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Frances S.

Sterren I The Nature of Essential Oils

Hofstra College
Hernpsteod, New York I Chemical constituents, analysis

Essential oils are composed of many distillation. Propyl, butyl, valeral, and caproaldehyde
classes of chemical substances. One oil may consist of occur, for example, in the lower fractions of eucalyptus
as many as 75 individual constituents (as in the case of and peppermint oils. The higher aliphatic aldehydes,
oil of camphor wood), or may contain largely one chem- such as octyl and nonyl, even though contained only in
ical compound (for example oil of sweet birch contains minute quantities, play a more prominent role, due to
98% methylsalicylate, oil of anise 90% anethole). their characteristic powerful odor and flavor. They
Even though essential oils usually consist of complex are contained in such oils as orris root, coriander seed,
mixtures of acyclic, cyclic, aromatic, and heterocyclic rose, lemon, and sweet orange. An unsaturated ali-
compounds and their oxygenated derivatives, most of phatic aldehyde, beta hexanal ("leaf aldehyde") con-
the constituentsfall into four main groups: (1) aliphatic, tributes to the green leaf odor. 2,6-Nonadien-1-a1
non-terpenic compounds, (2) aromatic compounds, (3) called "violet leaf aldehyde" occurs in violet leaf oil (I).
terpenes and terpenoids, and (4) miscellaneous. Not many aliphatic ketones occur in essential oils.
Again, the lowest members, such as acetone and di-
Aliphatic Compounds Excluding Terpenes acetyl, are formed mainly in distillation waters and are
A few aliphatic hydrocarbons have been found and probably decomposition products. Amy1 methyl ke-
isolated in essential oils, e.g. heptane from pine needle tone has been found in the lower boiling fractions of
oil. "Stearoptenes, "whichconsist of amixtnreof waxes, clove oil, and methyl hept,enone in many essential oils.
contain higher members of the paraffin series. This The following fatty acids have been found mostly in
wax-like material, probably originating from the pro- essential oils from seeds and roots: alpha and beta-
tective coatings of leaves, flowers, fruits, and seeds, is methyl butanoic, caproic, enanthic, caprylic, pelargonic,
found in oils of rose and camomille in such large amounts capric, nndecylic, lauric, myristic, hydroxy myristic,
that these oils readily congeal below room temperature. palmitic, stearic, methacrylic, isopropylidenacetic,
Waxes are also found in rather large percentage in cold- angelic, tiglic, beta-propylacrylic, oleic, and succinic.
pressed citrus oils. Essential oils contain only a few Some essential oils contain large quantities of fatty
aliphatic alcohols and acids in free form; most of them acids; thus orris root oil contains up to 85% myristic
are esterfied. The lower, water-soluble members of the acid.
saturated aliphatic alcohols, such as methyl and ethyl Esters are among the most important constituents
alcohol, and acids such as formic, acetic, propionic, and contribute greatly to the odor and flavor character
butyric, and valeric acid occur in oils of "cohobation" of the essential oils. Some oils consist almost entirely
obtained by redistillation of the distillation water. of esters (oil of wintergreen and oil of sweet birch con-
These alcohols and acids are probably degradation tain up to 99% methyl salicylate). Many alcohols
products formed by such processes as hydrolysis dur- and acids occur as esters in essential oils. Obviously a
ing steam distillation or fermentation prior to distilla- great variety of combinations are possible.
tion. Saturated aliphatic alcohols such as butyl, amyl,
hexyl, octyl, nonyl, decyl, undecyl in the form of normal Aromatic Compounds
or branched isomers have been isolated by fractional This group of compounds comprises a number of im-
distillation from a variety of essential oils. The un- portant essential oil constituents. The aromatic ring
saturated aliphatic alcohol 3-hexen-1-01, the so-called may have substituted one or more functional groups or
"leaf alcohol," occurs in many green leaves, herbs, and side chains
grasses; it has a characteristic grasslike odor and is the
main constituent of tea leaf oil. Methyl heptenol
isomers are formed in lemon-grass oil. 2,6-Nonadien-
1-01, called "violet leaf alcohol," has been observed in
violet leaf and flower oils (1) and androl (1-nonen-3-01)
in the distillation water of fennel oil.
The lowest members of aliphatic aldehydes (non-
terpenic) do not play an important role in essential oils. For example safrole occurs in sassafras oil, myristicin
For instance formaldehyde and acetaldehyde occur in in nutmeg oil.
distillation waters and are probably decomposition or Some of the aromatic alcohols found in essential oils
degradation products formed in the course of steam are benzyl, phenylethyl, phenylpropyl, cinnamyl, and
The first pert of this two-part paper dwcrihed the production of A number of the aromatic aldehydes play an impor-
essential oils. See J. CHEM.E ~ u c .39,
, 203 (1962). tant role in essential oils; for example, cinnamic aldehyde
is the main constituent of cassia oil and cinnamon oil. often the plant itself is odorless, but coumarin may be
Some of the more important aromatic aldehydes occur- liberated due to enzyme action. Coumarins as such
ring in essential oils are benzaldehyde, cumaldehyde, probably contribute to the odor of hay, which develops
phenylacetaldehyde, cinnamaldehyde, dihydrocinna- upon drying of the foliage in the sun. Most coumarins,
maldehyde, vanillin, vanillin methyl ether ("methyl coumarone, and furano conmarine derivatives have high
vanillin,") piperonal (or heliotropin; 3,4-methylene di- boiling points; since they are only sparingly volatile
oxybenzaldehyde). Aromatic ketonesoccur very rarely with steam, they are found mainly in extracted and ex-
in natural essential oils, but some synthetic compounds pressed oils. For example 5-methoxy-furo(3',Zf,6,7)
such as acetophenone and substituted derivatives are coumarin in oil of bergamot, angelicin [furo (5',4',7,8)
widely used in floral-type synthetic perfumes. coumarin] in oil of angelica root, limettin (5,7-dimeth-
Phenols and phenol ethers contribute to the flavoring oxycoumarin) in oils of lemon and lime, umbelliferone
ingredients of many essential oils, for example eugenol in (7-hydroxycoumarin) in grapefruit oil, and umbelli-
oil of clove, methyl chavicol in oil of estragon, and ferone methyl ether in oils of chamomile and lavender.
safrole in oil of sassafras. In other oils the phenols are Different isomers of the same chemical substance
responsible for the antiseptic and germicidal properties often vary greatly in odor and flavor. Six of the mono-
of the oils; for example thymol in oil of thyme and car- substituted methyl coumarins were prepared as pure as
vacrol in oil of origanum. Thus, the phenols and phenol possible in order to determine their odor character and
ethers belong among the most important constituents their utility in flavor compounds (5); all six are white
of essential oils. Some of them are isopropylphenol, crystalline solids.
thymol, carvacrol, chavicol, methylchavicol, anethol,
fenicnlin, p-an01 eugenol (main constituent of oil of Comoorison of Methyl Coumorinr
clove, cinnamon leaf, and pimenta), eugenol acetate, Position of
methyl eugenol, isoeugenol, methylisoeugenol, safrole, methvl srour, Odor
isosafrole, myristin, isomyristin, elemicin, and eugenone. 3- Coumarin-like
Some quinones and hydroqninones have been found to 4- Walnut-like
5- Between 3 and 4
occur in some essential oils, probably as glncosides. 6- Pleasant coconut odor
Aromatic acids are present in essential oils free and/ 7- Very faint coconut-like
or as esters; for example benzoic, phenyl acetic, cin- 8- Almost odorless
narnic, salicylic, anisic, piperonylic, veratric, and meth-
oxy cinnamic acid. Some of the aromatic esters found Terpenes and Terpenoids
are benzylhenzoate, methyl salicylate (main constituent
of oils of wintergreen and sweet birch). Methylethyl-, The most widely distributed compoimds present in
benzyl and cinnamyl-cinnamate, and isoamyl salicylate essential oils are the terpenes and sesquiterpenes, and
are important synthetic aromatic chemicals. their oxygenated compounds. I n fact, the scient,ific
Many members of the essential oil constituents are literature on the subject of terpenes and terpenoids has
grown very large (6-11).
related through simple chemical reactions. For ex-
ample isomerization followed by oxidation may convert -
The English word "ter~ene"is derived from the Ger-
man word "Terpentin" (turpentine, or oil of turpentine,
eugenol through isoeugenol to vanillin, a constituent of
vanilla oil (3, 3). a product subject to much research and known to the
ancient Greeks). The term "terpene" refers to hydro-
carbons which have a chemical relationship to the
simple isoprene (C6Hs) molecule. "Terpenoids" (in
analogy with the term steroids) are compounds having
OCH. OCH~ features relating them to the terpene structure. The
Eugenol Isoeugenol terms terpene and terpenoids usually refer not only to
the hydrocarhons but also to their oxygenated com-
The members of the terpene group can conveniently
OCHa be classified into compounds containing branched
Vmillin Acetaldehyde five-carbon chains: hemiterpenes (1 isoprene unit),
monoterpenes (2 isoprene units), sesquiterpenes (3 iso-
The tendency of some essential oil derivatives to prene units), diterpenes (4 isoprene units), and poly-
resinify is probably due to the number of conjugated terpenes.
double bonds in the structure, which readily form con- The most characteristic group present in essential oils
densation products. are the monoterpenes and their oxygenated compounds
Lactones are quite widely distributed in nature; the with the empirical formulas CloHlr; CIOHEO;CioHi~0.
most important which occur in essential oils are the It is purely hypothetical to assume that a Cb chain
coumarins, coumarone derivatives, and some furano actually represents the basic unit in the formation of the
coumarins. Conmarin (4) can be considered derived terpenes in the plants. Many terpene investigators
from o-hydroxy cinnamic acid: have risked guesses as to the nature of the basic unit.
Isoprene is often mentioned as a precursor in biogenesis
of terpenic compounds. The mechanism of the biologi-
cal chemical reaction should be considered with critical
reserve. I n vilro it has been possible to synthesize a
number of terpenes in accordance with the isoprene rule
Coumarins occur in many plants as glucosides and thus (13-16). The formulas written here show the principal
Volume 39, Number 5, Moy 1962 / 247
structural details by omitting as many carbon and ture, but forms readily by rearrangement from myrcene,
hydrogen symbols as feasible, showing double bonds, for example by application of heat.
functional groups, and in some cases (where indicated) The same terpenic substance may be reported in
methyl and methylene groups. various literature references under different names;
therefore uniformity of nomenclature could quite often
solve rather involved problems (%).
Several stages of oxidation and reduction of acyclic
terpene hydrocarbons are shown below:



Dipentene (Limanene) Isomers Citml


3 Isoprenes

The biogenetic isoprene rule can be considered as a

useful working hypothesis, helpful for the elucidation of
the structure of the terpene compounds. However,
- reduction


there are also many compounds which do not comply

with the isoprene rule. Several other hypotheses were
postulated, e.g., condensation of 3-methyl butenal (16) ;
formation of terpenes and benzene derivatives from con-
densations and degradation of sugar derivatives; and
synthesis from acetone, acetaldehyde, and acetoacetic QOOH
acid (17-20). In recent work on the biosynthesis of
terpenes (Sf), isopentenyl was found to be the basic
unit. 14Glabeled isopentenyl-pyrophosphate, after Citronellic acid
isomerization and stepwise reaction, yields terpene hy- Many terpenes are named commonly after the plant
drocarbons of the general formula
from which they have been isolated, e.g. geraniol from
CHJ 0 0 oil of geranium, linalool from oil of linaloe, citronellol

I. , I
and citronella1 from oil of citronella, etc.
Terpenes are very unstable and readily undergo
molecular rearrangement; structural variations of the
same empirical formula are found frequently:
where n = 1, 2, or 3 depending on the terpene synthe-
sized. Among other terpenes, geranyl pyrophosphate
and farnesyl pyrophosphate were prepared.
Terpenes occurring in essential oils may be acyclic,
monocyclic, bicyclic, and tricyclic. A saturated acyclic
hydrocarbon with 10 carbon atoms has the formula
C l a n ; a compound CloHlamay be acyclic with three
double bonds, or monocyclic with two double bonds, or
bicyclic with one double bond, or tricyclic with no
double bonds. However, terpenes occur in many stages
of oxidation or reduction; therefore, compounds with
more or fewer hydrogens are also found. The oxygenated
derivatives may contain all kinds of functional groups
such as hydroxyl, methoxyl, carbonyl, carhoxyl, etc.
Examples of acyclic terpenes CloHlswith three double
bonds (formulas are written to indicate possible ring
closures) follow: Geraniol also exists as cis- and trans-isomer. The
cis-isomer is called nerol'after oil neroli bigarade from
which it was isolated.

Myrcene Oeimene
(7-methyl-3-methylene (3,Fdimethyl
1,6-octadiene) 1,3,7-oetatriene)
Nerol Germiol
Ocimene is not considered a product occurring in:na- (cis-isomer) (tms-isomer)

248 / Journal of Chemical Education

Similar isomerism exists between citronellol and rho-
dinol, and citronella1and rhodinal. The same substance
isolated from various natural sources exhibits difierent
odor values, e.g. geraniol derived from oil of geranium Teresantalie acid (CLOHXO~)
smells somewhat different from that derived from oil of The sesquiterpenes (CI6HZn)can again be acyclic,
rose, palmarosa, or citronella; this is attributed to iso- monocyclic, bi- or tricyclic. Some of the sesquiter-
meric mixtures present. penes occurring in essential oils are:
Most acyclic terpenes form cyclic derivatives under
the influence of acid; for example:

Citral Beta cyclocitral

The morioterpene menthadiene, CloHa, has theoreti-
cally a total of 32 isomers consideringthe position of the
two double bonds, cis- and trans-forms, racernic mix-
tures, and the possible optical antipodes. I n essential
oils, the most frequently encountered cyclic monoter- Alpha- Beta- Gamma-
penes, CIOH16, (menthadienes) are the terpinenes, phel- Bisabolene (Ct.Hu) (83, 24)
landrenes, terpinolenes, and limonenes.

Cedinene (C.H.) (26) Cadinol (CaHzsO)

Alpha- Bets, Gamma-
Tewinenes The most important azulenes (mostly blue-colored
compounds) are usually classified as sesquiterpenes and
are based upon the general formula ($6):

Alphs, Bet*

Vetivaeulene Guaiasulene Vetivone Guaiol

(CtbHd C H (CdLzO) (CISHXO)
Terpinolene Lirnonene

Many of these structures can be converted ir to each

other by relatively simple chemical reactions.
Some of the bicyclic monoterpenes are:
To the terpenoid group belong the ionones and irones
(violet odor) :

Alphs, Beta- Alphs, Bets, Gamma

Pinene (CmHu) Fenehene (CjoHx8)
Alpha- Beta-
Ionones (CMHNO)

h A A A
Alphs, Beta- Thujyaloohol Thujone
Thujene (ClaHls) (C,oHuO) (C,oH,,O)
Alpha- Bets, Gamma-
Irones (Cz4H7,0)

By far the largest groups of essential oil constituents

are terpenes and terpenoids and their oxygenated deriv-
atives. Reactions of terpenes, such as isomerization
Tricyclic terpenic compounds occur less frequently as (shifting of double bonds as well as cyclization or open-
essential oil constituents; an example of tricyclic ter- ing of ring structure), polymerization, hydrogenation,
pene is: dehydrogenation, esterification, oxidation, etc., occur
Volume 39, Number 5, May 1962 / 249
rather readily, and many variations of terpenes are which include determination of solubility in different
found in essential oils. This article can merely give an fixed strengths of dilute ethyl alcohol (go%, 80% 70%
idea of the variety of compounds found as essential oil 60%, 50%), specific gravity, optical rotation, refractive
constituents. index. Depending on the oil under consideration,
Miscdlaneous. A few compounds do not belong to special tests are carried out, such as acid number, total
the three groups discussed heretofore. They are nitro- ester content, total alcohol content, aldehyde content,
gen- or sulfur-containing compounds, such as organic phenol content, congealing point, evaporation residue,
cyanides, indole, skatole, allyl, benzyl, phenylethyl etc. (S2).
cyanide, methyl authranilate, and methyl-N-methyl- The analytical figures obtained in as complex a mix-
anthranilate, which are present in certain peel, flower, ture as an essential oil may contain many or only a few
and leaf oils from citrus fruit; organic disnlfides and diierent individual components and do not always rep-
sulfides, e.g., allyl sulfides in oil of garlic; organic iso- resent the actnal percentage of a single constituent;
thiocyanates, e.g. allyl, butenyl, benzyl, phenylethyl e.g., in the case of an ester determination all saponifiable
thiocyanate, as constituents of mustard oil. However, material is calculated as a certain individual ester (for
there are surprisingly few of these compounds present example, as linalyl acetate). The analytical figures
as essential oil constituents. obtained are then compared with previous analyses and
published standard data. These figures are valuable
Analysis and have great practical signilicance. The relationship
An analysis for the purpose of identifying an essential between individual chemical and physical properties is
oil is usually not necessary, since the identity is estah- very revealing and important. However, the inter-
lished by experts from odor alone. Essential oils are pretation of all data obtained requires ingenuity and
analyzed chemically for three main purposes: identifi- much experience.
cation of essential oil constituents; detection of adulter- The use of modern instrumentation such as gas-phase
ation; or evaluation of the quality of a commercial oil. chromatography and spectrophotometry is still mostly
Identification of the individual constituents is done restricted to special cases, hut rapid progress is being
for research purposes only. For many years the study made along these lines. Much hope lies in the future
of these compounds, which are mostly liquids a t room of these instruments. Vapor-phase chromatography
temperature, was based on first separating the individ- has the unique ability to separate organic compounds,
ual isomers in as pure a form as possible by fractiona- even very similar isomers and homologues, in a purity
tion, then preparing crystalline derivatives and identify- seldom achieved before. The sensitivity of spectro-
ing them by means of mixed-melting point determina- photometric determination matches the fine organolep-
tion with an authentic sample. This method is based tic concentration requirements. However evident the
on the general standard qualitative analysis of organic spectrogram's absorption band may be as a curve, there
compounds by their functional groups. However, still remain the problems of interpretation and of
attempts to prepare these derivatives often are compli- identifying the peaks of those items which are vital
cated by the instability of the essential oil constituent contributors to the odor. Analytical specification and
and the fact that even small amounts of isomers, which standardization by instrumentation are being studied
are usually present, act as impurities and may interfere by the large essential oil manufacturers, by the National
greatly with the preparation of the solid derivative. A Bureau of Standards, and by Sadtler Research Labora-
chapter written by the author on "The Preparation of tories using punch-card methods to identify and sort the
Derivatives of Essential Oil Constituents" gives more large number of data available (SO).
detailed information (28). Even though the senses of odor and taste are the
The development of modern instrumentation, such as oldest senses, the most primary endowment of prehis-
vapor-phase chromatography, infrared, near infrared, toric man, research has not yet produced an analytical
visible, ultraviolet spectrophotometry, mass spectrome- classification similar to what we have for white light
try, and even nuclear magnetic resonance have made it in the spectrum and for sound in the musical scale.
possible to separate isomers of high-grade purity seldom D i e r e n t mixtures of various essential oils and aromatics
achieved before, and have helped to elucidate the struc- exhibit basically a similar odor. Literature reports
ture of terpene isomers (29, SO). numerous olfactory researches (35-37) and theories
The analysis for the detection of adulteration of essen- about the mechanism of olfactory stimulation based on
tial oils is basically the same as the analysis for the the chemical structural reactivity, volatility, molecular
evaluation of the quality of an oil. Adulteration fre- vibration, etc. Quest,ionssuch as why similar odors are
quently occurs in view of the high cost of many of these produced by chemically different substances and why
concentration changes of the same chemical compound
The general procedure of analysis is to give the essen- a t times may produce opposite odor effects remain to be
tial oil first a preliminary and organoleptic examination.
Color, clarity, viscosity, presence or absence of sedi-
ment, waxes, and water are noted. The study of odor Perhaps with new modern instruments and with new
and in some cases flavor can suggest the presence of research efforts we will be able to solve such problems,
adulterants, which may then be confirmed by special as well as duplicate in a test tube the natural essential
tests. The trained human nose and taste buds have oils, of which only very few can be successfully imitated
often a greater minimal sensitivity than the analytical today. The study of essential oils and chemical
instruments used for identification. Standard pro- aromatics should prove most fruitful and stimulating
cedures for organoleptic tests are carried out (31). in the near future; many interesting problems await
Then physical and chemical properties are analyzed, solution.
250 / Journal of Chemical Education
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Volume 39, Number 5, May 1962 / 251

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