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1-Each question has four possible answers. Tick the correct answer.p

1 The physical quantities which can be described Scalar Vector Derived Base
completely by a number and a unit(magnitude0 are
called____________ quantities.
2 The quantities which need magnitude as well as Scalar Vector Derived Base
direction to describe are known as
3 Mass, speed, time, volume are quantities Scalar Vector Derived Base
4 Weight, velocity, acceleration, force are quantities Scalar Vector Derived Base
5 Vectors are usually written in _________ letters Small Capital Bold None of these
6 ______ quantity is represented by a straight line Scalar Vector Derived Base
drawn with an arrow head at one end.
7 The length of line of a vector represents Direction Magnitude Velocity Acceleration
8 The arrow head represents the vector·s Direction Magnitude Velocity Acceleration
9 The mutually perpendicular lines are called x-axis y-axis Frame of Frame of lines
10 The end of line with arrow of a vector quantity is Tail Head Corner Face
11 The horizontal line represents the x-axis y-axis Lines Frame of lines
12 The vertical lines represents the x-axis y-axis Lines Frame of lines
13 A vector whose magnitude is equal to another Addition Subtraction Multiplication Negative
vector but is in opposite direction is called
__________ vector.
14 The negative vector of a vector A is 1/A -1/A (-A) A
15 Subtraction of vectors can be written as A-B= B-A A+(-B) A-1/B B-1/A
16 By multiplying a vector with a positive number, its Changes Remains same Become zero None
17 By multiplying a vector with a positive number, its changes Remains same Become zero None
18 By multiplying a vector with a negative number, its Changes Remains same Become zero None
direction and magnitude
19 Trigonometry deals with the properties of Triangle Right angled Circle Geometry
20 Sinù = Perpendicular/ Base / Perpendicular Base /
base hypotenuse / hypotenuse perpendicular
21 Cosù = Perpendicular/ Base / Perpendicular Base /
base hypotenuse / hypotenuse perpendicular
22 Tanù = Perpendicular/ Base / Perpendicular Base /
base hypotenuse / hypotenuse perpendicular
23 Division of a vector into its components is called Division of Resolution of Addition of Subtraction of
vectors vectors vectors vectors
24 x-component of a force is Fx= F Sinù F Cosù F Tanù None
25 y-component of a force is Fy= F Sinù F Cosù F Tanù None
26 Magnitude of the actual vector is represented by Perpendicular hypotenuse Base radius
27 Pressure is a _________ quantity. Scalar Vector Derived Base
28 Tanù = Fx / Fy Fy / Fx Fx - Fy Fx + Fy
29 ù Tan-1 (Fy / Fx) Tan-1 (Fx / Fy) Tan-1 (Fy - Fx) Tan-1 (Fy + Fx)
30 Magnitude of the vectors by its rectangular                  
components is F=

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S.NO Answers S.NO Answers S.NO Answers
p 1 A 14 C 27 A
2 B 15 B 28 B
3 A 16 A 29 A
4 B 17 B 30 A
5 C 18 A
6 B 19 B
7 B 20 C
8 A 21 B
9 C 22 A
10 B 23 B
11 A 24 B
12 B 25 A
13 D 26 B

Q-2- Write down the short answers of the following questions?

1-p Define scalar and vector quantities?

2-p How we represent the vector?
3-p What is a negative vector?
4-p Define subtraction of vectors?
5-p What is addition of vectors?
6-p What do u know about the multiplication of vectors by a number?
7-p Write down trigonometric ratios?
8-p What is resolution of vectors?
9-p What is head to tail rule?
10-p What is Pythagoras theorem?

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