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Electrowetting on dielectric-based microfluidics for integrated lipid bilayer

formation and measurement
Jason L. Poulos,1 Wyatt C. Nelson,2 Tae-Joon Jeon,3 Chang-Jin “CJ” Kim,2,4 and
Jacob J. Schmidt1,4,a兲
Department of Bioengineering, University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California 90095, USA
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of California Los Angeles,
Los Angeles, California 90095, USA
Department of Biological Engineering, Inha University, Incheon 402-751, Republic of Korea
California Nanosystems Institute (CNSI), University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles,
California, USA
共Received 19 May 2009; accepted 3 June 2009; published online 8 July 2009兲
We present a microfluidic platform for the formation and electrical measurement of lipid bilayer
membranes. Using electrowetting on dielectric 共EWOD兲, two or more aqueous droplets surrounded
by a lipid-containing organic phase were manipulated into contact to form a lipid bilayer at their
interface. Thin-film Ag/AgCl electrodes integrated into the device enabled electrical measurement
of membrane formation and the incorporation of gramicidin channels of two bilayers in parallel.
© 2009 American Institute of Physics. 关DOI: 10.1063/1.3167283兴

Artificially reconstituted lipid bilayer membranes have devices that lessen this burden have also been explored
been used to provide an easily manipulated and highly con- recently.16,17
trollable environment for the study of ion channels at the Recently, a bilayer formation method based on mechani-
single molecule level since their development over 40 years cal union of self-assembled lipid monolayers has simplified
ago.1 Measurements of ion channels in planar lipid bilayers the process of bilayer formation within microfluidic
have been pursued for a wide range of applications in bio- devices17–19 leading to the possibility of extremely high
sensing, single molecule mass spectrometry, and DNA throughput.20,21 An application of this technique by Aghdaei
sequencing.2–6 Unfortunately, practical embodiments of ion et al.22 used dielectrophoresis 共DEP兲 to drive bilayer forma-
channel-based devices are limited by the shortcomings of the tion in a microfluidic device.
lipid bilayer scaffold containing the ion channel. Electrowetting on dielectric 共EWOD兲 is an alternative
Initially, formation of reconstituted lipid bilayer mem- microfluidic driving mechanism by which samples are ma-
branes required the deposition of lipids or a lipid-containing nipulated solely via electrical signals.23 EWOD is exception-
solution over an orifice in an insulating partition separating ally well suited for lab-on-chip applications because highly
two electrolyte reservoirs. The resultant bilayers have char- concentrated electrolyte solutions can be manipulated with-
acteristically high resistance 共⬎G⍀兲 and support the mea- out joule heating, which can limit the applicability of DEP.24
surement of ion channels at the single molecule level. How- In EWOD-driven droplet motion, electric fields are applied
ever, their characteristic short lifetime and mechanical locally across a hydrophobic-coated dielectric, increasing the
instability limit any technological applications. Bilayer for- wettability of selected regions of the droplet on the substrate,
mation over a mechanically stabilizing support such as a resulting in droplet motion from induced differential surface
solid surface7 or a porous hydrogel8 have been shown to tension. This method requires low power and fabrication is
significantly extend bilayer lifetime. However, measurement simple and scalable, making devices amenable to integration
of solid-supported bilayers is somewhat complicated by their with myriad other on-chip transduction mechanisms.
limited volume on one side, preventing dc measurements. Here we describe a device that combines the EWOD
Although hydrogel-supported bilayers do not share this driving mechanism with on-chip thin-film electrodes for par-
allel formation and measurement of artificial lipid bilayer
shortcoming, they cannot withstand transport and must be
arrays. Electrowetting is used to facilitate the contact of
created on site by a skilled operator.9–12
separate aqueous droplets immersed within a lipid-
Although a shippable lipid bilayer membrane platform
containing alkane solution, resulting in functional lipid bi-
has been demonstrated,13 there is also interest in automated
layer membranes able to host ion channels. Furthermore, by
on-demand bilayer formation because of potential for highly
integrating fabrication of Ag/AgCl electrodes into the device,
integrated compact devices with small sample volumes and
our EWOD chip allowed automatic and direct access to
completely electronic system control enabled by use of mi-
droplets for multiplexed electrical measurements. The con-
croelectromechanical systems fabrication technologies. A
tacting monolayer method on an EWOD chip with integrated
number of microfluidic devices constructed have used the Ag/AgCl electrodes represents an attractive and scalable
traditional Mueller–Rudin bilayer formation method14,15 and platform that allows automated formation of lipid bilayers
required the creation and manipulation of a solvent bolus and simultaneous monitoring of ion channels in an array for-
within an aqueous-filled microfluidic channel to form a lipid mat.
bilayer, a process problematic to automate. Microfluidic Devices were fabricated from a glass wafer coated with
140 nm of indium tin oxide 共ITO兲 共Tech Gophers Corpora-
Electronic mail: schmidt@seas.ucla.edu. tion兲. The ITO layer was patterned and etched using standard

0003-6951/2009/95共1兲/013706/3/$25.00 95, 013706-1 © 2009 American Institute of Physics

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013706-2 Poulos et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 95, 013706 共2009兲

FIG. 1. 共Color online兲 Device structure and droplet movement using

EWOD. The device contains three pairs of Ag/AgCl electrodes 共black areas兲
with underlying ITO electrodes 共dark gray areas, with the rightmost ITO
electrodes outlined in dotted lines兲 for droplet movement 共a兲. In 共b兲, aqueous FIG. 2. Electrical measurements of membrane formation and ion channel
droplets surrounded by the lipid-containing organic phase are being posi- incorporation. With the initially large droplet separation, the measured back-
tioned prior to an experiment. 共A bilayer has formed on the left, while the ground capacitance 共proportional to the amplitude of the measured wave-
right droplets are still being moved into position.兲 Activation of the ITO form兲 is large 共a兲, but less than the total capacitance measured upon bilayer
electrodes causes aqueous droplet movement 关共c兲–共d兲兴. After droplet posi- formation 共b兲. 共c兲 Gramicidin incorporation was also measured in two bi-
tioning, the electrodes are deactivated and the interfaces of the aqueous layers simultaneously 共70 mV applied potential兲.
droplets relax, forming a bilayer 共e兲. For scale, the length of the square ends
of each Ag/AgCl electrode is 300 ␮m.
After the initial placement of the aqueous droplets and
photolithography processes to create the underlying elec- injection of the organic phase, a monolayer of lipid mol-
trodes, enabling movement of droplets by EWOD.25 After ecules begins to self-assemble at the aqueous-organic
patterning the ITO, a 1-␮m-thick silicon nitride layer was interface.18 This is a time-dependent process; therefore, be-
deposited by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition, fore final droplet contact was made the droplets were entirely
insulating the ITO electrodes from the rest of the chip above. surrounded by the organic solvent lipid mixture for 5 min. If
Next, 300 nm of silver was evaporated and patterned by the droplets were brought together without taking this self-
lift-off to define the electrodes for measurement of mem- assembly time, the droplets fused and no bilayer was formed.
brane and ion channel activity. Finally, 200 nm of Cytop® To form a bilayer, the ITO EWOD electrodes were acti-
共Asahi Glass Co.兲 was spun onto the wafer and patterned vated to move the droplets toward each other at a speed
using oxygen plasma etching, exposing regions of the silver ⬃1 mm/ s 关Figs. 1共c兲–1共e兲兴. During this movement, each
electrodes. Figure 1 shows a top view of the final device; see water droplet was deformed in the direction of movement,
EPAPS supplementary material in Ref. 26 for a schematic of flattening the leading interface. When the electrodes were
the process flow. deactivated, the droplet interface relaxed into a circular
Prior to use of the device, 0.5 ␮l droplets of standard shape. The movement and subsequent relaxation were se-
bleach were placed on the exposed silver electrodes for ap- quentially employed to move the droplets together and into
proximately 30 s to create a Ag/AgCl electrode. The device contact, forming lipid bilayers. Specifically, the droplets
was then rinsed with deionized water and blown dry. Next, were positioned so that the relaxation of the droplet inter-
2 – 5 ␮l aqueous droplets 共1M KCl, 10 mM Tris-HCl, 1 mM faces caused the two monolayers to come into contact, while
EDTA, pH 8.0兲 were placed on the exposed Ag/AgCl elec- each droplet volume was in contact with a separate indi-
trodes. A Cytop®-coated ITO glass plate was then placed on vidual Ag/AgCl electrode. The device could be used in sev-
top of the droplets using double-sided tape as spacers such eral different configurations to form multiple individual
that the gap between the upper and lower hydrophobic membranes simultaneously 关Fig. 1共b兲兴. Devices could be
coated plates was ⬃400 ␮m. cleaned for reuse by soaking and rinsing in acetone, metha-
The droplets were moved over the Ag/AgCl electrodes nol, isopropanol, and deionized water and baking at 200 ° C
by activating the ITO EWOD electrodes with 30 to 60 V rms overnight.
at 1 kHz.27 A solution of 5% 1,2-diphytanoyl-sn-glycero-3- The bilayer resistance and capacitance were measured,
phosphatidylcholine 共Avanti Polar Lipids兲 in n-decane 共MP as well as the conductance of any ion channel incorporated
Biomedicals兲, a standard formulation for conventionally into the bilayer, using Axopatch 200B and DigiData 1322A
formed Mueller–Rudin lipid bilayers, was then pipetted into 共Axon Instruments兲 connected to the Ag/AgCl electrodes.
the side of the device where it easily wetted the Cytop® Membrane formation was monitored by measuring the ca-
surface and filled the enclosed volume. To prevent the aque- pacitive current flowing in response to an applied 20 mV
ous droplets from merging during the addition of the organic 共peak-to-peak兲 8 Hz triangle wave. The constant background
solvent, the ITO EWOD electrodes were actuated, which im- capacitance was measured while the droplets were separated
mobilized the droplets. For experiments in which ion channel in the initial placement of the aqueous droplets on the device
incorporation was measured, gramicidin A 共gA, Sigma兲 was 关Fig. 2共a兲兴. Compared to traditional bilayer platforms, the
dissolved into the organic phase to a final concentration of background capacitance was large, a result of the device de-
100 ng/ml. The number of ion channels incorporated into the sign and electrode geometry.
bilayer could be roughly controlled by adjusting this concen- When the droplets were moved into contact, the capaci-
tration. tance increased and eventually stabilized at a larger value
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013706-3 Poulos et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 95, 013706 共2009兲

关Fig. 2共b兲兴. The bilayer contribution to this total capacitance device is straightforward and future work will be directed
was determined by subtracting the background from the ca- toward application of this platform to ion channel-based bio-
pacitance measured when the droplets were in contact. The sensing.
capacitance of the bilayer in Fig. 1共b兲 was determined in this
way to be 650 pF. The in-plane dimension of the bilayer in Wyatt Nelson and Jason Poulos contributed equally to
Fig. 1共b兲 was visually estimated to be 450 ␮m; with the this work. This work was supported by NSF Integrative
aforementioned vertical gap of 400 ␮m, a bilayer area of Graduate Education and Research Traineeship 共IGERT兲
⬃0.18 mm2 would result. This area, with the measured bi- through the UCLA Materials Creation Training Program
layer capacitance, yields a membrane specific capacitance of 共MCTP兲 and NSF CAREER award Grant No. 0644442.
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