camp Stewart, Georgia.
James M. Moore, Fort Bliss, Texas Colonel Joe D. Moss, from OCSA, Lt. Col. Walter Killilae, from Mc-
M. F. Moucha, USAFFE-441 CIC Det. Washington, D. c., to Post Commander, Chord AF Base, Washington, to stu-
R. P. Murphy, 899 AAA AW Bn (SP) Fort Leslie J. McNair, D. C. dent, Vanderbilt University.
Edward S. Rice, Hq., 7th Army Colonel Perry McK. Smith from West Lt. Col. Gerald A. Lake and Lt. Col.
Thomas A. Rodgers, Washington, D. C. Point to Hq. Allied Forces Southern Marcus L. Parsons, from Fort Leaven-
Jack A. Rogers, Fort Douglas, Utah Europe, Naples, Italy. worth, Kansas to Hq Army AA Com-
John T. H. Spengler, Fort Meade, Md. Colonel Edward R. Hempstead, from mand, Ent AF Base, Colorado.
B. A. Spiller, USAREUR-OPOT Div. Wilmington, Del., to 26th AAA Group, Lt. Col. Richard W. Owen, Associate
William W. Watson, Fort Bliss, Texas Fort Lawton, Washington. Editor this JOURNALfrom Washington,
Edison E. Yates, Fort Bliss, Texas Colonel Ovid T. Forman, from Wash- D. C., to his new assignment in Bremer-
ington, D. C., to OCAFF, Fort Monroe, haven, Germany.
MAJORS: Virginia. Lt. CoL Thomas H. Barfield, from
George K. Anderson, Newark, Delaware Colonel Peter W. Shunk, from Fort Fort Meade, Maryland to Fort Bliss,
Edward J. Daley, Fort Hayes, Ohio Bliss, Texas, to Washington, D. C. Texas.
Artillery Officer Advanced Course Ernest F. DePaul, 9th AAA Group Generalissimo's statement."
MAJORS: Arthur J. Dick, Broughton, Penna. This is a matter we can well afford to
Donald W. Duncan, Fort Bliss, Texas study, too. True, our freedom of speech
Kirbv A. Gean, Killeen AFB, Texas
Robert H. Gray, Camp Hanford, Wash. and free press give us great strength, but
~cis C. Kajencki, Fort Bliss, Texas
Philip C. Hubble, Fort Banks, Mass. we are far from free of the weakness
Wm. C. Linton, Jr., Ft. Bliss, Texas
William E. Mace, Camp Stewart, Ga. which Colonel Ely studies.
Paul A. Morton, Washington, D. C.
James W. McCloskey, Boston, 1\ lass. It is the business of a senice journal
Harold A. Neill, Fort Sill, Oklahoma
James R. McClymont, Fort Bliss, Texas to help spread the word on the con-
Harry B. Plowman, Hamilton AFB, Cal.
Arthur M. Meranski, San Francisco tinuous progress in the art of war, but
Gerald W. Rowe, Killeen AFB, Texas
Cleo H. Owens, Detroit, Michigan the record needs to be honest and forth-
CAPTAINS: right. Whether the story records a bat-
R. C. Philopena, Fort Dawes, Mass.
Charles R. Abel, Sandia Base, N. Mex. Richard Pride, Chicago, Illinois tery in target practice or an army in a
E. J. Appel, Hq 48 AAA AW Bn (SP) G. A. Riddler, Jr., Hamilton AFB, Calif. campaign, the writer who has the knack
Andrew J. Armstrong, College Sta., Tex. Frank J. Romano, March AFB, Calif. and the nerve to weave the mistakes in
Richard H. Bacon, Killeen AFB, Texas Wm. J. Sandercock, Fort Dawes, Mass. with the successful accomplishments is
Spencer R. Baen, Fort Knox, Kentucky Sidney S. Sperling, Cp Atterbury, Ind. well on the way to a great story.
Horace F. Derrick, Fort Bliss, Texas Friedrich Stappler, Fort Sill, Oklahoma
Andrew G. Favret, Fort Bliss, Texas
Radar- Proof Plane
Richard 1. Strube, Fort Bliss, Texas Science News Letter, February 28,
Alvin E. Fort, Fort Sill, Oklahoma Samuel B. Thornton, Jr., Fort Bliss, Tex. 1953, reports that a plastic-treated ma-
Paul J. Gentille, 37th AAA Gun Bn. Edmund 1. Wells, Philadelphia, Penna. terial promises to make aircraft nearly
John 1. Goff, Jr., Killeen AFB, Texas James H. Whisenant, Cp Roberts, Calif. radar-proof, to let supersonic jets fly
Robert 1. Greer, Fort Bliss Texas F. W. Winterbottom, Jr., Hq I Cav Div even faster and to slash airframe con-
L. K. Hannon, GS Sec, Hq, AFFE
struction costs by 80 per cent by cutting
Clyde T. Hathaway, Fort Bliss, Texas Guardsman Wins USMA
down the need for skilled labor and ex-
Ray R. Hayden, Fort Bliss, Texas Appointment
pensive equipment.
Edward W. Jones, 552nd AAA Gun Bn. Pfc Richard Pfeiffer, 101st AAA Gun
William E. Braham, chief engineer
Robert V. Kane, Fort Bliss, Texas Battalion, Albany, New York National
of the Zenith Plastics Co., Gardenia,
Paul A. Kelley, Fort Bliss, Texas Guard has recently been announced as
California, is quoted as reporting that
Kendall W. Korems, Detroit, Michigan the winner of an appointment to West
some experimental parts of Fiberglas
J. D. Langstaff, Jr., Killeen AFB, Tex. Point through the competitive examina-
coated with Bakelite plastic resins have
Joseph E. Melanson, Jr., Ft. Bliss, Texas tions held in March.
been made and tested successfully. The
Daniel R. Moriarty, Fort Bliss, Texas
Study The Mistakes, Too material is "almost completely electron-
William R. Parker, Fort Campbell, Ky.
ically transparent."
Howard E. Pleuss, Fort Bliss, Texas In The Red Army Today Colonel
Richard 1. Ruble, Fort Bliss, Texas Louis Ely allows General Alexandrov to To The Editor
Joseph Russo, Fort Bliss, Texas quote Joseph Stalin himself: After reading the article on "What
Frank C. Schoen, Fort Bliss, Texas "... the entire training of the Army Has Become Of The NCO" by Captain
Dudley S. Stark, Jr., Fort Bliss, Texas is to be based on the skillful use of ex- Mahon, my love for the military com-
FIRST LmuTENANTS: perience of the war. This experience pels me to write you.
David E. Etzold, Fort Bliss, Texas should also be thoroughly utilized for In regards to Captain Mahon's article,
Douglas M. Graham, Fort Sill, Okla. the theoretical education of officers." a word of praise is due and the admira-
1. E. Harrington, Jr., Tallahassee, Fla. Then Alexandrov continues: tion of the Non-Commissioned Officer
Wallace N. McNicol, Chicago, Illinois "In the Frunze Military Academy in for his thoughtfulness in the way he re-
Marhl 1. Welch, Fort Meade, Maryland Moscow where I served as an instructor membered us. There should be more
we collected war studies as rapidly as like Captain Mahon in the military,
possible and endeavored to draw from which would do away with most of the
Keith G .Bender, 753rd AAA Gun Bn.
them all possible lessons which might run around and confusion which exists
Raymond C. Bishop, Charleston, S. C.
be made applicable to current training. today.
Geo. A. DeMarcay, Jr., Hq 61st FA Bn.
Frequently it was difficult to perform Give the NeO the authority and re-
Benson Grant, Fort Geo. G. Meade, Md.
honest work because the Party line sponsibility which he is capable of de-
John R. Henderson, 91st AAA AW Bn.
tended to draw lessons only from the serving, and see whether or not you also
William 1. Hodge, Vienna, Austria
Red victories, often neglecting the ac- will be forced to agree with Captain
Willard J. Klafehn, Seattle, Wash.
counts of Soviet defeats. The develop- Mahon.
Francis P. LeMere, Fort Dawes, Mass.
ment of new doctrine seems to be lag- My sincere congratulations go to Cap-
Jack H. Post, Camp Stewart, Georgia
ging, in spite of the fact that Stalin cor- tain Mahon for his outstanding article.
Robert J. Redmond, Stewart AFB, N. Y.
rectly has stated that 'the art of war Let's have more like it, and let the NCO
Gerald E. Renegar, Chicago, Illinois
makes rapid and continuous progress; know that he hasn't been forgotten.
CAPTAINs: and that fixed doctrine therefore is not SGT. THOMAS J. CLEMENS
Roy E. Albery, 68th AAA Gun Bn. sound. The tendency to praise the bat- Hq., Btry., llth Marines
William A. Brant, Fort Bliss, Texas tles of the local general discourages ad- 1st Marine Division
Robert F. Brown, Hq 61st FA Bn. vancement of new ideas, in spite of the c/o FPO, San Francisco, Calif.

MAY-JUNE, 1953 47
To the Editor AIRCRAFTjOUR:\AL. "THE A".IAlRCRAFT with highly technical de\-ices and me
jOUR~AL and its Predecessors 1892- ods and so are too advanced for
Our Senior Subscriber chaps who ha\"e passed out of the active
1953." Although I have moved into the
To the Editor: picture. I am quite sure that I am joined
fine print in the back of the Annual
Herewith my check for $3.00 in pay- in this small expression of appreciation
Army Register for some years now, I
ment of mv renewal for 1953-m\' 51st of the article by the majority of retired
renewal! ' , ha\-e kept up my subscription to the
officers who were either contributors or
JOUR~AL ever since, perhaps actuated
\V:-l. H. \VILSO~ subscribers to the old Coast Artillerl
i\lajor Gen .. U. S. Arm\', Retired by the sense of loyalty to the old Coast
JOllT1lal, and to whom such terms as
Burlington. Vermont . Artillery Corps with which we were in- "the set-forward point," "time-ranQe
doctrinated bv manv of the familiar bo ar.d"" powerd bl en d""
mg, etc., were:> a
To tIle Editor: names in the' curren~ article, as for in- part of the daily life of the old concrete
Quite unsolicited on your part, I just stance, \\leaver, Hero, Gulick, and oth- artilleryman. The old CA JOl/rnal and
wanted to tell you what a warm glow of ers. Artiller)' Notes were certainly of great
recollection and perhaps a bit of nostal- The article was most interestino o and instructional and training value in those
gia were afforded to me bv the article intelligible to me, as naturally most of days.
in the 1\ larch-April issue ~f the ..brn- the items in the present da~' i~sues deal
I think that I can detect evidences
of the careful research made by Cooper
Foote that produced this article for 1
• which he should be commended.
\\lith best wishes for the coming amal.
with the Combat Forces JOllT1lal, t
Colonel, USA Retired

To the Editor: I
\Ve transmit herewith our 100% re-
newal of subscriptions (25 in all) to the
] otITJl(II).
Co\. Duke and the officers of this or- I
Quick-Finding Sight designed by Tech. Sgt. Paul Cross, USMC (~i~h~tlOto ganization wish at this time to express
To the Editor: His tests during practice firing showed their appreciation for the JOURNALas I
that from three to five seconds were it has been to date. \Ve hope sincere\v, I
Enclosed is a view of a modification
saved in target pickup since the trackers that the personal relationship that has
to the quick-finding sight on the i\15AI existed between the JOURNALand its'
were presented with a target which was
director. Orginated and constructed by
already on the crosshairs in their scopes, subscribers will continue after the merg-
Technical Sergeant Paul Cross, USMC,
and thev, weren't required to make Iaroe er has been effected.
who appears at far right in the picture, 0
initial adjustments to get on target. The NEIL E. ALLeOOD
the modification is Cross' approach to
result was quicker pickup and less time Capt., 720th AAA Gun Bn, CAL i'\G
quick, accurate target pickup.
loss before smooth tracking started. Adjutant
The sight consists of a short length
The M7A1 sight is reversed so that
of pipe which has been attached to the
the range setter may stand to the rear To tl1e Editor:
quick-finding sight bracket by screws
in the same position that he would nor-
and has been drilled at each end for Enclosed is my check for $3.00 to
mally assume when using the quick-
locking screws. Clamped in the sight cover the renewal of my subscription
finding sight and not have a loss of field.
is an 1\17A1 sight which has been re- to the JOURNAL. I have always enjoyed
versed so that the original eyepiece is our JOUR:....AL so very much, and I sin-
1\lajor, USMC
now facing the target.
Commander cerely hope the Combat Forces J01lT1ud
Sergeant Cross has tested his sight
will give the AAA the coverage we need.
during practice firing and maintains
that once the sight has been oriented A similar modification to the Directors I really hate to see our JOURNALfold up.
with the telescopes on the director, a tar- M5A2 and M5A3 lIsing the telescope, It has always been the best of all the
get may be engaged by the range setter 1\'17, replacing the present pickup sight, service magazines.
on the crosshairs of the 1\17A1 sioht and is nolV being employed at Fort Bliss to TOM \V. SILLS
immediately picked up by the trackers. facilitate training of director crews. En. Colonel, Arty

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