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Fyofefior of 2^ev Testament Criticism and Interpretation in the Oicinity School of
Harvard University.






Since thefirst edition of the Critical Greek and English Concord-

ance the press in 1870, neither care nor pams has been spared
in completing, correcting and perfecting the book. Each successive
edition has contained every improvement that the soundest critical
judgment could suggest, and every discovered error has been cor-
rected, regardless of labor or expense.
The present edition contains important improvements, especially
in the supijlement. The latest corrections of Dr. Abbot are here em-
bodied, also a number of corrections by Dr. Caspar Rene Gregory,
Avith whom Dr. Abbot was associated iu the preparation of the Pro-
legomena to the new and final edition of Tischendorf s Greek Testa-
ment, left unfinished by that eminent critic at his death. The
corrections proposed by Dr. Gregory passed under the hand of Dr.
Abbot, and all Avhich he deemed necessary to be made have been
inserted. The Additions to the Supjilonent, contained in former
editions, have also been carefully transferred to their proper places
in the pages of the Supplement.
it iswith deep regret that we are forced to say that Dr. Abbot's
last Avorkupon this volume is done. From its inception he has been
a constant counsellor and an interested helper in everything Avhich
pertained to the book. With the purest generosity he has given
time and assistance, and has found his chief and often his only re-
vard iu the consciousness of the utility of the work done. He
rests from his labors and hi., works do follow him.*
* Ezra Abbot, eldest child of Ezra and Thebe (Abbot) Abbot, was born in Jack-
son, Waldo was fitted for coUe<ie at Phillips Academy,
Co., Maine, April 28, 1819;
Exeter; graduated at Bowdoin College in 1840; received its degree of A.M. in 1843;
removed to Cambridge in 1847; was appointed Assistant Librarian of Harvard Col-
lege in 1856, and Jiussey Professor of New Testament Criticism and Interpretation
in the Divinity School in 1872. He was a member of the American Oriental Society,
the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the Society of Biblical Literatun;
and Exegesis ;was in 1871 appointed University Lecturer on the Textual Criticism
of the New Testament, and was chosen the same year a member of the New Testa-
ment Company for the Revision of oiir English Bible. He received in 1861, from
Harvard College, the honorary degree of A.M.; in 186i) from Yale College the de-
gree of LL.D., and the same from Bowdoin College in 1878. In 1872 he received tlie
degree of S.T.D. from Harvard College, and was tendered the degree of D.D.

For assistance in the revision of the present edition we are under

obligations to Prof. J. H. Thayer, Dr. Abbot's successor in the Pro-
fessorship of NcAV Testament Criticism and Interpretation in the
Divinity School of Harvard University, his coadjutor on the New
Testament Company of the E-evision Committee, and the translator
and editor of Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament (based
upon the elaborate Lexicon Graeco-Latinxon of Prof. Grimm), the issue
of which is eagerly expected by persons interested in Biblical studies.
The publication of the AVestminster Revision of King James' Ver-
sion of the New Testament, has directed the attention of the public
to critical studies, and has evoked much discussion concerning the
merits of the IleA^ision. But no one can properly study or intelli-

gently estimate the value of such a Avork, unless he is possessed of

the facts which governed the Revisers in arriving at their conclu-
sions. These facts, Avhich have been gathered by numerous critics
through life-long studies, have never yet been compactly given to the
public. They are scattered through hundreds of manuscripts, criti-
cal editions, and Aversions of the New Testament and also through;

various Commentaries and Biblical publications, some of Avhich are

by the University of Edinburgh at its tercentenary, but before the date of the
celebration, died at Ids home in Cambridge, at 5.30 p.m., Friday, March 21, 1884,
in his sixty-fifth year.
The child of a studious and retiring father, and a mother whose personal thirst for
sacred knowledge caused her, in her young maternal life which was cut off at the
end of seven years, to learn the Greek language that she might read for herself the
writings of the Apostles in the tongue in which they Avere written,— it is not strange
that he was a student frona his earliest days; that he spent the Sunday intermissions
studying his Greek Testament; traveled with a copy of it in his pocket; attaining
in his early life a familiarity with the sacred record which formed an excellent prep-
aration for those critical studies to which he devoted his energies in later years.
Delicate in health, slight in figure, of medium height, keen-eyed, cheery and
kindly; a rpiiet teacher, but not a preacher or public speaker a casual observer

would scarcely have supposed that this modest, and almost timid, man was one to
whom the learned looked up, and wlio was honored as a textual critic by the fore-
most Biblical students of the age
But while Ezra Abbot would have been the last to assume or assert his suiierior-
ity over others, yet if those who knew him most thoroughly, and especially those
who were associated Avith him in the revision of the New Testament, and who
could api)reciate his rare critical abilities, his wide and varied cidture, his industry
courage, and humility, his earnest devotion to truth, and his unselfish and self-
sacrificing generosity, were called upon to designate the most thorough and inde-
fatigable student of the literary and textiial history of the apostolic writings, and
the most acutts and acciuate master of New Testament textual criticism, to be found
on this continent, they would proV)ably to-day spend much more timo in deciding to
wliom such honor should be accorded, than they would have required before the
death of Ezra Abbot.
entirely beyond the reach of ordinary readers and the Avhole of

which would require a lifetime for their examination.

There is probably no one book in existence which points out so
many of the facts and considerations which influenced the Revisers
in a large proportion of the changes made, as the Critical Greek and
English Concordance of the Seio Testament. Of course this remark
does not apply to the niceties of grammatical construction, but rather
to changes due to various readings in Greek manuscripts, and to at-
tempts at iwoiQ accurate or more itniform translations of certain vords.
Comprehending Avithin its pages a list of all the various readings
of the leading critical editions of the Ne w Testament, from Griesbach,
1774-1806; Lachmann, 1S31-1850; Tischendorf, 1849-1872; Tre-
gelles,1844-1861, and the Sinaitic Manuscript discovei-ed by Tisch-
endorf in 18.59, so arranged that the critical status of every word can
be seen by a glance at the pages of the Concordance the reasons for ;

changes based upon corrected readings of the text are instantly per-
ceived while the Concordance, by indicating under every word all

the varying translations given by King James' translators in different

passages, enables us to see vhether any inconsistency in the variant
renderings of the same vord existed in dift'erent parts of the Ncav
Testament, requiring a greater uniformity of translation thus ex- ;

plaining the occurrence in the Revision of numerous verbal changes,

Avhich do not at all affect the sense.
Concordance was used by all the New Testament Re-
fact, this

both in England and America, in their vork, and its

ience and helpfulness Avas most heartily acknoAvledged by those
eminent scholars, both individually and collectively and it undoubt-

edly filled a place which Avas occupied by no other single volume.

It was from the first the purpose of the projector of this Con-
cordance to make it a book for the common people, adapted to the
use of those vho did not know so much as a letter of Greek.
Fully aAvare that many devout Christians, though destitute of a
knoAvledge of ancient tongues, were yet diligent and intelligent
students of the Scriptures, it was determined that this Concordance,
though embodying the results of the latest criticism, should be in-
strumental in bringing an accurate knowledge of divine truth Avithin
the reach of all intelligent persons who were willing to search the
Holy Scriptures and Avhile the book has been found of such

great utility to the most learned in their studies, it is hoped that it

continue to be of as great assistance to other students

denied the advantages of a classical education, but from

these ,

pages, maybe able to form a more accurate estimate of the real value
of the labor of those criticswho have devoted their lives to sacred
studies, than they might otherwise have done.
For the benefit of the unlearned student we make the following
suggestions as to


No one needs to know a to make use of this book.

word of Greek
The Index, from page 441 page 482,
to meet the needs of any
intelligent student of the English Bible.
To illustrate, suppose you Avish to know the precise meaning of
the word "nurture," in the passage, " Bring them tip in the nurture
and admonition of the Lord." You first turn to the Index, and look

in the middle of page 46, — 'here you '

for the word, "nurture," which you Avill find in alphabetical order
read, "nurture, 305."

Turn then to page 305, and look over the page, noticing the Avords
printed in black type, and in the second column you will find

Eph. vi.
instruction, 2 Tim. iii. 16.

chastening, Heb. xii. 5, 7, 11.

chastisement, Heb. xii. 8.

The Greek word above the English, but you do

jjaideia stands
not need to read it to learn that the word rendered " nurture" (Eph.
vi. 4) occurs six times in the New Testament, and is once translated
" nurture" once " instruction" three times " chastening" and once
"chastise^nent ;" and hence you Avill readily conclude that this nurture
includes the entire work of training up children.
In many instances the Index refers you to more than one luace in
the book. This shows that the English Avord is used in the place of
more than one Greek tvord, and by referring to each page named, the
entire facts will appear. All this can be done without knowing a
letter of Greek. But l)y a few hours' stiuly of the last page of the
Introduction, persons can learn the letters, and spell out the Greek
words if they choose. And the more they learn of Greek the more
useful the l)Ook prove. For further information read carefully the
Preface and Introduction of the Concordance. H, l. ii.

When the fulness of time had come, and the Gospel of grace and
truth, the dispensation of the Spirit, was to take the place of the
Mosaic Law, the language of the Old Testament had already become
tmintelligible to the common people in Palestine. Another tongue
must therefore be selected, through which the New Covenant,
founded upon better promises, might be made known to the hu-
man family. The Greek was then the choicest language of the
globe. Copious, flexible, polished, and widely diffused, it had al-
ready done service for the Lord. Centuries before the Christian
era, the writings of the Hebrew prophets were translated into
the Greek, thus filling it with the aroma and energy of a divine in-
spiration, and sanctifying it as a chosen vessel to contain the treas-
ures of eternal wisdom, and convey the truths of revelation to the
scattered sons of men.
But in the changes of the eighteen centuries which have passed
since the New Covenant was given to the world, the Greek has
ceased to be the language of a living race, and it is only by means
of translations into different tongues that the gospel of the kingdom
can "be preached in all the world." And in making these transla-
tions, obstacles and difficulties present themselves, which cannot
easily be surmounted.
If all nations possessed the same ideas and thoughts, and if each
conception was invariably expressed by a single word, then, when once
the different vocabularies had been learned, the work of translation
would be but a simple, and almost a mechanical task. It might be
illustrated by filling a thousand vessels of various forms and sizes
with water, and placing beside them a thousand empty vessels of
different form, but of exactly the same dimensions. To pour the
water from vessel to vessel tUl the fuU were empty, and the empty
fdU, ^oTiId then be but a light ondertaMng. But there is no each
correspondence between different languages, and this illustration
does not represent the difficulties placed by the confusion of tongues
in the path of the student of the Holy Scriptures.
If, however, we could regard the words of any language as ten

thousand moulds of every imaginable figure and dimension and if ;

ideas could be represented as possessing material substance, like

potter's clay, which, having been poured and pressed into these
moulds and left to dry, had become rigid and inflexible; —and if

beside these moulds were placed ten thousand others, capable of

containing in the aggregate about the same amount of clay as the
firstseries, but nearly all of them differing in length, breadth,
depth, and capacity from the others ;

and if we were then re-
quired to transfer the solid and unyielding masses from one class of
moulds to the other, we should have a palpable illustration of the
difficulties attending the accurate translation of the Holy Scriptures
fr.^m ths inspired originals into the languages of living men.
A transfer like that imagined would require time, labor, patience,
judgment, and skill, and would often involve changes in form
equivalent to the entire disintegration of the material of the masses
which were to be transferred ;
— it would involve separations and
re-combinations, transpositions and re-arrangements, so numerous
that only he who had performed the task could fully appreciate its

The necessary imperfections of translation must not, however, be
exaggerated. The great fundamental truths of the Scriptures shine
through the poorest and darkest translation which has ever been
made. What is essential to salvation he that runs may read. The
most important difficulties of the translator may be surmounted
by patient, scholarly, critical toil. Still, the best translation of the
Bible must, from the very nature of the case, often fail to express
the full significance of the original. The delicate shades of mean-
ing which distinguish one word from another, the precise force of
some of the particles, the emphasis which rests on particular words
as shown by their position or by some peculiarity of form, it is in
many cases impossible to express. A translation is never exactly
likean original, as the odor of a perfume is never like a fragrant rose.
There is always room for study, research, and improvement; and
he who reverently examines the Word of the Lord, will find it a
treasury ot hidden wealth, a light that shineth in a dark place, till
the day dawn and the day-star arise.
Among the
various helps to the investigations of the Biblical stu-
dent, Concordances, or verbal indexes to the Holy Scriptures, hold
— :

perhaps the most important place. "If I couia only have two
books," said one of the most honored of American ministers, "they
should be God's Bible and Craden's Concordance."
By an arrangement of all the words in the English Bible in al-
phabetical order, and by the quotation, under each word, of every
passage wherein that particular word occurs, a complete Concord-
ance not only enables the student instantly to ascertain the location
of any passage of which he can remember so much as a single
word, but also to learn how frequently that word occurs in the Bi-
ble, and thus to study it in its connections, and in its various
shades of meaning, and by comparing spiritual things with spiritual,
to determine its true sense in many passages which might other-
wise have seemed obscure.
But well and worthily as they have done, who, with pains and pa-
tience have prepared such aids for the readers of the common Eng-
lish version of the Bible, yet all their endeavors have left some-
thing more to be desired. For the best and most complete con-
cordance of the English Bible, is a concordance, not of the inspired
original, but of the uninspired, and consequently imperfect transla-
tion. And hence, though we may investigate and ascertain the en-
tire Scriptural usage of any word found in the English Bible, we
may still be in doubt as to the precise idea which the translators in-
tended to convey, because,
1. An English word may have several different meanings, and
represent different Greek words, as the term * master may signify '

either a ruler, or a teacher and the English reader may not be


able to decide which kind of a * master is referred to in a given


2. Several synonymous English words may be employed to rep-
resent the same Greek word, when no variation of sense is in-
tended. Indeed, King James's translators, in their address "To
the Reader," say, " We wish to admonish thee that we have not tied
ourselves to an uniformity of phrasing or an identity of words, . . .
that we should express the same notion in the same particular word
ns for example, if we Hebrew or Greek word once by
translate the
purpose, never to call it intent one where think, never suppose;
; if

if one where pain, never ache ; if one where joy, never gladness, etc."
— which is all very well stated, and has a certain weight, but the
practice leaves the English reader involved in needless doubt and
uncertainty. Who, for example, would imagine that the words 'con-
clude," counted,' 'reckoned,' 'imputed,' 'accounted,' and 'esteem-

1 See Index under the word RTaster, also pp. 79, 87. A similar instance may be
noted In the case of the word llell, see pp.7.';>^, 880.
2^ ;»^ 4038.
eth,• (Eom. iii. 28, iv. 3, 4, 11, viii. 36, xiv. 14,) were translated
from one and the same Greek word ?* And many dispntes, misun-
derstandings, and difficnlties arise in consequence of such varia-
tions, which could at once be removed if the facts in such cases
were made known.
8. More than one English word may be required to exhaust a
single meaning of an original term, but as only one word can find
place in the translation, the others must be dismissed to the margin,
or perhaps be used in other passages as equivalents for the same
Greek expression. This diversity of rendering is often a real bene-
fit to the Greek scholar, furnishing him with new points of observa-

tion, and enabling him by a kind of mental triangulation to arrive

at the precise signification of many difl&cult words.
Thus good old Myles Coverdale, in his preface to his translation
of the Bible in 1535, says ;
— " Sure I am that there commeth more
knowlege and vnderstondinge of the scripture by theyr sondrie
translacyons, then by all the gloses of oure sophisticall doctours.
For that one interpret eth somthynge obscurely in one place, the
same translateth another, (or els he him selfe) more manifestly by a
more playne vocable of the same meaning in another place."
But the difficulty of the English reader is, to ascertain what is
the original word which is translated " somthynge obscurely in one
place," *'
and more manifestly by a more playne vocable in another
place." Give him a knowledge of that word, and of all the places
where it occurs, and he can study it with delight and profit deprive ;

him of this knowledge and he gropes in darkness.

The Greek scholar's remedy for all these difficulties is found in his
Greek Testament or Greek Concordance. But the English reader,
equally desirous of instruction, cannot avail himself of these im-
portant aids.
For the benefit of such students of the Holy Scriptures The Eng-
lishman's Geeek Concordance of the New Testament was prepared
under the direction, and at the munificent expense, of Mr. George.
V. Wigram, of London. In this goodly octavo of nearly eleven
hundred pages, the Greek words of the New Testament are first
presented in alphabetical order. After each word is placed every
passage in which the word occurs, taken from the English Testa-
aient. The English words which in each passage represent the
ongmal word are printed in italic type^ so that a person can readily
ascertain how frequently the word in question occurs in the
Greek Testament, and also in how many different ways oui
fclnglish translators have rendered it. To this is added an English
1 8m th• ladez, and i*gt 246
Index, similar to that ionnd in the present volmue, e:iabling a
person who knows nothing of the original to find easily any word
which he may desire to examine.
The value of The Englishman's Greek Concordance, as also of
The Englishman's Hebeew and CHAiiDEE Concoedance, prepared np-
on the same plan, can hardly be over-estimated, and but for their
prior publication the present volume would probably never have
been undertaken.
It was about the middle of October, 1863, that the writer sat one
drizzly day beneath the shelter of ITie Bethel Tent, which had been
pitched for special religious services, near Eaton Comers, a village
in Eastern Canada, and while looking over the pages of the
Greek New Testament, and consulting Bagster's pocket edition of
Schmid's Greek Concordance to ascertain the usage of some origi-
nal word, the thought arose, " I wish I had my Englishman's Greek
Concordance here, so that I could see how this word is rendered in
the English Testament in all the places where it occurs."
But the wish was a vain one, for the book was far too cumbrous
for a travelling companion, and was standing quietly in my library,
hundreds of miles away. And then arose another query "Cannot

a book be made which shall contain all the information which is

absolutely necessary for the English reader, at a price within
his means, and in a form so condensed that it can be made a con-
stant companion of the Bible student in all his travels ? " The
writer had before him Bagster's edition of Cmden's Concordance, in
which, by the omission of quotations after the references, a quarto
was condensed into a very little space, and after brief consideration
a plan was formed, and he determined, by divine permission, to
place a book which should meet these requirements, in the hands
of his brethren of the gospel ministry, and others who were inter-
ested in the careful study of the word of God.
The outlines of the plan having been thus determined, the next
question was, "Who will execute it?" And while this matter
was undecided, the writer received a visit from his friend, Charles
Frederick Hudson, to whom he confided the project that he had
formed. Mr. Hudson was favorably impressed by it, and after vari-
ous discussions, submitted it to the judgment of Mr, Ezra Abbot,
the accurate and accomplished Assistant Librarian of Harvard uni-
versity, who approved the undertaking, and improved the plan by
various important suggestions.
The result of mutual consultation was, that while the writer held
fast his purpose to make the book available to the mere Enghsh
reader, as an aid to the understanding of the English Bible, it wajs
Till pajacFACB.

determined, at the suggestions of Messrs. HjIbo::' md Abbct, to

incorporate into its pages the various readings obtained by the care-
ful comparison cf hundreds of ancient Greek manuscripts, as laid
down in the valuable critical editions published by Griesbach, Lach-
mann, Tischendorf, and Tregelles, as well as the confirmatory read-
ings found in the recently discovered Sinaitic manuscript, thus
making the book a repository of the results of the best critical
scholarship of the age, and furnishing in a compact and inexpensive
form, a mass of information which no scholar could afford to
dispense with, and which could only be obtained elsewhere in
cumbrous volumes, so numerous and costly, as to be entirely beyond
the reach of most of those who would desire to possess them.
For a full account of this, and other features of the work, the read-
er is referred to the Introduction by Mr. Hudson, which follows
this Preface.
The plans being at last perfected, Mr. Hudson, whose critical
scholarship and painstaking industiy peculiarly qualified him for
such a task, was induced to undertake its execution. And as the
typographical difficulties were numerous, and as he, in his early
days, had learned the printer's art in the office of a local paper
conducted by his father, he chose to perform the typographical as
well as the literary labor with his own hands.
On the twelfth of November, 18G3, Mr. Hudson commenced his
work by enteiing upon the margins of a copj^ of The Englishman's
Greek Concordance all the various readings which were to be in-
corporated in the critical Concordance. A copy of Bruder's greatly
improved edition of Schmid's Greek Concordance was procured,
the most important critical editions of the Greek Testament were
obtained, and all needful preparations for the work were made.
To secure accuracy of notation, every reference to chapter and
verse in The EngUshman's Greek Concordance was carefully com-
pared with the references in Bruder's Greek Concordance, and
every discrepancy and error noted, examined, and corrected. This
collation,which revealed many inaccuracies in those valuable
works, was performed partly by Mr. Hudson, but mainly by Miss
Ehzabeth A. Annable, to whose care in this department much is due^
When all was ready, a miniature printing office was fitted up
within a few rods of Harvard University, where literai-y counsel
could be conveniently obtained fonts of type adapted to the neces-

sities of the case were procured and Mr. Hudson commenced his

Having prepared a 'printer's stick,' containing several partitions,
he laid his various Coifcordances and Testaments open before him,

and selecting from the Englishman's Greek CoEcor<?iiT}'e /rst a

Greek word, and that translation which seemed most nearly to ex-
press the primary sense of the same, he set the translation in
bold-faced ty^-e. and then followed it by references to all the pas-
sages in the New Testament where that Greek word was translated
in that manner. Selecting then a translation which seemed to ex-
press a secondary meaning of the word most closely related to the
primary sense, and placing it in another compartment of the stick,' '

he followed this by references to the places where the Greek

word was so translated, continuing thus till all the different trans-
lations of the word were exhausted, inserting with each reference
any various reading which occurred in the four above-mentioned edi-
tions of the Greek Testament, and so completing the article.
Thus from word to word the work proceeded. The book was
never written. The arranging of the senses, the insertion of the va-
rious readings, the setting of the type, the proof-reading, correct-
ing,and preparing the pages for the electrotyper, were all done by
Mr. Hudson's own hands, Mr. Abbot giving constant counsel, and
kindly assisting in the revision of the final proofs.
For nearly three years Mr. Hudson pursued this labor of love with
unwearied patience and the most conscientious fidelity, and with
as much continuity of application as his somewhat imperfect health
allowed, until at length he seemed to see the end of his task at
hand. The body of the work was completed, the Index finished,
the Introduction drafted, and the Supplement begun.
At this time Mr. Hudson was offered a situation as corrector of
the press, and considering the Concordance so nearly complete that
itmight be finished by the occasional labor of a few spare hours,
he accepted the position. A few days demonstrated that the task
was too severe, and a chronic pulmonary weakness soon culminated
in a serious hemorrhage at the close of a hard day's work. He was
urged to relinquish his position immediately, retire from the sea-
board, and seek the restoration of his health but with the self-decep-

tion characteristic of the victims of pulmonary disease, he endeav-

ored to continue his labors, until a recurrence of the hemorrhage
rendered it impossible for him to proceed.
He then arranged his worldly affairs and started forth, too late,
alas, in quest of health. Sojourning briefly with kind and loving
friends in Worcester, Mass., and in West Killingly, Conn., he at last
repaired to Haddonfield, New Jersey, in the hope that the milder
climate might relieve his disease. Here he remained for several
months, surrounded by friends who ministered to him with Chris-
tian fidelity and affection ; hopeful and cheerfol until the last, when
he B^^'/ily fell asleep May 26tli, 1867, in the f&iib of that Redeem-
er whose service had been bis labor and his joy.•
The work on The Critical Greek Concordance, unspended by
Mr. Hudson's illness and decease, was resumed only after a consid-
erable delay. Mr. Abbot, who had never lost his interest in the
enterprise, undertook to revise and correct the proofs of the elec-
trotype plates. He has also collated for the Supplement the latest
edition of Tischendorf 's Greek Testament, so far as it has been is-
sued from the press, and has rendered such other assistance as was
needful for the completion of the work.
Thus at last this Concordance, projected nearly seven years ago,
and carried forward through the financial embarrassments incident
to a terrible war, is ready for the public eye. It differs from other
concordances in various respects. It leads the English reader to
the Greek original and its various readings. It leads the Greek
scholar to the common English translation, as given both in the text
and in the margin. It saves space by omitting extended quotations,
referring inquirers to the passages themselves for further informa-
tion. It furnishes the Greek alphabet, with rules of pronuncia-
tion, which may be mastered by an hour's study, and thus obviates
3 Charles Frederick Hudfion, son of Timothy and Catherine Hudson, was bom In
Wadsworth, Medina county, Ohio, May 18th, 1821. His parents shortly after re-
moved to Medina, the county seat, where he received the elements of a common
school education.
AJEler suitable preparation, he entered the Western Reserve College, and was grad-
uated among the foremost of his class. Having in early life devoted liimself to the
service of the Savior, and believing that he was called to the work of the gospel min-
istry, he pursued the course of study prescribed at I>ane Theological Seminarv, re-
ceiving his certificate under the hands of Lyman Beecher, C. E. Stowe, and D. H.
Allen, June 9th, 1847.
After spending some years as pastor of the Congregational church in Sycamore,
Illinois, certain changes in his opinions regarding the nature and destiny of man, led
to the dissolution of his ecclesiastical connections, and being released from pastoral
responsibilities, he was free to employ his time in study and in writing, preaching
meanwhile wherever an open door was set before him, without regard to denomina-
tional lines or connections.
During the latter part of his life he travelled extensively, visiting libraries and
consulting with literary men and some of the fruits of his patient research were

given to the world in an elaborate volume entitled, " Debt and Grace, as related to
the Doctrine of a Future Life ;" which was followed by ''Christ Our Life: The
Pcriptural Argument for Immortality through Christ Alone " " Human Destint, a

Critique on Universalism," and other minor publications on kindred topics.

His last years were spent in the vicinity of Cambridge, Mass., and were devoted
to these and other literary pursuits. The Critical Orkek Concoruanoe was the
(•ro\vnint( hibor of his life.
As a contro\ ersialist, Mr. Hudson was candid, patient, calm, and courteous inde-

fatigable in research, and temperate in expnjs.sion. As a preacher, he waa sober, dif-

fident, and deliberate yet instructive to the patient hearer.
As a man, he was gen-
erous, cautious, honorable, self-reliant, and modest, even to bashfulness. As a
Ciiristian, he was circumspect, reverent, conscientious, and of good report. In per-
son, he was tall, slightly stooping, of light, tliough t.iwiiv couiiilexiou, having rath-
er a thin face, and prominent nose, high, foil forehead, and brown hair. His health
was never very robust, but his powers of execution were considerable. Mr. Hudson
never married. He is buried at Haddonfield, New Jersey, where he died May 26th,
1867, aged forty-eiz yean and eight days.
the necessity of an imperfect representation of the Greek words in
English characters. It classifies the passages where each Greek
word occurs, reveals at a glance the number of ways in which it

is translated in the New Testament, shows in what senses it is

most frequently or more rarely used, exhibiting in their order,
first the primary, and afterwards the several more remote senses

of the different terms. It presents all the important various

readings of the four best critical editions of the Greek Testament,
confirmed by references to the Sinaitic manuscript. It combines
with these peculiarities a cheapness of cost and convenience of
form which bring it within the means of the student and enable
him to have it always at his side. That the book is perfect is not
to be imagined but it is hoped that it may meet a want long felt,

and fill a place which has never yet been occupied and that it may ;

be accepted and blessed of Him by whose kind providence it has

been commenced and completed.
Though the first plan of the work was formed, and the financial
responsibility borne by the writer, to whose decision every proposed
improvement has been referred, and though its completion has
been committed to other hands yet the book itself will stand as

a memorial of the patient industry and conscientious zeal of one to

whom it was not granted to behold the consummation of his earthly
labors, but who leaves this volume as a token of his devotion to that
Master whose Word he has honored, and of love to His disciples
for whose use it is prepared.
Horace L. Hastings. •

Boston, Mass., August, 1870.

Note to the Fourth Edition.

In the second edition of this work (Julj', 1871) the English Index was replaced
by a new one, and a few corrections were made in the body of the book. In the
third edition (June, 1875) additional corrections were made, and the Supplement
was completed. The piesent edition has been still more thoroughly revised. The
Publisher would express his cordial thanks to the friends who have aided him by
pointing out errata, and especially to Prof. M. B. Riddle, D. D., of Hartford, Conn.,
who has collated a large part of the references with the English of the Common
Version and the Greek text. Many of the errors thus detected are due to the im-
perfection of the excellent but not immaculate works which were made the basis
of Mr. Hudson's labors.
Corrections of any mistakes which may hereafter be discovered will be thankfully
received. r, l. h.
Scriptural Tract Repository,
Office of The Christian, Boston, Mass., F. 8. A.
June, 1877.

A account of the origin of the present work, and of the usis

intended to serve, has already been given in the Preface of
it la

Mr. Hastings. Like the Englishman's Greek Concordance, it con-

nects the Greek text of the New Testament with the common Eng-
though in a different way
lish version, but it is distinguished

from that work by several important features, which, it is hoped,

make it
will a useful help in the critical study of the New Testa-
ment in the These features it is the object of the present
Introduction briefly to describe and in doing this, it will be nec-

essary to give a concise history of the printed text of the Greek

New Testament.
This Concordance, then, is offered as critical " for several re£i-

sons. It names the grammatical forms which often appear in

peculiar modes of translation. It gives adjunct words which in
the Englishman's Greek Concordance often fail to appear as part
of the rendering of the Greek. E. g., "these things" for
instead of simply "these " and " blind man " instead of "blind,"

for It gives, with their renderings, Greek phrases which

are not translated word for word. It notes the Greek text fol-

lowed in our version, when it differs from the so-called "received
text." This the Englishman's Greek Concordance often fails to do.
Thus it gives "saw" as the rendering of "to find," in
Matt. ii. 11, where our translators read "saw." In James
ii. 18 it gives "without "as the rendering of though it is

really the rendering of ^,

being represented by the worfi
"by," which appears as a various reading in the margin. In a few
instances it notes the fact that our version follows a text differing
from that named in the Concordance itself; asvird
condemnation," for
" under
vtzokqloiv^ "into hypocrisy," James v. 12.
But in all such instances there is an incongruity in seeming to give

an erroneous translation of a word, "condemnation, * for example,

appearing improporly as the rendering of in the passage
referred to. Yet that Concordance, while not pretending to be
critical, is still well worthy cf the praise it has received as a general
help to the study of the Scriptures.
But the passages just named suggest the inquiry, "What text did
our translators follow ? The answer i^, there was then no received
text. This phrase originated in a boast^ of the publishers of the
second Elzevir edition (1633), twenty-two years after King James's
version was printed. And the phrase is still employed by biblical
scholars, not to denote an accepted and authorized text, but simply a
current text which is conveniently taken as a standard for critical
comparison or correction. In this sense the first Elzevir edition
(Leyden, 1624), which varies very slightly from the edition just
named, is the received text " on the continent, while in England

the phrase is oftener applied to the third edition of Robert Stephens,

1550. But the text of our translation seems to accord with Beza's
fifth edition, 1598, more nearly than with any other. It agrees
with this in opposition to the third edition of Stephens in about
eighty places ; with Stephens in opposition to Beza, in about half
that number and in about a dozen places it differs from both.

"When the present work was proposed to the writer, he was well
aware of the fact that the earlier printed Greek text was not now
accepted by scholars. And it seemed proper, in preparing a con-
cordance of the Greek words which lie at the basis of our Christian
faith, to present with them the results of modem sacred criticism.
He accordingly conferred with one of our first critical scholars, who
at once took a lively interest in the work. He named the editors
whose readings should be given, adding those of the newly discov-
ered Sinaitic manuscript. He also suggested several other leading
features of the work, and has ever followed it with his thoughts,
cares, and not a few labors.
It is offered as critical, then, chiefly as giving the text of the best
modem editions of the Greek, so far as this could be done in a
manual concordance. In representing this text, and that cf the
translation itself, words appear in their simple forms, though notise
is taken of any differences in grammatical form which may pertain

to anew reading. And the account of the various readings is co-

of every
word in tlie Greek Testament except
while even these words are amply treated.
extensive with that of the text, in which all the occurrences are given
df, ,, and

In connection with this subject, it will be proper to give a brief

" Textum ergo babes ab omnibus receptum," 1. ,, " Thou hast, therefore, a text
reoelTed by all."
account of the text currently printed, and of the editions which
now invite the attention of all biblical scholars.
The Greek Testament was first printed as part of the Compluten-
sian Tolyglot,' in 1514, under the direction of Cardinal Ximenes,
from manuscripts not ancient, and with a manifest preference for
the authority of the Vulgate. But its publication was delayed until
1522. Meanwhile an edition was undertaken by Erasmus, at the
instance of Froben, the celebrated printer of Basle, who wished to
anticipate that of Ximenes. Erasmus had made slight preparation
for such a work, but the urgency of Froben brought it to com-
pletion in less than six months after the printing was begun, and it
appeared early in 1516, making, with the Latin translation and
notes, a folio volume of about 1000 pages. *'It was driven head-
long through the press rather than edited,"* says Erasmus in one of
his letters. He used only five manuscripts, none of them contain-
ing the whole of the New Testament. They were all modem, and,
with one exception, of very little critical value. For the Apoca-
lypse he had but one manuscript, lacking the last six verses of the
book, which he supplied by retranslating from the Vulgate. He
published a second and more correct edition in 1519 a third in ;

1522, inserting 1 John v. 7 to redeem his promise that it should ap-

pear when a manuscript was found to contain it; a fourth in 1527,
changing the text of the Apocalypse to that of the Complutensian
Polyglot in about ninety places and a fifth in 1535. The text of

this, as compared with the first edition, was altered in about six
hundred places, according to Mill, in more than one hundred of
which this critic thinks there was no improvement.
In 1546 and 1549 Kobert Stephens* printed at Paris two beauti-
ful small editions and in 1550 appeared his folio edition, in the

margin of which were various readings collected by his son, Henry

Stephens. These were from the Complutensian Polyglot and from
fifteen manuscripts, and are known to be given very inaccurately.
They " seem rather to be appended as an ornament," says Tregelles,
the manuscripts being used little, if at all, for the improvement of
the text. This differs but slightly from *he fifth edition of Erasmus,
except in the Apocalypse, where the Complutensian is chiefly fol-
lowed. But the appearance of " annotations " offended the doctors
of the Sorbonne. Stephens betook himself to Geneva, where he
published, in 1551, a fourth edition, with the text of his third, but
divided, for the first time, into our modern verses.'
2 So called from Complutum, the ancient name of Alcala, where the work wm
3 Prsecipltatum fult verius quam edltum.
4 The vernacular form of his name is " Estienne," in Latin, " Stephanqi."
6 This was in connection with a project for a Concordance.
Theodore Beza published four editions of the Greek Testament,
with a new Latin version and notes, in 1565, 1582, 1589, and 1598.
Two ancient and valuable manuscripts were long in his possession.
But he made very little use of them. He followed mostly the text
of Stephens's third edition, and where he differed from it altered it
often for the worse, sometimes introducing readings on mere con-
jecture, and frequently on very slight authority.
The editor of the Elzevir editions, 1621 and 1633, is nnknown.
Their text is that of Stephens, except in about 280 places (accord-
ing to Scrivener's collation), in most of which Beza is followed. In
many of these the difference is such as cannot be expressed in a
- Thus far almost nothing had been done to bring the text to the
standard of earlier or better manuscripts. But in the Polyglot of
Walton, 1657, important materials for criticism were collected, the
fifthvolume containing the readings of the Codex Alexandrinus,
and the sixth volume giving other collations, including those of
Stephens, and also of sixteen manuscripts, made under the direc-
tion of Archbishop Usher.
In 1707 appeared the edition of John MiLii, of whom it has been
said, This learned man did more in the labor of thirty years than

all who preceded him." His text is that of Stephens, correct-

ing his errata. Of the various readings which he gives he often ex-
presses an opinion in his Prolegomena (Introduction) and notes,
and he frequently condemns those of Stephens.
But his collection of 30,000 various readings was censured by
Whitby as unsettling the grounds of confidence in the words of the
divine revelation. And his objections were employed by Anthony
Collins, in his Discourse of Free Thinking, " in defense of his own

rejection of the authority of Scripture. In reply to these writers,

and in defense of Mill, appeared Richard Bentley. He shows from
the case of the classics that the various readings of Scripture are no
way to be feared. Of the manuscripts of Terence he says "I have :

myself collated several and do affirm that I have soen 20,000 vari-

ous lections in that little author, not near so big as the whole New
Testament and I am morally sure that if half the number of manu-

scripts were collated for Terence with that niceness and minuteness
which has been used in twice as many for the New Testament, the
number of the variations would amount to above 50,000." Bentley
also shows how unfortunate is the case of a work of which only one
copy is preserved the discovery of another copy would correct, by

means of its varying readings, errors that are now without remedy.
The growing number of these confirms the better text of an ancient
author, instead of unsettling it.

Bentley proposed a new edition of the Greek Testament, with a

specimen of his plan. It was attacked by Conyers Middleton. A
controversy ensued, showing no good temper on either side. The
edition was never published. The most valuable result of Bentley's
labors was a collation of the Vatican manuscript of the fourth cen-
tury, made for him by an Italian named Mico, and published by
Ford in 1799.
The edition of John Albert Bengel appeared in 1734. Through
excessive timidity he changes the text only in the Apocalypse, but
gives in the margin those readings which he regards as genuine.
And in an appendix he gives a selection of readings with the au-
thorities for and against each, which had not been done before.
His edition was the basis of a new German translation by Count
Zinzendorf, and of an authorized Danish version, in 1745.
The edition of J. J. Wetstein was published in two folio volumes,
Amsterdam, 1751- 52. He had once designed to take the Alexandrian
Codex as a basis but various causes led him to undervalue the old-

er manuscripts, and he took no pains to procure the collation which

had been made of the Vatican manuscript. He printed the cur-
rent text, giving in the margin the readings he preferred, and colla-
tions from the manuscripts, noted by a system which subsequent
editors have followed. His most important contribution to criticism
consists in his citations from the fathers, which are still highly val-
ued. Compared with his predecessors, he has been praised with
the words applied to Mill.
Among more recent contributions to our critical material, the
following editions are worthy of note. (1.) That of Matthsei, in
twelve volumes, 1782-88, with its collations of Moscow manuscripts.
Matthsei also published a smaller edition in three volumes, 1803-07,
containing some additional matter. (2.) That of the Gospels by
Birch, 1788, with various readings from many manuscripts, and a par-
tial collationof the Codex Vaticanus. (3.) That of Scholz, 1830-36,
with much information about manuscripts, though the author's own
collations are very imperfect. The separate publication of the oldest
Greek manuscripts, as of the Alexandrian, by Woide, in 1786, the
Codex Bezae by Kipling in 1793, and Scrivener in 1864, and of
various others by Heame, Matthsei, Barrett, Kettig, Tregelles,
Scrivener, and especially Tischendorf, has alsobeen a most impor-
tant aid to modem criticism. To this should be added editions
of the ancient versions, Latin, Syriac, Coptic, Ethiopia, Gothic,
Armenian, etc.

In the forty years of his critical labors, John James Griesbaoh

published three editions of the Greek New Testament the first in

1774-77, another in 1796-1806, and a manual edition in 1805, with-

out the manuscript authorities, but which is regarded as giving gen-
erally his most matured judgment, and has been often reprinted.
Besides the use which he made of earlier collations, he consulted
about seventy manuscripts of various portions of the New Testa-
ment. He re-asserted the value of the ancient documents, and un-
dertook to arrange the extant authorities in an intelHgible order,
and to apply them steadily and consistently to the emendation of
the text. His doctrine of recensions, dividing the manuscripts into
classes or families, each supposed to possess characteristic varieties
of reading, was a modification of the views of Bentley, Bengel,
and Semler, and has been held in other forms since Griesbach's
time. That question is still unsettled. But the critics and oppo-
nents of Griesbach's theory do not regard it as having impaired his
estimate of the value of single manuscripts. And the canons of
criticismwhich he gave are generally accepted. "In acuteness,
vigor,and candor," says the Kev. B. F. "Westcott, "he stands be-
low no editor of the New Testament, and his judgment will always
retain a peculiar value." *

The and pronounc-

care which he exercised in weighing evidence
ing judgment apparent in the various degrees of confidence with
which he gave his readings, designating their different grades of
probability by an elaborate system of notation. And it is worthy
of remark that in hundreds of instances his cautious judgment as
to what was probable has become the clear verdict of the other edi-
tors whose readings are here given.
The first edition of Charles Lachmann appeared in 1831. It

had no Preface. The principles on which it was prepared were in-

dicated only in a note at the end, preceding a list of the places in
which it difiered from the current text. It was here stated that the
editor had never followed his own judgment, but the custom of the
most ancient Oriental churches that when this was not uniform,

he had preferred, as far as could be ascertained, what was supported

by Afirican and Italian consent that where there was great uncer-

tainty, this was indicated partly by the use of brackets, partly by

marginal readings and that no account was made of the current

text of the last two centuries. In accordance with these views he

sometimes gives a reading which he does not regard as the true one,
— for it may be a palpable error, —
but as best attested in the fourth
century. Internal evidence, as well as private opinion, would be
quite excluded by this method though they are thought to appear

in a very few instances, where his range of authorities was narrow

Smith'» Dictionary of the Bible, Art. "New Testament.''

After some misapprehension of his design had paased away, a
wish was expressed that he would prepare an edition with the au-
thorities. This was undertaken with the aid of the younger Butt-
mann, who was to arrange those for the Greek readings only, the Lat-
in appearing as a collateral text, based on ancient manuscripts. The
citations of the earlier fathers were also employed. The new edi-
tion appeared in two volumes, Berlin, 1842-50. Lachmann is wel-
comed by Tregelles as having first edited the Greek Testament,
" wholly on ancient authorities^ irrespective of modern traditions.*' And
Mr. F. H. Scrivener, who censures the exclusive reliance on ancient
manuscripts, yet speaks of him as "earnest, single-hearted," and
*'a true scholar, both in spirit and accomplishments."
The first edition of Lobegott Feiedeich Constantin Tisohen-
DOEF appeared at Leipsic, in 1841. This showed in several respects
the influence of Lachmann's first edition. His next more important
edition was published at Leipsic in 1849. Still more valuable is his

seventh edition, 1856-59. This is far the most complete account of

the various readings, with the authorities for and against, manu-
scripts, versions, and patristic citations, — that has yet appeared.
His eighth edition, incorporating the readings of more than twenty
new manuscripts, including the Sinaitic, was begun in 1864, and is

still in progress. was completed in 1872. .]

In his second Leipsic and his seventh editions, Tischendorf lays
down the general principle that " the text is to be sought only from
ancient evidence, and especially from Greek manuscripts, but with-
out neglecting the evidence of versions and fathers. Those read-
ings should hold the first place which are supported by the most
ancient Greek manuscripts, i. e., those from the fourth to about the
ninth century. And of these the older are of greatest authority."
In the earlier portions of his seventh edition he was regarded by
some as receding from his previous application of these views. But
the changes in this edition from the Elzevir text are still more nu-
merous than those in the edition of 1849. And in his eighth edi-
tion he professes to approach more nearly the principles of Bentley
and Lachmann, in adherence to the oldest Greek and Latin bases of
the text.
His travels for the collation and discovery of manuscripts are
well known. And though Mr. Scrivener would rest his reputation
largely on his editions of manuscripts, he still thinks he has weU
earned the name of the first biblical critic in Europe."

SamiteL• first became generally known by

Peideaux Teeoelles
an edition of the Apocalypse, with an English version, in 1844,
He published the Gospels of Alatthew and Mark in 1857, and those
of Luke and Jokn in 1861.' He has also contributed largely to the
materials of criticism, in the collation of above forty manuscripts,
including the Codex Amiatinus of the Vulgate.
His leading maximis that an ancient text is proved only by an-
cient evidence. Thus his principle in the selection of authorities
is substantially the same with Lachmann's, and he approves the
statement of Griesbach, that "readings which, looked at in them
selves, we should judge to be the better, are not to be preferred
unless authenticated by at least some ancient testimonies." In par-
ticular, he regards the arraying of mere numbers of manuscripts in
behalf of any reading as fallacious. "His work," says Mr. West-
'must be regarded as one of the most important contribu-
tions, as it is perhaps the most exact, that has been made to the
cause of textual criticism."
Of the Codex Sinaiticus, Tischendorf found a fragment in the
Convent of St. Catherine, at the foot of Mt. Sinai, in 1844, and se-
cured the remainder in a third journey in 1859. The whole was
printed in fac-simile type at St. Petersburg in 1862, and the New
Testament, with the epistle ascribed to Barnabas and a part of "The
Shepherd " of Hennas, at Leipsic, in 1863.^ It is regarded as a gen-
uine document of the fourth century, of the same age as the Vati-
can manuscript, the readings of which it often confirms, while it is
evidently independent of it. And though in its frequent omissions
occasioned by the similar ending of words, and otherwise, it shows
some carelessness of the scribe, it is still deemed a most important
witness of the early state of the text. Tischendorf s new readings
in his eighth edition rarely differ from it, though he seldom, if ever,
concurs with alone against the Vatican manuscript.

The readings here presented are taken, those of Griesbach from

his manual edition of 1805, those of Lachmann, Tischendorf, and
Tregelles from the careful compilation made by the Kev. F. H.
Scrivener in his edition of the Greek Testament, 1862, (with a few
corrections,) and those of the Sinaitic manuscript from the Leipsic
edition. They have been also verified in the proof-reading, the last
named by means of Mr. Scrivener's collation, in which a few errors
have been detected. In the other portions of the work constant
reference has been made to the Greek Concordance of Bruder, with
which the Englishman's has been carefully collated. The proof-
7 Part III. of his edition (the Acts and Catholic Epistles) appeared in 1865, Part
IV. (Romans —2Thessalonians iii. 3) in 1869, Part V. (the remainder of the Epis-
tles) m 1870, and Part VI. (Revelation) in 1872, A.

8 A more convenient edition of the Sinaitic text of the New Testament only was
published at Leipsic in 1865, with the various readint^s of the Elzevir edition of 1624
and the Vatican manuscript. A supplement containing corrections, particularly of
the Vatican readings, appeared in 1870, A.

reading has been twice done, and it is believed that the remaining
errata, so difficult wholly to avoid in a work of the kind, are the
fewest possible.
Headings which affect the form or order of words, or the punctu-
ation, are given for special reasons in the Appendix, but elsewhere
onlv as occasion required. Such readings did not fall within the
scope of a Concordance. A selection of all such as might be deem-
ed important would be very difficult.
The text of the English version used is that of Bagster's Critical
New Testament, which retains the italics of the edition of 1611.
In most modern editions the italics have been considerably changed
sometimes carelessly, or by unauthorized persons, but mostly in the
revision of 1769, under the charge of Dr. Blayney. In general,
the principal variations of the common modern editions from the
text of the edition of 1611 have been noted in the Concordance
Some of these variations are far from being improvements; e. g.,
the insertion of "not" in Matt. xii. 23; " broidered" for "broid-
ed," i. e., braided, 1 Tim. ii. 9. In several cases Dr. Blayney and
later editors have wrongly put in italics words which represent
Greek words found in some manuscripts and editions, and regarded
by our translators as genuine, though they are omitted in the re-
ceived text e. g., John viii. 6 1 Johniii. 16.
; ;

Of the marginal renderings, which are all given, it need only be

said that they are by some preferred to those in the text.
In the plan of giving the English words in their simple form, the
order of the terms of a phrase sometimes changed from that in

which grammatical inflections have placed it, e. g., "furnish

throughly for " throughly furnished. " And sometimes words oc-
curring only in the passive voice are still given in the active form.

For the convenience of the English reader the Greek alphabet is

appended. The Greek article has been so often employed that it is
proper to explain as follows o, //, r<5, denote respectively the mas-

culine, feminine, and neuter, singular; ol, al, ra, the same in the

plural number. Of grammatical forms, it need only be added that

the Genitive case answers mostly to our Possessive, or is rendered
by the preposition of; the Dative is rendered by to, for, and the
like ;the Accusative answers to our Objective and the Middle

Voice, primarily, to our reflexive form of the verb, though it is

often to be translated by a simple active or neuter verb in English.
THE GREEK ALPHABET. in sow^. i9 bas tbe sharp sound of

Charac- Roman th in thin, ,

the sound of s iu so.
tpjs. Letters. Names. At the beginning of a word |^ 13
^ Alpha
sounded as z; and of two conso-
nants which can not be pronounced
with ease the
?.', first is silent ; thus
J d Delta
The rough breathing (') has the
Be 6 ''Eipi7oov Epsilonsound of , as in (^, Mdds. The
s Zeta smooth (') has no sound.
e Eta In prepositions and some other
^ th Qfjra Theta particles final a, e, i, and 0, coming



k, c

for .
before a vowel, are dropped thus,
And ,
thus brought before a rough
Lambda breathing are changed to


m Mu
^, and ^
^ 1? ; as, for ov.
V Nu The accent^ in words of two sylla-
^ Xi bles, falls on the penult, or last syl-
Do " Omicron lable but one. In words of more
than two syllables, the penult, if
7 Pi
' Rho
long, takes the accent
fallson the antepenult, or prece-
; if short, it

S Sigma ding syllable. But many now fol-

r 7

< (
,' ^

low the Greek accent.

Continental or Erasmian Method.
differs from the English
chiefly in sounding a protracted as
: cb Chi
in father, as ey in they, c pro-
* V ps Psi
5 ", tracted as i in machine, av as ou iu
Omega our, as ou in tour, vl like our pro-
noun we, and like a soft dz.
The English Method. The Romaic or Modern Greek Method.
a and i, in general, are sounded This accords mainly with the Con-
like a and i in English, a final, as tinental where that diS"ers from the
in Columbia, final, as t long.
English, but departs from both in
various features. See the Gram-
and o, like e in mei and in not.
mars of Sophocles and Crosby.
Final, as e and in oe and go.
?7, v, and ,
like e in wjeie, « in /utc,
2 Tim. iii. 15: otl
and in note.
English, hot-i ap-o breph-ous ta
at is sounded as our affirmative a\j
(ah'ee as a diphthong),
as au , Continent,, hot-l ap-o brSph-oos ta

in aught, as et in height,

oi in 7.
t'/, as ui in
as ou in
ri, as whi in M;//i7e.
??, as eu in Europe or neuter, oij as hiera grammata oidas, ta dunamena
, hii'ra grammata oidas, ta dunamina

oca, . , ,
y, K, and are always hard. But se sophisai eis soterian, dia, etc.
} before 7, •, or is sounded as ng sf sophisai eis soterian, dla, etc.
Or signifies Griesbach, 1805. /, the same, four times. Larger
G•'', a reading thought bj G hardly numbers are given in full.
inferior, or equal, or even prefer- t, a Greek woid occurring twice in

able to that retained in the text. the same verse, rendered but once.
G', a less probable reading. A number of the verse in the Greek
text differing from that in the
^ords probably to be omitted,
CommonVersion, is added in a
yet retained by G in the text.
G", a less probable omission.
This sign also denotes a word oc-
Gp"", an addition made to the text curring in one of two similar phra-
by G as probably correct. ses, given in one expression.
Gp^, an addition perhaps to be made ° denotes that the sense of a trans-

to the text. lating word is derived partly from

L, Lachmann, 1842-50. the context thus, be preferred", fr.

(become, come to be), bor-

T, Tischendorf, 1859.
Tr, Gospels 1857-61,
Apocalypse 1844.
rows from the preceding word
before, John i. 15, 27, 30.

*>, words inclosed in brackets by L,

T, or Tr, as of doubtful authority.

the noun /
a change of construction ; thus
(hearing) is ren-
dered by the verb hear'^''^ 1 Thes. ii.
% a reading given in the margin
hy L or Tr, as worthy of regard. sents the verb '
13 and the verb have*'" often repre-

(belong to).
S, the Sinaitic Manuscript. p,a participle, rendered by or with
St, the edition of R. Stephens, 1550.
B, that of Beza, 15G5.
E, the Elzevir edition, 1624.
pronoun. Thus in ,
the aid of an adverb, conjunction,
adjective, noun, or demonstrative
Matt. ii.
3p, the participle (her.ring) yields
-, words omitted, or given as doubt-
ful, by the authorities following. See also
words omitted by G, L, T, and by art. the article, , ?/, ro.
from , p. 117.^
the phrase '* when . had heard." .


Tr in the Gospels and Apocalypse. Cases Nam., Nominative. Gen.f


omS, the same, adding the Sinaitic Genitive. Dat., Dative. Acc.j Ac-
Manuscript. cusative.
S% an omission in S, with the con- Numbers : —
Sing., Singular. Plur.,
(See page 422, note.)
text. PL, or I'l, Plural.
ap refers to the Appendix. Voices —
Act., Active. Pass., Pas-

C, the Common Version, IGll. sive. Mid., Middle.

marg., a marginal translation in C.

Modes —
IncL, Indicative, hnper.,

Imperative. Subj., Subjunctive.

Gr., a literal rendering of the Greek
Opt., Optative. In/., Infinitive.
in the margin of C.
Part., Participle.
lit., literally.
Tenses: Pre^., Present. —
t, a translation or reading occurring Imperfect. Aor., Aorist.
twice in the same verse. Other signs are explained in the
tr, the same, thrice.
articles in which they occur.

A, oraXqpa(LTTr>S). xix. 17. xxiii. 50. John vii. 12. Acta

Alpha, Rev. i. 8, \l{ap). xxi, G. ix. 36. xi. 24. xxiii. 1. Rom. v. 7.
vii. 12. xii. 2. xiii. 3. 2 Cor. v. 10.
xxii. 13.
ix. 8. Gal. vi. 10. Eph. ii. 10. iv.
29. Phil. i. 6. Col. i. 10. 1 Thes.
from" being burdensome Qit. not bur-
iii. 6. 2 Thes.
ii. 16, 17. ITim. i. 5,
densome), 2 Cor. xi. 9.
19. 10. v. 10. 2 Tim. ii. 21. iii.

17. Tit. i. 16. ii. 5, 10. iii. 1. Heb.

Abba, Mark xiv. 36. Rom. viii. 15. xiii. 21. Jas. i. 17. iii. 17. 1 Pet. ii.
Gal. iv. 6. 18, iii. 10, 16?, 21.
good, subsL, John v. 29. Rom. ii.
bottomless pit. Rev. ix. 11. xi. 7. 10. iii. 8. vii. 19. viii. 28. ix. 11.
xvii. 8. XX. 1, 3. xii. 21. xiii. 4. xiv. 16. xv. 2. Gal.
bottomless. Rev. ix. 1, 2(ap). vi. 10. 1 Pet. iii. 11.
deep, Luke viii. 31. Rom. x. 7. With art., that which Luke

is good,
vi. 45. Rom. vii. 13?. xii. 9. xiii.

do good, 1 Tim. vi. 18. 3. xvi. 19. 1 Thes. v. 15. 1 Pet. iii.

Add Acts xiv. 17, for 13. 3 John 11. —

the thing which is
ayadoKoteUy '/5. good, Eph. iv. 28.
good thing. Matt. vii. 11. xii. 34,
Mark 35. xix. 16. Luke i. 53. xvi. 25.
do good, iii. 4. Luke vi.
9, 33?, 35. Acts xiv. John i. 46(47). Rom. vii. 18. x. 15.

3 John 11. Gal. vi. 6. Eph. vi. 8. Phm. 6. Heb.
ix. 11. X. 1.
do well, 1 Pet. ii. 20p. iii. 6p.
Luke xii. 18,

, .
goods, 19.
with well doing, 1 Pet. ii. 15p.
for well doing, 1 Pet. iii. 17p. benefit, Phm. 14.

&). &'.
well,•^ Rom. ii. 7.

well doing, I Pet. iv. 19.

that doeth well, 1 Pet. ii. 14. goodness, Rom. xv. 14. Gal. v. 22.
Eph. V. 9. 2 Thes. i. 11.

good, Matt. V. 45. vii. 11, 17, 18.

xii. 35<. xix. leC-G'X'LTTr^), 17? gladness, Luke i. 14. Acts ii. 46.
(ap). XX. 15. xxii. 10. xxv. 21, 23. Heb. i. 9.
Mark x. 17, 18?. Luke vi. 45?. viii. joy, Luke i. 44.
8, 15. X. 42. xi. 13. xviii. 18, 19?. exceeding joy, Jude 24
^ ,.
be glad, Acts ii. 26.
be exceeding glad, Matt. v. 12.
rejoice, Luke i. 47. x. 21. Jokn v.


xvii. 26.
Matt, xxiv, 12.
V. 42. xiii. 35.
Luke xi. 42.
v. 9, lOt, 13.
v. 5, 8. viii. 35, 39.
36. viii. 56. Acts xvi. 34. IPet. 1. xii. 9. xiii. lOi. xv. 30. 1 Cor. iv.
8. Rev. xix. 7. 21. xvi. 24, 2 Cor. ii. 4, 8. v. 14.

greatly rejoice, 1 Pet. i. 6. vi. 6. viii. 7, 8, 24. xiii. 11, 14(13).
Gal. V. 6, 13, 22. Eph. i. 4, 15

with exceeding joy, 1 Pet. iv. 13p.
i-LS). ii. 4. iii. 17(18), 19. iv. 2,
15, 16. V. 2. vi. 23. Phil. 1. 9, 17.
unmarried, 1 Cor. vii. 8, 11, 32, 34. ii. 1, 2. Col. i. 4, 8. ii. 2. 1 Thes.
Add 1 Cor. vii. 34(..wife), Q^'hS. i. 3. iii. 12. v. 8, 13. 2 Thes. ii.
10. iii. 5. 1 Tim. i. 14. vi.ll. 2 Tim.
have indignation. Matt. xxvi. 8. i. 7, 13. Phm. 5, 7, 9. Heb. vi. 10
Mark xiv. 4. X. 24. 1 John ii. 5, 15. iii. 1, 16, 17.
with indignation, Luke xiii. 14p. iv. 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, Utr, 17, IStr. v.

3. 2 John 3, 6. Jude 2, 21. Rev. ii. 4.
be moved with indignation, Matt.
XX. 24. charity, 1 Cor. viii. 1. xiii. 1, 2, 3,
4tr, 8, 13i. xiv. 1. xvi. 14. Col.
be much displeased, Mark x. 14, 41.
iii. 14. 1 Thes. iii. 6. 2 Thes. i. 3.
be sore displeased. Matt. xxi. 15.

indignation, 2 Cor. vii. 11.

to love, Matt. v. 43, 44, 46i. vi. 24.

1 Tim. i. 5. ii. 15. iv. 12. 2 Tim. ii.
22. iii. 10. Tit. ii. 2. 1 Pet. iv. 8i.
V. 14. 2 Pet. i. 7. 3 John 6. Rev.
ii. 19.

feast of charity, Jude 12.

dearCG^r. ofloye), CoL i. 13.

xix. 19. xxii. 37, 39. Mark x. 21.
xii. 30, 31, 33i. Luke vi. 27, 32/,
With charitably {Gr. accord-
ing to love), Rom. xiv. 15.
35. vii, 5, 42, 47i. x. 27. xi.
xvi. 13. John iii. 16, 19, 35. viii.
Add 2Fet. ii. 13, for },
42. X. 17. xi. 5. xii. 43. xiii. It,

23, 34ir. xiv. 15, 21/, 23i, 24, 28, beloved. Mat. iii. 17. xii. 18. xvii.
31. XV. 9i, 12i, 17. xvii. 23i, 24, 26. 5. Mark i. 11. ix. 7. Luke iii. 22.
xix. 26. xxi. 7, 15, 16, 20. Rom. ix. 35(^?., see
viii. 28, 37. ix. 13. xiii. St, 9. ICor. G'L'^TTr^). XX. 13. Acts xv. 25.
ii. 9. viii. 3. 2 Cor. ix. 7. xi. 11. Rom. i. 7. xi. 28. xvi. 8, 9, 12(ap).
xii. 15i. Gal. ii. 20. v. 14. Epli. ii. 1 Cor. iv. 14, 17. xv. 58. Eph. vi.
4. V. 2, 25i, 28ir, 33. vi. 24. Col. iii. 21. Phil. ii. 12. Col. iv. 7, 9, 14.
19. IThes. iv. 9. 2Thes. ii. 16. 1 Tim. vi. 2. Phm. 2((^// G"L>S),
2 Tim. iv. 8, 10. Heb. i. 9. xii. 6. 16. Heb. vi. 9. Jas. i. 16, 19. ii. 5.
Jas, i. 12. ii. 5, 8. 1 Pet. i. 8, 22. 1 Pet. iv. 12. 2 Pet. i. 17. iii. 1, 8,
ii. 17. iii. 10. 2 Pet. ii. 15. IJoliii 14, 15, 17. 1 John iii. 2, 21. iv. 1, 7,

ii. 10, Ibt. iii. 10, 11, 14i, 18, 23. 11. 3Jolin2, 5, 11. Jude3, 17, 20.
iv. It, 8, 10/, 11/, 12, 19<, 20ir, 21t. well-beloved, Mark xii. 6. Rom.
V. 1/, 2t. 2Jolin 1, 5. 3 John 1. xvi. 5. 3 John 1.
Rev. i. 5. iii. 9. xii. 11. dearly beloved, Rom. xii. 19. 1 Cor.
beloved, Rom. ix. 25i. Eph. 1. 6. X. 14. 2 Cor. vii. 1. xii. 19. Phil,
2The3. iv. It. 2 Tim. i. 2. Phm. 1. 1 Pet.

, ,
Col. iii. 12. 1 Thes. i. 4. ii.

13. Rev. XX. 9. ii. 11.

Add John V. 20, for L™. dear, Eph. v. 1. Col. i, 7. 1 Thee,
Jude 1, for O'LTS. ii. 8.
Add 1 John ii. 7, for
compel to go, Matt. v. 41.
'^ GLT-S.

Matt. xiii.
, vessel.
48, for a^yeiov,
aye, imper. of /.

compel, Matt, xxvii. 32. Mark xv. Jas. iv. 13. v. 1.

go to,
4&( TTr5). herd. Matt. viii. 30, 31, 32(-GLTr
vessel, Matt. xiii.
XXV. 4.

ayyeXt a.
message, 1 Jolin iii. 11 (marg, com-
32, 33.

without descent
igree), Heb.
S), 32. Mark v. 11, 13. Luke

vii. 3.
( Gr. without ped-

Add 1 John i. 5, GLT.
John XX. 18, -),
bring word,

base thing, 1 Cor.

hallow. Matt. vi. 9. Luke xi. 2.

1. 28.

messenger, Matt. xi. 10. Mark i. 2.

sanctify. Matt, xxiii. 17, 19. John
Luke vii. 24, 27. ix. 52. 2 Cor. xii. X. 36. xvii.
17, 19i. Acts xx. 32.
7. Jas. ii. 25.
xxvi. 18. Rom. xv. 16. 1 Cor. i. 2.
angel. Matt. i. 20, 24. ii. 13, 19. vi. 11. vii. 14i. Eph.
v. 26. 1 Thes.
iv. 6, 11. xiii. 39, 41, 49. xvi. 27.
xviii. 10. xxii. 30. xxiv. 31, 36.
V. 23. ITim. iv. 5. 2 Tim. ii. 21.
Heb. ii. lit. ix. 13. x. 10, 14, 29.
XXV. 31, 41. xxvi. 53. xxviii. 2, 5. xiii.
12. IPet. iii. 15. Jude
Mark i. 13. viii. 38. xii. 25. xiii.
27, 32. Luke i. 11, 13, 18, 19, 26, Pass., be holy. Rev. xxii. 11.
2S(-TTr''), 30, 34, 35, 38. ii. 9, 10,
13, 15, 21. iv. 10. ix. 26. xii. 8, 9.
XV. 10. xvi. 22. xxii. 43(«p). xxiv. holiness, Rom. vi. 19, 22. 1 Thes.
iv. 7. 1 Tim. ii. 15. Heb. xii. 14.
23. John i. 51(52). v. A{ap). xii.
29. XX. 12. Acts V. 19. vi. 15. vii. sanctification, 1 Cor. i. 30. 1 Thes.
iv. 3, 4. 2 Thes. ii. 13. 1 Pet. i. 2.
SO, 35, 38, 53. viii. 26. x. 3, 7, 22.
xi. 13. xii. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 15, 23. ayiog.
xxiii. 8, 9. xxvii. 23. holy. Matt. iv. 5. vii. 6. xxiv. 15.
Rom. viii. 38. 1 Cor. iv. 9. vi. 3. XXV. Zl(pmS). xxvii. 53. Mark vi.
xi. 10. xiii. 1. 2 Cor. xi. 14. Gal. i. 20. viii. 38. Luke i. 49, 70, 72. ii.
8. iii. 19. iv. 14. Col. ii. 18. 2Thes. 23. ix. 26. John xvii. 11. Acts iii.
i. 7. 1 Tim. iii. 16. v. 21. Heb. i. 4, 21. iv. 27, 30. vi. 13. vii. 33. x. 22.
5, 6, 7/, 13. ii. 2, 5, 7, 9, 16. xii. xxi. 28. Rom. i. 2. vii. 12/. xi. 16i.
22. xiii. 2. 1 Pet. i. 12. iii. 22. xii. 1. xvi. 16. 1 Cor. iii. 17. vii.
2 Pet. ii. 4, 11. Jude 6. Rev. i. 1, 20. 14, 34. xvi. 20. 2 Cor. xiii. 12. Eph.
ii. 1, 8, 12, 18. iii. 1, 5, 7, 14. v. 2, i. 4. ii. 21. iii. 5. v. 27. Col. i. 22.
11. vii. 1, 2t, 11. viii. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 iii. IThes. v. 26, 27(-GooL5').
(ow,S),8, 10, 12, 13(oi-r(5fGLTTrAS), 2 Tim. i. 9. Heb. iii. 1. 1 Pet. i. 15?,

13. ix. 1, 11, 13, 14<, 15. x. 1, 5, 7, 16i. ii. 5, 9. iiL 5. 2 Pet. i. 18, 21
8, 9, 10. xi. l(ap), 15. xii. 7/, 9. (orrdT). ii. 21. iii. 2, 11. Jude 20.
xiv. 6, 8, 9, 10, 15, 17, 18, 19. xv.Rev. iii. 7. iv. 8<r. vi. 10. xi. 2.
1, 6, 7, 8. xvi. 1, SC-GooLTTr^S), xiv. 10(-G°T). xviii. 20. xx. 6.
4(?5), 5, 8(om), \Q{omS), 12(owi xxi. 2, 10. xxii. 6
S), n(omS). xvii. 1, 7. xviii. 1, GLTTi5), 11, 19.
21. xix. 17. XX. 1. xxi. 9, 12(«j9), Holy_ One, Mark i. 24. Luke iv. 34.
17. xxu. 6, 8, 16. Acts iii. 14. 1 JoLn ii. 20. •

Neut., holy thing, Luke i. 35.
holy place, Heb. ix.

St, .

viii. 2?•
24, 25pi.
(marg. holy
things), ix• 1, 2P^(marg. holy; dyia
L). xiii. 11p'.
dyca, holiest, Heb. x. 19. —

Add 2 Cor.

1 Thes.


xii. 10.
12, for

i. 4. 2 Cor.

vii. 1.

iii. 13.
of all, Heb. ix. 8.
Holiest of all, Heb, ix. 3.
arms, Luke
ii. 28.
With Holy Ghost, Matt. i.
18. 20. iii. 11. xii. 32. xxviii. 19.
Mark i. 8. iii. 29. xii. 36. xiii. 11.
hook, Matt. xvii. 27.
Luke i. 15, 35, 41, 67. ii. 25, 26.
iii. 16, 22. iv. 1. xii. 10, 12. John

i. 33. vii. 39(-G<"'LTTr''>S). xiv. 26.

XX. 22. Acts i. 2, 5, 8, 16. ii. 4, 33,

38. iv. 8, 31. V. 3, 32. vi. 3(omS), 5.
vii. 51, 55. viii. 15, 17, 18(-LT5'),
vi. 19.
Acts xxvii.


new (marg. raw, or nn wrought).

Matt. ix. 16. Mark ii. 21.
29, 30, 40.

19. ix. 17, 31. X. 38, 44, 45, 47. xi.

15, 16, 24. xiii. 2, 4, 9, 52. xv. 8,
28. xvi. 6. xix. 2t, 6. xx. 23, 28.
purity, ITim.
. iv. 12. v. 2

xxi. 11. xxviii. 25. Rom. v. 5. ix.
purify, John xi. 55. Acts xxi. 24,
1. xiv. 17. XV. 13, 16. 1 Cor. ii. 13
26. xxiv. 18. Jas. iv. 8. 1 Pet. i.
(omS). vi. 19. xii. 3. 2 Cor. vi. 6.
22. IJohniii. 3.

xiii. 14(13). 1 Thes. 1. 5, 6. 2 Tim.
i. 14. Tit. iii. 5. Heb. ii. 4. iii. 7.
vi. 4. ix. 8. X. 15. 1 Pet. 1. 12. purification. Acts xxi. 26.
2 Pet. i. 21. IJobn v. Jude ().
20. —Holy Spirit, Luke xi. 13. know not. Acts xiii. 27p. Rom. ii.

Eph. i. 13. iv. 30. 1 Thes. iv. 8. 4. vi. 3. vii. 1.

saint, Phil. iv. 21. unknown, 2 Cor. vi. 9. Gal. i. 22.

Plural, Matt, xxvii. 52.
understand not, Mark ix. 32. Luke
ix. 45. 2 Pet. ii. 12.
Acts ix. 13, 32, 41. xxvi. 10. Rom.
1. 7. viii. 27. xii. 13. xv. 25, 26, 31.
be ignorant, Rom. x. 3. xi. 25.
1 Cor. X. 1. xiv. dSt. 2 Cor. ii. 11.
xvi. 2, 15. 1 Cor. i. 2. vi. 1, 2. xiv.
1 Thes. iv. 13.
33. xvi. 1, 15. 2 Cor. i. 1. viii. 4.
ignorant, Rom. i. 13'"^'. ICor. xii.
ix. 1, 12. xiii. 13(12). Eph. i. 1, 15,

li°f. 2 Cor. i. 8•°'. Heb. v. 2p.
18. ii. 19. iii. 8(-Go), 18. iv. 12.
V. 3. vi. 18. Phil.
i. 1. iv. 22. Col.
ignorantly, Acts xvii. 23p. 1 Tim.
i. 13P.
2, 12, 26.
4, IThes. iii. 13.


2The3. i. 10. 1 Tim. v. 10. Phm.

5, 7. Heb. vi. 10. xiii. 24. Jude 3, error, Heb. ix. 7.
14. Rev. V. 8. viii. 3, 4. xi. 18.
xiii. 7(ay>), 10.
xviii. 24. xix. 8.
Add Luke x. 21(
xiv. 12. xv.
Q'S). xvi.
. .

John vi. G9(ap). Acts iv. 25 («;>).

6. xvii. 6.

Spirit), LTrS.
Eph. iv. 18. IPet.i. 14.

pure, Phil. iv. 8. ITim. v.

Jas. iii. 17. 1 John iii. 3.
ignorance. Acts iii. 17. xvii. 30,


Rom. XV. 19, for

Rev. XV. 4,
see .^,
xxii. 21, for
clear, 2 Cor. vii. 11.
chaste, 2 Cor.
1 Pet. iu. 2.
xi. 2. Tit. ii. 6.
pureness, 2 Cor. vi. 6.

country, Mark v. 14. vi. 36, 56.

sincerely, Plijl.
Add 2 Cor. xi. 3 (simplicity,

. i. 16.
XV. 21. xvi. 12(ap). Luke viii. 34.
ix. 12. xxiii. 26.
field. Matt. vi. 28, 30. xiii. 24, 27,
31, 36, 38, 44i. xxiv. 18, 40. xxvii.

not knowledge, 1 Cor. xv. 34.
ignorance, 1 Pet. ii. 15.
7, 8i, 10. Mark xiii. 16. Luke xii.
28. XV. 15. 25. xvii. 7, 31, 36(ap).
farm. Matt. xxii. 5.
land, Matt. xix. 29. Mark x. 29,

unknown, Acts xvii. 23.

Matt. xi.
vii. 4.
Acts xvii. 17.

market-place. Matt. xx. 3. Mark

16. xxiii. 7.
xi. 43. xx. 46.
30. Acts iv. 37.

Add Mark xi.

to watch, Mark xiii. 33. Luke xxi.

36. Eph. vi. 18. Heb. xiii. 17.
piece of ground, Luke xiv. 18.

8, for ohopov, 3.

(marg. court).
street, Mark
xii. 38. Luke vii. 32. Acts xvi. 19

vi. 56.

buy. Matt. xiii. 44, 46. xiv. 15.

xxi. 12. XXV. 9, 10. xxvii. 7. Mark
vi. 36, 37. xi. 15. xv. 46. xvi. 1.
watching, 2 Cor. vi. 5. xi. 27.

lead, Mark xiii. 11. Luke iv. 1, 29.

xxii. 54. xxiii. 1, 32. John xviii.
28. Acts viii. 32. Rom. ii. 4. viii.
14. 1 Cor. xii. 2. Gal. v. 18.
Luke ix. 13. xiv. 18, 19. xvii. 28.
xix. 45(ap). xxii. 36. John iv. 8.
vi. 5. xiii. 29. 1 Cor. vi. 20. vii.
23, 30. 2 Pet. ii. 1. Rev. iii. 18.
lead away, 2 Tim. iii. 6.
bring, Matt. x. 18. xxi. 2, 7.
2(& G"TTr-S),
Tr). Luke iv. 9, 40. x. 34. xviii.
^(^ Mark

xiii. 17. xviii. 11.
40. xix. 27, 30, 35. xxi. 12
redeem. Rev. v. 9. xiv. 3, 4(Gr. •8). John i. 45.
42(43). vii.
buy). viii. 3(a/>). ix. 13. xix. 4,
x. 16.
or 13. Acts V. 21,26, 27p. vi. 12. ix.

of the baser sort, Acts xvii. 5.
law {marg. court days), Acts xix. 38.


unlearned. Acts iv. 13.

v. 4, 9.
2, 21, 27. xi. 26(25). xvii.
LS), 15, 19. xviii. 12. xix. 37. xx.
12. xxi. 16. xxii. 5,
S). xxiii. 10, 18i, 31. xxv. 6.
IThes. iv. 14. 2 Tim. iv. 11. Heb.
ii. 10.
bring forth. Acts xxv. 17, 23.

carry, Acts xxi. 34.
abide in the

catch, Mark

xii. 13.
Luke ii. 8.
38. xiv.
xiv. 31.
go, Matt. xxvi. 46. Mark i.
42. John xi. 7, 15, 16.

wild olive tree,

olive tree which is wild,
Rom. xi. 17.
Rom. S).
be% Luke xxiv. 21,
keep Matt. xiv. ^{ G"LTTr

xi. 24.
be open(wiar^. be kept)>Acts xix. 38.
wild. Matt. iii. 4. Mark i, • Add Mark xv. 20, for L.
raging, Jude 13. John xviii. 13, for LTrS
,, ,
Stix. 16, for G. Acts xiii. 16. xxii. 32. John i. 40(41), 41
23, for
See also

manner of
. life,


2 Tim. iii. 10.

(42). ii. 12. vi. 8. vii. 3, 5, 10. xi.
2, 19, 21, 23, 32. xx. 17. xxi. 23.
Acts i. 14, 16. ii. 29, 37. iii. 17, 22.
vi. 3(-L). vii. 2, 13, 23, 25, 26, 37.
ix. 17, 30. X. 23. xi. 1, 12, 29. xii.
2, 17. xiii. 15, 26, 38. xiv. 2. xv,
conflict, Pliil. i. 30. Col. ii. l(marg.
1, 3, 7, 13, 22, 23i, 32, 33, 36, 40.
fear, or care).
xvi. 2, 40. xvii. 6, 10, 14. xviii.
contention, 1 Thes. 11. 2.


fight, 1 Tim. vi. 12. 2 Tim. iv. 7.

xii. 1.

xxii. 44(/>).
18,27. XX. 32(-G"LT.S). xxi. 7,
17, 20. xxii. 1, 5, 13. xxiii. 1, 5, 6.
xxviii. 14, 15, 17, 21.
Rom. i. 13. vii. 1. 4. viii. 12, 29.
ix. 3. X. 1. xi. 25. xii. 1. xiv. 10/,
13, 15, 21. XV. 14, 15(-L^), 30
strive, Luke xiii. 24. 1 Cor. ix. 25. (-T). xvi. 14, 17, 23. 1 Cor. i. 1,
Col. i. 29. 10, 11, 26. ii. 1. iii. 1. iv. 6. v. 11.
fight, John xviii. 36. 1 Tim. vi. vi. 5, 6, 8. vii. 12, 15, 24, 29. viii.
11, 12, 13i, ix. 5. X. 1. xi. 2(-LS),

12. 2 Tim. iv. 7.
labor fervently (marg. strive), Col. 33; xii. 1, xiv. 6, 20, 26, 39. xv.
iv. 12. 1, 6, 50, 58. xvi. 11, 12/, 15, 20.
Add 1 Tim. iv. 10, for 2 Cor. i. 1, 8. ii. 13(12). viii. 1, 18,


without charge,
1 Cor. ix. 18.
22, 23. ix. 3, 5. xi. 9. xii. 18. xiii.
11. Gal. i. 2, 11, 19. iii. 15. iv. 12,
28, 31. V. 11, 13. vi. 1, 18. Eph.

?/. vi. 10(-G«LT,S), 21, 23. Phil. i.

12, 14. ii. 25. iii. 1, 13, 17. iv. 1, 8,
sister, Matt. xii. 50. xiii. 56. xix. 21. Col. i. 1, 2. iv. 7, 9, 15. 1 Thes.
29. Mark iii. 35. vi. 3. x. 29, 30. i. 4. ii. 1, 9, 14, 17. iii. 2, 7, iv.
Luke X. 39, 40. xiv. 26. John xi. I, 6, lOi, 13. V. 1, 4, 12, 14, 25,
1, 3, 5, 28,39. xix. 25. Acts xxiii. 26, 27. 2 Thes. i. 3. ii. 1, 13, 15.
16. Rom. xvi. 1, 15. 1 Cor. vii. 15. iii. 1, 6i, 13, 15. ITim. iv. 6. v. 1.

ix. 5. ITim. v. 2. Jas. ii. 15. vi. 2. 2 Tim. iv. 21. Phm. 1, 7, 16,
2 John 13. 20.
^( Mark iii. 32(ot/)). Phm. 2, for Heb. ii. 11, 12, 17. iii. 1, 12. vii.
G LS. 5. viii. 11. X. 19. xiii. 22, 23. Jas.

iv. ISt, 21t. V. 22t, 23, 24,

G'). vii. 3,4, 5. X. 2t, 21t. xii. 46, 47, 1 John ii. 7 (
i. 2, 9, 16, 19. ii. 1, 5, 14, 15. iii.

brother, />/. brethren, Matt. i. 2, 11. 1, 10, 12. iv. 11/r. v. 7, 9, 10, 12, 19.
IPet. V. 12. 2 Pet. i. 10. iii. 15.
GLTS), 9, 10,
48, 49, 50. xiii. 55. xiv. 3. xvii. II. iii. 10, 12/, 13, 14, 14(-LT-S),
1. xviii. 15i, 21, 35. xix. 29. xx. 15, 16, 17. iv. 20/, 21, v. 16. 3 John
24. xxii. 24i, 25t. xxiii. 8. xxv. 40 3, 5, 10. Jude 1. Rev. i. 9. vi. 11.

(L"). xxviii. 10. Mark i. 16, 19. xii. 10. xix. 10, xxii. 9.
iii. 17, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35. v. 37. Add Acts i. 15,
vi. 3, 17, 18. X. 29, 30. xii. 19tr, 1 Cor. vii. 14, for
20. xiii. 12^ Luke iii. 1, 19. vi. 14, 31 (rejoicing,
41, 42tr. viii. 19, 20, 21. xii. 13.
xiv. 12, 26. XV. 27, 32. xvi. 28.
xvii. 3. xviii. 29. xx. 28ir, 29. xxi.
LT/S. xv.
LTS. ),,
brotherhood, 1 Pet. ii. 17.
brethren, 1 Pet. v. 9.

, ,
iniquity. Rev. xviii. 5.

which appears not, Luke xi. 44.

uncertain, 1 Cor. xiv. 8. wrong, 2 Cor. xii. 13.
unjust 0^^• of injustice), Luke

vi. 17.

, ,
uncertain (Gr. uncertainty), ITim.

uncertainly, 1 Cor. ix. 26.

xvi. 8. xviii. 6.

vii. 18.


9. v. 17.
18i, 29.
5. vi. 13. ix. 14. 2Tlies. ii. 10, 12.
2 Pet.
xvi. 9.


8. iii.


be very heavy, Matt. xxvi. 37. Luke Acts i. 18.

iniquity, xiii. 27.
Mark xiv. 33. viii.23. ICor. xiii. 6, 2 Tim. ii.

be full of heaviness, Phil. ii. 26.

Matt. xi. 23. xvi. 18. Luke x.

19. Jas.
Add Matt,
iii. 6.
xxiii. 25, for G.

15. xvi. 23. Acts ii. 27, 31. Rev. i. unjust. Matt. V. 45. Luke xvi. lOi.

18. vi. 8. XX. 13(marg. grave), 14. xviii. 11. Acts xxiv. 15, 1 Cor. vi.
grave, 1 Cor. XV. 55 {inarg. hell 1. 1 Pet. iii. 18. 2 Pet. ii. 9.
LT5). unrighteous,

,Luke xvi. 11. Rom.


Acts ii. 24, for G'. iii. 5. ICor. vi. 9. Heb. vi. 10.

without partiality (marg, without wrongfully, 1 Pft. ii. 19.
wrangling), Jas. iii. 17.
reprobate, Rom. i. 2S{marg. void of
without ceasing, 2 Tim. i. 3. judgment). 2 Cor. xiii. 5, 6, 7.

.. ( .,.
continual, Rom. ix. 2. 2 Tim. iii. S^inarg, of no judgment).
Tit. i. 16(marg. void of judgment).

Rom. Thes. rejected, Heb. vi. 8.

without ceasing, i. 9. 1
i. 3. ii. 13. V. 17. castaway, 1 Cor. ix. 27,

uncorruptnese, Tit. ii. 7 sincere, 1 Pet. ii. 2.

abundance, 2 Cor. viii. 20.

vii. 12. Col. iii. 25i.

2 Cor. vii. 12.

wrong, 2 Cor. vii. 2. Plim. 18.
do wrong. Matt. xx. 13. Acts vii.

Pass., suffer wrong. Acts

Mid., i&kQ wrong, 1 Cor. vi. 7.

be impossible, Matt. xvii. 20.
26, 27. XXV. 10. 1 Cor. vi. 8. 2 Cor. i.37.

vii. 24. weak, Rom. xv.

impotent, Acts xiv. 8.
not possible, Heb. x. 4.

be unjust, Rev. xxii. Hi. impossible. Matt. xix. 26. Mark x.

be an offender. Acts xxv. 11. 27. Luke xviii. 27, Heb. vi. 4, 18.

injure. Gal. iv. 12. xi. 6.
hurt, Luke x. 19. Rev. ii. 11. vi. TO , what the law could
6. vii. 2, 3. ix. 4, 10, 19. xi. 5t.

matter of wrong. Acts xviii. 14.

not do, Rom.

sing, Eph. V. 19. Col.

viii. 3.

iii. 16. Rev,

evil doing. Acts xxiv. 20. V. 9. xiv. 3. XV. 3.


alway, 2 Cor. iv. 11.
v. 8.

vi. 10. Tit.


,. ^
Luke xxiv.
gather together.
33, for

i. 12,

2Pet.i. 12.
always, Acts
iii. 10.
vii. 51. 1

Pet. iii. 15.

bo discouraged. Col. iii. 21.

innocent. Matt, xxvii. 4(0/9), 24.
eagle. Matt. xxiv. 28. Luke vii.
37. Rev. iv. 7. xii. 14.
With goatskin, Heb. xi. 37.
Add Rev. viii. 13, for /^•, GL
?. shore. Matt. xiii. 2, 48. John xxi,
4. Acts xxi. 5. xxvii. 39, 40.
unleavened, 1 Cor. v. 7.
unleavened bread, Matt. xxvi. 17.
Mark xiv. 1, 12. Luke xxii. 1, 7.
Acts xii. 3, XX. 6. 1 Cor. v. 8.
eternal, Rom.
i. 20.

air. Acts xxii.

ITim. vi. 16.^
, 1 Cor.
Cor. ix. 26. xiv. 9. Eph. ii. 2.
Thes. iv. 17. Rev. ix. 2. xvi. 17.

. xv. 53,

shamefacedness, 1 Tim.

reverence, Heb. xii. 28((JfofG"LT5).

blood, Matt. xvi. 17. xxiii. 30,

35ir. xxvi. 28. xxvii. 4, 6, 8, 24,
v. 25, 29. xiv. 24. Luke
43, 44. xi. 50, 51i. xiii. 1.
xxii. 20, 44(ap). John i. 13. vi. 53,
ii. 9.

unlawful thing. Acts x. 28.
54, 55, 56. xix. 34. Acts i. 19. ii.

abominable, 1 Pet. iv. 3.
19, 20. V. 28. XV. 20, 29. xvii. 26
(-GoL/S). xviii. 6. xx. 26, 28. xxi.
without God, Epli. . 12. 25. xxii. 20. Rom. iii. 15, 25. v. 9.

wicked, 2 Pet.
. ii.

Mark vi. 26. vii. 9{marg.

7. iii. 17.
1 Cor. X. 16. xi. 25, 27. xv. 50.
GaL i. 16. Eph. i, 7. ii. 13. vi. 12.
Col. i. ]4(/), 20. Heb. ii. 14. ix.
7, \%13, 14, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22,
25. X. 4, 19, 29. xi. 28. xii. 4, 24.

frustrate). Luke vii. 'oO(marg. frus-
xiii. 11, 12, 20. 1 Pet. i. 2, 19.
trate)• John xii. 48.
1 Tim. v. 12.
1 John V. Qt, 8. Rev. i. 5. v.
i. 7.
cast off,
9. vi. 10, 12. vii. 14. viii. 7, 8. xi.
despise, Luke
x. 16/. 1 Thes. iv.
6. xii. 11. xiv. 20. xvi. 3, 4, 6i.
St^marg. reject). Heb. x. 28. Jude 8.

xvii. Qt. xviii. 24. xix. 2, 13.
bring to nothing, 1 Cor. i. 19.
disannul, GaL iii. 15.
frustrate, Gal. ii. 21.
shedding of blood, Heb. ix. 22.

put away"", Heb. ix. 26.


strive, 2 Tim.

ii. ,
vii. 18. ix. 20.

praise, Heb.
diseased with an issue of blood, Matt,

xiii. 15.

fight, Heb. X. 32. to praise, Luke ii. 13, 20. xix. 37.
9 ahm
xxiv, 53().

Acts ii. 47.
Rom. XV. 11. Rev. xix. 5.

With h,
1 Cor. xiii. 12.
darkly (irr. iu a riddle),
iii. 8, 9. take, Matt. ix. 16. xi. 29. xx. 14.
xxi. 43. xxiv. 17, 18. xxv. 28.
Markiv. 25. vi. 8. xiii. 15. xv. 24.
Luke viii. 18. ix. 3. xi. 22. xix. 24.
xxii. 36. John ii. 16. x. 18. xvi. 22.

xvii. 15. xix. 38. Acts viii. 33. xxi.
11. 1 Cor. vi. 15. Col. ii. 14.
Matt. xxi. 16. Luke xviii.

loose, Acts xxvii. 13.
With make to doubt, marg,
choose, Pliil.
Heb. xi. 25.

,i. 22. 2 Thes. ii. 13.

, ,
hold in suspense, John x. 24.
Add Matt. x. 38, for L"'.
John i. 36(;?). 1 Cor. v. 2, for ^"-


sect, Acts v. 17. XV. 5. xxiv. 5.
xxvi. 5. xxviii. 22.
perceive, Luke ix. 45.

heresy. Acts xxiv. 14. 1 Cor. xi.
19(mar^. sect). Gal. v. 20. 2 Pet.
ii. 1.

choose, Matt. xii. 18.
judgment, marg. sense, Phil.

senses, Heb, v. 14.

1. 9.

that an
heretic, Tit. iii. 10. greedy of filthy lucre, 1 Tim. iii. 3

(-GLT;S), 8.
given to filthy lucre, Tit. i. 7.
take up, Matt. ix. 6. xiv. 12, 20.
XV. 37. xvi. 24. xvii. 27. Mark ii.
9, 11, 12. vi. 29, 43. viii. 8, 19, 20, for filthy lucre, 1 Pet. v. 2.
34. X. 21(-G°''H'Tr>S). xiii. 16.
xvi. 18(ap). Luke v. 24, 25. ix. 17, filthy communication. Col. iii. 8.
23(ap), xix. 21, 22, John v. 8, 9,
11, 12. viii. 59. Acts xs. 9. xxvii.
17. Rev. xviii. 21.
iv, 24.
Luke xvii. 13.
Rev. x. 5.

bear, Matt, xxvii. 32. Mark ii. 3.

XV. 21.
bear up, Matt. iv. 6. Luke iv. 11.
Johnxi. 41.
V. 12.
filthy, Tit.

shame, 1 Cor. xi.


Eph. v.
6. xiv. 35.




John v. 10.
take away, Matt. xiii. 12. xxii. 13
(-G"LTr5). xxiv. 39. xxv. 29.
21. iv. 15. Luke vi. 29,
viii. 12. xi. 52. xvii. 31. xix.
i. 29(7/iari7. bear), xi. 39,
41, 48. XV. 2. xix. 31, 38. xx. 1, 2,
13, 15. Acts viii. 33. 1 John iii. 5.
away with, Luke xxiii. 18. John


xii. 2.

,. xiv. 9. Phil.
Jude 13. Rev. iii. 18.
{Gr. shame), 2 Cor.

be ashamed, Luke xvi. 3. 2 Cor. x.

8. Phil. i. 20. 1 Pet. iv. 16. 1 John
ii. 28.
iii. 19.

xix. 15
Acts xxi. 36. xxii. 22. ask, Matt. V. 42. vi. 8. vii. 7, 8, 9, 10,
put away, Eph. iv. 31. 11. xiv. 7. xviii. 19. xx. 22. xxi. 22,
remove, Matt. xxi. 21. Mark xi. xxvii. 20. Mk. vi. 24, 25. x. 38. Lk.
23. xi. 9, 10, 12, 13. Jolin iv. 9. xiv. 13, 14.

xvi. 2S, 24, 26.
iii. 20.
15. lJohniii.22.
Acts iii. 2.
Jas. i. 5, 6. iv. 2, Zt. 1

Mk. vi. 22, 23. Lk. vi. 30.

John iv. 10. xi. 22. xv.
11. xii. 48.
v. 14, 15, 16.

lead captive,
6(^?. GLT/S).

lead away captive, Luke xxi. 24.

iv. 8.

2 Tim.

ask for, Luke i. 63.
bring into captivity, Rom. vii. 23.
crave, Mark xv. 43.
2Cor. X. 5.
beg, Matt, xxvii. 58. Luke xxiii.
Add 2 Tim. iii, 6, for
52. GLTaS.
desire, Matt. xx. 20. Mark x.
xi. 24. XV. 6, 8. Luke xxiii.
captive, Luke iv. 18(19)»
Acts iii. 14. vii. 46. ix. 2. xii. 20.
xiii. 21, 28. xxv. 3, 15. Eph. iii.
13. Col. i. 9. IJohu V. 15. age, Eph. ii. 7. Col. i. 26.
Acts xvi. 29. course, Eph. ii. 2.

call for,
require, Luke xxiii. 23. 1 Cor. i. world, Matt. xii. 32. xiii. 22, 39,
22. 40, 49. xxiv. 3. xxviii. 20. Mark
iv. 19. X. 30. Luke xvi. 8. xviii.
30. XX. 34, 35. Rom. xii. 2. 1 Cor.
request, Phil. iv. 6.
i. 20. ii. 6i, 7p', 8. iii. 18. x. lli-'.
require'^", Luke xxiii. 24.
petition, 1 John
. v. 15.
2 Cor. iv. 4. Gal. i. 4. Eph. i. 21.
vi. 12(-GLT>S). ITim. vi. 17.
2 Tim. iv. 10. Tit. ii. 12. Heb. i. 2.
cause, Matt. xix. 3. Luke viii. 47. vi. 5. ix. 26r''. xi. 3.
Acts X. 21. xiii. 28. xxiii. 28. eternal (Jit. of the ages), Eph. iii.
xxviii. 18, 20. 2 Tim. i. 12. Heb. llpi. 1 Tim. i. Vt^K
iL 11.
', With since the world began,6^
With wherefore, Acts xxii. Luke 1. 70. Acts iii. 21(-G°«)• —
24. 2 Tim. i. 6. Tit. i. 13. from the beginning of the world. Acts
case. Matt. xix. 10. XV. 18. Eph. iii. 9p'.
accusation. Matt, xxvii. 37. Mark With since the world began, ,

XV. 26. Acts XXV. 18. John ix. 32.
crime, Acts xxv. 27. Withelg, Matt. vi. 13P'(a^). forever.
fault, John xviii. 38. xix. 4, 6.
xxi. 19. Mark xi. 14. Luke i. 33p•,
55(G', G). John vi. 51,
complaint. Acts xxv. 7 («/>). 58. viii. 35i. xii. 34. xiv. 16. Rom.
i. 25P'. ix. 5pi. xi. 36pi. xvi. 27?'.
2 Cor. ix. 9. Heb. v. 6. vi. 20. vii.

, Luke xxiii.
Luke xxiii.
22. Acts xix. 40.
4, 14.
17, 21. xiii. ',
1 Pet. i. 23(om5'),

author, Heb. V. 9.
25. 2 Pet. ii. 17(-G°''LT,S'). IJohn
ii. 17. 2 John 2. Jude 13.— for ev-

ermore, 2 Cor. xi. 3lP'. Ileb. vii. 28.

— — while the

. ,
See ever, Ileb. vii. 24.
world standeth, ICor. viii. 13.

sudden, 1 Thes. v. 3.
unawares, Luke xxi. 34.

captivity, Eph. iv. S(^marg. multi•


Rev. xiv. 11.

^ i. 8.
for ever

', for
for ever

and ,
tude of captives). Rev. xiii. lOi. and ever, Gal. i. 5. Phil. iv. 20. ITim.

(- .
17. 2 Tim. iv. 18. Heb. xiii. 21
. dxarakvTOf

{-.). Rev.
iv. 9, 10.

xxii. 5.

out end,

G«>T). IPet. iv. 11. v. 11


6. xi. 15. XV. 7. xix. 3. xx. 10.

i. {j^

V. 13, 14(ap). vii. 12. x.

for evermore, Rev. i. 18.

- .8).
world With-:

for ever,
Jude 25
2 Pet.
uncleanness. Matt, xxiii. 27. Rom.
i. 24. vi. 19. 2 Cor. xii. 21. Gal. v.

19. Eph. iv. 19. v. 3. Col. iii. 5.

1 Thes. ii. 3. iv. 7.

Rev. xvii. 4(rd

unclean. Matt. x. 1. xii. 43. Mark

iii, 18.
i. 23, 26, 27. iii. 11, 30. v. 2, 8, 13.
With o'vK \, never, Mark iii. 29
vi. 7. vii. 25. Luke iv. 33, 36. vi.
(-- roy au G**).
//7 , never. John iv. 14
15. viii. 29. ix. 42. xi. 24. Acts v.
16. viii. 7. X. 14, 28. xi. 8. 1 Cor.
(ap). viii. 51, 52(-• rov
X. 28. xi. 26. xiii. 8.

Add Rom. xvi. 27(i"iC '.

3, for
liS. Jude

Rev. xv.

vii. 14. 2 Cor. vi. 17. Eph. v. 5,
Rev. xvi. 13. xviii. 2.
foul, Mark ix. 25. Rev. xviii. 2.
Add Rev. xvii. 4, see
everlasting, Matt, xviii. 8. xxv.
41, 46. Luke xvi. 9. Rom. xvi. 26.
2Thes. i. 9. ii. 16. 1 Tim. vi. 16.
lack opportunity, Phil. iv. 10.

out of season, 2 Tim. iv. 2.

Heb. xiii. 20. 2 Pet. i. 11. Rev. '-.
xiv. 6. harmless, Heb. vii. 26,
18. V. 1.
vi. 2.
29. 2 Cor. iv. 17,

10. Heb. v. 9.

ix. 12, 14, 15. 1 Pet. v. 10.

simple, Rom. xvi. 18.

thorns. Matt. vii. 16. xiii. 7i, 22.

Jude 7.
xxvii. 29. Mark iv. 7i, 18. Luke
for ever,
, 15.
vi. 44. viii. 7/, 14. John xix. 2.
With everlasting life. Matt.
xix. 29. John iii. 16, 36. iv. 14.
V. 24. vi. 27, 40, 47. Acts xiii.
46. Rom. vi. 22. —life everlasting,
Heb. vi. 8.

of thorns,
Mark xv. 17. John xix.
Luke xviii. 30. John xii. 50. Gal.
8. ITim. i. 16.— eternal Ufe,
xix. 16. Mark x. 17, 30.

unfruitful. Matt. xiii. 22. Mark iv.

Luke X. 25. xviii. IS. John iii. 15. 19. ICor. xiv. 14. Eph. v. 11. Tit.
V. 39. vi. 54, 68. x. 28. xvii. 2. iii. 14. 2Pet. i. 8.
without fruit, Jude 12.
Acts xiii. 48. Rom. ii. 7. v. 21. vi.
23. ITim. vi. 12, 19(ojT6;f GLT5).
Tit. i. 2. iii. 7. 1 John i. 2. ii. 25.
iii. 15. V. 11, 13, 20. Jude 21.—
that cannot be condemned. Tit. ii. 8.
life eternal. Matt. xxv.
iv. 36. xii. 25. xvii. 3.
46. John
uncovered, 1 Cor. xi. 5, 13.
since the world be-
gan, Rom.

began, 2 Tim.
Add John XX.
xvi. 25.

before the world
9. Tit.
31 (life

. .

uncondemned. Acts xvi. 37. xxii

Heb. vii. 16.


(Not found

2 Pet, ii.
14, for
elsewhere ;


follow. Matt.
iv. 20, 22, 25. viii. 1,
10, 19, 22, 23. ix. 9t, 19, 27. x. 38.
xii. 15. xiv. 13. xvi. 24. xix. 2, 21,
27, 28. XX. 29, 34. xxi. 9. xxvi. 58.

that cannot cease, 2 Pet. ii. Mark i. 18. ii. 14/, 15.
xxvii. 55.
commotion, Luke xxi. 9.
iii. 7(-G°). V. 24. vi. 1. viii. 34.

ix. 38/(ap). X. 21, 28, 32?, 52. xi.

9. xiv. 13,
S), 54. XV. 41. Luke v. 11, 27,
51(€ GlTTr

to and fro), 20. .

tumult, 2 Cor. vi. 5 (mar^. tossing 28. vii. 9. ix. 11, 23, 49, 57, 59, 61.
xviii. 22, 28, 43. xxii. 10, 39, 54.

confusion (^Gr. tumult, or uuquiet- xxiii. 27. John i. 37, 38, 40(41),

.( ,5{
ness), ICor. xiv. 33. Jas. iii. 16.
43(44). vi. 2. viii. 12. x. 4, 5, 27.
xi. 31. xii. 2G. xiii. 36i, 37. xviii.
unstable, Jas. i. 8. 15. XX. 6. xxi. 19, 20, 22. Acts
Add Jas. iii. 8, for xii. 8, 9. xiii. 43. xxi. 36. ICor.
LTo» X. 4 (war^. go with). Rev. vi. 8.
xiv. 4, 8, 9, 13. xix. 14.

unruly, Jas. iii. 8 reach. Rev. xviii. GL

-. TTr^S).
Add Markv. 37, for
(^), G

simple (wiaro. harmless)?

harmless. Matt. x. \Q(jnarg. sim-

ple). Phil. ii. \f>(jiiarg. sincere).
Rom. xvi. L. for
viii. 34,
TTr. xvi. 17, for

hear, Matt. ii. 3p, 9p, 18, 22p. iv.

12p. v. 21, 27, 33, 38, 43. vii. 24, 26.

viii. lOi'. ix. 12p. x. 14, 27. xi. 2p, 4,

without wavering, Heb. x. 23.

be fully ripe. Rev. xiv. 18.

15. xii. 19, 24p, 42.
9, 13/, 14, 15, 16,

^, 17/r, 18, 19P, 20, 22, 23,

S), 43. xiv. 1, 13Pi.
XV. 10, 12.
yet, Matt.

hearing. Matt. xiii. 14.

xv. 16.

Rom. x.
xvii. 5, 6p. xviii. 15, 16. xix. 22p,
25P, XX. 24p, 30P. xxi. 16, 33, 45?.
xxii. 7P(-G"Tr5), 22p, 33p, 34p.

17/. ICor. xii. Ylt. Gal. iii. 2, 5. xxiv. 6. xxvi. 65. xxvii. 13, 47?.
Heb. 2Pet. ii. 8.
v. 11. Mark ii. 17?.
iii. 8?, 21?. iv. 9/, 12/,

hearing, part:'', Acts xxviii. 26. 15, 16, 18, 20, 23i, 24, 24(ap), 33.
which. .hear'='=, IThos. ii. 13. V. 27, TTi S). vi. 2
audience, Luke vii. 1. 11, 14, 16P, 20?, 20, 29?, 55. vii. 16*
ears, Mark vii. 35. Acts xvii. 20. 25, 37. viii. 18. ix. 7. x. 41?, 47?, xi.
2 Tim. iv. 3, 4. 14, 18. xii. 28, 29, 37. xiii. 7. xiv.
preached (6V. of hearing), Heb. IIP, 58, 64. XV. 35?. xvi. llP(aji)).
iv. 2. Luke i. 41, 58, 66. ii. 18, 20, 46,
report, John xii. 38. Rom. x. 16 47. iv. 23, 28?. v. 1, 15. vi. 17(18),
(marg. preaching; Cr. hearing). 27, 47, 40. vii. 3?, 9?, 22/, 29. viii.
rumor. Mutt. xxiv. <!. Mark xiii. 7. 8/, 10, 12, 13, 14?, 15, 18, 21, 50?.
fame. Matt. iv. 24. xiv. 1. Mark ix. 7, 9, 35. X. 16/, 24/r, 39. xi. 28,

i. 28. 31. xii. 3. xiv. 15, 35/. xv. 1, 25.

— come
xvi. 2, 14, 29, 31. xviii. 6, 22p, 23p ported, 1 Cor. V. 1.
, to . . ears,
26, 36. xix. IIP, 48. xx. 16p. xxi. 9
38. xxii. 71. xxiii. 6p, 8. John i
37, 40(41). iii. 8, 29, 32. iv. 1, 42 ,
Matt, xxviii. 14(^ioith
With ?^6}, tidings come, Acts xi. 22.
With be dull of hearing,

47p. v. 24, 25i, 28, 30, 37. vi. 45 Matt. xiii. 15. Acts xxviii. 27.
60P, 60. vii. 32, 40p, 51. viii. 9(ap)
26, 40, 43, 41t. ix. 21t, Sit, 32, 35
40. X. 3, 8, 16,20, 27. xi. 4p, 6,20
understand( Gr. hear), 1 Cor. xiv. 2.
Add John viii. 38, for Gr"LTr. ,
29, 41, 42. xii. 12p, 18, 29, 34, 47
xiv. 24, 28. XV. 15. xvi. 13. xviii
21, 37. xix. 8, 13p. xxi. 7p.
Acts i. 4. ii. 6, 8, 11, 22, 33, 37? .
incontinency, 1 Cor. vii. 5.
excess, Matt, xxiii. 25 (G',

3 Tim.

iii.22, 23. iv. 4, 20, 24p. v. 5/, 11 incontinent, iii. 3.
2lP, 24, 32p. vi. 11, 14. vii. 12p. 34
37(-G»LT^), 54P. viii. 6, 14, 30 without mixture, Rev. xiv. 10.
ix. 4, 7, 13, 21, 38. x. 22, 33, 44,
46. xi. I, 7, 18P. xiii. 7, 44, 48p,
xiv. 9, 14. XV. 7, 24. xvi. 14, 38p
xvii. 8p, 21, 32p, 32. xviii. 8, 26p
xix. 2, 5P, 10, 26, 28p. xxi. 12, 20? most
perfect manner, Acts xxii. 3.

. Acts xxvi. 5"»?.

22. xxii. 1, 2p, 7, 9, 14, 15, 2Qp.
xxiii. 16P. xxiv. 4, 22p(a', omS)
inquire diligently, Matt. ii. 7, 16.
24. XXV. 22t. xxvi. 3, 14, 29. xxviii
15P, 22, 26, 27, 28.
Acts xviii. 26. xxiii. 15,
Rom. X. 14t, 18. xi.

8^''^ xv. 21 perfectly,
ICor. ii. 9. xi. 18. 2 Cor. xii. 4, 6 20. 1 Tlies. V. 2.
Gal. i. 13, 23. iv. 21 perfect''*', Luke i. 3. Acts xxiv.
L»"). Eph.
13p, 15p. iii. 2. iv. 21

Phil. i. 27, 30. ii. 26. iv. 9. Col. i diligently. Matt. ii. 8. Acts xviii.
4P, 6, 9, 23. 2Thes. iii. 11. ITim
iv. 16. 2 Tim. i. 13- ii. 2. iv. 17
xii. 19. Jas.

i. 1, 3, 5.
1, 3. iii. 7,

ii. 7, 18,
15. 16?. iv. 2, 7
19. v. 11. 2 Pet. i. 18
iii 24

locusts. Matt.
Rev. ix. 3, 7.

v. 15.

4. Mark i. 6.

11. iv. 3, 5, 6t. V. 14, 15. 2 John 6
place of hearing, Acts xxv. 23.
3 John 4. Rev. i. 3, 10. ii. 7, 11
17, 29. iii. 3(ap), 6, 13, 20, 22. iv
1. V. 11, 13. vi. 1, 3, 5, 6, 7. vii hearer, Rom. ii. 13. Jas. 1. 22, 23,
4. viii. 13. ix. 13, 16, 20. x. 4, 8 25.
xi. 12. xii. 10. xiii. 9. xiv. 2i, 13
xvi. 1, 5, 7. xviii. 4, 22t, 23. xix uncircumcision, Rom. ii. 25, 26?,
1, 6. xxi. 3. xxii. 8/, 17, 18. 27. iii. 30. iv. 9, lOt. ICor. vii. 18,
hearer, Eph, iv. 29?. 2 Tim. ii. 14?. 19. GaL ii. 7. v. 6. vi. 15. Eph. ii.
11. CoL ii. 13. iii. 11.
iv. 19, vii. 2.
give audience,
Mark iv. 3. vii. 14.
xv. 13. Jas. ii. 5.
Acts xiii. 16. xv.
uncircumcised. Acts xi. 3.
uncircumcised, Rom. iv.
12. xxii. 22.
in the audience of '^",
Pass., be noised,
Luke xx. 45.
Mark ii. 1. be — -
11, 12.
iv. 11.
though not circumcised,
chief corner,

spoils, Heb.

vii. 4.
ii. 20. 1 Pet. ii. 6.
34, 60, 61.

meal. Matt. xiii. 33.


truth, Matt. xxii. 16.

v. 33.
xiii. 38. xviii. 27.


xiii. 21.

top, Heb. xi. 21.

xxii. 59.
xii. 14, 32. Luke iv. 25.
John i, 14, 17. iii. 21. iv. 23, 24.
tip, Luke xvi. 24.
, V. 33. viii. 32i, 40, 4At, 45, 46.

uftermost part, xiii. 21t.
xiv. 6, 17, XV. 26. xvi. 7, 13i. xvii.
aif from One end to
lit, ld(withev, viarg. truly)• xviii.
the other, Matt. xxiv. 31.
37i, 38. Acts iv. 27. x. 34. xxvi. 25.

Mark vii. 13.
disannul, Gral. ili. 17.
Rom. i. 18, 25. ii. 2, 8, 20. iii. 7.
make of none effect, Matt. xv. 6. ix. 1. XV. 8. ICor. v. 8. xiii. 6.
2 Cor. iv. 2. vi. 7. vii. 14i. xi. 10.

xii. 6. xiii. 8i. Gal. ii. 5, 14. iii. 1
{ap), V. 7. Eph. i. 13. iv. 21, 25.
no man forbidding, Acts xxviii. 31. V. 9. vi. 14. Phil. i. 18. Col. i. 5,
6. 2Thes. ii. 10, 12, 13. ITim. ii.
one's will, 1 Cor. ix. 17. 4, 7. iii. 15. iv. 3. vi. 5. 2Tim.
ii. 15, 18, 25. iii. 7, 8. iv. 4.

alabaster box. Matt. xxvi. 7. Mark i. 1, 14.
xiv. 3. Luke vii. 37. Heb. X. 26. Jas. i. 18. iii. 14. v.
box, Mark xiv. 3. 19. IPet. i. 22. 2 Pet. i. 12. ii. 2.
1 John i. 6, 8. ii. 4, 21i. iii. 18, 19.
iv. 6. V. 6. 2 John Ii, 2, 3, 4.
boasting, Jas. iv. 16.

3 John l(with h, marg. truly)» 3i,
pride, 1 John ii. 16.
4, 8, 12.
ITim. ii. 7.
boaster, Rom. i. 30. 2 Tim. iii. 2.
With imljimarg.
of a truth),

Luke XX. 21.
wail, Mark v. 38. Gen.f true (marg. of truth), Eph.
tinkle, ICor. xiii. 1. iv. 24.


dumb, Mark
which can not be uttered, Rom.

vii. 37. ix. 17, 25.
tellthe truth, Gal. iv. 16?.
speak the truth, Eph, iv. 15.
true. Matt. xxii. 16. Mark xii. 14.
John iii. 33. v. 31, 32. vii. 18. viii.
Matt. v. IZt.
xiv. 34i. Col. iv. G.
Mark ix. bOtr.
13, 14, 6(7! LTTr), 17, 26.
X. 41. xix. 35. xxi. 24.
«'. 9. Rom. iii. 4. 2 Cor. vi. 8.
anoint, Matt. vi. 17. Mark vi. 13. iv. 8. Tit. i. 13. IPet. v. 12. 2 Pet.
xvi. 1. Luke vii. 38, 46i. John xi. 22. 1 John ii. 8. 3 John 12.

2. xii. 3.

Jas. v. 14.


cock, Matt. xxvi. 34, 74, 75. Mark

xiii. 35.
truth, 1 John ii. 27.
truly^", John iv. 18.
Add Jolm vi. 55i, for
, G"L

xiv. 30, 6S(-V>S), 72<. Luke xxii. true, Luke xvi. 11. John i. 9. iv.
aXridfo 15
23, 37. vi. 32. vii. 28. xv. 1. xvii. X. 8, 27, 40, 43, 45. xi. 23, 32. xii.
3. xix. 35. IThes. i. 9. Heb. viii. 14, 25, 27. xiii. 7, lit, 20, 24. xiv.
2. ix. 24. X. 22. IJolm ii. 8. v. 28, 49. xvi. 7.
20ir. Rev. iii. 7, 14. vi. 10. xv. 3. Luke i. 60. iv. 4(ap). v. 14, 31,
xvi. 7. xix. 2,
Add Jolm
Tr. Heb,

viii. 16,
ix. 14(liviiig
for ^
11, xxi. 5. xxii.

.), L.
32, 38. vi. 27. vii. 7, 25, 26. viii.
16, 27, 52. ix. 56(a;)). xi. 4{),
33, 42. xii. 7, 51. xiii. 3, 5. xiv
10, 13. xvi. 30. xviii. 13. xx. 21
38. xxi. 9. xxii. 26, 36, 42, 53'.

grind, Matt. xxiv. 41. Luke xvii.

xxiv. 6. John i. 8, 13, 31, 33. iii.

35. 8, 15(a;)), 16, 17, 28, 36. iv. 2, 14

iap), 23. V. 18, 22, 24, 30, 34, 42.
vi. 9, 22, 26, 27, 32, 36, 38, 39, 64.
truly, Matt, xxvii. 54. Mark xv. vii. 10, 12, 16, 22, 24, 28, 44, 49.
viii. 12, 16, 26, 28, 37, 42, 49, 55.
in truth, IThes. ii. 13.
ix. 3, 31. X. 1, 5, 8, 18, 26, 33. xi. 4,
of a truth, Matt. xiv. 33. Luke ix. 22(-LbTr^),
11, 30, 42, 51, 52, 54.
27. xii. 44. xxi. 3. John vi. 14.
xii. 6, 9, 16, 27, 30, 42, 44. 47, 49.
vii. 40.
xiii. 9, lOi, 18. xiv. 24, 31. xv. 16,
verily, IJohn ii. 5.
19, 21, 25. xvi. 4, 6, 12, 13, 20, 25
very•^*^, John vii. 26(o7«/S').
(_Ci6nGL''TTr6'), 25. 33. xvii. 9, 15,
surely. Matt. xxvi. 73. Mark xiv.
20. xviii. 28, 40. xix. 21, 24, 34. xx.
70. John xvii. 8. xxi.
7, 27. 8, 23.
of a surety. Acts xii. 11.
Acts i. 4, 8. ii. 16. iv. 17, 32. v.
John i. 47(48). iv. 42. vi.
indeed, 13. vii. 39. x. 35, 41. xiii. 25.
55(;?% G"LTTr). vii. 26. viii. 4,XV. 11, 20. xvi. 37. xviii. 9, 21.
xix. 26, 27. XX. 24. xxi. 13, 24.
xxvi. 16, 20, 25, 29. xxvii. 10.
fisher, Matt. iv. 18, 19. Mark i.
Rom. i. 21, 32. ii. 13, 29/. iii. 27.
16, 17. iv. 2, 4, 10, 12, 13, 16, 20, 24. v.
fisherman, Luke v. 2.
3, 11, 15. vL 13, 14, 15. vii. 13,

a fishing,
John xxi.

to salt. Matt. v. 13.


Mark ix. 49,

17, 19, 20. viii. l(ap), 4, 9, 15,
23, 26, 32. ix. 7, 8, 10, 11, 16,
32. X. 2, 8, 16, 18, 19. xi. 4,
18, 20. xii, 2, 3, 16, 19, 21.

49 (ap).
^. xiii. 3, 5, 14. xiv. 13, 17, 20. xv.
3, 21. xvi. 4, 18. ICor. i. 17, 27.


but, Matt. iv. 4.

Acts xv. 20.

V. 15, 17, 39. vi.

iL 4, 5, 7, 9, 12, 13. iii. 1, 5(-GL
S), 6, 7. iv. 14, 19, 20. v. 8. vi. 6,
llir, 12i, 13. vii. 4i, 7, 10, 19, 21,
35. viii. eC-L'^). ix. 12, 21, 27. x.
13, 18. vii. 21. viii. 4, 8. ix. 12, 5, 13, 20, 23i, 24, 29, 33. xi. 8, 9,
13, 17, 18, 24. X. 20, 34. xi. 8, 9. 17. xii. 14, 24, 25. xiv. 2, 17, 22/,
xiii. 21. XV. 11. xvi. 12, 17, 23. 33, 34. XV. lOi, 35, 37, 39,40, 46.
xvii. 12. xviii. 22, 30. xix. 6. xx. 2 Cor. i. 9/, 12, 19, 24. ii. 4, 5, 13
23, 26, 28. xxi. 21. xxii. 30, 32. 17i. iii. 3/, 5, 6, 14, 15. iv. 2/, 5,'
xxiv. 6. xxvi. 39. xxvii. 24. Mark 8, 9i, 16, 18. V. 4, 12, 15. vi. 4.
1, 44, 45. ii. lit, 22(ap). iii. 26, 29. vii. 5, 7, 9, 12, 14. viii. 5, 8, 10,
iv. 17, 22. V. 19, 26, 39. vi. 9. vii. 13, 19, 21. ix. 12. x. 4, 12, 13, 18.
5, 15, 19. viii. 33. ix. 13, 22, 37. xi. 6, 17. xii. 14/. xiii. 3, 4, 7, 8.

i. 1, 8, 12, 17. ii. 3, 7,

12, 16, 22. iv. 2, 7, 14, 23,

29, — also,
,Rom. moreover,
vi. 5.
'xvi. 21.

31. V. 6, 13. vi. 13, 15. Epli. i.

ii. 19. iv. 29. V. 4, 15, 17, IS,

29. vi. 4, 6, 12. Phil. i. 20, 29.

' ,,
xix. 2.—
and, Luke xxiv. 21.
not SO
much as, Acta
ICor. iii. 2.
3, 4, 7, 12, 27i. iii. 7, 9. iv. 6, 17. \-^) , than, 2 Cor. i. 13.
Col. 11, 22. 1 Thes. i. 5, 8. ii.
2, 4t, 7, 8,

13. iv. 7, 8. v. 6, 9, 15.

Add Mark
vi. 52, for 2d yap, 5.
vii. for yap, TTr5.
25, John ix.
2T]ies. ii. 12. iii. 8, 9, 11, 15. 9, see on. Acts ix. 6 (..arise),
ITim. i. 13. ii. 10, 12. iii. 3. iv. GLT.S. Rom. xii. 20, see ovv. 1 Pet.

12. V. 1, 13, 23. vi. 2, 4, 17. 2 Tim. iii.15 ( . with meekness), LT*S.

1. 7, 8, 9, 17. ii. 9, 20, 24. iii. 9. Rev. ii. 9,for iV^, GLTTr5. iii. 4
iv. 3, 8, 16. Tit. i. 8, 15. ii. 10 iii. thou hast), GLTTr^S.
( . .

5, Phm. 14, 16.

Heb. 16. iii. 13. iv. 2. v. 4, 5.

vii. 16. ix. 24. x. 3, 25, 39. xi. 13.

xii. 11, 22, 26. xiii. 14. Jas. i. 25,
26. iii. 15. iv. 11. 1 Pet. 1.15, 19,
23. ii. 16, 18, 20, 25. iii. 4, 14, 21.
iv. 2, 13. V. 2t,3. 2 Pet. 1. 16, 21.
ii.4, 5. iii. 9i. IJolm ii. 2, 7, 16,
I9t, 21, 27. iii. 18. iv. 1, 10, 18. v.
change, Acts vi. 14. Rom. i. 23.
1 Cor. XV. 51, 52. Gal. iv. 20. Heb.
i. 12.

some other way, John x.

aXkoLiov, elsewhere.
Mark i. 38 (Let us go . . ), TTr-S,

6, 18. 2 John 1, 5, 8, 12(G',

GL). 3Johii 9, 11, 13. Jude 6, 9.
Pass,^ be an allegory. Gal. iv. 24.
Rev. ii. 6, 9, 14. iii. 9. ix. 5. x.

7, 9. xvii. 12. XX. 6. akXr[kovia,
save, Matt. xix. 11. Mark ix, 8 alleluia, Rev. xix. 1, 3, 4, 6.

howbeit, John vii. 27. Acts vii. 48.

1 Cor. viii. 7. xiv. 20. xv. 46. Gal. one another. Matt. xxiv. \0t. xxr.
iv. 8. 1 Tim. i. 16. Heb. iii. 16. 32. Mark iv. 41. ix. 50. Luke ii.
yet, Mark xiv. 29. ICor. iv, 4, 15. vi. 11. vii. 32. viii. 25. xii. 1.
15. ix. 2. xiv. 19. 2 Cor. iv. 8, 16. xxiv. 17, 32. John iv. 33. v. 44.
V. 16. xi. 6. xiii. 4. Col. ii. 5. xiii. 14, 22, 34i, 35. xv. 12, 17.
nevertheless, Mark xiv. 36. John Acts ii. 7(-LTaS). vii. 26. xix. 38.
xi. 15. xvi. 7. Rom. v. 14. ICor. xxi. 6. Rom. i. 27. ii. ^^(marg.
ix. 12. 2 Cor. vii. 6. xii. 16. Gal. themselves*") • ^•
5, 10<, 16. xiii. 8.
iv, 30. 2 Tim. i. 12. Rev. ii. 4. xiv. 13, 19. XV. 5, 7, Q) 14:{
notwithstanding, Rev. ii. 20. xvi, 16. 1 Cor. xi. 33. xii. 25. xvL
nay, Rom. vii. 7. viii. 37. 1 Cor. 20. 2 Cor. xiii. 12. Gal. v. 13, 15i,
vi. 8. xii. 22. 26i. vi. 2. Eph. iv. 2, 25, 32. v. 21.
no, Luke xxiii. 15. Col. iii. 9, 13. 1 Thes. iii. 12. iv.
indeed, 2 Cor. xi. 1. 9, 18. Tit. iii. 3. Heb. x. 24. Jas.
and rather, Luke xvii. 8. iv. 11, V. 9, 16i. 1 Pet. i. 22. iv. 9.
yea, Luke xxiv. 22. John xvi. 2. V. 5, 14. 1 John i. 7. iii. 11, 23. iv.
Rom. iii. 31. ICor. iv. 3. 2 Cor. 7, 11, 12. 2 John 5. Rev. vi. 4. xi.
vii. llsix. Gal. iv. 17. Phil. i. 18. 10.
ii. 17. iii. 8(-L»>). Jas. ii. 18. one the other. Acts xv. 39. 1 Cor.
therefore, Acts x, 20, 2 Cor. viii. vii. 5. Gal. v, 17.
7. KpL. v. 24. each other, Phil. ii. 3. 2 Thes, i. 3,
yourselves", John vi. 43. xvi. 19. 8, 15, 17, 18. XV. 1 xvi. l{omS).
1 Thes. V. 15. xviii.l(-StE),4. XX. 12.
yourselves*' together, 1 Thes. v. 11. otherwise"". Gal. v. 10.
themselves", Mark viii. 16. ix. 34. another man's, 1 Cor. x. 29.
XV. 31. Luke iv. 36. John vi. 52. other man, John iv. 38. xv. 24.
xi. 56. xvi. 17. xix. 24. Acts iv. 2 Cor. viii. 13. Phil. iii. 4.
15. xxvi. 31. xxviii. 4, 25. other things, Mark vii. 4. John

With ^
With iv, mutual"', Rom. i. 12.
together, Luke xxiii.
xxi. 25. 2 Cor. i. 13.
more. Matt. xxv. 20.
, some. Matt. xiii. 5, 7. xvi. 14(o<L).

Add Luke xx. 14, for ^
together, Luke xxiv.

Mark iv. 5, 7. viii. 28. Luke ix.
19. John vii. 41 (oi LTr,
J another, Luke/, ), ix. 9.
xxii. 59.
one another, John

S. . . . .

iv. 37. Acts ii. 12. 1 Cor. xv. 39,

Luke xvii. 18. 41.
Ttj some one thing, some

another, Acts xix. 32. xxi. 34.

spring up,
Acts iii.


("With the article,

8. xiv. 10.
iv. 14.

marked *.)
Matt. x. 23(). Mark iv.
GLTTr^. Rom. xv.
G'. Rev. xiv. 9(
. .

the third), GLTTr.

other, Matt. iv. 21. v. 39^ xii. 13».
xiii. 8. XX. 3, 6. xxi. 8, 36, 41.
xxii. 4. XXV. 16, 17, 20, 22. xxvii. husybody in other men's matters,
42, 61^. xxviii. 1=*. Mark iii. 5=i(om IPet. iv. 15.^
S). iv. 8, 36, vi. 15t. yu. S(ap).
viii. 28. xi. 8. xii. 5, 9, 31, 32. another man's, Luke xvi. 12. Rom.
XV. 31, 41. Luke v. 29. vi. 10^^ xiv. 4. XV. 20. 2 Cor. x. 15, 16.
(a/)), 29^ ix. 8, 19. xx. 16. xxiii. 1 Tim. V. 22.
35. John vi. 22, 23. vii. 12, of others, Heb. ix. 25.

41. ix. 9, 16. X, 16, 21. xii. 29. strange. Acts vii, 6, Heb. xi. 9.
xviii. 16^ 34. xix. 18, 32^ xx. stranger, Matt. xvii. 25, 26. Jolm
2,% 3% 4*, 8% 25% 30. xxi. 2, 8\ X. 5t,
Acts iv. 12(ap). xv. 2. 1 Cor. i. Heb. xi. 84.
16. iii. 11. ix. 2, 12, 27. xiv. 19,
29^ 2 Cor. xi. 8. 1 Thes, ii. 6. Heb.
xi. 35. Jas. V. 12. Rev. ii. 24. one of another nation, Acts x. 28.

xvii. 10^
another, Matt. ii. 12. viii. 9. x. 23''
QP'-LTr^S). xiii. 24, 31, 33.
xix. 9. xxi. 33. xxvi. 71. Mark x.
ITim. v. 25.

tread out "the corn, ICor. ix. 9,

11, 12. xii. 4, 5. xiv. 19(a/)), 58.
Luke vii. 8, Id^hepog TrS), 20.
V. 7, 32, 43. xiv. 16. xviii.
xxi. 18. ICor. iii.
1 Tim. V. 18.

thresh, 1 Cor. ix. 10.

unreasonable, Acts xxv. 27.

10. xii. 8, 9, 10/. xiv. 30. xv. 39ir,
41 i. 2 Cor. xi. 4. Gal. i. 7. Heb. iv.
8. Rev. vi. 4. vii. 2. viii. 3. x. 1
(-G"). xii. 3. xiii. 11. xiv. 6(G~0'),
brute, 2 Pet.

aloes, John xix.

ii. 12. Jude 10.

8&lt, Murk

49 (op).

salt, odj., Jas. iii. 12.

17. X. 26. 2 Pet.
ii. It. iii.
4. 1 Jobn i. 10.
v. 16i, 18.
6t, 8, 9.

to trespass. Matt, xviii. 15. Luke

xvii. 3, 4.
offend, Acts xxv. 8.
for your" faults, 1 Pet. ii. 20?.
less sorrowful, PMl. ii. 28«>'°p.
chain, Mark v. 3, At. Luke viii.
29. Acts xii. 6, 7. xxi. 33. xxviii.
sin,Mark iii. 28. iv. 12(-G°«L^T
Tr^). Rom. iii. 25. 1 Cor. vi. 18.
Add Mark iii. 29, for G"LT ,
20. 2 Tim. i. 16. Rev, xx. 1.
\iOnas (marg, chain), Eph. vi. 20.


.. Heb.
See ^.
xiii. 17.
TrS, Bom. v. 16, for

Matt. i. 21. iii. 6. ix. 2. 5, 6.

G'. 2 Pet. i. 9, for

31. xxvi. 28. Mark i. 4, 5. ii.


floor, Matt. iii. 12. Luke iii. 17. 5, 7, 9, 10. Luke i. 77. iii. 3. v.
20, 21, 23, 24. vii. 47, 48, 49. xi.

xiii. 32.

fox, Matt. viii. 20. Luke ix. 58.
4. xxiv. 47. John i. 29. viii. 21, 24/,
34, 34(-G°°), 46. ix. 34, 41/. xv. 22i,
24. xvi. 8, 9. xix. 11. xx. 23. Acts
ii. 38. iii. 19. v. 31. vii. 60. x. 43.
With £if, to be taken Qit• for cap- xiii. 38. xxii. 16. xxvi. 18.
ture), 2 Pet. ii. 12.

together, Rom.

12. ITlies. iv.

20. iv.Rom.8. v. 12i,
13i, 20, 21.
12, 13, 14, 16,
1, 2, 6i, 7, 10, 11,
17, 18, 20, 22, 23.
17. V. 10. vii. 5, It, St, 9, 11, 13ir, 14, 17, 20,
withal, Col. iv. 3. 1 Tim. v. 13, 23, 25. viii. 2, d(marg. sacrifice foi
Phm. 22. sin), 3, 10. xL
27. xiv. 23. 1 Cor
with, Matt. xiii. 29. XV. 3, 17, 56/. 2 Cor. v. 21i. Gal.
and. Acts xxvii. 40, i. 4. ii. 17. iii. 22. Eph. ii. 1. Col.

', i. 14. ii. U(omS). 1 Tlies. ii. 16.

With also, Acts xxiv. 26.
With early in the morning. 2Tlies. ii. 3. ITim. v. 22, 24.
Matt. XX. 1. 2 Tim. iii. 6.


Heb. i. 3. ii. 17. iii. 13. iv. 15. v.
unlearned, 2 Pet. iii. 16. 1, 3. vii. 27.
ix. 26, 28i. viii. 12.
X. 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 11, 12, 17, 18, 26.

xi. 25. xii. 1, 4. xiii. 11 (-T). Jas.
that fadeth not away, 1 Pet. v. 4. i. 15/. ii. 9. iv. 17. v. 15, 20. 1 Pet.

ii. 22, 24/. iii. 18. iv. 1, 8. 2 Pet. i.

that fadeth not away, 1 Pet. i. 4. 9(G', GTS), ii. 14, 1 John
i. 7, 8, 9/. ii. 2, 12. iii. 4/, 5/, 8, 9.

to sin. Matt, xviii. 21. xxvii. 4. iv. 10. V. 16/, 17/. Rev. i. 5. xviii.
Luke XV. 18, 21. John v. 14. viii. 4,5.

ll(o;)). ix. 2, 3. Rom. ii. 12t. iii. sinful (ii/• of sin), Rom. viii. 3.
23. V. 12, 14,
vi. 15. ICor.
Tim.v. 20.
vi. 18.
vii. 28<, 36.
Add Mark
John i.
2 Cor.


xi. 7.

29, for
Jas. v.
, 16,
without witness, Acts xiv. 17.

sinner, Matt. is. 10, 11, 13. xi. 19.



With art., things without measure.

xxvi. 45. Mark ii. 15,16i,17. xiv. 41. 2 Cor. X. 13, 15.
Rom. ii. 5.

Luke V. 30(-T), 32. vi. 32, 33, 34i.

vii. 34, 37, 39. xiii. 2. xv. 1, 2, 7, 10. verily, Matt. v. 18, 26. vi. 2, 5,
xviii. 13. xix. 7. Jolm ix. 16, 24, 25, X. 15, 23. 42. xi. 11.
16. viii. 10.
31. Rom. iii.7. v. 8,19. Gal. ii. 15,17. 17. xvi. 28. xvii. 20. xviii.
ITim. i. 9,15. Ileb. vii.26. xii.3. Jas. 3, 13, 18. xix. 23, 28. xxi. 21, 31.
iv. 8. V. 20. 1 Pet. iv. 18. Jude 15. xxiii. 36. xxiv. 2, 34, 47. xxv. 12,
Mark viii. 38. Luke v. 8. 40, 45. xxvi. 13, 21, 34. Mark iii.

xxiv. 7. Rom. vii. 13. 28. vi. 11(/)). viii. 12. ix. 1, 41.
AddRev, xxi. 8(unbel. .)^ G'. X. 15, 29. xi. 23. xii. 43. xiii. 30.
xiv. 9, 18, 25, 30. Luke iv. 24.
xii. 37. xiii. 35(ow). xviii. 17, 29.

not a brawler, 1 Tim. iii. 3.
xxi. 32. xxiii. 43. John i. 51(52)f.
no brawler, Tit. iii. 2.
iii. 3t,5t, lit. V. 19i, 24i, 25t. vi.
26t, 32i, 47i, 53t. viii. 34i, 51i, 58f.
reap down, Jas. v. 4, X. Ii, It. xii. 24?. xiii. 16i, 20t, 21f,

amethyst, Rev. xxi. 20.

regard not, Heb. viii. 9.

38i. xiv. 12i. xvi. 20t, 23t. xxi. 18i.
amen. Matt. vi. 13(ap). xxviii. 20
(omS). Luke xxiv. 53(-GLbTTr<S).
John xxi. 25(omS). Rom. 1. 25.

neglect, 1

iii. 6.
be negligent, 2Pet.i. 12(see

unblamable, 1 Thes.

iv. 14.
Matt. xxii.

i. 6.


Pliil. ii. 15.

ix. 5. xi. 36. XV. 33(-G°Lb). xvi.
20(omSt.S), 24{ap), 27. 1 Cor. xiv.
16. xvi. 24(-GooLbT). 2Cor. i. 20.
xiii. 14(13; omS). Gal. i. 5. vi. 18.
Eph. iii. 21. vi. 24(C, 1616 seq.;
omGS). Phil. iv. 20, 23(-G°<'Li'T).
Col. iv. 18(omS). IThes. v. 28

(om). 2 Thes. iii. 18 (~G°^TS).
faultless, Heb. viii. 7.
1 Tim. i. 17.

vi. 16, 21 (omS).
2 Tim. iv. 18, 22(omS). Tit. iii. 15
unblamably, 1 Thes. ii. 10. C-GL^TS). Phm.25(om). Heb. xiii.
Thes. v. 23.
blameless"", 1 25(-G«5). IPet. iv. 11. v. 11,14

(om). 2 Pet. iii. 18(-G^T). 1 John v.

With ,
without carefulness, 1
to secure.
Cor. vii. 32.
Matt, xxviii.
21(o77i5). 2John 13(omS). Jude
25. Rev. i. 6, 7, lS(omS). iii. 14.

V. 14. vii. 12, 12(-LTTri'). xix. 4.

xxii. 20, 21(-GLTTr'^).
Add Matt, xviii. 19 ( . . I say),

immutable, Heb. vi. 18. (jphTTr; for L. Mark xvi. 20
^With art., immutability, Heb. vi. (at the end), CSt. 1 Thes. iii. 13

immovable, 1 Cor. xv. 58.

without repentance, Rom. xi. 29.

not to be repented of, 2 Cor, vii. 10. '
(saints . . ), L6'.

without mother, Heb.

Jas. i. 27*.
1 Pet.
i. 4.
vii. 3.

26. xii*. 4.
— ;

sand, Matt.vii.26. Rom.ix. 27.Heb.
xi. 12. Rev. xiii. 1 (xli. 18). xx. 8.
without blemish, Eph. v. 27. 1 Pet.
i. 19.
without spot (niarg. without fault),

1 Pet.

1. 29, 36. Acts viii. 32. Heb.
ix. 14.

, Jude
Rev. xiv,

With requite, 1 Tim. v. 4. without blame, Eph. i. 4.
unblamable. Col. 1. 22.
Matt. xxvi. 29. Mark xiv. 25. See also
Luke xxii. IS. John xv. 1, 4, 5. Jas. adv. ,

iii. 12. Rev. xiv. IS(-St), 19.

dresser of one's vineyard, Luke xiii. 7.

vineyard, Matt. xx. 1, 2, 4, 7, 8.

Often not apparent in translation
hut used
I. In the apodosis or conclusion of
a conditional sentence, with the In-
dicative, (a) Imperfect, q. d. I would

xxi. 28, 33, 39, 40, 41. Mark xii.
1, 2, 8, 9i. Luke
13, 15i, 16. 1 Cor. ix. 7.
xiii. 6. xx. 9, 10,
or might do Matt, xxiii. 30. Luke
vii. 39.

xvii. 6.
v. 46. viii.
42. ix. 41. xiv.
7. XV. 19. xviii. 36. 1 Cor. xi. 31.

Gal. i. 10. iii. 21. Heb. iv. 8. viii.
defend, Acts vii. 24.
4, 7. xi. 15,
L, TTr, put
(b) Aorist, q. d. I toould or might
round or on, clothe. have done: Matt. xi. 21, 23. xii. 7.
Luke xii. 28, for xxiv. 22, 43. XXV. 27. Mark xiii.
cast around. 20. Luke X. 13. xii. 39i. xvii. 6.
2., GLTTtS.

Mark i. 16,^ for xix. 23. John iv. lOf. xi. 32. xiv.
2, 28. xviii. 30. Acts xviii. 14.
net, Matt. iv. 18. Mark i. 1G(-T Rom. ix. 29i. 1 Cor. ii. 8. Gal. iv.
15(-LT5). Heb. x. 2.

(c) Pluperfect, q. d. I wouldor might
have done: John xi. 21 («or. G"LTr
clothe. Matt. vi. 30.
). xi. 8. Luke 5). IJolmii. 19.

vii. 25. xii. 28 (see
II. With denoting
the Indicative,
the repetition of an action from time
jlace where two ways meet, Mark to time, (a) Present: Mark xi. 24
XI. 4.
(b) Imperfect: Mark vi. 56i. Acts
both, Matt. ix. 17. xiii. 30. xv. 14. ii. 45. iv. 35. 1 Cor. xii. 2.

Luke i. 6, 7. v. 7, 38(-GoTTrt.S).
III. With the Subjunctive, after rel-
vi. 39. vii. 42. Acts viii. 38. xxiii.
ative pronouns and adverbs, whicli
8. Eph. ii. 14, 16, 18.
it renders indefinite, like Eng. ever,
Add Acts xix. 16, for G^'LTaS'.
(a) Present: Matt. vii. 12. xvi. 25

without rebuke, Phil.

ii. 15( {k'lv
LTTr*?). Mark
TTr5). x. 44
(ioi^GTTr). Luke viii. 18(mv T),
iv. 2lj(indic. L

blameless, 2 Pet.


G'). 18('^ LT) ix. 24(mp TS),
LTTr). X. 5(aor. G"LTTr*S), 8, 10
.), (aor. G"LTTr5). John ii. 5. v. 19
GLTTrS. (iWic. L™; -LTr'>). Rom, ix. 15i.
: — —
xvi. 2. 1 Cor. xi. 25(( LTS), 26 LTr. XX. 26, LTr. 27, LTr^S. xxiii.
(iavLTS), 27. xvi. 2. 2 Cor. xi. 18, LTr>S'. Mark vi. 10, LTr. ix.
21. Gal. V. 10(^1 TS), L^ 11( 37, LTTr^. 37, LTTr. x. 11, 15,
S). Col. iii. 11(tav LT). 1 Thes. ii. 43, LTr 6'. xiii. 11, L. xiv. 14, LTr.
7(£ LT). Jas. iii. 4. IJolm ii. 5. Luke iv. 6, LTr. ix. 48, 1st, L. x.
iii. 17. V. 15(^ TS). Rev. xiv. 4 22, LTr. xviii. 17, LTr^. John xv.
(indie. LT;iay LTTr). 7, 2d, L. Acts vii. 7, L. viii. 19, St.
(b) Aorist: Matt, ii- 13. v. ISt, Rom. XV. 24, 1st, LT>S'. 1 Cor. xvi.
19, 21, 22i, 26, 31, 32(-G'LTr/S'; 3, L. Gal. vi. 7, L. Eph. vi. 8, G'.
seek), vi. 5(-LTTr5). x. 11/, 23, 1 John V. 14, L. —
Matt. x. 38, see
33(-LTr). xii. 20, 32(
LTTr^S), oh. xxvi. 36, see or. Luke ii. 26,
32, 50(pres. T). xv. 5. xvi. 25, 28. for , TrS. XV. 26 (what . . ), L^Tr.
xviii. 6. xix. 9. xxi. 22(fai; TTr), 36(what

( 2 Cor.
xviii. L^Tv^.
9( . . ),
44(0^?). xxii. LTTi^S), 44.


15 (when

), LS.
. .

xxiii. ), 16, 18, 39. xxiv.

34. xxvi. 4SliavTS). Mark iii.
28(e(ivTTr), 29, 35. iv. 25(-, and
indie, LTTr^S). vi. 10, 11 (op),
, , ,,,
Camp, the compounds

, ^
See also

35 (/Mi. indie. TTvS), 38
ix. 18(1 LTTr), 41, 42
,23( for hav, conj.

9( John XX. hS). 23(
xi. 23. xii. 36. xiv.
Add John
TS), 44. Luke 35. ix. 4,
ii. 6(xiii. 20, for LTTr
), 24, 26, 27. .
35. xii. 8. xiii.
S. xvi. 23, av for LTTr.
25, 35(-TTr). xx. 18, 43. xxi. 32.
1 John V. 15, for L.
John i. 33. iv. 14. xi. 22. xiv. 13.
XV. 16. xvi. 13(-LTTr/S'; indie.
Tr ; pres. ind. S), 23 {av tl for
, LTr). Acts ii.
iii. 19(20), 22,
35, 39.
1 Cor. xiv. 27.
TS). vii. 3. the midst, Mark vii. 31.
XV. 17. Rom. iii. 4. x. 13. 1 Cor. midst, Rev. vii. 17^
iv. 5. xL 26(-GLT5), 34. xv. 25 xiii. 25.
St), bv COUrse,

St^), through
in the
among, Matt,
between, ICor. vL 5.

(-G"°LT*S'). 2 Cor. iii. 16. Phil. ii. Used distributively.
23. Heb. 1. 13. Jas. iv.4(^apLT.S). apiece, Luke ix. 3(-Tr^6^). John
V. 7(-T). 1 John \. 15, Rev, ii. ii. 5.
25. xiii. 15. each. Rev. iv. 8.

IV. With the Optative, (a) Present
i. 62. ix. 46. John xiii. 24
Acts ii. 12{-LT). viii. 31. x. 17. xxi. 21.
xvii. 18, 20(-GoL5). xxi. SSi-LAS).
(b) Aorist: Luke vi. 11. Acts .
24. xxvi. 29. 40(/cara
every man. Matt. xx. 9, 10.
every several, Rev.

two and two, Luke x. 1.

by fifties, Mark vi.
LTTr.S). Luke ix. 14.
by hundreds, Mark

V. With 2 Cor. x. vi.
the Infinitive^
(So Winer but according to Butt-
40(. LTTr>S).
mann. Green, and Meyer, av here
modifies .) stair, Acts xxi. 35, 40.
VI. With a Verb understood, 1 Cor.
vii. 5.
Add, for
42, LTr. xi.
^ go up, Matt. iii. 16. v. 1. xiv. 23.
Matt. x. 14, LTr^S. XV. 29. XX. 17, 18. Mark iii. 13.
6, LTr. xiv. 7, LTr. vi. 51. X. 32, 33. Luke ii. 4, 42.
xvi. 19, LTr. 19, Tr. xviii. 5, 18, ix. 28. xviii. 10, 31. John ii. 13.
V. 1. vii. Bt, lot,

( ...
14. xi. 55, xxi.
11. Acts i. 13. iii. 1. x. 9. xv. 2.
cry out, Luke ix.
cry, Matt, xxvii.
46( L™Tr).

xviii. 22. xxi. 4

12. 15. xxiv. 11. XXV. 9. Gal. ii.
1, 2. Rev. XX. 9.
arise, Luke sxiv. 38. Rev. ix. 2.
rise up, Rev. xiii. 1. xix. 3.
come up, Matt. xvii. 27. Mark i.

10. John xii. 20. Acts viii. 31, 39.

X. 4. xi. 2. Rev. iv. 1. xi. 12. xiii.

^), 19

Acts xxv. 17.

Mark v.

LTTr^S). John
25. V. 15(eI-ovL™5'). Acts xvi.
LTS). 2 Cor.

vii. 7?.

come up again, Acts xx. 11. rehearse. Acts xiv. 27.

ascend, John i. 51(52). xx. lit. report, IPet. i. 12.
Acts ii. 34. XXV. 1. Rom. x. 6. Eph. declare, Acts xv. 4. xx. 27. 1 Jolm
iv. 9. Rev. vii. 2. xi. 7. xvii. 8. i. 5.

ascend up, xix. 28. John iii.
Luke show, John xvi. 13, 14, 15, 25(7-
13. vi. 62. Eph.
iv. 8, 10. Rev. aL•LrS), Acts xix. IS. xx.
viii. 4. xi. 12. xiv. 11. 20.

grow up, Mark iv. 7, 32.

spring up, Matt. xiii. 7.
enter, John xxi. {
climb up, Luke xix. 4. John x. 1.

speak of, Rom. xv.

beget again, 1 Pet. i. 3.
Pass., be born again, 1 Pet.

i. 23.

S). 1 Cor. ii. 9.

come. Acts vii. 23. xxi. 31.

. ,
With go upon, Luke v. 19. read. Matt. xii. 3, 5. xix. 4. xxi.
Add Matt. xiv. 32, for 16, 42. xxii. 31. xxiv. 15. Mark
LTtS. XV. 39, for GTTr. ii. 25. xii. 10, 26. xiii. 14. Luke

Mark xv. 8, for LTTr^'. iv. 16. vi. 3. X. 26. John xix. 20.
Acts xxi. 6, for IS. Acts viii. 28, 30^ 32. xiii. 27. xv.

21, 3lP. xxiii. 34?. 2 Cor. i. 13. iii.

. ,
2, 15. Eph. iii. 4p. Col. iv. 16ir.
defer, Acts xxiv. 22.
1 Thes. V. 27. Rev. i. 3. v. 4(omS).
Add Gal. iv. 21, for L™.
draw, Matt. xiii. 48.

compel, Luke xiv. 23. Acts xxvi.
look up. Matt. xiv. 19. Mark vi. 11. 2 Cor. xii. 11. Gal. ii. 3, 14.
41. vii. 34. viii. 24, 25 (see
constrain, Matt. xiv. 22. Mark vi.
). Luke ix. 16. xix. 5. xxi. 1. 45. Acts xxviii. 19. Gal. vi. 12.
Acts xxii. 13.
look, Mark xvi. 4p.
see, Luke vii. 22. necessary, Acts xiii. 46. 1 Cor. xii

.8{ .
receive sight, Matt. xi. 5. xx. 34.
22. 2 Cor, ix. 5. Phil. ii. 25. Tit.
iii. 14.
Mark X. 51, 52. Luke xviii. 41, 42,
43. John ix. 11, 15, ISt. Acts ix. of necessity, Heh. viii. 3.

12, 17, 18. xxii^. 13. needful, Phil. i. 24.

near, Acts x. 24.

recovering of sight,

cry aloud,
Mark xv.
Luke iv. 18.

by constraint,

necessity, 1 Cor.
1 Pet. v. 2.

vii. 37. ix. 16.

. ,
2 Cor. vi. 4. ix. 7. xii. 10. Phm.
14. Heb. vii. 12.
must of necessity Heb. ix. 16.


live again, Rev. xx. 5(Cfi"GLTTr).
Luke xv. 24, 32

" be alive again,
iiecessary*=°, Heb'. i'x. 23. TTrxS).
Luke xxi. 23. 1 Cor. vii. Rom. 9(
distress, revive, vii. 9. xiv.
26(marg. necessity). 1 Tlies. iii. 7. GLTS).

With it must needs be, Matt,

xviii. *1 LTr).

seek, ii. 44. Acts xi. 25.

With J must needs, Luke xiv. Add Luke G"L
18. — of necessity must, Luke xxiii.
ii. 45, for

n(ap). — to need, Heb. vii. 27.—

be needful••', Jude 3.

5(), must needs be

Mid., gird up, 1 Pet. i. 13.

» .
subject, Horn. xiii.

be made known. Acts

reading. Acts xiii. 15.

14. 1 Tim. iv. 13.
vii. 13.

2 Cor. iii.
stir up, 2 Tim.
7. i. 6.

flourish again''" (jnarg. bo revived*^),

Phil. iv. 10.

lead up. Matt, iv. 1.

bring again, Heb, xiii. 20.
bring up again, Rom. x. 7.
bring forth, Acts xii. 4.
take up, Luke iv. 5.

xvi. 34p.
bring, Luke
Acts ix. 39.
Gal. i.

to curse,
accursed, Rom. ix. Z(marg. separa-
ted). 1 Cor. xii. Z(tnarg. anathema).
8, 9.
anathema, 1 Cor. xvi. 22.
With bind under a great
curse. Acts xxiii. 14.

Mark xiv. 71.

bind under a curse (jnarg. bind with
offer. Acts vii. 41.
an oath of execration), Acts xxiii. 12.
3Iid. or Pass., in navigation bind with an oath, Acts xxiii. 21.
launch forth, Luke viii. 22. With bind under a great
launch. Acts xxi. 1. xxvii. 2, 4p. curse. Acts xxiii. 14.
set forth. Acts xxi. 2.
depart. Acts xxvii. 12.
lOP, 11.

. xiii. 13p.

xvi. 11. xxvii.

behold. Acts

. Heb.

vii. 23,
xiii. 7.

sail, Acts xviii. 21. xx. 3, 13. gift, Luke xxi. 5.

show. Acts 24.

appoint, Luke x. 1.
i. importunity, Luke

death, Acts viii. 1. xxii.
xi. 8.


showing, Luke i. 80.

take up. Acts vii. 21.

receive, Acts xxviii. 7. Heb. xi. take away, Heb. x. 9.
put to death, Luke xxiii. 32. Acta
xxvi. IOp.
deliyer, Acts xxiii. 33». slay, Matt. ii. 16. Acts ii. 23. .
avantjng 24
33, 36. ix. 29. , 39. xiii. 28. xxii. ?/ LS). Luke

ix. 15(/cara/c^i-
20. TrS). xii, 37.
ix. 23, 24.
15, 21, 27.


. ^
xxii. 2.

xii. 2.

xvi. 27.

vii. 28i.
lay, Luke
Ilid.f sit
ii. 7.
down, Matt. viii. 11. xiv.
vii. 36
S). xiii. 29.

. .
G'L ; S.

hinder (marg. drive back), Gal, r.

guiltless, Mcatt. xii. 7.

blameless. Matt. xii. 5.

sit up,
Acts ix. 40.

, . vii. 15 (^ L"^"),
cry out, Mark i. 23. vi. 49.
iv. 33. viii. 28. xxiii. 18.

renew, Heb. vi.

renew, 2 Cor. iv. 16. Col.




xii. 2. Tit. iii. 5.

9. 19. xxiv. 8
1 Cor. ix. 3.

search, Acts xvii. 11.

ask question, 1 Cor. x. 25, 27.
discern, 1 Cor. ii. 14.
xxiii. 14. Acts iv.
xxviii. 18p,

Pass., open

2 Cor.

to return, Matt.
21. Heb. xi. 15.
turn again,
— With ^
iii. ]4p.

. .
(^ei. unveiled), 2 Cor. iv.

untaken away,


x. 6.
Acts xviii.
judge, 1 Cor. ii. 15t(niarg. discem).


3i, 4.
xiv. 24.

examination, Acts xxv. 26.

up one's
xvi. 4, for

up or awaj.


xiii. 11,

lie, Mark v. 40(-GL^TTr>S').

look up,
viii. (),
xxi. 28.
lean, John xiii. 23.
sit down, Matt. xxvi. 20.
be set down, John vi. 11. take up, Acts i, 2, 11, 22, vii. 43.
sit, Matt. xxvi. 7p. Mark xiv. 18p. receive up, Mark xvi. 19(ajo). Acts

. .
sit at meat. Matt. ix. IQp. Mark xvi.
X. 16. iTim. iii. 16.

Add Mark vi.
ITr. John
i4P(marg. sit together jai?). Luke vii.

LTTr/S). xxii. 27i
at the table, John xiii. 2Sp.
guest, Matt. xxii. IQp, Up.

be briefly comprehended,
26, for
xii. 2, see
take, Acts xxiii. 31. Eph, vi. 16.
2 Tim, iv. 11.
take unto, Eph. vi. 13.
take in, Acts xx, 13, 14.


should be received up iUt. of

. .

taking up), Luke ix, 51.



Mid., gather together in one,


make sit down, Mark


vi. 39



. ).
Luke ix. 54.

Rom, xii. 6.
Gal. v. 15.
Heb. xii. 3.


give rest, Matt. xi. 28.

refresh, 1 Cor. xvi. 18. 2 Cor. vii.

. ,
With lose saltness, Mark 13. Phm. 7, 20.
ix. 50.

{, ^. Mid., take rest. Matt. xxvi. 45.

Mark xiv. 41. —rest, Mark vi. 31.

departure, 2 Tim. iv. 6. 1 Pet. iv. 14. Rev. vi. 11. xiv. 13
2d fut. pass., for

LT.S). take

depart, Pliil- i. 23. Luke

xii. 19.

return, Luke xii. 36.

persuade. Acts xviii. 13.

without sin, John viii. l{ap). See

'. Thes.

wait for, 1 i. 10.
send again, xxiii. 11. Phm.
1'2{ G').
bring into remembrance,
, 1 Cor. iv. send, Luke xxiii. 7, 15.

put in remembrance, 2 Tim. i. 6.
Add Acts xxv. 21, for
leap, spring up.

. .
call to remembrance, Mark 21.

Heb. X. 32. Mark x. 50, for LTTrS.
call to mind, Mark xiv. 72. LTr*S.
remember, 2 Cor. vii. 15. maimed, Luke xiv. 13, 21.

xi. 24, 25.

. Luke xxii.

remembrance again, Heb. x.


1 Cor.
sit down, Matt. xv. 35.
John vi. lOt.
6. Luke xiv. 10.
xxii. 14.

. ,
sit down to meat, Lk. xi. 37. xvii. 7.
be renewed,

recover one's self {Gr.

soberness), 2 Tim. ii. 26.
iv. 23.

return to
lean, John xxi. 20.
Add John xiii. 25, for
be set down, John xiii. 12p.

With ,
Acts xix. 86.
can not be spoken

without gainsaying, Acts x. 29.


I Thes. ii. 16.

Matt. xiii. 14. Gal.

supply, 1 Cor. xvi. 17. Phil.
occupy, 1

without excuse, Rom.

Cor. xiv. 16.

vi. 2.

ii. 30.

unworthy, 1

Cor. vi. 2.

inexcusable, ii. 1.

unworthily, 1 Cor. xi. 27, 29(-G<'°
LT^S). open, Luke iv. LTr).

kindle, Luke xii. 49. Acts xxviii. 2

rest, Matt. xi. 29. xii. 43. Luke
() LiS). Jas. iii. 5.
xi. 24.
Kev. iv.
,Rev. xiv.

to rest
Or. liave rest),
innumerable, Heb. xi. 12.
stir up, Luke xxiii.


set forth in order, Luke i. 1.

move, Mark xv. 11.

Subvert, Acts xv. 24.

to rise. Matt. v. 45.
Luke xii. 54.
rising'"', Mark xvi.
Jas. i. 11.

arise, 2 Pet. i. 19.
draw up, Acts xi. 10.
be up. Matt. xiii. 6p. Mark iv. 6p.
pull out, Luke xiv. 5.
spring up. Matt. iv. 16.
spring, Heb. vii. 14.

rising again, Luke ii. 34.

resurrection. Matt. sxii. 23, 28, 30, declare.Acts xxv. 14.
31. Mark xii. 18, 23. Luke xiv. communicate. Gal. ii. 2.
14. XX. 27, 33, 35, 36. John v. 29i.
xi. 24, 25. Acts i. 22. ii. 31. iv. 2,
32. xxiii. 6, 8.
day-spring (marg. sun-rising or
33. xvii.
xxiv. 15, 21. Rom. i. 4. vi. 5. 1 Cor. branch), Luke i. 78.
east. Matt. ii. 1, 2, 9. viii. 11.
XV. 12, 13, 21, 42. Phil. iii. 10.

XXIV. 27. Luke xiii. 29. Rev. xxi.

, ,
2 Tim. ii. 18. Heb. vi. 2. xi. 35.
Rev. xx. 13.
1 Pet. i. 3. iii. 21. 5, 6.

With east, Rev. vii. 2. xvi.
With e/c, raised to life again, Heb.

xi. 35.
the first that
should rise, Acts xxvi. 23. overthrow, 2 Tim. ii. 18,

. .
subvert, Tit.i. 11.^

turn upside down. Acts xvii. 6.

nourish up. Acts vii. 20.

make an uproar. Acts xxi. 38.
nourish. Acts vii. 21.
trouble. Gal. v. 12.
bring up. Acts xxii. 3.

crucify afresh,

sigh deeply,

. John


return, Acts v. 22. xv. 16.


vi. 6p.

appear, Luke

discover. Acts xxi. 3p.
xix. 11.

carry up, Luke xxiv. 61(ap).

bring up. Matt. xvii. 1.
lead up, Mark ix. 2.

bear, Heb. ix. 28. 1 Pet. ii. 24.
Pass, or Mid,, be used, Heb. x. 33.
up, Heb. vii. 27, 27p. 1 Pet.
— have one's conversation, 2 Cor. i.
ii. 5.

12. Eph. ii. 3. behave one's self,

Heb. xiii. 15. Jas. ii. 21p.
1 Tim. iii. 15. —
live, Heb. xiii. 18.


2 Pet. ii. 18. abide. Matt. xvii.

22(;> LTrS). pass, 1 Pet.— speak out, Luke i. 42.


excess, 1 Pet. iv. 4.

conversation, Gal. i. 13. Eph. iv.
22. 1 Tim. iv. 12. Heb. xiii. 7. Jas. give place, Matt. ix. 24.
iii. 13. 1 Pet. i. 15, 18. ii. 12. iii. withdraw one's self, Matt. xii. 15
\, 2, 16. 2 Pet. ii. 7. iii. 11. Mark iii. 7.
depart, Matt, ii, 12, 13p, 14. iv.
. avjjuoa

12. xiv. 13. XV. 21. xxvii. 5. John
(^. forbearing),

vi. 15.
patient 2 Tim.
ii. 24.
go aside. Acts xxiii. 19. xxvi. 31p. ^

turn aside, Matt. ii. 22.
unsearchable, Eph. iii. 8.
past finding out, Rom. xi. 33.
refreshing. Acts iii. 19(20).

2 Tim.

menstealer, 1 Tim.

xvi. 13.




men, 1 Cor.
that needeth not
2 Tim. ii. 15.

unrebukable, 1 Tim. vi. 14.
blameless, 1 Tim.

be ashamed.


2. v. 7.

^, .
go up, John vi. 3. Gal. i. 17(7/-

manslayer, 1 Tim. i. 9.
L), 18(marg. return).

unreprovahle, Col. i. 22. liberty, Acts xxiv. 23.
blameless, 1 Cor. 1.8. 1 Tim. iii. rest, 2 Cor. ii. 13(12). vii. 6.
10. Tit. i. 6, 7. 2Thes. i. 7.

unspeakable, 2 Cor. ix. 15.

unspeakable, 1 Pet. i. 8.
be eased°°, 2 Cor. viii. 13.


Acts xxii. 24, 29 (marg,

. .
that faileth not, Luke xii. 33. without. Matt. x. 29. 1 Pet. iii. 1.
iv. 9.

tolerable. Matt. x. 15. xi. 22, 24.

Mark vi. ll(ap). Luke x. 12, 14. not commodious. Acts xxvii. 12.


Rom. i.

be driven with the wind, Jas.


wind. Matt. vii. 25, 27. viii. 26,

i. 6.


bear with,
xi. It, 4,
ii. 16. Acts xxi. 4.

iv. 2. Col.
Acts xviii. 14.

Matt. xvii. 17. Mark ix.

Luke ix. 41. 1 Cor. iv. 12.
iii. 13.
2 Cor.

27. xi. 7. xiv. 24, 30, 32. xxiv. 31.

2 Cor. xi. 19, 20. Heb. xiii. 22.
Mark iv. 37, 39i, 41. vi. 48, 51.
xiii. 27. Luke vii. 24. viii. 23, 24,
25. John vi. 18. Acts xxvii. 4, 7,
Eph. iv. 14.
endure, 2Thes. i. 4. 2 Tim. iv. 3.

sister's son. Col. iv. 10.

14, 15.

Jas. iii. 4.
Jude 12. Rev. vi. 13. vii. Ii.

anise. Matt, xxiii. 23.

impossible, Luke xvii. 1.
^8(-(>-^). befit, Col. iii. 18.
unsearchable, Rom. xi. 33. be convenient, Eph. v. 4. Phm. 8.
fierce, 2 Tim.
..iii. 3.

Matt. v. 39.
Acts vi. 10. Rom. ix. 19.
Luke xxi. 15.
xiii. 2i

2 Tim. iii. 8. Jas. iv. 7, 1 Pet. v. 9,
nan, Matt. vii. 24, 26. xii. 41. withstand, Acts xiii. 8. GaL ii. 11.
xiy. 21, 35. xv. 38. Mark vi. 20, Eph. vi. 13. 2 Tim. iii. 8. iv. 15.
44. X. 2. Luke i. 27, 34. v. 8, 12,
15. vii. 20. viii. 27, 38, 41. ix. 14,
30, 32, 38. xi. 31, 32. xiv. 24.

give thanks, Luke ii. 38.
xvii. 12. xix. 2, 7. xxii. 63. xxiii.
50i. xxiv. 4. Jolm i. 13, 30. vi. 10. flower, Jas. i. 10, 11.^ 1 Pet. i. 24i.
Acts i. 10, 11, 16, 21. ii. 5, 14,
22i, 29, 37. iii. 2, 12. iv. 4. v. 1,
fire of coals, John xviii. 18. xxi. 9.

14, 25, 35, 36. vi. 3, 5, 11. vii. 2.
viii. 2, 3, 9, 12, 27. ix. 2, 7, 12,
coal, Rom. xii. 20.
13, 38(-G°). X. 1, 5, 17, 19, 21, 22,
28, 30. xi. 3, 11, 12, 13(8),
24. xiii. 7, 15, 16, 21, 22(-G°), 26, menpleaser, Epli. vi. 6. Col. iii. 22.
38, xiv. 8. XV. 7, 13, 22i, 25. xvi.
9. xvii. 12, 22, 31, 34. xviii. 24. man's, 1 Cor. ii. 4{omS), 13. iv. 3.
xix. 7, 35, 37. xx. 30. xxi. 11, 23, of man, 1 Pet. ii. 13.
afterthe manner of men, Rom.vi. 19.

26, 28, 38. xxii. 1, 3, 4, 12. xxiii.
1, 6, 21, 27, 30. xxiv. 5. xxv. 5, 14, common to man (jnarg. moderate),

17, 23, 24. xxviii. 17.
Rom. iv. 8. vii. 3. xi. 4. 1 Cor.
1 Cor. X. 13.

ITim. ii. 8, 12. v. 9. Jas. i. 8, 12, Q"hTS.

20, 23. ii. 2. iii. 2.
husband, Matt. i. 16, 19.

Markx. 12.
mankind {Gr. nature
vii. 16. xi. 3t, 4, 7/, St, 9t, lit, 12t, of man), Jas. iii. 7.
14. xiii. 11. Eph. iv. 13. v. 38. Add Acts xvii. 25, for

murderer, Jo. viii. 44. 1 Jo. iii. 15i.

Lukeii. 36. xvi. 18(-G°). John. iv.
16, 17i, Acts V. 9, 10. Rom.
man, Matt. iv. 4, 19. v. 13, 16, 19.
vii. 2tr, 3i. 1 Cor. vii. 2, 8/, 4t, 10, vi. 1, 2, 5, 14, 15, 16, 18. vii. 9,
lit, 13, 14, U LTS), 16, 12. viii. 9, 27. ix. 8, 9, 32(-LTri'5).
34, 39i. xiv. 35. 2 Cor. xi. 2. Gal. X. 17, 32, 33, 35, 36. xi. 8, 19. xii.
iv. 27. Eph. V. 22, 23, 24, 25, 33.
10, 11, 12, 13, 31, 31(-LTr,S), 35i,
Col. iii. IS, 19. 1 Tim. iii. 2, 12. 36, 43, 45. xiii. 24, 25, 31, 44, 45,
Tit. i. 6. ii. 5. 1 Pet. iii. 1, 5, 7. 52. XV. 9, lit, 18, 20i. xvi. 13, 23,
Rev. xxi. 2. 26i. xvii. 14, 22. xviii. 7, 12. xix. 3

sir, Acts vii. 26. xiv. 15. xix. 25. (-L^), 5, 6, 10, 12, 26. xx. 1. xxi.
xxvii. 10, 21, 25. 25, 26, 28. xxii. 11, 16. xxiii. 4, 5,
fellow, Acts xvii. 5. 7, 13(14), 28. XXV. 14, 24. xxvi.
24i, 72, 74. xxvii. 32, 57. Marki.
xxiv. 19.
, a prophet, Luke
17, 23. ii. 27/. iii. 1, 3, 5, 28. iv.

avrjp Acts 26. V. 2, 8. vii. 7, 8, 11, 15/, 18,
a murderer, iii.
14. 20/, 21, 23. viii. 24, 27, 33, 3o, 37
Add Mark 54(/). Luke vi.
vi. (-T). ix. 31. X. 7, 9, 27. xi. 2, 30,
8, for G"TTtS. Acts xiii. 32. xii. 1, 14. xiii. 34. xiv. 13, 2K,
6(certaia . ), LT^. 1 Cor. vii. 13,
71. XV. 39.
(or avTOVy G"LT, Sf. Luke i. 25. ii. 14, 25/, 52. iv. 4,
33. V. 10, 18, 20. vi.6, 8((lvj^pG"TTr Rev. iv. 7. viii. 11. ix. 4, 5, 6, 7,
S), 10(G', atrc^GLTTr), 22, 26, 31, 10, 15, 18, 20. xi. 13. xiii. 13, 18.
45, 45(-Go°L»>TTr^), 48, 49. vii. xiv. 4. xvi. 2, 8, 9, 18, 21i. xviii.
8, 25, 31, 34. viii. 29, 33, 35. ix.
25, 44, 6(). . 30. xi. 24, 26,
44, 46. xii. 8, 9, 14, 16, 36. xiii. 4,
With ,
13. xxi. 3, 17.
Son of man, Matt.
20. ix. 6. X. 23. xi. 19. xii. 8, 32,

19. xiv. 2, 16, 30. xv. 4, 11. xvi. 40. xiii. 37, 41. xvi. 13, 27, 28.
1, 15i, 19. xviii. 2, 4, 10, 11, 27. xvii. 9, 12, 22. xviii. ll(ap). xix.
xix. 21, 22, 30. xx. 4, 6, 9. xxi. 28. XX. 18, 28. xxiv. 27, 30i, 37,
26. xxii. 10, 22, 58, 60. xxiii. 4, 6, 39, 44. XXV. 13(ap), 31. xxvi, 2,
14t, 47. xsiv. 7. Jolin i. 4, 6, 9.
24i, 45, 64. Mark ii. 10, 28. viii.
ii. 10, 25i. iii. 1, 4, 19, 27. iv. 28,
31, 38. ix. 9, 12, 31. x. 33, 45.
29, 50. V. 5, 7, 9, 12, 15, 34, 41. xiii. 26. xiv. 21i, 41, 62. Luke v.
vi. 10, 14. vii. 22, 2dt, 46, 46 (;^), 24, vi. 5, 22. vii. 34. ix. 22, 26,
51. viii. 17, 40. ix. 1, 11, ICV, 24i, 44, 56(a;3), 58. xi. 30. xii. 8, 10,
SO. X. 33. xi. 47, 50. xii. 43. xvi. 40. xvii. 22, 24, 26, 30. xviii. 8,
21. xvii. 6. xviii. 14, 17, 29. xix. 5.31. xix. 10. xxi. 27, 36. xxii. 22,

Acts iv. 9, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 22. 48, 69. xxiv. 7. John i. 51(52). iii.
V. 4, 38, 29, 35, 38i. vi. 13. ix. 33. 13, 14. V. 27. vi. 27, 53, 62. viii.
X. 26, 28. xii. 22. xiv. 11. 15. xv, 28. xii. 23, 34i. xiii. 31. Acts vii.
17, 26. xvi. 17, 20, 35. xvii, 25 56. Rev. i. 13. xiv. 14.
G"LTS), 26, 29, 30, man, Heb. ii. 6.
xviii. 13. xix. 16, 35. xxi. 28, 39,
son of —

a certain king,

xxii. 15, 25, 26. xxiii. 9. xxiv. 16,
Matt* xviii. 23. xxii. 2.
XXV. 16, 22. xxvi. 31, 32. xxviii.4»
nobleman, Luke
Rom. i. 18, 23. ii. 1, 3, 9, 16, 29. xix. 12. [xiii. 28.
iii. 4, 28. Iv. 6. v. 12t, 15, 18f,

an enemy. Matt.
19. vi. 6. vii 1, 22, 24. ix. 20. x.
a certain
6. xii. 17, 18. xiv. 18, 20. 1 Cor.
i. 25i.

21t, 39,
ii. 5, 9, 11/r, 14.

iv. 2, 16.
3, 4. Gal.
V. 11.
iii. 21.
iv. 1, 9. vi. 18. vii. 1, 7, 23, 26.
xi. 28. xiii. 1. xiv. 2, 3. xv. 19,
45(-L), 47i.
If, lOtr,

2 Cor.
Luke ii. 15 {-ol
21. xii. 2,
12. ii. 6, 16.
householder, Matt. xxi. 33.
the shepherds,

xvi. 37.

Romans, Acta

man. Gal. i.
11. after the manner of men, 1 Cor.
iii.12(omS), 15. v. 3. vi. 1, 7.
XV. 32. Gal. iii. 15. as a man, —
Eph. ii. 15. iii. 5, 16. iv. 8, 14, 22,
Rom. iii. 5. 1 Cor. ix. 8. —
24. V. 31. vi. 7. Phil. ii. 7, 8. iv. 5.
Col. i. 28ir(-2dG°). ii. 8, 22. iii. 9,

as men,
1 Cor. iii. 3((7r. according to man).
Add Mark vii. 15, for LTTr
23. IThes. ii. 4, 6, 13, 15. iv. 8.
2Tlies. ii. 3. iii. 2. 1 Tim. ii. 1, 4,
S. John ix. 35, for G'S. Acts ^,
G'LTS. 1 Cor.
. V. 34, for

iv. 10. V. 24. vi, 5, 9, 11, 16.
iii. 4, for LTS, Rev. xvi.
2 Tim. ii. 2. iii, 2, 8, 13, 17. Tit.
9 (. , blasphemed), G'T.
i. 14. ii. H, iii. 2, 8, 10.

Heb. ii. 6. v. l^ vi. 16. vii. 8,

28. viii. 2. ix. 27. xiii. 6. Jas. i. 7, be deputy, Acts xviii. 12p (^^•
19. ii. 20, 24. iii. 8, 9. v, 17. 1 Pet.
i. 24(G',
4, 15. iii. 4. iv. 2, 6.
ii. 16, iii. 7»
GLT, S). ii.
2 Pet. i. 21t.
I John v. 9. Jude 4.
deputy. Acts xiii.
Add Acts xviii.
7, 8,
12(jsee ).
12. xix. 3S.
. 30
arise up,
Add, for ,
Acts xii. 7.
M;itt. xvii. 23, L.

to loose, Acts xvi. 2G. xxvii. 40.

^ Hcb. xiii. 5.
forbear (mar^. moderate),

without mercy, Jas. ii.

vi. 9.
1 Cor.

vi. 14, T.
XV. 52, L.
for b

Rom. i.
Luke ix. 22, G'LT.
— Acts x. 23, ava-


uviTZzog. foolish, Gak iii. 1, 3. ITim. vi. 9.
tmwaslien, Matt. xv. 20. Mark vii. Tit. 3.


2, 5(G' ; GLTTrS). fool, Luke xxiv. 25.

raise,Acts xvii. 31.

raise up. Matt. xxii. 24. Jolm vi.
40, 44, 54. Acts ii. 24, 30(a^), 32.
iii.23, 26. vii. 37. xiii. 34.
raise up again, Jolin vi. 39.
xiii. 33(32).
2 Tim.
iii. 9.

vi. 11.

to open. Matt. ii. 11p. iii. 16. v. 2.

vii. 7, 8. ix. 30. xiii. 35. xvii. 27p.
XX. 33. XXV. 11. xxvii. 52. Luke
lift up. Acts ix. 41.
i. 64. iii. 21. xi. 9, 10. xii. 36.
stand up, Mark xiv. 60. Luke iv. xiii. 25. John ix. 10, 14,
17, 21, 26,
16. X. 25. Acts i. 15. v. 34p. x. 26.
30, 32. X. 3, 21. xi. 37. Acts v. 19,
xi. 28. xiii. 16p.
23p. vii. 56(ocavoiyoLTS). viii. 32,
stand, Acts xiv. 10, 35. ix. 8p, 40. X. 11, 34p. xii. 10,
rise. Matt. xii. 41. Mark ix. 9, 31. 14, 16p. xiv. 27. xvi. 26. xviii. 14.
X. 50 ('a'fi-7/JG£j LTTrS). xii. 23 xxvi. 18. ICor. xvi. 9. 2 Cor. ii.
(_GooLbTr,S), 25. xvi. 9;'(a;0. Luke 12p. vi. 11. Col. iv. 3. Rev. iii. It,
xi. 7, 8. xvi. 31. xxii. 46. xxiv. 46. 20. iv. 1. V. 2, 3, 4, 5, 9. vi. 1, 3,
Acts X. 13, 41. xxvi. 16. Rom. 5, 7, 9, 12. viii. 1. ix. 2(ap). xi.
xiv. 9(0^5). XV. 12. IThes. iv. 19. xii. 16. xiii. 6. xv. 5. xix. 11.
16. Hcb. vii. 11. XX. 12t.
Murk ix. IOp.

rising'^", open, John i. 51(52)p. Acts xvi.
Mark i. 35. iii.
26. Luke

rise up, 27p. Rom. iii. 13i'. Rev. iii. 8p. x.
iv. 29. V. 25, 28. xi. 32. xxii. 45p. 2p, 8p.
xxiv. 33. John xi. 31. Acts v. 17,
Add Mark vii. 35, for
36, 37. xiv. 20. XV. 7. xxvi. 30.
LTTr/S. Luke iv. 17, for
1 Cor. X. 7.
rise again, Matt. xvii. ^(Jytipu L
). XX. 19(/yfi>(j *9).
build again, Acts xv. 16i.
viii. 31. X. 34. Luke ix. 8, 19.
xviii. 33. xxiv. 7. John xi. 23, 24. ^.
XX. 9. Acts xvii, 3. IThes. iv. 14.
arise, Matt. ix. 9. xxvi. 62.
ii. 14. V. 42. vii. 24. ix. 27. x. 1.

xiv. 57. Luke i. 39. iv. 38, 39. vi.

With h, that
vi. 19.

. . . may open, Eph.

8. viii. 55. xv. 18, 20. xvii. 19.

xxiii. 1.
vi. 9. vii.
xxiv. 12(/)).

11, 18, 34i, 30, 40.

18.26, 27. ix. 6,
x. 20. xi. 7.
Acts v. 6.


iii. 4.
of the law,

transgress the
1 John


unrighteounness, 2 Cor. vi. 14.

XX. 30. xxii. in, IC. xxiii. 9. Eph. ini(^uity, Matt. vii. 23. xiii. 41.
. 14. Heb. vii. 15. xxiii. 28. xxiv. L2. Rom. iv. 7. vi
19, 2Thes.
i. 9. viii. 12.

unlawful, 2 Pot. ii. 8.

. 7.
x, 17.

without law 1 Cor. ix. 21/.

Tit, ii, 14 Eeb. hold fast, Tit. i. 9.
support, 1 Thes. v. 14.

in the
Matt. ii. 22.
Matt. V. 3Si. xvii. 27. xx. 28.
lawless, 1 Tim. i. 9. Mark x. 45. Luke xi. 11. John i.
transgressor, Mark xv. 28. Luke

16. Rom. xii. 17. 1 Cor. xi. 15.
xxii. 37.
wicked, Acts ii. 23. 2The3.

without law,
'. Rom. ii. 12i.
ii. 8.
1 Pet.

iii. 9/.

Heb. xii. 2, 16.

for this cause,

Luke i.


make straight, Luke xlii. 13. 44. Acts xii. 23. 2Tlies. ii. 10.—

set up. Acts XV. 16. therefore, Luke xii. 3.

. .
avTc Tob /Jyxiv^ for that Ought to
lift up, Heb. xii. 12. . .

^;. say(^i<.
instead of saying), Jas. iv.

unholy, i. 9. 2 Tim. iii. 2.

)']. have {lit. excliange) , Luke xxiv.
forbearance, Rom. ii. 4. iii. 25(26).


strive against, Heb. xii. 4. oppose one's self, 2 Tim. ii. 25.

viii. 37.


. .
up. Col.
exchange, Matt. xvi. 26.

i. 24.
adversary, Matt. v. 25i.
58. xviii. 3. 1 Pet. v. 8.

opposition, ITim. vi. 20.

Luke xii.

repay, Rom. xii. 19.
resist, Heb. xii. 4.
recompense, Luke xiv. 14t. 2 Tbes.
i. 6. Heb. x. 30.

recompense again, Rom. xi. 35. bid again, xiv. 12.

render, 1 Tlies. iii. 9.

be contrary,
Gal. v. 17. 1 Tim. i.

recompense, Luke xiv. 12. Rom. 10.

xi. 9. oppose, 2Tbes. ii. 4.

adversary, xiii. 17p. xxi.
reward, Col. iii. 24. 15p. ICor. xvi. 9p. Phil. 1. 28p.
1 Tim. V. 14p.

or dispute with),

^ .
answer again, Luke xiv. 6.
reply against (marg. answer again,

say against. Acts iv. 14.

xxi. 15.
ix. 20.
over against. Acts xx. 15.

to support.
partaker, 1

Acts xx. 35.

vi. 2p.

hold to. Matt. vi. 24. Luke xvi. 13. speak against, Luke ii. 34. JohD
xix. 12. Acts xiii. 45. xxviii. 19p, 22. draw, John ii. 9. iv, 7, 15.

gainsay, Rora, x. 21.

gainsayer, Tit. i. 9p. With nothing to draw with,
answer again {marg. gainsay), Tit. John iv. 11.
ii. 9.
Acts 45 (-G°LaS).

bear up into, Acts xxvii. 15.

With deny, Luke xx. 27 {Uyu

. (- 'LTS). without water, 2 Pet.

ii. 17. Jude

help, 1 Cor. xii. 28.
dry, Matt. xii. 43. Luke xi. 24.

gainsaying, Jude 11.

contradiction, Heb. vii. 7. xii. 3. without hypocrisy, Jas. iii. 17.
strife, Heb. vi. 16. without dissimulation, Rom. xii. 9.
unfeigned, 2 Cor. vi. 6. 1 Tim. i.
5. 2 Tim. i. 5. 1 Pet. i. 22.
revile again, 1 Pet. ii. 23.

ransom, 1 Tim.
'.( that not put under, Heb. ii. 8.

ii. 6. is

( disobedient, 1 Tim. i. 9.

., .
unruly. Tit. i. 6, 10.
measure again, Matt. vii. 2
GLTTr;S). Luke vi. dS L•^),
up, John xi. 41. Heb. xii. 15.
Rom. above, John viii. 23. Acts ii. 19.
recompense, i. 27. 2 Cor. vi.
Gal. iv. 26. Col. iii. 1, 2.

high, Phil. iii. 14.

pass by on the other side, Luke x.

Add Rev.
, up to the brim,
v. 3 (heaven
John ii. 7.

31, 32.
Mark xiv. 15. Luke
G"LT!rS, . upper room,
xxii. 12.

over against, viii. 26.

from above, John iii. 31 . xix. 11.

resist, Acts vii. 51.
Jas. 17. iii. 15, 17.

from the beginning. Acts xxvi. 5.

war against, Rom. vii. 23.
from the very first, Luke i. 3.

oppose one's

xiii. 2.
Acts xviii.
Jas. iv. 6.
again (jnarg. from above), John iii.

from the top. Matt,

6. 1 Pet. V. 5.

like figure, 1 Pet. iii. 21.

figure, Heb.

antichrist, 1
2 John 7.

ix. 24.

John ii. 18i, 22. iv. 3.
xix. 23.
, ,
xxvii. 51. Mark xv. 38.
from the top, John

upper. Acts xix. 1.

higher, Luke xiv. 10•

again. Gal. iv, 9•

draw out, ii. 8. above, Heb. x. 8.


unprofitable, Tit.
. iii. 9.
20, 34, 36. ix. 36. xiii. 1.
37. xxiv. 9. John iv.
Heb. Tt^S). XX. 18(77


With art., unprofitableness,
vii. 18. Acts V. 22, 25. 14, xv. 27.
xvi. 36. xxii. 26. xxiii. 16, 17, 19.

axe, Matt.
iii. 10. Luke iii. 9*
show. Matt. xii. 18. xxviii. 11.
declare, Luke viii. 47. Heb. ii. 12.
John i. 3.

worthy, Matt. x. 10, 11, 13i, 37i, Luke vii, 18. xiv. 21. Acts xi. 13.
38. xxii. 8. Luke iii. 8(mar^. meet), xii. 17. xxvi. 20. xxviii. 21.
vii. 4. X. 7. xii. 48. xv. 19, 21. IThtis. i. 9. IJohni. 2.

xxiii. 15. John i. 27. Acts xiii. 25. show again. Matt. xi. 4.
xxiii. 29. XXV. 11, 25. xxvi. 31. Add, for Mark v. 14,
Rom. 32. viii. 18. 1 Tim. i. 15.
i. GLTTr5, 19, LTTr-S. John xvi.
iv. 9. V. 18. vi. 1. Heb. xi. 38. 25, LTTtS. Acts xvi. 38, LT^.

Kev. iii. 4. iv. 11. v. 2, 4, 9, 13.
xvi. 6.
8(marg. answera- hang one's self. Matt, xxvii. 5.
meet, Matt. iii.

ble)• Acts xxvi. 20. 1 Cor. xvi. 4.

2 Tbes. i. 3. lead away. Matt. xxvi. 57. xxvii.
Plur. neut., due reward, Luke 2, 31. Mark xiv. 44, 53. xv. 16.
xxiii. 41.
With oh, unworthy. Acts xiii. 46. xviii. 13 (
Luke xiii. 15. xxiii. 26. John
LTtS). xix. 16 (17
G; -G^LTTr).
lead, Matt. vii. 13, 14.
count worthy, 2Thes. i. 11 (i^ar^.
take away, Acts xxiv. 7(a/)).
vouchsafe). 1 Tim. v. 17. Heb. iii. 3.
put to death. Acts xii. 19.
think worthy, Luke vii. 7. Heb.
carry away, 1 Cor. xii. 2.

X. 2i2.

^, ,
bring. Acts xxiii. 17.
think good. Acts xv, 38,
desire, Acts xxviii. 22.
. Add Luke
xxii. 66, for
10, for
xxi. 12, for

TrS. Rev. xiii.

as becometh, Rom, xvi. 2. Phil,
i. 27.

worthy, Epb. iv. 1. Col. i. 10, unlearned, 2 Tim. ii. 23.


3 Jobn
. ii.

after a godly SOrt,

takeaway, Markii. 20. Lukev, 35,
take. Matt. ix. 15.



i. 20.
Col. i. 15, 16.
xi, 27.

bring word. Matt, xxviii. 8.


bring word again, Matt. ii. 8.

report, Actsiv. 23. 1 Cor. xiv. 25.
tell, Matt. viii. 33. xiv. 12. xxviii.
1 Tim.

i. be required°°( Gr.
Luke xii. 20.
ask again,
do they require)

vi. 30.

be past feeling, Eph. iv. 19.

deliver, Luke xii. 58.

Mid., depart, Ac-ts xix. 12.
Heb. ii. 15.

9(aj9), 10. Mark vi. 30. xvi. 10 au

(ap), 13(ap). Luke vii. 22. viii. be alienated, Eph. Iv. 18.
— be an alien,

bo alienated, Col.
Eph. ii. 12p.
i. 21p. every one, Acts v. 16.
Mark xvi. 15(a/)). Luke iv. 6.


to maot,
tender, Matt. xxiv. 32.

Matt, xxviii. 9
Mark xiii.
xix. 48. xxi. 4(7• LTr).
whole, Luke viii. 37. xix. 37.
xxiii. 1.
Plur., all, Matt. vi. 33. xxiv. 39.
xxviii. 11. Mark v. 40(Traf GLTTr
S). xi. 32(7rai:L5). Luke iii. 16,
Mark v. 2

Tr/S). xvii. 12.

13. Luke xiv.

LTTr/S). Acts xvi. 16

^- 13(
V. ll(7racLTr,S), 26, 28 (-5^
vii. 1{
GTr). ix. 15. xv.

LTr). xvii. 27(7raf LTr), 29

(, (4(7
LTr). xix. 1 LTTr>S).
xxi. 4 L), 12 GLTTr).
Acts ii. 1(70• LT, -S), LS),
With -, to meet. Matt. xxv. 1 14(7raf L^"). iv. 31. v. 12( L).
15. 1 Thes. iy. 17.
6. Acts xxviii. vi. 15(:rar LS). xi. 10.
(^GLS). (
L), 28.
xvi. d
xiii. 29

xxvii. 33. Eph. vi. 13. Jas. iii. 2.
once, 2 Cor. xi. 25. Phil. iv. 16. — all things, Luke ii. 39 Tr).
1 Thes. ii. 18. Heb. vi. 4. ix. 7, 26, Acts ii. 44. iv.
, L). x. 8.

27, 28. X. 2. xii. 26, 27. 1 Pet. iii. Add, for Mark i. 27, TTrS.
18, 20(see Jude 3, 5. Luke XX. 6, L'^TTr.S. xxi. 15, TTr.
John iv. 25, TTr^S". Acts ii. 7, 2,

'. ,
unchangeable (marg. not passing

from one to another), Heb. vii. 24.

unprepared, 2 Cor. ix. 4.
LT. XXV. 24, 2d, LT^.

Acts xxi.

6, for
1. 16,
take leave of.
2 Thes.

Luke {
deny, Matt. xvi. 24. xxvi. 84, 35,
75. Mark viii. 34. xiv. 30, 81, 72.
xii. 9. xxii. 01.
xiii. 38(a;pvc-
14( deceive,

deceit. Col.

deceiving, 2 Pet.

v. 6.

i. 26.


deny, Luke xxii.

. *
^(~ deceitfulness. Matt. xiii. 22.
iv. 19. Ileb. iii. 13.

, , ^
deceitful(/2<. of deceit), Eph. iv. 22.
deceivableness, 2 Thes. ii. 10.
from henceforth, Rev. xiv. 13.

With ,, finish, Luke xiv. 28.

without father, Heb. vii. 3.

first-fruit, Rom. xi, 16.

first-fruits, Rom. viii. 23.
ICor. XV. 20, 23. xvi. 15. Jas.
18. Rev. xiv. 4.
Add 2 Thes. ii. 13^
xvi. 5.

brightness, Heb.

LTiS, used as aor. of
i. 3.



every man,
. 25{

unbelief, Rom.
11 (wary, disobedience).
for unbelief; ap). Col.
xi. 30, 32.

ii. 2. v.

. 85
believe not, Jolin iii. 36. Acts xvii.
5(-GL5). xix. 9. Rom. xi. 30 and
Sl(inarg. obey not), xv. 31(marg.
be disobedient). Heb. iii. 18. xi. 31
(inarg. be disobedient).
unbelieving, Acts xiv. 2p.



Acts xviii. 16.

Lit. refutation with ;

be set at nought, Acts xix. 27.

ii. 11.

, to

obey not,
iv. 17.



disobedient, Rom. x. 21p.


be disobedient, 1 Pet. ii. 7, 8.

8. 1 Pet.

17. Acts xxvi.

iii. 1.

vii. 22.
freeman (i?r.

hope for again,

over against. Matt. xxi.


vi. 35.

1 Cor.

19. Rom. i, 30. 2 Tim. iii. 2. Tit.

1. 16. iii. 3.

'. Ti LTr>S). xxvii. 61.

before. Matt, xxvii. 24(.
LTr). Rom.

. ^ iii. 18.

threaten, Acts iv. 17. 1 Pet. ii. 23.
in the presence of. Acts iii. 16.
?!. contrary to. Acts xvii. 7.
threatening, Acts iv. 29. ix. 1. Add Mark xii. 41, for Tr.

Eph. vi. 9.
straitly (lit. with
Acts iv. 17(-LaS).
. threatening),
endless, 1 Tim. i. 4.

be absent, 2 Cor. x. 1, Up. xiii, 2,

absent, 1 Cor. v. 3p.

10. Phil. i. 27. Col. ii. 5.

, .-
without distraction, 1 Cor.

uncircumcised. Acts vii. 51.

vii. 35.



i. 13.
Acts xvii. 10.

2 Cor.

iv. 2.

can not be tempted, Jas.

go away, Matt.
viii. 31 (see
xix. 22. XXV. 46. xxvi. 42,
44. Mark x. 22. xiv. 39. Luke ii.
15. John iv. 8. vi. 22. x. 40. xvi.
7<. XX. 10.
go one's way. Matt. viii. 33. xiii.
25. XX. 4(5). xxii. 5, 22. Mark xi.
4. xii. 12. Luke viiL 39. xix. 32.

ence), Heb. V. 13.

wait for,
'. (
unskilful ( Cr, having no

Rom. viii.

19, 23, 25.

xxii. 4. John iv. 28. ix. 7. xi. 2S,
46. Acts ix. 17. Jas. i. 24.
go, Matt. ii. 22. iv. 24. viii. 19,
21, 32. X. 5. xiii. 28, 46. xiv. 15,

25 G"LTr*S). xvi. 21.
1 Cor. i.

look for, Phil.

7. Gal. v. 5.

20. Heb. ix. 28.
xviii. 30. xxi. 29, 30. xxv. 10?,

18, 25. xxvi. 36. xxvii. 5. xxviii.

,Add 1 Pet.
iii. 20, for
10. Mark i. 20. v. 24. vi. 27(28),
36, 37. vii. 24. ix. 43. xiv. 10, 12.
xvi. 13(np). Luke v. 14. viii. 34
put off. Col. iii. 9. (-GLTTr5^). ix. 12(G';
epoil, Col. ii. 15, LTTr^"), 57, 69, 60. xvU. 23, xxii.
13. . 24. John iv. 43{-GoLbTTr5),
47. vi. 1, 66, 68. ix. 11. xi. 54. xii. 19.
Tit. i. 15. Rev. xxi. 8.

that bclieveth not, 1 Cor. vii. 12,

xviii. 6. Acts v. 26p. Gal. i. 17. Jude 13. X. 27. xiv. 22i, 24.
7. Rev. X. 9. xii. 17. xvi. 2. which believeth not, 2 Cor. iv. 4.
depart, Matt. viii. 18. ix. 7. xiv unbeliever, Luke xii. 46. 1 Cor.
16. xvi. 4. xxvii. Mark i. 35,
60. vi._6. xiv. 23. 2 Cor. vi. 14.
42. V. 17, 20. vi. 32, 46. viii. 13.
faithless, Matt. xvii. 17. Mark ix.
Luke i. 23, 38. v. 13, 25. vii. 24p.
19. Luke ix. 41. Jolm xx. 27.

\{ ,
viii. 37. X. 30. xxiv. 12(a^)). John
infidel, 2 Cor. vi. 15. 1 Tim. v. 8.
iv. 3. V. 15. xii. 36. Acts x. 7. xxviii.
thing incredible. Acts xxvi. 8.

29(ayo). Rev. xviii. 14,
go aside, Acts iv. 15. single, Matt. vi. 22. Luke. xi. 34.
go out, Luke viii. 31.
pass away, Rev. xxi. 4.
singleness, Eph. vi. 5. Col. iii. 22.
pass, Rev. ix. 12. xi. 14.
come, Mark 13. vii. 30p. Luke simplicity, Rom. xii. ,
8 (with
Rom. xv. marg.
xxiii. LTr/S). liberally). 2 Cor. i.

28. LS). xi. 3,

Add Matt. v. 30, for 2d liberality, 2 Cor. viii. 2.


G'L. Gal.
xxi. 1, for ,,
i. ,
LTTr»S. INIatt. xxviii. 8, Acts xvi. 39,
Acts xxiii. 32, for
G'LS. 2 Cor.
17, for
i. 16, ibr

L. Rev,

liberally, Jas.

from. Matt. i. 17ir, 21, 24. ii. 1,

2 Cor. ix. 13.
bountifulness, 2 Cor. ix. 11,

i. 5.

have. Matt. vi. 2, 5, 16. Phil. 16. iii. 7, 13. iv. 17, 25. v. 18, 29,
IS^marg. have received). 30. vi. 13. vii. 23. viii. 1, 11, 30.
receive, Luke vi. 24. Phm. 15. ix. 15, 16, 22. xi. 12, 25. xii. 38.
be, Matt. xv. 8. Mark vii. 6. Luke xiii. 12, 35. xiv. 2. xv. 8, 27, 28.
vii. 6p. XV. 20p. xxiv. 13. xvii. 9 GLTTr/S), 18. xviii. 8,
Impers., it is enough, Mark xiv. 41. 9, 35. xix. 1, 8. XX. 8, 29. xxi. 8,
2iid., abstain. Acts xv. 20, 29. 43, xxii. 46. xxiii. 34, 35. xxiv. 1
1 Thes. iv. 3. v. 22. 1 Tim. iv. 3. /cL), 29. XXV. 28, 29 (a;?), ( 2,
1 Pet. ii. 11.
Add Matt. xiv. 24 (ap)
. 34, 41. xxvi. 39, 42(-G°oLbTTr-S'),
47. xxvii. 40, 42, 45, 55, 64.

believe not, Mark xvi. ll(ap), 16 25. V. 35. vii.


xxviii. 2(-G«LTTrAS), 7, 8. Mark

i. 9, 42. ii. 20. iii. 7i, St, 22. iv.

1, 4, 6, 17, 33. viii.

(ap). Luke xxiv. 11, 41 p. Acts
11. ix. 9(k L). X. 6. xi. 12. xii.
xxviii. 24. Rom. iii. 3. 2 Tim. ii.
34. xiii. 19. xiv. 35, 36, 52(-GoL^
TtS). XV. 30, 32. xvi. 8.
unbelief. Matt. xiii. 58.
Mark vi. 6.
xvii. 20

37 (-Tr; £K S).
2, 38, 52.

42. V. 3, 8, 13, 35. vii. 6. viii. 18,
4, 15, 36,
iv. 1, 13,

24. xvi. \A(ap). Rom. iii. 3. iv. 37. ix. 5, 33, 37, 39, 45, L). 54(
20. xi. 20, 23. 1 Tim. i. 13. Heb. X. 21, 30, 42. xi. 4(ap), 50, 51.
lit. 12, 19.
xii. 58. xiii. 15, 16, 27, 29, 29
(-QooifiT^r^S). xvi. 3, 18(-Go), 21,
onbeliemg, I Cor. vii. I4r, 15. 30. xvii. 29. xviii. 34. xix. 24, 26, 26
U,7tO 37 am
(-Lb5), 42. xxi. 11. xxii. 41, 42, 29, 34. vi. 43. vii, 28. viii. 15, 31
43 (ap), 45. xxiii. 5, 49. xxi v. 2, (iTdG"LTTr5). xii, 2, 38. xiii. 28.
9, 13, 51. John iii. 2. viii. 44. XV. 43, 45. Luke v. 15. vi. 13, 17,
X. 5, 18. xi. 53. xii. 36. xiii. 3. 30. vii. 21, 35, viii, 2, 3(/£ G"LT
xr. 27. xvi. 22, 30. xviii. 28. xix. 8).
ix. 22, 38. xi. 50, 51. xii, 1,
27. xxi. 8. Acts i. 4, 11, 12, 22t. 4, 15, 20, 57. xvii, 25, xviii, 3. xx.
ii. 40.
viii. 10, 26, 33.
iii. 19, 24, 26.
y. 38, 41. 10, 46, xxi. 30. xxii. 18, 71, xxiii.
LT5), 8, 51. xxiv. 42(a^). John i, 44(45),
18. X. 17, 21(), 23, 37. xi. 11, 44(46), V, 19, 30. vii, 17, 18, 28,
27. xii. 10, 19. xiii, 8, 13i, 14, 29, viii. 28, 42. x. 18, xi, 1, 51, xii, 21.
31, 39. xiv. 15, 19. xv. 1, 18, 20 xiv. 10, XV, 4, xvi, 13. xviii. 34.
irhS), 33, 38, 39. xvi. 11. xvii. xix. 38. xxi. 2, 10. Acts ii. 17, 18,
27. xviii. 2, 5, 6, 16, 21. xix. 9, 22. V. 2, 3. vi. 9. viii. 22. x. 38.
12i. XX. 6, 9, 17, 18, 26. xxi. 1, 7, •xii, 1. xiii. 23, xv. 5, xvii, 13. xix.
10. xxii. 22, 29, 30(-GLT5). xxiii. 13(/cai G"LT*S'). xxi. 16, 27. xxiii.
21. xxiv. 18. XXV. 1, 7. xxvi. 18. 34. xxvii. 44.
xxvii. 21. xxviii. 23. Rom. xiii. 1 (
G"L5). 1 Cor, i.
Rom. i. 7, 18, 20. v. 9, 14. vi. 7, 30. iv. 5. vi. 19. xi, 23. 2 Cor. ii. 3.
18, 22. vii. 2, 3, 6. viii. 2, 21, 35, iii, 5. X, 7. Gal. i, 1. ii. 6, iii. 2.
39. ix. 3. xi. 26. xv. 19, 31. 1 Cor. Phil, i, 28, Col, i. 7, iii. 24. 1 Thes.
i. 3. vii. 10, 27. x. 14. xiv. 36. ii. 6i. 1 Tim. iii. 7. Heb, vii. 2, 13.
2 Cor. i. 2. iii. 18. v. 6. vii. 1. xi. xi. 13. xii, 15 (inarg. from), xiii.

3, 9. xii. 8. Gal. i. 3, 6. ii. 12. iv. 24, Jas, i, 13, v. 4. 1 Jobn i, 5. ii.
24. Epli. 1. 2, iii. 9. iv. 31. vi. 23. 27. 3 John 7. Rev. ii. 17 (om, S).
Phil. i. 2, 5. iv. 15. Col. i. 2, 23, xii. 6. xvi. 12.
26?, ii. 20. IThes. i. l(a/>), 8, 9,
10. ii. 17. iii. 6. iv. 3, 16. v. 22.
2Thes. i. 2, 7, 9i. ii. 13(see
), iii. 2, 3, 6. ITim. i. 2. vi. 5 S).
they" of, Matt, xxvii. 9.
out of, Matt, iii, 16. vii. A(Jk LTr
viii. 34, xii. 43. xiii. LS,
-Tr), xiv. 13, 29, xv. 22. xvii. 18.
{ap), 10. 2 Tim. i. 2, 3. ii. 19, 21.
xxiv. 27. Marki. 10(i/cG"LTTr5).
iii. 15. iv. 4, 18. Tit. i. 4. ii. 14.
Phm. 3.
Heb. iii. 12. iv. 3, 4, 10/. vi. 1, 7.
vii. 1, 26. viii. 11. ix. 14. x. 22. xi.
V. 17. vi. 33. vii.
21. xvi. 9
LTTr). x, 46
ap). Luke iv. 35, 41. v. 2, 36. vi, 17.
viii. 2, 12, 29, 33, 35, 38, 46, ix.
15. xii. 25. Jas. i. 17, 27. iv. 7. v.
5. xi, 24. xii. 54. xvii. 29, xxiii.
19. 1 Pet. 1. 12. iii. 10. 2 Pet. iii. 4.
26. John vii, 42, Acts i. 9. ii. 5.
IJohn i. 1, 7, 9. ii. 7, 7(-G«°LT*S),
xiii. 50. xvi. 18. xvii. 2. xix. 12
13, 14, 20, 24i. iii. 8, 11, 17. iv.
(-GLT^"). xxviii. 21, 23. 2 Cor. i.
21. V. 21. 2 John 5, 6. Jude 14.
Rev. i. 4i, 5, 5(5).
iii, 12,
16. Heb. xi. 34. Rev. xvi. 17(f'c
G'LTr5). xxii. 19.
vi. 4(£/£GLTTr5, i/c-G°o), 16i, vii.
2, 17(G', /cGLTTr). ix. 6. xii. 14. because of, Matt, xviii. 7.
xiii. 8.xiv. 3, 4. xvii. 8. xviii. 14i. for, Matt. xiii. 44. xiv. 26. xxviii.
XX. 9(-G°LTTrb5^), 11. xxi. 2, 4 4. Luke xix. 3. xxi. 26. xxii. 45.
(eKhS), lO(kT). xxii. 19. xxiv. 41. John xxi. 6. Acts xii.
froni among, Lk. xix. 39. Acts xv. 19. 14. xxii. 11.
of, Matt. iii. 4. v. 42. vii. 15, 16i. by, Matt. vii. 16, 20( L). Acta
X. 17. xi. 19, 29. XV. 1, 27. xvi. 6, ix. 13. xii. 20. 2 Cor. iii. 18(marg.
11, 12i, 21. xvii. 25<r, 26. xxi. 11. of), vii. 13. Heb. v. 8. Jude 23.
xxiv. 32. xxvii. 21, 24, 57. Mark v. Rev. xviii. 15,
Luke xv.

SThes. ii. 2.
16. xvi. 21. Acts

Matt. xix. 4. Luke xxiv. 27t,


. ,
away, Markx. 50. Heb. x. 35.
AddRQV. iii. 2^^', ioi G',

47. John viii. d(ap). Acts viii. 35.

xxiii. 23. xxvi. 4. 1 Pet. iv. 17^
Acts vii. 45. 1 John ii. 28.
Rer. vi. 10 (k G"LTTr^).
xxi. 13/.
to be refused,
have respect^ Heb. xi. 26.

. ^1 Tim.

casting away, Rom. xi. 15.

i. 4.

upon, Acts xi. 19.
loss,Acts xxvii. 22.
since. Matt. xxiv. 21. Col. i. 6, 9.

Heb. ix. 26.
af (sc. or since the be dead, 1 Pet. ii. 24.^
time, Luke vii. 45. — since. Acts
xxiy. 11. 2 Pet. iii. 4. — that. Acts taxing, Luke ii. 2. Acts v. 37.
XX. 18.
Add, for ,
Mark i. 26, G"L. v. Pass.,
be written (marg. enrolled),
25, L. xvi. 3, LTr. Luke
8, L«>. ix.
iv. 35, G^LTTrAS. 38, G"TTr;S'.
Heb. xii. 23. be taxed, Luke ii. 1 —
(marg. be enrolled), 3, 5.
John vi. 38, LTTr, Acts i. 25,
LTS, xviii. 2, LTaS.'xxvu. 34, LT. 7to^Emu
xxviii. 3, G'LTS. Rev. vii. 14, L. show, 2Thes. ii. 4.
ix. 18, 1st, G'. xix. 5, G"LTTr.— set forth, 1 Cor. iv. 9.

For Matt. viii. 13, L.— For
Matt, xx, 20, LTTr. Luke
viii. 49, L. Acts xxvi. 22, LTS.
prove. Acts xxv. 7.
approve, Acts ii. 22.
1 John iii. 22, LTS. v. 15, LT^.—
For i'TTO, Luke
26, TTr^, vi. 18,

GLTTr>S'. viii, 43, LTTr. Acts iv.

36, LT5. X. 33, LT. xv. 4, T. Rom. pay tithe.
demonstration, 1 Cor.

Matt, xxiii. 23.

ii. 4.

XV. 24, LT. Rev. ix. 18, GLTTr5. give tithes, Luke xviii. 12.

. (-
-Matt. xiv. 24(ap). Mark ii. 21 tithe, Luke xi. 42.
( . . ahrov), LTS. viii. 3(from),
TrS. xi. 13 ( . . afar), G^LTTr^S.
Luke V. 36(lst of), G'L^TTr^. xiii.
take tithes, Heb.
'. vii. 5.

acceptable, 1 Tim. ii. 3. v. 4.

see .
7, see ov. 12 (from), LS, xxii. 18,
xxiii. 49(. afar), LS. John

xix. 36(of), G'^. Acts xvi. 39, see be received. Acts xv. 4

,,, ,-
, ,,,, ,
2 Pet. i, 21, for ayiot, T.
ii. 21 (ap). Rev. xiv. 13, seecmaprt.

Mid., gladly receive, Luke viii. 40.
Acts ii. 41. ——
receive. Acts xviii.

See also

', 27. xxviii. 30. accept. Acts xxiv

, ., ,,,,
Add, for
Luke ix. 11,
Acts xxi. 17, G"LT^.

go into a far country. Matt. xxi.


go out, Luke V. 2. 33. Mark xii. 1. Luke xx. 9.

turn, Luke xxi. 13. PhiL i. 19. travel into a far country, Matt,
come, John xxi. 9. xxv. 14.
take one's journey, Matt. xxy. 15.
Luke XV. 13.

G'T). 2 Tim.
1 Pet. iv. 5.
taking a far journey, Markxiii. 34.

give, Matt. xii. 36. xx. 8. Luke

xvi. 2. Acts iv. 33. xix. 40(oiocjui
iv. 8.
Rev. xxii. 12.
Heb. xiii. 17.
lay up in store, 1 Tim. vi. 19.

to press,

Mark xii.
Luke viii.

19, 20, 21, 22.

XX. 28, 28 (//,

Matt. xxii. 24, 27. xxvi. 35.

fr. ,Luke xvi.

29, SO(ap), 31, 32, 36. John iv. 49.
give again, Luke iv. 20. vi. 50. viii. 21, 24t. xi. 16, 26, 32,
deliver. Matt, xxvii. 58. 37, 50, 51. xii. 24i, 33. xviii. 32.
deliver again, Luke ix. 42. xix. 7. xxi. 23i. Acts ix. 37. xxi.
Bell, Acts V. 8. vii. 9. Heb. xii. 13. XXV. 11. Rom. v. 6, It, 8. vi.
16. 9, lOi. vii.9(10). viii. 13, 34. xiv.
pay, Matt. v. 26. xviii. 25, 26, 28, 7, Sir, 9, 15. ICor. viii. 11. ix. 15.
29, 30, 34.Luke vii. 42. xii. 59. XV. 3, 22, 31, 32, 36. 2 Cor. v. 14
payment be made, Matt, xviii. 25.

(15), 15i. vi. 9. Phil. i. 21. IThes.
repay, Luke x. 35. iv. 14. V. 10. Heb. vii. 8. ix. 27. x.
recompense, Rom. xii. 17. 28. xi. 13. Rev. iii. 2(7 G').
With reC[uite, 1 Tim. V. 4. viii. 9, 11. ix. 6. xiv. 13. xvi. 3.

reward. Matt. vi. 4, 6, 18. xvi. 27. be a dying, Heb. xi. 21p,
2 '.rim. iv. 14. Rev. xviii. 6. lie a dying, Luke viii. 42.
r-istore, Luke xix. 8. a-noOvi'iCKeiv, be at the point

render, Matt. xxi. 41. xxii. 21. of death, John iv. 47.
Mark xii. 17. Luke xx. 25. Rom. be dead, Matt. ix. 24. Mark v. 35,
ii. 6. xiii. 7. 1 Cor. vii. 3. IThes. 39. ix. 26. XV. 44. Luke viii. 52,
V. 15. 1 Pet. iii. 9. 53. John vi. 49, 58. viii. 52, 53i.

, xi. 14, 25. Rom. v. 15. vi. 2, 7, 8.
yield, Heb. Rev. xxii. 2.
xii. 11.

Add, for

perform. Matt. v. 33.

Rom. xiv. 12, L.

Luke rii. 15, L™.

Jude 19.
vii. 2, 3, QiaTToeavovTEq^^iC^GlI^S),
2 Cor. V. 14(15). Gal. ii. 19,21.
Col. ii. 20. iii. 3. Heb. xi. 4.

dead, Acts vii. 4.

when , , WaS

to separate,
dead, Jude 12p.

perish, Matt. viii. 32.
disallow, 1 Pet. ii. 4, 7.
(>6, be slain, Heb. xi. 37.

. ,
reject, Matt. xxi. 42. Mark viii,
Add, for Matt. xxvi. 52,
31. xii. 10. Luke ix.

22. xvii. 25. G". John xviii. 14, G"LTr/S.— John

. (,
XX. 17. Heb. xii. 17. xi. 21, for G"LTr/S'. 1 Pet.
iii. 18, for G'LS.
acceptation, 1 Tim. i. 15. iv. 9.

restore again. Acts i. 6.
putting away, 1 Pet. iii. 21. Add Mark ix. 12, for
With must put ofT, 2 Pet.

garner, Matt. iii. 12. Luke iii. 17.

i. 14.

Matt. xii.

-, xvii. 11.

barn. Matt. vi. 26. xiii. 30. Luke Mark iii. 5. viii. 25. ix. 12(seeaTo-
xii. 18, 24. Luke vi. 10. Heb. xiiL
Matt. .
xvi. 17. Luke ii. 35.
X. 21, 22. xii. 2. xvii. 30. Johnxii.
38. Rom. i. 17, 18. viii. 18. 1 Cor.
26. xi.
24, 26, 28. xvi. 2, 16, 17. xvii. 4,
25, 27 11, 17. xix. 4, 27. xx. 13, 22. xxi.
21, 24, 27, 29, 30. xxii. 1, 29, 46.
xxiv. 4. XXV. 9, 12, 26, 37, 40, 44,
45. xxvi. 23, 25, 33, 62, 63(-Tr6'7,
66. xxvii. 12, 14, 21, 25. xxviii. 5.
ii. 10. iii. 13. xiv. 30. Gal. i. 16.
iii. 23. Eph. iii. 5. Phil. iii. 15. Mark iii. 33. v. 9(G', omS). vi. 37.
2Thes. ii. 3, 6, 8. 1 Pet. i. 5, 12. vii.
6(rTTrS), 28.
29. ix. 5, 12(-G//TTr*S^), 17, 19,
viii. 4, 28(
V. 1.

38(077//iTTr>S). X. 8, 20, 5{-8),
24, 29(-T*S), 51. xi. 14, 22, 29(-T
revelation, Rom. ii. 5. xvi. 25. TrS), 29, 80, 88(Tr'»b, -LbTTr^S).
ICor. xiv. 6, 26. 2 Cor. xii. 1, 7.
xii. 17, 24(-TTr5'), 28, 29, 34, 35.
Gal. 12. ii. 2. Epli.
i. i. 17. iii. 3. xiii.2(-TTr5), 5(-TTr^). xiv. 20
IPet. i, 13. Rev. i. 1. (-GoLTTr^S), 40, 48, 60, 61. xv. 2,

With when
. shall he revealed,
. 3(-StEGLTTr5), 4, 5, 9, 12.
2 Thes. 1 Pet. iv. 13.
i. 7.
Luke i. 19, 35, 60. iii. 11, 16. iv.
manifestation, Rom. viii. 19.

4, 8, 12. V. 5, 22(-LTrb), 31. vi.
appearing, 1 Pet. i. 7.
3. vii. 22, 40, 43. viii. 21, 50. ix.
coming (&r. revelation), 1 Cor. i. 7.
With ^
to lighten, Luke ii. 32.
19, 20, 41, 49. X. 27, 28, 41. xi. 7,

45. xiii. 2, 8, 14, 15, 25. xiv. 3, 5
(_GooLTr). XV. 29. xvii. 17, 20, 37.
earnest expectation, Rom. viii. 19. xix. 40. XX. 3, 7, 24, 34(-LTTr5'),
Phil. i. 20. 39. xxii. 51, 68. xxiii. 3, 9, 40.
xxiv. 18.

reconcile, Eph. ii. 16. Col. i. 20, 21. John i. 21, 26, 48(49), 49(50), 50
(51). ii. 18, 19. iii. 3, 5, 9, 10, 27.
iv. 10, 13, 17. V. 7, 11, 17, 19. vi.

restitution. Acts iii. 21.
7, 26, 29, 43, 68, 70. vii. 16, 20,
21, 46, 47, 52. viii. 14, 19, 33, 34,
he laid up, Luke xix. 20. Col. i. 5. 39, 48, 49, 54. ix. 3, 11, 20, 25, 27,
2 Tim. iv. 8. 30, 34, 36. X. 25, 32, 33, 34. xi. 9.
he appointed, Heb. ix. 27. xii. 23, 30, 34. xiii. 7, 8, 26, 36,

38. xiv. 23. xvi. 31. xviii. 5, 8, 20,
22, 23, 30, 34, 35, 36, 37. xix. 7,
hehead. Matt. xiv. 10. Mark vi.

11, 15, 22. XX. 28. xxi. 5.
16, 27(28). Luke ix. 9.
Acts iii. 12. iv. 19. v. 8, 29. viii.
24, 34, 37(a/?). ix. 13. x. 46. xi. 9.
shut, Luke xiii. 25.
XV. 13, xix. 15. xxi. 13. xxii. 8,

28. xxiv. 10, 25. xxv. 4, 9, 12, 16.

V. 12.
xviii. 10, 26.



sentence (mar^f. answer), 2 Cor.

Acts xxvii. 32. Gal.
45. John

i. 9.
Col. iv. 6. Rev. vii. 13.
TTrS. Mark
Matt. xxiv. 2, for

answer, Luke
i. 22. xix. 9.

ix. 6,for


47. xx. 26. Jolm


to answer, Matt. iii. 15. iv. 4. viii.

8. xi, 4, 25. xii. 38, 39, 48. xiii.
11, 37. xiv. 28. XV. 3, 13, 15, 23,
XXV. 18 (2^(8).
Matt. xi.
LTTr^S). Luke x.
. Eph.
4 1

21. 1 Cor. ii. 7. iii. 9. Col. i.

. ,
26. With to enjoy, 1 Tim. vi. 17.
With enjoy the pleasures,
hid, Luke viii. 17. Col. ii. 3. Heb. xi. 25.
kept secret, Mark iv. 22.

to leave,2 Tim. iv. 13, 20. Jude 6.

Pass., remain, Heh. iv. 6, 9. x. 26.
kill, Matt. x. 28i. xvi. 21. xvii.
23. xxi. 35, 38. xxiii. 34, 37. xxiv. Add Tit. i. 5, for G'L
9. xxvi. 4. Mark iii. 4. vi. 19. viii.
31. ix. 31, 3lP. X. 34. xii. 5i, 7, 8.
Luke xi. 47, 48. xii. 4, 5. xiii. 31,

lick, Luke
xvi. LTTf
34. XX. 14, 15. Jolm v. 18. vii. 1,
19, 20, 25. viii. 22, 37, 40. xvi. 2. or -.
Acts iii. 15. xxi. 31. xxiii. 12.
xxvii. 42. Roin. xi. 3. 2 Cor. iii. 6.

11. ix. 5, 18, 20. xi. 5, 7. xiii. lOi, Luke iv. 34. vi.
destroy. Matt. ii. 13. x. 28. xii. 14.
xxi. 41. xxii. 7. xxvii. 20. Mark
IThes. ii. 15. Rev. ii. 23. vi. 8, i. 24. iii. 6. ix. 22. xi. 18. xii. 9.

G). ix. 56(a;?). xvii. 27, 29. xix.

slay, Matt. xxi. 39. xxii. 6. Luke 47. XX. 16. John x. 10. Rom. xiv.
ix. 22. xi. 49. xiii. 4. Jolm v. 16 15. ICor. i. 19. Jas. iv. 12. Jude 5.
(ap). Acts vii. 52. xxiii. 14. Rom.

ix. 15. xi. 13. xix. 21.

put to death, Mk. xiv. 1. Lk. xviii, 52

33. John xi. 53. xii. 10. xviii. 31. Luke V. 37. viii. 24. xi. 51. xiii.

have put
, .

. .
when he WOUld 3, 5, 33. XV. 17. xxi. 18. John
to death, Matt. xiv. 5. iii. 15, 16(ajo).
3iid., be destroyed, 1 Cor. x. 9, 10.
vii. 11. Eph. ii. 10. Rev. ii. 13. 2 Cor. iv. 9. —perish. Matt. v. 29,

30. viii. 25. ix. 17. xviii. 14. xxvi.

G"). Mark iv. 38.

vi. 27. x. 28. xi.

Add Luke vi. 9, for -6\^
G. 50. Acts V. 37. Rom. ii. 12. 1 Cor.
GLTTiaS Mark xii. 5, i. 18. viii. 11. xv. 18. 2 Cor. ii. 15.

Rev. vi. 11
28, Luke xii. 4,
L 2 Cor. iii.

. G.
Rev. xiii. 10. Jude 11.
— '
do. LTTr^S Matt. x. 2Thes. ii. 10. Heb. i. 11. Jas. i.
11. IPet. i. 7. 2 Pet. iii. 6,^ 9.
die, John xviii. 14 — (-

. 4(
G"LTr5').— be lost, John
vL 12. xvii. 12. 2 Cor. iv. 3.— be
bring forth, Jas. i. 15.
marred, Mark ii. 22.
beget, Jas. i. 18. lose, Matt. X. 6, 39i, 42. xv. 24.
xvi. 25i. xviii. 11 (ap). Mark viii.
roll away, Mark xvi. 3, 35/. ix. 41. Luke ix. 24/, 25. xv.
8). Luke xxiv. 2. 4p, 4, 6, 8, 9, 24, 32. xvii. 33i.

back, Matt, xxviii. 2. xix. 10. John vi.

39. xii. 25.

2 John

xviii. 9. 8.

receive, 34:(
Luke vi. TTr
Acts xxvii. 34, for G

- {^ .
LT^". Rev. xviii. 14, for 2d
5). XV. 27. xvi. 25. xviii. 30(- Xouaf, GLTTtS,
fiavuL). xxiii. 41. Rom. i. 27. Gal.
iv. 5. Col. iii. 24. 2 John 8. 3 John
G'LTS). Apollyon (niarg. destroyer), Rev.
receive again, Luke vi. 34. ix. 11.
take, Mark vii. 33.
for LT/S'. speak for one's self, Acts xxvi. 24p.
. 42 tuiocnan

answer for one*8 self, Acta 8p. divorce, Matt. v. 32.
xxvi. 1, 2.
answer, Luke xii. 11. xzi. 14.
wipe off, Luke x. 11.
Acts xxiv. 10.
excuse one's
excuse, Rom.

2 Cor.
xii. 19.
give, 1 Pet.

. iii. 7.

make defence, Acts xix. 33. 7ov7oau
wash, Matt, xxvii. 24.
answer Acts xxv,
for one's self*'*',

answer, 1 Cor. ix. 3. 2 Tim. iv. 16.

With , fall from, Acts ix. 18.

1 Pet. ill. 15.

clearing of one's self, 2 Cor. vii. 11.

defence, Acts xxii. 1. PMl. i. 7,

wash away, Acts xxii.

wash, 1 Cor. vi. 11.
seduce, Mark xiii. 22.
Pass.f QixQnarg. be seduced),
vi. 10.

16. to sail.
15. xxvii. 1.
Acts xiii. 4. xiv. 26. zx.
1 Tim,

Luke v. 2(l7rXwov, fr.

redemption, Luke xxi. 28. Rom.

iii. 24. viii. 23. 1 Cor. 1. 30. Eph.
LTr, knlvvav G'/S).

i. 7, 14. iv. 30. CoL i. 14. Heb. ix. anoTtviyca.
15. choke. Matt. xiii. 7. Luke viii. 7,
deliverance, HeL. xi. 35. 33.

loose. Matt, xviii. 27. Luke xiii. be perplexed, 2 Cor. iv. 8.

12. stand in doubtCmar^r. be perplexed),
xxiii. 16, 17
Matt, xxvii. 15,
Mark xv.
17, 21,
15. Luke
6, 9, 11,
18, 20, 25. Jolin
Gal. iv. 20.

doubt, John xiii. 22. Acts xxv. 20
(marg. be doubtful).

Add Luke xxiv. 4, for
xviii. 39i. xix. 10, 12.

forgive, Luke vi. 37i. LTTr^S,
let go, Luke
xiv. 4. xxii. 68 (-T
^8). 22. John xix. 12.
xxiii. perplexity, Luke xxi. 25.

Acts iii. 13. iv. 21, 23. v. 40. xv.
33. xvi. 35, 36. xvii. 9. xxviii. 18.
cast one's self. Acts xxvii. 43.
let depart, Luke ii. 29. Acts xxiii.
Mid.^ depart. Acts xxviii. 25. be taken from (lit* be wholly be-
set at liberty, Acts xxvi. 32. Heb. reaved of), 1 Thes. ii. 17.
xiii. 23.
send away. Matt. xiv. 15, 22, 23p.
take up one's carriage, Acts xxi.
XV, 23, 32, 39. Mark vi. 36, 45.
viii. 3, 9. Luke viii. 38. ix. 12.
Acts xiii. 3.
dismiss, Acts xv. 30p. xix. 41.
put away, Matt. i. 19. v. 31, 32.
15 (/i7. pack awaj ;

shadow, Jas. i. 17.

,, .
xix. 3, 7, 8, 9/. Mark x. 2, 4, 11,
12. Luke xvi. 18t. draw away, Acts xx. 30.
draw, Matt. xxvi. 51.

withdraw, Luke xxii. 41.

, [xxi. 1p.

defraud, x. 19. 1 Cor. vi. 7,
Pass., with be gotten from, Acts 8. viL 5.
keep back by fraud, Jas. v. 4.
, away, 2 Thes. ii. 3. Pass., destitute, 1
Tim. vi. 5p.

With to forsake, Acts xxi. 21.
apostleship, Acts i, 25. Rom. 1. 5,
divorcement, Matt. xix. 7. 1 Cor. ix. 2. Gal.
,'. ii. 8.

z. 4.
writing of divorcement, Matt. v. 31. he that is sent, John xiii. 16.
messenger, 3 Cor. viii. 23. Phil,
uncover, Mark ii. 4. ii. 25.
apostle, Matt. x. 2. Mark vi. 30.

4(see ).
send away, Mark viii,

send forth, Matt. ii. 16. x. 5, 16.

xiii. 41. xxii. 3, 4. Mark iii. 14.
vi. 7, 17. xi. 1. xiv. 13. Luke x.
3. XX. 20. Heb. i. 14. Rev. v. 6.
26. xii. 3, Luke
5. xxii. 14.
vi. 13.

37, 42, 43. iv. 33,

V. 2, 12, 18, 29, 34
S), 40.
27. xi. 1. xiv. 4, 14. xv. 2, 4, 6,
22, 23, 33 (G';
vi. 6.
ix. 10.
xxiv. 10. Acts

( xi. 49.

i. 2,

14, 18.



send out. Matt. xiv. 35. xxii. 16.

send. Matt. x. 40. xi. 10. xv. 24. GLT, S). xvi. 4.
Rom. i. 1. xi. 13. xvi. 7. 1 Cor. i.
XX. 2. xxi. 1, 3, 34, 36, 37. xxiii.
34, 37. xxiv. 31. xxvii. 19. Mark I. iv. 9. ix. 1, 2, 5. xii. 28, 29.
i. 2. iii. 31. v. 10. vi. 27. ix. 37. XV. 7, 9t. 2 Cor. i. 1. xi. 5, 13. xii.

xi. 3. xii. 2, 4, 5, 6, 13. xiii. 27. II, 12. Gal. i. 1, 17, 19. Eph. i.

Luke i. 19, 26. iv. 18, 43. vii. 3, 1. ii.20. iii. 5. iv. 11. Col. i. 1.
20, 27. ix. 2, 48, 52. x. 1, 16. xi. IThes. ii. 6. ITim. i. 1. ii. 7.
49. xiii. 34. xiv. 17, 32. xix. 14, 2Tim. i. 1, 11. Tit. i. 1. Heb. iii.

29, 32. XX. 10. xxii. 8, 35. xxiv. 1. IPet. i. 1. 2 Pet. i. 1. iii. 2.

49 TTr). John i. 6, Jude 17. Rev. ii. 2. xviii. 20 xxi.
19, 24. iii. 17, 28, 34. iv. 38. v. 14.
33, 36, 38. vi. 29, 57. vii. 29, 32.
viii. 42. ix. 7. x. 36. xi. 3, 42. provoke to speak, Luke xi. 53.
xvii. 3, 8, 18i, 21, 23, 25. xviii.
24. XX. 21. Acts iii. 20, 26. v. 21.
turn away, Acts iii. 26. Rom. xi.
vii. 14, 34, 35. viii. 14. ix. 17, 38

30. xiii. 15, 267

X. 8, 17, 20, 21(ap), 36. xi. 11, 13,
XV. 27. xvi. 35, 36. xix. 22p. xxvi.

2 Tim. iv. 4.
Mid., and Pass,


xii. 25?.
2 Tim.
turn away
i. 15.

17. xxviii. 28. Rom. x. 15. 1 Cor.


pervert, xxiii. 14.
i. 17. 2 Cor. xii. 17. 2 Tim. iv. 12.
1 Pet. i. 12. 1 John iv. 9, 10, 14.
put up again. Matt. xxvi. 62.
Rev. i. 1. xxii. 6. bring again. Matt, xxvii. 3((>
Mark iv. 29. 8).

put in,
set, Luke iv. 18.
Add Matt. viii. 31, abhor, Rom. xii. 9.

33, see
ffriXXui, L.
xxi. 25, for
Acts xv.
- Wifh put OUt of the iJTX%r
gogue, John xvi. 2.
With , .
be put out of the syn-
agogue, John ix. 22. xii. 42.

take leave-of, Acts xviii. 18p. 2 Cor.

ii. 13.
speak forth, Acts xxvi. 25•
utterance*"*. Acts ii. 4.

say. Acts ii. 14.

bid farewell,
xviii. 21.
Luke xiv. 33.

away, Mark vi. 46p.

ix. 61. Acts

using, Col.
unlade, Acts xxi. 3.

., ii. 22.

Add Luke


32, for ?^^
depart. Matt. vii. 23.
Acts xiii. 13.

depart, Rev. vi. 14.

depart ''asunder. Acts xv. 39.
Luke ix. 39.

put off, Eph. iv. 22. Col. iii. 8.
put away, Epli. iv. 25.
cast off, Rom. xiii. 12.

men's hearts

lay aside, Heb. xii. 1. 1 Pet. ii. 1. failing them, Luke xxi. 2(3.

lay apart, Jas. i. 21.

lay down. Acts vii. 58.
Add Matt. xiv. 3, for
, LTr ITim.
which no man can approach unto,
vi. 16.

without offence, Phil. i. 10,
shake off, Luke ix. 5. Acts xxviii.
void of offence, Acts xxiv. 16.
With give none offence,

. ,.
1 Cor. X. 32.
repay, 19.
{-^- LTS).

without respect of persons, 1 Pet.
be very bold, Rom. x. 20. i. 17.


sharply, Tit.

turn away, 2 Tim.

absence, Phil.

, '.

2 Cor.
xi. 22i.


xiii. 10.

iii. 5.
Jude 24.


xxii. 55^

viii. 16p. xi. 33p.

Mid., touch. Matt. viii. 3, 15. ix.

20, 21, 29. xiv. 36i. xvii. 7. xx.
34. Mark i. 41. iii. 10. v. 27, 28,
keep from falling,


carry away, Mark xr. 1, Rev.

30, 31. vi. 56t. vii. 33. viii. 22. x.
xvii. 3. xxi. 10.

carry, Luke xvi. 22.
bring, 1 Cor. xvi. 3.
Add Acts xix. 12, for
. G"
13. Luke V. 13. vi. 19. vii, 14, 39.
viii. 44, 45, 45(a;;), 46, 47.
15. xxii. 51. John xx. 17.
vii. 1. 2 Cor. vi. 17. Col.
1 John V. 18.
Add Acts xxviii. 3, for ^
ii. 21.

to escape (fromM, '^ l*et. 4. ii. 18'


thrust from, Acts vii. 39.
tlirust away, Acts vii. 27.

Acts xvii. 27.
if haply.
Cor. xv. 15.
if go be, 1
what manner of man, Mark;
Luke viii. 25. —

iv. 41. what man-
put from, Acts xiii. 46.
ner of, Luke i. 66.
put away, 1 Tim. i. 19.
cast away, Rom. xi. 1, 2.
xxi. 38. With ,
Also interrogatively, with , Acts
Acts vii. 1
(-G°oL*S). W^thpoac, 2 Cor.
destruction. Matt. vii. 13.
19. 2 Pet. ii. 1.
ix. i.17. With ,
Matt, xviii. 1. Luke

22. Phil. iii. iii.
xxii. 23. Acts xii. 18.
perdition, John xvii. 12. Phil. Add Gal. ii. 17, for C?L.
i.28. 2Thes. ii.
Heb. X. 39. 2 Pet.
8, 11.
Tim. vi. 9.
Rev. xvii.

Interrogative, therefore. Gal. ii. 17

(apa C?L). With Luke

waste, Matt. xxvi.

pernicious way, 2 Pet. ii.
to die,

C^GLTaS; marg. lascivious way).


8. Mark
viii. 20.
Acts xxv. 16 (om


xiv. 4. .
. ,
, with

Acts viii. 30.

damnation, 2 Pet. ii. 3.

damnable*^, 2 Pet. ii. 1.


2 Pet.

Matt. xii. 36. xx. 3,


.iii. 14. 6. 1 Tim. V. 13i.

slow, Tit. i. 12.
barren, 2 Pet. i. 8.
then. Matt. xii. 28. xix. 25. xxiv.
4. Luke xii. 42. Rom. vii. 21.
Add Jas. ii. 20, for LT.
ICor. XV. 14, 18. 2 Cor. v. 14(15).
Gal. ii. 21. iii. 29. v. 11. Heb. silver, Acts iii. 6. XX. 33. IPet.
xii. 8. i. 18.
so then, Rom. x. 17. Gal. iv. 31 silver piece, Matt, xxvii. 6.
(-Goo; LTaS). piece of silver, Matt. xxvi. 15.

therefore. Matt. xix. 27. Rom. viii. xxvii. 3, 5, 9. Acts xix. 19(pieces<=).
1. Gal. iii. 7. Heb. iv. 9. money. Matt. xxv. 18, 27. xxviii.
wherefore, 2 Cor. vii. 12. 12, 15. Mark xiv. 11. Luke ix. 3.
no douht, Luke xi. 20.

xix. 15, 23. xxii. 5. Acts vii. 16.
truly, Luke xi. 48. viii. 20.
then. Matt. xvii. 26. Acts
xi. is(apa LS). — wherefore, Matt. silversmith. Acts xix. 24.
vii. 20.

ovvy 80 then, Romr vii. 3, 25.
silver, Matt. x. 9 (-T, err.? S).
ix. 16. xiv. 12(-oiivL). now there- — Acts xvii. 29. 1 Cor. iii. 12. Jas. v.
fore, Eph. ii. 19.
therefore, —
V. 18. viii. 12. ix. 18. xiv. 19. Gal.
Rom. 3. Rev. xviii. 12.


Vi. 10. 1 Thes. v. 6. 2Thes. ii. 15.

for then,
1 Cor. vii. 14.
perhaps, Acts
1 Cor. v. 10.

viii. 22.
xi. 13. —
of silver, 2 Tim.

pleasing, Col.
Acts xix. 24.


20. Rev.ix.20,
. 46
Mid., be content, Luke iii. 14.

please, Matt. xiv. 6. Mark vi. 22.

Acts vi. 5. Rom. viii. 8. xv. 1, 2,
ITim. vi. 8. Heb.
3 John IQP.
xiii. 5. — content,

3. ICor. vii. 32, 33, 34. x. 33. GhTTrS,

Gal. i. lot. IThes. ii. 4, 15. iv. 1. bear. Rev. xiii. 2.
2Tim. ii. 4.
chariot, Acts viii. 28, 29, 38. Rev.
With those things that are ix. 9.
pleasing, 1 John iii. 22. those —
things that please, John viii. 29. espouse, 2 Cor.^ xi.^ 2.
With Acts xii. 3.

reason. Acts vi. 2. joint, Heb. iv. 12.

virtue, Phil. iv. 8. 2 Pet. i. 3, 5/.

, deny. xxvi. 70, 72.

Matt. x. 33/,
-gruSQ (rnarg. virtue), 1 Pet. ii. 9. Mark xiv. 68, 70. Luke viii. 45p.
(7]) gen. xii. 9. xxii. 57. John i. 20- xviii. 25,

lamb, Luke
x. 3. 27. Acts iii. 13, 14. iv. 16. 1 Tim.

V. 8. 2 Tim. I2i, 13. iii. 5. Tit.


Luke i. 16. ii. 12. 2 Pet. ii. 1. 1 John ii.

to number. Matt. x. 30. xii.
22f, 23. Jude 4. Rev. ii. 13. iii. 8.
7. Rev. vii. 9.
refuse. Acts vii. 35. Heb. xi. 24.
Add, for Luke ix. 23,
number, Luke xxii. 3. John vi. 10.
GLTTr5. John xiii, 38, LTTr.
Acts iv. 4. V. 36. vi. 7. xi. 21.

(ap). vii. 4. ix.


2. XX.

xvi. 5. Rom. ix. 27. Rev. v. 11


xi. 37.
xiii. 17, 18ir.

John xxi. 12,

Said of
John xxi.
Lamb, Rev.
v. 6,
12, 13. vi. 1, 16. vii. 9, 10, 14,
17. xii. 11. xiii. 8, 11. xiv. 1, 4i,
10. XV. 3. xvii. 14t. xix. 7, 9. xxi.

9, 14, 22, 23, 27. xxii. 1, 3.

left, Matt, vi, 3. Luke xxiii. 33. See

2 Cor. vi. 7.

on the left,
Add Mark x. 37, for TTr.
to plow, Luke xvii. 7. 1 Cor. ix.
dinner. Matt, xxii. 4.
xiv. 12.
Add Luke
xiv. 15, for

xi. 38.

plow, Luke
ix. 62.

enough, Matt. x. 25.

sufficient. Matt. vi. 34.


be enough, Matt. xxv. 9,

understood, suffice, 1 Pet.

robbery, Phil.
Heb. x. 34.

xi. 39.
extortion. Matt, xxiii. 25.

ii. 6.

take by force. Matt. xi. 12. John

John xiv. 8.
suffice, vi. 15. Acts xxiii. 10.
be sufficient, John vi. 7. 2 Cor. catch away, Matt. xiii. 19. Acts
xii. 9. viii. 39.
catch, John . 12.
catch up, 2 Cor. xii. 2, 4. 1

Thes. 39.
With 077(5,

29.— from

iv. T7.

Add, for
LTTr. 29, LT.
John X.
Jude 23.
xii. 5.
28, 29.

Matt. xii. 29,

John xiv.

xxvi. 64. John i. 51(52; -G"LTr

now (mar g. from henceforth),
xiii. 19.

present hour, 1 Cor. iv. 11.


even unto this


ravening, Matt. vii. 15. With until now. Matt. xi. 12.
extortioner, Luke xviii. 11. 1 Cor. John ii. 10. —
even until now,
V. 10, 11. vi. 10. 1 John ii. 9. — unto this present,

6.— unto
ICor. XV.

this day, 1 Cor.

earnest, 2 Cor. i. 22{ hS).

iv. 13.

— unto this hour, 1 Cor. viii.
V. .
Eph. i. 14.
7. hitherto,
Add Rev.
xiv. 13 (see )»
v. 17. xvi. 24.

without seam, John xix. 23.

. ^ LT.
man, Rom. i. 27. Rev. xii. 5.
new-bom, 1 Pet. ii. 2.

man child, Rev. xii. S). perfect, 2 Tim. iii. 17.

unspeakable, 2 Cor. xii. 4. bread. Matt. iv. 3, 4. vi. 11. vii.

9. XV.
2, 26, 33. xvi. 5, 7, 8,11, 12

sick, Matt. xiv. 14. Mark xvi. 18
(-TS). xxvi. 26. Mark iii. 20. vi.
36(-G"LbTr, S), 37.

(ap). 8, vii.
2, 5, 27. viii. 4, 14, 16, 17. xiv.
that is sick, Mark vi. 13.
Plural, sick folk, Mark vi. 5. 22. Luke iv. 3, 4. vii. 33(-Go).
ix. 3. xi. 3, 11. xiv. 1, 15
sickly, 1 Cor. xi. 30.
G'). XV. 17. xxii. 19. xxiv. 30, 35.
John vi. 5, 7, 23, 31, 32f, 33, 34,
ahuser of one's self with mankind, 35, 41, 48, 50, 51ir, 58i. xiii. 18.
1 Cor. vi. 9. xxi. 9, 13. Acts ii. 42, 46. xx. 7,

kind, 1

man, Rom.
See also



that defileth one's self with man-

xix. 4. Mark x.
23. Gal. iii. 28.
i. 27i.
xi. 23, 26, 27, 28.
2 Thes.

Matt. xii. 4.


ix. 2.
11. xxvii. 35. ICor. x. 16, 17i.

8, 12.

Mark ii.
2 Cor.

26. Luke vi.
ix. 10.

loaf,Matt. xiv. 17, 19i. xv. 34,

mainsail, Acts xxvii. 40.

even now. Matt. ix. 18.

. 36. xvi. 9, 10. Mark vi. 38, 41 f,
44, 52. viii. 5, 6, 14, 19. Luke ix.
13, 16. xi. 5. John vi. 9, 11, 13,

now, Matt. iii. 15. xxvi. 53. John
Add Mark viii. 20(seven . . ), L/S.
ix. 19, 25. xiii. 7, 33, 37. xvi. 12,
31. ICor. xiii. 12/. xvi. 7. Gal. 1.
9, 10. iv. 20. IThes. iii. 6. 2 Thes. to season, Mark ix. 50. Luke xiv.
ii. 7. 1 Pet. 1. 6, 8. Rev. xii. 10. 34. Col. iv. 6.
archangel, 1 Thes. iv. 16.
14, 47, 59. xxvii. 1, 3, 6, 12, 20,
41, 62. xxviii. 11. Mark viii. 31.
Jude 9.
x. 33. xi. 18, 27. xiv. 1, 10, 43,

ago. Acts XV. 7.
of old time, Matt. v. 21, 21{omS),

, a gOod while
53, 55. XV. 1, 3, 10, 11, 31. Luke
ix. 22. xix. 47. xx. G'T),
19. xxii. 2, 4, 52, QQ. xxiii. 4, 10,
13, 23(-Li>Tr»'>S). xxiv. 20. John
vii. 32, 45. xi. 47, 57. xii. 10.
of old time, Acts xviii.
3, 35. xix. 6, 15, 21. Acts
XV. 21. iv. 23. V. 24. ix. 14, 21. xxii. 30.
old, Luke ix. 8, 19. Acts xxi. 16.
xxiii. 14. XXV. 15. xxvi. 10, 12.
2 Pet. ii. 5. Rev. xii. 9. xx. 2.
chief of the priests, Acts xix. 14.

With art., old things, 2 Cor. v. 17.
high priest, Matt. xxvi. 3, 51, 57,
58, 62, 63, 65. Mark ii. 26. xiv.
beginning, Matt. xix. 4, 8. xxi v. 47, 53, 54, 60, 61, 63, QQ. Luke iii.
8, 21. Mark i. 1. x. 6. xiii. 8(9), 2. xxii. 50, 54. John xi. 49, 51.
19. Luke i. 2. John 1. 1, 2. ii. 11. xviii. 10, 13, 15/, 16, 19, 22, 24,
vi. 64. viii. 25, 44. xv. 27. xvi. 4. 26. Acts iv. 6. V. 17, 21,
Acts xi. 15. Phil. iv. 15. Col. i. StGT,-L•^), 27. vii. 1. ix. 1. xxii. 5.
18. 2 Thes. ii. 13 (see ?/). Heb. xxiii. 2, 4, 5. xxiv, 1. xxv. 2. Heb.
i. 10. iii. 14. vii. 3. 2 Pet. iii. 4. iv. 15. V. 1, 5. vii. 27, 28. viii. 3. ix.

IJohn i. 1. ii, 7, 7(-Go°LT>S), 13, 7, 25. xiii. \\. Said of Christ, Heb.

14, 24/. iii. 8, 11. 2 John 5, 6. Rev. ii. 17. iii. 1. iv. 14, v. 10. vi. 20. vii.

i. 8(oto). iii. 14. xxi. 6. xxii. 13.

Heb. V. 12.
at the first.
26. viii. 1, ix. 11.

Add Heb. x. 11, for

Acts xxvi. 4.
begin at the first,

chief Shepherd, 1 Pet. v. 4.

Heb. ii. 3.
corner, Acts x. 11. xi. 5.
first estate (marg. principality), ruler of the synagogue, Mark v.
Jude 6. 22, 35, 36, 38. Luke viii. 49. xiii.
14. Acts xiii. 15.

principle8''° (rnarg, beginning), Heb.
vi. 1.
principality, Rom. viii. 38. Eph. i.
21. iii. 10. vi. 13. Col. i. 16. ii. 10,
15. Tit. iii. 1.
xviii. 8, 17.
chief ruler of the synagogue, Acts

master-builder, 1 Cor. iii. 10.

xv. 24.
rule, 1 Cor.
power, Luke xx. 20.
magistrate, Luke xii. 11.
xix. 2.
chief among the publicans, Lnke

Prince, Acts
V. 31.

of the high priest.
iii. \f)

captain, Heb. ii. 10.

author (wargr. beginner),

chief priest. Matt, ii, 4.

rx. 18. xxi. 15, 23, 45.
(rnarg. author)•

Acts iv.

xii. 2.

xvi. 21.
xxvi. 3,
governor of the feast, John ii.

ruler of the feast, John ii. 9.

rule over, Mark x. 42.

reign over, Rom. xv. 12.
Mid., begin. Matt. iv. 17.
xii. 1. xiv.xvi. 21, 22.
xviii. 24p. xx. 8. xxiv. 49. xxvi.
22, 37, 74. Mark i. 45. ii. 23. iv.
8, 9.

xi. 7,
1. V. 17, 20. vi. 2, 7, 34, 55. viii.
11, 31, 32. X. 28, 33, 41, 47. xi.
15. xii. 1. xiii. 5. xiv. 19, 33, 65,


. &
commit ungodly. Jade 15.

ungodly, Rom. iv. 5. v. 6. ITim. i.9.

69, 71. XV. 8, 18. Luke iii. 8. iv.

IPet. iv.l8. 2Pet. ii. 5. iii.7. Jude 15.
21. V. 21. vii. 15, 24, 38, 49. ix.
With crt.f that is ungodly, Jude 15.
13. xi. 29, 53. xii. 1, 45. xiii. 35,
ungodly man, Jude 4.
26. xiv. 9, 18, 29, 30. xv. 14, 24.
xix. 37, 45. XX. 9. xxi. 28p. xxii.
23. xxiii. 2, 5, 30. xxiv. 27, 47. lasciviousness, Mark vii. 22. 2 Cor.
John viii. 9(a;j). xiii. 5. Acts i. 1, xii. 21. Gal. V. 19. Eph. iv. 19.
22. ii. 4. 35. x. 37. xi. 15.
viii. 1 Pet. iv. 3. Jude 4.
wantonness, Rom. xiii. 13.
xviii. 26. xxiv. 2. xxvii. 35. 2 Cor.
iii. 1. 1 Pet. iv. 17. With Plural, much wantonness, 2 Pet. ii.

begin, Luke iii. 23p.

. rehearse" 18.
from the beginniiig, Acts xi. 4p. With h, filthy^S 2 Pet. ii. 7.
Add 2 Pet. ii. 2, for C™UL

prince, Matt. ix. 34. xii. 24. xx.
25. Mark iii. 22. John xii. 31. xiv.
30. xvi. 11. 1 Cor. ii. 6, 8. Eph. ii. mean, Acts xxi. 39.
2. Rev. i. 5.
chief, Luke xi. 15. xiv. V^^, weakness, ICor. ii. 3. xv. 43.
ruler, Matt. ix. 18, 23. Luke viii. 2 Cor. xii. 9. xiii. 4. Heb. xi. 34.
41, xviii. 18. xxiii. 13, 35. xxiv. infirmity, Matt. viii. 17. Luke v.
20. John iii. 1. vii. 26, 48. Acts 15. viii. 3. xiii. 11, 12. John v. 5.
iii. 17. iv. 5, 8, 26. vii. 27, 35i. Rom. vi. 19. viii. 26. 2 Cor. xi. 30.
xiii. 27. xiv. 5. xvi. 19. xxiii. 5. xii. 5, 9, 10. Gal. iv. 13. 1 Tim. v.

Rom. xiii. 3. 23. Heb. iv. 15. v. 2. vii. 28.
chief ruler,
xii. 42.
xii. 58.
Acts xxviii.
xi, 4.


John xix. 40.

xxiii. 56.

Mark xvi.
xxiv. 1.
be weak, Rom. iv. 19. viii. 3. xiv.
1, 2. 1 Cor. viii. ^'('{
S). 2 Cor. xi. 21, 29i. xii. 10. xiii.
3, 4, 9.

be made weak, Kom. xiv. 2i(-G''*S.)
weak, Acts xx. 35p, 1 Cor. viii.
unmovable, Acts xxvii. 41.
IIP, 12P.
which can not be moved, Heb. xii. 28,
impotent man, John v. 7p.
impotent folk, John v.
unciuenchable, Matt. iii. 12. Luke
be sick, Matt. xxv. 36. Luke vii.

10(-LTr>S). Jolmiv. 46. xi. 8, 3,
that never shall be quenched, Mark
6. Acts ix. 37. Phil. ii. 36, T•. Jas.
ix. 43 (ap), 45(aj9). V. 14.
sick, Matt. x. Sp. Mark vi. 56p.
ungodliness, Rom. i. 18. xi. 26. Luke 2{(^ C'LTr"
iv. 40p. ix.
2 Tim. ii. 16. Tit. ii. 12. S, -T). John xi. 1p. Acts xix. 12p.

live ungodly,
Jude 15(-G°5),

2 Pet.
ii. 6.
18. 2 Tim. iv. 20p.
be diseased,
Matt. xxv. 39, for
vi. 2.
LTTr. John

v. 13, for

Rom. sv.

without strength, Rom. v. 6.

, fr. Id-
V. 13. 3
Phm. 23. Heb. xiii. 24<. 1 Pet.

John 14(15).
embrace, Acts xx. 1. Heb. xi. 13.
take leave of, Acts xxi.
oac LTS).

weak, Matt. xxvi. 41. Mark xiv. greeting, Matt, xxiii. 7. Luke xi.

3S. 1 Cor. iv. 10. viii. 7, 10. ix. 43. XX. 46.

22(r. xi. 30. 2 Cor. x. 10. Gal. iv. salutation, Mark xii. 38. Luke i.
9. Thes. V. 14. 1 Pet. iii. 7.
1 29, 41, 44. 1 Cor. xvi. 21. Col. iv.
With art., weakness, 1 Cor. 1. 25. 18. 2 Thes. iii. 17.
Heb. vii. 18. —
weak things, 1 Cor.
i. 21^\ap).
without spot, 1 Tim. vi. 14. 1 Pet.
feeble, 1 Cor. xii. 22.

i. 19. 2 Pet. iii. 14.
impotsnt, Acts iv. 9.
39(?), unspotted, Jas. i. 27.
43, 44.

, ,.
Matt. xxv.
Luke x. 9. Acts v. 15.
sick folks, Acts v. 16?'.
asp, Rom.
iii. 13.

for Luke ix. 2,
1 Cor. viii. 9, G"LTaS,

abstinence, Acts xxvii. 21.

fasting, Acts xxvii. 33.


truce-breaker, 2


farthing, Matt. x. 29.

i. 31(-G°°LT5).

Tim. iii. 3.

xii. 6,

to exercise,
Acts xxiv. 16.
close by, Acts xxvii. 13.

22(a/)). Luke
Matt. ix. 17/. Mark
V. 37ir, 38.
ii. 22ir,
have no certain
ICor. iv. 11.
, ^
dwelling place,

gladly, Acts


. .

Eph. V. 15.
4l(^-G<^LTS). xxi. fair,

Acts vii. 20.
Heb. xi. 23.

Matt. ii.
'. 2, 7, 9, 10. xxiv,

29. Mark xiii. 35. 1 Cor. xv. 41ir.
Jude 13. Rev. i. 16, 20i. ii. 1, 28.
greet, Rom. xvi. 3, 6, 8, 11. 1 Cor.
iii. 1. vi. 13. viii. 10, 11, 12. ix. 1.
xvi. 20t. 2 Cor. xiii. 12. Phil. iv.

xii. 1, 4. xxii. 16.
21. Col. iv. 14. IThes. v. 26. 2Tim.
iv. 21.
Tit. iii. 15(14). 1 Pet. v.
14. 2 John 13. 3 John 14(15), unstable, 2 Pet. ii. 14. iii. 16.
salute. Matt. v. 47. x. 12. Mark
ix. 15. XV. 18. Luke i. 40. x. 4.
Acts xviii. 22p. xxi. 7, 19p. xxv.
13. Rom. xvi. 5, 7, 9, ^0^ 11, 12,
12(a/j), 13, 14, 15, IG/, 21, 22, 23<.
1 Cor. xvi. 19(18)/. 2 Cor.
(12). Phil. iv. 21, 22. Col. iv.
12, 15. 2 Tin., iv. 19. Tit. iii.
xiii. 13
without natural

2>\(inarg. unsociable)•

swerve from {narg. not aim at),

10, 1 Tim. i. 6.
15 err, 1 Tim. vi. 21. 2 Tim. ii. 18.
2 Tim.


. 51
lightning, Matt. xxiv. 27. xxviii. riot. Tit. i. 6. 1 Pet. iv. 4.

3. Luke X. 18. xvii. 24. Rev. iv. excess, Eph. v. 18.
6. viii. 5. xi. 19. xvi. 18.
bright shining, Luke xi. 36. riotous^", Luke xv. 13.

Luke xvii. 24.

Luke xxiv. 4.

star, Luke xxi. 25. Acts vii. 43.

xxvii. 20. Heb. xi. 12.
behave one's
iii. 7.

unruly (mar^r.
V. 14.
self disorderly,

2 Thes.


.agree not, Acts xxviii. disorderly,

2 Thes. iii. 6, 11.


without children, Luke xx. 28, 29.
without understanding. Matt. xv. childless,Luke xx. dO(ap).
16. Mark vii. 18. Rom. i. 31.

Rom. i. 21. x.

covenant breaker,

Acts v. 23.
Luke i.


i. 31.

Thes. v. 3.
look steadfastly. Acts i. 10 (with
vi. 15. 2 Cor. iii. 13.
look up° steadfastly. Acts vii. 55. *
look earnestly on. Acta iii. 12.
look earnestly upon, Luke xxii. 56.
look on. Acts x. 4p.
behold steadfastly. Acts xiv.


safe, Phil. iii. 1.

2 Cor. iii. l(wiih ).
behold earnestly. Acts xxiii. 1.

sure, Heb. vi. 19.
certain,Acts xxv. 26.
With art., certainty, Acts xxi. 34.
fasten one's eyes. Acts iii. 4. xi. 6p.
be fastened on, Luke iv. 20 (with . )
xxii. 30.
set one's eyes. Acts xiii. 9p.


sure. Matt, xxvii. 64.
Mid., make fast, Acts xvi. 24.

sure, Matt, xxvii. 65, Q6.

xiv. 44. Acts xvi. 23.
assuredly, Acts ii. 36.
Luke xxii. 6.

to dishonor,
without, Luke xxii. 35.
in the absence oi(marg. without),

23.— Mi/., Rom.
despise, Jas. 6.


behave one's
xiii. 5.
behave one's
vii. 36.

that which


shame, Rev. xvi. 15.

uncomely, 1 Cor. zii. 23.

unseemly, 1 Cor.

uncomely, ICor.

Rom. 1. 27.
entreat shamefully, Luke xx. 11.
Pass,, suffer shame, Acts v. 41.

dishonor, Rom. ix. 21,

43. 2 Cor. vi. 8. 2 Tim.
reproach, 2 Cor. xi. 21.
shame, 1 Cor. xi. 14.
vile•*, Rom. i. 26.

Cor. xv.
, Mark
, ^
without honor, Matt. xiii. 57. to lodge, Matt. xxi. 17.
vi. 4. abide, Luke xxi. 37.

handle shamefully,
less honorable, 1 Cor. xii. 23'=<»"p.
despised, 1 Cor. iv. 10.

Mark xii. 4(-

pipe, 1 Cor. xiv. 7.

Trans. increase, 2 Cor. ix. 10.

or ^. —
for LTr, ,

give the increase, 1 Cor. iii. 6, 7.

Intrans,, grow. Matt. vi. 28. Luke

vapor, Acts

moment, 1 Cor. xv. 52.


19. Jas. iv. 14.
i. 80.
vii. 17.
40. xii. 27 (ap). xiii. 19. Acts

xii. 24. xix. 20. Eph. ii.

21. 2 Pet. iii. 18.
iv. 15. —
up, Eph.
increase, Mark iv. S(pass.
G"LTTrS). John iii. 30. Acts vi. 7.

amiss, Luke xxiii. 41. Pass., grow. Matt. xiii. 32. 1 Pet.
harm, Acts xxviii. 6. ii. 2. —
increase, 2Cor. x. 15p. Col.

iii. 2.
wickedness. Acts xxv. 5
unreasonable ( G^r. absurd), 2Thes.

..4{ ESt
i. 10. ii. 19.

Add Col, i. 6(fruit,

increase, Eph.

.iv. 16. Col. ii. 19.

shine, 2 Cor. iv. L™).
to-morrow, Matt. vi. 30. Luke xii.

selfwilled, Tit.
break of day. Acts xx. 11.

i. 7.

willing of one's self, 2 Cor. viii. 3.

2 Pet. ii. 10.
28. xiii. 32, 33. Acts xxiii. 15(om
S), 20. XXV. 22. ICor. xv. 32.
Jas. iv. 13.

morrow, Matt. vi. 34i.
Acts iv. 5. Jas. iv. 14.
next day, Acts iv. 3.
Luke x. 35,

of one's own accord, 2 Cor. viii. 17.
austere, Luke xix. 21, 22.
usurp authority over, ITim. ii. 12.
'. See

to pipe. Matt, xi. 17. Luke vii. 32.

2 Cor. ix. 8.
1 Cor. xiv. 7.
contentment, 1 Tim. vi. 6.

. ,
fold, John X. 16.
With sheepfold, John content, Phil. iv. 11.
X. 1.


Rev. xi. 2.
hall, Mark xv. 16. Luke xxii. 55.
palace. Matt.
Mark xiv.
xxvi. 3, 58, 69.

xviii. 15.


Rev. xviii. 22.

66. Luke xi. 21.
of one's
of one's
condemned of one's



iv. 28.
Tit. iii.

xii. 10.

minstrel, Matt. ix. 23. eye-witness, Luke i. 2.


An Adjective or
stant occurrence.
. Pronoun of con- 2Cor.
Its use is —
1 Cor. vii.
X. 72d.ii. 14.
iv. 11.
V. 23, 27. Col. i. 17, 18i. Heb. i. 5.

ii. 14i^t. iv. 10-d. xiii. 5. Jas. i.

I. Antithetical, discriminative, or 132d. ijohn i. 25. 24^^.
7. ii. 2, iii.
otherwise more or less emphatic;
iv. 10, 131^ 15, 19(0 L). Rev.
thus often joined with in the
iii. 20. xiv. 17. xvii. 11. xix. 152d,
sense of also, likewise, or even. 153d. xxi. 72d.


Always so in the Nominative
I myself, Luke xxiv. 39.
this, Matt. xi. 14.
man, Heb. x.

Matt. iii. 4. xii. 50. Eph.

\2{ CG"

Acts X. 26. Rom. vii. 25. ix. S^". the same,

iv. 10. Rev. xiv. 10.
XV. 14. 2 Cor. x. 1. xii. 13.
that same, Matt. xxvi. 48. Mark
myself, Acts xxiv. 16<=°. xxv. 22.
xiv. 44.
1 Cor. ix. 27. Phil. ii. 24.
very, 1 Thes. v. 23.
thou" thyself, Luke vi. 42. Acts
xxi. 24. —
thyself, Acts xxiv. S.
With which, Luke xix. 2.
John xii.
he'' himself, Luke x. 1. John vi. 6,
15. vii. 4. Acts ii. 34. xviii. 19.
Not rendered, Mark xv, 43 ( . .

xix. 22. ICor. ii. 15. iii. 15. Heb.

waited). Luke v. 37(
be spilled). . .

3 John 10. Rev. xix. John ii. 24( Jesus). Acts xxii.

. .
ii. 18. V. 2.
12. — his" own self, IPet. ii. 24.
20(1 ). IPet. V. 10(
. . make).
. .

himself, Matt. vi. 4(-G°LTrS). Add, for G'. vi. 16,

viii. 17. xxvii. 57. Mark vi. 17. Luke xix. 2, LTr. John
33, L«". i.

xii. 36. Luke iii. 23. vi. 3. xx. 42.

xxiii. 51(-G'/LTr-S). xxiv. 15, 8G. Jn.
iv. 2, 12, 44, 53. v. 20, 81{ L°> 9, for , ,
Acts iii. 10, LaS.—Mark v. 40(hei^'),
LTr^S. viii. lO(he), L^. John vii.
G'TaS. 1 Cor. ix. 20
TTrS). xvi. 27. Acts
1 Cor. XV. 28. 2 Cor. xi. 14. 1 Thes.
11. iv. 16.
viii. 13.

2 Thes. ii. 16. iii. 16.

1 John ii. 6. Rev. xxi. 3.
xx. 13.

With , .
(ap). Eph. V. 27, for


we ourselves, Rom.
viii. 23.
he, Matt.
i. 21. iii. 112a. yuj, 24. xii.
xiv. 2. xvi. 202d. . we" ourselves, Luke xxii. 71. John
iv. 42. 2 Cor. i. 4. Gal. ii. 17.
XXV. 172d(-GoLTr5). Mark
ii, 25'^t(-GoLt'Tr5),
iv. 27, 38.

vi. le'^'^C-GL'^TTr
S), 452,47. vii. S6'^(-LTrS). viii.
i. ourselves,
28. IThes. iv. 9.
31. John
, Rom.

ye yourselves,
Mark vi.

ye° yourselves, Luke xi. 46, 52.

29. xii. 2\{ap). xiv. 15. xv. 3(om StS).
Acts ii. 22.
Luke i. 17, 224tii. n
28. iii. 15, 16. iv.
you° yourselves, Acts xx. 34.
30. V.

14, 16,
54. ix. 51 2d.
17. vi.

33. .
2. 2 Thes.
, iii.
IThes. ii. 1. iii. 3.
7. Heb. xiii. 3.

92d. xxiv.
g,. .
17, 28. XV. I42d. xvi. 24^^K xvii. 11 2d,
16. xviii. 392d. 41.
21, 25, 281st, 31. Jolin i
27 (-GLbTTr5). ii. 122d, 25. vii. 10.
_ With
xxiv. 15.
they° themselves,
they themselves. Acts

John xviii. 28.

Gal. vi. 13. 1 Thes. 2 Pet.
2l2d(-TTr5), 213d. . 49. xjv. themselves. Acts xv. 32. xvi. 37.
i. 9. ii. 1 9.

TrS). xviii. 12a.

xvii. 2.5.
G'L). xiv.
XX. 35.
they, Matt. v. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9(-L''
Tt^S). xii. 27. XX. 102d. 44.
Luke ii. 50. vi. 11^^^ ix. Se^»'. xi.
— — —

19, 48. xiv. 1, 12. xvi. 28. xvii. the same, Gal. ii. 10.
13. xviii. 341s*. xxii. 23. xxiv. 14, 2 Pet. i.
35, 52. John iv. 45. vi. 24. xvii. avrb
besides this*"",

upon this very thing,

S^% 19, 212<i. Acts xiii. W^K xxii. Rom. xiii. 6. for the selfsame thing,
, —

19. xxvii. 362d. xxviii. 28. Rom. 2 Cor. V. 5. even for this same pur- —
xi. 31. 2 Cor. vi. 16. x. 12. Gal. ii.
92d. 1 Thes. ii. 14. 2 Tim. ii. 10.
pose, Rom. ix. 17. for the same —
purpose, Eph. vi. 22. Col. iv. 8.
Heb. 1. 11. iii. lO^^^. viii. 9, 10.
thereunto, Eph. vi. 18(- roDro G<oL
xiii. 17^^'. Jas. ii. 7. 1 John iv. ^^'.
Rev. vi. 1121. xii. iiist. ^ 3,
very, John xiv. 11. — them-
these same, Acts xxiv. 20.
selves, Heb. ix. 23. — them, Mark
Not rendered, Luke xi. 4(we . ). .
Acts xviii. 15 (ye . ). Rom. xv. 14

Jas. ii. 6(..draw). 1 Pet. i. 15

(ye . . ). ii. 5(ye . . ).

(ye ..). 2 Cor i. 9(But we . . )•


self, Heb.
Tr, -G^).
often written
ix. — of him, John
, of him-

Add, for ovToi, Luke xiii. 4, LTTr

ix. 18. — his, Eph. 10. — same,

2 Cor. viii. 19(-G«L).

S. Acts xiii. 4, LTS. ICor. xvi.
his own, Matt, xiii. 54, 57, 57(-L
17, LT.— Matt. xix. 28, '^'^, Tr 5). xvi. 26. xxvii. 60. Mark vi.
TrS. xxiii. 4(thei/ themselves), LTr*S.
1, 4i. viii. 36. Luke i. 23, 56. v.

, 8 (they), Gp'T. vii. 36

25, 29, ix. 26. John iv. 41. vii. 53
(they2d), LTTr^S. 2 Pet. i. 5, for {ap). 1 Cor. vi. 14. Eph. 11, 20


L. Heb. ii. 4. iii. 6. iv. 10. Jas. i. 26. 1
Fern, sing., Pet. ii. 24. 1 John Rev. i. 6.
iii. 12.
herself, Heb. xi. 11. she, Luke With he himself, Acts xxv.
i. 36. 1 Cor. vii. 12(7
LT). Rev. 25.
xviii. 6i-^'(-LTTrAS'). [(-G«).
itself, Rom. viii. 21. 1 Cor. xi. 14
Add, for >?}, Rom. vii. 10, G".
Add Mark

12. xvii. 25.


4(own2d), L^^TTr.
their own. Matt.
viii. 3. Luke ii.

xvi. 2, GLT.

Mark x. 12, for

Neut. sing., .
39. Acts
Heb. xii.
vii. 41.
2 Pet.
xiv. 16.

3 John 12.
ii. 12, 13.
Rom. 24i.
the said,


itself, Rom. viii. 16, 26.— it, Luke Mark vi. 22.
xi. 14.
Plural, the same,
(b) Rarely in Oblique cases, most-
John v. 36. (),
even him,
Eph. i. 10. —
i. 9.

ly as an adjective.
20. Heb. xii. 3.

—him, Luke

5, Col. i.
xiii. 1.

13. — them,
xvi. 14( . .
the eleven

— same,

24. John ix. 21.
25. Heb. ix. 24.

, them, Mark ix. 16(m.arg.

themselves). Acts xiii. 36.
Jolin xxi.


h> ahTy
Luke xxiv. 13.
X. 7.

the same

i. 36.

that Same day,


very, Hel), X. 1.
xxiii. 37.
thee, Mutt,

ix. 19 (book . . ).
Luke xiii. 31. xxiii. 12.

f 7' Tfi
samo hour,
in that

With this very thing, Phil. that hour, Luke x. 21. in the same —
i. 6. this selfsame thing, 2 Cor. hour, Luke xii. 12. the same hour, —
vii. 11. — this same, 2 Cor. ii. 3.— Luke XX. 19.
— : —

55 uvTog
xxiv. 33.
Ty the same
Acts xvi.
18. xxii.
forms; and the Genitive and Dative
by the aid of prepositions, as of
in that instant,

IL With

the same, Matt. v. iQlovrug LTTr)

xxvi. 44. xxvii. 44. Mark xiv. 39.

the Article, 6 ,

to, and unto. Passim.
Without an antecedent, referring to
Christ: Luke i. 17? John ix. 22.
IJohn ii. 8, 12, 27, 28. iiL 5?
Luke ii. 8. vi. 38(LTr-S). xxiii.
2 John 6. 2 Pet. iii. 4.

40. Rom. ix. 21. x. 12. xii. 4. 1 Cor. Other cases in which the subject is
i. lOt. X. 3, 4. xii. 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 9
iviLT). XV. 39. 2 Cor. i. 6. iii. 14, 18.
{ juerelij
implied or presjqip'sed to he

iv. 13. viii. 16. xii. 18i. Phil. i. 30. him, John xs. 15•^'. — jjjg^ Rom.
ii. 2. iii. 16. Heb. i. 12. ii. 14. iv. 11. ii. 26. — her, Luke ii. 22(^ GL
vi. 11. X. 11. xi. 9. xiii. 8. Jas. iii. 10, TTrS, G').—
ii), John viii. 44.

11. 1 Pet. iv. 1, 4. V. 9. 1 John ii. 27 them, Malt. xxv. 33. xxviii. 19.
(rh G'TS). —
even the same, Luke V. 17. xviii. -•^. Acts viii.
Luke vi. 33. 5. xii. 21? XX. 2. 2 Cor. ii. 13. Eph.

the selfsame, 1 Cor. xii. 11. V. 12. Ileb. iv. 8. viii. 8. xi. 2S —
the same thing, Acts xv. 27^'. their. Matt. iv. 23. ix. 35. xi. 1.
xii. 9. Luke iv. 15. Acts iv. 5.
Rom. ii. Ipi. 1 Cor. i. 10. Eph. vi.
9. Phil. iii. 1p'. 1 Pet. iii. 14. —
of them, Luke xxiii.

the same matter, Mcark x. 10(' 52. —

unto them. Matt. viii. 4.
LTTr, S).
,, Add Luke
ii. 21, for Tzat-

for the
same cauce,
Heb. X. 1.
like things,
Pliil. ii.

1 Thes.

in one place. Acts ii. 1. xviii. 17.


With thereat. Matt. vii. 13.
14 thereby, John xi. 4. Heb. xi. 11.
With e'lr, therein, Mark x. 15. Luke
thereunto, Luke xxi. 21. —
— together, Matt. xxii. 34. Luke With h>, therein, Luke x. 9. xix.
xvii. 35. Acts i. 15. ii. 44. iii. 1. 45(a/)). Acts i. 20. xiv. 15. xvii.

iv. 26. 1 Cor vii. 5. {Seehirl^ III.).
24. Eph. vi. 2d(inarg. thereof). Col.
together, Acts xiv. 1. ii. 7. 2 Pet. iii. 10. Rev. i. 3. x. Ur.
xi. 1. xii. 12. xxi. 22.
a lecom- thereon, —

With iv
1 Cor. xi. 5.
With ,
in the same, 2 Cor. vi. 13.

1 Cor. xii. 25.
even all one as

mind the same thing,

Phil. iii. 16 (ap). —
be of the samo

With /', thereon, John xii. 14.

have the same care,
Rev. vi. A(accus. GLTTr^).
With 77 pi, thereof, Matt. xii. 36.
IV. Redundant:
1 Pet.
xi. 13.

xiii. 6.
— therewith, there-

mind, Rom. xii. 10. Phil. iv. 2. (a) By Hebraism, after or, Mark
be of one mind, 2 Cor. xiii. 11. —
ba i. 7. vii. 25. Luke iii. 16. Acts xv.
like-minded, Rom. xv. 5. Phil. ii. 2. 17. IPet. ii. 24(-G«L). Rev. iii. 8.
Add, for
Luko vi. 23, 2G,*LT vii. 2, 9. xiii. 12.
Tr; G"L°». xvii. 30, TTr; After Rev. xvii. 9.
GL. —
Matt. V.47, for oD -, LTTrA?.
2 Pet. iii. 7, avru for
Add Rev. XX. $(^.
CL. TTr^.
GL ),
III. As 1 simple Pronoun, onli/ in (b) By pleonasm, Matt. iv. 16. v.
(he ohliqne cases, rendered by he, 40. viii. 5(see below), ix. 27(-LTr'>),
she, it, they, and their iuilected 28. xii. 36°°. xxv. 29. Luke xvii
7. xix. 26.
xviii. 11 (it).
John ix. 13. xv.
Acts xxiii. 27'=°(-G'^L
Jas. iv. 17. Rev. ii. 7, 17. vi. 4.
Add Rev. xxi. 6((^ avriL), G' With
2, 2(it).

to vanish away'^", Heb. viii. 13.

vanish OUt of sight ,
(c) By reduplication, Matt. viii. 31.
1'^ 23, 28it'-«. xxi. 23it'-s. 71 .
{marg. cease to be seen), Luke xxiv.


L^TrS). Mark V.
viii. 27(-2'iTr^>S).

2'^". ix.

, Matt. xv. 17. Mark vii.


tr s
), GT; but'^".
a genitive absolute.

L Tr

and S read the first as

neglecting {marg. punishing, or not
sparing), Col. ii. 23.

ii, 46.

( there,
Acts xv. 34(a/)).
xxi. 4.
here, Matt. xxvi. 36.
xviii. 19
Luke iv. 18(19).
Luke iv. 18(19).

Add Luke

Tr exclude this
ix. 27, for

form from the
(), TTrS.
remission. Matt. xxvi. 28. Mark 1.
4. Luke i. 77. iii. 3. xxiv. 47. Acta
ii. 38. X. 43. Heb. ix. 22. x. 18.

forgiveness, Mark iii. 29. Acts v.

Greek Testament, uniformly read- 31. xiii. 38. xxvi. 18. Eph. i. 7.


. 87(6.
have no breathings.



instead of

oldest MSS. Col.
For the read-
etc. joint,
i. 14.

. .
iv. 16. Col.

incorruption, 1 Cor. xv. 42, 50, 53,

ii. 19.

.. Rom. 2 Tim.

immortality, ii. 7. i.
with one's own hand, Acts xxvii. 19. 10.
See Eph

sincerity, vi. 24 (marg. incor-
ruption). Tit. ii. 7(-GLT5).
dark, 2 Pet. 1. 19.
not corruptible, 1 Pet. iii. 4.
take away, Luke i. 25. x. 42. xvi. incorruptible, 1 Cor. ix. 25. xv. 52.

3. Rom. xi. 27. Heb. x. 4. Rev. 1 Pet. i. 4, 23.

, ,,.
xxii. 19i. uncorruptible, Rom. i. 23.
cut off, Mark xiv. 47. Luke xxii. 50. immortal, 1 Tim. i. 17.

emite off, Matt. xxvi. 51. incorruptness.
(l^avijg. Tit. ii. 7, for G'LTS.
that is not manifest, Heb. iv. 13. or
send away. Matt. xiii. 36. Mark
Matt. vi. 16.
disfigure, iv. 36P.
corrupt, Matt. vi. 19, 20. put away, 1 Cor. vii. 11, 12,
Pass., vanish away, Jas. iv. 14. — lay aside, Mark vii. 8.
perish, Acts xiii, 41, let go, Mark xi. 6.
8hi b3, Matt, xxvii. 49.
let alone, Matt. xv. 14. Mark xiv.
6. XV. 36. Luke xiii. 8. John xi.


Heb. xiiL

48. xii. 7. not covetous, 1 Tim. iii. 3.
ht have, Matt. v. 40.

loud voice,
/ ^,
yisld up, Matt, xxvii. 50.

Mark xv. 37.

cry With a
departing, Acts xx. 29.

draw away. Acts v. 37.

leave, Matt. iv. 11, 20, 22. v. 24.
depart fiom, Luke iv. 13. Acts xii.
viii. 15. xviii. 13. xxii. 22, 25.
10. XV. 38. xix. 9. xxii. 29. 2 Cor.
xxiii. 23, 38. xxiv. 2, 40, 41. xxvi. xii. 8. 2 Tim. ii. 19. Ileb. iii. 12.
44. Mark i. 20, 31. viii. 13. x. 28,
refrcin from. Acts v. 38.
29. xii. 12, 19, 20, 21 (op), 22. xiii.
fall away, Luke viii. 13.
2, 34. Luke iv. 39. x. 30. xi. 42. Mid., depart from, Luke ii. 37.
xiii. 35. xvii. 34, 35, 36(op). xviii.
xiii. 27. 1 Tim. iv. 1. —
28, 29. xix. 44. xxi. 6. John iv. 3,
28, 52. viii. 29. x. 12. xiv. IS, 27.
. withdraw
one's self, 1 Tim. vi, 5 (a/?).

xvi. 28, 33. Acts xiv. 17. Rom. i.

27. 1 Cor. vii. 13. Heb. ii. 8. vi. 1. suddenly, Acts ii. 2. xvi. 26.
Rev. ii. 4. XX viii. 6.
forsake, Matt. xix. 27, 29. xxvi.
56. Mark i. 18. xiv. 50. Luke v. without fear, Luke 1. 74. ICor.
11. xvi. 10. Phil. i. 14. Jude 12.
forgive. Matt. vi. 12i, 14i, 15t, ix.
2, 5, 6. xii, 31/, S2t. xviii. 21, 27,
be made like, Heb. vii. 3.
32, 35. Mark ii. 5, 7, 9, 10. iii. 28.

iv. 12. xi. 35i, 26t(np). Luke v. or
20, 21, 33, 24. vii. 47^ 48, 49. xi. look, Heb. xii. 2.
4t. xii. lOt. xvii. 3, 4. xxiii. 34 see, Phil. ii. 23.
(ap). Acts viii. 22. Rom. iv. 7.
Jas. V. 15. 1 John i. 9. ii. 12. Matt. xxv. 32.
•to separate. Luke
remit, John xx.
23i. vi. 22. Acts xiii. 2. xix. 9. Rom. i.
omit, Matt, xxiii. 23. 1. GaL i. 15. ii. 12.
let, Matt. vii. 4. viii. 22. xiii. 30.
divide, Matt. xxv. 32.
Mark vii. 27. Luke vi. 42. ix. 60.
sever, Matt. xiii. 49.
John xi. 44. xviii. 8. Pass., be separate, 2 Cor. vi. 17.
suffer. Matt.
iii. 15. xix. 14. xxiii.
13(14). 34. v. 19, 37. vii.

12. X. 14. xi. 16. Luke viii. 51. ccoasion, Rom.

vii. 8, 11. 2 Cor, v.

xii. 39. xviii. 16. Rev. xi. 9. 12. xi. 12/. Gal. v. 13. 1 Tim. v. 14.

suffer it to be so. Matt. iii. 15.

Add, ioT Mark ix. 18, 20.

Acts v. 38, G'LS. to foam,

Rev. ii. 20, GLTTr5.

come abroad, Rom. xvi. 19.

With ,
ix. 39.
that one foameth "again,

foolishness, Mark vii. 22.

despiser of those that are good, With iv, foolishly, 2 Cor. xi. 17, 21.
2 Tim. iii. 3. folly, 2 Cor. xi. 1.
unwise, Epli. v. 17.
, 68

Acts XX. 4.
hitherto, Rom. i. 13.

foolish, Rom. ii. 20. 1 Pet. ii. 15.
fool, Luke xi. 40. xii. 20. 1 Cor.
XV. 36. 2 Cor. xi. 16^ 19. xii. 6, 11.
Acts XX. 6.
Luke iv.
Add Rev. xx.
5, for

Luke Matt. 12.

^. chaff.
viii. 23. iii. iii. 17.
fall asleep,

2 Pet. ii. 16.

iii. 2.
dumb, Acts viii. 32. 1 Cor. xii. 2.

without signification, 1 Cor. xiv. 10.

Luke vi. 35. 2 Tim.

that can not

wormwood, Rev.

,. .
xiv. 7.
lie. Tit.

things without

deeply ? See


life, 1 Cor.

made without hands, Mark xiv. 58.

Col. ii. 11.
degree, 1 Tim. iii. 13.
not made with hands, 2 Cor. v. 1.

depth, Mark iv. 5. Rom. viii. 39.

mist, Acts xiii. 11.

xi. 33. Eph. iii. 18. Rev. ii. 24(^a-
^i''C GLTTr).
become unprofitable, Rom. iii. 12.
deepness. Matt. xiii. 5.

unprofitable, Matt.
xvii. 10.
,. xxv. 30. Luke Wii/i ,
deep, subst., Luke v. 4.

deep, 2 Cor. viii. 2.

(. ,
deep things, 1 Cor. ii. 10^'.
unprofitable, Phm. 11.
., dig deep, Luke vi. 48.
until, Matt. xxiv. 38. Luke i. 20. deep, John iv. 11. Acts xx. 9.
xvii. 27. xxi, 24. Acts i. 2. iii. 21. LTTr^), very
xxiii. 1. Rom. v. 13. viii. 22. early in the morning, Luke xxiv. 1.

2 Cor. iii. 14. Gal. iv. 2. PliiL L 5, Add Rev. ii. 24, for GLTTr.
6. Rev. xvii. 17.
till,Acts XX. 11. Rev. xv. 8. xx. 3.
branch, John xii. 13.
ajpifov, until, liom. xi. 25. Gral. iv.
19.— till, Actsvii.lS. ICor. xi.2G. LTTrS.
Gal. iii. 19. Rev. vii. 3(-
LTTr5). bag, Luke xii. 33.
— while, Acts xxvii. 33. Heb. iii. 13. purse, Luke x. 4. xxii. 35, 36.
till, 1 Cor. xv. 25 (-'
G'^-LT^S). Rev. ii. 25.
as far as. Acts xxviii. 15.
C3 far as to, 2 Cor. x. 14.
25, 29 1, 30, 30(
cast, Matt. iii. 10. iv. 6, 18. v. 13,
vi. 30. vii. 6, 19. xiii. 42, 47, 48,
unto. Acts ii. 29. xiii. 6. xxii. 4, 50. XV. 26. xvii. 27. xviii. 8/,
22. xxvi. 22. ICor. iv, 11. 2 Cor. xxi. 21. xxvii. 35, 35(ajo).
9/, 30.
X. 13. lieb. vi. 11. Rev. ii. 10, 23.
xii. 11. xiv. 20. xviii. 5.
Mark i. 16(G'; n2GLvS).
iv. 26. vii. 27.
ix. 22, 42, 45, 47.
even to, Acts xi. 5. lleb iv. 12. xi. 23. xii. 41i, 43<, 44/, xv. 24.
iv. 9. xii. 28, 58. xiii.
iii. 9.

xiv. 35. xxi. 1, 2, 3, 4/. xxiii.

19, 25, 34. John iii. 24. viii.
59. XV. 6/. xix. 24. xxi. 6<, 7. Acts
Add Mark
. .
vi. 24p, for

baptism, Matt. iii. 7. xx. 22(ap),

xvi. 23, 37. 23(ap). xxi. 25. Mark i. 4. x. 38,
Rev. ii. 10, 14, 22. iv. 10. vi. 13. 39. xi. 30. Luke iii. 3. vii. 29. xii.

viii. 5, 7, 8. xii. 4, 13, 15, 16. xiv. 50. XX. 4. Acts i. 22. x. 37. xiii.
19. xviii. 19, 21. xix. 20. xx. 3,
10, 14, 15.
cast out, 1 Jolin iv. IS. Rev. xii.
24. xviii. 25. xix. 3, 4. Rom. vi. 4.
Eph. iv. 5. Col. ii.
L^). IPet. iii. 21.
throw, Mark xii. 42. Acts xxii.
23P. washing, Mark vii. 4, S(ap). Heb.
ix. 10.
throw down, Rev. xviii. 21.
send, Matt. x. Mt. Luke xii. 49.
baptism, Heb. vi. 2.
Add Col. ii. 12, for L™.
thrust, John xx. 25, 27. Acts xvi.
24. Rev. xiv. 16, 19.
strike, Mark xiv. 65(? G" 7].
Baptist, Matt. iii. 1. xi. 11, 12.
LTTi^S). xiv. 2, 8. xvi. 14. xvii. 13. Mark
put, Matt. ix. 17i. xxv. 27. xxvii. vi. 2^(> TTr5), 25. viii. 28.
Mark ii.

V. 7.

22. vii. 33.
xii. 6.
xiii. 2.
v. 37.
xx. 25.

ix. 19.
vii. 20,

28(-G°TTr5), 33.

Jas. iii. 3. Rev. 24.

rut up, John xviii. 11.

dip, Luke xvi. 24. John xiii. 26p
With dung, Luke xiii. 8. L). Rev. xix. 13.
pour, Matt. xxvi. 12^. John xiii. 5. Add John xiii. 26, for
lay, Matt. viii. 14. Mark vii. 30.

Luke xvi. 20.
Pass.^ lie, Matt. viii. 6. ix. 2.

arise (war^. beat), Acts xxvii. 14.

?^, ?, with "
Bar, Matt. xvi.
by LT.
l*J(lit. son), joined

Add^ for John vii. 30,
L"». 44, LTr. For Rev.
xii. 10, G"LTTr>S.

baptize, Matt, iii." 6, lit,

IGP. XX. 22t{ap), 23l(ap). xxviii.
19. Mark i. 4, 5, Si, 9. x. 38i, 39i.
xvi. l(j(ap). Luke iii. 7, 12, 16^
21i. vii. 29, 30. xii. 50. John i. 25,
13, 14,

heavy, Matt. xxvi. 43p. Mark xiv.

S). Luke ix. 32p.
barbarian. Acts xxviii. 4. Rom.
14. 1 Cor. xiv. 11/. Col. iii. 11.

barbarous people, Acts xxviii. 2p1.


26, 28, 31, 33t. iii. 22, 23/, 26. iv.

1, 2. X. 40. Acts i. 5/. ii. 38, 41.
viii. 12, 13, 16, 36. 38. ix. 18. x.
47, 48. xi. Hit. xvi. 15, 33. xviii.
be burdened, 2 Cor. v. 4.
be pressed, 2 Cor. i. 8.
be charged, 1 Tim. v. 16.
Add Luke xxi. 34, for
8. xix. 3, 4, 5. Rom. vi. 'dr. 1 Cor. GLTTi'S.

i. 13, 14, 15, 16/, 17.

29/. Gal. iii. 27.

Vii. 4. Luke xi. 38.

xii. 13. xv.

Mid., and Pass, aor., wash, Mark

Acts xxii. 16. 1 Cor. x. 2.

be baptized,
hciivily. See

weight, 2 Cor. iv. 17.

burden. Matt. xx. 12. Acts xv. 28.
Baptist, Mark vi. 14p. Gal. vi. 2. Rev. ii. 24.
be overcharged,
f be burdensome

use authority), 1 Thes. ii. 6.


xxi. 4(-
26, 30. ix. 1, 47, x. 14, 15, 23, 24,
25. xii. 34. xiv. 25. xv. 43. Luka
iv. 43. vi. 20. vii. 28. viii. 1, 10
ix. 2, 11, 27, CO, 62. x. 9, 11. xi
20. xii. 31. xiii. 18, 20, 28, 29.
xiv. 15. xvi. 16. xvii. 2Qt, 21.
xviii. 16, 17, 24, 25, 29. xix. 11.
heavy, Matt, xxiii. 4. xxi. 31. xxii. 16, 18. xxiii. 51.

weighty, 2 Cor. x. 10. Comp.y Jolm iii. 3, 5. Acts i. 3. viii. 12.
weightier matter, Matt, xxiii. 23. xiv. 22. xix. 8. xx. 25. xxviii. 23,
grievous, Acts xx. 29. xxv. 7. 31. Rom. xiv. 17. 1 Cor. iv. 20. vi.
1 John V. 3.

very precious, Matt. xxvi. *1(-
en. Matt.
12t, 20.
9, 10. XV. 24, 50. GaL v. 21. CoL
iv. 11. 2Tlies. i. 5, Rev. xii. 10.

vii. 21.
kingdom of heav-
iv. 17.
viii. 11.
v. 3, 10,
x. 7. xi.
to torment, Matt. viii. 6, 29. Mark 11, 12. xiii. 11, 24, 31, 33, 44, 45,
V. 7. Luke viii. 28. Rev. ix. 5. xi. 47, 52. xvi. 19. xviii. 1, 3, 4, 23.
10. xiv. 10, XX. 10. xix. 12, 14, 23. xx. 1. xxii. 2.

vex, 2 Pet,


xii. 2.

Matt. xiv. 24.


vi. 48.
Add, for
TTr5. For ,
xxiii. 13(14). xxv. 1.
,/.' ,
to icign. Rev. xvii. 18.
v. 10,
i. 6,

torment. Rev. ix. 5. xiv. 11. xviii. royal, 1 Pet. ii. 9.

7, 10, 15. Withart,, king's court, Luke vii. 25.
Add Matt. xi. 8, for G',
tormentor. Matt, xviii. 34.

23, 28.
Matt. iv. 24. Luke xvi.
king, Matt.
3, 9. X. 18. xi.


vi. 14, 22, 25, 26, 27.

kingdom. Matt. iv. 8, 23. vi. 10, xiii. 9. Lulve i. 5. x. 24. xiv. Z\t.
13()• viii. 12. ix. 35. xii. 25, 26. xxi. 12. xxii. 25. John vi. 15. xix.
xiii. 19, 38, 41, 43. xvi. 28. xx. 12, 15. Acts iv. 26. vii. 10, 18. ix.
6, eC-LTTr/S).
8(/3aa/ZfmcG'). xiv.
25. xviii. 23. xxii. 2, 7, 11,
9. xvii.
ii. 1,

21. xxiv. 7% 14. XXV. 34. xxvi. 15. xii. 1, 20. xiiL 21, 22. xxv. 13,
29. Mark iii. 24i. vi. 23. xi. 10. 14, 24, 26. xxvi. 2, 7, 13, 19, 26,
xiii. St. Luke i. 33. iv. 5. xi. 2, 17, 27, 30.
18. xii. 32. %\x. 12, 15, xxi. lOi.

13. IThes. ii. 12. 2 Tim. iv. 1, 18. (

2 Cor. xi. 32. ITim. ii. 2. Heb.
xxii. 29, 30. xxiii. 42. Jolm xviii, vii. It. xi. 23, 27. 1 Pet. ii. 13, 17.
36ir. Acts i. 6. Eph. v. 5. CoL i. Rev. i. 5, 6 (see v. 10
G'LTS). vi. 15. ix. 11.
Ileb. i. 8. xi. 33. xii. 28. Jas. ii. 5. X. 11. xvi. 12, 14. xvii, 2, 10, 12i,
2 Pet. i. 11. Rev. 1. 9. xi. 15. xvi, 14, 18. xviii. 3, 9. xix. 16, 18, 19.
10. xvii. 12, 17. xxi. 24.
With OeoVf kingdom of God, Said of God or Christ, King, Matt,

Matt. vi. 33. xii. 28. xix. 24(r6> ii. 2. V. 35. xxi. 5. xxv. 34, 40.
xxi. 31, 43. Mark i. xxvii. 11, 29, 37, 42, Mark xv. 2,
14 (-/3. G«>L»>TTr5'), 15. iv. 11, 9, 12, 18, 26, 32. Luke xix. 38.
xxiii. 2, 3, 37, 38. John i. 49(50).
xii. 13, 15. xviii. 33, 37?, 39. xix.

3, 14, 15, 19, 21t. Acts xvii. 7.
ITim. i. 17. vi. 15. Heb. vii. 2ir.
Rev. XV. 3. xvii. 14. xix. 16.

to reign, Matt. ii. 22. Luke i. 33.

abominable, Tit.
abomination, Matt. xxiv. 15. Mark

xiii. 14. Luke xvi. 15. Rev. xvii.
4, 5. xxi. 27.

i. 16.

xix. 14, 27. Rom. v. 14, 17?, 21i.
abhor, Rom. ii. 22.
vi. 12. 1 Cor. iv. 8t. xv. 25. Rev.
abominable, Rev. xxi. 8p.
V. 10. xi. 15, 17. xix. 6, xx. 4, 6.
xxii. 5.
king, ITim. vi. 15p. steadfast, 2 Cor. i. 7(6). Heb. ii.

'/.,'. 2. iii. 14. vi. 19.

royal. Acts xii. 21. Jas. ii. 8. firm, Heb. 6(ap).

Rom. 2 Pet.
iv. 16. i. 10, 19,

nobleman, John iv. AQijnarg. court-
or ruler), 49. of force, Heb. ix. 17.
With art., king's ''country, Acts xii.

20. establish, xiii. 9.

stablish, 2 Cor. i. 21. Col. ii. 7.

confirm, Mark xvi. 20(ap). Rom.

queen, Matt. xii. 42. Luke xi. 31.

Acts viii. 27. Rev. xviii. 7.
XV. 8. 1 Cor. i. 6, 8. Heb. ii. 3.

foot, Acts

iii. 7. confirmation, Phil.

. i. 7. Heb. vi. 16.

bewitch, Gal. iii. 1. profane, ITim. i. 9. iv. 7. vi. 20.
2 Tim. ii. 16.
profane person, Heb. xii. 16.
bear, Matt. 11. viii. 17. xx. 12.

Mark xiv. 13. Luke vii. 14. xi. 27.

xiv. 27. xxii. 10. John xii. 6. xvi.
12. xix. 17. XX. 15. Acts ix. 15.
XV. 10. xxi. 35. Rom, xi. 18. xv.
1. Gal, V. 10. vi. 2, 5, 17. Rev. ii.

Luke xviii. 25, for

to profane. Matt. xii. 5. Acts xxiv,

carry, Luke x. 4. Acts iii. 2. Rev.
xvii. 7.

take up, John x. 31.

vi. 16.

very well, 2 Tim. 1. 18.

bramble bush, Luke vi. 44.
bush, Mark xii. 26. Luke xx. to set one's foot on,

^cts vii. 30, 35. Acts vii. 5.
throne, Acts xii. 21.
judgment seat, Matt, xxvii. 19.

measure, Luke xvi. 6.

John xix. 13. Acts xviii. 12, 16, 17.
Qao. XXV. 6, 10, 17. Rom. xiv. 10,
frog, Rev. xvi. 13. 2 Cor. V. 10.
. Rev. xxi. 20.
use vain repetitions, Matt. vi. 7. beryl,
Acts v. 26
xxvii. 41.

suffer violence (jnarg.

35. xxir.

be gotten by
manner of life.

of this life, Luke xxi. 34.

of things pertaining to this
Acts xxvi. 4.


force), Matt. xi. 12.

press, Luke
xvi. 16.

1 Cor. vi. 4.

things that pertain to this
vi. 3.

life, 1 Cor,

mighty, Acts ii. 2.

hurtful, 1 Tim. vi. 9.

violent (" ^5^. tbey that thrust men),

tojiurt} Mark xvi. 1(). Luke
Matt. xi. 12p'.
iv. 35.

littlebook, Rev. x. G'),
to bud, Heb. ix. 4.
8(i3//3AiovLTr, BMtdapiovT), 9, 10.

scroll, Rev. vi. 14.

27 (6
spring up, Matt. xiii. 26.
bring forth, Jas. v. 18.
Mark iv.

book, Luke iv. lit, 20. Jolm xx.

30. xxi. 25. Gal. iii. 10. 2 Tim. iv. speak evil of, Rom. xiv. 16. 1 Cor.
13. Heb, ix. 19. x. 7. Rev. i. 11. X. 30. Tit. 1 Pet. iv. 4, 14
iii. 2.
V. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7(-G-LTTrS), 8, (ap). 2 Pet. ii. 2, 10, 12. Jude 8, 10.

9. xvii. 8. XX. 12/?•. xxi. 27. xxii. revile. Matt, xxvii. 39.
7, 9, 10, 18i, 19. rail on Mark xv. 29. Luke xxiii.
bill, Mark x. 4. 39.
writing. Matt. xix. 7.
8, LTr. For
for Rev. x.
Rev. xiii.
2, G'.
8, GL T5).
report slanderously,
defame, 1 Cor. iv. ^^(
Rom. iii. 8.

TTr. xxii. 19i^S GLTTr^S. blaspheme, Matt. ix. 3. Mark iii.

28, 29. Luke xii. lO(-Go). John x.

36. Acts xiii. 45. xviii. 6. xxvi. 11.
Matt. 1. 1. Mark xii. 2.
book, Rom. ii. 24. 1 Tim. i. 20. vi. 1.
Luke 4. xx. 42. Acts i. 20. vii.
Tit. ii. 5. Jas. ii. 7. Rev. xiii. 6.
42. xix. 19. Phil. iv. 3. Rev. iii. 5.

xvi. 9, 11, 21.
xiii. S(^(J6ovGL•). xx. 15. xxii.
12( GLTTr^). 19(^ GLT opcak blasphemy, Matt. xxvi. 65.



2 Tim.



vi. 13.

4. 1 Pet. iv.
xii. 44.
14. 1 Tim.



Add Mark

evil speaking,
railing, 1
blasphemy, Matt.
blasphemously, Luke xxii. 65p.
blasphemer. Acts xix. 37p.
ii. 7, for

Eph. iv. 31.

Tim. vi. 4. Jude

xxvi. 65. Mark ii. 1 (f

xii. 31<.

xv. 19.

XV. 12, 30. xxi. 4. TrS). 28. vii. 22. xiv. 64. Luke
good, subst.,

live, 1 Pet. iv. 2.


.Jolm iii. 17. V. 21. Jolm X. 33. Col. iii. 8. Rev.


9. xiii.
xvii. 3.
1, G'LTv),
q)o. 20. xi. 9. xvi. 15. xviii. 9. xxii. 8,

2 Pet. ii. "il.

, G', ).

sight, Luke vii. 21'"''.
blasphemous, Acts vl. 11, l?j(^omS).
//?) without Sight, ActsJx. 9.
blasphemer, ITim. i. 13. 2 Tim.

, perceive, 2 Cor. vii. 8.

iii. 2.
Add Rev.
. .
xiii. 5, for
Add Rev.

xviii. 18, for

understood, must be put,


seeing, 2 Pet.


Mark ii. 22(«;;). Luke v. 38.

look, Luke ix. 62. Jolin xiii. 22.
to cry, Matt. iii. 3. Mark i. 3. v.
Acts iii. 4.

34. Luke iii. 4. xviii. 7, 38. John
look on. Matt. v. 28. 2 Cor. x. 7.
i.23. Acts viii. 7. xvii. 6. xxi. 34
Rev. V. 3, 4.
G"LTS). Gal. iv. 27.
look to, 2 John 8.
Acts xxvii. 12. [Mark xii. 14.
regard. Matt. xxii. 16. ,
Add, for Matt, xxvii. 46,
LD^Tr. Luke ix. 38, LTr>S. For
Acts XXV. 24, LS.

behold, Matt. vii. 3. xviii. 10.
Luke vi. 41, 42p. xxiv. 12(ap).
Acts L 9p. iv. 14. 1 Cor. x. 18.
Col. ii. 5. Rev. xvii. 8p.
take heed. Matt. xxiv. 4. Mark iv.
24. xiii. 5, 23, 33. Luke viii. 18.
cry, Jas. v. 4.

Acts xxvii. 17.
, Heb.
xxi. 8. 1 Cor. iii. 10. viii. 9. x. 12.
Gal. V. 15. Heb. iii. 12.
to help,

to help, Matt. xv. 25. Mark ix.

iv. 16.

take heed to, Mark xiii. 9. Col. iv. 22, 24. Acts xvi. 9. xxi. 28. Kev.
beware, Mark
Acts xiii. 40. Col. ii. 8.
beware of, Pliil. iii. 2ir.
see, Matt. vi. 4, 6, 18. xi.

22. xiii. 13i, 14/, 10, 17. xiv. 30p.

15. xii.


xii. 16.

helper, Heb.
£UCCor, 2 Cor. vi. 2. Ileb. ii. 18.

. xiii. 6.

Mark pit, Matt. xii. 11.

XV. 31^ 31. xxiv.

2. iv. 12i.
V. 31. viii. 18, 23, 24. xiii. 2. Luke ditch, iMatt. XV. 14. Luke vi. 39.
vii. 44. viii. lOi, 16. x. 23/, 24. xi.
33. xxi. 30. John i. 29. v, 19. ix.
7, 15, 19, 21, 25, 39/r, 41. xi. 9.
cast, Luke
xxii. 41.

XX. 1, 5. xxi. dC^eloav, fr. L^^), to sound, Acts xxvii. 28^
20. Acts ii. 33. viii. 6. ix. 8. xii. 9.
xiii. 11. xxviii. 2G/.
dart, Heb. xii. 20lap).

2 Cor. iv. 18/.

xii. 25,
vii. 23. viii. 24i, 25. xi. 8'"^,

i. 2G. xiii. 12.
xii. 6.
19. x. 25. xi. 1, 3,

Jas. ii. 22. Rev. i. 11,

IS. vi. 1 (hh, fr. GS, ,
xvi. 10.
Eph. v. 15.
mire, 2 Pot.

north, Luke


29. Rev. xxi. 13,

-G^LTTr), 3(i(5fr S, om), ^(10 GS, feed, Mark v. 14. Luke viii. 34.
-G°LTTr), 7Gc5t-GS.'U-LTTr). ix. XV. 15. John xxi. 15, 17.

Mid., feed, Matt. viii.
V. 11. Luke viii. 32.
keep, Matt. viii. 33.
30. Mark Add, for

XV. 37, G"LaS'. 2 Cor.
Acts v. 33, L.
1. 17, G"L^.


. vi. 7.

Rev. xiv. 18.




xiii. 15.
14, 15. 1 Cor. ix.
5. xxiii. 30.

xiv. 5, 19. John

%L 1 Tim. v. Ift-


take counsel, Acts v. 33().

prize, 1 Cor. ix. 24. Phil. iii. 14.

be minded.
Luke xiv. 31. Jolm
xii. 10.
Acts xxvii. 39. 2 Cor.

to rule. Col. iii. 15.

determine. Acts xv.

2>{ G"

purpose, 2 Cor.
Add Jolm

. .
xi. 53,
i. VJt.

1 Tim. iii. 15.
be slack, 2 Pet. iii. 9.

LTr>S. sail slowly, Acts xxvii. 7p.

Mark xv. 43. Luke Luke xxiv. 25. Jas. 19t

counsellor, slow, i.

xxiii. 50.

slackness, 2 Pet. iii. 9.

counsel, Luke
30. xxiii. 51.

,. ' .
Acts ii. 23. iv. 28. v. 38. xx. 27.
arm, Luke i. 51. John xii. 38.
xxvii. 42. 1 Cor. iv. 5. Epli. i. 11.
Acts xiii. 17.
Heb. vi. 17.
With advise, Acts xxvii. 12.
Acts xiii. 36. Neut., a little while, Luke xxii. 58.
,a John Heb.

little, vi. 7.
*l(rnarg. a little while), 9. a lit- —

. ( ,.
purpose, Acts xxvii. 43.

AddlVei. ',
will, Rora. ix. 19.
iv. 3, G"LT5. Acts
tle space, Acts v. 34.

xxvii. 28.
go a little further.

in few words, Heb.

will, would, Matt. xi. 2*J xiii. 22.
for ??/ L">)• Mark
XV. 15. Luke x. 22. Jobu xviii. 39. babe, Luke i. 41, 44. ii. 13, 16.
Acts xvii. 20. xviii. 15. xix. 30p. 1 Pet. ii. 2.
xxii. 30P. xxiii. 28p. xxv. 20, 22. infant, Luke xviii. 15.
xxvii. 43. xxviii. 18. 1 Cor. xii. 11. Acts

young child. vii. 19.
Phil i. 12. 1 Tim. ii. 8. v. 14. vi. 9. child, 2 Tim. iii. 15.
Tit. iii. 8. Phra. 13. Heb. vi. 17.
Jas. iv. 4. 2 Pet. iii. 9. 2 John 12.
3 John 10. Jude 5. send rain, Matt. v. 45.
rain, trans., Luke xvii. 29. In-
of one's own will, Jas. i. 18p.
be willing, Luke xxii. 42.
Jas. v. 17'"^ 17.

be minded. Matt. i. 19. 2 Cor. i 15.

be disposed, Acts xviii. 27p.
intend. Acts v. 28. xii. 4.
list, Jas. iii. 4.


rain, intrans..
vii. 38, 44.


17. Rev. vi.

xi. 6.

. 3, 4t.
xiv. 2. xvi. 18.

12 .
With to thunder, xii. Luke xvi. 19. Rev. xviii.

fine linen,
29. GLTTr/SP')•

thundering, Rev. iv. 5. viii. 5. xi.
19. xix. 6.

altar, Acts xvii. 23.

rain, Matt. vii. 25,

snare, 1 Cor. vii. 35.

gnashing. Matt. viii. 12. xiii. 42,

50. xxii. 13. xxiv. 51. xxv. 30.
Luke xiii. 28.

xxi. 1.
cankerCwar^. gangrene),

treasure, Acts viii. 27.

xii. 41i,
viii. 20.



gnash, Acts vii. 54.
milk, 1 Cor. iii. 2. ix. 7. Heb. v.

send forth, Jas.

. iii. 11.

meat, Mark vii. 19. Luke iii. 11?^

ix. 13p^ John iv. 34. Rom. xiv. 15,
12, 13. 1 Pet. ii. 2.

calm. Matt. vim. 26.

Luke viii. 24.
8 .or
Mark iv. 39.

20, 1 Cor. iii. 2. vi. 13i. viii. 8, 13.

X. 3. ITim. iv. 3. Heb. ix. 10. marry a wife. Matt. xxii. 25p. Luke
xiii. 9.
xvii. 27.

victuals, Matt. xiv. 15p'.

marry, Matt. v. 32. xix. 9i, 10.
xxii. 30. xxiv. 38. Mark vi. 17. x.

Neut., meat, Luke xxiv. 41.
11, 12. xii. 25. Luke xiv. 20. xvi.
18i. XX. 34, 35. ICor. vii. 9i, 28i,
33, 34, 36, 39. 1 Tim. iv. 3. v. 11,

eating, 1 Cor. viii. 4.
Matt. vi. 19, 20.
2 Cor. ix. 10,
John 32. 55.
married, 1 Cor. vii. IOp.

marry, give in marriage.

.,. , '..
meat, iv. vi. 27i,
Rom. xiv. 17. Col. ii. 16 (jnarg, For Matt. xxii. 30, Gr'L
TrS. Lk. xvii. 27, LTTr.S'. xx. 35,
LTr*S. 1 Cor. vii. 3S(a/>). 38, GhS.
morsel of meat, Heb. xii. 16.
For Mark xii. 25, LTTr.?.

. .
drown, 1 Tim. vi. 9.
Pass.f begin to sink, Luke v. 7.
^. —
give in marriage,
Add, see
Mark xii. 25 (see

deep, subst.^ 2 Cor. xi. 25.

tanner, Acts ix. 43. x. 6, 32.
wedding. Matt. xxii.
12cc. Luke
3, 8, 10, ll"",
xiv. 8.
xii. 36.
marriage. Matt. xxii. 2, 4, 9. xxv.
10. John ii. 1, 2. Heb. xiii. 4. Rev.
xix. 7, 9.
fine linen.
gneut^ 14.

Add Rev.
Rev. xviii. 16. xix.

xviii. 12, see . 8,

i. 20, 21. il. 2, 5, 6, 13,
2, 3, 9, 15. iv. 6, 10, 17, 18.
V. 12, 18, 20, 29, 30, 46. vi. 7, 8, Acts 1. 20. ii. 15, 25, 34, 39. iii.

14, 16, 21, 24, 32, 34. vii. 2, 8, 12, 22((). iv. 3, 12, 16, 20, 22, 27, 34.
25, 29. ix. 5. 13, 16, 21, 24. 10, . V. 26, 36. vi. 14. vii. 33, 40. viii.
17, I9(ap), 20, 23(-G°), 26, 35. xi. 7, 16, 21, 23. ix. 11, 16. x. 46. xiii.
10(-L»^TTr^*S), 13, 18, 30. xii. 8, 8, 27, 36, 47. XV, 21, 28. xvi. 3, 28.
33, 34, 37, 40, 50. xiii. 12, 15, 17. xvii. 20, 23, 28/. xviii. 3(ap), 15
xiv. 3, 4, 24. XV. 2, 4, 19. xvi. 2, (-G°LTaS), 18, 28. xix. 24, 32, 37.
3, 25, 26, 27. xvii. 15, 20. xviii. 7, XX. 10, 13, 16/, 27, 29(-G«L6').
10, ll(a;j), 20. xix. 12, 14, 22. xx. xxi. 3, 13, 22, 29, 36. xxii. 22, 26.
I, lQ(ap). xxi. 26, 32. xxii. 14, xxiii. 5, 8, 11, 17, 21. xxiv. 5. xxv.
16, 28, 30. xxiii. 3, 4((5^ G'LTTr-S), llOu'i; G"LT>S•), 27. xxvi. 16, 26/r.
8, 9, lO(oTi G'LTTi), 13(14), 17, xxvii. 22, 23, 25, 34/. xxviii. 2,
19 39. xxiv. 5, 6, 7, 21, 24, 27, 28 22, 27.
(-'G-LTrAS),38. xxv. 14, 29, 35, 42. Rom. i. 9, 11, 16/, 17, 18, 19, 20,
xxvi. 9, 10, 11, 12, 28, 31, 43, 52. 26. ii. 1/, 11, 12, 13, 14, 24, 25, 28.
xxvii. 18, 19, 43. xxviii. 2, 5, 0. iii. 3, 7, 9, 20, 22, 23. iv. 2, 3, 9,
Mark i. 16, 22,38. ii. 15. iii. 10, 13, 14, 15(^'G'L.S). v. 6, 7, 10, 13,
21, 35(-LTTri'). iv. 22, 25, 28(-LT 15, 16, 17, 19. vi. 5, 7, 10, 14/, 19,
Tr^"). V. 8, 28, 42. vi. 14, 17, 18 20, 21, 23. vii. 1, 2, 5, 7, 8, 11, 14
20, 31, 36(-G"L'^Tr*S), 48, 50, 52 (<'f L"), 15/, 18/, 19, 22. viii. 2, 3,
52(('/ TiS). vii. 3, 8(-LTr^) 5, 0, 7, 13.14, 15, 18, 19, 20, 22,
25( TTr^S),
10, 21,
39, 40, 41, 49.
35, 36. ix.
27. viii. 3
31, 34
14, 22, 27((). xi
24/, 26, 38. ix. 3, 6, 9, 11, 15, 17,
19, 28, 32(-G°^L6'). x. 2, 3,4, 5,
10, 11, 12/, 13, 16. xi. 13(^),
13, 18, 23(-LTTri>;S), 32. xii. 12 15, 21, 23, 24, 25, 29, 30, 32, 34.
14, 23, 25, 36(-LbTTr^AS),44. xiii. 6 xii. 3, 4, 19, 20. xiii. 1, 3, 4/r, 6/,
(-TTr^^S), 7(-TTr^-S), 8, 9(-TTri>) 8, 9. 11. xiv. 3,4, 6,7, 8, 9, 10, 11,
II, 19, 22, 33, 35. xiv. 5, 7, 40 17, 18. XV. 4, 18, 24(-G), 26, 27.
56. XV. 10. xvi. 4, 8. xvi. 18, 19.
Luke i. 15, 18, 30, 44, 48, 76, ii ICor. i. 11, 17, 18, 19, 21, 26. ii.

10. iii. 8. iv. 8(om>S), 10. v. 9, 39 2, 10, 11, 14, 16. iii. 2, 3/, 4, 9,
vi. 23/, 26, 38, 43, 44i, 45, 48 11, 13, 17, 19/, 21. iv. 4, 7, 9, 15/,
(ap). vii. 5, 6, 2S(-Tr5), 33. viii 20. V. 3, 12. vi. 16, 20. vii. 1((U G"
17, 18, 29i, 40, 46. ix. 14, 24, 25 LTS), 9, 14, 16, 22, 31. viii. 8(-L
26, 44, 48, 50, 5 6 («;>). x. 7, 24. xi TS), 10. ix. 2, 9, 15, 16/, 17, 19.
10, 30. xii. 12, 30, 34, 52, 58. xiv X. 4, 5, 17, 20, 28(-C to 1630; ap),
14, 24, 28. xvi. 2, 13, 28. xvii. 21 29. xi. 5, 6, 7,8,12, 18, 19, 21, 23,
24. xviii. 16, 23, 25, 32. xix. 5, 10 26, 29, 31(/• G"LT>S). xii. 8, 12.
21, 2{j(^-V^Tr^S), 48. xx. 6, 19, 33 xiii. 9(f5t G'T), 12(-G'). xiv. 2/, 5
36, 38. xxi. 4, 8, 9, 15, 23, 26, 35
xxii. 2, 16, 18, 27, 37, 71. xxiii. 8
( LTS), 9, 14(-L^). 17, 31, 33,
XV. 3, 9, 16, 21, 22, 25, 27,
34, 35.
12, 15, 34 (a/)), 41. 32, 34, 41, 52, 53. xvi. 5, 7, 9, 10,
John ii. 25. iii. 2, 16, 17, 20, 24 11, 18.
34/. iv. 8, 9, 18, 42, 44, 47. 2 Cor. i. 8, 12, 13, 19, 20, 24. ii.
4(ap), 13, 19, 20, 21, 22, 26, 36 2, 4, 9, n, 17. iii. 6, 9, 11, 14. iv.
46/. vi. 6, 27, 33, 55,64, 71. vii. 1 5, 11, 15, 17, 18. v. 1, 7, 10, 12

4, 5, 39. viii. 24, 42. ix. 22. xi. 39 (-G^LS), 13, 14, 21(-G°LT*S). vi.
xii. 8, 43, 47. xiii. 11, 13, 15, 29 2, 14, 16. vii. 3, 8(-LO, 9, 10, 11.
xiv, 30. xvi. 7, 13, 27. xviii. 13 viii. 9, 10, 12, 13. ix. 1, 2, 7. x. 3,
xix. 6, 31, 36. XX. 9, 17. xxi. 7, 8. 4, 8, 12, 14/, 18. xi. 2/, 4, L), 5(

9, 13, 14, 19, 20. xii. 6t, 9, 10, 11/, xi. 1.— for even, Mark x. 45. Rom.
13, Ut, 20. xiii. 8, 9. XV. 3. 1 Cor. V. 7. 2 Cor. iii. 10. 2

Gal. 10, 10i-G"LS), 12, 13. ii. Thes. iii, 10,

i. for indeed, Phil. ii. 27. — —
for verily. 1 Thes. iii. 4. and indeed,
6, 8, 12, IS, 19, 21. iii. lOt, 13(u7/
G"LT), 18, 21, 2J, 27, 28. ir. 15, 1 Thes, IV. 10, yet, Matt. xv. 27 —
Mark vii. 28(-yap LbTr.S).
22, 24, 25, 27, 30. v. 5, 6, 13, 14,
17. vi. 3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 15, 17. Epli.
because, John iii. 19. x. 26( CL«
Tr.S). Rom. iv. 15.
ii. 8, 10, 14. V. 5, 6, 8, 9, 12, 13,
because that, Acts xxviii. 20.
29. vi. 1. Phil. i. 8, 19, 21, 23(5
3 John 7.
GLT5), 13, 20, 21.
ii. iii. 3, 18,
Col. ii. 1, 5.
bri, because that, Rom. iii. C
20. iv. 11. iii. 3, 20,
24(-G"LT5'). iv. 13.
IThes. 9(om therefore, Mark viii. 38.
8, 9. ii. 1, 3, 5, 9,
S), 14,

19, 20. iii. 3, 9. iv. 2, 3, seeing, Acts . 15.

3(5 -GTS), indeed, Rom. viii. 7.

7, 9, 14, 15. V. 2,
7, 18. 2 Thes. ii. 7. iii. 2, 7, 11. verily, Acts xvi. 37. Rom. xv. 27,
1 Tim. ii. 3(-L5), 5, 13. iii. 13. iv. no doubt, 1 Cor. ix. 10.
5, 8, 10, 16, V. 4, 11, 15, IS. vi. 7, and, John iv. 37. Acts viii. 39.
10. 2 Tim. 11, 16. iii.
1. 7, 12. ii. 2 Tim. ii. 7.
2, 6, 9. iv. 3, 6, 10, 11, 15. Tit. i. even, Jas. iv. W^{marg. ;-13).
7, 10. ii. 11. iii. 3, 9, 12. Pliin. 7, but, 1 Pet. iv. 15. 2 Pet. 1. 9.
15, 22. Rom. v. 7.
Ileb. i. 5. ii. 2, 5, 8, 10, 11, 16, why, John ix. 30.
3, 4, 14, 16. iv. 3, 4, 8, 10,
18. iii.

12, 15. V. 1, 13t. vi. 4, 7, 10, 13, 16.

vii. 1, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19,
what ? 1 Cor. xi. 22.
why, what? Matt, xxvii.
23. Mark xv. 14. Luke xxiii. 22.—
21. 26, 27, 28. viii. 3, 4(oiV L*S), what then ? Phil. i. 18.
5, 7, 8. ix. 2, 13, 16, 17, 19, 24. x. Not rendered. Matt. i. lS(-LTr5').
1, 4, 14, 15, 23, 26, 30, 36, 37. xi. Luke xii. 58. xx. 36. John vii. 41.
2, 5, 6, 10, 14, 16, 2 J, 27, 32. xii. viii. 42. Actsiv. 34. viii. 31. xix. 35.
3, 6, 7, 10, lit, 18, 20, 25. xiii. 2,
Rom. XV. 2(omS). ICor. xi. 9. 2Cor.
5, 9, 11, 14, 16, lit,

1. 6,
13, 26.
7, 11,

Pet. ii. 19, 20, 21, 25. iii. 5, 10,

20, 24.
7, 16. iv.


Add, for
l(ap). Phil.

For (^e, Matt,

, ii.

2 John 12,

xxiii. 5, G'LTr-S". xxiv.

37, LTr. Mark xiv. 2, LTTr>S. xvi.
17. iv. 3, 6. 2 Pet. 1. 8, 10, 11, 16,
8, LTr 5. Luke xx. 40, TTrS. John
17, 21. ii. 4, 8, 18, 19, 20, 21. iii.
vi. 40, GLTTr>S. Rom. ii. 2, L^S.
4, 5. IJolm ii. 19. iv. 20. v. 3.
xiv. 15, G'LTS. XV. 8, G'^LT^-.
2 Jolm 11. 3 John 3. Jude 4.
1 Cor. ii. 10, T. ix. 16, x. 1, xvi. 7,
Ptev. i. 3. iii. 2. ix. 19i. xiii. 18.
GLT^". Gal. i. 11, G'. iv. 252^, GL
xiv. 4, 5(-G'LTr^). xvi. 6(o7n, b-ep
TS. V. 17'^^ LS. Col. iii. 25, G"LT
fr. S), 14. xvii. 17. xix. 8,
S. Heb. xiii. 4, GLS. Rev. xiv.
10. xxi. 1, 22, 23, 25. xxii. 9(om
13, G'LTr^".- For ?/, Mark viii. 37,
S), ISCfyoGLTTr^).
TTrS. Luke xviii. 14, see ?;. For —
yap, for, Matt. viii. 9. xxvi. 73.
Mark xiv. 70. Luke xxii. 37 (-yap L^
Trb), .59. John iv. 23. Acts xix. 40. 3. see
Rom. xvi. 2. 1 Cor. viii. 5. xii. 13, 14.
1 Cor. viii. 11, LT. Matt. xxv.
For or/, Mark xi. 18,
Rev. xxii, 10, G'LTr^.
.— —
xiv. 8. 2 Cor. ii. 10. v. 2, 4. vii. 5. xiii. Forori-, Rom. iii. 28, GLT5.
4t. Heb. iv. 2. v. 12. x. 34, xii. 29. xiii. Mark ii. 17( . . I came), L™. ix. 45
22. — for also, Luke 32, 33, 34(->'
vi. ( . . it is better), L\ Luke i. 66(^•^*

TTr»>-S). vii. 8. xi. 4. John iv. 4.V Rom. . . ), LTro\ viii. 52(« . . ), LTr5.
: :

( . .
23 (G'L»>Tr S. John
18( . .
. life),
know), V>S. Acts x. 37
and), L^. Rom. xiv. 5( . one .

be full
xi, 39.
Matt, xxiii. 25, 27.
iii. 14. Rev. iv. 8.

man), V'S. 2 Cor. viii. 21( . pro-

Part., fiill of, Rev. iv. b. v. 8. xv.
viding), GLT^. Pliil. i. 23( . .
7. xvii. 3, 4. xxi. 9.
wliicli), GLT, -StG«o*S. 1 Tlies. v.
5(. .ye are), Qp'-LTaS. 2 Tim. 13

generation, Matt. i. 17/. xi. 16.
( . . he can), G'LTS. 1 Pet. ii. 20(.
xii. 39, 41, 42, 45. xvi, 4. xvii. 17.
this), LT. xxiii. 36. xxiv. 34. Mark viii. 12f,
38. ix. 19. xiii. 30. Luke i. 48. vii.
belly, Tit. i. 12. 31. ix. 41. xi. 29, 30, 31, 32, 50, 51.
womb, Luke
^ i.31. xvi. 8. xvii. 25. A^cts ii. 40. viii. 33.


23. xxiv.
18P. 1 Thes. v. 3p.
be with child, Matt.

— with
17. Luke Heb.

xiii. 36(mar^., q. v., age). Col. i. 26,

from generation
i. 50(6•

An enclitic particle, used in anti- nation, Phil. ii. 15.

thesis, for emphasis. age, Eph. iii. 5, 21.
(a) With a noun, pronoun, or verb

, '.
time, Acts xiv. 16. xv.

yet, xi. 8. xviii. 5. Add Luke xi, LTTr^S.
29 (This . . ),

'. Not rendered, Rom.

1 Cor. iv. 8, with
(b) With other particles
viii. 32, with

one's descent (w^ar^r. pedigree) is

, yet counted, Heb. vii. 6.


?).— and,
at least,
doubtless, 1 Cor. ix. 2.
and beside, Luke xxiv.

Luke xix. 42(-L'^

genealogy, 1 Tim.
. i. 4. Tit.

Mark vi. 21.

iii. 9.

., , , - ;.
Actsii. 18. birthday. Matt. xiv. 6.
, See also

hell. Matt. V. 29, 30.

, 28. xxiii.
Mark ix. 43, 45. Luke xii.
generation, Matt. i. 1.
nature, Jas. iii. 6.
natural•'', Jas. 1. 23.
Add, for Matt. i. 18, GL
15, 33.
5. Jas. iii. 6.
, TTrAS. Luke i. 14, GLTTr.S.

22. xviii.
9. Mark
hell fire, Matt. V.
ix. 47. birth,

. John ix. 1.

produce, fruit.


to laugh,
ix. 8.

xiv. 12.

vi. 21, 25.

xv. 6, 9. See

beget, Matt. i. 2tr, 3<r, Atr, f>tr, 6i,

Itr, Str, dtr, lOtr, 11, 12i, 13ir, 14<r,

laughter, Jas. iv. 9.


7i. vi.
xiv. 23. xv. 16. Johnii.
13. Rev. viii. 5. xv. 8.
15tr, 16. Acts
1 Cor. iv. 15. Plim. 10.
V. 5. 1 John V. It, 18.
vii. 8, 29.

gender. Gal. iv. 24. 2 Tim. ii. 23.

conceive, Matt. i. 20.
xiii. 33.
i. 5.

fill full, Mark xv. 3G. be delivered of, John xvi. 21.
PoM.^ be full, Mark iv. 37. bring forth, Luke i. 57.


bear, Luke 13. xxiii. 29.
i. Mark ix. 1. Luke ix. 27. xiv. 24.
Pass., be born, Matt. i. 16. ii. li', John ii. 9. viii. 52. Col. ii. 21. Heb.
4. xix. 12. xxvi. 24. Mark xiv. 21. ii. 9. vi. 4, 5. 1 Pet. ii. 3.
Luke i. 35. Jolin i. 13. iii. 3, 4i, 5, Acts x. 10. xx. Up. xxiii. 14.

6t, 7, 8. viii. 41. ix. 2, 19, 20, 32,
34. xvi. 21. xviii. 37. Acts ii. 8.
be dressed, Heb. vi. 7.
vii. 20. xxii. 3, 28. Rom. ix. 11.
GaL iv. 23, 29. Heb. xi. 23p. 1 John
ii. 29. iii. 9i. iv. 7. v. 1, 4, 18.—

spring, Heb. xi. 12.

ii. 12(
generation, Matt. iii.
be made, 2Pet.

7. xii. 34.
husbandry (^marg.
iii. 9.

, tillage),

husbandman, Matt. xxi. 33, 34, 35,

Luke XX.
40, 41. Mark
9, lOt, 14,
1 Cor.

1, 2t, 7, 9.
John xv,
xxiii. 33. Luke iii. 7.
Matt. xxvi.
fruit, 2^( LTTr 1. 2 Tim. ii. 6. Jas. v. 7.

S). 2 Cor.
ix. ^
S). Mark xiv. 25(7£V7/zaG"TTr>S).
18( xxii.
StGLTS, ccrov
earth. Matt. v. 5, 13, 18, 35. vi.
10, 19. ix. 6. X. 34. xi. 25. xii. 40,
42. xiii. bt. xvi. 19t. xvii. 25. xviii.

18/, 19. xxiii. 9, 35. xxiv. 30, 35.
XXV. 18, 25. xxvii. 51. xxviii. 18.
birth, Matt. i. 18(G', GLT Markii. 10. iv. 5i, 28, 31, 31(ap).
8), Luke \4.(:/!.8). i.
ix. 3. xiii. 27, 31. Luke ii. 14. v.
24. vi.49. X. 21. xi. 2(ap), 31. xii,
that is born, Matt. xi. 11. Luke 49, 51, 56. xvi. 17. xviii. 8. xxi.
vii. 28.
'. 25. 33, 35. xxiii. AA{marg. land),
xxiv. 5. John iii. 31i. xii. 32. xvfi.
offspring, Acts xvii. 28, 29. Rev. 4. Acts i. 8. ii. 19. iii. 25. iv. 24,
xxii. 16. 26. vii. 49. viii. 33. ix. 4, 8. x. 11,
generation, 1 Pet. ii. 9. 12(-Go). xi. 6. xiii. 47. xiv. 15.
stock, Acts xiii. 26. Ph.il. iii. 5. xvii. 24, 26. xxii. 22. xxvi. 14.
kindred. Acts iv. 6. vii. 13, 19. Rom. ix. 17, 28. x. 18. 1 Cor. viii.

one's own countrymen, 2 Cor. xi. 26.
of the country of
Cyprus, Acts iv. 36.
28(ap). XV. 47. Eph. i.
5. X.
15. iv. 9. vi. 3. Col. i. 16,

iii. 2, 5. Heb. i. 10. vi. 7. viii.

bom in Pontus, 4. xi. 13, 38. xii. 25, 26i. Jas. v. 5
Acts xviii. 2.
andria, Acts xviii. 24.
7, 12, 17, 18. 2 Pet. iii. 5, 7, 10, 13.
bom at Alex- 1 John V. 8(<7j5). Rev. i. 5, 7. iii.
10. V. 3i, 6, 10, 13/. vi. 4, 8/, 10,
nation, Mark vii. 26. Gal. i. 14. 13, 15. vii. Itr, 2, 3. viii. 5, 7, 13.

senate. Acts v. 21.

kind, Matt. xiii. 47. xvii. 21(r/p). ix. 1, 3/, 4. X. 2, 5, 6, 8. xi. 4, 6,
Mark ix. 29. 1 Cor. xii. 10. xiv. 10. lOi, 18. xii. 4, 9, 12, 13, 16/. xiii.
diversity (Twar^. kind), ICor. xii. 28. 8, 11, 12, 13, 14/. xiv. 3, 6, 7, 15,

16/, 18, 19/. xvi. 1, 2, 14(ow5), 18.
xvii. 2/, 5, 8, 18. xviii. 1, 3/, 9, 11,

old, John iii. 4.

, 23, 24. xix. 2, 19. xx. 8, 9, 11.

xxi. 1/, 24.
With ,
earthly, John iii. 31.
ground, Matt. x. 29(-G<«'). xiii. 8,
to taste. Matt. xvi. 28. xxvii. 34p. 23. XV. 35. Mark iv. 8, 20, 26. viii.
6. ix. 20. xiv* 35. Luke viii. 8, 15, vii. 21. ix. 22. xi. 19. xiv. 25. xv.
xiii. 7. xxii. 44(ap). John viii. 6 45. 2 Cor. V. 21. Gal. iii. 13. iv. 4i.
(ap), S(a2J). xii. 24. Acts vii. 33. Eph. ii. 13. iii. 7. PhiL ii. 7, Col.
land, Matt, ii. 6, 20, 21. iv. 15z. ix. i. 23, 25. Tit. iii. 7. Heb. i. 4. iii.
26. X. 15. xi. 24. xiv. 34. xxvii. 14. v. 5. vi. 4, 20. vii. 12, 16, 21
45.Mark iv. 1. vi. 47, 53. xv. 33. (20), 22, 26. xi. 3. Jas. iii. 9. 1 Pet.
Luke iv. 25. v. 3, 11. viii.
27. xiv. ii. '7 (with ).
35. xxi. 23. John
vi. 21. iii. 22. grow. Matt. xxi. 19. Acts v. 24.
xxi. 8, 9, 11. Acts vii. 3, 4t, 6, 11
wax, Heb. xi. 84.
(rO"LS), 29, 36(rf/ fr. L), 40.
xiii. 17, 19^ xxvii. 39, 43, 44. Heb. draw", John vi. 19.
viii. 9. xi. 9. Jude 5. arise, Matt. viii. 24. xiii. 21p. Mark
country, Matt. ix. 31. Acts vii. 3. iv. 17p, 37. Luke vi. 48p. xv. 14,
world, Rev. xiii. 3. John iii. 25. Acts vi. I. xi. 19. xix.

Add Matt. xiv. 24(ap). Ileb. xi. 23. xxiii. 7, 9, IOp.

29(land), C?LT5. Rev. viii. 1{). come. Matt. viii. 16^. xiv. 23?.
xiv. 18, for avrf/c, G'T. xvii, 4, for XX. 8p. xxvi. 20p.

xxvii, 1p, 57p.
avT?Jc, G"T, 7] S. }
Mark i. 11. iv. 35p,
ix. 21. xi. 19. XV.
vi. 2p, 21p, 47p.
33p, 42p. Luke

Luke S6(dat. fr.

i. 65. iii. 2, 22. ix. 34, 35. xix. 9.
old ago, i.
John i. 17. v, 14. vi. 16,

xxii. 14.
25. X. 35. xii. 30, xiii. 19. xxi. 4p.
Acts ii. 2, 43. v. 5, 11. vii. 31. ix.
be old,
old, Heb.
John xxi.
. viii. 13.

become, Matt. xiii. 22, 32. xviii. 3.

xxviii. 4. Mark

i. 17. iv. 19, 32.

3. X. 13. xii. Up. xvi. 29. xxi. 17p,
35. xxvi. 22. xxvii. 7, 16, 27(7-
), xxviii. 6.
2 Cor. i. 8. Gal. iii. 14. IThes. 1.
5. ITim. vi. 4. 2 Tim. iiL 11. Heb.
xi. 24p. Rev. xii. 10.
ix. 3. Jolm 1. 12. Acts vii. 40.
X. 10. xii. IS"". Rom. iii. 19. iv. come to pass, Matt. vii. 28. ix. 10.
18. vii. 13. ICor. iii. 18. viiL 9. xi. 1. xiii. 53. xix. 1. xxiv. 6.
ix. 20, 22. xiii. 1, 11. xv. 2Q(omS). xxvi. 1. Marki. 9. ii. 15, 23. iv. 4.
2Cor. V. 17. xii. 11. Gal. iv. 16. xL 23. xiii. 29. Luke i. 8, 23, 41,
Phil. ii. 8. 1 Thes. i. 6. ii. 14. Phm. 59. ii. 1, 15/, 46. iii. 21. v. 1, 12,

6. Ileb. V. 9, 12. x. 33p. xi. 7. Jas. 17. vi. 1, 6, 12. vii. 11. viii, 1,
ii.4, 11. Rev. vi. VZt. viii. 8. xi. 22, 40. 18, 28, 33, 37, 51, 57
15. xvi. 3, 4. xviii. 2. (-G"TTr*S). X. 38. xi. 1, 14, 27.
With fir, becomo, Matt. xxi. 42. xii. 55. xiv. 1. xvi. 22. xvii. 11, 14.
Mark xii. 10. Luke xx. 17. Acts iv. xviii. 35. xix. 15, 29. xx. 1. xxi.
11. Rev. viii. 11. — 28, 31, 36. xxiv. 4, 120^),
be made, 1 Cor. 7, 9,
XV. 45. — wax, Luke 15, 18, 30, 51. John xiii. 19. xiv.
xiii. 19.
29i. Acts iv. 5. ix. 32, 37, 43. xi,
be made, Matt. iv. 3. ix. 16. xxiii. 15.
XXV. (3. xxvii. 24. Mark ii. 21, 27. 26,28, xiv. 1. xvi. 16. xix. l.xxi. 1.
xiv. 4. Luke ii. 2. iv. 8. viii. 17. xiv. xxii. 6, 17. xxvii. 44. xxviii. 8, 17.
12. xxiii. 12, 19. 1. Ztr, 10, John ITht'S, iii. 4. Rev. i. 1.
14. ii. 9. V. 4(ap),
14. viii. 33. G, 9, bo brouglit to pass, 1 Cor. xv, 54.
ix. 39. Acts vii. 13. xii. 5. xiii. 32. fall. Rev. xvi. 2.

xiv. 5. xix. 23. xxi. 40p. xxvi. 6. befall, Mark v. 16.

Rom. i. 3. ii. 25. vii, 13. x. 20. happen, Rom, xi, 25,
xi. 9. 1 Cor. i. 30. liL 13. iv. 9, 13, follow, Rev. viii. 7.
be wrought, Mark vi. 2. Acts v. 12. 30. xii. 40, 54. xiii. 2, 4. xv. 10.
xvi. 11, 12. xvii. 26, 28. xviii.
be parformed, Luke i. 20. 23,
24(-TTrb5). xix. 17, 19. xx.
b3 done, Matt. i. 22. vi. 10. viii.
13. xi. 20, 21, 23t. xviii. 19, 31i.
(- fr. L^O, 33. xxii. 24,
40P, 44/ (ap), 66. xxiii. 24,
xxi. 4, 21. xxvi. 42, 56. xxvii. 44.
54. xxviii. 11. Mark iv. 11. v. xxiv. 5p, 19, 22, 37. John i. 6. ii. 1.

14, 33. xiii. 30. Luke iv. 23. viii. iii. 9. iv. 14. vi. 17, 21. vii. 43. viii.

34, 35, 56. ix. 7. x. 13/, xi. 2 58. ix. 22, 27. x. 16, 19, 22. xii.

{tip), xiii. 17. xiv. 22. xxii. 42.

36. xiv. 22. XV. 8. xx. 27. Acts
xxiii. 8, 31, 47, 48. xxiv. 21. John
i. 16, 19, 20. iv. 4. v. 7. vii. 29, 38,
52. viii. 1, 8. ix. 19, 42. x. 4, 25.
1. 28. XV. 7. xix. 36. Acts ii. 43.
xii. 18p, 23. xiii. 5p. xv. 7p, 39.
iv. 16, 21, 28, 30. v. 7. viii. 13. x.
16. xi. 10. xii. 9. xiii. 12. xiv. 3.
xvi. 26, 35p. xix. 17, 21, 28. xx.
xxi. 14. xxiv. 2(3)P. xxviii. 9p. 16, 18. xxii. 9(-G°°L5), 17. xxiii.
1 Cor. ix. 15. xiv. 26, 40. xvi. 14. 12p. XXV. 15p. xxvi. 4, 19, 28(70
Eph. V. 12. Rev. xvi. 17. xxi. 6.
LS), 29. xxvii. 36p, 39, 42.
xxii. 6. Rom, iii, 4. vi, 5. ix. 29. xi. 5, 6,
34. xii. 16. XV. 8, 16, 31. xvi. 2, 7.
so" be done, Matt. viii. 13.
1 Cor. ii. 3. iii. 18. iv. 16. vii. 23.
be one's doing. Matt. xxi. 42. Mark
xii. 11.

xxi. 32.
Matt. v. 18.

be finished, Heb, iv. 3.

xxiv. 34.
ix, 23, 27. X. 6, 7.
XV. 10, 37, 58. xvi.
1$(. '
vi. 14. viii. 14/. Gal.
iii. 17, 24. iv.
12. v. 26. Eph. iv. 32. v. 1, 7, 17.
xi. 1. xiv. 20i.
2, 10.
2 Cor.


be ended, John xiii. 2.

be past, Luke ix. 36. 2 Tim. ii. 18.
vi. 3. Phil. i. 13. ii. L). iii.15(
17, 2l(^ap). Col. iii. 15. iv. 11.
be had, Acts xxv. 26p. Thes. i. 5,
1 7. ii. 1, 7, 8. iii, 5.
be kept", Mark iv. 22.
1 Tim. ii. 14. iv, 12. v. 9. 2 Tim. i.
be found, 2 Cor. vii. 14. 17p. iii. 9.
be brought, Acts v. 36. Heb. ii. 2, 17. v. 11. vi. 12. vii.
be showed. Acts iv. 22. 18, ix. 22. xi. 6. xii. 8. Jas. i. 12p,
be published. Acts x. 37. 22, 25. ii. 10. iii. 1,10. V. 2. 1 Pet.
be ordained to bo, Acts i. 22. i. 15, fr. 16(
G'LTS). iii.
be preferred", JoLni. 15, 27(ap), 30. 6, 13. iv. 12. V. 3 2 Pet. i. 4, 16, 20.
ii. 1, 20. 1 John ii. 18. 8 John 8. Rev.
be turned, John xvi. 20.
be divided, Rev. xvi. 19. i. 9, 10, 18, 19. ii. 8, 10. iii. 2. iv. 1,
2. vi. 12. viii. 1, 5. xi. 13/, 15, 19. xii.
he taken, 2 Thes. ii. 7.
7. xvi. 10, 18, 18(-GoTr), 18, 18.
be assembled", Acts xv. 25.

sound", 44.

be, Matt. V. 45. vi. 16. viii, 26.
ix. 29. X. 16, 25. xii. 45. xiv. 15p. With bo, Heb. vii. 23p.

XV. 28. xvi. 2p. xvii. 2. xviii. 13. CD bo. Matt, xviii. 13.
xix. 8. XX. 26. xxiii. 26. xxiv. 20,
21/, 32, 44. xxvi. 2, 5, 6p, 54.
xxvii. 45. xxviii. 2. Mark iv. 10,
39. vi. 26. ix. 7, 26, 33. x. 43,
44( LTrS). xiii. 7, IS, 19/, 28.

not be),
6, 31.
Not rendered, with

God forbid
Luke xx.
vi. 2, 15.
vii. 7, 13.


ix. 14.


XV. 33. xvi. lO(ap).

iv. 25,
viii. 24.


ii. 6,
42. iii. 21. vi. 14.
26, would not,
xi. 1, 11. 1 Cor. vi. 15. Gal. ii. 17.

because ho
Acts xx. 16.
have*^(iii. belong to), Matt, xviii. xiii. 6. Gal. iii. 7. iv. 9p, 9. Eph.
12. Acts XV. 2p. 1 Cor. iv. 5. iii. 19. V. 5. vi. 22. Phil. ii. 19p,
Rom. vii. 3, 3i^, 4. 22. 10. iv. 5. Col. iv. 8. 1 Thes.
be married",
1 Thes. ii. 10. iiL 5. 2 Tim. i. 18. ii. 19. iiL 1.
behave one's self,

With h,
With ^, to use, 1 Thes.

continue", Acts xix. 10,


1. 4.
Heb. iii. 10. viii. 11. x. 34. xiii.
23. Jas. i. 3. ii. 20. v. 20. 2 Pet. i.
20. iii. 3. 1 John ii. 2,1, 4, 5, 13/, 14,

18, 29. iii. Ii, 6, 19, 20, 24. iv. 2,
Add Matt. xiv. 6, for ^^'-,
TTr>5. Mark ix. 6, for G"LT , G'L
Gi, 7, 8, 13, 16. V. 2, 20. 2 John 1.
Rev. .17(£ GLTTr5), 23, 24.


Luke viii. 42(ap). Acts x. 10,
G"LT<S. Heb. ix. 11,
2 Pet. ii. 12, for
iii. 3, 9.
have knowledge. Acts xvii. 13.

perceive, Matt. xvi. 8p. xxi. 45.

, ,
, ,
, ,
StC5. 2 John 12, for

xxii. 18. Luke viii. 46. xx. 19.
John vi. 15p. Acts xxiii, 6p. Gal.

, ,,^&,
See also

, ii. 9p. IJohn iii. 16. [xxiv. 50.

be aware (ware, ed, 1611) of. Matt.

, ,
^ , ,-

^^ be sure, John vi. 69.

beaware(ware, erf. 161 1 ),Lnlsexii.46.
be sure

understand. Matt. xxvi. lOP. John

viii. 27, 43. x. 6. xii. 16. Acts viii.
30. xxiv. Phil.

Luke x. 11.

L 12.
know, Matt! i. 25. vi. 3. vii. 23. can (lit. know how), Matt. xvi. 3.
ix. 30. X. 26. xii. 7, 15p, 33. xiii. With can speak Greek, 7./,
11. xxiv. 32, 33, 39, 43. xxv. 24. Acts xxi. 37.
Markiv. llC-G^-^LTTr^S), 13. v. 43. allowCG'r. know), Rom. vii. 15.
vi. 381'. vii. 24. viii. 17'•. ix. 30.
xii. 12. xiii. 28, 29. xv. 10, 45p.
Luke i. 18, 34. ii. 43. vi. 44. vii.
39. viii. 10, 17. ix. \l^. x. 22. xii.
2, 39, 47, 48. xvi. 15. xviii. 34.
xix. 15, 42, 44. xxi. 20, 30, 31.
xxiv. 18, 35. John i. 10, 48(49).
feel, Mark v. 29.
to resolved, Luke xvi. 4.
Add, for
viii. 2, LT5.
1 Cor. ii. 112d,G"LT

vi. 33, LTr. For

X. 383, LTTr.
ii. 24, 25. iii. 10. iv. 1, 53. v. 6, 42.

vii. 17, 26,

52, 55.

27, 49, 51. viii. 28, 32,
X. 14i, 15i, 27, 38. xi. 57.
new wine, Acts
. ii. 13.

xii. 9. xiii. 7, 12, 28, 35. xiv. 7, 7

Tr), 7, 9, 17/, 20, 31. xv. 18.
xvi. 3, 19. xvii. 3, 7, 8(-L"5), 23,
25/r. xix. 4. xxi. 17. Acts i. 7. ii.
36. ix. 24. xvii. 19, 20. xix. 15, 35.
XX. 34. xxi. 24, 34. xxii. 14, 30.
sweet, Jas. iii. 11. Rev. x. 9, 10.
fresh, Jas. iii. 12.

tongue, Mark vii. 33, 35. xvi. 17

(ap). Luke i. 64. xvi. 24. Acts ii.
xxiii. 2'$>{ L'l). 3 4, 11, 26. X. 46. xix. 6. Rom.
ICor. xii. lOi, 28,
Rom. i. 2lP.
18. iii. 17. vi. 6.
ii. ii'i. 13. xiv. 11.

vii. 1, 7. X. 19. xi. 34. ICor. i. 21. ?,0. xiii. 1, 8. xiv. 2, 4, 5/, 6, 9, 13,

Ii. 8/, 14, 16. iii. 20. iv. 19. viii. 14,18,19,22, 23, 26,27,39. PhiL
2/, 3. xiii. 9, 12. xiv. 7, 9. 2 Cor. ii. 11. Jas. i. 26. iii. 5, 6t, 8. 1 Pet.
ii. 4, 9. iii. 2. v. 16/, 21. viii. 9. iii. 10. IJohn iii. 18. Rev. v. 9.
vii. 9.


xvi. 10. xvii. 15.


11. xi. 9. xiii. 7. xiv. 6.

xii. 6. xiii. 29.

ix. 3.

known, John

xxviii. 22.
With art.,
xviii. 15, 16. Acts L
14. iv. 10. ix. 42. xiii. 38.

XV. lS(ap). xix. 17. xxviii. 28.

we know, Acta

— that which
Luke ii.

. may
44p'. xxiii. 49i''.
own, 1 Tim.

i. 2. Tit. i. 4. be known, Rom. i. 19.
true, Phil. iv. 3. notable. Acts iv. 16.
With 2 Cor.

art., sincerity, viii. 8.

naturally, Phil.ii. 20.

trans., John
xx. 11.
vi. 41, 43, 61. 1 Cor. x. 10/.
vii. 32.
— In-
v. 30.

blackness, Heb. xii. 18.
murmuring, John vii. 12. Acts vi.
14. Rev. xvii. 13.
1. Phil. ii. 14.—grudging, 1 Pet.

-/ ,
judgment, 1 Cor. 1. 10. vii. 25, 40.

xvii. 17 (ap).
agree, Rev.
iv. 9 P'• (sing.

murmurer, Jude IG.


With ,.
advice, 2 Cor. viii. 10.
will, Rev. xvii. 17.
topurpose, Acts xx. 3.
seducer, 2 Tim.
. iii. 13.

make known, Luke ii.

15. Acts ii. 28. Rom. ix. 22, 23.

xvi. 26. Eph. i. 9. iii. 3, 5, 10. vi.
19, 21. Phil. iv. 6. Co!, i. 27. iv.
15. John xv.
burden. Acts xxi. 3.

merchandise. Rev. xviii. 11. 12.

Plural, parents, Matt. x. 21. Mark

xiii. 12. Luke ii. 27, 41. viii. 56.
9. 2 Pet. i. 16. xviii. 29. xxi. 16. John ix. 2, 3,
do to wit, 2 Cor. viii. 1. 18, 20, 22, 23. Rom. i. 30. 2 Cor.
give to understand, 1 Cor. xii. 3. xii. Ut. Eph. vi. 1. Col, iii, 20.

declare, John xvii. 26z. 1 Cor. xv. 3Tim. iii. 2. [(«p)•
1. Col. iv. 7.
certify.Gal. i. 11.
wot, Phil. i. 22.
Add Matt. xlx.

. 29(ci_p).

v. 19.
Lukeii. 43

Luke v. 8.

Add Luke ii. 17, for Rom. xi. 4.

, xiv. 11. Eph. iii. 14.

LTrS. Phil. ii. 10. Heb. xii. 12.
kneel, Luke xxii.
knowledge, Luke 1. 77. xi. 52. 41. Acts vii. GO. ix. 40. xx. 36.
Rom. iL 20. xi. 33. xv. 14. ICor. xxi. 5.
i. 5. viii. Ii, 7, 10, 11. xii. 8. xiii.
2, 8. xiv. 6. 2 Cor. 14. iv. 6. vi.
kneel down to. Matt. xvii. 14. Mark
6. viii. 7. X, 5. xi. 6. Eph. iii. 19.

i. 40(-LTri•).

Phil. iii. 8. Col. ii. 3. 1 Pet. iii. 7. kneel to, Mark x. 17.
2Pet i. 5, 6. iii. 18. bow the knee. Matt, xxvii. 29.
science, 1 Tim. vi. 20.

letter, Luke xxiii. 3S(ap). John

expert, Acts xxvi. 3. vii. 15p' (marg. learning). Acta
2 Cor.

xxviii. 21. Rom.
ii. 27, 29. vii.

Gal. vi. 11.

iii. 6t.

writing, John v. 47.

xviii. 31. ^ix. 46. xx. 17, 28. xxi.
22. xxii. 37. xxiii.
Tr^ -TS). xxiv.
44, 46. John i. 45

bill, Luke

written, 2 Cor. iii.
2 Tim.
xvi. 6, 7.
learning, Acts xxvi. 24p'.

scribe, Matt, ii,

iii. 15.

4. v. 20. vii. 29.

viii. 19. ix. 3. xii. 38. xiii. 52.
I. xvi. 21. xvii. 10. xx. 18. xxi.
15. xxiii. 2, 13, U(ap), 15, 23, 25,

(46). ii. 17, V. 46. vi. 31, 45. viii.
6(ap), 8(ap), 17. x. 34. xH. 14, 16.
XV. 25, xix. 19, 20, 21, 22. xx. 30,
31. xxi. 24, 25i. Acts i. 20. vii. 42.
xiii. 29, 33. xv. 15, 23. xviii. 27.
xxiii. 5, 25. xxiv. 14. xxv. 26i.
Rom. i. 17. ii. 24. iii. 4, 10. iv
17, 23. viii. 36. ix. 13, 33. x. 15.
xi. 8, 26. xii. 19. xiv. 11. xv. 3, 9,
15, 21. xvi. 22. 1 Cor. i. 19, 31. ii.
27, 29, 34. xxvi. 3(-G^'LTTr5'), 57.
9. iii. 19. iv. 6, 14. v. 9, 11. vii. 1.
xxvii. 41. Mark i. 22. ii. 6, 16. iii.
ix. 9, 10, 15. X. 7, 11. xiv. 21, 37.
22. vii. 1, 5. viii. 31. ix. 11, 14, 16
(G", avGLS). x. 33. xi. 18,
XV. 45, 54. 2 Cor. i.

vii. 12. viii. 15. ix. 1, 9. xiii.

13. ii. 3, 4, 9.
27. xii. 28, 32, 35, 38. xiv. 1, 43,
*S), 10. Gal. i. 20. iii. 10/, 13. iv.
53. XV. 1, 31. Luke v. 21, 30. vi.
7. ix. 22. xi. 44(a^), 53. xv. 2.
22, 27. vi. 11. Phil. iii. 1. IThes.
iv. 9. V. 1. 2Thes. iii. 17. 1 Tim.
xix. 47. XX. 1, 19, 39, 46. xxii. 2,
iii. 14. Phm. 19, 21.
66. xxiii. 10. John viii. 3 (a/)). Acts
iv. 5. vi. 12. xxiii. 9(a/)). 1 Cor. Heb. X. 7. IPet. i. 16. v. 12.
i. 20. 2 Pet. iii. 1, 15. 1 John i. 4. ii. 1,

town-clerk, Acts xix. 35.
Add Luke xxii. 4(priests,
7, 8, 12, 13ir, 14/, 21, 26. 2 John
5, 12. 3 John 9, 13/. Jude 3/. Rev.
i. 3, 11, 19. ii. 1, 8, 12, 17, 18. iii.

y.), L.
1, 7, 12, 14. V. 1. X. 4/. xiii. 8.

. xiv. 1, 13. xvii. 5, 8. xix. 9, 12,

written, Rom. ii. 15.
16. XX. 12, 15. xxi. 5, 27. xxii.
18, 19.
scripture, Matt. xxi. 42. xxii. 29. TO according as
xxvi. 54, 56. Mark xii. 10, 24. xiv. 2 Cor. iv. 13,
it is written,
49. XV. 28(ap). Luke iv. 21. xxiv.
the writing was,
27, 32, 45. John ii. 22. v. 39. vii. John xix. 19.
38, 42. X. 35. xiii. 18. xvii. 12.

describe, Rom. x. 5.
xix. 24, 28, 36, 37. xx. 9. Acts i.
Addy for Rom. xv. 4^^S
6. viii. 32, 35. xvii. 2, 11. xviii. Ltn. 42d^ C'LTaS.—Rev. xix. 12(ap).
24, 28. Rom. i. 2. iv. 3. ix. 17. x.
II. xi. 2. XV. 4. xvi. 26. 1 Cor. xv.
3, 4. Gal. iii. 8, 22. iv. 30. 1 Tim. old wives', 1

Tim. iv. 7.

V. 18. 2 Tim. iii. 16. Jas. ii. 8, 23. iv.
5. IPet. ii. 6. 2 Pet. i. 20. iii. 16.

write, Matt. ii. 5. iv. 4, 6, 7, 10.

xi. 10. xxi. 13. xxvi. 24, 31. xxvii.
watch, Matt. xxiv. 42, 43.
13. xxvi. 38, 40, 41. Mark xiii. 34,
35, 37. xiv. 34, 37, 38. Luke xii.
37, 39. Acts XX. 31. 1 Cor. xvi. 13.

37. Mark i. 2. vii. 6. ix. 12, 13. x. Col. iv. 2. 1 Thes. v. 6. Rev. iii 3.
4, 6. xi. 17. xii. 19. xiv. 21, 27. xvi. 15.
10, 17.
i. 3, 63. ii. 23.
vii. 27. x. 20(
TTr5), 26. xvi.
iii. 4. iv. 4, 8,

6, 7.
watchful, Rev. iii. 2p.
be vigilant, 1 Pet. v. 8.
wake, 1 The3. V. 10.
to exercise, 1 Tim. iv. 7.

14. xii. 11. 2 Pet. ii. 14.

exerase, 1 Tim. iv. 8.

29(-LTTr). xxii. 24, 25, 28. xxvii.
Heb. v. 19. Mark vi. 17, 18. x. 2, 7, 11, 29
(-G^LTTr^S). xii. 19^ 20, 2'OL Luke
i. 5, 13, 18, 24. ii. 5(-LTr5). iii.

19. viii. 3. xiv. 20, 26. xvi. 18.

xvii. 32. xviii. 29. xx. 28i, 29, 30

be naked, 1 Cor. iv. 11.
LTS. (ap), ddt. Acts V. 1, 2, 7. xviii. 2.
xxi. 5. xxiv. 24.
naked, Matt. xxv. 36, 38, 43, 44. 12, Ut, IQt, 27/r, 29, 33, 34, 39. ix.
Mark xiv. 51, 52. John xxi. 7. Acts 5(mc:rg. wcman)• Epb. v. 22, 23,
V. 1. vii. 2, 3i, 4/, 10, 11,

xix. 10. 2 Cor. v. 3. Heb. iv. 13. 24, 25, 2S^ 31, 33i. CoL iii. 18, 19.

Jas. ii. 15. Rev. iii. 17, xvi. 15. ITim. iii. 2, 11, 12. v. 9. Tit. i. 6.

xvii. 16. I Pet. iii. It. Rev. xix. 7. xxi. 9.

bare, 1 Cor. xv. 37. Add Luke xx. 33( therefore), T.
. .

xi. 27.


. iii.

woman, 2 Tim.


woman, Matt.
of woman),

11. xiii. 33. xiv. 21.




1 Pet.

v. 28. ix. 20, 22. xi.

2 Cor.


xv. 22, 28, 38.

xii. 10.

corner. Matt. vi. 5. xxi. 42. Mark
Luke xx. 17. Acts iv. 11.
xxvi. 26. 1 Pet. ii.
quarter, Rev. xx.

32. xii. 22. Mark v. 15, 16, 18,

he that hath a devil, John x. 21p.

be possessed with a devil. Matt. ix.

be possessed with devils, Matt. iv.

7. Rev. vii. 1.

24. viii. 16, 28. Mark i. 32.

xxii. 27. xxvi. 7, 10. xxvii. 55.
be possessed of the devils. Matt. viii.

xxviii. 5. Mark V. 25, 33. vii. 25, Luke
33. viii. 3GC-G°0.
26. X. 12(fi/'r;/ TiS). xii. 22. xiv. Matt. xv.
be vexed with a devil,
3. XV. 40. Luke i. 28(op), 42. iv.
26, vii. 28, 37, 39, 44i, 50. viii. 2,
43, 47. X. 38. xi. 27. xiii. 11, 12,
21. XV. 8. XX. 32. xxii. 57. xxiii. devil, Matt. vii. 22. ix. 33, 34i. x.
8. xi. 18. xii. 24?, 27, 28. xvii. 18.
27, 49, 55. xxiv. 22, 24. Jobnii. 4.
iv. 7, 9t, 11, 15, 17, 19, 21, 25, 27, Mark i. 34/, 39. iii. 15, 22?. vi. 13.
28, 39, 42. viii. 3(ap), 4(ap), 9(_ap), vii. 26, 29, 30. ix. 38. xvi. 9(a;j),
10/(aj9). xvi. 21. xix. 26. xx. 13, II (ap). Luke iv. 33, 35, 41. vii.
15. Acts i. 14. v. 14. viii. 3, 12. 33. viii. 2, 27, 30, 33, 35, 38. ix. 1,
ix. 2. xiii. 50. xvi. 1, 13, 14. xvii. 42, 49. X. 17. xi. 14?, 15?, 18, 19,
4, 12, 34. xxii. 4. 20. xiii. 32. John vii. 20. viii. 48,

Rom. vii. 2.1 Cor. vii. 1, 13. xi.
49, 52. X. 20, 21. 1 Cor. x. 20?, 21?.

10, 11?, 12t, 13, 15.

3, 5, Gt, 7, St. dt,
xiv. 34, 35. Gal. iv. 4. 1 Tim. ii. 9,
10, 11, 12, 14. Heb. xi. 55. 1 Pet.
iii. 5. Rev. ii. 20. ix. 8. xii. 1, 4,
6, 13, 11, 15, 16, 17. xiv. 4. xvii.
1 Tim. iv. 1. Jas. ii. 19. Rev. ix. 20.
god, Acts xvii. 18.
Add, for Luke viii. 29, LS.
Rev. xvi. 14, GLTTr^. xviii. 2, LS.

3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 18. devilish, Jas. iii. 15.

wife, Matt. i. 20, 24. v. 31, 32.
Kiv. 3. xviii. 25. xix. 3, 5, 8, 9, 10, devil, Matt. viii. 31. Mark v. 13

(-G-^LTr^S). Luke

viii. 29((Taaz(5v-
14:(^ GL
(c) Often corresponding to
, in
lov hS). Rev. xvi.
TTr^S). xviii.

bite, Gral. v. 15.

. .

(a) In general.
a preceding clause. See
II. Continuaiive or transitional ;
now, and, further, nevertheless.
i. q.

tear, Mark ix. 24(-LTTr>S). Luke now,
(b) In explanation
Rom. XV. 8
or example,
vii. 38, 44. Acts xx. 10, 31. 2 Cor. 1 Cor. X. 11. Gal. iv. 1. —then. Gal.
ii. 4. 2 Tim. i. 4. Hob. v. 7. xii. 17. V. 16. —
therefore, 1 Cor. vii. 8.

weep, John

ring, Luke
. (.
vii. 17. xxi. 4.

, xi. 35.

xv. 22.

Mark vii.
for, Mark
xvi. 8.
22. ix. 30. Phil. ii. 8.

xxiii. 5. Eph. v. 32.

dered, 1 Cor. X. 29. XV. 56.

even, Rom. iii.
and, 1 Cor.
XV. 56. Gal. iii. 17.— but, Matt,
Not ren-

In parenthetic clauses, now, Matt,

i. 22.— but, Matt. xxvi. 56. Not

finger. Matt, xxiii. 4. 33.
rendered, Matt. xxi. 4.
Luke xi. 20, 46. xvi. 24. John viii.
In notation of number or time,
Q{ap). XX. 25, 27. —
. and, John ix. 14. xv. 25. then,
Acts xii. 3. —
Not rendered, Mark
Mark 13(-GooLbTTr^).

to tame, V. 4. Jas. iii. 7i, 8. V.
To introduce some new circum-
heifer, Heb. ix. 13. stance, now, John vi. 10. xix. 23.
ICor. XV. 50. Gal. i. 20.— for,

,.Luke vi. 34/, 35.

Mid.^ borrow, Matt. v. 42.

17. —
— howbeit, John
but, 1 Cor. vii. 29.
23(-Tr, ovv S).
iv. 20.
Not —

rendered, vii. 26. xi. 2.
debt, Matt, xviii. 27.
(c) Resumptive, and, Matt. iii. 4.

US. Luke iv. 1. — but, 2 Cor. x. 2.
creditor, vii. 41.
(d) Kf7i , and also, Matt. xvi. 18,
Mark iv. 36(-^ LTrS). John xv.
spend, Mark v. 2G. Luke xv. 14^. 27. Acts xxii. 29. Rom. xi. 23.
— and so
2Cor. xii. 15. 1 Tim. iii. 10. Acts v. also.
be at charges, Acts xxi. 24. 32(-Je GoL5). — John 17.
also, viii.
consume, Jas. iv. 3. — and, Matt. x. 18. Luke x. 8(-(
cost, Luke xiv. 28.
(j -
G"LTr*S). John

2 Tim.
51. Acts xxv. 25
LS). — yea, and, Acts
12. 3 John 12.—yea,
24. iii.


A particle denoting that the word Luke 35 (-Jf

ii. — and truly,
L'-Tr^') •

or clause with which it stands is to 1 John — and yet, John 16.

i. 3. viii.

be distinguished from something pre- — moreover. Hob. ix. 21. —

— 2 Pet.
ceding. Its sense is
). ^ ,
iJr, and besides this, i.

L Adversative;
trary, etc.
(a) In general.

i. q. but, on the con-

(b) In the apodosis after ', Acts
17(-G°L5), not rendered.

See also

request, Phil.

i. 4.
. el

supplication, Acts i, 14(^omS).

}', b ,

vi. 18/. Phil. iv. 6. 1 Tim. ii. 1. behove, Luke xxiv. 462(-G°L'>TTr
V. 5.
prayer, Luke i. 13. ii. 37. v. 33.
Rom. X. 1. 2 Cor. i. 11. ix. 14.
Phil. i. 4, 19. 3 Tim. i. 3. Heb. v.
7. Jas. V. IG. IPet. iii. 12
Add 3 Cor.

example, Jude 7.
.- xii.

. 1(/).

. commonlj
make a show of. Col. ii. 15.
Impersonal of ^/, ren- Add Matt. i. 19, for
dered by a change of construction
as "he must go," for " it needs that
, G'LTTr.
he go;" "ye ought to have done,"
for "z7 behoved you to do." The show. Matt. xvi. 21.
iv. 8. viii. 4.

imperfect tense marked thus (2).

Mark 44. xiv. 15. Luke iv. 5. v.

14. xxii. 12. John ii. 18. v. 20/. x.

be needful, Acts xv.* 5.
— 32. xiv. 8, 9. XX. 20. Acts vii. 3.

eorlvj be need, 1 Pet. i. 6.
X. 28. 1 Cor. xii. 31. 1 Tim. vi. 15.
ought, Acts xix. 36.

Heb, viii. 5. Jas. ii. ISi. iii. 13.
must needs, Mark xiii. 7. John iv. Rev. i. 1. iv. 1. xvii. 1. xxi. 9, 10.
42. Acts i. 16-. xvii. 32. xxi. 22{tvith xxii. 1, 6, 8.
2 Cor. xi. 30.
Add, for Luke xx. 24,
must, Matt. xvi. 21. xvii. 10. xxiv. GLTTr>S'. xxiv. 40, LTiaS. Luke —
6. xxvi. 54. Mark viii. 31. ix. 11. XX. 24 (a/)).
xiii. 10. Luke ii. 49. iv. 43. ix. 22.
xiii. 33. xvii. 25. xix. 5. xxi. 9.
xxii. 7^ 37. xxiv. 7, 44. John iii.
fear, 2 Tim. i. 7.
7, 14(-L°0, 30. iv. 24. ix. 4. x. 16.
xii. 34. XX. 9. Acts i. 22(21). iii.
21. iv. 12. ix. 6, 16. xiv. 22. xvi.
be afraid, John xiv. 27.

fearful, Matt. viii. 26. Mark Iv.

30. xviii. 21 (ap). xix. 21. xxiii.
11. xxvii. 24, 26. 40, Rev. xxi. 8.
1 Cor. xi. 19. XV. 25, 53, 2 Cor. v.
10. 1 Tim. iii. 2, 7. 2 Tim. ii. 6, 24.

11. Heb.
11. xi. 5.
iv. 1. x.
10. xvii. 10. XX. 3. xxii. 6.
such a man, Matt. xxvi. 18.
ix. 262. xi. 6.
vehemently, Luke
xi. 53.

should. Matt, xviii. 33-. xxvi. 35.

grievously. Matt. viii. 6,

Mark xiv. 31. Acts xxvii. 212.

. Luke xvii. 8. 1 Cor. xi. 25.

ought, Matt, xxiii. 232. 272.
Rev. iii. 20.
Mark xiii. 14. Luke xi. 422. ^[[^ 12. supper, Luke xxii. 20'"^
xiii. 14, 162. xviii. 1. xxiv. 262.
John iv. 20. Acts v. 29. x. 6(ap).
XX. 35. xxiv. 192. XXV. 10, 24. xxvi. suDper, Mark vi. 21. Lnke xiv. 12,
16, '17, 24. John xii. 2. xiiL 2, 4.

9. viii. 26. xii. 3. 1 Cor. viii.
xxi. 20. 1 Cor. xi. 20, 21. Rev. xix.
2. 2 Cor. ii. 32. Eph. vi. 20. Col. iv.
IThes. 9, 17.
4, 6. iv. 1. 2Thes. iii. 7.
1 Tim. 15. Tit. 11.Heb. iL feast. Matt, xxiii. 6. Mark xii. 39•
iii. i. 1.
2 Pet. iii. 11.
Luke XX. 46.
things wMch they*
Add Luke xi. 43 (op).
ought not, ITim. v. 13.
be meet. Luke xv. 322. Rom_ i 272. superstition, Acts xxv, 19.
too superstitious,

Matt. XX. 24. xxv.
Acts xvii. 22•»"»?.

1, 28.
spearman. Acts xxiii. 23.

right. Matt. v. 29, 30, 39. Luke vi.

xxii. 50. John xviii. 10. xxi. 6. Acta
Mark x. 41. Luko xiv. 31. xv. 8. 6.
iii.7. Kev. i. 16, 17. x. 2. xiii. 16.—
xvii. 12, 17. xix. 13i, 16, 17, 24, 25.
Acts XXV. 6. Rev. ii. 10. xii. 3. on the right hand, 2 Cor. vi. 7.

xiii. It. xvii. 3, 7, 12t, 16.
With understood, right hand.
Matt. vi. 3. xxvii. 29. Acts ii. 33.

. {,.
eighteen, Luke xiii.
V. 31. Rom. viii. 34. Gal. ii. 9. Epli.

4, 11, 16.
sixteen. See
i. 20. Col. iii. 1. Heb. i. 3. viii. 1.
X. 12. xii. 2. 1 Pet. iii. 22. Rev. i.


ii. 1. V. 1, 7.
twelve. Acts xix. 7
Flur., right side, Mark xvi. 5. —

xxiv. LS).
on (the) right hand, Matt. xx.
Add Rev. xxi. 1 6, for . 21, 23. xxii. 44. xxv. 33, 34. xxvi. 64.
xxvii. 38. Mark x. 37, 40. xii. 36. xiv.
fifteen, Joliii xi. 18. Acts xxvii. 62. XV. 27. xvi. I9{ap). Luke xx. 42.
28. Gal. i. 18. xxii. 69. xxiii. 33. Acts ii. 25, 34. vii.
55, 56. Heb. i. 13. — on the right side,
Luke i. 11.
fourteen, Matt. 1. 17<r. 2 Cor. xii.
Add Rev. x. 5( hand), GLTTr^S.
2. Gal. ii. 1.
Rom. 1.
. .

tenth part (sc. Heb. vii. 2. make request, 10.
tsnth, Heb. vii. 4. beseech, Luke v. 12. viii. 28, 38.
tithe, Heb. vii. 8, 9. ix. 38, 40. Acts xxi. 39. xxvi. 3.

2 Cor. X. 2. Gal. iv. 12.
Jobn 39(40). Rev. xi. 13. pray, Matt. ix. 38. Luke x. 2. xxi.
tenth, i.

xxi. 20.
3. xxii. 32. Acts iv. 31p. viii. 22,
24, 34. X. 2. 2 Cor. v. 20. viii. 4.

receive tithes of, Heb. vii. 6.
I Tlies. iii.


Pass., pay tithes, Heb. vii. 9. fear.

Heb. xii. 28, for

accepted, Luke iv. 24. Acts x. 35.
2 Cor. vi. 2. With goatskin, Heb. xi. 37.
acceptable, Luke iv. 19. Pbil. iv. 18.
of a skin, Mark 1. 6.
entice, Jas. i. 14. leathern. Matt. iii. 4.
beguile, 2 Pot. ii. 14.
allure, 2 Pet. ii. 18. beat. Matt. xxi. 35. Mark xii. 3, 5.

vhQOv, xiii. 9. Luke xii. 47, 48. xx. 10, 11.

Acts V. 40. xvi. 37. xxii. 19. 1 Cor.
tree. Matt. iii. 10^. vii. lit, ISt, 19.
ix. 6.
xii. d3tr. xiii. 32. xxi. 8. Mark
viii. 24. :i\. 8{>8). Luke smite, Luke xxii, 63. John xviii.


ix. 4.
9i. vi. 4?,t,
12. Rev.
44. xiii. 19. xxi. 29.
vii. 1, 3. viii. 7.
23. 2 Cor. xi. 20.

bind, Matt, xxiii. 4. Auto xxii. 4.
, .

bind"", Luke
viii. 29.
With ,
iv. 29. xxi. 12. Rev. xix. 17,
follow, Matt. iv. 19.

bundle, Matt.

ia bonds,
tbat is
Acts xxv. 14.
xiii. 30.

HeL. xiii. 3.
in bonds,
the next

second after the first, Luke vi. 1


Acts xxviii. 13.

prisoner, Matt, xxvii. 15, 16. Mark

Kv. . Acts xvi. 25, 27. xxiii. 18. second. Matt. xxi. 30(G', Q
TS). xxii. 26, 39. Mark xii. 21, 31.
XXV. 27. xxviii. 1(),
17. Epli.
Luke xii. 38. xix. 18. xx. 30. Jolin
iii. 1. iv. 1. 2 Tim. i. 8. Plim. 1, 9.

Add Heb. x. 34, for
(Neuter plural marked °.)
iv. 54. Acts vii. 13. xii. 10. xiii. 33
(G', GLT). 1 Cor. xv. 47.
2 Cor. i. 15. Tit. iii. 10. Heb. viii.
7, ix. 3, 7. X. 9. 2 Pet. iii. 1. Rev.
ii. 11. iv. 7. vi. St. viii. 8. xi. 14.
band, Luke viii. 29". Acts xvi. 26". xvi. 3. XX. 6, 14. xxi. 8, 19.
xxii. 30(om»S'). Neut., the second time, John iii. 4.

Mark vii. 35.

Gtringr, xxi. 16. 2 Cor. xiii. 2. secondari-.
bond, Luke xiii. 16. Acts xx. 23". ly, 1 Cor. xii. 28. again, Rev.

. -
xxiii. 29. xxvi. 29, 31. Plii!. i. 7, xix. 3. afterward, Jude 5.
13, 14, IG. Col. iv. 18. 2 Tim. ii. 9.
the second time, Matt,
Phm. 10, 13. Hob. x. 34 (see xxvi. 42. Mark
xiv. 72. Acts x. 15.
). XI. 3. Heb. ix. 28. —
again, Jokn ix. 24.
chain. Judo 6.

keeper of the prison. Acts xvi. 27. 36.
jailor. Acts xvi. 23.
Acts xi. 9.

Add Rev. xiv. 8 (another .

receive. Matt. x. 14. 49/, Alt. xi.

. ), LT5.

prison, Matt. xi. 2.

xvi. 2v).

Acts xxvii.

master, ITim. vi. 1, 2. 2

Acts v. 21, 23.

1, 42.

Tim. ii.
14. xviii. 5t. Mark vi. 11. ix. 37/*.
X. 15. Luke viii. 13. ix. 5,

1. xvii. 11. xxi.

48/, 53.
xvi. 4, 9. xviii. 17. John iv. 45.

8, 10.

Acts iii. 21. vii. 38, 59. viii. 14. xi.

xxii. 5. xxviii. 21. 1 Cor. ii.
14. 2 Cor. vi. 1. vii. 15. viii. 4(o?«

21. Tit. ii. 9. IPet. ii. 18. S). xi. 16 (marg. suffer). Gal. iv.
Luke 29. Acts iv. 24.

Lord, ii.
14. Phil. iv. 18. Col. iv. 10. 1 Thes.
2 Pet. ii. 1. Jude 4. Rev. vi. 10. i. 6. ii. 13. 2 Thes. ii. 10. Heb. xi.
31 p. Jas. i. 21.
hitherto, Rom. i. 13. accept, 2 Cor. viii. 17. xi. 4
came hither, Rev. vii. 1. xxi 9. take, Luke xvi. G, 7. xxii. 17. Eph.
— take
come. Matt. xix. 21. Mark x. 21.
Luke xviii. 22. Jolin xi. 43. Acts
vi. 17(-Go).
. up, Luke ii. 28.

vii. 3, 34.
come. Matt. xi. 28. xxi. 38. xxii.
XXV. 34. xxviii. 6. Maik i. 17. vi.
bind, Matt. xii. 29. xiii. 30. xiv. 3.
xvi. 19i. xviii. ISt. xxii. 13. xxvii.
2p. Mark iii. 27. v. 3, 4. vi. 17. xv.
4. 1, 7. Luke xiii. 16. John xi. 44.
31. xii, 7. Luke xx. 14(-a"LTTi). xviii. 12, 24. Acta ix. 2, 14. 21.

xii. 6. XX. 22. xxi. lli, 13, 33.

or .
xxii. 5, 29. xxiv. 27. Rom. vii. 2.
ICor. vii. 27, 39. 2 Tim. ii. 9. Rev.
ix. 14. XX. 2.
4(7 With fr. •, whatsoever, John
L ;


Per/, pass., be in bonds. Col. iv. 3.

verily, Heb. ii. 16.
tie, Matt. xxi. 2. Mark xi. 2, 4.
xix. 30.
John xix. 40. I. With
the Genitive,
knit, Acts X. 11(-G°°L^). through. Matt. xii. 1, 43. xix. 24.
. Mark ii. 23. ix. 30. x. 25. xi. IG.
Luke iv. 30. v. 19. vi. 1. xi. 24.
doubtless, 2 Cor. xii. 1().
xvii. 1, 11. xviii. 25. Johni. 7. iii.
now, Luke ii, 15.
17. iv. 4. viii. 5y(a/j). xvii. 'ZO. Acts
therefore, 1 Cor. vi. 20.
i. 2. viii. 18. x. 43. xiii. 38. xiv. 22.
also, Matt. xiii. 23.
XV. 11. xviii. 27. xx. 3. xxi. 4.
Not rendered, Acts xiii. 2. Acts
XV. 36. Rom. i. 8. ii. 23. iii. 24, 25, 30,

Add Acts vi. 3, for ovv, L. Rev. 31. iv. 13i. V. 1, 9, 11, 21. vii. 25.
viii. 3, 37. xi. 36. xii. 3. xv. 4.

10(beliold Tr.

ii. . .
See also xvi. 27. 1 Cor. i. 1. iv. 15. x. 1. xiii.
12. XV. 57. 2 Cor. iii. 4. ix. 11. xi.

With ,
manifest, 1 Cor. xv. 27.
bewray, Matt. xxvi. 73.
33. Gal. ii. 19. iii. 14. iv. 1(ap).
Eph. i. 7. ii. 8, 18. iv. 6. Phil, i,
19. iii. 9. Col. i. U(^ap), 20, 22. ii.
evident, Oal.
certain, ITim.

8, 12. 2 Tim. i. 10. iii. 15. Tit. iii.
6. Phm. 22.
Heb. ii. 10, 14. vi. 12. ix. i4. x.

declare, 1 Cor. i. 11. iii. 13. Col. i. 8. 10, 20. xi. 33, 39. xiii. 21. 1 Pet. i.
show, 2 Pet. i. 14. 5, 22(-Go°LT,S'). iv. 11. 2 Pet. i. 3.


make an

maker, Heb.

ix. 8. xii. 27.

xi. 10.
Acts xii. 21.
1 Pet. 1 John iv. 9.

throughout", John xix. 23. Acts
ix. 32. xiii. 49. 2 Cor. viii, 18.

Matt, xviii. 10. Acts

G), always,
25. 2The3.

—' ' —-'
all their" life-

30, 33.


common, Acts v. 18.

XX. 20.
xii. 22.

publicly, Acts xviii, 28.

openly, Acts xvi. 37.
xvii. 5. xix. ,


Acts xxiv. 17.

after "some,

the night, Luke v. 5.
., forty days, Acts i. 3.

by, Matt. i. 22. ii. 5, 15, 23. i^. 14.

28. xii. 17. xiii. 35. xviii. 7.
ii. 1.

viii. 17,
xxi. 4. xxiv. 15. xxvi. 24. xxvii. 9.
penny, Matt, xviii. 28. xx. 2, 9, 10, Mark vi. 2. x. for LT 1(
13. xxii. 19. Mark xii. 15. xiv. 5. •8). xiv. 21. Luke i. 70. v. 19
Luke vii. 41. x. 35. xx. 24. John (^omS). viii. 4. xviii. 31. xxii. 22.
xii. 5. Rev. vi. 6/. John i. 3, 10, 17 1. x. 1, 2, 9. xiv.
Genit. plural, penny worth'^*^, Mark 6. Acts i.16, 22, 23, 43. iii.
16. ii.

vi. 37. Jolm vi. 7. 16, 18, 21. iv. 16, 25, 30. v. 12, 19.
— —

81 dia

vii. 25. 36. xi. 28, 30.

ix. 25. . 20. XV. 32. xix. 26. xx. 28. Rom.
xii. ^( ),
xiv. 3. xy. 7, 12, 23, viii. 25. xiv. 20. 1 Cor. xiv. 19 (-G'
LS). 2 Cor. ii. 4. Eph. vi. 18,
27. xvii. 10. xviii. 9, 28. xix. 11.
xxi. 19. xxiii. 31. xxiv. 2i. xxviii. 1 Tim. ii. 10. Heb. xii. 1. xiii. 12.
25. 1 Pet. i. 7. 2 John 12. 3 John 13.
Rom. i. 12, 16, 27. iii.
2, 5, 12. ii. to, 2 Pet. i. 3 (marg, by ;
'^^m G"L
20, 22, 27i. V. 2, 5, 10, 11, 12t, 16, TS).
17i, ISi, 19t, 21. vi. 4i. vii. 4, 5, 7, Matt. vii. 13. Luke xiii. 24.

8, lit, I3t. viii. 11 (ace. StGLT, marg. Matt. xxvi. 61. Acts xvi, 9.

because of)• • 17. xii. i. -. 18, 28, 2 Cor. V. lOQoca L•^). 1 Thes. iv. 14,
32. xvi. 18, 26. 1 Cor. i. 9, 10, 21i. ITim. ii. 15. Heb. vii. 9. xiii. 22.
ii. 10. iii. 5, 15. vi. 14. viii. 6i. xi. 12. 2 Pet. iii. 5.
xii. 8. xiv. 9. v. 2, 21i. xvi. 3. 2 Cor. within, Mark xiv. 58.
11, 16, I9t, 20. 14. among (marg. by), 2 Tim. 2.

i. 1, 4, 5, ii. iv. ii.
14(iri}v 0/5). V. 7, 18, 20. vi. 7, Add, for Matt. xi. 2, G'LTTr/S'.
8. viii. 5. ix. 12, 13. x. 11. xi.
33. xii. 17.
1, 9,

For Rev. xxi. 24, GLTTriS. For
Matt. ii. 17, iii. 3, G'LTTr^'.—

Mark vii. 31 ( . . Sidon), G'LTTr5.
Gal. i. Ii, 12, 1.5. ii. 16, 21. iii. 18, 19,
26. iv. 23. V. 6, 13. vi. I4{(h' marg. , Rom. XV. 4 (
2 Cor. i. 20(02?). 2 Pet.
. . comfort), G"LS.
i. 10(^ap).
whereby)• Eph. i. l, 5. ii. 16. iii. 6, 9
Jude 25 (op).
(op), 10, 12, 16, 17. iv. 16. Phil. i.
ll,20i, 26. Col. 20(-GoL). See also -

19. iii. 17.
2 Thes. ii. 2tr, 14, 15i. iii

1, 16, 20,
iii. 7. iv. 2- v.
, ?.,
II. With the Accusative.
GXT-6>), 14. 1 Tim. iv. 5, 14. 2 Tim.
i. 1, 6, 10, 14. iv. 17. Tit iii. 5. Phm. because of, Matt. xiii. 21, 58. xvii.
7. 20. xxvii. 19. Mark iii. 9. vi. 6.
Luke V. 19. xi. 8. John iii. 29, iv.
I-Ieb. 1. 2, 3(-L5). ii. 2, 3, 10. iii.
41, 42. vii. 43. xi. 42. xii. 30, 42.
16. vi. 18. vii. 11, 19, 21, 25. ix.
xix. 42. Acts iv. 21. xvi. 3. xxviii.
11, 12i, 26. xi. 4/, 7, 29. xiii. 11,
2. Rom. vi, 19. viii. lOi. xv. 15
15. Jas. ii. 12, 1 Pet. i. 3, 12, 21,
1 Cor. xi. 10. Gal. ii. 4. Eph. iv.
23. ii. 5, 14. iii. 1, 20, 21. v. 12.
18. V. 6. Heb. iii. 19. iv. 6.
2 Pet. i. 4. IJohn v. 6. Rev. i. 1.
With an Infinitive, because""'. Matt,
With avTOr^ thereby, John xi. 4. xiii.

xiii. 2.
,— 5, 6. xxiv. 12. Mark iv. 5, 6.
Heb. xii. 11. thereat, Matt. vii. 13. V. 4. Luke ii. 4. viii. 6. ix. 7. xi.
thereby, Heb xii. 15. 8. xviii. 5, xix. 11. xxiii. 8. John
ii. 24. Acts xii. 20. xviii. 3. xxvii.
With ,
whereby, Heb. xii. 28. 4, 9. xxviii. 18. Phil. i. 7. Heb.
2 Pet. i. 4. iii. 6.

12. Si'
^ vii. 24. X. 2. Jas. iv. 2.
another way, Matt,
f that way,
iv. 2.

— by reason
xix. 4(Ji' omS). Heb. vii. 23.
for, Rom. xv. 30. TovTo, for this cause, John xii.
for . . sake, Rom. xv. 30. 18, 27. Rom. i. 26. xiii. 6. xv. 9.
from, 2 Thes. ii. 2. ICor. iv. 17. xi. 10, 30. Col. i. 9.
of, Rom. xiv. 14. IThes. ii. 13. iii. 5. 2 Thes. ii. 11.
out of °, Matt. iv. 4. ITim. i. 16. Heb. ix.l5. — therefore,
by occasion of, 2 Cor. viii. 8. Matt. vi. 25. xii. 27. xiii. 13, 52. xiv.
with, Mark xvi. 20(a/>). Acts viii. 2. xviii. 23. xxi. 43. xxiii. 14(1 3, ap).
xxiv. 44.
Johni. 31.

v. 16, 18. vi. 05. vii.

vi. 14.
19, 49. xii. 22. xiv. 20.
xi. 24. xii.
Rom. ii. 24. 2 Cor. iv, 16(genit, G).

Gal. iv. 13. Eph. iv. 18.

of, Phil. 1. 15t.
22. viii. 47. ix. 23. x. 17. xii. 39. by, Matt. XV. 3, 6. John vi. bit,
xiii. 11. XV. 19. xvi. 15. xix. 11. Heb. vi. *l{mrirg. for). Rev. xii. Hi.
Acts 26. Rom. iv. 16. 2 Cor. iv.
ii. xiii. 14.

1. vii. 13. xiii. 10. 1 Tlies. iii. 7. with, Rom. xiv. 15.
2 Tim. ii, 10. Plim. 15. Heb. i. 9.

Matt. xii. 31. xxiii. 34.
iii. 1. iv. 5.
xviii. 8.
— wherefore,

v. 12.
.Add Luke
2 Pet.
48 (a;^).
9, for eif,
5, see

Epli. 15. V. 17. vi. '.
Jolm 10. 3 pass through, Heb. xi. 29.


ol' airtav, wherefore, 2 Tim. i. G. pass, Luke xvi. 26.

Tit. i. 13. come over. Acts xvi. 9.
', wherefore, Acts x. 21. xxii.
24. xxiii. 28. —
wherein, 2 Pet. iii. accuse, Luke xvi. 1.

V. 3('
by reason of, Jolm xii. 11. Rom.
20. Heb. v. 14. 2 Pet. ii. 2.

by reason hereof, Heb.

to avoid, Hal• (/«^

on account of),
affirm constantly, Tit.
affirm, 1 Tim. i. 7.

see clearly, Matt. vii. 5.

iii. 8.

Luke vi.

1 Cor. vii. 2.
for. Matt, xxvii. 18. Mark ii. 4,
27i. vii. 29. xv. 10. Luke viii. 19,
47. xxiii. 19, 25.
13. X. 19, 32. xvi.
19. Acts xxi. 34,
Rom. iii. 25. iv.
Jolm iv. 39. vii.
21. xix. 38. xx.
35. xxviii. 20.
24, 25i. xiii. 5.
Add Mark

2 Tim.

slanderer, 1
viii. 25,
(~^°), TTrS.
3. Tit.

for -

1 Cor. vii. 5, 26. viii. 11. xi. 9^ devil.Matt. iv. 1, 5, 8, 11. xiii.
2 Cor. iii. 7. ix. 14. Epli. ii. 4. 39. XXV. 41. Luke iv. 5(ap),
2, 3,
Phil. i. 24. ii. Col. i.
30. iii. 7, St. 6, 13. viii. 12. Jolm vi. 70. viii. 44.
5. iv. 3. 2 Tim. i. 14.
i. 12. Heb. xiii. 2. Acts x. 38. xiii. 10. Eph. iv.
ii. 9(^marg. by), 11. v. 12. vii. 18. 27. vi. 11. ITim. iii. 6, 7. 2Tim.
1 Pet. i. 20. ii. 19. Rev. i. 9, d(-G<' ii. 26. Heb. ii. 14. Jas. iv. 7. 1 Pet.
LTTr). ii. 3. iv. 11. vi. 9, 9(-L). V. 8. 1 John iii. 8tr, 10. Jude 9.

xviii. 10. 15. xx. 4t.

for .sake. Matt. x. 22. xiv. 3, 9.


xix. 12. xxiv. 9, 22. Mark iv. 17.

vi. 17, 26. xiii. 13, 20. Luke xxi.
Rev. ii. 10. xii. 9, 12. xx. 2, 10.

Luke xi. 8, for G,

17. Jolm xi. 15. xii. 9, 30. xiv. 11.

XV. 21. Rom. iv. 23. xi. 2St. xiii.
5. ICor. iv. 6, 10. ix. 10/, 23. x.
25,27,28. 2 Cor. ii. 10. iv. 5, 11,
15. viii. 9. Col. iii. (see
1 Thes. i. 5. iii. 9, v. 13. 1 Tim. v.
23. 2 Tim. ii. 10. Phra. 9. 1 Pet. ii.
13. iii. 14. 1 John ii. 12. 2 John 2.

Rom. ix. 17.
Luke ix. 60.
Acts xxi. 26.

be past, Mark xvi. 1p.

be spent, Acts xxvii. 9p.
through, Luke i. 78. John xv. 3. certain days, Acts xxv. 13p.
know the uttermost
inquire, Acts
xxiii. 15.
of. Acts xxiv. 22.


Luke xv.
Cor. xii. 4, 6.

12. 1 Cor. xii. 11.

(^ LTr^).

XXV. 21.
make known abroad, Luke

(marg. judgment),
ii. 17

throughly purge,
convince, Acts xviii. 28.

minister unto. Matt. iv. 11. viii. 15,

iii. 12.

be awake,
murmur, Luke xv.

Lnke ix. 32p.

2. xix. 7. XX. 28. XXV. 44. xxvii. 55. Mark i.
13, 31. X. 45. XV. 41. Luke iv. 39.
viii. 3. Acts xix. 22. Rom, xv. 25.

With , lead a life, 1 Tim. ii. 2.

2 Tim. i. 18. Plim. 13.
minister to, Heb. vi. 10.

live, Tit. iii. 3. minister. Matt. xx. 28. Markx. 45.
^/[. 2 Cor. iii. 3. Heb. vi. 10. IPet. 1.

come after.

crown. Rev.

Acts vii. 45.

xii. 3. xiii. 1.

Luke xviii. 22 (
xix. 12.
12. iv. 10, 11.
administer, 2 Cor. viii. 19, 20.
serve, Luke x. 40. xii. 37. xvii. 8.
xxii. 26, 27<. Jolm xii. 2, 26i. Acta
vi. 2.
use the office of a deacon, 1 Tim. iii.

LS). Jolmvi. 11. 10, 12>{marg. minister).
make distribution. Acts iv. 35.
divide, Luke
give. Rev. xvii. 13
xi. 22.
fr. - ministering,
viii. 4. ix. 1.
Rom. xii. 7. 2 Cor.

ministration, Acts vi. 1. 2 Cor. ill.

With //,« ^qj^q Jjj^q qthq's

7, 8, 9i. ix. 13.
With fir, to minister, Heb. i. 14.
Toomilit. receive a successor). Acts
seiying, Luke x. 40.
xxiv. 27.
service, Rom. xv. ?>\(<1).
Rev. ii. 19.
gird unto one's self, Jolin xxi. 7. With -pof, to do service, 2 Cor. xi. 8.
gird, John
xiii. 4, 5.

testament, Matt. xxvi. 28. Mark ix. 12.

relief, Acts xi. 29.
administration, 1 Cor. xii. 5. 2 Cor.

xiv. 24. Luke xxii. 20. 1 Cor. xi. ministry. Acts i. 17, 25. vi. 4. xii.
25. 2 Cor. iii. 6, 14. Heb. vii. 22. 25(marg. charge), xx. 24. xxi. 19.
ix. 15i, IG, 17, 20. Rev. xi. 19. Rom. xii. 7. 1 Cor. xvi. 15. 2 Cor.
covenant (war(7. testament, marked iv. 1, V. 18. vi. 3. Eph. iv. 12. Col.
'"), Luke i. 72. Acts iii. 25. vii. 8. iv. 17. 1 Tim. i.l2. 2 Tim. iv. 5, 11.
Rom. ix. 4™. xi. 27. Gal. iii. 15°>, offic3, Rom. xi. 13.

17. iv. 24'°. Eph. ii. 12. Heb. vili.
6™, 8, 9/, 10. ix. At. X. 16, 29. xii.
24°». xiii. 20°».
minister, Matt. xx. 26. Mark x. 43.
2 Cor.
4^ xv. 8. 1
6. vi. 4. xi. 15i, 23.
Cor. iii.


difference, 1 Cor. xii. 5. ii. 17. Eph. iii. 7. vi. 21. Col. 1. 7,
. £
23, 25.
1 Tim.
iv. 6.
7. IThes.

cervant, Matt. xxii. 13. xxiii. 11.

Mark ix. 35. John ii. 5, 9. xii. 26.
Rom, xvi. 1.

deacon, PMl. i. 1. 1 Tim. iii. 8, 12.
iii. 2(;>).

language, Acts ii. 6.
tongue. Acts i. 19. ii. 8. xxi. 40.
xxii. 2. xxvi. 14.

be reconciled, Matt. v. 24.

two hundred, Mark vi. 37. John vi.
to reason, Matt. xvi. 7, 8. xxi. 25.
7. xxi. 8. Acts xxiii. 23t. xxvii. 37. Mark ii. 6, St. viii. 16, 17. Luke v.

Rev. xi. 3. xii. 6. 21, 22. XX. 14.
consider, John xi. 50 G"
hear, Acts xxiii. 35. LTTr^).
think, Luke xii. 17.
muse (mar^. reason, or debate), Luke
to differ, 1 Cor. iv. *J(Gr. dis-


iii. 15.
cast in one's mind, Luke 1. 29.
put a difference, Acts xv. 9.
dispute, Mark ix. 33.
discern, Matt. xvi. 3. 1 Cor. xi. 29.
Add Mark xi. 31, for
judge, 1 Cor. vi. 5. xi. 31. xiv. 29.
G'LTTr, S.
Mid., and Pass. aor.
make a difference, Jude 22.
reasoning, Luke ix. 46.
be partial, Jas. ii. 4.
thought, Matt. xv. 19. Mark vii.
contend, Acts xi. 2. Jude 9.
21. Luke ii. 35. v. 22. vi. 8. ix. 47
doubt. Matt. xxi. 21. Mark xi. 23.
xxiv. 38. 1 Cor. iii. 20. Jas. ii. 4.
Acts X. 20. xi. 12(-GoT). Rom.
xiv. 23(marg. discern, and put a dif- imagination, Rom. 1. 21.

ference between meats).
waver, Jas. i. 6t.
stagger, Rom. iv. 20.

Rom. xiv. 1,

doubting, 1 Tim. ii. 8.
doubtfuP° (raar^r. doubtful thoughts),

disputing, Phil. ii. 14.

discerning, 1 Cor, xii. 10.
Wiih to discem, Heb. v. 14. scatter, Acts v. 36.
disputation (war^. with , to judge),


xiv. 1.


commune, Luke
noise abroad,


vi. 11.
witness. Acts xx. 23.
testify, Luke xvi. 28. Acts ii. 40.
viii. 25P. X. 42. xviii. 5. xx. 21, 24.

ii. 6.

xxiii. 11. xxviii. 23. 1 Thes. iv. 6.

v. 21. 2 Tim. ii. 14.

iv. 1.

reason with, Acts xvii. 2. xviii. 19. strive, Acts xxiii. 9.

reason, Acts xviii. 4. xxiv. 25p.
dispute, Mark ix. 34. Acts xvii.

17. xix. 8, 9. xxiv. 12. Jude 9.
speak, Heb. xii. 5.
preach, Acts xx. 7, 9p.

cease, Lnke vii. 45.


xxii. 17.
iii. 4.

Luke i. 22. Heb. 1. 11.
Luke xxii. 28. Gal. ii.

xi. 17, 18. xii 52, 53.


part, Matt, xxvii. 35, 35(). Mark
XV. 24. Luke xxiii. 34. John xix.
24. Acts ii. 45.

Pass., cloven, Acts ii. 3p.

Luke xii. 51.

sail over,

Acts xxvii.

be grieved, Acts iv. 2. xvi. 18.

go through, Luke vi. 1.

Acts xvi. 4.

xiii. 22.

Pass., spread, Acts iv. 17. pass by, Luke xviii. 36.
in one's journey, Rom. xv. 24p.
With beckon, Luke i. 22p.
Add Mark ii. 23, see

thonght, Luke
. xi. 17.
be perplexed, Luke ix. 7.
Pass., be much perplexed,
4?^\ LTTr/S).

mind. Matt. xxii. 37. Mark xii. 30.

Luke X. 27. Eph. ii. 3. Co!, i. 21.
Heb. viii. 10. x. 16. 1 Pet. i. 13.
3 Pet. iii. 1.

be in doubt, Acts ii. 12.
doubt, Acts V. 24. X. 17.

gain by trading, Luke xix. 15.

.).5( .
understanding, Eph. i. 18
GLT5). iv. 18. IJohu V. 20.
be cut to the heart, Acts v. 33.

imagination, Luke i. 51.
be cut, Acts vii. 54.

to open,
S, (.
vii. 34,
to spoil, Matt. xii.
Tr), 29((ip7ra;ajLT).
29{ LT
Mark iii. 27i.

xvii. 3.

ii. 23. xxiv. 31, 32, 45. Acts xvi. 14.

rend, Matt. xxvi. 65. Mark xiv.
Add Acts vii. 56, for LTS.
63. Acts xiv. 14.

all night, Luke vi. 12.
break, Luke
Mid., break,
v. 6.

finish, Acts xxi. 7p.

always or alway, Mark v. 5

Add Matt.
Matt, xviii. 31.
xiii. 36, for LTtS.

LT). Acts x. -. LT).
do violence to (jnarg. put in fear),
xxiv. 16(Jia 7. LT). Rom. xi. 10 Luke iii. 14.
(' 7. LT). Heb. xi. 6{oia LT). .


LT). Heb. xiii.
. LT).
53 (did . scatter abroad, Matt. xxvi. 31.
xi. 52.

See also

1 Tim.
vi. 5, for

xiv. 27.
Acts v. 37.
waste, Luke xv. 13. xvi.
strew, Matt. xxv. 24, 26.

i. 51.

pass over, Matt. ix. 1.

vi. 53P.
can" pass, Luke
xvi. 26.
go over, Matt. xiv. 34p.
sail over, Acts xxi. 2.
Mark v. 21p.
pluck asunder,

. Mark v. 4.
pull in pieces. Acts xxiii. 10.

scatter abroad, Acts viii. 1, 4. xi. 19.

— —

Jas. i. 1.
With ', which are scattered abroad,

1 Pet. i. 1.

keep, Luke

Start' St,
51. Acts xv. 29p.


Mid., charge, Matt. xvi. 20

vii. 35.

wherefore ? Luke xix. 23. Rom. ix.
32. 2 Cor. xi. 11. Rev. xvii. 7.
why? Matt. ix. 11, 14. xiii. 10.
XV. 2, 3. xvii. 19. xxi. 25. Mark
G"L). Mark v. 43. S6l

ii. 18. vii. 5. xi. 31. Luke v. 30,

viii.15. ix. 9. give commandment, 33(-TTrb).
xix. 31, and xx. 5{oid
Acts XV. 24. Ti BE), xxiv. 38. John vii. Ab{6ia
Pass., be commanded, Heb. xii. 20. BE), viii.
43, 46. xii. 5. xiii. 37. Acts
V. 3. 1 Cor. vi. It.

space, Acts v. 7.
?}. appoint, Luke xxii. 29i.

distinction, 1 Cor. xiv. 7. Heb.
make". Acts iii. 25. viii. 10.
difference, Rom. iii. 22. x. 12
X. 16.
testator, Heb. ix. 16p, 17p.
turn away. Acts xiii. 8.
pervert, Luke xxiii. 2. Acts xiii 10.

be (Ut. spend). Acts xxv. 14.
jRass. part., parverse, Matt. xvii.
tarry, John iii. 22. Acts xxv. 6p.
Luke Acts xx. 30. ThiL
17. ix. 41.
John 5'{ TrS)

continue, xi.
ii. 15.
Acts XV. 35.
abide, Acts xii. 19. xiv. 3, 28. xvi

bring safe. Acts xxiii. 24. 12. XX. 6.
save, Acts xxvii. 43. 1 Pet. iii. 20.
Pass., escape safe, Acts xxvii. 44.
— food, 1 Tim. vi. 8.

escape, Acts xxviii. li', 4p.
make perfectly whole, Matt.

Luke vii. 3.

Acts vii. 53.
xiv. 36.

dawn, 2 Pet. i.



. (^
ordinance, Rom. xiii. 2.
transparent, Rev. xxi. 21
commandment, Heb.

to trouble,

give order, ICor. xvi. 1.

1 Cor. ix. 14. Gal. iii. 19.



L). GLTTr5).

With , carry through,

drive up and down. Acts xxvii. 27p.

publish. Acts xiii. 49.
Mark xi.

Luke iii. 13. Acts xx. ISlpass.,

). — command. Matt.
55. xvii. 9, 10.
xviii. 2. xxiii. 31. . . . Alid., set in
xi. 1.
Impers., with
Acts matter. Gal. ii. 6.
from, 1 Cor. xv. 41. Gal. iv. 1.
it maketh no

Matt. 26. 12.
order, 1 Cor. xi. 34. —
ordain, 1 Cor. Luke
be better.
xii. 24.
vi. xii.

vii. 17. —
appoint, Acts vii. 44. Tit. be of more value. Matt. x. 31. Luke
i. 5.

command, Acts xxiv. 23.

continue, Acts xxvii. 33.

xii. 7.
things that are ex-
cellent (wii^ry. differ), Phil. 1. IOp.—
the things that are
(marg. . .


to escape, Acts xxvii, 42.

more excellent
ii. 18p.


iv. 11.
iv. 3.

John iii. 2.
20. 1 Cor. xii. 28, 29.
v. 12.
ii. 7.

2 Tim.
xiii. 1.
i. 11.

spread abroad one's fame, Matt. ix. doctor, Luke ii. 46.
31. master, Matt. x. 24, 25. Luke vi.
blaze abroad, Mark i. 45.
iOt. John iii. 10. Jas. iii. 1. Said of —
Christ, Matt. viii. 19. ix. 11, xii. 3*8.
commonly report, Matt, xxviii. 15.

{>. xvii. 24. xix. 16. xxii. 16, 24, 36. xxvi.

destroy, Rev. viii. 9. xi. 18, 18 x. 17, 20, 35. xii. 14, 19,
11 Mark iv. 38. v. 35. ix. 17, 38.
32. xiii.
(jnarg. corrupt). 1. xiv. 14. Luke iii. 12. vii. 40.
Pass., psrisb, 2 Cor. iv. 16. —
cor- viii. 49. ix. 38. x. 25. xi. 45. xii.
rupt, ciclj., 1 Tim. vi. 5i^. 13. xviii. 18. xix. 39. xx. 21, 28,
corrupt, Luke xii. 33.
Add Rev. xix. 2, for

corruption, Acts
35, 36, 37.
. ii.
39. xxi. 7. xxii. 11. John i.
Q". viii. 4 (ap). xi. 28. xiii. 13,

27, 31. xiii. 34,


Matt, xxiii.

. , 8, for
14. xx.

ix. 10.

Comp., more excellent, Heb.

viii. 6.
xii. 6.

or -.
i. 4.
teach. Matt. iv. 23. v. 2,
35. xi. 1. xiii. 54. xv. 9. xxi. 23p.
xxii. 16. xxvi. 55(-G''aSc). xxviii.

15, 20. Mark i. 21. ii. 13. iv. 1, 2. vi.

2, 6, 30, 34. vii. 7. viii. 31. ix. 31.

keep, Luke iv. 10. X. 1. xi. 17. xii. 14, 35. xiv. 49.
Luke iv. 15. v. 3, 17. vi. 6. xi. It.
xii. 12. xiii. 10, 22, 26. xx. 1p, 21/.
slay, Acts V. 30.
xxi. 37. xxiii. 5. John vi. 59^'. vii.
kill, Acts xxvi. 21.
14, 28p, 35. viii. 2(ap), 20, 28. ix.
deride utterly. 34. xiv. 26. xviii. 20. Acts i. 1. iv.
Acts ii. 13, for 7., GLT/S. 2, 18. V. 21. 25, 28, 42. xi. 26. xv.
1, 35. xviii. 11, 25. xx. 20. xxi.

depart, Luke'ix. 33'"^ 21, 28. xxviii. 31.

Rom. ii. 1 Cor. iv. 17.
21/. xii. 7.
xi. 14. Gal. 12. Eph. iv. 21. Col.
apt to teach, 1 Tim. iii. 2. 2 Tim.

i. 28. ii. 7. iii. 16. 2Thes. ii. 15.
ii.24. ITim. ii. 12. iv. 11. vi. 2. 2Tim.
ii. 2. Tit. i. 11. Heb. v. 12. viii. 11.
taught, John vi. 45.
1 John ii. 27/r. Rev. ii. 14, 20.
which one teaoheth<=°, 1 Cor.

xii. 7.
v. 4.
doctrine. Matt. xv. 9. Mark vii. 7.
ii. 13 With

te;:ch. Matt. vii. 29?.
Mark i. 22p. Luke iv. 31p. xix. 47?.

, as hc'' hath been taught

(juarrj. in teaching). Tit. i. 9.
Eph. iv. 14. Col. ii. 22. 1 Tim. i. doctrine. Matt. vii. 28. xvi. 12.
10. iv. 1, 6, 13, 16. v. 17. vi. 1, 3. xxii. 33. Mark i. 22, 27. iv. 2. xi.
2 Tim. iii. 10, 16. iv. 3. Tit. i. 9. 18. xii. 38. Luke iv. 32. John vii.
u. 1, 7, 10. 16, 17. xviii. 19. Acts ii. 42. v. 28.

xiii. 12. xvii. 19. Rom. vi. 17. xvi. viii. 5, 10. ix. 9. x. 8. xii. 7. xiii.
17. ICor. xiv. 6, 26. 2 Tim. i v. 2. 10. Gal. i. 4. ii. 9/. iii. 21, 22. iv.
Heb. vi. 2. xiii. 9. 2 John 9i, 10. 15. Eph. i. 17, 22. iii. 2, 7, 8. iv. 7,
Rev. ii. 14, 15, 24. 8, 11, 27. vi. 19. Col. i. 25. ITlies.
iv. 2, 8. 2Thes. ii. 16. iii. 16.
1 Tim, ii. 6. iv. 14. v. 14. 2 Tim. i.

tributa money, Matt. xvii. 24p'.
tribute, Matt. xvii.

vii. 6, 7, lit. ix. 8. x. 1, 8, 19((ip). iv. 13. V.

7, 9, 16. ii. 7, 25. Tit. ii. 14.
13. vii. 4. Jas. i. 5/. ii. 16.
iv. 6/.

18. IPet. i. 21. v. 5.

give, Matt. iv. 9. V. 31, 42. vi. 11. 2 Pet. iii. 15. 1 John iii. 1, 23, 24.
11, 16, 20. Rev. i. 1. ii.
xii. 39. xiii. 11/, 12. xiv. 7, 8, 9,
7, 10, 17/, 21, 23, 26, 28. iv. 9. vi.
11, 16, 19. XV. 36. xvi. 4, 19, 26. 2, 4/. 8, 11. vii. 2. viii. 2, 3. ix. 1,
xvii. 27. xix. 7, 11, 21. xx. 4, 14,
3, 5. X. 9. xi. 1, 2, 3, 13, 18. xii.
23, 28. xxi. 23, 43. xxii. 17. xxiv. 14. xiii. 2, 4, 5/, 7 («/?), 7, 15. xiv.
29, 45. XXV. 8, 15, 28, 29, So, 42. 7. XV. 7. xvi.
6, 8, 9, 19. xvii. 17.
xxvi. 9, 15, 26, 27, 48. xxvii. 10, 34.
xviii. 7. xix. 7. XX. 4. xxi. 6.
xxviii, 12, 18.
Mark ii.26. iv. 11, 25. v. 43. vi.
2, 7, 22, 23, 25, 28/, 37/, 41. viii.
6, 12, 37(-T). X. 21,40,45. xi. 28.
xii. 9, 14, 15(14)/. xiii. 11, 24, 34.
give up. Rev. XX. 13.

xiii. 16(Gr. give).
give forth, Acts i. 26.

Pass, with dat. , have power, Rev.

to receive, Rev.

xiv. 5, 11, 22, 23, 44. xv. 23.

xiii. 14,15.
Luke i. 32, 77. iv. 6/. vi. 4, 30,
grant, Mark x. 37. Luke i. 74(73).
38/. vii. 44, 45. viii. 10, 18, 55. ix.
Acts iv. 29. xi. 18. xiv. 3. Rom.
1, 13, 16. X. 19, 35. xi. 3, 7, ?/, 9,
XV. 5. Eph. iii. 16. 2 Tim. i. 18.
13/, 29, 41. xii. 32, 33, 42, 48, 51,
Rev. iii. 21. xix. 8.
58. xiv. 9. XV. 12, 16, 29. xvi. 12.
xvii. 18. xviii. 43. xix. 8, 15, 23,
bestow, 2 Cor. viii. 1. 1 John iii. 1.
minister, Eph. iv. 29.
24, 26. XX. 2, 10, 16, 22. xxi. 15.
xxii. 5, 19/. xxiii. 2. yield, Mark iv. 7, 8.

John i. 12, 17, 22. iii. 16, 27, 34, bring forth, Matt. xiii. 8.
35. iv. 5, 7, 10/, 12, 14, U(ap), 15. offer, Luke ii. 24. Rev. viii. 3
{marg. add).
V. 26, 27, 36. vi. 27, 31, 32/, 33, 34,
suffer, Acts ii. 27. xiii. 35.
37, 39, 51, 51(aj9), 52, 65. vii. 19,
22. ix. 24. X. 28, 29. xi. 22, 57. adventure, Acts xix. 31.
xii. 5, 49. xiii. 3, 15, 26, 29, 34. deliver, Luke \\\.1^(
xiv. 16, 27/r. xv. 16. xvi. 23. xvii. xix. 13.
2/r, 4, 6/, 7, 8/, 9, 11, 12, 14, 22/, deliver up, Rev. xx. 13.
24/. xviii. 9, 11. xix. 9, 11, xxi. 13. commit, John v. 22.
utter, 1 Cor. xiv. 0.
Acts ii. 4, 19. iii. 6, 16. iv. 12. v.
show, Matt. xxiv. 24. Mark xiii. 22
31, 32. vii. 5/, 8, 10, 38. viii. 18, 19.
ix. 41. xi. 17. xii. 23. xiii. 20, 21,
set, IJev. iii. 8. [[ ).
34. xiv. 17. XV. 8. xvii. 25^. xx. put, Luke XV. 22. 2 Cor. viii. 16.
Hob. viii. 10(G'r. %\v ). x. 16. Rev.
32, 35. xxiv. 26.
xvii. 17.
Rom. iv. 20. v. 5. xi. 8. xii. 3, 6,
10. xiv. 12(a7ro(V(5(,v« L). xv. 15.
1 Cor. i. 4. iii. 5, 10. vii. 25. xi.
15. xii. 7, 8, 24. xiv. 7/, 8. xv. 38,
57. 2 Cor. i. 22. v. 5,12, 18. vi. 3.
make, 2Thes.

i-akQ^imarg. yield),
Add, for
G'T. For
iii. 9. Rev. iii. 9.
2Thes. i. 8.

Acts xix. 40,
xviii. 22,
— —

e^lQ 89
LS. Rev.
xvii. 13,
ReV. xi. 10,
iii. 6, Tr. —
, GLTTr5.
G". For

For iv. 30.
pass throughout. Acts ix. 32.
John vii. d9(giv- through. Matt. xii. 43. Luke
xvii. 11. 1 Cor. x. 1.—
— wclk
xi. 24.

. ^. ,
en), L. xiii. 2, see xiv. pass through, Luke xix. 1. Acts
31, see Rev. xxi. 7, see viii. 40. XV. 3. xix.
1, 21p. 1 Cor.
xvi. 5t.
See also , pass throughout. Acts xiv. 24p.

pass over, Mark iv. 35.
pass by. Acts xvii. 23i'.
to awake, Mark iv. 38{' TrS). pass, Luke xix. 4. Acts xii. IQp.
Luke viii. 24. xviii. 27. Rom. v. 12. 2 Cor. i. 16

stir up, 2 Pet. i. 13. iii. 1. G'L). Heb. iv. 14.

raise. Matt. i. LTrS). pierce through, Luke ii. 35.
Pass., arise, Mark iv.

, 8.
39. John vi. come. Acts ix. 38.
depart. Acts xiii. 14p.

Add Luke viii. 24, for travel. Acts xi. 19.

Acts X. 19,
for &,
consider carefully. GLTTr. Luke
pass out through.
Add, for

make inquiry
xviii. 25, L.

for. Acts x. 17.

Mark x. 25,

Acts xxviii. 3, for G'T.

xxii. 9.

two years old.


two years, Acts xxiv. 27. xxviii. 30.

ii. 16.

1 Cor. xii. 10, for L.
tell, Mark v. 16. ix. 9. Luke ix.

10. Heb. xi. 82.
interpreter, 1 Cor. xiv.
declare, Acts viii. 33. ix. 27. xii. 17.
show, Luke viii. 39.

13, 27. Pass.,
Acts ix. 36P.
1 Cor.

Luke xxiv.
30. xiv.

. Luke i. 1.

expound, 27. With continually, Heb. vii.

through. Acts xiii. 6p. xv. 41.
throughout. Acts xvi. 6p.
Luke viii.

every where, Acts

22. Acts xx. 2p.
Acts xviii. 23.
viii. 4.
3. X.

pierce, Heb.
1.— forever,

where two seas meet, Actsxxvii. 41.

., iv. 12.
Heb. x. 12, 14.

XX. 25.

ahout, Acts x. 38.

>ui. 59(a/)).
v. 15.
15. Acts xi. 22(-L5').

go through,
go through,
GTTrS). John
pass through,
Luke ix. 6.
ALitt. xix.
iv. 4.
be parted,

hour after,

Luke xxiv. 51.
go further. Acts xxvii. 28p.

the space of one
xxii. 59p.

constantly affirm. Acts xii. 15.

confidently affirm, Luke xxii. 59.
Matt. xx. 4,
righteous judgment, Ptom.

57. Acts iv. 19. Eph.


vi. 1.

Luke Acts
justify, Matt. xi. 19. xii. 37.
vii. 29, 35. x. 29. xvi. 15. xviii. 14.
xiii. 39i. Rom. ii. 13. iii. 4,
20, 24, 28, 30. iv. 2, 5. v. 1, 9. viii.

30i, 33. 1 Cor. iv. 4. vi. 11. Gal. ii.

meet, Phil. 2 Pet. i. 13.
i. 7.
16ir, 17. iii. 8, 11, 24. v. 4. ITim.

just, Matt.
19. v. 45. xiii. 49.

xxvii. 19, 24(-GoL'^TTi•' ). Mark vi.

iii. 16. Tit. iii. 7. Jas. ii. 21, 24, 25.
20. Luke i. 17. ii. 25. xiv. 14. xv. justifier, Rom. iii. 26p.

7. XX. 20. xxiii. 50. John v. 30.

free(GV. justify), Rom. vi. 7.
Pass., be righteous, Rev. xxii. 11
Acts iii. 14. vii. 52. x. 22. xxii. 14.
xxiv. 15. Rom. i. 17. ii. ]3. iii. 26. noajoaTo GLTTr/S).
vii. 12. Gal. iii. 11. Phil. iv. 8.
Col. iv. 1. Tit. i. 8. Hob. x. 38. xii. judgment, Rom. i. 32. Rev. xv. 4.
23. Jas. V. 6. IPet. iii. 18. 2 Pet. ordinance, Luke i. 6. Heb. ix. 1
ii. 7. 1 John i. 9. Rev. xv. 3. (marg. ceremony), 10 (marg. rite, or
righteous, Matt. ix. 13. x. 41ir. ceremony).
righteousness, Rom. ii. 26.

xiii.17, 43. xxiii. 28, 29, 35i, xxv. v. 18.
37, 46. Mark ii. 17. Luke i. 6. v. viii. 4. Rev. xix. 8.
32. xviii. 9. xxiii. 47. John vii. 24. justification, Rom. v. 16.
xvii. 25. Rom. iii. 10. v. 7, 19.
2Thes. i. 5, 6. 1 Tim. 9. 2 Tim. Luke

justly, xxiii. 41. 1 Thes. ii.
iv. 8. Heb. xi. 4. Jas. v. 16. 1 Pet. 10.
iii.12. iv. 18. 2 Pet. ii. St. 1 John righteously. Tit. ii. 12. 1 Pet. ii. 23.

xix. 2. xxii. 11.
Add Matt, xxvii. 4, for
John iii.

29. iii. 7, 12. Rev. xvi. 5, 7.

10 (a/)).
to righteousness, 1 Cor.

'.( Rom,
xv. 34.

iv. 25. v. 18.

judge, Luke xii. 14 // LTrS).
righteousness. Matt. iii. 15. v. 6,
10, 20. vi. 33. xxi. 32. Luke i. 75.
John xvi. 8, 10. Acts x. 35. xiii. 10.
xvii. 31. xxiv. 25. Rom. i. 17. iii.
Acts vii. 27, 35.

judgment, Acts xxv. 15

5, 21, 22, 25, 26. iv. 3, 5, 6, 9,11/, G"LS)' — vengeance, Jnfle 7.

13, 22. V. 17, 21. vi. 13, 16, 18, 19, Vengeance, Acts xxviii. 4.
With /', bo punished, 2 Thes.
20. viii. 10. ix. 28(a/?), 30/r, 31, 31
(-G«L5). X. 3, 3(-GL), 3, 4, 5, 6,
10. xiv. 17. 1 Cor. i. 30. 2 Cor. iii.
'. Mark
i. 9.

net. Matt. iv. 20, 21. i, 18,
9. V. 21. vi. 7, 14. ix. 9, 10. xi. 15. 19. Luke V. 2, 4, 5, 6. John xxi. 6,
Gal. ii. 21. v. 5. Eph. iv.
21. iii, 6, Hi.
24. V. 9. vi. 14. Phil. i. 11. iii. 6,
9/. ITim. vi. 11. 2 Tim. ii. 22. iii.
double-tongued, 1 Tim. iii. 8.
16. iv. 8. Tit. iii. 5. Heb. 1. 9. v.
13. vii. 2. xi. 7, 33. xii. 11. Jas i.
20. ii. 23. iii. 18. 1 Pet. ii. 24. iii. for which cause, Rom. v. 22.
14. 2 Pot. i. 1. ii. 5, 21. iii. 13. 2 Cor. iv. 16.
1 John ii. 29. iii 7, lO(ap). Rev. Matt, xxvii. 8. Luke
xix. n.
Add Matt. vi. 1, for
GLTTr^. Rev. xxii. 11, see
. vii. Acts xiii. 35 (oiorc LTS).
XV. 19. XX. 26. xxiv. 26. xxv. 26.
xxvii. 25, 34. Rom. i. 24. xiii. 6.
XV. 7. ICor. xii. 3. 2 Cor. ii. 8. v.
9. vi. 17.
25. V. 14. Phil.
8. Heb.
Eph. ii. 11. iii. 13. iv.

iii. 7,
ii. 9. 1 Tlies.
iii. 1. v. 11. Phm.

10. x. 5. xi. 16. xii.

double, 1 Tim.

.. v. 17.
twofold more, Matt, xxiii. 15<»'"p.

to double, Rev. xviii. 6.

Rev. xviii. 6<.

... .
12, 28. xiii. 12. Jas. i. 21. iv. 6. 1
Pet. i. 13. ii. 6(Ci633, s/^e 2
Pet. i. 10, 12. iii. 11. twice, Mark xiv. 30, 72. Luke
xviii. 12. Jude 12.
and therefore, 2 Cor. iv. 13.
therefore, Luke i. 35. Acts x. 29. again, Phil. iv. 16. IThes. ii. 18.
XX. 31.
iv. 13. xii. 10.
Rom. ii. 1. iv. 22. 2 Cor.

1 Cor. xiv. 13, for


vi. 1. xi, 12.

to doubt, Matt. xiv. 31. xxviii. 17.

2 Cor. i. 20 (ap). xii. 7 ( . . iva^^^),
LS. Gal. iv. 31, for LTS, Col.

iii. 6, for a, L"". two-edged, Heb. iv. 12. Rev. i. 16.
with two edges. Rev. ii. 12.
Add Rev. xix. 15( sword), G".

. .

pass through, Acts xvii. 1p,

go throughout, Luke viii. 1.

two thousand, Mark v. 13.

wherefore, 1 Cor. viii. 13.

xiv. 13(^oL5').

which fell
down from Jupiter, Acts
x. 14.
strain at
xxiii. 24.
(.lit• strain out), Matt,

xix. 35. set at variance. Matt. x. 35.

Acts xxiv.

a making straight.
3, for

6}. Heb.

ix. 10.
division, Rom. xvi. 17. 1 Cor.
Z^marg. faction; -G°oLTS).
sedition, Gal. v. 20.

cut asunder (marg. cut off), Matt,


break through, Matt. vi. 19, 20.

Luke xii. 39.
break up, Matt. xxiv. 43.

because that,
Rom. i. 21. Phil. ii.
xxiv. 51. —
cut in sunder (wari/. cut
off), Luke xii. 46.

to thirst. Matt. v. 6. John iv. 13,

U(ap), 15. vi. 35. vii. 37. xix. 2S.
2. 1 Thes. iv. 6. Rom. xii. 20. 1 Cor. iv. 11. Rev.
Luke ii. 7. Acts

G"LTS). Rom. i.
19. viii.
1 Cor. XV. 9. 1 Thes. ii. 8. Heb.
xvii. 31
be thirsty. Matt. xxv. 35, 37p, 42.
be athirst. Matt. xxv. 44p. Rev.
vii. 16.

xi. 5, 23. Jas. iv. 3. 1 Pet. i. 16. xxi. 6. xxii. 17.
far, Lukei. 13. xxi. 28. Acts x. 20
(G', oTcGLTS). xviii. lOi. xxii. 18.
thirst, 2 Cor. xi. 27.
Gal. ii. 16(or/ G"L5'). 1 Pet. i. 24
(^marg. for that).
double-minded, Jas. i. 8. iv. 8.
Add, for , Acts
iii. 20.
UTS. ^'.
1 Thes.
1 Pet. ii. 6,
ii. 18, G'LT5.
, persecution,
iv. 17. X. 30.
xiii. 21.
viii. 1. xiii. 50.
i. 4.
2 Tim.

persecutor, 1

35. 2 Cor. xii. 10. 2Thes.


Tim. 1. 13.

be accounted, Mark x. 42 (jnarg
think good)• Luke xxii. 24.
be of reputation. Gal. ii. 2.
Itnpers., it seemeth. Acts XXV, 27.
it seemeth good, Luke i. 3. Acts
XV. 25, 28. —
it pleaseth. Acts xv.
persecute, Matt. v. 10, 11, 12, 44.
X. 23. xxiii. 34. Luke xxi. 12.
22, 34(a/>). — VFii/i dalive, think,""
Matt. xvii. 25. xviii. 12. xxi. 28.

John V. 16. XV. 20i. Acts vii. 52. xxii. 17, 42. xxvi. 06. Luke x. 36.
ix. 4, 5. xxii. 4, 7, 8. xxvi. 11, 14,
John xi. 56.
15. Rom. xii. 14. 1 Cor. iv. 12. xv.
Add John xi. 31, for G'TvS.
9. 2 Cor. iv. 9. Gal. i. 13, 23. iv.
29. Pliil. iii. G. Rev. xii. 13.
Pass., suffer persecution, Cal. v. try, ICor. iii. 13. IThes. ii. 4.
11. vi. 12. 2 Tim. iii. 12. 1 Pet, i. 7p. 1 John iv. 1.
prove, Luke xiv. 19. Rom. xii. 2.
follow after, Rom. ix. 30, 31. xiv.
2 Cor. viii. 8, 22. xiii. 5. Gal. vi. 4.
19. ICor. xiv. 1. Phil. iii. 12.
Eph. V. 10. IThes. v. 21. ITim.
ITim. vi. 11.
iii. 10. Heb. iii. 9(ap).
follow, Luke xvii. 23. 1 Thes. v.
15. 2 Tim. 22. Heb. xii. 14.
examine, 1 Cor. xi. 28.
discern, Luke xii. 56i.
ensue, 1 Pet. iii. 11.
approve, Rom. ii. 18 (marg. try).

press toward, Phil. iii. 14.
1 Cor. xvi. 3. Phil. i. 10(mar^. try),
given to, Rom. xii. 13?.
Matt. x. 23 (ap). allow, Rom. xiv. 22. 1 Thes. ii. 4.
like, Rom. i. 28.

xvii. 7.
Add Heb.

Eph.. ii.


xi. 23, for

be subject to ordinances. Col.

think, Matt. iii. 9. vi.

1. Acts xvi, 4.

15. Col.



xxiv. 44.




iii. 9 (ap).

2 Cor. viii. 2.
experiment, 2 Cor, ix. 13.
2 Cor.


v. 4t,

9. xiii. 3. Phil. U.

xxvi. 53. Luke xii. 40.

xvi. 2. Acts xii. 9. xxvi. 9. 1 Cor.

11. John V. 39, 45. xi. 13. xiii. 29.

iv. 9. vii. 40. viii. 2. x. 12. xii. 23.

xiv. 37. 2 Cor. xi. 16. xii. 19. Gah
vi. 3. Phil. iii. 4. Jas. iv. 5.
xiii. 4.

1 Pet.
trying, Jas.

tried, Jas, i,

approved, Rom. xiv. 18. xvi. 10.



suppose, Mark vi. 49. Luke xii. 51. 2 Cor. X. 18. xiii. 7. 2 Tim. ii. 15.
xiii. 2.xxiv. 37. John
xxvii. 13. Heb. x. 29.
xx. 15. Acts which is approved, 1 Cor. xi. 9.
trow, Luke xvii. 9(-L"Tr5). Luke
bsam. Matt. vii. 3, 4, 5. vi.
seem, Luke viii. 18 (jnarg. think).
41, 42i.

Acts xvii. 18. 1 Cor. 18. xi. 16.

xii. 22. 2 Cor. x. 9.

xii. IOp.
Gal. ii. C<, 9.
iv. 1. xii. 11. Jas. i. 26.
their own pleasure,

use deceit, Roii.

2 Cor. xi. 13,

iii. 13.

16. 1 Thes.
John i.
. 47(4S).
3. 1 Pet. ii. 1, 22. iii.
2 Cor. xii.
iv. 11.

ix. 24. xii. 43i. 1 Pet.

v. 41, 44i. viii. 54

2 Cor. vi. 8. Rev. xix.

10. Rev. xiv. 5(i^evoog GLTTr^S).
deceit, Mark vii. 22. Rom. i. 29.
worship, Luke xiv. 10.
dignity, 2 Pet. ii.10. Jude 8.
craft, Mark xiv. 1.
subtilty, Matt.
.^ xxvi. 4.

handle deceitfully, 2 Cor. iv. 2.

Acts xiii.

Mark ii.
Matt. v. 16. ix.
12. Luke
20. iv. 15. v.

25, 26. vii. 16. xiii. 13. xvii. 15.

8. xv. 31.

Add 1 Cor. v. 6, for

gift, Matt.
vii. 11.

Luke xi. 13.

xviii. 43. xxiii. 47. John vii. 39.
xi. 4. xii. 16, 23, 28ir. xiii. 31i,
32(a;j), 32i. xiv. 13. xv. 8. xvi. 14.

Eph. iv. 8.

Phil. iv. 17.
xvii. 1^ 4, 5, 10. xxi. 19 Acts iii.
13. iv. 21. xi. 18. xiii. 48. xxi. 20.
Rom. i. 21. viii. 30. xv. 6, 9.
glory, Matt. iv. 8. vi. l^ap), 29. 1 Cor. vi. 20. 2 Cor. ix. 13i'. Gal. i.
xvi. 27. xix. 28, xxiv. 30. xxv. Sit. 24. 2 Thes. iii. 1. Heb. v. 5. 1 Pet.
Mark viii. 38. x. 37. xiii. 26. Luke ii. 12. iv. 11, 14(ay>), 16. Rev. xv.
ii. 9, 14, 32. iv. 6. ix. 26, 31, 32. 4. xviii. 7.
xii. 27. xvii. 18. xix. 38. xxi. 27. Pass,, be made glorious, 2Cor. iiL
xxiv. 2G. John i. 14. ii. 11. vii. 18i. 10. —
have glory. Matt, vi, 2. 2 Cor.
viii. 50. xi. 4, 40. xii. 41. xvii. 5, iii. 10.— full of glory, 1 Pet. i. 8?.
22, 24, Acts vii. 2, 55. xii. 23. honor, John viii. 54<. 1 Cor. xii. 26,
xxii. 11.
Rom. i. 23. ii. 7, 10. iii. 7, 23. iv.
20. V. 2. vi. 4. viii. 18. ix. 4, 23t.
magnify, Rom. xi. 13.
xi. 3G. XV. 7. xvi. 27. ICor. ii. 7,
8. X. 31. xi. It, 15. XV. 40, 41,
41 (-C 1(311
2 Cor. i. 20.
to 1629,
giving, Phil. iv. 15.
gifb, Jas. i. 17.^
err.), Alt,
7, 9i, 10, 18/r.
iv. giver, 2 Cor. ix. 7.

6, 15, 17. 19, 23. Gal. i. 5.

viii. .)')'^.
Eph. i. 6, 12, 14, 17, 18. iii. 13, 16, bring into subjection, 1 Cor. ix. 27.
21. Phil. i. 11. ii. 11. iii. 19. iv. 19,
20. Col. i. Tit. iii. 4. IThes. ii. 6,
12, 20. 2 Thes. i. 9. ii. 14. 1 Tim.
i. 17. iii. 16. 2 Tim. ii, 10. iv. 18.


21, 24.
i. 7, 9, 10. iii. 3. ix. 5.
3. ii.

xiii. 21. Jas. ii. 1. 1 Pet. i. 7, 11?^,

v. 1, 4, 10, 11
iv. 13, 14.
bondage, Rom. viii. 15, 21.
iv. 24. V. 1. Heb. ii. 15.

be in bondage, John viii. 33.

vii. 7. Gal. iv. 9, 25.
serve. Matt. vi. 24i. Luke xv.


(-G°LT). 2 Pet. i. 3, 17^ iii. IS.
Jude 24, 25. Rev. i. 6. iv. 9, 11. v. xvi. 13i. Acts XX. 19. Rom. vi. 6.
12, 13. vii. 12. xi. 13. xiv. 7. xv. 8. vii. 6, 25. ix. 12. xii. 11. xiv. 18.

xvi. 9. xviii. 1. xix. 1. xxi. 11, 23, xvi. 18. Gal. v. 13. Phil. ii. 22.
24, 26. Col. iii. 24. 1 Thes. i. 9. Tit. iii. 3.
glorious*'°, Rom. viii. 21. 2 Cor. iv.
4. Phil. iii. 21. Col. i. 11. 1 Tim. i.
11. Tit. ii. 13.
With (5m, glorious, 2 Cor. iii. 11.
Will», , glorious, 2 Cor. iii. 7, 8, 11.
do service,
Tim, vi. 2.

Gal. iv. 8. Eph. vi. 7.

handmaid, Luke 1. 38.

handmaiden, Luke i. 48. Acts ii. 18.

, adj.
servant, Rom. vi. 19. piece of silver, Luke xv. 8.

subst. piece, Luke xv. 8, 9.

bondman, Rev. vi. 15. See
bond, 1 Cor. xii. 13. Gal. iii. 28.

Eph. vi. 8. Col. iii. 11. Rev. xiii.
sickle, Mark iv. 29. Rev, xiv. 14,
1. xix. 18.
15, 16, 17, ISt. 19.
servant, Matt. viii. 9. x. 24, 25.
xiii.27, 28(-T). xviii. 23, 26, 27,
23, 32. XX. 27. xxi. 34, 35, 36. course, Acts xiii. 25. xx. 24.
xxii. 3, 4, 6, 8, 10. xxiv. 45, 46,
48, 50, XXV. 14, 19, 21, 23, 2G, 30.
xxvi. 51. Mark x. 44. xii. 2, 4. xiii.
34. xiv. 47. Luke vii. 2, 3, 8, 10.
xii. 37, 38(-G°TTr'^5), 43, 45, 46,
47. xiv. 17, 21^ 22, 23. xv. 22.
2 Tim. iv.
. .7.

. See

can, with ov, can not, Matt. v. 14,

36. vi. 24^ 27. vii. 18. viii. 2. ix.
15. xii. 29, 34. xvi. 3. xvii. 16, 19.
xvii. 7, 9, 10. xix. 13, 15, 17, 22.
xix. 25. xxvi. 53. xxvii. 42. Mark
XX. 10, 11. xxii. 50. John iv. 51.
i.40, 45. ii. 4p, 7, 19, 19(ap). iii.
viii. 34, 35. xiii. 16. xv. 15i, 20.
20, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27. v. 3. vi. 5,
xviii. lOt, 18, 26.
19. vii. 15, 18, 24. viii. 4. ix. 3, 23,
Rom. vi. 16/, 17, 20. 1 Cor. vii.
28, 29, 39. X. 26, 38, 39. xv. 31.
21, 22, 23. 2 Cor. iv. 5. Gal. iv. 1,
7. Eph. vi. 5. Phil. ii. 7. Col. iii.
Luke i. 22. v. 12, 21, 34. vi. 39,
42. viii. 19. ix. 40. xi. 7. xii. 25.
22. iv. 1. 1 Tim. vi, 1. Tit. ii. 9.

, /.,
Finn. IQt. 2 Pet.
Luke ii. 29. Acts
ii. 19.
18. iv. 29. xvi.
13i, 26.

. xiv. 20, 26, 27, 33. xvi.
xviii. 26. xix. 3. xx. 36.
46(47). iii.

V. 19, 30, 44. vi. 44, 52, 60, 65. vii.

2, 3, 4t, 5, 9, 27.

17. Rom. i. 1. 1 Cor. vii. 22. Gal.

i. 10. Eph. vi. 6. Phil. i. 1. Col. iv.
7, 34, 36. viii. 21, 22, 43. ix. 4, 16,
33. X. 21, 35. xi. 37. xii. 39. xiii.
12. 2 Tim. ii. 24. Tit. i. 1. Jas. i. 1.
33, 36, 37. xiv. 5(-LTTr), 17. xv.
IPet. ii. 16. 2 Pet. i. 1. Jude 1.

Rev. i. It. ii. 20. vii. 3. x. 7. xi.
18. XV. 3. xix. 2, 5. xxii. 3, 6.

bring into bondage. Acts vii. 6.

make servant, 1 Cor. ix. 19.
4, 5. xvi. 12. Acts iv. 16, 20. v. 39.
viii. 31. X. 47. xiii. 39. xv. 1. xxi.
34p. xxiv. 13. xxvii. 15p, 31, 43.
Rom. viii. 7, 8. 1 Cor. ii. 14. iii.
1, 11. X. 21/. xii. 3, 21. xv. 50.
2Cor. iii. 7. Gal. iii. 21. ITlies.
Pass., be brought in bondage, 2 Pet. iii. 9. ITim. v. 25. vi. 7, 16. 2 Tim.
ii. 19. —
in bondage, Gal. iv. 3i'. ii. 13.
be under bondage, 1 Cor. vii. 15. Heb. iii. 19. iv. 15. v. 2. ix. 9. x.
become servant, Rom. vi. 18, 22. 1, 11. Jas. ii. 14. iii. 8, 12. iv. 2.

given to, Tit. ii. 3p. 1 John iii. 9. iv. 20. Rev. ii. 2^ iii.

feast, Luke
v. 29. xiv. 13.
8. vii. 9. ix. 20. xiv. 3.
can do, Mark ix. 22. 2 Cor. xiii. 8.


. Rev.
xii. 3, 4, It, 9, 13,

16, 17. xiii. 2, 4, 11. xvi, 13. xx. 2.

take, 1 Cor. iii.

be able, Matt. iii. 9. ix. 28. x. 28t.
xix. 12 XX. 22/. xxii. 4). xxvi. 61.
Mark iv. 33. Luke iii. 8. xxi. 15.
John X. 29. Acts xx. 32. Rom. viii.
39. ICor. iii. 2/. vi. 5. x. 13i.
3 Cor. i. 4, Eph. iii. 20. vi. 11, 13,
16. Phil. iii. 31. 2 Tim. iii. 15. Heb.
ii. 18. V. 7. vii. 25. Jas. 1. 21. iv.
wonderful work, Matt.
miracle, Mark ix. 39. Acts ii. 22.
vii. 22.

12. Jude 24. Rev. v. 3. vi. 17. xiii. viii.13. xix. 11. 1 Cor. xii. 10, 28.
4(<] G"). xv. 8. Gal. iii. 5. Ileb. ii. 4.
able, Luke i. 201•. Rom. xv. 14i'.
worker cf miracles {marg. power),
2 Tim. iii. 7p. ICor. xii. 29.
be able to do, Luke xii. 26. abundance (jnarg. power), Rev.
that is of power, Rom. xvi. 25?. xviii. 3.
Acts xxvii. 39 (Jwa-
be possible^ violence, Heb. xi. 34.
G'T). virtue, Mark v. 30. Luke vi. 19.
may, Matt. xxvi. 9, 42. Mark iv. viii. 46.

32. xiv. 5, 7. Luke xvi. 2. Acts meaning, 1 Coi. xiv. 11.
xvii. 19. xix. 40. xxiv, 8, Up. xxv. Add 1 Pet. iv. 14 (glory J.),
11. xxvi. 32. xxvii. 12. 1 Cor. vii. G'L/S.

Cp. Rev. xiii. 17.

Add Heb. xi. 19, for
. ,
21. xiv. 31. Eph. iii. 4. 1 Thes. ii.

power. Matt. vi. 13(a/)). xxii. 29.

strengthen, Col.
Add Heb.
xi. 34, for
i. 11.

Potentate, 1 Tim. vi. 15.

xxiv. 29, 30. xxvi. 64. Mark ix. 1.
mighty, Luke i. 52.
xii. 24. xiii. 25, 26. xiv. 62. Luke
i.17, 35. iv. 14, 36. v. 17. ix. 1.
X. 19. xxi. 26, 27. xxii. 69. xxiv. '.
of great authority, Acts viii. 27.

49. Acts i. 8. iii. 12. iv. 7, 33. vi. be mighty, 2 Cor. xiii. 3.
8. viii. 10. X. 38. Add, for Rom. xiv.
Rom. i. 4, 16, 20. viii. 38. ix. 17. 4,G'LT5, For 2 Cor. ix. 8,
XV. 13, 19. 1 Cor. 18, 24. ii. 4, 5.i. LS.
iv. 19, 20. V. 4. vi. 14. xv. 24, 43.
2 Cor. iv. 7. vi. 7. viii. 3/. xii. 9. able, Luke
xiv. 31. Acts xxv. 5.
xiii, 4t.
iii. 10.
Eph. i. 19. iii. 7, 20. Phil,
IThes. i. 5. 2 Thes. i. 11.
Rom. iv. 21. xi. 23. xiv. 4(sce
vartuS). 2 Cor. ix. ^ (^M^vartl LS).
ii. 9. 1
3. vi. 5. vii.
Tim, i. 7, 8. iii. 5. Heb. i. 2 Tim. L
16. 1 Pet. i. 5. iii. 22.
2 Pet. i. 3, 16. Rev. iv. 11. v. 12.
Tit.i. 9.

could. Acts xi. 17.

L). Jas.
Heb. xi.

vii. 12. xi. 17. xiii. 2. xv. 8. xvii. Rom. xv.

strong, 1. 2 Cor. xii. 10.
13. xix. 1. xiii. 9.
ability, Matt. xxv. 15. mighty, Luke xxiv. 19. Acts

strength, 1 Cor. xv. 56. 2 Cor. i. 8. 22. xviii. 24. 1 Cor. 26. 2 Cor. x. 4.
xii. 9. Heb. xi. 11. Rev. i. 16. iii. that is mighty, Luke i. 49.
8. xii. 10.
mighty man, Rev. vi. 15
might, Eph. i. 21. iii. 16, CoL i. GLTTr^S).
11. 2Pet. ii. 11. Neu/., possible. Matt. xix. 26. xxvi.
mighty'^'', Rom. xv. 19. 2 Thes. i. 7 39. Mark ix. 23. x. 21(ap). xiv.
(Gr. of power). 35, 36. Luke xviii. 27. Acts ii. 24.
With h, mightily. Col. i. 29. XX. 16. —
With art., power, Rom.
mighty work, Matt.
xiii. 54, 58.
14. Luke X. 13. xix. 37.
xi. 20, 21, 23.
xiv. 2. Mark vi. 2, 5, ',
ix. 22.

if it
Matt, xxiv. 24.
be (were, had been)
Mark xiii.
mighty deed, 2 Cor. xii. 12. 22. Rom. xii. 18. GaL iv. 15.
G'T. Rev.
for ^.
xiii. 4,

Acts xxvii. 39,
hardly, Matt. xix. 23.
Luke xviii. 24.
Mark x. 23.

set, Mark
be setting,


. iv. 40p.

two, Matt. iv. 18, 21. vi. 24. viii.

28. ix. 27. X. 10, 29. xi. 2(cJm G'L
TTr^S). xiv. 17, 19. xviii. Si, 9, IGt,
19, 20. XX. 21, 24, 30. xxi. 1, 28.
xxii. 40. xxiv. 40, 41. xxv. 15, 17i!,
22ir. xxvi. 2, 37, CO. xxvii. 38.
Mark vi. 9, 38, 41t. ix. 43, 45, 47.
Plural, west, Matt. viii. 11. xxiv.

27. Luke xii. 54. xiii. 29. Rev.
xxi. 13.


hard to be understood, 2 Pet.

evil, defame.
iii. 16.

1 Cor. iv. 13, G"TaS.

xi. 1. xii. 42. xiv. 1, 13. xv. 27.
xvi. \.2(ap).
Liikeii. 24. iii. 11. v. 2. vii. 19, 41.
ix.l3,16,30,32.x. 35.xii.6,52<.xv.
11. xvi. 13. xvii. 34. xviii. 10. xix.
29, xxi. 2. xxii. 3S. xxiii. 32. xxiv.
evil report, 2 Cor. vi.

twelve, Matt. ix. 20. xiv. 20. xix.


xxvi. 53. Mark v. 25, 42. vi. 43.

4, 13. John i. 35, 37, 40(41). iv. 40, viii. 19. Luke ii. 42. viii. 42, 43. ix.

43. vi. 9. viii. 17. xi. 6. xix. 18. xx. 17. xxii. 30. John vi. 13. xi. 9. Acts
12. xxi. 2. Acts i. 10, 23, 24. vii. vii. 8. Jas. i. 1. Rev. vii. 5/r, 6tr,

29. ix. 38 (-G•^). X. 7. xii. Gi. xix. , 1('

Sir. xii. 1. xxi. 12, 12(ap), 12,
), 21. xxii. 2.—
10, 22, 34. xxi. 33. xxiii. 23.
ICor. vi. 16. xiv. 27, 29. 2Cor. xiii. Said of the Apostles, Matt. x. 1, 2,
1. Gal. iv. 22, 24. Epli.v. 31. Phil. 5. xi. 1. XX. 17. xxvi, 14, 20, 47.
Mark iii. 14. iv. 10. vi. 7. ix. 35.
Rev. ix. 12, 16
4i, 10. xii.
(see ).
1. 23. ITim. v. 19. Heb. vi. 18. x. 28.

14. xiii. 5, 11.

xi. 2, 3, X. 32. xi. 11. xiv. 10, 17, 20, 43.
Luke vi. 13. viii. 1. ix. 1, 12. xviii.
two men, Luke xvii. 36(ap). 31. xxii. 3, 14(-LTTr>S), 47. John
two *'women, Luke xvii. 35,
^ ,
vi. 67, 70, 71. XX. 24. Acts vi. 2.

by two and two, Mark vi. 1 Cor. XV. 5. Rev. xxi. 14.
, 7.

two and two, Luke x. 1. Add, for Acts xix. 7, xxiv.
— two apiece, Luke ix. John — Rev. xxi. 14( names),


3. ii. 6. 11, L-S". , .

twain, Matt. v. 41. xix. 5, 6. xxi. GLTTr^.

31. xxvii. 21, 51, Mark x. St. xv.
38. Eph. ii. 15. Rev. xxi. 20.
both, John XX. 4. Rev. xix. 20.
Add Luke x. 1, 17 (seventy ), L^.

. .

twelve tribes, Acts xxvi. 7.

grievous to be borne. Matt, xxiii. 4

house-top, Matt. x. 27. xxiv. 17.
(-G^Tr^S). Luke xi. 46.

bloody flux, Acts xxviii. 8.

hard to be uttered, Heb. v. 11.


xiii. 15.

v. 19. xii. 3.
xvii.31. Actsx.9(house, ef^. 16ll,etc.)

iv. 10. Acts

20, X. 45. xi. 17. Rom. v. 15, 17
ii. 38. viii.

hard, Mark
x. 24.
(-G°L•'). 2 Cor. ix. 15. Eph. iii. 7.
iv. 7. Heb. vi, 4.
freely, Matt.
. . 8.
2Coi•. xi. 7. Rev. xxi. 6. xxii. 17.
Rom. iii. 24.
1 Cor. iv. 15. ix. 16. xiii. 1,
for L), 2. Jas. ii. 14.
(b) Aonst, if, Matt. iv. 9. v. 13,

2Tlies. 8. 46, 47. vi. 14. vii. 9 and 10 (-LTrS,

for nought, iii.
ind. LTTro'). ix. 21. xii. 11. xvi.
without a cause, John xv. 25.
26. xviii. 12, 13, 15/, 17/, 19. xxi.
in vain, Gal. 21,

3, 24, 25, 26. xxii. 24. xxiv. 23, 26.
xxviii. 14. Mark iii. 24, 25. iv.
give, Mark xv. 45. 2 Pet. i. 3, 4. 26(-Tr5). vii. 11. viii. 3, 36(-, inf.,


4. XV.

V. 16. Jas.

ii. 11.
xxiii. 18, Idt.
i. 17.

v. 23, 24i. viii.

Mark vii.
T5). ix. 50. X. 12. xi. 3, 31, 32
(-G"LTTr6'). xii. 19, xiii. 21.
Luke iv. 7. xi.
S). xiv. 34. XV.
3/, 4.
xis.40(i«f/./i</. LTTrS). xx.
ind. TTr
xvi. 30. xvii.

28. xxii. 67, 68. John iii. 12. v.

11. Luke xxi. 1. Epli. ii. 8. Heh.
V. 1. viii. 3, 4.
xi. 10.
ix. 9. xi. 4. Rev.
43. vii. 17. viii. 31, 36, 51, 52, 55
for LTfaS). ix. 22. x. 9.
xi. 40, 48, 57. xii. 24, 32, 47. xiv.
ofiTering, Luke xxi. 4.
3, 14. XV. 7, 10. xvi. 7. xix. 12.
bringing of gifts. Acts ix. 2.
Rom. XV. 31, for L. Rom. x. 9. xi. 22. xv.

let alone,
£«, impel', of
Mark i.
24. 1
vii. 2, 3/.
Cor. 19. vii. 8, 39, 40.
viii. 10. X. 28. xii. 15, 16. xiv. 6,
8, 23, 30. xvi. 10. 2 Cor. v. 1. ix.
Luke iv. 34(?;zar^.

(a) Without other particles.
away). 4. xiii. 2. Gal. v. 2. Col. iv. 10.
ITim. ii. 15. 2 Tim. ii. 21.
Heb. iii. 7, 15. iv. 7. Jas. ii. 2. iv.
L With the Indicative, if, 1 John v. 15. V. 19. 1 Pet. iii. 13. 1 John i. 6,
15 ( L). 8, 10. ii. 1, 24. iv. 20. v. 16. 3 John
10. Rev. iii. 20. xxii. 18, 19.
II. With the Subjunctive,
(a) Present, if, Matt. v. 23. vi. 22, though, Luke xvi. 31. 1 Cor. xiii.
23. viii. 2. x. 13. xv. 14. xvii. 20.
3/.2 Cor. xii. 6.
xxi. 21. Mark i. 40. ix. 43, 45, 47. when, 1 Cor. xiv. 16. 1 John iii. 2.
xiv. 31. Luke v. 12. vi. 33, 34(aor. (b) "With other particles.

L; ind.pres. G'^L-^TTr). x. 6. xii. 3S
With the Subjunctive, Present (p),
edu Tr). xix. 31. John Aorist (*).
V. 31. vi. 51. vii. 37. viii. 16, 54. Kac though, Gal. i. 8P(*L°'iS). ,,
ix. 31. xi. 9, 10. xii. 26i. xiii. 17, liijnarg. although), Gal.
35. xiv. 15, 23. xv. 14. xxi. 22, 23, vi. 1=».
25. Acts V. 38. xxvi. 5. tav
Rom. ii. 25i, 26. xii. 20/. xiii. 4. 11% 28\
but and if, 1 Cor. vii. ,
xiv. 23. 1 Cor. v. 11. vi. 4. vii. 28,
36. viii. 8. xi. 14, 15. xiv. 14, 24. Luke xii. 45=*. xx. 6*.
xvi. 4, 7. Col. iii. ]3. 1 Thes. iii. 8
(/•«(/. T). ITim. i. 8. iii. 15. 2Tim.

ii. 5.
if, Heb. iii.

S), 14p. vi. 3p.

Heb. x. 38. xiii. 23. Jas. ii. iuv Ti, whether, Rom. xiv. 8p, Sp
but and if. Matt. xxiv. 48*. ,
L^T, uau 6(
15. 1 John i. 7, 9. ii. 3, 15, 29. iii. {ind. L), 8p. or, ibid. ^ {ind. L).— —
20. iv. 12. V. 14(
L). though, 2 Cor. X. 8^
and if, John vi. 62. eav if not, Matt. vi. 15*. X. ,
though, -Acts xiii. 41. Rom. ix. 27. 13p. xviii. 16% 35*. John viii. 24*.
xiii. 8*. XV. 6». xvi. 7*. Rom. xi. thyself, John xviii. 34
23\ 1 Cor. viii. S\ ix. 16p. xiv. llf, TtS).
Jas. ii. 17p. IJolin iii. 21r•. Rev. Add, for


Matt. v. 28, L.

iii. 3\ —
if no% 1 Cor. xiv. 28p. Mark viii. 3521, GTTr, -G". Luke
except, Matt. v. 20^^. xii. 29=». xviii. viii. 5, ix. 52, T. xiv. 27, LT, John
3\ xxvi. 42=». Mark iii. 27'». vii. 3% ix. 21, Tr^. Acts xxi. 11, G"LT5.
3% 5%
Luke xiii. 3?, 5p.
27p. iv. 48'\ vi.
John iii. 2p, Heb. xii. 16, LTS.
53% 65p. T. 262, LT.— For
Jas. i.

18, 26,

xii. 24=». XV. 4^=». xx. 25=». Acts viii.
3, LTr.
31•'». XV. 1^. xxvii. 31=». Rom. x.
15=». 1 Cor. xiv. 6% 7^, 9». xv. 30=».

2Thes. ii. 3=». 2 Tim. ii. 5=». Rev. ii. her own, 1 Cor. xiii. 5.
5% 22^ —but, Mark x. her, Matt, xxiii.
30=». John ^8,
V. 19^ Gal. ii. 16.
(c) After relative Pronouns and Ad»•
-L). Luke xiii. 34. 1 Cor. xi. 5(-
r/7fL5).lThes. ii. 7.
V. 26 (r.
that she had, Mark
GLTTr). .
Which it renders indefinite, like of itself. Matt. vi. 34,
Eng. ever. Compare

the Subjunctive.
wliere note
the various readings. Used with
itself. Matt. xii. 25i.

their own, Rom. xvi. 4, 18. Eph.
, ,,, , ,
Add Luke xvii. 4( seven), "L^S. V. 28. Phil. ii. 21. 2 Thes. iii. 12.
John ii. 28, for
. .


,, ,.
Jude 13, 18.
See also
his" own, Phil. ii. 4.

their. Matt. viii. 22. xxi. 8. xxv.
3(- GLTTr, -S).
his own,
. Masc. sing.,
xiv. 26. Rom. iv.
19. viii. 3. 1 Cor. vii. 2. x. 24. Gal. iv.
etc. xii. 36.
S). xxii.
xvi. 8. xix.
G'Tr/S). xxiii.
48(-G°oTTrAS'). Eph. v. 28. 1 Pet.
G'LT^S). Jude 6. Rev.19(
ix. 60.

vi. 4. Eph. V. 29.

his, Luke xi. 21. xii. 47
X. 3, 4(omS). xvii. 13
LTr TTr^). (' G"L (^
S). xiii. 19. xiv. 26(^
LTr 6'). themselves, Mark ix. 8. Phil. ii. 3.
XV. 5(«iT0!)Tr5), 20(ai;roi>LTr5).

them, Matt. xv. 30. xxv. 3. Mark
xvi. 5. xix. 13. Rom. v. 8. 1 Cor. ii. 19(a/>). viii. 14. Acts xxi. 23.
vii. 37. 2 Cor. iii. IZ LT).
Gal. vi. 8. Eph. v. 28, 33. 1 Thes.
ii. 11, 12. iv. 4. 2Tlies. ii, 6. Rev.

X. 7.
himself, Matt, xii, 45/. Luke xi.
our° own, 1 Thes. ii. 8.
of ^Ourselves, Heb. x. 25.
ourselves", 3 Cor. iii. 5, 5
26. xxiv. 27(
GLTTr). John v.
19. vii. 18. xi. 51. xvi. 13. Acts
ii. 12.
own, ICor. vi. 19. PhiL

viii. 34. Rom. xiv. 12. 2 Cor. x. 7. your", Eph. v. 25(-LT5').

Heb. i. 3(-L5). v. 3(avroi;L). vi. your° own selves, Luke xxi. 30.
13. ix. 7. yourselves", Luke xii. 57.
him, Mark xiv. 33(> LTTr*S). you°. Matt. xxvi. 11. Mark xiv. 7.
Jolin xii. 8.

( of itself,
thine" own, 1 Cor
John XV.
iv. 16.

x. 29.
Rom. xiv. 14
Add, for
xviii. 31,
one another, 1 Cor. vi. 7.
Matt. vi. 16^»*, L.
LTTr-S. xxv. 1, LTTr.
99 ictVTOv
42^,LS. 7, LTTr5. Luke li. 39, LT V. 13 (oruroic G"5). Heb. x. 34.
TtS. xvi. 4, TTr5. 2 Pet. ii. 11, C". Jas. ii. 4.

to himself,
29. xiv. 28.
V. 27.
Dative sing.j iavriL.
Rom. xiv. 7i. 1 Cor. xi.
2 Cor. v. 18. x. 7. Epli.

unto himself, 2 Cor. v. 19. Phil.

21( LTS). 14. Heb. v. 4.
Tit. ii.
Add, ,
you", John V. 42. vi. 53.
one another, Eph. iv. 32. Col. iii.

Accus. masc,

himself. Matt. xii. 26. xvi. 24.

xvii. 13, Tr*S.

for himself, Luke xii. 21. xix. 12. xviii. 4. xxiii. 12^ xxvii. 42. Mark
himself, Matt. xiii. 21. Mark v. 30. iii. 26. V. 5. viii. 34. xii. 33. xv.

Luke vii. 39. xii. 17. xvi. 3. xviii. 31. Luke ix. 23, 25. x. 29. xi. 18.
4. John V. 2Qt. vi. Gl. xi. 38. xiii. xiv. Hi. XV. 17. xviii. 11, 14/.
32()). Acts X. 17. xii. 11. xxiii. 35. xxiv. 12(a/>). John ii. 24
Rom. XV. 3. Eph. ii. 15(7 LS).
IJohnv. (). (aijTOv
4. xix. 7.
LTTr5). v. 18. viii. 22. xiii.
xxi. 1, 7. Acts i. 3. v.
Add, for ,
him, Luke ix. 47. 1 Cor. xvi. 2.
1 John iii. 15, LS,

Fern., Eavrrj.
36. xiv.
viii. 9. LS). xvi.
27. xix. 31. xxviii. 16. Rom. xiv.
22. ICor. iii. 18. xi. 28. xiv. 4.
2 Cor. X. 18. Gal. i. 4. ii. 12, 20.
for her

Plural, ,.
Acts vii, 21.
Matt. ix. 21.

to themselves, Rom. xiii. 2. 1 Tim.

vi. 3, 4. Eph. V. 2, 25, 33. Phil. ii..
2 Tim.
8. 2 Thes.
ii. 4. 1 Tim. ii. 6.
13, 21. Tit. ii. 14. Heb.

V. 5, vii. 27. ix. 14, 25. Jas. i. 24,

27. 1 John iii. 3. v. 18(ai;rdv T).

iii.13. 2 Tim. iv. 3. Heb. vi. 6.
unto themselves, Rom. ii. 14. 2 Cor. he himself"", Luke xxiii. 2. Acts
T. 15. 1 Pet. i. 12. XXV. 4.
upon themselves, 2 Pet. ii. 1. Rom. xiii. 9 LT

for themselves, 1 Tim. vi. 19. S). GaL V. GLT^). \'^{
among themselves, 2 Cor. x. 12.
themselves, Matt. ix. 3. xiv. 15.
xvi. 7. xxi. 25, 38. Mark ii. 8. iv.
17. vi, 36, 51. Luke vii. 49. xviii.
Add, for
Heb. xiii. 3, L,
John xix. 12, GLT
S. For
Matt. xxii. 39, G'.

9. Acts xxviii. 29 (a/)). Rom. i. 24
LT), 27. 2 Cor. x. 12. xviii.
herself, Luke i. 24. Rev. ii. 20.
LTTrA^). xix. 7. 1{
among them, Matt, xxvii. 35(a^). itself, Mark iii. 24, 25. Luke xi. 17.
John xix. 24. With alone (i?r. by itself), ,
ourselves", Rom. viii. 23. xv. 1. Jas. ii. 17.
2 Cor. i. 9<.

to ''yourselves,
V. 19.

unto "yourselves, Matt, xxiii. 31.

for "yourselves, Matt. xxv. 9.
xvi. 9. Eph. Rev.

iv. S(ap).


2 Cor. viii. 5.
themselves. Matt. xix. 12. Marl^
each of them,

among "yourselves, Luke xxii. 17

ix, 10. X. 26. xi. 31. xii. 7. xiv. 4.
(/• LTTr, /S). xvi. 3. Luke vii. 30. xx. 5, 14(-
With in youT" owh couceits, TTr5), 20. xxii. 23. xxiii.
Rom. xi. 25 (fv L T). xii. 16. 12(^ TrS). John vii, 35. xi.
yourselves", Matt. iii. 9. xvi. 8. 55. xii, 19. Acts xxiii. 12, 21.
Mark ix. 50, Luke iii. 8. xii. 33. 1 Cor. xvi, 15. 2 Cor. x. Vltr. Eph.
xvii. 3. xxi. 34. Acts v. 35. 1 Thes. iv. 19. ITim. ii. 9. vi. 10. 1 Pet.

^ 6(
iii. Jude 12, 19(C?-StG<«>LT-S). in the Hebrew tongue, John v. 2.
Rev. vi. 15. viii. LS), Rev. ix. 11. xvi. 16.
John XX. 10(7.
unto their own home,

Add John xx. 16( . Rabboni),
9. iii. 9.

Acts xxiii. 14.

1 Cor.
xi. 31. 2 Cor. iii. 1. iv. 2, 5t, v. 12.
. .

near. Matt. xxi. 34. Luke xv.

1. xxi. 8. xxii. 47. xxiv. 15.
vi. 4. vii. 1. X. 12, 14. SThes. iii. draw nigh, Matt. xv. 8(ap). xxi. 1.
9. 1 John i. 8. Luke XV. 25. xxi. 28. xxii. 1. xxiv,
your" own selves, 2 Cor. xiii. 5t. 28. Acts vii. 17. x. 9p. Heb. vii. 19.
Jas. i. 22. Jas. iv. St. V, 8.
yourselves, Mark ix. 33(-G°<'LTr come near, Luke xviii. 40p. xix.
S). xiii. 9. Luke xvi. 15. xvii. 14. 41. Acts ix. 3. xxi. 33. xxiiL 15.
xxiii. 2S. Acts
xiii. 46. xv. 29. xx. come nigh, Mark xi. 1. Luke vii.
28. Rom. 11, 13, 16. xii. 19.
vi. 12. X. 9, 11. xviii. 35. xix. 29, 37p.
2 Cor. vii. 11. xiii. 5. 1 Pet. iv. 8. Acts xxii. 6p.
1 John V. 21
Jude 20, 21.
(^ LS), 2 John 8. approach, Luke xii. 33. Heb. x. 25.
be nigh, Luke xxi. 20. PliiL ii. 30.

one another. Col.

13. 1 Pet. iv. 10.
Add Mark
Rev. ii. 2(ap).
i. 27, for
iii. 16. Heb.


,, ,
be at hand, Matt. iii. 2. iv. 17. x.
7. xxvi. 45, 46. Mark i. 15. xiv.
42. Rom. xiii. 12. 1 Pet. iv. 7.
. TS.
See also

let. Acts xxvii. 32.

. write
Add Luke
in, 2 Cor. iii.

x. 20, for
2, 3.

suffer. Matt. xxiv. 43. Luke iv. 41.

xxii. 51. Acts xiv. 16. xvi. Y. xix.
30. xxviii. 4. 1 Cor. x. 13. Rev. ii.
surety, Heb.
vii. 22.

20(^ GLTTr/S).
near, Matt. xxiv. 33. Mark xiii,

Acts v. G'LS). 28. Rom. xiii. 11.

let alone.
near to, John iii. 23. xi. 54.
leave. Acts xxiii. 32.
commiiimarg. leave), Acts xxvii. nigh, Matt. xxiv. 32. Mark xiii.
40. 29. John vi. 4. Acts xxvii. 8. Rom.
X.8. Eph. ii. 13, 17.

nigh to, Luke xix. 11. John xix.
seventy, Luke x. 1, 17.

three-score and ten, Acts xxiii. 23.
vii. 14.
three-scor^and fifteen,
20. Acts ix. 38.
nigh unto, John vi. 19, 23. xi. 18.
Heb. vi. 8.
from, Acts i. 12.
With ^, three-score and sixteen.
Acts xxvii. 37. at hand, Matt. xxvi. 18. John ii.
13. vii. 2. Phil. iv. 5. Rev. i. 3.
xxii. 10.

seventy times, Matt, xviii. 22. nigh at hand, Luke xxi. 30, 31.

Jude 14. Rev.

xvi. 17. xxi. 20.

iv. 52. Heb. iv. 4i.
viii. 1. x. 7. xi. 15.

xi. 55. xix. 42.
ready, Heb. viiL 13.

awake. Matt. viii. 25.

raise, Matt. x. 8(-G'>T). Luke vii.
in (the) Hehrew, John xix. 13,17, 20. 22. Ix, 22(^ G'LT). xx. 37.
John Acts
, /,
Add, for

xii. 1, 9, 17. iii. 15. iv. Matt. i. 24, LTr
10. xiii. 23(7 GLTiS), 30. xxvi. S. Mark iv. 38, 8. For
8. Rom. vi. 9. vii. 4. x. 9. 1 Cor. Matt. xvii. LTTr. xx. 19, 8.

XV. 16, 17, 42, 4St, 44, 2(^/ FoT Phil. i. 16(17), G"LTS.
L). 2 Cor. i. 9. Gal. i. 1. Eph. i.
20P. Col. ii. 12. 1 Thes. i. 10. 2 Tim.
resurrection. Matt, xxvii. 53.
ii. 8.
raise up, Matt. iii. 9. xi. 5. Luke i.
69. iii. 8. John ii. 19. v. 21. Acts v.
30. X. 40. xii. 7. xiii. 22. Rom. iv.
24. vi. 4. viii. Hi. 1 Cor. vi. 14.
Luke xx.

feast of the dedication,

John x. 22.

XV. 15i, 35. 2 Cor. iv. 14i. Heb. xi.
19. Jas. V. 15. 1 Pet. i. 21.
raise again, Matt. xvi. 21.

iv. 25.
vii. 23
L). Acts xiii. 37. Rom.

rear up, John ii. 20.

X. 20.

^ '. ,
consecrate (mar^. make new). Heb.

dedicate (war^r. purify), Heb. ix. 18.

be discouraged
Luke xviii. 1, etc., see
lift up, Mark i. 31. ix. 27. Acts iii. 7.

lift out, Matt. xii. 11.

take up, Acts x. 26. Acts xix. 40.
call in question,

Mid., and Pass. aor. implead. Acts xix. 38.
awake, Rom. xiii. 11. Eph. v. 14 accuse, Acts xxiii. 28, 29. xxvi.
(act. GLT,S).
arise, Matt. ii. 13, 14?, 20, 21. viii.
15, 26. ix. 5(aci. G"LTTr5), 6(act.
Rom. viii,
lay a thing to the charge
LTr), 7, 19, 25. xvii. 7. xxiv. 24.
XXV. 7. xxvii. 52. Mark ii. 9 (act.
leave, Acts Rom.

ii. 27. ix. 29.
GLT5), 11 (act. GLTTr^S), 12. v.

forsake, Matt, xxvii. 46. Mark xv.
41 (aci. GLTTr5). Luke
GLT>S). vii. 14. viii.
TvS), 54(aci. L). John
vii. 52. xi.
v. 24(ac<.
34. 2 Cor. iv. 9. 2 Tim. iv. 10, 16.
Heb. X. 25. xiii. 5.

29. xiv. 31. Acts ix. 8.

Add Acts ii. 31, for G"
rise. Matt. xi. 11. xiv. 2. xxiv. 7,
11. xxvi. 46. xxvii. 64. xxviii. 6, 7. pride one's self in.
Mark iv. 27. vi. 14(^), 16. 2 Thes. i. 4, for LTS.
X. 49(ac<. GLTTr^). xii. 26. xiii. Ivh. TS.
8, 22. xiv. 28. xvi. 6, lAP(ap). Luke
dwell among, 2 Pet. ii. 8.
ix. 7. xi. 8. xxi. 10. xxiv. 6, 34.

John ii. 22. v. 8(ac/. LTS). xiii. 4.
xxi. 14p. ICor. xv. 12, 13, 14, 15, graff in, Rom. xi. 17, 19, 23i.
16, 20, 29, 32. Rev. xi. l(act. LTS). graff into, Rom. xi. 24/.
rise up, Matt. xii. 42. Mark xiv.
25. Acts
Luke v. 23 (ac<. GLT5).
GLT5). vii. 16. xi. 31.

rise again,

2 Cor. V. 15.
iii. 6(act. LT, -S).
Matt. xxvi. 32. xxvii.
viii. 34. 1 Cor. xv. 4.

ui. 3(ac<.
rb ^,
vi. 8

stand forth,
crime laid against one, Acts xxv.
laid to one's charge, Acts xxiii. 29.

be clothed with, 1 Pet. v. 5.

hinder, 1 Cor. ix. 12.
Rom. .
Ix. 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, 17, 18, 25^ 30,
22. 1 Tlies. ii. 18. 34. xi. 25, 27, 42. xii. 26, 46, 47,
be tedious unto, Acts xxiv. 4.
49, 50. xiii. 7, 14, 15, 18, 19, 26,
Gal. v. 7, GLT 33. xiv. 3, 4(-L^), 6,

lOi, 11, 12i,
Add, for
S. For ), 1 Pet. iii. 7, GLS. U(tovto L^), 16CLTTr;S), 19, 20,
21CLTTr^), 27, 28. xv. 1, 5, 10,
14, 16, 19, 20, 26. xvi. 4, 7/, 16(),
temperance, Acts xxiv, 25. Gal. v. 17 (-LTr, for ore S), 26, 27,
23. 2 Pet. i. i5t. 33. xvii. 4, 9, 11 LTTr>S), 12, 14f, C

can" contain, 1 Cor. vii. 9.
be temperate, 1 Cor. ix. 25.

16, 19(-L^S), 22eLTTr>S), 23, 24,
25. xviii. 5, 6, 8, 20/, 21, 26, 35,
37(-Tr), 37(-Li'>S), 38. xix. 6.
Acts vii. 7, 32. ix. 5, 10, 16. x.

Luke xiii.
temperate. Tit. i. 8.

make of the number,

hide. Matt. xiii. 33 ( 2 Cor. x.


20, 21. xi. 5, 17. xiii. 25, 33, 41.
xvii. 3, 23. xviii. 6, 10, 15. xx. 22,
25, 26(f?ui LaS), 29. xxi. 13, 39.
xxii. 3, 8/, 19, 21, 28/. xxiii. 1, 6i.
xxiv. 21. XXV. 18, 20, 25. xxvi. 9,
10, 15/. xxviii. 17.
Rom. vii. 9/, 14, 17, 2C(-G'>''L),

great with child,

anoint, Rev.

ii. 5.
20, 24, 25. X. 19. xi. 1, 13, 19. xii.
19. xiv. 11. XV. 14. xvi. 4, 22.
1. 12/.
4/, 6.
ii. 3(}LS).
iv. 15. v. 3.
vii. 10, 12, 28. ix. 6, 15, 26. x. 30/.
iii. l^G
vi. 12.

,, Num.,
etc. for
(sec ;vlso
etc, *.
xi. 23. XV. 9, 10, 11.
23. ii. 2, lO^LT^),
S). 2Cor. i.

10. X. 1. xi. 23, 29. xii. 11, 13, 15,

xvi. lOC^LT

I Matt. iii. 11, 14. v. 22, 28, 32,

34, 39, 44. viii. 7, 9. x. 16. xi. 10
Gal. i. 12. ii. 19, 20. iv. 12. v. 2,
(-L^). xii. 27, 28. xiv. 27. xviii.
10, 11. vi. 17. Eph. iii. 1. iv. 1. v.
33eLTTr>S). xx. 15, 22, 22(ap), 32. Phil. iii.
4/, 13. iv. 11. Col. i.
23(/). xxi. 27, 30. xxii. 32. xxiii.
23, 25. IThes. ii. 18. 1 Tim. i. 15.
34. xxiv. 5. XXV. 27. xxvi. 22, 25,
ii. 7. 2 Tim. i. 11. iv. l(omS), 6.
33, 39. xxviii. 20.
Tit. i. 5. Phm. 13, 19/.
Mark i. 2(-LTTr), 8. vi. 16, 50.
Heb. i. 5/. ii. 13/. v. 5. x. 30. xiL
ix. 25. X. 38i, 39i. xi. 33. xii. 26.
26. 1 Pet. i. 16, 2 Pet. i. 17. 2 John
xiii. 6. xiv. 19, 19(a;;), 29, 36, 58,
1/. 3 John 1. Rev. i. 8, 9, ll(«p),
G2. Luke i. 18, 19. iii.^6. vii. 8,
17. ii. 22(omS), 23. iii. 9(-Goo),
27(-LTTr^). viii. 46. ix. 9i. x. 3 2(omS), 6
19. V. 4. xvii. 7. xxi.
(-LTTr^S), 35. xi. 19. xv. 17. xix.
(-G'), 6. xxii. 8, 13, 16/.

22, 23. XX. 8. xxi. 8, 15. xxii. 27,
me*=°, Phm. 20.
32, 70. xxiii. 14. xxiv. 39, 49.
myself, Rom. ix. 3.
John i. 20, 23, 26, 27(-G°°L^Tr^), With
38. and I, Matt, xi, 28. xxvi. 15.
30, 31. iii. 28. iv. 14, 26, 32,
v. 7, 30, 31, 34, 36, 36(-LTr>S), 43, Luke ii.
48. xi. 9. xvi. 9(
29. John i. 31, 33, 34.
45. vi. 20, 35, 40(-U0, 41, 44, 48, Tr^S). xxii.
51/, 51 (ap), 54, 63, 70. vii. 7, 8, 17, V.
17. vi. 56, 57. viii. 26. x. 27, 28,
xii. 32. xiv. 20. xv. 4, 5. xvii.
29, 34, 36. viii. 11 ("/)), 12, 14, 15, 38.
IG/, IS, 21/, 22, 23/, 24, 28, 20, 38, 21, 2ij. XX. 15.
Acts xxii. 13, 19.
42, 45, 49, 50, 54, 55, 58. ix. 9, 39. Rom. xi. 3. 1 Cor. ii. 1. 2 Cor. vi. 17.
xii. 20.
Heb. viii.
Gal. vi. 14. Phil. ii. 28.
9. Jas. ii. 18t. I also, —
2, »
of me. Matt. X. 37i, 38. Acts i. 4.
Matt. ii. 8. x. 32, 33. xvi. 18. xxi. 1 Cor. iv. 16. xi. 1. Phil. iii. 17.
24. Mark xi. 29(-TTr). Luke xx. my. Matt. ii. 6, 15. iii. 17. vii. 21.
3. Acts X. 26. Rom. ill. 7. 2 Cor. xi. viii. 6, 8/, 9, 21. ix. 18. x. 22, 32,
18, 21. Eph. i. 15. Phil. ii. 19. Rev. 33. xi. 10, 27, 29, 30 xii. 18/, 44,
ii. 6. iii. 10. —
also I, ICor. vii. 40. 48i, 49i, 50^ xv. 13,
xiii. 30, 35.
— even I, ICor. vii. 8. x. 33. Rev. 22. xvi. 17, 18. xvii. 5, 15. xviii.
ii. 27. —
even I also, ICor. xi. 1.
— 5, 10, 19, 21, 35. xix. 20(-G°LTTr
Rev. iii. 21. even so I, John x. S), 29. XX. 21, 23i, 23(-G°°LTTr
15. XX. 21. ——
so I, John xv. 9. S), 23. xxi. 13, 28(-G<x'TTr5), 37.
2 Cor. xi. 2.2tr. even SO I also, xxii. 4t, Ml
xxiv. 5, 9, 35, 36(-G
John xvii. 18. —
I in like wise, Matt. LTvS), 48. XXV. 27, 34, 40(-Li^).
xxi. 24.— I, Actsxxvi. 29. 2 Cor. xxvi. 12, ISt, 26, 28, 29, 38, 39(-T
xl. 16. Gal. iv. 12, 1 Thes. iii. 5. ^), 42, 53. xxvii. 35i(a;j), 46i.
Add Luke xi. 20(1), Tri>. xxiv. 36 xxviii. 10.

(ap), John xvi. 7(1=^•^), G'LT. Acts
GLTS. xxvii. 23
Mark i. 2, 11. iii. 33, 33(-TTr''),

^ .,
xxvi. 17, for 34/, 35, 35(-LTr>S). v. 23, 30. vi.
(^, ^S. Rev. xxii. 18, for yop, 23. ix. 7, 17, 37, 39, 41(o7n). x. 20,
GLTTr^. 40, 40(o7n>S). xi. 17. xii. 6, 36i.
See also xiii. 6, 13, 31. xiv. 8, 14, 22, 24,
34. XV. 34i. xvi. 17(ajo).

Genit., 1,
of me, Rom. i. 12. Luke i. 18, 20, 25, 43, 44, 46, 47<.
With of myself, Rom. xvi. 2. ii. 49. 22. vi. 47. vii. 6, 7, 8,

my. Matt. v. 11. x. 18, 39. xvi. 27, 44( TTr), 44, 45, 46, 46(-Go).
25. Mark viii. 35. x. 29. xiii. 9. viii. 21i. ix. 35, 38, 48, 59, 61. x.
Luke ix. 24. John xiii. 38. Rom. 22, 29, 40. xi. 7, 24. xii. 4, 13, 17,
With Trapay my, Rom. xi. 27. 18, 18(-Tr), 18, 19, 45. xiv. 23, 24,
mine, Rom. xvi. 13. 26, 27, 33. XV. 6, 17, 18, 24, 29.
me. Matt. vii. 23. xi. 29.'xii. 30ir. xvi. 3, 5, 24, 27. xviii. 21(-TTri').
XV. 5, 8. xvii. 27. xxv. 41. xxvi. xix. 8, 23, 46. xx. 13, 42t. xxi. 8,
23, 38, 39,40, 42 (-G°°L'^TTr5'). 12, 17, 33. xxii. 11, 19, 20, 28, 29,
Mark vii. 6, 11. xiv. 18, 20, 36. 30i, 42. xxiii. 46. xxiv. 39i, 49.
Luke V. 8. viii. 46. x. 16. xi. 7, 23tr. John ii.16. iv. 49. v. 17, 24, 31,
xii. 13. xiii. 27. xv. 31. xvi. 3. 43. vi. 32, 51, 54i, 55t, 56t, 65(-G<'•
xxii. 21, 28, 37, 42. xxiii. 43. xxiv, LTTrAS). viii. 14, 19^ 2S(-LTTr,S),
44. John iv. 9. v. 7, 32i, 36, 37, 39, 31, 38(-G°°l5TTr), 49, 52, 54/. x.
46. viii. 18, 29. x. 8, 9, IS, 25. 15, 16, 17, 18, 25, 27, 28, 29, 29(-T
xiii. 8, ISQiov Tr). xiv. 6. xv. 5, Tr^S), 32(-Li>TTr^*S), 37. xi. 21,
26. 27. xvi. 32. xvii. 24. xviii. 34. 32. xii. 7, 27, 47, 48. xiii. 6, 8, 9,
xix. 11. Acts viii. 24. xi. 5. xx. 34. 37. xiv. 2, 7, 12(-GooLTTr5), 13, 14,
xxii. 18. xxiii. 11. xxv. 9. 20, 2U, 23i, 24, 26, 28(-GoLi'TTr).
Rom. XV. 18, 30. xvi. 7. 2 Cor. i. XV. 1, 7, 8, Wt, lOC-LT), 14, 15, 16,
19. ii. 2. vii. 7. xii. 6, 8. Gal. i. 11, 20, 21, 23, 24. xvi. lOC-G^^TTr^),
17. ii. 20. Eph. vi. 19. Phil. iv. 10. 23, 24, 26. xviii. 37. xix. 24i. xx.
2 Tim. i. 13. ii. 2. iv. 11, 17. Tit. 13, 17(-Li'TTr), lltr, 25i, 27i, 2Si.
iii. 15. Heb. x. Rev.
12. iii. 4,
7. i. xxi. 15, 16, 17.
18, 20, 21. iv. 1. X. 8. xvii. T. xxi. Acts ii. 14, 17, 18/r, 25/, 26rr, 27,
9, 15. xxii. 12.
Add, for see ^ . 34/. vii. 34, 49/, 50, 59. ix. 15, 16.
X. 30. xi. 8. xiii. 22, 33. xv. 7, 17.
104 6/09

xvi. 15. XX. 24(-G«'LT5), 24, 25, to me, 2 Cor. xl. 9.

29, 34. xxii. 1. xxiv. 17. xxvi. 4. unto me, Matt. xvi. 23(// LTr^S).
xxviii. 19. Acts XV. 13.
po, Matt. iii. 11. Mark i. 7. Luke
Rom. i. 8, dt, 9(10). ii. 16. vii. 4,
18, 23tr. ix. 1, 2, 3^ lit, 25i, 26. x. iii. 16. xxii. 53. John xiv. 28.
21. xi. 3, 14. XV, 14, 31. xvi. 3, 4, Acts xxii. 17. xxiv. 20, xxv. 15.
5, 7/, 8, 9,11,21^,25. 1 Cor. i. 4, 11.
1 Cor. iv. 18. 2 Tim. i. 12. Heb.
ii. 4i. iv. 14, 17<. viii. ISt. ix. 1, 15, viii. 9.
18, 27. X. 14, 29. xi. 24, 33. xiii. St. Addf for ,
John xiii. 18, Tr.
xiv. 14i, ISiomS), 19. xv. 58. xvi. For /zoi, Acts i. 8, LTS. 1 Cor. ix.
24. 2 Cor. ii. IZt. xii. 9, gC-G^LT^S), 18, TS. 2 Cor. vi. 16, L^. For ,
9, 21. Gal. i. 14, 15. iv. 14(-G", see John vi. 40, G"LTTr>S. 2 Cor. xii.
), 14, 19, 20. vi. 17. Epli. i. 16. 21, LTS, For
iii. 4, 13, 14. vi. 10(-GoLT5), 19. 5. 2 Tim. iv. 6, LS. For
, ,
1 Cor. ix. 2, LT

1, ^
Phil. 1. 3, 7, 1(marg. with" me), 8,
13, 14, 16, 20t. ii. 2, 12tr, 25i. iii.
L^), iv. 1^ 3, 14, 19. Col.
i. 24:(omS), 24. ii. 1. iv. 10, 18.
2 Tim. i. 3, 6, 16. ii. 1, 8. iii. 10.
, . ),
Matt. iv. 10(07/
xviii. 14, LTr.
L'^. XXV. 41 (a/)). Mark xiv. 14( .

guest c), L^TTrS. Luke xxiv. 44

( . . words), L^TTr.
XX. 7(
. . vineyard),

1 Cor. xiv. 39

iv. 16. Phm. 4i, 10(-G''<'LTS), 20, ( brethren), L^>S'. Heb. viii. 10
. .

23, 24. ( . . covenant), L''. x. 38 (t. just . .),

Heb. i. 5, 13. ii. 12. iii. 9, 10, lit. LT^S. Jas. V. 19( . . brethren), LS,
(see ),
iv. 3^ 5. V. 5. viii. 9, 10. x. 16, 34 2 Pet. i.
38. xii. 5. Jas. i. 2, .
6 , .

Rev. ii. 7( . . God), GT. 13( . .

16, 19. ii. 1, 3, 5, 14, 18, 18 (-G'^-TS). martyr), LT. iii. 2( . . God), GLT

iii. 1, 10, 12. v. 10 (-LT), 12. 1 Pet.

V. 13. 2 Pet. i. 14, 17. IJolm ii. 1.

iii. 13andl8(-G''°LT*S). Rev. i.
Tr/S'. vii. 14( . . Sir), GLi'TTr^.

Dative, 1,
to me, Matt. XXV. 45.
, Rom. xiy.
ii. 3, IZtr, 16, 26, 27. iii. 5, St, 10, 11. Gal. Phil. 21.
ii. 6, 9. i. iii. 1.
12^ye, 16, 20, 21i. x. lOi. xi. 3.
xviii. 4. xxii. 12.
mine, Mark ix. 24. Luke i. 44. ii,
2 Tim.
with thee
iv. 8.


11, 16.
what have
v. 7. Luke
I to do
30. xviii. 3. xix. 27. Jolin ii. 4. ix. 28. John ii. 4.
11, 15, 30. Vets xxi. 13. Rom. xi. unto me, Matt. xxv. 40. Luke iv.
13. xvi. 23. 2 Cor. xi. 30. xii. 5 6. John xviii. 35. xix. 10. Rom.
(-L). Phil. i. 4. Rev. xxii. 16. vii. 13. Gal. vi, 14. Eph. iii. 8.
mine own, John viii. 50. Acts xiii. lleb. X. 30.
22. xxvi. 4. Gal. i. 14. for me, Phil. i. 7.
of mine, Matt. -.
24, 26. Luke with me, Rom. vii. 21. 1 Cor. iv. 3.
xi. 6. at me, John vii. 23.
me. Matt.
24. Mark i.
iii. 11. i\. 19. xvi. 23,
7, 17. v. 31. vii. 14.
viii. 33, 34. Luke iv. 1( (
me, Matt. x. 32. xi. 6. xviii. 26
Tr), 29(f/i£ LTr). xxvi. 31.
LTTr Mark xiv. 27(-G<^TTr>S'). Luke vii.
S), 8(ap). viii. 45, 45(«/)), 46. ix. 23. xii. 8. XV. 29. xxii. 37. John
23. xiv. 27. xix. 27. xxiii. 42. .John V. 46. vi. 56. viii. 12Qioi LTr). x.
L 15ir, 27, 27(ap), ZOir. xi. 41,42. 38i. xii. 2Qtr, xiv. lOt, 11, 20, 30,
XX. 17. Acts X. 30. XV. 7, 17. xxiv. XV. 2, 4t, 5, 6, 7. xvi. 33. xvii. 6
13. XXV. 11. xxvi. 3, 29. 1 Cor. xi. (" TTr), 21, 23. Acts x. 28^ LT^").
2. xiv. 21. 2 Cor. xi. It, 28(LS). xi. 12. xxii. 9. xxiv. 20(-L5).
Rev. i. 10. xxvi. 13. xxviii. 18.
Rom. vii. 8, 17, 18, 20. 1 Cor. ix. vii. 45. ix. 23, 59^ 61. x. 40. xi. 5,
15. xiv. 11. XV. 10. xvi. 4. 2 Cor. 7. XV. 6, 9, 12. xvii. 8. xviii. 5, 22.
i. 17. ix. 4. xi. 10. xiii. 3. Gal. i. XX. 3, 24. xxii. 6S(-TTr^5'). John
2, 16, 24. ii. 3, S^LT), 20. Phil. i. 43(44). iii. 28. iv. 7, 10, 15, 21,
i. 26, 30i. ii. 22. iv. 9, 21. Col. i. 29, 39. V. 36. vi. 37, 39. viii. 45,
29. ITim. i. 16. 46. X. 27, 29, 37. xii. 49. xiii. 36,
my, Heb. xiii. 6. 36(-LTTr;S). xiv. 11, ll(-G°TTrt),
Rom. xii. 19. 31, xvii. 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 22,

!<=«, Rom. vii. 21. Gal. vi. 14. 24t. xviii. 9, 11, xx. 15. xxi. 19,
to me also, Luke i. 3. — of 22, Acts V. 8. vii. 7, 49. xi. 9(-LT
— me

me 1 Cor.
also, xv. 8. also, S), 12. xii. 8. xiii. 2. xx. 19, 22.
Acts viii. 19. xxi. 39. xxii. 5, 11, 27. xxiii. 19,
Add Mark xiv.
See also
6, for ,
GLTTr5'. 30. XXV. 24. xxvii. 23, 25.
Rom. ix. 1. XV. 30. ICor. ix. 16.
XV. 32. 2 Cor. xii. 13. xiii. 10. Gal.
2, iv. 21. vi. 17. Eph. iii. 2. Phil. ii.
to me. Matt. vii. 22. xiv. 18. xvii. 18. iv. 3. 2 Tim. iv. 8, 14, 16, 17.
17. Luke i. 43, 49. x. 22. xviii. 13.
Phm. 22. Heb. ii. 13. x. 5. Jas. ii.
Acts ii. 28. vii. 42. xxii. 9. xxv.
18. 2 Pet. i. 14. Rev. x. 9. xi. 1.
27. Rom. XV. 15. 2 Cor. xii. 7. Gal.
xxi. 10. xxii. 1, 8.
ii. 6. iv. 15. Phil. iii. 7. Col. i. 25.
my, Mark v. 9. Acts vii. 49. 1 Cor.
2 Tim. iv. 11. Heb. i. 5. viii. 10.
Rev. vii. 14,
ix. 18(8)•
2 Cor. vi. 16(//
LS), 18. vii. 4t. Phil. i. 19, 22<'<'.
unto me. Matt. vii. 21. xi. 27. xv.
iv. 16. Rev. xxi. 7.
8 (a;?)• ^^i• 2. xxv. 20, 22. xxviii.
mine, Luke ix. 38.
18. Luke i. 38. iv. 23. xxii. 29.
!<=«, Acts iii. 6. xviii. 10. xxi. 37.
xxiii. 14. John
33. v. 11. ix. 11.
xxii. 6, 17, Rom. vii. 10. ix. 2.
xii. 50. Acts i. S(oLS).
ix. 15.
1 Cor. V. 12. ix. 16.
xi. 7. xxii. 7, 13, 18. xxvii. 21.
Rom. ix. 19. xii. 3. 1 Cor. i. 11. Not rendered, Acts
iii. 10. vi. 12. vii. 1(-T5). ix. 16.
Add, for
xxiv. 11.
John viii. 12, LTr.
Luke vii. 44, TTr. 2 Cor.
xvi. 9. 2 Cor. ii. 12. xii. 9. Gal. ii.
9. Eph. iii. 3, 7. vi. 19. Col. iv. 11.
xi. 28, LS. Acts xx. 23(witness- —
eth . ),GLT5'. 2Tim.i.l8(untome),
2Tim. iii. 11. Plim. 13, 19. Heb.
xiii. 6. Rev. i. 17(om5'). v. 5. vii.
13. X. 4(omS), 9, 11. xiv. 13(om>S).
Accus., 1,
myself, Phm. 17.
xvii. l(omS), 7, 15. xix. 9/, 10. me, Matt. x. 37^ 40i. xviii. 5, 6,
xxi. SC-Go^LTTr), 6. xxii. 6, 9, 10. 21. xxvi. 10, 11. Mark ix. Sltr, 42
for me, Matt. xx. 15. 1 Cor. vi. 12. (-T5). xiv. 6 (e/jo/' GLTTr5), 7.
ix. 15. X. 23t(omS). 2 Cor. ix. 1. Luke iv. 18. ix. 48t. x. IGi. xxii.
xii. l(ap). 2 Tim. iv. 8. 53. xxiii. 28. xxiv. 39. John vi. 35,
with, me, Luke i. 25. Rom. vii. 18. 37, 47(-TTri'5), 57. vii. 7, 38. viii.
Phil. iv. 15. 19/, 42. xi. 25, 26. xii. 8, 30, 44^
in me, Rom. vii. 13. 45, 46, 48. xiii. 18, 20t. xiv. 1, 9,
me, Matt. ii. 8. iv. 9. viii. 21, 22. 12. XV. 18, 20, 23, 24. xvi. 3, 9, 14,
ix. 9. xiv. 8. XV. 25, 32. xvi. 24. 23, 27, 32CTTr6'). xvii. 18, 20,
xviii. 28(-G'OLTTrS). xix. 21, 28. 23. xviii. 8. Acts iii. 22. vii. 37
XX. 13. xxi. 24. xxii. 19. xxv. 35, (mar (J. myself), viii. 24. xiii. 25.
42. xxvi. 15, 53. xxvii. 10. Mark xxii. 6. xxvi. 18.
ii. 14. vi. 25. viii. 2(-LTri'), 34. x. Rom. i. 15. X. 20t. xv. 3. 1 Cor.
21. xi. 29, 30. xii. 15. Luke v. 27. ix. 3. XV. 10. 2 Cor. ii. 5. xi. 10.

xii. 6, 9. 2 Tim. i.
Phil. ii. 27.
8. LS), 10, 130 LS), 21. xxiii. 3/,
Phm. 17(// GLTS). Rev. 1. 17.
both me, John vii. 28. — p"
18, 22. xxiv. 12, 18, 19(// LT5').
XXV. 11. xxvi. 5, 13, 14/, 21, 28.

' , my
also, 1

— my
Cor. xvi. 4.

state. Col. iv. 7.

affairs, Eph. vi. 21.
— the things
xxviii. 18.
Rom. vii. 11, 23, 24. viii.
aS), 2x. 20. 1 Cor. i.
2( L"»
17. iv. 4. xvi.

which happened unto me, Phil. i. 12. 6, 11(//£ L). 2 Cor.

ii. 2. xi. 16/,

TO. , h0W° it Will gO With me, 32. xii. 6, 7, 11, 21 (-St EG). Gal. i.
Phil. ii. 23.
I«°, John iii. 30. ix. 4
Add, for ,
Tr^^S). { ii. 20. iv. 12, 14. Phil, ii, 30. iv.
13. 1 Tim. i. 12/. 2 Tim. i. 15, 16,
John vi. 35, Tr5. 4:4}^\ 17. iii. 11. iv. 9, 10, 16, 17,
Tit, iii. 12. Heb, iii. 9(-G'LT^), 9

TTr. 45, Tr. x. 32, Acts •8.

(ap). viii. Ii. xi. 32. Rev. xvii. 3.
xiii. 25, xxii. 8, 13, LS^ xxiv. 19,
LT5. 1 Cor. xvi. 11, L. For
Matt, xviii. 26, Tr. 29, LTr.
xxvi. 12.
xxi. 9(o7?i »S), 10.
my burial, Matt.
3, ^. p°, Matt. xvi. 13(-GoLbTTr5), 15.
me. Matt. iii. 14. viii. 2. x. 33, 40. xxvi. 32, 35. Mark viii. 27, 29. x.
xi. 28. xiv. 28, 30. xv. 8, 9, 22. 36(-G"LTr^«). xiv. 28, 31. Luke
xviii. 32. xix. 14, 17. xxii. 18. ii. 49. iv, 43. ix. 18, 20. x. 35. xi.
xxiii. 39. XXV. 35i, 36tr, 42, 43ir. 18. xiii. 33. xix. 5, 27. xxii. 15.
xxvi. 21, 23, 34, 46, 55i, 75. xxvii. John X. 16. Acts xi. 15. xiii. 25(^
46. xxviii. 10. LS). xvi. 30. xviii. 21 («p). xix.
Mark i. 40. v. 7. vi. 22, 2Z(-G°S). 21/. xxii. 17. XXV. 10. Rom. xv. 16,
vii. 6, 7. viii. 38. ix. 19, 37, 39. x. 19. 3 Cor. ii. 3, 13. vii. 7. xii. 21(^
14, 18, 47, 48. xii. 15. xiv. 18, 30, LTS). Gal. iv. 18. Eph. vi. 20.
42, 48, 49, 72. xv. 34. Pliil. i. *l(r7iarg. me). Col. iv. 4.
Luke i. 43, 48. ii. 49. iv. 18/. v. Not rendered, Acts xxiv. ld(^omS').
12. vi. 46, 47. viii. 28. ix. 26. 48. ^,
both me, John vii. 28. p» —
X. 1'6, 40. xi. G. xii. 9, 14. xiii.
xiv. 18, 19, 26. xv. 19. xvi. 4, 24.
35. also, 1 Cor.
Add, for
xvi. 4.
Phm. 17, GLTS.—
xviii. 3, 5, 16, 19, 38, 39. xx. 23 John vii. 34(me2d), 36(me'^'i), L.
(ap). xxii. 21, 34, 61. xxiv. 39. X. 14(ap). xiv. 14(ask
John i. 33, 48(49). ii. 17. iv. 34. 1 Tim. i. 13( . . who was), L.
V. 7, 11, 24, 30, 36, 37, 40, 43. vi. . .), V'S. .

26, 5(^ Ti'S), 36(-L'^5), 37, 38,

39, 40(;ioyG"LTTr6'),44(tw TTr), xix. 44.
44, 45(// Tr), 57i, 65. vii. 16, 19,
28, 29, 33, 34, 36, 37. viii. 16, 18,
21, 26, 28, 2dt, 37, 40, 42, 46, 49,
ground, Acts xxii. 7.
lay even with the ground, Luke

54. ix. 4. X. 15, 17, 32(^
xi. 42. xii. 27, 44, 45, 49. xiii. 13, steadfast, 1 Cor. vii. 37(-G«>). xv.
20, 21, 33, 38. xiv. 7, 9, 15, 19/, 58.
settled,. Col. i. 23.

21/, 23, 24/, 28. xv. 9, 16, 21, 25.
xvi. 5/, 10, 16/, 17/, 19/. xvii. 5, 8,
21, 23, 24, 25, 26. xviii. 21, 23. gToma(,rnarg. stay), 1 Tim. iii. 15.
xix. 11. XX. 21, 29. xxi. 15, 16,17/.
Acts ii. 28. vii. 2S. viii. 31, 36.
will worship. Col. ii. 23.
ix. 4, 6(_ap), 17. x. 29. xi. 11. xii.
11. xvi. 15. XX. 23. xxii. 7, 8{ See &. &.
6& 107

^, ei

&. Add 1 Cor. i. 23, for GL

Pass.f custom,
governor, 2 Cor. xi. 32.
Luke ii. 27^. T5. Rev. XV.

custom, Luke
14(juarg. rite),
3. for

9. ii. 42. Acts vi.

xvi. 21. xxi. 21.


TTr5. 3 John 7, for

heathen man. Matt, xviii. 17.
With art., the heathen. Matt. vi. 7p'.
Add Matt. v. 47, for GL
xxvi. 3. xxviii. 17.
manner, John xix. 40. Acts xv. 1.
XXV. 16. Heb. x. 25.
xxii. 39.
as one is wont, Luke

8&, &.
after the manner of Gentiles, Gal.
he wont. Matt, xxvii. 15. Mark x. 1,
ii. 14.
&. Luke
TO ^,—
iv. 16. as
as his*'

custom was,
manner was,
nation, Matt. xxi. 43. xxiv. It, 9,
14. XXV. 32. xxviii. 19. Mark xi.
17. xiii. St, 10. Luke vii. 5. xii. 30.
xxi. lOi, 24, 25. xxiii. 2. xxiv. 47.
Acts xvii. 2.

. See
John xi. 48, 50, 51, 52. xviii. 35. With the Optative, marked <•?' ; with
Acts ii. 5. vii. 7. x. 22, 35. xiii. 19. the Subjunctive, ^^K
xiv. 16. xvii. 26. xxiv. 2, 10, 17. I. As a conditional particle,
xxvi. 4. xxviii. 19. Matt. iv.3, 6. v. 29, 30. vi. 23,
Rom. i. 5. iv. 17, 18. x. 19. xvi. 30. vii. 11. viii. 31. x. 25. xi. 14,
26. Gal. iii, 8. 1 Pet. ii. 9. Rev. ii. 21, 23. xii. 7, 26, 27, 28. xiv. 28.
26. V. 9. vii. 9. x. 11. xi. 9, 18. xvii. 4. xviii. 8, 9. xix. 10, 17, 21.
xii. 5. xiii. 7. xiv. 6, 8. xv. 4(-G"). xxii. 45. xxiii. 30. xxiv. 24, 43.
xvi. 19. xvii. 15. xviii. 3, 23. xix. xxvi. 24, 39. 42. xxvii. 40, 42(-G^
15. XX. 3, 8. xxi. 24, 26. xxii. 2.
people, Acts viii. 9. Rom.
x. 19.
3), 43. Mark iii. 26. ix. 23. xi.
13, 26 (a/?), xiii. 22. xiv. 21, 35.
Plural, Gentiles, Mait. iv. 15. vi. Luke iv. 3, 9. vi. 32. vii. 39. x.
32. X. 5, 18. xii. 18, 21. xx. 19, 25. 13. xi. 13, 19, 20, 36. xii. 26, 28,
Mark x. 33, 42. Luke ii. 32. xviii. 39, 49. xvi. n, 12, 31. xvii. 6. xix.
32. xxi. 24i. xxii. 25. Acts iv. 27.
vii. 45. ix. 15. x. 45. xi. 1, 18.
Xiii. 42(0^5"), 46, 47, 48. xiv. 2, 5,
39 (
42. xxii. 42. xxiii. 31, 35, 37(-L'0,
L^TTrS). John i. 25. iii.
12. iv, 10. V. 47. vii. 4, 23. viii.
27. XV. 3, 7, 12, 14, 17, 19, 23. xviii. 19, 39, 42, 46. ix. 41. x. 24. 35,
6. xxi. 11, 19, 21, 25. xxii. 21. 37, 38. xi. 12, 21, 32. xiii. 14, 17,
xxvi. 17, 20, 23. xxviii. 28. 32(). xiv. 7, 28. xv. 18, 19, 20/.
Rom. i. 13. ii. 14, 24. iii. 29/. ix. xviii. 8, 23/, 36. xx. 15.
24, 30. xi. 11, 12, 13/, 25. xv. 9/, Acts iv. 9. V. 39. viii. 37(a/7). xiii.
10, 11, 12/, 16/, 18, 27. xvi. 4. 15. xvi. 15. xvii. 27°p*. xviii. 14,
ICor. V. 1. X. 20(-G"LT). xii. 2. 15. xix. 38, 39. xx. 16. xxiii. 9.
Gal. ii. 2, 8, 12, 14, 15. iii. 14. XXV. 11/. xxvii. 39«P^
Eph. ii. 11. iii. 1, 6, 8. iv. 17. Col. Rom. iii. 3, 5, 7. iv. 2, 14. v. 10,
i. 27. IThes. ii. 16. iv. 5.

ii. 7. iii. 16.

1 Pet. ii. 12. iv. 3. 3 John 1 (

1 Tim. 15, 17. vi. 5, 8. vii. 16, 20. viii.
2 Tim. L 11. iv. 17. 10, 11, 13/, 17, 25, 31. ix. 22. xi.
6, 6(ap), 12, 15, 16/, 18, 21, 24.
G'LT5). Rev. xi. 2. —heathen, Acts xii. 18. xiv. 15. xv. 27.
iv. 25. 2 Cor. xi. 26. Gal. 1. 16. ii. 1 Cor. vi. 2. vii. 9, 15. vui. 13.
9. iii. 8. ix. 2. 11/, 12, 17/. X. 30. xi. 6/, 31.
CI 108 ti

xii. 17, 19. xiv. 35. xv. 2, 12, 13. III. With other particles.
14, 16, 17, 19, 29, 32i. 2 Cor. ii. 2. dye or ti ye.
11. V. 14(15, -G^LS). viii.
iii. 7, 9, if so be that, 2 Cor. v. 3(1! L).
12. xi. 4, 30. Eph. iv. 21.
Gal. i. 10. ii. 14, 17, 18, 21. iii. if, Eph. iii. 2. Col. i. 23.

18, 21, 29. iv. 7, 15. v. 11, 15, 18, Elye , if yet. Gal. iii. 4.
25. Phil. i. 22. Col. ii. 20. iii. 1.
IThes. iv. 14. 1 Tim. v. lO^ye.
tl , y'^.
^Tim. ii. 11, 12/, 13. Plim. 17, 18. and if not, Luke xiii. 92.
if not, Luke x. 62. John xiv. 22.
'Heb. ii. 2. iv. 3, 5, 8. vii. 11. viii.
if otherwise, Luke v. 36^. 2 Cor.
4, 7. ix. 13. xi. 15. xii. 1(ekhTS),
xi. 162.
8, 25. Jas. ii. 8, 9, 11. iii. 14. iv.
otherwise. Matt. vi. I2.
11. 1 Pet. i. 6, 17. ii. 19, 20i. iii.
17«P^ iv. 14, 16, 17, 18. 2 Pet. ii. 4, or else, Luke xiv. 322. John xiv.
11. Rev. ii. 5, 16.
20. 1 John ii. 19. iii. 13. iv. 11. v. 9.
else. Matt. ix. I72. Mark ii. 21, 22.
whether, Acts xvii. II^p'. xxv. Luke V. 372.

that, Mark
Acts xxvi. 8, 23i.
ix. 42. Luke xvii. 2. \ ,\
if also, Luke
\'xi. I82.
2 Cor. xL 15.

for that, Heb. vii. 15. now if, 1 Cor. iv. 7.

forasmuch as, Acts xi. 17. if that, Phil. iii. 12^•^^.
though, 2 Cor. xiii. 4(-L»5). but if, 1 Cor. vii. 21•^ 2 Cor. iv. 3».
not, Heb. iii. 11 (GV. if). but and if, 1 Pet. iii. 143*.

1 Cor. XV. 37.
'^^—viii. 12.
it may chance,
yea, and if, Phil. ii. 17^.
though, Matt. xxvi. 33 omS,
it may be, 1 Cor. -ii aS). Luke xi. 8. xviii. 4. 2 Cor.
xiv. 10. vii. Str, 12. xii. 11, 15(-/ LaS).
Not rendered, John v. 46. 1 Cor. Col.
ii. 8.

Add Luke xi. 11, for r/, St. Rom.

ii. 5. Heb.
although, Mark xiv. 29*(
yea, though, 2 Cor. v. 162.
vi. 9.

17, see We. 1 Cor. xv. 44( . . there
a n.), LT. Heb. vi. 14, see
Jas. iii. 3, see Uov. 1 Pet. ii. 3, for
. but though, 2 Cor. iv. 163, xi.
•/, ,

John xv. 22, 24.

ix. 33.
ft /, L/S. if not,
xviii. 30. Acts xxvi. 32.
In interrogation^ direct or indi-
II. unless, ICor. xv. 2^.
rect, except. Matt. xix. 9(a/>). xxiv. 22.
whether, Matt. xxvi. 63. xxvii. 49. John xix. 11. Rom. vii. 7. ix. 29.
Mark iii. 2. xv. 36, 44-2^. Luke vi. 7. 1 Cor. xiv. 52. 2 Cor. xii. 13.
xiv. 28, 31. xxiii. 6. John ix. 25.
except that, Mark xiii. 20.
Acts iv. 19. v. 8. X. 18. xix. 2. 1 Cor.
but. Matt. V. 13. xi. 27. xii. 4, 24,
vii. 16i. 2 Cor. ii. 9. xiii. 5. 1 John
39. xiv. 17. XV. 24. xvi. 4. xvii.
iv. 1.
21 (a/)), xix. 17(;). xxi. 19. xxiv.
ii Mark xv. 441»^ Acts viii. 22. 36. Mark ii. 7, 2(>. vi. 4. ix. 29. x.
Not rendered, Matt. xii. 10. xix. 3. 18. xi. 13. xiii. 32. Luke v. 21. vi.
Mark x. 2. Luke xiii. 23. xiv. 8(-T
4. X. 22i. xi. 29. John iii. 13. x.
Tr*S). xxii. 49, 67. Acts i. 6. vii. 1.
10. xiv. 6. xvii. 12. xix. 15. Acts
xix. 2. xxi. 37. xxii, 25, 21{omS).
xi. 19.
Add Matt. XX. 15, for -^
CStG'T. Rom. vii. 7. xi. 15. xiii. 1, 8. xiv.
Lake vi. 9, for ri ft. , LTTr/S. 14. ICor. i. 14. ii. 11. vii. 17. viii.
tidsa 109
4. . 13. xii. 3. 2 Cor. ii. 2. xii. 5. Tit. i. 6. Jas. i. 5, 23. 1 Pet. iu. 1.
Gal, i. 7. Eph. iv. 9. Phil. iv. 15. 3 John 10.
ITim. V. 19^. Heb. iii. 18. IJohn if some, Rom. xi. 17»•.
ii. 22. V. 5. Rev. ix. 4. xiv. 3. xix. if any man, Mutt. xvi. 24. Mark iv.
12. xxi. 27. 23. vii. 16(a/;). ix. 35. Luke ix. 23.
save, Matt. xi. 27. xiii. 57. xvii. xiv. 26. xix. 8. Rom. viii. 9. 1 Cor.
8. Mark v. 37. vi. 8. Luke iv. iii. 12, 14, 15, 17, 18. vii. 36. viiL 2.
viii. 51. xvii. IS. xviii. 19. Jolin 2, 3. xi. 16, 34. xiv. 37, 38. xvi.
vi. 22, 46. 1 Cor. ii. 2, 11. Gal. i. 22. 2 Cor. V. 17. x. 7. Gal. i. 9.
19. vi. 14. Rev. xiii. 17. Phil. iii. 4. 2 Thes. iii. 14. ITim.
saving, Luke iv. 27. Rev. ii. 17. V. 16. vi. 3. Jas. i. 26. iii. 2. 1 Pet.
save that, Mark vi. 5. iv. 11/. Rev. xi. 5P^'i(ind. GLTTr,
save only that, Acts xxi. 25(a/>). xiv. 9.
'^'>S). xiii. 9.

Mark viii. 14.
more than, if a man, 2 Cor. xi. 20^re. Gal. vi.

ft till, Mark ix. 9.
3. ITim. iii. 1, 5.

Add Mark ix. 8, for LS, if any thing, Mark ix. 22. 2 Cor.
Add Mark ix. 8, for L>S'. John ii. 10. vii. 14. Phil. iii. 15. 1 Tim.
xiii. 10, for /), LTr. 2 Cor. iii. 1, for i. 10.
," StG'. . ,
. if aught,
Acts xxiv. 19°P».
viii. 23. xi. 25.

except, Luke ix. 13=^^^. 1 Cor. vii.

5. 2 Cor. xiii. 5.

ii or , whether any, 1 Cor. i. 16.

whosoever, Rev. xiv. 11. xx. 15.
he that, Rev. xiii. lOi.
if so be that,
1 Cor. XV. 15.
if so be, 1 Pet. ii.


9. 17.
Add, for ,
that which, Eph. iv. 29.
Matt, xviii. 28, GL

TTr^". Mark viii. 34, G^LTr.?. For
seeing, 2Tlie3. i. 6.
though, 1 Cor. viii. 5.
Add Rom. iii. 30, {^
, G'LS» ., ..
1 Cor. xii. 26, L.


by any means, Acts xxvii. 12op*. L
Rom, (For the present tense see ,)
firs ,

10. xi. 14. Phil.

, ft or
, . .


see, Matt. ii. 2, 9, IOp, 11
StE), 16P. iii. 7?, 16. iv. 16, 18, 21.
V. 1, 16. viii. 14, 18p, 34p. ix. 2, 8?,
xii. 6», 7°^ 8°(-G°). 1 Cor. iii. 22,
9, Up, 22p, 23, 36p. xi. 8, 9. xii. 2p,
22«sia;. x. 31, 31°. xii. 13i,
viii. 5.
38. xiii. 15, lit. xiv. 14, 2<St. xvi.
26C^'eZ TL L). xiv. 7. XV. 11. 2 Cor.
28. xvii. 8. xviii. 31p. xx. 3. xxi.
V, 9, 10. viii. 23. xii. 3. Eph. vi. 8.
15P, 19P, 20P, 32p, 38p. xxii. 11.
PhiL i. 18, 20, 27. Col. i. 16, 16%
xxiii. 39. xxiv. 15, 33. xxv. 37, 38,
20. IThes. V. 10*y. 2Thes.ii.l5.
1 Pet. 13 and 14.
ii. whether — . . or
39, 44. xxvi. 8p, 58, 71. xxvii. 3p,
24p, 49, 54. xxviii. 6, 17p.
whether, 2 Cor. i. 6. v. 13. xii. 2.
Mark i. 10, 16, 19. ii. 5p, 12, 14,
whether, 1 Cor. xiii. 8/r. 16P. V. 6P, 14, 16, 22p, 32. vi. 33,
if, 1 Cor. xiv. 27.
34, 38, 48, 49P, 50. vii. 2?. ix. 1, 8,

any. Acts xxiv. 20(ri GLTS).
neut, , 9, 14, 20P, 25P, 38. x. 14p. xi. 13,
20. xii. 15, 34p. xiii. 14, 29. xiv.
XXV. 5. Rom. xiii. 9. 1 Cor. vii. 12. u7p, 69. XV. 32, 36, 39p. xvi. 5.
X. 27. 2 Cor. ii. 5. Phil. ii. 1/. iv. Luke i. 12p, 29p(G', -GTTr-S). iL
B/. SThes. iii. 10. 1 Tim. v. 4, 8. 15, 17P, 20, 26i, 30, 48p. v. 2, 8p,
110 e2dov

12, 20,
26. Til. 13p, 22, 25, 26, 39p. consider, Acts xv. 6.
viii. 20, 28P, 34p, 35, 36, 47p ix. 9, know, Matt. ix. 4(oMa G'LTr).

27, 32, 49, 54p. x. 24/, 31p, 33p. xi.
Add, for J
John xxi, 9, L™.
38P. xii. 54. xiii. 12p, 35. xiv. 18.
XV. 20. xvii. 14f, 15p, 22. xviii.
15P, 24p, 43p. xix. 3, 4, 5(-TrS),
Rev. yi. 1, 5, 7, GaS(-Go). xxii. 8,
see For Luke v. 27,
L^\ Acts viii, 18, GLTaS.— Phil,
7p, 37. XX. 13i'(-G"°LTr60, 14p.
xxi. 1, 2, 20, 31. xxii. 49p, 58.
xxiii, 8p, 8/, 47p. xxiv. 24, 39.
ii. 26 (longed . .), >8.

See also Zde, ^.

John i. 33, 39/(40,
pauG'TTr), 46(47), 47(48), 48(49),
50(51). iii. 3. iv. 29, 48. v. 6p. vi.
fr. 6-

Literally have seen

; hence,
14p, 22p, 24, 26, 30. viii. 56/. ix. 1. know, Matt. vi. 8, 32. ix. 6. xii.

xi. 3lP, 32, 33, 34. xii. 9, 21, 40, 25. XV. 12. XX. 22, 16, 25. xxii.
29. xxiv. 86, 42, 43. xxv. 12, 13,
41. xviii. 26. xix. 6, 26p, 33. xx.
26. xxvi. 2, 70, 72, 74. xxvii. 18.
8, 20P, 25, 29. xxi. 21.
xxviii. 5.
Acts ii. 27, 31. iii. 3, 9, 12p. iv.
20. vi. 15. vii. 24, 81p, 34/, 55. viii. Mark i. 24, 34. ii. 10. iv. 13, 27.
V. 83. vi. 20. X. 19, 38, 42. xii. 14,
39. ix. 12, 27, 35, 40?. x. 3, 17. xi.
15{f?(5ov G'S), 24p. xiii. 82, 33, 35.
6, 6, 13, 23P. xii. 3p, 16. xiii. 12p,
xiv. 68, 71.
35, 36, 37, 45P. xiv. Up. xvi. 10,
19p, 27,40p. xix. 21. xxi. 32p. xxii. Luke 34, 41. v. 24. vi. 8. viii.
53. ix. 33, 65(a/)). xi. 17. xii.
14, 18. xxvi. 13, 16. xxviii. 4, 15p,
30, 39. xiii. 25, 27. xviii. 20. xix.
20, 27.
22. XX. 21. xxii. 34, 57, 60. xxiii.
Rom. i. 11. ICor. ii. 9. viii. 10.
xvi. 7. Gal i. 19. ii. 7p, 14, vi. 11.
Phil. i. 27, 30. ii. 28p. iv. 9. 1 Thes.
John i. 26, 31, 33. ii. 9/. iii. 2, 11.
iv. 10, 22/, 25, 42. v. 32. vi. 6, 42,
ii. 17. iii. 6, 10. 1 Tim. vi. I6t.
6lP, 64. vii. 15, 27, 28/r, 29. viii.
2 Tim. i.4. Heb. iii. 9. xi. 5, 13, 23.
Jas. V. 11. 1 Pet. i. 8 (oUa StEG). 14, 19/r, 37, 55/r, ix. 12, 20, 21/,
iii. 10. 1 John v. 16. 3 John 14. 24, 25/, 29/, 30, 31. x. 4, 5. xi. 22,
Rev. 24, 42, 49, xii, 35, 50. xiii. 1p, 3,
1. 2, 12, 17, 19, 20, 20(om,S').
iv. 4(omS). V. 1, 2. vi. 1, 2(-G°o), 7, 11, 17, 18. xiv. 4, 4(-Li'TTr5),
5/. XV, 15, 21, xvi. 30. xviii. 2, 4,
9. vii. 1, 2. viii. 2. ix. 1, 17. x. 1,
5. xii. 13. d(^omS). xiv.
xiii. 1, 2,
21. xix. 10, 28(^
G'), 35. xx. 2,
9, 13, 14. xxi. 4, 12, 15, 16, 17, 24.
6. XV. xvi. 13. xvii. 3, 6, 6p,
1, 2.
8, 12, 15, 16, 18. xviii. 1, 7. xix. Acts ii. 22, 30. iii. 16. v. 7. vii.
11, 17, 19. XX. 1, 4, 11, 12. xxi. 1, 18. X. 37. xii. 11. xvi. 3. xix. 32.
2, 22. XX. 22, 25, 29. xxvi. 3p, 4, 27.
perceive, Matt. xiii. 14. Mark iv. Rom. iii. 19. v, 3. vi. 9, 16. vii.
12. Luke ix. 47. Acts xiv. 9. xxviii. 7, 14, 18. viii. 22, 26, 27, 28. xiii.
behold, Markix. 15p. Luke xix. 41. 11{
11. xiv. 14. ICor. i. 16. ii. 2, 11,
G"LTS), 12. iiL 16. v.
xxi. 29. xxii, 56. xxiv. 39. John
XX. 27. Acts xiii. 41. Rom, xi. 22. viii. 1, 2(
6. vi, 2, 3, 9, 15, 16, 19. vii. 16/.
LTS), 4. ix. 13,
IJohu iii. 1. Rev. v. 6, 11. vi. 5 24. xi. 3. xii. 2. xiv. 11. xv, 58?.
(-G<«), 12. vii. 9. viii. 13. xiii, 11, xvi. 15. 2 Cor. i. 7. iv. 14. v. 1, 6,
look, John vii. 52. Rev, iv, 1. vi. 11, 16. ix. 2. xi. 11, 31. xii. 2/, 3/.
Si-G""). xiv. 1, 14. XV. 5. Gal. ii. 16. iv. 8p, 13. Eph. 1. 18.
look on, Mark viii. 33. Luke x. 32. vi. 8, 9, 21. Phil. i. 17, 19, 25. iv.
. .

Ill eixm
15. Col. ii. 24. iv. 1, 6. 1 Thcs
1. iii.
i.4, 5. ii. 1,2, 5, 11. iii. 3,4. iv. 2, 5. v
thing sacrificed unto idols, Rev. ii.
2, 12. 2 Thes. i. 8. ii. 6. iii. 7. 1 Tim
14, 20.
j. 8, 9. iii. 15. 2 Tim. i. 12, 15. ii. 23.
iii. 14, 15. Tit.
i. 16.
30. xii. 17. Jas. iii.
vlii. 11. x.
iii. 11. Phm. 21
that which is offered in sacrifice to
X. 28(^
offered in sacrifice unto idols,
1 Cor.

1. iv. 4, 17. 1 Pet. i. 18". iii. 9(-G"oL

TS). V. 9. 2 Pet. i. 12, 14. 1 John idols, 1 Cor. X. 19.
ii. 11, 20, 2lt, 29. iii. 2, 5, 14, 15. v. 13,
thing that is offered in sacrifice un-
15/, 18, 19, 20. 3 Jolin 12. Jude 5", 10. to idols, 1 Cor. viii. 4.
Kev. ii. 2, 9, 13, 19. iii. 1, 8, 15, 17. thing offered unto an idol, ICor.

vii. 14. xii. 12p. xix. 12. viii. 7.

know of, John iv. 32. thing offered to idols, Acts xxi. 25.
have knowledge, Acts xxiv. 22. thing offered unto idols, 1 Cor. viii, 1
thing which is offered to idols,
wis, {imp. wist,) Mark ix. 6. xir.

1 Cor. viii. 10.
40. Luke ii. 49. Jolm v. 13. Acts
xii. 9. xxiii. 5.
meat offered to idols, Acts xv. 29.
wot, Acts iii. 17. vh. 40. Rom.
xi. 2. idolatry, 1 Cor. x. 14. Gal. v. 20.
understand, 1 Cor. xiii. 2. xiv. 16. Col. iii. 5. 1 Pet. iv. 3.

Derceive, Mark xii. 28{! LTr»S).

be aware, Luke xi. 44. idolater, 1 Cor. v. 10, 11. vi. 9. x.
be sure,
XV. 29.
can tell,
Jolm xvi. 30.

Matt. xxi. 27.


ii. 2.

7. Epli. V. 5.

Rev. xxi.

idol, Acts vii. 41. xv. 20. Rom. ii.

8, xxii. 15.

33. Luke xx. 7. John iii. 8. viii.

22. 1 Cor. viii. 4, 7. x. l9(op). xii.
14. xvi. 18. 2 Cor. xii. 2t, 3(-L),
2. 2 Cor. vi, 16. 1 Thes. i. 9. 1 John
know how, Matt. vii. 11. Luke xi. V. 21.
iii. 5.
iv. 12^ 1 Tlies.
2 Pet. ii. 9.
iv. 4. 1
Rev.ix. 20.
etc. See .
can. Matt, xxvii. 65.
, Luke xii. 56. ftx J L.

,Attic forms,

Add, for ,
Acts xxvi. 4.


John xiv. 7, Tr. in vain, Rom. xiii. 4. 1 Cor. xv. 2.

17 without a cause, Matt, y. 22(-LT

Rev. ii. 17, GLTTr S.

Eph. V. 5, GLT5'; for
19, G'L,
iart for

Jas. i.
Mark iii. I2(ap) —
TrS. Acts xxvi. 3P(be-

Gal. iii. 4t. iv. 11.
vainly. Col. ii. 18.

irregular form of the

for ace.
from Rev. xiii. 14, LT.
cause I

know), C. See also
twenty, Luke xiv. 31. John vi. 19.

Bight, 2 Cor. V.
appearance, 1 Thes. v. 22.

fashion, Luke ix. 29.

^ -^
shape, Luke iii. 22. John v. 37.

Acts i. 15. xxvii. 28. 1 Cor. x. 8.
Rev. iv. 4i, 10. v. 8, 14(om5). xi.
16. xix. 4.
StQ, -,

idol's temple,

Cor. vlii. 10.

give place. Gal.

be like, Jas. i. 6,


112 -
18. ii. 23^ iii. 17. xviii. 7. xix. 10.
image, Matt. xxii. 20. Mark xii. xxi. 6(-G"5)i. xxii. 9, 13(omS)\
16. Luke XX. 24. Rom. i. 23. viii.
29. 1 Cor. xi. 7. xv. 49t. 2 Cor. iii. With conj.j if I be, 1 Cor. ix. 2. —

18. iv. 4. Col. i. 15. iii. 10. Heb. x. though I be, 2 Cor. xii. 11.
1. Rev. xiii. 14(acc. LT), I5ir. itisP, Matt. xiv. 27, xxvi. 22,
xiv. 9, 11. XV. 2. xvi. 2. xix. 20. 25. Mark vi. 50. Luke xxiv. 39.
XX. 4. John vi. 20.

pure, 2 Pet.
sincerity, 1 Cor. v. 8.
ii. 17.


2 Cor.

i. 12.
have I been ? John xiv.

26. for
Luke xix. 22i.
I "was,

See also
, ,,,
Add Luke xxiv. 36(a;>). Acts xx.

thou art (art thou), Matt, it
6^. v.

25. xi. 32. xiv. 33. xvi. 1G\ 17, 18,

roll together, Rev. vi. 14?.

. See . 23. xxii. 16. xxv. 24. xxvi. 73^.

ely rjVj

With lyoj marked *



,*; , *
xxvii. 112. Mark i. 11^, 24. iii. II2.
viii. 292. xii. 14, 34. xiv. 61^, 70i.
XV. 22. Luke iii. 222. i^. 34^ 412.

vii. 192, 202. XV. 31. xix. 21. xxii.
582, 67(66)2, 702. 32^ 40.

John i.192, 21^2, 22, 42(43)2, 49

I am (am
I. Present.
Indicative; 1,
I), Matt.
11. viii. 8, iii.
, (50)^2. iii. 102. iv. 122, 192. yi. e92.
vii. 522. yiii. 252, 482, 532,
xL 272.
172, 252, 332, 372.
91. xi. 29. xviii. 20. xx. 15^. xxii.
xix. 92, 12. xxi. 122.
32^ xxiv, 5^. xxvii. 24, 43. xxviii. Acts ix. 5. xiii. 332. y^j. 332^ xxii.
20. Mark i. 7. xiii. 6K xiv. 62K 8, 272. xxvi. 15.
Luke i. 181, 191.
uj. ig. y. g. vii.
Rom. ii. 1. ix. 202. xiv. 42. Gal.
6, 8. XV. 19, 21. xviii. 11. xxi. 8^ iv. 7. Heb. i. 52, 122. y, 52. jag. {y,
xxii. 27S 33, 58, 70i.
11, 122. Rev. ii. 9. iii. 1, 15, 16,
John i. 20s 21, 27^. iii. 28S 28. 17. iv. 11. V. 9. xvi. 5.
iv. 261. vi. 351, 411, 431, 511. vii.
28, 29, 33, 341, 361. yui. 121, 16,
With , if thou be, Matt. iv. 3, 6.
xxvii, 40. Luke iv. 3, 9. xxiii. 37^,
181, 23^1, 241, 281, 58i. ix. 5. 9". x. 392. John i. 252. X. 242.— if it be
71, 91, 111, 141^ 3G. xi. 251. xii. 261.
thou, Matt. xiv. 282. — whether thou
, .,
xiii. 13, 191, 33. xiv. 31, 61. xv. V,
be. Matt. xxvi. 632.
51. xvii. 11, 14, 16, 24i.
xvi. 32.
Add Rev. XV. 4, see
xviii. 51, 61, 81, 17, 25, 35i, 37i.
xix. 21. 3,
Acts ix. 51. X. 211, 261. xiii. 25i, is, Matt. 20, 23. ii. 2. iii. 3, 11,

25. xviii. 101. xxi. 39i. xxii. 31, 81. 17. V. 3, 10, 34, 35i, 48. vi. 13(ap),
xxiii. 61. xxvi. 15i, 29i. xxvii. 23. 21, 22, 25. vii. 9(-LTr), 12. viii.
Rom. 1. 14. vii. 14i. xi. l^, 13'. 27. ix. 5, 15. X. 10(-LTTr5), 11,
1 Cor. i. 121. iu. 41. i^^ 2. xii. . 24, 26, 37i, 38. xi. 6, 10, 11, 14,
15<, 16i. xiii. 2. xv. 91, 9, lOi. 16, 30. xii. 6, 8, 23, 30, 48, 50.
2 Cor. xii. 10. Phil. iv. 11. Col. ii. 5. xiii. 19, 20, 22, 23, 31, 32t, 33, 37,
1 Tim.
2 Pet.

13. Rev.
1 Pet. 1.
i. 81,
1G(-LT>S)'. 38, 39i, 44, 45, 47, 52, 55, 57. xiv.
ll\ap), n\
2, 15, 26. XV. 26(st{e xvii. ).
4, 5. xviii. 1, 4, 8, 9, 14. xix. 14, xii. 15. xvi. 12. xvii. 3. xix. 35.
24, 26. XX. 1, 15. 23. xxi. 10, 11, XX. 10, 35. xxi. 22, 28. xxii. 26.
38, 42. xxii. 8, 32, 38, 42, 45. xxiii. xxiii. 19. XXV. 14, 16. xxviii. 4.
8, 9, lO(-G'), 16, 17, 18. xxiv. 6, Rom. i. 25. ii. 2, 11,
9, 12, 16, 19,
26, 33, 45. xxvi. 18, 26, 28, 38, 28. iii. 8, 10, lli,12t,18, 22. iv. 15,
48, 6Q, 68. xxvii. 6, 33, 37. xxviii. 16. V. 14. vii. 3, 14. viii. 9, 24, 34.
Marki. 21 (ap). 19, 28. iii.
17, 29, 33, 35. iv. 21, 26, 31
ii. 9,
fr. (
X. l^ap), 8, 12. xi.
1, 4i. xiv. 4(see
xvi. 5.
23. xiii.
17, 23.

LTr5'), 41. v. 41. vi. 3, 4, 15, 1 Cor. i. 18/, 25/. iii. 5, 7, 11, 13,
15(-LtTTr5), 16(-GL^TTr,S), 35. 17, 19. iv. 3, 4, 17. vi. 5(m GLT>S),
vii. 15, 27, 34. ix. 5, 7, 21, 39, 40, 7, 16, 17, 18, 19. vii. 8{omS), 9, 19/,
42, 43, 45, 47. x. 14, 24, 25, 29, 40. 22/, 39, 40. ix. 3, 16, 18. x. 16/,
xii. 7, 11, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32i, 33, 19 (), 19, 28. xi, 3, 5, 7, 8, 13,
35, 37. xiii. 28, 29, 33. xiv. 14, 22, 14, 15, 20(marg. can'=°), 24, 25. xii.
24, 34, 44, 69. xv. 22, 34, 43. xvi. 6(^o7nS), 12, 14, 15, 16. xiv. 14, 15,
6. 25, 26, 33, 35. xv. 12, 13, 44/, 58.
Luke i. 36, 61, 63. ii. 11. iv. 22, xvi. 15.
24. V. 21, 23, 34, 39. vi. 5, 20, 35, 2 Cor. i. 12. ii. 2(-G°LT5), 3. iii.
36, 40, 47, 48, 49. vii. 23, 27, 28i, 17. iv. 3, 4. vii. 15. ix. 1. x. 18.
39, 49. viii. Hi, 17, 25(-LTTr;S), xi. 10. xii. 13. xiii. 5(-LbT).
25, 26, 30. ix. 9, 33, 35, 38, 50i, 62. Gal. i. 7, 11. iii. 12, 16, 20/. iv. 1,
X. 7(-LTTr5), 22i, 29, 42. xi. 23, 2, 24, 25, 26/. v. 3, 22, 23. Eph. i.
29, 34i. xii. 1, 2, 6, 23, 34, 42. xiii. 14, 18, 23. ii. 14. iii. 13. iv. 9, 10,
18, 19, 21. xiv. 22, 35. xv. 31. xvi. 15, 21. V. 5, 10, 12, 13, 18, 23, 23

16, 25, 29. xix. 9, 4(

lOi, 15(owi5), 17. xvii. 1, 21. xviii. (-Go^LT^S), 32. vi. 1, 2, 9/, 17.
L°^TTr, Phil. i. 7, S(-G<'L^S), 28. ii. 13.
-S). XX. 2, 14, 17, 38, 44. xxi. 30, Col. i. 7, 15, 17, 18/, 24, 27. ii. 10.
31. xxii. 11, 19, 38, 53, 59, 64. iii. 5, 14, 20, 25. iv. 9.
xxiii. 15, 38(). xxiv. 6, 29. IThes. ii. 13. iv. 3. 2Thes. i. 3.
Joliii i. 19, 27 (-GLi'TTr*S), 30, ii. iii. 3, 17.
4, 9. 1 Tim. i. 5, 20.
33, 34, 42, 47(48). iii. 6t, 8, 19, 29, 15, 16. iv. 8, 10. v. 4, 8. vi. 6,

31^ 31 («p), 33. iv. 10, 11, 18, 20, 10. 2 Tim. i. 6, 12. ii. 17. iv. 11/.
22, 23, 29, 34, 37, 42. v. 2, 10, 12, Tit. i. 13.
25, 27, 30, 31, 32/, 45. vi. 9, 14, 29, Heb. ii. 6. iv. 13. v. 13. vii. 2, 15.
31, 33, 39, 40, 42, 45, 50, 51, 55i, viii. 6. ix. 15. xi. 1, 6. xii. 7(-LT
58, 60, 63, 70. vii. 6, 11, 12, 16, S). Jas. i. 17, 27.
17, 19, 20,

18/, 22, 25, 26, 27i, 28, 36, 40, 41. 26/. iii. 5, 17. iv. 4, 12, G', 4(^
viii. 13, 14, 16, 17, 19, 26, 29, 34, LT), 16, 17. V. 11. 1 Pet. i. 25.
39, 44i, 50, 54ir. ix. 4, 8, 9i, 12, 16, ii. 15. iii. 4, 22. 2 Pet. i. 9, 17. iii.
17, 19, 20, 24, 29, 30i, 36, 37. x. 1, 4.
2, 13, 29, 34. xi. 4, 10. xii. 14, 31, IJohn i. 5/r, 7, 8, 9, 10. ii. 2, 4/,
34, 35, 50. xiii. 10, 16, 25, 26. xiv. 7, 8, 9, 10, 1], 15, 16/, 18/, 21, 22/r,
21, 24, 28. XV. 1, 12, 20. xvi. 17, 25, 27/, 29. iii. 2, 3, 4, 5, 7/, 8, 10,
18, 32. xvii. 3, 17. xviii. 36i, 38. 11, 15, 20, 23. iv. 2, Sir, 4, 6, 7, 8,
xix. 35, 40. XX. 31. xxi. 7, 20, 24i. 10, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20. v. 1, 3,
Acts i. 7, 12. ii. 15, 16, 25, 29, 39. 4, 5/, 6tr, 9/, 11/, 14, 16, 17/, 20.
iv. 11, 12(ap), 12, 36. vi. 2. vii. 33, 2Jolm6/, 7. 3Jolinll, 12.
37, 38. viii. 10, 21, 26. ix. 15, 20, Rev. ii. 7. V. 2(-GooLTTr5). 13,
21, 22. X. 4, 6, 28, 34, 35, 36, 42. ISC-GeoLTTrS). ix.l9(ap). xiii.

.xiv. 12. 8, S^seenap-
10, llir, 14, 18. xix. 8, 10.
. 114
With fv,«° have, Acts xiii. 15.
XX. 2, 12, 14. xxi. 8, \Q{pmS), 17.
xxii. 10.
Acts xxi. 11. —have, Acts xix. 25.
With Luke vi. 32,
dative,^° have,
With conj.,Mt. vi. 23. xix. 10.
33, 34. xii. 24. Jolm xviii. 39. Acts
. .

xxvi. 39. xxvii. 42. Lk. xi. 35. xiv.

viii. 21. xviii. 10. Rom. ix. 2. 1 Cor.
81 xxiii. 35. John vii. 17. ix. 25. Acts


iv. 19. V. 39. xviii. 15. xix. 2. xxv.
5, 11. 2 Cor. iv. 3. Tit. 1. 6. Jas. i.
W8° can not, Heb. ix. 5.
23. IPet. i. 6 (-T 5').— were, Mark Not rendered, John xiv. 10. Jas.
xiv. 35. Luke xxiii. G. Joliii xi. 57.
bs, imperat., 1 Pet. iv. 11.
iii. 15.
Add, for ,
John x. 12, LTr>S'.
be, plural,
Luke xx.
OTL, to be,
Matt. xvi. 20,
John xx.
Mark ii. 1. v.
1 LT^. Rev. iv. 5, see
Cor. xiv. 37,
For ?/p, John i. 4, LS. For
Matt. XX. 26, LTr. Mark x. 43, LT
14. vi. 55. X. 47. Luke vii. 4. xix. TrS. Luke ix. ^.S, G"LTTr-5. Jolm
3. John ii. 9, 17. v. 13, 15. vi. 24, xiv. 17, LTr. Rev. xxii. 12, LTTr.
64. xii. 9. XX. 14.
xxi. 4, 7, 12. For iv. 2 Cor. i. 18,
Acts ix. 26, 38. xii. 9. xix. 34. G"LT^. For Gal. vi. 15, GL
— Matt. xix. Mark

,,,, ^
xxii. 29. xxiii. 5, 27, 34. xxvi. 26. T^. 17(a/)). v. 9
Rom. iv. 21. Rev. xvi. 21. xxi. 1. (is), L. xii. 29(a/9). Jolm xiii. 24

,, -
had been", Luke xxi v. 21. (a/j). 1 Cor. 5 (is), VYS. xv. 17

, ,,-
With neuter plural, are, Matt. x. 2. (is), V\ 1 Thes. V. 18(is), L.

, .,
XV. 20. xix. 2'J(owi,S). Mark vii. 15. See also
X. 2{). Luke
xi. 21, 41. xiv. 17. ,
xviii. 27. Jolmiii. 21. vi. 9, 63i. vii.
7. X. 16, 21.xvi. 15. xvii. 7 {nciv
Tr5), 10. XX. 30. xxi. 25. Acts xv.
, ],
18(ap). xxi. 24. 1 Cor. ii. 14. iii. 21, ,
22(-G°"LT>S'). vi. 15, 20(ajo). vii.
14. xii. 12, 22. xiv. 10 LT5). { that 13,
Tovf ,
Acts xix.
Rom. vii. 18.
Gal. iv. 24. v. 19/. Phil. iv. 8. Col. ii.
ix. 8. X. 6. 7, 8. Phm. 12. Heb. ii.
17, 22. ITim. v. 25(-LT>S). 2 Tim.
14. vii. 5. xi. 16. xiii. 15. 1 Pet.
ii. 20. Tit. iii. 8. 2 Pet. iii. 16. 1 John
iii. 20.
iii. 10. iv. 1. Rev. i. 4(-G°oLTTr^).
that is to say, Matthew xxvii. 46.
V. 13. xxi. 12. —
be, Mark vii. 4.—
Acts i. 19. Hebrews ix. 11. x.
were", 1 Cor. vii. 14.
are, John iv. 35. 2 Tim.
xxi. 16, 22.
were", Acts xxiii. 6.
Mark vii. 11.
i. 15. Rev.

4, ,
are (are we), Mark v. 9. Luke
is to say, ix. 12. xvii. 10. Jolm ix. 28, 40*.
meaneth, Matt. ix. 13. xii. 7. xvii. 22X-TTrAS). Acts ii. 32*. iii.

should mean, Mark ix. 10.
called, Mark xv. 16.
consisteth, Luke xii. 15.
15<. V. 32*. X. 2>%ipmSy. xiv. 15*.
xvi. 28. xvii. 28. xxiii. 15'.
Rom. vi. 15. viii. 12, 16. xii. 5.
make, Mark xii. 42. xiv. 8. 1 Cor, iii. 9. x. 17, 22. xv.
Cometh, Matt. v. 37. 19. 2 Cor. i. 14, 24. ii. 15, 17. iii.
belongeth to, Heb. v, 14.
Kxiii. 7.
Ikj belonged*' unto, Luke (
5. X. 11. xiii. 6*. Gal. iii. 25. iv. 28*
LT), 31. Eph. ii. 10. iv. 25.
V. 30. Phil. iii. 3*. 1 Thes. v.
1 15
Heb. iii. 6*. . 10, 39*. IJohn ii. 5. xii. 38. xiii. 14, 30<. xvi. 8. xx.
iii. 2, 19. iv. 6\ UK v. 19, 20. 36/. John iv. 35. v. 39. vi. 64. vii.

are, Jolin x. 30.

49. viii. 10(a/>). x. 8, LTr 12(
S). xi. 9. xiv. 2. xvii. 9, 11, 14,

, ..
we be, John viii. 33.

we have our being, Acts xvii. 28.

Add 2 Cor. vi. 15,
IJolin iii. l(called
.), L^.
16. Acts ii. 7, 13. v. 25. xiii. 31.
xvi. 17. xix. 38. xxi. 20. xxiii. 21.
xxiv. 11.
See also Rom. i. 32. ii. 14. viii. 14. ix. 4,
XV. 27. xvi. 7.

7. xiii. 1, 3, 6.
1 Cor. i. 11. iii. 8, 20. x. 18. xii. 4,
ye are (are ye). Matt. v. 11, 13^, 5, 6. xiv. 22, 31 LTS). 2 Cor.
145. viii. 26. XV. 16^ xxiii. S^, 28, xi. 22/r, 23. Gal. iii. 7, lOi. iv. 24.
31. Mark iv. 40. vii. 18^ Luke vi, Eph. V. 16. Col. ii. 3. 1 Tim. v. 24.
22. ix. 55^(a/)). xi. 44. xiii. 25, 27. vi. 1, 2t. 2 Tim. iii. 6. Tit. i. 10.
xvi. 15^ xxii. 28. xxiv. 17(-
iii. 9. Heb. i. 10, 14. 2 Pet. ii. 17.
fr. Tv'^S), 38, 485(-TTri'). iii. 7. IJohniv. 5. v. 3, 7, 7{ap),
John viii. 23^, 23, 31, 37, 44, 47. 8(ap). Jude 12, 16. Rev. i. 19, 20t.
X. 26, 34. xiii. 10, 11, 17, 35. xv. ii. 2, 9. iii. 4, 9. iv. 5( for .
33, 145, 19. Acts iii. 255. vii. 26^. , -S), llC^aai^GLTTrAS): v. 6, 8.
xix. 155. xxii. 3^ vii. 13, 14, 15. xi. 4, xiv 4t, 4(-G«'
Rom. 1. 6^ vi. 14, 16. viii. 9^ xv. LTTrb^'), 5. xvi. 6, 14. xvii. 9, 10,
14. ICor. i. 305. iu. 3^^ 4^ 9^ ig^ 12, 15. xix. 9. xxi. 5.
175. iv. 8. V. 2, 7. vi. 2, 19. ix. l^, be,Matt. vii. 13, 14. xv. 14. xvi.
25. xii, 275. xiv. 12. xv. 17. 2 Cor. 28. xix. 12. XX. 16. Mark ix. 1.
i. 7. iii. 25. vi. 16''>(* LS). vii. Luke ix. 27. xxi. 22. Acts xix. 26.
3. Gal. iii. 3, 26, 285, 29. iv. 6. v. 1 Cor. viii. 5t. Gal. i. 7. Jude 19.
18. Eph. ii. 5, 8, 19. Col. ii. 10. were", Luke xviii. 9. John vi. 64.
1 Thes. ii. 205. i^. 9. y. 4, 55. Heb.
Acts xvi. 38. Heb. vii. 21,
iv. 13.
xii. 8. 1 John ii. 14. iv. 4. 23. xi. 13. 1 John ii. 19.
it is
ve.5 Matt.
x. 20. Mark xiii. With
agree in, 1 John v. 8.
dative,"^" Luke ix. 13.
With conj., . . ye be, 2 Cor. ii. 9. Acts xxi. 23.

xiii. bt.
Heb. xii. 8.

Not rendered, Markiv. 18(-C?G°°),

2 Cor. iii. 3.
to be, Add, for John xvii. 7, TTr^S.

ix. 41.
(lore fr.
, ,
ye have been, John xv. 27.
With genitive, ye belong to,

Add Luke xi. 48, see

ye know, Eph. v. 5
1 Cor. xiv.
(ap). For
3, T.
See also
Subjunctive, &, ^f, ^, etc*
fr. ,
10, LTaS. Rev. ix. 19
Mark viii.

And see ,^.

Eph. ii. 19 ( . . fellow c), G"LT>S'.

6, ,,
be. Matt. vi. 22, 23. x. 13i. Luke
X. 6. xiv. 8. John iii. 2, 27. ix. 31,
xvii. 24. Acts v. 38. Rom. ii. 25.
ix. 27. 1 Cor. i. 10/. v. 11(7/ St), vii.
are, Matt. ii. 18. vii. 15. .
30. xi. 29. xiv. 28. xvi. 4. 2 Cor. xiii. 7.
8. xii. 5, 48. xiii. 38i, 39, 56. xvii. Gal. V. 10. Eph. iv. 14. Tit. iii. 14.
26. xviii. 20. xix. 6, I2t. xxii. 14, may be. Matt. vi. 4. John xiv. 3.
30. Mark iv. 15, 16, 18(-G«"), 20. xvi. 24. xvii. 11, 21i, 22, 23, 26.
vi. 3. X. 8. xii. 25. Luke vii. 25, 1 Cor. V. 7. vii. 34. xv. 28. 2 Cor.
31, 32. viii. 12, 14, 15, 21. xi. 7. iv. 7. ix. 3. Phil. i. 10. ii. 28.
1 Tim. V. 7. 2 Tim. iii. 17. Tit. i. 9. 3, ^6).

4. 1 John i. 4. 2 Jolin 12.

might be, Mark v. 18. John xvii.

to be.
let be, 1 Cor. xvi. 22. Jas. v. 12.
Matt. xvii. 4.
, Mark

ix. 5,
should be, Mark iii. 14. Rom. xi.
35. xiv. 64. Luke ix. 33. John vii.
25. 1 Cor. xii. 25. 2 Cor. i. 17. Eph.
4. Acts V. 36. xvi. 15. xvii, 18,
V. 27. Phm. 14.
were, John vi. 65.
Rom. i. 22. vi, \l(omS). xiv. 14.
John ix. 5.
ICor. iii. 18. vii. 25, 26. xi. 16.
xxiv. 28. xii. 23. xiv. 37. 2 Cor. vii. 11. Gal.
IS, Matt. XX. 4, 7(ap).
ii. 6, 9. iv. 21. vi. 3. Phil. i. 23.
Luke xi. 34i.
ii. 6. iv. 11. 1 Tim. i. 7. ii. 12. Tit.
are, 2 Cor. xiii. 9.
iii. 1, 2. Heb. v. 12. xii. 11. Jas.
should stand, 1 Cor. ii. 5.

). ,
Not rendered ? Jas. ii. 15(-T/S'; see i. 26.
be, Matt. xix. 21. xx. 27. Luke ii.

for ^ ,,
Add, for

S. XV. ll,G"LTTr.
John xir. 16, LTTr

LTr. 1 Cor. vii. 5,
GLT*S. Phil. ii. 15,
L. Rev. iii. 15, for
49. xiv. 26, 27, 33. Acts xviii. 15.

Luke xx. 28, ICor.

xi. 19. ITim. iii. 2. 2 Tim
ii. 24. Tit. i. 7. Jas. iv. 4.

to have been, Luke ii. 44.

have been, 1 Thes. ii. 6.

for t

GLTTr^. that (understood «) . am (art, is, .

See also ^, are, be), Matt. xvi. 13, 15. xxii. 23.
Mark viii, 27, 29. xii. 18«. Luke ix.
might be, Luke viii. 9.
18, 20. XX. 27, 41 (-G"). xxiii. 2.
Acts viii. 37(a/)). xiii. 25. xvii. 7,
29. xxiii. 8. Rom. ii. 19. iii. 9. vii.
should be, Luke i. 29. ix. 46. John 3. 2 Cor. X. 7. 1 Tim. vi. 5. Tit. ii.
xiii. 24(a/3).
2. 1 Pet. V. 12. 1 John ii. 9". Rev.
wert. Rev. iii. 15(??f GLTTr^'). ii. 2% 9^ iii. 9».
were, Luke iii. 15. that . was (were), Luke iv. 41.

was, Luke xxii. 23. Acts xxi. 33. XX. 6. John xvii. 5^ Acts iv. 32.

should mean. Acts x. 17.
meant, Luke xv. 26. xviii. 36.
Add Acts XX. 16, for
See also
Imperative, 1,
viii. 9. xviii. 28. xxviii. 6. Rom.



ix. 3. 1 Cor. vii. 7. Heb. xi. 4.

had been, Mark

. may
should) be,
iv. 13. 2 Cor,
be thou. Matt. ii. 13.

be, Mark v. 34. ,
V. 9. ix. 5. Eph.
that . .
i. 4. iii.

shouldest be, Acts


1 Tim. iv. 15.

See also ,, ..
give thyself wholly to, xiii.

, ii.
4. xi. 8.
. . is (was, were),
xix. 11. Acta

2, xviii. 3. XX vii. 4.
xxviii. 28.
Acts ii. 14. iv. 10. xiii. 38.
, iii,
that . . might (should) be,
26. iv. 11, 16. viii. 29.
let be. Matt. v.
17. XX. 26 and
L). xviii.
XV. 16. Eph. i. 12. Jas. i. 18. —
so that are (marg, may be), Rom.

. .
Luke xii. 35. Gal. 1. 8, 9. 1 Tim. i. 20.
iii. 12. Jas. i. 19. IPet. iii. 3.

be 80, 2 Cor. xii. 16. With , as , was, Luke ix. 18.

See aleo xi. 1. — when , was, Luke V. 12.

117 etfii'

— while was (were), Luke ii. 6. for all there were, John xxi. 11.

. .

Acts xix. 1. forasmuch as . . was, Acts ix. 38.

With that . . might be, 1 Pet. inasmuch as . . are, Phil. i. 7.
i. 21. seeing . . are, 2 Cor. xi. 19.
to be made, Acts xvi. 13. seeing that there are, Heb. viii. 4.
come, John i. 40(47). though be, 1 Cor. ix. 19. Gal.
. .

Not rendered, Luke xx. 20. xxii. iv. 1. Jas. iii. 4.

24. Rom. xvi. 19. 1 Cor. vii. 32.
though was (were), 2 Cor. viii.

, &^, ,
. .

2 Cor. xi. 16. Phil. Hi. 8, 8(-L5). 9. Heb. V. 8.

Add Mark ill. 12(ay)). x. 44, for when John iii. 4. Rom. v. 13.

, , .,
. . is,
LTrS. Acts xviii. 5 (that . . Gal. vi. 3.
was), G'LS. when was, Luke xxii. 53. xxiv.
See also - 6.
. .

John i. 48(49). xx. 1. Acts vii.

2. xxvii. 9. Rom. iv. 10. v. 6, 10.

Participle, , , etc,
ii. 5.

2 Thes.
was, John ix. 25.
ii. 5. 2 Pet. i. 18.

being, Matt. i. 19. vii. 11. xii. 34.

while is, Luke xiv. 32.
Mark xiv. 3. Luke ii. 5. iii.
. .
viii. 1.
while was (were), Luke xxiv.

23. xiii. 16. xx. 36. xxii. 3. John

44. Acts ix. 39. Rom. v. 8.

iv. 9. V. 13. vi. 71(-G"°LTr). vii.
50. X. 33. xi. 49, 51. xviii. 26. xix. at evening, John xx,
38. Acts XV. 32. xvi. 21. xxvii. 2. 19.
Rom. xi. 17. 1 Cor. viii. 7. ix. 21. ovra, as though they were, Rom.
xii. 12. Gal. ii. 3. Eph. ii. 20. iv.
18. Col. ii. 13. ITim. iii. 10. Tit. i.
16. iii. 11. Phm. 9. Heb, i. 3. xiii. 3.

Acts vii. 5.
, when as yet he had

Acts xxvi. 3.
to be, having, Luke viii. 43. ,
that art (is, was, hast been),
. . Acts which had, Mark v. 25.
vii. 12. viii. 23. xix. 35. xxiv. 10. and was come, Mark xi. 11.
who (which, that) am (art, etc.), Not rendered Mark xiv. 43 (-C ?G°°L ,

Matt. vi. 30. xii. 30. Mark xiii. 16 Tr5^). Luke xxiii. 12. John x. 12.
(-LTr-S). Luke xi. 23. xii. 2S. Acts xvii. 16. xviii. 24. ix. 2. xxv.
John i. 18. iii. 13(a/?), 31. iv. 9. 23(-Go°LT*S'). xxviii. 17. 2Cor.
vi. 46. viii. 47. xviii. 37. Acts v. viii. 22. Rev. v. 5{omS).
17. Rom.
5, 8, 28. ix. 5.

1, 11. ICor. i. 2, 28/. viii. 10.


2 Cor. i. Ii. V. 4. xi. 31. Gal. iv. 8.

Eph. 1. 1. ii. 4. iv. 18. Pliil. i. 1.
CoL iv. 11. IThes. ii. 14. v. 8.
1 Tim. ii. 2. 2 Tim. ii. 19. 3 Pet. ii.
iv. 17. vii. 23. viii,
xii. 3. xiii. 1.
Add Mark
x\cts xviii. 12, see
18(ap). 1 Cor. ix. 20(a;)).
iii.. 10 (a/)).
See also

is, and which was, and which
iv. 31, ,^
for LTrS.


who (etc.) was (etc.), Mark ii. 20. is tocome. Rev. i. 4, 8.
Lukevi. 3(-LTr5). xxiii. 7. John
ix. 40.
xiii. 1.
xii. 17. Acts xi. 1.
xi. 31.
xiv. 13. xvi. 3. xix. 31.
which art, and wast, and art to come,
Rev. xi. 17(/iai . omS).
., which waS,
XX. 34. xxi. 8. xxii. 5, 9. xxiv. 24. and is, and is to come. Rev. iv. 8.
Eph. ii. 1, 13. Col. i. 21. 1 Tim. i. C),
13. Heb. iii. 2. which art, and wast, and shalt be.
as . . was, Mark xiv. 66. Rev. xvi. 5(/cai2«i or-S, - J'^ LTTr).
tffCf 118

1, J
. Imperfect.
()^ , , ^
was (wast, were), Matt. i. 18. ii. 9,
. 38. xi. 20, 21, 24. xii. 3, 5, 6, 12,
18, 20. xiii. 1, 7, 46, 48. xiv. 12.
xvi. 1, 12. xvii. 1, 11. xviii. 3(a/?),
4. 27. viii. 30.
iv. IS. vii. 14, 25. xix. 7, 14, 16, 32. xx. St,
15. iii.
16{lLS). xxi. 3. xxiii. 13. xxvii.
xii. 4, 10(-G«LTTr6'), 40. xiv. 21,
23, 24(ap), 24. xv. 38. xxi. 25, 33.
31{ LTaS).
V. 13. vi. 17, 20i. vii. 5.
xxii. 8, 25. xxiv. 38. xxv. 2. xxvi.
1 Cor. vi. 11. X. 1, 4. xii. 2, 19.
43, 69, 71. xxvii. 54, 55, 56, 61.
xxviii. 3. xvi. 12. 2 Cor. v. 19. Gal. ii. 6, 11.
45(-^). iv. St. Eph. ii. 3, 12. v. 8. Phil. iii.
Mark i. 6, 13^ 16, 23, 33,
l(-LTrb). jy. i^ Z6t, 7. Col. ii. 14. IThes. iii. 4. 2Thes.
ii. 4, 6, 15. iii.
iii. 10. Tit. iii. 3.
38. V. 5, 11, 13(-G''»Li^TTrS'), 21,
40, 42. vi. 31, 34, 44, 47, 48, 52.
vii. 26. viii. 9. ix. 4, G"
LTTiaS), X. 32. xi. 13, 30, 32. xii.
6{ Ileb. ii. 15. vii. 10, 11. viii. 4. xi.
38. xii. 21. Jas. i. 24. v. 17. 1 Pet.
ii. 25. 2 Pet. iii. 5. 1 John i. 1, 2.
20. xiv. 1, 4, 21(-Lt>TTri>), 40, 67^. ii. 19. iii. 12t. Rev. i. 4, 8. iv. 3
XV. 26, 39, 40, 40(-Trb>S), («J»), 8. V. 11. ix. 8, 10(/ UYTrS,
7, 25,
41, 42, 46. xvi. 4. -G'). X. 10. xi. 17. xiii. 2. xvi. 5.
Luke 1. 6, It, 10, 66, 80. ii. 7, 8, xvii. 4( St), Si, 11. xviii. 23. xxi. 18
25t, 26, 36, 40, 51. iv. 17, 20, (-L), 21.

27, 32, 33, 38.
29. vi. 6t. vii.

12 (-StG°°TTri'), 37, 39.

v. 3,

ix. 14, 30, 32, 45, 53.

10, ll(-LTTr), 11. xiv. 2.
xi. 14i.

32, {hast been. Matt. xxv. 21, 23.

had (hadst) been, Matt, xxiii. 30
GLTTr^S). xxvi. 24. Luke
iv. 16. viii. 2.John ix. 18. xi. 21,
32. Acts iv. 13. xiv. 26. Heb. viii.
XV. 24, 24(-G«>S), 25, 32, 32(-G«o 7. 2 Pet. IL 21. IJohnii. 19.
LTTr). xvi. 1, 19, 20(-LbTTr5). With av, would have been, Matt,
xvii.16. xviii. 2, 3, 23, 34. xix. 2, xxiii. 30(77//? GLTTr>S). should —
2(-L'»Tr), 3. XX. 4, 29. xxi. 37. have been, Gal. iii. 21. — should be,
xxii. 56, 59. xxiii. 8, 19, 38, 44, Heb. viii. 4.
47, 53, 54. xxiv. 10(^v for
T, -G^Tri'), 53.

John 1. Itr, 2, {

10, 15i, 24, 28, 30, 39(40), 40

(41), 44(45). ii. 1, 6, 13, 23, 25.
LS), 4, 8,
is, Gal. iv. 15(-G<'oLT>S').
began to be, Luke iii. 23.
With dative,''° had, Luke i. 7. vii.
41. viii. 42. x. 39. Acts iv. 32. vii. 44
i+iv StEGoo).xxi. 9.
iii. 1, 19, 23i, 24, 26. iv. 6i, 46. v.
held", Acts xiv. 4.

^ -
I, 5, 9, 35. vi. 4, 10, 22, 62. vii. 2,
With Participles, of
12, 39, 42. viii.
42, 44. ix. 8, 14, 16, 24, 33, 41. x.
6(^ Tr), 22, 41. xi. 1, 2, 6, 18, 30,
32, 38, 41 (a^), 55. xii. 1, 2, 6, 16,
had heard, Gal, i, 23.
looked stedfastly, Acts i. 10.
baptized, John x. 40. had, -
, , ,^
bound. Acts xxii. 29.

, -
20. xiii. 5, 23, 30. xv. 19. xvii. 6.
xviii. 1, 10, 13i, 14, 15, 10( for
•), ,
continued all night, Luke vi. 12.

18, 25, 28, 30, 36, 40. xix. drew near, Luke xv. 1.

, ,, ,-
II, 14, 19, 20t, 23, 31^ 41, 42. xx.

, , •&,
See also
7, 19, 24, 26. xxi. 2, 7, 8, 18.
Acts i. 15, 17. ii. 1, 2, 5, 24, 44.
iii. 10. iv. 3, 6, 22, 31, 32, 33. v.
12. vii. 9, 20, 22, 44. viii. 1, 16, 28,
»2. ix. 9, 10, 28, 33, 36i. x. l(o7«5), , -- irpoaOoKautj
/, 119
X. 9. XX. 6. xxi.
12( LTTr,
3/, 4/, 7,
25. xxii.

, ,
3/, 4/, 5, -G").
Add John xix. 14, for ^^, G"LT With ,
shall b3 made, Luke iii. 5.
should be, Jude 18
Tr5. Acts iv. 34, for LS. fr.

LS. Rev. iii. 15, G'). Rev. x. 6.

xi. 11, lor
for fiV, GLTTr5. iv. 11, for ficl, G will be, Matt. vi. 21. Luke xii. 34,

2, .
was, Matt. XXV. 35, 36, 43. Mark
55. 2 Cor. vi. 16, 18. Heb. i. 5.
viii. 10, 12. Rev. xxi. 7.

be. Matt. V. 48. Mark xiv. 2. Heb.

iii. 12. 2 John 3.
xiv. 49. Jolin xi. 15. xvi. 4. xvii.
shall come to pass, Acts ii. 17, 21.
12. Acts X. 30. xi. 5\ IK^^evLS),
iii. 23. Rom. ix. 26.
3 7. xxii. 19S 20. 1 Cor. xiii. 11.

av ,
Gal. 1. 22.

I should be, Gal. i. 10.
will come, 2
xxii. 14.
iv. 3.
may have, Rev.

For , 3,
Matt, xxiii. 30/, GLTTr
xix.- 27.

Mark xi. 23, 24. Luke i.

shall have, Matt.

, ,,
S. Acts, xxvii. 37, LT-S'. 14. xiv. 10. Rom. ix. 9.
, .
, &, III. Future.
- Add, for Luke xix. 46, L'"T

, ,,
I, Indicative^ ; Tr. Jas. iv. 14, G'. For Matt.

V. 37, L. XX. 26, 27, G"LTr>S'. For
shall be. Matt. v. 21, 22/r. vi. 5, fr. 1 Pet. i. 16, G'
22, 23. viii. 12. X. 15, 22. xi. 22, urs.
24. xii. ll(-TTr), 27, 40, 45. xiii. See also
40, 42, 49, 50. xvi. 19/, 22. xvii.

2 (
17. xviii. 18/. xix. 5, 30. xx. 16,
LTy). xxii. 13, 28. xxiii.
/., &,
II. xxiv. 3, 7, 9, 21, 27, 37, 39, 40,
2, Infinitive,
51. XXV. 30. xxvii. 64.
that there shall be. Acts xxiv. 15.
Mark vi. ll(ap). ix. 19, 35. x. 8,
that there should be, Acts xi. 28.
31, 3(^-! LTTvS), 43, 44. xii. 7,
that will be. Acts xxvii. 10.
. .
23, xiii. 4, S/, 13, 19.
to COme, Acts xxiv.

Luke i. 15, 20, 32, 33, 34, 45, 66.
ii. 10. iv. 7. vi. 35/, 40. ix. 41, 48

G"Ui:TrS). x. 12, 14. xi. 19,

30, 36. xii. 20, 52. xiii. 28, 30/.
xiv. 14. XV. 7. xvii. 24, 26, 30, 31,
25(-^ GLS).
See also

3, Participle,
art., which shalt be. Rev. xvi.
34, 35, 36(a/)). xxi. 7, 11/, 17, 23,

24, 25. xxiii. 43.
John vi. 45. viii. 36, 55. xii. 26.
xiv. 17 LTr). xix. 24.
.EGLTTr^). —what would
Luke xxii. 49.

See ivsaa,
Acts i. 8. xiii. 11. xxii, 15. xxvii.
22, 25.
Rom. iv. IS. vi. 5. xv. 12. 1 Cor. vi.
16. xi. 27. xiv. 11. 2 Cor. iii. 8. vl.
(L, , and Tr,
. .
following the older
MSS., sometimes read
16, 18. xi. 15. xii. 6. xiii. 11. Eph. v.
.) for

31. Phil. iv. 9. 1 Thes. iv. 17. 1 Tim.

iv. 6. 2 Tim. ii. 2, 21. iii. 2, 9. Heb.
i. 5. viii. 10. Jas. i. 25. v. 3. 2 Pet. say. Matt. ii.
^. -&
5, 8. iii. 7, 15^

ii. 1. 1 John iii. 2t. 2 John 2. Rev. 3, 4^ V. 11, 22/. viii. 10, 13, 19

21, 22( LTTr^),
LT), 4, 5, 11(7
32. ix.
15, 22. xi. 3, 41, 251. xii. 2, 3, 11,
3 26, 271, 28, 29, 30, 35, 37/, 40, 41'.
xi. 1, 2, 5, 5(i/)fZ fr. L),
17, 27, 28, 39, 46, 49. xii. 11,
13, 14, 15, 18, 20, 22, 41, 42,
7', 15,
24, 25, 391, 47, 48', 49. xiii. 10, 11',
27, 28(7•,5), 37,52(>' L), xiii. 2', 7, 12, 15', 20, 23/, 32, 35.
57. xiv. 2, 16, 18, 28', 29. xv. 3', 5, xiv. 51, 10(r/;a TTr5), 15, 16, 17,
10, 12( LTTi), 13', 15', 16, 24', 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25. xv. 11,
26', 27, 28\ 32, 34. xvi. 2', 6, 8, 12, 17(0///^5•), 21, 22, 27, 29',
31. xvi. 2, 3, 6/, 7/, 15, 24, 25, 27,
14, 16', 17', 23, 24. xvii. 4', 7, 11',
13, 17', 19, 20(LT^S), 22, 24. 30, 31. xvii. 1, 5, 6, 14, 17', 19, 20',
xviii. 3, 21. xix. 4', 5, 11, 14, 16, 22, 37. xviii. 4, 6, \&( L"^Tr*S), 19,
29, 31, 41, 42.
17, 18, 23, 26, 27', 28. xx. 4, 13', 21, 22, 24, 26, 27, 28,

21, 24', 25, 26, 27', 28, 29', 30, 30',

38. xxii. 13, 18, 24, 29', 31(
17, 21, 22, 25, 32. xxi. 3, 16, 21', xix. 5, 8, 9, 12,
XX S', 5, 6, 8,
13, 17, 19, 24, 25, 30
33, 34, 39,
16, 17, 23,
45. xxi. 3, 5,
25, 341, 39•, 39, 41, 42,
GLTTr5), 44. xxiii. 39. xxiv. 2, 4',
8. xxii. 8, 9, 10, 15, 17, 25, 31 (ap),
23, 26, 48. XXV. 8, 12', 22, 24, 26'.
34, 35/, 36, 38/, 40, 46, 48, 49,
xxvi. 1, 10, 15, 18i, 21, 23', 25', 33,
25, 26, 33', 35, 44, 49, 50, 55, 61,
511 52, 56, 5S{v TTrS), 60, 61,
67, 70, 71. xxiii. 4, 14, 22, 28, 43, 46/.
62, 63•, 64, 6Q, 73. xxvii. 4, 6, 17,
xxiv. 5, 17, 181, 19/, 24, 25, 32, 38,
211, 21, 25', 43, 63, 64. xxviii. 5',
41, 44, 40.
6, 7, 13.
39, 40. V.
i. 17, 44.

19. iii. 9,
ii. TTrS), John i. 22, 23, 25, 30, 33, 38(39),
LTTrS). iv. 42(43), 46(47), 48(49)^ 50(51)^ 50
G"LTTr>S), 34. vi. (51). ii. 16, 18•^, 19^ 20, 22. iii. 2,
16(Afy(j TTr5), 22, 24/, 31{ 3^ 7, 9^ 10^ 26, 27^ 28. iv. 10^,
Tr5), 37'. vii. 6', 10, 11,21(? 13^ 17^ 17, 27, 32, 48, 52, 53. v.
TTrS), 29. viii. 5, 20{8), 11, 12, 14, 19^. vi. 10, 25, 26^, 28,
34. ix. 11\^// LTTr^S), 21, 292, 30, 32, 34, 35, 36, 41, 43^ 53,
23, 29, 36, 39. x. 3', 4, 5', 14, 18, 59, 60, 61, 67. vii. 3, 9p, 16(-C
20( TrSy, 21, 29\!8), 36, 1611 to 1701, err.y, 20(-LTTr5)S
21•^ 33, 35, 36, 38, 42, 45, 52^. viii.
37, 38, 39,
51, 52. xi. 3t, 6, 14', 23,

S), d2t, 34, 36, 36(G',).-
23(-G°°TTr>S), 29', 31, 32. xii. 7,
16(7JycjL^'), 17', 24\<?}
7(ap), 10(a/>), ll/(a;0, 13, 14^, 21,
23(A/}cjLTTr5'), 24, 25, 28, 39^,
41, 42, 482 52, 55, 57, 58. ix. 7, 11
xiii. 21 ,21. xiv. 6, 14, 16, 18, 20^, 22, (-V'TTrSy, 11, 12, 15, 17, 20^, 23,
24, 4S\ 62, 72. xv. TTvS)\ 24, 25(-LTTr5)•'', 26, 28, 30^, 34'^
12\ Tr), 39. xvi. 7, 8, 15(op), 35, 362, 37^ 39^ 40, 41. X. 7, 26 (/,
34( StGTTr, LS), 36. xi.
Luke i. 13, 18, 19\ 28, 30, 34, 35S
38, 42, 46, 60', 61. ii. 10, 4, 11, 12, 14, 16, 21, 25, 28p, 28,
L'^'^S), 28, 34, 48, 49. iii. 12, 13, 14. 34, 37, 40, 41, 42, 49. xii, 6, 7, 19,
iv. 3, 6, 81, 9, 12', 23, 24, 43. v. 4, 27, 302, 35^ 39^ 41^ 44, 49. xiii. 72,
5', 10, 13{LrS), 20, 22', 23i, 11, 12, 2lP, 21, 33. xiv. 232, 26,
24, 27, 31', 33, 34. vi. 2, 3', 8, 9, 10. 28, 28(ora<S'). xv. 20. xvi. 4, 15,
vii. 7, 9, 13, 14, 20, 22', 31(a;9), 40', 17, 19/. xvii. 1. xviii. 4(£),
40, 43', 43, 48, 50. viii. 10, 21, 22, 6, 7, 11, 21, 22, 25/,
25, 28, 30, 45^ 46, 48, 52. ix. 3, 9, TTr-S), 302, 31^^ 32, 33, 37, 38p.
12, 13i, 14, 19', 20, 20', 22, 33,41, xix. 21, 24, 30. XX. 14p,
43, 48, 49', 50, 54, 55(«yO, 57, 58, L•"), 20p, 21, 22p, 25, 26 282. xxi.
69/, 60, 61, 62. x. 10, 18, 21, 23, 6, 17/, 20, 23.
iiTtmg 121
Acts i. 7, 11, 15, 24. ii. 34, 37. iii. iii. 12. iv. 29, 39. ix. 27. x. 24, 25.
4, 6, 22. iv. 8, 19, 23, 24, 25. v. 3, xi. 46. xiv. 2. xvi. 4. xviii. 8, 34.
8, 9(-LT5), 19, 2d\ 35. vi. 2. vii. XX. 15. Acts V. 8.
1, 3, 7, 26, 27, 33, 35, 37, 40, 56, John iii. 12.
tell of,
60P. viii. 20, 24S 29, 30, 31, 34^
bring word, Matt ii. 13.
ZV(ap), 37(ap). ix. 5, 5(-G°°LT),
answer, Luke xx. 3.
6(ap), lot, 15, 17, 34, 40. x. 3,
call, John X. 35.
4i, 14, 19, 21, 22, 34. xi. 8, 13.
bid, Matt. xvi. 12. xxiii. 3. Luke
xii. 8, 11, 15, 17. xiii. 2, 10, 16, 22,
X. 40. Acts xi. 12. xxii. 24.
46. xiv. 10. XV. 7, 36. xvi. 18, 20,
command, Matt, iv, 3. Mark v. 43.
31. xvii. 32. xviii. 6, 14, 21. xix.
2, 2(i-G°°LTS), 3i, 4, 15S 21, 25.
XX. 10, 18, 35, xxi. 11, 14, 20, 39.
xxii. 8, lOi, 13, 14, 19, 21, 25, 27.
xxiii. 1, 3, 4, 11, 14, 20, 23. xxiv. Add, for
viii. 7.

X. 49. Luke iv. 3. ix. 54.

xix. 15. 2 Cor. iv. 6.
grant, Matt. xx. 21.
John v. 13, L™

20, 22. XXV. 91, 10. xxvi. 15(ei7ra For S. Mark viii. 28,
LT), 15, 29(-G''°LT5'). xxvii. 21, 8. For Mark xi. 6, G"
31. xxviii. 21, 26, 29P(a;?). LTTr-S. For Acts xxiii. 7,
LS. For Matt. iv. 6, L. 9, L
Rom. X. 6. ICor. i. 15. x. 28. xi.
TvS. XV. 4, G"LTr*S. xvii. 26, LTr
22, 24. xii. 3, 15, 16, 21. xv. 27,
5. xxvii. 49, LTTr. Mark viii. 24,
2 Cor. vi. 16. Gal. ii. 14. Col. iv. 17.
h^S. 30, L. X. 51, TTr.S. xii. 43«»
Tit. i. 12. Heb. i. 5. iii. 10. vii. 9.
GLTr^. Luke xxiii. 40, TTr5'. Acts
X. 7, 30. xii, 21, Jas. ii. 3i, lit, 16.
1 John i. 6, 8, 10. iv. 20. Jiide 9.
xii. 15,L. Rev, xvii. 15, L. — .,
Mark xii. 14. Luke x. 22. xx. 24.
Rev. vii. 14. xvii. 7. xxi. 5, 6.
6( John xiii, 24.
Bay Luke
G"), 17.
vii, 40.
speak, Matt. viii. 8. x. 27. xii. S2t.
xvi. ll. xvii. 13. xxii. 1^ Mark i.
42P(-G'>LTr>S'). iii. 9. ix. 18(eiVaT
See d. ..
For Future and Perfect, see etc.

have peace, Mark ix. 50.

Tr^S). xii. 12, 26. xiv. 39. Lnke
be at peace, 2 Thes. v. 13.
vi. 26, 39. vii. 39. viii. 4. xii. 3,
live in peace, 2 Cor. xiii. 11.
13, 16. xiv. 3^ XV. 3. xviii. 9. xix.
11, 28P. XX. 2, 19. xxi. 29. xxiv.
40(). Joliniv. 50. vii. 39. ix. 6p,
22. X. 6, 41. xi. 43P, 51. xii. 38.
live peaceably, Rom. xii. 18.

peace, Matt. x. 13i, 34i. Mark

xiii. 28. xviii. 1p, 9, 16, 22p, 32. 34. Luke i. 79. ii. 14, 29. vii. 50.
XX. 18. xxi. 19, 19p. Acts i. 9p. ii. viii. 48. X. 5, 6i. xL 21. xii. 51.
29. xviii. 9. xix. 41p. xx. 36p. xxi. xiv. 32. xix. 38, 42. xxiv. 3().
37. xxvi. 30().
xxvii. 35P.xxviii. John xiv. 27f. xvi. 33. xx. 19, 21,
25P. 26. Acts X. 36. xii. 20. xv. 33. xvi.
speak of, John i. 15. 36.
tell, Matt. viii. 4. xii. 48( LTr Rom. i. 7. ii. 10. iii. 17. v. 1. viii
15(-L5'). xiv. 17, 19. xv. 13,
S). xvi, 20. xvii. 9. xviii. 17. xxi. 6. X,

6, 24. xxii. 4, 17. xxiv. 3. xxvi. 63. 33. xvi. 20. 1 Cor. i. 3. vii. 15. xiv.
xxviii. It. Mark v. 33. vii. 36 33. xvi. 11. 2Cor. i. 2. xiii. 11.
TTr5). viii. 26. ix. 12'^ G'^TTr Gal. v. 22. vi. 16. Eph. i. 2.
i. 3.
S). xiii. 4. xvi. 7. Luke v. 14. vii. 42 ii. 14, 15, 17. iv. 3. vi. 15, 23.
(-G°LTr*S). viii. 56. ix. 21(G', Phil. i. 2. iv. 7, 9. Col. i. 2. iii. 15.
GLTrS). xiii. 32. XX. 2. xxii. 67. John IThes. i. 1. v. 3, 23. 2 Thes. 1. 2i
Hi. 16. ITim. 1. 2. 2 Tim. 1. 2. ii. 51, 68. xvi. 5, 7, 12(ap), 15(a/>), 19
22. Tit. i. 4. Phm. 3. {ap).
Heb. vii. 2. xi. 31. xii. 14. xiii. Luke i. 9, 39i, 40, 79. ii. 3, 4, 15,
20. Jas. ii. 16. ill. ISt. 1 Pet. i. 2. 27, 39. iii. 3, 9, 17. iv. \{h G'^LT
iii. 11. V. 14. 2 Pet. i. 2. iii. 14. Tr6^), 5 [ap), 14, 16, 37, 38, 42. v.
2.John 3. SJolin 14(15). Jude 2. 8, 4, 19, 24, 37, 88. vi. 4, 6, 12, 38,
Rev. 1. 4. vi. 4. 39. vii. 1, 11, 24, 36, 44. viii. 22, 29,
rest, Acts ix. 31. 30, 31, 32, 33i, 37, 41, 51. ix. 10,
quietness, Acts xxiv. 2. 12, 28, 34, 44/, 52. x. 1, 2, 5, 8, 10/,

With eic, at one, Acts vii. 26.

38/, xi. 4. xii. 5, 28, 58. xiii. 19.

Add Eph. ii. 17( . . to them that), xiv. 1, 5, 21, 23. xv. 13, 15. xvi.
4, 9, 16, 22, 28. xvii.
2, 12, 27. xviii.
24, 25. xix. 12, 30, 45. xxi. 1,


peace, Col.

peacemaker, Matt. v. 9.

xii. 11. Jas. iii.

i. 20.
24. xxii. 3, 10/, 83, 40, 46, 54, 66.
xxiii. 19(
TTr^), 25, 46. xxiv. 7,
26, 51 (ap).
John i. 9, 43(44). iii. 4, 5, 17, 19,
22, 24. iv. 3, 14, 28, 38, 43, 45, 46,
47, 54. v. 7, 24. vi. 3, 14, 15, 17, 21,
22(om). vii. 3,

54. xii. 24, 46. xiii.

14. viii. 2{ap).
ix. 39. X. 1, 36, 40. xi. 7, 27, 30,
2, 3, 5, 27.

Matt. 11, 12, 13, 14, 20,

XV. 6. xvi. 13(Q'TS), 20, 21, 28.
xvii. 18/. xviii. 1, 11, 15, 28, 33,
21, 22. iii. 10, 12. iv. 1, 5, 8, 12, 37. xix.
9, 17. XX. 6, 11, 25/, 27. xxi.
18. V. 1, 20, 25, 29, 30. vi. 6, 13,
26, 30. vii. 19, 21. viii. 5, 12, 14,
23, 28, 31, 32i, 33. ix. It, l!t, 23, Acts i. 11/r, 13. ii. 34. iii. 1, 2%
26, 28, 38. X. 5i, 11, 12, 23. xi. 7. 2, 3, 8. V. 21. vii. 3, 4, 9, 15 (-T),
xii. 4, 9, 11, 29, 44. xiii. 2, 30, 36, 16. 34, 39, 55. viii. 38. ix. 6, 8, 17,
42, 47, 48, 50, 54. xiv. 13, 15, 22, 39. X. 16, 22, 24. xi. 8, 10, 12. xii.
23, 32, 34(e7riTr*S), 35. xv. 11,14, 17. xiii. 14. xiv. 1, 20, 22, 25. xvi.
17^ 21, 29, 39. xvi. 13. xvii. 1, 9, 10, 15, 19, 23, 24, 34, 37, ^(6
15/, 22, 25. xviii. 3, St, 9t, 30. xix. GLT*S). xvii. 10. xviii. 7, 18, 19,
1, 17, 23, 24. XX. 1, 2, 4, 7. xxi. 2, 27. xix. 8, 22, 29, 31. xx. 1, 2, 3,
10, 12, 17, 18, 21, 23, 31. xxii. 10, 18. xxi. 3, 8, 11, 26, 28, 29, 34, 37,
13. xxiv. 38. XXV. 21, 23, 30, 41, 38. xxii. 4, 10, 11, 23, 24. xxiii. 10,
46i. xxvi. 18, 30, 32, 41, 45, 52, 71. 16, 20, 28. xx\. 23. xxvii. 1, 6, 17,
xxvii. 6, 27, 53. xxviii. 7, 10, 11, 30, 38, 39, 41. xxviii. 5, 17, 23.
Ut. Rom. i. 26. v. 2, 12. vi. 3/, 4. viii.
Mark i. 12, 14, 21t, 29, 35, 38, 45. 21. X. 6, 7, 18. xi. 24. xv. 24, 28.

19(20, ,
ii. 1, 11, 22, 22(ap), 26. iii. 1, 13, 1 Cor. xii. 13, 13(-G'LT5). xiv. 9.
marg. home), 27. iv. 2Cor. i. 16. ii. 13. vii. 5. xi. 13,
1, 37. v. 12i, 13i, 18. vi. 1, 10, 14. xii. 4.
31, 32, 36, 45, 46, 51, 56. vii. Gal. i. 17, 21. iii. 27. iv. 6. Eph.
15, 17, 18, 19/r, 24i, 33. viii. lOi, iv. 9, 15. Col. i. 13. 2Thes. iii. 5i.
13(-G~'TTr''5'), 26, 27. ix. 2, 22i, 1 Tim. i. 3, 12, 15. iii. 6, 7. vi. 7,
25, 28, 31, 42, 43/, 43 (a/)), 45^,45 9. 2 Tim. iii. 6.
(a/)), 47/. X. 1, 17, 23, 24, 25. xi. Heb. i. 6. iii. 11, 18. iv. 1, 3/, 5,
2/, Hi, 15, 23. xii. 41, 43. xiii. 15 10, 11. vi. 19. viii. 10. ix. 6, 7, 12,
(-L»>5). xiv. 13, 16, 26, 28, 38, 41, 24/, 25. X. 5, 31. xi. 8. xiii. 11. Jas.
eig 123 cte

i. 25. iv. 13. V. 4. 1 Pet. i. 12. ii. i. 19. 11. iv. 17. Col. i. 4. ii. 2.

9. iii. 22. V. 10. 2 Pet. i. 11. 1 John iii. 9, 15.IThes. v. i), 15. 2Tlies.
iv. 1, 9. 2 John 7, 10. Jude 4. ii. 13, 14. 1 Tim. i. 16. v. 24. 2 Tim.

ii. 14(7 LTaS), 20i, 25. iii. 7. iv.

Rev. ii.lO, 22i. v. 6. viii. 5, 8. xii. 6,
9, 14t. xiii. 10. xiv. 19i. xv. 8. xvi. 10, 12. Tit. iii. 12.
16, 17(a', GLrS),
19. xvii. 3, Ileb. X. 39. xi. 7. Jas. i. 19. iv.

8, 11. xviii, 21. xix. 20. xx. 3, 10,

14, 15. sxi. 24, 26, 27. xxii. 14. 22. iii. 9. 3 John 5, 5 (see
Jude 4. Rev. ix. 9. x. 5. xi. 6, 12
9/. 1 Pet. i. 4. iv. 4, 9, 10. 2 Pet. ii.

to, Matt. ii. 1, 8. vii. 13. viii. 28.

xii. 4. xiii. 3. xvi. 14. xx. 8.
ix. 7, 13(or?i5). x. 17, 21, 22. xiv.
unto, Matt. iii. 11. vii. 14. viii. 4,
xxi. 1. xxii. 3, 5, 5 {
19. xvi. 5. xvii. 24, 27. xx. 17, 18.
G'LTTrS), 18. ix. 6. xii. 20. xiii. L, 52( -
TTr-S). xiv. 22. xv. 24. xvi. 21
9. xxiii. 34. xxv. 10. Mark ii. 17
xxi. 1. xxii. 4. xxiv. 13. xxvi
(omS). v. 38. vi. 41, 4^. vii. 30,
3, 36. xxvii. 33.
34. viii. 3, 13, 22, 26. ix. 33. x. 32,
83, 46. xi. 1, 15, 27. xiii. 9, 12, 14.
Mark iv. 35. v. 1, 21. xi. 1, 11.
xiii. 13. XV. 41. Luke i. 26. ii. 4.
xiv. 8, 32.
iv. 26. viii. 22. xi. 24. xvii. 24. xviii.
Luke i. 22, 39, 41, 42 13, 35. xxiv. 28.
23, 56. ii.
(_GooTTri>5), 45, 51. iv. 9, 16, 31.
John i. 11. iv. 8, 36, 45. v. 24,
V. 25, 32. vii. 10. viii. 39. ix. 16,
29^ vi. 27. vii. St, 10, 35, 53(a/?).
51, 53, 56. X. 7, 30, 34. xiv. 8. xv.l7. viii. l(a/?). xi.
31, 54. xii. 25. 27.
xvi. 27. xvii. 11. xviii. 14, 31. xix.
xiii. 1. xviii. 28. xix. 27. xx. 1.
28, 29. xxi. 12, 21. xxii. 33, 39.
xxiv. 5, 13, 33, 50 (^
UlrS), 52.
Acts i. 12. iv. 3. v. 16(rGoLS).
viii. 26. is. 2. xi. 18, 22, 26(25),
John ii. 2, 12, 13. iii. 13. iv. 5. 27. xii. 10. xiii. 4, 51. xiv. 6. xv.
V. 1. vi. 24. viii. 26. ix. 11. xi. 38,
39. xvii. 10. xviii. 6. xix. Zt. xx.
55, 56. xii. 1, 12i. xvi. 32. xvii. 1.
XX. 3, 4, 8. xxi. 9.
LTS), 22, 38, xxi. Itr, 2,
8. xxii. 5, 7, 21. xxv. 6, 13, 21.
Acts i. 25. V. 21, 36. vi. 12. viii. xxvi. 7, 11, 17. xxvii. 8, 40.
3, 5, 25, 27, 40. ix. 2, 26(£vG'LT), Rom. i. 1, 16, 26. iii. 7, 22. v. 15,
30/. X. 5, 8, 32. xi. 2, 13, 20, 25. 16, 18, 21. vi. 16(-Go«), 16, 19i,
xii. 19. xiii. 4, 13^ 14, 31, 34, 46, 22. vii. 10. ix. 21i, 23. x. lOt, 12
48. xiv. 20, 21, 24, 26. xv. 2, 4, 18. XV. 25. xvi. 19. ,
22, 30, 38. xvi. 1, 8, Hi, 12, 16. 1 Cor. i 9. ii. 7. x. 2, xi. 34. xiv.
xvii. 1, 5, 20. xviii. 1, 19, 22, 24. 36. xvi. 3. 2 Cor. i, 23. ii.
4, 16i.
xix. 1, 21. XX. 6, 14, 15, 17. xxi. iv. 11. viii. 2. ix. 5, 13tr. x. 14.
4, 7, 12, 15, 17. xxii. 5, 17. xxiii. Gal. i. 6, 17. ii. 9t. iii. 23, 24.
31, 32, 33. xxiv. 17. xxv. 1, 3, 9, Eph. i.
5, 14, 15. ii. 21. iv. 13i, 16,
20. xxvi. 12, 14, 18, xxvii. 5, 12.
30. Phil. i. 11, 12. iii. 11. iv. 16
xxviii. 6, IZt, 16. (-Lt-). Col. i. 6, 10, 11, 20. ii. 2.
Rom. i. 17, 24, 28. ii. 4. v. 16, 18. iv. 11. IThes. i. 6(-6
G'L). ii. 9,
vii. 10. viii. 15. ix, 22, 31. xi. 36, 12. iv, 8, 15. ITim. i. 6. ii. 4.
xii. 10. xiii. 4(-G°), 14. xiv, 1. xv. 2 Tim. ii. 2lL iii. 15. iv. lOt, 18.
7, 16. xvi. 26. 1 Cor. iv. 6. x. 31. Heb. ii. 3, 10. vi. 6. ix. 28. x.
xiv. 8. xvi. 15. 2 Cor. ii. 12t. iii. 39. xi. 26. xii. 2. Jas. ii. 2. 1 Pet.
13, 18. iv. 15. vii. 9, 10. viii. 4, 24. i. 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 22, 25. iii. 12. iv.
Ix. 1, 8, 11. X. 5. xi. 1. xiii. lOi. 7. 2 Pet. ii. 4, 9. 1 John iii. 14. Jude
Gal. i. 17, 18. ii. 1, 8, 11. iv. 24. 6, 21. Rev. i. Useven. vi. 13. ix. 1, 7.
vi. Si. Eph. i. 5, 6, 12. iv. 32. Phil, xii. 13. xix. 9 17.
itg 124
in unto, Luke xxi. 4. Acts xix. 30. Luke i. 20, 44. ii. 28. iv. 35. vi.
8. vii. 1, 50. viii. 34i, 48. xi. 7, 33.
toward, Matt, xxviii. 1. Luke xii.
21. xiii. 22. John vi. 17. Acts i. 10. xiii. 21. xiv. 8, 10. xvi. 8. xxi. 14

XX. 21. xxiv. 15. xxvii. 40. xxviii. (£v LTTr-S), 37. xxii. 19.
i. 18. ii. 23. iii. Vu(ev L^TTr,
14. Rom. i. 27. v, 8. xii. 16. 2 Cor.
i. 16. ii. L), 16, 18. v. 45. viL 5. ix. 7.
8. vii. 15. ix. 8. x. 1. xiii.
xi. 25, 26, 52. xii. 36. xiv. Ii. xvii.
3, 4. Gal. ii. 8. Eph, i. 8, 19. iii.
2. IThes. iii. 12tr. iv. 10. SThes. 23. xix. 13. XX. 7, 19,
i. 3. Phm. 5. Heb. vi. 10. 1 Pet. iii.
Acts ii. 27, 31. iv. 3. viii. 16, 23.

21. 3 Pet. iii. 9(G', GLS), X. 43. xii. 4. xiii. 29. xvi. 24. xvii.
21. xviii. 21(a/)). xix. 5, 22. xxiii.
in at, Matt. xv. 17.
11. xxiv. 24. xxvi. 18.
at. Matt. xii. 41. xviii. 29 (-GLTr Rom. viii. 18. x. 14. xi. 32. 1 Cor.
S). Luke viii. 26. ix. 61. xi. 32. i. 13, 15. viii. 6. xi. 2A{marg. for),
John xi. 32. Acts iv. 6 [
G'^LT). 25. XV.
54. 2 Cor. i. 5, 10, 21. viii.
viii. 40. xviii. 22. xx. 14, 15, 16.
6, 22. X. 16. xi. 3.
xxi. 3, 13. xxiii. 11. xxv. 15.
Gal. ii. 16. iii. 17(-G°°LT,S). v.
xxvii. 3. xxviii. 12. Rom. iv. 20.
10. vi. 4l Eph. i. 10. iii. 16. iv. 13
2 Tim. ii. 26.
(marg. into)• Phil. i. 5. ii. 16, 22.
before, Acts xxii. 30. Jas. ii. 6. Col. i. 10(G', -GTS), ii. 5. iii. 10.
on, Matt, xxvii. 30. Mark iv. 8. 1 Thes. iv. 17. 2Thes. ii. 4. 1 Tim.
viii. 23. xiv. 6
vi. 20. viii. 23. xii.
GLTTr>S). Luke vi. 9. Phm. 6.
G"LTr Heb. xi. 9. Jas. iii. 3. 1 Pet. i. 8,
S). XV. 22i. John L 12. IL 11. iii. 21i. 2 Pet. i. 8, 17. IJohn v. 8,.
18, 36. iv. 39. vi. 29, 35, 40, 47 Rev. i. 11, vi. 15i. xi. 9. xiii. 6.
(-TTr^^-). vii. 31, 38, 39, 48. viii. xvii. 17.
6{ap), slap), 30. ix. 35, 36. x. 42.
xi. 45, 48. xii. 11, 37, 42, 44ir, 46.
xiii. 22. xiv. 12. xvL 9. xvii. 20.
among, Mat^ xiii. 22. Mark iv. 7
L»^), 18. viii. 19, 20. xiii. 10.
Luke viii. 14. x. 36. xxiv. 47.
xix. 37. xxi. 4(7
G'L^S), 6. Acts John vi. 9. xxi. 23. Acts ii. 22, iv.
vi. 15. xiii. 9. xiv. 23. xix. 4.t.
17. 2 Cor. xL 6. IThes. v. 15.
Rom. xvi. 6. 2 Cor. xi. 20. Gal. 1 Pet. iv. 8.
iii.14. Phil. i. 29. 1 John v. 10, 13 in among. Acts xiv. 14. xx. 29.
(ap), 13. Rev. xiii. 13. throughout", Matt. iv. 24. Mark i.

upon, Matt. xxvi. 10. xxvii. 30. 28, 39. xiv. 9. Acts xxvi. 20(-L^).
Mark xiii. 3. Luke viii. 4'd{omS). Eph. iii. 21.
xviii. 13(-G°oLTr>S). Acts iii. 4. by, Matt. v. 35. Acts vii. 53.
xi. 6. xxii. 13. xxvii. 26, 2d(icaTa with, Ex3h. iii. 19.
G"LT*S'). Rom. v. 12, 18i. xiii. 6. for, Matt. V. 13. vi. 34. viii. 4. x.
ICor. X. 11. XV. 10. 2 Cor. i. 11. 10, 18. xxiv. 14. xxvi. 13, 28.
Gal. iv. 11. Rev. viii. 7. ix. 3. xvi. Kxvii. 10. Mark i. 4 {marg. unto);
1, 2(£7rm'LTTr5'),3,4t(-MLTr>S'). 44. vi. 8, 11. xiii. 9. xiv. 9. Luko
in, Matt. ii. 23. iv. 13. x. 9, 27, ii. 34i. iii. 3. v. 4, 14. ix. 3, 5, 13,
4K, 42. xii. 18(£vTr,-L6'). 30 62(-LTTr5'). xii. 19. xiv. 35i. xxi.
(-G^-'TTrb), 33. xviii. 6, 20. xxvi. 13. John i. 7. ix. 39. Acts ii. 38.
67. xxvii. 51. xxviii. 19. vii. 5, 21. X. 4. xiii. 2, 47. xiv. 26.
Mark i. 9. ii. 1( LTrS). v. 14t, xxiii. 30.
34. vi. 8. ix. 42{-LS), xi. 8 (fv Rom. i. b{marg. to)• - 26. iv. 3, 5, 9,

L""), 8(a/>). xiii. 9, 16. xiv. 20, 60. 22. viii. 28. ix 8.x. 4. xiii. 4. xv. 2,
XV, 38. 4, 26, 31 ( L). xvi. 26. I Cor. v. 5

us 125

xL lit, xiv. 22. xvi. 1. 2 Cor. v. 5. ix. 21. therefore, Mark i. 38. Luke
viii. 14(13), 14. ix. 10. x. St. Gal. iv. 43( r. LTTr^). 1 Tim. iv. 10.
iii. 6.V. 13. Eph. ii. 22. iv. 12i. v. to be'=*', Acts xiii. 22, 47.
2. vi. 22. Phil. i. 17, 25. Col. i. 16,
to put away, Heb. ix.
25. 2 Tim. iv. 11. Tit. iii. 14.'Heb.
iii.5. vi. 16. ix. 9, 15. xi. 8. Jas.
11.23. 1 Pet. 1. 4. ii. 14, Rev. ix. 15
(jnarg. at)• xxii. 2.
, with an Infinitive,
to, Matt. XX. 10.
xxvi. 2. xxvii.
concerning, Acts ii. 25. Rom. xvi. 31. Mark xiv. 55. Luke v. 17.
19. 2 Cor. viii. 23. Epli. v. 32t(-2d Rom. vii. 5. xv. 8. 1 Cor. viii.
L). IThes. V. 18. 10. xi. 22, 83. 2 Cor. vii. 3. Phil.
of, Matt. V. 22. Acts xxv. 20. i. 23. 1 Thes. ii. 16. iii. 2, 5. Heb.
2 Cor. X. 13, 15, 16. xii. 6. Heb. ii. 17. vii. 25. viii. 3. ix. 14, 28.
vli. 14. IPet. i. 11. xiii. 21. Jas. i. 19i.

against, Matt, xviii. 15(-L>S), 21. for to, Rom. xi. 11,
Mark iii. 29. Luke vii. 30 (jnarg, to the end . . may (might), Acts vii.
within^• xii. lOi. xv. 18, 21. xvii. 19. Rom. i. 11. iv. 16. IThes. iii.
3(-Go°LTTr^), 4. xxii. 65. John 13.
xii. 7. xiii. 29. Acts vi. 11. ix. 1. to the intent . . should, 1 Cor. x. 6.
XXV. Sir. Rom. viii. 7. 1 Cor. vi. 18. that . . may (might), Luke iv. 29
viii. 12i. 1 Tim. vi. 19. 2 Tim. i. 12.
Heb. xii. 3. 2 Pet. iii. 7.
(see ).
Acts iii. 19. Rom. ill.
26. iv. lit, 18. viii. 29. xii. 2. xv.
till, Phil, i, 10. 13. 2 Cor. 1.4. Eph. 1. 18. Phil.
until, Eph. i. 14. i. 10. iii. 21 (a/)). IThes. iii. 10.
\ (), thereinto, Luke
2 Thes. 1. 5. ii. 6, 10. Heb. xii. 10.
Luke xx.
xxi. 21. — therein, Mark x. 15.
that so .
). . might, 20(s.se

Luke xviii. 17. Acts xxvii. 6. Heb.

iv. 6.

Rom. ix. 17.

,— Same purpose,
for this
for the same purpose,
2 Thes.

. .

XV. 16. Gal.


Rom.vi. 12. vii.
17. Eph. 1. 12.

11. Jas. i. 18. IPet. iv.

^ lest should, 2 Cor,
Col. iv. 8. —thereunto, Eph. vi. 18. . .

iv. 4.
(), whereto, Phil. iii. 16.
insomuch that, 2 Cor. viii. 6.
whereunto, John vi. 22{ap). Col. i.
BO that, Rom. i. 20 (marg. that . .
29. 2Thes. ii. 14. 1 Tim. ii. 7. vi.
12. 2 Tim, i. 11. 1 Pet. ii. 8.—whith- may).
Heb. xi. 3.
er, John vi. 21. —
wherein. Acts vii. that, 1 Cor. ix. 18. 2 Thes. ii. 2.
4. 1 Pet. iii. 20. v. 12. —
1 Pet. iii. 7.

2The3. 1. 11.

to what purpose ? Matt. xxvi.
wherefore? Matt. xiv. 31.
Not rendered. Matt. xix. 5. Mark
X. 8. Luke xi. 49. Acts xi. 29. xiii.

42(jnarg. in). Rom. vi. 17. xi. 9/.
why ? Mark xiv. 4. xv. 34.
hereunto, 1 Pet. ii. 21. 45t (see ).
xiv. 19. 1 Cor. iv. 3. vi. 16. xv.
2 Cor. vi. ISt. Eph.
thereunto, 1 Thes. iii. 3. 1 Pet. iii. ii. 15. v. 31. Heb. i. 5t, viii. lOi. Jas.
9. —
to this end, John xviii. 37. V. 3. 1 Pet. i. 11. ii. 7{with
Rom. xiv. 9. 2 Cor. ii. 9.— for this
cause, Jolin xviii. 37. 1 Pet. iv. 6.

See also
Add, for

Heb. xii. LT6'.
for this purpose, Acts xxvi. 16. Matt, xxvii. 5, Tr^'. Mark i. 39,
,. 7,
iJohn iii. 8. —for that incent, Acts 8.
iv. \b{aj>). x. 10, G'LTTr*b'. Lk
. —

e& 126
It. 23, GLTTr^S". 44, TTrS. xxiii. xxii. 35. xxiii. ,
9, lO(-G'), 15.
42, L". xxiv. IS, G'. Acts vii. 12, XXV. 15, 17, 24, 40, 45. xxvi. 14,
ix. 28, XXV. 4, G"LT>S. xxiv. 11, 21, 47, 51. xxvii. 48.
LT/S. For fr. elc, Mark iv. Sir, Mark v. 22. vi. 15. viii. 14, 28.
G'TTr5. For fTT/, Matt. v. 39, LTr ix. 17, 37, 42. x. 17, 18, 21. xi. 29.
S. xviii. 6, G"T. xxiv. 16, LTr. xii. 6, 28, 29, 32. xiii. 1. xiv. 10,
Mark i. 10, LTTr. Luke viii. 8, GL 18, 20, 43, 47. xv. 6, 3(rS).
TTvS. John xxi. 11, LTr-S". PhiL Luke iv. 40. v. 3. vii. 41. ix. 8
iii. 14, LT^. 1 Pet. ill. 5, G'LT.
, (3). xi. 46. xii. 6, 25(-TTr^
Rev. xvi. 2, G''LTTr5. For
Acts xvi.
For , 7, GLT/S. v. 15,
Matt. xxi. 1,
LTTr. Mark
. S), 27, 52. XV. 4, 7, 10, 19, 26.
xvi. 5, 13i. xvii. 2, 15, 34, 3G(ay?).
xviii. 10, 19. xx. 3 (-G^LTS).
iii. 7, GLT. vii. 31, Luke xiv. 28, GLT xxii. 47, 50. xxiii. 17(cfj!)), 39. xxiv.
TrS. Acts xxiii. 15, LT*S. xxvi. 6, 18.

For .
G^^LT>S. Plim.
Matt. xxi. 46, G'T:.TTr*S'.
L. Jas.
11, L"^.
iii. 3, LTaS".
For , John i.

vii. 21, 50.

vi. 8, 22, 70, 71.
41. x. 16, 30. xi.
49, 50, 52. xii. 2, 4. xiii. 21, 23.
Matt. xiv. 34(. Gennesaret), TrS. xvii. 11, 21, 21(-G°°Li'TTr), 22/,

Mark vi. 56 (. . cities,

LbTTr-S. xi. 1(. . Bethany), G'LTS. XX. 24.
Luke xxii. 10, see ov. 17, see
John XV. 21, see '.
Acts xiv. 6(.
. .

country), 23. xviii. 14, 22, 26, 39. xix. 34.

Acts i. 22. xi. 28. xvii. 26, 27.

XX. 31. xxi. 26. xxiii. 6, 17. xxviii.

Lystra), L. 21 (. . Iconium, . An- 25.
tloch), LTS.
xvi. 1(. . Lystra), LS.

Rom. iii. 10, 12, 30. v. 12, 15f,

xxvii. 2 (by), LS. Jas. v. 12, see I6i, nt, 18<, 19i. ix. 10. xii. 4, 5.

, ,
, ,
1 Pet. ii. 5 (. .holy), LS. XV. 6. 1 Cor. iii. 8. iv. Qi. vi.
Rev. xiii. 10 (intoi^O, G'LTTr^S.

LukeiiL 16. x. 11. 2 Pet. 11. 21. xii. 11, 12, 12(-G°oLT5), 12, 13ir,

, ,
See also
?6, 14, 18, 19, 20, 26i. xiv. 27. 2 Cor.

?.), •&,-
17. viii. 4, Qt. ix. 24. x. 17ir. xi. 5.

V. 14(15). xi. 2.
Gal. iii. 16, 20i, 28. v. 14. Eph. ii.
14, 15, 16, 18. iv. At, 5/, 6, 7. Phil.

,, ,
, ,
, , 119^, -,
i. 27. ii. 2. Col. iii. 15. 1 Thes. ii.
11. STlies. i. 3. 1 Tim. ii. bt. v. 9,
Ileb. ii. 11. xi. 12. Jas. ii. 10, 19.

iv. 12. IJohn v. *i{ap), 8. Rev. v. 5.
•, ,
, ,
, ,^ , ,
, ,,-,-
vi. 1. vii.
xxi. 9, 21.
13. XV.

one man (jnarg. one), Rom. v. 17.

one thing, Luke x. 42. xviii. 22.

Johuix, 25. Pliil. iii. 13(14). 2Pet,

xvii. 1, 10.

7, o^

iii. 8.
f/? . . , one . other. Matt. xx.

John XX. 12. Gal. iv. 22.


21. xxiv. 40, Mark x. 37. xv. 27.

one . .
another, Matt, xxvii. 38.
cif» neut.
Matt. v. 18, 29, 30. vi. 24t,
27, 29. X. 29, 42. xii. 11. xiii. 46. 11.
, one another, 1 Thes. .
xvi. 14. xviii. 5, 6, 10, 12, 14, 16, only, Mark ii. 7.
24, 28. xix. 16, 17. xx. 13. xxi. 24. ac3rtain,Mt. viii. 19. ix. 18(-StT).
a (an), Matt. v. 41. xxvii. 14, 15.
a, Matt. xxi. 19.
xxvi. 69. Rev.
Mark xiv. 51(-LTrAS). Luke v. ix. liJ.

John 9(-^•^•>5). xx. 7 Mark xii. 42. Luke v.

1 Cor. vi. 5(-G", see oh-
Jas. iv. 13(-LaS). Rev. viii.
a certain,
12, 17. viii. 22.
first, Cor. xvi. 2. Tit. iii. 10.
13. xviii. 21. xix. 17(-G«, first (sc.
day ^),
Matt, xxviii.
[S). I. Mark xvi. 2. Luke xxiv. 1. John
any Of them, Acts iv. 32.
any thing, Jolm i. 3.



whether, Acts i. 24.


one by one, 1 Cor. xiv. 31.

G', TTr
XX. 1, 19. Acts XX. 7.
See also

lead into. Acts xxi. 37.

bring into, Luke xxii. 54. Acts
&' ,
, ^
^' ,
every one, John xxi. 25. ix. 8. xxi. 28, 29.

each, Rev. iv. 8. bring in, Luke ii. 27. xiv. 21. John

Col. iv. 6.
every man. Acts ii. G. xviii. 16. Acts vii. 45. Heb. i. 6.

every, Eph. iv. 16. Add Acts xxii. 24, for GLTS. ,
Rev. xxii. 2 (^with
each, Acts ii. 3.

/caiJ' iva,

ticular, Epli. v. 33.


in par-
' —
hear, Matt. vi. 7. Luke i. 13. Acts

X. 31. 1 Cor. xiv. 21. Heb. v. 7.
xxi. 19.

xxi. 21.
, , ,

every Several, Rev.

St, every

receive, 2 Cor. vi. 17.

go in.
Acts xxi. 18.
xii. 5.
] ^' , one by Mark One, xiv.
ix. 6.
, go into, Acts iii. 3. Heb.


for ^' 3). John
(^• -&' ] Tr, ap).
Add Matt. xxvi.

G^LTTr^S. Cor.
viii. 9


come in,
Acts xxi. 26.

Matt. xxii. 11^, 12. Mark

see V. 39P. vi. 22p, 25. Luke
23. vii. i.

Matt. v. 18, 19, 36. xvii. 4tr.
. 45. xiv. 23. Acts i. 13. v. 7, 10.
ix. 12. X. 3, 25. Rom. xi. 25. 1 Cor.
xiv. 23, 24. Jas. ii. 2. Rev. iii. 20.
xix. 5, 6. XX. 12. xxvi. 40. Mark
ix. 5ir. X. St. xiv. 37, 66. Luke ix.
xvii. 25 (see
, ),
como into. Matt. X. 12'•.
xxi. IOp. Mark
33ir. xiii. 10. xv. 8. xvi. 17. xvii.
ix. 28P. Luke viii. 41, b'\.^'(J:poa
22, 34 (-Lb), 35. xx. 1. xxii. 59.
John X. 16. Acts iv. 32. xii. 10. xix.
34. xxi. 7. xxiv. 21. xxviii. 13.
ICor. vi. 16. x. 8. 2 Cor. xi. 24.
Gal. iv. 24. Eph. iv. 4. 5. v. 31.
Phil. i. 27. 1 Tim. iii. 2, 12. Tit. i.
GLTr^S). Acts xiv. 20. xvi. 15.
Ihih. X. 5p.

unto, Jas. ii. 2.

come to, Acts xi. 20p

xxiii. 33p.
go into. Matt. xv.
II. xxi. 12. xxvii. 53. Mark ii. 26.
— come
6. Heb. X. 12, 14. xii. 16. 2 Pet. iii. viii. 26. Luke i. 9. iv. 16. vi. 4.

St. Rev. vi. 1. ix. 12. xiii. 3. xvii. vii. 36. xix. 45. Jolm xviii. 28.
xix. 9. XX. 6. Acts ix. 6. xiii. 14.
, . ,
12. 13. xviii. 8, 10, 17(16), 19.
one . . other. Matt. xxiv. xiv. 1. xix. 8.

sent, Luke
(sc. ),
xiv. 18.
with Con-
in. Matt. vii. 13.
XXV. 10. Mark xiv. 14. xv. 43.
Luke viii. 51. xi. 37. xv. 28. xxiv
ix. 25. xxiii.
— —
3 *
128 £
. 27.

. 9.
xi. 3. xvii. 2.
go in, Matt. xxvi. 58.
5, 8. Acts i. 21. entering
With ,

1 Thes
to enter into,
i. 9.
Heb. x. 19.

coming, Acts xiii. 24.
enter, Matt. v. 20. vi. 6. vii. 21.
viii.5. X. 5, 11. xii. 4, 29. xviii. 3,
xix. 17, 23, 24(-T*S). xxiii. spring in,Acts xvi. 29.
8, 9.
13. xxiv. 38. XXV. 21, 23. xxvi. 41. run in, Acts xiv. 14 GL
Mark i. 21(-G°''TTrb5'), 45. ii. 1. TS).
ill. 1, 27. V. 12, 13. vi. 10. vii.
24. ix. 25, 43, 45, 47. x. 15, 23, 24,
25. xi. 11. xiii. 15. xiv. '8(
With go into, Mark i. 21. ,
enter, Mark vi. 50. vii. 15, 18, 19. xi.
TS), xvi. 6 ). 2P. Luke xix. 30p. Acts iii. 2. viii. 3.
Luke i. 40. iv. 38. vi. 6. vii. 1, 6, enter in. Matt. xv. 17. Mark iv.
44. viii. 30, 32, 33. ix. 4, 34, 52. 19. V. 40. Luke viii. 16. xxii. 10.
X. 5, 8, 10, 38. xvii. 12p, 27. xviii.
17, 24:(:
1. xxi. 21. xxii. 3, IOp, 40, 46.
xxiv. 26. Jolin iii. 4, 5. iv. 38. x. TTr.
1. xiii. 27. xviii. 1, 33. Acts iii.
8. V. 21. ix. 17. X. 24. xi. 8, 12.
xiv. 22. xvi. 40. xviii. 19. xxi. 8.
come in, Luke xi. 33. Acts ix. 28.
TTr), 25. xix. xxviii. 30.
Add Luke xviii, 24, for

run in. Acts xii. 14.

, ^
xxiii. 1 6. XXV. 23p.
Rom. V. 12. Heb. iii. 11, 18. iv. bring in, Luke v. 18, 19.
1, St, 5, 6, 10, 11. vi. 19, 20. ix. With
(- bring into, 1 Tim. vi. 7. ,
24, 25. Jas. v. 4. 2 John

xxi. 27.

xi. 26(
enter in. Matt. vii. 13. xii. 45.

xxiv. 3. John x.
Heb. xiii. 11.

xi. 4.

G'T), 52i.
2, 9.
bring to, Acts xvii.
G"UFS). Rev. xi. 11. xv. 8. 20. lead into, Matt. vi. 13. Luke

Add Luke xii. 11, for

xix. 30. XX. 29. xxviii. 8. Heb.
19. iv. 6. ix. 12.
come. Matt. viii. 8.
Rev. xxii. 14.
Luke xvii. 7p.

(then, Mark iv. 28. Luke viii. 12.

John xix. 27. xx. 27. 1 Cor. xii. 28
IT£S). xv. ^( L'^T

^0, Luke xix. 7. S), 24. 1 Tim. 13. 10. Jas.
, go through, Mark
. GLTTr). Luke
x. 25 i. 15.

Mark iv. 17.


xviii. 25 . L). after that, Mark iv. 28. viii. 25.

arise, Luke ix. 46. John xiii. 5.
Lulve X.

Matt. xix. 24, GTTr*S.

Matt. ii. 21, L

L™. Acts xviii. 7, LS.

. Heb.
ng. See
«, .
xii. 9.


call in,

entrance, 2 Pet.
Acts x. 23.

i. 11.
in, 1 Thett. ii. 1.
out of. Matt. 15. vii. 5i. viii.
ii. 6,
28, xii. 34, 35i. xiii. 41, 52. xv. 11,
18, 19. xvii. 5. xxi. 16. xxiv. 17.
xxvii. 53. Mark i. 25, 26(aTr6Q"L),
29. V. 2/, 8(
L»"), 30. vi. 54. vii.
129 Ix
20, 21, 26(-G°'>),29. ix. 7, 25(7<5 25. xiii. 30, 34. xiv. 8. xv. 24, 29.
L). xiii. 1, 15. xv. 4G.
Luke i. 74. ii. 4. iv. 22. 35 (
xvii. 3, 31, 33. xviii. 1, 2
S). xxii. 6. xxiii. lO. xxvi. 4, 17.
LT (
G"LTTr5), 38((i7roG"TTi•^). v, 3, xxvii. LT). xxviii. 17. 34(-
17. vi. 42, 45i. viii. 27. ix. 35. xi. Rom. i. 17. iv. 24. vi. 4, 9, 13,
54. xvii. 24. xix. 22. 17. vii. 4, 24. viii. 11^. x. 7, 9. xi.
John i. 4G(47). ii. 15. iv. 30, 47, 15. 1 Cor. V. 2. ix. 19. xv. 12, 20,
54. vii. 38, 41, 52. viii. 59, x. 28, 47. 2 Cor. i. 10. iii. 1. v. 2, 8.
29, 39. xi. 55. xii. 17, 34. xiii. 1. GaL i. 1, 4, 8, 15. iii. 13. Eph.
XV. 19. xvii. 6, 15. xx. 2. i. 20. iv. 16. V. 14. vi. 6. PhiL iii.

Acts vii. 3, 4, 10, 40. viii. 39. xii. 20, Col. i. 13, 18. ii. 12, 19. iv. 16.
11, 17. xiii. 17, 42(ap). xv. 14. IThes. i. lOt. 2 Tim. ii. 8.
xvi. 40. xix. 16, 33. xxii. 18. xxiv. Heb. V. 7. vii. 6. xi. 19. xiii. 20.
7(a/)). xxvii. 29, 30i. xxviii. 3(a-(5 Jas. V. 20t. 1 Pet. i. 3, 18, 21. 3 Pet.
G'LT^S). i. 18. ii. 2l(op). 1 John ii. 19. iii.
Rom. ii. 18. xi. 24, 26. xiii. 11. 14. Rev. iii. 10. viii. 10. ix. 1, 13.
1 Cor. V. 10. 2 Cor. ii. 4. iv. 6. viii. X. 1, 4, 8. xi. 11, 12. xiii. 13. xiv,
11. Eph. iv. 29. Col. ii. 14. iii. 8. 2, 13i, 18. XV. St. xviii, 1, 4, xx. 1.
2Thes. ii. 7. ITim. i. 5. 2 Tim. ii.
from up, Matt. xix. 20 (-G«LT
. .

22, 26. 11. iv. 17.

TrS). Luke xviii. 21.
Heb. iii. 16. vii. 5, 14. viii. 9. from among, Acts iii. 23. 1 Cor. v.
Jas. iii. 10, 13. 1 Pet. ii. 9. 2 Pet. 13. Heb. V. 1.
ii. 9. iii. 5. 3 John 10. Jude 5, 23.
among, Matt. xii. 11. Jolmxii. 20,
Rev. i. 16. ii. 5. iii. 5, 12, 16. iv. 42. Acts vi. 3. xxvii. 22.
5. V. 7, 9. vi. 14. vii. 14((5 L).
off (of ed. of 1611), Mark xi, 8.
viii. 4. ix. 2, 3, 17, 18. x. 10. xi.
of, Matt. i. 3, 5t, 6, 16, 18, 20. iii. 9.
5, 7. xii. 15, 16. xiii. 1, 11. xiv. V. 37. vi. 27. vii. 9. x. 29. xiii. 47.
15(-Go), 17, 20. XV. 6(-G°°TTr'•).
xviii. 12. xxi. 25, 26, 31. xxii. 35.
xvi. l(-G<«Trb), 1(omS), 13lr, 21.
xxiii. 25(-LTr^). xxv. 2, 8. xxvi.
xvii. 8. xviii. 4. xix. 5(-(5 G"LT
21, 27, 29. xxvii. 29, 48. Mark ix.
Tr), 15, 21. XX. 7, 9, 12. xxi. 2, 3,
17. xi. 14, 30, 32. xii. 44i. xiv. 18,
10. xxii. 1, 19(-L).
20(-Tr^>S), 23, 25. xvi. 12(aj?).
from, Matt. iii. 17. xii. 42. xiii.
49. XV. 18. xvi. 1. xvii. 9. xix. 12.
Luke i. 5t, 27, 35 BGp^L^^).
iii. 8. vi. 44i, 45. x.
ii. 4, 35, 36.
xxi. 25i. xxiv. 31. xxviii. 2. Mark
11. xi. 5, 15, 27. xii. 6, lo, 2. xiv.

i. 11. vi. 14, 16(-TTrt';S'). vii. 31.
28, 33. XV. 4i. xvi. 9. xvii. 7 (-IV),
ix. 9. 10. X. 20. xi. 20, 30, 31. xii.
15. XX. 4, 6. xxi. 4i, 18. xxii. 8, 28,
25. xiii. 27. xvi. LTr). 50, 58. xxiv. 18, 18(- StGL*»
Luke i. 15, lit, 78. iii. 22. ix. 7. )),22.
X. 7, 18. xi. 16, 31. xiL 36. xvi.
31. xvii. 7. XX. 4, 5, 35. xxiii. 55. John i. 13/, 16, 24, 35, 40(41). ii.
xxiv. 46, 49. 15. iii. 1. 5, 6^ 8, 31<. iv. 7,13,14,
John i. 19, 32. ii. 22. iii. 13, 27, 22, 39. vi. 8, 11, 13, 26, 51, 60, 64,

31. V. 24. vi. 23, 31, 32<, 33, 38 65, 70, 71. vii. 17, 19, 22/, 25, 31,
LTTr), 41, 42, 50, 51, 58, 64. 40, 42, 44, 48i, 50, 52. viii. 23i, 41,
viii. 23i, 42. ix. 1. x. 32. xii. 1, 9, 44^ 46, Alt. ix. 6, 16. x. 16, 20, 26.
17, 27, 28, 32. xiiL 4. xvii. 15. xi. 19, 37, 45, 46, 49. xii. 4(-Tr),
xviii. 3. xix. 23. xx. 1, 9. xxi. 14. 9, 49. xiii. 21. xv. 19/. xvi. 5, 14,
Acts i. 25{ VTS). ii. 2. iii. 2, 15, xvii. 12, 14i, 16i. xviii. 9, 26,
15. iv. 2, 10. X. 41. xi. 5, 9. xii. 7, 36i, 37. xix. 2. XX. 24. xxi. 2.
130 6H

Acts i. 24. ii. 30. iii. 22. iv. 6. v. by. Matt. xii. 33, 37<. xv. 5. Mark
S8, 39. vi. 9. vii. 37. x. 1, 45. xi. vii. 11. Luke vi. 44. John iii. 34.
2, 20, 28. xiii. 21. xv. 2, 21, 22, 23. Acts xix. 25. Rom. i. 4, 17. ii. 27.
xvii. 4, 12, 26. xx. 30. xxii. 14. iii.20, 30. iv. 2. v. 1, 16. ix. 10, 32i.
xxiii. 21, 34. xxiv. 10. X. 17. 2Cor. ii. 2. vii. 9. viii. 14(13).
Rom. i. 3. ii. 29i. iv. 12, 14, Ktr. v. xi. 2Gt. xiii. At. Gal. ii. 16/. iii. 2t,

16. ix. 5, 6,lli, 21, 24i, 30. X. 5, 6. bt, 11, 21, 22, 24. iv. 22i. v. 5. Tit.
xi. 1, 6, G(ap), 14, 36. xiii. 3. xiv. iii. 5. Heb. x. 38. Jas. ii. 18, 21, 22,

23i. xvi. 10, 11. 1 Cor. i. 30. ii. 12. 24i, 25. 1 Pet. ii. 12. 1 John iii. 24.
vii. 7, viii. 6. ix. 7(-LT5'), 7, 13, 14. Rev. ix. 18(7 G'), 18i (om5).
X. 4, 17. xi. 8/, I2t, 2. xii. 15i, IGt. by reason of, Rev. viii. 13. ix. 2.
XV. 47. 2 Cor. ii. 17^ iii. 5i. iv. 7.
6, xviii. 19.
V. 1, 18. ix. 7. xii. 6. Gal. ii. 12, 15. because Rev. xvi. lit, 21.
iii. 7, 9, 10, 12, 18i. iv. 4, 23i. v. 8. for. Matt. XX. 2. Rev. xvi. 10.
vi. St. Epli. ii. 8, 9. iii.l5. v. ZO((ap). in, Luke xi. 6 (jnarg. out of). Rev.
Phil. i. 16, 17. iii. 5f, 9/. iv. 22. Col.
iv. 11. 1
iii. 6.
10, 12. ii. 8.
Tit. i.
ii. St, 6. 2 Tim.
Rom. xii. 18.
iii. 18.
as much as lieth in you,
8. TO ,
Heb. ii. 11. iii. 13. iv. 1. vii. 4, 5, at, John xvi. 4. Jas. iii. 11. Rev. xix. 2.
12. xi. 3. Jas. ii. 16. iv. 1. 1 Pet. i. on. Matt. xxi. 19. Acts xxviii. 4.
23. iv. 11. IJolin ii. IGt, Idtr, 21, Rev. xviii. 20.
29. iii. 8, 9/, 10, 12, 19. iv. 1, 2, 3, over, Rev. xv. 2, 2(ap), 2t.
4, 5i, Gt, V. Ii, 4, ISt, 19.
It, 13. between" some of, John iii. 25.
2 John 4. 3 John 11. Rev. i. 5(^omS). betwixt", Phil. i. 23.
ii. 7, 10, 11, 17,21,22. v. 5/. vi. Ii.

vii. 4, btr, Gtr, lir, Str, 9, 13. viii. i.

Not rendered, Luke
44(45)? xi. 1? ..
xii. 15.
ix. 33.
11. ix. 20, 21/, xiv. 8, 10. xv. 7.
xvi. 11. xvii. 1, 11. xviii. 3, 4, 12.
xxi. 6, 21.
Add, for
xxviii, 4(icith
Matt. vii. 4, LTvS.
20, L. xiii. 1, hS. xvii. 9, GLTTr.S.
one of, Matt. xxvi. 73. Mark xiv. xxiv. 1, L. Mark i. 10, G"LTTi<S.
69, 70. John xviii. 17, 25. Acts xxi. vii. 15, LTTi 5. ix. 9, L. Luke viii.
8. Col, iv. 9, 12. —
some of, Matt. 3, G'LTTjaS'. ix. 54, L. Acts ix. 3, L
xxiii. 34i. Luke xi. 49. xxi. 16. John LTrS. vi. 4, GLTTr5,
Rijv. i. TS. 5,
ix. 40. xvi. 17. Kc'v. ii. 10. — they -G''^ 10, G"LTTr5. GLTTr.
vii. 17,

(them)'= of, Kev. iii. 9. xi. 9. G'LTr^. xxi. L^. 10, T.
avTOv, thereof, Luke xxii. \&{ xvi. 17,
For ;',Lk. i. (;l,G'L•TTr*b'. For

hTrS). John iv. 12. vi. 50.

John xvi. 28, LTTr. For Jas.
/it) avTov, nothing of, John vi. 39.
ii. 18, StC'"E.— For from. Acts

ov {(hv), whereof, 1 Tim. vi. 4.
Heb. xiii. 10.

— hereby,
from that time, John
— from thenceforth, Johnxix. 12.
1 John iv. 6.
xxvi. 17^^ IS. For f Mt. x. 14-'S

TTr. 25 LTTr5. Lk. xi. 11'^^ G"LT

Tr^". Jn. vi. 6(3, L''Tr^ xii. 2, TS.
xiii. 23,GLTTr6'. 2 Cor. ii. 16'^ LT

LS. xviii. 19'^ LTi.S\ Mk. xiii. l'^^,

hy the means of, 2 Cor. i. 11. ^S. Rev. ii. 9, xiii. 3, GLTTrS". xxi.

through. Gal. iii. 8. Rev. xviii. 3. 9,G'LTTr5. For u t f, Lk. xvi. 4,

with, Matt, xxvii. 7. Mark xii. 30/, V^TrS. For with. Rev. xv. 8, T.
33i, 33(0/0, 33. Luke x. 27, Tltr{iv —
Matt. X. 23 (up). Mark ix. 21
LTr^"). Johniv.6. xii. 3. Acts i. 18. (..Tznnhodn), LTTi'S. xvi. 14 (a;?).
viii. 37(a/>). ICor. vii. 5. IPet. i. 22. Acts xxiii. 30, see Phil. 7],
Rev. viii.5.xvii.2,6i.xviu.l.xix.21. iii. 11 (tt/v for l/TS, ),
, ^ ^-
See also


. Matt. xix. 29 (-

LTTr). Mark x. 30. Luke
viii. 8.

centurion, Acts x. 1, 22. xxiv. 23.

every, Luke iv. 40. vi. 44. xvi. 5.
Jolrn xix. 23. Acta xvii. 27. xx.
31. xxi. 26. ICor. xii. 18. xv. 38.
Eph. iv. 7, 16. 1 Thes. ii. 11.
2Thes. i. 3. Rev. xxi. 21.
xxvii. 1, 31.
See also
centurion, Matt. viii. 5, 8,
GLTTr^S). xxvii.
every one, Matt, xviii. 35. xxvi. Luke vii. 2, 6. xxiii. 1(_- 8).
22. Luke ii. 3. John vi. 7. Acts ii. Acts xxi. 32(-;i:wLTaS).' xxii. 25,
38. iii. 26. Rom. xiv. 12. xv. 2. 26(-.rw LT^). xxiii. 17, 23. xxvii.
ICor. i. 12. vii. 17. xi. 21. xiv. 6(-,tw LT5),

ii. 23. V. 8. vi. 11 (auroZf

every man, Mcatt. xvi. 27. xxv. 15.
G'LT5), 43
26. xvi. 2. 2 Cor. v. 10. Eph. v. (^- LTaS). xxviii. 16(a/>).
33. 1 Thes. iv. 4. Heb. vi. 11. Rev.
go out.
xi. 15, for


Mark xiii. 34. John vii. 53(a/j). cast out. Matt. vii. 5/, 22. viii. 12,
xvi. 32. Acts ii. 8. iv. 35. xi. 29.
16, 31. ix. 33P, 34. x. 1, 8. sii. 24,

Rom. ii. 6. xii. 3. xiv. 5. 1 Cor. iii.

26, 27i, 28. XV. 17. xvii. 19. xxi.

5, 8, 10, 13i. iv. 5. vii. 2% 7, 17,

12. Marki. 34. 39. iii, 15, 22, 23.
vi. 13. ix. 18, 28, 38. xi. 15. xvi.
20, 24. X. 24(o»t5). xii. 7, 11. xv.
11(ap). Luke vi. 22, 42. ix. 40, 49.
23. 2 Cor. ix. 7. Gal. vi. 4, 5. Eph.
xi. 14, 15, IS, 19/, 20. xiii. 32. xix.
iv. 25. Phil. ii. 4t. Heb. viii, lit.
Jas. i. 14. 1 Pet. i. 17. iv. 10. Rev. 45. XX. 12. John vi. 37. ix. 34
XX. 13. xxii. 12. (marg. excommunicate), 35. xii. 31.

each one,
xxi. 19.
every "woman, 1 Cor. vii. 2.

Luke xiii. 15.

particularly, Acts
Gal. iv. 30.

Mid., cast out, Acts xxvii. 38.

cast out

cast out
of, Mark

3 John
xvi. 9


Heb. xi. 21.

a«nyman, Eph. vi.
See also ,
drive out
Luke XX.
, of, John
cast out
15. Acts


xii. 8.
— cast

2 Pet. i. 15.

hundred. Matt, xviii. 12, 28. Mark

iv. 8, 20. Luke xv. 4. xvi. 6, 7.

Matt. xxi. 39.— thrust out of,

— —
Luke iv. 29. thrust out, Luke xiii.
leave out, Rev. xi. 2 (rnarg.
cast out).
cast forth,
Mark vii. 26.
Matt. xxii. 13. xxv, 30.

am ,
John xix. 39. xxi. 11. Acts i. 15.
Rev. vii. 4. xiv. 1, 3. xxi. 17.
by hundreds, Mark vi.
thrust out, Acts xvi. 37.
expel. Acts xiii. 50.
drive, Mark i. 12.

hundredfold, Matt. xiii. 8, 23.

an hundred years old, Rom. iv. 19.

put out,
Mark v. 40p.

put forth, Matt. ix. 25. John x.

Acts ix. 40.
Luke viii.

132 nxsM

pluck cut, Mark ix. 47.

pull out, Matt.
send out, Jas. ii. 25.
vii. 4. vi. 42<. declare, Acts
xiii. 41. xv. 3.

sendf(»tii. Matt. ix. 38. xii. 20. Luke xviii. 5. Rom.
avenge, 3,
Luke X. 2.
xii. 19.Rev. vi. 10. xix. 2.
send away, Mark i. 43.
revenge, 2 Cor. x. 6.
take out, Luke x. 35.

bring forth, Matt. xii. 35<. xiii. 52.

,Add Luke
xi. 14, pass., for vengeance,
xii. 19.
With , 2Thes.
xxi. 22. Rom.
Heb. x. 30.
i. 8.
avenge, Luke xviii. 7,

8. Acts vii. 24.
Heb. xiii. 7.
to escape, 1 Cor. x. 13.

revenge, 2 Cor. vii. 11.

punishment, 1 Pet. ii. 14.


.a casting out with ;

lighten the ship, Acts xxvii. 18.

( 2(
^^^, avenger, ITbes. iv. 6.
revenger, Rom. xiii. 4.


) ,
. .. .
give in marriage,

Matt. xxii. 30
O'LTr-S). xxiv.
S). Luke

— Add,
1 Cor. vii. 3S(a/)), 38(ya-
persecute, Luke
lu^marg. chase out).

being delivered. Acts

xi. 49.


Thea. IL

give in marriage, Luke xx. 34 looking for, Heb. x. 27.
(yai LTrAS, ), 35
I/IiS, ).
'. take
Mark xv.


xxvii. 28(
xxvii. 31.

nephews, 1 Tim. v. 4.

X. 30.

be spent, 2 Cor. xii. 15.
Mid., be unclothed, 2 Cor. v. 4.
Add 2 Cor. v. 3, for G'T.

.wait for, John

Jas. V. 7.
wait, IPet. iii.
v. 3(ap). Acts xvii.

ii. 13, 15. v. 24. vi.
12. xii. 45. xiii. 42, 50,
58. xiv. 23. XV. 29. xviii. 20. xix.
expect, Heb. x. 13.
2. xxi. 17. xxii. 11, 13. xxiv. 28,

tarry for, 1 Cor. xi. 33.
51. XXV. 30. xxvi. 71. xxvii. 36,
look for, 1 Cor xvi. 11. Heb. xi.
10. 47, 55, 61. xxviii. 7. Mark i. 13
(-GLTr/S). ii. G. iii. 1. v. 11. vi. 5,
10. xi. 5. xiii. 21. xiv. 15. xvi. 7.
manifest, 2
Tim. iii. 9.
Luke ii. 6. vi. 6. viii. 32. ix. 4.

absent, 2 Cor. v. 9p.

let out.
xii. 1.
let forth,
be absent, 2 Cor. v. 6, 8.

Malt. xxi. 33, 41.

Lake xx. 9.
X. 6. xi. 26. xii. 18, 34. xiii. 28.
XV. 13. xvii. 21, 23. xxii. 12. xxiii.
33. John ii. 1, 6, 12. iii. 22, 23. iv.
6, 40. V. 5. vi. 3, 22, 24. x. 40, 42.
xi. 15, 31. xii. 2, 9, 26. xix. 42.
Acts ix. 33. xiv. 28(oto*S). xvi. L
xvii. 14. xix, 21. xxv. 9, 14. Rom.

ix. 26.
2 Cor. iii. 17(-G«°LT;S'). xxiv. 19, 22<, 29, 36, 46, 48, 50.
Tit. iii. 12. Heb. vii. 8. Jas. ii. 3. XXV. 7, 19. xxvi. 24i, 29, xxvii. 8,
iii. 16. iv. 13. Rev. ii. 14. xii. 6. 19, 63.

xxi, 25. xxii. 5(/ GLTr'^S, -G°«T).

), .
and there, Matt. v. 23(/cai
Mark i. 9. ii. 20. iii. 24, 25. vi. 11
(a/j), 55. vii. 15(-Tr'^,S), 20. viii.
11. xxviii. 10. Mark i. 35 1. xii. 7. xiii. 11, 17, 19, 24i, 32
(^ L). Jolin xi. 54. Acts xiv. xiv. 21^ 25.
7. xxii. 10. XXV. 20. xxvii. 6. —
Luke ii. 1. iv. 2. v. 35. vi. 23, 48,
there also, Mark i. 3S. —
thither al- 49. ix. 5, 36. X. 12i, 31. xi. 26. xii.

so, Acts xvii. 13. 37, 38, 43, 45, 46, 47. xiii. 4. xiv.
where, Mark vi. 55 21(-G<'°LTTrAS), 24. xv. 14, 15.
oTTov . ,
(- Lr^S). Rev. xii. 14.
thither, Matt. ii. 22. Mark vi. 33. 27
Luke xvii. 37. xxi. 2. Jolm xi. 8.
xvii. 9(-LTTr6'), 31. xviii. 3. xix.
TTrS). xx. l(-G°oLTTr6').
18, 35. xxi. 2.3, 34. xxii. 22.
xviii. 2, 3. John i. 39(40). iv. 39. vi. 22(ap).
thitherward, Rom. xv. 24. xi. 51, 53. xiv. 20.
viii. 10(a/)).

yonder, Matt. xxvi. 36. xvi. 23, 26. xviii. 15. xix. 27, 31.
to yonder placa. Matt. xvii. 20. xxi. 3, 7, 23.
Add Acts xviii. 19, for LS. Acts i. 19. ii. 18. iii. 23. vii. 41.
Rev. xii. 6(she hath . .), GTTr^S, viii. 1, 8. ix. 37. xii. 1. xiv. 21.
xxii. 3, for ,^.
G'. xvi. 3, 35. xix. 16. xx. 2. xxii. 11.
Rom. vi, 21. Eph. ii. 12. 2 Thes.
i. 10. 2 Tim. i. 12, 18. iv. 8. Heb.
thence, Matt. v. 26. ix. 27. xi. 1.
iii. 10(ourof G"LTS). iv. 11. viii.
xii. 9. xiii. 53. xiv. 13. xv. 21.
xix. 15. Marki. igC-Go^L^TTr). vi. 7, 10. X. 16. xi. 15. Jas. i. 7. iv.
11. ix. 30(^ for .
LTTr 15. Rev. ix. 6. xvi.MC-GoLTrb.S').
S). Luke ix. 4. xii. 59. John iv. he (she, it, they, etc.). Matt. xiii.

43. xi. 54. Acts xviii. 7.

XX. 15.
and thence, Acts xiv. 26.
thence also. Acts xxvii.
11. Mark xvi. lO(ap), 13
iv. 11.
(ap), 20(ap). Luke viii. 32. ix. 34
12(? LS). — and from thence, Jolm i. 8, 18. ii. 21. iii. 28, 30.
Mark x. IQiai .LTiS). Acts vii. iv. 25. V. 19, 35, 38, 39, 43, 46, 47.
4. xxi. 1. xxvii. 4. xxviii. 15. vi. 29. vii. 11, 45. viii. 42, 44. ix.

and afterward, Acts xiii. 21, —

Add 9, 11, 12, 25, 28, 36, 37. x. 6, 35.
Luke xi. 53 (a/?), xi. 13, 29. xiii. 25, 26, 27, 30. xiv.
from thence. Matt. iv. 21. ix. 9. 21, 26. XV. 26. xvi. 8, 13, 14. xviii.

for re L/S),
from that place, Mark vi. 10. £or
xii. 15. XV. 29. Mark vi. 1. vii. 24. 17, 25. xix. 21. xx. 13, 15, 16.
Luke xvi. 26. Acts xiii. 4. xvi. 12 Acts iii. 13. x.
(^& .
G"-S), 10
G"LTS). xxi. 6. Rom. xi. 23
GLTaS). xiv. 14, .
there, Acts xx. 13.
Add Mark x. 46, for ',G"
15. 1 Cor. ix. 25. x. 11, 28. xv. 11.
2 Cor. viii. 9, 14(13)i. x. 18. 2 Tim.
G'. Rev. xxii.
that (those), Matt.
25, 27. viii. 28.
2, for

iii. 1. vii. 22, ,


13, 26.
2. vi. 7. xii. 25.
6. iii.

and he
18. XX. 4. Mark xii. 4, 5. xvi. 11
ix. 22, 26, 31. x. 14,
9. Tit. iii. 7.
16. 1 John
2 Pet.


3, 5, 7, 16. iv. 17. v. 16.


Matt. XV.

15. xi, 25. xii. 1, 45. xiii. 44. xiv. (np), 13(ap). Luke xi. 7. xxii. 12.
1, 35t. xvii. 27. xviii. 7(-LTr5), 27 John vii. 29. xix. 35(« ts. L).
(-L), 32. xxi, 40. xxii. 7, 10, 46. Acts xviii. 19. he (etc.) also, Luke—
— .


XX. 11. John

ii. 12.
16. xiv. 12. xvii.
24. Acts V. 37. ICor. x. 6. 2 Tim.

even he, Jolm vi. 57.
they, Acts xv. 11. —
them, Heb. iv.


to faint,
tvK, TaS).
.( Luke xviii. 1
2 Cor. iv.
LT*S). Eph. iii. 13(7/. L-S,
1 and

— and the
xi. 42.

that way (sc.


Matt, xxiii. 23.
Add Luke xx. 12,

that very, Matt. xv. 28, xvii. 18.

Luke xix. 4.
that same. Matt. x. 19(o;)). xxvi.
LS, . ).

be weary, Gal. vi. 9(f7«•. hS^


John xix.
13(^marg. faint;

37. Rev. i. 7.

55. John xi. 49. xviii. 13.

same, Matt. xiii. 1. xv. 22. xviii.
1, 28(-L). xxii. 23. Mark iv. 35.
Johni. 33. iv. 53. v. 9, 11. x. 1.
xii. 48. XX. 19. Acts ii. 41. xii. 6.
xvi. 33. xix. 23. xxviii. 7. 3 Cor.
) L).
off, Rom.

xi. 17, 19,

iii. 27. Gal. iv. 17.


vii. 8. Rev. xi. 13.

assembly, Acts xix. 32, 39, 41.
self-same, Matt. viii. 13. church, Matt. xvi. 18. xviii. 17i.
the other, Luke xviii. 14. Acts ii. 47(-L5). v. 11. vii. 38.
this. Matt. xxiv. 43.

Add, for ,,
Peter°. John xiii. 6(-LTTr'^*S).
Luke vii. 21, John
V. 37, L^^TTr^. For oi, John xix. 15,
Ln'TTrS». For Mark iv. 20,
viii. 1, 3. ix. 31. xi. 22, 26. xii. 1,
5. xiii. 1. xiv. 23, 27. xv. 3, 4, 22,
41. xvi. 5. xviii. 22. XX. 17, 28.
Rom. xvi. 1, 4, 5, IG, 23. 1 Cor.
i. 2. iv. 17. vi. 4. vii. 17. x. 32. xi.
TTr-S. —Matt. xxii. 7(. king), G"

16, 18, 22. xii. 28. xiv. 4, 5, 12,
T. xxiv. 38(. days), LTr^. Mark

19, 23, 28, 33, 34, 35. xv. 9. xvi.

vi. bi{ap).

1, 19i. 2 Cor. i. 1. viii. 1, 18, 19,
23, 24. xi. 8, 28. xii. 13. Gal. i. 2,
there, Acts xxi. 3. xxii. 5.
13, 22. Eph. i. 22. iii. 10, 21. v.
23, 24, 25, 27, 29, 32. Phil. iii. 6.
iv. 15. Col. i. 18, 24. iv. 15, 16.
seek after, Acts xv. 17. Rom. iii. 11.
IThes. i. 1. ii. 14. 2Thes. i. 1, 4.
seek diligently, Heb. xi. 6.
ITim. iii. 5, 15. v. 16. Phm. 2.
seek carefully, Heb. xii. 17.
Heb. ii. 12. xii. 23. Jas. v. 14.
inquire diligently, 1 Pet. i. 10.

3 10. Rev. 4, 11, 20/.

6, 9, i.
require, Luke xi. 50, 51.
ii. 1, 7, 8, 11, 12, 17, 18, 23, 29.
1, 6, 7, 13, 14, 22. xxii. 16.

he greatly amazed, Mark ix. 15.
be sore amazed, Mark xiv. 33.

be affrighted, Mark xvi. 5, 6.
go out of the way,
, Rom. xvi. 17.
iii. 12.

With ,^.^.
greatly wondering. Acts iii.

cast out, Acts vii. 19.

purge out, 1 Cor. v. 7.

1 1

swim out,

carry out,


Acts xxvii. 42.


vii. 12.
iii. 11.

«', '.
purge, 2 Tim. ii. 21. cut out, Rom. xi. 24.
cut off. Matt. V. 30. xviii. 8. Rom.
burn, Rom, i. 27. xi. 22. 2 Cor. xi. 12.
— ;

cut down, Luke xiii. 7, 9.

hew down, Matt. iii. 10. vii. 19. wipe, Luke vii. 38, 44. Joliu xi. 2.
Luke iii. 9. xii. 3. xiii. 5.
hinder, IPet.

Acts xxiv. 21, for

iii. *(^
cry out.
deride, Luke
xvi. 14. xxiii. 35.

convey one's self away, Jobn v. 13.

be verjr attentive (marg. hang on),

. ,.
Luke xix. 4S. awake, 1 Cor. xv. 34

tell, Acts xxiii. 22.

Neut. with , willingly, Plim. 14.

shine forth, Matt. xiii. 43.

wilfully, Heb. x. 26.
willingly, 1 Pet. v. 2.


Mid., choose,
13. X. 42.
Heb. xii. 5.

John vi.
xiii. 20.
70. xiii.
18. .,
of old, 2 Pet. iii. 5.
of a long time, 2 Pet. ii. 3.

16i, 19.
XV. 22, 25. 1 Cor.

i. 2, 24. vi. 5.
xiii. tempt. Matt.
27 {ap), 28. 25. 1 Cor. X.

. iv.
1(. Luke iv. 12. x,

Eph. i. 4. Jas. ii. 6. Add 1 Cor. x. 9, for h^S.
choose out, Luke xix. 7.
make choice, Acts xv. 7.
send forth. Acts xiii. 4.

. ,. ,
Add Luke ix. 35p, for G'
send away. Acts xvii. 10.

fail, Lk. xvi.

/. 9. xxii. 32. Hob. i. 12. Mark xiv. 31, for


chosen. Matt. xx. xxii. 14.
stretch forth, Rom. x. 21.
Luke xxiii. 35. Rom. xvi. 13. IPet.
ii. 4, 9. Rev. xvii. 14. leap out, rush forth.
elect, Matt. xxiv. 22, 24, 31. Mark Acts xiv. 14, for GLTaS.
xiii. 20, 27. Luke xviii. 7.
Rom. Col. iii. 12. 1 Tim.
viii. 33.
fall from, Gal. v. 4. 2 Pet. iii. 17.

i. 2(1). ii. 6. 2 John 1, 13.

election, Rom.
V. 21, 2 Tim. ii. 10. Tit. i. 1. 1 Pet.

ix. 11. xi. 5, 7, 28.

fall off.

, Mark
Acts xii. 7. xxvii. 32.

ii. (
fall away, 1 Pet. i. 24.
fall. Acts xxvii. 17, 29. Jas. i. 11.
2(', LTTr>S)
— With il
1 Thes.

4. 2 Pet. 10.
i. i. xiii.
chosen^°, Acts ix. 15. be cast, Acts xxvii. 26.

viii. 3.

Gal. vi. 9. Heb. xii.




1 Cor. xiii.
take none effect,

away. Acts xx. 6.

. 8(7r/7rr6>

sail "^thence, Acts xviii. 18.

ix. 6.

GLTTr>S). sail. Acts XV. 39.

. 136
. {X70$

^«. Mark
fulfill, Acts xiii. 33(32). astonishment, v. 42.
amazement. Acts iii. 10.
/, -.
accomplishment, Acts xxi. 26.

With be amaze °°, Mark xvi, 8.

With Luke v. 26.
trance, Acts x. 10. xi. 5. xxii. 17»
astonish, Matt. vii. 28. xiii. 54.
xxii. 33. Mark i. 22. vi. 2. vii. 37.
X. 26. xi. 18. Luke iv. 32. Acts subvert. Tit. iii. 11.
xiii. 12. -.
amaze, Matt. xix. 25.

. Luke 48.
trouble exceedingly. Acts xvi. 20.


ix. 43.

stretch out, Matt. xxvi. 51. Mark

give up the ghost, Mark xv. 37, 39. iii. 5.
Luke xxiii. 46. stretch forth, Matt. xii. IZt, 49.
xiv. 31. Mark iii. 5. Luke vi. 10.
go out, Matt. iii. 5. xvii. 21(ap). xxii. 53. John xxi. 18. Acts iv. 30.
Mark i. 5. vii. 19. Luke iv. 37. xxvi. 1.
Acts ix. 28. put forth, Matt. viii. 3. Mark 1. 41.
go forth, Mark x. 17p. Rev. xvi. 14

With an-d, go out of, Mark x. 46p.

Luke V. 13.

. ^
cast out, Acts xxvii. 30.
Add Lulie vi. 10, for Qs'S.
— come out of, Mark vii. 15.
With /c, go out of, Mark xiii. 1p.
Rev. 1.16. xix. 15. come out of,
Matt. XV. 11. Mark vii. 20.


, xiv, 29, 30.

With go out of, Mark xi. 19.

proceed. Matt. iv. 4. xv. 18. Mark
vii. 21. Luke iv. 22. John xv. 26.

Eph. iv. 29. Rev. iv. 5. xi. 5. xix.
GLTTr/S). xxii. 1.

Comp. of
instantly, Acts xxvi. 7.

xxii. 44.
more earnestly,

fervent. 1 Pet, iv. 8.

depart. Matt. xx. 29p. Mark vi. Up.
Acts XXV. 4.
issue, Rev. ix. 17, 18.
come forth,
Mark vii. 23.

Add Acts xix. 12, for

7, John v.
come from within,
instant and earnest

fervently, 1 Pet. 1.22.^

See also

withoUu ceasing. Acts xii. 5 (jnarg



give one's self over to fornication,
Jude 7.

Gal. iv. 14.
Acts vii. 2lP.
cast out.
xxviii. 23.

shake off. Matt. x. 14.
xi. 4. xviii.

Mark vi 11.

reject, Acts xiii. 51.
shake. Acts xviii. 6.
root up, Matt. xiii. 29. xv. 13.
pluck up by the root, Luke zvii. 6. sixth. Matt. xx. 5. xxvii. 45. Mark
Jude 12. XV. 33. Luke i. 26, 36. xxiii. 44.
Jolin iv. 6. xix. 14(r/9irocG")• Acts
X. 9. Rev. vi. 13. ix. 12, 14. xvi.
12. xxi. 20.

pour out, John

18. Rev. xvi.
. ii. 15. Acts
1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 10, 12,
ii, 17,

out of, 2 Cor. xii. 2, LT). ^{,^ shed forth, Acts ii. 33.
without, 1 Cor. vi. 18. shed, Acts xxii. 20(^ LTS).
With, art., the outside, Matt, xxiii. Rom. iii. iii. 6. Rev. xvi.
15. Tit. 6.

, Mark

, .)
26. spill, 22(-TTr).

other than, Acts xxvi. 22. Pass., run out. Matt. ix. 17.
ha excepted'^'', 1 Cor. xv. 27.
See also el » (Regarded as a form of
pour out, Acts X. 45.
turn aside, 1 Tim. i. 6. v. 15. shed abroad, Rom. v. 5.
be turned out of the way, Heb. xii. shed, Matt, xxiii. 35. xxvi. 28.

13. Mark xiv. 24. Luke xi. 50. xxii. 20.
be turned, 2 Tim. iv. 4. spill, Luke v. 37.
avoid, 1 Tim. vi. 20. Pass., gush out. Acts 18. — run

. ,

greedily,Jude 11.
nourish, Eph. v. 29.
bring up, Epli. vi. 4.
Add Rev.

B(marg, an abortive).
xii. 6, for

one bom out of due time, 1 Cor. xv.
Add Acts xxii. 20, for

depart out,
Luke xxi. 21.

give up the ghost. Acts v. 5. xii. 23.

yield up the ghost, Act. v. 10.

carry out, Acts v. 6, 9. 1 Tim. vi. 7.

willingly (lit, willing), Rom. viii.
carry forth, Acts v. 10.
bring forth, Luke xv. 22. Acts v.
20. 1 Cor. ix. 17.

bear, Heb. vi. 8. olive tree, Rom. xi. 17, 24. Rev.
Add Mark viii. 23, for TTtS. xi. 4.
olive berry, Jas.iii. 12.

With , flee out of, Acts xix. 16. Plural, Olives, Matt. xxi. 1. xxiv.
3. xxvi. 30. Mark xi. 1. xiii. 3.
flee. Acts xvi. 27.
2 Cor. xi. 33.
ii. 3.
Add Heb.
Luke xxi. 36.

'. ,
1 Thes. v. 3.
Rom. ii.



xiv. 26. Luke xix. 29, 37. xxi. 37.
xxii. 39. John viii. l(ap).

Matt. XXV. 3, 4, 8. Mark

xii. 25, for oil, vi.
13. Luke vii. 46. x. 34. xvi.


2 Cor. x. 9.
Heb, i. 9. Jas. v. 14. Rev. vi. 6.

, -,
xviii. 13.

sore afraid,
, Mark ix. 6.
xii. 21.

put forth,
ziii. 28.
fear exceedingly,

Matt. xxiv. 32.



less, Heb.
Acts 1.

vii. 7.

younger, Rom. ix. 12(marg. lesser).

Neut.y under, ITim. v. 9.
With art.f that wMch is worse, John

rebuke, 1 Tim. r. 20. Tit. i. 13. ii.

. ,
ii. 10. 15. Heb. xii. 5p. Rev. iii. 19.
AddJuae 15, for G"LTiS.
have lack, 2 Cor. viii. 15.


miserable. iii. 17.
make lower, Heb. ii. *I(marg, make

Comp.f most" miserable, lCor.xv.l9.
inferior), 9.
Pass.f decrease, Jolin iii. 30.
have pity on. Matt, xviii. 33.
have compassion on. Matt, xviii. 83.

drive, Luke viii. 29. Jas. iii. 4. Mark v. 19.
row, Mark vi. 48. John vi. 19p.
have compassion of, Jude 22(aj?).
carry, 2 Pet. 17.

have mercy on, Matt. ix. 27. xv.
22. xvii. 15. xx. 30, 31. Mark x.

. 47, 48. Luke

lightness, 2 Cor. i. 17. xvi. 24. xvii. 13.
xviii. 38, 39. Rom. ix. 15t, 18.
Matt. xi. 30. 2 Cor. iv. 17. Phil. ii. 27.
have mercy upon, Rom. xi. 32.
show mercy, Rom. ix. 16. xii. 8.
least. ii. 6. v. Idt. xxv. 40,
Matt. Pass., receive mercy, 2 Cor. iv. 1.
45. Lukexvi. 10. ICor. xv. 9.
that which is least, Luke xvi. 10.
— obtain mercy. Matt. v. 7. Rom.

xi. 30, 31. 1 Cor. vii. 25. 1 Tim. i.

that thing which is least, Luke xii. 13, 16. 1 Pet. ii. lOi.

, Rom. ix. 16, LT5; 18, ;

very little, Luke xix. 17. Jude 22, LTS.
smallest, 1 Cor. vi. 2. Add Jude 23 (a;?).
very small, Jas. iii. 4.
very small thing, 1 Cor. iv. 3. l{aovvOiLI
alms. Matt. vi.

, ^ .
less than the least, Eph. iii. 8.

S), 2, 3, 4. Luke xi. 41. xii. 33.
Acts iii. 2, 3, 10. x. 2, 4, 31. xxiv.
alms-deed. Acts ix. 36.
2 Tim.


^ ,
conviction, reproof.
16, for

be rebuked, 2 Pet.

ii. 16.
merciful. Matt v. 7.

Generally neuter; masculine marked™.

mercy, Matt. ix. 13"(.
Heb. ii. 17.

reproof, STim.iii.
evidence, Heb. xi. 1.

convince, John viii. 46. 1 Cor. xiv.

S). xii. I'^Cneut.
23^(neut. LTTr^S). Luke i. 50, 54,

58, 72, 78. X. 37. Rom. ix. 23. xi.

31. XV. 9. Gal. vi. 16. Eph. ii. 4.
Tim. 2 Tim.

24. Tit. i. 9. Jas. ii. 9. 1 i. 2. i. 2, 16, 18. Tit.

convict, John viii. 9(). i. 4. iii. 5^(neut. LTS). Heb. iv.

16™(neui. LTS). Jas. ii. 13t. iii. 17.
tell one's fault. Matt, xviii. 15.
reprove, Luke iii. 19. John iii. 20 1 Pet. i. 3. 3 John 3. Jude 2, 21.
(jnarg. discover), xvi. S(marg. con-
Eph. V. 11, 13(mar^. discov- Rom.
er). 2. iv. 2.
2 Cor. iii. 17.
21. 1 Cor. x. 29.
ii. 4. v. 1, 13/.
Jas. 1. 25. ii. 12. 1 Pet. 16. 2 Pet. 11. xiii. 6. Phil. ii. 19. 1 Tim. iv.

ii. 19. 10. V. 5. vi. 17. Phm. 22. 1 Pet.

Matt. xvii. 26. John
Rom. vi. 20. vii. 3.
viii, 33,
1 Cor. vii.
21, 22. ix. 1, 19. xii. 13. Gal. iii. 28.
Acts ii. 26.
xxiv. 15. xxvi.
iii. 5. 2 John 12. 3 Jolm 14.

xvi. 19. xxiii,

xxvii. 20.
6, 7.
iv. 26, 31. Eph. vi. 8. Col. iii. 11. xxviii. 20. Rom. iv. ISt. v. 2, 4, 5.
1 Pet. ii. 16. Rev. xiii. 16. xix. 18. viii. 20, 24ir. xii. 12. xv. 4. 13/.
freeman, Rev. vi. 15. ICor. ix. lOt, lO(ap). xiii. 13.
free woman, Gral, iv. 22, 23, 30. 2 Cor. 7(6). 12. x. 15. Gal. v.

i. iii.
at liberty, 1 Cor. vii. 39. 5. Eph. i. 18. ii. 12. iv. 4. Phil. i.
20. Col. i. 5, 23, 27. 1 Thes. i. 3.
make free, Jolm viii. 32, 36. Rom. ii. 19. iv. 13. v. S. 2 Thes. ii. 16.

deliver, Rom.

. »
vi. 18, 22. viii. 2. Gal. v. 1.
viii. 21.
1 Tim. i. 1. Tit. i. 2. ii. 13. iii. 7.
Heb. iii. 6. vi. 11, 18 vii. 19. 1 Pet.
i. 3, 21. iii. 15. IJohn iii. 3.

faith, Heb. x. 23.

coming, Acts

of ivory,

fold np,

roll together,
vii. 52.


xviii. 12.

vi. 14(. StG).
, *,
Mark xv. 34i.
-, -.
myself, Luke vii. 7. John v. 31.
vii. 17, 28. viii. 14, 18, 28, 42, 54.
X. 18. xii. 49. xiv. 3, 10, 21. xvii.

19. Acts XX. 24. xxiv. 10. xxvi. 2,

sore, Luke
xvi. 21. Rev. xvi. 2, 11. 9.

Pass., full of sores, Luke xvi. 20p.
Rom. xi. 4. 1 Cor. iv. 4, 6. ix.
19. 3 Cor. ii. 1. xi. 7, 9. xii. 5. Gal.
ii. 18. Phil. iii. 13.
P° myself, 1 Cor. vii. 7.
mine own self, John v. 30. 1 Cor. iv.
draw, Jolm vi. 44. xii. 32. xviii.

. .
mine own, 1 Cor. x. 33. [3.
10. xxi. 6, 11. Acts xvi. 19.
me, Matt. viii. 9. Luke vii. 8.
John xii. 32. Phm. 13.

draw. Acts xxi. 30. Jas.

put on one's account, Plim. 18

ii. 6.

— go up


to hope,

.v. 13(- L"*).
vi. 34. xxiii.
Acts xxiv. 26. xxvi. 7. 1 Cor. xiii. GTTr). John vi. 24.
viii. 37. come

get into. Matt. xiv. 22.

8. 45. —take, Matt. xv.
VFrS). Mark
Matt. xiv. 32p
Mark vi.
7. 2 Cor. viii. 5. Phil. ii. 23. 1 Tim. step in, John v. 4p(ap).

With ,
iii. 14. 1 Pet. i. 13.

hope for, Rom. viii. 24, 25.

thing hoped for, Heb. xi. 1p.
trust, Matt. xii. 21. Luke xxiv.
21. John V. 45. Rom. xv. 12, 24.
enter, Matt. viii. 23p. ix.
have hope, 1 Cor. xr. 19. iv. 1. viii. 10, 13,
vi. 17, 22 (aj)).
Add John xxi. 3,
LTTr5. Acts xxi. 6,
. , Lnke

v. 3.


ICor. xvi. 7. 3 Cor. i. 10, 13. v. With , cast into, Luke xii. 5.
., 140
mine own, Matt. xx. 15. xxv. 27.
Add John

Matt. xxvi. 23.

xiv. 20.
xiii. 26, for L.

V. 30. vi. 38. 1 Cor. i. 15. xvi.
21. Gal. vi. 11. Phil. iii. 9. SThes.
17. Phm. 12, 19.

that I have, Luke xv. 31.
of me, Luke xxii. 19. 1 Cor. xi.
intrude into, Col. ii. 18.
24, 25. Col. iv. 18.

With put therein, Acts See .

xxvii. G(^lit.

cause to enter).
2 Pet. iii. 3(days
.), GLTS
look upon, Mark x. 27. xiv. G7.
Luke xxii. 61. John i. 36.
behold, Matt. xix. 26. Mark x. 21.
mocking, Ileb. xi. 36.
Luke XX. 17. John i. 42(43)^

With behold. Matt. vi. 26.
flf, mock. Matt. ii. 16. xx. 19. xxvii.
gaze up. Acts i. 11. 29, 31, 41. Mark x. 34. xv. 20, 31.
see, Mark viii. 25. Luke xiv. 29. xviii. 32. xxii. 63.

can*' see, Acts xxii. 11. xxiii. 11, 36.

murmur against, Mark

xiv. 5.

mocker, Jude 18.
charge straitly. Matt. ix. 30. Mark

, ..
scoffer, 3 Pet. iii. 3.

i. 43.

, .. .
groan, John xi. 33, 38. walk in, 2 Cor. vi. 16.
See -,
fill,Luke i. 53. John vi. 12. Acta
spue, Rev. iii. 16. xiv. 17. Rom. xv. 24.

be mad
against, Acts xxvi. 11.

continue in, Acts xiv. 22. With iv,

Pass., be full, Luke vi. 25.

fic, fall into.
5(7 LTr/S)•
Matt. xii. 11.

Gal. iii. 10. Heb. viii. 9.

Heb. x. 31.

iii. 6, 7. vi. 9. fall
Add, for Acts xxviii. 30, TS.
'. '. among, Luke x. 36.
Add Luke

my (mine]

Matt, xviii. 20. xx. 23.

vi. 39, for

entangle in, 3 Pet. ii. 20,


Mark viii. 38. x. 40. Luke ix. 26. Mid., entangle one's self with,
John iii. 29. iv. 34. v.
30, 47. vii. 6, 2
8, 16/. viii. 10, 31, 37, 43i, 51, 56. x.
Ut, 26, 27. xii. 26. xiii. 35. xiv. 15,
Tim. ii.


See ^,
24, 27. XV. 8, 0, 11, 12. xvi. 14, 15^
xvii. ]0t, 13, 24. xviii. S6f.
Rom. iii. 7. x. 1. 1 Cor. v. 4. vii.
40. ix. 2( LTS), 3. xi. 25. xvi.
18. 2 Cor. i. 23. ii. 3. viii. 23. Gal.
i. 13. Phil. i. 26. 2 Tim. iv. 6(
plaiting, 1 Pet.

breathe out, Acts ix. 1.



LS). Finn. 10. 2 Pet. i. 15. 3 John buy and sell, Jas. iv. 13.
4. Rev. ii. 20. make merchandise 3 Pet. ii. 3.

Matt. xxii. 5.

. Luke xxiv. 5.

Acts x. 4.

.Johu ii. 16.
xxii. 9(-G°°L5).

Luke xxiv. 37. Rev. xi,

tremble. Acts xxiv. 25.

mercliant, Matt. siii. 45. Rev.

xviii. 3, 11, 15, 23.
breathe on, John xx. 22.

vii. 6.
burn up, Matt. xxii.

Matt. v. 16, 24.

X. 32i, dSt.

xi. 10.
vi. 1, 2.
xvii. 2.
ingrafted, Jas. i.


in. Matt. i. 20. ii. It, 2, 5, 9, 16/,

XXV. 32. xxvi. 70. xxvii. 11, 29. 18, 19. iii. Ii, 3, 6, 12, 17. iv. 13,
vii. 27.
i. 2(0^*5). ix. 2.
xii, St. xiv. 2. xix. 4, 27,
Luke v. 19.

28, 45, 4S(see

28. xxi. 36. Jolm i. 15, 21(op), 30. 5t, 6t,
16i, 21, 23.
v.^ 12, 15, 16,
vi. 1, 2i, 4t,
9, 10, 18^ 20, 23, 29. vii. St,
l)^ 25,

iii. 28. X. 4. xii. 37. Acts xviii. 17.

2 Cor. V. 10. Gal. ii. 14. Phil. iii. (

4, 11, 15, 21, 22. viii. 10, 11, 13
L), 24, 32. ix. 4, 10, 31, 33,
13(14). IThes. iii. 9,13. IJolm 35. X. 11, 15, 16, 17, 19,
20, 23,
iii. 19. Rev. iv. 6. xxii. 8.
27i, 28, 32, 33. xi. 1, 2, 6, St, 11,
in the presence of, 1 Thes. ii. 19.
16, 21?r, 23t, 24. xii. 5t, 19, 21 (ow
in the sight of, 1 Thes. i. 3. S), S2t, 36, 40?, 41, 42, 50. xiii. 3,
in one's sight, Matt. xi. 26. Luke 10, 13, 19, 21, 24, 27, 30, 31, 32, 34,
X. 21. 35, 40, 43, 44, 54, 57/r. xiv. 2, 3,
at, Rev. xix. 10.

10, 33. XV. 32, S3, xvi. 17, 19/, 27,
against, Matt, xxiii. 13(14). 28. xvii. 5, 22. xviii. 1, 2, 4, 6, 10/,
of, Matt, xviii. 14. 14, 18/, 19, 20. xix. 21, 28. xx. 3,
Add, for Luke xii. 9. LS. 17, 21. xxi. 8/, 9/, 12, 14, 15, 22,
Acts X. 4, LTS. 28, 32, 33, 41, 42/. xxii. 15, 16, 28,
30/, 36, 43. xxiii. 6, 7, 9(s€eovf)avi.
Mark xiv. 65. Luke xviii. or), 30/, 34, 39. xxiv. 14, 15, 16, 18,
spit on,
32. 19, 26/, 30, 38, 40, 45, 48, 50/. xxv.
Mark 18(-Tr^), 25, 31, 36, 39, 43, 44.

spit upon, x. 34. xv. 19. 4,
With , spit in, Matt. xxvi. 67.
xxvi. 6/, 13, 23, 29, 55/, G9. xxvii.
5(• TiS), 40, 60/. xxviii. 18.

spit upon, Matt, xxvii. 30.
Mark i. 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 11, 13, 19,

manifest, Rom. x. 20.
20, 23, 39(
GLTTr^S), 45(f-i TTr

Acts z. 40.
?] S).n. 6, 8, 15, 20. iii. 23. iv. 1, 2,
show openly, 11, 15(op), 17, 28, 36. v. 5/,
13, 20,
27, 30/. vi. 2, 4/, U(op), 14, 17, 27
(28), 29, 47, 48,51, 56. viii. 1, 14,
to manifest, John xiv. 21, 22. 26, 38/. ix. 33, 36, 41, 50. x. 10(;
show. Acts xxiii. 22. G"LTTr,S), 21, 30/, 32, 37, 52. xi.
Pass., appear, Matt, xxvii. 53. 9, 10(a/>), 10, 15, 23, 25, 26(op),
Heb. ix. 24. 27. xii. 11, 23, 25, 26, 35, 38/r, 39.
declare plainly, Heb. xi. 14. xiii. 11, 14, 17, 24, 25, 26, 32. xiv.
inform, Acts xxiv. 1. xxv. 2, 15. 3/,25, 30(-LTTr,S), 49, 66. xv. 7, 29
signify, Acts xxiii. 15. (-LTTr), 41, 46. xvi. 12(;;),17()).
Luke i. 5, 6, 7, 8, 17, 18, 21, 22, 20, 22, 22(-G°«LT5), 29, 30^ 34,
25, 26, 31, 36, 39, 41, 44, 66, 69, 35, 36/r, 38ir, 41i, 42i, 44, 48. viii.
75, 79, 80. ii. 1, It, 8, 11, 12, 14, 8, 9, 21, 33. ix. 10, 11, 12(-LT^),
16, 19, 21, 23, 24, 25, 29, 34, 38 17, 20, 21, 25, 27i, 29(28), 37i, 43.
(-G'LTTrxS), 43, 44, 46i, 51. iii. 1, X. 1, 3, 17, 30i, 32, 35, 39, 39(-L''
2, 4i, 15, 17, 20, 22. iv. 2, 5, 14, T), 48. xi. 5i, 13, 22, 26, 27, 29.
15, 20, 21, 23(G', GLTTr*S), 23, xii. 5, 7. xiii. 5, 17, 18, 19, 33, 35,
24, 25i, 27, 28, 33, U(elgTTrS). v. 40, 41. xiv. 1, 16, 25. xv. 21, 35.
7, 12, 22, 29, 35. vi. 12i, 23i, 41i, xvi. 3, 6, 12, 18, 32, 36. xvii. 11,
42'r. vii. 9, 21, 23, 25t, 28, 32, 37i. 16, lit, 22, 24, 28, 31i. xviii. 4, 9,
viii. 10, 13, 15, 27i. ix. 12, 26, 31, 10, 18, 24, 26. xix. 9, 16, 21, 39.
36, 57. X. 7, 12, 13ir, 20/, 21, 26. XX. 8, 10, 16. xxi. 27, 29. xxii. 3/,
xi. 1, 2(), 21, 31, 32, 35, 43. 17i. xxiii. 6, 9, 35. xxiv. 12/, 14
xii. 1, 3tr, 12, 15, 27, 28, 33, 3Si, {-Ced. 1611, StL), 18, 20(-LaS'). xxv.
42, 45, 46, 52, 58. xiii. 4, 4(-Tr), 5. xxvi. 10, 21, 26. xxvii. 21, 27, 31,
6, 10, 14i, 19, 26, 28, 29, 35. xiv. 37. xxviii. 7, 9, Hi, 18, 30.
15. XV. 4,7, 25. xvi. 10/; 11, 12,
Horn. i. 2, 7, 9, 18, 19{niarg. to),
23i/•, 24, 25. xvii. 6, 24(0-;^), 26i, 28, 21, 27/, 28(sfie ii. 12, 15,

dltr, 36 (ap). xviii. 2, 3, 22, 30i. 16, 19, 20, 28, 29. iii. 4, 16, 24,
xix. 17, 20, 30, 36, 38ir, 42, 44, 47. 25. iv. 10/: v. 3, 5, 11, 18, 17. vi.
XX. 1, 33, 42, 46ir. xxi. 6, 19, 21ir, 4, 12, 2(7/)). vii. 5/, 6, 8, 17, 18/,
23, 25, 27, 37, 38. xxii. 16, 20, 28, 20, 23/. viii. 1, 2, Ztr, 4, 8, 9/r, 10,
30, 37, 44(a/>), 53, 55. xxiii. 4, 9, lit, 37, 39. ix. Ii, 7, 17, 25, 26,
14, 19, 22, 29, Sit, 40, 43, 53. xxiv. 28 (a^)), 33. X. 6, 8i, 9. xii. 4, 5.
4, 6, 18 (etf G', -GTTr5), 18, 19, xiii. 9, 13. xiv. 5, 17, 18, 22. xv.
27, dot, 36, 38, 44, 49, 53. 13/, 23, 27, 29, 30, 31. xvi. 2/, 3,
.John i. 1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 23, 28, 45 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 12(ap), 13, 22.
(46), 47(48). ii. 1, 11, 14, 19(-Tr'^), 1 Cor. 1. 2/, 5/, 6, 7, 8, 10/, 21, 30,
20, 23, 23(-L^Ti•), 25. iii. 13(oy)), 31. 4, 5/, 7, 11, 13. iii. 1, 16,
ii. 3/r,

14, 21, 23. iv. 14, 20i, 21, 23, 24, 18, 19, 21. iv. 2, 6, 10, 15/, 17/r,
31, 44, 53. V. 3, 13, 14, 26i, 28/, 35, 20/, 21. V. 4, 5, 9. vi. 4, 11, 19, 20,
38, 39, 42, 43i. vi. 10, 31, 45, 49, 20((). vii. 15, 17, 18, 20, 22, 37/,
53, 56i, 59i, 61. vii. It, 4, 9, 10, 39. viii. 4, 5, 7, 10. ix. 1, 2, 9, 18,
15, 28, 37. viii. Zi(ap), 9(), 24. X. 2/, 5, 8(-L^), 25. xi. 11, 13,
(), 12, 17, 20/, 21, 24f, 31, 35, 18, 21, 22, 25. xii. 6, 18, 25, 28.
37, 44/. ix. 3, 5, 34. x. 23i, 25, 34, xiv. 10, 19/, 21, 25, 28, 33, 34, 35.
38<. xi. 6, 9, 10^ 17, 20, 24, 30, 31, XV. 17, 18, 19/, 22/, 23, 28, 31, 41,
38, 56. xii. 13, 25, 35, 46, 48, xiii. 42/, 43/, 52/, 58. xvi. 11, 13, 19,
1, 31, 32(«;>), 32. xiv. 2, lOtr, lit, 24.
m, 14, 17, 20tr, 26, 30. xv. 2, 4/, 2 Cor. i. 1, 4, 6, 8, 9, 12/, 14, 19,
5i, 6, Tt, 9, lOi, 11, 16, 25. xvi. 23/, 20, 20(ap), 22. ii. 1, 10, 14/, 15/,
24, 25i, 26, 3^ xvii. 10, 11/, 12(-G" 17. iii. 2, 3/, 7(-G°°LT5'), 9(-L^),
LTTr6^), 12, 13/, 21//•, 23/, 26/. xviii. 10, 14. iv. 2, 4, 6/, 7, 10/, 11, 12/.
20/r, 26, 88. xix. 4, 6, 41/. xx. 12, 25, V. 1, 2, 4, 6, 11, 12, 17, 19, 21. vi
30. 2, 3, Afive, f>six, 12/, 16. vii. 1, 3,
Acts i. 7, 8, 8(-LT), 10, 15i, 20. 9, 11, IK-G^Li^TS), 14,16/. viii. 2,
ii.17, 18, 19, 22, 46. iii. 6, 26. iv. 7/, IS, 20, 22. ix. 3,4, 8, 11. x. 3,
7, 12(ap), 24. V. 4t, 12, 18, 20, 22, 6, 14, 16, 17. xi. 6, 9, 10/, 17, 23/,
25i, 34, 37, 42. vi. It, 7, 15. vii. 2/, 25, 26/r, 27(-G°LT5), 27/, 32, 33.
4, 5, 6, 7, 12(^ G"LTS), 16, 17, xii. 2/, 3, 5, 9/, lO^yc, 12, 12(-LT

143 ev

S), 19. xiii. 3, 4(^

L™*?; marg. 18. vii. in. viii. 1, 5, 9/, 13. ix. 23.
with), 5. X. 3, 7, 22, 32, 34(?/5), 34(-G''L
Gal. i. 13, Ut, 16, 22, 24. ii. 4, T^), 38. xi. 9, IS, 19, 26(G', omS),
20^ iii. 8, 10/, 12, 19, 26, 28. iv. 37t, 38(7LT5). xii. 23. xiii. 3,
14, 18, 19, 25. V. 6, 14i. vi. It, 6, 4, 18, 21/.
12, 13, 14, 15(«p), 17. Jas. i. 11, 23, 25, 27.
6, 8, 9, 10,
Eph. i. 1, 3, 3(-St), 4t, 6, 7, 8, 9, ii. 10, 16. iii. 2, 14, 18. iv.
2/, 4, 5,

10, 10(f7r/ LS), 10, 11, 12, 13i, 15, I, 5, 16. V. 5, 14.
17 (marg. for), 18, 20/, 21/, 23. ii. 1 Pet. i. 4, 5, 11, 14, 15, 17, 22.
2, 3, 4, 6/, 7/, 10/, 11/, 12, 13, 15/r, ii. 6(-L), 6, 12, 22, 24. iii. 4, 15/,

16, 21/, 22. iii. 3, 4, 5(omS), 6, 9, 16, 19, 20. iv. l(-G^LTS), 2, 3,
10, 11, 12, 15, 17/, 20. iv. 2, 3, 4, II, 19. V. 6, 9, 14.
6, 15, 16/, 17/, 18, 21, 24. v. 2, 5, 3 Pet. i. 12, 13, 18, 19/. ii. 10, 12,
8, 9, 19, 20, 21, 24. vi. 1(-G«L), 13, 18. iii. 1, 10(ow5), 10, 11, 14,
4, 5, 9, 10/, 12, 13, 18, 20, 21, 24 16/r, 18.
(marg. with) • 1 Jolm i. 5, 6, It, 8, 10. ii. 4, 5/,
Phil. i. 1, 4, 6, 7/, 8, 9, U(marg. 6, 8/, 9/, 10/, 11/, 14, 15/, 16, 24/r,
for), 13, 14, 20/, 22, 24(-Goo5), 26, 24(-L), 27/, 28. iii. 5, 6, 9, 10, 14,
27, 28, 30/. ii. 1, 5/, 6, 7, 12/, 13, 15, 17, 24/r. iv. 2, d(ap), 3, 4/, 9,
15(-G"LT5), 15, 19, 24, 29. iii. 1, 12/, 13/, 15/, 16/r, 17/, 18/. v. 1(ap),
3/, 4/, 6, 9, 14, 19, 20. iv. 1, 2, 3/, 8(ap), 10, 11, 19, 20/.
4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 19, 21.
Col. 1. 2, 4, 5/, 6/r, 8, 9, 10, 12, 1 (see
14, 16, 18(viarg. among), 19, 20, 18(fTt
), 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9/.

20, 21.
10, 12,

22, 24/, 27 (marg. amongst), 28/, 29. Rev. i. 4, 5, 9, diomS), 9, 10, 11
ii. 1, 2, 3 (f ,
marg. wherein), 6, (omS), 13(see 15, 16/. ii.

7, 7(-LT), 9, 10, 11/, 12, 13(-G^S), 1, l{sce 7, 12. 18, 18, 24.
15, I6t(marg. fort), 16, 18, 20, 23/.

18, 22.
3, 4,
7/, 11, 15/, 17t, 17, 4, &{see
1, 2, 5, 7, 12/, 13/, 15, 18/. vi.
iii. 1,
). ). ),
4/, 5,

7, 12,
v. 3, 6/ (see
21/. iv.^

1, 2/,


16, 17. 14, 15. viii. 1, 9. ix. 6, 10, 11, 17,

19(fl;^). X. 2, 10. xi.
IThes. i. 1, 5/, 6, 7, 8/. ii. 2,3, 19, 7, 8, 9,

13, 14/. iii. 2, 8, 13. iv. 4, 5, 6, 10, G(omS), 12, 15, 19(-Tr^), 19.
16, 17. V. 2, 4, 12, 13, 18/. xii. 1, 3, 7, 8, 10, 12. xiii. 6, 8.

SThcs. i. 1, 4/r, 8, lO/r, 13/. ii. 6,

xiv. 5, 6, 13, 14, 17. xv. 1/, 5. xvi.
10(-GoLT,S), 12(-G°L^S), 17. iii.
3. xvii. 3, 4. xviii. 6, 7, 8, 10(o»i

4, 6, 17. S), 19, 22/r, 23(-L), 23, 24. xix.

ITim. i. 2, 4, 13, 14, 16. ii. 2/, 7 1,11, 14, 17/. XX. 6, 8, 12, 13/, 15.
CmS), 7, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15. ui. 4, 9,
xxi. 8, 10, 14(7
GLTTr^S), 23(o//i

13/, 15, IQtr. iv. 1, 2, 12/r, 12
{-GLT>S), 12/,
LS), 18.
14. V. 17. vi. 17, 17 ), ),
S), 24(Jaz GLTTr5), 27. xxii. 2(see
3, 18, 19.

therein, Luke
2 Tim. I. 1, 3, 5/r, 6, 9, 13t, 14, 15, X. 9. xix. 45(aj?). Acts i. 20. xiv. 15.
17, 18. ii. It, 7, 10, 20, 25. iii. 1, 12, xvii. 24. Rom. i. 17. vi. 2. Epli. vi.
14, 15, 16. iv. 5. 20(mar^. thereof). Col. ii. 7(-G°5).
Tit. i. 5, 13. ii. 3, 7, 9, 10, 12. iii. 2 Pet. 10. Rev. i. 3. x. 6/r. xi.

3, 15. Phm. 6, 8, 10, 13, 16/, 20/, 1. xiii.12. xxi. 22. thereon, Matt, —
23. xxi. 19. Mark xi. 13. Luke xiii. 6.
Heb. ii. 8, 13, 18. iii. 3, 5, 8/, 11, thereby, Kpli. ii. \G(marg. in him-
12/, 15, 17. iv. 3, 5, 7. v. 6, 7. vi. self). IPet. ii. 2. — therewith, Jas.

6P 144
9. — Luke xxiv. 18. Acts 2, 6. iii. 3, IS. v. 1/. vi. 5, {8),
iii. there,
ix. 38. XX. 22. xi. 18, 19i, 30. XV. 12. 2 Cor.
1. 19.

John iv. 37. ix. X. 1. xi. 26. xii. 12.

30. XV. 8. Acts xxiv. 16. 2 Cor. viii. Gal. i. 16. ii. 2. iii. 1 (-G^oL^:), 5.
10. 1 John iv. 10, 17. therein, — Eph. ii. 3. iii. 8(-L5). v. 3. Phil,
ICor. vii. 24. Phil. i. 18. hereby, — ii. 15. Col. i. 27. 1 Thes. i. 5. v. 12,
13. 2 Tlies. iii. 1, 11.
1 Cor. iv. 4. 1 John ii. 3, 5. iii. 16,
Jas. i. 26(G', omS). iiL 6, 13. iv.
19, 24. iv. 2, 13.
(ri, olf, cic), wherein, Matt. xi.

20. XXV. 13(«p). John six. 41. Acts

ii. 8. x. 12. Rom. ii. 1. v. 2. vii, 6.
(to marg. as much as in you
is). 3 Pet. ii. \t, 8.
1. V. 13,14. IPet. ii. 12. v. 1, 2

ICor. vii. 20, 24, xv. 1. 2 Cor. xi. of, Luke i. 61(e/c G'LTTr>S'). Rom.
ii. 17, 23. xi. 2. 2 Cor. ii. 12. x.
12. Eph. i. 6(i';i-G'T*S). ii. 2. v. 18.
15. Gal. iv. 2'd{marg. for). Eph.
Col. ii. 12. 2 Tim. ii. 9. Heh. vi.
iv. \{marg. in). Tit. iii. 5. Jas. v.
17. ix. 2, 4. 1 Pet. i. 6. iv. 4. 2 Pet. iii.
13. Rev. ii. 13(- QooLTTr). xviii.
— Heb. xiii. 9. — Matt.
viii. 6. xi. 22, 25. xii, 1.
iv. 31. vii. 33( where,
xi. xiii. 49. xiv. 1. xviii. 1. xxiii. 6.
11. XV. 36. —
whereby, Luke i. 78. xxiv. 41. Mark vi. 3. xii. 39. Luke
iv. 18(19). ix. 31. x, 14. xii. 46.
Acts iv. 12. xi. 14. Rom. viii. 15.
xiv. 21. Eph. iv. 30. wherewith, — — xiii. 1. xiv. 14. xix. 5. xx. 10(-LT
8), 46. xxiii. 7/, 12. John iv.
Eph. vi. 16. Heb. x. 29. where-
upon. Acts xxiv. 18. xxvi. 12. 21 45/, 46, .53(-Tr^S). v. 2. vi.39(-Tr).

vii. 11. X. 22. xi. 24. xii. 20. xiv.

when, Luke xxii. 7. John iv. 52.
while, Mark ii. 19. Luke v. 34. 20. xvi. 26. xviii. 39. xxi. 20.
John V. 7. — whereas, 1 Pet. ii. 12 Acts i. 6. ii. 5. vii. 13, 29. viii. 1,
14. ix. 10, 13, 19, 22, 27, 28(df G"
(jnarg. wherein), iii. 16.
iv , whereinsoever, 2 Cor. xi. 21.
LT.S), 36. xi. 15. xiii. 1, 5, 27.
xiv. 8. xvi. 2, 4. xvii. 13, 16. xix.
within, Matt. iii. 9. ix. 3, 21. Mark
1. XX. 5, 15(a/j). xxi. 11. xxv. 4
ii. 8. Luke iii. 8. vii. 39, 49. xii.
(eif G"LT-S), 24. xxvi. 4.
17. xvi. 3. xviii. 4. xix. 44. xxiv.
32(-Tri^). Rom. viii. 23.
Rom. i. 15. viii. 34. xi. 5. xv. 26.
xvi. 1. 1 Cor. i. 2. xi. 34. xiv. 35.
between, Rom. i. 24. XV. 23, 32, 52. xvi. 8. 2 Cor. i. 1.
among, Matt. ii. 6. iv. 23. ix. 35 viii. 14(13). Eph. i. K-T^aS). ii. 12
(om). xi. 11. xvL 7, 8, xx. 26i, 27. (-G°oLT5). iii. 13. Phil. i. 1. a
xxi. 38. xxvi. 5- xxvii. 56. Mark v. 10. Col. i. 2. ii. 1. IThes. ii. 2, 19.
3. vi. 4. X. 43^ XV. 40. Luke i. iii. 1, 13. ITim. i. 3. 2 Tim. i, 18.

1, 25, 28(ajp), 42. ii. 44t C^omS). iii. lltr. iv. 8, 13, 16, 20i. Heb.
vii. 10, 28. ix. 40, 48. xvi. 15. xxii. xii. 2. 1 Pet. i. 7, 13. v. 13. 1 John
24, 26. John i. 14. vii. 12, 43. ix. ii. 28.
16. X. 19. xi. 54. xv. 24. Acts iv. on.Matt. xxii. 40. xxiv, 20(o7«/S).
12. 34. V. 12. vi. 8. xii. 18. xiii. 26. xxvi. 5. Mark ii, 23, 24(-Go°LTTr
XV. 7, 12, 22. xvii. 34. xviii. 11. S). xiv. 2. xvi. 5. Luke i. 59. iv.
XX. 25, 32. xxi. 19, 34. xxiv. 21. 16, 31. V. 17. vi. 1, 2(-LTTr5), 6,
XXV. 5, 6. xxvi. 4, 18. xxviii. 20 7. viii. 15, 22, 32. ix. 37(-Tr"5').
xii. 51, xiii. 7, 10. xiv. 5(-Li'Tr).
Rom. i. 5, 6, 13 (jnarg, in), 13 ii. XX. 1. John V. 9, 16. vii. 22(-L»'),
24. 29. xi. \1(marg. for), xii.
viii. 23/. xiii. 23. xix. 31.
3. XV. 9. xvi. 7. 1 Cor. i. 10, 11. ii. Rom. xii. 7i, 8. 2 Cor. iv. 8. vii.
145 If

6. viii. 1. Col. iii. 1. Heb,

27. vi. Str. ix. 19. xii. 5. xiii. lOt.
i. 3. viii.
1. X. 12. IPet. iii. 22. iv. 16. Rev. xiv. 2, 7(-L), 9, 10, 15. xvi. 8. xvii.
i. 10. V. 13(7 GLTTr5). 16. XTiii. 8, 16(-G°oL1r'^). xix. 2,
upon, Matt. xii. 2. Luke xxi. 23 15i, 20i, 21.
Tivi, wherewith, Matt. v. 13.
(pmS^. Acts XX. 7. Jas. iv. 3.
over, Acts xx. 28. Mark ix. 50. Luke xiv. 34. —by
under,Matt. vii. 6. Rom. iii. 19. what means, Acts iv. 9.

before. Acts v. 27. by, Matt. V. 34, 35, 36. xii. 24,
about, Luke ii. 49. 27<, 28. xiv. 13. xvii. 21 (a;?), xxi.
into, Mark i. v. 16. xxiii.
16. Luke 23,' 24, 27. xxii. 1. xxiii. 16^ 18/,

42(• L""). 35. v. 4(ap).

John iii. 20/r, 21ir, 22tr. Mark iii. 22. iv. 2.
Acts vii. 45. Rom. i. 23, 25. 2 Cor. V. 21. viii. 3, 27. ix. 29i, 33, 34
viii. 16. Gal. i. 6, 1 Tim. iii. 16.
(-Lb), xi. 28, 29, 33. xii. 1, 36.

to, Luke i. Vl[marg. by). John xiii.

xiv. 1.
35. Acts xii. 11. xxiv. 11(• LTaS). Luke i. nOnarg, for), ii. 27. iv. 1.
1 Cor. vii. 15(///a/7/. in). 2 Cor. iv. 3. xi. 19Z. XX. 2, 8. xxiv. 32. John
viii. 7. Col. i. 23.
1 John
2 Pet. i. 5i, Ur, It.
iv. 16.
Luke ii. 14. Rom. xv. 5.
xiii. 35. xvi. 30. Acts i. 3. iv. 7t,
10/, 30. vii. 35
39/. xvii. 31. xx. 19.
G"LT). xiii.

1 John iv. 9. Rom. i. 10. V. 9, 10, 15. x. 5. xiv.

unto, Matt. xvii. 12. Acts xxvi. 14. XV. 16, 19. 1 Cor. i. 4, 5. iii. 13.
20. Rom. V. 21. 1 Cor. ix. 15. xiv. vi. 2, 11. vii. 14/. xii. 3/, 9/, 13.
11. 2Cor. V. 19(6V. in). 1 Thes. xiv. 6/. xvi. 7. 2 Cor. i. 12. vi. 6six,
iv. 7. V. 23. 1 Tim. iii. 16. 7/. vii. 6, 7/. X. 12, Ib^marg. in).

against, Rom. ii. 5. Gal. ii. 17, 20. iii. 11. v. 4. Eph.ii.
after, Heb. iv. 11. 13, 18. iii. 5, 21. iv. 14t, 21. v. 26.
Phil. iv. 19. Col. i. 16, 17, 21(/«ar^.
with, Matt. iii. Hi. vii. It. xx. 15.
in), ii. 11. IThes. iii. 3. iv. 1, 15.
xxii. 37ir. xxv. 16. xxvi. 52. Mark
2 Thes. iii. 16. ITim. i. 18. Tit. i.
i. 8(-TTr^5), 8(-L'^TTrb), 23. iv.
24, 30. V. 2. ix. 1, 50.
9. Phm. 6.

Luke i. 51. iii. 16. iv. 32, 36. viiL Heb. i. x. 10, 19. xi. 2.
1, 2(1).
15. xi. 20. xiv. 31. xxi. 25, 34. xxii.
1 Pet. i. 2 Pet. i. 13.
5. iii. 19. v. 10.
1 John V. 2, 6/. Jude 1. Rev. v. 9.
49. John i. 26, 31, 33^ Acts i. 5. ii.
ix. 20. X. 6. xviii. 23.
29, 46. V. 23. xi. 16, l^inxarg. in).
Rom. i. 4, 9Qnarg. in), I'ii^inarg.
by way of, 2 Pet. iii. 1.
in), 27. ix. 22. x. 9. xii. Str, 21. through, Matt. ix. 34. Luke x. 17.
ICor. xi. 15, 18. John xvii. 11, 17, 19(see
XV. 32. xvi. 16.
iv. 21. V. 8tr.
X. 5.
17. ii. 4.

xiv. 21 1. xvi. ^). 24.

xx. 31. Acts
25(26). vi. 11, 23. xv.
iv. 2. Rom.
14, 20. 2 Cor. 12. vii. 8. xiii. 12.
i. i. iii. 7,

Eph. i. 3, iii. 12. iv. 19. v. 18. vi. 13, 17, 19. 2 Cor. xi. 3. Gal. iii. 14.
2, 14, 15, 18. PhiL i. 20. Col. i. V. 10. Eph. ii. 7, 22. Phil. iv. 7, 13.
11. ii. 4, 7. iii. 16, 22. iv. 2, 6. 2 Thes. ii. 13, 16. Tit. i. 3. Heb. xiii.
IThes. ii. 2, 17. iv. IQtr, 18. v. 20. IPet. i. 2, 6. 2 Pet. i. 1, 2, 4.
26. 2 Thes. 11. ii. 9, 10. iii.
i. 8. ii. 3, 18(-G5), 20. Rev. viii. 13.
ITim. ii. 9, 11. v, 2. 2 Tim. i. 3. throughout", Luke i. 65. vii. 17,
iv. 2. 17(-L'^Tr»'>S). Rom. i. 8. ix. 17.
Heb. ix. 22, 25. xi. 37. Jas. i. 21. for. Matt. vi. 7. Luke i. 44. Phil,
ii. 1. iii. 13. 1 Pet. i. 12{-G°LT). i. 26. 1 Tim. v. 10. Jas. v. 3. 1 Pet.
ii. 18. iii. 2. v. 14. 2 Pot. ii. 13, 16. iv. 14.
Jude 14, 23, 24. v. ii. 16, 2, for one's sake, Eph. iv, 32.
146 «yam
Matt. xxvi. 31, 33. word), U>. John vi. 40(at), LT.S'.
because of,
xiv. 27(-G«°TTr5).
namely, Rom.
with an Infinitive, as,
xiii. 9(^L^).
Mark S.
see or . xvi. 29 (. .
xix. 40 (in), G"T.
GLTTr. 54(at), L^T. ix. 14,

ii.15'(-Tr^>S). iv. 4. Luke ii. 43. v.

1. viii. 5, 42. ix. 18, 29, 33, 34. x.
38. xi. 1, 27, 37. xiv. 1. xvii. H, 14.
xviii. 35. xxiv. 4, 30. Acts ix. 3.
32, see.


(ini^O, T/S.
ii. 41 (.
Lb. iii.
. the s. d.), LT>S'. 42
25 (in), GLT^". v.
vii. 16(of<«''),

'), 20(;
39 (in), hS. xxi.
hS. 22

xi. 15. —
that, Luke i. 21.— when,
xxiv. 14 (.
for G"LT,
the prophets), GTS.
Matt. xiii. 4. xxvii. 12.Luke ii. 27. .

xxvi. lO(in), Gp-'LTaS. 20(at), L.

21. V. 12. viii. 40. ix. 36, 51.

X. 35. xix. 15. Acts ii. 1. Rom. iii.

Rom. V. 17( for
CmG'LmT. vii. 23 (to), T6\
4. Gal. iv. 18. —
while, Matt. xiii.
X. 20 (of,
and unto), L^. xv. 13(with), L"».
25. Luke i. 8. ii. 6. xxiv. 15, 51.
ICor. xiv. 39(with), Lt^T. 2 Cor.
Acts xix. 1. Heb. iii. 15.
V. 12(in2d), LS. vii. ll(ini«0, L^
Not rendered (in notation of
Eph. ii. 5 (. . Christ), L^. v. 19
time»), Matt. xiii. 1^ xxii. 23'.
(inis*), L^ Phil. i. 7(in3d), G"Li>T>S'.
xxvi. 31S 34*. Mark iv. 35^ xiv.
Col. iii. 20(unto), GLTaS. 1 Thes.
27X-G°oL^TTrAS). Luke vii. 11*.

). , -),
19*. xxiii. 12*. xxiv. 13*. i. 7(. . Achaia), G"LT>S. 8(. . A-
xiii. 31*. XX.
Acts 21*, 21*(-LT5). chaia), G"L5. ITim. iii. 14, see
Jn. xxi. 3*. i.

vii. 14. viii. 6. xvi. 33*. xx. 26*. xxvii.

7*. Rom. XV. 6? (see 1 Jas. V. 10 (in), LS. 2 Pet. iii. 3
Cor. xi. 28*.Heb. iv. 4*. 1 Pet. iv. 12. (days GLT^S. 1 John
2Pet. ii. 12. Rev. ii. 14(o?nSBEC). iii. 18(in3d), GLT^'. v. 6(. blooded), .

xi. 13*. xiii. Sl-C^GLTTr.S). LT. Rev. i. 9(of), G"LTTr5'. ii. 1

(of 2d), GLTTr 6'. 8(in), CGLTTr^'.
Add, for dm, 2TL•es. iii. 12, G'LT iii. 14 (of 2d), C-^GLTTr^. r. 2
5. For , Matt. xii. 18, Tr. xiii.

(vrith), viii. 7 (with), xi. 6 (with),
52, L. Mark ii. V^, LTtS. xi. 8, L™. GLTTr^S.
xiv. 6, GLTTr^. Luke iv. 1, G"LT
TrS. xxi. 14, LTTr^".
Tr/S. John iii. 15, L^^TTr. xvi. 13,
G'T;S. Acts iv. 5, G"LT. ix. 26, G'
xxiii. 19,

See also

, ,
),, ,
, ,
xvi. 8. Luke vi. 35. xi.

43. Acts iv. 27. xiv. 10. Heb. iii. 9.

, &voc,

LT. Rom. XV. 31, L. For
X. 27Zr,
iv. Str,
LTvS. For
G'. 20tr, G'TTr. For
tv (fr.

Matt. iv. 4, G"LTTr. xxvii. 29'^i, G"

LTTr>S. Mark iv. 38i«*, GLTTr^".
Luke xvi. 26, L^S. Acts ii. 38, L.
}), Mark
, ,,
,, , ,
, ,
, , ,, ,
, ()(}}, ,
, •&-
1 Cor. viii. 11, G"LT5. Eph. vi. 16,
xxii. 1 6, LTr. For
Rev. i. 20, L. xi. ll^^*, GLT.
John xii.
^, .

35, GLTTr^. For Matt. xxi.

25, LTr. Rom. xi. 25, T. For
Acts i. 17, GLT5. 2 Cor. viii. 19,
Matt. iv. 23(. allG.), Tr^S. xxvii.
take in one's arms, Mark ix. 36?.
take up in one's arms, Mark x. 16.

Plur., things in the sea, Jas. iii. 7.

. ^{

5 9 (in), TTr. Mark vi. 3 2 (by), L^.

Luke Q'S).
Luke xix. 13, see .
ix. 38(iu), C?LTr5'. x. 44, see
xxiv. 19(. .
J-tfci Acts viii. 21,

for Ql/iS.

. 147
Add Mark

xr. 17, for ^ LT
before, Mark
xzi7. 19. Acts
in the sight
Add Luke
8, for ivavTtf Gt'S.


6, for
Lake xx.

vii. 10.


just, Rom.



Rev. xxi. 18.

Heb. ii. 2.

contrary, Matt. xiv. 24. Mark vi.

48. Acts xxvi. 9. xxvii. 4. 1 Thes.
be glorified,
2Thes. i. 10, 12.

ii. 15. Tit. ii. 8.

against, Acts xxviii. 17•

over against, Mark xv.

honorable. 1 Cor. iv. 10.
See also
xiii. 17. Eph. v. 27

begin, Gal. iii. 3. Phil. i. 6. clothing. Matt. vii. 15.

See raiment, Matt. iii. 4. vi. 25, 28.

that lacketh, Acts iv. 34.

manifest token, 2 Thes.

Tim. 16.
i. .
xxviii. 3.

iv. 17.
garment. Matt. xxii. 11, 12.

enable, 1 Tim. i. 12.

xii. 23.

Pbil. iv. 13. 3 Tim.

show forth, 1 i. Pass, or Mid.y be made strong,
show, Rom. 15. ix. 17, 22. 2 Cor.
ii. xi. 34((//<5 LS). — be strong,

2. Heb. vi. 10, 11.

do, 2 Tim. iv. 14.

With e/f•
viii. 24. Eph. ii. 7. Tit. ii. 10. iii.

and ^, to declare,
1. —
With -,
iv. 20. Eph. vi. 10. 2 Tim. ii.
increase in strength. Acts ix. 22.

creep into, 2 Tim. iii. 6.


iii. 25*, 26»>.

. putting on, 1 Pet. iii. 3.

evident token, Phil. i. 28.
proof, 2 Cor. viii. 24.
put on, Matt, xxvii. 31. Mark xv.

26. ii. 14.
eleven, Matt, xxviii. 16. Mark xvi.
Luke xxiv. 9, 33. Acts i.

eleventh. Matt. xx. 6, 9. Rev. xxi. 20. xxii. 11.
20. Luke XV. 22.
clothe with, Mark xv.
Mid, or Pass,f put
Mark vi. 9.
on, Matt. vi. 25.
Luke xii. 22.

Impers. , it


be at home, 2 Cor. v. 6p,

be present, 2 Cor. v. 8.
be, Luke xiii. 33.
Rom. 12, 14. 1 Cor. xv. 53i,
54i. Gal. iii. 27. Eph. iv. 24. vi. 11.
Col. iii. 10, 12. 1 Thes. v.
on, Eph. vi. 14.
6. xix. 14.
6. Rev.

be clothed in, Rev.
— be

clothed with,
—be clothed,
present, 3 Cor. v. 9p.
)}, 2 Cor. V. 3

(^ i.


—be endued

with, xxiv. 49.
be arrayed
Md.^ be clothed in, Luke xvi. 19. in, Acts xii. 21.
—wear, Luke viii. 27* Add Matt, xxvii. 28, for L.
. 148 §
,. ^
See ^'. \) mighty in,Gal. ii. 8.

. do, Phil. ii. 13.

show forth one's self. Matt. xiv. 2.
With lay wait, Acts 3.
Add Acts xxiii. 16, for G Mark vi. 14.
Mid., work, Rom. vii. 5. 2 Cor. iv.
12. Eph. iii. 20. Col. i. 29. 2 Thes.

. work effectually, IThes. ii.
ii. 7.
— be —
liein wait for. Acts xxiii. 21. 13. effectual {marg. be wrought),
lay wait for, Luke xi. 54(-G°o). 2 Cor. i. 6. effectual fervent, Jas.
V. 16P.
lying in wait, Acts xxiii. 16(G', -

'. .
working, 1 Cor. xii. 10.
operation, 1 Cor. xii. 6.

Mark xv.

wrap in, 46.
effectual, 1 Cor. xvi. 9. Phm. 6.
, ,
iii. 11. —
there is, Gal. iii. 28/r,
is, Jas. i. 17.
such things as ye'' have,

vu Heb. iv. 12.


,,. .
Luke xi. 41(marg. as ye** are able).
Add 1 Cor. vi. 5, for GLTS, be blessed, Acts iii. 25. Gal. iii. 8•

for sake, Matt. v. 10, 11. x. 18,

have a quarrel (marg. an inward
. .

39. xvi. 25. xix. 29. Mark viii. 35. grudge) against, Mark vi. 19.
X. 29. xiii. 9. Luke vi. 22. ix. 24. urge, Luke xi. 53.
xviii. 29. xxi. 12. Rom. viii. 36.
.cause. Matt. xix. 5. Mark x.

Acts xxvi. 21. 2 Cor. vii. 12i. hither, Jolm

Pass., be entangled with. Gal. v. 1.

iv. 15, 16. Acts xvii.

for. Acts xxviii. 20. Rom. xiv. 20.
by reason of, 2 Cor. iii. 10.
XXV. 17.

XXV. 24.
Luke xxiv. 41. Acts xvi. 28.

ov because, Luke iv. 18.
wherefore, Acts xix. 32. there, Acts x. 18.
With Irifinit., that . might, 2 Cor.
. ^, hence.

>., '.
vii. 12.

Yor Matt. xvii. 20, LTTr.
Add Mark x. 29(. . the gospel's), Luke xvi. 26, GLTTrS.

., ^.
See think on. Matt. i. 20p.
See think. Matt. ix. 4. Acts x. 19P((Ji-
working, Eph. 1. 19. Phil. iii. 21.
Col. 1. 29. 2 Thes. ii. 9. thought, Matt. ix. 4. xii. 25. Heb.

effectual working, Eph. iii. 7. iv. 12.

iv. 16.
operation, Col. ii. 12. device. Acts xvii. 29.
strong"", 2 Thes. ii. 11. m. See
to work, 1 Cor. xii. 6, 11. Gal. iii. year, Luke iv. 19. John xi. 49, 51.
5. V. 6. Eph. i. 11, 20. ii. 2. Phil. xviii. 13. Acts xi. 26. xviii. 11. Gal.
ii. 13.

work effeotnally in, GaL ii. 8.

iv. 10. Heb. ix. 7, 25. x. l(see
3. Jas. iv. 13. r. 17. Rev. ix. 15.

(. 149
be at hand, 2The8. ii. 2.
come, 2 Tim. iii. 1.

subject to, Heb. ii. 15.
in danger of, Matt. v. 21, 22<r.
Part., present, 1 Cor. vii. 26. Gal. Mark iii. 29.
i. 4. Heb. ix. 9. things guilty of. Matt. xxvi. 66. Mark
present, Rom. viii. 38. ICor. iii. 22. xiv. 64. 1 Cor. xi. 27. Jas. ii. 10.

. .'.
be strengthened. Acts ix. 19.
strengthen, Luke xxii. 4S(ap).
See .
commandment. Matt. xv.

vii. 7. Col. ii. 22.
9. Mark

. .(
or bury, John xix. 40.
ninth, Matt. xx. 5. xxvii. 45, 46. Infinitive^ burial, Matt. xxvi. 12.
Mark xv. 33, 34. Luke xxiii. 44.
iii. 1. X. 3, 30. Rev. xxi. 20.
burying, Mark xiv. 8. John xii. 7.

nine, Luke xvii. 17.
See also

to command, Matt. xv. 4
LTr). xix.
3. xi.
%{(). 7. xxviii. 20.
G"LTTr-S'). xiii. 34.
xv. 14, 17. Acts

ninety and nine. Matt, xviii. 12, 13. xiii. 47.
Luke XV. 4, 7. John xiv. 31
>, give commandment,


make signs to,

Acts ix.

, Luke

1. 62.
Heb. xi. 22.
charge. Matt. xvii. 9.

give charge, Matt. iv. 6. Lk.

Acta i. 2p.

iv. 10.

ix. 20.

intent,Heb. iv. 12.
mind, IPet. iv. 1. hence. Matt. xvii. 20(cyi?evLTTr).
Luke xiii. 31. John ii. 16. vii. 3.
lawful (marg. ordinary), Acts xix. xiv. 31. Jas. iv. 1.

under the law, 1 Cor. ix. 21.
, '& ^,
from hence, Luke iv. 9. xvi. 26 (fv-
LTTr^). John xviii. 30.
on either side,


.in the night

great while before day,
; with
Mark i.

xix. 18.

either side, Rev. xxii.
(on ed.


.. .
16. Col.
in, Rom.
iii. 16.
viii. 11.
2 Cor.
i. 5, 14.

intercession, 1
prayer, 1 Tim.
iv. 6.
. 1.


honorable, Luke xiv. 8.

^ '.
unity, iv. 3, 13.
With hold in reputation, Phil,
swear in, adjure. ii. 29 (marg. honor),


to trouble,
Add Luke
1 Thes. v. 27, LT.

Heb. xii. 15.

vi. 18, for ^ [S.
dear, Luke
precious, 1 Pet.

G'TTrl commandment, Matt.

vii, 2.
ii. 4, 6.

. 19. v. 3,

6 (A(5yof LTr, xix. 17.
xxii, 36, 38, 40. Mark vii. 8, 9. x.
engrave, 2 Cor. iii. 7.
19. xii. 28, 2^(ap), 30(ap), 31.
Luke i. 6. xv. 29. xviii. 20. xxiii.
56. John X. 18. xi. 57. xii. 49, 50. do despite unto, Heb. . 29.
xiii. 34. xiv. 15, 21. xv. 10<, 12.
Acts xvii. 15. to dream. Acts ii. 17.
Rom. vii. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. xiii. filthy dreamer, Jude 8p.
9. 1 Cor. vii. 19. xiv. 37(-T). Eph.
ii. 15. vi. 2. Col. iv. 10. 1 Tim. vi.
14. Tit. i. 14. Heb. vii. 5, 16, 18.
2 Pet. ii. 21. iii. 2. 1 John ii. 3, 4,
dream, Acts
ii. 17.

in the presence of, Luke i. \{ . xiv.

7ir, 8. iii. 22, 23i, 24. iv. 21. v. 2,
3i. 2 John 4, 5, 6 Rev. xii. 17.
10. XV. 10. John XX. 30. Acts xxvii
35. Rev. xiv. lOi.
xiv. 12. xxii. \A(ap).

Mark x. 5. Heb.
Add John xiv. 31, see

of that* place, Acts xxi. 12.

ix. 19. in one's presence, Luke xiii. 26.
1 Cor. i.

in the sight

iv. 19. viii.

i. 15. xvi. 15,
21 (Imvri GLT/S).
X. 31. Rom. xii. 17. 2 Cor. iv. 2.
vii. 12. viii. 21i. 1 Tim. ii. 3. vi.
13. Jas. iv. 10. 1 Pet. iii. 4. Rev.
within. Matt, xxiii. 26, Luke xvii.
21 (mar^. among). xiii. 13, 14.
in one's sight, Luke xv. 21. Rom.
iii.20. Heb. iv. 13. xiii. 21. 1 John
to shame, l Cor. iv. 14. —
Fass.^ be iii. 22.

ashamed, 2 Thes. iii. 14. Tit. ii. 8.
before, Luke i. 6(evavriovTr/S'), 17,
Mid,, regard, Luke xviii. 2, 4.—
75. V. 18, 25. viii. 47. xii. 6, 9(^-
reverence, Matt. xxi. 37. Mark xii.

9. xv. 18. xvi. 15.
Luke XX. Heb.

6. 13. xii. 9. xxiii. 14. xxiv. 43. Acts ii. 25. iv.

10. vi. 6. 46. ix. 15. x. 4(^/i-

be nourished up in, 1 Tim. iv. 6. LTS), 30, 33. xix. 9, 19.
Rom. xiv. 22. Gal. i. 20. 1 Tim.
V. 4, 20, 21. vi. 12. 2 Tim. ii. 14.
trembling, Acts xvi. 29.
With ^
ftremble. Acts vii. 32.
quake, Heb. xii. 21.
iv. 1. 3 John 6. Rev. i.

2, 5, 8. 9. iv. 5, 6, lOt, v. 8. vii. 9i,

11, 15. viii. 2, 3, 4. ix. 13. xi. 4,
4. ii. 14. iii.

. .. .
16. xii. 4, 10, xiii. 12. xiv. 3i, 5(a/)).
shame, 1 Cor. vi. 5. v. 34. XV. 4. xvi. 19. xix. 20. xx. 12.
to, Luke xxiv. 11.
Not rendered^ Luke iv. 7, ivith
to sport one's self, 2 Pet. ii. 13.
Acts vi. 5, with
Add Rom.

xii. 17(a/)).
deal with. Acts xxv. 24.
make intercession, Rom. viii. 27,
34. xi. 2. Heb. vii. 25. hearken to. Acts ii. 14.

. See .
wrap in. Matt, xxvii. 59. Luke ^-
xxiii. 53. six, Matt. xvii. 1. Mark ix. 1.
wrap together, John xx. 7. Luke iv. 25. xiii. 14. John ii. 6, 20.
. '

See also ,.
xii. 1. Acts xi. 12. xviii. 11. Jaa.
V. 17. Rev. iv. 8. xin.lS{se€ ^).

deceive, Rom.

. ^
vii. 11. xvi. 18.

1 Cor. iii. 18. 3 Tlies. ii. 3.
beguile, 2 Cor. xi. 3.

show forth, 1 Pet. ii. 9. Add 1 Tim. ii. 14, for LTS.


.{ Eph. v. suddenly, ix. 8.

redeem, Gal. iii. 13. iv, 5.
16. Col. iv. 5.
in despair (marg. altogether without

lead out, Mark viii. 23 TTr help of means), 2 Cor. iv. 8p.
S). XV. 20((2>' L). Luke xxiv. 50. to despair, 2 Cor. i. 8.
Johnx. 3. Acts xxi. 38. Heb. viii. 9.
bring out, Acts vii. 36, 40. xii. 17. send out. Acts vii. 12.
xvi. 39. send forth. Acts ix. 30. xL 22.

xiii. 17.

bring forth. Acts v. 19. Gal. iv. 4, 6.
fetch out, Acts xvi. 37. send away, Luke i. 53. xx. 10, 11.
Acts xvii. 14.
pluck out. Matt. v. 29. xviii. 9.
Alid.f rescue. Acts

send. Acts xii. 11. xxii. 21.
Add, for — Luke zxiv.
Acts vii. 10, 34. xii. 11. 49, TTr. Acts xiii. 26, LT5.
. ,.
xxvi. 17. Gal. i. 4.
xxi. 5.
'^^ accomplish, Acta

take away, 1 Cor. v. GLTS).

furnish throughly {marg. perfeot)i

to desire,
put away, 1 Cor. v. 13.

Luke xxii. 31.

suddenly, Mark xiii. 36. Luke ii.

2 Tim. iii. 17.

to glister, Luke ix. 29.

immediately. Acts x. 33. xi. 11.

33. ix. 39. Acts ix. 3. xxii. 6.

2 Pet.

six hundred. Rev.

i. 16P. ii. 2, 15.

xiii. 18. xiv. 20.

xxi. 32.
straightway, Acts xxiii. 30

PMl. ii. 23.
by and by, Mark vi. 25.

blot out. Acts iii. 19. Col. ii. 14.
Rev. iii. 5.
Rev. vii. 17. xxi. 4.
raise up, Rom.

go out. Acts xiii. 42p.
ix. 17. 1 Cor. vi. 14.

depart. Acts xvii. 15. xx. 7.

leap up, Acts


spring up. Matt,

raise up, Mark

iii. 8.


xiii; 5.

xii. 19.




get. Acts XX vii. 43.


be drawn away, Jas.

i. 14p.

rise up, Acts xv. 5. vomit, 2 Pet. ii. 22.

search diligently, 1 Pet.
-- i.
35, 38. ix. 4, 6. x. 35P(-G°°LTr5').
xii. 59. John iv. 43. Acts xi. 25.
xii. 17. xiv. 20. xv. 40. xvi. 36,

(With , °•
; with
go out, Matt. ix. 32p. xi. 7, 8, 9.
/c, •.)
40. xvii. 33. xviii. 23. xx. 1, 11.
xxi. 5, 8. Phil. iv. 15.
depart out of. Matt. x. 14p. xvii. 18»
xii. 14. xviii. 28. xx. 1, 3, 5, 6. Acts xvi. Z9 /FS).
xxii. 10. xxiv. 1. xxv. G. xxvi. 30, get out, Luke xiii. 31.
7lP, 75. Mark i. 35, 45. iii. 21. iv. get out of. Acts vii. 3^ xxii. 18^.
3. V. 13, 14( G"LTTr).
1, 12. vii. 30. viii. 27. xi. 11. xiv.
vi. escape, John x. 39.
come out. Matt. v. 26. viii. 32p, 34.
26, 48, 68. xvi. 8. xii. 44. xxvi. 55. xxvii. 32p. Mark
vi. 34p. ix. 26. Luke i. 22p. iv. 36.
Luke ii. 1. iv. 14. vi. 12. vii. 24,

xi. 24. XV. 28. xxii. 39, 52. John
25, 26. viii. 5, 35. xi. 14p (//^»*"
L). xiv. 21, 23. xxi. 37. xxii. 62. xvi. 27. xvii. 8.
Acts xvi. 18. 1 Cor.
John viii. 9(/>). .
9. xi. 31. xiii. xiv. 36. 2 Cor. vi. 17. Heb. xi. 15
30, 31(30). xviii. 16, 29, 38. Acts LT»S). Rev. xiv. 18(-G°L).
i. 21. xii. 9, 10. xv. 24. come 'thereout, John xix. 34.
Heb. xi. St. 1 John ii. 19. iv. 1. come out of, Matt. ii. 6«. viii. 28®.
Kev. iii. 12. vi. 4. xx. 8.
go one's way out, Luke x. 10.
go out of, Matt. xii. 43». xiii.
Mark v. 30^.
46*. ix. 5p*. xi. 24*. xvii. 29». John ^^

iv. 30^. viii. 59^.

xxi. 17. Luke
Acts xvi. 40^. xix. vii. 5«.
GLTS). 1 Cor. v. 10^.
napa^y go out
vi.19^ Acts xvi.



XV. 22». xxiv. 27». xxvii. 53«. Mark
25% 26% 29p^
Luke iv. 35*% 41\ viii. 29=>.
ix. 25^.
vii. 29«. Luke viii. 2", 33% Acts vii. 4^ viii. 7. xvi. 18\ xxviii.



xvi. 17».

ix. 3^. xiv.

2p% 8<=.

Heb. iii. 16^

15% 17% 20^.
xviii. 4''. xix. 5^
xiii. 49.
vi. 54?^.

xv. 18.
viii. 11. ix.
— come John xix. 5. 29. John xi. 44. xvi. 28, 30. Acts


go forth. Matt. xiii. 3. xiv. 14. vii. 7.
xxiv. 26. XXV. 1. Mark ii. 12, 13. come, Mark xi. 12p. Jn. xiii. 3. xix.
iii. 6. vi. 24. xiv. 16. xvi. 20(ap). 5. Acts xxviii. 15 LTS).
Luke V. 27. vii. 17. viii. 27p. John Add Luke xi. 53(a;>). 2 John 7,
i. 43(44). xii. 13. xviii. 1, 4. xix. for G"LTS. Rev. xix.
4, 17. XX. 3. xxi. 3, Acts xvi. 3. 21, for GLTTr^S.
Heb. xiii. 13. 3 John 7. Rev. vi. 2.
go abroad, Matt. ix. 26. John xxi. it is lawful, Matt. xii. 10, 12. xiv.
23. 4. xix» 3. XX. 15. xxii. 17. xxvii.
go away. Acts x. 23. 6. Mark iii. 4. vi. 18. x. 2. xii. 14.
go Whence, Matt. x. 11. Luke vi. 4, 9. xiv. 3. xx. 22. John
go, Matt. XV. 21. Luke xiv. 18. v. 10. xviii. 31. Acts xxii. 25. 2 Cor.
Acts xvi. 10, 19..Kom. x. 18. 2 Cor. xii. A(marg. it is possible).
ii. 13. viii. 17.
is (are) lawfuP% Matt. xii. 2. Mark
proceed. Matt. xv. 19. Jas. iii. 10. ii. 24, 26. Luke vi. 2. Acts xvi. 21.
proceed forth, John viii. 42.
spread abroad, Mark i. 28. 1 Thes.
i. 8.
1 Cor. vi. 12i. x. 23i.
Part., ,
lawful. Matt. xii. 4.

16^^% Acts ii. 29 (mar^. may).
depart. Matt. ix. 31 p. xxviii. 8(-- may•^. Acts viii. 37 (a/)), xxi. 37.
TTrS). Mark vi. 10 vii. Add Matt. xv. 26, for ken 7.^
31. ix. 30. Luke iv. 42. v. 8. viii. LT.
. 1 53

9. Phil. ii. 11. Jas. v. 16. Rev.


to search, Matt.
ask, John xxi. 12.
ii. 8.

Matt. xi. 25,

act., GLTTr5).—thank,
Luke x. 21.
inquire. Matt. x. 11.

12, 14. xxi. 19.

declare John i. 18. Acts x. 8p. xv.

tell, Luke xxi v. 35.


adjure, Matt. xxvi. 63.

Acts xix. 13.

Matt. xiii. 23.

sixty-fold, Matt. xiii. 8.

three-score, Luke xxiv. 13.1
V. 9. Rev. xi. 3. xii. 6. xiii.
. L™).

iv. 8.

pluck out. Gal. iv. 15.
break up, Mark ii. 4p,

set at nought.
Mark ix. 12,
2 Cor. x. 10, L.

Acts xxvii. 18.
ix. 37.

^ the next day,
set at nought, Mark ix. 12{- LTr),

the day following,
Acts xxi. 1. —
the day after, Luke set at nought,Luke xxiii. 11. Acta
vii. 11. —
on the morrow. Acts xxv. iv. 11. Rom. xiv. 10.
17. despise, Luke xviii. 9. Rom. xiv.
i. 28. xvi. 11. Gal. iv. 14.
3. 1 Cor.

sound out, 1 Thes. i. 8. 1 Thes. V. 20.

Pass.^ be least esteemed, 1 Cor. vi.



14 (jnarg, habit, or

bewitch. Acts viii. 9, 11.

Luke xxiv,

2nd Aor., and Mid., be beside one's



contemptible, 2 Cor. x. 10(^-

power, Matt. ix.

6, 8. x. 1. xxviii.
10. iii. 15. vi. 7. Luke
18. ii.

iv. 6, 32. V. 24. x. 19. xii. 5, 11. xxii.

self, Mark iii. 21. 3 Cor. v. 13. —

53. John i. \2(marg. light, or priv-

wonder, Acts viii. 13. he aston- —

ilege). X. 18i. xvii. 2. xix. lOi, 11.
Acts i. 7. V. 4. viii. 19. xxvi. 18.
ished, Mark v. 42. Luke ii. 47. viii.

Rom. ix. 21. xiii. Ii, \{omS), 2, 3,

5G. Acts X. 45. xii. 16. be amazed,
Matt. xii. 23. Mark ii. 12. vi. 51. 1 Cor. vii. 37. ix. 4, 5, 6, 12/, 18.
xi. 10 (see Twar^r.). 2 Cor. xiii. 10.
Acts ii. 7, 12. ix. 21.

Eph. i. 21. ii. 2. iii. 10. vi. 12. Col.

i. 13, 16. ii. 10, 15. 2Tlies. iii. 9.
be able, Eph. iii. 18.
Tit. iii. 1. Jude 25. Rev. ii. 26. vi.
8. ix. 3/, 10, 19. xi. 6i. xii. 10. xiii.

to promise,
departing, Heb. xi. 22.

destroy, Acts iii. 23.

Luke xxii.
Mid., confess. Matt. iii. 6. Mark i.
4, 5, 7, 12. xiv. 18. xvi. 9. xvii.
decease, Luke ix. 31. 2 Pet. i. 15. 12. xviii. 1. XX. 6.
strength. Rev. xvii. 13.
liberty {marg. power), 1 Cor. viii. 9.


authority. Matt. vii. 29. viii. 9.

Acts xix. 18. Rom. xiv. 11. xv. xxi. 23/, 24, 27. Mark i. 22, 27. xi.
xiii. 10(-T). Rev. xxii.
28, 29, 33.
vii. 8. ix. 1.
xiii. 34. Luke
xix. 17. xx. 2i, 8, 20.
iv. 36.
without, 2 Cor. vii. 5.
With art., one (that) which is with-

John V. 27. Acts ix. 14. xxvi. 10, out, Luke xi. 40. 1 Tim. iii. 7. Rev.
12. ICor. XV. 24. 2 Cor. x. 8. xi. 2
1 Pet. iii. 22. Rev. xiii. 2.
St<S). the outside,
Matt, xxiii. 25. Luke xi. 39.

jurisdiction, Luke xxiii. 7.

have power of, 1 Cor. vii. 4t.

bring under power, 1 Cor. vi. 12. 20, for , ,
outward, Matt, xxiii. 27. IPet.
outwardly. Matt, xxiii. 28.
Add Rev. v. 1, for



exercise authority upon, Luke xxii.

drive out, Acts vii. 45.


With ^
awake out of
, principal,



awake out
Acts xxv.

xi. 11.

of sleep,
thrust in, Acts xxvii. 39.

XXV. 30.


1 Cor. V. 8.
viii. 12.

xxii. 13.


Acts xvi. 27.

feast. Matt. xxvi. 5. xxvii. 15.
without, Matt. 46, 47. XXVI. Mark xv. 6. Luke ii. 41, 42. xxii.
69. Mark i. 45. iii. 31, 32. xi. 4. 1. xxiii. Vl(ap). John iv. 45i. v. 1,
Luke i. 10. viii. 20. xiii. 25. John vi. 4. vii. 2, 8i, 10, 11, 14, 37. xi.
xviii. 16. XX. 11(-LaS). Acts v. 23 56. xii. 12, 20. xiii. 1, 29. Acts
(omS). Heb.xiii. 11, 12, 13. Rev. xviii. 21 (aj)).
xiv 20( GLTTr). xxii. 15. feast day, Mark xiv. 2. John ii. 23.
With art., one that is without, Mark holyday, Col. ii. 16.
iv. 11. 1 Cor. V. 12, 13. Col. iv. 5.
1 Thes. iv. 12.
out, Matt. V. 13. xxvi. 75. Mark LT,
message, 1 John
,. i. 5 (G', Q
xiv. 68. Luke viii. 54(0;?). xiii. 28.
promise, Luke xxiv. 49. Acts i. 4.
viv. 35. xxii. 62. xxiv. 50(-G"L^>
ii. 33, 39. vii. 17. xiii. 23, 32. xxiii.
TrS). John vi. 37. ix. 34, 35. xii.
21, xxvi. 6. Rom. iv. 13, 14, 16,
31. Acts xvl. 30. 1 John iv. 18. Rev.
20. ix. 4, 8, 9. XV. 8. 3 Cor. i. 20.
iii. 12. xi. 2(^-& L, S). vii. 1. Gal. iii. 14, 16, 17, 18i, 21,
outward, 2 Cor. iv. 1 6.
22, 29. iv. 23, 28. Eph. i. 13. ii. 12.
strange, Acts xxvi. 11.
iii. 6. vi. 2. ITim. iv. 8. 2 Tim. i.
out of, Matt. xxi. 17, 39. Mark v.
1. Heb. iv. 1. vi. 12, 15, 17. vii. 6.

10. viii. 23. xi. 19. xii. 8. Luke i v.
viii. 6. ix. 15. x. 36. xi. 9t, 13, 17,
29. xiii. 33. xx. 15. Acts iv. 15.
33, 39. 2 Pet. iii. 4, 9. 1 John ii. 25.
vii. 58. xiv. 19. xvi. 13. xxi. 5, 30.

forth, John xi. 43. v. 6, xix. 4<,

Mid. and Pass, perf., to promise,
5, 13. Acts v. 34. ix. 40.
Mark xiv. 11. Acts vii. 5. Rom. iv.
away, Matt. xiii. 48.
21. Tit. i. 2. Heb. x. 23. xi. 11.
Add Matt. x. 14 (. . that house), xii. 26. Jas. i. 12. ii. 5. 2 Pet. ii.
LTr5. John xviii. 29(out), LTr5. 19p.
IJohnii. 25. make promise, —
Heb, vi. 13p. —
profess, ITim. ii.
from without, Mark vii. 15, 18. 10. vi. 21.
Pass. Impers., promise
iii. 19.
.. is made, Gal.
hear, Acts xvi. 25.
promise, 2 Pet.

bring upon, Acts v. 28. 2 Pet.
bring in upon, 2 Pet. ii. 5.
i. 4. iii. 13.

ii. 1.
when, Matt.


ii. 8.

Acts xv. 28.

Luke xi. 22, 34.

earnestly contend
be gathered thick together,
xi. 29P.

to praise, 1 Cor. xi. 2, 17, 22i.
for, Jude 3.


put in mind,

With , .
to return. Matt. xxi. 18p.

In navigation, thrust out, Luke v.

launch out, Luke v. 4.

, Rom. xv.


rest upon, z. 6.
laud, Rom. xv. 11. rest in, Rom. ii. 17.
commend, Luke xvi. 8.

come again, Luke x. 35.

praise, Rom. ii. 29. xiii. 3. 1 Cor. return, Luke xix. 15.
iv. 5. 2 Cor. viii. 18. Eph. i. 6, 12,


take up, Acts i. 9.


up. Matt. xvii. 8p.

11. iv. 8.

1 Pet. i.

vi. 20.
xiii. 12.

up against. Matt. x. 21. Mark

2 Tim. iii. 16.

xi. 27. xvi. 23. xviii. 13. xxi. 28.

xxiv. 50. John iv. 35. vi. 5p. xiii. above, John iii. 31, 31 (a^). 1 Cor.

18. xvii. 1. Acts ii. 14. xiv. 11. XV. 6.
xxii. 22. 1 Tim. ii. 8. more than, Mark xiv. 5.
hoise up, Acts xxvii. 40. over, Matt. ii. 9. xxvii. 37. Luke
Mid., exalt one's 2 Cor. x. 5.
iv. 39. xi. 44. xix. 17, 19.
xi. 20. upon. Matt, xxiii. 18. xxviii. 2.
Rev. XX. 3.
Matt. V. 14. xxi. 7. Luke

. . ,..
on. x.
be ashamed of, Mark viii. 38i, Luke
19. Rev. vi. 8.
ix. 2Gt.
2 Tim.
i. 8, 16.
i. 16. vi. 21{withkm). ' (), thereon. Matt.
xxi. 7. xxiii. 20, 22.
be ashamed, 2 Tim. i. 12. Heb. ii.
11. xi. 16. accursed.
John vii. 49, for LT

Luke xvi. 3. Tr^S.
Add Luke
&.xviii. 35, for

relieve, 1 Tim. v. 10, 16i.

follow after, 1

v. 10. 1 Pet. ii. 21.

hear, 2 Cor. vi. 2.

follow, Mark xvi. 20(ap).
Tim. v. 24.
province. Acts xxiii. 34.

habitation. Acts

With art» -y {sc.

i. 20.

xxv. 1.

on the
, (^
morrow, Mark xi. 12. Acts x. 9, 23. With
XX, 7. xxii. 30. xxiii. 32. xxv. 23. oou LT).
— the morrow after, Acts x. 24.

behold, Acts iv. 29

— ., ,
on the next day, John xii. 12. the Participle,
next day, Matt, xxvii. 62. John i. following. Acts xxiii. 11.
29. Acts xiv. 20. xxi. 8. xxv. 6. —
next, Acts vii. 26.
the next day after, Jolin i. 35. the —
With art. rij (sc. ),—
. .
the day
day following, John i. 43(44). vi. 22. following, Acts xxi. 18. the next
day. Acts xvi. 11. xx. 15.
in the very act,


stir up,


Acts xiv. 2.
Acts xiii. 50.

2 Cor.


xiii. 3.
i. 34. Heb.
viii. 4(ap).

iv. 6. v.




xxi. 35, for


vii. 19.

afterward, 1 Cor. xv. 23, 46.
afterwards, Cal. i. 21.
in upon.


after that, 1 Cor. xii. 28. xv. 6, 7.

seeing that, 2 Cor. xi. 18.
for then,
Rom. iii. 6. 1 Cor. v. 10
Heb. vii. 2.
then, Mark vii. 5 G'LTTr^). {
(with Heb. ix. 2G. x. 2.
when, Luke vii. l(see ).
Luke xvi. 7. John xi. 7. Gal i. 18.
ii. 1. 1 Thes. iv. 17. Heb. vii. 27.

for that, Heb. v. 2.

Jas. iii. 17. iv. 14.
forasmuch as, 1 Cor. xiv. 12. Heb.
ii. 14.
Add, for 1 Cor. xii. 28, LS,
XV. 7, L°»TaS.
hecause, Matt, xviii. 32. xxvii. 6.
Mark XV. 42. John xiii. 29. xix. 31.
Heb. vi. 13. xi. 11.
Heb. ix. 17.
Rom. xi.

6, G(ap), 22.
beyond, Acts vii. 43.

reach forth unto, Phil. iii. 13(14).
1 Cor. vii. 14. xiv. 16. xv. 29.

Add Matt. xxi. 46, for TrS. be clothed upon, 2 Cor. v. 2, 4.

since, ICor. xv. 21. fisher's" coat, John xxi. 7.

seeing, Acts xiii. 46. 1 Cor. xiv. 16.
after that, 1 Cor.i. 21.
come upon, Luke i. 35. xi. 22. Acts
for that,2 Cor. v. 4(Ef CILTS). i. 8p (see marg.). viii. 24. xiii. 40.
forasmuch as, Acts xv. 24.
for, Luke xi. 6. 1 Cor. i. 22. Phil.
Jas. V. 1.
come on, Luke xxi. 35

( LTTr^).
because, Matt. xxi. 46 TrS). With art., those things which are
Acts xiv. 12. coming on, Luke xxi. 26p.

Add Luke vii. 1, for , LTTr. come ''thither, Acts xiv. 19.


look on, Luke

as, Luke

i. 1.

come, Eph. ii. 7.

ask of, Mark

xi. 29. Acta i. 6(kpU'
157 em
ask, Matt. xii. 10. xvii. 10. xxii. iv. 1. vi. 47. viii. 6. ix. 3, 20. xiii.

viii. 5{
23, 41. xxvii. 11. Mark v. 9. vii. 5, 17. 15. xiv. 35. Lukeii. 14. viii. 13, 16.
TTr^'), 23, 27. ix. 11, xviii. 8. xxii. 21, 30. John vi.
16, 21, 28, 32, 33. x, 2, 10, 17. xii. 18, 19. xvii. 4. xix. 19. Acts ii. 30(acc.
28. xiii. 3. xiv. 60, 61. xv. 2, 4, 44.

xviii. 18, 40.

64. xxiii. 3
xviii. 7,
27. xxiii. 34.
Luke iii. 10. vi. 9. viii. 9, 30. ix. 18
xx. 21, 27. xxi.


Cor. xiv. 35.

LTaS). v. 15, 30. X. 3f•. xxi. 23, 40

6. John
LTTr^S). Acts
XXV. 17. xxvii. 44.
1 Cor. xi. 10. Gal. iii. 13. Eph. i.
10. vi. 3. Col. iii. 2. Heb. viii. 4.
xi. 13. xii. 25. Jas. v. 5, 17. Rev.
iv. 2(acc. LT>S), 9(fZai. L^-), 10. v.
ask a question, Matt. xxii. 35. Mark
xii. 34. Luke xx. 40. 1, 10. vi. 10, lQ(^dat. TS). vii. It,

ask questions, Matt. xxii. 46. Luke 15(^dat.T). ix. 17. xi. 10. xiii. 14i.
ii. 46. xiv. 6, 14(acc. LT), 15. xvii. 8, 9.
question with, Luke xxiii. 9. xix. 4 (dat. G'LTTr^), 18 (ace. L,
ask after, Rom. x. 20. dat. S), 19. XX. 6, 11 (ace. GT).
desire, Matt. xvi. 1. ', whereon, Luke iv. 29.

demand Luke iii. 14.
over, Matt. xxiv. 45. xxv. 21, 23.
demand, Luke xvii. 20p.
Add Mark viii. 29, for
TtS, Luke ix. 45, for

answer, 1 Pet. iii. 21.

,, G'LT
5. Rev.
18. xvii. 18.

xii. 42.


have the charge

vi. 3.
ix. 11. xi. 6.



above, Eph. iv. 6.

before, Mark
xiii. 9. Acts xxiii. 30.
hold forth, Phil. ii. 16.
xxiv. 19, 20. XXV. 9, 26i. xxvi. 2.
take heed unto, 1 Tim. iv. 16.

1 Cor. vi. It, 6. 2 Cor. vii. 14. ITim.
give heed unto. Acts iii. 5.
V. 19(7narg. under), vi. 13.
mark, Luke xiv. 7p.
about, Mark xiv. 51. John xx. 7.
stay, Acts xix. 22.
at, Luke XX. 37. xxii. 30, 40. John
vi. 21. xxi. 1. Acts xxv. 10.
use despitefuUy, Matt. v. 44(^ap). in, Matt. ii. 22(-G°LTr^S). iv. 6.
Luke vi. 28. vi. 10. xviii. 16. xix. 28. xxi. 19.
accuse falsely, 1 Pet. iii. 16. xxiii. 2. xxiv. 30. xxvi. G4. xxviii.
> / 18. Mark iv. 31, 31 ((a;)), viii. 4.
xii. 14, 26. Luke iv. 11. v. 18. vi.
I. With the Genitive. 17. xi. 2(ap). xvii. 34. xxi. 23.
upon. Matt. vi. 19. x. 27. xxiii. 9, John xix. 13. Acts ii. 19. viii. 28. xx.
35. xxiv. 3. XXV. 31. Mark vi. 48, J. XXV. 6, Rom. i. 9(10). 1 Cor. viii.
49. vii. 30(acc. LTTr5). Luke v. 5. 2 Cor. xiii. 1. Eph. i. 16. CoL i. IG,
24. xii. 3. xvii. 31. xxi. 25. John 20. IThes. i. 2. 1 Tim. vi. 17. Phm.
xix. 31. Acts xii. 21. Rom. ix. 28. 4. Heb. i. 2(1). viii. iO(^marg. upon).
Col. iii. 5. Heb. vi. 7. Rev. iii. lOi. X. 16(acc.L5). IPet. L20. 2Pet.
V. 7, 13(f/a/. LTTr). vii. 10(dat. G'L

iii. 3. Rev. i. 20(ti^L). v. 13. ix. 4.
TTr-S). X. l(acc. LTTr), 5i, Si. xi. xi. 8. xiii. 16, 16 {ace. GLTTr5).
10. xii. 1. xiii. 1, 8. xvi. 18. xvii. xiv. 1, 9. xviii. 17, xxii. 4.
1. xviii. 24. xix. 21. xxi. 5(dat, GL in a placo where
TTr^). two ways meet, Mark xi. 4.
on, Matt. ix. 2, 6. xiv. 25 (ace. LT in the time of, Luke iv. 27.
TrAS). xvi. 19/. xviii. ISi, 19. xxiv. in the days of. Mark ii. 26. Acta
17. xxvi. 12. xxvii. 19. Mark ii. 10. xi. 28.
ieiug the high priests,
, .
at, Matt. vii. 28.
xxii. 33. xxiv.
33. Mark i. 22. x. 22, 24. xi. 18.
xii. 17. xiii. 29. Luke i. 14, 29

to, John xxi. ll(e/c LTrS). Acts (-G'). ii. 33, 47. iv. 22, 32. v. 5.

X. 11. 9, 27. ix. 43i. XX. 26. John viii. 7

(ap). Acts iii. lOi, 12. v. 9. xiii. 12.
into, Mark iv. 26. Heb. x. 16.
1 Cor. xiv. 16. Rev. xxi. 12(a^).
of, Luke iv. 25. xxii. 59. Acts iv.
27. X. 34. Gal. iii. 16L Heb. xi. 4. unto, Matt. ix. 16. Gal. v. 13. Eph.
Rev. viii. 13. ii.10. 1 Thes. iv. 7.
Tim. ii. 14.
Not rendered, Mark xii. 32. Epb. to, 2
iii. 15? (see )
Rev, xxi. lQ(acc. G toward, Mark vi. 34(acc. LTTr^S).
LTTr). against, Luke xii. 52i, 53i, 53i(acc.
Add, for Jude 18, Cj"LTS. LTTr>S).
Rev. V. 13, xxi. 14, GLTTr-S. For before. Rev. x. 11.
Matt. xxi. 7, LTr^S.
For in. Matt. xiii. 14 (oTniS). xiv. 8,

, Acts V. 23, LTS. For

xxiv. 21, LT.
See also

^, ,
With tbe

upon, Matt. xvi. 18. Mark vi. 39.
xi. 7 (ace. G"LTTr.S). xiii. 2 (ace.
Acts 11. xviii. 5. xxiv. 5. Mark iv. 38
GLTTr^'). v. 33 (-^8).
xiii. 6.
25, 28, 55.
ix. 37, 39. x. 24.
47. ix. 48, 49. xviii.

9. xxi. 8. xxiv. 47. Acts ii. 26, 38

Qv L). iii. 11. iv. 17, 18. v. 28,40.
xiv. 3.
Rom. iv. 18. v. 2. viii. 20. xv. 12.
8). Lukexix. 44(acc. 8).
1 Cor. ix. lOi. xiii. 6. 2 Cor. i. 4, 9i.
6. John iv. 27. xi. 38. Acts viii. 1(3.
iii. 14. vii. 4, 7, 13. ix. 14. 1 Thes.
Eph. ii. 20. iv. 26. Phil. i. 3. ii. 17,
iii. 7. 1 Tim. iv, 10. Tit. i. 2 {marg.
27(acc. GLT5). Heb. viii. 6. Rev.
for). Plim. 7. Heb. ii. 13. ix. 10,
xix. 14.
26. 1 John iii. 3. Rev. xxii. 16
on, Markii. 21(acc. LTTr^S). Luke
vii. 13. John iv. 6. Acts xxvii. 44.
Rom. ix. 33. x. 11. ITim. i. 16. by, Matt. iv. 4, 4 G^LTTr). (
1 Pet. ii. 6. Rev. vi. 2 and 5 (ace. Luke iv. 4, 4(a^) John v. 2. Rom.
, thoreon, Rev. vi.
X. 19i. Phil. iii. 9.
4 Matt, xviii. 1Q(aee. Tr), 29
(ace. with,
LTr). Luke xviii, 7. Acts xxi.

k(f (y,
(ace. G"TTr*S).
whereoH, Luke v. 25 24. xxviii.

wherein, Mark ii. 17(-L).
4(o7Tov G'LTrAS). Luke xi. 22. Phil,
iv. 10.
(G', ace.

wherefore. Matt. xxvi. 50
LS). Rev. xii.

therewith, 3 John 10.

through. Acts iii. 16. 1 Cor. viii.
GLTTr>S).—for that, Rom. ll(h G"LT>S').
V. 12 (marg. in whom). — whereof, under, Heb. vii. ll(^en. G'LT5').
Rom. vi. 21.
ix. 15. X. 28.
over, Matt. xxiv. 47. Luke xii. 44.
XV. 10. xix. 41 (ace. LTTr^S),
after, Luke i. 59. Rom. v. 14.

xxiii. 38, Acts viii. 2. 1 Thes. iii. about. Acts xi. l^(gen. G"L).
7. Rev. xi. 10. xviii. ll(acc. 8). as touching. Acts v. 35,
above, Luke iii. 20. Eph. vi. 16(tv for, Matt. xix. 9. Mark iii. 5. Luke
L5). Col. iii. 14. ii.20. xiii. 17. Acts iv. 21. xv. 14
beside, Matt. xxv. 20 and 22 (-G° (-G°°LT5'), 31. XX. 38. xxvi. 6.
LTr5). Luke xvi. 26 (ivl^^S). 1 Cor. i. 4. 2 Cor. vii. 13. ix. 13, 15,
159 Im

Phil. i. 5. iii. 12. 1 Thes. iii. 9. Jas.

V. 1, 7. Rey. xviii. 9(acc.TTr>S).

29, 48. viii. ( GLTTrS). x. 34,
35. xi. 33. XV. 5, 20. xvii. 16. xx.
on one's behalf, Rom. xvi. 19. 18, 19. xxi. 12, 35i. xxiii. 30.
of, Matt, xviii. 13i. Mark vi. 52. John i. 33. iii. 36. vii, 30, 44. xii.
John xii. 16. Acts iv. 9. 1 Cor. xvi. 15. xiii. 25. xxi. 20. Acts ii. ISt.
17. 2 Cor. xii. 21. Heb. viii. 1. xi. 4. iv. 5, 22. V. 5, 18. vii. 54. viii.
Add, for h, Mark i. 45, TTr^S. 17. ix. 17.X. 44, 45. xi. 15t, 17.
Kph.i. 102d,lTim. 17-^ L6\ Acts
vi. xiv. 10. xvi. 31. xvii. 26
xiii. 11.

vii. 33, Heb. xi. 38, LT*S. Matt, (gen. LTS). xix. 6, 16, 17. xx. 37.
.), G'T. Mark vi.

. ),.
xxrii. 42(believe xxi. 5, 27. xxii. 19. xxviii. 3.

L^. 2 Cor. v. 4, see - Rom. iv. 5, 24. ix. 23. xi. 22. xii.

,. Rev.
See also
11 (. . nations),

With the Accusative.


upon, Matt. iii. 16. vii. 24, 25, 26.

20. XV. 3. 1 Cor. xiv. 25. Gal. vi.
16. Col. iii. D(«/)). 1 Tim. i. 18. Tit.
iii. 6. 1 Pet. ii. 24(inarg. to) Rev.
iii. 3(-GoLTTr^). iv. 4. vi. 16. vii.

If, 11, 16, ix. 7. X. 2 (gen. GLTTr

xi. 16. xiv. 1, 16(^en. LTrS),
ix. 18. X. 13. xi. 29. xii. 18. xiii. 5. S).
xix. 28. xxi. 5. xxiii. 35, 36. xxiv. 16. XV. 2. xviii. 19. xix. 12, 16?.
XX. 9.
xxvii. 29 {gen. TTr^), 35 (). '
Mark i. 10
16. XV. 24.
{ LTTr). viii. 25. x.
avroy thereon,
, whereon, Mark
John xii. 14.
xi. 2. Luke
Luke i. 12, 35. ii. 25, 40. iii. 22. iv. xix. 30.
18. V. 19, 36. vi. 48(a;)), 49. viii. 6. over, Matt. xxv. 21, 23. xxvii. 45.
ix. 38. X. 6. xi. 20. xiii. 4. xix. 35, Mark xv. 33. Luke i. 33. ii. 8. ix.
43. XX. 18. xxi. 34. xxiv. 49. John 1. X. 19. xii. 14. xix. 14, 27. xxiii.

I. 32, 33, 51 (52). ix. 15. xviii. 4. 44. Acts vii, 10, 11, 27(^en. LTaS).
Acts i. 8, 26. ii. 3, 17. iv. 33. v. xix. 13.
Hi, 28. vii. 57. viii. 24. x. 9. xiii. Rom. V. 14. 2 Cor. iii. 13. Heb. ii.
II, 40(-LT>S). XV. 10. xviii. 6. xxi. l(np), iii. 6. X. 21. Jas. v. 14.
35. xxvi. 16. 1 Pet. iii. 12. Rev. vi. 8. xiii. 7. xvi.
Rom. ii. 9. iii. 22(a;3). iv. 9i. xv. 9. xviii. 20(/. GLTTr aS).
20. 1 Cor. iii. 12. 2 Cor. i. 23. iii, above, 2 Thes. ii. 4.
15. xii. 9. Gal. vi. 16. Eph. v. 6. unto, Matt. vi. 27. xii. 28. xxvii.
1 Thes. ii. 16. Heb. xi. 21. Jas. ii. 27. Mark v. 21. xv. 22, 46. xvi. 2.
21. 1 Pet. iv. 14. v. 7. Rev. i. 17. Luke iii. 2. vi. 35. x. 9, 11 (om^).
ii. 24. iii. 3, 12. iv. 4. viii. 3, lOi. xii. 11. xxiii. 1. xxiv. 1, 2().
X. 2 {gen. GLTTr^). xi. lit, 16. John vi. 16. Acts viii. 26, 36. ix.
xii. 3. xiii. l(xii. 18), 1. xiv. 14. 21. X. l\(pmS). xi. 11, 21. xii. 10.
xvi. 2(cic G"LTTr), 8, 10, 12, 21. xiv. 13, 15. xvi. 19. xvii. 6, 19.
xvii. 3, 5, 16(/£ GLTTr*?). xix. xix. 12. xxi. 32. xxiv. 8(o/)). xxv.
11. XX. At, 12. xxvi. 18.

S), 45i. X. 29 (-Goo), 34. .

on, Matt. iv. 5. v. 15, 39(• LTr 2 Thes. ii. 1. 2 Tim. ii. 16. iv. 4.
2. Heb. vi. 1. 1 Pet. ii. 25. Rev. vii.
xiv. 19(^en. LTr^S), 26 (^en. L5), 17. xvi. 14. xxii. 18.
28, 29. XV. 32, 35. xvii. 6. xxi. 44i to, Matt. iii. 7, 13. v. 23. xiii. 48.
{ap). xxiii. 4. xxvi. ^{gen. LTrS), xxi. 19. Mark xi. 13. Luke i. 16,
39, 50. xxvii. 25t. 17. V. 11. viii. 27. ix. 62. x. 6. xii.
Mark iv. 5, 16, 20, 21, 38. viii. 2. 25, 58. xvii. (': 1,8,
Ix. 22. xiv. 46 (-TTr5). xvi. 18 xix. 5. xxii. 44(a^), 52. xxiii. 33,
{ap). Luke i. 65. iv. 9. v. 12. vi. 48. xxiv. 24. John xix. 33. Acta
viii. 32.ix. 4, 35. xii. 12. xr. 19. for the space of, Acts xix. 8.
xvii. 14. xviii. 12, xx, 13. xxvi. by the space of,Acts xix. 10.
23. xxvii. 43, 44. the space of, Acts xix. 34.
Gal. iv. 9. Jas. ii. 3. 2 Pet. ii. 22. Not rendered (in notation of time),
Rev. xxi. 10. xxii. 14. Luke iv. 25 (-LTr). Acts xiii. 31.
toward, Matt. xii. 49. xiv. 14(dat. xvi. 18. xvii. 2. xviii. 20. Heb. xi.
GLTTi-aS). Rom. xi. 22. 1 Cor. vii. 30.
Eph. ii.

Luke XV.
7. Heb.
vi. 1. Add, for ,
Matt. xiv. 34, Tr^S'.
xxii. 52, G'LTTr/S. Mark iv. 7, L"^.
against, Matt. x. 21. xii. 26. xxiv. Luke iv. 43, LTTr>S. xii. 49, G"L
It. xxvi. 55. Mark iii. 24, 25, 26. Tr^S. John iii. 15, L. xxi. 4, G'LS.
X. 11. xiii. 8i, 12. xiv. 48. Luke Acts XX. 13, LTS. 2 Tim. ii. 14, L
ix. 5. xi. 17i, 18. xii. 53^ xiv. 31.
xxi. lOt, xxii. 52, 53. John xiii. 18.
Acts iv. 27. viii. 1. xiii. 50, 51.
TTrS, For
TTr>S.— Matt,
TS. Rev. xvi. 2, G'LTTr^. 17, GL
Rev. xxii. 18, GL
xxi, 5(. . a colt), LT
Rom. i. 18. ii. 2. 2 Cor. x. 2. Tr^S. xxvii. 42 (believe . .), Tr5.
IPet. iiL 12(GV. upon).
John xix. 2 (on^^i), L™. Acts vii.
at, Matt. ix. 9. Mark
V. 27. xxiv. 22. John viii. 59. Acts
iii. 1. X. 25. Rev. iii. 20. viiL 3
(gen. G"'TS).
into, Matt. xiii. 8, 20, 23. X7iii.
12. xxii. 9. xxiv. IG(eicLTr). Mark
vi. 53. Luke xix. 4, 23. Acts vii.
ii. 14. Luke 18

, ^.
,^ ^

See also
LS. Rev. xiv. 6
(unto), GLTTr/S. xxii. 5(. . them),

- -
23. ix. 11. 1 Cor. ii. 9. Rev. xi. 11
( GLT,
5, -Tr). come into, Acts xx. 18 (toith ),
TO into ono place, 1 Cor. XXV. 1p.
xi. 20. xiv. 23. (See also

in, Matt, xxvii. 29(

.) enter into, Acts xxvii. 2.
go aboard, Acts xxi. 2.

4^dat. L), Mark xv. 1 (-LTTr5).

ITim. V. 5. IPet. iii.

XX. ], 4.
Rev. ii. 17. v. 1. xiv. 9. xvii. 8.

among, Matt. xiii. 7. Acts i. 21.

2Thes. i. 10. Rev. vii. 15.
Acts ix. 42. xxvii. 20. 2 Cor. ii. 3. xxi.
Per/., with

Add Acts xxi. 4, for

take ship, Acts

cast upon, 1 Cor. vii. 35.

sit upon. Matt, xxi.5.

cast on, Mark xi. 7.
before. Matt. x. 18. Luke xxi. 12.
lay on. Acts iv. 3.
Acts X. 17.
about, Matt, xviii.
( G"T, With , put upon, Luke v. 36.
put unto, Matt. ix. 16. put to, —

with, Heb. viii. St,
touching, 2The3. iii. 4.
of, Mark fx. 12, 13. Heb. vii. 13.
of, Rev. 1. 7.
44. xviii. 4. xxiii.
Luke ix. 62.

xxi. 12. John vii. 30

With ,

lay on. Matt. xxvi.
50. Mark xiv. 46. Luke xx. 19.

beat into,

LTr). Acts v. 18. xxi. 27.
iv. 37.
28ir. John
LT^). Heb.
xix. 24. Phil. iii. 14(fif
xii. 10.
iv. 25.
i. 13.
Acts xi.
,stretch forth. Acts xii. \(marg., wi'h
fall to, Luke xv. 12. [).
28. think ^'thereon, Mark xiv. 72p (see
, 161
take knowledge of, Acts iv. 13.

be chargeable unto, 1 Thes. ii. 9.
be chargeable to, 2 Tlies. iii. 8.
overcharge, 2 Cor. ii. 5.

set on, Luke x. 34. xix. 35.
xxiii. 24.
xxiv. 8.
have knowledge of. Matt. xiv. 35p.

18. 2 Cor. 1. 13<, 14.

Addf for
xxiv. 11, LTS,
acknowledge, 1 Cor. xiv. 37. xvi.

Acta xxiii. 28,


With f tt/, look upon, Luke ix. 38.
have respect to, Jas. ii. 3.
Luke i.


Matt. ix. 16. Mark

re- —
ii, 21.
knowledge, Rom. i. 28 (marg.^ toith
acknowledge), iii. 20. x. 2.
Eph. i. 17 (marg. acknowledgment),
iv. 13. Pliil.i. 9. Col. i. 9, 10. iii.

10. ITim. ii. 4. 2 Tim. iii. 7. Heb.

X. 26. 2 Pet. i. 2, 3, 8. ii. 20.

V. 36, 36(-G°°T;.

to cry.

Acta xxv. 24(/5 L5).
acknowledging, 2 Tim.
i. 1, Phm. 6.
acknowledgement. Col.



laying await. Acts ix. 24.

XX. 3p.
Acts xxiii.
,. , ,
lying in wait. Acts xx. 19.
, lay

superscription, Matt. xxii. 20(7narg,
inscription). Mark xii. 16. xv. 26.
wait for"", Acts Luke XX. 24. xxiii. 38.

write "thereon, Rev. xxi. 12.
write over, Mark xv. 26.
write in, Heb. viii. 10. x. 16.

marry, Matt. xxii. 24. with this inscrip-
tion, Acts xvii. 23.
in earth, Ph.il. ii. 10. Add Luke xxiii. S8, for

earthly, 2 Cor. v. 1. Jas, iii. 15.
Plur., wiiAari., earthly things, John
iii. 12. Phil. iii. 19. to show. Matt. xvi. 1. xxii. 19.

.^ ,
terrestrial, 1 Cor. xv. 40i. xxiv. 1. Luke xvii. 14. xx. 24(<5//-
GLTTr-S). xxiv. 40(), Acts
xviii. 28. Heb. vi. 17.
to blow. Acts xxviii. 13.

. . Mid., show. Acts ix. 39.

Add Acts xxvii. 27, for

know well,2 Cor. vi. 9. receive, 3 John 9, 10.

know, Matt. vii. 16, 20.
xvii. 12. Mark v. 30. vi.
LTr), 54. Luke i. 4. vii. 37p. xxiii.
3(^ xi. 27i.
be ^'there.
stranger, Acts
Acts xvii. 21.


7p. xxiv. 16, 31. Acts iii. 10. ix.

30p. xii. 14p. xix. 34p. xxii. 24, 29p.
XXV. 10. xxvii. 39. xxviii. 1. add thereto, Gral. iii. 15,

Rom. i. 32. 1 Cor. xiii. 12i. 2 Cor.

xiii. 5. Col. i.
ii. 21, 2lP.
perceive, Mark
6 1


iv. 3.

2 Pet.

i. 22.
Part., with

Acts xxvii. 15.

,iv. 17. Acts xv. 30.
pass., let drive.

V. 22p. give, Matt. vii. 9, 10. Luke xi. 11/.

7() 26( -
iv. 19. John viii. 44.
xxiv. 30, 42. Jolin xiii. lust,

LTr). 24. vi. 11 (a/)), vii. *l{marg.

offer, Luke xi. 12. concupiscence), xiii• 14. Gal. v. 16,

Mid., set in order,

With , .
go down upon, Epli.
Tit. i. 5.

iv. 26.
2 Tim.


3. Jas.
3. iv. 22. 1
iii. 6.
14, 15. 1 Pet. i. 14.

ii. 11. iv. 2, 3. 2 Pet. i. 4. ii. 10, 18.

iii. 3. 1 John ii. 16i, 17. Jude 16, 18.

that . . lusteth after•'", Rev. xviii.l4.

iv. 3.
vi. 9.
Tit. ii.

gentleness, 2 Cor. x. 1. concupiscence, Rom. vii. 8. Col. iii.

clemency, Acts xxiv. 4.

With art., moderation, Pliil. iv. 5.

5. 1

With ,
Thes. iv. 5.

Matt. xxi. 7

set on.
gentle, Tit.
ii. 18.
patient, 1

2. Jas.

iii. 3.
iii. 17. 1 Pet.
(sing, intrans.,

'» &8').

Mid., call upon, Acts vii. 59. Rom.

seek after, Matt. vi. 32. xii. 39.

X. 12, 13. 1 Cor. i. 2. call on. Acts —
ix. 14, 21. xxii. 16. Rom.
xvi. 4. Mark viii. 12(^LrS). ii. 21.

X. 14. 2 Tim. ii. 22. 1 Pet. i. 17.—

Luke xii. 30.

seek for, Acts
seek, Luke xi. 29
lleb. xi. 14. xiii. 14.
xii. 19p.
2 Cor. i. 23.
11, 1^
Acts XXV. 2lP.
xi. 7.
appeal unto. Acts
32. xxviii. 19.

appeal to, Acts xxv. 25. appeal, —
desire. Acts xiii. 7. Phil. iv. lit.
inquire. Acts xix. 39.
Add Luke
iv. 42, ,Pass., be called upon. Acts xv. 17
for , .

Jas. ii. * (with

xi. 16.
). he called hy^•^,
he called, Heb.

he surnamed, Luke xxii. 3

). —
appointed (approved 1611, err.) to
18. XV.
Acts i. 23. iv. 36. x.
LT>S). 22(/ —
death, 1 Cor. iv. 9.
&. he one's
surnam8'=°, Matt. x. 3 (-G°LTTr6^).
Acts X. 5, 32. xi. 13. xii. 12, 25.
putting on, 2 Tim. i. 6. Add Matt. x. 25, for GLT

laying on. Acts viii. 18. ITim. iv.
14. Heb. vi. 2.
Tr^S, viid. S.

cloak, 1 Pet.
'.. ii. 16.
to desire, Matt. xiii. 17. Luke xvi.
21. xvii. 22. xxii. 15. 1 Tim. iii. 1.
to cover, Rom. iv. 7.
Ileb. vi. 11. IPet. i. 12. Rev. ix. 6.
xiii. 9.
fain, Luke
Acts XX. 33.

lust after. Matt. v. 28.
lust, 1 Cor. X. 6
v. 16.

Gal. v. 17. Jas.

Rom. vii. 7. cursed,

10, 13.

xi. 3S(with ),

lie upon,
iv. 2. Acts xxvii. 20p.
lie on.

With , lust after, 1 Cor. x. 6.

be laid upon, 1 Cor. ix. 16.
bo laid Hhereon, John xxi. 9p.
he imposed on, Heb. ix. 10.
desire, Luke xxii. 15 (dot., marg. press upon, Luke v. 1.
heartily). Phil. i. 23. IThes. ii. 17. DO instant, Luke xxiii. 23.
^ ,, drive or thrust upon.
Acts xxvii. 41, for LTS.
, Luke x.


take care of, 34, 35. 1

. .
iii. 5. » 1 -

help, Acts xxvi. 22, Luke xv. 8.


give sentence, Luke xxiii. M(marg, abide (stills) in, Rom. xi. 231 (bide,
assent). ed.U\\,etc.). Phil. i. 24:{iuith h).^
abide still, Acts xv. 34 (ajo). abide. —
take hold of, Luke xx. 20, 26. Gal. i. 18.
Heb. 16t(Gr. take hold tarry, Acts x. 4S. xxi. 4, 10^.
take on, ii,

take by,
19. Heb.
Mark viii. 23. Acts xxiii.
viii. 9p.
12, 14. 1 Cor. xvi.
in. Acts xiii.
GLT5). Rom. vi. 1. xi. 22. Col.
43( 7, 8.


take, Luke ix. 47. xiv. 4. Acts ix.

27. xvii. 19. xviii. 17. xxi. 30, 33.
lay hold upon, Luke xxiii. 26.
23. ITim
xii. 16.
iv. 16.

7 (ap). Acts

lay hold on,

^. ITim. vi. 12, 19.

catch. Matt. xiv. 31. Acts xvi. 19.

to consent. Acts xviii. 20.

thought. Acts viii. 22.

forget. Matt. xvi. 5.
vi. 10. xiii. 26. Jas.

xii. 6. Phil. iii.

be forgetful, Heb. xiii, 2.


i. 24.
viii. 14,
13(14). Heb.

forswear one's

self, Matt. v. 33.

pequred person, ITim. i. 10.

to call, John v. 2. See
Mid. choose, Acts xv. 40.


daily, Matt. vi. 11. Luke xi. 3.

fail, Heb. xi. 32.

lick over. With ,

fall upon, Luke i. 12.


xvi. 21, for

forgetful•^, Jas. 25.

LTTr/S. Acts viii. 16.
20. Acts X.
xiii. 11 (
fallen, Luke xv.
L). xi. 15.
L5). xix. 1 {
L). XX. 37. Rom. xv. 3.— fall

rest of, 1 Pet. iv. 2.

Acts X.
xiii. 25{7 G"LT»S').—lie on,

interpretation, 2 Pet.

Mark iv. 34.

i. 20.
fall on,

Acts xx. 10.
press (wor^r. rush) upon,
Add Rev. xi. 11, for
Mark iii. 10.

Lit care
one's self^
determine, Acts xix. 39.

testify, 1 Pet. v. 12.

; with
Acts xxvii. 3.
to rebuke, 1

desire earnestly,
desire greatly,
i. 4.

Tim. v.

1 Pet. ii. 2.
2 Cor. v.
IThes. iii.

6. 2 Tim.
long after, 2 Cor. ix. 14. Phil.

.Add 1 Pet. v. 6 (time .), L.

26(p'u»iA ').
long after greatly,
long, Rom. i. 11.
lust, Jas. iv. 5.
earnest desire, 2 Cor. vii. 7.

Pliil. i. 8.

2 Cor. vii. 11.

overseer, Acts
bishop, Phil.

Tit. i. 7. 1 Pet.
xx. 28.


become uncircumcised, 1 Cor.

1. 1 Tim.
25 (said of Christ),
iii. 2.

vii. 1£.

vehement desire,
sow upon.
Matt. xiii. 25, for LTTr.
longed for,
Phil. iv. 1.

understand, Mark xiv. 6S.
great desire, Rom. xv. 23.

know, Acts X. 28. xv. 7. xviii. 25.

^ xix. 15, 25. XX. 18. xxii. 19. xxiv.


With ,
. come


to, Luke

Mark ii.
viii. 4.

IOp. xxvi. 26. 1 Tim. vi. 4. Heb.
xi. 8. Jas. iv. 14. Jucle

LS. 2 Cor
stopping, concourse.

Acts xxiv. 12, G'


xi. 28,
With ETTtf cast upon, Luke xix. 35.

1 Pet. V. 7.
Said of Christ, Master, Luke V. 5.

of note, Rom.
xvi. 7. viii. 24i, 45. ix. 33, 49. xvii. 13.
notable, Matt, xxvii. 16.


look out. Acts vi. 3.

ix. 12.

visit, Matt. xxv. 36, 43. Luke i.

write a letter unto, Heb. xiii. 22.
write unto. Acts xv. 20.
write, Acts xxi. 25

endued with knowledge, Jas.


iii, 13.

', .,
68, 78. vii. 16. Acts vii. 23. xv. 14,
36. Heb. ii. 6. Jas. i. 27.

confirm. Acts xiv. 22. xv. 32, 41.
strengthen, Acts xviii. 23
equip one's self
Acts xxi. 15, for

With ,
rest upon, 2 Cor. xii. 9.

Thes. V. 27. 2Thes. ii. 15. iii. 14,
Acts xv. 30. xxiii. 33.
xvi. 22. 1 Cor. r. 9. 2 Cor.
2, 3. vii. 8. Col. iv. 16.

overshadow. Matt.

look diligently,
xvii. 5. Mark
ix. 7. Luke i. 35. ix. 34. Acts v. 15.

take the oversight, 1 Pet. v. 2.


visitation, Luke xix. 44. IPet. ii.l2.

officeof a bishop, 1 Tim. iii. 1.
17. 2 Pet. iii, 1, 16.
letter. Acta ix. 2. xxii. 5. xxiii. 25.
1 Cor. xvi. 3. 2 Cor. vii. 8. x. 9, 10,
11. 2 Thes. ii. 2.

xii. 15.

xiv. 15.
stop the

turn unto, Acts xi. 21.

turn to, Luke i. 16, 17
^. of. Tit, i. 11.

bishopric. Acts i. 20(Tnarg. office, or Acts ix. 35. XV. 19. xxvi. 20.
eharge). With clf, turn to, Acts xxvi. 18.

2 Cor.
turn to, Acts ix. 40.
16. 1 Thes. i. 9.
1 65
commandment, Rom. xvi. 26. 1 Cor,

2 Pet. ii. 22.

xvii. 31.
20 (
turn again, Mark xiii. 16.
xvii. 4. Gal. iv. d(marg. turn back)•

xii. 44. xxiv. 18.


authority, Tit.

Phm. 8.
Luke vii. 6, 25. 2 Cor. viii. 8. 1 Tim. i,
]. Tit. 3.

charge, Mark ix. 25.

ii. 15.

turn, Acts xvi. 18. 2 Pet. ii. 21
command, Mark i. 27. vi. 27, 39.
(ap). Rev. i. 12i.
Luke iv. 36. viii. 25, 31. xiv. 22.
convert, Jas. v. 19, 20.
Acts xxiii. 2.
be converted. Matt. xiii. 15. Mark
iv. 12. Luke xxii. 32. Acts iii. 19.
xxviii. 27. finish, 2 Cor. viii. 6.

come again, Luke viii. 55. accomplish, Heb. ix. 6. 1 Pet. v. 9.

2 Cor. vii. 1.
go again, Acts v. 36.
Mid., and Pass, aor., turn about,
make perfect. Gal. iii. 3.
perform, Rom. xv. 28p. 2 Cor. viii.
Matt. ix. 22((>
LTTpaS). Mark
V. 30. viii. 33P. John xxi. 20. re-
turn, Matt. X. 13. IPet. ii. 25.—
11. Phil. i. 6(marg. finish).

Inf., performance, 2 Cor. viii. 11.
do, Luke xiii. 32(avrore?i6;LTTr^).

be converted, John xii. 40
LTTr5). make, Heb. viii. 5.

conversion. Acts xv. 3. With art., plur., those things which

gather together. Matt, xxiii. 37.

xxiv. 31. Mark i, 33. xiii, 27. Luke
are needful to, Jas. ii. 16.

put upon, Mark vii. 32. viii. 23.

xii. 1. xiii. 34. put on, Matt. xix. 13. John xix. 2.

gather. Matt, xxiii. 37.

Acts ix. 12.
M, put upon,
Add Luke xvii. 37, 'or

, r-.n^tiyw, With
(- Matt, xxvii. 29.

Tr5. Mark 25
viii. Tr). John ix.

emavf 15. Acts XV. 10. — put on. Acts ix.

— 21(•& L
gathering together, 2 Thes. ii. 1.
17. Mark
set on, iv.

assembling together, Heb. x. 25.

TTr5). Luke
S). —lay upon, Matt.
18. Rev. ix.


17 GLTTr) — lay Matt. on,

come running together, Mark ix. 25.
Mark xvi. 18 Luke

, , xxiii. 4.

Acts xxviii.
5. — add 3.

, ,
raise Rev. xxii.
up the people. ISt.
Acts xxiv. G'L/S). With put on, Matt. xxi. 7.
that which cometh upon, 2 Cor. xi.
28(/• LiS).
, surname, Mark iii. 16,

be the more
dangerous, Acts xxvii. 9.

). fierce, Luke xxiii. 5.

set on.
wound, Luke x. 30.
Acts xviii. 10.
set up. Matt, xxvii. 37.
lay upon, Mark vi. 5. Acts xv. 28.
xvi. 23p. xix. 6p.
lay on, Matt. xix. 15. Mark v. 23.
to heap, 2 Tim. iv. 3, Lake iy. 40. xiii. 13. xxiii. 26.
Acts vi. 6.

viii. 17, 19. xiii.
3. . ^^
Tim. v.

xxviii. 3, 8. 1 22. appearing, ITim. vi. 14. 2 Tim. i.

Mid., lade with, Acts xxviii. 10. 10. iv. 1, 8. Tit. ii. 13.

brightness, 2Tlies. ii. 8.

to rebuke, Matt. viii. 26. xvi. 22.

xvii. 18. xix. 13. xx. 31. Mark i.
25. iv. 39. viii. 32, 33. ix. 25. x.
13. Luke iv. 35, 39, 41. viii. 24.
notable, Acts ii. 20.
give light, Eph. v. 14.

Jude 9.
ix. 42, 55. xvii. 3. xviii. 15, 39.
xix. 39. xxiii. 40. 2 Tim. iv. 2.
bring against, Jude 9.

viii. 30.

X. 48.
charge straitly, Luke ix. 21.
charge, Matt. xii. 16. Mark iii. 12.

Matt. xvi. 20, for
G"L. '.
bring, Acts xix. 12
S). XXV.
add, PMl.
take, Rom.
i. 16(17, eyeipuG"LTS).
iii. 5.

punishment, 3 Cor.

St, for rb

Q{marg. cen-

i. 15. ii. 1,
cry against, Acts xxii. 24.
cry, Luke xxiii. 21.
give a shout, Acts xii. 22.
Add Acts xxi. 34, G"LTaS^.

begin to dawn. Matt, xxviii. 1p.

44. (See

iii. 1. III,)
draw on, Luke xxiii. 54.

permit, Acts xxvi. 1"°. 1 Cor. xiv.

take in hand, Luke i. 1.
34. xvi. 7. Heb. vi. 3.
give leave, Mark v. 13. John xix.
give liberty, Acts xxvii. 3.
give license, Acts xxi. 40p.
pour in,
take upon, Acts xix. 13.
go about. Acts ix. 29.

Luke x. 34.

let ''go,

ix. 61.

viii. 21, 31 (see - minister unto, 2 Pet. i. 11.

xix. 8. Mark x. 4. Luke minister to, 2 Cor. ix. 10. Gal. iii.

viii. 32i. ix. 59. Acts xxi. 39. 5.

xxviii. *'". 1 Tim. ii. 12. Pass., have nourishment ministered.
Col. ii. 19.
add, 2 Pet. i. 5.

ijommission. Acts xxvi. 12.

steward, Matt. xx. 8.

tutor, Cal. iv. 2.
Luke viii. 3.

supply, Pliil. i. 19.
to supply''"', Eph. iv. 16.

obtain, Rom. xi. It.
xi. 33. Jas. iv. 2.

give light to, Luke i. 79.
appear, Acts xxvii. 20.
Pass., appear, Tit. ii. 11.
Heb. vi. 15.

iii. 4,

spread upon), 11.

With , build upon, 1 Cor.

Eph. ii. 20.
build <thereupon, 1 Cor.
build "thereon, 1 Cor.

ix. 6




10, 14.
build up on,
build up, Acts xx.
LS). Col. ii. 7.
Jude 20.
2( G"

seven times.
Luke xvii. 4i.

. ..
Matt, xviii. 21, 22.

run aground, Acts xxvli. 41 (em- seven thousand, Rom. xi. 4.

to call,

behold, 1 Pet.
ii. 17.

ii. 12<=°. iii. 2p. to work.

xxvi, 10.
vii. 23.

xxi. 28.
xiv. 6. Luke xiii.

., 14. John V. 17?. vi. 28, 30. ix. 4t.

eye-witness, 2 Pet. i. 16.
Acts X. 35. xiii. 41. xviii. 3. Rom.
ii, 10. iv. 4, 5. xiii. 10. 1 Cor. iv.
Lit., word ; ? as I 12. xvi. 10. Eph. iv. 28. 1 Thes.
may Heb.

so say, vii. 9. iv. 11. 2 Thes. iii. 8, 10, 11, 12.
Heb. xi. 33. 2 John S(niarg. gain).
With ,
forbear working, 1 Cor.

in heaven, Phil. ii. 10.

heavenly, Matt, xviii. 35 ix. 6.

^"LTr5). ICor. xv. 48, 49. Eph. Pass., be wrought, John iii. 21.
\. 20 L). 2 Tim. iv. 18. labor, IThes. ii. 9.

Heb. iii. 1. vi. 4. xi. 16. xii. 22. labor for, John vi. 27.
With art., plural, masc, they that do, Gal. vi. 10. Col. iii, 23. 3 John

are heavenly, 1 Cor. xv. 48. Neut.,
heavenly things, Jolm iii. 12. Heb. commit, Jas. ii. 9.

viii. 5. ix. 23. —

heavenly places, trade by. Rev. xviii, 17.
Eph. i. d(marg. things), ii. 6• iii. trade. Matt. xxv. 16.
10. — high (wjar^. heavenly) places, minister about, 1 Cor. ix. 13.
Add, for 2 Cor. vii.
Eph. vi. 12.
celestial, 1 Cor. xv. 40i.

seven, Matt. xii. 45. xv. 34, 36, 37.
10, LTS. Jas. i. 20, LS,

With ,
to work,
xii. 58.
iv. 19.

xvi. 10. xviii. 22. xxii. 25, 28.

craft. Acta xix. 25.
Mark viii. 5, 6, 8, 20i. xii. 20, 22,
23. xvi. 2(ap). Luke ii. 36. viii. 2.
xi. 26. XX. 29, 31, 33. Acts vi. 3.
xiii. 19.xix. 14. xx. 6. xxi. 4, 8,
27. xxviii. 14.
Heb. xi. 30. Rev. i. 4t, 11 (-St),
12, ]3(-G«>LTTr), 16, 20six. ii. It.
gains. Acts xvi. 19.

13. Phil.
gain. Acts xvi. 16. xix. 24.

xiii. 27.

workman, Matt. x. 10. Acts xix.

2 Cor. xi.

iii.l(-St), 1. iv. 5i. v. 1, 5, 6t, 6 25. 2Tim. ii. 15.

(-LTfb). viii, 2i, 6i. x. 3. 4, 4(-Trb). laborer. Matt. ix. 37, 38. xx. 1, 2,
xi. 13. xii. St. xiii. 1. xv. Ii, Gt, Luke X. 2t, 7. 1 Tim. v. 18. Jas.

7i, St. xvi. 1. xvii. Ii, 3, 7, 9i, 10, V. 4.
11. xxi. 9tr.
seventh. Matt. xxii. 26. work. Matt. v. 16. xi. 2. xxiii. 3,
Add Rev. ii. 7 (. . churches), L. 5. xxvi. 10. Mark xiii. 34. xiv. 6.
vi. 1 (. . seals), GLTTr^. xvi. 1 John iv. 34. v. 20, 36i. vi. 28, 29.
(. . vials), GhTTrS. vii. 3, 7, 21. viii. 39. ix. 3, 4. x.
&{ 168
XV. 24.
ix. 36. xiii.
32, 33, 37, 38. xiv. 10,
4. 38. 41.
2, 41, 41 (-»«)• xiv. 26.
. .11, 12. '.
desert, Heb. xi. 38.
,. See

XV. 18(),
Eom. ii.
38. xxvi. 20.
27. iv. 2, 6. ix.
15. iii.

11, 32. xi. 6, 6tT (ap). xiii. 3, 12.

xiv. 20. 1 Cor. iii. 13i, 14, 15. ix.
1. XV. 58. xvi. 10. 2 Cor. ix. 8. xi.
15. Gal. ii. 16ir. iii. 2, 5, 10. v. 19.
wilderness, Matt. xv. 33.
viii. 4. 2 Cor. xi. 26.

desert, Matt. xiv. 13, 15. Mark i,

45. vi. 31, 32, 35. Luke iv. 42. ix.

10(a/)), 12. Acts viii. 26.

vi. 4. Eph. ii. 9, 10. iv. 12. v. 11.
desolate, Matt, xxiii. 38 (-L). Luke
Phil. i. 6. ii. 30. Col. i. 10, 21.
xiii. 35(07/1-5). Acts i. 20. Gal. iv.
1 Thes. 3. v. 13. 2Tlies. i.ll.

i. ii.
17. ITim. ii. 10. iii. 1. v. lOi, 25.
solitary, Mark i. 35.
vi. 18. 3 Tim. i. 9. ii. 21. iii. 17. iv.

5, 14, 18. Tit. i. 16i. ii. 7, 14. iii. subst.

1, 5, 8, lA(rnarg. trade). desert. Matt. xxiv. 26. Luke i. 80.
Heb. i. 10. ii. 7(a^). iii. 9. iv. 3, John vi. 31.
4, 10. vi. 1, 10. ix. 14. x. 24. xiii. wilderness, Matt. iii. 1, 3. iv. 1.
21. Jas. i. 4, 25.
14, 17, 18ir, 20, ii. xi. 7. Mark 3, 4, 12, 13. Luke

21, 22i, 24, 25, 26. iii. 13. 1 Pet. i. iii. 2, 4. iv. 1. v. 16. vii. 24. viii.

17. ii. 12. 2 Pet. iii. 10. IJoliii iii. 29. XV. 4. John i. 23. iii. 14. vi.
8, 12. Rev. ii. 2, 9 (-G^^LTTr), , 49. xi. 54. Acts vii. 30, 36, 38, 42,
13(ap), 19(-G"), 19, 23, 26. iii. 1, 44. xiii. 18. xxi. 38. 1 Cor. x. 5.
2, 8, 15. ix. 20. xiv. 13. xv. 3. Heb. iii. 8, 17. Rev. xii. 6, 14.
xviii. 6. XX. 12, 13. xxii. 12. xvii. 3.

deed, Luke
xi. 48. xxiv. 19. John ?].
iii. 19, 20, 21. viii. 41. Acts vii. 22. bring to desolation. Matt. xii. 25.
Rom. ii. 6. iii. 20, 28. xv. 18. 1 Cor. Luke xi. 17.
make desolate, Rev. xviii. 19.

V. 2. 2 Cor. X. 11. Col. iii. 17.
2 Pet. ii. 8. 1 John iii. 18. 2 John desolate, Rev. xvii. 16p.
11. 3 John 10. Jude 15. Rev. ii. 6^ Pass., come to nought. Rev, xviii.
22. xvi. 11. 17(16).

doing, Rom. ii. 7.
labor, Phil. i. 22. desolation. Matt. xxiv. 15. Mark
Add Matt. xi. 19, for 8. xiii. 14. Luke xxi. 20.
xiii. 12, for

provoke, 2 Cor. ix. 2.

L™. 2 Pet.

Matt. xii. 19.

2 Cor. xii. 20. GaL v. 20.

provoke to anger, Col. iii. 21 14, 16.

Phil. ii. 3. Jas. iii.

ol &,
contention, Phil. i. 16(17).

they that are conten-

stick fast, Acts xxvii. 41. Rom.
tious, ii. 8.

utter, Matt. xiii. 35.

to search,
Rom.) TvS.
39. vii. 52.


ix. 19.

- 13.



iii. 3.

Rom. viii. 27. 1 Cor. ii. 10. 1 Pet. Phil. i. 15. 1 Tim. vi. 4.
I, 11. Eev. ii. 23(/> L, not 6") contention, 1 Cor. i. 11. Tit. iii. 9.
debate, Rom. i. 29. 2 Cor. xii. 20.
variance, Gal. v. 20.
viii. 10, 22, 4( ),
38. ix. 1, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14?, 33. .
goat, Matt.
XXV. 33.
1, 14, 30, 45, 46, 50. xi. 9, 10, 13,
13?, 15, 27. xii. 9, 14?, 18, 42. xiii.

6, 26, 35, 36. xiv. 3, 16, 17, 32,

37, 41i, 45?, 62, 66. xv. 21, 36, 43.
kid, Luke XV.29.
xvi. 1, 2.

,.^- (
goat. Matt. XXV. 32.
Luke i. 43, 59. ii. 16, 27, 51 (-G»).
iii. 3, 12, 16. iv. 16, 34, 42. v. It,
interpretation, 1 Cor. xii. 10 Qhep-
17 L), 32, 35. vi. 17,
L). xiv, 26.
47. vii. 3, 7, Si, 33, 34. viii. 12,
interpreter. 17, 35, 41, 47, 49. ix. 23, 26, 56
1 Cor. xiv. 28, for L. (a/)). X. 1 L•^), 32 (-G"
S-), 33. xi. 2, 25?, 31. xii. 36?, 37?,

interpret, John 1. 38 (39, 38(-Tr5), 38, 39, 40, 43?, 49, 54.
LTr). xiii. 6, 7, 14, 35. xiv. 9, 10, 17, 20,

Pass., b3 by interpretation,
42(43). ix. 7. Heb.

creeping thing. Acts x. 12.

Rom. i. 23.
vii. 2.

xi. 6.
26, 27, 31. XV. 6?, 17?, 20, 25, 30.
xvi. 21, 28. xvii. Ii, 20i, 22, 27.
xviii. 3, 8?, 16, 30. xix. 5, 10, 13,
18, 20. XX. 16. xxi. 6, 8, 27. xxii.
7, 18, 45. xxiii. 26, 42. xxiv. 1, 23.

serpent, Jas. iii. 7.

With Red Acts vii.
John i. 7, 9, 11, 29, 30, 31, 39
(40)i, 46(47), 47(48). iii. 2, 2«, 8,
19, 20, 21, 22, 26i. iv. 5, 7, 15, 16,

sea, 21, 23, 25;, 27, 30, 35, 40, 45, 46,
36.Heb. xi. 29. 54?. V. 24, 40, 43i. vi. 5, 15, 17,


iv. 13.

V. lit, 24.
25, 27. viii. 2 (


S), 7, 9t, 14p, 2SP, 29.

13, 15,
34, 35. xi.
18 (see

18, 23?, 2Sp.


13, 23,
14, 18, 19. xii. 42, 44?.


Up, 21
23. iii. 7, 14.
vi. 10. vii. 15,
1, 10,
23, 24, 35, 37, 44, 45, 65. vii. 27,
28, 30, 31, 34, 36, 37, 41, 42, 45,
50. viii. 2(ap), Ut, 20, 21, 22, 42.
ix. 4, 7, 39. X. 8, lOi, 12. xi. 17?,
19, 29, 30, 32, 34, 38, 45, 48, 56.
xii. 1, 9, 12, 15, 22, 23, 27, 28, 46,
47. xiii. 1, 6, 33. xiv. 3, 6, 18, 23,
28, 30. XV. 22, 26. xvi. 2, 4, 7, 8?,
13i, 21, 25, 28, 'O2t. xvii. 1, 11, 13.

xiii. 4, 19, 25, 32, 54p. xiv. 28, 29,

xviii. 3, 4, 37. xix. 32, 33?, 38 39i.

33, 34. XV. 25, 29, 39. xvi. 5p, 13p, XX. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 18, 19, 24, 26.
24, 27, 28. xvii. 10, 11, 12, 14?, xxi. 8, 13, 22, 23.
24p. xviii. It, ll(ap), 31. xix. 1, Acts i. ii. 20. iii. 19. vii. 11.
14. XX. 9p, IQp, 28. xxi. 1, 5, 19, viii. 27, 36, 40. ix. 17, 21. x. 29.
23p, 32, 40. xxii. 3. xxiii. 35.
xxiv. 5, 30, 39, 42, 43, 44, 46?. xiv. 24. XV. 2>0
xi. 5.
G"L5). (
xii. 10, 12. xiii. 13, 25, 51.

XXV. 6(-G°°LTTr5), 10, 11, 13 xvi. 7?, 37, 39. xvii. 1, 13, 15. xviii.
(ap), 19, 31, 36, 39. xxvi. 36, 40, I, 2, 21 (a;;), xix. 1, 6, 18. xx. 2,
43, 45, 47, 64. xxvii. 33?, 49, 57, 6, 14, 15. xxi. 1, 8, 11?, 22. xxii.
64. xxviii. 1, 11, 13. II, 13. xxiv. 8(ap). xxv. 23?.
Mark i. 7, 9, 14, 24, 40, 45. ii. 3, xxvii. 8. xxviii. 13, 16
17, 18, 20. iii. 8, 31, iv. 4, 15, 22. LT5).
V. 1, 15, 22, 23, 27, 33, 35, 38. vi Rom. i. 10, 13. iii. 8. vii. 9?. ix.
I, 29, 31, 48, 53. vii. 1, 25, 31. 9. xv. 23, 2^(ap), 29?, 29, 32. 1 Cor.

ii. IP, 1. iv. 5, 18, 19, 21. xi. 26,

34. xiii. 10. xiv. 6. xv. 35. xvi. 2,
5, 10, 11, 12ir. 2 Cor. i. 15, 16, 23.
ii. 1, 3p, 12p. vii. 5p. ix. 4. xi. 4, 9.

, ( fall out,
v. 26.
appear, Acts xxii. 30
next, Acts xiii. 44p(G',
i. 12.


xii. 1, 14, 20P, 2lP. xiii. 2. GLT).
Gal. i. 21. ii. 11, 12i. iii. 19, 23, for Add, Matt. xiv. 25,
25p. iv. 4. Eph. ii. 17. v. 6. Phil. G'^LTr^. Luke xxiii. 33, LTr.S.
i. 27. ii. 24. Col. iii. 6. iv. 10. Mark i. 39, Jude 18, *^.

, Mark xiv. 38,

1 Thes. i. 10. ii. 18. iii. 6p. v. 2. G'. For
2Thes. i. 10. ii. 3. ITim. i. 15. ii.

iii. 3. 1 John ii. 18. iv. 2, 3(ap), 3.

Heb. vi. 7. viii. 8. xiii. 23. 2 Pet. xvii. 25, Tr, For

xvi. 4, T. Luke viii. 51, GL

4. iii. 14. iv. 13. 2 Tim. iii. 7. iv. 9, TrS. xi. 26, G'T. Acts xi. 20, GT
13p, 21. Tit. iii. 12. for

38, G'. V. 14, G"LTTr.
2Jolin 7, 10, 12(JvoacG"LS). xxviii. 15, UFS, For
3 John 3p, 10. Jude 14. Rev. i. 7. xxviii. 23, G"L S. For
Acts .
ii. 5, 16. iii. 10, 11. v. 7. vi. 1, 3, 1 Cor. xiv. 23, L. For
5, 7, 17. vii. 13, 14. viii. 3. ix. 12. John xii. 22, LTTr, ml S, .
xi. 14, 18. xiv. 7, 15. xvi. 15. xvii. App., Mark vi. 33. xiv. 40. John
1, lot. xviii. 10. xix. 7. xxi. 9. xix. 2.
xxii. 7, 12, lltr, 20i. See also

be coining, Luke xxiii. 29. John v.

said of Christ, that

Cometh, Luke xix. 38. John xii. 13.
— he that cometh, Matt. iii. 11. xxi.
9. xxiii. 39. John i. 15. iii. 31<.
TjMav for rjldov, Matt. vii. 25, Tr.
7, 25, 28. xi. 20. xii. 12. 2 Cor. Acts xxviii. 15, T/S.
xiii. 1.

XXV. 36, LTTr^S.
Matt. .&,
«, «^.
(^Compare ,
say, Matt. vii. 4, 22. xiii. 30. xvii.

who coming, John i. 27. he that — 20. xxi. 3, 25. XXV. 34, 40, 41.

shall come, Heb. x. 37. that — xxvi. 75. Mark xi. 31.
iv. 12, 23. xii. 19. xiii. 25, 27. xiv.
Luke ii. 24.

(which) should come, John vi. 14.

xi. 27. —
he that (which) should come,
9. XV. 18. xvii. 7, 8, 21, 23. xix.
31. XX. 5. xxii. 11, 13. xxiii. 29.
Matt. xi. 3. Luke vii. 19, 20. Acts
John iv. 18. vi. 65. xii. 50. Acts
xix. 4. —
which is (art) to come, Rev.
— - xiii. 34. xvii. 28.
i. 4, 8. iv. 8. xi. n(omS). o
^, he that came, 1 John v. 6.
viii. 31.
iii. 5. iv. 1.
ix. 14, 19, 20, 30.
vi. 1. vii. 7.
xi. 19.
coming'''', Matt. xxiv. 48 (-LTr5').
ICor. xiv. 16,23. xv. 35. 2 Cor.
XXV. 27p. Luke
xix. 23p. Rom. xv. 22.
light, Matt. iii. 16.
xii. 45. xviii. 5p.

7( ii.
Heb. i. 13. iv.
xii. 6, 9. Phil. iv. 4.
G"LT5). x. 9. xiii. 5.
18. Rev. vii. 14. xix. 3.
be brought, Mark iv. 21
speak, Luke xii. 10. John xi. 13.
go. Matt. xii. 9. xiii. 36. xiv. 12, Acts ii. 16. viii. 24. xx. 38. Rom.
29. Mark 19. Luke ii. 44. xiv. iv. 18. Heb. iv. 4.

1. John iv. 45. vi. 17. xxi. 3. Acts speak of, Acts xiii. 40. xxiii. 5.
iv. 23. xxviii. 14. Hob. xi. 8. Matt. xxi. 24. Mark xi. 29.

With fir, enter into, Mark i. 29. John xiv. 29. Rev. xvii. 7.

Acts xviii. *J
accompany, Acts xi. 12.
ii. 13.
call, John
Add, for
John x. 41,
v. 15.
Luke xi.
xiv. 10, 8. , For , 5'^^,


pass by, Acts v. 15. X. 15, G"LS.

iv. 10. Luke ix. 45
ask, Matt. xvi. 13. xxi. 24.
xix. 31. XX. 3. xxii. 68. John i. 19,

glass, 1 Cor. xiii. 12. Jas.

evening, Luke xxiv. 29.

i. 23.

21, 25. V. 12. viii. 1{ap). ix. 2, 15, xxviii. 23.
19, 21, 23. xvi. 5, 19, 23, 30. xviii.
19. Acts iii. 3.
desire, Luke vii. 36. xiv. 32. Jolin
xii. 21. Acts xvi. 39. xviii. 20?.
tor , ,. . .
eventide. Acts iv. 3,

xxiii. 20. last,Matt. xix. 30. xx. 8, 12, 14,

pray, Luke v. 3. xiv. 18, 19. xvi. 16. xxvii. 64. Mark ix. 35. x. 31/.
27. John iv. 31. xiv. 16. xvi. 26. xii. 6, 22(adv. G'LTr5). Luke xii.
xvii. 9i, 15, 20. Acts x. 48. xxiii. 59. xiii. 30 Jolm vi. 39, 40, 44,
18. IJohnv. 16. 54. vii. 37. viii. Q(cp). xi. 24. xii.
beseech, Matt. xv. 23. Mark vii. 48. Acts ii. 17. 1 Cor. iv. 9. xv.
26. Luke iv. 38. vii. 3. viii. 37. xi. S(adv.), 26, 45, 52. 2 Tim. iii. 1.
37. John iv. 40, 47. xi±. 31, 38. Heb. i. 2(1). Jas. v. 3. 1 Pet. i. 5,

Addy for

IThes. iv. \(jiiarg. request), v. 12.
entreat, Phil. iv. 3.
2 John 5.

Iark viii. 5, TO.

20. 2 Pet.

Jude 18. Eev.

the last state, Matt. xii.

TTr5. Luke xxiii. 3, TTr^S. John 45. Luke xi. 26.
xviii. 21i, LTTrS. Acts i. 6, VTS. 3 Pet. ii. 20.
the latter end,

uttermost, Matt. v. 26.


19. XV. 1. xxi. 9. xxii. 13.

11 (ap), 17.

ii. 8,

xix. 17(aj9).
uttermost part, Acts i. 8.
see also
ends, Acts xiii. 47.
robe, Luke xxiii. 11.
lowest, Luke xiv. 9, 10.
raiment, Jas. ii. 2.
clothing, Acts x. 30. Jas.
apparel, Acts i. 10{•& LT5). xii.
ii. 3.
v. 23.
lie at the point of death,

21. Jas. ii. 2.

see also &.
xxiv. 4(l(707fLTr«S').
into,Mark xiv. 54(with xv. 16. ),

Matt. ix. 11. xi. 18, 19. xii.
Matt. xxvi. 58.
within, John xx. 26. Acts v. 23.
ICor. V. 12.
1. xiv. 21. XV. 2, 27, 38. xxiv. 49. inward, Rom. vii. 22.
xxvi. 2lP. Mark i. 6. ii. 16i. vii. 2, inner, Eph. iii. 16.
3, 4, 5, 28. xiv. 18p, 18, 22p. Luke
v. 30, 33. vi. 1. vii. 33, 34. x. 7, 8.
xii. 45. XV. 16. xvii. 27, 28. xxii.
Add 2 Cor.

from within,
^. •&.
iv. 16, see

Mark vii. 21, 23.

30. Acts xxvii. 35.
Luke xi. 7.
Rom. xiv. 2, 3/, 6ir, 20. ICor. within. Matt, xxiii. 25, 27, 28.
viii. 7,10. ix. 7t. x. 18, 25, 27, 28, Rev. iv. 8. v. 1.
2 Cor. vii. 5.
31. xi. 22, 26, 27, 28, 29i, 34.
inwardly. Matt. vii. 15.
2Thes. iii. 10, 12. With
art., the inward man, 2 Cor.

live (marg. feed)

devour, Heb. x. 27.
ltry too^uij .
be eating, Matt. xxvi. 26p.
of, ICor.

ix. ]3.

iv. 16
is within,
Luke xi. 40.
part. Lake xi. 39.
Add Rev.
that which

xi. 2, for


Acts xvi. 24.
another "place, Heb. v. 6.
another ''psalm. Acts xiii. 35.
that within, Heb. ri. 19. next day (sc. Acts xx. 15

With art.,
xxvii. 3.

G"T ,Add Matt. x. 23(a/)). xi. 16, for er-

fellow, Matt. xi. 16
G"TTrAS'. xxi. 30, for
Tr5). GT)». Luke vii. 20, for Tr^.
friend. Matt. xx. 13. xxii. 12.
xxvi. 50.

of another tongue, 1 Cor. xiv. 21.
otherwise, Phil.
iii. 15.

2 Cor. vi. 14 (P with

teach otherwise, 1 Tim. vi. 3.
teach another doctrine, 1 Tim. i. 3.

XV. 20. xviii. 22. xxii. 37 (-G»LTr

be unequally yoked together with, S), 47, 60. xxiv. 6, 41, 44. John
yet. Matt. xii. 46. xvii. 5. xix. 20.
xxvi. 47. xxvii. 63.

iv. 35 (-Go), vii. 33. xii. 35. xiii.


33. xiv. 19.

49. ix. 42.

xvi. 12.
ix. 1. X. 44. xviii. 18.
xii. 6. xiv. 43.
v. 35.

xiv. 22, 32.

xx. 1. Acts
other, Matt. vi. 24/. xii. 45. xv.
30. xvi. 14. Luke iv. 43. v. 7. vii.
Rom. iii. 7. v. 6, 8. ix. 19. 1 Cor.
iii. 2(-L^), 3. xii. 31. xv. 17. 2 Cor.
41. viii. 3. X. 1. xi. 16, 26. xvi.
i. 10(-L'^). Gal. i. 10. v. lit. Phil,
IZt. xvii. 34, 35, 36(np). xviii. 10.
xxiii. 32, 40. Acts ii. 4, 13, 40. iv.
i. 9. 2Thes. ii. 5. Heb. vii. 10, 15.
ix. 8. X. 37. xi. 4. Rev. vi. 11.
12. viii. 34. xv. 35. xvii. 34. xxiii,
6. xxvii. 1.
still. Rev. xxii. 11/.
Rom. viii. 39. xiii. 9. 1 Cor. viii. longer, Luke xvi. 2.
4(-Go°L^). X. 29. xiv. 17, 21. any longer, Rom. vi. 2.
more, Matt, xviii. 16. Heb. viii.

. ,

viii. 6, 7, 8.
1 Cor. XV. 40.
2 Cor. viii. 8. Gal. i. 19. Eph. iii. 5.
Phil. ii. 4. 2 Tim. ii. 2. Heb. xi. 36.
— one .

. other,
12. X. 2, 17. xi. 32. Rev. iii. 12.
vii. 16. ix. 12. xviii. 21, 22i, 23i.
XX. 3, xxi. 1, 4. xxii.
yet more, Heb. xii. 26, 27.
G', -S). ^
other thing, Luke iii. 18. xxii. 65. any more, Luke xx. 36. Rev. vii.


Tim. i. 10.
other matter, Acts xix. 3 9 (see

be altered, Luke ix. 29.

strange (^Gr, other), Jude 7.
- 16. xii. 8. xviii. 22. xxi. 4.
moreover, Acts ii. 26. Heb. xi. 36
further. Matt. xxvi. 65. Acts xxi.
28.Heb. vii. 11.
any further, Mark v. 35. xiv. 63.
Luke xxii. 71.
else, Acts xvii. 21.
thenceforth. Matt. v. 13.
another, Matt. viii. 21. xi. 3. Mark
also, Luke xiv. 26.
xvi. 12(a/)). Luke vi. 6. ix. 56, 59,
61. xiv. 19, 20, 31. xvi. 7, 18. xix. even, Luke i. 15.
20. XX. 11. xxii. 58. Jolm xix. 37.
Add Jolm xi. 39 (but was . .), L
Acts i. 20. vii. 18. xii. 17. xvii. 7.
Rom. ii. 1, 21. vii. Zt, 4, 23. xiii.

8. 1 Cor. iii. 4. iv. 6. vi. 1. x. 24.
xii. 9, 10. 2 Cor. xi. 4t. GaL i. 6.
vi. 4. Ilcb. vii. 11, 13, 15. Jas. ii.
25. iv. 12 G'LT^S).
See also

TrS. Rom. v. 6(.
Rev. xxii. 5, for

. .

ready, Matt. xxvi. 19. Mark

xiv. 15, 16. Luke i. 17. ix. 52.
indue), Gp-^LS

xvii. 8. xxii. 12, 13. Acts xxiii. 23.

. Middle.
Rev. xix. 7. bring good tidings of, Luke ii. 10.
prepare, Matt. iii. 3. xx. 23. xxii. 1 Thes. iii. 6.
4. XXV. 34, 41. xxvi. 17. Mark i. 3. bring glad tidings of, Rom. x. 15.
X. 40. xiv. 12. Luke i. 76. ii. 31. declare glad tidings unto. Acts xiii.
iii. 4. xii. 47. xxii. 8, 9. xxiii. 56. 32.
xxiv. 1. John xiv. 2, 3. 1 Cor. ii. show glad tidings, Luke i. 19.

9. 2 Tim. ii. 21. Plim. 22. Heb. xi. show the glad tidings of, Luke viii 1 .

16. Rev. viii. 6. ix. 7, 15. xii. 6. preach the gospel, Luke iv. 18. ix.
xvi. 12. xxi. 2. 6. XX. 1. Rom. i. 15. xv. 20. 1 Cor.
provide, Luke xii. 20. i, 17. ix. let, 18P. 2 Cor. X. 16. Gal.


ready, Matt. xxii. 4, 8.

XXV. 10. Luke xii. 40.
vi. 15.
iv. 13.

xxiv. 44. (-LS).

xiv. 17.
preach gospel. Gal. i. 8,

preach the gospel

(with ),
. .

preach the gospel of, Rom.

to. Acts xiv. 7
x. 15

xxii. 23. John vii. 6. Acts xxiii.

15, 21. 2 Cor. ix. 5. Tit. iii. 1. 1 Pet. preach the gospel unto, Acts xvi. 10.
1 Pet. i. 12.
i. 5. iii. 15.

things made ready to "our preach the gospel

preach, Luke
iv. 43.
Acts viii. 25.
Acts v. 42.
hand, 2 Cor. x. 16.

readiness, 2 Cor. x. 6.
prepared, Mark xiv. 15(-G°L^).

, be ready, Acts xxi. 13.

2 Cor. xii. 14. 1 Pet. iv. 5.

4, 12, 35, 40.
XV. 35. xvii. lS(ap). 1 Cor. xv. 1,
2. 2 Cor. xi. 7. Gal. 1. 16, 23. Eph.
preach unto,
xiv. 15.
iii. 8.
x. 36.

iii. 18.
xi. 20.


tTog. III. Passive.

year, Matt. ix. 20. Mark v. 25, 42. be preached by the gospel, 1 Pet. i.

Luke ii. 36, 37, 41, 42. iii. 1, 23.

iv. 25. viii. 42, 43. xii. 19. xiii. 7, the gospel is preached, 1 Pet. iv. 6.
8, 11, 16. XV. 29. John ii. 20. v. 5. have the gospel preached to one's
viii. 57. Acts iv. 22. vii. 6, 30, 36, self. Matt. xi. 5.
42. ix.33. xiii. 20, 21. xix. 10. the gospel is preached to% Luke
xxiv. 10, 17. Rom. xv. 23. 2 Cor. vii. 22.
xii. 2. Gal. i. 18. ii. 1. iii. 17. it {marg. the gospel) is preached to"",
1 Tim. V. 9. Heb. i. 12. iii. 9, 17. Heb. iv. 6.

2 Pet. iii. St. Rev. xx. 2, 3, 4, 5, the gospel is preached unto**, Heb.
6,7. iv. 2{with ).
. be preached, Luke xvi. 16. Gal, i.




xix. 17
Acts XV. 29. Eph. vi. 3.
well done. Matt. xxv. 21, 23.
xiv. 7.
(/ LTTr).

( With

, ,, Matt.

iv. 23^


I. xxiv. 14^ .xxvi. 13. Mark i. 1", 141^8,
declare to. Rev. x. 7. 15. viii. 35. x. 29. xiii. 10. xiv. 9.
preach ^unto, ''to, Rev. xiv. 6 xvi. 15 (a/)). Acts xv. 7. xx. 24''.
\^ . .

(with UTTrS, 2G). Rom. i. 18, 9°, 16°. ii. 16. x. 16.
174 ^
xi. 28.

7s. Gal.
XV. IGs,

i. 6, 7°,
19°, 29«(o7n5). xvi.
25. ICor. iv. 15. ix. 12", 14i, 18^
18, 23. XV. 1. 2 Cor. ii. 12°. iv. 3,
4«. viii. 18. ix. IS'', x. 14°. xi. 4,
11. ii. 2, 5, 7, 14.
S). Phil.
think good, IThes. iii. 1.
be willing, 2 Cor. v. 8. 1 Thes.

ii. 14 (gen. LTTr
ii. 8.

Eph. i. 13^ vi. 15p, lOC-L»^).
iii. 6.
good pleasure, Eph. i. 5, 9. Phil,
12, 17, 27°, 27. ii. 22.
riiil. i. 5, 7,
13. 2 Thes. i. 11.

iv. 3, 15. Col. i. 5,23. 1 Thes. i, 5.
2s, 4, Ss, 9?. iii. 2°. With seem good. Matt. xi.
ii. 2 Thes. i. 8°.
26. Luke x. 21.
ii. 14. ITim. i. lis. 2 Tim. i. 8, 10.
desire, Rom. x. 1.
8. Phm. 13. 1 Pet. iv. 17^. Rev.


xiv. 6.
7']. good deed done to, Acts iv. 9.

evangelist, Acts xxi. 8. Eph. iv. benefit, 1 Tim. vi. 2.

11. 2 Tim. iv. 5.

do good. Acts X. 38.

please, -Heb. xi. 5, 6.
Pass., be well pleased with,
xiii. 16.

well-pleasing, Phil. iv. 18. Col. iii.

20. —With ait., that which is well-
Heb benefactor,


Luke ix. 62. xiv. 35.
meet, Heb. vi. 7.
^'. (^,
xxii. 25.

With ,
pleasing, Heb. xiii. 21.
please well, Tit. ii. 9.
h3 accepted of, 2 Cor. v. 9,

straightway, Matt. iv. 20, xiv. 22,
270 LTr^). xxi• 2, 3('Tr^). xxv.
15. xxvii. 48. Mark i. 10(iTTr>S),
acceptable, Rom. xii. 1, 2. xiv. 18.
Eph. V. 10.
'. 18, 20CTTr>S'), 21. ii. 2(-L^Tr^S),

6 C TTrS). v. 29 (} TTrS), 42
TTr5). vi. 25 Q LTTrS, -G°), 45

, , Heb.

xix. 17, for

xii. 28.

well done.
(iTTr5), 54(iTTr/S). vii. 35 (-L^
Tr.S). viii.
IOC LTTr S'). ix• 15(^
20(iG'LTr^, 24(i TTr, -;S).

/. xi. SCLTTr^). xiv. 450LTTr5').

XV. 1(1 TTr^).
Acts xvii. 11. 1 Cor. i. 26. Luke V. 39(-TTr5). xii. 54. xiv.

. Luke
With nobleman, 5. Acts ix. 20. xxii. 29. Jas. i.24.
xix. 12. immediately, Matt. iv. 22. viii. 3.


weather, Matt. xvi. 2.

be well pleased, Matt. iii. 17. xii.

18. xvii. 5. Mark i. 11. Luke iii.
22. 1 Cor. X. 5. 2 Pet. i. 17.
xiv. 31. XX. 34. xxiv. 29. xxvi. 74
(iTr). Mark i. 31(-Tr,S), 42(iTTr
S). ii. 8(iLTTr5), 12(iTTr5). iv.
5(iLTTr5), 15(1 TTr^), iG(iLTTr
S), 17(iTTr.S), 29(iTTr5'). v. 2
(iTTr»'5', -L), 30('TTr^). vi. 27
(iTTr^), 50(1 LTTr *S). x. 52 (^LT
have pleasure, 2 Thes. ii. 12. Heb. TrAS). xiv. 43(iLTTr5).
X. 6, 8, 38. Luke V. 13. vi. 49(i TTr5). xii.
take pleasure, 2 Cor. xii. 10. 36. John V. 9. vi. 21. xiii.
30(i LT
it pleaseth°°, Rom. xv. 26, 27. Tr*S). xviii. 27. Acts ix. 18, 34.
ICor. i. 21. Gal. i. 15. Col. i. 19. xvi. 10. xvii. 10, 14. Gal. i. 16
be one's good pleasure^", Luke xii. 32. Rev. iv. 2.
&forthwith, Matt. xiii. 5. xxvi. 49.
Mark i. 29(i LTTvS), 43(i LTTr*S).


as soon as°°,

Mark i.
by and by, Luke


xii. 10.

36 (-QoL'^Tr

xvii. 7. xxi. 9.

have convenient time, 1 Cor. xvi. 12.
have leisure, Mark vi. 31.
spend one's time, Acts xvii. 21,

opportunity. Matt. xxvi. 16.

xxii. 6.

shortly, 3
Add Mark xiv.

come with a straight
xvi. 11.


with a straight course. Acts xxi.

. the sec), G^^.

course, Acts

in time of need,

in season, 2 Tim. iv. 2.

conveniently, Mark xiv. 11.
Heb. iv. 16.
vi. 21.

be of good cheer, Acts xxvii. 22, 25.

be merry, Jas. v. 13.

^. ^^.
X. 25.
xviii. 25.

. ix. 5. xix. 24.

Luke v. 23.
xvi. 17.

of good cheer, Acts xxvii. 36.

more cheerfully. Acts xxiv. 10 (d<- for one's piety),

\};, cheerfully.
make straight,
governor, Jas.
iii. 4?.
i. 23.
Heb. v. 7.
godly fear, Heb. xii. 28.

See above.

moved with
Heb. xi. 7.
in that one feareth {marg.

Acts xxiii. 10
fear (jnarg. be wary),


Matt. iii. 3. Mark i. 3.
Luke iii. 4, 5. Acts ix. 11.
adj. devout,
viii. 2.
Luke ii. 25.

, Acts ii. 5.

( ^.
Add Acts xxii . 12, for LT^S.
right, Acts viii. 21. xiii. 10. 2 Pet.

^, Matt.
bless, Matt. V. 44(a;j). xiv. 19.
xxi. 9. xxiii. 39. xxv. 34. xxvi. 26
straightway. iii. 16. C^'G")• Mark vi. 41.
xiii. 32.
immediately, Mark i. 12, 28 (-Tr"
viii. 7. X. 16 (?.}
xi. 9, 10. xiv. 22. Luke i. 2S(ap),
S). John xxi. 3(-Go°LTTr^). 42t. ii. 23, 34. vi. 28. ix. 16. xiii.
forthwith, John xix. 34. 35. xix. 38. xxiv. 30, 50, 51, 53
anon. Matt. xiii. 20. (). John xii. 13. Acts iii. 26.
by and by, Matt. xiii. 21. Rom. xii. 14t. I Cor. iv. 12. x. 16.
Add Mark 23(And

i. . .), TTr^^S. xiv. 16. Gal. iii. 9. Eph. i. 3. Heb.
V. 42(.
(. .
. thev were),
heard), TTrS. xiv. 72 (.

sec), LTrS. Acts x. 16, for
See also
vi. 14/. vii. 1, 6, 7. xi. 20, 21. Jas.
iii. 9. 1 Pet. iii. 9.

praise, Luke i. 64.

Said of God, blessed, Mark xiv.

61. Luke i. 68. Rom. i. 25. ix. 6.
righteousness (Gr. rightness, or 2 Cor. i. 3. xi. 31. Eph. i. 3. 1 Pet.
Btraightness), Heb. 1. 8. i. 3.
fair speeches,
xii. 17.
iii. 14.
Rom. xvi. 18.
Rom. xv. 29. 1 Cor. x.
i. Heb.
10. IPet.
vi. 7.



make a

Tb ., that one

show, Gal. vi. 12.

attend upon,

Rev. V. 12, 13. vii. 12.
bounty iGr. blessing), 2 Cor. ix. 5.
find, Matt, i, 18. ii. 8. vii. 7, 8, 14.
matter of bounty, 2 Cor. ix. 5.
Plur.j with
ix. 6i.
bountifully, 2 Cor.
viii. 10. X. 39i. xi. 29. xii. 43, 44.
xiii. 44p, 46p.xvi. 25. xvii. 27.
xviii. 13, 28. xx. 6. xxi. 2, 19.
xxii. 9, 10. xxiv. 46. xxvi. 40, 43,
ready to distribute, ITim. vi. 18.
60, eOC-GL^^TTr^). xxvii. 32.
Mark i. 37p. vii. 30. xi. 2, 4, IZt.
agree, Matt. v. 25 (j^with ). xiii. 36. xiv. 16, 37, 40, 55.

good will,

benevolence, 1 Cor. vii. 3(see

make eunuch. Matt. xix.

vi. 7.
vi. 7.
10, 24, 25.
i. 30.
vii. 9, 10.
ii. 12, 45p, 46. iv.
viii. 35.
37, 38, 43. xiii. 6, 7.
4, 5p, 6, 8, 9/,
xviii. 8.
24, 32.
xix. 30, 32.
xvii. 18.
xxii. 13, 45.
ix. 36.
xi. 9,

xxiii. 2, 4, 14, 22. xxiv. 2, 8, 23p,
24, 33.
eunuch, Matt. xix. 12ir. Acts viii. John i. 41(42)?, 43(44), 45(46)?.
27, 34, 36, 38, 39.
-. ii.14. V. 14. vi. 25p. vii. 34, 35, 36.

ix. 35p. X. 9. xi. 17. xii. 14p. xviii.
have a prosperous journey, Rom. i. 38. xix. 4, 6. xxi. 6.
10. Acts iv. 21. V. 10, 22, 23i, 39. vii.
prosper, 1 Cor. xvi. 2°°. 3 John 2t. 11, 46i. viii. 40. ix. 2, 33. x. 27.

.. ., xi. 26(25)p. xii. 19. xiii. 6, 22, 28p.

assiduous, devoted.
xvii. 6p, 23, 27. xviii. 2. xix. 1, 19.
1 Cor. vii. 35, for

easy to be entreated, Jas.

iii. 17.
xxi. 2. xxiii. 9. xxiv. 5, 12, 18, 20.
xxvii. 6, 28i. xxviii. 14.
Rom. iv. 1. vii. lO^S 18 (-G"LT
S), 21. X. 20. 1 Cor. iv. 2. xv. 15.

which doth so easily beset ''us, Heb. 2 Cor. ii. 13(12). v. xi. 3. ix. 4.
xii. 1. 12, xii. 20?. Gal. 17. Phil. ii. 8.

iij. 9. 2 Tim. 1. 17, 18.

Heb. iv. 16. xi. 5. xii. 17. 1 Pet.

to do good''°, Heb. xiii. 16.
i. 7. ii. 22. 2 Pet. iii. 14. 2 John 4.

With ^^
according to one's
abil- xiv. 5.

xvi. 20.
2. iii. 2. v. 4. ix. 6. xii. 8.
xviii. 14, 21. 22

ity. Acts xi. 29. 24. XX. 11, 15.
can find, Luke v. 19p. xix. 48.
wealth, Acts xix. 25.
perceive. Acts xxiii. 29.

grace, Jas.

i. 11.

Rom. xv. 16. IPet. ii. 5.

Rom. xv. 31. 2 Cor. vi. 2.

broad, Matt. vii. 13.

ix. 12.
ix. 12.
11, for ^ StE.
. 177
ii. 26. vii. 41. Rom. xv. 10. Gal.

godliness, 1 Tim. ii. 2. iii. 16. iv. iv. 27. Rev. xii. 12. xviii. 20. —.
be merry, Luke xii. 19. xv. 23, 24.

7, 8. vi. 3, 5, 6, 11. 2 Tim. iii. 5.
Tit. i. 1. 2 Pet. i. 3, 6, 7. iii. 11.
Acts iii. 12.
— make merry, Luke xv. 29, 32.
Rev. xi. 10.


fare, Luke xvi. 19.

gladness, Acts xiv. 17.

show piety (marg. kindness) at,
1 Tim. V. 4. joy, Acts ii. 28.
worship, Acts xvii. 23.
give thanks. Matt. xv. 36. xxvi.

devout, Acts x. 2, 7. xxii. 12(£-
27. Mark viii. 6. xiv. 23p. Luke
LT>S). xvii. 16. xxii. 17, 19. John vi. Up,
23P(-G«>). Acts xxvii. 35. Rom.

godly, 2 Pet. ii. 9.
xiv. 6t. xvi. 4. 1 Cor. x. 30. xi.

24p. xiv. 17. Eph. i. 16. v. 20. Col.
godly, 2 Tim. iii. 12. Tit. ii. 12.
i. 3, 12. iii. 17. 1 Thes. i. 2. v. 18.

2 Thes. ii. 13. Rev. xi. 17.

easy to be understood (,Gr. signifi- Pass., thanks are given, 2 Cor. i. 11.

cant), 1 Cor. xiv. 9.

tender-hearted, Eph. iv. 32. (

thank, Luke xviii. 11. John xi. 41.
Acts xxviii. 15. Rom. i. 8. vii. 25
G"LT). 1 Cor. i. 4, 14. xiv.

18. PhiL i. 3. 1 Thes. ii. 13. 2 Thes.

pitiful, 1 Pet. iii. 8.

decently, 1 Cor. xiv. 40.

honestly, Rom.

xiii, 13 (viarg. de-
cently). 1 Thes. iv. 12,

comeliness, 1 Cor. xii. 23.

i. 3. Phm. 4.

be thankful, Rom. i. 21.

Add Matt. xxvi. 26, for
thankfulness. Acts xxiv. 3.
thanksgiving, 2 Cor. iv. 15. ix. 11,
12. Phil. iv. 6. Col. ii. 7. iv. 2.

comely, 1 Cor. xii. 24.
1 Tim. iv. 3, 4. Rev. vii. 12.
With art., that which is comely,
giving of thanks, ICor. xiv. 16.

1 Cor. vii. 35.
Eph. V. 4. 1 Tim. ii. 1.
honorable, Mark xv. 43. Acts xiii.

50. xvii. 12.
thanks, 1 Thes. iii. 9. Rev, iv. 9.

thankful. Col. iii. 15.

mightily, Acts xviii. 28.


Eph. V. 4.
xxiii. 10.

( .
prayer, Jas. v. 15.
vow, Acts xviii. 18. xxi. 23.

pray, 2 Cor.
xiii. 7. Jas. v. IG

good report, 2 Cor. vi. 8.

wish. Acts xxvii. 29. 2 Cor. xiii. 9.

good report, Phil. iv.

bring forth plentifully,

glad, 2 Cor. ii. 2.

Mid., and Pass, aor., rejoice,

Luke xii. 16.

3 John 2(marg. pray),
can wish, Rom. ix. 3.

I would, Acts xxvi. 29.

for use, 2 Tim. ii. 21.

2 Tim. iv. 11. Phm. 11.
-. 178

bo of good comfort, Phil. ii. 19.
be instant, 2 Tim. iv. 2.

be at hand, 2 Tim. iv. 6.
present. Acts xxviii. 2p.

sweet smellj Phil.
sweet savor, 2 Cor.

on the left
left «foot,
hand, Acts xxi. 3.
Rev. x. 2.
iv. 18.

on the (one's) left,

v. 2.
15. ephphatha,


yesterday. See

vii. 34.

xxiii. 12,
Rom. viii.

7. Eph. 15, 16. Jas. iv. 4.
Matt. XX. 21, 23, xxv. 33. xxvii.
38. Mark xv. 27.— on the (one's)
left hand. Matt. xxv. 41. Mark x.
B1 TTr), 40.
hatred. Gal. v. 20.

Matt. v. 43, 44.
xiii. 25,
28, 39. xxii. 44. Mark xii. 36. Luke

With , leap on. Acts xix. 16.

i. 71, 74. vi. 27, 35. x. 19. xix. 27,

43. XX. 43. Acts xiii. 10. Rom. v.

10. xi. 28. xii. 20. 1 Cor. xv. 25,
once for all, Heb. x. 10. 26. Gal. iv. 16. Phil. iii. 18. Col.
at once, 1 Cor. xv. 6. i. 21. 2 Thes. iii. 15. Heb. i. 13. x.

ix. 12.

once, Rom. vi. 10. Heb. vii. 27.

13. Jas. iv. 4. Rev. xi. 5, 12.
Matt. X. 36. Acts ii. 35.

viper, Matt. iii. 7. xii. 34. xxiii.
Luke Acts xxviii. 3.
33. iii. 7.

inventor, Rom. i. 30.

have, Matt. 4, 9, 14. v. 23, 46.

course, Luke i. 5, 8.

vi. 1, 8. vii. 29. viii. 9, 20i. ix. 6,
36. xi. 15, 18. xii. 10, 11. xiiL 5f,
daily, Jas. ii. 15. 6, 9, 12tr, 21, 27, 43, 44, 46. xiv.
4, 17. XV. 30, 32, 34. xvii.
xviii. 8, 9. 25P, 25. xix. 16 {- 20.

reach unto, 2 Cor.

14(with ).
stand by, Luke xxiv. 4. Acts xxii.
20. xxiii. 11.
stand over, Luke iv. Z^ (with
. 13(;7


16, 65.
L'^S), 21,

i. 22.
3, 21, 28, xxii. 12, 24, 25, 28.
25, 28, 29/r. xxvi. 7, Hi,

10, 17, I9(ap), 25.


1, 3, 10, 15, 22, 26, 29, 30.

5t, 6, 9, 17, 23, 25ir, 40. v. 3, 15
65. xxvii.

stand before, Acts x. 17 (with ). (-Go°). vi. 18, 34, 36(-G"L»'Tr5'),

stand. Acts xxii. 13. 38. vii. 16, 25. viii. 1, 2, 5, 7, 14,
come upon, Luke ii. 9. xx. 1. xxi. 16, 17i, ISt. ix. 17, 43, 45, 47, 50.
34( irrl). Acts iv. 1. vi. 12. xii. X. 21i, 22(wiih ),
23. xi. 3, 13,
7. 1 Thes. V. 3. 22, 25. xii. 6, 23, 44. xiv. 3, 7/.
come unto. Acts xi. ll(with ).
Luke iii. 8, 11 ir. iv. 33, 40. v. 24.
come to, Luke x. 40. vi. 8. vii. 8, 33, 40, 42?. viii. 8, 13,
come in, Luke ii. 38. IStr, 27. ix. 3, 11, 58i. xi. 5, 6, 36.
come, Acts xxiii. 27. xii. 4, 5, 17, 19, 50. xiii. 6. 11.
assault, Acts xvii. 5. xiv. 18, 19, 35. xv. 4, 8, 11. xvi.

xix. 17 (with ,
1, 28, 29. xvii. 6, 7. xviii. 22/, 24.
24, 25, 26ir, 31,
34. XX. 24, 28, 33. xxi. 4. xxii.
3 Pet. i. 14/. 1 John i. 3, 6,
19. ii.

20, 23, 28. iii. 3, 15,

7, 8. ii. 1, 7,
17/, 21. iv. 16, 17, 18, 21. v. 10,
'S6t, 37. xxiv. 39i, 41. 12/, 13, 14, 15. 2John 5, 9/, 12.
John ii. 3. iii. 15, 16, 29, 36. iv. 3 John 4, 13. Jude 19.
Hi, 17i, 18i, 32, 44. v. 2, 5 (with Rev. i. 16, 18. ii. 3, 4, 6, 7, 10,
tv), 7, 24, 26i, 36, 38, 39, 40, 42. 11, 12, 14/, 15, 17, 18, 20, 24, 25,
vi. 9, 40, 47, 53, 54, 68. vii. 20. 29. iii. 1/, 4, 6, 7, 8, 11, 13, 17, 22.
viii. 6(«p), 12, 26, 41, 48, 49, 52. iv. 4(^omS), 7, 8. v. 6, 8. vi. 2, 5.
ix. 41, X. lOi, 16, ISi, 20. xii. 6, Si, vii. 2, viii. 3, 6, 9. ix. 3, 4, 8, 9,
35, 36, 48. xiii. 8, 29/, 35. xiv. 21, 10, 11/, 14, 17, 19. X. 2. xi. 6/. xii.
30. XV. 13, 22i, 34. xvi. 12, 15, 21, 3, 6, 12/, 17. xiii. 1, 9, 11, 14, 17,
22, 33i. xvii. 5, 13. xviii. 10. xix. 18. xiv. 1, 6, 11, 14, 17, 18/. xv.
7, lOi, 11, 15. XX. 31. xxi. 5. 1. 2, 6. xvi. 2, 9. xvii. 1, 3, 4, 7,
Acts ii. 44, 45, 47. iii. 6. iv. 35. 9, 13. xviii. 1, 19. xix. 10, 12, 16.
ix. 14, 31. xiii. 5. xiv. 9. xv. 21.
xviii. 18. xix. 13, 38. xxi. 23.
xxiii. 17, 18, 19, 29. xxiv. 15, 16,
?^ ,
1, 6/.

1 Cor. xi. 22.

xxi. 9, 11, 12/, 14, 15, 23.
have not (marg. be poor),
— lack, Luke viii. 6.
19, 23. XXV. 16, 19, 26/. xxviii. 9,
have sufficient, Luke xiv. 28.
19, 29 (a/)).
can have, John xix. 11.
Rom. i. 13.
ii. 14/, 20. iv. 2. v.
can, Mark xiv. 8. Luke xiv. 14.
1, 2. vi. 21, 22. viii. 9, 23. ix. 21.
Acts iv. 14<=''. Heb. vi. 13.
X. 2. xii. 4/, 6. xiii. 3. xiv. 22/.
be able, 2 Pet. i. 15.
XV. 4, 17, 23/.
be possessed with, Acts viii. 7. xvi.
1 Cor. ii. 16. iv. 7, 15. v. 1. vi. 1,
be in °that case, John v. 6. [16.
4, 19. vii. 2/, 7, 12, 13, 25, 28, 29/,
with. Acts xxvii. 39p.
37/, 40. viii. 1, 10. ix. 4, 5, 6, 17.
xi. 4, 10, 16, 22.
24, 30.
XV. 31, 34.
xiii. 1, 2/r, 3.
xii. 12, 21/, 23,
xiv. 2Qfive.
hold, Matt. xxi. 26. Phil. ii. 29 (see

vi. 9.
1 Tim. i. 19. iii. 9. Rev.

holdfast, 2 Tim. i. 13.

2 Cor. i. 9, 15.

vii. 1, 5.

12p. iv. Ip, 7, 13. V. 1, 12. vi. 10.

viii. 11, 12/. ix. 8. x. 6,
3, 4, 13. iii. 4,
Luke xix. 20.
Mark xi.
count. Matt. xiv. 5.
i. 28 (see ), 32.
Acts XX. 24(-T^). Phm. 17.
Gal. ii. 4. 22, 27. vi. 4, 10.
take Matt. xxi. 46.
Eph. i. 7. 12, 18. iii. 12. iv. 28.
use, 1 Pet. ii. 16(Gr, have).
V. 5, 27. Phil. i. 7, 23, 30. ii. 2, 20,
do, Acts XV. 36.
27. iii. 4, 9, 17. Col. i. 14. ii. 1, 23
(loith ), iii. 13. iv. 1, 13. 1 Thes.
lie, John xi. 17.
In notation of space or time, be,
i. 9. iii. 6. iv. 12, 13. v. 1. 2 Thes.

iii. 9. 1 Tim. iii. 4, 7. iv. 8. v. 4,

Acts i. 12. —
be old, John viii. 57.
12, 16. vi. 2, 8, 16. 2 Tim. i. 3. ii. be, Acts vii. 1. xii. 15. xvii. 11.
19. iii. 5. Tit. i. 6. ii. 8. Phm. 5, 7. xxiv. 9. 1 Tim. v. 25.
Heb. ii. 14. iii. 3. iv. 14p, 15. v. Mid., accompany, Heb. vi. 9.

12, 12P, 14. vi. 18, 19. vii. 3, 5, 6, next, Mark 38p. Acts xxi. 26p.—

24, 28. viii. 1, 3. ix. 1, 4/. x. 1, 2, next day, Acts xx. 15p. day fol- —
19, 34, 35, 36. xi. 10, 15. xii. 9, 28 lowing, Luke xiii. 33p.
(marg. hold fast), xiii. 10/, 14, 18. Add Matt. xvi. 8, for
Jas. i. 4. ii. 1, 14/, 17, 18/. iii. 14. S. xvii. 15, for
;v. 2t. 1 Pet. ii. 12. Hi. 16. iv. 8. 38, for ^
LTtS. xxi.
G'LTTr5. Mark ix.
42, see Acts xiii. 44, mid.
Tiii. 10. ix. 38. xxiii. 23. 2 Cor. i.

for /mij GLT. xxiii. 25, for 13. xii. 2. Heb. viii. 11.

LS. Col. i. 4, ?> f. for r?/v unto. Matt. i. 17. xi. 23. xx. 8.


See also
G'VTS. 1 John ii. 23 xxii. 26. xxiii. 35. xxvi. 58. xxvii.
45. xxviii. 20. Mark vi. 23. xiv. 84.
Luke iv. 29, 42. xi. 51. John viii. 9{ap).
Acts i. 8, 22. vii. 45. xiii. 47. xvii. 15.

^ , ,. , . ,
Kom. xi. 8. 1 Cor. i. 8. Jas. v. 7.

•\\)6- even unto, Matt. xxiv. 27. xxvi. 08.

, , Luke ii. 15.

,^ . With
even unto, Acts xxvi. 11.
as far as, Acts xi. 19, 22.
thus far, Luke xxii, 51.
no, not one, Rom.

a Verb. oi'K

( With , 1. ov, '.


Matt. xiii. 30, for LTr.
X. n\
i. 25^.
xii. 201.
ii. 9. v. lSi\ 26\
xiii. 332. ^yi
i. 55, for , G. ii. 37, for
281. xviii. 30^(2 -LTTr5), 342(2-L).
xxii. 441. xxiii. 39'. xxiv. 34i. III. With other Particles.
Mark vi. 10'. ix. l^. xii. 36^.
Luke ix. 27^. xii. 502, 592.
212. XV. 83. xvii. 8. xix. 13(h>
. gs,

G" John
till,Matt, xviii. 21. Acts xxi. 5.
until, Matt. xi. 12. xviii. 22?.
ii. 10.
LTTr-S). XX. 431. xxi. 32i. John unto. Matt, xxvii. 8.
xiii. 382. xxi, 22, 23. Acts xxiii. even unto, 2 Cor. iii. 15.
122, 212. XXV. 212. 1 Tim. iv. 13.
as far as, Luke xxiv. 50.
Heb. X. 13.
until, Matt. ii. 13^. xvii. 92. xxiv.
even into, Mark xiv. 54.
vvv, to this time, Matt,
39. Luke XV. 4. xxii. 16^, 18^. xxiv.
492. John ix. 183. Acts ii. 35'. xxi.
xxiv. 21. unto this time, Mark —
xiii. 19.
262. xxiii. 142. 1 Cor. iv. oK 2Thes.
; how long ? Matt. xvii.
ii. 7. Heb. i. 13'. Jas. v. 7^(1 -T). 17i. Mark ix. 19i. Luke ix. 41.

5 (
2 Pet. i. 192. Rev. vi. ll(2St). xx. John X. 24. Rev. vi. 10.
GLTTr, -/S^. to this place, Luke xxiii. 5. ,
, , ,,.
until the time, Luke xiii. 35'.
Add Acts xvii. 14, for LS.
while, Matt. xiv. 22. xxvi. 362 (^. qJj
See also
av L). Mark vi. 45. xiv. 32. John ix.
4. xii. 35 (• LTTr), 36
whiles, Matt. v. 25^.
{,). .
to live. Matt. iv. 4. ix. 18. xvi. 16.
Add Luke xxii. 34, for 'np'iv ?/, LT xxii. 32. xxvi. 63. Mark v. 23. xii.
27. Luke ii. 36. iv. 4. x. 28. xx.
II. With a Genitive. 38i. xxiv. 5. John iv. 10, 11, 50,
till, Luke i. 80. Acts viii. 40(mf.). 51, 53. V. 25. vi. bit, blir, 58, 69
xxviii. 23. (op), vii. 38. xi. 25, 26. xiv. 19i.
until, Matt. i. 17. ii. 15. xi. 13. Acts xiv. 15. xvii. 28. xxii. 22.
xxvi. 29. xxvii. 64. Mark xiv. 25. XXV. 24. xxvi. 5. xxviii. 4.
XV. 33. Luke xvi. 16(8).
Rom. i. 17. vi. 2, lOi. vii. 1, 2p,
xxiii. 44. Acts xiii. 20. 1 Cor. xvi. 3p. viii. 12, 13i. ix. 26. x. 5. xii. 1.
8. xiv. 7, StT, 9, 11. 1 Cor. vii. 39. ix.
to, Matt. i. 17. xi. 23. xxiv. 31. 14. XV. 45. 2 Cor. iii. 3. iv. 11. v,
Mark xiii. 27. Luke x. 15f. Acts 15/. vi. 9, 16. xiii. 4i.
'Gal. ii. 14, 19, 20/ iii. 11, 12. v.
25. Phil. i. 21, 22. Col. ii. 20. iii.
envying, Rom. xiii. 13. 1 Cor. iii.
3. 2 Cor. xii. 20. Jas. iii. 14, 15.
7. IThes. 1. 9. iii. 8. v. 10. 1 Tim. jealousy, 2 Cor. xi. 2.
15. iv. 10. v. 6p. vi. 17(-G°LT

iii. indignation, Acts v. 17 (inarg. en-
S). 2 Tim. iii. 12. Tit. ii. 12. Heb. vy). Heb. X. 27.
iii. 12. vii. 8, 25?. ix. 14, 17. x. 20,
31, 38. xii. 9, 22.
Jas. iv. 15. 1 Pet. i. 23. ii. 4, 24.
be zealous.
Rev. iii. 19 (^ fr.

IV. 6. IJolm iv. 9. Rev. i. 18. iii.

zealously affect, Gal. iv. 17, 18.
1. iv. 9, 10. V. U(ap). vii. 2, 17
affect, Gal. iv. 17.
(?] GLTTr5). x. G. xiii. 14. xv.
desire, 1 Cor. xiv. 1.
7. xvi. 3(^: GLTTrb). xx. 4.
desire to have, Jas. iv. 2.
bo alive, Matt, xxvii. 63p. Mark
xvi. ll(ap). Luke xxiv. 23. Acts covet earnestly, 1 Cor. xii. 31.
XXV. 19. Rom. vi. 13p. vii. 9. covet, 1 Cor. xiv. 39.

1 Thes. iv. 15, 17. Rev. ii. 8. be jealous over, 2 Cor. xi. 2.

ParL, alive, Acts i. 3. ix. 41. xx. 12. envy, 1 Cor. xiii, 4.
XXV. 19. Rom. vi. 11. Rev. i. 18. xix. be moved with envy. Acts vii. 9.
20.— lively, Acts vii. 38. 1 Pet. i; xvii. 5(-GT).
3. ii. 5.

Luke XV.
, —
quick, Acts x. 42. 2 Tim.
iv. 1. Heb. iv. 12. IPet. iv. 5.

with riotous living,
zealous. Acts xxi.
1 Cor. xiv. 12. Gal.
20. xxii. 3.
14. Tit. ii. 14.

1 Pet. 13, for

Inf., life, 2 Cor. i. 8.— life-time,
Heb. ii. 15.

... .
Add, for Luke xv. 32, TTr loss,Acts xxvii. 21. Phil. iii. 7, 8.
S. Rom. xiv. 9, GLTS, Rev. xx. damage, Acts xxvii. 10.
5, GLTTr.
Middle or Passive,

Rev. 15t, 16.
lose, Matt. xvi. 26. Mark viii. 36.

hot, iii.
suffer loss, 1 Cor. xiii. 15.
suffer the loss of, Phil. iii. 8.
Luke xiv. 19. receive damage, 2 Cor. vii. 9.

pair, Luke ii. 24. be cast away, Luke ix. 25.

band. Acts xxvii. 40.

. seek. Matt. ii. 13, 20.
vi. 33. vii.

be fervent, Acts xviii. 25.


xii. Up.
be zealous.
for ,, G"LTTr.
7, 8.
xxi. 46p.
I, 11.

54(-G°"LTTrt>5'). xii. 29, 31. xiii.

xvi. 6.
G"LTTr), 48, 49.


vi. 19.
45. xviii. 12.
xxvi. 16, 59. xxviii. 5.
11. xi. 18. xii. 12. xiv.

iv. 42(
ii. 45 (
xi. 9, 10, 16, 24,

zeal, John ii. 17. Rom. x. 2. 2 Cor. 6, 7, 24. XV. 8. xvii. 33. xix. 3, 10,
vii. 11. ix. 2. Phil. iii. 6. Col. iv. 47. XX. 19. xxii. 2, 6. xxiv. 5.
13(-(5wr GLT5). John i. 38(39). iv. 23, 27 v. 16
fervent mind, 2 Cor. vii. 7. (ap), 18, 30, 44. vi. 26. vii. 1, 4,
emulation, Gal. v. 20. II, 18i, 25, 30, 34, 36. viii. 21, 37,
envy, Acts xiii. 45. 40, 50i. X. 39. xi. 8, 56. xiii. 33.
xviii. 4, 7, 8. xix. 12. xx. 15. Acts
X. 19, 21. xiii. 8, 11. xvii. 5, 27.

leaven. Matt, xiii, 33. xvi. 6, 11,
Rom. X. 20. xi. 3. 1 Cor. vii. 21t,
X. 24, 33. xiii. 5. xiv. 12. 2 Cor.
xii. 14. xiii. 3. Gal. i. 10. ii. 17?.
12. Mark viii. Ibt. Luke xii. 1. xiii.
21. 1 Cor. V. 6, 7, St, Gal. v. 9.

Phil. ii. 21. Col. iii. 1. 1 Thes. ii.

6. 2 Tim. i. 17. 1 Pet. iii. 11. v. 8.
ix. 6.
viii. 7.
vi. 24.
1. 37.

21. 1 Cor. V.

take captive, 2 Tim.

to leaven. Matt. xiii. 33. Luke xiii.
^^').Gal. v. 9.

ii. 26(Gr. take

Luke ).
seek after, 1 Cor. i. 22.
seek means, Luke v. 18.
go about, John vii. 19, 20. Acts

v. 10(with

life, Matt. vii. 14. xviii. 8, 9. xix.

xxi. 3lP. Rom. x. 3. 17. Mark ix. 43, 45. Luke i. 75
be about, Acts xxvii. 30p. (^omS). xii. 15. John i. 4i. iii. 3G.
endeavor. Acts xvi. 10. V. 24, 26i, 29, 40. vi. 33, 35, 48,
desire. Matt. xii. 46, 47. Luke ix. 9. 51, 53, 63. viiL 12. x. 10. xi. 25.
inquire for, Acts ix. 11. xiv. G. XX. 31. Acts ii. 28. iii. 15.
inquire, John xvi. 19.

, ,
V. 20. viii. 33. xi. 18. xvii. 25.
require, Luke xii. 48. 1 Cor. iv. 2. Rom. V. 10, 17, 18. vi. 4. vii. 10.
Add, for ?, Mark vi. 19, L. For viii. 2, G, 10, 38. xi. 15. ICor. iii.
Mark viii. 12, LTTr6\ Luke 22. XV. 19. 2 Cor. ii. IGZ. iv. 10,
xi. 29, TTr^'. ^, 11, 12. V. 4. Eph. iv. 18. Phil. i.

.question, Acts xv. 2.

xxiii. 29. XXV. 19. xxvi. 3.
xviii. 15.
20. ii. 16. iv. 3. Col. iii. 3, 4.
ITim. iv. 8. 2 Tim. i, 1, 10.
Heb. vii. 3, IG. .Las. i. 12. iv. 14.
IPet. iii. 7, 10. 2 Pet. i. 3. IJohn

^- (
question, John iii. 25. 1 Tim. 1. 4. i. 1, 2. iii. 14, 15. V. 11, 12f, 16.
vi. 4. 2 Tim. ii. 23. Tit. iii. 9. Rev. ii. 7, 10. iii. 5. xi. 11. xiii. 8.
G"LT*S') xvii. 8. XX. 12, 15. xxi. 6, 27.


of such manner of questions, xxii. 1, 2, 14, 17, 19.
Acts XXV. 20 {marg. how to inquire life-time, Luke xvi. 25.

Add Acts XV. 2, for
Add, for
GL Tr^. xvi. 3, GLTTr^
See also
Rev. vii. 17, GLT

Plur.y tares. Matt. xiii. 25, 3G, 27, Matt. Mark Acta

, ,,
girdle, iii. 4. i. 6.
29, 30, 36, 38, 40. xxi. Hi. Rev. i. 3. xv. 6.
purse. Matt. x. 9. Mark vi. 8.

darkness, 2 Pet. ii. 4. Jude 6.

blackness, Judo 13.
mist, 2 Pet. ii. 17,
Add Heb.

10. Gal. V. 1.
xii. 18, for

yoke. Matt. xi. 29, 30.

ITim. vi. 1.
Acts xv.
Add Acts
, ),
John xxi.
xii. 8, for

preserve, Luke xvii. 33.

Pass., live. Acts vii. 19.
Add 1 Tim. vi,

13, for
pair of balances, Rev. vi. 5. G'LT.
beast, Heb. xiii. 11. 2 Pet. ii, 12.
iii. 3, 9. iv. 15/r.
16, 17, 17(om), 17. xiv. 9.
Rev. iii. 15. xiii,

xiv. 3. XV. 7. xix. 4.

Jude 10. Rev. iv. 6, 7/, 8, 9. v. 6,
8, 11, 14. vi. 1, 3, 5, 6, 7. vii. 11.

Cor. xv. 22.

alive, 1
give life, 2 Cor. iii. 6 (rnarg. quick-
en). Gal. iii. 21.
27 (/cat L™). IPet. i. 18.
except it be. Acts xxiv. 21.
or else, Acts xxiv. 20.
or else,
and, 1 Cor. xvi. 6.
either, Phil. iii. 12.
and, Mark vi. ll(ajo). 1 Cor. xi.

Answering to a negative, neither,

Rom. ii. 15. — yea,

quicken, John v. 21i. vi. 63. Rom.

Acts xxiv. 12. Rom. i. 21. Jas. i.
1 Tim. vi.
iii. 18.
iv. 17. viii. 11. 1 Cor. xv. 36, 45,
G'LT). 1 Pet.
17. —nor, Luke xxii. 68 (-TTr^yS).
ICor. xii. 21. Eph. v. 4, 5t.

» (b) In contrast, repeated, , , :

either . or else,
Matt. vi. 24. xii,
A particle disjunctive, interroga- 33. Luke xvi. 13.
tive, or comparative. either . or^r, 1 Cor. xiv. 6. .

I. Disjunctive. . . ?/, whether . . or, Rom. vi.

(a) In general :
— 16.
Add, for , Mark
x. 40, LTTryS".
OP, Matt. V. 17, 18, 36. x. 11, 14,
19, Zlt. xii. 25. xiii. 21. xv. 4, 5, 6
xiii. 32, GLTTr. John
iii. S^\ L.
viii. 14, TTr. Acts xvii. 21, LTS.
(5, ap). xvi. 14. xvii. 25. xviii. 8ir,
27, L. Eph. V. 4i^S L. 42d, LS. Jas.
16i, 20. xix. 29i, 2^t(ap), 29 (-LT
Tr), 29i. xxiv. 23. xxv. 39, 4Afive.
Mark vi. 15(om5), 56i. vii. 10, 11,
12. X. 29/, 29(-G'LTTr>S'), 29?. xiii.
iv. lli^S G'LT;S^.
13i«S LS. For ?}
1 Cor. v, 11, St. For
xxi. 15, aTTr-S. Mark xiii. —
21(-G«T5'), 35ir.
Luke 24. viii. 16. ix. 25. xii.

14. xiii. 15. xiv. 5, 12. xvii. 7, 21,

35(. . at even), ITrS. Acts xxv. 6.

for ,

23(-Go°TTr, S). xviii. 11, 29/. (a) In the latter clause of a double
John ii. 6. vi. 19. vii.48. ix. 21. interrogation, also disjunctive :

xiii. 29. Acts
12. iv. 7, 34.
i. 7. iii. or, Matt. vi. 31f. vii. 4, 9, 16. ix.
V. 38. X. 14(/
LT5), 28? xi. 8. 5. xi. 3. xii. 5. xvi. 26. xvii. 25.
xvii. 29i. xviii. 14. xix. 12. xx. xxi. 25. xxii. 17. xxiii. 17, 19.
33i. xxiii. 9, 29. xxiv. 23(-G°oLT XXV. 37, 38. xxvii. 17. Mark ii. 9.
S). xxvi. 31. xxviii. 6, 17, 21. iii.4i, 38(TO/LTr>S). iv. 21, 30. viii.
Rom. iv. 13. ix. 11. x. 7. xiv. 4, 37(>/) TTr5). xi. 30. xii. 14, 15
V. 10, 10 (
10, 13, 21/(-G°^S). 1 Cor. 1

G'VYS), 10, Wfive.

iv. 3.

vii. 11, 15. xi. 4, 5, 6. xiii. 1. xiv.

Luke V. 23. vi. 9t. vii. 19, 20. xi.
12. xii. ll(-Tr), 11, 29(/cai TTr5).
7, 23, 24, 27, 29, 37. xv. 37. 2 Cor. 41. xiii. 4. xiv. 31. xx. 2, 4, 22.
i. 13. ix. 7. X. 12. xi. At. xii. 6. xxii. 27. John iv. 27. vii. 17. ix.
Gal. i. 8. ii. 2. iii. 15. Eph. iii. 20. 2. xviii. 34. Acts iii. 12. vii. 49.
v. 3, 27i. Phil. ii. 3 {^ LT viii. 34.
S). Col.
4. ITim.
ii. 16/:
ii. 9 (
iii. 17.

LT.S), 9. v.
i. 6. iii.

ii. 4.
xi. 34, 35.
iii. 1.
13. iv.
21. vii. 16. ix. 6, 7(-L), 8, 10. x.
iv. 9, 10.
1 Cor. i.

Phm. 18. 19(oy)). xi. 22. xiv. oC. 2 Cor. i. 17.

Heb. ii. 6. x. 28. xii. 16, 20(«p). iii. l(il StG'), 1. vi. 15. Gal. i. 10/.

Jas. ii. 3, 15. iv. 15. 1 Pet. i. 11. iii. 2, 5. 1 Thes. ii. 19t.

or else, Matt. xii. 29.

or if, Lukexi. !!(« StC?).


be governor,
Luke ii. 2p. iii. 1p,

(b) In direct interrogation

1 Cor. vi. 16(-T), 19. xiv.

8. Jas. iii. 12.
vi. 42(-TTrb^). xv.

reign, Luke
iii. 1.

governor, Matt. x. 18. xxvii. 2, 11<,

14, 15, 21, 23 (-Tr^S), 27. xxviii.
Not rendered, Matt. xx. 15(-LTr), 14. Luke XX. 20. Acts xxiii. 24, 26,
15 (aCStG'T). xxvi. 53. Rom. iii. 33, 34(oTO*S'). xxiv. 1, 10. xxvi. 30.
29. vi. 3. vii. 1. ix, 21. xi. 2. ICor.

1 Pet. ii. 14.
vi. 9. X. 22. xi. 14(-GooLT*S'). ruler, Mark xiii. 9. Luke xxi. 12.
2 Cor. xi. 7. xiii. 5. IThes. ii. 19. prince. Matt. ii. 6.
Jas. iv. 5.
Add, for
, Matt. vi. 25^^ LTr.
G"LTTr5. TS.
be chief, Luke xxii. 26p.

For , x. 38,

. — Luke
Matt. vii. 10,
xiv. 3 (day
xi. 28,
?^ ),
chief. Acts XV. 22p.
chief speaker.
Acts xiv. 12.
Li'TTrAS. ICor, vi. 2(. . do ye not),
governor. Matt. ii. 6p. Acts vii. IQp.
GLTaS. vi. 14, for de, G"'
have the rule over, Heb. xiii. 7 and
17 (mar^. be the guide). 24 (mar^.
III. Comparative. guide).
than, Matt. x. 15. xi. 22, 24. xviii. count, Phil. iii. 7, 8i. 2Thes. iii.
13. xix. 24. xxvi. 53 (-L^^TTr). 15. ITim. i. 12. vi. 1. Heb. x. 29.
Mark vi. 11 (ap). ix. 43, 45, 47. x. Jas. i. 2. 2 Pet. ii. 13. iii. 9.
25. Luke x. 12, 14. xvi. 17. xvii. account, 2 Pet. iii. 15.
2. xviii. 25. Jolm iii. 19. iv. 1. judge, Heb. xi. 11.
Acts iv. 19. V. 29. xx. 35. xxv. 6 esteem, Phil. ii. 3. IThes. v. 13.
(see No. I.), xxvii. 11. Heb. xi. 26.
Rom. xiii. 11. 1 Cor. vii. 9. ix. 15. think. Acts xxvi. 2. 3 Cor. ix. 5.
xiv. 5, 19. Gal. iv. 27. 1 Tim. i. 4.
2 Tim. iii. 4. Heb. xi. 25. 1 Pet. iii.
17. 2 Pet. ii. 21. 1 Jobn iv. 4.
suppose, Phil. ii. 25.
Phil. ii. 6. 2 Pet. i. 13.

77/>, than, John xii. 43.

more than, Luke xv. 7.
rather than. Matt, xviii. 8, 9.

xviii. 14(^ GT,
, but rather, Luke xii. 51.
xi. 19.
most gladly, 2 Cor. xii. 9.

very gladly, 2 Cor. xii. 15.
Mark vi. 20. xii. 37. 2 Cor.

but, ICor. iii. 5 (-GL/S). than, — ^.

2 Cor. i. 13. now. Matt. iii. 10. xiv. 15, 24. xv.
Acts xvii. 21. 32. Mark iv. 37. vi. 35^ viii. 2. xi.
but either,
11. XV. 42. Luke iii. 9. vii. 6. xi.
but, Luke ix. 13.
7. xiv. 17. xxi. 30i. John iv. 51.
oh , yet but, Acts xxiv. 11
V. 6. vi. 17. vii. 14. xiii. 2. xv. 3.
(7 omS). xix. 28. xxi. 4, 14. Acts iv. 3.
save, Jobn xiii. 10( LTr, -G»
xxvii. 9. Rom. i. 10. iv. 19(-L'^T).
See also irpiv.
xiii. 11. 1 Cor. iv. 8 vi. 7. Phil,
iv. 10. 2 Tim. iv. 6. 2 Pet. iii. 1.


LT5) ,
truly, certainly.
surely, Heb. vi. 14.
even now,
ii. 8.
Luke xix. 37.
already, Matt.v. 28. xvii. 12. xxiii. 45. Acts ii, 20. xiii. 11. xxvi.

Mark xv. 44. Luke xii. 49. John 13. xxvii. 20. 1 Cor. xv. 41. Eph. iv.

iii. 18. iv. 35. ix. 22, 27. xi. 17 26. Jas. i. 11. Rev. i. 16. vi. 12. vu.
(-T). xix. 33. 1 Cor. v. 3. Phil. iii. 16. viii. 12.
ix. 2. x. 1. xii. 1. xvi. 8.
I2t. 2Thes. ii. 7. ITim. v. 15. xix. 17. xxi. 28. xxii. 5(-T).
John See also
2 Tim. ii. 18.
1 iv. 3.
already, Acts xxvii. 9.
by this time, John xi. 39.
yet, Matt. xxiv. 32. Mark xiii. 28.
Add Mark xv. 44, for , LTr.
nail, John xx.

^ /.
Luke xxiii. 44 (.
xxiv. 29 (. .
.about), LTTr.
far spent), L^Tr*?.

[see also

we. Matt. vi. 12. ix. 14. xvii. 19.

xix. 27. xxviii. 14. Mark ix. 28. x.
28. xiv. 58. Luke iii. 14. ix. 13.

pleasure, Luke viii. 14. Tit. iii. 3. xviii. 28. xxiii. 41. xxiv. 21. John
2 Pet. ii. 13.

mint, Matt, xxiii. 23. Luke xi. 42.

manner, 1 Cor. xv. 33.

i. 16. iv. 22. vi. 42, 69. vii. 35.
\vLU(marg. pleasure), Jas. iv. 1, 3. viii. 41, 48. ix. 21, 24, 28, 29, 40.
xii. 34. xvii. 11, 22. xix. 7. xxi. 3.
Acts ii. 8, 32. iii. 15. iv. 9, 20. v.
32. vi. 4. X. 33, 39, 47. xiii. 32.
xiv. 15. XV. 10. XX. 6, 13. xxi. 7,
12, 25. xxiii. 15. xxiv. 8. xxviii.

come, Matt. viii. 11. xxiii. 36.

xxiv. 14, 50. Mark viii. { 21.
Rom. vi. 4. viii. 23(-LTaS). xv. 1.
). 1 Cor. i. 23. ii. 12, 16. iv. 8, lOir.
Luke xii. 46. xiii. 29, 35. xv. 27. viii. Gi. ix. Hi, 12, 25. xi. 16. xii.
xix. 43. John ii. 4. iv. 47, vi. 37. 13. XV. 13, 52. 2 Cor. i. 6. iii. 18.
viii. 42. Acts xxviii. 23 (?•& fr. iv. 11, 13. V. 16, 21. ix. 4. x. 7,
G"hS). 13. xi. 12, 21. xiii. 4, 6, 7i, 9. Gal.
Rom. xi. 26. Heb. x. 7, 9, 37. i. 8. ii. 9, 15, 16. iv. 3, L 22>(
2 Pet. iii. 10. 1 John v. 20. Rev. ii. T). V. 5. Eph. ii. 3(2). Phil. iii. 3.
25. iii. 3t, 9. xv. 4. xviii. 18. Col. i. 9, 28. 1 Thes. ii. 13, 17. iii.
'Hliy LT. 6, 12. iv. 15, 17. V. 8. 3 Thes. ii.
EliO'.e. my God), Matt, xxvii. 46i. 13. Tit. iii. 5.

/. Heb.
2 Pet.

1. 18.
3. x. 39. xii. 25.

iii. 14, 16. iv.
With ,
Heb. xi. 11.
be of age, John ix. 21, 23.
6, 10, 11, 14, 16, 17, 19. 3 John 8,
stature. Matt. vi. 27. Luke
(jnarg. age)• xii. 25. xix. 3.
iv. Idimarg. age).

ourselves, Tit.

Add Rom.
Johnxi. 16. Heb.
23, after
h^S. 2 Cor. vi. 16, for

,, ,, iii. 3.
xii. 1-


how great, Jas. iii. 5. 1 John i. 4, for G'S.
what great, Col. ii. 1. Genitive,
Add, ibr Jas. iii. 5, l/IS. of US, Acts xvii. 27. Rom. iv. 16.
xiv. 7, 12. XV. 2. Gal. iv. 26. Eph.
8un, Matt. v. 45. xiii. 6, 43. xvii. iv. 7. 1 Thes. i. 6. iii. 6. 2 Pet. iii.
2. xxiv. 2U. Mark i. 32. iv. 6. xiii. 2(/ LT5).
24. xvi. 2. Lulie iv. 40. xxi. 25. our. Matt. vi. 9, ll,12<. viii. 17.

XX. 33. xxi. 42. xxiii. 30. xxv. 8. 2 Pet. 1. l(ap), 2, 8, 11, 14, 16. iii.
xxvii. 25. Mark ix. 40(1'
StGL). 15;, 18. IJohn i. It, 9. ii. 2. iii. 5
xi. 10. xii. 11, 29. Luke i. 55, 71, (-Go-'LT), 19, 20, 21 (-L). iv. 10. v.
72, 73, 74(-Lt>TTr>S'), 75, 78, 79. 4. 2 John G"L). 3 John 12.
vii. 5. xi. 2(a/)), 3, 4. xiii. 26. Jiide 4t, 17, 21, 25. Rev. i. 5. v. 10

20. vi. 31. vii. 51. viii. 39, 53. ix, 8(

xxir. 20, 32. John iii. 11. iv. 12, (-T). vi. 10. vii. 3, lO(op), 12. xi.
GLTTr, -S), 15. xii. lOir.
20. xi. 11, 48. xii. 38. xix. 7(-LTr xix. 1. 5. xxii. 21(o7nS).
•&' ^ our, 1 John iv. 17 (Gr,
Acts ii.

39, 44, 45i.

8, 39.

xiii. 17.

GLT*S). XV. 10, 25, 2), 86(omS').
xvi. 20. xvii. 20. xix. 25.
13, 25.
vii. 2, 11, 12, 15, 19, 19 (-LT^^), 38,
{ v.

80. with us).
1 Cor.
xii. 7. Luke xx. 14.
2 Cor. i. 14.
i. 2.
our company, Luke xxiv. 22.
us, Matt. i. 23. xv. 23. Mark ix.
G^'LTS). XX. 21. xxii. 14. xxiv. 7

{ap). xxvi. 7. xxvii. 10. xxviii. 25
Rom. i. 3(4), 7. iii. 5. iv. 1, 12,
40(•// StGL). Luke ix. 49, 50(-

GLTTr, ^S). xvi.
26. xxiv. 29.
22. vii. 40. xv. 9, 24. xxiv.
4. xxviii. 15. Rom. v. 8. viii. 26
24, 25i. V. 1, 5, 11, 21. vi. 6, 11 (-G0LT5), 31i, 32, 34. 1 Cor. iv. 8.
(oTTi), 23. vii. 5, 25. viii. 16, 23, 26,
V. 7(-GooLTaS'). 2 Cor. i. 11, 19, 20.
39. ix. 10. X. 16. xiii. 11. xv. 6.
\( ii. 14. iii. 3. iv. 7. v. 20, 21. vii. 9.
1 Cor.
U^), 9, 18, 20,

2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10.
4(-.vi. 11. ix. 1. x.
1, 6, 11 xii. 23, 24. xv. 3, 14, 31,
ii. 7. v.
viii. 4, 19i, 20. ix. 11.
Gal. iii. 13. Eph. v. 2
Col. ii. 14. iv. 3. 1 Thes. i. 9. ii.
). (
57. 2 Cor. i. 2, 3, 4, 5, 7(G), 8, 11
), 12, 18, 22.
3, 6, 10, 11, 16, 17. v.
iii. 2,

1, 2,
5. iv.
12(v- (G",
13. iv. 1. V. 10, 25. 2 Thes. i. 7. ii.
2. iii. 1, 6. Tit. ii. 14. Heb. vi. 20.

ix. 24. xi. 40/. xiii. 18. 1 Pet. ii. 21
C^GL^). iv. 1(-G<'LT,

L^S). vi Hi. vii. 3, 4, 5, 12
StLT5), 14(t'//6JvL). viii. iii.
S), 17. 1 John
16, 20, 21. iv. 6t. v.
i. 3.
^/ ii. Idfive.
9, 22, 23, 24. ix. 3. x. 4, 8, 15. xi.
Gal. i. 3, 4i. ii. 4. iii. 24. vi. 14,
18. Eph. i. 2, 3, 14, 17, ii. 3, 14.
we"*', Matt, xxviii.
err.), 15. 2 John 2.

us, John x. 24.

] 3. Acts xvi. 16.

xxi. 10 (-LT, S), 17. xxvi.

iii. 11, 14(r/^). V. 20. vi. 22, 24.
14. xxvii. 18, 27. Rom. v. 6, 8.
Phil. i. 2. iii. 20, 21. iv. 20, 23
2 Cor. iv. 18. vii. 5. Heb. x. 26.
(-G^^LTS). Col. 1. 2, 3, 7. iii. 4(•-
G"L^S). 1 Thes. i. l(ap), 2, 3<, Not rendered, Rom. xv. 30.
5. ii. 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 19i, 20. iii. 2, 2 Add, for Acts ix. 38, LTa5.
(op), 5, 7, 9, lit, 13i. V. 9, 23, 28. For
2 Thes. i. 1, 2(-G''LtT), 8, 10, 11, For

Acts xiii. 33, LS.
Acts vii. 27, LTS. Rev.
12i. ii. It, Ut, 15, IGt. iii. -^-),
i. 6, L.

12(-G'LT>S'), 14, IS. ITim. 1. If, GLTaS'. For

2(-G''oLT-S), 12, 14. ii. 3. vi. 3,

, ,
Acts xx. 7.
Pliil. iii. 8, L•". For
John viii. 54, G'^'TTr. Acts xix.

ii. 10

14. 2 Tim. i. 2, 8, 9, 10. Tit. i. 3, 4. 37, G"LS. 2 Cor. vii. 12, StLT.

2 3 25
St), 13. iii. 4, 6. Phm.
LT^\ viii. 19, GLTS.
GLTS. Col. i. 7, G"LS. iv. S'^S G'L,
Tit. ii. 8, GLT.S'.
iv. 6,

Heb. ix. 14, G^'L.

heb. i. 3(-G<'°LTS). iii. 1. iv. 15,
1 John i. 4, StL•^. 2 John 3, St*S'.
vii. 14. xii. 9, 29- xiii. 20. Jas. ii.
1 Pet. i. 3. ii. 24.
Luke xxiii. 2 (. nation), LTTr^'. .

1, 21, iii. 6,
Acts xxvi. 6 (our) C
V. 5, see
L". 2 Cor.
16. see
, i. 14(.

? G"LS.
11 (. . Lord),
Lord), L'^-S. iv.
1 Cor.

23 (•

vi. 17.
vii. 7.
iii. 20.
2 Tim.

Heb. vii. 26. xii. 1. Jas. iii. 3. iv.


7, 9,
x. 8 (-LT^").
iii. 6. ITim.

brother), L^S. 2 Pet. ii. 20 (. . 5, 1 Pet. ii. 21 GLTS). iv. 3 (^

Lord), liS. Jude 3(. salvation), LaS. (-G^LT, S). 1 John i. 8, 9, 10.

Eev. xix. 7 (. God), GTIW —

Ap., ii. 25. iii. 23 (-T), 24i. iv. 9, 12i,

Acts iv. 25.

to US, Matt. XXV. 11.

Luke xi. 4.
25. Kev. iv. 11. 13i, 16.
our, Luke
V. 20. 2 John 2.
xvii. 5. Acts xix. 27.
; what have we to do
xxiv. 32. Acts X. 41. xv. 28. Rom. with thee ? Matt. viii. 29. Mark i.

xii. G. 1 Cor. ii. 12. viii. 6. 2 Cor. 24. Luke iv. 34.
i. 8(-G°«L>S). V. 18. X. 13. CoL ii. we<=^ Matt. XV. 33. xix. 27. Luke
14. Heb. X. 15.

unto us, Matt. xiii. 36. xv. 15. xx.
1 John v. 11. ix. 13.
Eph. vi. (
Acts xxi. 23. xxviii. 22.
12 L). Heb. iv. 13.

12. xxi. 25. 68. Mark x. V. 11. xii. 1. Jas. v. 17.
37. xii. 19. Luke i. 2, 74 (73). ii. Add, for Acts xix. 25, G^'LT
15. X. 17. xiii. 25. xx. 28. xxiii. *S'. For Eph. iv. 5, G (-G?i•).
18. John ii. 18. xiv. 22. xvi. 17. 32, G'L. Col. ii. 13, 8tGLT5. Phm.
Acts vii. 38. xi. 17. xiii. 33(32, GET. 1 John 8, G'. Mark —
see), xv. 8, 25. xvi. \~'^{

xx. 5 (wiU say

. ,
xii. 14(a/»).
TS). • •)> ^•
Rom. v. 5. 1 Cor. i. 18, 30. ii. 10. See also
2 Cor. V. 5. viii. 5. Eph. i, 9. CoL Accusative,
1. 8. iv. 3. 1 Thes. ii. 8. Heb. i. 2 US, Matt. vi. 13t. viii. 25 (-LTTr
(1). 1 Pet. i. 12 (G', GLTS). S), 29, 31. ix. 27. xiii. 56. xvii. 4.
2 Pet. i. 3, 4. 1 John i. 2. XX. 7, 30, 31. xxvii. 4, 25. Mark
for us, Matt, xxv. 9. Mark x. 35. i. 24. V. 12. vi. 3. ix. 5, 22. Luke
xiv. 15.
xviii. 31.
Acts xvi. 21.
i. 69.
50 ( xx. 22(//•
TTr, -S).
2 Cor. iv.
i. 71, 78. iv. 34. vii. 20. ix. 33. xi.

1, 4, 4(),
45. xii. 41. xvi. 26.
xvii. 13. xix. 14. xx. 6. xxiii. 30i,
17. Heb. X. 20, 39. xxiv. 22. John i. 22. ix. 34.
on us, Luke x. 11. Acts i. 21. iii. 4. v. 28. vii. 27 (/}-
upon us, 1 John iii. 1. LTS), 40. xi. 15. xiv. 11. xvi.
with us, Luke xxiv. 32. 2 Pet. i. 1. 10, 15, 37;^. xx. 5. xxi. 5, 11, 17.
Matt. iii. 15. vi. 11, 12. viii.
us, xxvii. 6, 7. xxviii. 2, 7, 10.
31(G', GLTTr5). xxii. 17, 25. Rom. iv. 24. v. 8. viii. IS, 35, 37,
xxiv. 3. XXV. 8. xxvi. 63. Marie ix. 39. ix. 24. XV. xvi. 1('GLS).
22, 3St(ap). xiii. 4. xvi. 3. Luke 6 G"LS). 1 Cor. iv. 1, 9. vi.
14.vn.l5(^vucS). viii. S. 2 Cor.
i. 1. vii. 5, 16. xi. 3, 4. xx. 2. xxii.

8, 67(66). xxiv. 24, 32(-Tr^). John i. 4, 5, 10, 11, 14, 21i, 22. ii. 14.

i.14. iv. 12, 25. vi. 34, 52. viii. 5 iii. 6. iv. 14. v. 5, 14, 18. vii. 2, 6.
(up). X. 24. xiv. St, 9. xvii. 21. viii. 20. X. 2. Gal. i. 4, 23. ii. 4.
Acts i. 17, 21, 22. ii. 29. iii. 12. vi. iii. 13. V. 1. Eph. i. 3, 4, 5, 6, 8,
17 {
14. vii. 40. X. 42. xi. 13. xiii. 47. xiv.
GL!\S,-G»°). xv.
LTS). xvi. 9, 16, 17. xx. 14. xxi. 16,

ii. 4, 7.

12, 13. 1 Thes. i. 10.
St), 16, 18. iii. 6i. iv.
18. xxv. 24. xxvii. 2. xxviii. 2, 15.
Rom. viii. 4, 32. ix. 29. 1 Cor. iv.
7, 8(^ G"LT6•). V. 9. 2Tlies.
ii. 16. iiL 7, 0. 2 Tim. i. 9. ii. 12.
6. XV. 57. 2 Cor. 7. 12. v. 19, vi. Tit. iL 12, 14. iii. 5, 6, 15.
HeL. ii. 3. Jas. i. 18. IPet. i. 3.
Acts i. 2, 3, 5, 15, 22. ii. 1, 15, 17,
iii. 18 (^ , -S), 21 LT>S). '^ 18, 20, 29,41. iii. 24. v. 36, 37. vi.
1. vlL 8, 26, 41, 45. ix. 9, 19, 23,
V. 10(iVaf G'LT-S). 2 Pet. i. 3. iii.
9(^ G"LT,S'). IJolm i. 7, 9. iii. 24, 37, 43. X. 3, 30, 40, 48. xi. 27,
1. iv. 10, 11, 19. 3 John 9, 10. Rev. xii. 3, 18, 21. xiii. 14, 31, 41. xv.
i. 5i, 6 {^ L). V. 9 (-G°LT), 10
GLTTr*S). vi. 16i.
36. xvi. 12, 18, 35. xvii. 31. xx.
6tr, 16, 18, 26, 31. xxi. 4, 5, 7, 10,

With , for our sakes, 1 Cor. ix. 15, 26i, 27, 38. xxiii. 1, 12. xxiv.
1, 11, 24. XXV. 1, 6, 13, 14. xxvi.

we^, Acts iv. 12. vi. 2. xiv. 22. 7, 22. xxvii. 7, 20, 29, 33i, 39.
xxi. 1, 5. xxvii. 1, 20, 26. Rom. xxviii. 7, 12, 13, 14, 17, 23.
iii. 8. vi. 6. vii. G(-L^). 1 Cor. x. 6. Rom. ii. 5, 16. viii. 36. x. 21. xi.
2 Cor. i. 4, 8. v. 10. viii. 4(omS), 8. 12, 13. xiv. 5i, 6, 6(ap),

6. Eph. i. 4, 12. ii. 5. IThes. i. 8. 1 Cor. 8. iii. 13. v. 5. x. 8. xv. 4.


2Thes. i. 4. Heb. ii. 1. xiii. 6. Jas. 2 Cor. i. 14. vi. 2t. Gal. i. 18. iv.
i. 18. 10. Eph. iv. 30. V. 16. vi. 13. PhiL

Add, for ^
Not rendered, Rom. xiii. 11.
Matt. viii. 31,
Tr^. Luke xx. 22, TTr>S. For ^
i. 5, 6, 10. ii. 16. Col. i. 6, 9.
1 Thes. ii. 9. iii. 10. v. 2, 4, 5, 8.
2 Thes. i. 10. ii. 2. iii. 8. 1 Tim. v.
5. 2 Tim. i, 3, 12, 18. iii. 1. iv. 8.
2 Thes. 14, L.
Gal. iv. 17,
1 Pet.
4, Tr*^*A5.
i. 4,
— Luke
,1{). ii.
John ix. Heb.

vii. 3.
2(1). iii. 8. iv. 4, 7, 8. v.
x. 16, 25,
viii. 8, 9, 10.

^. 32. xi. 30. Jas. v. 3, 5.

xii. 10.
IPet. ii. 12. iii. 10, 20. 2 Pet. i. 19.
day, Matt. ii. 1. iii. 1. iv. 2. vi. ii. 9, 13. iii. 3, 7, St, 10, 1!. 1 John
34. vii. 22. ix. 15. x. 15. xi. 12, iv. 17. Jude 6.
22, 24. xii. 36, 40i. xiii. 1. xv. 32. Rev. i. 10. ii. 10, 13. iv. 8. vi, 17
xvi. 21. xvii. 1, 23. xx. 2, 6, 12, vii. 15. viii. 12. ix. 6, 15. x. 7. xi
19. xxii. 23, 46. xxiii. 30. xxiv. 3, 6, 9, 11. xii. 6, 10. xiv. 11. xvi.
19, 22i, 29, 36, 37, 38i, 50. xxv. 14. xviii. 8. xx. 10. xxi. 25.
13. xxvi. 2, 29, Gl. xxvii. 40, 63,
a certain day, Luke

V. 17. viii. 22.
Mark 20t. iv. 27, 35.
9, 13.
i. ii. 1,

v. 5. vi. Il(a/J), 21. viii. 1, 2, 31. day by day, 3 Cor.

iv. 16.
ix. 2, 31, X. 34. xiii. 17, 19, 20t,
24, 32. xiv, 1, 12, 25, 58. xv. 29. from day to day,
Luke i. 5, 20, 23, 24, 25, 39, 59, 2Pet. ii. 8.
19-' daily, Matt. xxvi. 55.
75, 80, ii. 1, 6, 21, 22, 37, 43, 44,
46. iv. 2i, 16, 25, 42. v. 35i. vi. 12, Mark xiv. 49. Lukeix. 23 (op), xix.
13, 23. ix. 12, 22, 28, 36, 37. x. 12. 47. xxii. 53. Acts ii. 46, 47. iii. 2,
xvi. 5. xvii. 11. xix. 9. 1 Cor. xv. 31.
xii. 46. xiii. 14i, 16,
xiv. 5. XV. 13. xvii. 4, 4(-LTTr>S:), 2Cor.
xi. 28. Ileb. vii. 27. x. 11 —
22i, 24(ap), 26i, 27, 28, 20, 30, 31. day
xviii. 7, 33. xix. 42, 43. xx. 1. xxi. day).
6, 22, 23, 34. xxii. 7, 66, xxiii. 12,

iii. 13.
day, Luke xi. 3 {marg. for the

every day, Luke xvi. 19.
daily, Heb. ,
29, 54. xxiv. 7, 13. 18, 21, 29, 46.
John i. 39(40). ii. 1, 12, 19, 20.
iv. 40, 43. V. 9.
vii. 37. viii. 56. ix. 4. xi. 6,
vi. 39,

24, 53. xii. 1, 7, 48. xiv. 20. xvi.

40, 44, 54.
9, 17, xxvi. 13.
daily, Acts xvii. 17. .,
at mid -day.

in the day-time,

23, 26. xix. 31. xx. 19, 26. xxi. 37.

Luke xxiii. 7.
^ at that time,
rert, Luke xxiii. 56.
held one's peace, Luke xiv. 4(3),

xviii. 18.

ix. 51p'.
( Cfi*.
Acts viii. 1.
day) ICor. iv. 3.
a gOod V/hile, Acts
Acts xi. 18.
Acts xxi. 14.

quietness, 2 Thes. iii. 12.
daily, Acts v. 42. silence, Acts xxii. 2. 1 Tim. ii. 11
,^ alway, Matt, xxviii. 20. 12.
TTj 7/ ^ the Sab-
bath, Acts xvi. 13.

quiet, 1 Pet. iii. 4.
Not rendered, Rom. xiv. 5.
Add, for ,
Matt, xviii. 1, G"L.
peaceable, 1
ii. 2.

, i.
xxiv. 42, LTTr^S. Rev. xi. 13, G".

Matt, xxviii. 15(r^f .), .
LTr. Luke xiii, 32(day2d), L^ John be inferior, 2 Cor. xii. 13.
ix. 14, see .
2 Cor. iii. 14(7?;$• -
be overcome, 2 Pet. ii. 19, 20.
.), O'LTa?.
See also

,^. diminishing, Rom. xi. \2(inarg. de-

Rom. XV.
Acts ii. 11. xxiv. 6(/)). xxvi.
4.2 Tim. iv. 15. 1 John ,.
cay, or loss),
iault, 1 Cor. vi. 7.


Plur., with art.y ours, Tit.
John ii. 2
1 Cor. xv. 31, for

.7]^. See .
, iii. 14.
Neut., with art., the worse, ICor.
xi. 17.
Adv., the less,

. .
2 Cor.

to sound, 1 Cor. xiii. 1.

xii. 15.

roar, Luke xxi. 25 (G'; 7) fr. if-

half dead, Luke
7•. ,x. SO. neut. GLTTr<S).

half, Mark vi. 23. Luke xix. 8. sound. Acts ii. 2. Heb. xii. 19.
Rev. xi. 9, 11. xii. 14. fame, Luke iv. 37.

the space of /, ^.
hour, Rev.
(neut.), sound, noise.
Luke xxi. 25, GLTTr/S.

. .
viii. 1.

^•;, ^{}. See sea, Matt. iv. 15, 18i. viii. 24, 26,
27, 32. xiii. 1, 47. xiv. 24(ap), 25,
26. XV. 19. xvii. 27. xviii. 6. xxi.
when, 2 Cor. iii. 15, 16 (ivith ai).
21. xxiii. 15. Mark i. I6t. ii. 13.

2 Tim.

, III.

iii. 7. iv. Itr, 89, 41. v. 1,

23. Luke xvii. 2, 6. xxi. 25. John
47, 48, 49. vii. 31. ix. 42. xi.

vi. 1, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 25. xxi. 1,



,. 7. Acts iv. 24. vii. 36. x. 6, 32.

xiv. 15. xvii. 14. xxvii. 30, 38, 40.
quiet, 1 Tim.

be quiet, 1 Thes. iv. 11.

'. ii. 2.
xxviii. 4.
Rom. ix. 27. 1 Cor. x. 1, 2. 2 Cor.
xi. 26. Ueh. xi. 12, 29. Jas. i. C.
Jade 13. Rev. iv. G. v. 13, vii. 1,
2, 3. viii. 8i, 9. x. 2, 5, C(a;0, 8.
xii. 12. xiii. l(xii. 18), 1. xiv. 7.
1 Cor. xv, 55, for (7%, LTS.

put to death, Matt. xxvi. 59. xxvii.

XV. 2i. xvi. 3i. xviii. 17, 19, 21.
XX. 13. xxi. 1.
1. Mark xiv. 55. 1 Pet. iii. 18.
cause to be put to death. Matt. x.
21. Mark xiii. 12. Luke xxi. 16.
cherish, Eph, v. 29. 1 Thes. ii. 7. Pass., become dead, Rom. vii. 4.
mortify, Rom. viii. 13.
Acts ix. &(). Rom. viii. 36. 2 Cor.
D8 astonished,
Pass., be astonished,
— be amazed, Mark
Mark x. 24.

^. vi. 9.

wonder, Acts
^. i.

27. x. 32.
bury. Matt. viii. 21, 22. xiv. 12.
Luke ix. 59, 60. xvi. 22. Acts ii.

V. 9.
'^^ ill.

be astonished, Luke
29. V. 6, 9, 10. 1 Cor. xv. 4.
be bold, 2 Cor. x. 1, 2.
»"^ be
^, Luke
With amazed, Heb. xiii. Qp,
Iv. 36.
be confident, 2 Cor. v. 8.
confident, 2 Cor. v. 6p.
deadly thing, Mark xvi. IS^^'^^^ap).
^^;. ^.
have confidence, 2 Cor. vii. 16.

deadly, Jas.
iii. 8.

death. Matt. iv. 16. x. 21. xv. 4.

be of good cheer, Matt. ix. 2. xiv
27. Mark vi. 50. John xvi. 33. Acta
xxiii. 11.
xvi. 28. XX. 18. xxvi. 38, 66. Mark be of good comfort. Matt. ix. 22.
vii. 10. ix. 1. X. 33. xiii. 12. xiv. Mark x. 49. Luke viii. 48 (-G^LT
34, 64. Luke i. 79. ii. 26. ix. 27.
xxii. 33. xxiii. 15, 22. xxiv. 20.
John V. 24. viii. 51, 52. xi. 4, 13.
courage. Acts xxviii. 15.
xii. 33. xviii, 32. xxi. 19. Acts ii.
24(^77• G'). xiii. 28. xxii. 4. xxiii.
XXV. 11, 25. xxvi. 31. xxviii.

32. v. 10, 12, 12(-G°T), G'LTS.

admiration. Rev. xvii. 6.
Add 2 Cor. xi. 14, for -^,
14, 17, 21. vi. 3, 4, 5, 9, 16(-G«o),
21, 23. vii. 5, 10, ISt, 24. viii, 2, 6, to wonder, Matt. xv. 31. Mark vi. 61
38. 1 Cor. iii. 22. xi. 26. xv. 21, (-GLbTr-6^). Luke ii. 18. iv. 22. viii.
26, 54, 55, 56. 2 Cor. i. 9, 10. ii. 25. ix.43. xi. 14. xxiv. 41. ActsxiiL41.
16/. iii. 7. iv. 11, 12. vii. 10. xi. Rev. xiii. 2>{pass. StLTr) xvii. 6.
23. Pliil. i.20. ii. 8/, 27, 30. iii. 10. Mid., wonder, Rev. xvii. 8.
CoL i. 22. 2 Tim. i. 10. wonder at, Luke xxiv. 12(). Acta
Heb. ii. 9/, 14/, 15. v. 7. vii. 23. ix. vii. 31.
16. xi. 5. Jas. i. 15. v. 20. 1 .John marvel. Matt. viii. 10, 27. ix. 8

i9 rot»
Heb. ix. 15.
iii. 14^ v. 16ir, 17.

Death, Rev. vi. 8.

deadly ''o, Rev. xiii.
Rev. i. 18. ii.

3. xviii. 8. XX. 6, 13, I4t. xxi. 4, 8.

3, 12.
G"LTTr.S), 33. xxi. 20.
10, 11, 23. vi. 8. ix. 61. xii. 11, xiii. xxii. 22. xxvii. 14. Mark v. 20. vi.
6. xii. 17 XV. 5, 44. Luke i. 21, 63.
bv means of death, ii. 33 (with xi. 38. xx. 26.
John iii. 7. iv. 27. v. 20. vii. 15,
21. Acts
i. 6.


12. iv. 13.
R^v. xvii
& ^,

marvel at, Luke vii. 9. Jolin v. 28. xxii. 42. xxiii. 25. John i. 13<. iv.
admire, 2Thes. i. 10. 34. V. 30^ vi. 38i, 39, 40. vii. 17
have in admiration, Jude 16. ix. 31. Acts xxi. 14. xxii. 14.
Rom. i. 10. ii. 18. xii. 2. xv. 32.

wonderful thing, Matt. xxi. 15»«".
1 Cor. i. 1. vii. 37. xvi. 12. 2 Cor.
i. 1. viii. 5. Gal. 1. 4. Eph. i. 1, 5,

9, 11. V. 17. vi. 6. Col. i. 1, 9. iv.

marvelous. Matt. xxi. 42. Mark 12. 1 Thes. iv. 3. v. 18. 2 Tim. i.
xii. 11. 1Pet. ii. 9. Rev. xv. 1, 3. 1. ii. 26. Heb. x. 7, 9, 10, 36. xiii.
Neut., marvelous thing, Jolin ix. 21. IPet. ii. 15. iii. 17. iv. 2, S
30. —
marvel, 2 Cor. xi. 14(^ G"LTS), 19. 2 Pet. i. 21.
G'LT>S). 1 John ii. 17. v. 14.
&. Plur., will, Acts xiii. 22.
foddess. Acts xix. 27, 35 {omS), pleasure, Rev. iv. 11.
(^^ GLTS),
see, Matt. xi. 7. xxii. 11. Mark
desire (6V. will), Eph.

will, Heb. ii.

ii. 3.

xvi. 14(a;9). Luke v. L'").27( &.

vii. 24. John i. 32, 38. vi. 5. viii.

10(aj3). xi. 45. Acts i. 11. viii. 18?
GLT*S). xxi. 27?. xxii. 9.
Rom. XV. 24. 1 John iv. 12(11), 14.
will (would), Matt. 1. 19. ii. 18. v.
40, 42. vii. 12. viii. 2, 3. xi. 14.
xii. 38. xiii. 28. xiv. 5?. xv. 28, 32.
xvi. 24, 25. xvii. 4. xviii. 23, 30.
Pass., be seen, Matt. vi. 1. xxiii. xix. 17, 21. XX. 14, 15, 21, 26, 27,
5. Mark xvi. 11 (a/)).

32. xxi. 29. xxii. 3. xxiii. 4, 37i.
behold, Luke xxiii. 55. John i. 14. xxvi. 15, 17, 39. xxvii. 15, 17, 21,
look on, John iv. 35. 34.
look upon, 1 John i. 1. Mark i. 40, 41. iii. 13. vi. 19(^7-
L), 22, 25, 26, 48. viii. 34, 35. ix.
make a gazing-stock, Heb. x. 33?. 30. X. 35, 36, 48, 44, 51. xiv. 7, 12,

'&. 36. xr. 9,

r* 31. ix. 23,
iv. 6. v. 12, 13.
theatre, Acts xix. 19, 31.
24, 54. X. 29. xii. 49. xiii. 31, 34i. xv.
spectacle ( Gr. theatre), 1 Cor. iv = 9.

xvii. 29. Rev. ix.
28. xvi. 26. xviii. 4, 13, 41. xix. 27.
xxii. 9. xxiii. 20.
brimstone, John i. 43 (44). v. 6, 21, 40. vi. 11,
17, 18. xiv. 10. xix. 20. xx. 10, 67. vii. 1, 17, 44. viii. 44. ix. 27i. xii.
xxi. 8. 21. XV. 7. xvii. 24. xxi. 18i, 22, 23.
'&, Acts vii. 28, 30. x. 10. xiv. 13. xvii.

divine, 2 Pet. i. 3, 4. 18. xviii. 2lP. xix. 33. xxiv. &{ap),
Neut.j with art.y the Godhead, Acts 27. XXV. 9i. xxvi. 5.

xvii. 29. Rom. vii. 15, 16, 18, 19i, 20, 21p.
ix. 16, ISt, 22. xi. 25. xiii. 3. 1 Cor.
Godhead, Rom. i. 20. iv. 19, 21. vii. 7, 36, 39. x. 1, 20. xiv.
6, 35. xvi. 7. 2 Cor. v. 4. viu. 11.
xii. 201.
of brimstone. Rev. ix. 17.
'', Gal.
ii. 13.
i. 7.

2. ir. 17. v. 17.
27. ii. 1. 1
Thes. ii.
will. Matt. vi. 10. vii. 21. xii. 50. 18. 2 Tlies. iii. 10. 1 Tim. v. 11.
xviii. 14. xxi. 31, xxvi. 42. Mark 2 Tim. iii. 12. Plim. 14.
iii, 35. Luke xi. 2 (op), xii. 47i. Heb. X. 5, 8. xii. 17?. xiii. 18. Jas
. 15. 1 Pet.
xi. 5/, 6. xxii. 17.
iii. 10. 3 Juhi
given by inspiration of Gcd, 2 Tim.
be willing, John v. 35. iii. 16.
willingly, John vi. 21««. 2 Pet. iii. 5p
voluntary*'*' {Gr.
ry), Col. 11. 18P.
being a volunta- 6 Gf(5f 1. Gen. with ^,
God, Matt. 23. iii. 9, 16. iv. S»,
will have, Matt. ix. 18. xii. 7. xxvii, 4, 62, 7^ 101. V. 8^ 92^ 34, ^i. 24,
43. Mark vii. 24. Luke i. 62. xix. 14. 30, 33(-LaS). viii. 29^. ix. 8. xii.
Acts ix. Q{ap). xvi. 3. Rom. i. 13. xvi, xiv. 332. XV. 3, 4, 6, 31.
4, 2Si.
19. 1 Cor. vii. 82. xi. 8. xii. 1. 2 Cor.
xvi. 162, 23. xix. 6, 17(ay?), 24(oi;-
i. 8. 1 Thes. iv. 13. 1 Tim. ii. 4.
pavdfPi LTTr), 26. xxl. 12(-G°LTr
list, Matt. xvii. 12. Mark ix. 13.
S), 31, 43. xxii. 16, 21/, 29, 30(-G<'L
John iii. 8.
Tr), 31, 32/, 32(-LTr>S), 37'. xxiii.
be disposed, 1 Cor. x. 27.
desire, Mark ix. 35. Luke v. 39.
22. xxvi. 61, 63, 632.
43-', 4.0.1, 542,
40, 43. ^.
viii. 20. X. 24. xx. 46. 2 Cor. xi.
Mark i. I2, 14, 15, 24. ii. 7, 12, 26.
12. xii. 6. Gal. iv. 9, 20, 21. vi. 12,
iii. 112, 35. iy, 11^ 26, 30. v. 72, 7.
13. 1 Tim. i. 7.
vii. 8, 9, 13. viii. 33. ix. 1, 47. x.
be desirous, John xvi. 19. 6(-L''TTr*S), 9, 14, 15, 18, 23,
desirous, Luke xxiii. 8p. 2 Cor. xi.
25, 27, 27(fij)), xi. 22. xii. 14, 17i,
24, 26/, 27, 27 {omS), 29, 30, 32
be forward {Gr, be willing), 2 Cor. (omS), 34. xiii. 19. xiv. 25, xv.
viii. 10.
34i, 392, 43. xvi. 19(a_p).
please*'», 1 Cor. xii. 18. xv. 38.
Luke i. 6, 8, 16, 19, 26, 30, 32,
had rather", ICor. xiv. 19. 352, 37, 47, 64, 68', 78.
so be'',
, Luke

1 Pet.
xiv. 28.
mean, Acts
ii. 12. xvii.
20, 28, 40, 52.
32, 4(op), S\
1, 21, 25,

92, 12',
34, 412, 43. y^
26. vi. 4, 12, 20. vii. 16f,
ii. 13, 14,

2, 6, 8, 382°. i^^

love, Mark xii. 38. 28, 29, 30. viii. 1, 10, 11, 21, 28

^, ^^'^.
Add Rev. ii. 21 (ap). (-G°)2, 39. ix. 2, 11, 20, 27, 43, 60,

foundation, Luke vi. 48', 49'. xiv.

29'. Acts xvi. 20'. Rom. xv. 20.
ICor. iii. 10, 11, 12. Epli. ii. 20.
1 Tim. vi. 19. 2 Tim. ii. 19. Heb
28, 31 (
62. X. 9, 11, 27'. xi. 20i, 28, 42, 49.
6, 8, 9, 20(KiV^oc L»'), 21, 24,
G"LTTr^). xiii. 13,
18, 20, 28, 29. xiv. 15. xv. 10. xvi.
13, 15i, 16. xvii. 15, 18, 20i, 21.
vi. 1. xi. 10.

lay the foundation

Rer. xxi.

of, Heb.
14, 19i.

i. 10.
xviii. 2, 4, 7, 11, 13, 16, 17, 19, 24,
25, 27, 29, 43i. xix. 11, 37.
25i, 36, Sitr, 38. xxi. 4
xx. 21,

found. Matt. vii. 25. Luke vi. 48 31. xxii. 16, 18, 69, 702. 35
(ap). 40, 47, 51. xxiv. 19, 53.

ground, Eph. 17(18). Col.

iii. i. 23.
John i. Ii, 2, 6, 12, 13, 18, 29, 342,
IPet. v. lOC-G^^L). 36, 49(50)2, 51(52).
17, 182, 21, 33, 34i,
iii. 2t, 3, 5,


taught of God, 1 Thes.

^. iv. 9.
29, 33, 45, 46,
692. yii. 17, yiji^ 40^ 41^ 42/^ 47^^^
fight against God, Acts xxiii, 9 (om 54. ix. 3, 16, 24,
S), 36. iv. 10, 24.
44(-L''). vi. 27, 28,
v. 18i, 252, 40

&. 29, 31, 33, 35 («v-
G'Sy. X. 33, 35, 362. xi. 4,
42, 22i, 272, 40, 52. xii, 43. xiii. 3/,
to fight against God"*', Acts v. 39. 31, 32 (ap), 32. xiv. 1. xvi. 2, 27
(,), 30. . 3. xix. 7'. xx.
% 6, 8. ix. 9, 21. X. 5, 13, 20, 31,
17, 28, 312. xxi. 19. 32. xi. 3, 7, 12, 13, 16, 22. xii. 3,
Acts i. 3. ii. 11, 17, 22, 23, 24, 6, 18, 24, 28. xiv. 2, 18, 25/, 28, 33,

30, 32, 33, 36, 39', 47. iii. 8, 9, 13, 36. XV. 9, lOi, 15/, 24, 28, 34, 38,
15, 18, 21, 221, 25^ 2G. iv. 10, 19, 50, 57.
21, 24, 24(-LT5), 31. v. 4, 29, 30, 2Cor. i. 1/, 2, 3/, 4, 9,12, 18, I92,
31, 31, 39. vi. 2, 7, 11. vii. 2, 6, 7, 20/, 21, 23. ii. 14, 15, 17/r. iii. 3, 4,

9, 17, 25, 32i,

42, 45, 46, 46 ( (
32i(-LT5'), 35, 37, 15.
5. iv. 2i, 4, 6,
L5), 55, 56. V. 1, 5, 11, 13, 18, 19, 20/, 21. vi. 1,
viii. 10, 12, 14, 20, 21, 22 4, 7, 16/. vii. 1, 6, 12. viii. 1, 5, 16.
6{6 G"L), 7,

G"LT5), 37-(a;)). ix. 202. .

2, 3, ix. 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. x. 4, 5,
4, 15, 23, 28, 31, 33,
G" 13. xi. 7, 11, 31. xii. 2, 3, 19, 21.
34, 3S/, 40, 41, 42, 46. xi. xiii. 4/, 7, 11, 14(13).
1, 9, 17/, ISi, 23. xii. 5, 23, Gal. i. 1, 3,4, 10, 13, 15(-GooL''
xiii. 5, 7, 16, 17, 21, 23, 26, 30, 33 T), 20, 24. ii. 6, 19, 20^ 21. iii. 6.
(32), 36, 37, 43, 44:( G'LTS), 8, 11, 17, 18, 20, 21(-L'^), 262. iv.

10, 12, 14, IS(ap), 19, 40 {/

46. xiv. 15, 22, 26, 27. xv. 4, 7, 8, 4, 6, liap), 8, 9i, 14, v. 21. vi. 7,
G' 16.

LTS). xvi. 14, 17, 25, 34. xvii. 13, Eph. i. 1, 2, 3, 17. ii. 4, 8, 10, 16,
23, 24, 29, 30. xviii. 7, 11, 13, 21, 26 19, 22. iii. 2, 7, 9, 10, 19. iv. 6, 13^,
(-rioo). xix. 8, 11, 20(Kt>ocStEGLT 18, 24, 30, 32. v. 1, 2, 5, 6, 20, 21
S). XX. 21, 24, 25(-Go"LT5), 27, 28 GLTS). vi. 6, 11, 13, 17,
(G', Kbpior GLT), 32. xxi, 19. xxii. 23.
3, 14. xxiii. 1, 3, 4. xxiv. 14, 15, 16. Pliil. i. 2, 3, 8, 11, 28. ii. 6/, 9, 11,
xxvL 6, 8, 18, 20, 22, 29. xxvii. 23, 13, 15, 27. iii. 3 (gen. G'LT5), 9,

24, 25, 35. xxviii. 15, 23, 28, 31. 14, 15, 19. iv. 6, 7, 9, 18, 19, 20.
Rom. 1. 1, 42, 7?, 8, 9, 10, 16, 17, Col. i. 1, 2, 3, 6, 10, 15, 25/, 27.
18, 19/, 21t, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28/, 32. ii. 2, 12, 19. iii. 1, 3, 6, 12, 15
ii.2, 3, 4, 5, 11, 13, 16, 17, 23, 24, GLTS), 17, 22 (G',
29. iii. 2, 3, 4, 5/, 6, 7, 11, 18, 19, GLTaS). iv. 3, 11, 12.
21, 22, 23, 25, 25(20), 29, 30. iv. 1 Thes. i. 1, l(ap), 2, 3, 4, 8, 9i.
2, 3, 6, 17, 20/. V. 1, 2, 5, 8, 10, 11, ii. 2/, 4/, 5, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13/r, 14,
15. vi. 10, 11, 13/, 17, 22, 23. vii. 15, iii. 2, 9i, 11, 13. iv. 1, 3, 5, 7,
8, 14, 16. V. 9, 18, 23.

4, 22, 25/. viii. 3. 7/, 8, 9, 14/, 16,
17, 19^ 21, 27, 28, 31, 33/, 34, 39. 2 Thes. i. 1, 2, 3, 4,-5/, 6, 8, 11,

ix. 5, 6, 8, 11, 14, 16, 20, 22, 262. . 1, 12. ii. 4, 4(G^r.3d, omS), 4/, 11, 13/,
2, 3/, 9, LS). xi. 1, 2, 8, 16, iii. 5.
21, 22, 23, 29, 30, 32, 33. xii. 1/, 2, 3. 1 Tim. i. 1, 2, 11, 17. ii. 3, 5i. iii.
xiii. 1/, 2, 4/, 6. xiv. 3, 4('• LT 16(GLS,
G'). iv. 3, 4,
5, 15/,

S), 6i, 11, 12(-Lb), 17, 18, 20, 22. 5,10. V.4, 5, 21. vi. 1,11, 13, 17.
XV. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 15, 16, 17, 19

L), PA xvi. 20, 26, 27.

21/r, 24/, 25/. 27, 27(a/)), 28, 30. ii.

2 Tim. i. 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8. ii. 9, 15,
(G', G(-<>*)L, -T), 30, Z2(Ki'pi- 19, 25. iii. 17. iv. 1.
Tit. i. 1/, 2, 3, 4, 7, 16. ii. 5, 10,
1 Cor. i. 1, 2, 3, 4/, 9, 14, 18, 20, 11, 13. iii. 4, 8. Plim. 3, 4.
Heb. i. 1, 6, 8, 9/. ii. 4, 9, 13, 17.
1, 5, 7/, 9, 10/, 12/, 14. iii. 6, iii.4, 12. iv. 4, 9, 10, 12, 14^. v. 1,
7, 9/r, 10, 16i, 17ir, 19, 23. iv. 1, 4, 10, 12. vi. 1, 3, 5, 62, 7, 10, 13,

5, 9, 20. V. 13. vi. 9, 10, 11, 13,
14, 19, 20, 20 (ap). vii. 7, 15, 17
GLT;S), 19, 24, 40. viii. 3,
17, 18. vii. 1, 32, 19, 25. viii. 10. ix.
14/, 20, 24. X. 7,
292, 31, 36. xi. 3,
4.', 5/, 6,
12, 21,
10, 16/,
19, 25, 40. xii. 2, 7, 15, 22, 23, 28, Acts xix. 37, GLT/S. For
29. xiii. 4, 7, 15, 16, 20. Jas. i. 1, Luke ii. 38, LTrS. Acts xvi. 10, G"
5, 13<, 20, 27. ii. 5, 19, 23i. iii. 9 L^. xvii. 27, xxi. 20, 1 Cor. vii. 17,
G"LT^), 9. iv. 4t, 6, 7, 8. Col. iii. 16, GhTS. Eph. v. 17, L^,


( G'LTS), 17, 18, 20, 21,
22. iv. 2, 6, 10, lltr, 14, 16, 17i,
V. 2,5, 6, 10, 12. 2 Pet.
ii. 4. iii. 5, 12.
i. 1,
IPet. i. 2, 3, 5, 21i, 23. ii. 4, 5, 2Tlies. iii. 3, L. 2 Tim. ii. 14, L^'^".
10, 12, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20. iii. 4, 5, For vioCf John i. 18, L'^TvS.

Rom. xiv. 10, G'hTS.

Jacob), LS.

Acts iii. 13 (. . of Isaac, and . . of

22 (the goodness
28, after
2, 17, 21.
IJohn 5. 5, 14, 17. iii. 1, 2, LTS. Phil. i. 14 (word . .), L
i, ii. .

8^ 9i, lOi, 16(-StGLT5),

17, 20, S. IPet. V. 2 (mind
21. iv. 1, 2f, 3, 4, Gtr, Itr, 8i, dt, 10, LS. 1 .John V. 10 (witness .), L. .

11, 12i, 15\ I5t, 16/, 20t, 21. v. 1, Rev. i. 8• (the Lord . .), GLTTr^.
— .,
% 3, 4, 52, 9i, 102, o(vlG'L), 10,
11, 12^(-C 1611 to 1629), 132 («P),
132, 18i, 19, 202, 20.
Jlom. xii. 17. Rev. iv. 11'.

2 John
3, 9.
21, 25.
godliness, 1

Tim. ii.

worshipper of God, John ix. 31.


Rev. i. 1, 2, 6, 9. ii. 7, I82. iii. 1,

2, 12/, 14. iv. 5, 8'. v. 6, 9,
vi. 9. vii. 2, 3, 10(a/9),
11, 12, 15,
lO(-T). '&.Rom.
xi. 1, 4(
17. viii. 2, 4. ix. 4(-G«), 13. x. 7.
GLTTrS), 11, 13,
hater cf God,
-. i. 30.

IQt, 17S 19. xii. 5, G, lOt, 17. xiii.

Godhead, Col.
^. ii. 9.

6, xiv. 4, 5(ap), 7(KVofG"), 10,

5,8,20. xix.
5, 61, 9, 10, 13, 15, 17.
12, 19. XV. 1, 2, 3, 31, 7, 8. xvi. 1.
IK 9, 11, 14, 19, 21. xvii. lit. xviii.
4, 6, 9
12(i?/j(5wr GLTTi'/S).

Luke ix. 11.
household, Matt. xxiv. 45

S). Luke xii.
Rev. xxii.


xxi. 3(-Go''-S), 4(-GTrb5),

2, dt,
to worship, Acts xvii. 25.
10, 11, 22', 23. xxii. 1, 3, 5', a\ cure, Matt. xvii. 16, 18. Luke vii.
21. ix. 1. John v. 10.
9, 18, 19.
heal, Matt. iv. 23, 24. viii. 7, 16.
god, John X. 34, 35. Acts vii. 40,
43. xii. 22. xiv. 11. xix. 26. xxviii. ix. 35. X. 1, 8. xii. 10, 15, 22. xiv.
6. 1 Cor. viii. 5i. 2 Cor. iv. 4. Gal, 14. XV. 30.
xix. 2. xxi. 14, Mark i.
34. iii. 2, 10, 15(-•5). vi. 5, 13.
iv. 8.
Gen., godly, 2 Cor. i. 12. xi. 2.
Luke iv. 23, 40. v. 15. vi. 7, 18.

1 Tim. i. 4(-C 1611 to 1660, err.).
after a godlv BOrt,
viii. 2, 43. ix. 6. x. 9. xiii. 14i.
xiv. 3. Acts iv. 14. v. 16. viii. 7.

3 John 6.
xxviii. 9. Rev. xiii. 3, 12.
Dat., exc8eding(inar^. to God), Acts
vii. 20.

2 Cor.

after a godly manner,
d(marg. according to God).
a godly sort, 2 Cor. vii. 11.
after Luke


Matt. vi. 26.


xii. 24. xix. 21, 22.

xxv. 24, 26.

— godly, 2 Cor. vii. 10. 36/, 37, 38. 1 Cor. ix. 11. 2 Cor. ix.
Add, for 1 Cor. i. 29, GLT.S. 6/. Gal. vi. 7, 8/, 9. Jas. v. 4. Rev,
1 Joliu iv. 192d, L, i"*S'. For Otd, xiv. 15/, 16.
^ ^^ 195
harvest, Matt. ix. 37, 38/. xiii. 30,
39. Mark iv. 29. Luke x. 2tr. John
trap, Rom.
xi. 9,

iv. 35f. Rev. xiv. 15.
to catch, Luke
xi. 54,

Mid., warm
reaper, Matt. xiii. 30, 39.

one's self, Mark xiv.

fight with beasts,

wild beast,

Cor. XV. 32.

13. Acts x. 12
54, 67. John xviii. 18i, 25. be — (-G°°LTS). xi. 6.
warmed, Jas. ii. 16. venomous beast, Acts xxviii.

heat, Acts xxviii. 3.

^^ beast, Acts xxviii. 5. Tit. i. 12.
Heb. xii. 20. Jas. iii. 7. Rev. vi. 8.

28. Luke xxi. 30.

look on, Mark

summer, Matt. xxiv. 32.

xv. 40.
behold. Matt, xxvii. 55. Mark xii.
41. XV. 47. Luke x. 18. xiv. 29.
xxi. 6. xxiii. 35, 48. John xvii. 24.
Acts Rev. xi.
viii. 13. 12.
Mark xiii.

xi. 7. xiii. 1, 2, 3, 4tr, 11, 12t, 14^
15ir, 17, 18. xiv. 9, 11. xv. 2. xvi.
2, 10, 13. xvii. 3, 7,
16, 17. xix. 19, 20/.

treasure up, Rom. ii. 5.

lay up treasure, Luke xii. 21.
heap treasure together, Jas. v. 3.
8^ 11, 12, 13,
xx. 4, 10.

lay up, Matt. vi. 19, 20. 2 Cor. xii.

consider, Heb. vii. 4.
see, Matt, xxviii. 1. Mark iii. 11. keep in store, 2 Pet. iii. 7.
v. 15, 38. xvi. 4. Luke xxiv. 37,
39. John ii. 23p. vi. 19, 40, 62. vii.
3, viii. 51. ix. 8, x. 12. xii. 45^
xiv. 17, 19?. xvi. 10, 16, 17, 19. xx.
in store, 1 Cor. xvi. 2p.

treasure. Matt. ii. 11. vi. 19, 20,

21. xii. 35i. xiii. 44, 52. xix. 21.

6, 12, 14. Acts iii. 16. iv. 13i\ vii.
Mark x. 21. Luke vi. 45, 45(a;?).
56. ix. 7. X. 11. xvii. 16•' xix. 26.
xii. 33, 34. xviii. 22. 2 Cor. iv. 7.
XX. 38. xxi. 20. XXV. 24. xxviii. 6. Heb. •

Col. ii. 3. xi. 26.

1 John iii. 17. Rev. xi. 11.
perceive, John iv. 19. xii. 19. Acts

{., .
xvii. 22. xxvii. 10. to touch, Heb. xi. 28. xii. 20.

Add John vi. 2, for LTr. handle, Col. ii. 21.

Pass., (/ii. pressed, com-

sight, Luke xxiii. 48.
pressed), Matt. vii. 14p. sufier —
tribulation, 1 Thes. iii. 4.
sheath, John xviii. 11.
throng, Mark iii. 9.

aflaict, 2 Cor. i. 6. ITim. v. 10.

to suck, Luke xi. 27. Heb, xi. 37.
suckling. Matt. xxi. 16p. trouble, 2 Cor. iv. 8. vii. 5. 2 Thee,
give suck, Matt. xxiv. 19. Mark
Luke xxi. 23. xxiii. 29
i. 6, 7.
^, .
xiii. 17.
X. 6.
woman, Rom.
GaL iii.

Matt. xix. 4.
26, 27.
burdened"", 2 Cor. viii. 13.
anguish, John xvi. 21.
vii. 10, 11.
Mark iv.
XX. 23. 2 Cor.
17. vi. 4. viii. 2. Phil.
17. xiii. 19. Acts

ii. 4. iv.

16. iv. 14.

&}( 196
Col. i. 24. 1 Thes. i. 6.
Ileb. X. 33. Jas. i. 27.
iii. 3, 7. &'.

worshipping. Col. ii. 18.
With c'lr, to be afflicted, Matt, religion. Acts xxvi. 5. Jas. i. 26, 27
xxiv. 9.
tribulation, Matt. xiii. 21. xxiv.
religious, Jas.
{>. i. 2G.
21, 29. Mark xiii. 24. .Tohnxvi. 33.
Acts xiv. 22. Rom. ii. 9. v. 3t. viii.
35. xii. 12. 2 Cor. i. 4. vii. 4. Eph. triumph over, Col. ii. 15.
iii. 13. 2 Thes. i. 4, 6. Rev. i. 9. ii.
cause to triumph, 2 Cor. ii. 14.
9, 10, 22. vii. 14.

persecution. Acts xi. 19.
trouble, 1 Cor. vii. 28.

to die,

be dead.


ii. 20.
49. Jolin xi. 39
2 Cor. i. 4, 8.

fr.o- Acts

v. 44.
i. 6p'.
iii. 4p'.

xxi. 18. John xi. 2p>. xii. 3p'.
xxvii. 34. 1 Pet. iii. 3p'(-L).
Rev. i. 14. ix. Str>K
v. 36.
vii. 38, 44. xii.
x. 30.

G'^LTTr-S), 44. xii. 1 (-L'^Tri'-o'). Pass., be troubled. Matt. xxiv. 6.

xix. 33P.
V. 6.
Acts xiv. 19.

xi. 4lP(a/>).
xxv. 19. 1 Mark xiii. 7.

2 Thes. ii. 2.

xxii. 44(ajo).
dead man, Luke
vii. 12p(-L'').
great drop,

seat, Luke
Rev. ii. 13. iv.
i. 52.
mortal, Rom. vi. 12. viii. 11. 1 Cor. 4t. xi. 16. xiii. 2. xvi. 10.
XV. 53, 54. 2 Cor. iv. 11. throne. Matt. v. 34. xix. 28t. xxiii.

For ,
With art., mortality, 2 Cor. v. 4.

set on
confuse by noise.
an uproar. Acts xvii. 5.
x. 41, LTr^S.
22. XXV. 31. Luke i. 32. xxii. 30.
Acts ii. 30. vii. 49. Coh i. 16. Heh.
i. 8. iv. 16. viii. 1. xii. 2.

4. iii. 21i. iv.

Rev. i.
lot. V. 1, 6, 7, 11, 13. vi. 16. vii.
9, 10(a/)), Ut, 15t, 17. viii. 3. xii.
3, 4, 5^ 6tr, 9,

Mid., make a noise. Matt. ix. 23. 5. xiv. 3, 5(ap). xvi. 17. xix. 4, 5.
— make Mark —
trouble one's
this" ado,

self. Acts xx. 10.
v. 39. XX. 4, 11. xxi. 5. xxii. 1, 3.
Add Rev. xx. 12, for , GLTTr
uproar. Matt. xxvi. 5.
2. Acts XX. 1.
Mark xiv.
S. xxi. 3, for
^. J

tumult. Matt, xxvii. 24.

to bruise, Luke
38. Acts xxi. 34. xxiv. 18.

iv. 18.
Mark v.

daughter. Matt. ix. 18, 22. x. 35,
37. xiv. 6. XV. 22, 28. xxi. 5. Mark
V. 34, 35. vi. 22. vii. 26, 29, 30

LTTr^S). Luke i. 5. ii. 36.
42, 48, 49. xii. 53i. xiii. 16.
xxiii. 28. John xii. 15. Acts ii. 17.
cattle, John
iv. 12p'. vii. 21. xxi. 9. 2 Cor. vi. 18. Heh.
xi. 24.
mourn. Matt. xi. 17.

lamentation. Matt.
.xxiii. 27.


Luke vii. 32.
John xvi.

daughter, Mark v. 23.
young daughter, Mark vii. 25.

tempest, Heb. xii. 18.

dvtvog 97


thjiaeOnarg. sweet), Rev. xviii. 12.
ix. 49 (ap). xii. 33. Luke ii. 24.
xiii. 1. Acts vii. 41, 42. Rom. xii.
1. ICor. X. 18. Eph. v. 2. Phil. ii.
17. iv. 18. Heb. v. 1. vii. 27. viii.
incense, Luke i. 10, 11. Rev. viii.
3. ix. 9, 23, 26. X. 1, 5, 8, 11, 12,

odor, Rev.
xviii. 13.

8 (marg. incense),

26. xi. 4. xiii. 15, 16. 1 Pet. ii. 5.

Matt. v. 23, 24.

xxiii. 18, 19,
11. xi. 51. Rom. xi.

Heb. ix. 4.

20, 35. i.

3. ICor. ix. 13t. x. IS. Heb. vii.

13. xiii. 10. Jas. ii. 21. Rev. vi. 9.

^ &(.
incense, i. 9.
viii. ot, 5. ix. 13. xi. 1. xiv. 18.
xvi. 7.
With be highly displeased with
(viarg. bear an hostile mind intending to sacrifice, 1 Cor. v. *^(inarg. slay"*.
war with), Acts xii. 20.
Pass.y be wroth. Matt. ii. 16.
X. 20i.
do sacrifice, Acts xiv. 13, 18.
kill, Matt. xxii. 4. Mark xiv. 12
^. (marg. sacrifice). Luke v. 23, 27,
wrath, Luke iv. 28. Acts xix. 28.
2 Cor. xii. 20. Gal. v. 20pi. Eph. iv.
31. Col. iii. 8. Heb. xi. 27. Rev.
xii. 12. xiv. Si-G^^O, 10, 19. xv.
30. xxii. 7.
slay, Acts xi.

breastplate, Eph. vi.

x. 10. Acts x. 13.

14. IThee.
1, 7. xvi. 1. xviii. 3.
indignation, Rom. ii. 8.
V. 8. Rev. ix. 9/, 17.

door. Matt. vi.
xxvii. 60.
fierceness. Rev. xvi. 19. xix. 15.

6. xxiv. 33. xxv.

2(-G"LTTr Mark
heal, Matt.
healing, 1 Cor. xii. 9, 28, 30.

viii. 8, 13. xiii. 15.

10. xxviii. v. 29. Luke iv. IS (ap). v.
S). Marki. 33. ii. 2. xi. 4. xiii. 29.
17. vi. 17, 19. vii. 7. viii. 47. ix.
XV. 46. xvi. 3. Luke xi. 7. xiii. 25t.
John X. 1, 2, 7, 9.
19, 26. Acts V. 9, 19, 23. xii. 6, 13.
xiv. 27. xvi. 23, 27. xxi. 30. 1 Cor.
xvai. 16.

xvi. 9. 2 Cor. ii. 12. Col. iv. 3. Jas.

John iv. 47. v. 13

xii. 40. Acts iii. 11(
11, 42. xiv. 4. xvii. 15. xxii. 51.

xxviii. 8, 27. Heb. xii. 13. Jas. v.

V. 9. Rev. iii. 8, "ZOt. iv. 1.

16. IPet. ii. 24.
gate, Acts iii. 2. [Tr^S. xv. 28.
make Matt. Acta
?, GLT
Add Luke

shield, Eph.
xiii. 24,

vi. 16.
for ix. 34.

healing, Acts iv. 22.

^. With ,
to heal, Acts iv. 30.
window, Acts xx. 9. 2 Cor. xi. 33. cure, xiii. 32.

art., that keepeth the door,
xviii. 16, 17.
Mark xiii. 34.

John x. 3.
jasper. Rev.
iv. 3.

physician, Matt. ix. 12. Mark ii,

xxi. 11, 18, 19.

17. V. 26. Luke iv. 23. v. 31. viu.

Bacri£c3, Matt. ix. 13. xii. 7. Mark 43. Col. iv. 14.

(5 198
(5. Ms (their). Matt. xxii. 5. John v.
(Imperative of ,) 18. 1 Cor. xiv. 35. 1 Tim. iv. 2, vi.
15. Heb. iv. 10. 2 Pet. ii. 16.

see, Mark xiii. 1.
private, 2 Pet. i. 20.
look, John vii. 52.
privately, Matt. xxiv. 3.
lo, Matt. XXV. 25. John vii. 26.
Mark vi. 32. ix. 28. xiii. 3. Lnko
xvi. 29.
ix. 10. X. 23. Acts xxiii. 19.
behold, Matt. xxv. 20, 22. xxvi.
Gal. ii. 2 (marg, severally).
65. Mark li. 24. iii. diQdov L). xi.
apart, Matt. xiv. 13, 23. xvii. 1,
21. XV. 4. xvi. 6. John 1. 29, 36,
19. XX. 17. Mark vi. 31. ix. 2.
47(48). iii. 26. v. 14. xi. 3, 36. xii.
19. xviii. 21. xix. 4, 5( Tr*S),
— aside, Mark vii. 33. —
when ''they
Mark iv. 34.
( were alone,
14. XX. 27. Rom. ii. 17
S). Gal. V.
Addy for
1, 5, 7, Gr,
-G". For

TTvS. 21•''^, LTTrS. xv. 35,

,iiioy, Mark
''his several, Matt.

one's proper.
due, Gal. vi. 9.
severally, 1 Cor. xii. 11.


19. ICor. vii. 7.

ii. 6. Tit,
i. 3.
TTrS. John xix. 26, GLTTr. 27, L
Add, for avTov, Mark iv. 34, 8.
TTr. Jas. iii. 3, G.
For ,
2 Cor. v. 10, L^. 2 Pet. i.
— Luke

countenance, Matt, xxviii. 3.
3, G"LTaS'.
Acts xxiv. 24 (. wife), L,
xviii. 28, see


1 Cor. vii. 37 (his heart2'i), TS. . .

one's own, Matt. ix. 1. xxv. 14. Eph. iv. 28 (his), LS.

3{ 20(
Mark xv. L, -G°). Luke ii.
LTr5p'). vi. 41, 44. x. 34.
John i. 11, 41(42). iv. 44. v. 43.
unlearned, 1 Cor. xiv. 16, 23, 24.
ignorant, Acts iv. 13.
vii. 18. viii. 44. x. 3, 4, 12. xiii. 1.
XV. 19. Acts i. 7, 25.
12. iv. 32. xiii. 36. xx. 28. xxv. 19.
xxviii. 30.
ii. 6, 8. iii.
rude, 2 Cor. xi. 6.

(Imper. of
, aor. mid.)
Rom. viii. 32. x. 3. xi. 24. xiv. 4, see, Luke
xvii. 23t. Acts viii. 36.
5. ICor. iii. St. iv. 12. vi. 18. vii. lo. Matt. ii. 9. iii. 16, 17. xxiv.
2, 4i, 37. ix. 7. xi. 21. xv. 23, 38. 23. xxvi. 47. xxviii. 7, 20. Mark
Gal. vi. 5. Eph. v. 22, 24(-G°LT.S). X. 28. xiii. 21 (/Je TTr>S), 21(1 L
Col. iii. 18(om5).
1 Thes. ii. 14, 15 TTr 5'). xiv. 42. Luke i. 44. ii. 9.
(omS). iv. lU-G-^^LT). 1 Tim. iii. ix. 39. xiii. 16. xv. 29. xvii. 21, 21
4, 5, 12. V. 8. vi. 1. 2 Tim. i. 9. iv. (-TS). xviii. 28. xxiii. 15. Acts
3, Tit. i. 12. ii. 5, 9. Heb. vii. 27. xiii. 46. xxvii. 24. Heb. x. 7, 9.
ix. 12. Jas.
xiii. 12. i. 14. 1 Pet. Rev. V. 6(omS). vi. 5, 12(7').
iii. 1, 5. 2 Pet. ii. 22. iii. 3, 16, 17. vii. 9(-LTr'^). xiv. 1.
Jude 6. behold, Matt. i. 20, 23. ii. 1, 13,
Plur., one's own company, Acts iv. 19. iv. 11. vii. 4. viii. 2, 24, 29,
23. —
one's acquaintance, Acts xxiv. 32, 34. ix. 2, 3, 10, 18, 20, 32. x.
1). xi. 8, 10, 19. xii. 2, 10, 18, 41,
lota, one's own, John i. 11. xvi. 42, 46, 47, 49. xiii. 3. xv. 22. xvii.
32 (marg, one's own home)• —
one's 3, 5/. xix. 16, 27. xx. 18, 30. xxi.
own home, John xix. 27. —
one's own 5. xxii. 4, xxiii. 34, 38. xxiv. 25,

business, 1 Thes. iv. 11.
\ home, Acts xxi. 6.
2Gi. XXV. 6.

home, 1 Tim. v. 4.
xxvi. 45, 46, 51.
xxvii. 51. xxviii. 2, 7, 9, 11.
Mark i. 2. iii. 32. iv. 3. v. 22 (-G»»


LbTTr^:). 33. xiii. 23(-Li'TTr). Add, for Luke xx. 1, G'
xiv. 41. XV. 5(1 8). T. Acts v. 24, StGT. Heb. vii. 14,
Luke i. 20, 31, 36, 38, 48. ii. 10, for G'JjTlS.
25, 34, 48. V. 12, 18. vi. 23. vii.
offered in sacrifice.
12, 25, 27, 34, 37. viii. 41. ix. 30,
1 Cor. X. 28, for G"L
38. X. 3, 19, 25. xi. 31, 32, 41. xiii.
7, 11, 30, 32, 35. xiv. 2. xvii. 21.
xviii. 31. xix. 2, 8, 20. xxii. 10, 21,
31, 38, 47. xxiii. 14, 29, 50. xxiv.

temple, Matt. iv. 5. xii. 5, 6. xxi.

4, 13, 49. 12i, 14, 15, 23. xxiv. It. xxvi. 55.
John iv. 35. xii. 15. xvi. 32. xix. Mark xi. 11, 15i, 16, 27. xii. 35.
26 (G', GLTTr), 21(1 LTTr, xiii. 1, 3. xiv. 49. Luke ii. 27, 37,
S). 46. iv. 9. xviii. 10. xix. 45, 47.
Acts k 10. ii. 7. V. 9, 25, 28, vii. XX. 1. xxi. 5, 37, 38. xxii. 52, 53.
56. viii. 27. ix. 10, 11. x. 17, 19, xxiv. 53.
21, 30. xi. 11. xii. 7. xiii. 11, 25. John ii. 14, 15. v. 14. vii. 14, 28.
xvi. 1. XX. 22, 25. viii. 2 (ap), 20, 59. x. 23. xi. 56.

Rom. ix. 33. 1 Cor. xv. 51. 2 Cor. xviii. 20. Acts ii. 46. iii. 1, 2i, 3,

V. 17. vi. 2i, 9. vii. 11. xii. 14. 8, 10. iv. 1. V. 20, 21, 24, 25, 42.
Gal. i. 20. Heb. ii. 13. viii. 8. Jas. xix. 27. xxi. 26, 27, 28, 29, 30.
iii.3( G, G'LT, yap S), xxii. 17. xxiv. 6, 12, 18. xxv. 8.
4, 5. V. 4, 7, 9, 11. 1 Pet. ii. 6. xxvi. 21. 1 Cor. ix. 13.
Judo 14.
Rev. i. 7, 18. ii. 10, 22. iii. 8, 9i, as becometh holiness imarg. as be-
llipmS), 20. iv. 1, 2. v. 5. vi. 2, Cometh holy women), Tit. ii. 3.

8. ix. 12. xi. 14. xii. 3. xiv. 14. xv.
l•{pmS). xvi. 15. xix. 11. xxi. 3, 5.
xxii. 7, 12.
^ ,
holy, 3 Tim. iii. 15.

Addy for
xix. 5, Tr5.

sweat, Luke
Mark iii. 34, L. John

xxii. 24 (ap).
commit sacrilege, Rom. ii. 22.
holy things, 1 Cor. ix. 13.

priest's office,

of the priesthood,

priesthood, 1 Pet.

ii. 5,

vii 5. to minister,

robber of churches. Acts xix. 37.

Rom. xv.



vii. 11, 12,

14 (if-

execute the priest's office, Luke i. 8
enough, Luke
2 Cor.
xxii. 38.
ii. 6, 16. iii. 5.
priest, Matt. viii. 4. xii. 4, 5.
i. 44. ii. 26. Luke i. 5. v. 14. vi. 4.

X. 31. xvii. 14. John i. 19. Acts iv.

Mark sufficient,

rd havoVf security, Acts xvii. 9.
rb Uavbv to content, Mark

Heb. V.

1. vi. 7. xiv. 13.
6. vii. 1, 3, 11, 15, 17, 21
(20), 21, 23. viii. 4, 4(-G°<'LT5).
ix. 6. X. 11
I. 6. v. 10. XX. 6.
L), 21. Rev.
XV. 15.
able, 2 Tim.
meet, 1 Cor. xv. 9.
ii. 2.

worthy. Matt. iii. 11. viii. 8.

i. 7. Luke iii, X6. vii. 6.
— .

large, Matt, xxviii. 12.

sore'^", Acts XX. 37.
great, Acts xxii. 6.
great number of, Mark x. 46.

clothe, Mark
v. 15. Luke viii. 35.

garment, Matt. ix. 16t, 20, 21. xiv.

much, Luke vii. 12. Acts v. 37
xxi. 8. xxiii. 5 (-G«LTTr5).
(-G°LTS), xi. 24, 26. xix. 26.
xxvii. 35, 35 («p). Mark ii. 21. v.
xxvii. 9.
27. vi. 56. X. 50. xi. 7, 8. xiii. 16.
Plur., many, Luke viii. 32. xxiii.
Luke v. 36t. viii. 44. xix.
XV. 24.
9. Acts ix. 23, 43. xii. 12. xiv. 21.
35. xxii. 36. John xiii. 4, 12. xix.
xix. 19. XX. 8. xxvii. 7. 1 Cor. xi.
23. Acts ix. 39. xii. 8. Heb. i. 11.

30.— many of, Luke vii. 11 (-G-L'^ Jas. V. 2. Rev. iii. 4. xvi. 15.

, 8(^
of a long season,
Luke clothes, Luke viii. 27.
Plural, clothes, Matt. xxi. 7« xxiv.

' lS(s{ng. G"LTr5). xxvi, 65. Mark

a long while. Acts xx. 11
V. 28, 30. XV. 20. Luke xix. 36. Acts
Add Rom. v. 22, for . vii. 58. xiv. 14. xvi. 22. xxii. 23.
See also — raiment. Matt. xi. 8 (-L^'TTrAS).

2 Cor. iii. 5.
xvii. 2. xxvii. 31. Mark ix. 3. Luke
vii. 25. xxiii. 34. Jolin xix. 24.
Acts xviii. 6. xxii. 20. Rev. iii. 5,

make able, 2 Cor. iii. 6.
make meet, Col. i. 12.
18. iv. 4. — apparel, 1 Pet. iii. 3.
vesture, Rev. xix. 13, 16.
cloak, Matt. v. 40. Luke vi. 29.


moisture, Luke

v. 8.

viii. 6.
robe, John xix. 2, 5.
Add Heb. i. 12 (fold them up

Lukeix. 29.


2 Cor. ix.


reconciliation for,

xii. 8.

Heb. ii. 17.

vesture, Matt, xxvii. 35 (op).
xix. 24.
apparel, Acts

, -.
xx. 33.
they whicH
gorgeously apparelled, Luke

vii. 25.

array, 1 Tim. ii. 9.
Pass.f be merciful, Luke xviii. 13.

be affectionately desirous of, 1 Thes.

propitiation, 1 John ii. 2. iv. 10. ii. 8 (G', GLTaS).
Neut.j propitiation, Rom. iii. 25. A commonly with a
particle used,
mercy-seat, Hob. ix. 5. Subjunctive, frequently with an
Indicative (}), twice with an Opta-
merciful, Heb. viii. 12. tive (2), often rendered by or for
/, be it far from thee, Matt, to with the Infinitive Q), —
xvi. 22.

latchet, Mark
.i. 7. Luke iii. 16.
I. In a final sense, to denote the
end or purpose for or on account of
which a thing is done,
John i. 27. to the intent that, Eph. iii. 10.
thong, Acts xxii. 25. to the intent, John xi. 15.
iva 201 iva

that, Matt. Ix. 6. xii. 10. xiv. 15. Heb. ii. 14, 17. iv. 16. v. 1. vi,
xviii. 16. xix. 13, 16. xxiii. 26. 18. ix. 25. X. 9, 36. xi. 35. xiii. 12,
xxvii. 20. Mark i. 38. ii. 10. iii. 2, 17. 19. Jas. iv. 3. 1 Pet. i. 7. ii. 2,
14^ iv. 22. V. 12. vi. 36, 56. vii. 9. 12, 21, 24. iii. 1 QG'LTS), 9, 16,
ix. 18. X. 13, 17. xi. 25. xii. 2, 15. 18. iv. 6, 11. V. 6. 2 Pet. i. 4.
xiv. 12. XV. 11, 32. xvi. 1. IJohn i. 3, 4. ii. 19, 28. iii. 1, 8.
Luke i.v. 24. vi. 7. viii. 16.
4. iv. 9. V. 13, 13(o77i>S), 20. 2 John 6,
ix. 12. xi. 33, 54(a;?). xii. 36. xiv. 12. 3Jolin 8.
23. XV. 29. xvi. 4, 9, 24. xviii. 15. Rev. ii. 10. 11, IStr. viii. 3

xix. 15. XX. 10, 14, 20. xxi. 36. (1LT5). 14, 15. xvi. 12
xii. 6,
xxii. 8. xviii. 4. xix. 8, 15, 18. xxii. 14^
John i. 7, 22, 31. iii. 17, 21. v. to,^ Matt. xxvi. 16. xxvii. 26.
23, 34, 40. vi. 5, 28, 30, 40, 50. vii. Mark iv. 21^ vi. 41. viii. 6. ix. 22.
3. viii. 6(^ap). ix. 3, 36, 39. x. 10, xi. 28. xii. 13. xiv. 10. xv. 15, 20.
17, 38. xi. 4, 11, 16, 42, 52. xii. 9, Luke vi. 34. xix. 4. John i. 7, 8,
36, 46. xiii. 15, 19. xiv. 3, 13, 16, 19. iii. 17. iv. 8. v. 7, 36. vi. 15,
29, 31. XV. 2, 11, 16t. xvi. 4, 33. 38. vii. 32. viii. 59. x. 31. xi. 19,
xvii. 1, 2(iT5), 11, 13, 19, 21?, 31, 55. xii. 20, 47i. xviL 4. xix.
22, 23i, 24, 26. xviii. 28(-LTr5), 16. Acts xvi. 30, 36.
37. xix. 4, 31, 35. xx. 31^ ICor. i. 27, 28.2{), ix. 25.
Acts V. 15. ix. 21. xxi. 24. xxii. xiii. 3('T). 2 Cor. xii. 7. GaL iv.
24. xxiii. 24. 5. Phil. ii. 30. 2 Thes. iii. 9. 1 John
Rom. i. 11, 13. iii. 8. iv. 16. v. iii. 5. Rev. iii. 9 (iG"LTTr-S). vi.
21. vi. 1, 4, 6. vii. 4, 13. viii. 4. 2. viii. 6. xxi. 15, 23.
ix. 11, 23. xi. 19, 32. xiv. 9. xv.
for to,^ Mark iii. 10. John x. 10.
4, 16, 31, 31(-GooLT5), 32. xvi. 2. Acts xvii. 15. xxii. 5. Eph. ii. 15.
ICor. i. 31. ii. 12. iii. 18. iv. 6, Rev. ix. 15. xii. 4.
8. V. 5, 7. vii. 5, 34, 35. ix. 15,
80 as. Rev. viii. 12.
19, 20i, 21, 22/, 23, 24. x. 33. xi.
19. xiv. 5, 19, 31. xv. 28. xvi. 2, Iva , xxvi. 41.
6, 11. that not, Matt. vii. 1.
2 Cor. 1. 11, 15, 27. ii. 4i, 9. iv. John 15, 16. iv. 15. vi. 50. vii.

10, 11, 15. V. 5, 10, 12, 15, 21. 22>{maTg. without•^), xi. 37. xii. 46.
viii. 9, 14. ix. 3, 8. xi. 7, 12t, 16. xvi. 1. xviii. 36. Acts xxiv. 4.
xii. 9. xiii. 7i. 1 Cor. ii. 5. vii. 5. xi. 32, 34.
Gal. i. 16. ii. 4 0LT5),
16, 5, 9, 2 Cor. i. 9. ii. 5. vi. 3. ix. 4. x. 9.
19. iii. 14^ 22, 24. iv. 5, IV. vi. 13. IThes. iv. 130Li''T). 1 Tim. vi. 1.
Eph. 1. 172. ii. 7, 10. iii. I62 (subj. Tit. ii. 5. iii. 14. Phm. 14. Heb. vi.
L), 17(18), 19. iv. 10, 14, 28, 29. 12. xi. 40. 1 John ii. 1. 2 John 8.
V. 26, 27i. vi. 30 2rfrero), 13, 19, Rev. vii. 1. xi. 6. xviii. At.
20, 21, 22. Phil. i. 27. ii. 10, 15, that no, Acts iv. 17. 1 Cor. iv. 6^
19, 28. iii. 8. Col. i. 9, 18, 28. ii. xii. 25. xvi. 2. Rev. xx. 3.
2, iv. 3, 4, 8, 12. iva/z^r/f,thatno man. Rev. xiii. 17.
1 Thes. 16. iv. 12 v. 10. 2Thes.
ii. r(j that nothing, John vi. 12.
i. 11. 12. iii. 1, 2, 14. 1 Tim. i.
ii. albeit not, Phm. 19.
3, 16, 18, 20. ii. 2. iii. 15. iv. 15. lest, Matt. xvii. 27. xxvi. 5. Mark
V. 7, 16, 20. vi. 19. 2 Tim. i. 4. ii. iii. xiv. 38.
9. Luke viii. 12. xvi.
4, 10. iii. 17. iv. 17. Tit. i. 5, 9, 13. 28. xviii. 5. xxii. 46. John iii. 20.
ii. 4, 8, 10, 12, 14. iii. 7, 8, 13. V. 14. XH. 35, 42. xviii. 28. Acts v.
Phm. 13, 16. 2Q(-lvaLS).
Rom. xi. 25. xv. 20. 1 Cor. i. 15, 17.
viii. 13. ix. 12. 3 Cor. ii. 3, 11. ix. 3.
xii. 7, 7(a/?). xiii. 10. Gal. vi. 12.
for to,' John xi. 53.
Iva .
that not, Matt. xii. 16. xxiv. 20.
). ii. 9. Phil. ii. 27. Col. ii. 4(see
21. 1 Tim. iii. G, 7.

Heb. iii. 13. iv. 11. xi. 28. xii. 3,

Mark iii. 12. v. 10. xiii. 18. Luke
viii. 31.
2 John
xxii. 32. John vi. 50.
8. Rev. ix. 4CLT), 5.
13. Jas. V. 9, 12. Rev. xvi. 15. that nothing°, John vi. 39.
Add Mark iv. 22, \ G', lest, 2 Pet. iii. 17.
,, ,
LS, for 23, for - Not rendered, Mark v. 23.

See also .
G"LTTr5'. Luke
L. 2 Pet. i.

Aiter verbs of causation, com-

vi. 37, for
100 L, ap).

mand, permission, counsel, or desire,

XX. 32 (that), L.
brother), L.

' /) .

viii. 34,


xxii. 24i(.
xxii. 6,
L™. John



or words denoting fitness or worthi- S. IThes. iv. 1 (that), G'LT.

ness, in the sense of on, in. To mark simply
the event or
that, Matt. iv. 3. v. 29, 80. vii. 12 result
viii. 8. X. 25. xiv. 36. xvi. 20. xviii.
6, 14. XX. 21, 33. xxvi. 4, 63. xxviii
. of an action, in the sense of
(The instances are some-
what disputed. The following are
10. xMark iii. 9. v. 18, 43. vi. 8, 12, 25. taken mainly from Robinson.)
vii. 26, 36. viii. 30. ix. 9, 12, 30. x. 35,
that, Matt. i. 22. ii. 15. iv. 14. xxi.
37, 48, 51. xi. 16. xii. 19. xiv. 35. 4. xxvi. 56. xxvii. 35(ap). Markiv.
Luke 1. 43. iv. 3. vi. 31. vii. 6, 36. 12. Luke xi. 50. xiv. 10. xxii. 30.
viii. 32. X. 40. xvi. 27. xvii. 2. John iv. 36. v. 20. vi. 7. ix. 2. xii.
xviii. 39, 41. xx. 28. 38. xiii. 18. xv. 25. xvi. 24. xvii.
John ii. 25. iv. 47. vi. 29. ix. 22. 12. xviii. 9, 32. xix. 24, 28, 36. Acta
xi. 50, 57. xii. 10, 23. xiii. 1, 29, viii. 19.
Rom. iii. 19. v. 20. vii. 13.
34i. XV. 8, 12, 13, 17. xvi. 2, 7, 30, viiL 17. xi.
11, 31. xv. 6. ICor. v.
32. xvii. 3, 15i, 21, 24. xviii. 39. 2. vii. 29. xiv. 13. 2Cor. iv.
7. vii. 9.
xix. 31, 38. Acts xix. 4. Eph. V. 33. Phil. i. 26. 1 Thes. v. 4.

see ),
1 Cor. 10. iv. 2, 3. ix. 15(iLTaS', Heb. xii. 27. Jas. i. 4. 1 Pet. iv. 13.

18. xiv. 1, 5, 12. xvi. Rev. ix. 20. xiv. 13(iLTTrAS).

10, 16. 2 Cor. viii. 6, 7, 13. ix. 5. must^, Mark xiv. 49.
xii. 8. Gal. ii. 10. Phil. i. 9, 10. ii.
2. Col. iv. IGt, 17. 1 Thes. iv. 1. that not, Gal. v. 17.
2Thes. iii. 12. 1 Tim. v. 21. that not, Luke viii. 10. ix. 45.
IJohnii. 27. iii. 11, 23. iv. 17, 21. John xii. 40. Acts ii. 25. Rev. ix.
V. 3, 16. 2 John 5, 6. Rev. vi. 4(iL 20(1 LTTr ').
TTr), 11 (IT), ix. 5(}LTTrS). xiii.
15, ISC-T.S).
Jc?c?Matt. xii. 17, for

or ha

80 that, Rev. xiii. 13.

wherefore ? Matt. ix. 4.
because. Matt. xx. 31.
why ? Matt, xxvii. 46. Luke xiii,
to,' Matt, xxvii. 32. Mark vii. 32. 7. Acts iv. 25. vii. 26. 1 Cor. x. 29.
viii. 22. xiii. 34. xv. 21. Luke ix.
40. John i. 27. iv. 34. viii. 56. ix.
22. xiii. 2. Acts xxvii. 42. 1 Cor. rust, Jas. V. 3.

xvi. 12i. 1 John i. 9. 3 John 4. Rev.

ii. 21. xiii. 12(iLTTr, -S, inf.), 16

poison, Rom.
^. iii.

to live as do the Jews, Gal.

13. Jas. iii.


Jews* religion, Gal. i. 13, 14.

covenant with fcr. Matt. xxvi. 15.
lay to one's charge. Acts vii. 60.
horseman, Acts xxiii. 23, 32.

horsemen, Rev. ix. 16( G'),
Add Mark
Rom. iii. 31, G'LTaS.
vii. 9, for

Aorist and Future Passive, and

Future Middle.
stand, Matt. xii. 25, 26. Mark iii.
24, 25, 2e(2daor. LTTr^S). Luke xi.
/, G",

horse, Jas. 3. Rev. vi. 2, 4, 5,

iii. 18. xviii. 11, 40. xix. S. xxi. 36. Acts
8. xiv. 20. xviii. 13.
ix. 7, 9, lit. V. 20. xi. 13. xvii. 22. Rev. vi. 17.
xix. 11, 14, 18, 19, 21. viii. 3. xiii. 1 (xii.
18). xviii. 15.

^, 7.
Add Rev. ix, 16, for G'. stand up, Acts ii. 14. xxv. 18p.
19, for

. GLTTr>S.

rainbow, Rev. iv. 3. x. 1.

,. ,
equal unto the angels,

-, See
Luke xx. 36.

stand forth, Acts xxvii. 21.
be holden up, Rom. xiv. 4,
be established, Matt, xviii. 16.
2 Cor. xiii. 1.
Mark xiii.
bo brought,
Add Luke xxiv. 17, , 9.
^. See
III. Perfect, Pluperfect,

stand. Matt.
orist, intransitive.
and 2d A-

9 (aor. pass. G"LT

equal, Matt. xx. 12. John v. 18. Tr^). vi. 5. xii. 46, 47. xiii. 2.

Phil. ii. 6(tieut.plnr.). Rev. xxi. 16. xvi. 28. XX. 3, 6i. xxiv. 15. xxvii.
Acts xi. 17. 11, 47. Mark iii. 31. ix. 1. xi. 5.

TO ,, as much, Luke vi. 34.

xiii. 14. Luke i. 11. v.
2. vi. 17. vii. 38. viii. 20. ix. 27.
With agree together, Mark xiv.
xiii. 25, xvii. 12. xviii. 13. xxiii.
56, 59.
^:, 10, 35, 49. xxiv. 36.

John i. 26, 85. iii. 29. vi. 22. vii. 37.
eouality, 2 Cor. viii. 14 (13), 14.
viii. d(ap). xi. 56p. xviii. 5, 16, 18,
With art., that which is equal, Col.
18 ),
25 {do.), xix. 25. xx.

iv. 1.
11, 14, 19, 26. xxi. 4. Acts i. 11.
8. iv. 14. v. 23, 25. vii. 33, 55,
like precious, 2 Pet. i. 1.
56. ix. 7. X. 30. xii. 14. xvi. 9(with
xxi. 40. xxiv. 20p, 21. xxv.
like-minded {marg. so dear ''unto me), 10 (with
Pliil. ii. 20.

make stand, Rom. xiv. 4.

xxvi. 6, 16.
Rom. V. 2. xi. 20. 1 Cor. vii. 37.
X. 12. XV. 1. 2 Cor. i. 24. Epli. vi.
Pres., Ist Aor Fut., transitive. 11, 13, 14. Col. iv. 12. 1 Tim. ii. 19.
Heb. X. 11. Jas. ii. 3. v. 9. 1 Pet.
set, -Matt. iv. 5. xviii. 2. xxv. 83. V. 12. Rev. iii. 20. v. 6. vii. 1, 9,
jMark ix. 33. Luke iv. 9. ix. 47. 11. viii. 2. X. 5, 8. xi. l(ap), 4, 11.
Jolm viii. Sv{ap). Acts iv. 7p. v. 27. xii. 4. xiv. 1. XV. 2. xviii. 10, 17.
vi. 6. xxii. 30. xix. 17. XX. 12.
set up, Acts vi. 13.
stand forth, Luke vi. St.
establish, Rom. iii. 31. x. 3. Heb. stand by, Matt. xxvi. 73. John xii.
X. 9. 29. Acts xxii. 25.
present, .Tude 24.
appoint, Acts i. 23. . 31.
stand still, Matt. xx. 32. Mark x.
49. Luke vii. 14. Acts viii, 38.

abide, Jolm viii. 44.

204 ^/
Compare ..
continue, Acts xxvi. 22.
Luke viii. 44.
it may

little fish,
be, Luke xx.

Matt. xv. 34.


to Bee, Gal.

iv. 10.

, 18.

Luke xi. 22. 1 Cor. i. 25.

X. 22. Heb. v. 7. vi. 18.
small fish, Mark viii. 7.

fish, Matt. vii. 10. xiv. 17, 19. xv.

36. xvii. 27. Mark vi. 38, 41i, 43.
Luke V. 6, 9. ix. 13, 16. xi. Hi.
xxiv. 42. John xxi. 6, 8, 11. 1 Cor.
1 John ii. 14. Rev. v. 2. xviii. 8.
strong man, Matt. xii. 29i. Mark
iii. 27i. Luke xi. 21.
XV. 39.

iv. 12. 2 Cor, xii. 18.

mighty, Matt. iii. 11. Mark i. 7.
1 Pet. ii. 21.
Luke iii. 16. xv. 14. 1 Cor. i. 27.
Rev. X. 1. xviii. 10, 21. xix. 6, 18.
powerful, 2 Cor. x. 10.
valiant, Heb. xi. 34. , ,',,,
jot. Matt. V. 18.
See ».
xiv. 30.
Add Rev.

vi. 15,

xviii. 2(ap).
^ strong),


GL as,

&. Matt, xxvii. 10.

Sulling down, 2 Cor. x. 4.

strength, Mark xii. 30, 33. Luke

X. 27. Rev. V. 12.
might, Epb. vi. 10. Rev. vii. 12. take down, Mark xv. 36, 46. Luke
estruotion, 2 Cor. x. 8. xiii. 10.

xxiii. 53. Acts xiii. 29.

mighty (Gr. of migbt), Epb. i. 19.
Luke xii. 18.
With ,mightily, Rev. xviii. 2(ap) pull
down, Luke i. 52.
power, 2Thes. i. 9. 2 Pet. ii. 11.

ability, 1 Pet. iv. 11.

be of strength, Heb. ix. 17.

cast down, 2 Cor. x. 5.
destroy. Acts xiii. 19p. xix. 27.
purge, John xv. 2. Heb. x. 2{&.
be able, Luke xiii. 24. xiv. 29, 30.
John xxi. 6. Acts vi. 10. xv. 10.
can, Matt. xxvi. 40. Mark v. 4.
ix. 18. xiv. 37. Luke vi. 48. viii.

as, Rom. xii. 4. I Cor. xii. 12.

2 Cor. iii. 13. viii. 11. IThes. ii.
43. xiv. 6. xvi. 3. xx. 26. Acts
XXV. 7.
11. iii. 6. Heb. v. 4 (•& L, -&^
With ^
do, Phil. iv. 13.
have much work. Acts iii.
even as, Rom.
18. 1 Thes.
iv. 6.
2 Cor.
12. iv. .
i. 14.

xxvii. 16.
may, Matt. viii. 28.
GL &.
as well as, Heb. iv. 2.

avail. Gal. v. 6. vi.

xii. 8.
Jaa. V. 16.
Acts xix.
15 (G',

16, 20. Rev.

fasten on, Acts xxviii. 3.

clean, Matt. viii. 2. xxiii. 25

be good, Matt. V. 13. Mark i.40. Luke v. 12. xi. 39.
bo whole, Matt. ix. 12. Mark ii. 17. cleanse, Matt. viii. 3. x. 8. xi. 5
xxiii. 26. Mark 42. Luke ir. 27.
vii. 22. xvii. 14, 17.

Acts x. 15.
xi. 9. 2 Cor. vii. 1. Eph. v. 26. Jas.
iv. 8. 1 John

to sleep.
Matt. ix. 24. xiii. 25.
xxvi. 45. Mark iv. 27. v.
i. 7, 9. 39. xiii. 36. xiv. dit, 41. Luke viii.
Pass., be clean, Matt. viii. 3. Mark 56. xxii. 46. Eph. v. 14. IThes. v.
i. 41. Luke v. 13.
6, It, 10.
purify, Acts xv. 9. Tit. ii. 14. Heb. be asleep, Matt. viii. 24.
ix. 23. asleep, Matt. xxvi. 40p, 43p. Mark
Add Heb.

vii. 19.

x. 2, for &,
Heb. ix. 14,

iv. 38p. xiv. 40p.

master, Matt, xxiii. 10.

Said of Christ, Master, Matt, xxiii.

cleansing, Mark i. 44. Luke v. 14.
G'LTTr), 10.

purifying, ii. 6. iii. 25.
purification, Luke ii. 22.
With to purge, Heb. 1.

3p. fit,
Acts xxii. 22p(ini/.
those things which
get that one
'/. was purged, 2 Pet. i. 9.

are not convenient, Rom. i. 28.

&, '.
In a few MSS.,
1 Cor. iv, 13, for
sit down. Matt. xv. 29. xxvii. 36.
xxii. 55.

be set down, Matt, xxvii. 19p.

clean, Matt, xxiii. 26. xxvii. 59.
sit, Matt. iv. 16i. ix. 9. xi. 16. xiii.
Luke xi. 41. John xiii. lOi, 11. xv.
1, 2. XX. 30. xxii. 44. xxiii. 22. xxiv.
3. Acts xviii. 6. Rev. xix. 8, 14. 3P. xxvi. 58, 64, G9. xxvii. 61. xxviii.
clear, Rev. xxi. 18.
2. Mark ii. 6, 14. iii. 32, 34. iv. 1.
pure, Matt. v. 8. Acts xx. 26.
Rom. xiv. 20.
V. 15. X. 46. xii.
1 Tim. i. 5. iii. 9. TTr). xiii. 3?. xiv. 62. xvi. 5.
36 (^.
2 Tim. i. 3. ii. 22. Tit. i. I5tr. Heb. Luke i. 79. v. 27. vii. 32. viii. 35.
X. 22(23). Jas. i. 27. 1 Pet. i. 22 X. 13. xviii. 35. xx. 42. xxii. 56p,
(-LT). Rev. XV. 6. xxi. 18, 21. xxii. 69 (with
John ii. 14. vi. 3. ix.
8. xii. 15. Acts ii.

34. iii. 10. viii. 28. xiv. 8. xx• 9
purifying, Heb. \x. 13. LT<S). xxiii. 3.
Col. iii. 1 (zoith ).
Heb. i. 13.

Matt. xxi. 12. xxiii. 2.

Matt. xxvi. 55.

iv. 6. xi. 20.
xx. 12. Acts

ii. 46.
Jas. ii. St. Rev. iv. 2, 3(ap), 4, 9,
10. V. 1, 7, 13. vi. 2, 4, 5, 8, 16. vii,
10, 15. ix. 17. xL 16. xiv. 14, 15,
16. xvii. 1, 3, 9, 15. xviii. 7. xix.
XX. 11. xxi.

4, 11, 18, 19, 21.

vi. 15.
Add, for •&^ Acts ii. 2, LT. sit by, Luke v. 17. 1 Cor. xiv. 30.
XX. 9, LT5.
•? or ' tig. See .
Add Rev.
Luke xxi. 35.
xiv. 6, for GL

in order, Luke i. 3. Acts xviii. 23. Acts vi. 1.

by order, Acts xi. 4.
afterward, Luke viii. 1. [iii. 24. «^'.
ol ., those that follow after, Acts set, 1 Cor. vi. 4. Eph. i. 20.
&sit down, Matt. xiii. 48. Mk.
ix. 35.
Add Acts xvii. 31, for ^ G"L
iv. 20. V. 3. xiv. 28, 31. xvi. 6.
viii. 2 (ap). xix. 13. Acts
xvi. 13. 1 Cor. x. 7. Heb.
xiii. 14.

according as, Rom. xi. 8. 1 Cor. i.

i. 3. x. 12.
beset down,Heb. xii. 2. Rev. iii. 21. 31. 2 Cor. ix. 7. Eph. i. 4.
sit, Matt. xix. 28. xx. 21, 23. as. Matt. xxi. 6. xxvi. 24. xxviii.
xxiii. 2. XXV. 31. xxvi. 36. Mark x. 6. Mark iv. 33. ix. 13. xiv. 16, 21.
37, 40. xi. 2, 7. xii. 41. xiv. 32. xvi. XV. 8. xvi. 7. Luke i. 55, 70. ii. 20,
19 (op). Luke xix. 30. xxii. 30. John 23. V. 14. vi. 31, 36. xi. 1, 30. xvii.
xii. 14. Acts ii. 3, 30, viii. 31. xii. 26. xxii. 13, 29. xxiv. 24, 39. Jolm
21. XXV. 6, 17. 2 Thes. ii. 4. Rev. iii. i. 23. iii. 14. v. 30. vi. 31, 57, 58.
21. XX. 4. vii. 38. viii. 28. x. 15, 26(a/j). xii.
be set, Matt. v. 1p. Heb. viii. 1. 14. xiii. 15, 33, 34. xiv. 27, 31.
Mid. J sit. Matt. xix. 28. XV. 4, 9, 12. xvii. 2, 11, 18, 21, 23.
tarry, Luke xxiv. 49.

Tr» Luke vii. 15, for

, xix. 40. XX. 21. Acts ii. 4, 22. vii.
continue, Acts xviii. 11 (raar^r. sit)• 42, 44, 48. XV. 8, 15. xxii. 3.
Add Mark xii. 36, for
•&, Rom. i. 13, 17. ii. 24, iii. 4, St, 10.
L™. iv. 17. viii. 36. ix. 13, 29, 33. x.
15. xi. 26. XV. 3, 7, 9, 21. 1 Cor.
ii. 9. iv. 17. V. 7. viii. 2. x. 6, 7, 8,
let down, Luke v, 19. Acts ix. 25.
X. 11. xi. 5.

set, Heb. ii. 7(ap).

^. 9, 10, 33. xi. 2. xii. 11, 18. xiv. 34.
XV. 38, 49. 2 Cor. i. 5, 14. iv. 1.
vi. 16. viii. 5, 6, 15. ix. 3, 9. x. 7.
xi. 12. Gal. ii. 7. v. 21. Eph. iii. 3.
make, Luke xii. 14. Acts vii. 10, 27, iv. 4, 17, 21, 32. v. 2, 3, 29. Phil,
35.Rom. V. 19^ Heb. vii. 28. 2 Pet. i. 8. ii. 12. iii. 17. Col. i. 6t, 7. ii. 7. iii. 13.
make ruler. Matt. xxiv. 45, 47. xxv. 1 Thes. i. 5. ii. 2, 4, 5, 13, 14. iii. 4.
21, 23. Luke xii. 42, 44. iv. I, 6, II, 13. 2 Thes. i. 3. iii. 1. 1

Pass., be, Jas. iii. 6. iv. 4. Tim. i. 3.

appoint. Acts vi. 3. Heb. iii. 7. iv. 3, 7. v. 3, 6. viii. 5.

ordain, Tit. i. 5. Heb. v. 1. viii. 3. X. 25. xi. 12. 1 Pet. iv. 10. 2 Pet. i.

oonducti Acts xvii. 15. 14. I John ii. 18. iii. 2, 12, 23. iv. 17.
2 John 4, 6.

(), according to that, 2 Cor. even as, Mark xi. 6. Luke 1. 2.

Rom. viii. 26. [viii. 12^, 12. xix. 32. John v. 23. xii. 50. xv. 10.
xvii. 14, 16, 22. Rom. i. 28. 1 Cor.
inasmuch as, 1 Pet. iv. 13.
i. 6. xi. 1. xiii. 12. Gal. iii. 6. Eph. v. 25.

Phil. i. 7. 1 Thes. v. 11. 2 Pet. iii. 15.

at all, Acts
iv. 18. 1

& John ii. 6, 27.

(? hTS)
iii. 3, 7.
3 John 2, 3.

as well as,
to arm, Luke
&. xi. 21. Acts X. 47.
how. Acts XV. 14.
when, Acts vii. —

see clearly, Rom. 1. 20. Add, for Heb. v. 4, L. For
Luke xvii. 28, Tr^". For wr,
•&6 ,
-as, Acts
because that,
because, Acts
according as,
ii. 45.


i. 7.
Acts Ir. 35.

xix. 9.
See also

Heb. V.
Mark i. 2, TTr5. Acts vii. 61, L.—

4, for
KuMntp, T5.
HCU 207 '
. 5. 2Tlies. 3. 1 Tim. vi. 1.

iii. ii.

ii. 26. Heh. xii. 5, 15. 3 John

A particle having two distinct sen- 210,Tim.Rev. vi. 6, 10. xii. 9. xvi. 15.
Bes: I., andj II., also, even. Omitting
xviii. 12^3^ '\2>^\and see
tlie cases in wliich it merely couples

words and sentences, Bruder gives nor, John xii. 40. Gal. iii. 28-
over 3000 examples of its special uses, Eph. V. 4.
to which a few are added (•») in the neither, Eph. v. 4. 1 John iii. 10.
following account. even, Rev. ii. ISC-G'»»^).
BO, Matt, xxvii. 64.


1. Uses somewhat peculiar, (f ) Where some MSS. read /}.

(a) . In the phrase Matt. vi. 25. vii. 10. Mark xi.
28. (See , II.) Jas. iv. 13. (v, I.)
and, 2 Cor. xi. 31. Gal. i. 4. Eph.
i. 3. iv. 6. V. 20. Phil. iv. 20. Col.
Matt. x. 26 ipv&i various mss.).
i. 3. ii. 2(). iii. 17 (-G«LT5).

1 Thes. i. 3. iii. 11. Jas. i. 27. iii. 9.

(g) KjdX . . (Compare
Matt. x. 28. xii. 22.
» .)
both and, . .

1 Pet. i. 3. Rev. i. 6. Mark vi. 30 (-i^^Go^LTrAS). vii. 37.

even, Rom. xv. 6. 1 Cor. xv. 24. Luke ii. 46. v. 36. xxii. 33. John
2 Cor. i. 3. IThes. iii. 13. 2 Thes. iv. 36. vii. 28. xi. 48, 57(-i^'LTTr
ii. 16(0 G'LS).

many and .
. ,
5). xii. 28. XV. 24i. Acts ii. 29(28),

Acts xxv.
. .

. 36. xxvi. 29.
Rom. xi. 33. xiv. 9i. 1 Cor. iv. 11.
and many . . Luke iii. 18. John vi. 13. vii. 34. Phil. ii. 13. iv. 9,
XX. 30.

12(« St), Vlt. IThes. ii. 15. v.

10(-/cai G^L^S). 15(_istGooL^). 2 Thes. iii. 4. 1 Tim.
many . . , Tit. i.
IO(-Is^GoLaS), 16. Tit. i. 9. iv.
(c) A rhetorical use, in contrasted
16. 2 Pet. iii. 18. 2 John 9. Phm.
or concise expressions.
Rev. xiii. 15.
and, Matt. iii. 14. vii. 7ir. John i.
both and also, 1 Cor. vi. 14. . .
11\ Etc. B. gives 266 examples.
also and. Matt. xxii. 26. Luke . .

(d) Beginning the apodosis or con- xxiii. 27 (-^^"^GoLTr/S). 1 Cor. vii.

clusion of a conditional sentence. 34(_istst(}). XV. 40. Phil. iv. 3.
then, Luke xix. 15. Jas. ii.
4(-G°o and also, Rom. xvi. 2. . ,

LS). even .
viii. 27. Mark
. and, Matt.
that, Luke X. 38. xiv. 1. xvii. 11. iv. 41. Luke
25. Tit. i. 15. viii.
and, Luke xiii. 25. Acts xiii. "'. and .and, Mark v. 38(-i«tStG'^).

Jas. iv. 152d,co. Rev. vi. 1, 12. xi. 9. John x. 9, 14. xvii, 26. xx.
Not rendered, Matt, xxviii. 9. 17. Acts xxii. 20. 1 Cor. ii. 3, 4.
Mark 15. Luke ii. 15 (-LTr5),
ii. iv. 9. xvi. 16. Col. ii. 2(ajo). Jas.
21. V. 1, 12. vii. 12. ix. 51. xxiv. iii. 6. 1 Pet. ii. 8. Rev. i. 19. ii. 26.
4, 15. Acts i. 10. X. 17(-LaS). 2 Cor.
ii. 2. Rev. xiv. 10.
KoX . . . , ^ and . . and also.
Acts V. 32(-( G«LaS).
Add Rev. iii. 20 (. . I will), G'^.
and (the first not rendered), Mark

,(e) With a negative, ov,

in the preceding clause.
, or ix. 22. XV. 40. Luke x. 30. John
xvii. 25. 1 Cor. i. 22, Phil. iv. 16.
and, Matt. v. 25i. vii. 6. x. 26, 38. IThes. ii. 18. iii. 4. Tit. i. 10
xiii. 15<r. xxvii. 65. Mark iv. 12. G"L5). Jas. iv. 16. Jude 25{ed. 1611).
Luke xii. 58i. xiv. 9f. xxi. 34. neither . . ,** 1 Cor. x. 32.
John iv. 11. vi. 53. xii. 40/. xv. 22.
Acts xxviii. 27/. Eph. v. 3. ITUes.
With oh
1. 15.
, and neither . . nor, Luke
Hat 208 Hai
Add Matt. xii. 44 (. . swept and), for, Jolm xii. 35. Rom. xi. 27. 1
V'S. Acts xvii. 18(. . of the Epi- John i. 2. iii. 4*.
cureans and), G'LTaS'. Rev. xx. 10
but, John i. 20. xvii. 11. Acts. xvi. 7.
(. . the beast and), GLTTr.

(a) In
2. By Hebraism.
narrative, when an adverb .
Add Mark x. 1, for

of time might be used instead. B. i. 5. X. 20. Col. ii. 5.]

gives about 1600 instances, all in Also (**) coniinuative, Matt.
— and, Acts
Luke vi.
xxiii. 6.


the Gospels, Acts, or Apocalypse, V. SO. Etc. 145 times.
except Gal. ii. 13 ; Heb. iv. 4.
Also (*) in connection with a note
of time, place, or manner,
Matt. V. 24. viii. 13. John iv. 27.
— With ,,

with a comparative,
., , '.

Etc. 181 instances. also, Matt. iii. 10(-G°LTTr^). v.

39, 40. vi. 14, 21. x. 4. xiii. 26.
Also (**) with a note of time in
the preceding clause, — XV. 3, 16. xvii. 12. xviii. 33. xix.
28. XX. 4, 7. xxii. 26, 27. xxiii. 26.
and, Matt, xxvi, 2, 45. Mark xv.
xxiv. 27 (-GooLTTrA?), 37 (-LTTf
25. Luke xxiii. 44. John ii. 13\ v.
S), 39 (-LTTr), 44. xxv. 11, 17»
1». X. 22(-GoT;S). xi. 55\
(-G^LTr^), 22% 41, 44. xxvi. 13,
and then, John iv. 35*. 35(3Gpi>), 69, 71, 73. xxvii. 413(-L''
when, Acts v. 7. Heb. viii. 8.
that, Luke xix. 43.
S, -^), 4^, 57.
Mark i. 38. ii. 26, 28. iii. 19. iv.
(b) When the connection is logi-
36. vii. 18. viii. 7, 38. xi. 25. xii. 6
23. Etc.
Matt. i. 21. V. 15.
383 examples.
Luke vii. (-TTrLi'5'), 22. xiv. 9, 313.
40,41 (-LTrb^),
Also (*) explicative, — Luke i. 35, 36^. ii. 4. iii. 9% 123.
and, Matt. i. 24». viii. 33*. xiii. iv. 23, 43. V. 10, 36. vi. 4(-LTr),
41*. xvii. 2». xxi. 5. xxiii. 14(13). 5, 6(-LTr>S). 13, 14, 16(-LTTr>S),
Mark i. 15». xii. 40. Luke i. 17, 3G. 29i, 31, 32, 34, 36 (-L^^Trb^S). vii.
ii. 12. vii. 12. viii. 41. xi. 14. xvii. 8, 49. viii. 36 (-Go^LTr/S), ix. 61.
IG. XX. S\ xxiii. 41. John i. 16. X. l(-Tr^), 39. xi. 1, 4% 30, 34i,
ix. 31% 37. X. 10, 12=*. xiii. 32. xvi. 40, 45, 46, 49, xii. 8, 24, 40, 54.
3. Acts xxii. 25. xxvi. 10. xxvii. xiii. 8. xiv. 12% 12^. xvi. 1, 10/,
41. 14, 22, 28. xvii. 24{-GTTrLb5), 26,
Rom. xiii. 11.1 Cor. ii. 2. v. 1. 28, xviii. 15. xix. 91, 19. xx. 12, 31, 32-^
vi. 6, 8, 11. xii. 28. xiv. 32. xv. {-
G»«>LTTr*S). xxi.2 (-GoLbTr.5).
38. 2 Cor. V. 15. Gal. vi, 16. Eph. xxii. 20, 24, 39, 56, 58, 59, 68. xxiii.
ii. 8. vi. 13. Phil. i. 9, 28. iii. 10*. 7, 27(-G°LTr*S), 32, 35, 36, 51 (-G''
Col. ii. 13. 1 Tim. iii. 16. Heb. v. LTr6"), 55(G°°LTTr6^). xxiv. 22, 23.
11*. X. 25. xi. 12. xii. 1. 1 John ii. John iii. 23. iv. 45». v. 18, 19, 27.

Kot hrav
. ,

V. 35».
2. V. 4, 17. 3 John 5. Rev. xiii. 18. vi. 241 {om S), 36. vii. 3, 10», 47, 52.

when . . and then, viii. 173, 19. ix. 15, 27,

xii. 9,
40. xi. 16, 52.
10, 18, 26, 42. xiii. 9, 14, 32,

and that, 1 Cor. xiv. 27. 34. xiv. 3, 7, 19. v. 20i, 23. xvii.
even, 1 Cor. iii. 5. Eph. v. 23. l(-G«>LTTr/S), 19% 20, 21K xviiL
Rev. xvii. 11. 2, 5, 17, 25. xix, 39. xx. 8. xxi. 3,
also, Mark i. 19. Acts xv. 27. 20, 25.
though*', Luke xviii. 7. [Tr-S). Acts i. 3, 11. ii. 22i(-G°<'LT5'), 2G.
« /t, at least, Luke xix. 42 (-L•» iii. 17. V. 2, IG. vii. 45. viu. 13i.

« 209
ix. 32, . 45. xi. 1, 18, 30. xii. 3. ii. 2, 61. 24. iii. 4. iv. 11, 21. v. 1(-L«»).
xiii. 5, 9, 22, 33, 35. xiv. 15. xv. 2 John 1. Jude 14. Rev. ii. 15. vi.
331, 35. xvii. 6, 28i. xix. 21, 27. 11. xi. 8.
XX. 30. xxi. 13, 163, 241, 28. xxii. and also, Mk. xiv. 67. Lk. iv. 41*. Jn.
5i, 20^ xxiii. 11, 30, S3, 35. xxiv. xi. 33. Acts xiv. 1^*, 5^. xx. 213.
6, 9, 151. XXV. 221. xxvi. 10, 26, 29. 24». xxvii. 361. Rom. xvi. 2. Jas. iii. 2.
xxvii. 10. xxviii. 9, 10. withal, Acts xxv. 27. 1 Tim. v. 13,
Kom. i. 6, 13, 15, 24 {-G^oj^S} 27. moreover, Acts xi. 303. Tim. iii. 7^.
ii. 12.
iii. 29^ { omS), 29. iv. 6,
else, Rom. ii. 15.
9, 12, 16, 21, 24. v. 2, 3, 11,
15. vi. 8, 11. vii. 4. viii. 11, 17, yet, Luke iii. 20. John viii. 16.
Gal. iii. 4.
211, 23, 263, 29, 30ir, 32, 34. ix. 10,
80, Rom. xi. 16. 1 Pet. 161.
24, 25. xi. 1, 5, 16, 22, 31, 31i. xiii. 5,

6. XV. 7, 14^1, 14, 22, 27. xvi. 4, 7. likewise, Matt, xviii. 35. xx. 10.
xxiv. 33. Luke iii. 14'. xvii. 10.
1 Cor. i. 8, 16. ii. 13. iv. 8. v. 12
xix. 19. xxi. 31, Acts iii. 24. 1 Cor.
(-G««L5). vii. 3, 4, 22(-LT,S). ix.
xiv. 9. Col. iv. 16. 1 Pet. iv. 1.
8. X. 9(-G^LT^), 10(-Go°LT6'),
in like manner, Mark xiii. 29.
13. xi. 6, 19, 23, 25. xii. 12. xiii.
12. xiv. 15i, 19, 34. xv. 1, 2, 3, both, Mark vii. 37. Luke xxi. 16.
14, 18, 21, 28 (r-V^), 42, 48, 49. xxii. 33. John ii. 2. ix. 87. xL 67
xvi. 10 (^
for LTS). (-LTTrS). XV. 24i. 1 Cor. vii. 29.
Phil. iv. 9. 1 Thes. ii. 15. 2 Thes. iii.
2 Cor. 1. 5, 6, 7, 11, 14i, 22. ii. 9,
4. [Mostly already on p. 207.]

10. iii. 6. iv. 10, 11, 13, 14. v. 5
(-Qo^LS), 11. vi. 13. viii. 6t, 7, even, Matt. v. 46, 47, vii. 12. viii. 27.

10, 11, 14, 19. ix. 12. x. 11, 14. xii. 8. xiii. 12. xviii. 33 for
xi. 15. xiii. 4, 9. JjTTtS). xx.
xxv. 29. 14.

Gal. 10, 13,

ii. 1, UK v. 21, 25.
Mark i. 27. iv. 25. vi. 2. xiii. 22 (-T
Eph. 13i, 21. ii.
^8). Luke viii. 18, 25. ix. 54 (ap).
vi. 1, 7. i. 11, 3,
X. 11, 17. xii. 41, 57. xviii. 11. xix.
22. iv. 9, 10. V. 2, 25. vi. 9(/£
S^ for 26, 42. XX. 37. xxiv. 24(-LTr).
C^Gt'LTS), 21. Phil. i. 15, John V. 21. viii. 25. xi. 22, 37.
20, 29. ii. 4, 5, 9, 18, 24\ 27. iii.
Acts v. 39. XV. 8. xxvi. 11.
4, 12, 20. iv. 3, 10, 15. Col. i. 6, 7
Rom. i. 13. V. 7, 14, 18, 21. vi. 4. viii.
(_GooLT>S), 8, 9, 29. ii. 11, 12. iii. 23, 34(-G°L»>^). ix. 24. xv. 3. 1
4, 7, 8, 13, 15. iv. 1, 3i, 16.
Cor. ii. 11. vii. 7. ix. 14. xiv. 12.
IThes. i. 5, 8 (-G^^LTaS). ii. 8, XV. 22. xvi. 1. 2 Cor. i. 8, IBi-G»^
13i, 14. iii. 6. iv. 6, 8(-L). v. 11,
LS). vii. 14. X. 7, 13. xi. 12. Gal. ii.
16. iv. 3, 29. V. 12. Eph. ii. 3. iv. 4,
24. 2Thes. i. 5, 11. ITim. ii. 9
32. V. 12, 23, 29, 33. Phil. i. 15. iii.
(-LS). V. 13, 20, 25. 3 Tim. i. 5,
15, 18. iv. 16. Col. iii. 13. 1 Thes. ii.
12. ii. 2, 5, lOS 11, 12, 20. iii. 8, 9.
141, 19. iii. 4, 12. iv. 6, 13, 14. 2
iv. 8, 15. Tit. iii. 3, 13. Phm. 9,
Thes. iii. 1. Phm. 19.
21 22.
Heb. vii. 4(-L). xi. 12, 19. Jas. ii.
Heb.i. 2. ii. 14^. iii. 2. iv. 10^. v.
17. iii. 5. 1 Pet. ii. 21(C,-StGLT-S).
21, 3, 5, 6. vii. 2i, 12, 25. viii. 3^,
2 Pet. i. 14. ii. 1. 1 John ii. 18. Jiide
6. ix. 1. X. 15. xi. 11, 19. xii. 1,
23. Rev. ii. 18(-G«vV). xviii. 61.
26. xiii. 31, 12. Jas. i. 11. ii. 2, 11,
19, 25a, 26. iii. 4. v. 8. even also, Matt. xii. 45. xxiii. 28.
1 Pet.ii. 5, 6(01638^- 016" GLT^), 8, 1 Cor. xi. 12.
18, 21. iii. 1, 5, 18, 19, 21. iv. 6, 13. v. also even, Luke vi. 33
1. 2 Pet. ii. 1. iii. 15, 16^ 1 John i. 3. cvcuji John iv. 3.
Kat 210 xca
even very, Lnlce xii. 7. ii. 2, 13, 141. 1 Tim. ii. 5. 2 Tim.
very, Matt. x. 30. xxiv. 24. Luke iii. 16. iv. 18{-G«LTaS).
ix. u^-L^^TtS). xii. 59. Heb. i. 6. xii. 21. Jas. iii. 6. 1 Pet.
the same, Gal. ii. 8. iii. 14. 1 John iii. 16. 8 John 10.
that", pron., 2 Cor. xi. 12.
indeed, Mark ix. 13. PLil. ii. 27. ,
{- GoL^S). 2 Cor.
xviii. 14.
and therefore, Rom.
iv. 13.
iv. 22
yea. Matt. xxvi. 60 {omS). John
Matt. yap, for, viii. 9. xxvi. 73.
xvi. 32. Acts vii. 43.
(- G°«LS).
Rom. viii. 34^
— See
yea, and, 1 Cor.
1 Cor.
ii. 10.
15^. 2 Cor.

, viii. 5.

Cor. iv. 7^.
p. 67, col. 1.
already, Acts xxvii. 9.

viii. 3. 3 John 123. Matt. xxv. 24'. Rom. viii.

Kaiy yea, and, Luke xxiv. 22. 17. 1 Cor. XV. 29. 2 Cor. vi. R
Phil. i. 18. ii. 17. —and indeed, Gal. iv. 7. 1 John 1. 5.

2 Cor. xi. 1. — moreover, Luke xvi. therefore, 2 Cor. viii. 113.

21. Not rendered. Matt. vi. 12. xviii. 17.
iavy or if, Matt. vii. 10 (// Mark ix. 22. xv. 40. Luke xi. 11,
VTtS, ). — though. Gal. 12. xiii. 7. John v. 26. Acts x. 29. xi.
15, 17, 28(-L5). xii. 25(-L5). xvii.
i. 8.

— , though, 2 Cor.
. 8(- 1 23, 34. xix. 12. xxii. 5, 28. xxiv.
6, 26. xxv. 10. xxvi. 12(-Go»L5).
though, 2 Cor.
if that, Phil. iii. 12.
iv. 16. vii. Sir, 12.

i. 82.
1 Cor.
v. 19. xi.
vii. 21,
30(om S),
38. xv.
6(-L5'), A^ed. 1611). xvi. 16. 2 Cor.
xi. 6. xii. 11, 15(-/catL>S). Col. ii.
i. 10, 13. iv. 8. v. 9. vii. 7. viii. 21.
5. Heb. vi, 9.
, although, Mark xiv. 29 ( ix. 6i. Gal. vi. 1.
12i«^ Col.
iv. 17. v. 11,

Tr). — though, 2 Cor.

21, 33. Phil. iii. i. 6. 1 Thes.
xiii. 4.
if bo be that, 2 Cor. v. 3.
yea, though, 2 Cor. v. 16.
6 {-LS). 1
V. 4. vi. 6, 7. xii.
Tim. iii. 13i»S24.
7. v.
17. 1 Pet. iv. 19.
2 Pet. ii. 19. Rev. vi. 111. x. 7. xiii.
in ^ yea. and also. Luke xiv. 13. xiv. 101. xxi. 16(-G«0aS).
^ , yea, and, 1 Cor. xvi. 6,
xxi. 2V,
Add, for &6. Acts xix. 13, G"LT
For ^. Acts xxiv. 16, G"LT^.
and. Matt. x. 18^. xi. 9^.
Phil. iv. 12, GLT5. Jas. iv. 14, L
XXV, 17(-L''Tri^»^>S). Mark iii. 8.
T5. — Luke vi. 39 (. . a parable),
iv. 24(ap). vi. 41. viii. 7. xv. 26,
LTTr^S. xxiv. 21, after LT ,
28 (op), 32. Luke ii. 36, 38». v. 83.
vii. 262. X. .32^. xii. 2». xviii. 13, 9»
{- G"Li>). xix. 47. xx. ZO{ap).
xxii. SQt, 65. xxiii. 38, 48, 54{-Goo).
TTr*?. Acts V. 15,
John xix. 35 (that ye . .), GL
LS. X. 39 (. . slew), GLTaS. xv. 37,
xxiv. 14. Jolin i. 16. iv. 2.3. v. 20'^
forrdvi^S GLT, S. xvi. 1
25. vi. 11. vii. 4K viii. 53. x. 16. (. . to Derbe), LT. xvii. 32(. . of
xiii. 10. xiv. 122. xyj. 22. xix. 19'. this matter), LTS.

1 Cor. xv. 14

xix. 273, 313. .

XX. 80. Acts vii. 52. ix. 14. xii. (. . our preaching), G"U'TS. Heb.
28. vii. 2G(. became), G'L^^T). ix. 28

4. xviii. 8. .

xxviii. 28. (. . Christ), GLT^\ 2 Pet. ii. 12,

see 1 John i. 3(. unto .
Rom. XV. 27. 1 Cor. iii. for
you), L.S'. ii. 23 (a/>). Rev. xx. 10
KaUyoGLTS). vii. 11, 28, 3G. xii. ( . . the beast), GLTTr.
31. XV. 1, 30, 44. 2 Cor. i. 20. viii.
8, 10. xii. 3, 7, 15. Gal. i. 14. ii.
Also (*) •, 9• , . .

13. Phil. iii. 8. iv. 12. CoL i. 21. as . . even, 1 John ii. 18.
211 uaoa
even as, Rom. i. 13. xiii. 33. Luke viii. 13. xii. 56.
as . . even so, John xs. 21. xviii. 30. xix. 44. xxi. 8, 24. John
as . so, Luke xi. 2(ap). John vi.
. vii. 6t, 8. Acts iii. 19. vii. 20. xii.
57. xiii. 33. xv. 9. Acts vii. 51. Gal. 1. xvii. 26. xix. 23.
1. 9. Phil. i. 20. 1 John iv. 17.

,, ,.,., ,, ,
Rom. iii. 26. viii. 18. ix. 9. xi. 5.
as, Matt. vi. 10. John xiii. 15. xiii. 11. 1 Cor. iv. 5. vii. 5, 29.

,See -, .- 2 Cor.
10. Eph.
vi. 2i. viii. 14(13). Gal. iv.
i. 10. ii. 12. v. 16. Col. iv.

See * 5. 1
ii. 6p'.
iv. 1.
ii. 17. 2 Thes.
2 Tim.
vi. 15.
ii. 6. 1
iv. 3, 6. Tit. i. 3. Heb. ix. 9, 10.
new. Matt. ix. 17. xxvi. 28(-5), 1 Pet. i. 5, 11. iv. 17. Rev. i.
3. xi.
29. xxvii. GO. Mark i. 27. ii. 21, 22 18. xii. 12, 14tr. xxii. 10.
(ap). xiv. 24(-0«>5), 25. xvi.
11(^ap). Luke v. 36ir, 38. xxii. 20.
while, Luke viii. 13.

John xiii. 34. xix. 41. Acts xvii. 36. Eph. vi. 18.
always, Luke xxi ,
19, 2l{comp.).
ICor. xi. 25. 2 Cor. iii. 6. v. 17i.
Gal. vi. 15. Eph. ii. 15. iv. 24.
Heb. viii. 8, 13. ix. 15. 2 Pet. iii. although, Heb. iv. 3.
13i. 1 Johnii. 7, 8. 2 John 5, Rev. , .
Add Rom. xii. 11, for StG.

though, John iv. 2. Acta

ii. 17. iii. 12i. v. 9. xiv. 3. xxi. Ii, xvii. 27(/>' G", ^nev- -/'). —
ziii. 52.


new things,

vi. 4. vii. 6.

to light. Matt. v. 15.

be burned, John xv. 6.
burn, Luke xii. 35.
1 Cor. xiii. 3. —
Acts xiv. 17(- 7 L/S'<=).

xxiv. 32 (with John v. 35.
and yet. Rev. xvii. 8 (see Heb. xii. 18. Rev. iv. 5. viii. 8, 10.

. xii. 17. 2 Pet. i. 12.

though, Phil. iii. 4. Heb. v. 8. vii. xix. 20. xxi. 8.

due season, Matt. xxiv. 45.

Add Matt. xiii. 40, for
GTTr. Rev. ix. 2, pass.^, for
Luke G'.
. .
xii. 42.

convenient season, Acts xxiv. 25.
at a certain season,
V. 4(ap).
season, Matt. xxi. 41.
Luke i. 20. iv. 13. xiii. 1. xx. 10.
Mark xii. 2.
.. &,
&. ,

evil, Matt. vi. 34.
Acts i. 7. xiii. 11. xiv. 17. Gal. vi.
naughtiness, Jas. i. 21.
9. 1 Thes. v. 1.
malice, 1 Cor. v. 8. xiv. 20. Eph.
Kaipbv past age, Heb. iv. 31. Col. iii. 8. Tit. iii. 3. 1 Pet.
xi. 11. [15. ii. 1.
opportunity, Gal. vi. 10. Heb. xi. Rom. 29.
maliciousness, i. 1 Pet,
due time, Rom. v. 6 (jmara. time)• ii. 16.
1 Pet. V. 6.
wickedness, Acts viii« 22.
time, Matt. viii. 29. xi. 25. xii. 1.
xiii. 30. xiv, 1. xvi. 3. xxi. 34.
xxvi. 18. Mark i. 15. x. 30. xi. 13. malignity,
Rom. i. 29.
•. 212
speak evil of, Mark ix. 39. Acts

Pass., suffer adversity, Heb. xiii. 3.
six. 9. — be tormented, Heb. xi. 37.
curse, Matt. xv. 4. Mark vii. 10.
}(7'&, evil entreat. Acts vii. 6, 19.
suffering affliction, Jas. v. 10. hurt, Acts xviii. 10.
harm, 1 Pet. iii. 13.
suffer trouble,

endure hardness,
2 Tim. ii. 9.
endure afflictions, 2 Tim. iv.
be afflicted, Jas. v. 13.

2 Tim. ii.

3 (see
vex. Acts xii. 1.

evil, John
evil affected. Acts xiv. 2.

xviii. 23. Acts xxiii.

amiss, Jas. iv. 3.
grievously. Matt. xv. 22.
do evil, Mark iii. 4. Luke vi. 9. sore, Matt. xvii. 15.
for evil doing, 1 Pet. iii. 17p. With ,
miserably, Matt. xxi. 41.
be diseased. Matt, xir,
35. Marki. 32. —
be sick. Matt. viii.

16. ix. 12. Mark i. 34. ii. 17. vi. 55.
1 Pet. 16
(a/>). iv. 15.
ii. 12, 14. iii.
Luke V. 31. vii. 2.
Matt. iv. 24p,pi-.
sick people, —
John xviii. 30.


^". Acts

affliction, vii. 34.
evil, Matt. xxiv. 48. Mark vii. 21.
Rom. xiii. 3. xiv. 20. 1 Cor. xv. 33.
Phil. iii. 2. Col, iii. 5. Tit. i. 12. stubble, 1 Cor. iii. 12.

Plur., they which are evil, Rev. ii. 2.

Neut., Matt, xxvii. 23. reed. Matt. xi. 7. xii. 20. xxvU.
evil, subst.,
Mark xv. 14. Luke xxiii. 22. John 29, 30, 48. Mark xv. 19, 36. Luke

vii. 24. Rev. xi. 1. xxi. 15, 16.
xviii. 23. Acts ix. 13p>. xxiii. 9.
Rom. '. pen, 3 John 13.

(_ G"LS).
ii. 9. iii. vii. 19, 21. ix.
11 lit, 21i.

xiii. 4. xvi. 19. 1 Cor. xiii. 5. 2 Cor. Matt.
i. 21, 23, 25.
to call. iL 7,
xiii. 7. 1 Thes. v. 15<. 1 Tim. vi. 10?•. 15, 23. iv. 21. V. 9, 19<. ix, 13. x.
2 Tim. iv. 14?'. Heb. v. 14. Jas. i. 25 GLTTr-S). xx. 8. xxi.
13p' (nmr^r. evils), iii. 8. 1 Pet. iii.
xxii. 3, 43, 45. xxiii. 7, 8, 9,
10, 11, —
Rom. xiii. 10.
XXV. 14. xxvii. 8. Mark i. 20.
harm. Acta xvi. 28, xxviii,

5. — 10.
ii. 17. xi. 17.
With art., that which is evil, Rom.
13, 31, 32, 35, 36, 59, 60,Luke i.
xiii. 4. 3 John 11.
ii. 4, 21, 23. v. 32. vi.
61, 62, 76.
Neut. plur.f evil things, Luke xvi. 15, 46. vii. 11. viii. 2. ix. 10. x. 39.
25. Rom. 1. 30. 1 Cor. x. 6. xiv. 13. XV. 19, 21. xix. 13, 29.

bad, 2 Cor. v.

noisome. Rev. xvi. 2.
wicked. Matt. xxi. 41.

3 Tim.

XX. 44. xxi. 37. xxii. 25. xxiii. 33.

i. 42(43).

xxiii. 32, 33, 39.

ii. 2. x. 3
G^LTTr^"). Acts i. 12, 19, 23. iiL
11. iv. 18. ix. 11. X. 1. xiii. 1. xiy,
12. xxvii. 8, 14, IG. xxviii. 1.
Rom. iv. 17.
24,25,26. ICor.
viii. ZOt.
1. 9.
ix. 7, 11,
vu. 15, 17,
18, 20, 21, 22/, 24. .
9. Gal. i.
better^ Matt,
), xviii. 8, 9.
Mark ix.
6, 15. V. 8, 13. Eph. iv. 1, 4. Col.
iii. 15. 1 Thes. ii. 12. iv. 7. v. 24.
2Thes. ii. 14. 1 Tim. vi. 12. 2 Tim.
42 (with
ix. 15 {with

Gal. vi. 9.
43, 45, 47. 1 Cor.

i. 9. Luke viii. 15. 1 Pet. ii. 12.

Heb. 11. iii. 13. v. 4. ix. 15.
ii. Neut., hcnest thing, Rom. xii. 17.
xi. 8, 18, Jas. ii. 23. 1 Pet. i. 15. 2 Cor. viii. 21. good thing, Gal. —

ii. 9, 21. iii. 6, 9. v. 10. 2 Pet. i. 3. iv. 18. Heb. xiii. 9. good, Rom.
1 John iii. 1. Rev. i, 9. xi. 8. xii. vii. 21. Heb. v. 14. Jas. iv. 17.
9. xvi. 16. xix. 9, 11, 13. rb that which is honest,
call forth, Acts xxiv. 2p. 2 Cor. xiii. 7. — that which is good,
Matt. xxii. Luke Rom.
24. 1 Cor. X. 27.
3, 4, 8, 9.
39. xiv. 7, 8i, 9, lOi, 12, 16, 17,
vii. 18. 1
vii. 27.
Thes. v. 21.
v. 26 (see ),

name, Luke xix. 2.

worthy, Jas. ii. 7.

80° name, Luke ii. 21. Add 2 Pet. i. 10(/>).

Pass.f be one's name, Acts vii. 58. See also
— be one's surname. Acts xv. 37.
Addj for Luke xxii. 3, veil, 2 Cor. iii. 13, 14, 15, 16.
TTtS. Acts XV. 22, LTS. For

— ^^,
p6o)y Eph. i. 11, Gr'L/S. For
to cover. Matt. viii. 24. x. 26. Luke

Mark iii. 31, LTTfaS. Acts viii.
12(. .
. the great), GLT5. Col. i.

hath made), L.

16. xxiii. 30. 1 Pet. iv. 8.
hide, 2 Cor. iv. Bt. Jas. v. 20.

good olive
. Rom.
tres, xi. 24. well, Matt. xii. 12. v. 7. Mark

vii. 6, 37. xii. 28, 32. Luke vi. 26.
iiaXhov. See XX. 39. John iv. 17. viii. 48. xiii.
13. xviii. 23. Acts x. 33. xxviii. 25.
teacher of good things, Tit. ii. 3. Rom. xi. 20. 1 Cor. vii, 37, 38. xiv.
17. 2 Cor. xi. 4. Gal. iv. 17. v. 7.

in well doing,

goodly, Matt. xiii. 45.

.2 Thes.

good, Matt. iii. 10. v. 16. vii. 17,

iii. 13p.

Luke xxi. 5.
Phil. iv. 14. 1 Tim. iii, 4, 12, 13.
V. 17. Jas. ii. 8, 19. 2 Pet. 1. 19*.
3 John
full well,

Mark vii. 9.
very well.
18, 19. xii. 33i. xiii. 8, 23, 24, 27, XXV. 10.
37, 38, 48. xvii. 4. xxvi. 10, 24, good•"'. Matt. V. 44(aj)). Luke vi.
Mark iv. 8, 20. ix. 5, 50. xiv. 6, 27.
21. Luke iii. ^(-L^). vi. 38, 43i. in a good place (marg. well, or seem
viii. 15. ix. 33. xiv. 34. John ii. ly), Jas. ii. 3.
10<. X. Hi, 14, 32, 33.
Rom. vii. 16. xiv. 21. 1 Cor. v. 6. (ap).
With ,
recovsr, Mark xvi. 18

Tii, 1, 8, 26i. Gal. iv, 18. 1 Tim. i. honestly, Heb. xiii. 18.
8, 18. ii. 3. iii. 1, 7, 13. iv. 4, 6i.
V. 4(5), 10, 25. vi. 12i, 13, 18,
19. 2 Tim. i. 14. ii. 3. iv. 7. Tit. ii.
7, 14. iii. 8^ 14(ma7g. honest). Heb,
Add Luke vi. 48 (ap).
See . . .
vi. 5. X. 24. xiii. 18. Jas. iii. 13. camel, Matt. iii. 4. xix. 24. xxiii.
1 Pet. ii. 12. iv. 10. 24. Mark i. 6. x. 25. Luke xviii. 25.
« , 214 '
iii. 15. V. 22.
45, 45(a;?), 45.
furnace, Matt. xiii. 42, 50. Rev. i. viii. 12, 15. ix. 47. x. 27. xii. 34,

15. ix. 2. 45. xvi. 15. xxi. 14, 34, xxiv. 25,
32, 38. John xii. 40i. xiii. 2. xiv.

to close, Matt. xiii. 15.

be wearied, Heb. xii. 3.

Acts xxviii. 1, 27. xvi. 6, 22. Acts ii. 26, 37, 46.
iv. 32. V. 3, 4. vii. 23, 39, 51, 54.
viii. 21, 22, 37 (op),

xxviii. 27i.
xi. 23. xiii.
22. xiv. 17. XV. 9. xvi. 14. xxi. 13.

faint, ii.d(ap).
15 p.
Rom. i. 21, 24. ii. 5, 15, 29. v. 5.
sick, Jas. V.
vi. 17. viii. 27. ix. 2. x. 1, 6, 8, 9,
See 10, xvi. 18. ICor. ii. 9. iv. 5. vii.
37<. xiv. 25. 3 Cor. i. 22, ii. 4. iii.

to bow, Rom. xi. 4. xiv. 11. Eph. 2, 3, 15. iv. 6. V. 12. vi. 11, vii, 3.
16. ix. 7. Gal. iv. 6. Eph, iii.
iii. 14. Phil. ii. 10.

and if, Mark

xvi. 18 (ap). Luke
17. iv. 18. V. 19, vi. 5, 22. Phil. i.
7. iv. 7. Col. ii. 2. iii. 15, 16, 22.
iv. 8. 1 Thes. ii. 4, 17. iii. 13.
xiii. 9. Jas. v. 15.
SThes. ii. 17. iii. 5, 1 Tim. i. 5.
and if so much as, Heb. xii. 20.
3Tim. ii. 22.
also if, Matt. xxi. 21.
Mark v. 28. vi. 56.
Heb. iii. 8, 10, 12, 15. iv. 7, 12.
if but,
viii. 10. X. 16, 22i. xiii. 9, Jas. i.
though. Matt. xxvi. 35. John viii.
2G. iii. 14. iv. 8. v, 5, 8. 1 Pet. i.

14. X. 38. xi. 25.
22. iii. 4, 15. 3 Pet. i. 19. ii. 14.
yet, 2 Cor. xi. 16.

1 John iii, 19, 20/, 21. Rev. ii. 23.

Add, for ,
at the least. Acts v. 15.
Luke xii. 38, Tr
S. John viii. 55, LTrS. 1 Cor. xiii.
xvii. 17. xviii. 7.
Add Eph. i. 18, for Gl/TS.

xii. 38, for

2^ 3/, L. Matt. X. 23^ap). Luke

rule, 3 Cor. x. 13 (jnarg. line),

Gal. vi. 16, Phil. iii. 16(ap).
See also

which knoweth the hearts» Acts

15. 24. XV. 8.


3 Cor. x. \Q(marg. rule). fruit.
18i, 19, 20.
Matt. iii. 8,

xii. 33ir.
10. vii. 16, 17<,
xiii. 8, 26.
to corrupt, 2 Cor.
deceitfully with).

smoke, Acts
. ii. 17 (marg. deal xxi. 19,

19. Rev. viii. 4. ix.

34i, 41, 43. Mark iv. 7, 8,
29. xi. 14. xii. 2. Luke i. 42. iii. 8,
9. vi. 43/,
6, 7, 9.
44. viii. 8. xii. 17. xiii.
XX. 10. John
iv. 36. xii. 24.

XV. 2ir, 4, 5, 8, 16t. Acts ii. 30.
2(7, 3, 17, 18. xiv. 11. xv. 8. xviii.

18. xix. 3.
i. 13. vi. 21, 22. xv. 28.
1 Cor. ix. 7. Gal. v. 22. Eph. v. 9.
Phil. 11, 22. iv. 17. 3 Tim. ii. 6.
heart. Matt. v. 8, 28. vi. 21. ix. 4. Heb. xii. 11.
xiii. 15. Jas. iii. 17,
xi. 29. xii. 34, S5{omS), 40. xiii.
18. V. 7, 18. Rev. xxii. 2t.
Vot, 19. XV. 8, 18, 19. xviii. 35.
xxii. 37, xxiv. 48. Mark ii. 6, 8.
iii. 5. iv. 15(ap). vi. 52. vii. 6, 19, bear fruit. Matt. xiii. 23.
21. viii. 17. xi. 23. xii. 30, 33. bring forth fruit, Mark iv. 20, 28
Luke i. 17, 51, Q6. ii. 19, 35, 51. Luke viii. 15. Rom. vii. 4, 5.
, ,

^ bring forth fruit, " w^here he 'was, Lk. x. 33.
toward. Acts viii. 26. xxvii. 12^''.

be fruitful, Col. i. 10. Phil. iii. 14.
to, Acts xvi. 7. Rom. xiv. 22.
Acts xiv. 17. 2 Cor. viii. 3. Gal. ii. 11.


into, Acts V. Ib^KotelgLS ; for marg.,

endure, Hob. xi. 27.

see xvi. 7 GLTiS).
among. Acts xxi. 21. xxvi. 3.
41, 42i.
mote, Matt• vii. 3, 4, 5.

Rev. xxi. 19,

I. With

a Genitive.

about, Acts ii. 10. xii. 1. xxvii. 27.
at. Matt, xxvii. 15. Mark xv. 6.
Lukex. 32. xxiii.

i. 20.
Acts xvi.
25. Rom. ix. 9. 2 Tim. iv. 1(G',


Acts iii. 13, 22. xi. 1. xiii. 1. xv.

12, 13, 19, 22.
23. xv. 14.

down, Matt. viii. 32. Mark v. 13. 23, 36. xvii. 22. xxiv. 12, 14. xxv.
Luke viii. 33. 3. xxvi. 11, 13. Rom. v. Q{marg. ao-
on, Mark xiv. 3(-LTTr5'). cording to), xvi. 5. 1 Cor. xiv. 40.
upon, Jude 15. xvi. 19. 2 Cor. x. 1. Col. iii. 20, 22.
covered''*', 1 Cor. xi. 4. iv. 15. Phm. 2. Heb. i. 10. ii. 17.
iii. 8. iv. 15. ix. 9. xi. 13 (Gr. ac-
against. Matt. v. 11, 23. x. 35ir.
xx. 11. xxvi.
cording to).
xii. 14, 25i, 30, 32/.
59. xxvii. 1. Mark 6. ix. 40.
:6, in every city. Acts xv.


xi. 25. xiv. 55, 56, 57. Luke ix. 50. 21. XX. 23. Tit. i. 5.— throughout
xi. 23. John xviii. 29. xix. 11. Acts every city, Luke viii. 1. — out of
Luke viii. 4.
iv. 2Gi. vi. 13. xiv. 2. xvi. 22. xix.
every city,
16. xxi. 28. xxiv. 1. xxv. 2, 3, 7
(a/>), 15, 27. xxvii. 14.
Rom. viii. 31. xi. 2. 1 Cor. iv. 6.
2 Cor. X. 5. xiii. 8. Gal. iii. 21. v.
nt, 23. Col. ii. 14. 1 Tim. v. 19. '—
Acts xiv. 23.

7. Mark xiii.

8. Luke xxi. 11.

hcavTOv, year by year, Heb. x.
every church,

in divers places, Matt,

Jas. iii. 14. v. 9.

14, 20. xii. 7 (

1 Pet. ii. 11.
2 Pet. ii. 11. Jude 15. Rev. ii. 4,
1. every year, Heb. ix. 25. x. 3.
every year, Luke ii. 41.
upon, 1 Cor. xvi. 2.
of, 1 Cor. XV. 15.
on. Acts viii. 36.
through, Luke iv. 14.
according to. Matt. ii. 16. ix. 29.
throughout", Luke xxiii. 5. Acts

xvi. 27. XXV. 15. Mark vii. 5. Luke
ix. 31, 42. X. 37.
i. 9, 38. ii. 22, 24, 29, 39. xxiii. 56.
by, Matt. xxvi. 63. Heb, vi. 13t,
John vii. 24. xviii. 31. Acts ii. 30
(a/)), vii. 44. xiii. 23. xxii. 3, 12.
See also
. With an Accusative.
xxiv. ().
Rom. i. 3, 4. ii. 2, 6, 16. iv. IS.
through, Luke ix. 6. xiii. 22. Acts viii. 27, 28. ix. 3, 11. x. 2. xi. 5,
iii. 17. Phil. ii. 3. 21. xii. 6t. XV. h(viarg. after the ex-
throughout", Luke viii. 39. Acts ample of), xvi. 25/, 26. 1 Cor. iii.
viii. 1. xxiv. 5. 8, 10. XV. 3, 4. 2 Cor. i. 17. x. 2,
over ag^i^st, Acts xxvii, 7/. 13, 15. xi. 15. xiii. 10.
before, Luke ii. .
Gal. iii. 1. Gal. i. 4. iii. 29. Eph. I. 5, 7, %
11, 19. ii. 2. iii. 7, 11, 16, 20. iv. as concerning, Rom. ix. 5. xi. 28.
7, 16, 22. vi. 5. Pliil. i. 20. iii. 21. 2 Cor. xi. 21.
iv. 19. Col. i. 11, 25, 29. iii. 22. as pertaining to, Rom. iv. 1. Heb.
2Tlies. i. 12. 1 Tim. i. 11, 18. vi. ix. 9.
3. 2 Tim. i. 1, 8, 9t. ii. 8. iv. 14. touching, Phil. iii. 6.
Tit. i. 1, 3. iii. 5, 7. as touching, Rom. xi. 28. Phil,
Heb. ii. 5. vii. 4. viii. 4, 5, 9. ix. iii. 5.
19. Jas, ii. 8. 1 Pet. i. 2, 3, 17. iii. rbv TlavXovy Paul's cause.
7. iv. 6t, 19. 2 Pet. iii. 13 (/ L), Acts XXV. 14.
15. 1 John V. 14. Rev. ii. 23. xviii. on one's part, IPet. iv. 14t{ap).
6. XX. 12, 13. for, Matt. xix. 3.
after, Matt, xxiii. 3. Luke ii. 27, Not rendered. Acts xiii. 27. xv.
42. John viii. 15. Acts xiii. 22. 21. xviii. 4. xix. 23. xxvii. 12-''.
xxiii. 3. xxiv. 14. xxvi. 5. Rom. ii.
5. vii. 22. viii. lt(op), At, 5i, 12,
13. 1 Cor. i. 26. vii. 40. x. 18.
Rom. iii. 2. Rev. xxii. 2.
Add Mark
Acts xvii. 25, for
vi. 40t, for
, LTTr5.
St. xxvii.
2 Cor. V. Ut. X. 3, 7. xi. 17, 18. 29, for uc, G"LT5. Phil. ii. 3, see
Gal. i. 11. iv. 23, 29/. Eph. i. 11. iv. 7/, I. 1 Pet. V. 2 (mind ),
24. Col. ii. 8ir, 22. iii. 10. 2Tlies.

&, -
•&, ^

2 Tim.

ii. 9. iii. 6. iv. 3. Tit. i. 1, 4. See also ^

Heb. V. 6, 10. vi. 20. vii. 11^ 15, fr.

, ,
, ,,, ,,
'&^ •&,

16i, 17, 21 (ap). xii. 10. Jas. iii. 9.

, ,,,,.
fr, fr,

2 Pet. iii. 3. 2 John 6. Jude 16, 18. },
, ,, .
after the manner of, John ii. 6.
in the like manner,
Luke so, Luke vi. 26. —

vi. 23.
even thus, Luke xvii. 30. fr.
TO as it was
commanded, Acts xxiii. 31. go down, Mark xiii. 15. Luke ii.

*, '
hath called, 1 Pet. i. 15.
J as I. "was,
as he which 51. X. 30. xviii. 14. John ii. 12. iv.
5lP. V. 4(ap). vi. 16. Acts vii. 15.
Gal. iv. 28. viii.
26, 38. x. 21. xiv. 25. xviii.
Rom. i. 15.

xviii. 14.
as much as in me is, 22. XX. 10. xxiii. 10. xxv. G.

Mark i.

27. 1 Cor.
Matt. viii. iP. xiv. 29^.

ii. 1.

come down.
xvii. 9p.
xxiv. 17,
xxvii. 40, 42.
22. ix. 9^. xv. 30. Luke
vi. 17. viii. 23. ix. 54. x. 31. xvii.
vi. 6. 31. xix. 5, 6. John iii. 13. iv. 47,
by, Luke x. 4, 31. John x. 8. xix. 49. vi. 33, 38, 41, 42, 50, 51, 58.
7. Acts xxviii. 16. Rom. ii. 7. iv.
Acts vii. 34. viii. 15p. xiv. 11. xvi.
16. 24.
xi. 1 Cor. viL 6. xii. 8.
8. xxiv. 22. XXV. 7. Jas. i. 17. Rev.
xiv. 27, 31. 2 Cor. viii. 8. GaL ii.
iii. 12. X. 1. xii. 12. xiii. 13. xviii.
2. Eph. iii. 3, 7. 2 Thes. ii. 3. 1
1. XX. 1, 9. xxi. 2.
Tim. i. 1. v. 21. Heb. vii. 22. ix. 22.
X. 8 xi. 7. 3 John 14(15). step down, John v. 7.
descend, Matt. iii. 16. vii. 25, 27.
; whereby ? Luke i. 18.
xxviii. 2. Mark i. 10. xv. 32. Luke
of. Acts xxvii. 2, 5. Rom. iv. 4i. iii. 22. Johni. 32, 33, 51(52). Acta
1 Cor. vii. 6. Phra. 14. X. 11. xi. 5. xxiv. 1. Rom. x. 7.
in respect of, Phil. iv. 11. Eph. iv. 9, 10. IThes. iv. 16. Rev.
concerning, Eph. iv. 22. Phil, iii. 6. xxi. 10.

21 ^(
get down, Acts

fall, Rev. xvi. 21.

pass. J

Matt. xi. 23, for

down, Luke xxii. 44(ap). condemn,

IJohn iii. 20, 21.
Pass., to be blamed, Gal. ii.

to break. Matt. xii. 20.

John xix.

cast down, 2 Cor. iv. 9.

,.^ (»
10(/5 G"LTTr;S).
Mid. J

to burden,
lay, Heb.

2 Cor.
vi. 1.

xii. 16.

weigh down,
Rev. xu.

31, 32, 33.

bring down, Acts ix. 30. xxii. 30.

xxiii. 15, 20. Rom. x. 6.
bring forth. Acts xxiii. 28.
bring, Luke v. Up.
Pass. J in navigation, land, Acts xxi.
L/S). xxviii. 12.


touch. Acts xxvii. 3.
Mark xiv. 40, for G"LTTr.

. ,. .

bring down.

thrust down,

xix. 37.

Matt. xi. 23 (pass.,

Luke x. 15.
subdue, Heb. xi. 33.

bind up,


x. 34.

vii. 15.

. .
foundation, Matt. xiii. 35. xxv. 34,
condemn. Matt. xii. 7, 37. Luke vl.
37i. Jas. V. 6.
Luke xi. 50. John xvii. 24. Eph. 1.

. ,
4. Heb. iv. 3. ix. 26. 1 Pet. 1. 20. condemnation.
Rev. xiii. 8. xvii. 8. Acts XXV. 15, for G"L<S.

With -, to conceive, Heb. xi. 11.


. .',.^^.
follow after, i. 36.
beguile of one's reward (marg. judge
against), Col. ii. 18.
bring into bondage, 2 Cor. xi. 20.
Gal. ii. 4 {mid., act. LTS).
setter forth. Acts xvii. 18.


xi. 26.

- .
Acts xvii. 23. ICor.
show. Acts xvi. 17. xxvi. 23. 1 Cor.

of, Rom. i. 8.
preach, Acts iv. 2. xiii. 5, 38. xv.
36. xvii. 3, 13. 1 Cor. ix. 14. Phil.
i. 16(17), 18. Col. i. 28.

teach. Acts xvi. 21.

Add Acts

24, for
ii. 1.
oppress. Acts x. 38. Jas.

Rev. xxii.

, GLTTr-S'.

Matt. xxvi. 74, for


to shame, 1 Cor. xi. 22.

make ashamed, Rom. v. 5.
a curse.


to curse.


laugh to scorn, Matt. ix. 24. Mark Pass., be ashamed, Luke xiii. 17.
V. 40. Luke viii. 53. Rom. ix. 33 (jnarg. be confounded)•
) .
. 11. 2 Cor.
iii. 16.
14. ix 4. IPet.

confound, 1 Cor. i. 27 (ap), 27.
1 Pet. ii. 6.
dishonor, 1 Cor, xi. 4, 5.


2 Pet.


Matt. xxiv. 38, 39.



xvii, 27. 2 Pet. ii. 5.

burn up, Matt. iii. 12. 2 Pet. iii.

10. Rev. viii. It.

burn utterly, Rev. xviii. 8.
burn, Matt. xiii. 30, 40(/ca/6;GTTr).
Luke iii. 17. Acts xix. 19. 1 Cor.
iii.l5. Heb. xiii. 11. Rev. xvii. 16.

Add Rev. viii. 1(ap).

follow after,

to cut,


Acts xvi. 17.

. v. 5.

down headlong, Luke

xxiii. 55.

iv. 29.

Mid. J be

covered, 1 Cor. xi. 6i.
cover, 1 Cor. xi. 7.

boast against, Rom. xi. 18.

— condemnation, Rom. v.

condemn. Matt. xii. 41, 42. xx. 18.

xxvii. 3. Mark x. 33. xiv. 64. Luke
16,18. viii.l.

boast, Rom. xi. 18.

ii. 13.
glory, Jas.
rejoice {marg. glory) against,

iii. 14.
xi. 31, 32. John viii. lO(ajo), 11

. (
(ap). Rom. ii. 1. viii. 3, 34. 1 Cor.
xi. 32. Heb. xi. 7. Jas. v. 9
GLT^). 2 Pet. ii. 6.
damn, Mark xvi. 16 (op). Rom.

Mark i.

keop, Acts ix. 33.

sit down, Luke v. 29.
V. 3, 6. Acts xxviii. 8.

sit at meat, Mark ii. 15. xiv. 3.

1 Cor. viii. 10.
Add Luke

37, for
4. Luke v. xiv. 23.

condemnation, 2 Cor. iii. 9.
With 6,
to condemn, 2 Cor. vii. 3.

exercise lordship over, Mark x. 42.

be lord over {marg. overrule), 1 Pet.
V. 3.
exercise dominion over, Matt. xx. 25.
to break, Mark vi. 41. Luke ix. 16.
overcome, Acts xix. 16.

shut up, Luke iii. 20. Acts xxvi. 10.

speak against, 1 Pet. ii. 12.
speak evil of, Jas. iv. llir.

1 Pet.

by Acts xiii. 19 (/cara- iii. 16.

divide lot,

allot. evil speaking, 1 Pet. ii. 1.

See backbiting, 2 Cor. xii. 20.


backbiter, i. 30.
make down, Luke ix. 14.
Mid., down, Luke xiv. 8. - sit
at meat, Luke xxiv. 30. overtake, IThes. v. 4.
Add, for Luke vii. 36, take, Mark ix. 18. John viii. 3
LTTr. ix. 15, Tr5. (/), 4().
xaraXfyca 219
apprehend, Phil. iii. 12i, 13. zxvii. 40. Mark xiv. 58. xv. 29
attain to, Rom. ix. 30. Acts vi. 14. Rom. xiv. 20. Gal. ii.

obtain, 1 Cor. ix. 24.
come upon, John xii. 35. Pass., come to nought. Acts v. 38.
comprehend, John i. 5.

Mid., comprehend, Eph. iii. 18.
perceive, Acts iv. 13. x. 34. find, —
— be guest,
lodge, Luke ix. 12.
Luke xix. 7.

Acts XXV. 25p. consider, Matt. vi. 28.

1 Tim. V.

take {marg. choose) into the number,

. ,&.

Rom. ix.

to leave, Matt. iv. 13. xvi. 4. xix.

witness against. Matt. xxvi. 62.
xxvii. 13. Mark xiv. 60. xv. 4(/car-


, abide. Acts i. 13.

5. xxi. 17. Mark x. 7. xii. 19. xiv. alone, Mark iv. 10. Luke ix. 18.

^ ^.
52. Luke v. 28. x. 40. xv. 4. xx.

7"8). (-^ GLT

31. John viii. 9 (a/)). Acts ii. 31 (ey- curse, Rev. xxii. 3
vi. 2. xviii. 19. Tr, S).
xxi. 3. xxiv. 27. xxv. 14. Eph. v.

. *4(^-
31. IThes. iii. 1. Tit. i.
to curse. Matt. xxvi.
G'LTS, imperf. T). Heb. iv. 1.
forsake, Heb. xi. 27. 2 Pet. ii. 15.

reserve, xi. 4.
Add Mark

. . xii.

Luke xx.
21 (op). consume, Heb. xii. 29.

be burdensome to, 2 Cor. xii. 13, 14.

,. .
to stone, 6.
be chargeable to, 3 Cor. xi. 9(8).

reconciliation, 2 Cor. v. 18, 19.

reconciling, Rom. xi. 15. beckon unto, Luke v. 7.

atonement, Rom. v. 11.

-. perceive, Luke
vi. 41. xx. 23.
Acts xxvii. 39.
reconcile, Rom. v. 10/. 1 Cor. vii. discover,

. .
11. 2 Cor. V. 18, 19,20.

Plur.f residue, Acts xv. 17.

behold, Acts vii. 31, 32. Jas. i. 23,
consider. Matt. vii. 3.
27. Acts xi. 6,
iii. 1. X. 24.
Luke xii.
iv. 19.

inn, Luke
xxii. 11.
ii. 7.

dissolve, 2 Cor. v. 1.
throw down. Matt. xxiv.
Luke xxi. 6.
Mark xiv. 14.


— attain
, attain to. Acts xxvii. 12.
unto, Phil. iii. 11.

7. xxviii. 13. —
to. Acts xvi. 1. xviii. 19, 24. xxi.
come unto, Acts xxv.
xxvi. 7. 1 Cor. xiv. 36. Eph.

xiii. 2.
overthrow, Acts v. 39.
destroy. Matt. v. 17i.

xxvi. 61. Acts XX. 15.

',come upon, ICor. x. 11.
come over against.
slumber {marg. remorse),
Rom. xi.

8. .
Gen., cursed, 2 Pet.

to curse. Matt. v. 44(a/?). Maikxi.

ii. 14.

to prick,

account worthy,
36 (^pass.,

count worthy, Acta v. 41

i. 5.

ii. 37.

Luke xx.

35. xxi.


make without
make of none
iii. 17.
Luke vi. 28. Rom. xii. 14. Jas.

Pass., be cursed. Matt.

xxv. 41.

Rom. iii. 3.
Rom. iv. 14.

become of no effect, GaL v.

tread down, Luke viii. 5.
Matt. Heb.
4<^. come to nought, ICor. ii. 6.—
tread under foot,
X. 29.
v. 13.

be to be done away, 2 Cor. iii. 7.

— vanish away, —
fail, 1 Cor. xiii. 8. cease. Gal.

tread, xii. 1.
V. 11. ICor.

xiii. 8.
trample, Matt. vii. 6.
make Rom. iii. 31.
cumber, Luke xiii. 7.
rest, Acts vii. 49. Heb. iii. 11, 18.
deliver, Rom. vii. 6.
iv. 1, 3i, 5, 10, 11.
^ loose, Rom. vii. 2.
do away,
^ 1 Cor. xiii. 10. 2 Cor. iii,
give rest, Heb. iv. 8. 11, 14.
restrain, Acts xiv. 18. put away, 1 Cor. xiii. 11.
rest, Heb. iv. 4. put down, 1 Cor. xv. 24.
cease, Heb. iv. 10.

abolish, 2 Cor. iii. 13. Eph. ii. 15.
aa7baa. 2 Tim. i. 10.
veil, Matt, xxvii. 51. Mk. XV. 88. destroy, Rom. vi. 6. 1 Cor. vi. 13.
2. 2Thes.

Lk. Heb. vi. 19. ix. 3.x. 20. XV. Heb.

xxiii. 45. ii. 8. ii. 14.
bring to nought, 1 Cor. i. 28.

swallow up, 1 Cor. xv. 54. 2 Cor.
ii.7. V. 4. Kev. xii. 16.
With iv, number with. Acts i. 17.
swallow, Matt, xxiii. 24.
drown, Heb. xi. 29.
devour, 1 Pet. v. 8. mend. Matt. iv. 21. Mark i. 19.
restore, GaL vi. 1.

fall down, Acts xxviii. 6. make perfect, Heb. xiii. 21. 1 Pet.
Acts xxvi. 14p. V. 10.
Add Luke
viii. 6, for TTr. perfect.
Matt. xxi. 16. 1 Thes. iii.

.. .
'. Pass., be perfect, Luke vi. 40
arrive, Luke viii. 26. (marg. be perfected). 2 Cor. xiii. 11.
— be perfectly joined together, 1 Cor.

oppress, Acts vii. 24. i. 10.
vex, 2 Pet. ii. 7. fit (marg. make up), Rom. ix. 22.

prepare (wiar<7. fit), Heb. x. 5.

Mid. or Pass., sink. Matt XIV. 30. frame, Heb. xi. 3.
— be drowned. Matt, xviii. 6.
perfection, 2 Cor. xiii. 9,

cursing, Heb. vi. 8. Jas. 3. 10.

curse, G^aL iii. 10, 13i. perfecting, Eph. iv. 12.
. .
^. .

beckon, Acts xii. 17. ziii. 16. ziz. to hale, Luke xii. 5S.

33. xxi. 40.

slay, Luke xix. 27.

dig down, Rom. xi. 3.
ruins, Acts xv. 16.
to seal, Rev. v. 1.

prepare. Matt. xi. 10. Mark i. 2.
possession, Acts vii. 5, 45.

Luke i. 17. vii. 27. Heb. xi. 7.

Pass., be a preparing, 1 Pet. iii. 20p.
lay, Mark v. 46(^ LTrS),

build, Heb. iii. 3, 4i.
make, Heb. ix. 2. do,Acts XXV. 9.

ordain, Heb. ix. 6p. show, Acts xxiv. 27.



to lodge,

. Luke
xiii. 19.
ii. 26.
xiii. 32. Mark iv.
concision, Pliil.

thrust through, Heb. xii.

iii. 2.



. ,&.
nest, Matt. viii. 20.

. .
shadow, Heb. ix.

spy out, Gal. ii 4.


ix. 58. run down, Acts xxi. 32.

2 Cor. iv. 4, for

shine upon.


. .
Heb. xi. 31.

deal subtilely with, Acts vii. 19.

appease, Acts xix. 35.

five against, Acts xxvi. 10.
^ass., sink down, Acta xx. 9.
fall,Acts XX. 9.
Add Acts XXV. liap).

flee. Acts xiv. 6. Heb. vi. 18.

, ^ .
Pass., quiet, Acts xix. 36p.

behavior. Tit. ii. 3.
(Pass., perish utterly, 2 Pet.
LTS). — corrupt,
ii. 12

2 Tim.

. .
iii. 8p.

apparel, 1 Tim. ii. 9.

to kiss, Matt. xxvi. 49. Mark xiv.
45. Luke vii. 38, 45. xv. 20. Acta

to overthrow. Matt. xxi. 12 XX. 37.

xi. 15.

. .
despise, Matt. vi. 24. xviii. 10.
begin to wax wanton against, 1 Tim. Luke xvi. 13. Rom. ii. 4. 1 Cor. xi.
V. 11. 22. 1 Tim. iv. 12. vi. 2. Heb. xii.
2. 2 Pet. ii. 10.

overthrow, 2 Pet. ii. 6,

subverting, 2 Tim. ii. 14. despiser, Acts xiii. 41.

to overthrow, 1 Cor, z. 5. pour, Matt. xxvi. 7> Mark xiv. 3.

^. 222

^ ,
Add Acts XV, 30, for G"
Tindep the earth, Phil. ii. 10. LS. xxi.
3, for pass., LS.

to cool,

to abuse, 1 Cor. vii. 31. ix. 18.


xvi. 24.

wholly given to idolatry (marg.

of idols), Acts xvii. 16.
eat up,
2d Aorist,
John ii. 17. Rev. x.
devour up, Matt. xiii. 4. Mark iv. 4.
devour, Matt, xxiii. 14(13, ap).
Mark xii. 40. Luke viii. 5. xv. 30.
XX. 47. 2 Cor. xi. 20, Gal, v. 15.
xi. 5. xii. 4. xx. 9.
9, 10.

over against,

Tr^. xxvii. 24, LTr. For
xiii. 3.

before (wiar^i. like unto), Rom. iv. 17.

Add, for Matt. xxi. 2, L

iTLov, 2 Cor. ii. 17, xii. 19, G"L-S.




to direct, IThes,
5(inarg. guide),
guide, Luke i. 79.

Mark x. 16, for




in the sight of, 2 Cor. ii. 17

. (
make insurrection againsti Acts
avTi G"L«S). xviii. 12,
in one's sight, Col, i. 22.
before the presence of, Jude 24.
hold fast, Thes. v. 21. Heh.

1 iii.
before, 2 Cor. xii. 19 G" 6. X. 23.
hS). Eph. i. 4.
withhold, 2 Thes. ii. e(marg. hold).
hold, Rom. i. 18. vii. 6. Heb. iii.
exercise authority upon, Matt. xx. 14.
25. Mark x. 42. retain, Phm. 13.
stay, Luke iv. 42.

out, Phil.
ii. 12.

27. iv. 15. v. 3. vii.


8, 13. XV. 18. 2 Cor. iv. 17. v. 5.

vii. 10
Jas. i. 3, 20
iv. 3.
LT^S), 10, 11.
LS). 1 Pet.

be wrought, 2 Cor. xii. 12.

2 Thes.
Luke viii.
in memory
1 Cor. XV. 2.
seize on,
ii. 7.

xiv. 9.
15. 1 Cor. xi, 2,
(inarg. hold fast),

Matt. xxi. 38(^;t" G'LTTr

perform, Rom. vii. 18. Pass., have*'°, John v. 4(ap).

do, Rom. ii. 9. vii. 15, 17, 20. possess, 1 Cor. vii. 30. 2 Cor. vi. 10.
Eph. vi. lZ(^marg. overcome).
]Viih TovTo, do this deed, 1 Cor. v. 3.
In navigation, with
Acts xxvii. 40.
, make toward,

cause, 2 Cor. ix, 11,

accuse. Matt. xii. 10. xxvii. 12.

come down, Luke iv. 31. ix. 37^. Mark ill. 2. xv. 3. Luke xi. 54(a/;).
Acts ix. 32. XV. 1. xxi. 10. xxiii. 2, 10, \4t.iwith John v. ).
Actsxxii. 30. xxiv, ().

come, Acts xi. 27. xviii. 5. xxvii. 5. 45i. viii.
go down. Acts viii. 5. xii. 19. 2, 8, 13. XXV, 5, 11, 16. xxviii. 19.
descend, Jas. iii. 15. Rom, ii. 15. Rev. xii. 10.
depart, Acts xiii. 4. object, Acts xxiv. 19,
In navigation, land, Acts xviii. 22p. Add Mark xv. 4, for

, .{ . .

, LTTr5.
Luke 1. 7, inf, for


dwelling, v. 3.

accusation, Luke vi. 7
Tr). John xviii. 29. ITim.


).{, ..,, accussd, Tit.

accuser, John viii. 10 (ap). Acts

xxiii. 30, 35. xxiv. 8(^ap). xxv. 16,
18. Rev. xii. 10 GLTTr).
i. 6.
. 19.
habitation, Eph.

habitation, Acts xvii. 26.

Jas. iv. 5, for

ii. 22. Rev. xviii.2.

bring to dwell.

Mid., behold as in a glass, 2 Cor.

iii. 18.
Rev. xii. 10, for GLTTr.

very worthy deed, Acts xxiv. 2 (Z,

heaviness, Jas. iv. 9.

teach, 1 Cor. xiv. 19. Gal. vi. Qt.


down, Matt. iv. 6. Luke iv. 9.

instruct, Luke i. 4. Acts xviii. 25.
Rom. ii. 18.
, G^ap), S(ap). Acts xx. 9.

to the bottom, Matt, xxvii.

. .
inform. Acts xxi. 21, 24. 51. Mark xv. 38.

See beneath, Mark xiv. 6Q. Acts ii. 19.
beneath, John viii. 23.

to canker, Jas. v. 3.
Comp.f under. Matt. ii. 16.

prevail against, Matt. xvi. 18. lower, Eph.

iv. 9.


prevail, Luke xxiii. 23.
Add Luke xxi. 36, for

Matt, xxiii. 21. Acts ii.


Rev. xvi.

8, 9
vii. 16.

. xiii. 6.
xvi. 9.

(marg. burn).
Mark iv. 6.

9. iv. 16. xix. 10.

dweller in. Acts ii. 9p.
dwell at, Acts ii. 14. ix. 32, 35. With ,
to be burned, Heb. vi. 8.

xix. 17.
dweller at. Acts i. 19p. Pass., with fervent heat, 2 Pet. iii.

dwell. Matt, ii. 23. iv. 13. xii. 45.

lOP, 12p.
Luke xi. 26. xiii. 4. Acts i. 20(ivith
xi. 9. Jas. iv. 5

ii. 5. vii. 2, 4i, 48. ix. 22. xi.

29. xiii. 27. xvii. 24, 26. xxii. 12.

Eph. iii. 17. Col. i. 19. ii. 9. Heb.
2 Pet. iii. 13. Rev. ii. 13i. iii. 10.
vi. 10. xi. lOt. xiii. 8, 12, 14i. xiv.
GLTTr -S). xvii. 8.
burning heat, Jas. i. 11.
heat. Matt. xx. 12. Luke xii. 55.

sear with a hot iron, 1 Tim. iv. 2.

to boast, 3 Cor, vii. 14. ix. 2. x. 8,

inhabiter of, Rev. xii. 1?.p(-GLT 13(-Go), 15, 16. Eph. ii. 9.
Tr, S). xvii. 2p(1611 to 1762, boast one's self, 2 Cor. xi. 16.
now -tant) make one's boast, Rom. ii. 17, 23,
inhabiter, Rev. viii. 13p. glory, Rom. v. 3. 1 Cor. 1. 29, 31i.

21. iv. 7.

in glorying,
2 Cor. v. 12. x.
xi. 12, 18t, 30t. xii. 1, 5t, 6, 9. Gal.
vi. 13, 14. 2Thes.

2 Cor.
v. 2. Phil.
^{marg. glory), iv. 16.

( 11p(ow*S).

xxvii. 58, 64.
command. Matt. xiv. 9, 19.
LTrS). xviii. 25.
Luke xviii. 40. Acts
iv. 15p. v. 34. viii. 3S. xii. 19. xvi.
3. Jas. 22. xxi. 33, 34. xxii. 24, 30. xxiii.

3, 10, 35. xxiv. 6(ap). xxv. 6, 17,


joy, Rom.
V. 11. 21. xxvii. 43.

give commandment, Matt. viii. 18.
boasting, 2 Cor. ix. 3. at one's commandment, Acts xxv.

glorying, ICor. v. 6. ix. 15.
bid. Matt. xiv. 28.
With oVf nothing to glory of, 1 Cor.
ix. 16.
to glory, Rom. iv. 2. 2 Cor. v. 12. vainglory, Phil. ii. 3.
rejoicing, 2 Cor. i. 14. Gal. vi. 4.


26. Heb.
that I
iii. 6.


boasting, Rom. iii. 27. 2 Cor. vii.

14. viii. 24. ix. 4(omS). xi. 10, 17.
glorying, 2 Cor. vii. 4.
rejoice, Phil.
desirous of vain glory, Gal. v. 26.

empty, Mark
XX. 10, 11.
xii. 3.

vain, ICor. xv. 14i. Eph. v. 6.

Col. ii. 8. Jas. ii. 20.

Neut. plur., vain things. Acts iv. 25.

i. 53.

1° may glory, Rom. xv. 17.

whereof in vain, 1 Cor. xv. 10, 58. 1 Thes.
rejoicing, ICor. xv. 31. 2 Cor. i. ii.1.
Jas. iv. 16.

to He, Matt, xxviii. 6.

16. John XX. 5, 6, 7,
12. IThes. iL 19 (wiar^. glorying).

Luke ii. 12,

12. IJohn v.

Gen., vain,
ii. 16.
in vain, 2 Cor. vi. 1. Gal.
2. Phil. ii. let. 1 Thes. iii. 5.

1 Tim. vi. 20. 2 Tim.

19. Rev. xxi. 16.
there, John xxi. 9p.
make void, Rom. iv. 14. 1 Cor. ix.
be laid, Matt. iii. 10. Luke iii. 9.
xxiii. 53. xxiv. 12(ap). John xi.
make of none effect, 1 Cor. i. 17.

41 (a;;). ICor. iii. 11.
Pass., be in vain, 2 Cor. ix. 3.
be laid up, Luke xii. 19.
Luke make of no reputation, Phil. ii. 7.

be set. Matt. v. 14. ii. 34.
John ii. 6. xix. 29. Phil. i. 17.
Rev. iv. 2. prick. Acts ix. 5(ap). xxvi. 14.
be appointed, 1 Thes. iii. 3. sting, 1 Cor. xv. 55, 56. Rev. ix. 10.
be made, 1 Tim. i. 9.
be, 2 Cor. iii. 15.

. centurion, Mark xv.

39, 44, 45.

grave-clothes, John xi. 44. in vain, Jas. iv. 5.

to shear, Acts xviii. 18. ICor. xi. 6i.
shearer, Acts viii. 32p.

shout, 1 Thes. iv. 16.


ix. 21.
Matt. V. 18.

Matt, xxvii.
Luke xvi. 17.

7, 10. Rom.
of a potter, Rev. ii. 27.
7, IC. xii. 21.
i. 14.
i. 18.

iv. 4.

22. iv. 15. v.

ix. 7, 17i, 19. x.

xiv. 14.
IPet. ii. 7.

1. xii. 1, 3t. xiii. If, 3.
pitcher, Mark xiv. 13. Lnke xxii.

xvii. 3, 7, 9. xviii. 19. xix. 12.
'. Said of Christ, Head, Col. ii. 19.

tiling, Luke v. 19.

pour out, Rev. xiv. 10.

fill. Rev. xviii. 6t.
volume, Heb. x. 7.

1 Cor. ix. 9, for

,, to muzzle.
horn, Luke


69. Rev. v. 6. ix. 13.
xii. 3. xiii. \t, 11. xvii. 3, 7, 12, 16.
Matt. xvii. 25.
xii. 14.

Gen.f tribute, adj., Matt. xxii. 19.
xxii. 17.


to gain,
Luke xv.

Matt. xvi. 26.


XXV. 17, 20, 22. Mark viii. 36.

Luke ix. 25p. Acts xxvii. 21. 1 Cor.
xviii. 15.

garden, Luke xiii. 19.
1, 26. xix. 41 i.

,. John xx. 15.

John xviii.

ix. 19, 20i, 21, 22.

get gain, Jas. iv. 13.
win, Pliil. iii. 8. 1 Pet. iii. 1.

Add Matt. xxv. 16, for ^ G'
xxiv. 42(ap).
preaching. Matt. xii. 41. Luke xi.

32. Rom. xvi. 25. 1 Cor. i. 21. ii. 4.


money, John
gain, Pliil. i. 21.
lucre, Tit. i. 11.


changer of money, John

sum. Acts xxii. 28. Heb.



ii. 14.

viii. 1."
XV. 14. 3 Tim. iv. 17. Tit. i. 3.

preacher, 1
2 Pet. ii. 5.

xiii. 10.
Tim. ii.

Luke xii. 3. Rev. v.

Mark i. 45. v. 20. vii.
Luke viii. 39.
7. 2 Tim. i. 11.


preach, Matt. iii. 1. iv. 17, 23. ix.
35. X. 7, 27. xi. 1. xxiv. 14. xxvi.
to wound in the head, Mark xii. 4.
13. Mark i. 4, 7, 14, 38, 39 («;///< i]v

(]-& fr. )). iii. 14.

head, Matt. v. 36. vi. 17. viii. 20. 15(o^), 20(a;0.
vi. 12. xiv. 9. xvi.
X. 30. xiv. 8, 11. xxi. 42. xxvi. 7. Luke
4A(with Ir).
iii. 3. iv. 18, 19,
xxvii. 29, 30, 37, 39. Mark vi. 24, viii. 1. ix. 2. xxiv. 47. Acts viii. 5.
2.5, 27, 28. xii. 10. xiv. 3. xv. 19, ix. 20. X. 37, 42. xv. 21. xix. 13.
29. Luke vii. 38, 44(om5), 46. ix. XX. 25. xxviii. 31.
58. xii. 7. XX. 17. xxi. 18, 28. John Rom. ii. 21. x. 8, 15. 1 Cor. i. 23.
xiii. 9. xix. 2, 30. xx. 7, 12. Acts ix. 27P. XV. 11, 12. 2 Cor. i. 19. iv.
iv. 11. xviii. 6, 18. xxi. 24. xxvii. 5. xi. At. Gal. ii. 2. v. 11. Phil. i.
34. 15. Col. 23. IThes. Tim.
Rom. xii. 20. 1 Cor. xi. Sir, 4/, 5t, iii. IG. 2.i. ii.

iv. 2. 1 Pet. iii. 19.

9. 1
preacher, Rom.
.. 14». 38. Till. 52i. xix. 41. xxii. 62.

whale, Matt. xii. 40.

ark, Matt. xxiv. 38.

, Luke xvii. 27.
xxiil. 28<. John xi. 31, 33i. xvi.

XX. Hi, 13, 15. Acts ix. 39.
xxi. 13.
xii. 15i. 1 Cor. vii. 30i. Phil,
18. Jas. iv. 9. v. 1. Rev. v. 4,

Heb. ix. 4. xi. 7. 1 Pet. iii. 20. 5. xviiL 11, 15, 19.
Rev. xi. 19.
-. bewail. Rev. xviii. 9.

harp, 1 Cor. xiv. 7. Rev. v. 8. xiv.

2. XV. 2.

Luke xxiv. 35. Acts ii. 42.

to harp, 1 Cor. xiv. 7. Rev. xiv. 2. fragment, Matt. xiv. 20. Mark vi.
43. viii. 19, 20. Luke ix. 17. John
vi. 12, 13.
harper, Rev. xiv. 2. xviii. 22. Plur., broken "meat, Matt. xv. 37.

cinnamon. Rev. xviii. 13.

viii. 8.

weeping. Matt. ii. 18.
13. xxiv. 51. XXV. 30.
viii. 12. xxii.
Luke xiii. 28.

be in danger, Acta xix. 27, 40.
With weep*^". Acts xx. 37.
be in jeopardy, Luke viii. 23.
wailing, Matt. xiii. 42, 50.
stand in jeopardy, 1 Cor. xv. 30.

break, Matt. xiv. 19. xv. 36. xxvi.

peril, Rom. viii. 35. 2 Cor. xi. 26
26. Mark viii. 6, 19. xiv. 22. Luke
xxii. 19. xxiv. 30. Acts ii. 46. xx.

7, 11. xxvii. 35P. 1 Cor. x. 16. xi.
move, Matt, xxiii. 4. Acts xxi. 30. 24, 24(-LT>S').
Rev. vi. 14.
Add Rom. xi. 20, for L.
Mid., move, Acts xvii. 28.
mover of. Acts xxiv. 5p.

remove, Rev. ii. 5.

moving, John v. 3(ap).
key. Matt. xvi. 19. Luke xi. 52.
wag, Matt, xxvii. 39. Markxv. 29. Rev. i. 18. iii. 7. ix. 1. xx. 1.
shut, Matt. vi. 6p. xxv. 10. Luke
xi. 7. John xx. 19?, 26, Acts v. 23.
xxi. 30. Rev. iii. 7i, 8. xi. 6. xxi.
branch, Matt. xiii. 32.
xxiv. 32. Mark iv. 32.
19, 21.
.. .
xiii. 19. Rom.

xi. 16, 17, 18,

shut up, Matt, xxiii. 13(14).
iv. 25. 1 John iii.

Rev. ix. 21.
17. Rev. xx. 3.

,weep. Matt.
V. 38, 39.

ii. 18. xxvi. 75.
xiv. 72 (inarg., with
weep abundantly or begin

- to
glory, 1 Pet.

. ii.

Matt. vi. 19, 20.

xxiv. 43.
xvi. 10 Luke xii. 33, 39. John x. 1, 8, 10.

vi. 21, 25. vii. 13, 32, xii. 6. 1 Cor. vi. 10. 1 Thes. v. 2, 4.

ir. 15.
3. xvi. 15.
.2 Pet. iii. 10. Rev.

Matt. xx. 16(a/)). xxii. 14.

. .{

steal, Matt. vi. 19, 20.

xxvii. 64. xxviii. 13. Mark x. 19.
xviii. 20.
21i. xiii. 9. Eph.
Rom. i. 1, 6, 7. viii. 28. 1 Cor. i. 1
xix. 18. (-GoL»'), 2. Jude 1. Rev. xvii. 14.
which is called, 1 Cor. i. 24.
John. x. 10. Rom.
iv. 28i.
oven, Matt. vi. 30.
. Luke xii, 28.

John xv. 2, 4, 5, 6.

inherit, Matt. v. 5. xix. 29. xxv.

34. Mark x. 17. Luke x. 25. xviii.
18. 1 Cor. vi. 9, 10. xv. 50i. Gal, v.

region, 2Cor.xi. 10. Gal.
Rom. xv.

Acts V. 15, for

a small bed.
i. 21.

9. Rev. xxi. *(
21. Heb. vi. 12. xii. 17, 1 Pet. iii.
G'). bed, Matt. ix.

{ 2, 6. Mark iv. 2^.

obtain by inheritance, Heb. i. 4. vii. 30. Luke v. 18. viii. 16. xvli.
be heir of, Heb. i. 14,
be heir. Gal. iv. 30.
Add Matt. xix. 16, for

inheritance. Matt. xxi. 38. Mark

^ L^S.
Acts V. 15
ii. 22.
table {marg. bed),

couch, Luke
.. Mark

v. 19, 24.

vii. 4.

xii. 7.
vii. 5.


. xii. 13. xx. 14. Acts

XX. 32. Gal. iii. 18. Eph. i.
14, 18. V. 5. Col. iii. 24. Heb. ix.
15. xi. 8. 1 Pet. i. 4.

Matt. xxi. 38. Mark xii. 7. 12.

17i. Gal. iii. 29. iv. 1, 7. Tit. iii. 7.

Heb. 2. vi. 17. xi. 7. Jas.
to bow, John xix. 30.
bow down, Luke xxiv.

be far spent, Luke xxiv. 29.
Luke XX. 14. Rom. iv. 13, 14. viii. turn to flight, Heb. xi. 34.


lay. Matt. viii. 20.
wear away, Luke

ix. 58.

i. ii.

Actsi. 26i. viii. 21.

Ace. plur.f in a company, Luki» ix.

lots, Matt, xxvii. 35, Z5(ap). Mark
theft, Matt. xv. 19. Mark vii. 22.
XV. 24. Luke xxiii. S4(plur. L^T).
John xix. 24.
part, Acts i. 17, 25 G'LT).(
inheritance. Acts xxvi. 18. Col. 1.
wave, Jas.
raging, Luke
i. 6.
viii. 24.
heritage, 1 Pet. v. 3.
. be tossed to and fro, Eph. iv. 14.

i. lli^KaliuG'L).

vii. 20.
iii. 1.
2Thes. i.

2 Pet. i. 10.
Pass., obtain an inheritance,


xi. 29. 1
18. iv. 4.
2 Tim.
PhiL iii.
i.9. Heb.

1. 26.
ears, 2 Tim.
toith rrjv

farthing, Matt. v. 26.

belly, Matt.
iv. 3.

xii. 40.
have itching


xv. 17.


vocation, Eph. iv. i. vii. 19. Luke xv. 16. John vii. 38.

Rom. xvi. 18. 1 Cor. vi. IZt. Phil,

iii. 19. Rev. x. 9, 10.

womb, Matt. xix. 12. Luke i. 15,

9 (
1. iii. 10.
IJohni. 2,t, 6, 7.
contribution, Rom. xv. 26.
Phil. i. 5. ii.

41, 42, 44. ii. 21. xi. 27. xxiii. 29.

John iii. 4. Acts iii. 2. ziv. 8. Gal.

,, 2 Cor. ix. 13.

i. 15.

Passive, and Future Middle,

fall asleep. Acts vii. 60. 1 Cor. xv.
6, 18. 2 Pet. iii. 4.
fall on sleep, Acts xiii. 36.
ble), 1 Tim. vi. 18.

willing to communicate {marg. socia-

partaker. Matt, xxiii. 30. 1 Cor. x.

18. 2Cor. i. 7. IPet. v. 1. 2 Pet.
i. 4.

sleep, Matt, xxvii. 52. xxviii. 13p.
Luke xxii. 45. John xi. 11, 12. partner, Luke v. 10. 2 Cor. viii. 23.

Acts xii. 6. 1 Cor. xi. 30. xv. 20, Phm. 17.
51. IThes. iv. 14. With have fellowship with,
1 Cor. X. 20.
be asleep, 1 Thes. iv. 13, 15.
companion, Heb. x. 33.
be dead, 1 Cor. vii. 39.

taking of
rest, xi. 13.
Add Rev.

bed, Luke

xi. 7.
9, for

Heb. xiii. 4.

common. Acts
28. xi. 8. Tit. i.

44. iv. 32. x. 14,
Jude 3.
Rom. ix. 10.
ixcjj conceive,
chambering, Rom. xiii. 13.

unclean, Rom. xiv. 14i {marg. com-

mon), 14.

Rev. xxi. 27, for ^ ,

Neiit., unholy thing, Heb. x. 29.

Add Mark vii. 5, for
With ,
and scarlet colored, Rev. xvii. 3.
chamberlain ( Gr. over the
defiled {marg. common), Mark vii. 2. bed-chamber), Acts xii. 20.

scarlet. Matt, xxvii. 28. Heb. ix.

19 (marg. purple).
call common. Acts x. 15. xi. 9.
Pass., unclean, Heb. ix. 13p.
defile, Matt. xv. lit, 18, 20t. Mark
scarlet. Rev. xviii. 12, 16.

Neut.j scarlet color. Rev. xvii. 4.


vii. 15t, 18, 20, 23. Rev. xxi. 27(p,
pollute, Acts xxi. 28.

be partaker of, Rom. xv. 27. 1 Tim.

grain. Matt. xiii. 31. xvii. 20.
Mark iv. 31. Luke xiii. 19. xvii. 6.
1 Cor. XV. 37.
corn, John
xii. 24.

. , ^
V. 22. Heb. ii. 14. 1 Pet. iv. 13. punish, Acts iv. 21. 2 Pet. ii. 9.
2 John 11.

distribute, Rom. xii. 13.
Add 2 Pet. ii. 4,
communicate, Gal. vi. 6. Phil. iv. 15. for fr. hS.

Gen.f flattering, 1 Thes. ii. 5.

communion, 1 Cor. x. 16<. 2 Cor.
vi. 14. xiii. 14(13).
communication, Phm. 6. punishment, Matt. xxv. 46.
to communicate"", Heb. xiii. 16. torment, 1 John iv. 1 8.
fellowship, Ants ii. 42. ICor. i. 9.
2 Cor. viii. 4. Gal. U. 9. Eph. iii. buffet. Matt. xxvi. 67. Mark xiv.
65. 1 Cor. ir. 11. 2 Cor. xii.
U. 20P.

Middle, and Passive Aorist,

cleave, Luke x. 11.
Rom. xii. 9.
Acts xvii. 34.
7. 1 Pet.
to white,
xxiii. 3.


dust, Matt. X. 14. Luke ix. 5. x.

11. Acts xiii. 51. xxii. 23.
27. Acta

join one's self, Luke xv. 15. Acts
V. 13. viii. 29. ix. 26.
be joined, ICor. vi. 16, 17.

vL 51.
cease, Matt. xiv. 32. Mark iv. 39.

keep company. Acts x. 28.
Add Matt. xix. 5, for
lamentation, Acts viii. 2.

G"LTTr. Rev. viii. 5, for
^>, QLTTtS.

eye-salve, Rev. iii. 18.

8. slaughter, Heb. vii. 1.

be wearied, John iv. 6.

toil. Matt. vi. 28. Luke v. 5. xii.

money-changer, Matt. xxi. 12. Mark 27(ap).
xi. 15.
labor. Matt. xi. 28. John iv. 38.
changer, John ii. 15. Acts XX. 35. Rom. xvi. 12, 12(a/)).
1 Cor. iv. 12. xv, 10. xvi. 16. Eph.

shorten, Matt. xxiv. 22t.
Mark xiii. iv. 28. Phil. ii. 16. Col. i. 29.
IThes. V. 12. ITim. iv. 10. v. 17.
2 Tim. ii. 6. Rev. ii. ^{a<p).
John 1.

Luke vi. 38.
18. xiii. 23.
creek, Acts xxvii. 39.

swim, Acts xxvii. 43.
xvi. 22, 23. bestow labor (onO John iv. 38^
xvi. 6. Gal. iv. 11.

Plur., with
weariness, 2 Cor. xi. 27.
to trouble,
Matt. XX vi. 10. Mark xiv. 6. Luke

pool, John
,. V. 2, 4(ap), 7. ix. 7, 11

colony, Acts xvi. 12.

xi. 7. xviii. 5. Gal. vi. 17.
labor, John iv. 38. 1 Cor. iii. 8. xv.
58. 2 Cor. vi. 5. x. 15. xi. 23.
IThes. i. 3. ii. 9. iii. 5. 2The3.

8. Heb. vi. lOCom^). Rev. ii. 2.
xiv. 13.

. .
have long hair, 1 Cor. xi. 14, 15.

, Luke xiv. 35.


hair, 1 Cor. xi. 15.

^. to dung, Luke xiii. 8


full of dung, filthy.

bring, Luke vii. 37.

Luke xiii. 8, for
Mid., receive, Matt. xxv. 27. 3 Cor. GLTTr5.
V. 10. Eph. vi. 8. Heb. x. 36. xi.
19, 39. 1 Pet. i. 9. v. 4. 2 Pet. ii. 13.
— r^cjive cut down, Matt. xxi. 8. Mark xi. 8.
for, Col. iii. 25.
Mid., lament. Matt. xi. 17. Rev. xviii.
9. — wail. Rev. i. 7. —
bewail, Luke
With (, begin to amend. John iv. viii. 52. xxiii. 27. — moum. Matt
62. ixxiv. 30.

| . 230
Rom. i. 8, 20. iii. 6, 19. iv. 13. v.
Luke xii. 24. 12, 13. xi. 12, 15. ICor. i. 20^ 21,
:(. 27, 27(ap), 28. ii. 12. iii. 19^ 22.

iv. 9, 13. V. lOS 10. vi. 2i. vii. 31ii,
damsel, Matt. xiv. 11. Mark v. 41, 33, 34. viii. 4. xi. 32. xiv. 10. 2 Cor.
42. vi. 22, 28i. i. 12. V. 19. vii. 10. Gal. iv. 3. vi.
maid. Matt. ix. 24, 25. Ut, Eph. i. 4. ii. 2\ 12. Phil. ii.

Corban, Mark vii. 11.

treasury, Matt, xxvii. 6.

Pass, or Mid., eat enough. Acts

xxvii. 38p.— full, ICor. iv. 8p.
15. Col. i. 6. ii. 8, 20i. 1 Tim. i. 15.

16. vi. 7.

16i, 17.

iv. 4t. 1 Pet. i. 20. v. 9. 2 Pet. i. 4.

ii. 5t, 20. iii. 6. 1 John ii. 2, 15ir,

5ir, 9, 14, 171.

ii. {
iv. 3. ix. 26. x. 5. xi. 7, 38.
27. 5^

17. iv. 1, 3, 4,
1, 13,
V. 4i, 5, 19. 2 John
omS). iii. 6.

measure, Luke xvi. 7. 7. Rev. xi. 15. xiii. 8. xvii. 8.

to trim, Matt. xxv. 7.
adorn, Luke xxi. 5. 1 Tim. ii. 9.

Tit. ii. 10. 1 Pet. iii. 5. Rev. xxi. 2.
garnish. Matt. xii. 44. xxiii. 29.
Luke xi. 25. Rev. xxi. 19.
Add John

cumi, Mark

36 (ap).

v. 41.

watch. Matt, xxvii. 65, 66. xxviii.

. 11.

worldly. Tit. ii. 12. Heb. ix. 1.
lighten. Acts xxvii. 38.

good behavior {marg. modest),






vi. 12.


marked ^.)
vi. 43. viii. 19.
vi. 13.

couch, Acts V. 15.

bed, Mark
basket, Matt. xiv. 20. xvi. 9.
Luke ix. 17.


ii. 4, 9, 11, 12. vi. 55.



adorning, 1 Pet. iii.

world, Matt. iv. 8. v. 14. xiii. 35

(-LTTr), 38. xvi. 26. xviii. 7.
xxiv. 21. XXV. 34. xxvi. 13. Mark
viii. 36. xiv. 9. xvi. 15(ap). Luke
3. John
Acts ix. 33.

to cry, Matt. ix. 27.

V. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12(-TTr''5').

xiv. 30. xv.

23. XX. 31. xxi. 9, 15. xxvii. 50p.
ix. 25. xi. 50. xii. 30.
.John i. 9, lOir, 29. iii. 16, 17ir,
19. iv. 42. vi. 14, 33, 51. vii. 4, 7.
viii. 12, 23if, 26. ix. 5i, 39^. x. 36.
xi. 9S 27.
xiii. 11, 1.
(^ omS),
xii. 19, 25', 31^.', 46, 47i.
xiv. 17, 19, 22, 27, 30^ xxiv.
31. xv. 18, 19€.
Mark i. 2Q((puvt:o TTrS). iii. 11. v.
5, 7. ix. 26. X. 48. xi. 9. Luke
xviii. 39. John i. 15. vii. 28, 37.
xii. 13 LTTr-S), 44. Acts
vii. 60. xvi. 17. xix. 32. xxi. 36.
Rom. viii. 15. ix. 27. Gal. iv. 6.
xvi. 8, lis 20, 21, 28i, 33i. xvii. 5, Jas. V. 4. Rev. vi. 10. vii. 2, 10.
G, 9, 11/, ni-G^LTTrS), 13, 14/r, X. St. xii. 2. xiv. 15. xviii. 2, 18,
15, 16i, 18<, 21, 23, 24, 25. xviii. 19. xix. 17.
20, dQH, 37. xxi. 25, Acts xvii. 24. cry out, Matt. viii. 29. xiv. 26. xx.
30. xxvii. 23.
XV. 13, 14,
39(-^5). Luke
ix. 24. .
iv. 41
most excellent,
. Luke 1. 3.

John xix. 12
LT). ix. 39. xix. 40. xxiii. 26.

LTTr, -S). most noble, Acts xxiv.
Acts vii. 57. xiv. 14. xix. 28, 34.
. 3. xxvi. 25.

xxi. 28. xxiii. 6.

Add Matt. xv. 22, for

With ,
strength, Luke i. 51.
mightily, i>cts xix. 20.
power, Eph. i. 19. vi. 10. Col. i.
11. 1 Tim. vi. 16. Heb. ii. 14. Rev.

surfeiting, Luke xxi. 34.
V. 13.
dominion, 1 Pet. iv. 11. v. 11. Jude

. Mark xv. 22.

skull, Matt, xxvii. 33. 25. Rev. i. 6.
John xix. 17.
Calvary {marg. the place of a skull),
Luke xxiii. 33. to cry, Matt. xii. 19. xv. 22
LTrAS). John xi. 43. xviii. 40.
border, Matt, xxiii. 5. Mark vi. 56.
cry out,
John xix. 6, 15. Acts xxii.

Luke viii. 44. Add, for Luke iv. 41, LT.

mighty, 1 Pet. v.
hem. Matt. ix. 20. xiv. 36.

strengthen, Eph. iii. 16.

John xii.

13, LTTr 5". xix. 12, LTTr.

Matt. xxv. 5. Acts xxiii.

Rev. xiv. 18 (<
crying, Heb. v. 7. Rev. xxi. 4.

40. —
Pass., wax strong, Luke 1. 80.
be strong, 1 Cor. xvi. 13.

lay hold on, Matt. xii. 11. xiv. 3.

xxvi. 55, 57. Mark iii. 21. xii. 12,
ii. clamor, Eph. iv. 31.
Add Luke



42, for (^,
xiv. 21. 1 Cor. viii. 13.

xiv. 51. Rev. xx. 2.

better, 1 Cor. vii. 9. xi. 17- Phil,
lay hold upon, Mark vi. 17. Heb. i. 23. Heb. i. 4. vii. 7, 19, 22. viii.
vi. 18. 6t. ix. 23. X. 34. xi. 35. 1 Pet. iii.
lay hands on, Matt, xviii. 28. xxi. 17. 2 Pet. ii. 21.
46. Heb.
better "country, xi. 16.

, .(
take. Matt. xxii. 6. xxvi. 4, 50. Neut., better thing, Heb. vi. 9. xi.
xiv. 1, 44, 46, 49. Acts xxiv. 40. xii. 2A. —
Adv., better, ICor.
vii. 38.
take by, Matt. ix. 25. Mark i. 31.
best, 1 Cor. xii. 31 LT/S).
V. 41. ix. 27. Luke viii. 54.
obtain, Acts xxvii. 13.
hold, Mark vii. 3, 4, 8. Luke xxiv. hang, Matt, xviii. 6. Luke xxiii.
39. Acts V. 30. X. 39.
16. Acts
vii. 1.

24. iii. Up. Col. ii. 19.
15. Rev. ii. 1, 14, 15.

hold fast, Matt. rxvi. 48. Heb. iv.

14. Rev. ii. 13, 25. iii. 11.
hold by, Matt, xxviii. 9.
keep, Mark ix. 10.
Mid., hang, Matt. xxii. 40.
xxviii. 4. Gal. iii. 13.

steep place, Matt. viii. 32.

13. Luke viii. 33.


retain, John xx. 23i. barley, Rer. vi. 6«

& &. 232
ordain, Acts xvi. 4.
barley, adj.,
John vi. 9, 13.

judgment, Matt. vii. 2. John ix. 39.

Acts xxiv. 25. Rom. ii. 2, 3. v. 16.
condemn, John iii. 17, ISt.
xiii. 27p.

With ^
xiv. 22.
damn, 2 Thes. ii. 12.
avenge, Rev. xviii. 20.

call in question, Acts xxiii. 6. xxiv.

xi. 33. Gal. v. 10. Heb. vi. 2. 1 Pet.
iv. 17. 2 Pet. ii. 3. Rev. xvii. 1.
Mid. or Pass., sue at the law. Matt.
XX. 4.
)^ V. 40.

go to law, 1 Cor. vi. 1, 6.
vi. 7.
With ,
Plur,f with, go to law, 1 Cor.

avenge. Rev. xviii. 20.

condemnation, Lukexxiii. 40. 1 Cor.
xi. 34:(7narg.
Add Jas. V. 9, for

judgment. Matt. v. 21, 22. x. 15.

judgment). 1 Tim. iii. 6. xi. 22, 24. xii. 18, 20, 36, 41, 42.
Jas. iii. l(^marg. judgment). Jude4. xxiii, 23. Mark vi. 11 (a/?). Luke
xxiv. 20.
, to be condemned, Luke X. 14. xi. 31, 32, 42. John v. 22,
27, 30. vii. 24. viii. 16. xii. 31. xvi.
damnation, Matt, xxiii. 14(13, ap). 8, 11. Acts viii. 33.
Mark xii. 40. Luke xx. 47. Rom. 2 Thes. i. 5. 1 Tim. v. 24. Heb. ix.
iii. 8.

xiii. 2. 1 Cor. xi. 29 (marg.
judgment). ITim. v. 12.
27. X. 27. Jas.
9. iii. 7.
Rev. xiv.
ii. ISt. 2 Pet. ii. 4,
iv. 17. Jude 6, 15.
xvi. 7. xviii. 10. xix. 2.
lily, Matt. vi. 28.
to esteem, Rom. xiv. 5/,
think, Acts xxvi. 8.

determine. Acts iii. 13p. XX. 16.

XXV. 25. xxvii. 1. 1 Cor. ii 2. 2 Cor.
ii. 1. Tit. iii. 12.
xii. 27.

iii.2^ {.
Jas.v. 12 (see

G"). John V. 29.

condemnation, John iii. 19. v. 24.

damnation. Matt, xxiii. 33. Mark


accusation, 2 Pet. ii. 11. Jude

, 9.

conclude, Acts xxi. 25. judgment-seat, Jas. ii. 6.

vi. 37i. vii.
vii. 1, 2t. xix. 28.
43. xii. 57. xix.
xxii. 30. John v. 22, 30. vii.
24i, 51. viii. 15i, 16, 26, 50. xii.
41t, 48i. xvi. 11, xviii. 31. Acts iv.
judgment, 1 Cor. vi. 4.
Gen,, to judge"", 1 Cor. vi. 2.

judge. Matt. v. 25t. xii. 27. Luke

xi. 19. xii. 58i. xviii. 2, 6. Acts
19. vii. 7. xiii. 46. xvi. 15. xvii.
xiii. 20. xviii. 15, xxiv. 10. Jas. ii.
31. xxiii. 3. xxiv. 6(ap). xxv. 9,
4. iv. 11.
10, 20. xxvi. 6.

Said of God or Christ, Judge, Acts
Rom. ii. Itr, 3, 12, 16, 27. iii. 4, X. 42. Heb. xii. 23.—
judge, 2 Tim.
0, 7. xiv. 3, 4, 10, 13i. 1 Cor. iv. 5.
iv. 8. Jas. V. 9.
V. 3 (mar^i. determine), 12<, 13. vi.
2^ 3. X. 15, 29. xi. 13, 31, 32p.
2 Cor. V. 14p. Col. ii. 16. 2 Tim. iv.
1. Heb. X. 30. xiii. 4. Jas. ii. 12.
iv. IKr, 12. 1 Pet. i. 17. ii. 23. iv.
Rev. vi. 10. xi. 18. xvi. 5.
Add Luke xii. 14, for

Jas. iv. 12(Lawgiver

discerner, Heb. iv. 12.


5, 6.
xviii. 8. xix. 2, 11. xx. 12, 13.
my sentence is, Acts xv. to knock. Matt. vii. 7, 8. Lnke xi.
19. 9, 10. xii. 36. xiii. 2.'). Acts xii.
decree, ICor. vii. 37. 13P, 16. Rev. iu. 20.
hid, Matt.
xii. 2.
hidden, 1 Pet. iii. 4.
26. Mark ir.

22. possessor, Acts iv. 34.


create, Mark xiii. 19. 1 Cor. xi. 9.

Neut., hidden thing, 1 Cor. iv. 5. Eph. ii. 10. iii. 9. iv. 24. Col. i.
2 Cor. iv. 2.
16i. iii. 10. ITim. iv. 3. Rev. iv.
secret, Luke viii. 17.
lit. X. 6.
secret, subst., Rom. ii. 16. 1 Cor. Rom. 25p.

Creator, i.
xiv. 25.
make, Eph. ii. 15.
With evj in secret, Matt. vi. 4i, 6i, Add Matt. xix. 4, for Tr.

^ ;.
18i(/fpv0aZo?G"LTTr5'). John vii.
4, 10. xviii. 20. — inwardly, Rom.
creation, Mark x. 6. xiii. 19. Rom.
ii. 29.
in a secret place, Luke i. 20. viii. 22(marg. creature). 2 Pet.
xi. 33. iii 4. Rev. iii. 14.

creature, Mark xvi, 15(a;?). Rom.

xxv. i. 25. viii. 19, 20, 21, 39. 2 Cor. v.
to hide. Matt. v. 14. xiii. 44i.
17. Gal. vi. 15. Col. i. 15, 23. Heb.
25. Luke xviii. 34. xix. 42. Col.
iv. 13.
v. 25. Heb. xi. 23.

iii. 3. 1
Rev. ii. 17. vi. 15, 16. building, Heb. ix. 11.

Pass,y hide one's self, John viii. 59. ordinance, 1 Pet. ii. 13.
xii. 36.
keep secret. Matt. xiii. 35. creature, 1 Tim. iv. 4.

. Jas, i, 18.

secretly, John xix. 38p. Rev, V. 13. viii. 9.
Add, for Matt. xi. 25


XXV. 18, LTTrS. For

Creator, 1 Pet. iv. 19.
Matt. xiii. 33, G'. Luke xiii. 21,


Eph. iv. 14.

clear as crystal, Rev. xxi. Up.
government, 1 Cor. xii. 28.

crystal, Rev.

iv. 6. xxii. 1.

hidden, secret.
ship-master. Rev. xviii. 17.
master, Acts xxvii. 11.

Matt. vi.l8<, for
encircle, surround.

in secret, Eph. v. 12. Rev. XX.

9, for G'LTTr.

Acts xxii. 28.

round about. Rev. iv. 3, 4. v, 11

provide {marg. get). Matt. x. 9. (see
purchase, Acts i. 18. viii. 20. about, Rev. iv. 8.
possess, Luke xviii.
1 Thes. iv. 4.
. 12. xxi, 19.
Dat., round about,
6, 36. Luke ix. 12.
Mark iii. 34.
Rom. xv.

22. Acts

ii. 45. v. 1.

possession, Matt. xix. 22.

Luke x. 34. Acts xxiii. 24.

Cor. XV. 39. Rev. xviii. 13.
Mark x. Rev.
iv. 6. vii. 11.

Rev. v. 11, for

to compass, Luke

xxi. 20.
compass about, Heb. xi. 30p. Rev.
master, Matt. vi. 24. xv. 27. Mark
XX. 9

come round about, John x. 24.
stand round about, Acta xiv. 20p.

wallowing, 2 Pet.
ii. 22.
xiii. 35.Luke xiv. 21. xvi. 13. Acts
xvi. 16, 19. Rora. xiv. 4. Eph. vi.
5, 9. Col. iii.22. iv. 1.
owner, Luke xix. 33.
sir. Matt. xiii. 27. xxi. 30. xxvii.
63. Luke xiv. 21. John iv. 11, 15,

Mid.f wallow,
. Mark

maimed. Matt. xv. 30, 31. xvlii.

ix. 20.
19, 49. V. 7. xii. 21. xx. 15. Acta
xvi. 30. Rev. vii. 14.

Said of God or Christ, Lord, Matt,
20, 22, 24. ii. 13, 15, 19. iii. 3. iv.

Mark ix. 43. 7, 10. V. 33. vii. 2K, 22t. viii. 2, 6,
8, 21, 25. ix. 28, 38. xi. 25. xii. 8.
xiii. 51 (-GoLTTr5). xiv. 28,30.
wave, Matt. viii. 24. xiv. 24. Mark
XV. 22, 25, 27. xvi. 22. xvii. 4, 15.
iv. 37. Acts xxvii. 41 (-ITS'). Jude
xviii. 21. XX. 30, 31, 33. xxi. 3, 9,
42. xxii. 37, 43, 44i, 45. xxiii. 39.
xxiv. 42. XXV. 37, 44. xxvi. 22.
cymbal, 1 Cor.

xiii. 1.
xxvii. 10. xxviii. 2, 6(-^8).
Mark i. 3. ii. 28. v. 19. vii. 28.
eummin, Matt, xxiii. 23. ix. 24(omS). xi. 3, 9, lO(a^). xii.
11, 2%
30, 36<, 37. xiii. 20. xvi. 19

27, 28.
dog, Matt. XV. 26, 27.

Mark vii. (ap), 20(ap).
Luke i. 6, 9, 11, 15, 16, 17, 25,
32, 38, 43, 45, 46, 58, 66, 68,
ii. 9, 9(-G«), 11, 15, 22, 23i, 24,

stoop down, i. 7.
38(6 LTrS), 39. iii. 4. iv. 8, 12,

stoop, John viii. 6()^ S(a/)).
18, 19. V. 8, 12, 17. vi. 5, 46i. vii.
LT. 6, 13, 31(ap). ix. 54, 57(-G"LTr6'),
lady, 2 John 1,5. 59, 61. X. 1, 2, 17, 21, 27, 40. xi.

be Lord
lord, 1
Lord's, 1 Cor. xi. 20. Rev.

vi. 15P.
xiv. 9.

Luke xxii.
I. 10.
1, 39. xii. 41, 42. xiii. 8, 15, 23,
25, 25(-Li'TTr5'), 35. xvii. 5, 6, 37.
xviii. 6, 41. xix. St, 31, 34, 38. xx.
37, 42i, 44. xxii. Zl(ap), 33, 38, 49,
61 1. xxiii. 42 (-L^'TTr.S'). xxiv. 3
(-T), 34.
exercise lordship over, 25.
John i. 23. iv. 1. vi. 23(-Go), 34,

have dominion over, Rom. vi. 9, 14.
68. viii. 11(0/7). ix. 36, 38. xi. 2, 3,
vii. 1. 2 Cor. i. 24.
12, 21, 27, 32, 34(35), 39. xii. 13,
38i. xiii. 6, 9, 13, 14, 25, 36, 37.

lord,Matt. X. 24, 25. xviii. 25, 26 xiv. 5, 8, 22. XX. 2, 13, 18, 20, 25,
(-LTTr), 27, 31, 32, 34. xx. 8. xxi. 28. xxi. It, 12, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21.
40. xxiv. 45, 46, 48, 50. xxv. lit, Acts i. 6, 21, 24. ii. 20, 21, 25,
18, 19, 20, 21^ 22, 24, 26. 34i, 36, 39, 47. iii. 19, 22. iv. 26,
Mark xii. 9. Luke xii. 3G, 37, 42, 43, 29, 33. V. 9, 14, 19. vii. 30(-GoLT
45, 46, 47. xiii. 8. xiv. 22, 23. xvi. S), 31, 33, 37(-G'OLT5), 49, 59,
3, 5t, 8. xix. 16, 18, 20, 25. xx. 13, 60. viii. 16, 24, 25, 26, 39. ix. 1, 5,
15. John xiii. 16. xv. 15, 20. Acts 5(-G'oLT5), 6t(ap), lOt, 11, 13, 15,

1 Pet. iii. 6. Rev. xvii. 14. xix. 16. 36, 48 (^

xxv. 26. 1 Cor. viii. 5. Gal. iv. 1. 17, 27, 29(28), 31, 35, 42. x. 4, 14,
Q'LS). xi. 8,
16, 17, 20, 21/, 23, 24. xii. 7, 11, (_GooLT5). vi. 3, 14, 15. 2 Tim. i.

17, 23. xiii. 2, 10, 11, 12, 47, 48, 2, 8, 16, 18/. ii. 7, 14 (^ L^^S),
49. xiv. 3, 23. xv. 11, lit, 26, 35, 19, 22, 24. iii. 11. iv. l(om5), 8,
36. xvi. 10(^
G"LS), 14, 15, 31,
32. xvii. 24, 27 (G",
xviii. 8, 25, 259,
LT5). ( 14, 17, 18, 22. Tit. i. 4 (-LTS).
Phm. 3, 5, 16, 20,
S), 25.

35. xxi. 13, 14,

xxii. 8, lOi, 16 (
xix. 5, 10, 13, 17. xx. 19, 21, 24,
GLTS), 19.
xxiii. 11. xxvi. 15. xxviii. 31.
Heb. 1. 10. ii. 3. vii. 14, 21. viii.
2, 8, 9, 10, 11. X. 16, 30(-G-°5),
30. xii. 5, 6, 14. xiii. 6, 20. Jas. 1.
1, 7, 12(-G«LT5). ii. 1. iv. 10, 15.
V. 4, 7, 8, 10, 11, l^-G^oT), 14, 15.
Rom. i. 3(4), 7. iv. 8, 24. v. 1, 11,
21. vi. ll(ow), 23. vii. 25. viii. 39. 1 Pet. i. 3, 25. ii. 3, 13. iii. 12/,
15. 3 Pet. i. 2, 8, 11, 14, 16. ii. 9,

ix. 28, 29. X. 9, 12, 13, 16. xi. 3,
34. xii. 11 (G", StG), 19. xiii. ll(-GooLT), 20. iii. 2, 8, 9, 10, 15,
14. xiv. 6, 6 (ajo), 6i, Str, 11, 14. 18. 2Jolm 3(-GooLT). Jude 4, 5
XV. 6, 11, 30. xvi. 2, 8, 11, 12, 12 G"L), 9, 14, 17, 21.
(ap), 13, 18, 20, 22, 24(ap). Rev. i. 8. iv. 8, 11. vii. 14. xi. 8,
15, 17. xiv. 13. XV. 3, 4(-G«). xvi.
ICor. i. 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 31. ii. 8,
5(omS), 7. xvii. 14. xviii. 8(-Tr^).
16. 20. iv. 4, 5, 17, 19. v. 4t,
iii. 5,

5. vi. 11, 13i, 14, 17. vii. 10, 12, 17
GLTS), 22/, 25i, 32i, 34, 35,
39. viii. 6. ix. It, 2, 5, 14. x. 21i,
xix. l(omS), 6, 16. xxi. 22. xxii.
5, 6, 20, 21.

Master, Eph. vi. 9. Col. iv. 1.
for Rev. xi. 19, G. ,
22, 26, 28(ap). xi. 11, 23i, 26, 27i,
29 (-LTaS), 32. xii. 3, 5. xiv. 21, For "^,
Luke xii. 20, L™. Acts
viii. 22, X. 33, G"LT>S. xiii. 44,
37. XV. 31, 47(-G°oLT5'), 57, 58/.
xvi. 7, 10, 19, 22, 23.
XV. 40, G'LT5. xix. 20, StEGLT5.

2 Cor. i. 2, 3, 14. ii. 12. iii. 16, see

nt, ISt. iv. 5, 10(omS), 14. v. 6, LT^. Jas. iii.
XX. 28, GLT. Rom. xiv. 4, xv. 32,
1 Cor, vii. 17, Col. iii. 22, G

9, G'^LT6\ Rev. xi. 4,

8, 11. vi. 17, 18. viii. 5, 9, 19, 21. GLTTr*S. xiv.
7, G'\

X. 8, 17, 18. xi. 17, 31. xii. 1, 8.
xiii. 10,

LT). Eph.


3, 19. v. 10. vi. 14, 17(-G'x>
i. 2, 3, 15, 17. ii.
iv. 1, 5, 17.
21. iii.
Luke vii 19, LmTTr. x.
LTTr5. 41, LmTS. For
Mark 40, Lm. For Rom.
xvi. 9, L. 1 Cor. ii. 16, L. x. 9, G^'L
v. 8, 10, S. Col. iii. 13, L.
2 Thes. ii. 2, 2
, ,
— John
{ .
L»"), 19, 20, 22, Tim. ii. 19, GLT*?. v. 4
GUTS), vi. 1(-G°L), 4, 7, 8, 10,
(angel .), Lb. Acts xiv. lO(ao). .

21, 23, 24. Phil. i. 2, 14. ii. 11, 19 xxvi. 15 (he), LTS. Jude 25(a/>).
L), 24, 29. iii. 1, 8, 20.
iv. 1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 23(24). Col. i. 2
(a/)), 3, 10. ii. 6. iii. 16(G', ^
G dominion, Eph. i. 21. Col. 1. 16.
LTS), 17(-G<'<'L), 18, 20, 23, 24i. Jude 8.
iv. 7, 17.
1 Thes. i. 1, l(ap), 3, 6, 8. ii. 15,
19. iii. 8, 11, 12(-G<>), 13. iv. 1, 2,
6, 15/, 16, 17/. V. 2, 9, 12, 23, 27,
28. 2 Thes. i. 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 12/. ii.
government {marg. dominion), 2 Pet.
ii. 10.

confirm, 2 Cor. ii. 8. Gal. iii. 15.

1, 8, 13, 14, 16. iii. 1,
5, 6, 12, 16/, 18.
L), 4, 3{
dog. Matt. vii. 6. Luke xvi. 21.
Phil. iii. 2. 2 Pet. ii. 22. Rev. xxii.
1 Tim. i, l(ow), 2, 12. 14. v. 21 15.
. 236
, »

to hinder,
bid)• Acts

viii. 36.
iii. 17.

xi. 52 (marg, for- ..,

storm, Mark iv. 37. Luke viii. 23,
tempest, 2 Pet. ii. 17.

let, Rom. i. 13.

to kick. Acts ix. 5(ap). xxvi. 14.
keep from, Acts xxvii. 43.
withstand, Acts xi. 17.
speak. Matt. ix. 18p, 33. x. 19, 19
suffer not, Heb. vii. 23.
Mark ix. 38, (a/)), 20i. xii. 22, 34i, 36. xiii. 3,
forbid, Matt. xix. 14.
39. X. 14. Luke ix. 49, 50. xviii. 10, 13, 33, 34i. xiv. 27. xv. 31.
16. xxiii. 2. Acts x. 47. xvi. 6. xvii. 5p. xxiii. 1. xxvi. 47p. xxviii.
xxiv. 23. 1 Cor. xiv. 39. 1 Thes. 18. Mark i. 34(rnnrg. say), 7. iv. .
ii. 16. ITim. iv. 3. 2 Pet. ii. 16. 33, 34. V. 35P, 36. vii. 35, 37. viii.
3 John 10.
With , Luke
32. xiii. llir. xiv. 43p. xvi.

forbid to take, vi.
29. Luke i. 19, 20, 22, 55, 64, 70. ii.
33, 38, 50. iv. 41(}narg. say), v. 4,
21. vi. 45. vii. 15. viii. 49p. ix. 11.
village. Matt. ix. 35. xiv. 15. xxi.
xi. 14, 37. xii. 3. xxii. 47p, 60p.
2. Mark vi. 6, 36, 56. xi. 2. Luke
viii. 1. ix. 52, 56. x. 38. xiii. 22.
xxiv. 6, 25, 36P, 44.
xvii. 12. xix. 30. xxiv. 13, 28. Acts
John i. 37. iii. 11, 31, 34. iv. 26.
vi. 63. vii. 13, 17, 18, 26, 46. viii.

viii. 25.
12, 20, 28, 30P, 38, 44i. ix. 21, 29.
town, Matt. x. 11. Mark viii. 23,
X. 6. xii. 29, 36, 41, 48, 49i, 50/.
26i, 27. Luke v. 17. ix. 6, 12. John
xiv. 10(^£yijTTr), 10, 25. xv. 3, 11,
vii. 42. xi 1, 30.
22. xvi. 1, 13i, 25i, 29, 33. xvii. 1,
13, xviii. 20, 23. xix. 10.
town, Mark i. 38. Acts ii. 4, 6, 7, 11, 31. iii. 21, 24.
iv. IP, 17, 20, 29, 31. v. 20, 40. vi.
revelling, Gal. v. 21.
rioting, Rom.

gnat. Matt, xxiii. 24.

xiii. 13,
IPet. iv. 3. 10, 11, 13. vii. 6, 38, 44.
ix. 27, 29. X. 7, 32(a;)), 44p, 46. xi.
15, 20. xiii. 46. xiv. 1, 9. xvi. 13,
14, 32. xvii. 19"°. xviii. 9, 25. xix.
6. XX. 30.
9. xxvi. 14 (
xxi. 39. xxii. 9. xxiii.
LaS), 26.


dumb, Matt. ix. 32, 33. xii. 22i. 21, 25.

XV. 30, 31. Luke xi. 14t. Rom. vii. 1. 1 Cor. ii. 6, 7, 13. iii.

speechless, Luke i. 22. 1. xii. 3, 30. xiii. 1, 11. xiv. 2/r,
ix. 25.
Matt. xi. 5.
Luke vii. 22.
Mark vii. 32, 37. 3, 4, 5/, 6i, 9, 9 (with lit, 13, ),
18, 19, 21, 23, 27, 28, 29, 34, 35,
39. 2 Cor. ii. 17. iv. ISt. vii. 14.
xi. 17i, 23. xii. 19. xiii. 3.
be one's lot, Luke i. 9.
Eph. iv. 25. V. 19. vi. 20. Phil. i.
cast lots, John xix. 24.
14. Col. iv. 3, 4. 1 Thes. i. 8. ii. 2,
obtain, Acts i. 17. 2 Pet.

secretly, John
^. xi. 28.
i. 1.
4, 16. ITim. V. 13. Tit. ii. 1, 15.
Heb. 1. 1, 2(1). ii. 2, 3, 5. iv. 8.
vi. 9. vii. 14. ix. 19=°. xi. 4 (pass.
privily, Matt. i. 19. ii. 7. Acts xvi. StC"'G"; marg. be spoken of), xii.
24, 25. xiii. 7. Jas. i. 19. ii. 12. v.
10. 1 Pet. iii. 10. iv. 11. 2 Pet. 1. vi. 7, 11. X. 17, 18. xii. 3, 13. xiii.
21. iii. 16. IJohn iv. 5. 2 John 12. 4, 12. xvi. 15. xviii. 31. six. 1, 6,
3 Jolm 14. Jude 15, 16. Rev. i. 12. 23, 27, 40. xxi. 13. Acts i. 20, 25.
X. 8. xiii. 5, 11, 15. ii. 23 (-G^LTS). ix. 25. xv. 14.
speak of, Mark xiv. 9. Rom. xv. xvi. 3. xvii. Qp. xxvii. 35. xxviii.
18. 15.
speak with, Matt. xii. 46, 47. Rom. vii. 8, 11. 1 Cor. x. 13. xi.
Fut. pass., to be spoken after, Heb. 23, 24(o77z5). 2 Cor. xi. 8, 20. Heb.
iii. 5p. V. 1, 4. ix. 19. Jas. v. 10. 3 John

talk, Matt. xii. 46p. Mark vi. 50. 7. Rev. iii. 11. v. 7, 8, 9. vi. 4. viii
John iv. 27t. ix. 37. xiv. 30. Acts 5. X. 8, 9, 10. xxii. 17.
xxvi. 31. Rev. iv. 1. xvii. l.xxi. 9, take to one's celf, Rev. xi. 17.
talk with,
say, Marie ix.
Luke xxiv.

viii. 25, 26. xvi. 6, 18. xviii.

20, 21. Acts iii. 22. xxiii. *^(
upon one's self,
up. Matt. xvi. 9, 10.
away. Matt. v. 40.
catch, Matt. xxi. 39.
2 Cor. xii. 16.
Phil. ii.


xii. 3.

LaS), 18. xxvi. 22. Rom. iii. 19. come on, Luke vii. 16.
1 Cor. ix. 8. Heb. v. 5. xi. 18. receive. Matt. vii. 8. x. 8, 41t. xiii.
tell, Matt. xxvi. 13. Luke i. 45. 20. xvii. 24. xix. 29. xx. 7(«p), 9,
ii. 17, 18, 20. John 10/, IIP. xxi. 22, 34. xxiii. 14(13,
viii. 40. xvi. 4.
Acts ix. 6. X. 6(op). cp). XXV. 16, 18, 20, 22(-G''LTTr),
xi. 14. xxii. 10.
xxvii. 25. 24. Mark iv. 16. x. 30. xi. 24. xii.
utter, 2 Cor. xii. 4. Rev. x. 3, At. 2, 40. XV. 23.
preach, Mark ii. 2. Acts viii. 25. Luke xi. 10. xix. 12, 15. xx. 47.

Addy for
For },
xi. 19. xiii. 42. xiv. 25p. xvi. 6. John i. 12, 16. iii. 11, 21(morg. take
Luke ii. 15, L^/S. unto one's self), 32, 33. iv. 36. v.
Mark xi. 23, xii. 1, xiv. 34, 41, 43i, 44. vi. 21. vii. 23, 39.
31, LTTr/S. John viiL 26, G"LTTr X. 18. xii. 48. xiii. 2.0/, 30. xiv.

S, Acts xiii. 45, L5. 1 Cor. vi. 5, 17. xvi. 14, 24. xvii. 8. xviii. 3.
L. XV. 34, LT5. xix. 30. XX. 22. Acts i. 8. ii. 33,
38. iiL 5. vii. 53. viii. 15, 17, 19.
ix. 19p. X. 43, 47. xvi. 24. xvii. 15.
speech, Matt. xxvi. 73. Mark xiv.
xix. 2. XX. 24, 35. xxvi. 10, 18.
10(ap). John viii. 43.

XufiUy ^^,,
saying, John iv. 42.
Rom. i. 5. iv. 11. v. 11, 17. viii.
15<. xiii. 2. 1 Cor. ii. 12. iii. 8, 14.
iv. 7/r. ix. 24. xiv. 5. 2 Cor. xi. 4/,

^. (
lama, Matt, xxvii. 46. Mark xv. 34. 24. Gal. iii. 2, 14. Col. iv. 10.
1 Tim. iv. 4p.

take. Matt. viii. 17. x. 38 fr.

L•"). xiii. 31, 33. xiv. 19. xv.
26, 36. xvi. 5, 7. xvii. 25, 27. xxi.
Heb. ii.

26. xi. 8, 11,

vii. 5, 8, 9.
S), 35. Jas. i. 7, 12. iii. 1.
ix. 15. x.
35. xxii. 15. xxv. 1, 3?, .3, 4. xxvi. 26i, iv. 3. V. 7. 1 Pet. iv. 10. 2 Pet. i.

27, 52. xxvii. 1, 6, 7, 9, 24, 30, 48, 17. IJohn ii. 27. iii. 22. v. 9.
59p. xxviii. 12, 15. Mark vi. 41p. 2 John 4, 10. Rev. ii. 17, 27. iii. 3.
vii. 27. viii. G, 14. ix. 36. xii. 8, iv. 11. V. 12. xiv. 9, 11. xvii. 12t.

19, 20, 21. xiv. 22i, 23. xviii. 4. xix. 20. xx. 4.
Luke V. 5. vi. 4(-G°5). ix. 16, obtain, 1 Cor. ix. 25. Heb. iv. 16.
39. xiii. 19, 21. xx. 28, 29, 30(a;>), attain, Phil. iii. 12.
31. xxii. 17, 19. xxiv. 30, 43. John accept, Luke xx. 21. Gal. ii. 6.
). 238 avof
have, Markxii. 22(-V>TTrS). Acts Luke 1. 10, 17, 21, 68, 77. ii. 10,
XXV. 16. Heb. xi. 36. 3lpi, 32. iii. 15, 18, 21. vi. 17. vii.
Matt. xii. 14(maTg. take).

hold, 1, 16, 29. viii. 47. ix. 13. xviii. 43.
Matt. xvi. 8 (^fr. xix. 47, 48. XX. 1, 6, 9, 19, 26, 45.
xxi. 23, 38. xxii. 2, 66. xxiii. 5,
call10*=°, 2 Tim. 1. 5p. 13, 14, 27, 35. xxiv. 19. John viii.

, ,
Not rendered, Acts iii. 3(-Go°).
Add, for

Luke vi.
31, TTrS. xviii. 30, L. For
2(a/)). xi. 50, xviii. 14.
Acts ii. 47. iii. 9, 11, 12, 23. iv.
1, 2, 8, 10, 17, 21,
25pi, 27i^'. v.

Mark xiv. 65, G"LTTrAS'. For

, ,, .,
13, 20, 25, 26, 34, 37. vi. 8, 12. vii.

xiii. 26(
See also }
Acts xxi. 32, L. John
gave), TTr.
17, 34. X. 2, 41, 42. xii. 4, 11. xiii.
15, 17i, 24, 31. XV. 14. xviii. 10.
xix. 4. xxi. 28, 30, 36, 39, 40. xxiii.

torch, John
. See

xviii. 3.
5. xxvi. 17, 23. xxviii. 17, 26, 27.
Rom. ix. 25t, 26. x. 21.
XV. 10, llpi. 1 Cor. x. 7. xiv. 21.
2 Cor. vi. 16. Tit. ii. 14. Heb. ii.
17. iv. 9. V. 3. vii. 5, 11, 27. viii.
xi. 1, 2.

light,Acts XX. 8.

lamp, Matt. xxv. 1,
iv. 5. viii. 10.
3, 4, 7, 8.

bright, Acts x. 30. Rev. xxii. 16.

10. ix. 7, 19t. X. 30. xi. 25. xiii.
12. IPet. ii. 9, lOi. 2 Pet. ii. 1.
Rev. v. 9. vii. 9p'. x. 11.
xiv. 6. xvii. 15. xviii. 4.

white, Rev. xv. 6. xix. 8. Add Rev. xiii. 7

. and

clear, Rev. xxii. 1. tongues), GLTTr>S.
gorgeous, Luke xxiii. 11.
gay, Jas. ii. 3.
throat, Rom.

goodly, Jas. ii. 2. Rev. xviii. 14.

burst asunder. Acts 1. 18.

brightness, Acts xxvi. 13.

. Luke xvi. 19.
hew. Matt, xxvii. 60.
. Mark xv. 46,

. .
service, John xvi. 2. Rom. ix. 4.
shine, Matt. v. 16. xvii. 2. Luke
xii. 1. Heb. ix. 6p'.
xvii. 24. Acts xii. 7. 2 Cor. iv. 6t.
divine service, Heb. ix. 1.
give light. Matt. v. 15.

serve, Matt. iv. 10. Luke i. 74.

be hid (hidden), Mark vii. 24. Luke

ii.37. iv. 8. Acts vii. 7. xxvi. 7.
viii. 47. Acts xxvi. 26.
xxvii. 23. Rom. i. 9, 25. 2 Tim. i.
unawares*'*', Heb. xiii. 2.
3. Ileb. viii. 5. ix. 14. xii. 28. xiii.
be ignorant of "^", 2 Pet. iii. 5, 8.
10. Rev. vii. 15. xxii. 3.
do service, Heb. ix. 9.

hewn in stone, xxiii. 53. worship. Acts vii. 42. xxiv, 14.
Phil. iii. 3.

people. Matt. i. 21. ii. 4, 6. iv. 16, worshipper, Heb. x. 2p.

23. ix. 35(om). xiii. 15. xv. 8.
xxi. 23. xxvi. 3, 5, 47. xxvii. 1, herb. Matt. xiii. 32. Mark iv. 32.
25, 64. Mark vii. 6. xi. 32. xiv. 2. Luke xi. 42«'. Rom. xiv, 2»

legion, Matt.
xxvi. 53. Mark v. 15
9% 11, 12% 20, 37% 40% 44% 45%
45. xxvi. 5, 8, 13, 17, 18% 21% 22,

, 25% 27, 29, 31, 34% 35, 36, 38, 39,

Mark v. 9. Luke viii. 30. 40, 42, 45, 48, 52, G4% 64, 65, 68,
Mark v. 15, LTTr^S. 69, 70i, 71. xxvii. 4, 9% 11% 11, 13,
22% 22, 23, 24, 29, 40, 41, 46,
'. 19,

{Joined with
put forth, Luke xiv. 7.
give out, Acts viii. 9.
/^if marked
9, 10,

LTr), 54, 63. xxviii.
13% 18^
i. 7, 15, 24, 25, 27, 37, 38,

40, 41, 44. ii. 5, 10, 11, 12 (-L''),

14, 16, 17, 18, 24, 25, 27. iii. 3, 4,
show, 1 Cor. XV. 51. 5, 11, 21, 22, 23, 28, 30, 33% 34.

30. viii. 30 (iv. 6.

Matt. x. 27*. xxi. 21\
L). x. 32. xi.
33. Luke iv. 25. ix. 27. x. 24. xii.
iv. 2, 9, 11, 13, 21, 24, 26, 30, 35,
38, 41. V. 8, 9, 12, 19, 23, 28, 30,
31i, 35% 36% 39, 41i. vi. 2, 4, 10,
ll(ap), 14, 15i, 18, 25, 35, 37, 38i,
50\ vii. 9, 11% 14, 18, 20, 28% 34,
51, 59. xiii. 3, 5, 27^ xvii. 34.
xviii. 8, 14. xix. 40^. xx. 8*. xxii. 37. viii. 1, 12i, 15, 16(-LTTr;S), 17,
34^^. xxiv. 10. John viii. 45. xii.
22i. xiii. 19. xvi. 7. Acts xvii. 21.
xxii. 27». Gal. iv. 21. Phil. iii. . 22( 19, 21%
29i, 33. ix. Ii,
L^S), 26, 27% 27,
5% 7(-GTTr>S), 11%
2Thes. ii. 5. Jude 18. 11, 13, 19% 24, 25, 26, 31, 35, 38,
utter, Heb. v. 11. 41. X. 11, 15, 23, 24% 26, 27, 28,
say, Matt. i. 20, 22^ ii. 2, 13, 15% 29% 35, 42, 47, 49, S) ^\^(
( {
17% 20. iii. 2, 3% 9i, 14, 17. iv. 6 xi. 2, 5, 9(-G«Li'TTr.S), 17, 21, 22%
L), 9 LTvS), 10, 14% 23% 23(
LTTr.S), 24, 28, 31%
ir, 19. V. 2, 18, 20, 22% 26, 28% 33% 33. xii. 6, 14, 16% 18, 18% 26%
32% 34% 39% 44». vi. 2, 5, 16, 25, 35% 35, 38, 43^ (G', GLTr-S),
29, 31. vii. 21. viii. 2, 3, 4% 6, 7, 43. xiii. 1, 5% 6, 30, 37<. xiv. 2, 4
9, 10% 11, 17% 20, 25, 26, 27, 29,
(-TTrb5), 9% 12, 13, 14% 18% 19,
31. ix. 6, 9, 14, 18% 21, 24(23), 27, 25, 27, 30i, 31, 32, 34, 36, 37, 41,
28i, 29, 30, 33, 34, 37. x. 5, 7, 15, 44, 45, 57, 58, 60% 61% 63, 65, 67,
23, 42. xi. 7, 9, 11, 17, 18, 19, 22, 68i, 69, 70. XV. 2, 4% 9% 14, 28 (aj^),
24, xii. 6, 10% 13, 17% 23, 31, 36, 29, 31, 34(-TTr>S), 35, 36. xvi.
38, 44. xiii. 3% 14, 17, 24, 31, 35% 3, 6.
36, 51(?), 51, 54. xiv. 4, 15, 17, Luke 1. 24, 63, QQ, 67. ii. 13. iii.
26, 27% 30, 31, 33. xv. 1, 4 (see -
4(-G<^LTTrAS'), 7, 8i, 10% 11% 14%
), 5% 7, 22, 23, 25, 33, 34. xvi. 16% 22 (-G°oLTTr>S) iv. 4=^ (-TTr .

2% 7, 13% 13, 15i, 18, 22, 28. xvii. S), 21, 22% 24% 34(-TTrb5), 35,
5, 9% lOi, 12, 14, 20, 25% 25, 26 36, 41. V. 8, 12, 21% 24% 26, 30,
(np). xviii. 1, 3% 10, 13, 18, 19, 39. vi. 5, 20, 27, 42, 46. vii. 4, 6,

10, 18(%fr, (
22i, 26, 28, 29, 32. xix. 3, 7, 8, 9, 8, 9% 14% 16, 19, 20% 26, 28, 32,
LS), 20, 23% 24, 33, 34, 39, 47, 49. viii. 8% 9='(-G<»
25, 28^ XX. 6, 7<, 8, 12, 21, 22, 23, UTxS), 20 (-LTr "), 24, 25, 30H-L
30, 31, 33. xxi. 2, 4% 9, 10, 11, 13, S), 38, 45Ha/>), 49% 50=»(-LTTr5),
15, 16t, 19, 20, 21% 23, 25, 31<r, 54. ix. 7, 18, 20, 23, 33, 35, 38. x.
37, 41, 42, 43. xxii. 1% 4% 8, 12, 2, 5, 9, 12, 17, 25. xi. 2% 8, 9, 18,
16, 20, 21/, 23, 24% 31% 35»(-LTr 24, 29, 45% 45, 51, 53(;>). xii. 1,
S), 42% 42, 43i. xxiii. 2% 3, 16, 30, 4, 5, 8, 16% 17, 22% 27, 37, 44, 54/,
36, 39=». xxiv. 2% 3% ,
34, 47. xxv. 05, xiii. 8% 14% 17p, IS, 24, 25%
liym 240 Xiyco

26, 31, 35^ xiv. S^C-L»»), 7, 12, 24 xviii. 13, xix. 4% 13, 26, 28. xx.
23. xxi. 4, 11, 21, 23, 37% 40. xxii.
30. XV. 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 10. xvi. 1, 5=»
7, 18, 22, 2C.
7, 9, 29. xvii. 4, 6, 10, 13, 37. xviii xxiii. 8, 9, 12, 30.
2, 3, 6, 13, 17, 18, 29% 38, 41 (-T xxiv. 2. XXV. 14. xxvi. 14«(-G'LiS),
^8). xix. 7, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22 22% 31». xxvii. 10, 24, 33. xxviii.
26, 38, 42, 46. xx. 2H-Tr), ,
14 4, 6, 17, 26».
21% 21, 28% 41, 42^ xxi. 3% 7% 8 Rom. ii. 22. iii. 8% 19». iv. 3, 9.
10, 32. xxii. 11% 16, 18, 19, 20, 37 vii. 7». ix. 1, 15, 17, 25. x. 8, 11,
42, 57, 59, 60, 64, 66% 70\ xxiii 16, 18, 19/, 20, 21. xi. 1, 2, 2(o7w),
2i, 3^ 5, 18, 21, 30, 34(a/)), 35, 37
39 (-TTrb), 40
42, 43% 47.
fr. TTr/S) <
xxiv. 7% 23i, 29, 34
4, 9, 11. xii. 3, 19. xiv. 11. xv. 8,
10, 12.
1 Cor. i. 12/. iii. 4, vii. 8. ix. 8%
10. X. 29. xi. 25. xiv. 16», 21% 34».
John i. 15% 21, 22, 26% 29, 32, 36 XV. 12. 2 Cor. vi. 2, 17, 18. ix. 3,
4. xi. 16.
38, 39(40), 41(42), 43(44), 45(46)
46(47)% 47(48), 48(49)% 49(50)^ Gal. i. 9. iii. 16% 17. iv. 1, 30. v.

(_LbTTr,«7rov.S), 51(52)i. ii.3,4 2, 16. Eph. iv. 8, 17. v. 14. Col.

5<, 7, 8,10, 22^ iii. 3% 4, 5, 11^ iv ii. 4. 1 Thes. iv. 15. v. 3. 1 Tim. i.
7. V. 18. 2 Tim. ii. 7, 18. Tit. ii. 8.
7, 9, 10% 11, 15, 16% 17% 19, 20, 21
25, 26% 28% 31% 33, 34, 35i, 42, 49
Phm. 19, 21.
50, 51. V. 6, 8, 10, 18, 19% 24, 25
Heb. i. 6, 7. ii. 6, 12. iii. 7, 15.
iv. 7». V. 6. vi. 14. vii. 21. viii, 8/,
34. vi. 5, 6, 8, 12, 14, 20, 26% 32'»
9, 10, 11, 13. ix. 20. x. 5, 8% 16,
42/, 47, 52, 53% 65^ vii. 6, 11, 12i
30(-G''«aS). xi. 14, 32. xii. 26, xiii.
15, 25, 26, 28, 31, 37, 40, Alt, 50
6, Jas. i. 13. ii. 14, 23. iv, 5, 6, 13,
viii. A{ap), 5(ajt>), &{), 12, 19
15. 2 Pet. iii. 4. IJohn ii. 4, 6, 9.
22, 25% 31, 33, 34, 39% 46, 48% 51
52% 54, 58». ix. 2, 8, 10, 12% 16% V. 16. Jude 14.

17/, 19/, 41^ . 1, 7% 20, 21, 24, Rev. i. 8, 11, 17. ii. 1, 7, 8, 9, 11,
33(-G»°LTTr;S'), 36% 41». xi. 3, 7 12, 17, 18, 24, 29. iii, 1, 6, 7, 9, 13,
8, 11% 23, 24, 27, ^\(6^ fr 14, 17, 22. iv. 1% 8, 10. v. 5, 9,
12, 13, 14. vi. 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 16.
G'TfaS), 32, 34(35)% 36, 39/
24, 29 vii. 3, 10, 12, 13». viii. 13. ix. 14.
40% 44, 47. xii. 4, 21, 23%
29% 33, 34. xiii. 6, 16 X. 4% 8% 9i, 11. xi. 1, 12, 15, 17.
8, 9, 10, 13,
20, 21% 25, 27, 29,
38. xiv. 5, 6, 8, 9/,
31, 33% 36, 37

17% 18% 18, 20, 23, 26% 29. xviii 15

5, 17/, 26, 34% 37, 38/, 40. xix. 3
xii. 10. xiii. 4, 14. xiv. 7, 8, 9, 13/,

12, 22. xvi. 12 18. XV. 3. xvi, 1,5, 7, 17. xvii. 1%

L). xviii. 2, 4, 7, 10, 16,
18, 19, 21. xix. 1, 4, 5, 6, 9/, 10,
4, 5, 6/, 9, 10% 12, 14, 15, 21% 24 17. xxi. 3, 6% xxii. 9, 10, 17»,

(-LaS), 26, 27, 28, 35, 37. xx. 2 20.

13/, 15/, 16/, 17, 19, 22, 25, 27% 29 With TavTCy with these sayings,
xxi. 3/, 5, 7, 10, 12,15/r, 16/r, 17» Acts xiv. 18p.
17, 18, 19% 21, 22. Pass.y be to say, John i. 38(39).
Acts i. 6». ii. 7, 12, 13, 17, 34% 40 XX. 16.

to say, Matt, xxvii. 33p
25. iv. 16, 32. v. 23,
iii. 2^{8)
28% 38. vi. 11, 13, 14. vii. 48, 49
59. viii. 10, 19, 26». ix. 4, 21.
26. xi. 3, 4, 7, 16, 18. xii. 7, 8»
15»(7 L). xiv
xiii, 15, 25, 35.
11, 15. XV. 5, 13% 17, 24(a/>). xvi
(say on, Acts xiii. 15.

speak, Matt. xxi. 45. Mark xii. 1

LTTr^"). xiv. 31 LT
TfaS), 71, Luke v. 36. vii. 24. ix.
31, 34P. xi. 27». xii. 41». xiii. 6.
9, 15, 17, 28, 35. xvii. 7, 18/, 19 xviii. 1. XX. 9. xxi. 5^». xxii. 65.
24 1
John ii. 21. viii. 2G
TvS), 27. xi. 13% 56.
(? G"LT
xiii. 18, 22,

.), LTTr-S.
XV. 13 (. .

ix. 9(said^'i), L»>TTr>6'. xii.


24. xvi. 29. Acts i. 3. ii. 25. viii. 13 (cried .), L''6\ xiii. 24Ha/>).

34*. xxiv. 10. xxvi. 1.

Rom. iii.

1 Cor. i. 10. vi. 5

12, 35. X. 15^ XV.
2Cor. vi. 13.
(34(5). Acts xiv. 10 (ap). Rom. xv. 11 (a-
vi. 19. x. Q\ xi. 13. gain . .), L. Rev. ii. 2(ap).
L). vii.

vii. 3. viii. 8. xi. 21i.


Rom. xi. 5.

Gal. iii. 15. Eph. v. 12, 32. Phil,

iv. 11. 1 Tim. ii. 7. iv. 1. Heb. vii.
13, viii. 1. ix. 5. Rev. ii. 24. viii.

to lack,

. iii. 5.

xviii. 22CO.

the (those) things which be wanting, Tit. i. 5 (^marg. be left
were spoken, Luke xviii. 34. Acts undone), iii. 13.
xiii. 45 L*S). xxvii. 11. Pass., destitute, Jas. ii. 15p. lack, —

XX viii. 24. the (those) things which Jas. i. 5. — ,

With want, Jas. i. 4.
. . spake (hath spoken), Acts viii. 6.
Heb. viii. 1.
to minister. Acts xiii. 2p. Rom. v.
speak of, John vi. 71.
27. Heb. X. 11.
boast, Acts V. 36.
ask, Acts XXV. 20.
2 John 10, 11.
call, Matt. i. 16. ii. 23. iv. 18. x.
2. xiii. 55. xix. 11 (ap). xxvi. 3,
14, 36. xxvii. 16, 17, 22, 33. Mark
X. 18. xii. 37. xv. LTr).
Luke xviii. 19. xx. 37. xxii. 1, 47.
John iv. 5, 25. ix. 11. xi. 16, 54.
XV. 15. xix. 13, lit. xx. 24. xxi. 2.
service, 2 Cor. ix. 12. Phil. ii. 17,
ministration, Luke i. 23.
ministry, Heb. viii. 6. ix. 21,

12(- .

minister, Rom.
. Heb. i.

xiii. 6.

xv. 16. Heb

Acts iii. 2. vi. 9. ix. 36. x. 28.
xxiv. 14.

1 Cor. viii. 5. xii.
Col. iv. 11. 2Thes.
viii. 11. ix. 2, 3. xi. 24.
3=». Eph.

i. 7. viii. 2.

he that ministereth, Phil.

ii. 25,

towel, John xiii. 4, 5.


name, Matt. ix. 9. Mark xv. 7. Acts ix. 18.

Add, for Luke xx. 27,
L™Tr5. For
xiii. 28,
8, vi.
Matt. viii. 22,
xvii. 20, LTTr-S. ix. 11,
LTr^. xv. 12, LTTr. Mark
16, 31, vii. 36, TTr5. iii.
32, vii. 27, LTTr,S. v. 7, G"LTTr>S.
leper, Matt. viii. 2.

x. 8. xi. 5.
V. 12, 13.
leprosy, Matt. viii. 3. Mark i. 42.

xii. 16, L°>. 36% GTTr. xv. 12, Tr.

Luke V. 13, LTr^S. ix. 21% GLTr-S.
xxvi. 6. Mark i. 40. xiv. 3. Luke
iv. 27. vii. 22. xvii. 12.

xviii. 16, L-^Tr^S. xix. 30, LTr-S".
John viii. 23, LTTr^S. xviii. 4, LT mite, Mark xii. 42. Luke xii. 69

Tr. xxi. 17% h'^S. Rev. xxii. 6, G". xxi. 2.
For Johnxiv. 10% TTr. Acts
xxvi. 14, LS. For
21, L. —
Matt. xix.
Mark viii. 28" (answered
, to white,
Mark ix. 3.
white, Rev. vii. 14.
white, Matt. v. 36. xvii. 2. xxviii.

of stone, John
&. ii. 6. 2 Cor.
iii. 3.
3. Mark ix. 3. xvi. 5. Luke ix. 29.
John iv. 35. xx. 12. Acts i. 10, Rev.
i. 14i. ii. 17. iii. 4, 5, 18. iv. 4. vi.

2, 11. vii. 9, 13. xiv. 14. xix. 11,

Rev. ix. 20.

cast stones,
Mark xii. 4(-G'"'LTr/S).
xxi. 35.
stone. Matt. xxiii. 37.
14i. XX. 11. Luko 34. John 5(ap).
'. xiii.
Acts vii. 58, 59. xiv. 5.
Heb. xii.
lion, 2 Tim. iv. 17. Heb. xi. 33. 20.
1 Pet. V. 8. Rev. iv. 7. ix. 8, 17. &.
X. 3. xiii. 2. stone. Matt. iii. 9. iv. 3, 6. vii.
Said of Christ, Lion, Rev. v. 5.
9. xxi. 42, 44(ajo). xxvii. 60, 66.
xxviii. 2. Mark v. 5. xii. 10. xiii.
With fOrget, 2 Pet. i. 9. 1. XV. 46. xvi. 3, 4. Luke iii. 8.

'. See iv. 3, 11. xi. 11. xix. 40. xx. 17,
18. xxi. 5. xxii. 41. xxiv. 2. John
viii. 7(a;j), 59. x. 31. xi. 38, 39, 41.

. ).
wine-press. Matt. xxi. 33. Rev. xiv.
19, 20i. xix. 15 (^with
XX. 1. Acts iv 11. xvii. 29.

1 Cor. iii. 12. 2 Cor.
4, 5, 6, 7, 8(7). Rev. iv. 3. xvii.
iii. 7. 1 Pet.

idle tales, Luke xxiv. 11.

& ?& (),
4. xviii. 12, 16, 21. xxi. lit, 19.

one stone
robber, Jolin x.
2 Cor. xi. 26.
thief, Matt. xxi. 13.
1, 8.

xxvi. 55.
xxvii. 38, 44. Mark xi. 17. xiv. 48.
xviii. 40.

{ ,
upon another. Matt. xxiv.
xiii. 2.

Luke xix. 44. xxi. 6.



xxii. 52.
XV. 27. Luke x. 30, 36. xix. 46.


Rom. ix. 32, 33.

Add Luke xvii. 2, ?•&


receiving, Pliil. iv. 15.

greatly, Matt, xxvii. 14. 2 Tim. iv.

15. 2 John 4. 3 John 3.
XV. 6, for

grind to powder. Matt. xxi. 44{ap),
very chief- Luke XX. 18.
G^LTTr^S. Rev.

2 Cor.
xi. 5. xii. 11.

exceeding, Matt. ii. 16. iv.
28. Mark
See also
ix. 3. Luke xxiii. 8.
8. viii.

Acts xxvii. 8.
,. ^.
haven. Acts xxvii. 12t.
The fair havens.

xviii. 13.


to stone,

viii. 3, 5.

ii. 11.

x. 31, 32, 33. xi. 8.



Add Rev. xx. 14(ap).

v. 1, 2. viii. 22, 23, 33.
Rev. Rev. xix. 20. xx. 10, 14, 15. xxi.

Luke xv.
vi. 8.
famine, Matt. xxiv. 7. Mark xiii.
17. 2 Cor. xi. 27.

Acts V. 26. xiv. 19. 2 Cor. xi. 25. 8. Luke iv. 25. xv. 14. xxi. 11.
Heb. xi. 37. Rom. viii. 35. Rev. xviii. 8.
dearth, Acts vii. 11. xi. 28.
eloquent. Acts xviii. 24.

xii. 20.
Rev. xv. 6 (/9 L).

thought, Rom. ii. 15.

imagination {marg, reasoning), 2Cor.

dainty, Rev. xviii. 14.
X. 5(4).

strive about words, 2 Tim. ii. 14.

xii. 3. xix. 39.

south west, Acts xxvii. 12.
strife of words, ITim. vi. 4.

gathering, 1 Cor. xvi. 2.
collection, 1 Cor. xvi. 1.

Middle and Passive.

to number, Mark xv. 28(ap).
account, Rom. viii. 36. Gal. iii. 6
word. Matt. viii. 8, 16. x. 14. xii.
32, 37<. xiii. 19, 20, 21, 22i, 23. xv.
23. xxii. 46. xxiv. 35. Mark ii. 2.
iv. 14, 15t, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 33.
V. 36. vii. 13. viii. 38. x. 24. xiii.
31. xvi. 20 (ap).
Luke i. 2, 20. iii. 4. iv. 22, 32, 36.
V. 1. vii. 7. viii. 11, 12, 13, 15, 21.
(niarg. impute). Heb. xi. 19.
ix. 26(-T). X. 39. xi. 28. xii. 10.
account of, 1 Cor. iv. 1.
xxi. 33. xxii. 61. xxiii. 9. xxiv.
count, Rom. ii. 26. iv. 3, 5. ix. 8.
19, 44. John ii. 22. iv. 41, 50. v.
Phil. iii. 13.
24. 38. viii. 31, 37, 43. x. 35. xii.
With (ohdh LTaS), de- 48. xiv. 24. XV. 3, 20, 25. xvii. 6,
spise, Acts xix. 27.
14, 17, 20.
lay to one's charge, 8 Tim. iv. 16.

reckon, Luke xxii. 37. Rom. iv. 4,
9, 10. vi. 11. viii. 18.
impute, Rom. iv. 6, 8, 11, 22, 23,
24. 2 Cor. V. 19. Jas. ii. 23.
Mark xi. 31
think, Rom. ii. 3. 1 Cor. xiii. 5, 11
(inarg. reason). 2 Cor. iii. 5. x. 2,
7, 11. xii. 6.
Acts ii. 22, 40, 41. iv. 4, 29, 31.
V. 5. vi. 2, 4, 7. vii. 22. viii. 4, 14,
25. X. 36, 44. xi. 1, 19. xii. 24.
xiii. 5, 7, 15, 26, 44, 46, 48, 49.
xiv. 3, 25. XV. 7, 15, 24, 82, 35, 36.
xvi. 6, 32. xvii. 11, 13. xviii. 11.
xix. 10, 20. XX. 32, 35. xxii. 22.
(-G"), 13.
ix. 6, 9. xv. 18. 1 Cor. ii. 4
iv. 20. xii. St. xiv. 19i,
think of {marg. reckon), 2 Cor. x. 2. 36. 2 Cor. i. 18 (Tyzaj^r. preaching),

think on, Phil. iv. 8. ii. 17. iv. 2. V. 19. vi. 7. x. 11.
Buppose, 2 Cor. xi. 5. 1 Pet. 12. Gal. V. 14. vi. 6. Eph. i. 13. v. 6.
esteem, Rom. xiv. 14. Phil. i. 14. ii. 16. Col. i. 5, 25. iii.
conclude, Rom. iii. 28. 16, 17. IThes. i. 5, 6, 8. ii. 13tr.
Add John
xi. 50, for
iv. 15, 18. 2Thes. ii. 2, 15, 17. iii.
1, 14. 1 Tim. iv. 5, 6, 12. v. 17. vi.
3. 2 Tim. i. 13. ii. 9, 15, 17. iv.
15 (marg. preaching). Tit. i. 3,

of the word, 1 Pet. ii. 2.
reasonable, Rom. xii. 1.

Acts vii. 38. Rom.

V. 12. 1 Pet. iv. 11.
iii. 2.

ii. 2. iv. 2, 12.

28. xii. 19. xiii. 7, 22.

ii. 8. iii. 1/.

v. 13. vii.
Jas. i.
18, 21, 22, 23. iii. 2. 1 Pet. i. 23.
2 Pet. i. 19. ii. 3. Iii.
5. 7. 1 Jolin i. 10. ii. 5, 7, 14. iii. work, Rom. ix. 28 (marg. account),
18. 3 John 10. Rev. i. 2, 3, 9. iii. 8, 28 (marg. account ; ap).
10. vi. 9. xii. 11. xx. 4. xxi. 5.
xxii. 18, 19.
words, Matt. xxvi. 44. Mark xii.
13. xiv. 39. Luke XX. 20. Johnxiv.
iv. 13.
With -, as concerning, Phil.
we have

Matt. xxi. 24. Luke i. 4.

to do,
iv. 15.

23. Acts XV. 32. xviii. 15. xx. 38. Acts V. 24.
XX. 3.
1 Cor. i. 17 {marg, speech)• xiv. 9. matter, Mark 1. 45. Acts viii. 21.
1 Thes. ii. 5. XV. 6. xix. 38.
Said of Christy Word, John i. lir, doctrine (marg. word), Heb. vi. 1~.
14. 1 John i. 1. v. 7(ap). Rev. xix. reason, 1 Pfet. iii. 15.
13. With Karaj reason WGuld"", Acts
xviii. 14.
saying, Matt. vii. 24, 26, 28. xv.
12. xix. 1, 11,
15. Mark vii.
22. xxvi. 1. xxviii.
29. viii. 32. ix. 10.
intent. Acts x. 29.
cause, Matt. v. 32.
,.^ ,
X. 22. Luke i. 29 (-G')• vi. 47. ix. Add Matt. xv. 6, for LTr.
28 (marg. thing), 44. John iv. 37, xix. 9(ap). Acts xviii. 5, for
39. vi. 60. vii. 36, 40. viii. 51, 52,
55. X. 19. xii. 38. xiv. 24. xv. 20. GLTTr^.
GLT/S. Rev. xvii. 17, for yS^/za,

xviii. 9, 32. xix. 8, 13. xxi. 23. See also

Acts vi. 5. vii. 29. xvi. 36.
Rom. iii. 4. xiii. 9. 1 Cor. xv. 54. spear, John xix. 34.
ITim. 1. 15. iii. 1. iv. 9. 2 Tim. ii.
11. Tit. iii. 8. Rev. xix. 9. xxii. 6,
10. revile, John ix. 28. Acts xxiii. 4.
7, 9,
1 Cor. iv. 12. 1 Pet. ii. 23?.
things to say, Heb. v. 11.
speech, Acts xx. 7. 1 Cor. ii. 1, 4.

iv. 19. 3 Cor. x. 10. xi. 6. Col. iv.
6. Tit.
^ ii. 8.
what, 1 Cor. xr, 2
by what speech),

railing, 1 Pet. iii. 9i.
xapcv, to speak reproachfully
(Gr. for railing), ITim. v. 14.

talk. Matt. xxii. 15.

utterance, 1 Cor. i. 5. 2 Cor.
7. Eph. vi. 19. Col. iv, 3.
mouth. Acts XV. 27.
show. Col. ii. 23.

1 Cor. v. 11.
reviler, 1 Cor. vi. 10.

pestilence. Matt. xxiv. 7 (-LTr 5").

tidings, Acts xi. 22.
Luke xxi. 11.
pestilent fellow. Acts xxiv. 5.
preaching, 1 Cor. 1. 18.
rumor, Luke vii. 17.
fame, Luke v. 15. ol al
communication. Matt. v. 37. Luke the remnant, Matt. xxii. 6. Rev.
xxiv. 17. Eph. iv. 29. xi. 13. xii. 17. xix. 21.
treatise, Acts 1, 1. the residue, Mark xvi. 13(ap).
question, Mark xi. 2,9 (marg. thing). the rest, Matt, xxvii. 49. Luke
account, Matt. xii. 36. xviii. 23. xxiv. 9. Acts ii. 37. v. 13. xxvii.
Luke xvi. 2. Acts xix. 40. Rom. 44. Rom. xi. 7. 1 Cor. vii. 12. Rev.

xiv. 12. Phil. iv. 17. Heb. xiii. 17. ii. 24. ix. 20. xx. 5.
1 Pet, iv. 5. the other. Matt. xxv. 11. Acts xvii.
reckon, Matt, xxv. 9. Gal, ii. 13. 2 Pet. iii. 16. Rev.
viii. 13.
others,Luke viii. 10. xriii. 9. Acts sorrow, 2 Cor. vii. 9, 11. IThes.
xxviii. 9. Eph. ii. 3. 1 Thes. iv. 13. iv. 13.
V. 6. 1 Tim. V. 20. be sorrowful, Matt. xxvi. 22 37.
ither, Luke xviii. 11. xxiv, 10. Rom. Mark xiv. 19. John xvi. 20.
i. 13. 1 Cor. ix. 5. 2 Cor. xii. 13. xiii. sorrowful, Matt. xix. 22p. 2 Cor.

2 Phil. i. lZ{marg. others), iv. 3. vi. lOP.
Add 3 Cor. ii. 17, for

the things which remain, Rev. iii. 2.

be in heaviness, 1 Pet.

grief, 1 Pet. ii. 19?'.

i. 6p.

the rest, Luke xii. 26. 1 Cor. xi. 34. Gen., grievous, Heb. xii. 11.
other things, Mark iv. 19. With ,
grudgingly, 2 Cor. ix. 7.
sorrow, Luke xxii. 45. John xvi.

other, 1 Cor. xv. 37. Eph. iv. 17
(-GooL^S). 6, 20, 21, 22. 2 Cor. ii. 3, 7. vii.

"^ lOi. Phil. ii. 27i.


With it remaineth, 1 Cor. vii.
heaviness, Rom. ix. 2. 2 Cor. ii. 1.

besides, ICor. i. 16. to be loosed"', 1 Cor. vii. 27.
moreover, 1 Cor. iv. 2.
furthermore, 1 Thes. iv. 1.
henceforth, 2 Tim. iv. S.
from henceforth, Heb. x. 13.
finally, 2 Cor. xiii. 11. Eph. vi. 10.
it is better,

ransom, Matt. xx. 28.


xvii. 2.

x. 45.

PhiL iii. 1. iv. 8. 2 Thes. iii. 1.
now, Matt. xxvi. 45. Mark xiv. 41. redeem, IPet. — Mid., Luke

i. 18.
then, Acts xxvii. 20. xxiv. 21. Tit. ii. 14.

Gen. J from henceforth, Gal. vi. 17.

redemption, Luke ii. 38, Heb. ix. 12.

washing, Eph. v. 26. Tit. iii. 5. With redeem, Luke i. 68.

wash, John xiii. 10.

xvi. 33. Heb. x. 22(23)-^. 2 Pet.
Acts ix. 37p.

. Acts vii. 35.

22. Rev. i. 5.
candlestick. Matt. v. 15. Mark iv.

wolf, Matt. vii. 15. x. 16, Luke x.

S. John X. 12i. Acts xx. 29.

mike liavoc of, Acts viii. 3.

xii. 35. John
21. Luke viii. 16. xi. 33. Heb. ix.
2. Rev. i. 12, 13, 20t. ii. 1, 5. xi. 4.

Matt. vi. 22.

v. 35.
2 Pet.
xi. 34.
i. 19.
Rev. xxi. 23.
grieve, 2 Cor. ii. 5. Eph. iv. 30. candle. Matt. v. 15. Mark iv. 21.

cause grief, 2 Cor. ii. 5. Luke viii. 16. xi. 33, 36. xv. 8.

make sorry, 2 Cor. ii. 2. vii. 8/.

Middle or Passive,
be grieved, Mark x. 22. John xxi
Rev. xviii. 23. xxii.

to loose,
. 5.

Matt. xvi. 19<. xviii. 18i.

17. Rom. xiv. 15. 2 Cor. ii. 4. xxi. 2. Mark vii. 35. xi. 2, 4, 5.
be nad3 sorry, 3 Cor. ii. 2. vii, dt, Luke xix. 30, 31, 33.
xiii. 15, 16.
be Eorry, Matt. xiv. 9. xyji. 23 John xi. 44. Acts ii, 24. xiii. 25.
xviii. 31. xxii, 30. xxiv. 2G(ap). 1 Cor. vii.
Rev. V. 2, 5(ow).
3, 7.
ix. 14, 15.

16, 32. xvi. 7.

14. xii. 43. xiii. 1. xiv. 12, 13, 14,

be loosing, Luke xix. 33p. Luke V, 30, 33. vi. 1, 13, 17, 20,
unloose, Mark i. 7. Luke iii. 16. 40. vii. 11, 18, 19(18). viii. 9, 22.
John i. 27. ix. l(-GTTr, S),14, 16,
put off, Acts vii. 33. 18, 40, 43, 54. x. 23. xi. It. xii. 1,
Pass., melt, 3 Pet. iii. 10. 22. xiv. 26, 27, 33. xvi. 1. xvii. 1,
22. xviii. 15. xix. 29, 37, 39. xx,
dissolve, 3 Pet. iii. 11, 12.
break. Matt. v. 19. John v. 18. vii.
45 (). xxii. 11, 39, 45.

23. X. 35. Acts xxvii. 41. Eph. ii. John i. 35, 37. ii. 2, 11, 12, 17, 22.

14. iii.22, 25. iv. 1, 2, 8, 27, 31, 33.

xiii. 43p. vi. 3, 8, lltiap), 12, 16, 22(ap),
break up, Acts
22i, 24, 60, 61, dG. vii. 3. viii. 31.

John ii. 19. 1 John
destroy, iii. 8.
ix. 2, 27, 28i. xi. 7, 8, 12(-T), 54.
Add Markxi. 3(a/>).
xii. 4, 16. xiii. 5, 22, 23, 35. xv. 8.

TS. xvi. 17, 29. xviii. It, 2, 15i, 16, 17,
sorcery, Acts viii. 11. 19, 25. xix. 26, 27i, 38. xx. 2, 3, 4,
8, 10, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 30. xxi,

use sorcery, Acts viii. 9.

wise man, Matt. ii.

1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 12, 14, 20, 23, 24.
2, 7.
i. G'LT^).
ix. 1, 10, 19, 25, 26^, 38.
vi. 1,

1, 7, 16/.
26, 29. xiii. 52. xiv. 20, 22, 28.
sorcerer, Acts xiii.

6, 8.
XV. 10. xvi. 1. xviii. 23, 27. xix.
breast. 1, 9, 30. XX. 1, 1r'\?]fiuvGLT:S), 30,

Rev. i. 13, for L. xxi. 4, 16i.

Add Matt. xxvi. 20 (twelve . .),
LT5. Mark ii. 18 (and . of the
be a disciple, Matt, xxvii.

P.2d), TTr^. Luke x. 22(^ap),
teach, Matt, xxviii. 19. Acts xiv.
21. disciple, Acts ix. 36.

instruct, Matt. xiii. 52.

Matt. v. 1. viii. 21, 23,
ix. 10, 11, 14i, 19, 37.
X. 1, 24, 25, 42. xi. 1, 2. xii. 1, 2,
49. xiii. 10, 36. xiv. 12, 15, 19i, 22,
26. XV. 2, 12, 23, 32, 33, 3Gi. xvi.
5, 13, 20, 21, 24. xvii. 6, 10, 13,

be mad, John x. 20. Acts xii. 15.
xxvi. 25. 1 Cor. xiv. 23.
be beside one's self, Acts xxvi. 24.

count happy, Jas. v. 11
call blessed, Luke 1. 48.

16, 19. xviii. 1. xix. 10, 13, 23, 25.

XX. 17(-Tr5). xxi. 1, 6, 20. xxii. happy, John xiii. 17. Acts xxvi. 2.
16. xxiii. 1. xxiv. 1, 3. xxvi. 1, 8, Rom. xiv. 22. 1 Cor. vii. 40. 1 Pet.
iii. 14. iv. 14.
17, 18, 19, 26, 35, 36, 40, 45, 56.
xxvii. 64. xxviii. 7, 8, 9(a/>), 13, blessed. Matt. v. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,
16. 10, 11. xi. 6. xiii. 16. xvi. 17.
Mark ii. 15, 16, 18ir, 23. iii. 7, 9. xxiv. 46. Luke i. 45. vi. 20, 21i,
iv. 34. V. 31. vi. 1, 29, 35, 41, 45. 22. vii. 23. X. 23. xi. 27, 28. xii.
vii. 2, 5, 17. viii. 1, 4, 6, 10, 14 37, 38, 43. xiv. 14, 15. xxiii. 29.
(-StE, omS), 27i, 33, 34. ix. 14, 18, John XX. 29. Acts xx. 35. Rom. iv.
28, 31. X. 10, 13, 23, 24, 46. xi. 1, 7, 8. 1 Tim. i. 11. vi. 15 Tit. ii. 13.
Jas. i. 12, 25. Rev. i, 3. xiv. 13.
xvi. 15. xix. 9. xx. 6. xxii. 7, 14.

With , .
. Eph.

live long, vi. 3.


shambles, 1 Cor. x. 25.


iv. 6, 9.

Gal. iv. disease,


Matt. xi.
iv. 23. ix. 35. x. 1,

soft "clothlDg,
effeminate, 1 Cor. vi. 9.
Luke vii. 25.
Matt. xi. 8.

a great way off, Luke xv. 20.

most of Acts xx. 38.
a good way off, Matt. viii. 30.
2 Pet. ii. 10.
chiefly, Phil. iv. 22.
far off, Eph. ii. 13.
especially. Acts xxvi. 3. Gal. vi.
With art., that (which) is afar off,
10. ITim. v. 17. 2 Tim. iv. 13.
Acts ii. 39. Eph. ii. 17.
specially, Acts xxv. 26. Phil. iv.
John xxi.

far "hence. Acts


Acts xvii. 27.
xii. 21

Mark viii. 3.
Mark xi. 13

Luke vii.

22. 1

xviii. 13.
iv. 10.

more, Matt. vi. 30. vii. 11. x. 25.

Luke xi. 13. xii. 24,
v. 8, Tit. i. 10.

28. John xii. 43. Acts iv. 19. xx.

Luke xviii. 13. xxii. 54.
35. xxvii. 11. Rom. v. 9, 10, 15, 17.

xxiii. 49 . LS).
xi. 12, 24. 1 Cor. xii. 22. xiv. 18.
afar off. Matt. xxvi.
2 Cor. iii. 9, 11. Gal. iv. 27<=°. Phil.
58. xxvii. 55. Mark v. G"). 6(-7 i. ii. 12.
9i. iii. 4. 2 Tim. iii. 4.
xiv. 54. XV. 40. Luke xvi. 23, Rev.
xviii. 10, 15, 17.
Phm. 16. Heb. ix. 14. xii. 25.
the more, Mark xiv. SlC-GooLTr^S).
Johnv. IS. xix. 8. Actsix. 22. xxii.
be long-suffering, 2 Pet. iii. 9.
bear long, Luke xviii. 7.
suffer long, 1 Cor. xiii. 4.
so much
2. 2 Cor. vii. 7, 13. Heb. x. 25.
the more, Luke v. 15.
the more a great deal,
have long patience, Jas. v. 7.

be patient, 1 Thes. v. 14. Jas. v. 7

have patience, Matt, xviii. 26, 29. Luke
{marg, be long patient, or suffer with vi. 26.
,x. 48. —
so much the more,
xviii. 39.— far, Phil. i. 23.
be much better. Matt,

long patience), 8.

2 Cor. vi. 6.
endure patiently, Heb. vi. 15p.

Gal. v. 22.
ii. 4. ix. 22.
Eph. iv.
xxvii. 24.
Matt. x.
X. 20(omS). John iii. 19. Acts v.
29. Rom. xiv. 13. 1 Cor. v. 2. vi.

7t. vii. 21. ix. 12. 2 Cor. ii. 7. iii.

v. 26. xv. 11.

2. CoL i. 11. iii. 12. ITim. i. 1(3.

8. V. 8. xii. 9. Gal. iv. 9. Eph. v.

2 Tim. iii. 10. iv. 2. 1 Pet. iii. 20. 4. Phil. i. 12. 1 Tim. i. 4. vi. 2.

2 Pet. iii. 15.

patience, Heb. vi. 12. Jas. V. 10,
Phm. 9. Heb. xi. 25. xii. 9, 13.
the rather, 2 Pet. i. 10.
but rather, 1 Cor. xiv.
1, 5. Eph. iv. 28. —
yea rather,
patiently, Acts xxvi. 3. Rom. viii. 34. —
or rather, Gal. iv,
— and the more, Acts v. 14.
See aUo
Luke xv. 13. xix. 12.

^ but rather, Eph. y.
)^ ,
,. 248

See also

grandmother, 2 Tim.

mammon, Matt.
9 and 11 (marg.
vi. 24.

riches), 13.

Luke xvi.
39, 44. V. 39. vii. 7. xiii. 21. xv.
26. xxi. 24. Acts xxvi. 5. 1 Cor.
XV. 15. Heb. vii. 17. xi. 4. 1 John
iv. 14. V. 9. 3 John 3.
16, 20.
Rev. xxii.

give testimony. Acts xiii. 22. xiv. 3.

bear record, John i. 32, 34. viii. 13,
14. xii. 17. xix. 35. Rom. x. 2. 2 Cor.
Matt. ix. 13.
xiii. 28. John
xvi. 17. 1 Cor. iv. 6. xiv.
xi. 29.

31, 35. Gal. iii. 2. Eph. iv. 20. Pliil.

iv. 9, 11. Col. i. 7. 1 Tim. ii. 11. v.
4, 13. 2 Tim. iii. 7, 14i. Tit, iii. 14.
vi. 45. vii.
xxiv. viii. 3.

Gal. iv. 15. Col. iv. 13.
1 John V. 7. 3 John 12. Rev. i. 2.
give", 1 John v. 10.
Add Rev.
xxii. 18, for
Passive or Middle,
Heb. v. 8.

Rev. xiv. 3.
understand. Acts xxiii. 27.
obtain witness, Heb. xi. 4.
have testimony, Heb. xi. 5.
have good report, Acts xxii. 12.

Lit. madness. See 3 John 12.
of good report. Acts x. 22p.

manna, John vi. 31, 49, 58(-GTTr be well reported of, Acts xvi. 2.
S). Heb. ix. 4. Rev. ii. 17. 1 Tim. V. 10.

by soothsaying, Acts
. obtain good report, Heb. xi. 2, 39.
xvi. 16p. of honest report. Acts vi. 3p.
witness, Acts xxvi. 22

. .
Pass., fade away, Jas. i. 11.
charge, 1 Thes. ii. 11 (12,
&. TS).
Maran-atha, 1 Cor. xvi. 22.

witness, Mark xiv. 55, 56, 59.
pearl, Matt. vii. 6. xiii. 45, 46. Luke xxii. 71. John i. 7. iii. 11. v.
1 Tim. ii. 9. Rev. xvii. 4. xviii. 12, 31, 32, 36. Tit. i. 13. 1 John v. 9tr,
16. xxi- 21t. 10. Rev. XX. 4.

marble, Rev. xviii. 12.
testimony, John iii. 32, 33. v. 34.
viii. 17. xxi. 24. Acts xxii. 18.
Rev. i. 2, 9. vi. 9. xi. 7. xii.ll, 17.
xix. lOt.

be witness. Matt, xxiii. 31.

X. 15.
1 Tim.

( 8).
vi. 13.
give witness. Acts x. 43.
v. 32.

bear witness, Luke iv. 22.

vii. 8<».


7, 8,

record, Johni. 19. viii. 13, 14. xix.
Heb. 35. IJohn V. 10, 11. 3 John 12.
report, 1 Tim. iii. 7.

witness. Matt. xxiv. 14.

33. vii. 44. Jas. v, 3.
testimony, Matt. viii. 4. x. 18.
Acts iv.

Mark i. 44. vi. 11. xiii. 9. Luke v.

iii. 26, 28. v. 31, 32, 33, 36, 37.
viii. ISt. X. 25. xv. 27. xviii. 23,
37. Acts XV. 8. xxii. 5. xxiii. 11.
t John i. 2.
V. 6, 8(a/>_).
ii. 25. iii.
3 John 6.
11, 32. iv.
14. ix. 5. xxi. 13. 1 Cor. i. 6. ii.

2 Thes.
10. 2
Rev. XY. 5.
2 Cor. i. 12.
Tim. i. 8. Heb. iu.

1 Tim. ii.

to be testified'"' (marg.

take to record, Acts xx. 26.
testify, Gal. v. 3. Eph. iv. 17.
Addf see at the end.

in vain. Matt. xv. 9.

. .
sword. Matt. x. 34. xxvi. 47, 51,
52^r, 55. Mark xiv. 43, 47, 48. Luke
xsi. 24. xxii. 36, 38, 49, 52. John
xviii. 10, 11. Acts xii. 2. xvi. 27.
Mark vii. 7.

witness, Matt, xviii. 1. xxvi. 65. Rom. viii. 35. xiii. 4. Eph. vi. 17.
Mark xiv. 63. Lake xxiv. 48. Acts Heb. iv. 12. xi. 34, 37««. Rev. vi.
i. 8, 22. ii. 32. iii. 15. v. 32. vi. 13. 4. xiii. 10;, 14.

Til. 58. X. 39, 41. xiii. 31. xxii. 15.

xxvi. 16. Rom. i. 9. 2 Cor. xiii. 1.
IThes. ii. 5, 10. ITim. v. 19. vi. fighting,
2 Cor. vii, 5. Jas. iv. 1
Qiiarg. brawling),
12. 2 Tim. ii. 2. Heb. x. 28. xii. 1.
strife, 2 Tim. ii. 23.
1 Pet. V. 1. Rev. i. 5. iii. 14. xi. 3.

. ,
striving. Tit. iii. 9.
martyr, Acts xxii. 20. Rev. ii. 13.
xvii. 6.

record, 2 Cor. 1. 23. Phil. i. 8. to fight, Jas. iv. 2.
Add Luke

gnaw, Rev. xvi. 10.
xi. 48, see strive, John vi. 52.
2 Tim. ii.


. See .
Acts vii, 26p.

to scourge, Matt. x. 17. xx. 19.
xxiii. 34. Mark x. 34. Luke xviii.
John xix.
boast great things. Jas.
(fr. LT).
iii. hijj.eya•.

33. 1. Ileb. xii. 6.

to scourge, Acts xxii. 25.
Neut., great thing, Luke i. 49
LTr*S ) —
wonderful work, A cts

ii. 11.
scourging, Actsxxii. 24. Heb.xi.36.

plague, Mark iii. 10. v. 29, 34.
Luke vii. 21.

13 (

vain jangling,
vain talker. Tit.
xi. 27.

1 Tim.

xxiii. 29.

i. 6.
magnificence, Acts xix. 27.
majesty, 2 Pet. i. 16.
mighty power, Luke


2 Pet. i. 17.

enlarge. Matt, xxiii. 5. 2 Cor. x.

15 (marg. magnify).
ix. 43.

vain, 1 Cor. iii. 20. xv. 17. Tit.
Jas. i. 26. 1 Pet. i. 18.
Neut., vanity. Acts xiv. 15.
show great,

magnify, Luke i. 46. Acts v. 13.

X. 46. xix. 17. Phil.
Luke i.

2Pet. ii.


Pass., become vain,

viii. 20.


iv. 17.

greatly, Phil. iv. 10.


viii. 1.
Jude 25.
Said of God, Majesty, Heb. i. 3
^,, ,,
itsyag 250
exceedingly, Mark iv.
41. — sore, Luke ii, 9.
Add Luke i. 49, for

great, Matt. ii. 10. iv. 16. v. 19,
Acts viii. 13( miracles), StLiSj-Qo».
. .
35. vii. 27. viii. 24, 26. xv. 28. xx.
G'LT^S. Jas. iii. 5,

xxvi. 29, for
26. xxii. 36, 38. xxiv. 21, 24, 31.
xxvii. 60. xxviii. 2, 8. Mark iv.
32, 37, 39. V. 11 (-G"), 42. x. 43. Comparative,
xiii. 2. xvi. 4. greater, Matt. xi. lit, xii. 6. xxiii.
Luke i. 15, 32. ii. 10. iv. 25, 38. 17, 19. Mark iv. 32. xii. 31. Luke
V. 29. vi. 49. vii. 16. viii. 37. ix. vii. 28i. xii. 18. xxii. 27. John iv.
48. xiii. 19(-G°LbTr5'). xiv. 16. 12. V. 20, 36. viii. 53. x. 29. xiii.
xvi. 26. xxi. Hi, 23. xxiv. 52. John 16i. xiv. 28. XV. 13, 20. xix. 11.

1, 2, 8 (
vi. 18. vii. 37. xxi. 11. Acts ii. 20.
iv. 33/. V. 5, 11. vi. 8. vii. 11. viii.
LTS), 9, 10. x. 11.
xi. 5, 28. XV. 3. xvi. 26. xix. 27,
28, 34, 35. xxiii. 9, xxvi. 22.
1 Cor. xiv. 5. Heb. vi. 13, 16. ix.
11. xi. 26. Jas. iii. 1. 2 Pet. ii. 11.
1 John iii. 20. iv. 4. v. 9.
Neut., greater thing, Johni. 50(51).
— greater °work, John xiv. 12. —
Rom. ix. 2. 1 Cor. xvi. 9. Eph. v. Adv.y the more, Matt. xx. 31.
32. 1 Tim. iii. 16. vi. 6. 2 Tim. ii. greatest, Matt. xiii.
32<=c. xviii. 1,"
2a. Tit, ii. 13. Heb. iv. 14. x. 35. 4. xxiii. 11. Mark ix. 34. Luke ix.
xiii. 20. Jude 6.

46. xxii. 24, 26. 1 Cor. xiii. 13.

Rev. 1. 10. ii. 22. vi. 4, 12, 17. more, Jas. iv. 6.
vii. 14. viii. 8, 10. ix. 2
fr. G'), 14. xi. 8, 11, 12, 13,
15, 17, 18, 19. xii. 1, 3, 9, 12, 14.
xiii. 2, 13, 16. xiv. 2, 8, 19. xv. 1,
3. xvi. 1, 9, 12, 14, 17(-G«L), ISt,
^ ,
elder {marg. greater), Rom. ix. 12.
Add 1 Cor. xii. 31, for

greater, 3
John 4.

I9i, 21<. xvii. 1, 5, 6, 18. xviii. 1,
2(ap), 10, 16, 18, 19, 21i. xix. 1, 2, exceeding great, 3 Pet. 1. 4.

5, 17, 18. XX. 1, 11, 12. xxi. 3, 10, 10

(omS), 12.
Eph. 19.
?./^ they that are great, Matt.
greatness, i.

XX. 25. — great ones, Mark x. 42.

Nent.j grsat thing, 1 Cor. ix. 11.
2 Cor. xi. 15. Rev. xiii.
greatest**, Acts viii. 10.
large, Mark xiv.
5. [11.
15. Luke xxii. 12.
mighty, Rev. vi. 13.
viii. . ,
great men, Rev. vi. 15. xviii. 23.
lords, Mark vi. 21.

&. See

interpret, Matt. i. 23. Mark v. 41

strong, Rev. xviii, 2(/?). XV. 22, 34. Acts iv. 36.
loud°. Matt, xxvii. 46, 50. Mark
Pass., be by interpretation, John i.
i. 26. V. 7. XV. 34, 37. Luke i. 42.
42. Acts xiii. 8.
iv. 33. viii. 28. xvii. 15. xix. 37.
Add John 1. 38(39), for
xxiii. 23, 46. John xi. 43. Acts vii.
57, 60. viii. 7. xiv. 10. xvi. 28.
xxvi. 24.
drunkenness, Luke xxi. 34. Rom.
^, &,
Rev. V. 2, 12. vi. 10. vii. 2, 10.
xiii. 13. GaL v. 21.
viii. 13. X. 3. xii. 10. xiv. 7, 9, 15,
18. xix. 17.
high, John xix. 31. Heb. x. 21. remove, Acts xiii. 22^.
to years", Heb, xi. 24. can" remove, 1 Cor. xiii. 2.

translate, Col. i.

put out of, Luke xvi. 4.

turn away, Acts xix. 26.

Eph. vi. 11.
whereby one

lieth in wait,
ready, Luke

mean. Acts xxvii. 2.

mind, Acts xx. 13.
vii. 2p.
intend, Acts v. 35.

be almost. Acts xxi. 27.

Acts xx.
xx. 13

be, Matt. xi. 14. Luke xix. 4. Acta


Eph. iv. 14.

^. { xxi. 37p. Rev. xii. 5.

be to come, Rom. v. 14. Eph. i. 21.
Tim. iv. 8.

Neut.y border, Mark vii. 24
LTr5). Pari. J to come, Matt. iii. 7. xii.

&^. Luke
32. Luke iii. 7. Acts xxiv. 25. Heb.
ii. 5. vi. 5. ix. 11 L). x. 1.
Mid., be drunk (drunken), xii.

thing to come, Rom. viii.

xiii. 14.
Eph. V. 18. IThes.

drunkard, ICor. v. 11. vi. 10.

v. 7.
38. 1 Cor. iii. 22. Col. ii. 17. Heb.
xi. 20. —
time to come, 1 Tim. vi. 19.

^, With fr. be coming

be drunken, Matt. xxiv. 49. Acts


Acts xxvii. 33.
begin, Rev. x. 7.

ii.15. 1 Cor. xi. 21. 1 Thes. v. 7. TO after that, Luke xiii. 9.
Rev. xvii. 6. should hereafter, 1 Tim. i. 16.
Mid., have well drunk, John 11. 10. should afterwards. Gal. iii. 23.
— be made drunk,
Rev. xvii. 2.
See ^. Mark
should after, Heb. xi. 8. 2 Pet. ii. 6.

x. 32.
what things should,

shall (should). Matt. xvi. 27. xvii.

2 Cor. iii. 3. 2 John 12. 3 John
12, 22. XX. 22. xxiv. 6. Mark xiii.
4. Luke ix. 31, 44. xix. 11. xxi. 7,

36. xxii. 23. xxiv. 21. Johu vi. 71.

black, Matt. v. 36.
vi. 5, 12. vii. 89. xi. 51. xii. 4, 33. xviii. 32.
Acts xi. 28. xix. 27. xx. 38. xxii.
29. xxiii. 3, 27. xxiv. 15. xxvi, 2p,
22, 23. xxviii. G. Rom. iv. 24. viii.
meditate upon, ITira. iv. 15.
13, 18. 1 Thes. iii. 4. 2 Tim. iv.
premeditate, Mark xiii. 11 (-G°«L'' 1. Heb. i. 14. x. 27. Jas. ii. 12.
Tr^). 1 Pet. V. 1. Rev. i. 19. ii. lOi. iii.
imagine. Acts iv. 25.
. 10. vi. 11. xvii. 8.

honey, Matt.
X. 9, 10.

Lit. of

honey. See
4. Mark!. 6 Rev.
will (would), Matt.

ii. 13.
vi. 6, 15. vii. 35i. xiv. 22.
xii. 6. xvi, 27. xvii. 31. xxiii.
15p, 20p.

xxvii. 10, 30p.


be about. Acts xviii. 14p. xx.

Heb. viii. 5p. Rev. x. 4.
Not rendered, Acts
2 Pet. i. 12, for .
xiii. 34. xxii.

about, Acts iii. 3p.

be yet, Rev. viii. 13.
tarry, Acts xxii. 16.
be ready, Luko vii. 2. Rev. iii.
iii. 4.
See also :??;,
member, Matt. v. 29, 30. Rom.
13i, 19
vii. 5, 23i. xii. 4i, 5. 1
VI. 15ir. xii. 12<, 14, 18, 19, 20, 22,
one another, Matt. xxi. 35. xxii.
. .
25, 26/; 27. Eph. iv. 25. v. 30. 5. XXV. 15. Rom. ix. 21. xiv. 2.

Col. iii. 5. Jas. iii. 5, 6. iv. 1. 1 Cor. vii. 7. xi. 21. xii. 8. xv. 39,
Add Eph. iv. 16, for G\ 40.
one man . . another, Rom. xiv. 6.
Impersonal, with a dative, to care**, some . others, John vii. 1 2. Acts .

xvii. 32. Jude 22 and 23.

Matt. xxii. 16. Mark iv. 38. xii. 14.

Luke X. 40. Johnx. 13. xii. 6. Acts some , . some, Matt. xiii. 4 and 5,
xviii. 17. 1 Cor. vii. 21. 1 Pet. v. 7. 8,

take care*'", 1 Cor. ix. 9.
23. xvi. 14. Mark iv. 4 and 5.
xii. 5. Luke viii. 5 and 6. Acts xix.
322. xxvii. 44. xxviii. 24. Eph. iv.

11. 2 Tim. ii. 20.
parchment, 2 Tim. iv. 13. part , . part. Acts xiv. 4.
he (they, etc.) he (etc.), Acts i. . .

find fault, Mark vii. 2(omS) . Roin. 62 and 7. xxviii. 52. Rom. ii. 7 and
ix. 19. Heb. viii. 8. 8. Gal. iv. 23(-/iei; L^),
those . this, Heb. vii. 21(20).

Jude 16. those things . . those things, Phil,


particle expressing affirmation
. iii. 13(14).

TovTo . . partly . part-

, .

\, Heb. 33.
or concession, used in antithesis
with except when marked Q).
those things which . . ,
but what, Jude 10. . .
Frequently joined with ovv (2).
Not rendered. Matt. x. 13. xvi. 3.
indeed, Matt. iii. 11. xiii. 32. xx. xxii. 8. xxiii. 28. xxv. 33. xxvi.
23. xxiii. 27. xxvi. 41. Mark i.
24. Mark xvi. 192 (o;7). Luke iii.
(-Li'TTr^). X. 39(-TTr>S'). xiv. 182.
21. Luke iii. 16. xi. 4S. xxiii. 41.
X. e(omS). xiii. 9. xxiii. 56.
John X. 41. xi. 6\ xvi. 9, 222.
Acts iv. 16. xi. 16. xxii. 9. Rom. 24^2^ 32. Acts i. 1', 18^2. ii. 41'
vi. 11. xiv. 20^. 1 Cor. xi. 7. 2 Cor.
iii. 211. y. 412. yiu. 42^ 252. ix. 7,
viii. 17. Phil. i. 15. iii. 1. Col. ii.
312. xi. 192. xii. 52. xiii. 412^ 36.
23. 1 Pet. ii. 4.
xiv. 32, 12(-G°oLT*S). XV. 32, 302.
truly, Matt. ix. 37. xvii. 11. Mark xvL 52. xvii. 12-i, 17-, 30' 2. xviii.
xiv. 38. Luke x. 2. xxii. 22'. John 142. xix. 332. xxi. 39. xxiii.
XX. 30^. Acts i. 5. iii. 22. v. 23(-L 182, 221 312. XXV. 42^ 11. xxyi. 41 2.
T-S). 2 Cor. xii. 12i. Heb. vii. 23. xxvii. 211, 41.
xi. 15.

Rom. i. SK ii. 8(-LaS). iii. 2'. v.

verily, Mark ix. 12i(-TTr''). Acts 16. vii.
12, 25. viii. 10, 17. x. l'.
xix. 4'(-GL5'). xxii. 3(-G°oLaS). xi. 131,22,28. xvi. 19(-Go«LT).
xxvi. 912. Rom. ii. 25. 1 Cor. v. 3. 1 Cor. i. 12, 18, 23. ii. 15
xiv. 17. Heb. iii. 5. vi. 16^(-LS). -G^). iii. 41. vi.
42, 72. ix. 24, 252.

vii. 5, 18. ix. 12. xii. 10. ^et. i. xi. 14,181. xii. 20 (-L^^). xv. 51
20. (-Li'T). 2Cor. iv. 12(owi6'). ix. 1.
even, 1 Thes. ii. 18».
ol ^ BOme, 1 Cor. xii. 28'.
X. 10. xi. 41. Gal. iv. 24. Phil.
28(om5). 232.
2 Tim.

i. ii. i. 10.
6 . , 6 , . , , iv. 4. Tit. i. 15(-G<«'LT5').
, . Heb. i. 7. vii. 2i, 8, 11 12. viii. 4.
the one the other, 2 Cor. ii. 16.
. .
ix. 6, 23. X. 11. xii. 91, 11. Jas. iii.
Phil. i. 16 and 17. 17. 1 Pet. ii. 14(0^,5). iii. 18. iv.
one , . the other» Luke xxiii. 33. ,
6, l^ap). Jude 8.
jsvovvye 253
Add ovv for
28, TvS. Phil. iii. 8,GLT.
Luke xi. continue, John ii. 12. viii. 31. v.

Acts 9. ] Tim. ii. 15. 2 Tim, iii. 14 Ueb.
iii. IS'Cwhomje. .). GLTS. xxiii. vii. 24. xiii. 1, 14. 1 John ii, 9, 24.


2 Cor.
7(. divided), L. Rom. vi. 21'(for Rev. xvii. 10.

yea rather, Luke xi. 28(see


yea doubtless, Pliil. iii. S(see

yes verily, Rom. x. 18.
l(ap). Gal.

ii. 9 endure, John vi. 27.

Pet. i. 25.


Heb. x. 34. 1
stand, Rom. ix. 11.
COL, be thine own. Acts v. 4.
^i/(/l Joliniv. 16(.

xi. 51, TrS.

nay but, Rom. ix. 20(-G"). divide, Matt. xii. 25/, 26. Mark iii.

yet, John
iv. 27. xx. 5.
24, 25, 26. vi. 41. 1 Cor. i. 13.
Mid., divide, Luke xii. 13.
nevertheless, 2 Tim. ii. 19. Pass,, be difference between*'", 1 Cor.
., nevertheless, John xii. 42. vii. 34.

howbeit, John vii. 13. give part, Heh. vii. 2.
but, John xxi. 4. distribute, 1 Cor. vii. 17. 2 Cor. x.l3.
Not rendered,
also, Jude 8.
Jas. 8.
deal, Rom. xii. 3.


^. care.
viii. 14.
xiii. 22. Mark iv. 19.
xxi. 34. 2 Cor. xi.
remain. Matt. xi. 23. Luke x. 7.
John i. 33. ix. 41. xv. 11 G"L 28. 1 Pet. V. 7.
TTr), 16. xix. 31. Acts v. 4p. xxvii.
il. 1 Cor. vii. 11. xv. 6. 2 Cor. iii. be careful, Luke x. 41. Phil. iv. 6.
11, 14. ix. 9. Heh. xii. 27. 1 John have care, 1 Ccr. xii. 25.
ii. 24. iii. 9. care, 1 Cor. vii. 32, 33, 34i. Phil,

abide, Matt. x. 11. Mark vi. 10. ii. 20.

Luke i. 56. viii. 27. ix. 4. xix. 5. take thought, Matt. vi. 25, 27, 28,
xxiv. 29. John i. 32, 39(40). iii. 31, 34i. X. 19. Luke xii. 11, 22, 26.
86. iv. 40. V. 38. viii. 35i. x. 40. xii. with taking thought, Luke xii. 25?
24, 34, 46. xiv. \{
LTTr6^). xv. (-T).
4/r, 6, 6, lOi. Acts xvi. 15. xviii. 3. xx.

2Z(marg. wait for)• xxi• 7,8. xxvii. 31. Luke x. 42. Acts viii. 21.
1 Cor. iii. 14. vii. 8, 20, 24, 40. xiii.
xvi. 12(-G0. 2 Cor. vi. 15.
13. Phil. i. 25. 2 Tim. ii. 13. iv.
With '^ to be partaker. Col. i. 12.
20. Heb. vii. 3. 1 Pet. i. 23. 1

John ii. 6, 10. 14, 17, 24, 21t, 28. iii.

6, 14, 15, 24. 2 John 9/. dividing asunder, Heb. iv. 12.

{ still, John vii. 9. xi. 6.

John i. 38(39, marg.

24. iv. 12, 13, 15, 16i. 2

tarry, Matt. xxvi. 38.
89(40). vi. 56. xiv. 10, 17. Actsxxviii.

Mark xiv.
Luke xxiv. 29. John iv. 40.
TS). 1 John.
Jolm 2.
iii. 17,
gift {marg. distribution), Heb. ii. 4.



Matt. ii.
xii. 14.

22. Mark
xi. 36. John xiii. 8. xix. 23i.
viii. 10.

xxi. 22, 23. Acts ix. 43. xviii. 20. Acts ii. 10. V. 2. xx. 2. xxiii. 6, 9
XX. \b{ap). (op). Eph. iv. 9(-G'X'T), 16 (/«?
tarry for. Acts xx. 6.
G'). Rev. xvi. 19. xx. 6. xxi. 8.
xxii. 19.
be present*", John xiv. 25.
Wit/i az6f in part, Rom. xi. 25.
2 Cor.
Rom. XV.
XV. 24.
i. 14, ii. 5.
15. —

in some sort,
somewhat, Rom.
Mostly with

. . midst, Matt.
, ,,
16. xviii. 2, 20.

With tTi, in part, 1 Cor. xiii. 9i, 10, Mark vi. 47. ix. 36. xiv. 60. Luke
12. — in particular, ICor. xii. 27. ii. 46. iv. 30, 35. v. 19. vi. 8. xvii.
With avaf by course, 1 Cor. xiv. 27. 11. xxi. 21. xxii. 55. xxiv. 36. John
With Karay particularly, Heb. Ix. 5.


partly, 1 Cor. xi. 18.
xxiv. 42.
viii. 3(ap),

nx. 19,26.

(8). W (
Acts i. 15. ii. 22. iv. 7. xvii. 22.
xxvii. 21. Phil. ii. 15 G"LT

portion. Matt. xxiv. 51. Luke xii. S). Heb. ii. 12. Rev. i.
S). IS

,,, 6^ v.

46. XV. 12. ii. iv.
coast, Matt. XV. 21. xvi. 13. Acts QtK vi. G^ xxii. 2'.
xix. 1. See also

craft, Acts xix. 27.
ra on the right side,
middle wall between, Eph. ii. 14.

Joliu xxi. 6.

behalf, 2 Cor. ix. 3. IPet. iv. 16


(marg. part).
2 Cor. iii. IC. Col. ii. 16 6.
midst of heaven. Rev.
xix. 17.
viii. 13. xiv»

noon. Acts xxii. 6.

south, Acts viii. 26.

confirm (6V. interpose one's self),
about the midst°°, John

full, Matt, xxiii. 28. John xix. 29.

xxi. 11. Rom. i. 29. xv. 14. Jas.
iii. 8, 17. 2 Pet. ii. 14.

vii. 14p,


ii. 5.
vi. 17.

mediator. Gal.
.. 19, 20.

midnight, Acts xvi. 25. xx. 7.

Gen.y at midnight, Mark xiii. 35.
Luke xi. 5.
1 Tim.
viii. 6. ix. 15. xii. 24.
Add John xix. 29 (ap).


between some of . .


With a
among, Luke xxii. 37.

ii. 13p.


vi. 43. xi. 56. xvi. 19.

xxiv. 5.

. .

in the midst. Acts i. 18. and, John iii. 25.

in the midst, Matt. xiv. 24 with, Matt. i. 23. ii. 3, 11. iv. 21.
(np). Luke xxiii. 45. Jobu xix. 18. V. 25, 41. viii. 11. ix. 11, 15. xii. 30,

among, Jolm i. 26.

vii. 31.
St) . — among,
41, 42, 45. xiii. 20. xiv. 7. xv. 30.
through the midst, Mark xvi. 27. xvii. 3, 17. xviii. 16. xix.
in the midst. Rev. vii. 17 10. XX. 2, 20. xxi. 2. xxii. 16.
Matt. xiii. xxiv. 30, 31, 49, 51. xxv. 3, 4, 10,
— between, ICor.
vi. 5.
viii. 7. x. 3.
3 9, 31. xxvi. 11, 18, 20, 23, 29,
36, 38, 40, 47/,
—before, xxvii. 34, 41, 54. xxviii.
55, 58, 69, 71, 72.
8, 12, 20.

xxii. 27, 55. 1 Thes. ii. 7.
Matt. xiv. 6. Mark i. 13, 20, 29. ii. 16/, 19, 19
from among, Matt. xiii. (ap). iii. 5, C, 7, 14. iv. 16, 36.
49. Acts xvii. 33. xxiii. 10. 1 Cor. V. 18, 24. vi. 25, 50. viii. 10, 14,
v. 2. 2 Cor. vi. 17. —out of the way, 38. ix. 8, 24(-LTTr5'). x. 30. xi.
Col. ii. 14. 2Tlies. ii. 7. 11. xiii. 26. xiv. 7, 14, 17, 18, 20,
33, 43, 48, 54, 67.
31. xvi. 10().
1, 7, 28 (), i. 36. ii.

45(aw GLTTr-S).
25. v. 40. Luke
— that
vi. 4. viii.

is with, Tit
Luke i. 28, 39, 66. ii. 36, 51. v.
29, 30, 34. vi. 3, 17. vii. 36. viii.
13. ix. 49. X. 17, xi. 7, 23<, 31, 32.


without. Acts v. 26.
ii. 16. xi. 7. xix. Idt.
xii. 13, 46, 58. xiii. 1. xiv. 9, 31. in, Mark xiv. 62. Acts xv. 33.
XV. 29, 30, 31. xvii. 15, 20. xxi. on, Luke x. 37.
27. xxii. 11, 15, 21, 28, 33, 52, 53, upon, Luke i. 58.
59. xxiii. 43. xxiv. 29, 30, 52. unto, Rev. x. 8.
John iii. 2, 22, 26. vi. 3,
iv. 27i. promised to^ Luke i. 72.
66. vii. 33. viii. 29. ix. 37, 40. xi. of. Matt, xviii. 23.
16, 31, 54. xii. 8, 17, 35(; GLTTr and "^setting, Matt, xxvii. 66,
S). xiii. 8, 18(-Tr), 33. xiv. 9, 16, Not rendered, Rev. xiv. 13.
30, XV. 27. xvi. 4, 32. xvii. 12, 24.
xviii. 2, 3, 5, 18, 26. xix. 18, 40.
Add Mark
Rev. xii. 7, for
v. 37
,, )^ -
(. . him), TTr^'.
XX. 7, 24, 26.
Acts 1. 4 (Beza, -StE, omS), 26.
ii.28. iv. 29, 31. vii. 9, 38, 45. ix,
19, 28, 39. X. 38. xi. 21. xiii. 17.
See also '?'/?.,

II. With an Accusative.

xiv. 23, 27. XV. 4, 35. xvii. 11. (Denoting time, except in Ileb. ix. 3.)
xviii. 10. XX. 18, 19, 24 (-G'^^LTS), after, Matt. i. 12-°. xvii. 1. xxiv.
31, 34. xxiv. 1, 3, 7(a;j), 18i. xxv. 29. XXV. 19. xxvi. 2, 32, 73. xxvii.
12, 23. XX vi. 12. xxvii. 10, 24. 53, 63. Mark i. 14<=°. viii. 31. ix. 2.
xxviii. 31. xiii. 24. xiv. 1, 28<=°, 70<=«. xvi. 12
(ap), 19(ap).
Rom. xii. 15i, 18. xv. 10, 33. xvi.
20, 24(a/)). 1 Cor. vi. 6, 7. vii. 12,
Luke i. 24. ii. 46. v. 27, ix. 28.
X. 1. xii. 4='', 5. XV. 13<=<'. xxii. 20,
13. xvi. 11, 12, 23, 24. 2 Cor. vi.
58. John ii. 12. iii. 22. iv. 43. v. 1,
15, 16, vii. 15. viii. 4, 18. xiii. 11,
4(a/?). vi. 1. vii. 1. xi. 7, 11. xiii.
27. xix. 28, 38. xx. 26. xxi. 1.
Gal. ii. 12. iv. 25, 30. vi. 18.
Eph. iv. 2t,25. vi. 5, 7, 23, 24.
Acts i. 3. V. 37. vii. 5, 7. x. 37,
41". xii. 4. xiii. 15, 20, 25. xv. 13%
Phil. i. 4. ii. 12, 29. iv. 3, 6, 9, 23.
Col. i. 11. iv. 18. 1 Thes. i. 6. iii. 16, 36'=°. xviii. 1. xix. 4, 21. xx. 1%
6, 29. xxi. 15. xxiv. 1, 24. xxv. 1.
13. V. 28. 2 Thes. i. It. iii. 12, 16.
xxviii. 11, 13, 17.
18. 1 Tim. i. 14. ii. 9, 15. iii. 4. iv.
Gal. i. 18. iii. 17<=°. Tit. iii. 10.
3, 4, 14. vi. 6, 21. 2 Tim. ii. 10, 22.
iv. Hi, 22, 22(aj9). Tit. ii. 15. iii.
Heb. iv. 7. viii. 10. ix. 3, 27. x.
15. Phm. 25(24). 15, 16, 26. 2 Pet. i. 15. Rev. iv. 1.
vii. 1, 9. xi. 11. xv. 5.

xviii. 1.
Heb. V. 7. vii. 21. ix. 19. x. 22.
xix. 1. XX. 3.
xi. 9, 31. xii. 14, 17, 2S. xiii. 17,
23, 25. 1 Pet. iii. 15. 1 John i. 3tr,
With hereafter, John xiii. 7.

6, 7. ii.19. 2 John 2, 3. Rev. i. 7, 12.—

Rev. i. 19. iv. 1. ix. after-

22. iii. 4, 20/, 21i. iv. 1. vi. ward,

Luke xvii. 8. xviii. 4. John
12. ii.

8(-G'^). xii. 9, 17. xiii. 4, *i(ap). V. 14. Heb. iv. 8. —

that should fol-
xiv. 1, 4. xvii. 1, 2, 12, 14/. xviii. low, 1 Pet. i. 11.
since, Heb. vii. 28.
for '
3, 9. xix. 20. XX. 4, 6 (jiera

xxii. 12, 21.

G"). xxi. Sir, 9, 15. hence*'". Acts i. 5.
Witfi ,
follow. Matt, xxvii. 62.
With art., he that (which) is with, when•'", Acts vii. 4. 1 Cor. xi. 25.
Matt. xii. 3, 4, 30. xxvi. 51. Mark Add Mark ix. 31, x. 34,
See also
7, for

for ry Tpirrf
Rev. XX.

, 6, .
^ for

vii. 8/.
repent one's
Matt. xxi. 29, 32.
Heb. vii. 21.
2 Cor.

Matt, xxvii. 3.

remove, Matt. xvii. 20t. Mid., be transformed, Rom. xii. 2.

pass, John V. 24. 1

depart, Matt. viii. 34. xi. 1. xii. Mark ix. 2.
9p. XV. 29. John vii. 3. xiii. 1. Acts
xviii. 7.
go, Luke X. 7.
iii. 14. — be
transfigured, Matt. xvii. 2.
be changed, 2 Cor. iii.

repent. Matt.

iii. 2. iv. 17. xi. 20,

21. xii. 41. Mark i. 15. vi. 12. Luke

Mid.f change one's mind. Acts
X. 13. xi. 32. xiii. 3, 5. xv. 7, 10.
xxviii. 6.
xvi. 30. xvii. 3, 4. Acts ii. 38. iii.

19. viii. 22. xvii. 30. xxvi. 20.
turn about, Jas. iii. 3, 4. 2 Cor. xii. 21. Rev. ii. 5i, 16, 21f,
22. iii. 3, 19. ix. 20, 21. xvi. 9, 11.
impart, Luke iii. 11. Rom. i. 11.
1 Thes. ii. 8.
repentance, Matt. iii. 8 (marg. a-
give, Rom. xii. 8 (mar^r. impart).
Eph. iv.

28 (inarg. distribute).
mendment of life), 11. ix. 13(o»i5).
8. V. 32.
i. 4.
ii. Vl(omS). Luke

xxiv. 47. Acts v,


change, Heb. vii. 12.
removing, Heb. xii. 27.

Heb. xi. 5.

depart, Matt. xiii. 53. xix. 1.

31. xi. 18. xiii.
xxvi. 20. Rom.
24. xix. 4. xx. 2.
ii. 4. 2 Cor. vii. 9,

10. 2 Tim. ii. 25. Heb. vi. 1, 6. xii.

17 (marg. to change one's mind*"')•
2 Pet. iii. 9.
Add Luke iii. 16(/>).
Mid. call Acts xxiv. 25.
for, —


. .
call to one's self, Acts vii. 14. call between. Matt, xviii. 15. xxiii. 35.
Acts x. 32. —
call, Acts xx. Luke xi. 51. xvi. 26. Acts xii. 6.

XV. 9.

move away,
}<.Col. i. ^3.
mean while,
15 {marg. between).
John iv. 31. Rom. ii.

next, Acts xiii. 42(mar^. between).

be partaker of, 3 Tim. ii. 6. Heb.

xii. 10. send for. Acts x. 22, 29p, 29. xxiv.
receive, Hob. vi. 7. 24, 26. XXV. 3.

take, Acts xxvii. 33. call for. Acts x. 5. xi. 13.

eat. Acts ii. 46.

have. Acts xxiv. 25p. turn, Acts ii. 20. Jas. iv.. 9.
Add Acts xxvii. 34, for pervert, Gal. i. 7.
(?, GLT^.
(-\ J/VS). Mid., transform one's self, 2 Cor. xi,
yvith •, to ba received, 1 Tim. iv. 3.
13. — be transformed, 2 Cor. xi. 14,
-. 1 5.
to change, Rom. i. 25, 26. transfer in a figure, 1 Cor. iv. 6.


. 21.

xi. bt,

a little. Acts xx. 12.

carry over. Acts vii. IG. measare. Matt. vii. 2. xxiii. 32.
remove, Gral. i. 6. Mark iv. 24. Luke vi. 38i. John
change, Heb. vii. 12. iii. 34. Rom.2 Cor. x. 13/.
xii. 3.

turn, Jude 4. Eph. iv. 7, 13, 16. Rev. xxi. 17.

afterward, Heb. xii.

take part of, Heb. ii. 14.

Add Rev. xxi. 15 (had . .), GLT

forehead. Rev. vii. 3. ix. 4. xiii.

be partaker of, ICor. ix. 10, 12.
1 6. xiv. 1, 9. xvii. 5. xx. 4. xxii. 4.
X. 17, 21, 30.
pertain to, Heb, vii. 13. unto, Rom. XV. 19. Phil. ii. 8, 30.
use, Heb. v. 13. 2 Tim. ii. 9. Heb. iii. Q(ap), 14. xii.

Mid. or Pass.y be of doubtful mind,
until. Matt. xi. 23. xiii. 30
Luke xii. 29 {jnarg» live in careful Tr,
S). :^viii. 15. Acts x. 30.
V. 14.
( [4.

suspense). XX. 7. 1 Tim. vi. 14. Heb. ix. 10.

tiU, Eph. iv. 13.
, Mark xiii. 30.
C3,rrying away Matt. i. 17/.
Wiih /, about the time ''they were" Add Luke

xvi. 16, for . 8,

to. Matt. i. 12.

carried away to. Matt. 1. 11.
With //, after *they were° brought

carry away. Acts vii. 43.
remove into, Acts vii. 4.
I. As
A particle differing from oh in express-
ing negation dependent on the manner
in which a thing is conceived used
a negative Adverb.

2 Cor. vi. 14.

With an imperative, marked *.)
17% 29, 30, 34, 39, 42•\ vi.
10. V.
1, 2% 3% 7% 8% 13, 16% 18, 19% 25*.
partaker, Heb. iii. 1, 14. vi. 4. vii. 1% 6% 19, 26. x. 5/% 26% 28/%
xii. 8. 31% 34\ xii. 30/. xiii. 6, 19. xiv. 27.
i. 19, 20». ii. 12. iii. 9,

partner, Luke v. 7.
fellow, Heb. i. 9.
xvii. 1\ xviii. 13, 25. xix. 6% 14\
xxi. 21\ xxii. 12, 29. xxiii. 3% 8%
23. xxiv. 17% 23% 2oH. xxv. 29.

to measure, Mark iv. 24. 2 Cor. x. xxvi. 5. xxviii. 5% 10*.
12. Rev. xi. 1, 2. xxi. 15, 16, 17. Mark ii. 4. iii. 20. iv. 12/. v. 30«.
mete, Matt. vii. 2. Mark iv. 24. vi. 9% 11, 34, 50^ ix. 39\ x. 9% 14%
Luke vi. 38. 19, 19(-G°), 19/r. xi. 23. xii. 15
Add, for Matt. vii. 2, (14), 24. xiii. 7% 15% 16% 21». xiv.

GLTTriS. Luke vi. 38, L°». 2. xvi. 6-'.

Luke ii. 10% 26, 13% 20, 30».


45. 10% 19. vi.

iii. 8, 9. iv. 42. v.
fiikin, John ii. 6.
29% 30% 37/% 49. vii. 6% 13% 30.
viii. 10/, 18, 28% LTr5),
have compassion on (marg. reasona- 50\ 52\ ix. 5, 33, 50^. x. 7% 10,20\
bly bear with), Heb. v. 2. xi. 4, 7% 23/, 35, 42. xii. 4% 7% 21,
258 ^
29% 32^ 33, 47, 48. xiii. 14. xiv. 9% 16, 17. Jas. i. 5, 7% 16% 22, 26.
8, 12% 29. xvi. 26. xvii. 23% Sl^ ii. 1% 11/, 14, IQ, iii. 1% 14\ iv.
xviii. 1, 2, 16% 20/. xix. 26, 27. 2, 11% 17. V. 9% 12% 17.
XX. 7. xxi. 8, 9% 14, 21\ xxii. 40, 1 Pet. i. 8, 14. ii. 16. iii. C, 7, 9,
42,\ xxiii. 2S\ xxiv. 16, 23. 14 \ iv. 4, 12% 16% V. 2. 2 Pet. ii.
John ii. 16\ iii. 7% 16 (up), ISt. 21. iii. 8% 9. IJolm ii. 4, 15, 28.

V. 23, 28% 45. vi. 20% 27% 43, C4. iii. 10/, 13% 14, 18, 21. iv. 1% 3, 8,
vii. 24% 49. viii. 6 (see 20. V. 10, 12, 16/. 2 John 7, 9, 10\
ix. 39. X. 1, 37% 38. xi. 37, 50. 3 John 10, \\.\ Jude 5, 6, 19, Rev.
xii. 15% 47 (-G'), 48. xiii. 9. xiv. i. 17% iii. 18. v. h\ vi. 6. vii. 3.
1% 24, 27% XV. 2. xviii. 40. xix. 21, viii. 12. X. 4. xi. 2. xiii. 15. xxii.
24. XX. 17% 27% 29. 10.
Acts i. 4.23. iv. 18. v. 7, 28,
iii. thou do it• not, Rev. xix. 10\ xxii.
40. vii. 19, GO. ix. 26, 38. x. 15% 9%
47. xi. 9=*. xii. 19. xiii. 11. xiv. 18. no*^% Matt. vi. 31% 34». ix. 36. x.
XV. 19, 38i. xvii. 6. xviii. 9% 9. 19% xiii. 5. xxii. 23, 24, 25. xxiii. 9.
xix. 31. XX. 10% 16, 22, 29. xxi. 4, Mark iv. 5, 6. vi. 8/r. xii. 18, 19. xiii.
12, 14, 21, 34. xxiii. 9 (ow-S), 21. 11% Luke xii. 11% 22*. xiii. 11. xxii.
XXV. 24, 27. xxvii. 7, 15, 21, 24. 36. Acts i. 20% xxiii. 8.
Rom. i. 28, ii. 14/, 21, 22. iii. 8. Rom. v. 13. vii. 3. 1 Cor. i. 10. vii.
iv. 5, 17, 19. V. 14 (-Go), vi. \2\
37. xiii. 2. 2 Cor. v. 21. xiii. 7. Gal.

viii. 1 (ap), 4. ix. 30. x. 6, 20/. xi. iv. 8. Eph. ii. 12. v. 11% IThes.
8% 10, 18% 20\ xii. 2% 3, 11, 14% iv. 6, 13. 2 Thes. iii. 14% ITim. i.
16/, 19, 21\ xiii. 3, 13/r, 14». xiv. 3. iii. 3. Tit. i, 7. Jas. ii. 13. 1 Pet.
I, 3% 3, 3% 3, Q(ap), 6, 15% 16% iii. 10.
20% 22. XV. 1. Matt. x. 9*. xxiv, 18%
1 Cor. i. 28. iv. 7, 18. v. 8, 9, 11. Luke X. 4% xii. 29. xviii. 2. Rom.
vi. 9% vii. 1, 5% 10, 11, 12% 13% xiv. 21. 2 John 10.
lS/% 21% 23% 27/% 30/r, 31, 38, nor. Matt. x. 10% Luke x. 4%
ix. 18, 21. X. 6, 28, 33. xi. 22 (see that^^not, Matt. xxiv. 6% Mark v. 7.
), 29. xiii. 1, 3. xiv. 20% 39». xv. \ ,TO lest, 2 Cor. iv. 4.
33% 34». no man*'% Rom. xiv. 13.
2 Cor. ii. 1, 13. iii. 7, 13. iv. 2,7, no one of you*'°, 1 Cor. iv. 6.
IS/r. V. 19. vi. 1, 9, 14% Vl\ ix. 5, none°% Luke iii. 11. xi. 24. 1 Cor.
7. X. 2, 14. xii. 21. Gal. iii. \(ap).

vii. 29.
iv. 18. V. 1% 7, 13, 26. vi. 7% 9/. nothing'^", Luke vii. 42.
Eph. iii. 13. iv. 26"/, 30^ v. 7% 15, none, 1 Pet. iv. 15. no man. —
17% 18% 27. vi. 4% 6. Phil. ii. 4, Matt. viii. 28. ICor. xvi. 11. 2 Cor.
12. iii. 9. Col. i. 23. ii. 18(-GooL'^ xi. 16. Col. ii. 16% 2 Thes, ii. 3.
S), 21. iii. 2, 9% 19% 21% 22. rc^ nothing, ICor. iv. 5. — no,
1 Thes. i. 8. ii. 9, 15. iv. 5/. v. 6, Luke xi. 36. xii. 4.
19% 20». 2 Thes. i. 8/. ii. 2, 12. iii. ^
rij nothing''% Mark viii. 1.

6, 8, 13% 15\ ITim. i. 20. ii. 9. never, John vii. 15.

iii. 3, 2>(omS), 6, 8/r, 11. iv. 14^ but, Luke xvii. 1. Acts iv. 20. xx.
V. 1, 9% 13, 16% n\ vi. 2% 3, 17.
2 Tim, i. 8. ii. 14. Tit. i. G, 7/, any", Luke xx. 27.
II, 14. ii. 3/, 9, 10. With another negative, not rendered,
Ileb. iii. 8% 15% 18. iv. 2, 7% 15. Luke xxii. 34(-TTrS). Acts xx. 27.
vi. 1. vii. 6. ix. 9. x. 25, 35. xi. 3, 1 Cor. i. 7. Phil. i. 28. ITim. i. 7.
, 8, 13, 27. xii. 5, 19, 27. xiii. 2% Rev. vii, 16. See also oh .
. a

Arid, for , Matt. xi. 23, Luke x. 15, 21, 22i, 23i. —
nomore, Heb. viii.
LTr6' — Mt. X. 38, see ov. xix. 9{(ip). 12. X. 17. Rev. iii. 12.
Mk. xii. 2l{ap). Luke xxiv. o6(a/)). ob irt, no more, Rev. xviii.
Luke X.
31, for ,
for ("??(5, Tr-S. John vii.
G'LTr^. 1 Cor. ix.
not, Matt. X. 23. xiii. 14i. xv.

,, , , , -,
20(a/)). 2 Cor. v. 12, for ov, LS. 1 (5). xvi, 22, 28. xviii. 3. xxiii. 39.
Pet. V. 3, for .
Rev. ii. 10», xxiv. 2, 2(
omS), 34, 35. xxvi.
for G'LTr. vii. 16(neitheri«' 29, 35. Mark ix. 1, 41. x. 15. xiii.

, , .—

• •)' ^• 2t, 30, 31. xvi. 18()• Liike vi. 37

See also

^, . Aho
{see Iva ^ 37. ix. 27. xii. 59.
xiii. 35. xviii. 7, 30. xxi. 18, 32,
ihvy ,
. As a Conjunction.
33. xxii. 16, 18, 67,
68. .John iv. 48. viii. 12. x. 5. xi.
that not, Matt, xviii. 10. Lk. xxi. 8. 56. xiii. 38. xviii. 11». xx. 25. Acts

^ that ,
Gal. V. 15. 2 Tim. iv. 16. Heb. xii. 25.
1 Thes. V. 15.
that no man, Matt. xxiv. 4. 2 Cor.

xxviii. 26f.
1 Pet.
iv. 8.
iv. 15.
Gal. iv. 30.
v. 3. Heb.
v. 16.
viii. 11.

viii. 20. ii. 6. ii. iii. 3, 5.

lest, Mark xiii. 5, 36. Acts xiii. XV. 4.

40. xxiii. 10. xxvii. 17, 42. 1 Cor. no*'°, 1 Cor. viii. 13. Rev. xviii. 7.
X. 12. 2 Cor. iv. 4. xii. 6, 21. Gal. neither, Mark xiii. 19. Luke i. 15.
vi. 1. Col. ii. 8. Heb. xii. 15/, 16.

III. As an
Interrogative (expecting
' ,
never, John
vi. 35. Heb.
ever, Matt.
xiii. 5.
negativelins wer )
Not rendered, Matt. vii. 9, 10. ix.
Not rendered, Mark xiv. 25^. Heb.
xiii. 6^.
15. Mark ii. 19. Luke v. 34. xi.
Hi, 12. xvii. 9. xxii. 35. John iii. Add, for oi», Matt. xii. 32, LS.
XXV. 9, G"LTTr. Luke viii. 17, L

4. iv. 12. vi. 67. vii, 35, 41, 47, 51,
Tr^". John xvi. 7, Tr. Rev. ix. 6,
52. viii. 53. ix. 27, 40. x. 21. Acts
vii. 28, 42.
Rom. iii. 3, 5. ix. 14, 20. xi. 1, 11. See also
1 Cor. i. 13. ix. 8, 9. x. 22. xii. 29^, 30ir.
; or ;
2 Cor. iii. 1. xii. 17. Jas. ii. 14. iii. 12. any man ? John iv. 33.
not, John xviii. 17, 25.
any ? John vii. 48. xxi. 5. 2 Cor. xii
IV. With other particles. 17.
^ ; ; or ;

not ? Rom. x. 18, 19. 1 Cor. ix. 4, not? Matt. xii. 23(fr. 1638) . John
5. xi. 22.

Interrogative, *.
ov . ,

With another nega-

iv. 29.
With yf , how much more ? 1 Cor.
tive, 2. vi. 3.
not in any wise, Mark xiv. 31. Not rendered, Matt. vii. 16. xii.
in no wise, Matt. v. 18. x. 42. 23(erf.l611,eic.). xxvi. 22, 25. Mark
Luke xviii. 17. Jolin vi. 37. Acts iv. 21. xiv. 19, 19(a;)). Lulve vi.
xiii. 41. Rev. xxi. 27. 39. John vii. 31(^7 G'LTrS). viii.
22. xviii. 35. Acts x. 47. 2 Cor. i.

in no case. Matt. v. 20.
by no means, Matt. v. 26.
by any means, Luke x. 19'.
not at all, Rev. xxi. 25.
at all. Rev. xviii. H^,

. xii. 18. Jas. iii. 11.

See ft ,
With irtf no more at all, Rev. xviii. not so, Acts X. 14. xi. 8.
neither, Matt. vii. 6.
, . . xxiii.
(-G-'T). xix. 36. xxiii. 14, 29. xxv.
25. xxvii. 33. 2 Cor. vi. 10. viL 9.
Gal. vi. 3.
10. xxiv. 20. Mark viii. 26. xii. 24. Phil. i. 28. ii. 3. iv.
xiii. ll(-Go°L*>Tr/S), 15, Luke iii. 6. IThes. iv. 12 (marg. no man).
14. xii. 22, 47. xiv. 12(«p).xvi. 26.
John iv. 15. xiv. 27. Acts xxi. 21.

14. V.

Eom. vi. 13. ix.
11.1 Cor. V. 8. X. 7, 8, 9, 10. 2 Thes. vi. 32.
iii. 10. 1 Tim. 1. 4. v. 22. 1 Pet. iii.

lJohnii.l5. iii. 18. Acts XXV. 17.

nor, Matt. x. 9(-T, err. ?S), 9, 14.
i. 4, 6.

Tim. V. 21. vi. 4. Tit. iii. 13. Jas.
3 John
any thing, Rom.

Luke iv. 35. Acts x. 28.

xiii. ^. 2 Cor.

without any,

xxii. 29.

2. 1 Tim. vi. 17.

xii. 5.
Mark vi. 11. viii. 26.
TrS). xiv. \2t. xvii. 23.
Acts iv. 18. Rom. xiv. 21i. 2 Cor. iv.
2 Tim. i. 8. Heb.

nor yet, Matt. vi. 25. x. 10.

no, not, 1 Cor. v. 11.

not a whit, 2 Cor. xi. 5.
not at all, 2 Thes. iii. 11.
Add Col. ii. 4, for

2 Tim.

not as yet, Heb. xi. 7.



not. Col. ii. 21/. 1 Pet. v. 2.

not once, Eph. v. 3. '.
no, not so much as, Mark ii. 2. With another negative, *,

Add, for Mark iii. 20, LTTr. no longer, IThes.
Eph. iv. 27, 2 Thes. ii. 2, LTS. — V. 23. 1 Pet. iv. 2.
iii. 1, 5. ITim.
Phil. ii. 3, see I.
any longer, Acts xxv. 242.
45. ix. 25. John
no more, Mark i.

With another negative, 2. V. 14. viii. ll(ap). Acts xiii. 34.

no man, Matt. viii. 4. ix. 30. xvi. Rom. XV. 23. Eph. iv. 28.
20. xvii. 9. Mark v. 43. vii. 36. not any more, Rom. xiv. 13.
viii. 30. ix. 9. xi. 14. Luke iii. 14. not henceforth, 2 Cor. v. 15.
V. 14. viii. 56. ix. 21. x. 4. Acts henceforth not, Rom. vi. 6. Eph.
ix. 7. xxiii. 22. Rom. xii. 17. xiii. iv. 17.
8. 1 Cor. iii. 18, 21. x. 24. Gal. vi. henceforth no more, Eph. iv. 14.
17. Eph. V. 6. Col. ii. 18. 1 Thes. henceforth, Acts iv. 17^.
iii. 3. 1 Tim. iv. 12. v. 22. Tit. ii. hereafter, Mark xi. 14".
15. iii. 2 Jas, i. 13. 1 John iii. 7. no*=° . henceforward. Matt. xxi. 19.

Rev. iii. 11. no*'•, Mark ii. 2.

not any man, Acts x. 28.
any man, Mark
none, John
i. 44^.
Add Luke viii. 49, for
viii. 10(ap). Acts viii.
xxiv. 28. 1 Tim. v. 14.

iii. 18. Rev. xxi. let,

24. xi. 19.
Rev. ii. 10 (//^ G'LTr).
no, Luke iii. 13. Acts iv. 17. XIU. Mid. J grow up, Mark iv. 27.
28. XV. 28. xvi. 28. xix. 40. xxi.
25 (ap). xxviii. 6, 18. 1 Cor. i, 7. X.
25, 27. 2 Cor. vi 3. xiii. 7. Heb X.2.
any, 2 Thes. ii. 32. 1 Pet. iii. 6^.
no thing, Tit. ii. 8. subst.

^ ,
xi. 37.

adv. See .
nothing, Matt, xxvii. 19. Mark i. month, Luke i. 24, 26, 36, 56. iv.
44(-LTr»',S). V. 26. vi. 8. Luke vi. 25. Acts vii. 20. xviii. 11. xix. 8.
35. ix. 3. Acts iv. 21. x. 20. xi. 12 XX. 3. xxviii. 11. Gal. iv. 10. Jas.
V. 17. Rev. ix. 5, 10, 15. xi. 2.
33. ix. 3. Acts xxiii. 8, 21. xxvii.
xiii. 5. xxii. 2(acc.


irregular form of the ace,
Rev. xxii. 2, LT.
20. 2 Thes.
vii. 3.
2 Thes.
much as,


vii. It, 3.
1 Tim.


7. Heb.


show, Luke XX. 37. John xi. 57. Add Acts xxiii. 8, for /^ LS.
1 Cor. X. 28.

lest at
xiii. 15.
Acts xxiii. 30p.

anytime, Matt.
iv. 12.
iv. 6. v. 25.
Luke iv. 11.
mother. Matt. i. 18. ii. 11, 13, 14,
20, 21. X. 35, 37. xii. 46, 47, 48,
49, 50. xiii. 55. xiv. 8, 11. xv. 4/,
5, 6(5, op), xix. 5, 12, 19, 2d(ap).
xxi. 34. Heb. ii. 1. XX. 20. xxvii. 56i.
lest haply, Acts v. 39. Mark iii. 31, 32, 33, 34, 35. v. 40.
With Iva, lest haply, Luke xiv. 29.
vi. 24, 28. vii. lOi, 11, 12. x. 7, 19,
lest, Matt. xiii. 29.
vii. 6. xv. 29, 30. XV. 40.
32. XXV. 9. 64. Mark xiv.
XX vii. Luke i. 15, 43, 60. ii. 33, 34, 43
2. Luke xii. 58. xiv. 8, 12. Acts (ap), 48, 51. vii. 12, 15. viii. 19,
xxviii. 27, Heb. iii. 12. iv. 1. 20, 21, 51. xii. 53i. xiv. 26. xviii.
if peradventure, 2 Tim. ii. 25. 20.
no*^ . . at all, Heb. ix. 17. John ii. 1, 3, 5, 12. iii. 4. vi. 42.
whether or not, Luke iii. 15. xix. 25i, 26i, 27.
Interrogative, not rendered, John Acts i. 14. iii. 2. xii. 12. xiv. 8.
yii. 26. Rom. xvi. 13. Gal. i. 15. iv. 26.
Acts xxvii. 29, for

. , anywhere.
Eph. V. 31. vi. 2. 1 Tim. v. 2

, .. ^
2 Tim. 1. 5. Rev. xvii. 5.

not yet,

.ix. 11.

by any means, 1 Cor. viii. 9.

2Cor. xi. 3. Gal. ii. 2.
lest that by any means, 1 Cor. ix. 27.
lest by some means, 1 Thes. iii. 5.
lest psrhaps, 2 Cor. ii. 7.
Heb. ix. 8.

murderer of a mother,
womb, Luke

. .

23. Rom.

1 Tim.

iv. 19.

1. 9.

lest haply, 2 Cor. ix. 4.

lest, Acts xxvii. 29
Rom. xi. 21(-G°°L5). 2 Cor. xii.
20i. Gal. iv. 11.

defile, John xviii. 28.
Heb. xii. 15. Jude 8.

2 Pet. ii. 20.
Tit. i. Ut.

thigh, Rev. xix. 16.

With another
. negative,
neither, Matt. v. 34, 35, 36. xi. 18.
uncleanness, 2 Pet.

John xix.


Luke vii. 33. ix. 3/". Acts xxiii. 12,

21. xxvii. 20. Eph. iv. 27
S). 2 Thes.
vii. 3.
ii. 2.

Jaa. v. 12;r. Rev.

Matt, v, 35, xi. 18,
i. 7.
vii. 3.

mingle, Matt, xxvii. 34.

viii. 7.

xii. 32.
xv. 2.

xix. 3. John
vii. 33. xii. 35. 1 Cor. v. 6. Gal. v.
xvi. 13. xix. 14. xxi. 17. John iii.
9. Jas. iii. 5. Rev. iii. 8. vi. 11 20. vii. It. xii. 25. xv. 18i, 19, 23,
(-GTTr^). XX. 3. 24, 25. xvii. 14. Rom. vii. 15. ix.
little one, Matt. x. 42. xviii. 6, 10, 13. Eph. V. 29. Tit. iii. 3. Heb. 1.
li. Mark ix. 42. Luke xvii. 2. 9. IJohnii. 9, 11. iii. 13, 15. iv.
less, Mark xv. 40. 20. Jude23. Rev. iL 6/, 15(5/.

Mark iv. 31.
Acts viii. 10. Heb. viii. 11.
small, Acts xxvi. 22. Rev. xi. 18.
xiii. 16. xix. 5, 18. xx. 12.
•). xvii. 16.

Pass, part., hateful. Rev. xviii. 2.
Add Rev. xviii.

recompense of reward, Heb.

2p(foul and . .),


least, Matt. xi. 11.
vii. 28. ix. 48.

Adv., ,
a little. Matt. xxvi. 39. Mark xiv.
xiii. 32. Luke X. 35. xi. 26.

re warder,
Heb. xi. 6.

36, 70. 2 Cor. xi. 1, 16.

a little while, John xiii. 33. xiv.
19. xvi. 16f, 17/, 18, 19/. Heb. x.
hired servant,
. Luke xv. 17, 19.

a while, Matt. xxvi. 73.
, hire, Matt. xx. 8. Luke x. 7. Jas.

V. 4.
wages, John iv. 36. 2 Pet. ii. 15.
mile, Matt. v. 41. reward, Matt. v. 12, 46. vi. 1, 2,
5, 16. X. 41i, 42. Mark ix. 41. Luke
follow, 2
3 John 11.

. iii. 7, 9. Heb. xiii.
vi. 23, 35. Acts

i. 18.

1 Cor. iii. 8, 14. ix. 17, 18. 1

V. 18. 2 Pet. ii. 13. 2 John 8.
Rom. iv. 4.

11. Rev. xi. 18. xxii. 12.
follower, 1 Cor. iv. 16. xi. 1. Eph.

V. 1. 1 Thes. i. 6. ii. 14. Heb. vi.
12. IPet. iii. IZ G"LS). Mid., to hire.

^. Matt. xx. 1, 7.

remember, Heb.
1 Aor. , .
be mindful

2 Tim.
xiii. 3.


ii. 6.

2 Pet.
— hired "house. Acts xxviii. 30,

hired servant,
hireling, John
Mark 1. 20.

x. 12, 13(a/>), 13.

. ..
be mindful of, i.

iii. 2.
remember. Matt. v. 23. xxvi. 75. pound, Luke xix. 13, 16i, 18i, 20,
xxvii. 63. Lukei. 72. xvi. 25. xxiii. 24^ 25.
42. xxiv. 6, 8. John ii. 17, 22. xii.
16. Acts xi. 16. ICor. xi. 2. Heb.
viii. 12. X. 17. Jade 17.
in remembrance of, Luke i. 54'"^ remembrance, Phil. i. Z(marg. men-
Pass., come in remembrance. Rev. tion). 1 Thes. iii. 6. 2 Tim. i. 3.
— Rom. i,


xvi. 19. mention, 9. i. 16.
be had in remembrance,
Acts X. 31. 1 Thes. i. 2.Phm. 4.

to hate,Matt. v. 43, 44(). vi. tomb, Mark v. 5. Luke viii. 27.

24. X. 22. xxiv. 9, 10. Mark xiii. sepulchre, Luke xxiii. 53. xxiv. 1.
13. Luke i. 71. vi. 22, 27. xiv. 26. Acts ii. 29. vii. 16.
grave, Rev. xi.
Add Mark

v. 3, for

vii. 3i. Jas. iv. 4.
adulterous. Matt. xii. 39. xvi. 4.
Mark viii. 38.
tomb, Matt.
v. 2,

sepulchre, Matt, xxiii. 29. xxvii.

GO. xxviii. 8.
2, 3, 5, 8.
Mark xv. 4Gi. xvi.

xi. 47,


adultery (6rV. an adulteress), 2 Pet.

Mid., commit adultery, Matt. v. 32

fr. LTr5), 32.
xix. 9t. Mark x. 11, 12.
TTr5). xxiv. 2, 9, 12,
xxiii. 55.
22, 24(a;j). Jolin xix. 41, 42. xx.

li, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, lit. Acts xiii. 29. adultery. Matt, v. 19. Mark vii.
grave, Matt, xxvii. 52, 53. Luke 21. John viii. 3(ap). Gal. v. 19


xi. 44. John v. 28. xi. 17, 31, 38.
xii. 17.

commit adultery (\vith^). Matt. v.

remembrance, 2 Pet. i. 15. 27, 281. xix. 18. Mark x. 19. Luke
xvi. 18?. xviii. 20. Rom. ii. 22i. xiii.
9. Jas. ii. Hi. Rev. ii. 22.

remember, Matt. xvi. 9. Mark viii.
Pass, as Mid., in adultery, John
18. Luke xvii. 32. .John xv. 20.
xvi. 4, 21. Acts XX. 31, 35. Gal. ii.
10. Eph. ii.

3. ii. 9.
Col. iv. 18. 1 Thes.
2 Thes. ii. 5. 2 Tim.
xiii. 7. Rev. ii. 5. iii.

Matt. V. 32, see

Luke xviii. 11. ICor. vi.

xviii. 5.
be mindful


Heb. xi. 15.
make mention, Heb. xi. 22 (marg.^

memorial, Matt. xxvi. 13. Mark

9. Heb. xiii. 4. Jas. iv.

hardly, Acts xxvii. 8.

scarcely, Rom. v. 7. 1 Pet. iv. 18.
scarce, Acts xiv. 18. xxvii. 7.
See also

xiv. 9. Acts X. 4.

Luke i.
bo espoused,
27. ii. 5.
speakiog with
hoarse hollow voice.
Matt. i. 18.

xiv. 4.

1 Cor.

2 Cor.
viii. 7.

vii. 1.
Rev. iii. 4.


vii. 32

hardly, Luke
vii. 32, for

having an impediment in one's speech,


ix. 39.

abode, John, xiv. 23.
mansion, John xiv. 2.

only begotten
14, 18. iii.
quarrel {marg. complaint), Col.


16, 18. 1

of Christ), John
John iv. 9.

only begotten son, Heb. xi. 17.

bushel, Matt. v. 15. Mark iv. 21.
only child, Luke ix. 38.
Luke xi. 33.

. See eyta.
one only,
Luke vii.
7iii. 42.
only, Matt. iv. 10. xii. 4. xvii. 8.

form, Rom.
. ii. 20. 2 Tim. iii. 5.

xxiv. 36. Mark ix. 8. Luke iv. 8.
xxiv. 18. Jolin v. 44. xvii. 3. Rom.
make a calf, Acts vii. 41.
xvi. 4, 27. 1 Cor. ix. 6. xiv. 36.
Phil. iv. 15. Col. iv. 11. 1 Tim. i.

17. vi.l5, 16. 2Tim. iv. 11. 2 John calf, Luke xv. 23, 27, 30. Heb.
1. Jude4, 25.
XV. 4.
Rev. ix. 4(om5'). ix. 12, 19. Rev. iv. 7.
. . See

alone, Matt. iv. 4.
xiv. 23. xviii.
15. Mark vi. 47. Luke iv. 4. v. 21.
vi.4. ix. 36. X. 40. John vi. 15, 22. musician. Rev. xviii. 22.
viiL d(op), 16, 29. xii. 24. xvL 32i.
Rom. xi. 3. Gal. vi. 4. 1 Thes. iii.

Add Mark
See also .,
ix. 7.
one's self,
xxiv. I2(ap).
Mark ix.

xi. 13 (leaves


.), L**.
travail, 1

marrow, Heb.
Thes. ii. 9. 2 Thes.
2 Cor. xi. 27.

. iv. 12.
iii. 8.

instruct, Phil. iv. 12.

only, Matt. v. 47. viii. 8. x. 42.
xiv. 36. xxi. 19, 21. Mark v. 36. fable, 1 Tim. i. 4. iv. 7. 2 Tim. ir.
vi. 8.

3, 11.
Luke viii. 50. John v. 18.
xi. 52. xii. 9. xiii. 9. Acts viii. 16.
xi. 19. xviii. 25. xix. 27. xxi. 13.
xxvi. 29. xxvii. 10.
32. iii. 29. iv. 12, 16. v.

23. ix. 10, 24. xiii. 5.

1 Cor. vii. 39. xv. 19. 2 Cor. vii. 7.
viii. 10, 19, 21. ix. 12. Gah i. 23.
4. Tit.

to roar.

,. ^^
14. 2 Pet. i. 16.

Rev. x.

to mock, Gal. vi. 7.


miUstone, Mark ix.

ii. 10. iii. 2. iv. 18. v. 13. vi. 12. G'LTr^).
Eph. i. 21. Pliil. i. 27, 29. ii. 12, Add Luke xvii. 2, for G''L
27. IThes. i. 5, 8. ii. 8. 2 Thes. ii. TTr,S.
7. ITim. V. 13. 2 Tim. ii. 20. iv. 8.

of a mill ?
Heb. ix. 10. xii. 26. Jas. i. 22. ii. Rev. xviii. 21, for LTr.
24. IPet. ii. 18. IJolm ii. 2. v. 6.
alone, John xvii. 20. Acts xix. 26.
Rom. iv. 23.
but, Matt. ix. 21.
( &,
xvii. 2
Matt, xviii. 6. Luke

21( G"LTTr6''). Rev.

LTr, S), 22.

with one eye, Matt, xviii. 9

ix. 47.
Mark TrS. Mark
Add Matt. xxiv. 41, for

ix. 42, see

Pass.y desolate, 1 Tim. v. 5p.

Matt. xxiv. 41(//i;^«f LTTr5).


xvi. 12(a«).

to form, Gal. iv. 19.

Phil. ii.
ten thousand,

Jude 14.
ten thousand
times ten thousand. Rev. v. ll(ap).
xix. 19.
fifty thousand, Acta
thousand thousand, Rev. ix. 16.
Plural, thousands, Acts xxi. 20.
an innumerable multitude, Luke xii.
LT, ivc-

two hundred foohsh, Matt. vii. 26. xxv.

2 Tim. ii. 23, Tit. iii. 9.
— fool,
Matt. V. 22. xxiii. 17, 19(-G'^
2, 3, 8.

ICoj•. iii. 18. iv. 10.
1. — an innumerable company, Heb. Neut., foolish thing, 1 Cor. i. 27.—.
tii. 22. foolishness, 1 Cor. i. 25.
anoint, Mark
,. xiv. 8.
Matt. v. 37/. ix. 28. xi. 9.
xiii. 51. xxi. 16. Luke vii. 26. xii.

ten thousand, Matt, xviii. 24. 1 Cor. 5. John xi. 27. xxi. 15, 16. Acts
iv, 15. xiv. 19.

ointment, Matt. xxvi. 7, 9 (omS),
12. Mark xiv. 3, 4. Luke vii. 37,
V. 8. xxii. 27. 2 Cor. i, 17^ 18, 19/,
Phm. 20. Jas. v. 12i. Rev. xiv.

yes. Matt. xvii. 25. Mark vii. 28.

Rom. iii. 29.
38, 46. xxiii. 56. John xi. 2. xii.

even so, Matt. xi. 26. Luke x. 21.
3/, 5. Rev. xviii. 13.
Add Mark
TTr, for TovTo, S,
xiv. 5 (^ . .), Gp'L
i. 7. xvi. 7. xxii.
Rev. xxii. 20.

verily, Luke xi. 51.

truth. Matt. xv. 27.
mystery. Matt. xiii.
11. Luke viii. 10. Rom. xi. 25.

xvi. 25. 1 Cor. ii. 7. iv. 1. xiii. 2.

xiv. 2. XV. 51. Eph. i. 9. iii. 3, 4,
Mark iv. Add Phil. iv. 3, for
temple, Matt, xxiii. 16/, 17, 21, 35.
xxvi. 61. xxvii. 5, 40, 51. Mark

9. V. 32. vi. 19. Col. i. 26, 27. ii. xiv. 58. XV. 29, 38. Luke i. 9, 21,
2. iv. 3. 2 Thes. ii. 7. 1 Tim. iii. 9,
22. xxiii. 45. John ii. 19, 20, 21.
16. Rev. i. 20. x. 7. xvii. 5, 7. Acts vii. 4S(o7?i.S). xvii. 24.
Add 1 Cor. ii. 1, G"S. 1 Cor. iii. 16, 17/. vi. 19. 2 Cor.
vi. 16/. Eph. ii. 21. 2 Thes. ii. 4.

Rev. iii. 12. vii. 15. xi. 1, 2, 19/.
cannotseo far off, 2 Pet. i. 9.
xiv. 15(-G''), 17. XV. 5, 6 (-Go^T

Tr^), 8/. xvi.l(-G°oTr^),17. xxi. 22/.
stripes, 1 Pet. ii. 24. shrine, Acts xix. 24.

to blame, 2 Cor.

blemish, 2 Pet.

vi. 3. viii. 20.

ii. 13.

Pass., lose savor, Matt. v. 13.

become a fool, Rom.

suffer shipwreck,
make shipwreck,
spikenard, Mark xiv.
Z(marg. pure nard, or Uquid nard).
John xii. 3,

. 2 Cor.
1 Tim.
xi. 25.
i. 19.

xiv. 34. i. 22.
make foolish, 1 Cor. i. 20.

owner of the" ship, Acts xxvii. 11.

foolishness, 1 Cor.
14. ill. 19.

foolisli talking, Eph.

i. 18, 21, 23.

v. 4.
Acts xxvii. 41.

shipman, Acts xxvii. 27, 30.

sailor, Rev. xviii. 17.

young man, Acts
xxiii. 17, IS

young man,


68. xx.
LT5), 22


Pass. J dead,
xi. 12P.

» ..

dying, 2 Cor. iv. 10.
deadness, Rom. iv. 19.

iv. 19p. Heb.

Mark xiv. 51, bl(-G'">LTrS). xvi.

1 John
ii.13, 14.

. ^
5. Luke vii. 14. Acts ii. 17. v. 10.

Acts xxiii. 18, 22, for

new, Matt. ix. Vlt. Mark ii. 22, 22
(-G°°LTTr>S), 22(ap). Luke v. 37i,
38, 39. 1 Cor. v. 7. Heb. xii. 24.

new man. Col. iii. 10.
Fem.y young woman, Tit. ii. 4.
dead, suhst., Matt. viii. 22<. x. 8
(-G^T). xi. 5. xiv. 2. xvii. 9. xxii. Comp.,
31, 32. xxvii. 64. xxviii. 7. Mark younger, Luke xv. 12, 13. xxii.
vi. 14, 16(-^5). ix. 9, 10. xii. 26. 1 Tim. V. 2, 11, 14. 1 Pet. v. 5.
25, 26, 27. Luke vii. 22. ix. 7, 60i. younger man, ITim. v. 1.
xvi. 30, 31. XX. 35, 37, 38. xxiv.
5, 46. John ii. 22. v. 21, 25. xii. 1,
9, 17. XX. 9. xxi. 14. Acts iii. 15.
iv. 2, 10. X. 41, 42. xiii. 30, 34.
xvii. 3, 31, 32. xxiii. 6. xxiv. 15
(-Go^LT^), 21. xxvi. 8, 23.
young, John xxi. 18.
young man, Acts v. 6. Tit.

Luke ii. 24.

ii. 6.

Rom. i. 4. iv. 17, 24. vi. 4, 9, 13.

vii. 4. viii. Hi. x. 7, 9. xi. 15. xiv.
9. ICor. XV. 12^ 13, 15, 16, 20, 21,
29i, 29(ai>7(;fGLT5'), 32, 35, 42, 52.
2 Cor. i. 9. Gal. i. 1. Epli. i. 20. v.
14. Phil. iii. 11. Col. 1. 18. ii. 12.
IThes. i. 10. iv. 16. 2 Tim. ii. 8.
iv. 1. Heb. vi. 2. xi. 19, 35. xiii.

youth. Matt. xix. 20(-G°LTTr5).
x. 20. Luke xviii. 21. Acta
xxvi. 4. 1 Tim. iv. 12.

novice (marg. one newly come to the

faith), 1 Tim. iii. 6.

20. 1 Pet. i. 3, 21. iv. 5. Rev. i. 5.

xi. 18. xiv. 13. xx. 5, 12i, 13/.
one dead, Mark ix. 26.
dead man, Matt, xxiii. 27. xxviii, 4.
Rev. xvi. 3.


xiii. 24.

Matt. xvii. 5l
xxvi. 64. Markix. *Jt.
Acta xxiv.

xxiv. 30.
xiii. 26. xiv.
he that is dead, Luke vii. 15. 1 Pet. 62. Luke ix. 34i, 35. xii. 54. xxi.
iv. 6. 27. Acts i. 9. 1 Cor. x. 1, 2. 1 Thes.
dead, adj., Luke xv. 24, 32. Acts iv. 17. 2 Pet. ii. GLT11(
V. 10. XX. 9. xxviii, 6. Rom. vi. S). Jude 12. Rev. i. 7. x. 1. xi. 12.

11. vii. 8.
Col. ii. 13.

17, 20
viii. 10. Eph. ii. 1, 5. xiv. 14i, 15, 16.
Heb. vi. 1. ix. 14. Jas.
LT), 26i. Rev. i.

. ',

cloud, Heb. xii. 1.
17, 18. ii. 8. iii. 1.
HI after men are dead, Heb.
Ix. 17.
Add Mark

mortify, Col.
xvi. 14(a/>).

iii. 5.
PJur.j reins. Rev.

worshipper (Gr,
Acts six. 35.
ii. 23.

temple keeper),
^. 267
youthful, 2
. Tim. ii.

protest by, 1 Cor. xv. 31.
See .
22. get the victory. Rev. xv. 2.
prevail. Rev. v.
overcome, Luke xi. 22.
33. Rom. iii. 4. xii. 2lt.
John xvi.
IJohu ii.

13, 14. iv. 4. V. 4i, 5. Rev. ii. 7,

Matt. vi. 28. xii. 27.
11, 17. 26. iii. 5, 12, 21i. xi. 7. xii.
11. xiii. 7(ap). xvii. 14. xxi. 7.

be a child, 1 Cor. xiv. 20.
conquer, Rev. vi. 2i.

victory, 1 John
.v. 4.

babe, Matt. xi. 25. xxi. 16. Luke '.

X. 21.

Rom. ii. 20. ICor.
Heb. V. 13.
1 Cor. xiii. 11/.
iv. 14.
Gen.^ childish, ICor. xiii. 11.

Gal. iv.

victory. Matt. xii. 20.
54, 55, 57.

basin, Jolm
xiii. 5.
1 Cor. xv.


1 Tbes.


7, for fjmog,

Acts xxvii. 16.

LS. to
vii. 3. John
vi. 17. xv. 2. Mark
wash. Matt.
ix. 7(-Li'), 7, lit, 15.
xiii. 5, 6, 8i, 10, 12, Ut. 1 Tim. v.

island, Acts xxvii. 26. xxviii. 1,

perceive, Mark
vii. 18. viii. 17.

7, 9. Rev. vi. 14. xvi. 20.
Acts xiii. 6. xxviii. 11. Rev. understand, Matt. xv. 17. xvi. 9,
11. xxiv. 15. Mark xiii. 14. John
i. 9.
xii. 40. Rom. i. 20. Eph iii. 4.
1 Tim. 7. Heb. xi. 3.
fasting, Matt. xvii. 21 (a^). Mark
think, Eph. iii. 20.
ix. 29(-TS). Luke ii. "7. Acts xiv.
consider, 2 Tim. ii. 7.

23. ICor. vii. 5(om*S). 2 Cor. vi.
5. xi. 27. 07].
fast, Acts xxvii. 9. thought, 2 Cor. x. 5.
device, 2 Cor. ii. 11.
mind, 2 Cor. iii. 14. iv. 4. xi. 3.
to fast, Matt. iv. 2p. vi. 16/, 17p,
Phil. iv. 7.
18. ix. 14?, 15. Mark ii. 18/, 19, 19

(ap), 20. Luke v. 33, 34, 35. xviii.

12. Acts X. 30(-L5). xiii. 2, 3p.
With ^ used
. Mark
bastard, Heb.
xii. 8.

to fast, ii. 18p.

fasting. Matt. xv. 32. Mark

sober, 1 Tim. iii. 11. Tit. ii. 2 {marg.

igilant). —
vigilant, 1 Tim. iii. 2.
viii. 3.

Pass., be wont. Acts xvi. 13.

think, Matt. v. 17. x. 34. Acts viii.

x. 9.
2 Tim. ii. 17.

20. xvii. 29. 1 Cor. vii. 36.

suppose. Matt. xx. 1 0. Luke ii. 44.
be sober, 1 Thes. v. 6, 8. 1 Pet. i. 13. iii.23. Acts vii. 25. xiv. 19. xvi.
V. 8. 27. xxi. 29. 1 Cor. vii. 26. 1 Tim.
watch, 2 Tim. iv. 5. 1 Pet. iv. 7. |
vi. 5.
about the law, Tit. iii. 9.
24. iv. 41, 51, 211,
18», 231. vi. 2, 131. Epb. ii. 15.
iii. 51, 61, 91. 1 Tim. 1, 8, 91.
21. V. 3, 41, 14,

lawyer, Matt. xxii. 35. Luke vii. Phil.
30. X. 25. xi. 45, 46, 52. xiv. 3. Heb. vii. 5, 12i, I61, 19, 28i. viii.
Tit. iii. 13. 4, 101. ix. I9i(ari. L), 22. x. 1, 8

lawfully, 1 Tim. i. 8. 2 Tim. ii. 5.
Add Matt. xv. 6, for
ICor. ix. 20(ap).
. ,
(-art. G«LT*S), 16, 28i. Jas. i. 25i.
ii. 81, 9, 10, 111, 121. iv. IVf.


money. Matt. xxii. 19.

teacher of the law, 1 Tim. i. 7.

doctor of (the) law, Luke v. 17. Acts
V. 34.
^. disease, John
dote {marg. sick), 1

. v. 4(a^).
Tim. vi. 4p.

Pass., receive
giving of the law,

Rom. ix. 4.

law, Heb, vii. 11.

sickness, Matt. iv. 23. viii. 17. ix,
35. X. 1. Mark
disease, Matt. iv. 24.

Luke iv. 40. vi. 17. ix. 1.



Heb. viii. 6. xix. 12.
. Luke vii. 21.

lawgiver, Jas. iv. 12.
Luke xiii. 34 L)»

Without the article, i.

law, Matt. v. 17, 18. vii. 12. xi. chicken. Matt, xxiii. 37.
13. xii. 5. xxii. 36, 40. xxiii. 23. Add Luke xiii. 34, see
Lnke ii. 22, 23S 24% 27, 39. x. 26. See
xvi. 16, 17. xxiv. 44. John i. 17,
45(46). vii. 19/, 23, 49, 51. viii. 5
Mid., keep back. Acts v. 2, 3. —
(ap)', 17. X. 34. xii. 34. xv. 25.
xviii. 31. xix. 7. Acts vi. 13. vii.
53. xiii. 15, 39. xv. 5, 24(a/>). xviii.
13, 15. xxi. 20, 24, 28. xxii. 3, 12.
purloin, Tit. ii. 10.

south wind, Luke xii. 55. Acta

xxiii. 3, 29. xxiv. G(ap), 14. xxv. xxvii. 13. xxviii. 13.
8. xxviii. 23. south, Matt. xii. 42. Luke xi. 31,
Rom. ii. 12% 13 (-ari. VTS), 13 xiii. 29. Rev. xxi. 13.
(-art. G^^LTS), 14^, 14, U^t, 15,
11 (-art. G-^LTaS), 18, 20, 231, 23,
admonition, 1 Cor. x. 11 Eph. vi.


25ii, 26, 27, 271. iii. 1% 2m, 2\\ 4. Tit. iii. 10.
21, 27, 271, 281, 3iif. jy. 131^ 141^
15, 151, 16. V. 13ii, 201. yj. 141^ 151. Rom. xv. 14. Col.
admonish, iii.

vii. 11, 1, 21, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 71, 7,
16. 1 Thes. V. 12. 2Thes. iii. 15.
81, 91, 12, 14, 16, 21, 22, 23i, 23?,
warn. Acts xx. 31. 1 Cor, iv, 14.
25ii. viii. 2<, 3, 4, 7. ix. 31i/, 32i
Col. i. 28. 1 Thes. r. 14.
(-GooLT.?). X. 41, 5. xiii. 81, 101.
ICor. vii. 39' (om5'). ix. 8, 9,
20iir. xiv. 21, 34. xv. 56. Gal. ii.
new moon. Col. ii. 16.
16ifr, 191, 2T. iii. 2\ h\ \0\ 10,
111, 12, 13, 17, 181, 19^ 2K, 21i, 23', discreetly, Mark xii. 34.

mind, Rom.
28. vii. 23, 25. xi.

7, 18.
12. ii. lOi, 25.
John ii. 18, 28. iii. 2. ir.
iii. 21. 2 Pet. iii.

34. xii. 2. xiv. 5. 1 Cor. i. 10. ii. 3. 2 John 5. Jude 25.

IGt. Epli. iv. 17, 23. Col. ii. 18. With art., that now is, 1 Tim. iv. 8.
3 Thes. ii. 2. Tit. i. 15. Rev. xvii. 9. — which I make" now, Acts xxii. 1
minds", ITim. vi. 5.2 Tim. iii. 8. (yvvt GLTS).
understanding, Luke xxiv. 45. at this time, 1 Cor. xvi. 12.

.. Mark
1 Cor. xiv. 14, 15i, 19. Phil. iv. 7. this time. Matt. xxiv. 21.
Rev. xiii. 18.
xiii. 19.
bride, John iii. 29. Rev. xviii. 23.
xxiv. 25.
6 , fop this

this time,

Rom. iii. 26.


. —
xxi. 2, 9 (-G"). xxii.
this present time, Rom. viii. 18.
daughter-in-law, Matt. x. 35.
xi. 5. With , now at this time,
xii. 53i.

hridegroom, Matt. ix. 15i. xxv. 1,

2 Cor.

viii. 14(13).
this world, 1 Tim. vi. 17.
this present world, 2 Tim. iv. 10.

5, 6, 10. Mark ii. 19(a/>), 19, 20.
V. 34, 35.
xviii. 23.
John ii. 9. iii. 29<r.
Tit. ii. 12.

from henceforth, Luke
48. V. 10. xii. 52. Acts xviii. 6.
— —
bride-chamber. Matt. ix. 15.
ii. 19. Luke v. 34.

vvv ,
henceforth, 2 Cor. v. 16.
after, Luke xxii. 69.

2 Cor. V. 16.

now henceforth no more,

now, Matt. xxvi. 65. xxvii. 42,

43. Mark x. 30. xv. 32. Luke ii. Matt. xii. 32, for
29. vi. 21t, 25. xi. 39. xvi. 25. xix. Luke vi. 25 (full . .),
18 (drink
of late,
Add G\
John xi. 8.

), ^3.
, '

42. xxii. 36.

John ii. 8. iv. 18, 23. v. 25. viii. vi. 42, for ovv, TTr. Acts xiii. 31
40, 52. ix. 21, 41. xi. 22. xii. 27, (who are . .), G'LT^. Rom. xi. 31
Zlt. xiii. 31, 36. xiv. 29. xv. 22, (they . .), L^ for S, Heh. xi. ,
xvL 5, 22, 29, 30,
xvii. 5, 7, 13. xviii. 36. xxi.
32(-G°«>LT 16, for

now, Acts iv. 29. v. 38. xx. 32.

Acts ii. S3(omS). iii. 17. vii. 4, ixvii. 22.
vvvi, GLTaS.
TO, vvv, ,
34, 52. X. 5, 33. xii. 11. xiii. 11.
but now, Acts xvii. 30.
XV. 10. xvi. 36, 37. xx. 22, 25.
xxii. 16. xxiii. 15, 2,f. xxiv. 13 wvi
(ywi LTS). xxvi. 6, 17 (G', now, Rom. iii. 21. vi. 22. vii. 6, 17.
GLTS). IV. 23, 25. 1 Cor. v. 11. xii. 18. xiii.
Kom. V. 9, n. vi. 13. xiv. 6. XV. 20. 2 Cor. viii. 11,
19, 21. viii.
1, 22. xi. 30, 31. xvi. 22. Eph. ii. 13. Col. i. 21, 26. iii.
xiii. 11.
26. 1 Cor. iii. 2. vii. 14. xii. 20. 8. Phm. 9, 11. Heb. viii. 6. xi. 16
2 Cor. vi. 2i. vii. 9. xiii. 2. Gal. i. {vvv GLT/S).
23. ii. 20. iii. 3. iv. 9, 25, 29. Eph. Add, for
xxiv. 13, LT,S.
Acts xxii, 1, GLT<S. ,
ii. 2. iii. 5, 10. v. 8. Phil. i. 5, 20,

30. ii.

2 Thes.
iii. 18. CoL

2 Tim.
24. 1 Thes.
i. 10.
. 40

Heb. ii.

8. ix. 5, 24,
xii. 26. Jas. iv. 13, 16. v. 1. 1 Pet.
2( LS). night, Matt. iv. 2. xii.

5. vi. 48,
25. xxvi. 31, 34. Mnrk iv. 27. v.
xiv. 27(-G"oLi^TTr5),
30. Luke 37. v. 5. xii. 20. xvii, 44. xxvii. 7. Acts xvii. 21. Eph.

34. xviii. 7. xxi. 37. John ix. 4. ii. 12, 19. Heb. xi. 13. 3 John 5.
xi. 10. xiii. 30. xxi. 3. Acts ix. 24. strange, Acts xvii. 18. Heb. xiii.
xii. 6. xvi. 9, 33. xvii. 10. xviii. 9.
9. XX. 31. xxiii. 11, 23, 31. xxvi.
7. xxvii. 23, 27.
Rom. xiii. 12. 1 Cor. xi. 23. 1 Tlies.
ii. 9. iii. 10. v. 2, 5. 2Tlies. iii. 8.

ITim. V. 5. 2 Tim. i. 3. 2 Pet. iii. pot,

10(ora/S). Rev. iv. 8. vii. 15. viii.
Mark vii. 4, S{ap),
strange thing, 1 Pet. iv. 12.
host, Rom. xvi. 23.

12. xii. 10. xiv. 11. xx. 10. xxi. dry up, Mark v. 29. xi. 20. Rev.
25. xxii. 5. xvi. 12.
Gen., by night, Matt. ii. 14. xxvii. wither, Jas. i. 11.
64(omS). xxviii. 13. Luke ii. 8.
John iii. 2. vii. 50(-LTTtS). xix.

be withered, Mark iii. 1, 3p (
XXV. 6.
39. Acts v. 19. ix. 25.
night, 1 Thes. v. 7i.
in the

at midnight, Matt.
LTrS). John xv. 6.
wither, 1 Pet. i. 24.
19, 20.
Matt. xiii. 6. xxi.
Mark iv. 6. xi. 21. Luke
Acts xxvii. 27.

John xix. 34.
about midnight, viii. 6.
pine away, Mark ix. 18.

be ripe {marg. be dried), Rev. xiv.

to slumber,
ii. 3.

&. Matt. xxv. 5. 2 Pet. dry, Luke

xxiii. 31.
dry land, Heb. xi. 29.
land, Matt, xxiii. 15.

a night and a day, 2 Cor. xi. 25.

Heb. vi. 12.
Heb. V. 11.
6, 8. John V. 3.
Add Mark
part., LTr/S.

withered. Matt. xii. 10.

3, for
Luke vi.


back. Rom.
xi. 10. of wood, 2 Tim.
. ii. 20. Rev. ix.

lodging, Acts xxviii. 23.

Heb. xiii. 2.
Phm. 22.
wood, ICor.
staff, Matt. xxvi. 47, 55.
Acts X. 18, 23, 32. xxviii. 7. xiv. 43, 48. Luke xxii. 52.

12. Rev. xviii.

Pass., lodge, Acts X. 6. xxi. 16. stocks. Acts xvi. 24.

strange thing, Acts xvii. 20p. tree, Luke xxiii. 31. Acts v. 30.

Mid., think strange concerning, X. 39. xiii. 29. GaL iii. 13. 1 Pet.
1 Pet. iv. 12. —
think strange, 1 Pet. ii. 24. Rev. ii. 7. xxii. 2t, 14.

iv. 4.
Add Rev. xxii. 19, for GL
lodge strangers, 1 Tim. v. 10.
^b'vog. shave, 1 Cor. xi. 5^, 6.
stranger, Matt. xxv. 35, 38, 43, Mid., shave, Acts xxi. 24.

particle answering mainly to 27.
our article /Ae, better to the French
/e, better still to the German der.

Used generally where the noun TO

X. 29.
, ^,

another's wealth,
^, the r
r Heb. vii.

of the other, 1 Cor.

refers to a person or thing as well Cor. X. 24. 1

known, either already mentioned or ro, the profit^ 1 Cor. x. 33. it .
otherwise understood. Also com- according to, 2 Pet. ii. 22. what . —
monly with proper names, as
on, Jas. iv. 14 (rd L).
and often with ab- this Matt. xxi. 21.
- . . ,

stract nouns, as ayamj^ that 1 John iv. 3. . . ,

Passim. which is, Rom. v. 15.

Its peculiar uses are as follows :With a pronoun, thine own, his, his
As pronoun, own, etc., yours, etc., Acts xvi. 33.

I. a demonstrative
once, in the quotation: yap 1 Cor. X. 24, 29. xiii. 5. xvi. 18,
2Cor. xii. 14. Phil. ii. 21. 2 Tim.
Acts xvii. 28. iii. 9.
Neut. plural, .
In distinctions and distribu-

III. In narrative, by way of trans-

. . . See . the things. Matt. vi. 34 (-G"LTTr
S). Rom. viii. 5t, 1 Cor. ii. llf, 14.
vii. 34/. Phil. ii. 4.
ition to another person or party,

without a preceding
he, Matt. ii.
21. xii. 11.
things, 1 Cor. xiii. 11. Phil. ii. 4.
the things that (which) are (be),
o'l , but they, Matt. ix. 31. Matt. xxii. 21t. Mark viii. dSt. xii.
he, Matt. xiii. 28. xiv. 18. lit. Luke XX. 25i. 1 Cor. vii. 33.
then he, Matt. xiii. 52. Phil. ii. 21.
Etc. Bruder gives 240 instances, the things that (which) belong to
all in the Gospels and Acts. (concern, make for), Rom. xiv. 19.
IV. With an ellipsis. 1 Cor. vii. 32, 2 Cor. xi. 30.
he that had received'^, Matt. xxv. 17.
he that had
ver. 22
. .
, 2 Cor.
viii. 15t.
the things contained in, Rom. ii. 14.
the things (those) that
xvi. 23i.
what was
, Matt, . .

befallen to, Matt. viii. 33.

who is . . ,
Acts xiii. 9.
whom Rom. xiii. 7/". business, Lnke ii. 49.

V. Followed by a genitive.
. . ,

?.^ brother's, 1 John

iii. 12.
, the son, Matt. iv. 21. x. 2, 3. Not rendered, Matt. xvi. 13. xxvi.
Mark i. 19. ii. 14. Luke vi. 15. 2S(-LTTrAS). Mark ii.
John xxi. 2. Acts xiii. 22. In ital- —
18. viii. 27.
xiv. 24 (j-G°L^TS). Luke xvi. 8.
ics, Mark iii. 17,18. the father,
1 Cor. i. 18. X. 33.

Gal. ii. 20.
Acts vii. 16.
1 Tim. vi. 3. Jas. i. 25.
, her the wife, Matt. 1. 6. the —

. .

wife, John xix. 25.

Add Luke xxiv. 10(. . of James),
the mother,
LTTr^". Tit. ii. 10(. . of God), G'L
Mark xvi. 1.
oi, they which are of the house,
1 Cor. i. 11. they that are, 1 Cor. — See also

XV. 23. Gal. v. 24. — the disciples,

VI. As the Prepositive Article.
01 ,
v. 33.

of one's household,
they which are (that he)
Rom. xvi. 10, 11.
1. Before Nouns, Adjectives, and
Sometimes rendered he that is,
, , ,^,
that which

^ -
is ;

See also
often with a neuter,
would, should, will, must,
57, 74. ii. 6. xvii. 1. Acts
. .

, . thing. i.
- xxvii. 20. 1 Pet. iv. 17.
^ J

^ whereby , Phil. iii. 21.
for% Luke ii. 21.

2. Before Participles. Not rendered, Luke i. 9. xxii. 6.

xxiv. 25. Acts xiv. 9. Rom. xv. 23.
Commonly rendered he that, that
1 Cor. ix. 6(-L5). 2 Cor. i. 8. viii.
which, etc., with the indicative of
11. Gal. iii. 10? Rev. ix. 10. xiv. 15
the verb ; e. g.,

,for ^-

(// the one coming,)

he that cometh, Matt. iii. 11.
Add Acts X. 25 (. LT5. .
TO that which was spoken,
xxvi. 18( StGLTS, .
Matt. ii. 17. xxii. 31.
BC. 1 Cor. ix. 10{ap). Rev. xii. 7,
B. gives about 1200 instances.
* 6 ,... See fr.

,, .
In a few other cases prece-
€. ded by or

3. Before Infinitives.
Dative, , . see
Which thus become nouns, with
. ,, ,
all their cases
rising, Mark
e. g.,
ix. 10.
except the vocative.


oftener 4. Before Adverbs


and Prepositions.

not rendered, as
, , Often rendered he that is, that

, ., ., /, ,
Th to live, Phil. i.21. which is, the things, etc. See also
Genitive, often denotes the de- vvv,
sign or purpose of an action. gives 279 instances.
that , may, might, would, should,
. Frequently not rendered.
Matt. xxi. 32. Luke iv. 42. v. 7. 5. Before quotations and other
xxi. 22. xxii. 31. xxiv. 16, 45. phrases.
Acts X. 47. xiii. 47. xxiii.20. xxvi.
this saying, namely, Rom. xiii. 9.
18, xxvii. 1. Rom. vi. 6. xi. 8i, 10.
this, Rom. xiii. 9. Gal. v. 14.
1 Cor. X. 13. Phil. iii. 10. Heb. xi.
5. Jas. V. 17.
TO , this, Heb. xii. 27. — now
that, Eph. iv. 9.
that. Acts xiv. 18. xv, 20. 1 Pet.
Not rendered. Matt. xix. 18. Mark
iii. 10.
Luke i. 62. ix. 46. xix. 48.
80 that,
Rom. xv.
vii. 19.
Rom. vii. 3?
ix. 23.
xxii. 2, 4, 23, 24, 37
iv. 21.
L). Acts
xxii. 30. Rom. viii. 26.
Not rendered. Matt. ii. 13. iii. 13.
1 Thes. iv. 1.
xiii. 3. xxiv. 45. Mark iv. 3 (-LTr^
S). Luke i. 77, 79. ii. 24, 27. iv. VII. Before nouns with defining
10. V. 1 (
'L•^rS). viii. 5. ix. words intervening.
51. xii. 42. xxiv. 29. Acts iii. 2, 12. Matt. vii. 3. xv. 1. Etc. B. gives

xxi, 12. xxiii. 15. i. 24. .

ix. 15. xviii. 10. xx. 3, 20, 27, 30. 131 instances.
viii. 12.

1 Cor. vii. 37(-/5). Gal. iii. 101 words

VIII. After nouns with defining
following. Tlie article is
Heb. X. 7, 9. thus commonly repeated, the sec-
Denoting a result, or In other forms ond use often rendered who is, etc.,
of expression, and often not rendered.
so that, Rom. vii. 3? Matt. i. 16, 25. ii. 16. Mark vi. 11,
that, 1 Cor. xvi. 4. Heb. v. 12. Etc. B. gives 792 instances.
iX. Before a nominative used as 27. ix. 33, 34(-Lb). X. 17, 32, 52.

a vocative. Sometimes rendered xi. 8, S(ap), xii. 14.
thou or ye oftener not api)arent
; Luke i. 76, 79. iii. 4, 5. vii. 27.
in translation. 76 instances. ix. 57. X. 4. xii. 58. xix. 36. xx.
0. oee og. 21. xxiv. 32, 35. Jolin i. 23. xiv.
4, 5, 6. Acts ii. 28. viii. 26, 36, 39.
ix. 2, 17, 27. xiii. 10. xiv. 16. xvi.
fourscore, Luke ii. 37. xvi. 7. 17. xviii. 25, 26. xix. 9, 23. xxii.
4. xxiv. 14, 22. xxv. 3. xxvi. 13.
eighth, Luke i. 59. Acts rii. 8. 2 Rom. iii. 16, 17. xi. 33. 1 Cor. iv.
Pet. ii. 5. Rev. xvii. 11. xxi. 20. 17. xii. 31. 1 Thes. iii. 11. Heb. iii.

'. 10. ix. 8. X. 20. Jas. i. 8. ii. 25. v.

20. 2Pet. ii. 2, 15i, 21. Jude 11.
weight, Heb.

€, he,
xii. 1.

.25((5 G'^LT
Rev. XV.

r/? ,
3. xvi. 12.
that way, Luke x. 31.
by the way side. Matt
TrS). xiii. 4, 19. XX. 30. Mark iv. 4, 15.

^ she, Luke x. 39. — such, Jas. Luke viii. 5, 12. xviii. 35. — by the
iv. 13.

these things, Rev. ii. 1, 8, 12,
iii.1, 7, 14. —
thus, Acts xxi.
highway side,
highway. Matt. xxii.
Mark x. 46.
9, lO. Luke xiv.

11.— after this manner, Acts xv. 23 journey. Matt. x. 10. Mark vi. 8.

. ,,
(-LT5). Lukeii. 44. ix. 3. xi. Q)(rnarg. way).
Add 3 Cor. xii. 19, for ,^ G. Acts i. 12.

With go, Mark ii. 23''<' (odo-

to journey, Luke x. 33p.
See also

to lead, Matt. xv. 14. Luke vi. 39.

tooth. Matt. V. 38. viii. 12. xiii.
Rev. vii. 17.

guide, Jolin xvi. 13. Acts viii. 31.
42, 50. xxii. 13. xxiv. 51. xxv. 30.
Mark ix. 18.

. Luke xiii. 28. Acts

vii. 54. Rev. ix. 8.
leader, Matt, v. 14.
guide. Matt, xxiii. 16, 24. Acts i.
Mid. or Pass., be tormented, Luke

16. Rom. ii. 19.

go on one's journey. Acts x.

journeying, 2 Cor. xi. 26.

journey, John iv. 6.
a road, make
xvi. 24, 25.
Acts XX. 38.

sorrow, Rom.
— sorrow,
..ix. 2.

mourning, Matt.ii. 18. 2 Cor.



vi. 10.

vii. 7.

one's way, journey. stink, John xi. 39.

Mark ii. 23, for L. ^.

whence, Luke xi. 24.
way, Matt. ii. 12. iii. 3. iv. 15. from whence, Matt. xii. 44. Acta
V. 25. vii. 13, 14. viii. 28. x. 5. xiv. 26. Heb. xi. 19.
xi. 10. XV. 32. XX. 17. xxi. St, 19, from thence. Acts xxviii. 13.
32. xxii. 16. Mark i. 2, 3. viii. 3, where, Matt. xxv. 24, 26.
2*1 i

wherefore, Heb. ii. 17. lii. 1. vil. 3. xiv. 2. Acts iv. 34. ix. 11, 17.
25. viii. 3. X. 6, 17, 32. xi. 11. xii. 12. xvi.
whereby, 1 John ii. 18. 32. xvii. 5. xviii. It.
whereupon, Matt. xiv. 7. Acts xxvi.
19. Heb. ix. 18.

&. ITim.
1 Cor. xi. 22. xvi. 15. 2 Cor. v. It.
2Tim. ii. 20. iii. 6. 2 John 10.

V. 13.
from houso to house°,
Acts x. 11. xi. 5.

With at home. Matt. viii. 6.

linen cloth, Luke xxiv. 12 (a/?).

household, Phil. iv. 22.
Add Luke xxii. 54, for , 8.

John xix. 40. xx. 5, 6, 7.

See eldov.
of one's household, Matt. x. 25, 36.

of the household, G^al. vi. 10. Eph. guide the house, 1 Tim. v. 14.

ii. 19.
of one's own house {marg. kindred),
1 Tim. V. 8. master of the house. Matt. x. 25.
Luke xiii. 25. xiv. 21.
householder. Matt. xiii. 27, 52. xx.
Matt. xxiv. 45, for LTTr. 1. xxi. 33.

goodman of the house. Matt. xx. 11.
household servant, Acts x. 7. xxiv. 43. Mark xiv. 14. Luke xii.
servant, Luke xvi. 13. Rom. xiv.

4. 1 Pet. ii. 18. goodman, Luke xxii. 11.

dwell, Rom. vii. 17, 18, 20. viii. 9, build. Matt.

vii. 24, 26. xvi. 18.

vi. 16.

11. 1 Cor. iii. 16. vii. 12, 13. 1 Tim.

prison, Acts xii. 7.
xxi. 33. xxiii. 29. xxvi. 61. xxvii.
40. Mark xii. 1. xiv. 58. v. 29.
Luke iv. 29. vi. 48, 49. vii. 5. xi.
47, 48. xii. 18. xiv. 28, 30. xvii.
28. Acts vii. 47, 49. Rom. xv. 20.
Gal. ii. 18.
habitation, Jude 6.
house, 2 Cor. v. 2.
house. Matt. ii. 11. v. 15. vii. 24,
Pass., be in building, John ii. 20.
builder, Matt. xxi. 42p. Mark xii.
IOp. Luke XX. 17p. Acts iv. 11
G"LTaS). 1 Pet. ii. 7p.
25, 26, 27. viii. 14. ix. 10, 23, 28. build up, 1 Pet. ii. 5.

X. 12, 13, 14. xii. 25, 29i. xiii. 1, edify. Acts ix. 31. ICor. viii. 1.
36, 57. xvii. 25. xix. 29. xxiii. 14 X. 23. xiv. 4i, 17. IThes. v. 11.
(13, ap). xxiv. 17, 43. xxvi. 6. embolden( Gr. edify), 1 Cor. viii. 10,
Mark i. 29. ii. 15. iii. 25i, 27i. vi.
Add Luke vi. 48 (ap). Acts xx.
4, 10. vii. 24. ix. 33. x. 10, 29, 30.
xii. 40. xiii. U(-L^S), 15, 34. 35.
32, for Q"LS,
xiv. 3.
Luke iv. 38. v. 29. vi. 4Si, 49i. building. Matt. xxiv. 1. Mark xiii.
vii. 6, 36(okoc LTTr), 37, 44. viii. 1, 2. 1 Cor. iii. 9. 2 Cor. v. 1. Eph.
27, 51. ix. 4. X. 5, Itr. xv. 8, 25. ii. 21.
xvii. 31. xviii. 29. xx. 47. xxii. edifying, ICor. xiv. 5, 12, 26.
10, 11. 2 Cor. xii. 19. Eph. iv. 12, 16, 29
John iv. 53. viii. 35. xi. 31. xii. (marg, edify*").
', the things where-
t With ,
— at home at
home, Mark v.Lk. xv. 19.
with one


. ^ ,
edification, Rom. xv.
2 Cor. X. 8. xiii. 10.
Add 1 Tim. i. 4, for
edify, Rom. xiv. 19.
2. 1 Cor. xiv.

xiv. 35.
Lk. ix. 61.
one's house,
at home, ICor. xi. 34.

home, 1 Tim. v. 4.

edifying, 1
,.^ ., ,
Tim. i.


household, Acts xvi. 15. 1 Cor.
2 Tim. iv. 19.
temple, Luke xi. 51.
Add Luke vii. 36, for



be steward,
iv. 11, for

Luke xvi. 2.
(}"LTS. Acts vii. 46, for

earth, Luke xxi. 26.

world, Matt. xxiv. 14. Luke ii. 1.


10. iii. 2. CoL 1. 25.
Add Epli. iii. 9, for
1 Tim. i. 4, for

xvi. 2, 3, 4.
dispensation, 1 Cor. ix. 17. Eph. i.

. ,(
iv. 5. Acts xi. 28. xvii. 6, 31. xix.
27. xxiv. 5. Rom. x. 18. Heb. i. 6.
ii. 5. Rev. iii. 10. xii. 9. xvi. 14.

Tit. ii.
doing house-work.
5, for Q'UPS,

1 Cor. iv. 1, 2.

chamberlain, Rom. xvi. 23.

governor. Gal. iv. 2.
xii. 42. xvi. 1, 3, 8.
Tit. 1. 7. 1 Pet. iv.
keeper at home, Tit.

have compassion on,



iz. 15t.

xii. 4, 44. XV. 24. xxi.

house, Matt. ix. 6, 7. x. 6. xi. 8.
38. Mark ii. 1, 11, 26. iii. 19 (20,
marcj., with ,
home), v. 38. vii.

17, 30. viii. 3, 26. ix. 28. xi. lit.

Lukei. 23, 27, 33, 40, 56, 69. ii.
24, 25. vi. 4. vii. 10. viii.
Phil. ii.

1. Col.


vi. 36i.
of tender mercy, Jas. v. 11.

3 Cor. i. 3.
Heb. x. 28.

39, 41. X. 5, 38. xi. lit, 24. xii.

89, 52. xiii. 35. xiv. 1, 23. xvi. 4,
Matt. xi. Luke

wine-bibber. 19.
27. xviii. 14. xix. 5, 9, 46i. xxii.
vii. 34.
54 (oi/cia TTtS.
John ii. 16i, 17. vii. 53(a/j). xi. 20.
Acts 36. vii. 10, 20, 42, 47,
ii. 2,
wine. Matt. ix. 17ir. Mark ii. 22ir,

49. X. 2, 22, 30. xi. 12, 13, 14. xvi. 22(a;?). xv. 23. Luke i. 15. v. 37/,
38. vii. 33(-G°). x. 34. John ii. St,
15, 31, 34. xviii. 8. xix. 16. xxi. 8.
Rom. xvi. 5. 1 Cor. xvi. 19. Col. 9, lot. iv. 46. Rom. xiv. 21. Eph.
V. 18. 1 Tim. iii. 8. v. 23. Tit. ii.
iv. 15. ITim. iii. 4, 5, 12, 15.
2 Tim. i. 16. Tit. i. 11. Phm. 2. 3. Rev. vi. 6. xiv. 8, 10. xvi. 19.
xvii. 2. xviii. 3(-LTr''), 13.
Heb. iii. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6t. viii. St, 10.

With ,
X. 21. xi. 7. 1 Pet. ii. 5. iv. 17.
from house to house. Acts
ii. 46 (rnarg. at home), xx. 20.
in LTr5.
^ wine-press, Rev. xix. 15.

Matt, xxvii. 34, for bo, Q'

every house, Acts v. 42. — into every Oho(f.)jvyia,
house. Acts viii. 3»'. excess of wine, 1 Pet. ir. 8.
suppose, Jolin xxi. 25. Phil. i. 16.
small. Acts xii. 18. xv. 2. xix. 23,
24. xxvii. 20.
think, Jas. i. 7.
what manner, Luke ix. 55 («/>). —
in few
Rev. xii. 12.
, almost. Acts xxvi. 28, 29.
words (jnarg. a little), Eph.
iii. 3.
what manner of man, IThes. i. 5.
what, 2 Tim. iii. 11.
which, Phil. i. 30. 2 Tim. iii. 11.
such as, Matt. xxiv. 21. Mark xiii.
14. —
,oh, long, Acts xiv. 28.
for a little time, Jas. iv.
little 0"^^9' for a little time),

19. 2 Cor. X. 11. xii. 20t. Rev. xvi. 1 Tim. iv. 8.

18. Plural,
as, 1 Cor. xv. 48i. few, Matt. vii. 14. ix. 37. v. 34.
olUf so as,
also ,. Mark
as though,

ix. 3.
Rom. ix. 6.
XX. 16 (op), xxii. 14. Mark vi. 5.
viii. 7. Luke x. 2. xiii. 23. Acts
xvii. 4, 12. Heb. xii. 10. 1 Pet. iii.

. See
20. Rev. iii. 4.
few ''stripes, Luke xii. 48.

Neut., a few things. Matt. xxv. 21,
to delay {marg.
ix. 38.
be grieved). Acts 23. Rev. ii. 14, 20.
' ?,
briefly, 1 Pet. v. 12.


grievous, Phil.
Matt. XXV. 26.

the eighth day, Phil.


eight, Luke ii. 21. ix. 28. John v.



xii. a little,
Mark i. 19. Luke v.

little, Luke vii. 47.
a short space. Rev xvii. 10.
for a season, 1 Pet. i. 6.

a while, Mark vi. 31. 1 Pet. v. 10.

feeble-minded, IThes. v, 14.


, ,. .,
5. XX. 26. Acts ix. 33. 1 Pet. iii. 20.
Acts XXV. 6 (ap).

See also

2 Pet.
Heb. xii. 5.


ii. 18, for

marg. for a little, or awhile.
destructive, deadly.


vi. 9.

2 Thes.
i. 9, for

destruction, 1 Cor. v. 5. 1 Thes. v.
little faith.

L). 1 Tim.
destroy, Heb.

whole burnt-offering,
destroyer, 1 Cor. x. 10.

xi. 28.


xii. 33,
Matt. xvii. 20, for

of little faith, Matt, vi, 30. viii. 26.
xiv. 31. xvi. 8. Luke xii. 28.

little, Luke
Tim. T. 23.
vii. 47. 2 Cor. viii. 15.
Jas. iii. 5 (^
VTtS. burnt-offering,

whole, 1 Thes. v. 23.

entire, Jas. i. 4.
perfect soundness. Acts

Heb. x. 6, 8.

iii. 16.

S), to howl, Jas. V. 1.

whole, Matt. v. 29, 30. vi. 22, 23.
commune together, Luke xxiv. 15.
xiii. 33. xvi. 26. xxvi. 13. xxvii.
27. Mark vi. 55. viii. 36. xiv. 9.
XV. 1, 16, 33. Luke viii. 39. ix. 25.
xi. 34, 36t. xiii. 21. John iv. 53.
xi. 50. Acts xi. 26. xv. 22. xix. 29

commune with. Acts xxiv. 26.
Luke xxiv.

14. Acts xx. 11.

communication, 1 Cor. xv. 33.

(-LT5). xxviii. 30.
Rom. 8. xvi. 23. 1 Cor. v. 6. xii.

lit. xiv. 23. Gal. v. 3, 9. Tit. i. 11.

Jas. ii. 10. ill. 2, 3, 6. 1 John ii. 2.
V. 19. Rev. xii. 9. xvi. 14.
2 Pet.
company. Rev. xviii. 17(ap).


., -&6^
17, see
mist, fog.

all, Matt. i. 22. iv. 23, 24. ix. 26,

31. xiv. 35. XX. 6. xxi. 4(-G°°LTr
eye, Mark viii. 23.

S). xxii. 37<r, 40. xxiv. 14. xxvi.

56, 59. Mark i. 28, 33, 39. xii. 30/,
33/, 33(a;j), 33, 44. xiv. 55.
Luke 65. iv. 14. v. 5. vii. 17.

viii. 43. X. 27/. xxiii. 5, 44. Acts

Matt. xx. 34, for

swear. Matt. v. 34, 36. xxiii. 16i,

ISt, 20t, 21i, 22i. xxvi. 74. Markvi.

ii. 2, 47. V. 11. vii. 10, 11. viii. 37

(ap). ix. 31, 42. x. 22, 37. xi. 28. vii. 11(
23. xiv. 71. Luke i. 73. Acts ii. 30.
G"LTaS). Heb. iii

xiii. 49.
31. xxii.
2 Cor.
xiii. 3.
xviii. 8. xix. 27. xxi. 30,
30(7? GLT5).
1. Phil.
iii. 2,

13. IThes. iv.
Rev. iii. 10.
11, 18. iv. 3. vi. 13i, 16.
Jas. V. 12. Rev. x. 6.

with one accord. Acts

i. 14.
vii. 21.

ii. 1

46. iv. 24. v. 12. vii.

57. viii. 6. xii. 20. xv. 25. xviii.
all . . long, Rom. viii. 36. x. 21.
12. xix. 29.
altogether, John ix. 34.
With , throughout, John xix. 23.
with one mind, Rom. xv. 6.

every whit, John vii. 23. xiii. 10.

agree thereto, Mark xiv. 70 (op).
Add Acts


xiii. 6 (.

12 (.

v. 23.
. the isle), GL
the moon), G
, LTr.
Add Matt, xxiii. 27, for

of like passions, Acts xiv. 15.
subject to like passions, Jas. v. 17.

untimely fig {marg. green fig), Rev.

vi. 13.

utterly, 1 Cor. vi. 7.

. like.Matt. xi. 16. xiii. 31, 33, 44,
45, 47, 52. XX. 1. xxii. 39. Mark
xii. 31(-T*S). Luke vi. 47, 48, 49.
vii. 31, 32. xii. 36. xiii. 18, 19, 21.

at all, Matt. v. 34. ICor. xv. 29.
commonly, 1 Cor. v. 1.
John viii. 55. ix. 9. Acts xvii. 29.
Gal. V. 21. 1 John iii. 2. Jude 7.
Rev. i. 13, 15. ii. 18. iv. 3, 3 {-


ii. 8, for ^
xii. 54.

long for.
G' -S), 6, ntr. ix. 7, 7 (G', see
10, 19. xi. 1. xiii. 2, 4,
xiv. 14. xvi. 13 (^ GLTTr,
S). xviii. 18, xxi. 11, 18,
, 278

promise, Matt. xiv. 7.
simiUtude, Heb. vii. 15.
like as, Heb. iv. 15.
Add Acts vii. 17, for
IJohnii. 23()). Rev.
iii. 5,

liken, Matt. vii. 24, 26. xi. 16.
confession (inarg. profession), 1 Tim.
xiii. 24. xviii. 23. xxv. 1. Mark iv.
vi. 13.
30. Luke vii. 31. xiii. 20.
profession, 1 Tim. vi. 12. Heb. iii.
make like, Rom. 17.
ix. 29. Heb. ii.
1. iv. 14. X. 23.

Pass.f be like, Matt. vi. 8. xxii. 2.

Gen.f professed, 2 Cor. ix. 13.
in the likeness of, Acts xiv. Up.
resemble, Luke xiii. 18.
without controversy, 1 Tim. iii. 16.

Rom. vi. 5. viii. 3. Phil,

of the same craft. Acts xviii. 3.
ii. 7.
made like to•^, Rom. i. 23.
similitude, Rom, v. 14.
shape, Rev. ix. 7.

likewise, Matt. xxii. 26. xxvi. 35.
. John iv.
Acts ii. 1, for
XX. 18(/>).

of one mind, 1 Pet.
36. xx. 4. xxi. 2.
iii. 8.

xxvii. 41. Mark iv 16. xv. 31.

Luke ill. 11. v. 33. vi. 31. x. 32,
37. xiii. 5 xvi. 25.

xvii. 28, 31. xxii. 36. .John v. 19. and even, 1 Cor. xiv. 7.
vi. 11. xxi. 13. though it be but, Gal. iii. 15.
Rom. i. 27. 1 Cor. vii. 3, 4, 22. nevertheless, John xii.
Jas. ii. 25. 1 Pet. iii. 1, 7. v. 5. 42.

80, Luke V. 10.

, . ,
Jude 8. Rev. viii. 12.

moreovop, Heb. ix. 21.
dream. Matt.

i. 20. ii. 12, 13, 19,

22. xxvii. 19.

Add Luke
Tr^S. iv. 3, for

similitude, Jas.
xiii. 3,

15, for



ass, John

Matt. v. 11.
upbraid. Matt. xi. 20.
(ap). Jas. i. 5.
xii. 14,

Mark xv. 32.

Mark xvi. 14

confess, John i. 20i. ix. 22. xii. 42. cast in one's teeth. Matt, xxvii. 44.
Acts xxiii. 8. xxiv. 14. Rom. x. 9. reproach, Luke vi. 22. Rom. xv. 3.
Heb. xi. 13. 1 John i. 9. iv. 2, 3, 1 Pet. iv. 14.
15. 2John 7. Pass., suffer reproach, 1 Tim. iv. 10
Wiih h, confess. Matt. x. 32i. Luke G'L/S).
xii. St.
Pass., confession is made, Rom. x.
reproach, Rom. xv. 3. 1 Tim. iiii
give thanks (marg. confess), Heb.
7. Heb. X.
33. xi. 26. xiii. 13.

xiii. 15.
profess. Matt.
Tit. i. 16.
vii. 23. 1 Tim. vi. 12. reproach,
. Luke i. 25.
See .
.( 76 millstone, Matt, xviii.
xii. 13.
2, 7,
xyL 1, 14. xvii. 34. xviii.
24. xix. 24. xx. 9. xxi. 10.

Add Mark
xvii. 2

Mid.y have joy,

, ,
ix. 42, see

Phm. 20.
G"L xxvii. 1.

xxvii. 57,
Not rendered,

for ,
called, Luke xxiv. 13.
Acts viii. 9. ix. 11. x. 1.

named"", Matt,

xi. 13 {Gr.

name, Matt.
21, 23, 25. vi. 9.
16, for ,
Acts xiv. 10(0/)).1 Pet. iv.
G"LTaS'. Rev. xiv. 1

vii. 22ir. x. 2, 22, Alt, 42. xii. 21. (ojo). xix. 12(/)). xxi. 12(nrtmes),

xviii. 5, 20. xix. 29. xxi. 9. xxiii. LTTr.

39. xxiv. 5, 9. xxvii. 32. xxviii. 19. «See also 7:•&.
Mark v. 2t, 22(-G^). vi. 14. ix. 37,
38, 39, 41. xi. 9, lO(ajo). xiii. 6,-13. to name, Luke vi. 13, 14. Rom.
xvi. 11 (ap). ICor. V. l(om5). Eph.
XV. 20. \.
Luke i. 5. 13, 27i, 31, 49, 59, Gl, 21. iii. 15. V. 3. 2 Tim. ii. 19.
63. ii. 21, 25. vi. 22. viii. 30. ix.
4S, 49. X. 17,
xix. 38. xxi.
8, 12, 17.
call, Acts xix. 13. 1 Cor. v. 11.
xi. 2. xiii. 35,
xxiv. 18, .
47. John i. 6, 12. ii.18. v.
23. iii. ass.
2, 5, 7. Luke xiii.
Matt. xxi.
43i. X. 3, 25. xiv. 13, 15. xiv. 5
xii. 13, 28.
14, 26. XV. 16, 21. xvi. 23, 24, 26.
xvii. 6, 11, 12, 26. xviii. 10. xx. 31.
Acts i. 15. ii. 21, 38. iii. 6, 16t. iv>
30. v. 41.
G"LTTr) John xii.

indeed, Mark xi. 32. Luke xxiv. 34.

John viii. 36. 1 Tim. v. 3, 5, 16.
7, 10, 12, 17, 18, 28, 40,
viii. 12, 16. ix. 14, 15, 16, 21, 27, certainly, Luke xxiii. 47.
29(28). X. 43, 48. xiii. 6, 8. xv. verily. Gal. iii. 21.
14, 17, 26. xvi. 18. xviii. 15. xix.
5, 13, 17. xxi. 13.xxii.l6. xxvi. 9.
xxviii. 7.
Rom. 1. 5. ii. 24. ix. 17. x. 13. T«S.
of a truth, 1 Cor. xiv. 25•
clean, 2 Pet. ii. 18(o^i>£JcC'"GLT).
Add 1 Tim. vi. 19, iov GL ^
XV. 9.
vi. 11.
2, 10, 13, 15. v. 4.

21. v. 20. Phil. ii.


9, 10. iv. 3. Col. iii. 17. SThes. i.

vinegar, Matt, xxvii. ZA.
LTr/S), 48. Mark xv. 36.
( Luke

12. iii. 6. ITira. vi. 1. 2 Tim. ii. 19.

Heb. i. 4. ii. 12. vi. 10. xiii. 15.
Jas. ii. 7. V. 10, 14. 1 Pet. iv. 14.
IJohnii. 12. iii. 23. v. 13(o/>), 13.
xxiii. 36. John xix. 29i, 30.

sharp, Rev. i. 1 6. 11.12. xiv. 14,

17, 18i. xix. 15.
3 John 7,14(15).
swift, Rom. iii. 15.
Rev. ii. 3, 13, 17. iii. 1, 4, 5i, 8,
12/r. vi. 8. viii. 11. ix. 11/. xi. 18. omj.
xiii. 1, 6, 8, 17i.xiv. 1, 11. xv. 2, cave, Heb. xi. 38.
4. xvi. 9. xvii. 3, 5, 8. xix. 12, 13, place (jnorg. hole), Jas. iii. 11.
16. xxi. 12, 14. xxii. 4. OTHad^EV.
Dat.y or with avru^ or ov or fr. or,

26. V. 27. viii. 41. x. 38. xvi. 20.

behind. Matt. ix. 20. Mark v. 27.
named*'*', Mark xiv. 32. Luke i. 5, Luke viii. 44. Rev. iv. 6.
on the backside, Rev. v. 1
xix. 2. xxiii. 50. John iii. 1. Acts G').
V. 1, 34. ix. 10, 12, 33, 36. xi. 28. after, Matt, xv. 23. Luke xxiii. 26.
. 280

. . ,
where, Mark vi. 55
behind, Matt. xvi. 23. Mark viii.
33. Luke iv. 8(a^). vii. 38. Rev. for

those things which are be- xvii. 9.

' ,
LTr^>S). Rev. xii. 14

on wMch, Rev.

xvii. 37.

6. —
hind, Phil. iii. 13(14).
back. Matt. xxiv. 18.
backward, John xviii.
back, Mark xiii. 16. Luke ix.
62. xvii. 31. John vi. 66. xx. 14.

John xiv, 3.

thither, John vii. 34,
whither, John viii. 21, 22. xiii. 33,
36. xiv. 4. xviii. 20. xxi. 18i. Heb.

vi. 20.
after, Matt. iii. 11. x. 38. xvi. 24.
Mark i. 7, 17, 20. viii. 34. Luke With av^ or ^,
wheresoever, Matt.
ix. 23. xiv. 27. xix. 14. xxi. 8. xxiv. 282. xxvi. 132. Mark ix. 18'.
John i. 15, 27, 30. xii. 19. Acts v. xiv. 9^2 T5), 142(1 LTr). whith- —
37. XX. 30. ITim. v. 15. 2 Pet. ii. ersoever. Matt. viii. 192. Mark vi.
10. Jude 7. Rev. xii. 15. xiii. 3. 561. Lukeix. 57K^LTTr). Jas. iii.

Add Matt. iv. 10 Gp^V>T). 41. Rev. xiv. 41. in what — place so-

.. (. .

Mark vi. 102(iLTr).

2 Pet. ii. 21 (a^). ever,
See also whereas, 1 Cor. iii. 3. 2 Pet. ii. 11.
Add Mark ii. 4, for k(f , Q'LTtS.
Mid.f arm one's self with, IPet.

arms, or weapons), 13.

instrument, Rom. vi. 13(/)/., marg.

weapon, John xviii. 3. 2 Cor. x. 4.

iv, 1.


i. 3.

vision, i. 22. xxiv, 23. Acts
Plural, armor,

2 Cor.

what sort,
what manner
vi. 7.

1 Cor. iii, 13.

of, 1 Tlies. i. 9.
xiii. 12

xxvi. 19. 2 Cor.

, ,.
^. .
broiled, Luke xxiv.
xii. 1.


i. 24.
With ^
as. Acts

XX vi.
whatsoever, Gal.
ii. 6.
fruits, Rev. xviii. 14.

I. As a relative Adverb.
when, Luke vi. 3 LTr5). how, Luke xxiv, 20.
II. As a Conjunction.
where. Matt. vi. 19/, 20i, 21. xiii. that. Matt. ii. 8, 23. v. 16, 45. vi.
5. XXV. 24, 26. xxvi. 57. xxviii. 6. 2, 4, 16, 18. viii. 17, 34 (im L). ix.
Mark ii. 4. iv. 5, 15. v. 40. ix. 44 38. xii. 17 (Iva LTTr^S). xiii. 35.
(ap), 46(ap), 48. xiii. 14. xiv. 14. xxiii. 35. Mark v. 23 (Iva G"LTTr
xvi. 6. Luke xii. 33, 34. xxii. 11. S). Luke vii. 3. x. 2. xvi. 28.
John i. 28. iii. 8. iv. 20, 46. vi. 23, John xi. 57. Acts viii. 15, 24. ix,
62. vii. 42. x. 40. xi. 30, 32. xii. 2, 12, 17. xxiii. 15, 20. xxiv. 26
1, 26. xvii. 24. xviii, 1. xix. 18, (op). XXV. 3, 26.
20, 41. XX. 12, 19. Rom. ix. 17i. 1 Cor. 1. 29. 2 Cor.
Acts xvii. 1. Rom. xv. 20. Col. viii. 11, 14. Gal. i. 4. 2Tlies. i. 12.
iii. 11. Heb. ix. 16. x. 18. Jas. iii. Phm. 6. Heb. ii. 9. ix. 15. Jns. v.
16. Rev. ii. 13i. xi. 8. xii. 6. xx. 16. 1 Pet. ii. 9.
10. , that, Matt. vi. 5 (-av LT
281 6&6
TtS). Luke ii. 35. Acts xv. 17. ix. 4. Luke i. 11. ix. 31. xxii. 43
Rom. iii. 4. — when, Acts iii. 19. (ap). xxiv. 34. Acts ii. 3. vii. 2,
80 that, Luke xvi. 26. 30, 35. ix. 17. xvi, 9. xxvi. 16i.
to*^°, Matt. xxvi. 59. Luke xi. 37. Heb. ix. 28. Rev. xii. 1, 3. show —
Acts ix. 24. xxiii. 23. one's self. Acts vii. 26.
because, Acts xx. 16. behold, Luke xxiii. 49.
how, Matt. xii. 14. xxii. 15. Mark take heed. Matt. xvi. 6. xviii. 10.
iii. 6.
Add Rev. ,
xii. 14, for G'.
Mark viii. 15.
xxii. 26(om5').
Luke xii. 15. Acts

,. Not rendered, Mark viii.


Acts vii. 31.
Acts ix. 10,
Matt. xvii. 9.
Compare also .
Add Jobu i. 39(40), for


9. xvi. 9, 10. xviii. 9.

sight, Rev.
X. 3, 17, 19. xi. 5. xii.

iv. 3.
anger, Mark
Col. iii. 8.

indignation. Rev. xiv. 10.

5. Eph. iv. 31.

to look upon*^,

visible, Col.


iv. 3.
17. Rev. ix. 17.
wrath. Matt.
xxi. 23.
ii. 5i, 8.

iv. 15.

Luke iii. 7.
Rom. i. 18.
v. 9. ix. 22i. xii.
4(-Go), 5. Eph. ii. 3. v.
6. Col. iii. 6. 1 Thes. i. 10. ii. 16.

Fut. -, Aor. pass. -&?.

V. 9. 1 Tim. ii. 8. Heb. iii. 11. iv.
3. Jas, i. 19, 20. Rev. vi. 16, 17.
see, Matt. V. 8. viii.

7. Luke 22. iii. 6. ix.

4. ix. 30. xi. 18. xvi. 19. xix. 15.
xxiv. 6, 30. xxvi. 64. xxviii. 7, 10.
Mark i. 44. xiii. 26. xiv.
36. xiii.
28. xvi. 23. xvii. 22. xxi. 27. xxiv.
vengeance, Rom. iii. 5.
62. xvi.
Pass, or Mid., be angry. Matt. v.
22. Luke xiv. 21. xv. 28. Epli. iv.

26. Rev. xi. 18. —be wroth, Matt,
Jolm i. 18, 34, 50(51), 51(52). iii.
xviii. 34. xxii. 7. Rev. xii. 17.
11, 32, 36. iv. 45. v. 37. vi. 2 (-
LTr), 36, 46. viii. 38, 38

7, 9i. XV. 24.


G"LTr), 57. ix. 37. xi. 40. xiv.

xvi. 16, 17, 19, 22.
xix. 35. XX. 18, 25, 29. Acts ii. 17.
vii. 44. xiii. 31. xx. 25. xxii. 15.
soon angry. Tit.
fathom, Acts xxvii. 28i.
i. 7.

Rom. XV. 21. 1 Cor. ix. 1. xv. 5,

6, 7, 8.
Col. ii. 1, 18. IThes. v. 15.
16. Heb. ii. 8. viii. 5.

xi. 27. xii. 14. xiii. 23. Jas. ii. 24.

xi. 16. —covet
Mid., to desire, 1 Tim.

after, 1 Tim.
iii. 1. Heb.
vi. 10?.

19. xviii. 18p

xix. 10. xxii. 4, 9.
1 Pet. i. 8p. 1 Jolm i. 1, 2, 3. iii. 2,
6. iv. 20t. 3 John 11. Rev. i. 7. xi.





39, 65.

see to, Matt, xxvii. 4, 24.

perceive, Acts viii. 23.
look to,
Acts xviii. 15,
John xix.
Pass., appear. Matt. xvii. 3.
walk uprightly, Gal.
straight (inarg. even), Heb. xii. 13
upright. Acts xiv. 10.
ii. 14.
divide rightly,
2 Tim. ii. 15.

to rush. Acts xix. 29.
run violently, Matt. viii. 32. Mark
Luke V. 13. Luke viii. 33.
come early in the morning,
xxi. 38.
&. ( run. Acts vii. 57.
morning, Rev. xxii. 16
Add Luke xxi v.
22, for ^,

Acts xiv. 5.
Not rendered, Jas. iii. 4.

Rev. xviii. 21.

LT Rev. xviii. 2.

xxiv. 22{dpdpivdg bird.

Tr6^). fowl, Rev. xix. 17, 21.

Gen. or Ace, early in the morning, hen. Matt, xxiii. 37. Luke xiii. 34.
John viii. 2(ap). Acts v. 21.
See also
rightly, Luke vii. 43. xx. 21.
bound, Acts xvii. 26.
mountain, Matt. iv. 8. v. 1. viii. 1.
right, Luke x. 28.
plain, Mark vii. 35.
. xiv. 23. XV. 29. xvii. 1, 9, 20. xviii.
12. xxi. 21. xxiv. 16. xxviii. lu.

to limit,

TO , Heb.
iv. 7.

determine. Acts xi. 20. xvii. 26.

mined, Luke xxii. 22.

Pass., determinate, Acts ii. 23p.
ordain. Acts x. 42. xvii. 31.
Mark iii. 13. v. 5, ll(-Go,S). vi, 46.
ix. 2, 9. xi. 23. xiii. 14. Luke iii. 5.
iv. 5(ap). vi. 12. viii. 32. ix. 28.
as it was deter- xxi. 21. xxiii. 30. John iv. 20, 21.
vi. 3, 15.
1 Cor. xiii. 2. Heb. xi. 38. xii. 20.
Rev. vi. 14, 15, 16. viii. 8. xvi. 20.

border, Matt. iv. 13.

declare (Cr. determine), Rom. i. 4. xvii. 9. xxi. 10.
mount. Matt. xxi.
1. xxiv. 3. xxvi.
Mark xi. 1. xiii. 3. xiv. 26.
Luke xix. 29, 37. xxi. 37. xxii.

coast, Matt. 16. viii. 34. xv. 22,

39. xix. 1. Mark

v. 17. vii. 31<. x. 39. John (ap). Acts i. 12.
viii. 1

1. Acta xiii. 50. vii. 30, 38. Gal. iv. 24, 25. Heb.
Add Mark vii. 24, for
neut.y LTrS.
. ,
Mark v. 7. Acts xix. 13.
viii. 5. xii. 18(-L6'), 22. 2 Pet. i.
18. Rev. xiv. 1.
hill. Matt. v. 14. Luke iv. 29. ix.
charge, 1 Thes. v. 27 (marg. adjure,
. dig, Matt. xxi. 33.
xii. 1.
xxv. IS. Mark

oath, Matt. v. 33. xiv. 7, 9. xxvi.
72. Mark vi. 26. Luke i. 73. Acts
ii. 30. Heb. vi. 16, 17. Jas. v. 12.

oath, Heb. vii. 20, 21(marg. swear-

ing of an oath), 21, 28. 6.
fatherless, Jas.

i. 27.

comfortless (marg. orphan),

xiv. 18.
Mid., to dance. Matt. xi. 17.
vi. 22. Luke vii. 32.

og 283
. ,,III.

Originally a demonstrative pro- or clause.

or referring to a sentence

noun, like , ?;, TO, but mostly used which, Acts xi. 30. Gal. ii. 10. Col.
as a relative, and rendered who, ii. 17, 22. 1 Tim. i. 6. Rev. xxi. 8.
which, that! Omitting the cases in which thing, Acts xxvi. 10.
which it simply refers to nouns pre- whom, Heb. v. 11.
ceding or following, Bruder gives whereof, Acts ii. 32. iii. 15.
its special uses as follows :
— With •, whereunto. Col. i. 29.
I. As a demonstrative, only in
With , whereupon, Acts xxiv. 18.
xxvi. 12.
distinctions and distribution, thus
. , (•
repeated 2),

Add Matt. xii. 4, for , LTTr.

the one . . and the other, 2 Cor. ii. IV. In attraction, when the pro-
16. noun is made to agree in case with
.the other, Luke xxiii. 33.

(and) another, Matt. xxi. 35^.

. .

XXV. ib^, Rom. ix. 21. xiv. 5. ,,,,

its antecedent. 81 instances.
* With prepositions. See
etc. %Q times.
1 Cor. vii. 7 for (
LT^). xi. 21. • V. Including the notion of a de-
some . . and others, Jude 22. monstrative pronoun, and common-
some . (and) some, Matt. xiii.
ly rendered what.
Acts xxvii. 44. 2 Tim. ii. 20.
Matt. vii. 2t. x. 27. Etc.
b or
Matt. xxii.

with or without an-

5, for 6
, . 6, what . . that, Matt. x. 27.
he that, Matt. x. 38. Mark ix. 40.
what things, Matt. vi. 8,
other corresponding term.
Etc. 179 instances.
some, Matt. xiii. 4. Mark iv. 4.
* preceding a clause,
Luke viii. 5. ICor. xii. 28.
in that, vi. lOi.
one, xiv. 2. ICor. xii. 8.
the life" which, Gal. ii. 20.
Add John v. 11 (he^^O, L.
VL• With or 2.
II. When not agreeing in gender
or number with the preceding noun, whosoever, Matt. v. I92, 19\ 21^
but representing the sense. Some- 22^1, 311, 32i(7raf G'LTr5), 32^. x.
142 (1 LTrS), 422 (1 lt^.^ ^j, ^2(1 l
times^ by attraction agreeing with a .

Tr), 272. xii. 32i(2LTTr5), 32i.

predicate following.
XV. 51. xvi. 25i(2LTTr), 25^. xix.
Mark xv. 16^. Luke vi. 17. John
91. XX. 262(iLTr), 272(iLTr6^).
i. 13. Acts XV. 17, 36. xxii. 5. xxiv.
xxi. 441. xxiii. 16^?, 182(1 LTr5),
11. xxvi. 17. Rom. vi. 21. ix. 24^.
181. xxvi. 481 (2 T5).
1 Cor. iii. I72. Gal. iii. I62. iv. 19.
Eph. i. 142. iii. 13^. vi. 17^. Phil.
Mark iii. 35i. viii. 35i(2TTr5),
351, 381(2 LTTr). ix. 372(iLTTr5),
i. 282. ii. 15. iii. 20. Col. 1. 27 for (
372(1 LTTr), 41i, 42i(2T). x. 11, 15,
Of L). ii. 29. 1 Tim. iii. I52. Phm.
10. 2 Pet. iii. 1. 1 John ii. 82. 2 John
and 43,2(1 LTr^), 441 (2GTTr). xi.
231. xiv. 441.
1. Rev. V. 82.
Luke iv. 02(1 LTr). vii. 232. viii.
Add for 5, John vl. 9, LTTr. 18i(2T), 181 (2LT). ix. 24i (2T,S),
Rev. xiii. 14, LT. — ITim. iii. 16, 241, 261, 482(1 L), 4S2. ^.
see &6. Rev. iii.'4, ol for , . iv.
xviii. 172(1 LTr5). xx. ISi. John

* with , ?,, ;{>-

52, & for al, T.
iv. 141. Acts ii. 21i(2T). viii. 19'
or (2GLT5).
rai, 25 times. Rom. X. 131. 1 Cor. xi, 271. xvi.
32(1 L).
iv. 15».
Jas. iv.

4 CLT5). IJoliD

Luke xii. 8.

holiness, Luke
. i. 75. Eph.

iv. 24.

whoso, xviii. 52(1 LTr), qi, holily, 1 Thes. ii. 10.

5i. iii.
1 John ii. 17.
who, Matt. vii. dH-^LTrS). Luke
odor, John xii. 3. Phil. iv. 18.
X. 22'-i(iLTr). John i. 33^
72(1 L). Rom. ix. 15ii.
he that, Mark iii.
29i. iv.
Acts vii.

savor, 2 Cor.

., ,

14, 16t. Eph. v. 2.

xiv. 7^ how much, Acts ix. 13. Heb. viii.

whatsoever, Matt. x. 11^
VLTr). XV. 52. xvi. 192(iLTi•, ™), 6. Rev. xviii. 7.
19^ (Tr). XX. 42, 72(). Mark vi. 222, as much as, John vi. 11.
232. vii. 112. X. 352. xi. 932
xiii. 112. Luke ix. 4K x. b\ 8S 10'. 40,
45. Rom. xi. 13.
inasmuch as, Matt. xxv.
as long as, —
Rom. xvi. 21. Gal. vi. 7^(1 L).
iii. 222. V. i5i(2T5). 3 John 5.

,whatsoever, Eph.



vii. 20.
ix. 15. 2 Pet.
i. 13.

inasmuch as, Heb. iii. 3.

as, Heb. ix. 27.
G', L, L™, S). as large as. Rev. xxi. 1 6.

Iv , whereinsoever, 3 Cor. xi. 21.

what, John XV. 72(1 L).
what things soever, John v. 19» (-^ as, Heb. i. 4. x. 25.
the more,

X. 37.
as many as. Matt. xiv. 36. xxii.
Mark vii. 36.
a little while, Heb.

which, Mark iv. 22'-i(-G/LTTr5).

10. Mark iii. 10. Luke xi. 8. John
Acts vii. 31. i. 12. Acts iii. 24. iv. 6, 34. v. 36,
that. Matt. xii. 362(-2LTTr^). xviii. 37. X. 45 (o'i L). xiii. 48. Rom. ii.
192. 1 Cor. vi. 182. Gal. v. ITH^L^^S).
12i. viii. 14. Gal. iii. 10, 27. vi. 12,
VIL Followed by a demonstrative 16. Phil. iii. 15. Col. ii. 1. ITim.
pronoun. Matt. iii. 12. Mark i. 7. vi. 1. Rev. ii. 24. xviii. 17.
Etc. 13 instances. 80 many as, Rom. vi. 3.
For the Genitive used as an Ad- who, Heb. ii. 15.
verb of time or place, see , how great things, Mark v. 19, 20.
Luke viii. 39i. Acts ix. 16.
xi. 261(2 LT/S).
or \ oaamg.
as often as, 1 Cor.
xi. 62. as oft —
how many things, 2 Tim. i. 18.
what great things, Mark iii. 8(5 fr.

as, ICor. xi. 25i(2LT-S').

whatsoever, Matt. xvii. 12. xxviii.
20. Mark ix. 13. x. 21. Luke iv.
he that, Rom.
.viii. 32.

Tim. ii. 8. Tit. 1. 8. Heb. Phil. iv. Ssix.

23. xii. 3. John xv.
xvii. 7. Acts iv. 28.
a LTr-S).

Rom. xv. 4.
holy, 1
vii. 26. Rev. xv. 4(
Said of Christy Holy One, Acts ii.
what things soever, Rom. iii. 19.
all that, Luke ix. 10. Acts iv. 23.

27. xiii. 35. xiv. 27.
mercies (Gr. holy or just all things that, Acts xv. 4. Rev.
things), Acts xiii. 34. i. 2.
Add Rev. xvi. 5, for EG that ever, John iv. 29(5 Tr^S), 39
LTTr^. (d Tr^; Tr'"). x. 8.
aU, 2 Cor. i. 20.
43. ix. 30. x. 42. xii. 1.
3, 15, 26,
that, Matt. xiii. 44, 46. xviii. 25. XV. 7. xxiii. 19, 55. John viii. 53.
Mark xii. 44. Luke iv. 40. .xviii. 12, Acts vii. 53. viii. 15. x. 41, 47. xi.
22. John X. 41. xvi. 15. 20, 28. xii. 10. xiii. 31, 43. xvi. 12,
what, Mark vi. 30i. Acts xv. 12. 16, 17. xvii. 10. xxi. 4. xxiii. 21,
33. xxiv. 1. xxviii. 18.
which, John xxi. 25. Acts ix. 39.
Rom. i. 25, 32. ii. 15. ix. 4. xi. 4.
(, ) (^^). xvi. 4, 6, 7, 12(aj?). 1 Cor. iii. 17.
vi. 20(a/)). vii. 13. 2 Cor. viii. 10.
as many as, Matt. xxii. 9 (^ LTTr
S). Mark vi. 56. Acts ii. dd(ovgav ix. 11. Gal. ii. 4. iv. 24/, 26. v. 19.
L). Rev. iii. 192. xiii. 15(2LTTr). Eph. i. 23. iii. 13. iv. 19. vi. 2.
whosoever, Mark vi. ll(ap). Luke Phil. i. 28. ii. 20. iv. 3. Col.
iii. 5,

ix. 5. 14(5 fr. k G"LT, S). iv. .

iii. 15. vL
whatsoever. Matt. vii. 12. xviii. 2Thes. i. 9. ITim. i. 4.
18^ (av LTr), 182. xxi. 22 (2TTr). 9. 2 Tim. i. 5. ii. 2, 18. Tit. i. 11.
xxiii.3 i'TS). John xi. 22. xvi. 13 Heb. ii. 3. viii. 5, 6. ix. 2, 9. x.
(-av LTTr>S), 23
L•", b
S). Acts
( 8, 11, 35. xii. 5. xiii. 7. 1 Pet. ii.

iii. 22. 11. 2Pet. ii. 1. 1 John i. 2. Rev. ii.

Mark 24 24. ix. 4. xi. 8. xii. 13. xvii. 12.
what things soever, xi.
{-av G^oLTTr/S). xix. 2. XX. 4.
wherewith" soever, Mark iii. 28 the which, John xxi. 25.
(2TTr). which *'veil, 2 Cor. iii. 14(uri GLT).
Add, for or, Matt. xvi. 19^^«, L™. Jn. which things, Col. ii. 23.
iv. 45,
iv. 1,
See also

L. For
1 Cor.

ii. 92d,
LT. Rev.
Lk. xxiv. 6, L™.
what things, Phil.
that. Matt. 28ii.

6. xviii.
LTTr/S). xxvii. 62. Luke vii. 39.
Rom. vi. 2. Rev. i. 12. xvii. 8 (pu

whosoever, Mark
. xv. 6.

bone, Matt, xxiii. 27. Luke xxiv.

39. John xix. 36. Eph. v. 30(ap).
the same that, John viii. 25 (on St).
he (they) that (which). Matt, xxiii.
12. XXV. 3 (5 L, (yap Tr*S).

Rev. i. 7.
Heb. xi. 22. in that they, Acts xvii. 11.
and they. Acts v. 16. xxiii. 14.
Fern, Neut. . and. Acts ix. 35.
With ^ or £0^2^ whereas *ye, Jas. iv. 14.
whosoever. Matt. v. 39, 41. vii. 24. as, 1 Cor. xvi. 2^
X. 32, 331 (-av LTr). xii. 50^. xiii. Traf av.
12i. xviii. 4. xxiii. 12. Mark viii.
34 ( G'LTr5). Luke xiv. 27.
Gal. V. 4, lOH'T/S). Jas. ii. 10.
every . . which, Acts iii. 23(2 T6^).
whatsoever, Col. iii. 17
LT), 23 (jtav b G",
for a\>
whatsoever, Luke x. 35^ John ii.
Bi. xiv. 131. XV. 16^
Add, for ,
Matt. xix. 29, Gp^^LT

For bTi, Mark ix. 11, 28, L.
such as, Mark iv. 20. 1 Cor. v. 1.
1 John iii. 202, v. I42, L». For .
who, which. Matt. 15, 24, 26.
xiii. )2. xvi. 28. xix. 12ir. xx. 1.
xxi. 33, 41. xxii. 2. xxiii. 27. xxv.
1. xxvii. 55. Mark ix. 1. xii. 18.
Acts ix.
See also

XV. 7. earthen, 2 Cor. iv. 7.

Luke i. 20. ii. 4, 10. vii. 37. viii. of earth, 2 Tim. ii. 20.
Bmelling, ICor.

. xii. 17.

Matt. iii. 4. Mark i. . Luke

viii. 19, 20. xi 1, 19 (8).
xiv. 12. XV. 20, 41 Luke ii. 21, 22,
42. iv. 25. vi. 13. xiii. 35(-Trb;S).
xvii. 22. xxii. 14, 35. xxiii. 33.
.John i. 19. ii. 22. iv. 21, 23, 45.
kii. 35. Acts ii. 30. Eph. vi. 14.

vii. 5, 10. 1 Pet. i.

With the Subjunctive,

V. 25. vi. 24. ix. 4, 14

41 (
LTTr^'). xii. 16, 17 (G', otl GLT),
LTTr^"). xiii. 31(30) xvi.
25. xix. 6, 8, 23, 30. xx. 24. xxi.
whensoever, Mark xiv. 7. 15, 18. Acts i. 13. viii. 12, 39. xi.
when, Matt. v. 11. vi. 2, xii. 6. xxi. 5, 35. xxii. 20. xxvii.
2, 5, 6, 16.
.ix. 15. X. 19, 23. xii. 43. 39. xxviii. 16.
xiii. 32.
XV. 2. xix. 28. xxi. 40. xxiii. 15. Rom. ii. 16 (J) iv. L). vi. 20. vii.
xxiv. 15, 32, 33. xxv. 31. xxvi. 29. 5. xiii. 11. ICor. xiii. Hi. Gal. i.
Mark ii. 20. iv. 15, 16, 29, 31, 32. 15. ii. 11, 12, 14. iv. 3, 4. Phil. iv.
viii. 38. xi. 25. xii. 23 (-G^^LbTr 15. Col. iii. 7. 1 Thes. iii. 4. 2 Thes.
S), 25, xiii. 4, 7, 11, 14, 28, 29. iii. 10. 2 Tim. iv. 3.

ix. 26. xi. 2, 21, 24, 34, 36. xii. 11, {

Luke V. 35. vi. 22i, 26. viii. 13. Heb. vii. 10. 1 Pet. iii. 20. Jude 9
L). Rev. i. 17. v. 8. vi. 1, 3,
54, 55. xiii. 28. xiv. 8, lOi, 12, 13. 5, 7, 9, 12. viii. 1 LTTr). x. (
xvi. 4, 9, xvii. 10. xxi. 7, 9, 20, 3, 4. xii. 13. xxii. 8.
30, 31. xxiii. 42. Joliii ii. 10. iv. while, John xvii. 12. Heb. ix. 17.
25. V. 7. vii. 27, 31. viii. 28, 44. after that, Matt, xxvii. 31. Tit.
X. 4. xiii. 19. xiv. 29. xv. 26. xvi. iii. 4.
4, 13, 21. xxi. 18. Acts xxiii. 35. after, John xiii. 12.
xxiv. 22.
Horn. ii. 14. xi. 27. 1 Cor. xiii. 10.
xiv. 26. XV. 24i, 27, 28, 54. xvi. 2,
that, Mark vi. 21

Add Mark iv. 6 (when),

3, 5, 12. 2 Cor. x. 6. xii. 10. xiii. Luke vi. 3, for
re L).
as soon as, Luke xv. 30. Rev. x. 10.

HYyS. 1 Cor. ,
9. Col. iii. 4. iv. 16. 1 Tlies. v. 3. xii. 2
2Thes. i. 10. 1 Tim. v. 11. Tit. iii. 9, for 6
12. Heb. i. 6. Jas. i. 2. IJobii ii.
28 (Mv L5). V. 2. Rev. ix. 5. x. 7.
(. . ye were), G"h^TS. Jude
Rev. xxii. 8, see

See ze. .
xi. 7. xvii. 10. xviii. 9. xx. 7 (see
while, 1 Cor. iii. 4. A
Conjunction having two dis-
as soon as, John xvi. 21. Rev. xii. 4. tinct uses, here classified according
as long as, John ix. 5. to Bruder, except when noted (**).
till, Mark ix. 9.
I. As a Demonstrative.
Mark xiv. 25.

Add Mark ix. 10, hTav
C. xi. 19, for
II. With the
that. Matt. ii. 16, 22. iii. 9. iv. 12.
V. 17, 20, 21, 22, 23, 27, 28, 32, 33,
38, 43. vi. 7, 29, 32. viii. 11, 27.
ix. 6, 28. X. 34. xi. 24. xii. 6, 36.
when, Mark iii. 11. Rev. iv. 9.
Add Rev. viii. 1, for LTTr. , xiii. 17. XV. 12, 17. xvi. 11, 18, 20.
xvii. 10, 12, 13. xviii. 10, 19. xix.
oze.. 4, 23, 28. XX. 10, 25, 30. xxi. 33,
when, Matt. vii. 28. ix. 25. xi. 1. 45. xxii. 16, 34. xxiii. 31. xxiv. 32,
xii. 3. xiii. 26, 48, 53. xvii. 25(-L 33, 43, 47. xxv. 24, 26. xxvi. 2, 21,
Tr,S). xix. 1. xxi. 1, 34. xxvi. 1. 34, 53, 54. xxvii. 3, 18, 24, 63.
Mark i. 32. ii. 25. iv. 10. vii. 17. 1 xxviii. 5, 7.
on 287 OTt

Mark ii.1, 8, 10, 16. iv. 38,41 20. iv. OC-GooLT^). V. 6 vi. 2, 3,
V. 29. vi. 2(owj/S), 14, 15i. vii. 18 9, 15, 16, 19. vii. 26. viii. 1, 4i.
viii. 31. ix. 1, 11, 13, 25. x. 42, 47 ix. 10, 13, 24. X. I9(ap), 20. xi. 2,
xi, 3(-LTTr), 23^ 24, 32. xii. 12 23. xii. 2, 3. xiv. 23, 25,
3, 14, 17,
14, 26, 28, 34, 35, 43. xiii. 28, 29 37. XV. 4/, 5, 12i, 15, 27, 50, 58.
SO. xiv. 30. XV. 10, 39. xvi. 4, 7 xvi. 15.
ll(a^). 2 Cor. i. 7, 8, 10(-L^), 12, 14, 23.
Luke i. 22. ii. 49i. iii. 8. iv. 4. ii. 3. iii. 5. iv. 14. v. 1, 6, 14(15).
24. vi. bi-Hr'^S). vii. 4, 16i, 37, 43 vii. 3, 8, 9t, 16. viii. 9. ix. 2. x. 7,
viii. 47, 53. ix. 7, St, 19. x. 11, 12 11. xi. 31. xii. 13, 19. xiii. 2, Gt.
20, 21, 24, 40. xi. 38. xii. 30, 37, 39 Gal. i. C, 11, 23. ii. 7, 14, 16. iii.
44, 51. xiii. 2, 4. xiv. 24. xv. 7 7, 8, 11. iv. 15, 22. v. 2, 3, 10, 21.

with ,
xvi. 25. xvii. 15. viii. 8, 9 (riiarg.
as being), 11, 37. xix. 7
22, 26, 40 (-Tr^). xx. 19, 21, 37
Epli. ii. 11, 12. iv. 9. v. 5. vi. 8, 9.
Phil. i. 6, 12, 17, 19, 20, 25, 27. ii.
11, 16, 22, 24, 26. iv. 10, 15. Col.
xxi. 3, 20, 30, 31. xxii. 37, 70 iii.24. iv. 1, 13.
xxiii. 7. xxiv. 21, 39, 44. 1 Thes. ii. 1. iii. 3, 4, 6. iv. 14, 15.
V. 2. 2 Thes. ii. 2,4, 5. iii. 4, 10.
Jolm i. 34. ii. 17, 18, 22. iii. 2, 7
1 Tim.
i. 8, 9, 15. iv. 1. 2Tim. i.
19, 21, 28i, 33. iv. 1, 19, 20, 25, 27
12, 15, ii. 23. iii. 1, 15. Tit. iii.
42, 44, 47, 53. v. 6, 15, 32, 36, 42 5,
11. Plim. 21, 22.
45. vi. 15, 22i, 24, 36, 46, 61, 65
69. vii. 26, 35, 42. viii. 17, 24i, 27
Heb. ii. 6t. iii. 19. vii. 8, 14. xi.
6, 13, 14, 18, 19. Jas. i. 3, 7. ii. 19,
28. 37, 48, 52, 54. ix. 8, 17, 18, 20i
20. iii. 1. iv. 4, 5. v. 11, 20. 1 Pet.
24, 25, 29, 30, 31, 32, 35. x. 38. xi
6, 13, 15, 20, 22, 24, 27, 31, 40, 41
i. 12, 18. ii. 3. iii. 9. 2 Pet. i. 14,
20. iii. 3, 5, 8.
42i, 50, 51, 56. xii. 9, 12, 16, 34, 50
xiii. 1, 3i, 19, 21, 29, 35. xiv. 10 1 John i. 5, 6, 8, 10. ii. 3, 5, 18i,

11, 20, 22, 31. XV. 18. xvi. 4, 15

19, 22, 29^ iii. 2, 24.
5, 14, 15, 19,
iv. 3, lOi, 13, 14, v. 1, 2, 5,15.
19, 20, 21, 26, 27, 30^ xvii. 7, St
11, 13, 14(0 Ti L), 15<, 18, 19, 20.
21, 23, 25. xviii. 8, 14, 37. xix.^
2 John 4. 3 John 12. Rev. ii. 6, 23.
10, 21, 28, 35. XX. 9, 14, 18, 31
iii. 1/, 9, 15, 17. x. 6. xii. 12, 13.
xxi. 4, 7, 12, 15, 16, 17, 23, 24.
Acts ii. 29, 30, 31, 36. iii. 10, 17 ,
to wit, that, 2 Cor. v. 19.
as though, 2 Cor. xi. 21.

iv. 10, 13i, 16. V. 9, 41. vi. 14. vii
6. viii. 14, 18. ix. 20, 22, 26, 27 olov OTij as though, Rom. ix. 6.

38. X. 34, 42. xi. 1. xii. 9, 11. xiii as though, Phil. iii. 12.
38. xiv. 9, 22. xv. 5, 24. xvi. 3, 10 how that, Matt. xii. 5. xvi. 12, 21.
19, 38. xvii. 3i, 13. xix. 25, 26i Luke vii.22(-LTr'>5). Acts vii. 25.
34. XX. 23i, 25, 26, 29, 31, 34, 38 xiii. 7. xx. 35. Kom. vii. 1.
32(33). xv.
xxi. 21, 22, 24, 29, 31. xxii. 2, 19 1 Cor.26. x. 1. xv. 8. 2 Cor. viu. 2.

29. xxiii. 5, 6, 22, 27, 34. xxiv xii. 4. xiii. 5. Gal. i. 13. Eph. iii. 3.
11, 14, 26. xxvi. 5. 27. xxvii. 10 Heb. xii. 17. Jas. ii. 24. Jude 5, 18.
25. xxviii. 1, 22, 28. how, Luke i. 58. xxi. 5. Jolm iv. i..

10. xiv. 28. Acts xiv. 27. xx.

Rom. i. 8, 13, 32. ii. 2, 3, 4. iii xii.
35. Gal. iv. 13. Pluu. 19. Jas. ii. 22.
2, 19. iv. 9(-V>S), 21, 23. v. 3. vi
16, 17. vii. 14, 16, 18
Rev. ii. 2.
3, 6, 8, 9,
why, IMark ix. 11 and 28(5 L).
21. Tiii. 16, 18, 22, 28, 38. ix. 2
30. X. 2, 5, 9
xi. 25. xiii. 11. xiv because that,
Acts X. 45.
Euke xiii. 14.
2 Thes. i. 3.
1 John

14. XV. 14, 29. (3.

iv. 9.
ICor. i. 5, 11, 12, 14, 15. Hi. 16,
on 288 071

because, 25. Luke xi. 25. xvi. 19, 23 (-L^TTr). xviii. 6

Matt. xi.
18, xvi. 8. xvii. 9. xix. 11, 31. (-LTfaS), 9. XX. 15'-«. xxi. 23.
John vii. 23. viii. 45. xiv. 28. xvi. Acts ii. 13. iii. 22. v. 4, 23, 25.
17. xxi. 17. Acts xxii. 29. Rom. vi. 11. xi. 3. xii. 3. xiii. 34. xv. 1.
viii. 21. xiv. 23. 1 Cor. vi. 7. 2 xvi. 36. xvii. 6. xviii. 13. xix. 21.
Cor. vii. 13. xi. 7. 1 Thes. ii. 13. xxiii. 20. xxiv. 21. xxv. 8, 16.
2 Tlies. ii. 13. 1 John iii. 16. iv. 13, xxvi. 31. xxviii. 25.
17. v. 6. Rev. ii. 4. 14(-LTTrb),
20. xi. 17.
Rom. iii. 8, 10. iv. 17. ix. 12, 17.
xiv. 11. 1 Cor. x. 19. xiv. 21. xv. 27
for that, 1 Tim. i. 12. (-Lb). 2 Cor. i. 13, 18. iii. 3. vi. 16.
for. Matt. vi. 26. Mark i. 21 (ap). xi. 10. Gal. i. 20. iii. 8. ITim. vi.
xii. 32. Luke i. 45(??iai-(/.
that), 48. 7. Heb. vii. 17. x. 8. xiii. 18..las. i.
iv. 36. vii. 39. viii. 25. xii. 24. xv. 13. John iii. 20. iv. 20. JudelS
6, 9. John iv. 35. v. 28. vii. 52. i-LS). Rev. iii. HC-G^aS).
xiv. 17. Acts viii. 33. xxii. 15. Not rendered, Rom. viii. 36.
1 Cor. xvi. 17. 2 Cor. i. 5. ii. 15.
Add Matt. xvi. 28 (. . there be),

vii. 14. viii. 3. ix. 12. Gal. iii. 11.
hS. xxiii. 36(. All), Gp^ xxiv. .
iv. 27. Eph. ii. 18. Pliil. iv. 16.
34(. . this), LTr. Mark ii. 16, otl
IThes. i. 5. 2 Thes. iii. 7. 1 John
( •&
L, otl ija-Qcev TrS, for
iii. 2, 20 tl L). iv. 8. Rev. xii.
12. xviii. 20. xix. 7. xxi. 5.
iii. 12(a/j).. iv. 21 (. . Is), T.
vii. 2(saw . .), Tr/S. viii. 4(. . From),
Not rendered, Matt. 23. iv. 6.
vii. 23.
vi. 5

and 16 (-LT
ix. 18, 33(oto>S). x.
28 (.
. John), TS.

, /^^
ix. 41, iv
28, on

7. xiv. 26. xviii. 13.xix. 8, 9(-LT -
Tr), XX. 12(-LTTr^). xxi. 3, 16,
for , S.
Luke xii. 27 (that), V'S. 54 (. .
43. xxvi. 29 and 65 (-LTTr^), 72,
There), L^Tr^. xviii. 14(. this), .

74, 75. xxvii. 43, 47. xxviii. 13. L\ xix. 34 (said . .), LTr^". 46
12. iii.
i.15, 37, 40
11, 21, 22i, 28.
h^), ii. (\va'itten . .), L. xxii. 37, for
v. 23, 28, L. John 1. 50(51, . . I saw), LTTr^.
35. vi. 4, 16(-G°LTTr^), 18, 23, s^iii. 25, for St. ix. 11(. .Go), ,
35, 55. vii. 6(-Li^Trb5), 20. viii. TTrS. X. 34(. I said). LTTr^S. .

24(0^)). ix. 26, 31. x. 33. xii. 6, 7, xii. 17.forOT£,GLT.xiii. 11(. . Ye),
19, 29. xiii. 6. xiv. 14, 18, 25, 27, LTTr. xiv. 2 (.
58^, 69, 71, 72. Acts X. 20, for
Luke i. 25, 61. ii. 23. iv. 10, 11 Rom. X.
I go), LTTr5.
, .

', •,
(-Go«), 12, 21, 24, 41, 43, v. 26, 36.
piou ;;)', L™. Gal. iii. 10 (writ-
viii. 49. ix. 22. xii. 55. xiii. 35(-Lb
ten . .), GLT^". Phil. i. 18(. . every),
Tr^). xiv. 30. XV. 2, 27. xvii. 10 LS. 1
Pet. i. 16 (written . .), T.
(-L). xviii. 29. xix. 9, 42. xx. 5.
1 John ii. 4(saith . .), L^TS. v. 9,
xxi. 8(-L'>Tr»^5), 32. xxii. 16, 18
for ?)v, G"LTS. Rev. xvii. 8, for r.,
(-TTr), 61. xxiii. 5, 40. xxiv. 7,
GLTTr. xviii. 7(. . I sit), LTTr-S.
34, 46.
Jolui i. 20, 32. ii. 25. iii. 11. iv. 17, II. As Causal,
21, 35, 37, 39, 42(-Lb), 51, 52, 53 because, Matt. ii. 18. v. 36. vii. 14
(-LTr5). V, 24, 25. vi. 5, 14, 42. vii. (G', Ti C'"GLTr, marg. how), ix. 36.

9, 9(L°'b, ,
12, 31(-LTr5). viii. 33, 34, 55. ix. xi. 20. xii. 41. xiii. 11, 13. xiv. 5.
-, L'^TTr^),
17, 19, 23, 41. X. 7(-L••^Tr), 36, 41.
9, XV. 32. xvi.
29. Mark i.
7, 8.
xx. 7, 15. xxiii.
(mari?. that), iii. 30.
xi. 31. xii. 34(-G">^). xiii. 33. xv. iv. 29. vi. 34. vu. 19. viii. 2, 16,
XL 289
17. ix, 38(«p), 41(% see No. 38. ix. 15. X. 14, 38. xi. 8, 24. xiii.
I., ac?i/.)•
xi. 18 (> TTr^"). xvi. 41. xxii. 21.
Luke viii. 30. ix. 49, 53. xi. 18. Rom. viii. 29. xi. 36. 1 Cor. iv. 9.
xii. 17. xiii. 2. xv. 27. xix. 3, 17, X. 17. xi. 15. 2Cor. iv. 6.
vii. 8. viii.
17. X. 10. Gal. iii. 11. iv. 12, 20. vi.
21. John i. 50(51). iii. 18, 23. v.
16, 18, 27, 30. vi. 2, 26i, 41. vii. 1, 8. Eph. iv. 25. v. 23, 30.
vi. 12. Phil.
i. 29. Col. i. 16, 19. ii. 9. 1 Thes. ii.
7, 22, 30. viii. 22, 37, 43, 44, 47.
ix. 16, 22. X. 13, 17, 36. xi. 9, 14. iii. 8. iv. 16. v. 9. 2 Thes. ii. 3.
10. xii. 6, 11. xiv. 12, 17, 19. xv. ITim. iv. 4. 2 Tim. i. 16.
19. 21, 27. xvi. 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, Heb. viii. 10, 11, 12. Jas. i. 12,
\^ap), 21, 27, 32. xvii. 14. xix. 7. 23. V. 8. 1 Pet. i. 16. ii. 15. i'i. 12,
XX. 13, 29. Acta ii. 27. vi. 1. viii. 18. iv. 1, 8, 14, 17. v. 5, 7. 1 John
20. xvii. \^ap). ii. 16. iii. 8, 9, 11. iv. 7. v. 4, 7, 9.

Rom. V. 5. vi. 15. viii. 27 (rnarg. 2 John 7. Jude 11.

that), ix. 7, 28(ap), 32. ICor. i. Rev. iii. 4, 8. iv. 11. v. 9. vi. 17.
25. ii. 14. iii. 13. xii. 15, 16. xv. vii. 17. xi. 2. xii. 10, 12. xiv. 7,
15. 3 Cor. xi. 11. Gal. ii. 11. iv. 6. 15i, 18. XV. 1, Atr. xvi. 6, 21. xvii.
Eph. V. 16. Phil. ii. 30. iv. 17. 14. xviii. 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 17(16),
2 Thes. i. 10. iii. 9. 1 Tim. i. 13. iv. 19. 23i. xix. 2i, 6. xxi. 4(-L). xxii.
10. V. 12. vi. 21. Phm. 7. 5, 10(yo/>G'LTr6;-GT).
Heb. viii. 9. Jas. i. 10. 1 Pet. ii. for that, Jolin xii. 18. 2 Cor. i. 24.
21. v. 8. 1 John ii. 8^ 12^, 13/;% l4<^ in that, Rom. v. 8.
21P. iii. 1, 0, 12, 14, 22, iv. 1, 4, 18, as concerning that, Acts xiii. 34.
19. V. 10. that, John xi. 42. xii. 6. Phil. iv.
Rev. iii. 10, 16. v. 4. viii. 11. xi. 10. 11. 1 John ii. 21«.
xiv. 8(^ fr. LTTr,-G°o^«). xvi. 5. Not rendered, Mark xi. 17(»?, -L).
John vii. 39. x. 33. Luke xvii. 10(-G°LTTr6^). John
because that,
ii. 25'?(see olu, to, ver. 24).
xii. 39. 1 John ii. 11.
Add, for yup, Matt, xxiii. 10, G'L
for, Matt. V. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
TTr. John x. 26, C?L°>Tr5. Gal. iii.
12, 34, 35i, 45. vi. 5, \?>(ap). vii.
13. xi. 21, 23, 26, 29. xii. 42. xiii.
13, G'^LT. For Luke xxii. 22,
TTvS. John i. 16, GLTTr5.
, —
16. XV. 23. xvi. 17, 23. xvii. 15.
xiv. 21 (. The Son), TTr^^. John
xxiii. 13(14), 14(13, ap), 15, 23, xii. 41, for ore, LTTr6\ 2 Cor. iii. 14,
25, 27. xxiv. 42, 44. xxv. 8, 13. for ,GLT. Gal. ii. 16, G"
Mark v. 9. vi. 17. viii. 33. xiv. 27, ,
i. 37, 49, 68. ii. 11, 30. iv.

32, 41 {marg. that), 43. v. 8. vi.

IjS. Rev. xiii. 4, for

. .GLTTr5.
19, 20, 21i, 24, 25i, 35. vii. 47. viii.
37, 42. ix. 12, 38. x. 13, 21. xi. 31,
32, 42, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 52. xii.
15, 32, 40. xiii. 24, 31, 33. xiv. 11,
Genitive of
ov for oTovj
. , See
Luke xv. 8,
where read
xxii. 16,
14, 17. XV. 24, 32. xvi. 3, 8, 15, 24.
xviii. 14. xix. 4, 43. xxi. 22. xxiii.
Add Luke xii. 50, for ov, Q'^LTTrS,
29, 31. xxiv. 29, 39. ov.
John i. 15, 17, 30. iv. 22. v. 38, Genitive of , used as an Adverb,
39. vi. 38. vii. 8, 29. viii. 14, 16, I. Of Place.
20, 29, 44. X. 4, 5. xi. 47. xii. where, Matt. ii. 9. xviii. 20. xxviii.
49. xiv. 28. XV. 5, 15i. xvi. 14. 16. Liike iv. 16, 17. xxii. 10(
xvii. 8, 9, 24, xviii. 2, 18. xix. 20, LTr5). John xi. 41(ajj). Acts i. 13.
42. Acta i. 5, 17. ii. 25, iv. 21. v. ii. 2. vii. 29. xii. 12. xvi. 13. xx.

w 290 ov
6, 8. XXV. 1. xxviii. 14. Rom. iv. Luke 20, 22, 33, 34. ii. 37, 43.

15. V. 20. ix. 2G. 2Cor. iii. 17. 491, 50. 16. iv. 4, 12, 22i, 41.

Col. iii. 1. Rev. xvii. 15. V. 31, 32, 36. vi. 2. 4, 40, 41, 42,
wherein, Luke xxiii. 53. 43, 44, 46, 48. vii. Qt, 32i, 45, 46.
whither, Luke x. 1. xxiv. 28. viii. 17, 17 (ov LTr5), 19, 47,
eavj whithersoever, 1 Cor. xvi. 6. 52. ix. 40, 49, 50, 53, 55i(ap), 56
ovj from whence, Phil• iii• 20. (aj9), 58. X. 24i, 40', 42. xi. 7, 8,
when, Heb. iii. 9. 38, 401, 44, 46, 52. xii. 2t, 6, 10,
n. Of Time. 15, 27 (ap), 39, 40, 46i, 56, 57. xiii.
' oVf since,
See also
Luke xxiv. 21.
when once, Luke xiii.
,, ,
» 25.
151, 161, 24. 25, 27, 33, 34. xiv. 51,
6, 14, 20, 26i, 27i, 30, 33i. xv. 41,
13, 28. xvi. 3, 11, 12, 13, 31. xvii. 9
(-Li^Tr^O, 18, 20, 22. xviii. At, 11,
132. xix. 3, 14, 21i, 22/, 23, 44/, 48.
Used interrogatively!. XX. 5, 26, 38. xxi. 6/, 9, 15. xxii.
With another negative 2.
26, 57, 58, 60. xxiii. 34(aj9), 51,
not, Matt. i. 25. 11. iv.
ii. ISt. iii.
xxiv. 3, 6, 18, 24, 39.
4, 7. V. 14, 17, 21, 27, 33, 36. vi.
John i. 5, 8, 10, 11, 13, 20/, 21,
5, 20, 24, 26, 26\ 28, 30^ vii. 3,
25, 26, 27, 31, 33. ii. 9, 12, 24, 25.
18, 21, 22, 25, 29. viii. 8, 20. ix.
iii. 3, 5, 8, 10, 11, 12, 17, 18, 28,
12, 13, 14, 24. X. 20, 24, 26i, 29,
34, 37i, 38 (; L'"), 38. xi. 11, 34, 36. iv. 2, 18, 22, 32, 35'. v.
13, 18, 23, 24, 30, 31, 34, 38/,
17i, 20. xii. 2, 3^, 4, 51, It, 19, 20i,
24, 25, 31, 32. xiii. 5, 11, 12, 13t,
41, 42, 43, 44, 47. vi. 7, \(- L
Tr5'), 22, 24, 26, 32, 36, 38, 42i,
lit, 21, 34 (ohoiv LTTr^S), 55^, 57,
58. xiv. 4, 16. XV. 2, 11, 13, 20, 23, ,
46, 58, 64, 702. vii, j^ 7^ iq, IQi,
22, 251, 28/, 34/, 35, 36/, 45. viii.
24, 26, 32. xvi. 3, Hi, 12, 17, 18,
23. xvii. 12, 16, 19, 21(ap), 24i. 13, 14, 16, 21, 22, 23, 27, 29, 35,
xviii. 14, 22, 30, 33^. xix. 4^, 8, 10, 40, 41, 43/, 44, 45, 46, 47/, 48i, 49,
11, 18ir. XX. 151, 22, 23, 26, 28.
xxi. 21, 25, 27, 29, 30, 32, 32
LTr). xxii. 3, 8, 11, 16, 17, 31S
( 50, 55/. ix. 81, 12, 16/, 18, 21/, 25,
27, 29, 30, 31, 32. x. 5, 6, 8, 10,
12/, 13, 16, 21, 25, 26/, 33, M\ 35,
32. xxiii. 3, 4, 30, 37. xxiv. 2^ 37, xi. 4, 9, 15, 21, 32, 37', 40i, 51,
(-G°°), 21, 29, 39, 42, 43, 44, 50i. 52. xii. 5, 6, 8, 9, 16, 30. 35, 37,

XXV. 9 (oh G"LTTr), 12, 24i, 26i, 39, 42, 44, 47/, 49. xiii. 7, 10, 16,
43<r, 44, 45. xxvi. 11, 24, 39, 40, 18, 33, 36, 37. xiv. 5, 9. 10', 10,
42, 53, 70, 72, 74. xxvii. 6, 13^, 34, 17/, 18, 22, 24/, 27. xv. 4, 15, 16,
42. xxviii. 6. 19, 20, 21, 22, 24. xvi. 3, 4, 7 {oh
Mark i. 7, 22, 34. ii. 17, 18, 19 Tr), 9, 12, 13, 16 {ohiaTL I.S,
(ap), 24, 26, 27. iii. 24, 25, 26. iv. Tr), 17, 18, 19, 26, 30, 32. xvii. 9,
14/, 15, 16/, 25. xviii. 17, 25, 26»,
5, 131, 211, 25, 27, 34, 3Si. v. 19,
39. vi. ZH, 4, 18, 19, 26, 52. vii. 3, 28, 30, 312, 36^. ^i^. iq'/, 12, 33,
4, 5, 181, 18, 19, 24, 27. viii. IS^/r,
36. XX. 2, 5, 7, 13, 14, 24, 30. xxi.
{- LTTr^), 33. ix. 6, 18, 28, 4, 8, 11, 18, 23/r.
30, 37, 38(/7), 40, 44(;7), 46
(/>), 48. .27, 38, 40, 43, 45•. xi.
Acts i. 5, 7. ii. ^(
), 15, 24,
27, 31(;- G"LT^), 34. iv. 16, 20.
13, 16, 17S 26, 31, 33. xii. 14/, 24^, V. 4, 22, 2S\-Q°LTS), 39, 42. vi.
26S 27, 34. xiii. 11, 14, 19, 24, 33, 2, 10, 13. vii. 18, 25, 32, 39, 40, 48,
35. xiv. 7, 29, 36, 37, 49, 56, 68 52, 53. viii. 21, 32. ix. 21i. x. 41.
{oWe LTr5), 71. xv. 23, 31. xvi. xii. 9, 14, 22, 23. xiii. lOi, 25/, 35,
6, 14(<). 39. xiv. 17. XV. 1. xvi. 7, 21. xvii.
291 ov
4, 12, 24, 27, 29. xviii.20.xix. 26, ii. 5, 10. iii. 2, 7, 9, 10, 14. 1 Tim.
27, 30, 32, 35. xx. 12, 27, 31. xxi. i. 9. ii. 7, 12, 14. iii. 5. v. 8, 13, 18,
13, 3SK xxii.
11, 18, 22. xxiii.
9, 25, 3 Tim. i. 7, 9, 12, 16. ii. 5, 9,
5t. XXV.
7, 11, 16. xxvi. 19, 25, 26, 13, 20, 24. iv. 3, 8. Tit. iii. 5.
29. xxvii. 10, 14, 31, 39. xxviii. Ileb. i. 12. ii. 5, 11, 16. iii. 10,
4, 19. 16, 19. iv. 2, 6, 8, 15. v. 4, 5, 12.
Rom. i. 13, 16, 21, 28, 32. ii. 13, vi. 10. vii. 11, 16, 20, 21, 27. viii.
21, 28, 29i. iii. 17. iv. 2, 4, 10, 12, 2,9/. ix. 5, 7, 11/, 24. x. 1, 2(-E), 5, 8,
13, 16, 19 (-G^LS), 20, 23. v. 3, 37, 39. xi. 1, 5, 16, 23, 31, 35, 38,
5, 11, 13, 15, 16. vi. Ut, 15, 16^. 39. xii. 7, 8, 9, 18, 20, 25, 26. xiii.
vii. 6, 7ir, 15i, 16, 18, 19/, 20. viii. 6,9/. Jas. i. 20, 23, 25. ii. 41, 51, C,
7, 8, 9/, 12, 15, IS, 20, 23, 24, 25, 71, 211, 24, 251. iii. 2, 10, 15. iv. H,
26, 32. ix. 1, 6i, 8, 10, 11, 16, 21i, 2/r, 3, 41, 11, 14. v. 6, 17.
24, 25i, 26, 31, 32, 33. x. 2, 3, 11,
14/, 16.
xii. 4.
xi. 2, 2S 4, 7, 18, 21, 25.
xiii. 3, 4, 5, 9/r, 9(om), 9.

iii. 3,
23. ii. 10/, 18,
8, 12, 18,
21. 2 Pet. 1. 12 (see
/c;), 16, 21. ii. 3/, 4, 5, 10, 11. iii.
xiv. 6(^ap), 6, 17, 23i. xv. 3, 18/, 9. IJolm i. 6, 8, 10/. ii. 2, 4, 11,
20, 21/. xvi. 4, 18. 15, 16, 19/, 21/, 27. iii. 1/, 6/, 9/,
1 Cor. i. 16, 17/, 21, 26/r. ii. 1, 2, 10, 12. iv. 3, 6/, 8, 10, 18, 20. v. 3,
4, 6, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14. iii. 1, 2,
16i. 6, 10, 12, 16, 17, 18/. 2 John 1, 5,
iv. 4, 7, 14, 15, 19, 20. v. 6, G\ 10. 9, 10, 12. 3 John 9, 11, 13. Jiide
vi. 21, 3\ 5, 9S 9, 12/, 13, 15^, IG^, 9, 10.
191, 19. vii. 4/, 6, 9, 10, 12, 15, 2S/, Rev. ii. 2/, S(ap), 9, 13, 21, 24/.
35, 36. viii. 7, 8. ix. I'/r, 2, 6i, 7, iii. 2, 4, 8, 9, 17. iv. 8. vi. 10. ix.
71, 9, 121, 12, 131, 241, 26/. X. 1, 5, 4, 6 ioGLTIrS), 20. xi. 9. xii.
13, 20/, 21/, 23/. xi. 6, 7, 8, 17/, 20, 8, 11. xiii. 8. xiv. 4. xvi. 9, 11,
22, 31. xii. 1, 14, 15/r, 16/r, 21. 18, 20. xvii. 8/r, 11. xx. 4, 5, 15.
xiii. 4/r, 5/r, 6. xiv. 2, 1 6, 17, 22/, no, Luke xvi. 2. xx. 22. John i.
231, 33, 34. XV.
17, 29, 32, 36, 37, 39, 46, 50, 51
(ap), 58. xvi. 7, 12, 22.
9, 10/, 14, 15/, 16, 21. xxi. 5.
9. Rev.
vii. 16. x. 6 (see
nay, Matt. v. 37/. xiii. 29.

9. 2 Tim, iii.

2Cor. i. 8,12, 18, 19, 24. ii. 4, 5, vii. 12. Acts xvi. 37. 2 Cor.
17/, i.

11, 17. iii. 3/, 5, 6, 13. iv. 1, 5, 8/, 18, 19. Jas. V. 12/.
9/, 16. V. 3, 4, 7, 12, l2(LS).
no, adj.'^°, Matt. vi. 1. xii. 39. xvi.
vi. 12. vii. 3, 7, 8, 9, 12, 14. viii. 4, 7, 8. xix. 18. XX. 13. xxv. 3, 42/.
5,8, 10,12,13, 19,21. ix. 12. x. 3, xxvi. 55. Mark ii. 17. iv. 7, 17, 40
4, 8/, 12, 12(-Goo), 14(-L), 14, 15, (ap). viii.
16, 17. ix. 3. xii. 20, 22.
16, 18. xi. 4/r, 6, 11, 17, 29/, 31. xii. xiii. 20. Luke i. 7, 33. ii. 7. vii. 44,
1, 2/, 3 (-L), 4, 5, 6, 13, 14/r, 16, 45. viii. 13, 14, 27. ix. 13. xi. 29.
181/, 20/. xiii. 2, 3, 5^, 6, 7, 10. xii. 17, 33. XV. 7. xx. 31. xxii. 53.
Gal. i. 1, 7, 10, 11, 16, 19, 20. ii. John i. 47(48). ii. 3. iv. 9, 17/, 38,
14/, 15, 16/, 21. iii. 10, 12, 16, 17, 44. V. 7. vi. 53. vii. 18, 52. viii. 37,
20. iv. 8, 14, 17, 21, 27/, 31. v. 8, 44. ix. 41. xi. 10. xiii. 8. xv. 22.
18, 21. vi. 4, 7. Eph. i. 16, 21. ii. xix. 6, 9, 15. Acts vii. 5, 11. x. 34.
8, 9. iii. 5. iv. 20. v. 4. vi. 7, 12. xii. IS. xiii. 37. xv. 2. xviii. 15. xix.
Phil. i. 16, 22, 29. ii. 6, 16, 21, 27. 23, 24, 26. xxi. 39. xxv. 26. xxvii.
iii. 1, 12, 13 (/ L^^"). iv. 11, 17. 20. xxviii. 2.
Col. i. 9. ii. 1, 8, 19, 23. iii. 23. Rom. ii. 11. iii. 18, 20, 22. iv. 15.
IThes. i. 5, 8. ii. 1, 3, 4, 8, 13, vii. 18. X. 12, 19. xiii. 1, 10. 1 Cor.
17. iv. 7, 8, 9, 13. V. 4, 5, 9. 2 Thes. vii. 25. X. 13. xi. 16. xii. 21/, 24.
ova 292 ov8i
xiii. 5. XV. 12, 13. 2 Cor.
13. ii. ForolTTo, Matt. xv. 17, LTTr. John
viii. 15. xi. 14, 15. Gal. ii. 6, 16.
V. 23. Eph. V. 5. Pliil. iii. 3. Col.
iii. 25. 1 Thes. v. 1.
For ,

ix. 20ist,
GTS. Rev. xvii. 12, L.

1 Cor. vi. 10^^, TS. Hev.
GTTr. For Matt. xiii.
Heb. viii. 7. ix. 22. x. 6, 38. xii. 55, LTr>S'. Luke xvii. 17, John vii.
11, 17. xiii. 10, 14. Jas. i. 17. ii. 42, LTr. Rom. ii. 26, L^S. 1 Cor.
11. 1 Pet. ii. 22. 2 Pet. i. 20. 1 John
i. 8. ii. 7, 21, 27. iii. 5, 15. iv. 18.
iii. 4, X. 18, LT^.
2 Cor. X. 13, LTS. For ,
ix. 8, G"LT5.
1 John
3 John 4. Rev. xiv. 5, 11. xviii. 7.
XX. 6, 11. xxi. 1, 4, 22, 23, 25.
xxii. 3, 5i.
iv. 20, LS.
Matt. xxi. 19(. . ),
LT. Mark
xiv. 61 (. . answered), TTr/S". Luke
no ^'such, Acts xv. 24. xiv. 3 (day oh;), L^-TTr^S. Acts

, ,,
none*^, Matt. xii. 43. xxvi. 60, 60 XXV. Q(ap). 1 Cor. ix. 15(. . used),
(-GL^TTr/S). Mark xii. 31, 32. xiv.
55. Luke xiii. 6, 7, John vi. 22.
Acts iii. 6. vii. 5.

12. viii. 9. 2 Cor. i. 13. Gal.

1 John ii. 10. Rev. ii. 24.
Rom. iii. 10,
19. ,
GLT^. Rev. vii. 16(neither2d . .), T.

See also

rtf, rtf,

With (^ ),
no man°^ 2 Cor. xi. 10.

John xix. 11. 1 John

i. 5. —
. .
ah, Mark xv.

nothing at all, John xi. 49. woe, Matt. xi. 21. xviii. 7. xxiii.
nothing'"', Luke viii. 17. xi. 6. 13(14), 14(13, ap), 15, 16, 23, 25,
1 Cor. ix. 16. 27, 29. xxiv. 19. xxvi. 24. Mark
With Matt. xxii. 16^.
Kaij neither, xiii. 17. xiv. 21. Luke vi. 24, 25i,
Mark xiv. 40. Luke viii.
viii. 14. 26. X. 13i. xi. 42, 43, 44, 46, 47,
27. xviii. 34. xx. 21. John iii. 20. 52. xvii. 1. xxi. 23. xxii. 22. 1 Cor.

X. 28. Acts iv. 122(ap). 1 Cor. ii. 9, ix. 16. Jude 11. Rev. viii. 13ir. ix.
14. xi. 9. Eph. vi. 9. Heb. iv. 13. \2t. xi. 14i. xii. 12.
Rev. ix. 21. xx. 4. nor, Luke — alas. Rev. xviii. lOi, 16i, 19i.
xviii. 4((5 LTr/S). ICor. ii. 9. vi.
With ,
neither, ICor. ix. 15.
not, Matt. ii. 6.

neither, Matt, xxiii. 13(14). xxv.

13. Luke viii. 432.
S), 24. John xvii. 20. Acts
24 . (
viii. 21.
also not,
With another negative *.
Rom. xi. 21.
ix. 9.
xxiv. 18. Gal.
11. 2 Pet. i. 8.
iii. 28<r. Col.
not even, 1 Cor. xi. 14. —
even not,
Matt. vi. 29. John xxi. 25.
never, Mark iii. 29. xiv. 21. Luke then not, 1 Cor. xv. 13, 16.
xxiii. 29i.
neither, Matt. v. 15. vi. 15, 26, 28.
Not rendered^, Matt. xiv. 17. vii. 18. ix. 17. xi. 27. xii. 4, 19.
XX vii. 14. Mark iii. 27 (-GLTr). v. xiii. 13. xvi. 9, 10. xxi. 27. xxii.
37. vi. 5. xii. 14. xiv. 60. xv. 4K 46. xxiii. 13(14). Mark iv. 22, viii.
Luke iv. 2. viii. 51. xxiii. 53. John 17. xi. 26(ajo), 33. xii. 21(a;^). xiii.
iii. 27. V. 19, 30. vi. 63. viii. 15. 32. xiv. 59, 68
IX. 33. xii. 19. xiv. 30. xv. 5. xvi. 13(flp).
LTTr*?). xvi. (
23, 24. xviii. 9. Acts viii. 39. xxvi. Luke vi. 43. vii. 7. viii. 17. xi.
26. ICor. vi. 10(-G«L.S). 2Cor. 33. xii. 33. xvi. 31. xvii. 21. xx.

Add, for ,
xi. 9(8). 1 John ii. 22. Rev. xxi. 4. 8. John vi. 24. vii. 5. viii. l\(ap),

2 Cor. iii. 10, GLT.S. 42. xiii. 16. xiv. 17. Acts ii. 27, 31
25.. 24(-T>S').
iv. 32, 34. xvi. 21. 27. xvii. 8. XX. 7. xxii. 46. xxiv.
36. Mark ii. 21, 22. iii. 272. v. 3,
Rom. ii. 28. ix. 7. 1 Cor. xi. 16. 372. vii. 24. ix. 82, 39. x. 18 (until
XV. 50. Gal. i. 1, 12, 17. ii. 3. vi. 1660 ; now none), 29. xii. 14^, 342.
13. Phil. ii. 16. 2Thes. iii. 8. Heb. xiii. 32. Luke v. 36, 37, 39. viii.
ix. 12, 18. X. 8. 1 Pet. ii. 22. 1 John 16, f>l\ap). ix. 36, 62. x. 22. xi.
iii. 6. Rev. v. 3i. vii. 16, 162. ix. 33. XV. 16. xviii. 29.
4t. xxi. 23. John i. 18. iii. 2, 13, 32. iv. 27.
neither indeed, Rom. viii. 7. V. 22. vi. 44, 65. vii. 4, 13, 27, 30,
20, Matt. vi. 20, 26. x. 24. xii. 19.
24. xxi.
vi. xii. 24
GTTr.S). John
( 44. viii. 10(), 11 (/)), 152, 20. ix.
4. X. 18, 29. xiii. 28. xiv. 6. xv.
13. xvi. 22. Acts v. 13, 23. ix. 8
i. 13/. xi. 50. xvi. 3. Acts viii. 21. (neut. LTaS). xviii. 10. xx. 33. xxv.
ix. 9. xxiv. 18. Rom. ix. 16. 1 Cor. 11.
ii. 6. 2 Cor. vii. 12. Gal. iii. 28/. iv. Rom. xiv. 7. 1 Cor. ii. 11, 15. iii.
14. 1 Thes. ii. 3. v. 5. 1 Tim. ii. 12. 11. xii. 3/. xiv. 2. 2 Cor. v. 16. vii.
vi. 10. Heb. xiii. 5^. 2 Pet. i. 8. Rev. 2tr, xi. 9(8, LT^S). Gal. iii.
V. 3. vii. 10.
11, 15. Eph. V. 29. Phil. ii. 20.
no, nor, Luke xxiii. 15. 1 Tim. vi. 16. 2 Tim. ii. 4. iv. 16.
nor yet, Heb. ix. 25. Heb. vii. 13. xii. 14. Jas. iii. 8.
no, not, Matt. viii. 10 ('
1 John iv. 12. Rev. ii. 17. iii. 7i, 8.
LTr). xxiv. 36. Mark xiii. 32. Luke V. 3, 4. vii. 9. xiv. 3. xv. 8. xviii.
vii. 9. Acts vii, 5. Rom. iii. 10. 112. xix. 12.
1 Cor, vi. 5(-G<', see
Gal. ii. /).
xi. 2.
never man, Mark &,
not, Matt. XXV. 45. Mark xii. 10. With or (Je», neither any man,
Luke xii. 27 (op), 27. xxiii. 40. Mark v. 4. Jas. i. IS"*.
Johni. 3. 1 Cor. iv. 3. xiv. 21. Heb. any thing, Mark xvi. 8-,
viii. 4. 1 John ii. 23. With

never man yet, John , —

not so much as, Luke vi. 3. Acts xix. 41.
xix. 2. 1 Cor.v. 1.
no .so much as, Mark vi. 31.

80 much as, Luke xviii. 13^.
no more, John xv. 4.
xxiii. 53.
never man before, Luke

never man, Luke xix.

anv^ man, John viii.

, —
. .

never, Matt, xxvii. 14^. not a, Luke vii. 2S.

•=°, Rom. iv. 15. 2 Cor. iii. 10(G', not any, Acts xxvii. 34.
ovGLTS). not any at all, Luke xx. 40'.
Not rendered, John v. 222. any2, Luke viii. 43. ix. 36. Acts iv.
Add, for . ovic, Luke xviii. 4,
. 12(ap).

For ,
LTr>S. For ov. Matt. xxi. 322<i, LTr. any man2. Matt. xxii. 16. Mark
Mark 3, LTTr5. Luke xii. xvi. 8. John xviii. 31.
2(5, LTr6'. xx. 36, LTr. John i. 23t, none. Matt. xix. 17(/)). Lukei. 61.
LTTrS. Acts iv. 12, JjTS. xxiv. iv. 26, 27. xiv. 24. xviii. 19, 34. John
13, J.S. 1 Cor. iii. 2. GLT5. Rev. xii. vii. 19. XV. 24. xvi. 5. xvii. 12. xviii.
8, GLTTr5.— Matt. xxiv. 36(«y>).
,. 92. xxi. 12. Acts viii. 16. xviii. 17.
.See also u/Jm,

no man.
Fern, ,
With another
Matt. vi.
xxv. 11, 18. xxvi. 22, 26

-L). Rom. xiv. 7. 1 Cor. i. 14. ii. 8.
21. ix. 16. xi.
viii. 4. ix. 15.
xiv. 10. Gal. v. 10.
of these things*'", Acts xx. 24.
no, Mark vi. 5'. Luke iv. 24. xvi.
294 OVP
. (
13. xxiii. 4, 14, 22. John 41. . ov&iv.
xvi. 29. xix. 4. Acts xv. 9. xxiii. nothing, 1 Cor. xiii. 2 G).
9. XXV. 10. xxvii. 22. xxviii. 5. Add, for Acts xxvi. 26, TaS*.
Rom. viii. 1. 3 Cor. vii. 5. 2 Tim. 2 Cor. xi. 9(8), LT*S.
ii. 14. Phil. iv. 15. Heb. v. 13. Jas.
iii. 12(0/)).
ovxtTi, ovy. ki^ St.

no at all, John xviii. 38.

. .
With another negative 2.
not at all, Gal. iv. 12. no more, Matt. xix. 6. Mark vij.
nothing, Matt. v. 13. x. 26. xvii. 122. X. s. xiy. 252. Luke XV. 19, 21.
20. xxi. 19. xxiii. 16, 18. xxvi. 62. John vi. 66. xi. 54^. xiv. 19^ xvi.
xxvii. 12, 24. Mark vii. 15. ix. 29. xi. lOS 211, 251. xvii*. 111. ^cts viii.
13. xiv. 602, 61. XV. 3{omStF.S), 4, 5 2. 392. XX. 25, 38. Rom. vi. 9'i. vii.
Luke iv. 22. v. 5. x. 192.
xxiii. 9, 15, 41. John iii. 27. v. I92,
.. xxii. 35, 171,201.
161. Gal.
xi. 6^t,6't(ap). 2Cor. V.
181. iv. 71. Eph. ii. 19.

30. vi. 632. vii. 26. viii. 28, 54. ix. Heb. X. 181, 26i.
33. xii. 192. xiv. 302. xv. 52. xvi.
232, 242. xviii. 20. xxi. 3. Acts iv.
With oh
xviii. 14.
, no more at all, Rev.

14. xvii. 21. XX. 20. xxi. 24. xxvi. any more^ Matt. xxii. 46. Mark ix.
31. xxviii. 17. Rom. xiv. 14. 1 Cor. 8. Luke xxii. 16(-Li^Tri^;S). Rev.
iv. 4. vii. 19i. viii. 2'^(-GoL*S'), 4. xiii. xviii. 11.
8. 2 Cor. xii. lli. Gal. ii. 6. iv. 1. no longer. Gal. iii. 25i.
V. 2. Phil. Tim. iv. 4. vi.
i. 20. 1 hereafter not, John xiv. SOi.
. .

7. Tit. i. 15. Phm. 14. Heb. ii. 8.

henceforth not, John xv. 15.
vii. 14, 19. Rev. iii. 17.
after that^ Mark xii. 34. Luke xx.
nought, Acts V. 36. 401.

Add Matt. viii. 10,
vii. 122.

for ' not as yet, 2 Cor. i. 23.

yet not, Gal. ii. 20i.

LTr. xiii. 34, for ov, LTTrAS'. yet^, Mark xv. 5.
1 Cor. vi. 5, for
for iva , LS.
LS. ix. 15, ,
xiii. 2, for •&, G
. not, John iv. 42.

xiv. 151. — Phm.

xxi. 61.
not now,
See also . Add Mark v. 3 (could .), LTTr^. .

John xvi. 16, for ,

L^vS. Rev. x.

neither at any time, Luke xv. 29. 6, for . . in, GLTTr-S.
With nothing at any time, Acts OVHOVV.
xi. 8 omS). then? John xviii. 37.
never, Matt. vii. 23. ix. 33. xxi.
16, 42. Mark ii. 12, 25. Luke xv.
ov . See .
29. John vii. 46. Acts x. 14. xiv. 8. ovv.
1 Cor. xiii. 8. Heb. x. 1, 11. then, Matt. vii. 11. xii. 12, 26.
yet never, Matt. xxvi. 33.
'. xiii. 27, 28, 56.
xxi. 25. xxii. 43, 45.
xvii. 10.

( LvS).
xix. 7.
xxvi. 54.

as yet
With another negative 2.
not yet, John vii. 39
not, John xx. 9.
. .
LTr«S). ( xxvii. 22. Mark iii. 31
xi. 31(-LTTr). xv. 12. Luke
10. vi. 9 (Jf
( GLTTr^S,
-G°). xi. 13. xii. 26.
vii. 31. x.
iii. 7,
yet, 1 Cor. viii. 2'^(~ LS).
xiii. 15 (Jt LTr-S). xx. 5(-G°Li'TTr
never yet, John xix. 41 2.
never before, Luke xxiii. 532(7
aS), 17. xxii. 36 ( S), 70.

Add Acts viii. 16, for , G"LT5.
John i. 21, 22(-L), 25.
iii. 25. iv. 5, 9, 11, 28, 30(-GLTTr),

45, 48, 52. V. A(ap), 12(-G«Li'TTr»'

ii. 18, 20.
ovv 295 ovf
S), 19. vi. 5, 14, 21, 2S, 30, 32 (-T), 23(-G''TTr5'), 27(-TTr^,S),
(-G°"), 34, 41, 42 (wv TTi), 53, 67, 37(-GoL'>TTr5'). xiii. 35.
68(owi5). vii. 6(-Go<'5'), 11, 25, 28, Luke iii. 8, 9. iv. 7. vi. 36(-G«>L
30, 33, 35, 45, 47(-T5). viii. 12,
19, 21, 22, 25, 28, 31, 41(-G«'LTTr TTr^"), 2, 40. xi. 34(-GoLTTr5),
Tr5). vii. 42. viii. 18. x. 2 (G'L

-S"), 4S(o//i5), 52(-LTTr5), 57, 59. 35, 36. xii. 7(-LbTTr), 40(-LTr*S').
ix. 12(-LTTr5), 15, 19, 24, 2S(o;« xiii. 14. XV. 28 LTTr^S'). xvi.
S). X. 7, 24, 31(-Trfe*S). xi. 12, 16, 11, 27. xix. 12. XX. 15, 29, 33, 44.
17, 20, 21, 31, 32, 36, 41, 45, 47, xxi. SC-LTr^c), 14, 36
53, 56. xii. 1, 3, 4, 7, 28, 35. xiii.
xxiii. 16, 20(8), 22.
6, 14, 22(-Go«TTrb), 27, 30. xvi.
17. xviii. 10,
John ii. 22. iii. 29. iv. 1, 6, 33.
3, 6, 7, 11, 12, 16,
17, 19, 28(-G<'°), 31(-L'^),
V. 10. vi. 13, 15, 24, 30, 43(-G
27, 29,
33, 40. xix. 5, lOi-GooT^S), 20, 21,
L^TTr), 45(o7«5), 52, 60. vii. 3,
23, 32, 40. XX. 2, 6, 10, 19, 20, 21. 40. viii. 13, 24, 36. ix. 7, 8, 10, 16,
xxi. 5, 9, U{omS), 23. 41 (-G''°L^TTr6^). x. 19 (-G-'LTTr
S), 39(-Tr•^). xi. 3, 6, 33, 38, 54.
Acts ii. 412. ix. 312. 23. xi. 17. . xii. 9, 17, 19, 21, 29 (-Lt-Tr^), 50.
xvii. 29. xix. 3, 36. xxii. 29. xxiii. xiii. 24, 31(30, -StG). xvi. 18, 22.
xviii. 4, 8, 25, 31(-LTTr), 37, 39.
Rom. iii. 1, 9, 27, 31. iv. 1, 9, 10. xix. 1, 4(om5), 6, 8, 13, t6, 24,
V. 9. vi. 1, 15. vii. 7, 13. viii. 242, 26, 30, 31, 3S, 42. xx. 3, 25.
31. ix. 14, 19, 30. x. 14. xi. 1, 5, xxi. 6, 7.
7, 11, 19. xiv. 16. ICor. iii. 5. vi. Acts 30, 33, 36. iii. 19. viii.
i. 62. ii.
42, 15. ix. 18. X. 19. xiv. 15, 26. 42, 22. X. 29, 32, 33i. xii. 52. xiii.
2 Cor. iii. 12. Gal. iii. 19, 21. iv. 38, 40. xiv. 32. XV. 2 TS), 10, (
15. Eph. V. 15. Col, iii. 1. IThes. 27. xvi. 11 (
T5), 36. xvii. 122,
iv. 1.

11 (1 Tim. iii. 2. Heb. ii. 14. iv.

14. ix. 12. 1 Pet. iv. 1. 2 Pet. iii.

80 then,
xvi. 19'^(^ap).
172, 20, 23. xix. 322.

xxvi. 22. xxviii. 20, 28.

xxi. 22, 23. xxiii. 15. xxv. 5, 17.

Rom. ii. 21, 26. iii. 28(7apGLAS>.

80, Matt. 17. Jolmiv. 40, 46, 53.
V. 1. vi. 4, 12. xi. 22. xii. 1, 20
vi. 10(-G<«), 19. vii. 43. xiii. 12. LS,-G"). xiii. 7(-LTaS), 10,
xxi. 15. Acts xiii. 4. xv. 302.
182, 222. xxviii. LTS).
ovv, so likewise,
( Luke xiv. 33.
xiv. 8, 13. XV. 17, 28. xvi. 19.
Cor. V. T(omS).
4. X. 31. xi. 20.
vi. 7^. vii. 26. viii.
xiv. 11, 23. xv. 11.
nowthen, 2 Cor. v. 20. xvi. 11, 18. 2 Cor. i. 17. v. 6, 11. vii.

now, Mark xii. 20 (E, -St, otnS). 1, 16(;8*5). ix. 6. xi. 16. xii. 9.

Lukex. SeC-L'^TTr^AS). John xvi. 19 Gal. iii. 5. v. 1 («/))• Eph. iv. 1,

(-GTTr5). xviii. 24(ELTr^ -StGT 17. V. 1, 7. vi. 14. Phil. ii. 1, 232,
S). xix. 29(-LTr, S). xxi. 7. 28, 29. iii. 15. Col. ii. 6, 16. iii. 5,
ix. 252.
i. 182. xi. 192.

therefore, Matt. iii. 8, 10. v. 19, 23,

XXV. 1. 1 Cor.
ii. 1, 3 (see /^),
12. ITim. ii. 1, 8. v. 14. 2 Tim. i.

l(omS]. Phm. 17. Heb.

iv. 1,
48. vi. 2, 8, 9, 22, 23, 31, 34. vii. 6, 11, 16. vii. 112. 23. .19, 35. .
12, 24. x. 16, 26, 31, 32.
ix. 38. xiii. 15. Jas. iv. 4, 7, 17. v. 7.
xiii. 18, 40. xviii. 4, 26. xix. 6. 1 Pet. ii. 7. iv. 7. v. 6. 2 Pet. iii.
xxi. 40. xxii. 9, 17, 21, 28. xxiii. 17. 1 John ii. 24(-G'"'LT5'). 3 John
3, 20. xxiv. 15,42. xxv. 13, 27, 28. 8. Rev. ii. 5. iii. 3i, 19.
xxvii. 17, 64. xxviii. 19(-^ wherefore, Matt. xxiv. 26. Acts i.
S). Mark x. 9. xii. eC-L^TTrS'), 9| 21. vi. 3 (c)V; L, S), xix. 382.
ICor. iv. 16. SCor. viii. 24. Col. hitherto not, 1 Cor. iii. 2.

. .

ii. 20 (om). 1 Pet. ii. 1. no*"* . . as yet, Rev. xvii. 12.

truly, Jolin xx. SO^. With another negative, as yet. Acts

verily, Acts xxvi. 9". viii. 16 G"LTS).
and, Matt, xviii. 29. Luke iii. IS". Add, for ov, Mark viii. 21, LTTr5.
John vi. 62. xx. 11. Acts v. 412. John vi. 17, LTrS. Phil. iii. 13, L^aS.
viii. 252. XV. 32, 39 ((5 LT^). xvii. For
302. xxy. 23. xxviii. 52.
Lk. xxiii. 53, LTTr. Jn.
vii. 89, LTr*S\ 1 Cor. viii. 2, LS.—
. LTrS.

Acts xvi. 52. iv. 40(a;9). xi. 2(. . sat),
and so.
but, Lukexxi. 7. John viii. 5(ap).
ix. 18.Acts xxiii. 21. xxv. 42. tail, Rev. ix. lOi, 19 («/»). xii. 4.
Not rendered, John v. 18. viii. 38,
42(-C?GLTTr). ix. 25(-C1G°o). xi.

. ^.
14(-Lb). xii. 2. XX. 8. Acts xviii. heavenly. Matt. vi. 14, 26, 32. xv.
14'^(-G°LTaS). xxvi. 4'^. Rom. vi. 21. 13. Luke ii. 13. Acts xxvi. 19.
1 Pet. ii. ISj-ClG^oLS').
Add, for
S. Heb. viii. 4, LS. For
Acts xxv. 11, G'^LT
Matt, ,
48, Q"LrS.
for Matt. v.
xxiii. 9, LTTr^. For
Matt, xviii. 35 G"LTrAS.
xviii. 31, LTr6'. Luke xiii. 18, L™
TTr-S. Jolin vi. lli^ LTTr. ix. 11,
LTTr5. 26, LTTr. xix. 15, L™TTr.
16, LTTr. For John iv. 52,
Tr. vii. 15, LTTr5. xiii. 26, L^^TTr
, .
from heaven, Acts xiv, 17. xxvi. 13.

S. For 1 Cor. xv. 51^, G'.
The plural rendered by the singular 2.
Matt. vii. 19 (every tree . .), L''. heaven. Matt. iii. 22, 16, 17". iv.
xiv. 15 (away . .), T.S. Mark xii. 14 172. V. 32, 102, 122, 162, 18^ 192^^ 202,
7 (. .
Luke xi.
cut it),
28, see xiii. 34, 452, 482(see vi. \\ 9^
L. xiv. 34 (Salt . .), 10, 20. vii. 112, 2IH. viii. II2.
), .
^3, John i. 39(40, came . .), L^ 72, 322, 332. xi. 112^ 122^ 23, 25. xii.

3. 16 (answered. .), G'LT

vii. 502. xiii. li2(_Go), 242, 312, 332^
Tr^S. 10 (How . .), L^'T^'. 17
ix. 442, 452, 472, 522. xiy. 19. x^i. 1^
(They say..), LTrS. 20 (answer- 172, ]92ir. xviii. I2, 32, 42, 102^, 142,

ed . .), LS. xiii. 26 (answered . .), 182i, 192, 232. xix. 122, 142^ 21, 232.
^, XX. 12. xxi. 25i. xxii. 22, 30. xxiii.

. .
xix. 29(ap). xxi. 11 (. . went),
TrS. 21 (Peter . .), LTTr^S. 92 (see wof), 13(14)2, 22. xxiv.

Rom. ix. 19 (Why .), LT. xi.
132(. . am), LS. Phil. iii. 8, see
Jas. V. 16 (confess .), LT/S.

- 29i, 30i, 312, 35^ 362.
64. xxviii. 2, 18.
Mark i. 10, II2. vi. 41. vii. 34.

1 Pet. V. 1 (elders . .), LS, for viii. 11. X. 21. xi. 252, 262(a/)), 30,

L. 1 John iv. 19 (We . .), L. Rev. 31. xii. 252. xiii. 25, 252, 27, 31,
i.19 (Write . .). GLTTr/S. ii. 16 32. xiv. 62. xvi. 19(). Luke ii.
(Repent . .), GLTTr^ 15. iii. 21, 22. iv. 25. vi. 23. ix.

2 With

not yet, Matt. xv. 17 LTTr).

See also &pa»

16, 54. X. 15, 18, 202, 21. xi. 22(a;?),
2{ap), 16. xii. 33. xv. 7, 18, 21.
xvi. 17. xvii. 24i, 29. xviii. 13, 22.
xix. 38. XX. 4, 5. xxi. 11, 262, 33.
xvi. 9. xxiv. 6. Mark viii. 17. xiii.
7. John ii. 4. iii. 24. vii. 6, 8 ( xxii. 43(oj?). xxiv. 51 (a/)).
John i. 32, 51(52). iii. 13i, \(<),
GTaS), 8, 30, 39. viii. 20, 57. xi. 27, 31. vi. 31, 32i, 33, 38, 41, 42,

iii. 2. Rev. xvii. 10 L, (

30. XX. 17. Heb. ii. 8. xii. 4. 1 John 50, 51, 58. xii. 28. xvii. 1. Acts i.
S). 10, 11 <r. ii. 2, 5, 19, 34. iii. 21. iv.
12, 24. vii. 42, 49, 55, 56. ix. 3. x.
11, 16. xi. 5, 9, 10. xiv. 15. xvii.
xxiv. 12i,
viii. 38. 1
L5). xxv.
iii. It. vi. 9.
St. Rom.
Gal. i.

24. xxii. 6. 12. 1 Thes. 6. 3 John 10. Rev. v.

Rom. i. 18. X. 6. 1 Cor. viii. 5. 4. ix. 20. xii.

4. xxi. 4i.

8{ GLTTr5). xx.
XV. 47. 2 Cor. v. 1, 2. xii. 2. Gal.
i. 8. Eph i. 102 ^q^^ the lieavens). Acts xxiv. 12. Rom. viii. 38
iii. 152. iy. 10. vi. 92. Phil. iii. 202. 1 Cor. vi. 9/, lOi, 10
six, 39tr. (
Col. i. 52, 162, 202, 23. iv. I2 IThes. T^). 1 Thes. ii. 3, 6. Rev. ix. 20i,

102. iv. 16. 2Thes. i.

10. iv. 14. vii. 26. viii. 1.


ix. 23, 24. X. 34-(-G''LTaS). xii.

7. 21ir. xxi. 4.

vi. 20. xxii. 30.

. , neither
. . nor,
xii. 25.
232, 252, 26. Jas. V. 12, 18. 1 Pet. XX. 35. John v. 37. viii. 19. ix. 3.
1. 42, 12. iii. 22. 2 Pet. i. 18. iii. 5, Acts XV. 10. Gal. v. 6. vi. 15. 1 Thes.
7, 10, 12, 13. IJohn v. 7(). Rev. ii. 5. Rev. iii. 15, 16. neither. nor — .

iii. 12. iv. 1, 2. V. 3, 13. vi. 13, 14. yet, Luke xiv. 35. John iv. 21»
viii. 1, 10. ix. 1. x. 1, 4, 5, 6, 8. Acts xix. 37. nor — . . neither, John
xi. 6, 12i, 13, 15, 19 (-^). xii. 1, i. 25(^ . . LTTr>S).— neither
3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 12. xiii. 6, 13. xiv. neither, Matt. xii. 32. Acts xxviii.

. .

2, 7, 13, 17. XV. 1, 5.

(- G°oLTTr'', for & xvi. 11, 17
21. ICor. iii. 7. viii. 8. xi. 11.
GLT>S), neither,

2, 3
S), 21.

viii. 1, 4, 5, 20. 1 Cor. iii. 2.
xix. 1, 11, 14. XX. 1, 9, 11. xxi. li,
LTS), 10.
heavenly, Luke xi. 13.
sky, Matt. xvi. 2, 3i. Lulse xii. 56.
nor yet, Acts xxv. 8. 1 Thes. 11. 6.
yet not. Rev. ix. 20

no, not, Mark v. 3 (

Heb. xi. 12.
air, Matt. vi. 26. viii. 20. xiii. 32.
Mark 4(0^*5), 32. Luke tiii. 5.
Add, for
Luke xii.
Acts iv. 12
xiv. 68, LTrS.
26( LTr5).
( LTS).

Luke xii. 24, TS. 21 (ap). Acts ii.

ix. 58. xiii. 19. Acts x. 12. xi. 6.

.- 31, G"LT;S'. For Mark xiv. 68,

Add Matt. xix. 24pi, for 9(5>, LT

LTTr^". Luke xii. 24, TS. Acts ii.
23, for ^
Luke vi. 35 (ap). Acts

G'. Eph. 1. 20, for
31, G"LT/S. For
Jas. iii.

ear, Matt. x. 27.

. xi. 15. xiii. 9,
See also
15i, 16, 43. Mark iv. 9,
23. vii. 16, The demonstrative pronoun thiSy ete,

33. viii. 18. Luke i. 44.

iv. 21. viii.
8. ix. 44. xii. 3. xiv. 35. xxii. 50.
Acts vii. 51, 57. xi. 22. xxviii. 27i.
Rom. xi. 8. 1 Cor. ii. 9. xii. 16.
(a) Nominative

Masc. Sing.,
and Accusative.

3, 17. vii.
.( 12
G')• viii. 27. xii. 23, 24. xi. 10.
Jas. V. 4. 1 Pet. iii. 12. Rev. ii. 7,
xiii. 19, 55. xiv. 2. xv. 8. xvii. 5.

11, 17, 29. iii. 6, 13, 22. xiii. 9.

See tov fr. . xxi. 10, 11, 38. xxvi. 61. xxvii.
37, 54. xxviii. 15. Mark iv. 41. vi.
3. vii. 6. ix. 7. xii. 7. xiv. 69.
Luke i. 29, 36. iv. 22, 36. v. 21.
substance, Luke xv. 13.
vii. 17, 27, 49. viii. 25. Ix. 9, 35.
goods, Luke XV. 12. XV. 24, 30, 32. xvii. 18. xviii. 11.
0VT8. XX. 14. xxiii. 3S(ap), 47.
neither, Lk. xx. 36( LTr). Acts John 1. 15, 30, 34. ii. 20. iv. 29.
298 ovxog

42. vi. 14, 42, 50, 58, 60. vii. 25, Luke ix. 13. xii. 56. xvi. 28. xxiii.
26, 36, 40, 41, 46(/?), 49. ix. 8, 14. Jolm ii. 19. vi. 34, 58. ix. 39.
9, 16, 19, 20, 24. xi. 47. xii. 34. xix. 20. Acts ii. 32. vi. 14. vii. 35.
xxi. 23, 24. Acts iv. 11. vi. 13, 14. xxi. 28. xxiii. 17, 18, 25, 27. xxiv.
vii. 37, 38, 40. ix. 21, 22. xvii. 3, 5. xxviii. 26. Rom. ix. 9. xv. 28.
18. xix. 26. xxi. 28. xxii. 26. xxvi. 1 Cor. iii. 12(-GoL-S). xi. 26, 27(9ni
31, 32. xxviii. 4. Rom. iv. 9. ix. 9. S). 2 Cor. iv. 7.
Heb.iii.3. vii.l.2Pet. i.l7. IJolin this man, Luke xix. 14. xxiii. 18.
V. 6, 20. 3 John 7. Rev. xx. 14. John vii. 27. xviii. 40. xix. 12.
this man, Matt. ix. 3. xxvii. 47. Acts iii. 16. v. 37. xxv. 24. Heb.
Mark ii. 7. xv. 39. Luke vii. 39. viii. 3.
xiv. 30. XV. 2. xviii. 14. xxii. 56. this fellow, Luke xxiii. 2. John
xxiii. 41, 52. Jolm vi. 52. vii. 15, ix. 29.
31. ix. 2, 3, 33. xi. 37f. xxi. 21.
Acts i. 18. iv. 10. viii. 10. xviii. 25.
Heb. vii. 4. Jas. i. 25.
him, Matt, xxvii. 32.
xii. 5. XX. '\.2(see ),
V. 6. vi. 27. xxi. 21. Acts ii. 23.
ix. 26.

this fellow. Matt. xxvi. 71. Luke V. 31. X. 40. xiii. 27. xv. 38. xvi.
xxii. 59. Acts xviii. 13.
3. xvii. LT5*). 1 Cor. ii. 2.
this ^Ohild, Luke ii. 34.
this same. Acts i. 11.
the same, Matt. v. 19. xiii. 20.
xviii. 4. xxi. 42. xxi v. 13. xxvi.
23. Mark iii. 35. viii. 35(o?n-S).

G'L). Phil. ii. 23.
the same. Acts vii. 35.
John xix. 8, 13

that man, 3 Thes. iii. 14.

( G"L•

xiii. 13. Luke ii. 25. ix. 24, 48. xvi.
1. XX. 17. xxiii. 51. Jolm i. 2, 7,
33 L"). iii. 2, 26. vii. 18.
that same, Acts ii. 36.
Add Matt. xix. 22 (that),
2. Masc. Plural, .
( (
XV. 5. Acts vii. 19. xiv. 9. 1 Cor.
viii. 3. Jas. iii. 2. 1 Pet. ii. 7. Rev.
iii. 5 LTrS).
he, Matt. xiii. 22, 23. xxvii. 58. 20
Luke i. 32. xix. 2 LTr, -S).
iv. 15, 16, 18
these. Matt. iv. 3. xx. 12, 21(-L'>).
xxi. 16. XXV. 46. xxvi. 62. Mark
GLTTvS, -G»'»),
TTr^S). xii. 40. xiv. 60.
Luke viii. 13, 21. xiii. 2. xix. 40.
XX. 28, 30 (a^?). xxiii. 22, 35. Jolm xxi. 4. xxiv. 17, 44. Jolm vi. 5.

i. 41(42). iv.47. vi. 42(-G<'LbTr),
46. vii. 35. xviii. 30. Acts iii. 10
LS). iv. 9. vii. 36. ix. 15,
20. X. 6, 6(ap), 32, 36. xvii. 24.
xviii. 26. Rom. viii. 9. Jas. i. 23, 25
xvii. 11, 25.
xi. 12.
Acts i.

xvi. 17, 20. xvii. 6, 7, 11.

XX. 5. XXV. 11. xxvii. 31. Rom. ii.
14 (oi L"0• xi• 24, 31. Col.
14. ii. 7, 15.

iv. 11. ITim. iii. 10. 3 Tim. iii. 8.

(-G^hS). 1 Jolm ii. 22. 3 John 9. Heb. xi. 13, 39. 3 Pet. ii. 12, 17.
With fr. //, he it was 1 Jolm V. (op). Jude 8, 10, 12, 16,19.

who"®. Acts xiii 7.

it, Mark vi. 16 (
that should, John vi. 71.

Not rendered, Matt. x. 22. Mark
Rev. vii. 13, 14. xi. 4, 6, 10. xiv.
4ir. xvii. 13, 14, 16. xix. 9. xxi. 5.
xxii. 6.

xii. 10.
Add, for , Luke viii. 4, LTr.
they, Luke
xiii. 4 ( viii. 14, 15. xiii.
xviii. 21.
viii. 14.
Acts X. 42, G'L.
LT5. Heb. x.

Accusative, .
1 Cor. vii. 13,
12, G"L5'.

Matt. xix. 11(-L'').

Mark vii. 29.
G" ix. 6.
Gal. vi. 12.
ICor. xvi. 17

avTol ovToi, they themselves, Acts

xxi. 41 xxiv. 15.
xiv. 58, 71. xxiv. 20.

these same here, Acts
the same, Luke xx. 47. Jolin xii. xxi. 23. xxiii. 36. Mark iv. 13, x.
21. Gal. iii. 7. 5. xi. 28. xii. 10. Luke iv. 6, 23.
Not rendered, Matt. xiii. 38. Mark vii. 44. xii. 41. xiii. 6. xv. 3. xviii.
iv. 18(-C?Goo). 5, 9. XX. 2, 9, 19. John ii. 11. vii.

these, Matt. vii. 24(-Li'Tr^), 26, 28.
'. 8(-G°oLTTr), 8. x. 6, 18. xii. 27.
Acts i. 16(-G°LaS'). iii. 16. vii. 4,
60. viii. 19. xxii. 4, 28. xxiii. 13.
X. 5. xix. 1. xxvi. 1. Luke ix. 28,
xxvii. 21. xxviii. 20i.
44. xix. 15. XX. 16. John x. 19. Rom. V. 2. 2Cor. iv. 1. xii. 13.
xviii. 8. Acts ii. 22. v. 5, 24. x. 47.
ITim. i. 18. 2 Tim. ii. 19. IPet.
xix. 87.
V. 12. 2 Pet. i. 18. iii. 1. 1 John iii.
these men, Mark viii. 4.
this,Acts xvi. 3C(-L).
them, Acts xxi. 24. Rom.
3. iv. 21. 2 John 10. Rev. ii. 24.
this woman, Luke xiii. 16.
viii. 30tr.
her. Rev. xii. 15 GLTTr/S).
1 Cor. vi. 4. xvi. 3. Heb. ii. 15.
it, 1 Cor. vi. 13.
such, 2 Tim. iii. 5.
tha, Luke xxiv. 21.
Add Luke xix. 27, for
3. the same, Acts xiii. 33. 2 Cor. viiL

3. Fern. Sing., . 6. ix. 5.

that, Luke xxiii. 48.
this,Matt. xiii. 54. xxi. 42. xxii.
20, 38. xxiv. 34. xxvi. 8. Mark i.
27(a7>). viii. 12. xii. 11, 16, SOCa/)),
See also fJm,
Fern. Plural, ,
31 (avry G"LTr), 43. xiii. 30. xiv.
4. Luke ii. 2. iv. 21. viii. 9, 11.
xi. 29. xxi. 3, 32. xxii. 53. John
i. 19. iii. 19, 29. viii. 4(a;)). xi. 4.

xii. 30. XV. 12. xvii. 3. Acts v. 38

these, Luke xxi. 22.
GaL iv. 24.
these, Matt. xiii. 53.
Acts 24. 2 Cor. vii. 1. Heb. ix.
. Acts xx. 34.

Mark xiii. 2.

(-G•). viii. 32. xvii. 19. xxi. 11.

Rom. xi. 27. 1 Cor. viii. 9. ix. 3.
2 Cor. 12. ii. 6. xi. 10. Eph. iii.

Tit.13. Heb. viii. 10. x. 16.


Jas. i. 27. iii. 15. 1 John i. 5. ii.

23. Rev. xvi. 9.
those, Luke i. 24. Acts xxi. 15.

days hence, Acts

5. Neut, Sing.,

25. iii. 11, 23. v. 3, 4, 9, 11/, 14.

Matt. i. 22. viii. 9. ix. 28.
3 John Qt, Rev. xx. 5.
xiii. 28. XV. 11. xvi. 22. xvii. 21
this woman, Matt. xxvi. 13. Luke
vii. 45, 46. Acts ix. 36.
(op), xviii. 4. xix. 26. xxi. 4. xxiv.
Matt. ix. 26 {marg. this)• 14. xxvi. 9, 12, 13, 26, 28, 39, 42,
hereof •=",

56. xxviii. 14. Mark i. 27(ap). ix.

she, Matt. xxvi. 12. Mark xii. 44.
21, 29. xi. 3(ap). xiv. 9(-I>TTrAS'),
xiv. 8(-L'^TTri>^), 9. Luke ii. 36,
37(air^TTr), 38(-LTr,S). vii. 12 22, 24,
36. Luke
i. 18, 34, 43, G6.

ii. 12, 15. 20. v. 6. vi. 3, vii.

(St, TTr), 44. viii. 42. xxi. 4.
4. 8. ix. 45, 48. x. 11, 28. xii. 18,
Rom. xvi. 2 (G', GLT).
39. xiii. 8. xvi. 2. xviii. 34. xx.
the same, Acts xvi. 17.
17. xxii. 15, 17, 19i, 20, 37, 42.
which, Acts viii. 26.
Not rendered, Rom. John ii. 12, 22. iv. 15, 54. v.
vii. 10 (G",

28. vi. 6, 29, 39, 40, 61. vii. 39.
viii. 6(ap), 40. xi. 2, 51. xii. 5,
Add Matt. xxii. 39, for G".
6, 18, 33. xiii. 28. xvi. 17, 18.
1 Cor. vii. 12, for LT.
xviii. 38. xix. 28. xx. 22. xxi. 14,
Accusative, 19/. Acts ii. 12, 14, 16, 33. iv. 7
this. Matt, xi.16.xv. 15(-LTrAS). 22. V. 4, 24, 38. vii. GO. viii, S^
, , .,.^ ,
300 oltOQ
ix. 21. .
16. xi. 10. xvi. 18. xix. See also fr.
10, 17, 27. XX. 29(-G<oLaS'). xxi. fr.
23. xxiv. 14. xxvii. 34.
6. Neut. Plural,
Rom. ii. 3. vi. 6. xi. 25. xiv. 13.
these, Matt. 2. .
20. xxiii. 23. .
XV. 28. 1 Cor.
29, 35. ix. 23 fr. {- -
i. 12. v. 2. vii. 6, 26, xxiv. 8. Mark vii. 23.
G"LT 8(9). xvi. 17(). Luke 1. 19, 65.
S). X. 28. xi. 17, 24i, 25i, 26(-Goo ii. 19, 51 (-L^^:). xi. 42. xviii. 21.
20. xiii. .
LTS). XV. 50, 53i, 54i. 2 Cor. ii. 1. John iii. 2. v. 19. viii. 20.
x. 'Z\.
viii. 10, 20. ix. 6. x. 7, 11. xiii.
XX. 31. Acts X. 44. xiii. 42(-G°).
1,9. xvi. 38. Rom. ix. 8. 1 Cor. xii. 11.
Gal. iii. 2, 17. Eph. iv. 17. v. 5,
xiii. 13. Gal. v. 17.
32. vi. 1. Phil. i. 7, 9, 19, 22, 25.
ii. 5. 15. Col. ii. 4. iii. 20.
these things, Matt. i. 20. iv. 9.
vi. 32, 33, ix. 18. xi. 25. xiii. 34,
IThes. iv. 3, 15. v. 18. 2Thes.
51, 56. xix. 20. xxi. 23, 24, 27.
iii. 10. ITim. i. 9. ii. 3. iv. 16.
2 Tim. 1. 15. iii. 1. Heb. vi. 3. vii.
xxiii. 36. xxiv. 2, 3, 33, 34. Mark
ii. 8. vi. 2. xi. 28i, 29, 33. xiii.
27. ix. 8, 20, 27. xiii. 19. Jas. iv.
30. Luke

4i, 29, i. 20. iv. 28. v.
15. IPet. i. 25. ii. 19, 20. 2 Pet.
27. vii. 9. viii. 8. x. 1, 21. xi.
i. 20. iii. 3, 5, 8. IJolm iv. 3.
27. 53 (ap). xii. 30, 31.
17. xiii.
Jude 4, 5 IJYS, -G"). Rev.
xiv. 6, 15, 21. XV. 26. xvi. 14.
ii. 6.
xviii. 22(-LTTr>S). xix. 11. xx. 2,
this thing, Mark v. 32. Luke xxii.
8. xxi. 6, It, 9, 31, 36. xxiii. 31,
23. Jolm xviii. 34. Acts xxvi. 26.
49. xxiv. 9, 10, 21, 26.
ICor. ix. 17.
this ''deed, 1 Cor. v. 3. John 1. 28. ii. 16, 18. iii. 9, 10, 22.
it, Matt. xii. 11. Mark
v. 43. xiv. V. 16, 34. vi. 1, 59. vii. 1, 4. viii.
5. Luke xviii. 36. Heb. xiii. 17. 28. xi. 11. xii. 16ir, 36, 41. xiii. 17.
xiv. 25. XV. 11, 17, 21. xvi. 1, 3,
the same, Eph. vi. 8.
25, 33. xvii. 13. xix. 24, 36.
4i, 6,
that, Mark xiii. 11. Jolm iii. 32 XX. 18. xxi.
1, 24. Acts i. 9. v. 5
(-G<o5). iv. 18. xi. 7, 11. xiv. 13.
(-G«oLT5), 11. vii. 1, 50, 54. xi.
Rom. i. 12. vii. 15(-GoT), 15, 16, 18. xii. 17. xiv. 15. xv. 17. xvii.
19, 20. xiii. 11. 1 Cor. vi. 6. Gal.
8, 20. xviii. 1. xix. 21. xxi. 12.
vi. 7. Eph. ii. 8. Phil. i. 28. 1 Tim.
xxiii. 22. xxiv. 9, 22 (G', oviS).
V. 4. Phm. 18. Heb. xiii. 17.
Rom. viii. 31. 1 Cor. iv. 6, 14. ix.
that thing, Luke ix. 21.
8, 15. X. 6, 11. 2 Cor. ii. 16.xiii.l0.
thus''*', Luke xxiv. 40. 2 Cor. i. 17. Eph. V. 6. Phil. iv. 8. 2Thes. ii. 5.
V. 14. Phil. iii. 15. ITim. iii. 14. iv. 6, 11, 15. v. 7,
80•=°, John XX. 20. Acts xix. 14. 21. vi. 2, 11. 2 Tim. i. 12. ii. 14.
xxiii. 7. Rom, xii. 20. 1 Cor. vii. 87. Tit. ii. 15. iii. 8. Heb. vii. 13. Jas.

Not rendered, Acts iii. 6.

AddM?[Xt. XX. 23(. is not mine),
iii. 10. 2 Pet. i. 8, 9, 10. 1 John i.

4. ii. 1, 26. V. 13. Rev. vii. 1

T. Mark x. 27(it), H». John xiv. G"LTTr/S). xviiLl. xix. 1. xxii.

14, for /,
L™. Acts xxviii. 28(.
salvation), LT<S. Rom. xi. 7, for
GLTaS. 3 John 5, for
8. For
2 Cor. xii. 14(thei«').
16, 18

these "words, Jn.

G'L• xvii. 1. xviii. 1. Acts xxviii. 29(a/>).
Luke xxiii. 46, LT this, Luke xviii. 23. John v. 1.

vii. 9. ix. 22,



TtS. John xi. 28, TTr6\ Rev. vii. xix. 38, Acts XV. 16. Rev. iv. 1.
1, G'^LTTrAS. vii, 9.
they, them, Jolin vi. 9. x. 25. 1 Cor.
vi. 13. Rev. X. G"LTTr/S').
With ,
xix. 5. Mark x. 7.
for this cause,

him°°, Heb. xi. 12.

such, ICor. vi, 11.
such things, Jolin vii. 32.
iii. 14.
2 Pet. aijTol•
XXV. 25.
him, John ix. 31. Rev. xix.

John vi. 61.

he himself*^,

the things. Gal. ii. 18. v. 17.

that, 19. Rom. xi. 7
John xvi.
the same, ICor. ix. 8. 2 Tim. ii. 2.
(tovto GLTaS).
those, Phil. iii. 7. Add Matt, xxvii. 24 (. . just per-
those things, John viii. 26.
xvii. 11. Phil. iv. 9.
those (these ed. 1629) •words,


Mark xvi. \2{ap).
vii. 7. xiii. 20.
Cor. vi. 8
Acts son), L. Mark X.



2. Fern, Sing.,
10, for

See also ,,, ,

, ,
{tovto G'/LT6'). Rev. xv. 5. xx. 3. this, Matt. xii. 41, 42. Luke vii.
31. xi. 31, 32, 50, 51. xvii. 25.
thus", Lk. ix. .34. xi. 45. viii. 11.
xix. 28. xxiii. 46(roi5ruLTTr5) xxiv. John X. 16. xii. 27. xv. 13. Acts i.

36. Jn. ix. 6. xi. 43. xiii. 21. xviii. 22. 17, 25. ii. 6, 29, 40. v. 20. vi. 3.
XX. 14. Acts xix. 41. xx. 36. xxvi. viii. 22. X. 30. xiii. 26. xix. 25, 40.
24, 2>Q[ap). xxvii. 3-5. Kev. xvi. 5. xxiii. 1. xxiv. 21. xxvi. 22. xxviii,
SO". John xi. 28(roiro TTr^S). 22. 2 Cor. ix. 12, 13. Heb. ix. 11.

7, for Tr.

Add Mark viii. 7 (blessed . .), LT. Rev. xxii. 19.
Luke xiii. 2, for With
TrS. xxiv. 11, for
thereby, Heb. xii. 15
?] L). xiii. 2.
HYtS. Rev, XX. 6, for
xxi. 7, for

.See also
and ^ ,

same, Acts viii. 35.
Add Matt. x. 23(a/)).
3. Plural, ,
of these, Matt. vi. 29. xxv. 40, 45.

Masc. and Neut, Sing.,
Matt. xiii. 15,
40(-GoLTTr5'). xxvi. 29. xxvii. 24. xxvi. 26. ICor.
Luke X. 36. xii. 27. Acts i. 24.
1 Cor. xiii. 13. Heb. x. 18.
of these things. Matt. vi. 32.
xii. 30. xviii. 34. xxiv. 48.
ix. 15. Rev. xviii.
Mark iv. 19(om<S'). Luke ii. 17. ix. 15.
45. xiii. 16. xvi. 8. xx. 84. John
than° these, Matt. v. 37. Mark xii.
iv. 13. vi. 51. viii. 23i. xi. 9. xii.
31. John i. 50(51). v. 20. vii. 31
31(-Go«), 31. xiii. 1. xiv. 30(omS). (-GoLTTr^). xiv. 12. xxi. 15.
xvi. 11. xviii. 17, 29, 36i. Acts v.
these, Matt. iii. 9. v. 19. x. 42.
28. vi. 13(om5'). ix. 13. xiii. 17, xviii. 6, 10, 14. Luke iii. 8. xvii.
XV. 2, 6. xxi. 28. xxii, 22. xxviii. 2. xxi. 12. John xvii. 20. Acts i.
9, 27. Rom. vii. 24. 1 Cor. i. 20 21(22). V. 32, 36, 38. xiv. 15. xv.
(-G^LT^-), 20. ii. et, 8. iii. 19. V. 28 (-G°°T). xxi. 38. xxvi. 29.
10. vii. 31. 2 Cor. iv. 4. Eph. ii. 2. 2Tim. ii. 21. Heb. i. 2(1). 2 Pet.
vi. 12. Col. i. 27. Jas. ii. 5(omS). i. 4. Rev. ix. 18.
Rev. xxii. 7, 9, 10, 18. these things, Luke vii. 18. xxi. 28.
this man's, Acts xiii. 23. Jas. i. 26. xxiv. 14. John xxi. 24. Acts xix.
this man, John x. 41. Acts xiii. 38. 36. xxiv. 8. XXV. 9. xxvi. 26. Tit,
this thing, 2 Cor. xii. 8. iii. 8. lleb. ix. 6. 2 Pet. i. 12, 15.
this matter, Acts xvii. 32. iii. 11, 16.
these matters, Acts these, Acts iv. 16. v. 35. Bom. xv.
xxv. 20.
this sort,
xxvi. 21.
^ 2 Tim. iii. 6.

for these causes. Acts

23. 1 Thes. iv. 18. Jude 14.

these thiugs, Rom. viii. 37. xiv.
18 GLTaS). Col. iii. 14.
their, Rom. xi. 30. this, Luke xvi. 2. xxiv. 21,
they'=°. Matt. xi. 7. them, 1 Tim. iv. 15.
those, Heb. xiii. 11. therewith, 1 Tim. vi. 8.
of those things, Acts xviii. 17. therein, 2 Pet. ii. 20.
Not rendered, 3 John 4. those things, Jude 10.
such, 1 Thes. iv. 6. Rev. xx. 6.
of such matters. Acts xviii. 15.
Add Mark
such, Gral. V. 21.

ix. 42( these), C, not 1638,

Not rendered, Jude
Add Col.
,iii. 7, for , 7.
TTr5. John
S. xix.
Acts XXV. 20,

for rovTOv,
. .

), LTr See also
2. Fern. Sing.,

(c) Dative.
1. Masc. and Neut. Sing.,
to this, Acts XV. 15.
. this,

xii. 20.
Matt. X. 23.

xix. 42. Acts xviii. 10. xxii. 3.

xiii. 7.
xvi. 18.
xii. 45.
xxvi. 31, 34. Mark viii. 12, 38. xiv.
27(-G«oL'TTr.S), 30. Luke xi. 30.
xvi. 24. xvii. 6.

unto Matt. xx. 14.

xxvii. 23. 1 Cor. ix. 12. xv. 19.
this, Matt. xii. 32. xvii. 20. xxi.
21. Mark x. 30. xi. 23. Luke i. 61.
2 Cor. i. 15. viii. 7, 19, 20. xi. 17.
this same, 2 Cor. ix. 4.
iv. 3. X. 20. xviii. 30. xix. 9.
the same, 1 Cor. vii. 20.
xxi. 23. xxiii. 4, 14. John iv. 20,
it, Heb. xi. 2.
21, 27. xii. 25. xiii. 35. xvi. 30.
XX. 30. Acts i. 6. iii. 12. iv. 17. v. that, Luke xiii. 32, xvii. 34. Acts
28. vii. 7, 29. viii. 21, 29. xxiii. 9.

xvi. 12 (our 9 T).
Add Acts iv. 21(ap). Heb. iii. 10,

xxiv. 2(3), 10. Rom. xii. 2. xiii.
9. ICor. iii. 18. vii. 31 (-LT^).
for G"LTS. Rev. xviii. 18
(this), L.
xi. 22. xiv. 21. 2 Cor. iii. 10. v. 2.
ix. 3. Gah
vi. 16. Eph. i. 21. IPet. Plural,
iv. 1 6.2 Pet. i. 13. 1 John iii. 10. iv. these, Matt. xxii. 40. Luke xxiv.
9, 17. V. 2. Rev. xxii. 18, 19.
18. John v. 3. Acts xi. 27. ITlies.
Matt. iii. 3. Rev. ix. 20.
to this man, viii. 9.
this man, Matt. xiii. 54«<', 56•'°. them, Luke xiii. 14(ai'raZi'LTTr*S').
Mark vi. 2<=°. Luke xiv. 9. those, Luke i. 39. vi. 1^. Acts i.

Heb. iv. 5. 15. vi. 1.
this *place,
of the same, 2 Pet. ii. 19. that, Luke xxiii. 7.

the same, Acts xxi. 9''°.

to him, Luke xix. 19. John x. 3.
thus. Matt. ii. 5. iii. 15. xxvi. 54.
xiii. 24. Acts x. 43.
Mark ii. 7. Luke i. 25. ii. 48. xix.
him, John v. 38. Acts iv. 10. xiii.
31. xxiv.46,46(-G°L''TTr5'). John
39. IJohnii. 4, 5.
unto one, Luke vii. 8.
Add Acts XXV.
5, for StET.
iv, G. xi. 48. Rom. ix. 20. 1 Cor.
xiv. 25(o7rt^). Heb. vi. 9. ix. 6.
Rev. ix. 17. xviii. 21.
See also
xiv. 18, for
upon these, 1 Cor. xii. 23.
with these, Heb. ix. 23.
. Gl/FS.
so. Matt, V. 12, 16, 19, 47 (ro
xi. 26.
vi. 30.
xii. 40.
ix. 33.
40, 49. xviii.
35. xix. 8, 10, 12. xx. 16, 26. xxiv.
27, 33, 37, 39, 46. Murk ii. 8(-L)
vii. 12.

303 ogpfitloa

iv. 26, 40(). vii. 18 . 43. xiv. what, Matt. XX vi. 40.
59. XV. 39.
Lukevi. 10(-OTTr>S).
21. xi. 30.
ix. 15. x.
xii. 21, 28, 38, 43, 54. ,
Add, for rb
Not rendered, 2 Cor. ix. 5.
Matt. v. 46, LTTr.
2 Pet. iii. 11, T. For ,
xvii. 10, 24, 26. xxi. 31. xxii. 26. Matt. vii. 12, G'>S. Rev. iii. 5, LTr
xxiv. 24. Jolin iii. 8, 16. v. 21, 26. 5. —Mark ix. 3 (can . .), Gpi'TTrAS.
viii. 59(ap). xii. 50. xviii. 22. Acts John xiii. 25 (lying . .), TTr»».
i. 11. iii. 18. vii. 1, 8. viii. 32. xii.

8. xiii. 8, 47. xiv. 1. xvii. 11, 33.

xix. 20. XX. 11, 13, 35. xxi. 11.
See also ^.
1 Cor. vii. 8 (even . .), 1^.

xxii. 24. xxiii. 11. xxiv. 9, 14.

xxvii. 17, 44. xxviii. 14.
Rom. 1. 15. iv. 18. v. 12, 15, 18, Interrogative, except
.See ov.

when noted'.
19(/ ), 21. xi. 5, 26. xii. 5. not, Matt. V. 46, 47. vi. 25. x. 29.
XV. 20. ICor. ii. 11. iii. 15. iv. 1.
V. 3. vi. 5. vii. 17i, 26, 36, 40. viii.
xii. 11. xiii. 27, 55
xviii. 12.
LTr*S), 56.
XX. 13. Luke vi. 39. xii.
12. ix. 14, 15, 24, 26i. xi. 28. xii. 6. xiv. 28, 31. XV. 8. xvii. 8, 17
12. xiv. 9, 12, 25. xv. 11/, 22, 42, (oh L). xxii. 27. xxiv. 26, 32. John
45. xvi. 1. 2 Cor. i. 5, 7. vii. 14.
viii. 6, 11. X. 7. xi. 3(-GoL5').
vii. 42 ( L). xi. 9. xiii. 10^
xiv. 22. Acts V. 4. vii. 50.
Gal. i. 6. iii. 3. iv. 3, 29. vi. 2. Rom. ii. 26 (oh LS). iii. 29. viii.
Eph. iv. 20. V. 2A(with ),
28, 33. 32. 1 Cor. i. 20. iii. 3, 4(
Phil. iii. 17. iv. 1. Col. iii. 13. V. 2, 12. vi. 1, It. viii. 10. ix. 1, 8
IThes. ii. 8. iv. 17. v. 2. 2Tlies. (oh G"LT*S). X. 16t, 18 (oh LTS),
iii. 17. 2 Tim. iii. 8, Heb. v. 3, 5. 291. 2 Cor. iii. 8. x. 13^ (oh LTS).
vi. 15. ix. 28. x. 33. xii. 21. Jas. IThes. ii. 19. Heb. i. 14. iii. 17.
i. 11. ii. 12i, 17, 26. iii. 5, 6(-Goo not 80, Luke 1. 60^.
LTaS), 10, 12(ap). IPet. ii. 15. nay, Luke xii. 51\ xiii. 3^, 5*. xvi.
2 Pet. i. 11. 1 John ii. 6(-L). iv. 11. 301. Rom. iii. 27^.
Rev. ii. 15. iii. 16. xvi. 18.
even so, Matt. 45. xviii.
vii. 17. xii.
14. xxiii. 28. John iii. 14. xiv. 31.
Acts xii. 15. Rom. vi. 4, 19. xi. 5, 31.
1 Cor. xi. 12. IThes. ii. 4. iv. 14.
even, Acts xxvii. 25.
in this manner,Rev. xi. 5.
Add Luke
S. John
for ovK, T.

ix. 9*, see

debtor, Matt. vi. 12.

viii. 12. XV. 27. Gal. v. 3.
xxiii. 39, for ,
Acts ii. 7,

Rom. 1. 14.

after this manner, Matt.

1 Pet. iii. 5.
, . oirtjc, after this

after that, 1 Cor. vii. 7.



which oweth, Matt,

. xviii. 24.
sinner (marg. debtor), Luke xiii. 4.

debt. Matt, xviii. 32.

in like

on this fashion,
on this wise, Matt.
Acts vii.
Heb. iv. 4.
likewise, Matt. xvii. 12.
7, 10. Rom.

vi. 11.
John vii. 46.

6. xiii. 34.

John xxi.

Luke xv.
x. 6.

xiii. 7.
1 Cor. vii. 3, for
Evvoiav, GLTaS.

debt, Matt. vi. 12.

be indebted, Luke xi. 4.

iv. 4.

as Hhey were, 2 Pet. iii. 4. be a debtor. Matt, xxiii. 16.

for all that, 1 Cor. xiv. 21. Pass., be due, Matt, xviii. 34. —

due, 1 Cor. vii.
debt, Matt, xviii. 30p.
3p (see

owe, Matt, xviii. 2St. Luke vii.

41. xvi. 5, 7. Rom. xiii. 8. Phm. 18.
6?4). Plur.f sight, Acts

serpent, Matt. vii. 10. x. 16. xxiii.
i. 9.

33. Mark xvi. lS(ap). Luke x. 19.

ought, John xiii. 14. xix. 7. Acts
xvii. 29. Rom. xv. 1. 1 Cor. xi. 7,
xi. 11. John iii. 14. 1 Cor. x. 9.

2 Cor. xi. 3. Rev. ix. 19. xii. 9, 14,
10. 2 Cor. xii. 11, 14. Eph. v. 28.
15. XX. 2.
Heb. V. 3, 12p. IJohn ii. 6. iii. 16.
3 John 8.

iv. 11.

should, 1 Cor. ix. 10. brow (marg. edge), Luke iv. 29,
be one's
Rom. XV.

requireth, 1 Cor. vii. 36.

must needs, 1 Cor. v. 10.

behoveth one*^, Heb. 11. 17.

be bound, 2 Thes. i. 3. li. 13.
xvii. 10.

need SO
Acts V. 16.
Luke vl. 18((}'3),

gather a company. Acts xvii. 5.

be guilty (marg. a debtor or bound),
Matt, xxiii. 18.

I would. Gal. V. 12. Rev. iii. 15.

viii. 19.
Mark ii.

xix. 3.
4. v. 27, 30.

multitude. Matt. iv. 25. v. 1. viii.

ix. 8, 33, 36. xi. 7. xii. 15
1, 18.

I would to God, 1 Cor. iv. 8.
would to God, 2 Cor. xi. 1.
(-LTt^S). xiii. 2i, 34, 36. xiv. 5, 14,
15, 19i, 22. 23. xv. 10, 30, 31, 32,
33, 35, 36, 39. xvii. 14. xix. 2. xx.

itprofiteth~ Jas. ii. 14, 16.
it advantageth"", 1 Cor. xv. 32.

29, 31. xxi. 8, 9, 11, 46. xxii. 33.
xxiii. 1. xxvi. 47, 55. xxvii. 20, 24.
Mark ii. 13. iii. 9, 20, 32. iv. It,
36. V. 31. vii. 33. viii. 1, 2. ix. 14,
eye-service, Eph. vi. 6. Col. ill. 22. 17. xiv. 43. XV. 8.

Luke iii. 7. v. 15, 19. vi. 19. viii.

eye, Matt. v. 29, 38. vi. 22i, 23. 45. ix. 12, 16. xiv. 25. xviii. 36.
vii. St, 4i, 5t. ix. 29, 30. xiii. 15i, xix. 39. xxii. 6 (marg. tumult), 47.
16. xvii. 8. xviii. 9/. xx. 15, 33, 34 John V. 13. vl. 2. Acts xiii. 45. xvi,
(5////aLTr), 34(-LTr5'). xxi. 42. 22. xix. 33. xxi. 34. xxiv. 18. Rev.
xxvi. 43. Mark vii. 22. viii. 18, 25. vii. 9. xvii. 15. xix. 6.
ix. 47i. xii. 11. xiv. 40. Luke ii. company, Lulce v. 29. vi. 17. ix.
30. iv. 20. vi. 20, 41/, 42/. x. 23. 38. xi. 27. xii. 13. John vl. 5. Acts
xi. 34i. xvi. 23. xviii. 13. xix. 42. vi. 7.
xxiv. 16, 31. John iv. 35. vi. 5. ix. people, Matt. vii. 28. ix. 23, 25.
6, 10, 11, 14, 15, 17, 21, 26, 30, 32. xii. 23, 46. xiv. 13. xxi. 26. xxvii.
X. 21. xi. 37, 41. xii. 40i. xvii. 1. 15. Mark v. 21, 24. vi. 33(om5),
Acts ix. 8, 18, 40. xxvi. 18. xxviii. 34, 45. vii. 14, 17. viii. 6i, 34. ix.
27i. 15, 25. X. 1. xi. 18. xii. 12, 37, 41.
Rom. iii. 18. xi. 8, 10. 1 Cor. ii. XV. 11, 15.
9. xii. 16, 17, 21. xv. 52. Gal. iii. Luke iii. 10. iv. 42. v. 1, 3. vii.
1. iv. 15. Eph. i. 18. Heb. iv. 13. 9, 11, 12, 24. viii. 4, 40, 42. ix. 11,
I Pet. iii. 12. 2 Pet. ii. 14. 1 John 18, 37. xi. 14, 29. xii. 1, 54. xiii.
i. 1. ii. 11, 16. Rev. i.
7, 14. ii. 18. 14, 17. xxiii. 4, 48.
iii. 18. iv. 6, 8. v. 6. vii. 17. xix.
Jolin vi. 22, 24. vii. 12<, 20, 31,
12. xxi. 4. 32, 40, 43, 49. xi. 42. xii. 9, 12, 17,

18, 29, 34. Acts viii. 6. xi. 24, 26.
xiv. 11, 13, 14, 18, 19. xvii. 8, 13.
suffering, Rom. viii. 18. 2Cor. i.
xix. 26, 35. xxi. 27, 35. xxiv. 12.
5, 6, 7. Phil. iii. 10. Col. i. 24.

Rev. xix. 1. Heb. ii. 9, 10. IPet. i. 11. iv. 13.
number of people, Mark x. 46. V. 1.
number, Acts i. 15,
aflaiction, 2 Tim. iii. 11. Heb. x. 32
1 Pet. V. 9.
stronghold, 2 Cor. x. 4. affection Qnarg. passion), Gal. v. 24.

vi. 11. xxi. 9, IOp 13.
motion {Gr. passion), Rom. vii. 5.

small fish, Jolm vi. 9. should Acts xxvi. 23.

at even, Mark
even, Mark xi. 19.

xiii. 35.

in the end, Matt, xxviii. 1.

latter, Jas. v. 7.


inordinate affection, Col.
lust, 1 Thes.


iv. 5.

schoolmaster, Gral. iii. 24, 25.

instructor, 1 Cor. iv. 15.
iii. 5.

oiViog, oifJLa.

eventide, Mark xi. 11.

lad, John vi. 9.
child, Matt. xi. 16 GLTTr
evening. Matt. xiv. 15, 23. xvi. 2.
even, Matt. viii. 16. xx. 8• xxvi.
20. xxvii. 57. Mark iv. 35. vi. 47.

XV. 42. John vi. 16. nurture, vi. 4.
With , in the evening, Mark instruction, 2Tim. iii. 16.
— at
xiv. 17.
See also
fr. . Mark 1. 32. chastening, Heb. xii. 5, 7, 11.
chastisement, Heb. xii, 8.

face,John xi. 44.

countenance, Rev. i. 16.
appearance, John vii. 24»


which correcteth, Heb.

instruct, 2 Tim, ii. 25.

ii. 20.
xii. 9.

wages, Luke iii. (marg. allow-
14t^' teach. Acts xxii. 3. Tit.
ii. 12.

ance). Rom. vi. 23pi. 2 Cor. xi. 8. Pass., learn, ITim. i.

20. fcg —

charges, 1 Cor. ix. 7^^ learned, Acts vii. 22.
chasten, 1 Cor. xi. 32. 2 Cor. vi. 9.

Heb. xii. 6, 7, 10. Rev. iii. 19.
entangle. Matt. xxii. 15 chastise, Luke xxiii. 16, 22.



xxi. 35.
7. vi. 9. 2 Tim.

xl. 9.

of a child,

little child.
Mark ix. 21.

Matt, xviii.
xix, 13, 14, Mark x. 14, 15, Luke
2, 3, 4, 5.

Mars' Acts xvii. 19. xviii. 16, 17. l.Tohn ii. 13, 18.
hill). Mars'
court of the Areopagites),
hill (/««/•<7• young child, Matt. ii. S, 9, 11, ISt,
Acts xvii. 22. 14, 20/, 21. Mark x. 13.
306 Tcahp
child, Matt. xiv. 21. xv. 38.

( Mark 21i,
22. Lnke v. 36f, 37, 39. Rom.

vii.28. ix. 24, 36, 37. Luke i. 59, vi. 6. 1 Cor. V. 7, 8. 2 Cor. iii. 14.
66, 76, 80. ii. 17, 21 GLTTr Eph. iv. 22. Col. iii. 9. 1 John ii. It,
S), 27, 40. vii. 32. ix. 47, 48. xi. old things, Matt. xiii. 52.

7. John iv. 49. xvi. 21. xxi. 5. old "wine, Luke v. 39.


. ^
{marg. sir). 1 Cor. xiv. 20. Heb. ii.
13, 14. xi. 23.

Matt. xi. 16, foT

v. 39, 40i, 41.

^, G
oldness, Rom. vii. 6.

hTTrS. Mark vii. 30, for make old, Heb. viii. 13.
LTTrS. Pass., wax old, Luke xii. 33. Heb.

damsel, Matt. xxvi. 69. Johnxviii.
17. Acts xii. 13. xvi. 16.
maiden, Luke xii. 45.
i. 11.


decay, Heb. viii. 13.

Eph. vi. 12.

maid, Mark xiv. 66, 69. Luke

xxii. 56.
5 (.
regeneration, Matt. xix.
28. Tit.

bondmaid, Gal. iv. 22.
bondwoman, Gal. iv. 23, 30/, 31. Ttakiv,
again. Matt. iv. 7, 8. v. 33. xiii.

to play, 1 Cor. x. 7.

oMld, Matt.
.16. xvii. 18. xxi.
44 (-LbTTr/S), 45, 47. xviii. 19
L). xix. 24. xx. 5. xxi. 36.
xxii. 1, 4. xxvi. 42, 43, 44, 72.
ii. xxvii. 50. Mark ii. 1, 13. iii. 1, 20.
15. Luke ii. 43. ix. 42. Acts iv. iv. 1. V. 21. vii. 31. viii. 13, 25. x.
27, 30. It, 10, 24, 32. xi. 27. xii. 4, 5 (on»
son,John iv. 51. S). xiv. 39, AOiap), 61, 69, 70i.
Said of Christ, Son, Acts iii. 13, 26. XV. 4, 12, 13. Luke xiii. 20. xxiii.
young man. Acts xx. 12. 20.
maiden, Luke viii. 51. .John i. 35. iv. 3 (-G«>T), 13, 46,
maid, Luke viii. 54. 54. vi. 15(-Go). viii. 2(a^), 8(ap),
servant, Matt. viii. 6, 8, 13. xii. 12, 21. ix. 15, 17, 26(-LTTr^), 27.
18. xiv. 2. Luke i. 54, 69. vii. 7. X. 7, 17, 18, 19, 31, 39, 40. xi. 7,
XV. 26. Acts iv. 25. ),
man-servant, Luke xii. 45.

smite, Matt. xxvi. 68. Mark xiv.

8, 38. xii. 22 (see 28, 39.
xiii. 12. xiv. 3. xvL 16, 17, 19, 22,
28. xviii. 7, 27, 33, 38, 40. xix. 4,
9, 37. XX. 10, 21, 26.
{^ xxi. 1, 16,

47. Luke xxii. 64. John xviii. 10. Acts X. 15, 16 LTS, -G»»).
strike, Rev. ix. 5. xi. 10. xvii. 32. xviii. 21. xxvii.
Rom. viii. 15. xi. 23. xv. 10, 11,
of old, Jude 4.
12. ICor. iii. 20. vii. 5. xii. 21.
old*=°, 2 Pet. i. 9.
2 Cor. i. 16. ii. 1. iii. 1. v. 12. x. 7.
long ago. Matt. xi. 21. xi. 16. xii. 19 (Trd^a^LT/S), 21. Gal.
a great while ago, Luke x. 13. i. 9, 17. ii. 1, 18. iv. 9 (war^-.
back), 19.

in time past, Heb. i. 1. V. 1, 3. Phil. i. 26. ii. 28. iv. 4. Heb. i.
any while, Mark xv. 44 (^Jj? LTr). 5, 6. ii. 13i. iv. 5, 7. v. 12. vi. 1, 6. x.
Add 2 Cor. xii. 19, for ^,
UTS. 30. Jas. V. 18. 2 Pet. ii. 20. 1 John ii.

old, Matt. ix.

8. Rev. x. 8, 11.

16, 17. Mark ii.

TO , again, 2 Cor. xiii. 2.
^ .,
Add Mark
^, again, Gal. ir. 9.
vii. 14, for

xiii. 11.
, in wiso,

, ^.
TTr/S). viii. 1, see
xi. 3

(. . hither), HvS. xiv. 40, see always, Acts xxiv. 3.
Luke vi. 43 (neither

. .),

on every side, Luke xix. 43.

round about, Heb. ix. 4.

ai onoe, Lnke xxiii. 18. Add Mark

all i. 45, see

very great, Mark viii. 1 -

Almighty, 2 Cor. vi. 18. Rev. i. 8.

XV. 3, xvi. 7, 14. xix.
iv. 8. xi. 17.
15. xxi. 22.



x. 34.

x. 35.
omnipotent, Rev. xix. 6.

always. Matt. xxvi. 11/.

7i. Luke xviii. 1. John
Mark xiv.
viii. 29. xi,

42. xii. St. xviii. 20 (G", fr.
general assembly, Heb. xii. 23.
7racGLTTr5). Rom. i. 9(10). 1 Cor.
TCavomi. i.4. XV. 58. 2 Cor. ii. 14. iv. 10. v.
with all one's house. Acts xvi. 34. 6. ix. 8. Gal. iv. 18. Eph. v. 20.
Phil. i. 4, 20. ii. 12. Col. i. 3. iv.
whole armor, Eph. vi. 11, 13. 12. IThes. i. 2. iii. 6. 2Thes. i. 3,
all . . armor, Luke xi. 22. 11. Phm. 4.

TtavovQyla. alway, John vii. 6. Phil. iv. 4.

Col. iv. 6. IThes. ii. 16. 2Tlies.
craftiness, Lnke xx. 23. 1 Cor. iii.
ii. 13.
19. 2 Cor. iv. 2.
ever, Luke xv. 31. John xviii. 20.
cunning craftiness, Eph. iv. 14.
IThes. iv. 17. v. 15. 2 Tim. iii. 7.
3 Cor. xi. 3.


Heb. vii. 25.
TtoLvovQyog. evermore, John vi. 34. 1 Thes. v. 16.
crafty, 2 Cor. xii. 16.
Add 2 Cor. vii. 14, for L™.
Acts xxi. 28, ioT
- every where.
G"LTiS'. altogether, 1 Cor. v. 10. ix. 10.

( .
from every quarter,
G"LT ,

every where, Mark xvi. 20(a/>).

Luke ix. 6. Acts xvii. 30. xxi. 28
Mark i.



all means. Acts zvlii. 21 (ap),
1 Cor. ix. 22.

1 Cor. xvi. 12.
no doubt. Acts xxviii. 4.

needs, Acts xxi. 22.

iv. 23.

in no wise, Rom. iii. 9.

1 Cor. iv. 17.

in all places. Acts xxiv. 3. I. With the Genitive,
Add Mark
1. 28 (. . throughout),
from, Mark xii. 2. xiv. 43. Luke
i. 45. ii. 1. viii. A^ L). John
i. 6. V. 34, 41, 44. vii. 29. xv. 26f.
rb to the uttermost xvi. 27, 28(f/cLTTr). xvii. 8. Acts
(jnarg. evermore), Heb. vii. 25. ix. 14. xxii. 5. xxvi. 10, 12(-G°L
S). Phil. iv. 18. 2 Pet. i. 17. 2 John of. Matt. vl. 1 (marg, with). 1 Pet,
2t, 4.
20 ( Matt. ii.

LTTr). Mark
4, 7, 16. xviii. 19.
viii. 11. Luke


xxviii. 14, for

Matt. viii. 10, see
ijrt, LS.
. Acts

vi. 34. xi. IG. xii. 48. John i. 14. See also fr. iavrol•,
iv. 9, 52. V. 44. vi. 45, 4G. viii. 26,
in. With the Accusative.
40. ix. 16, 33. X. 18. xv. 15. xvii.
by . . side. Matt. xiii. 1, 4, 19. xx.
7. Acts ii. 33. iii. 2, 5. vii. 16. ix.
2. X. 22. xvii. 9. xx. 24. xxii. 30
30. Mark ii. 13. iv. 1, 4, 15. x. 46.
(G"LS). Luke viii. 5. xviii. 35. Acts x. 6,
xxiv. 8. xxvi. 22(5
32. xvi. 13.
LTS). xxviii. 22. Gal. 1. 12. Eph.
With art,, those by . . side, Luke
vi. 8. Pliil. iv. 18. 1 Thes. ii. 13. iv.
viii. 12.
1. 2 Thes. iii. 6. 2 Tim. 1. 13, 18. ii,
by. Matt. iv. 18. Mark i, 16. Luke

( LTS). V. 15
ii. 27. iii. 18.
2. iii. 14. Jas. i. 5, 7. 1 John iii. 22
LTS). Rev. V. 1, 2. Heb. xi. 12.
TovTOy therefore, ICor. xii.
15, 16.
out of, Luke vi. 19.
With art. J one's friends (jimrg. kins- at,

Matt. XV. 30. Luke vii. 38,
viii. 35, 41. x. 39 L^^TTrAS). (
men), Mark iii. 21.
Mark v. 26.

giveth, Luke x. 7.

that one bath,
such things as one

my, Rom. xi. 27.

xvii. 16. Acts iv. 35, 37. v. 2, 10
LT/S). vii. 58. xxii. 3.
unto, Matt. xv. 29. Mark v.
KvpioVj the Lord's, Matt. xxi.
42. Mark xii. 11. above, Luke xiii. 2, 4. Rom. xiv.

nvoQj any man's, 2 Thes. iii. 8.
hear one speak, John i.

Not rendered, John vii. 51.

5. Heb. i. 9,
past, Heb. xi. 11.
more than, Rom. i. 25. xii. 3.
than, Luke iii. 13. 1 Cor. iii. 11.
Add Mark xvi. 9(ap). Luke i. 37, Gal. i. 8, 9. Heb. i. 4. ii. 7 (rnarg.
John viii. 38, see No. II. to), 9. iii. 3. ix. 23. xi. 4. xii. 24.
contrary to, Acts xviii. 13. Rom.
II. With the Dative.
xi. 24. xvi. 17.
by, Luke ix.' 47. John xix. 25.

against, Rom. i. 26. iv. 18.
1 Cor. xvi. 2.
save, 2 Cor. xi. 24.
with, Matt. xix. 26i. xxi. 25
Tr). xxii. 25. Mark x. 2.1 1, 27 (ap).
Luke 1. 30, 37 (^en. L'^TTr^). ii.
Add Luke xviii. 14, for ?;, LTr/S.
2 Cor. viii. 3, for LTaS. ,
52. xi. 37. xviii. 27i. xix. 7. John
i. 39(40). iv. 40. viii. 38, ZS(gen.
LTrS). xiv. 17, 23, 25. xvii. 5t. 9 {.
transgress, Matt. xv. 2, 3. 2 John
Acts ix. 43. X. 6. xviii. 3, 20(-LT fall by transgression, Acts i. 25,
S). xxi. 7, 8, 16. xxvi. 8.

Rom. ii. 11. ix. 14. 1 Cor. iii. 19.
vii. 24.
2 Thes. i.
17. IPet.
2 Cor. L 17. Eph. vi. 9. compare, Mark iv. 30

before, Rom. ii. 13.

2 Pet. ii. 11(-G»«LT).
2 Tim. iv. 13. Jas,
20. 2 Pet, iii. 8.
Jas. i. 27.

in the sight of, Gal. iii. 11.

among, Matt, xxviii. 15. CoL iv.
16. Rev. U. 13.

. LTTr

In navigation, arrive, Acts xx. 15.

transgression, Rom. iv. 15. v. 14,

Gal. iii. 19. ITim. ii. 14. Heb. ii.
2. ix. 15.
breaking, Rom. ii. 23.
transgressor, Gal.
. ii. 18, Jas. ii.

Aorist, be present. Acts xxi. 18.
come, Matt. ii. 1. iii. 1, 13. Mark

who doth transgress, Rom. ii. 27. xiv. 43. Luke vii. 4p, 20p. viii. 19.

breaker,Rom. ii. 25. xiv. 21. xix. 16.

xi. 6. xii. 51.

7aaoau John
23. viii. 2.(ap).
xxii. 52. iii.

Luke xxiv. 29. Acts Acts V. 21, 22, 25. ix. 26p,
39p. x.
32p(g;0, 33. xi. 23p. xiii. 14. xiv.
xvi. 15.
27p. XV. 4p. xviii. 27p. xx. 18. xxiii.

expose one*s self, 35. xxiv. 17, 24p. xxv. 7p. xxviii,

Phil. ii.
30, for ., 21. 1 Cor. xvi. 3. Heb. ix. 11.
GLS. come *^hither, Acts xvii. 10.

comparison, Mark iv. 30.

parable. Matt. xiii. 3, 10, 13, 18,
24, 31, 33, 34i, 35, 36, 53. xv. 15.
xxi. 33, 45. xxu.l. xxiv. 32. Mark
iii. 23. iv. 2, 10, 11, 13t, 33, 34.
go, Acts xxiii. 16.


pass by, Matt. xx. 30. Mark ii. 14p.

XV. 21. John viii. 59(ap). ix. 1p.
Add 2 Tim. iv. 16, for

vii. 17. xii. 1, 12. xiii. 28. Luke
pass away, 1 Cor. vii. 31.
Mid., pass, IJohn ii. 8. —

pass a-

V. 36. vi. 39. viii. 4, 9, 10, 11. xii.
way, 1 John ii. 17.
16, 41. xiii. 6. xiv. 7. xv. 3. xviii.
1, 9. xix. 11. XX. 19. xxi. 29.
9, pass forth, Matt. ix. 9p.
figure, Heb. ix. 9. xi. 19. depart, Matt. ix. 27p.

. (.
proverb, Luke iv. 23. Add Mark i. 16, for G"

regard not, Phil. ii. 30 (G', irapa-

Luke xviii. 39, for

GLS). 19
make a public example, Matt. i.

commandment, 1 Thes. iv. 2. 1 Tim.
put to an open shame, Heb. vi. 6.
i. 5.

charge. Acts xvi. 24. 1 Tim. i. 18.
Dat., straitly, Acts v. 28. paradise, Luke xxiii. 43. 2 Cor.

xii. 4. Rev. ii. 7.

declare, 1 Cor. xi. 17<=<'.

command, Matt. x. 5. Mark vi. 8. receive, Mark

iv. 20. Acts xvi. 21.
Luke Acts xxii. 18. 1 Tim. v. 19. Heb. xii. 6.
viii. 29. ix. 21.
viii. 6.
i. 4. iv. 18. V. 28, 40. x. 42. xv. 5. Add Acts XV. 4, for LTS.
xvi. 18. xvii. 30. 1 Cor. vii. 10.
IThes. iv. 11. 2 Thes. iii. 4, 6, 10,
perverse disputings (inarg.
12. 1 Tim. iv. 11.
gallings one of another), 1 Tim. vi.
give commandment, Acts xxiii. 30.
5 GLT/S).
charge, Luke v. 14. viii. 56. Acts

^ ^^
xvi. 23. xxiii. 22. 1 Tim. i. 3. vi.
17. give up, John xix. 30. Acts vii. 42.
give charge, 1 Tim. vi. 13. Rom. i. 24, 26.
give in charge, 1 Tim. v. 7. give over, Rom. i. 28. Eph. iv.l9.
Add Matt. XV. 35, for give ICor. xiii. 3. Gal. ii. 20.
fr. LTr*S. Eph. V. 2, 25.
be brought forth (^marg. be ripe),
Mark iv. 29.
deliver,Matt. v. 25, 25(-LTr^5').

to neglect,
Acts vi.


xi. 27. xviii. 34. xx. 19. xxv. 14,
20, 22. xxvi. 15. xxvii. 2, 18, 26.
Mark vii. 13. ix. 31. x. 33i. xv. 1,
mitted unto
Add, for '^
that which I have com-
•'him, 2 Tim. i. 12.
1 Tim. vi.

10, 15. Luke 1. 2. iv. 6. ix. 44. x.
20, 2Tim. 1. 14, GLT/S.
22. xii. 58. xviii. 32. xx. 20. xxi.
12. xxiii. 25. xxiv. 7, 20, John
xviii. 35, 36. xix. 11, 16. Acts vi. exhort, Acts xxvii. 22.
14. xii. 4. xvi. 4. xxi. 11. xxii. 4. admonish, Acts xxvii. 9.
xxvii. 1. xxviii. IQ(ap), 17.
Eom. iv. 25. vi. 17co.
xi. 2, 23. XV. 3. 2 Cor.
1 Cor. v.
iv. 11.
Mid., entreat, Heb. xii. 19. make —
Tim. excuse, Luke xiv. 18. refuse, Acts
i. 20. 2 Pet. ii. 4, 21. Jude 3.
XXV. 11. 1 Tim. iv. 7. v. 11. Heb.
deliver up, Matt. x. 17, 19, 21. xxiv.
9. Mk. xiii. 9, 11. Jn. xviii. 30. Acts
xii. 25i. — reject, Tit. iii. 10. — a-

void, 2 Tim. ii. 23.
iii. 13. Rom. viii. 32. 1 Cor. v. 24.
Pass., be excused, Luke xiv. 18, 19.
cast into prison {marg, deliver up),
Matt. iv. 12.
Tvapaj sit at, Luke x. 39.
put in prison, Mark i. 14.
commit, Acts viii. 3.
Mid. or Pass., commit one^s self call for. Acts xxviii. 20.
(marg. one's cause), 1 Pet. ii. 23. entreat, Luke xv. 28. 1 Cor. iv. 13.
betray, Matt. x. 4. xvii. 22. xx. 1 Tim. V. 1.
18. xxiv. 10. xxvi. 2, 16, 21, 23, beseech, Matt. viii. 5, 31, 34. xiv.
24, 25, 45, 46, 48. xxvii. 3, 4p. Mark 36. xviii. 29. Mark i. 40. v. 10, 12,
iii. 19. xiii. 12. xiv. 10, 11, 18, 21, 23. vi. 56. vii. 32. viii. 22. Luke
41, 42, 44. Luke xxi. 16. xxii. 4, vii, 4. viii. 31, 32, 41. Acts xiii.
6, 21, 22, 48. John vi. 64(wii^e^i), 42. xvi, 15, 39. xxi. 12. xxv. 2.

71. xii. 4. xiii. 2, 11, 21. xviii. 2, xxvii. 33. Rom. xii. 1. xv. 30. xvi.
5. xxi. 20. 1 Cor. xi. 23. 17. ICor. i. 10. iv. 16. xvi. 15.

hazard, Acts xv. 26. 2 Cor. ii. 8. v. 20p. vi. 1. x. 1. xii.
recommend, Acts xiv. 26. xv. 40. 8. Eph. iv. 1. Phil. iv. 2t. 1 Thes.
iv. 10. ITim. i, 3. Phm. 9, 10.
Heb. xiii. 19, 22. 1 Pet. ii. 11.
Neut.y strange thing, Luke v. 26.
desire, Matt, xviii. 32. Acts viii.
31. ix. 38. xix. 31. xxviii. 14.
tradition, Matt. xv. Mark

2, 3, 6. ICor. xvi. 12. 2 Cor. viii. 6. xii.
vii. 3, 5, 8, 9, 13, Gal. i. 14. Col. 18.
ii. 8. 2Thes. ii. 15. iii. 6.
pray. Matt. xxvi. 53. Mark v. 17,
ordinance (marg. tradition), ICor. 18. Acts xvi. 9. xxiv. 4. xxvii. 34,
xi. 2.
exhort, Acts ii. 40. xi. 23. xiv. 22.
XV. 32. Rom. xii. 8. 2 Cor. ix. 5.

provoke to jealousy, Rom. x. 19. 1 Thes. ii. 11. iv. 1 and
v. 'I4{marf/.
xi. 11. 1 Cor. X. 22.
beseech). 2 Thes. iii. 12. 1 Tim. ii.l
provoke to emulation, Rom. xi. 14. {)narg. desire)• vi. 2. 2 Tim. iv. 2.
Tit. i. 9. ii. 6, 15. Heb. iii. 13. 1 Pet.
With art., which 13 upon the sea V. 1,12. Judc .1.

coast, Matt. iv. 13. exhort 'one another, Heb. x. 25.

/, .
in one's exhortation, Luke iii. 18p.
have perfect understanding Luke

^ of,
With give much exhor-
Acts XX.

^ 8.
tation, 2.
comfort, Matt. ii. 18. v. 4. Luke neglect to hear, Matt, xviii. 17i.
xvi. 25. Acts xvi. 40. xx. 12. 1 Cor. Add Mark v. 36, for

xiv. 31. 2 Cor. i. 4ir, 6. ii. 7. vii.
6t, 7, 13. Eph. vi. 22. Col. ii. 2.
iv. 8. 1 Thes. iii. 2, 7. iv. 18 and v. 11
stoop down, Luke xxiv. 12 (op),

John XX. 5, 11.
(772a?-(7.'exhort). 2 Thes. ii. 17.
Pass., be of good comfort, 2 Cor. xiii.
. look into, Jas. i. 25. 1 Pet.
Add Acts XX. 1 ( . . embraced), L
S. take with, Matt. xxvi. 37.

to hide, Luke ix. 45.
take unto. Matt. i. 20, 24.
take. Matt. ii. 13, 14, 20, 21. iv,
5, 8. xii. 45. xvii. 1. xviii. 16. xx.
17. xxiv. 40, 41. xxvii. 27. Mark

that thing which is committed unto iv. 36. V. 40. ix. 2. x. 32. xiv. 33.
one, 2 Tim. i. 14 GLTS). Luke ix. 10, 28. xi. 26. xvii. 34,

that which is committed to one's 35, 36(/)). xviii. 31. John xix. 16


be present with,
trnst, ITim. vi. 20 (G',

entreaty, 2 Cor. viii. 4.


exhortation, Acts xiii. 15. Rom.

(ap). Acts XV. 39. xvi. 33. xxi. 24,

xii. 8. 1 Cor. xiv. 3. 2 Cor. viii. 17.

vii. 18, 21.



9, 12.
L). xxiii. 18.
receive, Mark vii. 4. John 1. 11.
xiv. 3. 1 Cor. xi. 23. xv. 1, 3. Gal.

Phil. iv. 9. Col. ii. 6. iv.
ii. 13p. iv. 1.

6. Heb. xii. 28.

2 Thes.

John xiv. 3, LTTriS.

IThes. ii.

xii. 5. xiii. 22.

3. ITim. iv. 13. Heb.

Mid., in navigation, sail by, Acta

comfort. Acts ix. 31. Rom. xv. 4.
2 Cor. i. 3, 4. vii. 4, 13.
xxvii. 13.

pass. Acts xxvii. 8.

Acts iv. 36.

. Luke
XV. 31.

2 Thes. ii. 16. Phm. 7. Heb. vi. 18.

advocate, IJohn ii. 1.

Comforter, John xiv. 16, 26.
26. xvi. 7.

2 Cor. i. 5, 6i, 7. vii. 7. Phil. ii. 1.

Rom. xv.
vi. 24.

Subst., sea coast,

variableness, Jas.

beguile. Col.
deceive, Jas.




vi. 17.

Pass., per/, part., taken with a pal-

6. Heb. ii. 2.

With T)
disobedience, Rom. v. 19.

fr. •,
xvi. 17(^).
2 Cor.

x. sy, Luke V. 18. Acts viii. 7.
of the palsy, Luke v.
G'^LS). Acts
Heb. xii. 12.

ix. 33. —


ITim. iv. 6. that hath the palsy, Matt, iv.' 24.

know fully (marg. be a diligent fol- sick of the palsy, Matt. viii. 6. ix.
lower of ), 2 Tim, iU. 10. 2/, 6. Mark ii. 3, 4, 5, 9, 10.
,. 312
, '
Add Luke

Add Phil.
, .
v. 24, see

abide, 1 Cor. xvi. 6.


^. 1.
vii. 23. Jas, i. 25.
25, for
let slip

whose sign
(Gr. run out as leaking
Heb. ii.


Acts xxviii. 11.

make ready, Acts x. IOp.

ii. 11. V. 14.

to comfort, Johnxi. 19, 31. 1 Thes.
Mid., prepare one's self, 1 Cor. xiv.
8. — be ready, 2 Cor. ix. 2. — ready,

&, 2Cor. ix. 3p.
comfort, 1 Cor. xiv. 3.

comfort, Phil.

. .
ii. 1.
preparation. Matt, xxvii. 62. Mark
XV. 42. Luke xxiii. 54. John xix.
14, 31, 42.

contrary to the law. Acts xxiii. 3p.
continue. Acts xx. 7.

iniquity, 2 Pet. ii. 16. -.

observe, Gal. iv. 10.
watch, Mark iii. 2. Luke vi. V.
provoke, Heb. iii. 16.
xiv. 1 (with ), xx. 20. Acts ix.

. &.
Heb. 8, 15.

provocation, iii.

observation (marg. outward show),

away, Heb.

fall vi. 6p. Luke xvii. 20.

. set before, Mark vi. 41. viii. 6i, 7.

sail by. Acts xx. 1 6.
Luke ix. 16. xi. 6. Acts xvi. 34.

nigh unto, Phil.

likewise, Heb. ii.


27. 1 Cor. X. 27.

set before,
Luke x. 8.
such things as are

put forth, Matt. xiii. 24, 31.

allege, Acts xvii, 3.

pass by, Matt, xxvii. 39. Mark xi. Mid., commit, Lukexii.48. ITim.
20P. XV. 29. i. 18. 2 Tim. ii. 2. —
commit the keep-
pass, Mark ix. SO (^ LTr). ing of, 1 Pet. iv. 19. commend,—

go, Mark ii. 23 LTr.). Luke xxiii. 46. Acts xiv. 23. xx.
Rom. xi. 11, 12.
fault, Gal. vi. 1. Jas. v. 16 meet with. Acts xvii. 17.
offence, Rom. iv. 25. v. 15i, 16, 17,
but for a moment, 2 Cor. iv. 17.
18, 20.
trespass. Matt. vi. 14, 15(-0'>^3),
15. xviii. 35(07725'). Mark xi. 25, 26 take away, Mark xiv. 36.
{ap). 2 Cor. v. 19. Eph. ii. 1. Col.
ii. 13.

sin, Eph. i. 7. ii. 5. Col. ii. 13.

Add, for
Jude 12, GLT/S.
remove, Luke xxii. 42.
Heb. .xiii. 9,
as a fool,
2 Cor. xi. 23p.

creep in unawares,
Jude 4.
madness, 2 Pet.

. ii.

to winter. Acts xxvii. 12. xxriii.

With ,
11. 1 Cor. xvi. 6. Tit. iii. 12.

to winter in,

Acts xxvii.
come in


2 Pet.
privily, Gal.

except, Acts xxvi. 29.

v. 20.

i. 5.
ii. 4.

12. With art., those things that are
without, 2 Cor. xi. 28.
presently, Matt. xxi. 19. saving, Matt. v. 32.
immediately, Luke i. 64. iv. 39. Add Matt. xix. 9(ap),
V. 25. viii. 44, 47. xiii. 13. xviii.

43. xix. 11. xxii. 60. Acts iii. 7. army, Heb. xi. 34.
xii. 23. xiii. 11. xvi. 26.

camp, Heb. xiii. 11, 13. Rev. xx. 9.
forthwith. Acts ix. lS(omS).

castle. Acts xxi. 34, 37. xxii. 24.
straightway, Luke viii. 55. Acts xxiii. 10, 16, 32.
V. 10. xvi. 33.

soon, Matt. xxi. 20.

leopard, Rev.

1 Cor. ix. 13, for

xiii. 2.

to trouble, Acts

near, serve.
v. 19.

stranger, 1 Pet.

pass by, Mark vi. 48. Luke xviii.

be present, Luke xiii. 1. 1 Cor. v. 37. Acts xvi. 8.
Heb. xi. 13. 1 Pet.
i. 1.
ii. 11.

3p. 2 Cor. X. 2p, Up. xi. 9(8)p. xiii. pass over, Luke xi. 42.
2p, 10. Gal. iv. 18, 20. transgress, Luke xv. 29.

present, 1 Cor. v. 3p. Heb. xii. Up. pass away. Matt. xxiv. 35 i. xxvi.
2 Pet. i. 12p. 42. Mark xiii. 31i. Luke xxi. 32,
be here present. Acts x. 33.

Heb. xiii. 5.

i. 9.
he that lacketh, 2 Pet.
33i. 2 Cor. V. 17. Jas. i. 10. 2 Pet.
such things as one hath, iii. 10. Rev. xxi. 1
liFrS, fr. -& GT,

pass, Matt. v. ISt, viii. 28. xiv.

15. xxiv. 34. xxvi. 39. Mark xiii.
be here, Acts xxiv. 19. 30. xiv. 35. Luke xvi. 17. Acts
come, Matt. xxvi. 50. John vii, 6. xxvii. 9.

xi. 28. Acts X. 21. xii. 20. xvii. 6. past, 1 Pet. iv. 3p.

Col. Luke

i. 6. go, xvii. 7.
Add 2 Pet. Luke xii. 37.

i. 8, for L. Rev. come forth,
xvii. 8, for - come, Acts xxiv. *J(ap),

bring in privily, 2 Pet.

brought in unawares, Gal.

ii. 1.

ii, 4.




vl. 29.
passing over),

minister, 1
do for,

vi. 17.
bring. Acts xvi. 16.

Acts xvii. 31 (marg,


vii. 4.
stand before,

way, ICor. xvi.

Future Middle,

. Rom.

xiv. 10,

show, Acts xxviii. 2.

Acts xix. 24.

. ,
Mid., give, Col. iv. 1.

show, Tit.
keep, Acts xxii. 2.
— bring,
ii. *I,

to sojourn, Heb. xi. 9.
be a stranger, Luke xxiv. 18,

See also

comfort, Col. iv. 11.
With kv, when

''here, 1 Pet.
they" dwelt as stran
gers, Acts xiii. 17.

i. 17.

virginity, Luke ii. 36. With to sojourn. Acts vii. 6.
stranger, Acts vii. 29. 1 Pet. ii. 11,
foreigner, Eph. ii. 19.
virgin, Matt. i. 23. xxv. 1, 7, 11.
Luke i. 27i. Acts xxi. 9. 1 Cor. vii.

25, 28,
xi. 2.

Rev. xiv. 4.
36, 37. 2 Cor.

proverb, Jolm xvi. 25i, and 29,
(niarg. parable.) 2 Pet. ii. 22.
parable, John x. 6.


yield, Rom.
hang down, Heb.

vi. 13, 16.

Present, 1st Aorist,

xii. 12.


and Future,
one in wine). Tit.

given to wine, 1 Tim. iii. 3 (marg.

ready to quarrel and offer wrong, as

Acts xiv. 16p.

i. 7.

to present, Luke ii. 22. Acts ix. 41.

xxiii. 33. Rom. xii. 1. 3 Cor. iv. 14.
xi. 2. Epli. V. 27. Col. i. 22, 28.
give presently. Matt. xxvi. 53.
yield, Rom. vi. 13, 19?.
provide, Acts xxiii. 24.
commend, 1 Cor. viii. 8.
be like unto. Matt, xxiii. 27

Neut. plur., like things,
8 (ap), 13.
Mark vii.

show, Acts
prove. Acts
i.3. 2 Tim.
xxi v. 13.

rist, intranntive.
stand by, Mark xiv. 47, 69, 70. xv.
35. Luke xix. 24. John xviii. 22.
xix. 26. Acts i. 10. ix. 39. xxiii.
2, 4. xxvii. 23.

xiii. 5.

Mid. or Pass., be stirred. Acts
Perfect, Pluperfect, and 2d Ao- xvii. 16. be easily provoked, 1 Cor.

to provoke unto, Heb. x. 24.
contention. Acts xv. 39.

assist,Rom. xvi. 2.
stand with, 2 Tim. iv. 17. to anger, Rom. x. 19.
stand *'here, Acts iv. 10. provoke to wrath, Eph. vi. 4.
stand np, Acts iv. 26.
Add Col. iii. 21, for Qt'hS*
stand, Mark xv. 39. Luke i. 19.
be brought before. Acts xxvii. 24.
come, Mark iv, 29, wrath, Epli, iv. 26,
stir up,

presence, 2 Cor.
Acts xiii. 50.

. 10. Phil. ii.


iii. 5t,

xi. 17.
xvi. 15(ap).
9. iv. 4(a;?), 37. v. 17. x. 1.
John i. 9. ii. 10. xv. 2.
Acts ii. 5, 43. iii. 23^. x. 35. xiii.
27. XV. 21, 36. xviii. 4.
Luke ii. 23.

coming, Matt. xxiv. 3, 27, 37, 39. Rom. ii. 9. iii. 2, 4, 19. xiii. 1.
tCor. XV. 23. xvi. 17. 2 Cor. vii. xiv. 5, Hi. 1 Cor. i. 2. iv. 17. vi.
6, 7. Phil. i. 26. IThes. ii. 19. iii. 18. xi. 3, 4, 5. XV. 30. 2 Cor. ii. 14.

1 John ii. 28.

13. iv. 15. V. 23. 2Thes. ii. 1, 8, 9.
Jas. V. 7, 8. 2 Pet. i. 16. iii. 4, 12.

Matt, xxiii. 25, 26(-G°oT).

4, 18.
ix. 8. X. 5t. xiii. 1. Gal. v.
Eph. i.

ii. 9,
21. iv. 14, 16. Phil. i. S,
10, 11. iv. 21. Col. i.
10, 15, 2Str. 1 Thes. i. 8. 2 Thes. ii.
17. iii. 6, 17. ITim. iv. 4. v. 10.
2 Tim. ii. 21. iv. 18. Tit. i. 16. iii.
1. Phm. 6.
boldness of speech, 2 Cor. vii. 4.
Heb. 2. iii. 4. v. 1. viii. 3. ix.
plainness (inarg. boldness) of speech,
19. X. 11. xii. 1, 6. xiii. 21. Jas. i.
2 Cor. iii. 12.
17i, 19. iii. 7, 16. 1 Pet. ii. 13.
boldness, Acts iv. 13, 29, 31. Eph.
1 John iv. 1, 2, 3. Rev. i. 7. v. 9,
iii. 12. Phil. i. 20. 1 Tim. iii. 13.
13. vi. 14, 15, 15(-GooLTTr/S). xiv.
Heb. X. 19 (marg, liberty)• 1 John
6. xvi. 3, 20. xviii. 2t, 17.
iv. 17.

Phm. 8.
, be much bold, 291.
every one, Matt.
XXV. 29. Mark
vii. 8, 21, 26.
ix. 49.
Dative, John vii. 26.
John iii. 8, 20.
vi. 40. xi. 10. xviii. 14. xix. 26.
vi. 40. xviii. 37.
openly, Mark viii. 32. John vii. 13. Rom.
xi. 54. xviii. 20. —
plainly, John x.
i. 16.

Gal. iii.
X. 4. 1 Cor. xvi. 16.
10, 13. 2 Tim. ii. 19. Heb.
24. xi. 14. xvi. 25, 29Cv,LS). John ii. 29. iv. 7. v. 1.
With , boldly, Eph. vi. 19.—
V. 13. 1
every man, Luke vi. 30. xvi. 16.

openly, John vii. 4. Col. ii. 15.
John vi. 45. Rom. ii. 10. xii. 3.
With Heb. iv. 16.
boldly, — 1 Cor. ix. 25. Heb. ii. 9. 1 Pet. iii.
freely. Acts 29.
ii. 15. 1 John iii. 3. Rev. xxii. 18.
confidence. Acts xxviii. 31. Heb. every thing, 1 Cor. i. 5. 2 Cor. viii,
iii. 6. X. 35. 1 John ii. 28. iii. 21. 7. ix. 11. Eph. V. 24. Phil. iv. ,
V. 14.

speak boldly. Acts xiv. 3. xviii. 26.

xix. 8. Eph. vi. 20.
every ''branch, John xv. 2.

vii. 5.
IThes. V. 18.

on every side, 2 Cor. iv. 8.

everywhere, Phil. iv. 12.
preach boldly, Acts ix. 27. —
throughly, 2 Cor. xi. 6.
wax bold. Acts xiii. 46. any. Matt, xviii. 19. 2 Cor. i. 4.
be bold; 1 Thes. ii. 2. Heb. iv. 12. Rev. vii. l(r/fG'LTTr),
boldly, Acts ix. 29(28)p. 16. ix. 4i.
any one, Matt. xiii. 19.
freely, Acts xxvi. 26p.

.^, any thing. Acts x. 14. Rev. xxi. 27.

With ^
or oh, no. Matt. xxiv. 22.
Followed by

every, Matt.
Sing., ,,
10. iv. 4. vii. 17,
i. 291.
Rom. iii. 20. 1 Cor.
xiii. 20.
Gal. ii. 16. Eph. iv. 29^. v.
5. Heb. xii. 11. 2 Pet. i. 20. 1 John
19. ix. 35i. xii. 25/, 36. xiii. 47, 52. ii. 21. iii. 15. Rev. xviii. 22. ot —
zv. 13. xviii. 16. xix. 3. Mark ix. 77 av />?///a, nothing, Luke i. 37.
nag 316
whosoever*", Matt. v. 22, 28. Luke V. 6. vii. 4°°, 9"", 17°". viii. 7. xi. 6°".
vi. 47. xii. 8\ 10\ 48. xir. 11, dSK xiii. 7°", 12. xviii. 12, 17, xxi. 4°°.

xvi. 18, 18 (-Go«LTTr). xx. 18.

all things"", 2 Cor. vi. 4. vii. 11,
John 15, 16. iv. 13. viii. 34. xi. 16. xi. 9.

26. xii. 46. xvi. 2. xix. 12. Acts ii.

all manner of, Matt. iv. 23i. v. 11.
211. X. 43. Rom. ii. 1. ix. 33(-G««
X. Ii. xii. 31. Luke xi. 42. Rom.
LT5). X. 11, 131. 1 John ii. 23. iii. vii. 8. 1 Pet. i. 15. Rev. xxi. 19.
4, 6<, 9, 10, 15. V. 1, 18. 2 John 9.
all manner, Rev. xviii. 12i.
Rev. xxii. 15.
whole, Matt. viii. 32, 34. xiii. 2.
whatsoever"", Matt. xv. 17. Rom.
xiv. 231. 1 Cor. X. 25, 27. Eph. v.
Mark iv. 1. Luke i. 10. vi. 19. xxi.
35. Acts vi. 5. xiii. 44. Rom. viii.
13. 1 John V. 4. Rev. xviii. 22.
22 (inarg» every)• Eph. iii. 15. iv.
whatsoever thing"", Mark vii. 18. 16.
as many as, John xvii. 2^. Not rendered, Matt. vii. 24^. x.
all, Matt. ii. 3. iii. 5i, 15. vi. 29. 322. Col. iii. 17^ 232(-LT^). Rev.
xviii. 32, 34. xxi. 10. xxiii. 27, 85. xxii. 3.
xxvii. 25, 45. xxviii. 18. Mark i.
5. ii. 13. V. 33. vii. 14
Add Matt. v. 32,
(^ 6
G"LT oc 70/{7, G'LTrAS". Luke.iv. 7,
TrS), ix. 15. xi. 18. Luke ii. 1, 10. for

GUTTrS. xii. 15, , ,^

6. iv. 13, 25. vi. 17. vii. 17, G"LTTrAS. xxi.

iii. 3, for r^f, 4, for
29. viii. 47. ix. 13. x. 19. xii. 27. LTrS. Acts xxii. 30, for GLT
xiii. 17. xviii. 43. xx. 6 V^T S. 325{),
TrS)y 45. xxi. 38. xxiv. 19. John
V. 22. vi. 37, 39. viii. 2(ap). xvi.
, See also ^
13. xvii. 2. Acts i. 8, 21. ii. 17, 36.
iii. 9, 11. iv. 29. v. 21, 34. vii. 14, 2. Plural,
22. viii. 27. x. 2, 41. xi. 14. xii. 11. all. Matt. i. 17. ii. 4, 16. iv. 8, 9,
xiii. lOir, 24, 39"°. xv. 12. xvii. 11, 24. V. 15, 18. vi. 32, 33. viii. 16.
26°°, 26. xix. 26. xx. 18°°, 19, 27, ix. 35. X. 30. xi. 13, 28. xii. 15, 23.
28. xxi. 27. xxii. 5. xxiii. 1. xxiv. xiii. 32, 34, 44^, 46^, 51, 56i. xiv.
3. XXV. 24(a7rac LTS). xxvi. 20«>. 20, 35. XV. 37. xviii. 25^, 26, 29
xxvii. 20. xxviii. 31. (-G<>Li'TTr>S), 31. xix. 20, 27. xxi.
Rom. i. 18, 29. iii. 19. iv. 16. ix. 12, 26. xxii. 10^, 27, 28. xxiii. 3^,
17. X. 18. xi. 26. xv. 13, 14. 1 Cor. 5, 8, 36. xxiv. 2, 6(-GoLTr^), 8,
i. 5i. xiii. 2t. xv. 24i, 39. 2 Cor. i. 9, 14, 30, 33, 34, 47. xxv. 5, 7, 31,
viii. 7. ix. 8i, 11. 32. xxvi. 1, 27, 31, 35, 52, 56, 70.

3, 4. vii. 1, 4.
X. 6. xii. 12. Gal. v. 14. Eph. i. 3, xxvii. 1, 22. xxviii. 19.
8, 21. ii. 21. iii. 19. iv. 2, 19, 31i. v. Mark i, 5, 27 TTr5), 32. ii.
3, 9. vi. ISt. Phil. 29. iv.
i. 9, 20. ii. 12i. iii. 28. iv. 13, 31, 32. v. 12
7, 19. Col. i. 6, 9, 10, Hi, 19, 28. ii. (-GL^^Tr^), 26. vi. 33, 39, 41, 42,
2, 9, 10, 19. iii. 16. iv. 12. 1 Thes. 50. vii. 3, 19, 23. ix. 35<. x. 20, 28,
iii. 7, 9. V. 22. 2 Thes. i. 11. ii. 4,

9, 10. iii. 16. 1 Tim. i. 15, 16

LTS). ii. 2, 11. iii. 4. iv. 9. v. 2.
( 44. xi. 17. xii. 22, 28, 29(aj9), 3.^.,
43, 443. xiii. 4, 10, 30, 37. xiv. 23,
27, 29, 31, 50, 53, 64.
2 Tim. Luke i. 6, 48, 63, 65i, QQ, 71, 75.
16, 17"". iv. 2. Tit.

vi. 1, iii.
Ii. 10, 14, 15. iii. 2. ii. 3, 18, 19, 31, 38, 47, 51. iii. 15,

Heh. ii. 15. vi. 16. vii. 7. ix. 19i. 19, 20. iv. 5, 7 GLTTr^^), 15,
Jas. i. 2, 21. iv. 16. 1 Pet. i. 24^ 20, 22, 28, 36, 40^. v. 9. vi. 10, 19,
ii. Ii, 18. V. 7, 10. 2 Pot. i. 5. 1 John 2(j'(-G). vii. 1, 18, 35(-G''). viii.
t 7, 9. ii. 16. V. 17. Jude 3. Rev. 40, 45, 52, 54(a^). ix. 1, 7, 17, 23,
43, 48. xi. 50. xii. 7, IS, 30, 31 15. iii. 13. iv. 6, 10. v. 5, 26, 27.
(_GooL' ' rS), 41, 44. xiii. 2, 3, 4, 2 Thes. i. 3, 4, 10. ii. 12(a7raf L-^T
5, 17/, 27, 28. xiv. 18, 29, 33. xv. S). iii. 18. ITim. ii. 1/, 2, 4, 6. iv.
1, 14, 31.xvi. 14, 26. xvii. 10. 10, 15 (marg. all things), v. 20. vi.
xviii. 123, 21, 22^, 28 ( G' LT 10. 2 Tim. i. 15. iii. 9, 11, 12. iv.

38. xxi. 3, 15 {
Tr). xix. 37. xx. 32(-G°LTTr5'),
TTr), 24, 29,
32, 35, 36. xxii. 70. xxiii. 48, 49.
8(-€d. 1611, 7wt 1629, G»), 17, 21. Tit
ii. 11.

2, 15/. Phin. 5.

6, 11, 14. ii. 8, 11. iii. IG.

xxiv. 9/, 14, 21, 25, 21t, 47. iv. 4. V. 9. vii. 2. viii. 11. ix. 21.
John i. 16. ii. 15. iii. 31, 2>l(ap). xi. 13, 39. xii. 8, 23. xiii. 4, 24/,
iv. 393. V. 28. vi. 45. vii. 21. x. S», 25. Jas. i. 8. ii. 10. 1 Pet. ii. 1. iii.
29. xiii. 10, 11, 18. xv. 21. xvii. 8. V. 5, 14. 2 Pet. iii. 9, 11, 16. 1 John
10, 21. xviii. 40. ii. 19. 2 John 1. 3 John 12. JudelS/*.

44. iii. 16, 18,
Acts i. 1, 14, 18, 19. ii. 7(-G°LT,
LT5), 12, 32, 39,
Rev. i. 7. ii. 23. v. 13. vii. 11. viii.
3. xii. 5. xiii. 8, 16. xiv. 8. xv. 4,
xviii. 3, 19, 23, 24. xix. 5, 17, 21.
xxi. 8. xxii. 21.
GUTS), 24, 25. iv. lOt, 16, 24, 33.
V. 5, 17, 20, 23, 36% 373. yji jq, all men, Matt. x. 22. xix. 11. xxvi.
50. viii. 1, 10(-G°T), 40. ix. 14, 21, 33. Marki. 37. v. 20. xiii. 13. Luke
26, 35, 30, 40. x. 33, 36, 38, 43, 44. xxi. 17. John i. 7. ii. 24. iii. 26. v.
xi. 23. xiii. 22. xiv. IG. xv. 3, 17, 23. xi. 48. xii. 32. xiii. 35. Acts i.
17 (/, IS(ap). xvi. 26, 32, 33. 24. ii. 45. iv. 21. xix. 19. xxi. 28.
xvii. 7, 21, 25, 30, 31. xviii. 2, 17, Rom. xvi. 19. 1 Cor. ix. 19, 22. x.
23. xix. 7, 10, lit, 34. xx. 25, 26, 33. 2 Cor. ix. 13. Gal. vi. 10. Eph.
32, 36, 37. xxi. 5, 18, 20, 21(-GoL), iii. 9 (-V>S). 1 Thes. iii. 12. v. 14,

24. xxii. 3, 12, 15. xxiv. 5, 8. xxv. 15. 2 Thes. iii. 2. 2 Tim. ii. 24. iv.
24. xxvi. 3, 4, 14, 29. xxvii. 24, 16. Heb. xii. 14. Jas. i. 5. 1 Pet.
35, 36, 37, 44. xxviii. 30. ii. 17. Rev. xix. 18.
Rom. 1.5, 7, 8. iii. 9, 12, 22, 22(ap), all *iiliey, Mark xii. 44.
23. iv. 11, 16. V. 12t, ISt. viii. 32, all tMngs, Matt. vii. 12^. xi. 27.

xii. 4, 17 (
37. ix. 5, 6, 7. X. 12i, 16. xi. 32i. xiii. 41. xvii. 11.
L), 18. xiii. 7. xiv. xxii. 4. xxiii. 20.
10. XV. lit, 33. xvi. 4, 15, 24(ap), iv. 34. vi. 30. vii.
xix. 26.
xxviii. 20^.
37. ix. 12,
xxi. 22^.
23. x.
26. ICor. 1. 10. iii. 22. vii. 7, 17. 27 {ap). xi. 11. xiii. 23. xiv. 36. Luke
viii. 1. ix. 19, 24. x. It, 2, 3, 4, 11 i. 3. ii. 20. ix. 43. x. 22. xi. 41. xiv.
(-L^T), 17, 31. xii. 6t, 11, 12, 13i, 17(-LbTrb5). xviii. 31. xxi. 22. xxiv.
19, 26/, 29/, SOtr. xiii. 2, 3. xiv. 5, 44. John i. 3. iii. 3.5. iv. 25(a7rac TTr
18, 23, 24ir, Sltr, 33. xv. 7, 8, 10, S), 293, 451. V. 201. X. 413. xiii, 3. xiv.
19, 22i, 25, 28/, 51i. xvi. 20, 24. 26. 261. XV. 151. xvi. 15•^ 30. xvii.

2 Cor. i. 1. ii; 3f, 5. iii. 2, 18. v. xviii. 4. xix. 28. xxi. 17. Acts iii.

10, 14(15)/, 15. vii. 13, 15. viii. 18. 211, 223. X. 33^ 391. xiii. 391. xiv.
xi. 28. xiii. 2, 13(12), 14(13). 15. xvii. 22, 24, 25. xx. 35. xxii.
Gal. i. 2. ii. 14. iii. 8, 22, 26, 28. 10. xxiv. 14. xxvi.
iv. 1, 26(-QL^TS). vi. 6. Epli. i. Rom. viii. 28, 32. xi. 36. xiv. 2,
20. 1 Cor. iL 10, 15. iii. 21. iv. 13.
15, 23/. ii. 3. iii. 8, 18, 20, 21. iv.
vi. 12/r. viii. 6/. ix. 12, 22, 25. x.
6/; 10, 13. vi. 16/, 18, 24. Phil. i.
1, 4, 7/, 8, 13, 25. ii. 17, 21, 26. iv. 23/, 33. xi. 2, 12. xiii. If. xiv. 26,
5, 18, 22, 23 (rov LTS). 40. XV. 27/r, 28/. xvi. 14. 2 Cor. ii.
Col. i. 4. ii. 3, 13, 22. iii. 8, 11/, 9. iv. 15. v. 17(-G<'L5), 18. vi. 10.
14, 17. iv. 7. 1 Thes. i. 2, 7. ii.
. 14(7(
19. Gal.
rrore L™). ix. . xi. G. xii.
xxii. 15. xxiv. 26, 46. Acts iii., 18.
10. Epli. i. 10, 11, 22^ ix. 16. xvii. 3. 1 Cor. xii. 26. 2 Cor.

iii. 9. iv. 10, 15. v. 13, 20. vi. 21. i. 6. Gal. iii. 4. Phil. i. 29. 1 Thes. ii. 14.

Phil. ii. 14. iii. Si, 21. iv. 12, 13. 2 Thes. i. 5. 2 Tim. i. 12. Heb. ii. 18.
Col. i. 16i, lit, 18 (^marg. all), 20. V. 8. ix. 26. xiii. 12. 1 Pet. ii. 19, 20,
iii. 20, 22. iv. 9. 1 Thes. v. 21. 1 Tim. 21, 232. iii. 14^ 17^

iii. 11. iv. 8. vi. 13, 17.

2 Tim. ii. S). iv. IP, 1, 15, 19. V. lOP. Rev. ii. 10.
7, 10. iv. 5. Tit.
Heb. i. 2, 3.

ii. St,

iv. 13. viii. 5. ix. 22. xiii. 18. Jas.

V. 12. 1 Pet. iv. 7, 8, 11. 2 Pet. i. 3.
ii. 7, 9,

lOt, 17.

iii. 4. 1 John ii. 20, 27. iii. 20. 3 John


feel, Acts xxviii. 5.
be vexed, Matt. xvii.


Matt. xxvi. 51.


Rev. iv. 11. xviii. 14.
all these things,


7 smite, Matt. xxvi. 31. Mark xiv.

xii. 7, 23. Rev.

27. Luke xxii. 49, 50. Acts vii. 24.
xi. 6. xix. 15.



ix. 32.
as, Acts v. 11 (ivith art.).
of,Acts x. 12.
throughout all quarters.

in all points, Heb. iv. 15.

xix. 15.
tread down,
tread under
tread, Luke
x. 19.
xxi. 24.
xi. 2.
Rev. xiv. 20.

every°°, Acts xxvi. 11. 7].

every one"", Luke ix. 43. Acts xvi. father. Matt. ii. 22. iii. 9. iv. 21,
26. xxviii. 2. 22. viii. 21. x. 21, 35, 37. xv. 4t,
every one *Of you, Mark vii. 14. 5, 6(5). xix. 5, 19, 29(ajo). xxL 31.
every man°°, 1 Cor. viii. 7. xxiii. 9, 30, 32. Mark i. 20. v. 40.
every thing°°, Matt. viii. 33. vii. lOi, 11, 12. ix. 21, 24. x. 7,

Not rendered, Mark xi. 24'. 29. xi. 10. xiii. 12. xv. 21.
Add for 1 Cor. ix. 23, Luke i. 17, 32, 55, 59, 62, 67, 72,

G"LT^. Jude 5, LT6'. Matt. iii. 73. 48. iii. 8. vi. 23, 26. viii. 51.

6 (. . baptized), L*'. Luke xiv. 10 ix. 42, 59. xi. 11, 47, 48. xii. 53i.
(presence of . .), LTrS. John x. 4,
for ^^\
LTTr. xviii. 20,
- xiv. 26. XV. 12i, 17, 18i, 20t, 21,
22, 27, 28, 29. xvi. 24, 27i, 30.
xviii. 20.
xvi. 16 (. . the churches), GLTS. John iv. 12, 20, 53. vi. 31, 42, 49,

2 Tim. ii. 22 (with .), L.
See also
. . 58. vii. 22. viii. 38, 39, 41, 44ir,
53, 56. Acts iii. 13, 22(oj)), 25. v.

30. vii. 2t, 4, 11, 12, 14, 15, 19, 20,
32, 38, 39, 44, 45t, 51, 52. xiii. 17,
passover. Matt. xxvi. 2, 17, 18, 19.
32, 36. XV. 10. xvi. 1, 3. xxii. 1,
Mark xiv. 1, 12i, 14, 16. Luke ii. 14. xxvi. 6. xxviii. 8, 25.
41. xxii. 1, 7, 8, 11, 13, 15. John
Rom. iv. 1 G"LS), 11,
ii. 13, 23. vi. 4. xi. 55i. xii. 1.
12;, 16, 17, 18. ix. 5, 10. xi. 28.
xiii. 1. xviii. 28, 39. xix. 14. 1 Cor. XV. 8. 1 Cor. iv. 15. v. 1. x. 1. Gal,
V. 7.


xi. 28.
Easter, Acts xii. 4.

xvi. 21. xvii. 12.

xxvii. 19. Mark v. 26. viii. 31. ix.
iv. 2. Eph. V. 31. vi. 2, 4. Phil. ii.
22. Col. iii. 21. 1 Thes. ii. 11. 1 Tim.
V. 1.


13, 14.
i. 1.
9. xii. 7, 9. Jas. ii. 21.
iii. 9. vii. 10. viii.
2 Pet. Iii. 4.

12. Luke ix. 22. xiii. 2. xvii. 25. parent, Heb. xi. 23.
, 319
. ^
Said of God, Father, Matt. v. 16,
45, 48. vi. 1, 4, 6i, 8, 9, 14, 15, 18/, Luke
lineage, ii. 4.
26, 32. vii. 11, 21. x. 20, 29, 32, 33. Eph.
family, 15.iii.
xi. 25, 26, 27tr. xii. 50. xiii. 43.
kindred, Acts iii. 25.

XV. 13. xvi. 17, 27. xviii. 10, 14,
19, 35. XX. 23. xxiii. 9. xxiv. 36.
XXV. 34. xxvi. 29, 39.42, 53. xxviii, patriarch. Acts ii. 29. vii. 8, 9.
Heb. vii. 4.


Mark viii. 38. xi. 25, 26(ap). xiii.
32. xiv. 36. Luke ii. 49. vi. 36. ix. of one's fathers. Gal. i. 14.
26. X. 21i, 22/r. xi. 2, 13. xii. 30,
32. xxii. 29, 42. xxiii. S^ap), 46. one's own
country, Matt. xiii. 54,
xxiv. 49. 57. Mark Luke iv. 24.
vi. 1, 4.
Jolm i. 14, 18. ii. 16. iii. 35. iv. country, Luke iv. 23. John iv. 44.
21, 23i. V. 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, Heb. xi. 14.
23i, 26, 30(?«'), 36, 37, 43, 45.
vi. 27, 32, 37, 39(oj}iS), 44, 45, 46t, received by tradition from one's
51t. viii. 16, 18, 19tr, 27, 28, 29 fathers, 1 Pet. i. 18.
(-QooLTTr^'), 38, 41, 42, 49, 54.
X. 15i, 17, 18, 25, 29i, 30, 32, 36,
of one's fathers. Acts xxiv. 14.
37, 38. xi. 41. xii. 26, 27, 28, 49,
50. xiii. 1, 3. xiv. 2, 6, 7, 8, 9i,
lOir, lit, 12, 13, 16, 20, 21, 23, 24,
26, 28i, Sit. XV. 1, 8, 9, 10, 15, 16,
23, 24, 26i. xvi. 3, 10, 15, 16(a/)),
xxviii. 17.

Acts V. 42. vi. 13.

of the fathers, Acts xxii. 3.

Mid., cease, Luke viii. 24.

xiii. 10.
xi. 1.
xx. 1,
17, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28i, 32. xvii.
31. ICor. xiii. 8. Eph. i. 16. Col.
1, 5, 11, 21, 24, 25. xviii. 11. xx.

i. 9. Heb. x. 2. 1 Pet. iv. 1.— refrain,
ntr, 21. Acts i. 4, 7. ii. 33.
Rom. 1. 7. vi. 4. viii. 15. xv. 6. 1 Pet. iii. 10. —
leave, Luke v. 4.
ICor. i. 3. viii. 6. xv. 24. 2 Cor. i. Acts xxi. 32.
2, St. vi. 18. xi. 31. Gal. i. 1, 3, 4.
iv. 6. Eph. i. 2, 3, 17. ii. 18. iii. 14. Pass., wax gross, Matt. xiii. 15.
iv. 6. V. 20. vi. 23. Phil. i. 2. ii. 11.

Acts xxviii. 27.

iv. 20. Col. 1. 2, 3, 12. ii. 2(ap).
iii.17. ITlies. i. 1, l(ap), 3. iii. fetter, Mark v. 4i. Luke viii. 29,
11, 13. 2The3. 1. 1, 2. ii. 16. 1 Tim.
i. 2. 2 Tim. i. 2. Tit. i. 4. Phm. 3.
Heb. 1. 5. xii. Jas. i. 17, 27.
With plain, Luke vi. 17.

iii. 9. 1 Pet. i. 2, 3, 17. 2 Pet. 1. 17. 7&,

IJohn i. 2, 3. ii. 1, 13, 15, 16, go afoot, Acts XX. 1 3.
22, 23, 24. iii. 1. iv. 14. v. 1(ap), TZS^fj.
2Joliiriii. St, 4, 9. Jude 1. Rev. 1. Mark

afoot, vi. 33.
6. ii. 27. iii. 5, 21. xiv. 1. on foot, Matt. xiv. 13.

Add Matt. XXV. 41 (ap). Luke

, /.

33, see Jolm vi. 40, for obey a magistrate. Tit. ill. 1.
LTTr^. xvi. 27, for
. 38,
, for
Tr. Acts
G' obey, Acts v. 29, 32.

7), ^'
hearken unto, Acts xxvil. 21.
Iv. 25(ap). IJohn ii. 23(a/)). Ttsi&og.
LTS. enticing {marg. persuasible),
murderer of a father, 1 Tim. i. 9.
1 Cor. ii. 4 (^ G").
&, 320
1 Cor. ii. 4, see


Present, let Aorist, and Future,

iii. 10.

assay. Acts xvi. 7.

xi. 17p. Rev. ii. 2, 10.

transitive. go about, Acts xxiv. 6.
persuade, Matt, xxvii. 20. xxviii. examine, 2 Cor. xiii. 5.
14. Acts xiii. 43. xiv. 19. xviii. 4. prove, John vi. 6.
xix. 8, 26. xxvi. 28. xxviii. 23. tempt, Matt. iv. 1. xvi. 1. xix. 3.
2 Cor. V. 11. Gal. i. 10. xxii. 18, 35. Mark!. 13. viii. 11. x.
assure ( Gr. persuade) , IJohn iii. 1 9. 2. xii. 15. Luke iv. 2. xi. 16. xx.
make one's friend, Acts xii. 20. 23(ff/j). John viii. 6(ap). Acts v. 9.
II. Perfect
trust, Matt, xxvii. 43.
and Pluperf., intransitive.
Mark x. 24.
XV. 10. ICor. vii. 5. x.
L^S), 13. Gal. vi. 1. ITlies. iii. 5.
Heb. ii. 18i. iii. 9. iv. 15 (
Luke xi. 22. xviii. 9. 2 Cor. i. 9. St
X. 7. Phil. Heb. xiii. IS.
ii. 24. G"T). xi. 37. Jas. i. 13p, 13i, 14.
put one's trust, Heb. ii. 13(). tempter. Matt. iv. 3p. 1 Thes. iii. 5p.

have whereof one might trust, Phil, Add Acts ix. 26, for LS.

V. 10.
have confidence, 2 Cor.
Phil. i. 25. iii.

Gal. With
, to try, 1 Pet. iv. 12.
Mutt. vi. 13. xxvi. 41.
iii. 4. Phm. 21. Mk. xiv. 38. Lk. iv. 13. viii. 13. xi. 4.
be confident, Rom. ii. 19. Phil. i. 6. xxii. 28, 40, 46. Acts xx. 19. 1 Cor. x.
wax m. Gal. iv. 14. 1 Tim. vi. 9. Heb. iii.

confident, Phil. i. 14.
Passive and Middle.
III. 8. Jas. i. 2, 12. 1 Pet. i. 6. Rev. iii. 10.
be persuaded, Luke xvi. 31. xx. 6. temptations, 2 Pet. ii. 9.
Acts xxi. 14p. xxvi. 26. Rom. viii.
38. xiv. 14. XV. 14. 2 Tim. i. 5, 12.
vi. 9. xi.
Acts xvii. 4.
xxvii. 11.
to assay, Acts

, ,
go about. Acts xxvi. 21.
Add Heb.

iv. 15, see


xxviii. 24.
agree Acts v. 40.
yield unto, Acts xxiii. 21. persuasion, Gal. v. 8.

obey, Acts V. 36 (marg. believe), 37.
ii. 8. Gal.

xiii. 17. Jas. iii. 3.

to hunger, Matt. v. 6. xxi. 18.

iii. 1 (ap). v. 7.
sea, Acts xxvii. 5.
depth, Matt, xviii. 6.

Luke iv. 2. vi. 21, 25. John vi. 35.

Rom. xii. 20.
Rev. vii. 16.
1 Cor. iv. 11. xi. 34.
behead, Rev. xx. 4.

fifth. Rev.
vi. 9. ix. 1. xvi, 10.
be hungry, Mark xxi. 20.
21. Phil. iv. 12.
hungry, Luke i. 53p.
xi. 12. 1 Cor. xi.

send, Matt.
ii. 8. xi. 2. xiv. 10.
be an hungered, Matt. iv. 2. xii. 1, xxii. 7. Mark v. 12. Luke iv. 26.

vi. 3.

XXV. 35, 37, 42, 44. Mark

xi. 36.
, aSSay, Heb.

xi. 29.
25. vii. 6, 10, 19. XV. 15. xvi. 24, 27.
XX. 11, 12, 13. John i. 22, 33. iv.

(p, /
34. V. 23, 24, 30, 37. vi. 38, 39, 40
G"LTTr^), 44. vii. 16,
18, 28, 33. viii. 16, 18, 20, 29. ix.
4. xii. 44, 45, 49. xiii. 16,
24, 26. XV. 21, 2G. xvi. 5, 7. xx.
21. Acts X. 5, 32, 33. xi. 29. xv.
22, 25. xix. 31. xx. 17. xxiii. oO.
XXV. 21 LTS), 25, 27.
Rom. viii. 3. 1 Cor. iv. 17. xvi. 3.
xiv. John

iv. 18. v. 2. vi.

Acts iv. 4. XX. 6. xxiv. 1. 1 Cor. xiv.

See also

. ?^,
19. Rev. ix. 5, 10. xvii. 10.

Luke iii. 1.

13, 19.

2 Cor. ix. 3. Eph. vi. 22.
Phil. ii.
19, 23, 25, 28. Col. iv. 8.
iv. 16.
1 Thes. iii. 2, 5. 2Thes. ii. 11. Tit.
fifty, Luke vii. 41. xvi. 6. John

iii. 12. 1 Pet. ii. 14. Rev. i. 11. xi.

10 (oidujucG"). xxii. 16.

See also .
57. xxi. 11. Acts xiii. 20.

thrust in, Rev. xiv. 15, 18.

Add Phm. 12, for G'. Pentecost, Acts ii. 1. xx. 16. 1 Cor.

poor, 2 Cor.
ix. 9.
xvi. 8.
&.&.&, See II.

mother-in-law, Matt. x. 35. Luke trust, 2 Cor. iii. 4.

xii. 53i. confidence, 2 Cor. i. 15. viiL 22. x.
wife's mother. Matt. viii. 14. Mark Eph. 12. Phil.
i.30. Luke iv. '38.

2. iii.

. iii. 4.

'.John xviii. 13.

,, ,

',. See -
enclitic particle, used for

^, '&, -
(b), /. III.,

mourn, Matt. v. 4.
xvi. (). Luke i. 25. 1 Cor.
V. 2. Jas. iv. 9. Rev. xviii. 11.
wail, Rev. xviii. 15, 19.
bewail, 2 Cor. xii. 21.
ix. 15. Mark

Acts xix. 39, for

beyond, further.

, LT.

&. beyond, Matt. iv. 15, 25. xix. 1.

mourning, Jas. iv. 9. Rev. xviii. 8. 40.
iii. 8. John i. 28. iii. 26. x.

. .
sorrow, Rev. xviii. It. xxi. 4. John vi. 1, 17. xviii. 1.
on the other side of, John vi. 22, 25.
poor, Luke xxi. 2. With art., the other side, Matt. viii.
18, 28. xiv. 22. xvi. 5. Mark iv.
35. V. 1, 21. vi. 45 (marg. over),
2 Cor.
five times, xi. 24.

thousand, Matt. xiv. 21. xvi. 9.
vi. 44. viii. 19. Luke ix. 14.
side, Mark

viii. 13. Luke viii. 22.
x. 1.

x. 18.
the farther

Heb. vi. 16.

John vi. 10.
'^. end,
utmost part, Liike xi. 31,

five hundred,

Luke vii. 41. 1 Cor.
uttermost part. Matt, xii, 42,

With the Genitive,


five. Matt. xiv. 17, 19. xvi. 9. xxv. about, John iii. 25. Acts xv. 2.
2^ 15, 16/, 20/. Mark vi. 38, 41. xix. 23. XXV. 15, 24. Jude 9.
viii. 19. Luke i.24. ix. 13, 16. xii. . TovTov, thereabout, Luke xxiv. 4,
6, 52. xiv. 19. xvi. 28. xix. 18, 19. concerning. Matt. iv. 6. xi. 7. xvi

TtEQl 322
11. Mark V. 16. vii. 17(-G"L'ni J whereof, ITim. I. 7.
S). Luke 17. vii. 24. xxiv. 19, ), whereof, Acts xxiv.
44. Jolin vii. 12, 32. ix. 18. xi. 19. 13. ICor. vii. 1. Heb. ii. 6.
Acts i. 16. xix. 39 (see whereby. Acts xix. 40. — wherein,
xxi. 24. xxii. 18. xxiv. 24. xxv. 16. Luke i, 4.
xxviii. 21. Rom. i. 3. 1 Cor. vii. 25. Matt. ii. 8.
2{ GLT vi. 28. xxii. 16.

xii. 1. xvi. 1. 1 Thes. iii. xxvi. 2S. Mark 44. xii. 14. xiv. i.
S). iv. 18. Heb. vii. 14. xi. 20, 22. 1 24 LTTr^). Luke ii. 27. iii.
John ii. 26. 19i. iv. 38. V. 14. xii. 26. xix. 37.
as concerning, Acts xxviii. 22. 1 xxii. 32. John ix. 21. x. 13, SZt.
Cor. viii. 4. xii. 6. XV. 22. xvi. 26. xvii. 9ir, 20i.
With art., the things concerning, xix. 24. Acts viii. 15. xix. 40. xxiv.
Luke Acts viii. 12,
xxii. 37. xxiv. 27. 21. Rom. viii. 3 (marg. by a sacrifice
xix. 8. —
those things which concern,
Acts xxviii. 31. concerning, Luke
xxiv. 19. Acts xxiii. 15. xxviii. 23.
— the things pertaining Acts

for). Eph. vi. 18. Col. i. 3
L). ii. 1 {
LS). iv. 3. 1 Thes.
i. 2. iii. 9. V. 25.

2 Thes. i. 3, 11.
to, i.
13. Phm. 10. Heb. v. St,
— one's Kpli.
affairs, 22. Phil. vi. i.
ii. iii.

X. 6, 8, 18, 26. xi. 40. xiii.

27. — one's Phil. state, 20.— ii. 19,
18. 1 Pet. iii. 18. v. 7. 1 John ii. 2i.
one's estate, Col. —for, Acte iv. 8.
xxiv. — Acts xxviii.
10. of, 15.
iv. 10. V. 16.
for . . sake. Acts xxvi. 7.
of. Matt. xi. 10. XV. 7. xvii. 13. for the sins of °, 1 John ii. 2.
xxi. 45. xxii. 42. xxiv. 36. xxvi. on behalf, 1 Cor. i. 4.
. .

24. Mark i. 30. v. 27. vii. 6, 25. on, Matt. ix. 36. Acts x. 19.
viii. 30. X. 10. xiv. 21. xiii. 32. touching, Acts xxiv. 21. xxvi. 2.
Luke L 1. ii. 33, 38.
15. iv. 14, iii. Col. iv. 10.
37. V. 15. vii. 3, 17, 18, 27. ix. 9, as touching. Matt, xviii, 19. xxii.
11, 45. xi. 53. xiii. 1. xvi. 2. xxi. 31. Mark xii. 26. Acts xxi. 25.
5. xxiii. 8. xxiv. 14.
S), 47(48).
i. 7, 8, 15, 22,
iL 21, 25. v. 31, 32t,
30 ( LTTr
at, Luke ii. 18. John vi. 41, 61.
1 Cor. viii. 1. xvi. 12. 2 Cor. ix. 1.
1 Thes. iv. 9.

36, 37, 39, 46. vii. 7, 13, 17, 39.

viii. 13, 14, 18^ 26, 46. ix. 17. x.
with, Mark x. 41.
against, Matt. xx. 24. Acts
25, 41. xi. IZt. xii. 41. xiii. IS, 22, 18.
24. XV. 26. xvi. 8ir, 9, 10, 11, 19, over, Luke iv. 10. 1 Cor. vii. 37.
25. xviii. 19t, 23, 34. xxi. 24. Acts above, 3 John 2.
i. 1. ii. 29, 31. v. 24. vii. 52. viii.
Not rendered, Luke ii. 17. Tit,
34ir. ix. 13. xi. 22. xiii. 29. xv.6.
xvii. 32. xviii. 15, 25. xxi. 21. xxii.
10. xxiii. 6, 11, 20, 29. xxiv. 8,
22, 25. XXV. 9, 19i, 20, 26. xxvi.
iii. 8.

Add, for Luke vi. 28, TS.

Acts xii. 5, xxvi. 1, Q"LTS. Rom.
i. 8, Gt'LTS. ICor. i. 13, L, 2 Cor.
26. xxviii. 21.
i. 8, G'LS. Gal. i. 4, GLTS. Heb.
Rom. xiv. 12. xv. 14, 21. 1 Cor. i.

11. 2 Cor. X. 8. ITlies. 1. 9. iv. 6.
V. 1. 2 Tim.
4, 8. V. 11.
22 (.see

), 2Pet.

3. Tit.
V. 3, G'LT^.

ii. 8.
9. ix. 5. x, 7. xi. 7,
32. 1 Pet. i.
12. iii. 16. 1 Jolin
Matt. xix. 17 (ap).
Acts xix. 40 (of), LS.
Heb. iv.

See also
With the Accusative.

iii. i. about. Matt. iii. 4. viii. 18. 3,
I. 1. ii. 27. v. 9, 10. Jucle 3, 15^ 5, 6, 9. xxvii. 46. Mark i. 6. iii. 8,
Ktpl thereof, Matt. xii. 36. 32, 34(-Go). vi. 48. ix. 14, 42.
mgiaym 323
Luke X. 40, 41. xiii. 8. xvii. 2. Acts ix. 8p. X. 23. —look about on, Mark
X. 9. xxii. 6i. ITim. vi. 4. Jude 7. iii. 34. — look round about on (upon),
With art.y they about, Mark iii. 8. Mark iii. 5. xi. Up. Luke vi. 10.
— they that (which) were" about,
Mark iv. 10.

,Luke xxii. 49. — how vesture, Heb. i. 12.

it will go with, Phil. ii. 23.
covering (marg. veil), 1 Cor. xi. 15.

of Paul's company. Acts xxi. 8(ap).

we that were°
— P. and his company. Acts xiii. 13. bind about, John xi. 44.

concerning, ITim. i. 19. vi. 21. See
2 Tim. ii. 18. iii. 8.
in. Tit. ii. 7.

,.^ .
be a busy-body, 2 Thes. iii. 11.
of, Mark iv. 19.
Not rendered, Johnxi. 19(-LTr5).
Add , busy-body, 1 Tim. v. 13.

Matt, xviii. 6, for LTrS.
Acts X. 3 (about .), LS. . ra .,curious arts, Acts xix. 19.
See also
wander about, 1 Tim. v. 13. Heb.
xi. 37.

lead about, 1 Cor. ix. 5.
go about. Matt. iv. 23. ix. 35. Acts vagabond, Acts xix. 13p.
xiii. 11.

go round about, Mark vi.
compass. Matt, xxiii. 15.

take away. Acts xxvii. 20.

fetch a compass, Acts xxviii. 13.

-, (
be contained, 1 Pet. ii. 6 (see h),
after, Acts xxiii. 25p
See also

2 Cor.
iii.16. Heb. x. 11.
In navigation, take up (marg. cut) , Mid. or Pass, gird Luke
Acts xxvii. 40P.
put around, apply.
xii. 37. xvii. 8.
G"LT5). —
one's self,

about, .
Luke xxii. 55, for TTr-S. Eph. vi. 14. — be girded about, Luke

shine round. Acts xxii. 6.
shine round about, Acts ix. 3.

cast about,
put on, John xix. 2.

clothe. Matt. xxv. 36, 38, 43.

xix. 43.
xii. 35. — be

wearing, 1 Pet.

stand round about, Acts xxv. 7.

stand by, John xi. 42.
Rev. 13. — With


iii. 3.

Rev. xv.


,, &,
array in, Luke xxiii. 11. Mid. avoid, Tit. iii. 9. shun,

Mid. or Pass., cast about. Acts xii. 2 Tim. ii. 16.

8. —
have. cast about, Mark xiv. 51.

—beclothedCin^, with^, , wherewith- filth, 1 Cor. iv. 13.

aP), Matt. vi. 31». Markxvi. 5i.
iii. 5, 18. iv. 4. vii. 9^. x. l». xi. 31.
xii. 12. xviii.
16^ xix. 132.— be
Matt. vi. 29. Luke
Luke xxii. 55, for
down around

(in^), xii.
27. Rev. vii. IS^. xvii. 4. xix. 8^ Mark xiv. 65.
to cover,
overlay, Heb. ix. 4.
Mid.f look round about, Mark v. 32. blindfold, Luke xxii. 64p.
With irepi,
be hanged about,


V. 23. vii. 22. xi. 44. xx. 46.

xxiv. 17p. Jobn i. 3Gp. v. 8, 9, 11,
^ —

ix. 42. Luke xvii. 2. 12. vi. 19, QG. vii. Ii. viii. 12. x.

With ^
be compassed with, Heb. v.
be compassed about with,
2. 23. xi. 9, 10, 54. xii. 35i. xxi. 18.
Acts iii. 6, 8i, 9, 12. xiv. 8, 10. xxi.

Heb. xii. 1p. 21.
be bound with, Acts xxviii. 20. Rom. vi. 4. viii. \(ap), 4. xiii. 13.
xiv. 15. ICor. iii. 3. vii. 17. 2 Cor.
iv. 2. V. 7. X. 2p, 3p. xii. 18. Gal.

helmet, Epb. vi. 17. IThes. v. 8. V. 16. Eph. ii. 2, 10. iv. 1, 17i. v.
2, 8, 15. Phil. iii. 17, 18. Col.i. 10.

Lit, strong over, master of. With ii. 6. iii. 7. iv. 5. 1 Thes. ii. 12. iv.

f to come by. Acts xxvii. 16. 1, 12. 2 Thes. iii. 6, 11. IJohn i.
6, 7. ii. 6/, 11. 2 John 4, 6i. 3 John

hide, Lnke

compass round,


Luke xix. 43.

3, 4. Rev.
15. xxi. 24.
ii. 1.

be walking, Mark xi. 27p.

be occupied, Heb. xiii. 9.
go, Mark xii. 38.
iii. 4. ix. 20. xvi.

shine round about,

xxvi. 13.

Pass., remain,

, IThes.

exceeding sorrowful, Matt. xxvi. 38.

ii. 9.

iv, 15, 17.

Acts Add IThes.

pierce through, 1

fall into.
. iv. 1 (ap).


Acts xxvii. 41. Jas.

among, Luke x. 30.
vi. 10.

i. 2.

Mark xiv. 34.

exceeding sorry, Mark vi. 26.
very sorrowful, Luke xviii. 23, 24

Mid., purchase. Acts xx. 28. 1 Tim.
iii. 13.
— Add Luke xvii. 33, for

wait for, Acts i. 4.

obtaining, 2 Thes.
ii. 14.

With , to obtain, IThes. v. 9.

round about, Acts v. 16. peculiar (war^r.purchased), IPet. ii. 9.
purchased possession, Eph. i. 14.
dwell round about,



i. 65. saving,

rend off,

Heb. x. 39.

Acts xvi. 22.

peculiar, Tit.

place. Acts

walk about,

. ii.

viii. 32.

1 Pet. v. 8.
walk, Matt. iv. 18. ix. 5. xi. 5.
xiv. 25, 26, 29. xv. 31. Mark i. 16p
ii. 9. v. 42. vi.


abundance. Matt. xii. 34. Luke vi.

45. 2 Cor. viii. 14(13)

superfluity, Jas.

x. 40.

i. 21.
2 Cor. viii.
v. 17.
abundantly, 2 Cor. x. 15.

48,49. vii. viii. 24. xvi. 12P(a/?). that was" left, Mark viii. 8.
remain over and above, John vi. 13.
remain, Matt. xiv. 20. Luke ix. 17.
far more,
Heb. vii. 15.
more, Luke vii. 26.
the more, Luke xii. 48,
John vi. 12. more, Matt. xi. 9. Luke xii. 4(7-
be left, Matt. xv. 37. L). 2 Cor. x. 8.
redound, 2 Cor. iv. 15.
). overmuch, 2 Cor. ii. 7.
exceed. Matt. v. 20 (with
2 Cor. iii. 9.
excel, 1 Cor. xiv. 12.

Matt, xxiii. 14(13, op).
Mark xii. 40. Luke xx.
Add Mark xii. 33, for
be the better (marg. have the more),
1 Cor. viii. 8.
XV. 58. 2 Cor.


v. 15. xv. 13. 1 Cor.
i. 5t.


abound more, Rom. iii. 7.

abundant, 2 Cor. ix. 12p.
viii. 2, It. ix.
9. iv. 12<, 18.

abundance, Mark xii. 44p. Luke xii.

15'"^. xxi. 4p.
( ,
exceedingly, Acts xxvi. 11.
out of measure, Mark x. 26.
the more. Matt, xxvii. 23.
the more exceedingly, Mark xv. 14
more exceedingly, Gal. i. 14.
exceedingly, 2 Cor. vii. 13.

/, —
be more abundant, Phil. i. 26.
the more abundantly, 2 Cor. xii. 15,
abound more and more, 1 Thes. ii. 17.
1 Thes. iv. 1. increase more and
more, IThes. iv. 10.
increase, Acts xvi. 5.
more abundantly, 2 Cor. i. 12. ii. 4.
more abundant, 2Cor. vii. 15. xi. 23.
much more, Phil. i. 14.
make abound, 2 Cor. ix. 8. 1 Thes. With

give the more earnest
iii. 12. heed to, Heb. ii. 1.
have enough and to spare, Luke xv. the rather, Heb. xiii. 19.
17 (pass. T). more frequent, 2 Cor. xi. 23.

Pass., have abundance. Matt. xxv.
29. — have more abundance. Matt,

dove, Matt. iii. 16. x. 16. xxi. 12.
xiii. 12. Mark Luke
10. xi. 15. 22.
66y John

32. ii. 14, 16.


superfluous, 2 Cor. ix. 1. pigeon, Luke ii. 24.
more, Matt. v. 37, 47.
With , b^ond measure, Mark vi. circumcise, Luke i. 59. John vii.
5 1 (- G'^Tc^S) . —
vehemently, Mark 22. Acts vii. 8. xv. 1, 5, 2A(ap).
xiv. 31 G"LTTrAS). xvi. 3. xxi. 21. 1 Cor. vii. 18i. Gal.
exceeding abun- ii. 3. V. 2, 3. vi. 12, 13. Col. ii. 11.
dantly above, Eph. iii. 20. exceed- —
Pass.*'", have circumcised. Gal.

, .
. .

ingly,IThes. iii. 10.— very highly, vi. 13.

1 Thes. V. 13 (.see

more abundantly, John x. 10.
advantage, Rom. iii. 1.

set about,
Inf., circumcising,

Mark xii.
about, Mark v.

ii. 21.

more abundant, 1 Cor. xii. 23i, 24. put on (upon). Matt, xxvii. 28, 48.
more abundantly, ICor. xv, 10. Mark xv. 36. John xix. 29.
Heb. vi. 17.
?^> 7., so much the more a great xii. 23.
deal, Mark vii. 36. See aho .
bestow upon (marg. put on), 1 Cor.
circumcision, John vii. 22, 23. Acts
vii. 8. X. 45. xi. 2. Rom. ii. 25i, 26,
27, 28, 29. iii. 1, 30. iv. 9, lOi, 11,

to fly, Rev. xii, 14.

See also
12^ XV, 8. 1 Cor. vii. 19. Gal. ii. 7, rock, Matt. vii. 24, 2f. xvi. 18.
8, 9, 12. V. 6, 11. vi. 15. Eph. ii. xxvii. 51, 60. Mark xv, 46. luke

11. Phil. iii. 3. Col. ii. lit. iii. 11. vi. 48, 48(o/)). viii. 6, 13. Rom. ix.
iv. 11. Tit. i. 10.

Dat.f circumcised, Phil. iii. 5.

^ .
Lit. turn about, pervert. With
33. IPet. ii. 8(7). Rev. vi. 15, 16.

Said of Christ, Rock, 1 Cor. x. 4f.

stone (inarg. Peter), John i. 42(43).

. make mad, Acts xxvi. 24.

7., stony places. Matt. xiii. 5, 20.
run through, Mark vi. 55. TO or ., stony ground, Mark i v.
5, 16.

bear about, 3 Cor. iv. 10.

carry about, Mark vi. 55. Eph. iv. Luke
14. Heb. xiii. 9 and Jude 12 (- rue, xi. 42.


despise. Tit.
((. ii. 15.

With yf) understood^ region that lieth

round about, Acts xiv. 6. region
round about. Matt. iii. 5. Mark i. 28.

fountain, Mark v. 29. Jas. iii. 11,
12(a/)). Rev. vii. 17. viii. 10. xiv.

to pitch, Heb.
xvi. 4. xxi. 6.

iv. 6i, 14.

viii. 2.
2 Pet. ii. 17.

vi. 55 (^

L^'TTr^). Luke iv. 14. helm, Jas.

iii. 4.

vii. 17. country about, Luke iii. 3. rudder, adj., Acts xxvii. 40.
^country round about, Matt. xiv.
35. Luke
iv. 37. viii. 37.

offscouring, 1 Cor. iv. 13.


large, Gal. vi. 11.
vii. 4.

clay, John ix. 6t, 11, 14, 15. Rom.

vaunt one's
1 Cor, xiii. 4,

(marg. be rash), ix. 21.
With 7(5, a year ago, 3 Cor.
10. ix. 2.

to fly,
xix, 17.
iv. 7. viii. 13. xiv. 6.

John xxi.
Matt. x. 10.
ix. 3. X. 4. xxii. 35, 36.

Mark vi. 8. Luke

Matt. vi. 27. Luke xii. 25.

8. Rev. xxi. 17.

take, John vii. 30, 32, 44. x. 39.

bird, Matt. 20. xiii. 32. Luke xi. 57. Acts iii. 7. Rev. xix. 20.
ix. 58. Rom. i. 23. Jas. iii. 7. lay hands on, John viii. 20.
fowl. Matt. vi. 26. xiii. 4. Mark apprehend, Acts xii. 4p. 2 Cor. xL
iv. 4, 32. Luke viii. 5. xii. 24. xiii. 32.
19. Acts X. 12. xi. 6. catch, John xxi. 3, 10.
. 327

down, Luke

enticing words, Col.

vi. 38.

ii. 4.
53, 54, 56. vii. 37. xviii. 11. Acta
ix. 9. xxiii. 12, 21. Rom. xiv. 21.
ICor. ix. 4. X. 4t, 7, 21, 31. xi. 22,
25, 26, 27, 28, 29i. xv. 32. Heb. vi.
7. Rev. xiv. 10. xvi. 6. xviii. 3.


X. 10.
bitter, Rev.

Pass.f be bitter, Col.
viii. 11. x. 9.
iii. 19. Rev.
X. 38i, 39i.

fatness, Rom.
drink of, Matt. xx. 22/, 23.

). xl. 17.

bitterness. Acts viii. 23. Rom. iii.

14. Eph. iv. 31. Heb. xii. 15. sell, Matt. xiii. 46. xviii. 25. xxvi.

bitter, Jas. iii. 11, 14.

xiv. 5. John xii. 5. Acts
45. iv. 34. v. 4p. Rom. vii. 14.


,Matt. xxvi. 75.

Matt, xxvii. 48.

41, 67. iv. 28. v. 7, 26. vi. 11. John
xix. 29(a^). Acts ii. 4. iii. 10. iv.
Luke xxii.

Luke i.

LTTr), 49
viii. 5, 6
to fall, Matt. vii. 25,
xv. 14, 27. xvii. 6,

xiii. 4, 5, 7, 8.
15. xxi. 44t(ap). xxiv. 29. xxvi.
39. Mark iv. 4, 5, 7, 8. v. 22. ix.
20. xiv. 35. Luke v. 12. vi. 39

TTr), 7, 8, 14.
27. x. 29.

31. V. 17. ix. 17. xiii. 9, 45.
xix. 29.
18. xi. 17. xiii. 4. xvi. 21. xx.
ISt. xxi. 24. xxiii. 30. John xii. 24.
Pass., toith
Luke i. 57.
f full time cometh,
xviii. 6. Acts i. 26. ix. 4. xxii. 7.
xxvii. 34 GLT/S).

accomplish, Lukei. 23. ii. 6, 21, 22.
Rom. xi. 11, 22. xiv. 4. 1 Cor. x.
furnish, Matt. xxii. 10.
8, 12. Heb. iii. 17. iv. 11. Jas. v.
Add, Luke

for i. 20, G'. 12. Rev. i. 17. vi. 13, 16. vii. 11.
xxi. 22, GLTTr^'. viii. lOi. ix. 1. xi. 11 G"
LTTr), 13, 16. xiv. 8, 8 (-Tr^<).
Pass., swell. Acts XX viii. 6. xvi. 19. xvii. 10. xviii. 2, 2(-Tr»»
5). xix. 10.
fall down, Matt. ii. 11. iv. 9. xviii.
writing-table, Luke 63.

xi. 39.
26, 29. Luke viii. 41. xvii. 16. John
xi. 32. Acts V. 5, 10. x. 25. xv. 16.
platter, XX. 9. 1 Cor. xiv. 25. Heb. xi. 30,
charger, Matt. xiv. 8, 11. Mark Rev. iv. 10. V. 8, 14. xix. 4. xxii. 8.
VI. 25, 28.

Add Mark vi. 27 (to be brought

,Add^ for , --
light, Rev. vii. 16.
fail, Luke xvi. 17.

Mark xiii. 25, L

TTr 5. Rev. ii. 5, GLT5.
to drink, Matt. vi. 25(-«•5), 31. Luke LTr5. For

xiv. 5,
xi. 18, 19. xxiv. 38, 49. xxvi. 27, LS.
Acts X. 44, L. xiii. 11,
29i, 42. xxvii. 34<. Mark ii. 16(-L^ 1 Cor. xiii. 8, L.
xix. 17, L.
S). xiv. 23, 25i. XV. 23(-TTrS).
xvi. 18(ap). Luke i. 15. v. 30, 33,
30. vii. 33, 34. x. 7. xii. 19, 29, 45. believe, Matt. viii. 13. ix. 28. xviii.
xiii. 26. xvii. 8i, 27, 28. xxii. 18, 6. xxi. 22, 25, Z2lr. xxiv. 23, 26.
30. John iv. 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14. vi. xxvii. 42. Mark v. 36. ix. 23(-Q•
TTrS'), 23, 24, 42
xi. 23, 24, 31. xiii. 21.
xr. 32. xvi.
. ^
faith, Matt. viii. 10. ix. 2, 22, 29.
Luke i.

5. xxii. 67.
20, 45. viii. 12, 13, 50. .
14(/>), 16 (/)), 17 (/>). XV. 28. xvii. 20. xxi. 21. xxiii. 23.
Mark ii. 5. iv. 40. v. 34. x. 52. xi.
22. Luke v. 20. vii. 9, 50. viii. 25,
i. 7, 12, 50(51). ii. 11, 22, 23.

12t, 15, 16, IBtr, 36. iv. 21, 39,

41, 42, 48, 50, 53. v. 24, 38, 44, 46i,
48. xvii. 5, 6, 19. xviii. 8, 42. xxii.
32. Acts iii. 16i. vi. 5, 7, 8 {
GLT5). xi. 24. xiii. 8. xiv. 9, 22,
47i. vi. 29, 30, 35, 36, 40, 47, 64i, 27. XV. 9. xvi. 5. xx. 21. xxiv. 24.
69. vii. 5, 31, 38, 39, 48. viii. 24, xxvi. 18.
30, 31, 45, 46. ix. 18, 35, 36, 38. Rom. i. 5, 8, 12, 17ir. iii. 3, 22,

44i, 46, 47 (
X. 25, 26, 37, 38i, 38 LT
Tr), 42. xi. 15, 25, 26i, 27, 40, 42,
45, 48. xii. 11, 36, 37, 38, 39, 42,
19. xiv. li, 10, Hi, 12, 29. xvi. 9,
27, 30, 31. xvii. 8, 20, 21. xix. 35.
XX. 8, 25, 29i, 3K.
25, 27, 28, 30i, 31. iv. 5, 9, 11, 12,
13, 14, 16i, 19, 20. v. 1, 2(-GoL^T).
ix. 30, 32. X. 6, 8, 17. xi. 20. xii.
3, 6. xiv. 1, 2, 23ii, xvi. 26. 1 Cor.
ii. 5. xii. 9. xiii. 2, 13. xv. 14, 17.

xvi. 13. 2 Cor. i. 24i. iv. 13. v. 7.

viii. 7. X. 15. xiii, 5.
Acts ii. 44. iv. 4, 32. viii. 12, 13, Sit Gal. i. 23. ii. 16i, 20. iii. 2, 5, 7,
(ap). ix. 26,42. x. 43. xi.17,21. xiii. 8, 9, 11, 12, 14, 22, 23i, 24, 25, 26.
12, 39, 41, 48. xiv.l, 23. xv. 5, 7, 11. V. 5, 6, 22. vi. 10. Eph. i. 15. ii.
xvi. 31, 34. xvii. 12, 34. xviii. 8i, 8. iii. 12, 17. iv. 5, 13. vi. 16, 23.
27. xix. 2p, 4, 18. xxi. 20, 25. xxii. Phil. i. 25, 27. ii. 17. iii. 9i. Col.
19. xxiv. 14. xxvi. 21t. xxvii. 25. i. 4, 23. ii. 5, 7, 12. 1 Thes. i. 3, 8.
Rom. i. 16. iii. 22. iv. 3, 5, 11, 17, iii. 2, 5, 6, 7, 10. v. 8. 2 Thes. i. 3,
18, 24p. vi. 8. ix. 33. x. 4, 9, 10% 4, 11. iii. 2. ITim. i. 2, 4, 5, 14,
11, 14i, 16. xiii. 11. xiv. 2. ICcr. 19i. ii, 7, 15. iii. 9, 13. iv. 1, 6, 12.
i. 21. iii. 5. xi. 18. xiii. 7. xiv. 22^
V, 8, 12. vi. 10, 11, 12, 21. 2 Tim.
XV. 2, 11. 2 Cor. iv. 13/. Gal. ii. 16. i. 5, 13. ii. 18, 22. iii. 8, 10, 15.
iii. 6, 22. Eph. i. 13p, 19. Phil. i. iv. 7. Tit. i. 1, 4, 13. ii. 2. iii. 15.
29. IThes. i. 7. ii. 10, 13. iv. 14. Phm. 5, 6.
2Thes. 1. lOi. ii. 11, 12. ITim. i. Heb. iv. 2. vi. 1, 12. x. 22, 38.
16. iii. 16. 2 Tim. i. 12 (inarg. trust).

23. IPet. 1. 8, 21 (p,
6, 7. IJohn
1, 5, lOi, \Z(^ap).
Tit. iii. 8. Heb. iv. 3. xi. 6. Jas. ii.

23. iv. 1, 16. v.

Jude 5.
xi. 1, 3,4, 5, 6, 7<, 8, 9,11,13,17,
20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28, 29, 30,
31, 33, 39. xii. 2. xiii. 7. Jas. i. 3,
6. ii. 1, 5, 14/, 17, 18ir, 20, 22/, 24,
26. V. 15. 1 Pet. i. 5, 7, 9, 21. v. 9.
With IJohn v. 10, Mark ,
15, , eij•,

Luke xxiv. 25, believe.

i. 2Pet. i, 1, 5. l.Tohn v. 4, Jude 3,
20. Rev. ii. 13, 19. xiii. 10. xiv. 12.

ii. 4.
believing, Rom. xv. 13.

Acts v. 14p.

2 Thes.
Gen., of them that believe, Heb. x.
Pass.y beput in trust with, 1 Thes. 39. 6
With £}, be committed to eth, Rom, iii. 26.

my trust, ITim. i. 11. be commit- fidelity, Tit. ii. 10.^
he which believ-
ii. 13.

,, ,
ted unto me, Tit. i. 3. assurance (marg. &ith)i Acts xvii.

commit to one's trust, Luke xvi. 11. 31.
commit unto, John ii. 24. Rom. iii.
2°°. 1 Cor. ix. 17'=°. Gal. ii. 7«'.

true, genuine. See

Add Mark ix. 42, see
iv. 29, for G'.


Matt. xxiv. 45. xxv. 2K,

23/. Luke xii. 42. xvi. 10^ 11, 12.
xix. 17. Acts xvi. 15. 1 Cor. i. 9.
iv. 2, 17, vii. 25. x. 13. Gal. iii. 9.

seducing, ITim.
, (^
deceiver. Matt, xxvii. 63.
iv. 1
2 Cor.

Epli. i. 1. vi. 21. Col. i. 2, 7. iv. 7, 8. 2 John It.

.9.1Tlies.v.24. 2Thes.iii. 3. 1 Tim.
i. 12, 15. iii. 11. iv. 9. vi. 2 (marg.

2 Tim. ii. 2, 11, 13. Tit.
Heb. ii. 17. iii. 2, 5.
6, 9. iii. 8.
X. 23. xi. 11. IPet. iv. 19. v. 12.
1 Jolin i. 9. Rev. i. 5. ii. 10, 13. iii.
14. xvii. 14. xxi. 5. xxii. 6. Said —

thing formed,
2 Cor.




ix. 20,
ix, 4.

to form, Rom. ix. 20. 1 Tim. 13.

of Christ, Faithful, Rev. xix, 11.
Mut., faithfully, 3 John 5.
believing, John xx.
27. 1 Tim. vi. 2. feigned, 2 Pet. ii. 3.
that (which) believeth, Acts x, 45.
xvi. 1. 3 Cor. vi. 15. ITim. iv. 3, street. Matt. vi. 5. xii. 19. Luke
10. V. 16t (-«' G^LaS). X. 10. xiii. 26. xiv. 21. Acts v. 15

sure. Acts xiii. 34.

. ,
believer, 1 Tim. iv. 12. (marg., pi. with in every street).
Rev. xi. 8. xxi. 21. xxii. 2.
true, 2 Cor. i. 18. ITim. iii. 1.
Add 1 Pet. i. 21, for LT.
breadth, Eph. 18. Rev. xx.

iii. 9.
xxi. 16i.
Pass., be assured of, 2 Tim, iii. 14.

Pass.y wander, Heb. xi. 38.

astray, Matt, xviii. 12i, 13. 1 Pet.

ii. 25. 2 Pet. ii. 15.— be out of the

way, Heb. v. 2. —
err Matt. xxii.

wide. Matt. vii. 13.

broad, Matt, xxiii. 5.
enlarge, 2 Cor. vi. 11, 13.

29. Mark xii. 24, 27. Heb. iii. 10.
Jas. i. 16. V. 19.
seduce, 1 John ii. 26. Rev. ii. 20.
deceive. Matt. xxiv. 4, 5, 11, 24.
Mark xiii. 5, 6. Luke xxi. 8. John
vii. 12, 47. 1 Cor. vi. 9. xv. 33.
Comparative of
broided {marg. plaited, in later eds.,
corruptli), broidered) hair, 1 Tim. ii. 9,

With the Articles Plural 2.

Gal. vi. 7. 2 Tim. iii. 13f. Tit. iii.
more, Matt. vi. 25. xx. 10. xxi. 36^.
1 John i. 8. iii. 7. Rev. xii. 9. xxvi. 532. Mark xii. 33 (-
8, 10.
xiii. 14. xviii. 23. xix. 20. xx. 3,

error. Matt, xxvii. 64. Rom. i. 27.

Jas. V. 20. 2 Pet. ii. 18. iii. 17.
TtS), 43. Luke iii. 13^. ix. 13.
xii. 23.
iii. 3i.
xxi. 3.

xxy. 62. 2 Tim.

Rev. ii. I92.
John iv. 1^, 412. vii.
xy. 2. xxi. 15. Acts xxiii. 13^,
ii. 16^". Heb.

1 John iv. 6. Jude 11. the more, 1 Cor. ix. 19** 2.

delusion, 2Thes. ii. 11. the more part, Acts xix. 32*'. xxvii.
IThes. 3.
deceit, ii.

Gen., to deceive, Eph. iv. 14. more excellent, Heb. xi. 4.

Add 1 Tim. iv. 1, for (, G'.

most, Luke
, vii. 42, 43*.

wandering, Jade 13.

7/. With
xxiv. 4. 2 Tim.
XX. 9.
iii. 9.

long, Acta
longer, Acts xviii. 20.
With ov, yet but''°, Acts xxiv. 11'.
above'^", Acts iv. 222.

to sail, Luke viii. 23p. Acts xxi.

xxvii. 6, 24.
. 3.

many, 2 Acts ii. 40. xiii. 31. xxi. sail by. Acts xxvii. 2.
10. xxiv. 17. XXV. 14. xxvii. 20.
xxviii. 23. 1 Cor. x. 5\ 2 Cor.
ii. 6=*.

vii. 23=*.
iv. 15^ Phil.
Add Rev. xviii. 11 (ap).
i. 14^ Heb. stripe, Luke
xii. 48.
33. 2 Cor. vi. 5. xi. 23.
Acts xvi. 23,

many things, Luke xi. 53'^.

very many, 2 Cor. ix. 2*2.

greater, Matt. xii. 41, 42. Luke
With •&,
wound. Rev. xiii. 3, 12, 14.
wound, Luke x.30.
plague. Rev. ix. 20. xi. 6. xv. 1,
xi. 31, 32. Acts XV. 2^\

See also ).
most. Matt. xi. 20=^2.
at the most, 1 Cor. xiv. 27*.
the greater part, 1 Cor. xv. 6» 2.
6, 8. xvi. 9, 21i. xviii. 4, 8. xxi. 9.
xxii. 18.
Add Rev.
GLTTr, for
18 (these three
. .),

multitude, Mark
iii. 7, 8. Luke i.
very great, Matt. xxi. 8**. 10. ii. 13. V. 6. vi. 17. viii. 37. xix.
Add Mark iv. 1, for TTrS. 37. xxiii. 1. John v. 3. xxi. G. Acts

17. John xix. 2.

iv. 17«<'.
to plat. Matt, xxvii. 29p.

v. 20i.
i. 3.
vi. 1.
2 Pet.
Mark xv.

ii. 6. iv. 32. v. 14, 16. vi. 2, 5. xiv.

1, 4. XV. 12, 30.

xvii. 4. xix. 9.
xxi. 22, 36. xxiii. 7. xxv. 24. Heb.
xi. 12. Jas. V. 20. 1 Pet. iv. 8.
company, Luke xxiii. 27.
bundle, Acts xxviii. 3.


abundant, 2 Cor. iv. 15p.
oVf Have nothing over, 2 Cor.
viii. 15.
to ^wrease, I Thes. iii. 12.
multiply. Acts ix. 31. 2 Cor. ix. 10.
Heb. vi. 14i. 1 Pet. i. 2. 2 Pet. i. 2.
Jude 2.

be multiplied. Acts vi. 1p.

Pass., multiply. Acts vi. 7. vii. 17.

get an advantage of, 2 Cor. ii. ll^c.
xii. 24. abound. Matt. xxiv. 12.
make A gain of, 2 Cor. xii. 17, 18.
defraud, 2 Cor. vii. 2. 1 Thes. iv. 6
(marg. oppress or overreach).

covetous man, Eph. v. 5.
covetous, ICor. V. 10, 11. vi. 10.

covetouSD'iSS, Mark vii. 22p'. Luke

xii. 15. Rom. i. 29. 2 Cor. ix. 5.




than. Acts xv. 28.

, iii.

vi. 48.
3. Tit. i. 7.

except, Acts viii. 1.

Eph. V. 3. Col. iii. 5. 1 Thes. ii. 5.
save, Acts xx. 23.
2 Pet. ii. 3.

but, Matt. xi. 22, 24. xviii. 7.
covetous practice, 2 Pet. ii. 14.
Mark xii. 32. Luke vi. 24, 35.
greediness, Eph. iv. 19.
14. xix. 27. xxii. 21, 22. xxiii. 28.
John viii. \0(ap). Acts xxvii. 22.
side, John xix. 34. xx. 20, 25, 27. Rev. ii. 25.
Acts xii. 7*^. but rather, Luke xi. 41. xii. 31.
nevertheless, Matt. xxvi. 39, 64. xxvii. 9, 35(a;j). Mark i. 15. xiv.
Luke xiii. 33. xviii. 8. xxii. 42. 49. XV. 2S(ap). Luke i. 20(7-
1 Cor. xi. 11. Eph. v. 33. Phil. iii. G'). iv. 21. xxi. 22 (7-?. Gt

16. LTTrS), 24. xxii. 16. xxiv. 44.

notwithstanding, Luke x. 11, 20. John iii. 29. xii. 38. xiii. 18. xv.
Add Luke

18. iv. 14.

xvii. 1, for ^\ LTrS,
25. xvii. 12, 13. xviii. 9, 32. xix.
24, 36. Acts i. 16. iii. 18. ix. 23.
xii. 25P. xiii. 25, 27. xiv. 26. Rom.

viii. 4. xiii. 8. 2 Cor. x. 6. Gal. v.

full, Matt. xiv. 20. xv. 37. 14. Phil. ii. 2. Col. i. 25 (marg.
iv. 28. vi. 43 TTr5). viii.
preach" fully), iv. 17. 2Thes. i. 11.
19. Luke iv. 1. v. 12. John i. 14.
Jas. 23. Rev. vi. 11.
Acts vi. 3, 5, 8. vii. 55. ix. 36. xi.

accomplish,Luke ix. 31.
24. xiii. 10. xix. 28. 2 John 8.
end, Luke vii. 1. Acts xix. 21.
See also
make full proof of (marg. fulfill),
2 Tim. iv. 5.
Pass., be fully persuaded, Rom. iv. fulness, John i. 16. Rom. xi. 12,
21. xiv. 5 (marg. be fully assured). 25. XV. 29. 1 Cor. x. 26, 2S(ap).

— Part, with art. , those things which Gal. iv. 4. Eph. i. 10, 23. iii. 19.
are most surely
— be fully
Add Col. iv. ,
known, 2 Tim.
12, for

iv. 13. Col. i. 19. ii. 9.
fulfilling, Rom. xiii. 10.
put in to
fill up. Matt. ix.

full assurance, Col. ii. 2.

11. X. 22.
assurance, 1 Thes. i. 5.
Heb. vi.
piece that filleth up,
Add Mark vi. 43,

iv. 5.
Mark ii. 21.

make Acts ii. 28.
With art., neighbor. Matt, v. 43.
Pass., be full. Matt. xiii. 48. John
— xix. 19. xxii. 39. Mark xii. 31,

XV. 11. Phil. iv. 18. full, John
Luke X. 27, 29, 36. Acts vii. 27.
xvi. 24p. 1 John i. 4p. 2 John 12p.
— be filled with, Phil. i. 11. fill,
Rom. xiii. 9, 10. xv. 2. Gal. v.
— 14.

Eph. iv. 25. Heb. viii. 11

i. 23. — be full come, John vii.
— GLTS). Jas. ii. 8.
S. expire, Acts vii. 30p. after*'".
— Add Jas. iv. 12, for GKLT5.
Acts xxiv. 27p. complete. Col. ii.
IOp. iv. 12p (marg. filled
G'LT5).— perfect, Rev. iii. 2p.
preach" fully, Rom. xv. 19.
fill, Luke ii. 40. iii. 5. John xii. 3.

xvi. 6. Acts ii. 2. v. 3, 28. xiii. 52.


satisfying. Col.

smite, Rev.
,. 77]6.



Rom. i. 29. xv. 13, 14. 2 Cor. vii.
4. Eph. iii. 19, iv. 10 (marg. fulfill).
V. 18. CoL i. 9. 2 Tim. i. 4.
fill up, Matt, xxiii. 32.
small ship,
little ship,
Tr^). John xxi.
Mark iii. 9.

Mark iv. 36

supply, Phil. iv. 19,

fulfill,Matt. i. 22. ii. 15, 17, 23.
iii. 15. iv. 14. v. 17. viii. 17. xii.

17. xiii. 35. xxi. 4. xxvi. 54, 56.

Add, for

vi. 24,
, vi. 22,

Luke v. 2, L"'T.
TtloTov, Luke viii. 14. Rom. ii. 4. ix. 23.
ship, Matt. iv. 21, 22. viii. 23, 24. xi. 12/, 33. 3 Cor. viii. 2. Eph. i. 7,
xiv. 13, 22, 24, 29, 18. ii. 7. iii. 8, 16. Fliil. iv. 19.

ix. 1. xiii. 2.
Col. i. 27. ii. 2. 1 Tim. vi. 17. Heb.
32, 33. XV. 39. Marki. 19, 20. iv.l,
36, 37. V. 2, 18, 21. vi. 32, 45, 47,

L'"T), 3^ 7/,
11. viii. 22, 37. John vi. 17, 19, 21/.
xxi. 3, 6. Acts XX. 13, 38. xxi. 2,
xi. 26. Jas. V. 2. Rev. v. 12. xviii.

51, 54. viii. 10, 13(-G"oTTib,S), 14. 17(16).

Luke V. 2
to wash, Rev. vii. 14.
Add Luke v. 2, for
3, G. xxvii. 2, G, 10, 15, 17, 19, 22, Tr>S. Rev. xxii. lA{ap),
30, 31, 37, 38, 39, 44. xxviii.
1], Jas. iii. 4. Eev. viii. 9. xviii.
ll(ap), 19. Said of the Divine Spirit i. Of de-
Plur.^ shipping, John vi. 24
mons 2. Of other spirits 3. The query
(?) denotes an opinion of more or less
LTTr). weight, as of Calvin, De Wette, Tho-
Add Mark iv. 37, for ahro, (i"LT luck, or Bruder.
Tr. See also

Acts xxvii. 9.
voyage, Acts xxvii. 10.
wind, John iii. 8.
life (Or, breath). Rev.
spirit, Matt. iv. 1^. v. 3. viii. 16^.
X. 12. xii. 181, 43-', 45^. xxii. 43(i?).
xiii. 15.

course, Acts xxi. 7. xxvi. 41. Mark i. 12', 23^ 26^, 27^.
ii. 8. iii. 11^, 30•^. v. 2\ S\ I32. vi.
V. vii. 25'^. viii. 12. ix. 17^, 20^,
rich, Matt, xxvii. 57. Mark xii. 41.
Luke vi. 24. xiv. 12. xvi.
xii. IG.
25^/. xiv. 38. Luke i. 17, 47, SO.
ii. 40(-Go<'LTTr,S). iv. 33^, 36^. vi.
1, 19. xviii. 23. xix. 2. 2 Cor. viii.
1&2. vii. 212.

viii. 22, 292, 55. ix.
9. Epli. ii. 4. 1 Tim. vi. 17. Jas. i.
392, 422, 55(ap). X. 202, 21. xi. 24^,
10. ii. 5. Rev. ii. 9. iii. 17. xiii. 16.
26'^ xiii. 112. 4g. ^^i^^ 373^
rich man, Matt. xix. 23, 24. Mark

X. 25. Luke xvi. 21, 22. xviii. 25.
John iii. 6. iv. 23, 24. vi. 63(J?),

xxi. 1. Jas. i. 11. ii. 6. v. 1. Rev.
63. xi. S3, xiii. 21. Acts v. I62. vi.
vi. 15.
10. vii. 59. viii. V. xi. 12», 28».
xvi. 162, ig2, xvii. 16. xviii.
richly. Col. iii. 16. ITim. vi. 17.
GLT5), 25. xix. 122, 132^ 152^ ig2^
abundantly. Tit. iii. 6(6>.
richly). 21. XX. 22(•?). xxiii. 8^, 9^.
2 Pet. i. 11.
7. Rom. i. 4», 9. ii. 29. vii. 6. viii.
15, 16. xi. 8. xii. ll(i?). 1 Cor. ii.
be rich, Luke xii. 21. Rom. x. 12. 11, 12,12(1?). iv. 21. V. 3,4,5. vi.
ICor. iv. 8. 2 Cor. viii. 9. ITim. 17, 20{ap). vii. 34. xii. 10(3?). xiv.
vi. 9, 18. Rev. iii. 18. 2, 14, 15/, 16, 32. xv. 45. xvi. 18.
rich, Luke i. 53p. 2Cor. ii. 13. iii. G/, 8(i?). iv. 13.
wax rich, Rev. xviii. 3. vii. 1, 13. xi. 4. xii. 18. Gal. vi. 1,
be made rich, Rev. xviii. 15, 19. 18. Eph. i. 17. ii. 2. iv. 23. Phil. i.
be increased with goods, Rev. iii. 17. 27. iii. 3. Col. ii. 5. 1 Thes. v. 23.

7.. 2Tlies. ii. 2, 8. 1 Tim. iv. I2, 12(ow

make rich, 2 Cor. vi. 10.
enrich, ICor. i. 5. 2 Cor. ix. 11.
S). 2Tim. i. 7. iv. 22. Phm. 25.
Heb. i. 73, 143. iv. 12. xii. 9, 23.
Jas. ii. 26 (^marg. breath), iv. 5.
1 Pet. iii. 4, 193. iv. 6, 14('?). 1 John

riches, Matt. xiii. 22. Mark iv. 19. iv. 1/f ?), 2(3?), 3(3?), 6i(3?). V. 8
333 TCOlSOi

(1?). Hev. i. 4(1?). iv. 2i.

xvi. 132, XV. 27. ICor. ii. 13. ix. 11. — spir-

xvii. 3. xviii. 2^. xix. 10. xxi.

spiritual gi/i (Or. spirit), 1 Cor.

itual "^gifts,

spiritually, 1 Cor.
1 Cor. xiv. 1.

ii. 14. Rev. xi. 8.

xiv. 12.
Gen., spiritually, Kom. viii. 6(i?
Gr. of the Spirit). to hlow. Matt. vii. 25, 27. Luke xii.

55. John iii. 8. vi. IS. Rev. vii. 1.
ghost, Matt, xxvii. 50. John xix.
30. wind (sc. avpa), Acts xxvii. 40p.
Said of the Divine, Matt,

ill. 16. X. 20. xii. 28. Mark i. 10. choke, Mark v. 13.
Luke ii. 27. iv. 1, 14, 18. John i. take by the throat. Matt, xviii. 28.
32, 33. iii. 5, 6, 8. 34. iv. 24. vii.
39. xiv, 17. XV. 26. xvl. 13. Acts
strangled, Acts xxi. 25 (-G").
ii.4, 17, 18. V. 9. viii. 29, 39. x.
things strangled. Acts xv. 20(-G<'),
19. xvi. 7. xxi. 4.
Rom. viii. l(ap), 2, 4, 5/,
9(i?), dt, 29 (jo/ur. LS,
10, Hi, 13,
14, 15, 16, 23, 26^ 27.
XV. 19, 30. 1 Cor. ii. 4, 10/, 11, 14.
iii. 16. vi. 11.

St, 9t, 11, 13/.

17/, 18.
vii. 40. xii. 3, 4, 7,
2 Cor. i. 22. iii. 3,
V. 5. Gal. iii. 2, 3, 5, 14.
iv. 6, 29. V. 5, 160?), 17/C?), 18
0?), 22('?), 25/(1?). yi stC'i). Eph.
garment down to the
Rev. i. 13.
breath, Acts xvii. 25.
wind, Acts ii. 2.

. foot (»c. xctov).

V. 9 (
i. 13. ii. 18, 22. iii. 5, 16. iv. 3, 4.

GLT5), 18. vi. 17, 18.

Phil. 1. 19. ii. 1. Col. i. 8. IThes.
whence. Matt. xiii. 54, 56. xv. 33.
xxi. 25. Mark xii. 37. Luke i. 43.
xiii. 25, 27. xx. 7. John i. 48(49).
V. 19. 2Thes. ii. 13. 1 Tim. iii. 16. ii. 9. iii. 8. vi. 5. vii. 27/, 28. viii.
iv. 1. 14/. xix. 9. Rev. vii. 13.
Heb. ix. 14. x. 29. 1 Pet. i. 2, 11, from whence, Matt. xiii. 27. Mark
22(-G''«LT.9). iii. IS. 1John iii. vi. 2. viii. 4. John iv. 11. ix. 29,
24. iv. 2, 13. V. 6/. Jude 19(i?). 30. Jas. iv. 1. Rev. li. 5.
Rev. i. 10. ii. 7, 11, 17, 29. iii. 1, ^li/i/Jas.iv.l(. . fightings), G'LTaS.
6, 13, 22. iv. 5. v. 6. xi. ll(i?). '.
xiv. 13. xxii. 17.

. (
to make, Matt. iii. 3. iv. 19. v. 30.

For the phrases Holy Spirit, Holy xii. 16, 33/. xvii. 4. xix. 4
Ghost, see
Tr), 4. XX. 12. xxi. 13. xxii. 2.

Add Acts iv. 25(ap). Phil. iv. 23,
xxiii. 15/. XXV. 16
6, for
UTS. Rev. xxii.
xi. 17.
25 (see
3, 17. iii.


vi, 21. vii. 37.
ix. 5. x. 6.
v. 29, 34. ix.
spiritual, Rom. 11. vii. 14. 1 Cor.
i. 33. xi. 40/. xiv. 12, 13, 16. xv. 19.
ii.13. iii. 1. x. 3, 4/. xii. 1. xiv. xvi. 9. xix. 46.
37. XV. 44/. Eph. i. 3. v. 19(-Lb). John ii. 15P, 16. iv. 1, 46. v. 11,
vi. \2(inarg. spirit). Col. i. 9. iii. 15, IS. vL 10, 15. vii. 23. viii. 53.
16. IPet. ii. 5/. ix. 6, 11, 14. X. 33. xii. 2. xiv. 23.
With art., he that (which) is spirit- xviii. 18. xix. 7, 12, 23. Acts ii. 36.
ual, ICor. ii. 15. Gal. vi. 1. that — iii. 12. iv. 24, vii. 40, 43, 44, 50.
which is spiritual, 1 Cor. xv. 46/. ix. 39 xiv. 15. xvii. 24, 26. xix.
Neut. plural, spiritual things, Rom. 24. xxiii. 13.
334 Ttoi^ca

Rom. ix. 20, 21, 28. 1 Cor. vi. 15. 13, 37. ix. 13, 39. x. 17, 35, 36,
X. 13.SCor. V. 21. Eph. ii. 14, 15. 51. xi. 3(a^), 5, 28i, 29, 33. xii. 9.
1 Tim. ii. 1. Heb. i. 2, 7. viii. 5, 9. xiv. 7, 8, 9. XV. 8, 12, 14.
xii.13, 27. Jas. iii. 18. IJolm i.
10. V. 10. Rev. i. 6. iii. 9, 12. v.
10. xi. 7. xii. 17. xiii. 7(«i?), 13
(-G), 14. xiv. 7. xvii. 16. xix. 19.
xxi. 5. xxii. 15.
3, IQ

49. ii. 27. iii. 10, 11, 12, 14,

19. iv. 23. V. 6p. vi. 2, 2(-LTTr),

Q'S), 11, 23, 26, 27,
31i, 33, 46, 47, 49, vii. 8i. viii. 21,
39i. ix. 10, 15, 43, 54(;>). 25^% .
il//f/., make, Luke v. 33. Acts i. 1.
28, 37. xi. 42. xii. 17, 18, 43,. 47.
viii. 2. Rom. i. 9. xiii. 14. xv. 26. xvi. 3, 4, 8. xvii. 9, 10/r. xviii. 8««,

Epli. i. 16. iv. 16. Phil. i. 4. 1 Tlies. 41. xix. 48. XX. 2. 8, 13, 15. xxii.
i. 2. Phm. 4. 3 Pet. i. 10.— give, 19. xxiii. 22, 31, i^ap).
Jude 3. — With have . in re- John ii. 5, 11, 18, 23. iii. 2i, 21.
membrance, 2 Pet. i. 15•=°. — .

With 7^6- iv. 29, 34, 39, 45, 54. v. 16, 19/, 20,
yof, move*'", Acts xx. 24, 29, 30, 36. vi. 2, 6, 14, 28, 38. vii.
cause. Matt. v. 32. John xi. 37. 3, At, 17, 21, 31i, 51. viii. 28, 29,
Acts XV. 3. Rom. xvi. 17. Col. iv. 38, 39, 40, 41, 44. ix. 16, 26, 31,
16. Rev. xiii. 12, 15, 16. 33. X. 25, 37, 38, 41. xi. 45, 46, Alt,
cause to be, Rev. xii. 15. xii. 16, 18, 37p. xiii. 7, 12, 15i, 17,
brin» forth, Matt. iii. 8, 10. vii. 27i. xiv. 10, 12tr, 13, 14, 31. xv. 5,
17i, iSf, 19. xiii. 23, 26. xxi. 43. 14, 15, 21, 2At. xvi. 3. xvii. 4. xviii.
Luke iii. 8, 9. vi. 43i {with ), 35. xix. 24. XX. 30. xxi. 25.
bring, Acts xxiv. 17. Acts i. 1. ii. 22, 37. iv. 7, 16, 28.
shoot out, Mark iv. 32. vi. 8. viii. 6. ix. 6(a/)), 6, 13, 36.
bear, Luke viii. 8. xiii. 9. Jas. iii, X. ^(ap), 33, 39. xi. 30. xii. 8. xiv.
12. Rev xxii. 2. 11, 15, 27, XV, 4, 17. xvi. 18, 30.
yield, Jas. iii. 12. —
give, Acts x. 2. xix. 14. xxi. 23, dS^withhrl). xxii.
put. Acts V. 34. lOi, 26(ivith xxvi. 10. ?).
show, Luke i. 51. x. 37. John
30. Acts vii. 36p. Jas. ii. 13.
purpose", Eph. iii.

mean. Acts xxi. 13<'°.

appoint (Gr. make), Heb.

iii. 2,.
Rom. 28, 32. ii. 3, 14. iii. 8, 12.

vii. 15, 16, 19, 20, 21. x. 5. xii. 20.

xiii. 3, 4. 1 Cor. v. 2
S). vi. 18. vii. 36, 37, 38^ ix. 23.
X. 31i. xi, 24, 25,
G"T (
xv. 29. xvi. 1.
ordain, Mark iii. 14. 2 Cor. viii. 10. xi. 12t. xiii. It. Gal.
gain, Luke xix. 18. ii. 10. 10, 12. v. 3. Eph. iii. 20.

provide, Luke xii. 33. vi. 6, 8, 9. Phil. ii. 14. iv. 14. Col.

work, Matt. xx. I2(7narg. continue). iii. 17, 23. IThes. iv. 10. v. 11, 24.

Acts XV. 12. xix. 11. xxi. 19. Heb. 2Thes. iii. 4i. ITim. i. 13. v. 21.
xiii. 21 (marg. do). Rev. xvi. 14. 2 Tim. iv. 5. Tit. iii. 5. Phm. 14,
xix. 20. xxi. 27. 21.
do, Matt. i. 24. V. 19, 44(a/>), 40, 47<.
Heb. vi. 3. vii. 27. x. 7, 9, 36p.
vi. 1, 2i, 3p, 3. vii. 12i, 21, 22, 24, xiii. 6, 17, 19, 21. Jas. ii. 8, 12, 19.
2G. viii. 9i. ix. 28. xii.2i,3, 12, 50. iv. 15, lit. 1 Pet. ii. 22. iii. 11, 12.
xiii. 28, 41, 58. xvii. 12. xviii. 35. 2 Pet. i. lOP, 19. 1 John i. 6. ii. 17,
xix. 16. XX. 5, 15, 32. xxi. 6, 15, 29. iii. 7, 10(a/)), 22. 3 John 5, 6,
21, 23, 24, 27, 31, 36, 40. xxiii. 3/r, 10. Rev. ii. 5. xiii. 13, 14. xxii. 14
5, 23. xxiv. 46. xxv. 40i, 45?. xxvi. (ap).
12, 13, 19. xxvii. 22, 23. xxviii. 15. in doing. Gal. vi. 9p. ITim. iv. 16p,
Mark ii. 24, 25. iii. 8, 35. v. 19, Inf. doing, 2 Cor. viii. 11.
20, 32. vi. 5, 20, 30. vU. 8(a/>), 12, can do, Luke xii. 4. Giil. v. 17.
335 TtoXiii

commit, Mark xr. . Luke xii. 48. rule, Matt. ii. G {marg. feed). Rey.
John viii. 34. Acts xxviii. 17^. 2Cor. ii. 27. xii. 5. xix. 15.
xi. 7. Jas. V. 15. IJohn iii. 4, 8, 9. (7[.
execute, John v. 27. Jude 15. shepherd, Matt. ix. 36. xxv. 32.
exercise, Rev. xiii. 12. xxvi. 31. Mark vi. 34. xiv. 27.
perform, Luke i. 72. Rom. iv. 21. Luke ii. 8, 15, 18, 20. John x. 2,
fulfill, Acts xiii. 22. Eph. ii. 3. Hi, 12, 14, 16.
Rev. xvii. 17. Said of Christ, Shepherd, Heb. xiiL
keep, Matt. xxvi. 18. John vii. 19. 20. 1 Pet. ii. 25.
Acts xviii. 21 (). Heb. xi. 28.
obsTve, Acts xvi. 21.

pastor, Eph. iv. 11.
hold, Mark xv. 1. Matt. xxvi. flock, 31. Luke ii. 8.
take, Mark iii. 6 Tr). 1 Cor. ix. 7i.
With a dative (, ~'), deal with, fold, John X. 16.
Luke 1. 25. ii. 48.
abide". Acts xx. 3.

continue*', Jas. iv. 13. Rev. xiii. 5
flock, Luke
29. 1 Pet. V. 2, 3.
xii. 32. Acts xx. 26,

(- G°°, add
be°, 2 Cor. xi. 25.

Add Mark
Acts xxvi. 28, for
S, see

22, for

what manner of, 1 Pet. i. 11.

what, Matt. xxi. 23, 24, 27. xxiv.
42, 43. Mark iv. 30 (-'• LTTr^).


, ,
2Thes. iii. 4 (ap).

, ^, , ,
/. ^
See also-
1 John v. 2,
G'LT. Rev. xxii. 11, see
xi. 28, 29, 33. Luke vi. 32, 33, 34.
xii. 39. XX. 2, 8. John xii. 33. xviii.
32. xxi. 19. Actsiv. 7t. vii. 49. xxiii.
34. Rom. iii. 27. 1 Cor. xv. 35. Jas.

,,, , 6]7, iv. 14. 1 Pet. ii. 20. Rev. iii. 3.


. . •&6, what things, Luke xxiv. 19.

what way (sc. oouc), Luke v. 19.
which. Matt. xix. 18. xxii. 36. Mark
xii. 28. John x. 32.

thing that

is made, Rom. i. 20.
workmanship, Eph. ii. 10. make war, Rev. xiii. 4. xvii, 14.

xix. 11.
deed (niarg. doing), Jas. i. 25. war, Jas. iv. 2.
fight. Rev. ii.l6. xii. It.

doer, Rom. ii. 13. Jas. i. 22, 23,

25. iv. 11.
war. Matt. xxiv. 6t. Mark xiii. It.
Luke xiv. 31. xxi. 9. Jas. iv. 1.
poet. Acts xvii. 28(-Go).

Rev. xi. 7. xii. 7, 17. xiii. ().
xix. 19.
divers. Matt. iv. 24. Mark i. 34. 1 Cor. xiv. 8. Rev.

battle, ix. 7,
Luke iv. 40. 2 Tim. iii. 6. Tit. iii. 9. xvi. 14. XX. 8.
3. Ileb. ii. 4. xiii. 9. Jas. i. 2.

manifold, 1 Pet. i. 6. iv. 10.

fight, Heb. xi. 34.
Add Rev. )^
. EC™,
xiii. 5 (. .

(jnarg. make war).

feed cattle, Luke xvii. 7.
feed. John xxi. 16. Acts xx. 28. city. Matt. 23. iv. 5. v. 14, 35.
ICor. ix. 7. IPet. v. 2. Jude 12. viii. .33, 34. ix. 1, 35. x. 5, 11, 14,
Rev. vii. 17. 15, 23 xi. 1, 20. xii. 2£. xiv. 13.
xxi. 10, 17, 18. xxii. 7. xxiii. 34. oft. Matt. xvii. 15. Acts xxvi. 11.
xxvi. 18. xxvii. 53. xxviii. 11. 2 Cor. xi. 23. 2 Tim. i. 16. Heb.

Mark i. 33, 45. v. 14. vi. ll(a/j), vi. 7.
33, 56. xi. 19. xiv. 13, 16. oftentimes, Rom. i. 13. 2 Cor. viii.
Luke i. 26, 39. ii. 3, 4t, 11, 39. 22. Heb. X. 11.

iv. 29i, 31, 43. v. 12. vii. 11, 12t, ofttimes. Matt. xvii. 15. Mark ix.
37. viii. 27, 34, 39. ix. 5, 10. x. 22. John xviii. 2.
Add Rom. xv." 22, for ra

1, 8, 10, 11, 12. xiii. 22. xiv. 21. L.
xviii. 2, 3. xix. 17, 19, 41. xxii. 10.

xxiii. 19, 51. xxiv. 49. John i. 44
manifold more, Luke xviii. 30.
(45). Iv. 5, 8, 28, 30, 39. xi. 54. Add Matt. xix. 29, for
xix. 20.
Acts V. 16. vii. 58. viii. 5, 8, 9,
40. ix. 6, X. 9. xi. 5. xii. 10. xiii. very compas.

44, 50. xiv. 4, 6, 13, 19, 20, 21. xv. si on ate or tender-hearted.
3. xvi. 4, 12i, 13 (?]

G"LTS), Jas. V. 11, for G',
14, 20, 39. xvii. 5, 16. xviii. 10.
xix. 29, 35. xxi. 5, 29, 30, 39. xxii.
much speaking, Matt. vi. 7.
3. xxiv. 12. XXV. 23. xxvi. 11.
xxvii. 8.
Eom. xvi. 23. 2 Cor. xi. 26, 32. at sundry times, Heb. i. 1.
Heb. xi. 10, 16. xii. 22. xiii. 14.
Jas. iv. 13. 3 Pet. ii. 6. Jude 7. Rev. manifold, Eph. iii. 10.
lii. 12. xi. 2, 8, 13, xiv. 8(»5), 20.
xvi. 19i, xvii. 18. xviii. lOi, 16, 18, "With the Article a.
. ),
19, 21. XX. 9. xxi. 2, 10, 14, 15, 1. Sing.,
16?, 18, 19, 21, 23. xxii. 14, 19.

See also ,
Add Acts iv. 21 (ap).
much, Matt. vi. 30. xiii. 5. xxvi.
9. Mark iv. 5. v. 21, 24. vi. 34.

Luke vii. 11, 47. viii. 4. ix. 37. x.
40. xii. 48ir. xvi. lOi. John vi. 10.
ruler of the city. Acts xvii. 6, 8. vii. 12. xii. 9, 12, 24. xv. 5, 8. Acts

commonwealth, Eph.

conversation, Phil.
freedom, Acts xxii. 28.


iii. 20.
XV. 7. xvi. 16. xviii. 10, 27. xxvii.

1 Cor.

2. v. 10, 15, 17.
3. xii. 22. 2 Cor.
9, 11. vi. 4. viii. 4, 15, 22.
12. 1 Thes. i. 5, 6. ii. 2. 1 Tim. iii.
Tit. ii. 3. Heb. xii. 9, 25. Jas.
ix. 22.
4. iii.

Phil. ii.

27. —
Mid,, one's conversation
live, Acts xxiii. 1.
is, Phil, i• V. 16. 1 Pet. i. 7 (see
Rev. xix. 1.
plenteous, Matt. ix. 37.
abundant {Or. much), 1 Pet. 3•.

citizen, Luke XV. 15. xix. 14. Acts
Mark xii. 37*.
the common,
xxi. 39.
many, Acts v. 32. Heb. v. 11.
Add Heb.

viii. 11, for


v. 4. 2 Cor. xi. 26,


Dat., many, John iv. 41.

day was far spent, Mark

far passed,
Matt. xxv. 19.
vi. 35.
vi. 35.


Phil. iii. 18. Ueb. ix. 25, 26. Acts xxvii. 21,

.,long after, Acts xxvii. 14. X. 17% 33^ xi. 30. xii. 12/, 14, 20.
great, Matt. ii. 18. v. 12. xiv. 14. xvi. 9. 2 Cor. i. lit. ii. 4, 1' Q.oi-
XX. 29. xxiv. 30. xxvi. 47. Mark G'). vi. 10. ix. 12. xi. 18. xii.
iii.7, 8. iv. 1 (7,~ 8). ix. 21. GaL i. 14. iii. 16. iv. 27. Phil,
14. xiii.26. xiv.43(-L' TTr>S). Luke iii. 18. ITim. vi. 9, 10, 12. 2 Tim.
y. 6, 29. vi. 17, 23, 35. x. 2. xxi. ii. 10. ix. 28.
2. Tit. i. 10. Heb. ii.

27. xxiii.27. John v. 3 (- G^^L^^TTr xii. 150LT5'). Jas. iii. 1. 2 Pet.

S). vi. 2, 5. Acts vi. 7 xi. 21. xiv. ii. 2. 1 John ii. 18. iv. 1. 2 John 7.
I. xvii. 4. xxi. 40. xxii. 28. xxiii. Rev. i. 15. V. 11. viii. 11. ix. 9. x.
10. xxiv. 2(3), "J (ap). xxv. 23. 11. xiv. 2. xvii. 1. xix. 6, 12.
xxviii. 29 (op). many things. Matt. xiii. 3. xvi. 21.
2 Cor. iii.vii. At. viii. 2, 22.
12. XXV. 21, 23. xxvii. 19. Mark iv. 2.
Eph. ii. 4^
Col. iv. 13. ITlies. ii. V. 26. 31. ix. 12.
vi. 20, 34. viii.
17. 1 Tim. iii. 13. Plim. 7. Heb. x. XV. 3. Luke ix. 22. x. 41. xvii. 25.
32. Rev. vii. 9. xix. 6. xxiii. Sl-G-^oTTrAS). John viii. 26.
greatly, Markxii. 27. xvi. 12. Acts xxvi. 9. 2 Cor. viii. 22.
7., a great while. Acts xxviii. 6. Jas. iii. 2. 2 John 12. 3 John 13.

{With Iv, altogether, Acts xxvi. 29 many "stripes, Luke xii. 47.


Acts viii. 8, for

. See also

many. Matt.
, -^.
Add Mark viii. 1, see

,,. (

7. vii. 13,
much, Mark i. 45. v. 10. Luke xii.
19. John iii. 23. xiv. 30. Acts x. 2.
xiv. 22. xxvi. 24^ Rom. xv. 22^

22. viii.

xvi. 19.
many ways,
2 Tim.
xvi. 6,
or oftentimes
12(ap). 1 Cor.
14. Rev. v. 4
viii. 3.
great, Matt. iv. 25. viii. 1, 18(-I
II, 16, 30. ix. 10. X. 31. xiii. 17,
58. XV. 30. xix. 30. xx. IG(ayo), 28.
S). xii. 15. xiii. 2. xv. 30. xix. 2,
22. Mark x. 22. Luke v. 15. xiv.
xxii. 14. xxiv. 6t, 10, lit, 12^. xxvi.
28, 60 (ap). xxvii. 52, 53, 55. Mark
greatly, Mark v. 23, 38. ICor. xvi.
i. 34i. ii. 2, Ibt. iii. 10. iv. 33(-Go).

V. 9, 26. vi. 2eGpbT), 13i, 31, 33.
vii. 4, 8(ap), 13. ix. 26. x. 31, 45, sore, Mark ix. 26.

48. xi. 8. xii. 5, 41. xiii. 6t. xiv.

24, 56. XV. 41. oft. Matt. ix. 14(-L5).
Luke i. 1, 14, 16. ii. 34, 35. iii. 18. Add Matt. xiv. 24 (ap).
iv. 25, 27, 41. vii. 21?, 47^ viii. 3, See also , , (•
straitly, Mark iii. 12. v. 43.

30. X. 24. xii. 7, 19. xiii. 24. xiv.

16. XV. 13. xxi. 8. xxii. 65. John
ii. 12, 23. iv. 39. vi. 60, 66. vii. 31,

40(-LTTr5). viii. 30. x. 20, 32, 41,

very pitiful, Jas. v. 11

42. xi. 19, 45, 47, 55. xii. 11, 42.
xiv. 2. xix. 20. xx. 30. xxi. 25.
Acts i. 3, 5. ii. 43. iv. 4. v. 12. viii.
It, 25. ix. 13, 42. x. 27. xiii. 43.
XV. 35. xvi. 18, 23. xvii. 12. xviii.
of great price, 1 Pet. iii. 4.
very precious, Mark xiv. 3.
costly, 1 Tim ii. 9.

of great pric3, Matt. xiii. 46.

8. xix. 18. XX. 19(o??i5'). xxiv. 10,
XXV. 7. xxvi. 10. xxviii. 10.
Rom. iv. 17, 18. v. ,( very costly, John xii. 3.
16, 19. Add Matt. xxvi. 7, for
viii. 29. xii. 4,
xvi. 2. 1 Cor. i.
5^ xv. 23
26ir. iv. 15.
viii. 5^ -
LS. 1 Pet. i. 7,

divers manners, Heb. i. 1.
. ,
Col. iv. 13, for


. no
drink, 1 Cor. x. 4. Heb. ix. 10.

wickedness, Matt. xxii. 18. Mark

vii. 22p'.
Luke xi. 39. Rom. 1. 29.
xiii. 22.
way, Jas. i.
mid., to journev,


Passive deponent,

1 Cor. V. 8. Epb. vi. 12 (gen., marg. go away, Matt, xxviii. 16.
wicked). go one's way, Luke vii. 22. xvii.
imc[uity, Acts iii. 26. 19c John iv. 50/. Acts ix. 15. xxi.
5. xxiv. 25.
Sing, with the Article *. go forth, Luke viii. 14.
evil. Matt. v. 45. vi. 23. vii. 11, go. Matt. ii. 8, 20. viii. 9/. ix. 13.
17, 18. xii. 34, 35i, 39. xv. 19. xx. X. 6, 7p. xi. 4. xii. 1, 45. xvii. 27.
15. Mark vii. 22. Luke vi. 22, 45/. xviii. 12. xxi. 2, 6. xxii. 9, 15.
vii. 21. viii. 2. xi. 13, 29, 34. John XXV. 9, 16. xxvi. 14. xxvii. 66.
iii. 19. vii. 7. Acts xix. 12, 13, 15, xxviii. 7, 9(ap), 19. Mark xvi. 10
16. Gal. i. 4. Eph. v. 16. vi. 13. (ap), 12P(a;>), 1().
ITiin. vi. 4. 2 Tim. iii. 13. iv. 18. Luke i. 39. ii. 3, 41. iv. 30, 42.
Heb. iii. 12. x. 22. Jas. ii. 4. iv. 16. V. 24. vii. 6, 8/, 11, 50. viii. 48. ix.
IJolmiii. 12. 2 John 11. 13, 51, 52, 53P, 56, 57p. x. 37, 38.
that which is evil, Luke vi. 45=^. xi. 5, 26. xiii. 32. xiv. 10, 19, 31.
Rom. xii. 9=^. XV. 4, 15, 18. xvi. 30. xvii. 11, 14.
evil, subst.j Matt. v. 37% 39». vi. xix. 12, 28, 36P. xxi. 8. xxii. 8, 22,
13». ix. 4p^. Luke iii. 19. vi. 35. xi. 33, 39. xxiv. 13 (^wilh ),
4^(ajD). IThes. v. 22. 2Thes. iii. 3^ John vii. 35/, 53(r,p). viii. !(«/>),

7. ^
the evil, John xvii. 15•'. \_S).
evil. Matt. v. 11(-/). LTr
Neut.pl., evil things. Matt. xii. 35.
U(ap). X. 4. xi. 11. xiv. 2, 3, 12,
28. xvi. 28. XX. 17. Acts i. 11, 25.
V. 20. viii. 26, 27, 36, 39. ix. 11.
Mark vii. 23. X. 20. xii. 17. xvi. 7, 16p, 36. xvii.
bad, Matt. xxii. 10.
harm, Acts xxviii. 21.
grievous. Rev. xvi. 2.
14. xviii. 6. xix. 21, xx. 1, 22.
xxii. 5, 10. xxiii. 23, 32
G'LS). XXV. 12, 20. xxvi. 12p.
malicious, 3 John 10. xxvii. 3. xxviii. 26.
lewd, Acts xvii. 5. Rom. XV. 25. 1 Cor. x. 27. xvi. 4/,
wicked, Matt. xii. 45i. xiii. 49. xvi. 6. 1 Tim. i. 3p. .Jas. iv. 13. 1 Pet.
4. xviii. 32. xxv. 2;;. Luke xi. 26. iii. 19, 22. .Jude 11.

xix. 22. Acts xviii. 14. Co!, i. 21. be going, Matt, xxviii. Up.
2Thes. iii. 2 go up. Acts i. IOp.
that wicked person, 1 Cor. v. 13». depart. Matt. ii. 9. xi. 7p. xfx. 15.
the wicked one, Matt. xiii. 19% 38». xxiv. 1. XXV. 41. Luke iv. 42. xiii.
1 John ii. 13', 14\ iii. 12^ 31. John xvi. 7. Acts v. 41. xxii.
the wicked, Eph. vi. 16\ 21. 2 Tim. iv. 10.
that wicked one, 1 John v. 18». journey, Acts ix. 3. xxvi. 13.
wickedness, 1 John v. 19». make one's journey, Acts xxii. 6p.


Add Acts XXV. 18 (. . accusation), take one's journey, Rom. xv. 24.

Rev. xvi. 10, 11. xxi. 4.

walk, Luke i. 6. xiii. 33. Acts ix
31. xiv. 16. 1 Pet. iv. 3p. 2 Pet.
30. iii. 3. Jude 16, 18.

^Add Mark

12, for ,.
- ix. 30, for
Luke viii.
42 (jap),

purple, subst.,
Ada, see

seller of purple,
, Rev. xviii. 16.

Acts xvi, 14.


to waste, Gal. i. 13.

destroy, Acts ix. 21. Gal. i. 23. how often ? Matt, xxiii. 37. Luke
gain, 1 Tim.
vi. 5, 6.
xiii. 34.
how oft ?
Matt, xviii. 21.

fornication, Matt. v. 32. xv. 19.

xix. 9. Mark vii. 21. John viii. 41.
Acts XV. 20, 29. xxi. 25. Rom. i.
29(oto5'). ICor. v. 1/. vi. 13, 18.
vii. 2.

how great ? Matt. vi. 23.

2 Cor. xii. 21. Gal. v. 19. how much? Matt. vii. 11. x. 25.

vi. 55.
16 (marg. drinking).
Rom. xiv. 17.

Eph. V. 3. Col. iii. 5. 1 Thes. iv. 3. xii. 12. Luke xi. 13. xii. 24, 28.

Rev. ii. 21. ix. 21. xiv. 8. xvii. 2, xvi. 5, 7. Rom. xi. 12, 24. Phm. 16.
4. xviii. 3. xix. 2. Heb. ix. 14. x. 29.
Add Rev. xvii. 5, for C". Plural, how many ? Matt. xv. 34.
xvi. 9, 10. Mark vi. 38. viii. 5, 19,
commit fornication, 1 Cor. vi. 18. 20. Luke XV. 17. Acts xxi. 20. —
X. 8. Rev.
3, 9. —

14, 20. xvii. 2. xviii.
commit, 1 Cor. x. 8. 13. Mark xv.
Neut., how many things. Matt, xxvii.

harlot, Matt. xxi. 31, 32. Luke xv.

ICor. vi. 15, 16. Heb. xi. 31.
ii. 25. Rev. xvii. 5 (nopviia C",
ix. 21.
what? 2 Cor.
. how long ago

vii. 11.
? Mark

marg. fornication).

whore. Rev. xvii. 1, 15, 16. xix. 2.

fornicator, 1 Cor. v. 9, 10, 11.

9. Heb. xii. 16.
river, Mark i. 5. John vii. 38. Acts
xvi. 13. Rev. viii. 10. ix. 14. xvi.

4, 12. xxii. 1, 2.
15, 16.
vi. 48,
vii. 25, 27.
Rev. xii.

whoremonger, Epli. v. 5. ITim. i.

10. Heb. xiii. 4. Rev. xxi. 8. xxii.

^, ;.
water, 2 Cor. xi. 26.
Add Matt. iii. 6 (. . Jordan), VTtS.

Comparativ€y -pov LTTr.

far. Matt. xv. 8. Mark vii. 6.
further, Luke xxiv. 28^.

of the flood, Rev. xii.

a great way off, Luke xiv. 32. what manner of? Matt. viii. 27.

afar off,
Luke xvii. 12. Heb. xi. 13.
xiii. 1.
John iiL 1.
Luke i. 29. vii. 39.

what manner of person, 2 Pet. iii. 11

,. what, Mark xiii. 1.
purple, Mark xv. 17, 20. Luke xvi.
19. Rev. xvii. 4 GLTTi•
when, Luke xxii. 32.
S). xviii. \2(<> G').
sometime (sometimes"^), Eph. ii. 132.
V. S*. Col. i. 21. Tit. iii. 3^. 1 Pet.
purple, adj.j Jolm xix. 2, 5. iii. 20. — some time, Col. iii. 7.
once, Rom. vii. 9. Gal.
in time (times^) past,
Gal. i. 13, 232. Eph.
i. 23.

See also , nov.
ii. 2, S^, In an indirect question \
Phm. 11. 1 Pet. ii. 10. where? Matt. ii. 2, 42. viii. 20'.
aforetime, Jolm ix. 13. xxvi. 17. Mark xiv. 12, 14. xv. 472.
in (the') old time, 1 Pet, iii. bK 2 Pet. Luke viii, 25. ix. 582. xii. I72. xvii.
'. 21 (viarg. at any time). 17, 37. xxii. 9, 11. John i. 38(39),
at length, Rom. i. 10. 39(40). vii. 11. viii. 10(«p), 19. ix.
at the last, Phil. iv. 10. 12. xi. 34, 572. XX. 22, 132, I52.
at any time, 1 Thes. ii. 5. Heb. i. Rom. iii. 27. 1 Cor. 1. 20/r. xii. 17/,
5, 13. ii. 1. 19. XV. 55/. 1 Pet. iv. 18. 2 Pet. iii.
any time, 1 Cor. ix. 7. 4. Rev. ii. I32.

oh ,, , ,
ever yet, Eph. v. 29.
never, 2 Pet. i. 10.
whither ? John
142/. xii. 352. xiii. 36.
iii. 82. vii.
35. viii.
52. xvi.
See also
In an indirect question 2.
5. Heb.
xi. ^. 1
Gal. iv. 15, for

^ii. II2.

when? Matt. xxiv. 3^. xxv. 37, 38,

foot, Matt. iv. 6. vii. 6. x. 14. xv.
39, 44. Mark xiii. 4, 33^ 352. Luke
30. xviii. 8/, 29(-GLTr,S'). xxii.
xii. 362. xvii. 202. xxi. 7. John vi.
; 13. xxviii. 9. Mark v. 22. vi. 11.
vii. 25. ix. 45/. Luke i. 79. iv. 11.

how long? Matt. xvii.
vii. 38/r, 44/, 45, 46 (-G°). viii. 35,
17^ Mark ix. 19i. Luke ix. 41.
41. ix. 5. X. 39. XV. 22. xvii. 16.

Jolm X. 24. Rev. vi. 10.
xxiv. 39, 40 (ap). John xi. 2, 32, 44.
xii. 3/. xiii. 5, 6, 8, 9, 10(-G°aS'),
Neui.f whether, John vii. 17.
12, 14/. XX. 12. Acts iv. 35, 37. v.
2, 9, 10. vii. 5, 33, 58. x. 25. xiii.
cup, Matt. X. 42. XX. 22, 23. xxiii. 25, 51. xiv. 8, 10. xvi. 24. xxi. 11.
25, 26. xxvi. 27, 39, 42(-<^ xxii. 3. xxvi. 16.
S). Mark vii. 4, 8{ap). ix. 41. . Rom. iii. 15. x. 15. xvi. 20. 1 Cor.
38, 39. xiv. 23, 36. Luke xi. 39. xii. 15, 21. XV. 25, 27. Eph. i. 22.
xxii. 17, 20/, 42. John xviii. 11. vi. 15. 1 Tim. v. 10. Heb. ii. 8. xii.

1 Cor. X. 16, 21i. xi. 25/, 26, 27, 28.
Rev. xiv. 10. xvi.l9. xvii. 4. xviii. 6.

give to drink, Matt. x. 42. xxvii.

48. Mark ix. 41. xv. 36.
13. Rev. i. 15, 17. ii. 18. iii. 9. x.

V. 35. xxii. 44.

1, 2. xi. 11. xii. 1. xiii. 2. xix. 10.
xxii. 8.

xii. 36.

XX.. 43. Acts ii. 35. vii. 49. i.
give drink, Matt. xxv. 35, 37, 42.
13. X. 13.
Rom. xii. 20. [xiv. 8.

make (to) drink, 1 Cor. xii. 13. Rev.
water, 1 Cor. iii. 6, 7, 8.
lead away to wa-
Add Luke x. 11 (op).

business, Rom. xvi. 2.


xiii. 15.

tering*'", work, Jas. iii. 16.
feed with, 1 Cor. iii. 2. matter, 1 Cor. vi. 1. 2 Cor. vii. 11.
1 Thes. iv. 6.

banqueting, 1 Pet. iv. 3. thing, Matt, xviii. 19. Luke i. 1.

about, Rom. iv. 19.

in a certain place, Heb. ii. 6. iv. 4.
Acts V. 4. Heb. vi. 18. x. 1. xi. 1.

affair, 2 Tim. ii. 4.

• TS,
. ^.,
&, xix. 13.

ITim. vi. 11, for

suffering meekly.

PraBtorium, Mark sv. 16.

palace (inarg. Caesar's court), Phil.
i. 13.
common hall (^nar^. governor's house),
Add Matt. xi. 29, for
meek, Matt. v. 5. xxi.
, 5. IPet. iii. 4.

Matt, xxvii. 27.

hall of judgment {marg. Pilate's
meekness, Jas.
iii. 15. Add,
, i.

iii, 13. IPet.



.xviii. 28.
judgment -hall, John xviii. 28, 33. become, ITim.
xix, 9. Acts xxiii. 35.

.xii. 58i.
Heh. vii. 26.


it is



becometh, Eph.
comely, ICor. xi. 13.



v. S.

Luke xxiii. 51. Acts xix, 18,
13. Col, iii, 9.

works. Matt. xvi. 27.
oflSce, Rom.

meek, Matt. xi. 29

xii. 4.

LTTr aS). Eph.

be an ambassador,
vi. 20.
ambassage, Luke xiv. 32,
message, Luke xix. 14.

2 Cor. v. 20.


meekness, ICor. iv. 213. 2Cor. x. l^.

Gal. V. 233. vi. li. Eph. iv. 2K Col.

iii. 12'. 1 Tim. vi. 11

G"LTaS'). 3 Tim. ii. 25». Tit. iii. 2'.

presbytery, 1

estate of elders, Acts xxii, 5,
elders, Luke xxii. 66.

Luke xv.
Tim. iv. 14.

25. 1 Pet. v. 5.


!, in ranks, Mark vi,
man, Acts


Tim. v.
-. xxi. 23.
Matt. xv. 2. xvi. 21.
elder, subst.,
xxvi. 3, 47, 57, SOC-G^^L
do, Luke xxii. 23. xxiii. 15, 41.
John iii. 20. v. 29. Acts iii. 17. v. Tr^S). xxvii. 1, 3, 12, 20, 41. xxviii.
35. XV. 29. xvi. 28. xvii. 7. xix. 12. Mark vii. 3, 5. viii. 31. xi. 27.
36. xxvi. 9, 20, 26, 31. Rom. i. 32. xiv. 43, 53. XV. 1. Luke vii. 3. ix.
22. XX. 1. xxii. 52. Acts iv. 5, 8,

ii. 1, 3. vii. 15, 19. ix. 11. xiii. 4.

1 Cor. ix. 17. 2 Cor. v. 10. Gal. v. 23. vi. 12. xi. 30. xiv. 23. xv. 2, 4,
21. Eph. vi. 21. Phil. iv. 9. IThes. 6, 22, 23. xvi. 4. xx. 17. xxi. IS.

iv. 11. xxiii. 14. xxiv. 1. xxv. 15.

our deeds, Luke xxiii. 1 Tim. V. 1, 17, 19. Tit. i. 5. Heb.

41. xi. 2. Jas. V. 14. 1 Pet. v. 1. 2 John
commit. Acts xxv. 11, 25. Rom. i.
1. 3 Jolm 1. Rev. iv. 4, 10. v. 5, 6,

32. ii. 2. 2 Cor. xii. 21. 8, 11, 14. vii. 11, 13. xi. 16, xiv.

use. Acts xix. 19. 3. xix, 4.

keep, Rom. ii. 25.
require, Luke xix. 23. oldman, Luke i. 18.
exact, Luke iii. 13. aged man. Tit. ii. 2.
Add 1 Cor, V, 2, for iroUu, Q"TS. aged, Phm. 9,


aged woman, Tit.



ii. 3.

headlong, Acts

xi. 37.
iii. 9.

prove (marg. charge) before,

hear before. Col.

sin heretofore,

2 Cor.
i. 5.

xiii. 2.

before, Matt. xxvi. 34, 75. Mark

xiv. 72. Luke xxii. 61. John viii.
58, xiv. 29.

( 8). ^, before that, Luke xxii. 34

Acts xxv. 16. before,
Matt. i. 18. Mark xiv. 30. Luke ii.
porch, Mark xiv. 6».

go on. Matt. iv. 21.

sin already, 2 Cor. xii. 21.

[i. 19p.

go farther (further, ed. luil), Mariv

. ,
26. Acts ii. 20(-?y G°LaS). vii. 2.
ere, Jobn iv. 49.

well stricken in years, Luke i. 7, 18.
of a great ',

age, Luke ii. 36.
before, Matt. v. 12. viii. 29. xi. 10.
xxiv. 38(-G"T). Marki. 2. Luke i.

76. vii. 27. ix. 52. x. 1. xi. 38. put forward, Acts xix. 33.
xxi. 12. John V.

Ice. xiii. 1.

ii. 7. iv. 5.

7. x. 8. xi. 55. xii.
xvii. 5, 24. Acts v. 23
36. xii. 6, 14. xiii. 24.
xiv. 13. xxi. 38. Rom. xvi. 7. 1 Cor.
Gal. i. 17. Eph. i. 4.
CoL i. 17. 2 Tim. iv. 21. Heb. xi.
5. Jas. V. 9, 12. 1 Pet. i. 20.
ac/y.<=», Matt. vi. 8. Luke ii.
shoot forth, Luke xxi. 30.

sheep market (marg.gBiio),

Jn. xxi. 16, 17, for


sheep, Matt. vii. 15. ix. 36. x. 6,

John V. 2.
, 17Tr.

21. xxii. 15. John i. 48(49). xiii.

16. xii. 11, 12. xv. 24. xviii. 12.
19. Gal. ii. 12, iii. 23. 2 Tim. i. 9.

XXV. 32, 33. xxvi. 31. Mark vi. 34.
Tit. i. 2.
or ever°°, Acts xxiii. 15.
above, 1 Pet. iv. 8.
15. X. 2, 3t, 4(
xiv. 27. Luke xv. 4, 6. John
-S), 4, 7, 8, 11, 12i, 12 (ap), 13, 15,


above (often misprinted about)

. .
16, 26, 27. xxi. 16 a)id 17
ago, 2 Cor. xii. 2.

17Tr). Acts viii. 32. Rom. viii.
Add Jude 25 («/;).
36. Heb. xiii. 20. 1 Pet. ii. 25
Rev. xviii. 13.

bring out, Acts xvi. 30.

bring forth, Acts xii. 6. xxv. 26.

( .
go before, Matt. ii. 9. xiv. 22. xxi.
9, 31. xxvi. 32. xxviii. 7. Mark vi.
See also

With , draw out

of. Acts xix. 33

45. X. 32 (with yv). xi. 9. xiv. 28.
instruct before. Matt. xiv. 8.
xvi. 7. Luke xviii. 39 L'").
1 Tim.
2 John

9, for

18. v. 24.
Acts xvii. 5,

Mid., to purpose, 2 Cor. ix. 7.

for ,
vii. 18.

LS. Mid., provide (marg. foresee), Heb.
xi. 40.

be past,
Rom. iii. 25.
. 343
, 7(^6


, .

3 Pet.
know, Acts xxvi. 5 (with
foreordain, 1 Pet.
Add Rom.


xi. 1

viii. 29. xi. 2.

(people bv

trust (marg. hope) first,

begin before, 2 Cor. viii. 10,

begin, 2 Cor. viii. 6.

Mid., promise Rom.

Eph. i.


.( ( .
afore, i.

foreknowledge. Acts

Plural, forefathers, 2 Tim.

parents, 1 Tim. v. 4.
ii. 23. IPet. i.2.

i. 3. —
,Add 2 Cor.
ix. 5, for

-. See

go before, Luke i. 17. xxii. 47. Acts

write aforetime,

. ,
write afore, Eph.
write, Rom. xv. 4
Rom. xv. 4

iii. 3.
G"LTS). go
XX. 5, 13. 2 Cor. ix. 5.
go forward, Mark xiv. 35
farther (further, ec?. 1611), Matt,

set forth evidently, Gal. iii. 1.
xxvi. :v.> G'TrS).
ordain before, Jude 4. outgo, Mark vi. 33(/>).
pass on. Acts xii. 10.


manifest beforehand, 1 Tim. v. 25.
open beforehand, 1 Tim. v. 24.

, .
Heb. vii. 14.
prepare afore, Rom. ix. 23.
ordain (marg. prepare) before, Eph.
ii. 10.

give first, Rom. xi. 35.

preach the gospel before, Gal. iii. 8.

betrayer, Acts vii. 52.

traitor, Luke vi. 16. 2 Tim. iii. 4. Mid.y be better, Rom. iii. 9.


forerunner, ^, Heb. vi. 20.

prefer, Rom. xii. 10.

Acts xi. 23. xxvii. 13.

Rom. viii. 28. ix. 11. Eph. 11.

see before, Acts ii. 31.
iii. 11. 2 Tim. i. 9. iii. 10.
foresee, Gal. iii. 8.

-, '. See also

speak before. Acts

2. Jude 17.
say before, Rom.
3. Gal. i. 9.

ix. 29.
Heb. x. 15
16. 2 Pet.

2 Cor.

Fern., time appointed, Gal. iv. 2.

forwardness of mind, 2 Cor. ix. 2.

readiness of mind. Acts xvii. 11.
tell before. Matt. xxiv. 25. 2 Cor. readiness, 2 Cor. viii. 11.
xiii. 2. ready mind, 2 Cor. viii. 19.
foretell, Mark xiii. 23.
willing mind, 2 Cor. viii. 12.
tell intime past, Gal. v. 21.
forewarn, 1 Thes. iv. 6.
Add Heb. iv. 7, for , Qt"LTS.
ready, Mark xiv. 38. Rom.
willing, Matt. xxvi. 41.
i. 15.
. ,
of a ready mind, 1 Pet. v. 2. take before, 1 Cor. xi. 21.
overtake. Gal. vi. 1.
come aforehand, Mark xiv. 8.

tell before. Gal. v. 21. 1 Thes. iii. 4.
2nd Aorist,2 or Middle, foretell, 2 Cor. xiii. 2.

be over, IThes. v. 12.


rule, Rom. xii. 8. 1 Tim. iii.
12. V. 172.
maintain, Tit.

Mid., provoke,

foretell, Acts
iii. 8,

Gral. v. 26.

24 (Karayyi72b)
4, 5^,

14 (niarg. pro-

testify beforehand, 1 Pet.

meditate before,

take thought beforehand,


xxi. 14.



(. .
LT^). provide for, 1 Tim. v. 8.

show before, Acts iii. 18. vii. 52.

Mid., provide,
vide for, 2 Cor.
viii. 21.
xii. 17.
— pro-
Pass, part., with art., whereof "ye
had notice before (inarg. which hath
been so much spoken of before), 2 Cor.
ix. 5

make up
. beforehand, 2 Cor. ix. 5.
providence, Acts xxiv. 2.
provision for, Rom. xiii. 14.

see before. Acts xxi. 29 (^with ).

,. ,.
Mid., foresee. Acts ii. 25.

be set before, Heb. vi. 18. xii. 1, 2.

be set forth, Jude 7. determine before, Acts iv. 28.
be first, 2 Cor. viii. 12. predestinate, Rom. viii. 29, 30.

-. Eph. i. 5, 11.
preach before. Acts
'. GLTaS).
iii. 20 (- ordain, 1 Cor. ii. 7.



wax, 2 Tim.

furtherance, Phil.


2 Tim.

xiii. 24p.

12, 25.

iv. 15.


2 Tim. ii.
suffer before, 1

Rom. iv. 1, for


conduct forth, 1 Cor. xvi. 11.

bring (forward^ on one's journey,
16, 1 Cor. xvi. 6. Tit. iii. 13. 3John6P'.

/, G"LS.

iii. bring on one's way, Acts xv. 3. xxi.

profit, Gal. i. 14. 5. Rom. XV. 24. 2 Cor. i. 16.
be far spent,
-. Rom. xiii. 12. accompany. Acts xx. 38.

preferring one before another {marg.
prejudice), 1 Tim. v. 21.

confirm before. Gal. iii. 17.

heady, 2 Tim.

go before,


Acts xix. 36.


76. Acts vil. 40,


. With
the Genitive,
5 (see
12. 3
1 Pet. ii. 4. 2
14. Rev. iii. 20.

Acts xxvii. 34. ., to try, 1 Pet. iv. 12.


II. With the Dative,

, with an Infinitive, to, Matt
V. 28. vi. 1. xiii. 30. Mark xiii. 22.
at, Luke xix. 37. John xviii. 16. — for to, Matt, xxiii. 5. to this —
XX. 12t,
about, Rev. 13.
end, that, Luke xviii. 1. that . . —
may (might), Eph. vi. 11. 2 Thes.
Add Mark v. 11, John xx.ll, see iii. 8. Jas. iii. 3 (ac LTaS). that —
No. III.
. . could, 2 Cor. iii. 13, —
III. With the Accusati'e. would, 1 Thes. ii. 9.
toward (to -ward^), Luke xxiv.
. .
to do, 2 Cor. xi. 8.
29. Acts xxiv. 16. 2 Cor. i. 12\ 18. to give, 1 Pet. iii. 15.
iii. 4'!. vii. 4. PhiL ii. 30. CoL iv. 5. to answer, 2 Cor. v. 12.

1 Thes. i. 82. iv. 12. v. 14. 5 Phm. unto. Matt. iii. 10, 13, 15(-L). xi.
(tlgh). IJohn iii. 21. 28. xiii. 2. xiv. 25, 28. xix. 14. xxi.
to, Matt. ii. 12. iii. 5, 14. vii. 15.
X. 6, 13. xiv. 29. xvii. 14. xxi. 84.
1 { LTTr.), 32, 37. xxiii.
XXV. 36, 39. xxvi. 14, 40. xxvii. 19, 62.
34, 37.

XXV. 9. xxvi. 18, 45, 57. xxvii. 4, Mark 5, 32. ii. 3, 13. iii. 8, 13, 31. iv.

14. Mark i. 40, 45. iii. 7(G', G 1. 25, 30, S'S{ap), 4o(inarg. over

LT). iv. 41. V. 15, 19. is. 14. x. 7 against), 48, 51. vii. 1, Sl{eig GLTTr
(-L^-), 50. xi. 7, 27. xii. 2. xiv. 53. S). ix. 17, 19, 20. X. 1, 14. xiL 4, 6,
Luke 1. 27, 43, 55, 73. ii: 15. vi. 13, 18. xiv. 10. XV. 48.

47. vii. 4, 6, 19, 44, 50. viii. 4, 19, Luke

i. 13, 18, 19, 28, 34, 61, 80.

25, 35. ix. 14, 23. xi. 6. xii. 41, 58. ii. 20, 34, 48, 49. iii. 9, 12, 13, 14
xiv. 6, 7, 26. XV. 18, 20, 22. xvi. (-LTTr). iv. 21, 23, 26i, 40, 43. v.
26i. xix. 35. XX. 9, 10. xxi. 38. 4, 10, 22, 31, 33, 34, 36. vi. 9. vii.
xxii. 45. xxiii. 4, 7, 15. xxiv. 17, 3, 7, 20/, 24, 40. viii. 21 (-L), 22.
32. ix. 3, 13, 33, 43, 50, 57, 59, 62(-T).
Jolm i. 42(43), 47(48). iii. 2, 20, X. 2, 23, 26, 29- xi. 1, 5i, 39, 53
21, 26. iv. 33, 35. v. 40, 45. vi. 17, (ap). xii. 1, 15, 16, 22, 41. xiii. 7,
35, 37<, 44, G8. vii. 45, 50. viii. 31. 23, 34. xiv. 3, 7, 23, 25. xv. 3. xvi.
ix. 13. xi. 19, 45, 46. xiii. 3, 6. 1, 30. xvii. 1, 22. xviii. 3, 7(-TTr
xiv. 18. xvi. 5, 10, U(op), 17, 28. S), 9, 16, 31, 40. xix. 5, 8, 9, 13,
xvii. 11, 13. xviii. 13. xix. 39. xx. 33, 39. XX. 2, 3, 23, 41. xxii. 15,
2/, 17/. xxi. 22, 23. 52, 70. xxiii. 14, 22, 28. xxiv. 5,
Acts ii. 7(-LT5), 12. iv. 23, 24. 10, 17, 18, 25, 44.
viii. 24. ix. 2, 10, 27, 32, 40. x. 3, Jolm i. 29. ii. 3. iii. 4, 26. iv. 15,
13, 21, 33. xi. 3, 30. xii. 20. xiv. 30, 40, 47, 48, 49. v. 33. vi. 5t, 28,
11. xvi. 36. xvii. 15. xx. 18. xxiii. 34, 45, 65. vii. 3, 33, 37, 50. viii. 2
18, 22, 30. XXV. 16, 21. xxvi. 9. (/), 3(), 7(o;0, 57. x. 35, 41.
xxviii. 8, 23. xi. 3, 4, 15, 21, 29. xii. 32. xiii. 1.
Rom. viii. 31. x. 1, 21. xv. 2, 22, xiv. 3, 6, 12, 23, 28/. xvi. It. xviii.
24(ap), 30. 1 Cor. ii. 1. iv. 18, 19.24, 29, 38. XX. 10, 17.
vi. 5. xiii. 12. xiv. 12. xv. 34.Acts i. 7. ii. 29, 37, 38. iii. 11, 12,
2 Cor. ii. 1. iii. 1, 16. iv. 2. viii. 19.
22(ap), 22, 25. iv. 1, 8, 19, 23. v.
9, 35. vii. 3, 31(-G''«LT5). viii. 14,
X. 4. xii. 14. xiii. 1, 7. Gal. i. 17.
Eph. iv. 29. PhiL i. 26. ii. 25. CoL 20, 26, ix. (i(op), 11, 15, 38. x. 15,
ii.23. IThes. i. 9. Tit. iii. 1. 21(a/>), 28. xi. 11, 20. xii. 5, 8, 15,
Heb. i. 13. vi. 11 ix. 13. Jas. iv.j21. xiii. 15, 31, 32, 36. xv. 2, 7, 25,

33, 36. xvi. 37. xvii. 2, 15. xviii. within, Mark xiv. 4.
6, 14, 21. xix. 2t, 3(-Go«LT<?), 31. in, Luke xii. 3. xxiv.l2(ap). IJohn
XX. 6. xxi. 11, 18, 37, 39. xxii. 1, V, 14 (marg. concerning).
5, 8, 10, 13, 15, 21, 25. xxiii. 3, 15 between, Luke xxiii. 12. Acts xxvi.
(EigLTS), 17, IS, 24. xxv. 22. xxvi.
I, 6 ( G"LTS), 14, 28. xxvii. 3.
xxviii. 17, 21, 25, 26, 30.
among, Mark i. 27. viii. 16. ix. 33
(-Go°LTr-S), 34. x. 26. xii. 7. xv.
Rom. i. 10, 13. x. 21. xv. 23, 29, 31. xvi. 3. Luke iv. 36. xx. 14.
32. 1 Cor. iv. 21. xii. 2. xiv. 6, 26. xxii. 23. John vi. 52. vii. 35. xii.
xvi. 5, 11, 12. 2 Cor. i. 15, 16, 20. 19. xvi. 17. xix. 24. Acts iv. 15.
vi. 11. vii. 12. viii. 17. xii. 17. Gal.
vi. lOi. Eph. ii. 18. iii. 14. v. 31
(-LS). vi. 9, 22. Phil. iv. 6. Col. unto,
xxviii. 4, 25. 2 Cor. xii. 21.
the things which belong
xix. 42. those things —
iv. 8, 10. 1 Thes. i. 9. ii. 1, 2, 18. which pertain to, Rom. xv. 17.
iii. 6, 11. ITim. iii. 14. iv. 7, 8. things that pertain unto, 2 Pet. i. 3.
2 Tim. ii. 24. iii. 17. iv. 9. Tit. i. — in things pertaining (pertaining'^y
16. iii. 2, 12^ to, Heb. ii. 17. V. 12. — about, Mark
Heb. i. 8. v. 5, 7. vii. 21. ix. 20. ii. 2. — conditions Luke xiv. 32.
— of,
2 Pet. iii. 16. 1.John v. 16ir,
xiii. 13.
17. 2 John 10, 12. Rev. x. 9. xii. 5,
12. xx[.9(omS). xxii. 18
nigh unto, Mark
v. 11 (dat.
SuflScient to,
against, Acts xxiii. 30

to, Luke
— what
xiv. 28

xii. 47.
one hath

2 Cor.
S, -GO). V. 10. Gal. ii. 14.
at, Matt. xxvi. 18. Mark i. 33. v. for, Matt. xxvi. 12. Mark x. 5.
22. vii. 25. xi. 1. xiv. 54. Luke xvi. Luke viii. 13. John v. 35. Acts iii.
20. xix. 29. John xx. U(dat. GLT 10. xiii. 15. 1 Cor. vii.
5, 35/. x. 11.
Tr, h S). Acts iii. 2. Rev. i. 17. 2 Cor. ii. 16. vii. 8. Gal. ii. 5. Eph.
against, Matt. iv. 6. Mark xii. 12. iv. 12. IThes. ii. 17. ITim. i. 16.
Luke iv. 11. v. 30. xx. 19. Acts 2 Tim. iii. 16/. Phm. 15. Heb. xii.
vi. 1. ix. 5(), 29. xix. 38. xxiii. 10, 11.
30. xxiv. 19. XXV. 19. xxvi. 14. 7. r/, for what intent, John xiii. 28
1 Cor. vi. 1. Eph. vi. 11, 12^ue. Col. because of, Matt. xix. 8.
iii. 13, 19. Heb. xii. 4. Rev. xiii. 6.
of, Heb. i. 7. xi. 18 (marg. to).
before, Acts xxvi. 26. Rom. iv. 2. Not rendered, Luke ii. 18. iv. 4.
by, Mark iv. 1. xi. 4. Luke xxii. vi. 3. xiv. 5. Acts xi. 14.
56. Acts V. 10. Add^ for ,
Luke xxiv. 50, VTrS.

, whereby, Eph. iii. 4. Acts xvi. 40, GLTS. 1 Thes. i. 5,
with, Matt. xiii. 56. xxvi. 55(-GoT G'L. For
Tr''^). Mark vi. 3. ix. 10, 16 (marg, For ,,
Luke xvii. 4, LTr^S".
Luke x. 39, L°'TTr5.
among), 19. xi. 31. xiv. 49. Lukevi. Acts V. 10, LT^.
II. ix. 41. xviii. 11. xx. 5. John
i. 1, 2. Acts ii. 47. iii. 25. xi. 2. see
Mark ix. 14,
xv. 42,
Luke i. 30 (unto),
7,— 8.
XV. 2. xvii. 17. xxiv. 12. Rom. v. 1. L™. X. 22(a;^>). xx. 25 (unto^^O,
ICor. ii. 3. xvi. 6, 7, 10. 2 Cor. Tr^S*. 45 (ap). xxiv. 44 (untoi^O,
V. 8. vi. 14, 15. xi. 9(8). Gal. i. LmTTrA^.
18. ii. 5. iv. 18, 20. IThes. iii. 4.
John i. 19 (sent
LTr. viii. 33 (. . him), LTTr
2 Thes. ii. 5. iii. 1, 10. Phm. 13. S. xix. 2(ap), Acts v. 8(uuto), L
Heb. iv. 13. x. 16. 1 John i. 2. ii. 1. 8.
xvii. 26, see
to bo compared with, Rom. viii. 18. xii. 5 (to'^'^), GLTTrAS.

Rev. .
^ ,
^ ^
, , , .-
See also

the day before the sabbath,

Mark Luke
allow. Acts xxiv. 15.
look for, Luke ii. 3S. Acts xxiii.

21. Tit. ii. 13. Jude 21.

Add Heb.
Mark v. 43 (with
25. xii. 36. xxiii. 51.

«v. 42 LTr). xi. 13, for L.

to call, Heb. v. 10. look for, Matt. xi. 3. xxiv. 50.

Luke vii. 19, 20. xii. 46. 2 Pet. iii.
12, 13, 14P.
bring, Luke ix. 41. Acts xvi. 20.
look when. Acts xxviii. 6.
1 Pet. iii. 18.
look. Acts xxviii. 6p.
draw near, Acts xxvii. 27*"'.
expect, Acts
Add Matt, xviii. 24, for ^}, iii. 5.
be in expectation (marg. suspense),

LTTr. Luke iii. 15p.
wait for, Luke i. 21 (with ), viii.
access, Rom. v. 2. Eph. ii. 18. iii. 40. Acts X. 24 (with )»
tarry. Acts xxvii. 33.


Mark x. 46 (p,

'). Luke xviii. 35(£7ra<re(jLTTr>S).
John ix. 8.
looking after,

'. '. ,
expectation. Acts xii. 11.

. See
xxi. 26.


x. 46, for
ix. 8, for

go up, Luke xiv. 10.

spend, Luke viii. 43.

8. suffer,

Acts xxvii.

. (
come nigh unto, Mark

1 Cor. ix. 13

ii. 4.

'. ).
to supply, 2 Cor. ix. 12 (with Luke xix. 16.
to gain,
xi. 9.

come Matt. iv. 3p. viii. 25. ix.

Mid., add in conference. Gal. ii. 6.
— confer, Gal. i. 16.
14, 28. xiv. 15. xv. 1. xvii. 14, 19,
24, xviii. 21. xx. 20. xxi. 14, 28, 30,

Mid., threaten further. Acta iv. 21 p.
xxii. 23. xxiv. 1. xxvi. 17, 49.
Mark x. 2. Luke viii. 24. xx. 27.

xxiii. 36. Acts xxiii. 14. Heb. xi. 6.

spend more, Luke x. 35. come unto, Matt. v. 1. viii. 5. xiii.

36. XV. 30. xviii. 1. xix. 3. xxi. 23.

to need, Acts xvii. 25p.

xxiv. 3. xxvi. 7, 69, 73. Mark vi.
35. Acts X. 28. xviii. 2. xxiv. 23
(-G°°LT5). Heb. iv. 16. vii. 25.
receive, Luke xv. 2. Rom. xvi. 2. xii. 18, 22.
Phil. ii. 29. comer '^thereunto, Heb. x. 1p.
accept, Heh. xl. 36. come, Matt. iv. 11. viii. 19. ix. 20.
i.ko. Hob. X. 34. xiii. 10, 27. xiv. 12. xv. 12, 23.
xvi. 1. xvii. 7. xlx. 16. xxv. 20
22, 24. xxvi. 50, 6(/)), 60!
xxviii. 2, 9, 18. Mark i. 31. xii. 28.
Luke vii. 14. viii. 44. ix. 12. xiii. 31.

17, 18.
Jude 20.

Heb. xiii. IS. Jas. v. 13, 14,

make long
Matt, xxiii. 14(13,
xii. 21. Acts
Pet. ii. 4.
0. 1

be a coming, Luke ix. 42i'.

18. xxii. 27.

go to, Matt, xxvii. 58. Mark xv.

45P. Luke x. 84.
go unto, Luke xxiii. 52. Acts ix. 1.
Jas. V. 16, for

give heed to (unto^). Acts
, 40-. Luke xx. 472.
viii. 26.


go. Acts xxii. 26. 10. ITim. i. 4. iv. 1. Tit. i. 14.
go near, Acts yiu. 29. take heed to (unto-), Luke xvii. 3.

consent to,

draw near, Acts vii. 81i'. Heb. x. 22.
1 Tim. vi. 3.
Matt. viii. 2, G' i. 19P.
xxi. 34. Acts V. 35. XX. 282.
With o, take heed whereunto, 2 Pet.

Add, for
LTTr,S. ix. 18i«S LS. For Trpofp- take heed, Matt. vi. 1.
., Matt. xxvi. 39, G'Tr^. Mark beware, Matt. vii. 15. x. 17. xvi.
xiv. 35, G'Tr.
for Matt.
V. 1, TTyS. ix. 28, xiii. 36, xiv. 15,
6, 11, 12. Luke xii. 1 (with
XX. 46.
attend unto, Acts xvi. 14.
LTTr. Luke xiii. 31, TTr. give attendance to (at^), 1 Tim. iv.

13. Heb. vii. 132.

prayer, Matt. xvii. 21(ap). xxi. 13,

have regard , Acts viii. 11.
be given to, 1 Tim. iii. 8.
22. Mark ix. 29. xi. 17. Luke vi.
See also
12. xix. 46. xxii. 45. Acts i. 14. ii.

42. iii. 1. vi. 4. x. 4, 31. xii. 5. xvi.

13, 16. Rom. i. 9(10). xii. 12. xv. nail to, Col. ii. 14.
SO. ICor. vii. 5. Epli. i. IG, vi.lS.

Phil. iv. G. Col. iv. 2, 12. 1 Thes. i.
proselyte. Matt, xxiii. 15. Acts 11.
2. ITim. ii. 1. v. 5. Phm. 4, 22. IPet.
10. vi. 5. xiii. 43.
iii. 7. iv. 7'. Rev. v. 8. viii. 3, 4.

Dat.y earnestly" {marg. in his pray-

er), Jas. V. 17.
With ,—
a season, Ileb. xi. 25.
dure for a while, Matt,

xiii. 21. endure but for a time,
pray, Matt. v. 44. vi. 5/, ,7^, 9. Mark iv. 17.
xiv. 23. xix. 13. xxiv. 20. xxvi.
30, 39, 41, 42, 44. Mark 1. 35. vi.
46. xi. 24p, 25. xiii. 18, 33 (-LT
Tr'O. xiv. 32, 35, 38, 3!). Luke i. Middle,
temporal, 2 Cor. iv. 18.

10. iii. 21. v. 16. vi. 12, 28. ix. 18, call unto (to') one. Matt. x. 1. xv.
28, 29. xi. 1/, 2. xviii. 1, 10, 11. 32. xviii. 2. xx. 25. Mark iii. 13,
xxii. 40, 41, 44(fl/>), 46. 23. vi. 7. vii. 14. viii. 1, 34. x. 42K
Acts i. 24. vi. 6p. viii. 15. ix. 11, xii. 43. XV. 44. Luke vii. 19(18).
40. X. 9, 30. xi. 5. xii. 12. xiii. 3. xvi. 5. xviii. 16. Act.s vi. 2. xx. 1.
xiv. 23. xvi. 25. xx. 36. xxi. 5. xxiii. 17, 18, 23.
xxii. 17'•. xxviii. 8. 1 Cor. xi. 4, 5, With , whereunto, Acts xiii. 2.
13. xiv. 13, 14<, 15/. Kpli. vi. 18. call for,Acts xiii. 7. Jns. v. 14.
Phil. i. 9. Col. i. 3, 9. iv. 3. 1 Thes. call, Matt. xv. 10. xviii. 82p. Luke
V. 17, 25. 3 Thes. i. 11. iii. 1. ITim. XV. 26. Acta ii. 39. v. 40p. xvi. 10.
continue steadfastly in, Acts
: ii.


. at,
stumble, Jolin xi.
Rom. ix. 32.
9, 10.


{with with tv L''). 21.

continue instant in, Rom. xii. 12.

continue in, Acts i. l-±(with ). roil to. Matt, xxvii. 60 (with L).
ii. AQ(wUh tv). Col. iv. 2. roll unto, Mark xv, 46 (with ).
continue with, Acts viii. 13 (^ivith

). With to worship (marg. fall
attend continually upon, Rom.xiii.6. down before), Luke iv. 7.
give one's self continually to, Acts v/orship, Matt. ii. 2, 8, 11. iv. 9,
vi. 4. 10. viii! 2. ix. 18. xiv. 33. xv. 25,
wait on continually, Acts x. 7. xviii. 26 (marg. beseech), xx. 20.
wait on, Mark iii. 9. xxviii. 9, 17. Mark v. 6. xv. 19,
Luke iv. 8. xxiv. 52(np). Jolm iv,
Eph. 20/, 21, 22t, 23/, 24/. ix. 38. xii. 20.
77,. vi. 18.
Acts vii. 43. viii. 27. x. 25. xxiv.

11. 1 Cor. xiv. 25. Heb. i. 6(7). xi.
pillow, Mark iv. 38.
21. Rev. iii. 9. iv. 10. v. 14. vii.
7'/.7]6. 11. ix. 20. xi. 1, 16. xiii. 4(. 8, 12,

Pass. J consort with, Acts xvii. 4.

summons, charge.
15. xiv. 7, 9, 11. XV. 4. xvi. 2. xix.
4, 10/, 20. XX. 4. xxii. 8, 9.


. '.
1 Tim. V. 21. for L.
worshipper, Jolm iv. 23.
incline towards.

-. (^
Acts V. 36, for
S. speak to. Acts xiii. 43.
speak with. Acts xxviii. 20.
partiality, 1
'. Tim. v. 21

Pass., be joined unto, Eph. v. 31

Mid., take unto one, Acts xvii. 5.
xviii. 26.— take, Matt. xvi. 22.
Mark viii. 32. Acts xxvii. 33, 34

(^ (^ (a?LavGLS), 36. — receive.

(with Tzpar StGT). —
join one's self to.
Acts xxviii. Roin. xiv. xv.
Acts V. 36 G"LTS).— 2. 1, 3.

cleave to, Matt. six. 5

TTr). Mark x. 7.

stumhling, 1 Pet,



Phm. 12(-LT5),

(- xi. 15.

continue with, Matt. xv. 32,


1 Cor. viii. 9.
See also

xiv. 20.

3 Cor. vi. 3.

continue in, 1 Tim. v. 5.
abide still, 1 Tim. 1. 3.

tarry ''there. Acts xviii. 18.
cleave unto, Acts xi. 23.
be with,
Add Acts
viii. 2.
43, for , [T5.
beat upon. Matt. vii. 27

6. Luke
dash against. Matt. iv.
iv. 11. owe beside
Mid., draw to the shore,

Plim. 19.
Mark vi. 53.
,^ .
proceed further, Acts xii. 3.
be grieved with, Heb. iii. 10, 17.
for ,
Add Mark xiv. 25,

, .
strike or beat upon.
Matt. vii. 25, for L. (A

run to, Mark ix. 15.
conjecture, allowed hy the frequent

run ''thither to. Acts viii, SO.
use of for ai in early MSS.)
run, Mark x. 17.

very hungry. Acts x. 10.


With ,
Acts ii. 23.

fall at, Mark vii. 25.

meat, John xxi. 5.

new, Heb. X. 10.

( lately, Acts xviii. 2.
lall down at, Luke v. 8.

. '(^ .
fall down before, Mark iii. 11. v. 33.
Luke viii. 28, 47. Acts xvi. 29. bring to (unto^), Matt. iv. 24^. v. 23
beat upon. Matt. vii. 25

(wiih f-/). viii. 16^. ix. 2, 32. xii.
L). for TTr.-, 22^. xiv. 352. xvii. 16. xviii. 242
LTTr). xix. I32. xxii. 19K
Mid., make as though, Luke xxiv. Mark x. 13. Luke xii. 11^ (^ ,
28. — With , as though ''he heard
TrS). xviii. 152.
xxv. 20. Mark

John 6P(-StE, omS). bring, Matt. x. 13

them not, viii.
(P, L^S).

come unto, Mark x. 35.
put to, John xix.

present unto (jnarg. offer), Matt. ii.

beat vehemently upon (against^),
Luke vi. 48, 49'-^.
Add Matt. vii. 27, for

offer, Matt. v. 24. viii. 4. Mark i.
[L"". 44. Luke v. 14. xxiii. 36. Acts vii.
42. viii. 18. xxi. 26. Heb. v. 1, 3.
viii. 3/, 4. ix. 7, 9, 14, 25, 28. x. 1,

2, 8, 11, 12p. xi. 4.
to command. Matt. viii. 4. xxi. 6

Heb. v. 7p. xi. 17/.
LTTr) Mark i. 44. Luke offer up,

do, John xvi. 2.

V. 14. Acts X. 33, 48.

Matt. 1.
Acts xvii. 26, for

Buccorer, Tiom. xvi. 2.

lay unto, Acts xiii. 36.

deal with, Heb. xii. 7.

lovely, Phil. iv. 8.

offering up (jnarg. sacrificing),

XV. 16.
offering. Acts xxi. 26,

xxiv. 17.
Eph. V. 2. Heb. x. 10, 14, 18.
add. Matt. vi. 27, 33. Luke iii. 20.
5, 8,

xii. 25, 31. xix. 11. Acts ii. 41, 47.

V. 14. xi. 24. Gal. iii. 19 (G', &-
speak to (unto^), Luke xxiii. 20.
G). Acts xxi. 402. xxii. 2.
again•^, Luke xx. 11, 12. call to (unto'^), Matt. xi. 1 (S\ Luke
give more, Mark iv. 24(a/>). vii. 32.
increase, Luke xvii, 5. call to (untoO one, Luke vi. 13'.
speak any° more, Ueb. di. 19. xiii. 12.
Heb. xi. 28.

'^ ^ Eph. iv, 22.

to touch, Luke xi. 46. before, John vi. 62. ix. 8. 2 Cor. i.

77]7' (--^').
have respect to persons, Jas. ii. 9.
15. ITim. i. 13.
(^ G'LTTr^)
before,John vii. 51.
{-'^ - LT/S). former, Heb. x. 32. 1 Pet. i. 14.

respecter of persons, Acts x. 34. first, Heb. iv. 6. vii. 27.
(-^-8). at the first, GaL iv. 13.
respect of persons, Rom. ii. 11. Arid John vii. 50 (. . hy night),
Eph. vi. 9. Col. iii. 25. Jas. ii. 1. LTTr.

Matt. vi. 16, 17. xi. 10. xvi.
xvii. 2, 6. xviii. 10. xxvi. 39, 67.
Mark i. 2. xiv. 65. Luke i. 76. ii.
31. V. 12. vii. 27. ix. 51, 52, 53.
set forth,
Eph. i.


Rom. iii. 25 (rnarg.
Rom. i. 13.

X, 1. xii. 56. xvii. 16. xxi. 35. xxii. Mid., exhort, Acts xviii. 27.
64(fl;>). xxiv. 5. Acts vi. 15^ vii.
45. xvii. 26. xx. 25, 3S. 1 Cor. xiii. run before, Luke xix. 4.
12i. xiv. 25. 2 Cor. iii. 7, 13, 18. With outrun, John xx. 4.
iv. 6. xi. 20. Gal. i. 22. ii. 11. Col.
ii. 1. IThes. ii. 17. iii. 10. Jas. i.
be before, Luke xxiii. 12.
23. 1 Pet. iii. 12. Rev. iv. 7. vi. 16.
be .beforetime. Acts viii. 9.
vii. 11. ix. 7. X. 1. xi. 16. xii. 14.
XX. 11. xxii. 4.
., face to face, Acts xxv. 16. show, Luke xx. 47.
countenance, Luke ix. 29. Acts ii. pretence, Matt, xxiii. \A(ap). Mark
28. 2 Cor. iii. 7. xii. 40. Phil. i. 18.
appearance iOr. tlie face), 2 Cor. cloak, John xv. 22 (rnarg, excuse).
1 Thes. ii. 5.

V. 12.
outward appearance, 3 Cor. x. 7. color, Acts xxvii. 30.
fashion, Jas. i. 11.
presence, Acts iii. 13, 19. v. 41.

bring forth, Luke vi. 45 f.
2 Cor. X. 1 (jnarg. outward appear-
ance). IThes. ii. 17. 2Tlies. L 9.
Heb. ix. 24. prophecy, Matt. xiii. 14. Rom. xii.
Tzpo before, Acts xiii. 24. 6.
ICor. xii. 10. xiii. 8. ITim. i.
2 Cor. viii. 24. IS. iv. 14. 2 Pet. i. 20. 21. Rev.
7., before,
i. 3. xi. 6. xix. 10. xxii. 7, 10, 18,
person, Matt. xxii. 16. Mark xii.

14. Luke XX. 21. 2 Cor.
{marg. sight)• GaL ii. 6.
man's person, Jude 16,

appoint before,
i. 11.

ii. 10

Acts xru. 26 (G',

, L).
the gift of prophecy, 1 Cor. xiii. 2.
prophesying, 1 Cor. xiv. 6, 22.
1 Thes. V. 20.

to prophesy. Matt. vii. 22. xi. 13.
XV. 7. xxvi. 68. Mark vii. 6. xiv.
65. Luke i. 67. xxii. 64. John xi.
oind, Acta xxii. 25. 51. Acts ii. 17, 18. xix. 6. xxi. 9.

xi. 4, 5. xiii. 9. xiv. 1, 3, 4,
24, 31, 39. 1 Pet,
14. Rev. X. 11. xi. 3.

prophet, Matt. i. 22. ii. 5, 15, 17,

23. iii. 3. iv. 14. v. 12, 17. vii. 12.
viii. 17. X. 41ir. xi. 9t, 13. xii. 17,
i. 10. Jude

early, Mark xvi.

hinder part of the ship, Mark iv. 38.
hinder part. Acts xxvii. 41.

John xx. 1.
J early in the morning, Matt.
stern, Acts xxvii. 29.

39. xiii. 17, 35, 57. xiv. 5. xvi. 4 XX. 1.
(-G°LTTr,S), 14. xxi. 4, 11, 26, 46. 7,, very early in the morning,
xxii. 40. xxiii. 29, 30, 31, 34, 37. Mark xvi. 2.
xxiv. 15. xxvi. 56. xxvii. 9, 35(a;p).
Mark i. 2 (G', (. -
in the morning. Matt. xvi. 3. Mark
L) i. 35. xi. 20. xiii. 35.
GLTTr^). vi. 4, 15. viii. 28. morning, Mark xv. 1. Acts xxviii.
xi, 32. xiii. 14(a^).
Addf .
see [23.
Luke 1. 70, 76. iii.

27. vi. 23. vii. 16, 26i, 28(-G<'LTrb

S), 39. ix. 8, 19. X. 24. xi. 29(om

S), 47, 49, 50. xiii. 28, 33, 34. xvi.

16, 29, 31. xviii. 31. xx. 6. xxiv.
iv. 17, 24,

, ^
early, Jas. v. 7.

morning, Rev. ii. 28.


19, 25, 27, 44. John i. 21, 23, 25,
45(46). iv. 19, 44. vi. 14, 45. vii.
40, 52. viii. 52, 53. ix. 17. xii. 38.
ii. 16, 30. iii. 18, 21, 22, 23,

25. vii. 37, 42, 48, 52. viii. 28,

Add Rev.

early, John xviii. 28

xxii. 16, for

30, 34. X. 43. xi. 27. xiii. 1, 15, 20,
40. XV. 15, 32. xxi. 10. xxiv.
in the morning, Matt. xxi. \^(
14. xxvi. 22, 27. xxviii. 23, 25.

Matt, xxvii.l. Johnxxi.4.
Rom. i. 2. iii. 21. xi. 3. 1 Cor. xii. morning.
28, 29. xiv. 29, 32i, 37. Eph. ii. 20.
iii. 5. iv. 11. ITlies. ii. 15. Tit. i.

12. Heb. i. 1. xi. 32. Jas. v. 10.

1 Pet. i. 10. 2 Pet. ii. 16. iii. 2. Rev.

X. 7. xi. 10, 18. xvi. 6. xviii. 20,

24. xxii. 6, 9.

foreship, Acts xxvii. 30.
forepart, Acts xxvii. 41.

have the pre-eminence, Col. i. 18.

of the prophets,


of prophecy, 2 Pet.


xvi. 26.

36. Rev. ii.20.

chief seat,
xii. 39.
highest seat,
. Matt, xxiii.

Luke xx. 46.

seats,Luke xi. 43.

chief room, Luke xiv. 7. xx. 46.

6. Mark

prevent, Matt. xvii. 25. highest room, Luke xiv. 8.

uppermost room (rooms'), Matt.xxiii.

6^ Mark xii. 39.
make, Acts xxvi. 16.

}^ ^
Add Luke xi. 43(ap).
choose, Acts xxii. 14.
Add Acts iii. 20, for
GLTS. 1. adj.
first.Matt. X. 2. xii. 45. xvii. 27.
choose before, Acts x. 41. xix. 30/. XX. 8, 10, IGt. xxi. 28, 31
(^ LTr), 36. xxii. 25, 38. at the first, John xii. 1 1, xix. 39.
xxvii. 64. Mark ix. 35. x. 31. xii. Acts XV. 14.
20, 28, 29, 30(ap). xiv. 12. Lnke first of all, Luke xii. 1. 1 Cor. xi.
ii. 2. xi. 26. xiii. 30t. xiv. 18. xvi. 18.
5. xix. 16. XX. 29. John i. 41(42, it first beginneth, 1 Pet. iv. 17.
adv. LTr). v. 4(ap). viii. xix. ().

at the beginning, John ii. 10.

32. XX. 4, 8. Acts xii. 10. xx. IS. before, John xv. 18.
xxvi. 23. xxvii. 43. chiefly, Rom. iii. 2.
Rom. X. 19. 1 Cor. xiv. 30. xv. Add John i.
41(42), see No. 1. vii.
45, 47. Epli. vi. 2. Phil. i. 5. 1 Tim.
51, for G'LTTrS.
i. 16. ii. 13. V. 12. 2 Tim. iv. 16.

Heb. viii. 7, 13. ix. 1, 2, 6, 8, 15,
18. X. 9. 1 John iv. 19. Rev. i. 11
(a/?), 17. ii. 4, 5, 8, 19. iv. 1, 7.
viii. 7. xiii. 12t. xvi. 2. xx. 5, 6.
ringleader, Acts xxi v. 5.
tv ,
xxi. If, 19. xxii. 13.
that are first, Mark x. 31p'.

first ''day,
first of all, 1 Cor, xv. 3.
Matt. xxvi. 17. Mark
birthright, Heb. xii. 16.

first-born. Matt. i. 25 (-LTTr5).

Luke ii. 7. Rom. viii. 29. Col. i.
15, 18. Heb. xi. 28. xii. 23.

xvi. 9(a/j).
former, Acts i. 1 Rev. xxi. 4.. first-begotten, Heb. i. 6. Rev. i. 5.
before, John i. 15, 30.
beginning, 2 Pet. ii. 20.
stumble, Rom. xi. 11.

chief, Matt. xx. 27. Lnke xix. 47.
fall, 2 Pet. i. 10.
Acts xvi. 12 (marg. first)• xvii. 4.
ofiend, Jas. ii. 10. iii. 2t,
XXV. 2. xxviii. 17. ITim. i. 15.
chief man, Acts xiii. 50. xxviii. 7.
chief ^estate, Mark vi. 21.
chiefest, Mark x. 44.
best, Luke xv. 22.
heel, John xiii. 18.

^^ ,
Add Mark

, GLT.


Matt. V. 24.
Acts xiii.

vi. 33.


vii. 5.
pinnacle. Matt.
iv. iv.

wing. Matt, xxiii. 37.
34. Rev. iv. 8. ix. 9. xii. 14.
5. Luke



-. bird, 1 Cor. xv. 39.

viii. 21. xii. 29. xiii. 30. 10,
11 (-Go^LTTryS). xxiii. 26. Mark
iii. 27. iv. 28. vii. 27. ix. 11, 12.
xiii. 10. xvi. 9((7p). Luke vi. 42.
ix. 59, 61. X. 5. xi. 38. xiv. 28, 31.
xvii. 25. xxi. 9. John xviii. 13.
terrify, Luke

amazement, 1 Pet.
» xxi.

9. xxir. 37.


Acts iii. 26. vii. 12. xi. 26. xiii. 46.

xxvi. 20.
i. 8, 16(-Lb). xv.
ICor. xii. 28. xv. 46. 2 Cor.
5. Eph. iv. 9(owiS). IThes. iv.
ii. 9, 10.
fan, Matt.

terrify, Phil.

. 12.


iii. 17.

16. 2Thes. ii. 3. ITim. ii. 1. iii.

10. V. 4. 2 Tim. i. 5. ii. 6. Heb, viL spittle, John ix. 6.

2. Jas. iiL 17. 2 Pet. i. 20. iii. 3.

at first, John x. 40. to close, Luke iv. 20.


ix. 6.

vli. 33. viii. 23p. John
ask, Luke xv.
xiii. 24(a/)).
porch, Matt. xxvi. 71.

26. xviii, 36. John
iv. 7. x. 18, 29.
dead body, Rev. xi. 8, 9/. xxiii. 19.
carcass, Matt, xxiv, 28. inquire,John iv. 52. Acts xxiii. 20.
Mark vi. 29. demand. Matt. ii. 4. Acts xxi. 33.
Addy for
Mark xv.

Matt. xiv. 12,
45, LTTr/S.
G'L understand, Acts xxiii. 34p.

fire, Matt. iii.

10, 11(-G»), 12. v.


Matt. V.
vii. 27.

become poor, 2 Cor.


poverty, 2 Cor. viii. 2, 9. Rev.

viii. 9.

xi. 5.
ii. 34.


xix. 21.
22. vii. 19. xiii. 40,
15. xviii. 8, 9. xxv. 41. Mark ix.
22, 43(), U(ap), 45(ap), 46(ap),
47 (-GoLTTr^S'), 48, 49. Luke iii.
9, 16, 17. ix. 54. xii. 49. xvii. 29.
xxii. 55. John xv. 6. Acts ii. 3, 19,
vii. 30. xxviii. 5.
42, 50. xviL

Rom. xii. 20. 1 Cor. iii. 13/, 15.

xxvi. 9, 11. Mark x. 21. xii. 42
2Thes. i. 8. Heb. i. 7. xi. 34. xii.
(-G°), 43. xiv. 5, 7. Luke iv. 18. 29. 18, Jas. iii. 5, 6. v. 3. 1 Pet. i.
vi. 20. vii. 22. xiv. 13, 21. xviii.
7. 2 Pet. iii. 7. Jude 7, 23. Rev. i.
22. xix. 8. xxi. 3. John xii. 5, G, 8.
14. ii. 18.18. iv. 5. viii. 5, 7,
xiii. 29. Rom. xv. 26. 2 Cor. vi. 10.
8(-G<«). ix. 17, 18. X. 1. xi. 5. xiii.
Gal. ii. 10. Jas. ii. 3, 5, 6. Rev. iii.
13. xiv. 10, 18, XV. 2. xvi. 8, xvii.
17. xiii. 16.
16, xviii. 8. xix, 12, 20, xx, 9, 10,
poor man, Jas. ii. 2.
14, 15. xxi. 8.

beggarly. Gal. iv. 9.
beggar, Luke xvi. 20, 22.
Gen., fiery, Heb. x. 27.
Add Rev. xx. 14 (op).
oft (jnarg.
nal, with the
fist ;
; in the origi-
Theophylact, up fire, Acts xxviii.
. 2, 3,

to the elbow),

often, adj., 1

TspoVf the oftener,
Tim. v. 23.
vii. 3.

v. 33. —
Acts xxiv. 26.
- sick of a fever,
Mark i. 30p.
tower. Matt. xxi. 33,
Luke xiii. 4. xiv. 28.


xii. 1.


to figbt, 1 Cor. ix. 26.

fever, Matt. viii. 15, Mark i. 31.
gate, Matt. vii. 13, 13(-LS), 14
Luke iv. 38, 39, John iv, 52, Acta
("L"). xvi. 18. Luke vii. 12. xxviii, 8,
xiii. 24 (G',

gate, Luke
GLTTr^). Acts
iii. 10. ix. 24. xii. 10. Heb. xiii. 12.

^ifi/ Acts xvi. 13,for(5/c,G"LT/S.

of fire, Rev. ix. 17.

Pass., be on fire, 2 Pet. iii. 12.

xvi. 20. Acts x. 17. fiery, Eph. vi, 16. burn, 1 Cor, vii,
. —
xii. 13, 14i. xiv. 13. Rev. xxi. 12, 9. 2 Cor. xi, 29, Rev, i. 15p, be —
12(aj9), 13/, 15, 21^ 25. xxii. 14. tried, Rev, iii. 18.
be red, Matt. xvi. 2, 3.

In a direct question, with the In-
dicative, Subjunctive^, or Optative^.

is red,

xii. 3.

burning, Rev. xviii. 9, 18.

fiery trial, 1 Pet. iv. 12.
vl. 4.
how ? Matt. vii. 4. xii. 26, 29, 34.
xxii. 12, 43, 45. xxiii. 33'. xxvi.
541. Mark iii. 23. iv. 13. xii. 35.
Luke i. 34. vi. 42. x. 26. xi. 18. xx.
41, 44. John iii. 4, 9, 12. v. 44, 47.

. vi. 52. vii. 15. viii. 33. ix. 10, 16,

^ ^.
19, 26. xii 34. xiv. 5, 9. Acts ii. 8.
An enclitio particle, yetf even. See viii. 312 (j^ith av), Rom. iii. 6. iv.
10. vi. 2. viii. 32. X. UtQLS), U
OL), 15(1 L-S). iCor. xiv. 7, 9, 16.
XV. 12, 35. 2 Cor. 8. Gal. iv. 9.
sell, Matt, . 29. xiii. 44. xix. 21.
Tim. Heb.

1 John
xxi. 12. XXV. 9. Mark .
21. xi.
17. iv. 20 (oy
iii. 5.
ii. 3. iii.

15. Luke xii. 6, 33. xvii. 28. xviii.

22. xix. 45. xxii. 36. John ii. 14, how is it that ? Matt. xvi. 11. Mark
iv. 40 (ap). viii. 21(-T). Luke xii.
16. Acts iv. 34, 37. v. 1. Rev. xiii.
—Pass, part.y with art.y what- 56. John

iv. 9. vi. 42.
1 Cor. X. 25. Add, for r/, Gal. ii. 14, GL5. For
soever is sold,
Tivc, Mark iv. dO\ G"L°^TTr^.
Matt. xxi. 2, 5, 7. Mark xi. II. In an indirect question, with the
Indicative or Subjunctive^.
2, 4, 5, 7. Luke xix. 30, 33i, 35.
John xii. 15. how. Matt. vi. 28. x. 19^. xii. 4.
Add Mark xi. 3 (a/)). Markii. 26(-Tr''). v. 16. ix. 12. xi.
18. xii. 41. xiv. V, IV. Luke viii.
18. xii. lis 27. xiv. 7. xxii. 2», 4».
at any time, John
1 John iv. 12.
xix. 30.
, i. 18. v. 37. John ix. 15. Acts iv. 21^. ix. 27i.

never, Luke
vi. 35». viii. 33.
xi. 13. xii. 17. xv. 36. 1 Cor. iii.
10. vii. 32CL5'), 33CL5'), 34eL5).

harden, Mark vi.

). 52. viii. 17. John
CoL iv. 6. 1 Thes. i. 9. iv. 1. 2 Thes.
iii. 7. 1 Tim. iii. 15. Rev. iii. 3.

after what manner. Acts xx. 18.

xii. 40.
2 Cor.

hardness (inarg.
iii. 5.
xi. 7

blindness (marg, hardness),

by what means, Luke viii. 36. John
(marg. harden)• ix. 21.

Mark Luke

Eph. V. 15.
for •, Mark
vi. 4, LTr".
III. As an intensive exclamation.
how Matt. xxi. 20. Mark x. 23,
xii. 26, TTrS.

xi. 25. Eph. iv. 18. 24. Luke xii. 50. xviii. 24. John

by any means, Acts xxvii. 12.

i. 10. xi. 14. ICor.
viii. 9. ix. 27.
2 Cor. xi. 3. Gal. ii. 2. Phil. iii. 11.
xi. 36.

Rabbi, Matt, xxiii. 7, 7(-GoLTr;Sc),
8. John i. 38(39), 49(50). iii. 2, 26.

by some means, 1 Thes. iii. 5. vi. 25.

haply, 2 Cor. ix. 4.
perhaps, 2 Cor. iL 7.
See also
master. Matt. xxvi. 25, 49.
ix. 5. xi. 21. xiv. 45,
John iv. 31. ix. 2. xi. 8.

Rabboni, John
. 16.

i. 22. ii. 15, 17, 23. iv. 14. viii.

17. xii. 17. xiii. 35. xxi. 4. xxii. 31.

9, 35(cp). —
lord, Mark
^. 51. spoken of. Matt.
xxiv.l5. Mark xiii. 14(op). /,,

he that was spoken of. Matt. iii. 3.
beat with rods, 2 Cor. xi. 25.
say. Matt. v. 21, 27, 31, 33, 38, 43.
beat, Acts xvi. 22. Rom. ix. 12, 26. Rev. vi. 11.

command, Rev. ix. 4.
rod, 1 Cor. iv. 21. Heb. ix. 4. Rev. make", Gal. iii. 16.

. ,.
ii. 27. xi. 1. xii. 5. xix. 15.
staff, Matt. X. 10. Markvi. 6. Luke

ix. 3. Heb. xi. 21.
ruin, Luke vi. 49.

sceptre, Heb. i. 8i.

rend. Matt. vii. 6.

Serjeant, Acts xvi. 35, 38.

lewdness. Acts xviii. 14.

mischief, Acts xiii. 10.

puLKay (>S').
Pass., break, Matt. ix. 17.
break forth,G-al. iv. 27.
burst, Mark ii. 22. Luke v. 37.
tear, Mark ix. 18 (inarg, dash).
Luke ix. 42.

word. Matt. iv. 4. xii. 36. xviii.

raca {ed. 1638), racha (1611), Matt. 16. xxvi. 75. xxvii. 14. Mark xiv.
V. 22. , '
'. 72. Luke i. 38. ii. 29. iii. 2. iv.

4(a/)). V. 5. XX. 26. xxiv. 8, 11.

cloth, Matt. ix. 16. Mark ii. 21.
John iii. 34. v. 47. vi. 63, 68. viii.
20, 47. X. 21. xii. 47, 48. xiv. 10.
sprinkle, Heb. ix. 13, 19, 21. x. 22. XV. 7. xvii. 8. Acts ii. 14. v. 20.

. vi.• 11, 13. X. 22, 37, 44. xi. 14, 16.

sprinkling, Heb. xii. 24. 1 Pet. i. 2. xiii. 42. xvi. 38. xxvi. 25. xxviii.
25. Rom. X. %
17, 18. 2 Cor. xii. 4.

xiii. 1. Eph. v. 26. vi. 17. Heb. i.
smite with the palm of one's hand
(jnarg. . . a rod), Matt. xxvi. 67.
smite, Matt. v. 39.

With or .^ strike With

3. vi. 5. xi. 3. xii. 19. 1 Pet. i. 25i.
2 Pet. iii. 2. Jude 17. Rev. xvii. 17

Mark ix. 32.
(inarg. thing), ii. 17, 50, 51. vii. 1.
Luke i. 65

the palm of one's hand, Mark xiv.

ix. 45i. xviii. 34.
()5^ Jolm xviii. 22(inarg.
— smite with one's hand, Jolm xix. 3.
needle. Matt. xix. 24.

. .

Mark x. 25.
a rod)•
See also , 7],
thing, Luke


.15, 19. Acts v. 32.

Luke xviii. 25 (^7.67]

Rev. xviii. 13.
orator, Acts xxiv.
. 1.

to flow,

^, &.John

vii. 38.

that (it) which was spoken,

root, Matt.
iv. 6, 17.
13. Rom.
ITim. vi.


xi. 20.

16, 17,
iv. 1.

10. xiii. 6, 21.

xii. 15.
iii. 9.
xv. 12.
Said of Christf

Root (roetOf Rev.
,{- )
V. 5. xxi: 16^ filth, IPet. iii. 21.

Pass, or Mid.y to rooted, Eph.

17(18). Col. ii. 7.

twinkling, 1 Cor. xv.

.. 52(7^ L™).

^be filthy, Rev. xxii. 11

GLTTr^^S), 11

pass., L*S).

. issue, Mark V.
25. Luke viii. 43,44.
toss, Jas. i. 6.

cast off, Acta xxii. 23.

Luke iv. 35p.

Eph. v. 27.

Lit. strengthen. Pass, imper., fare-

well. Acts XV. 29. xxiii. 30(-G<'LT).
Luke xvii.
Acts xxvii. 29.
\}, -
east, 2.
cast down, Matt. xv. 30. xxvii. 5. (-•&
sabacthani, Matt, xxvii. 46
cast out, Acts xxvii. 19.
L). Mark xv. 34 <S).
Pass., be scattered abroad (jnarg.

lie down). Matt. ix. 36.
Sabaoth, Rom. ix. 29.
sabaoth, Jas. v. 4.
with a great 2 Pet. 10.

noise, iii.

rest (marg. keeping of a sabbath),

BWord, Luke ii. 35. Rev. i. 16. ii.

12,16. vi. 8. xix. 15, 21.
a sinking, a falling.
Heb. iv. 9.

1 Cor. XV. 52, for pL -, L™. The plural rendered
Dative plural,
by the singular'.

, sabbath. Matt. xii. 5. 1*.

Btreet,Mt. vi. 2. Acts ix. 11. xii. 10.
lane, Luke xiv. 21. Mark ii. 21 1, 28- xvi. 1. Luke vi.
1, 5, 6. xiii. 10', 15. xxiii. 54. John
V. 9, 18. Acts xiii. 42(marg. week)•
deliver. Matt. vi. 13. xxvii. 43. xviii. 4.
Lukexi. 4(). Rom. vii. 24. 2 Cor.
Gen., sabbath, adj., Luke iv. 16.
i. Col. i. 13. 1 Tlies. i. 10.
lOir. xiv. 5. John xix. 31.
xiii. 14, 16.
2 Tim. iii. 11. iv. 18. 2Pet. ii. 7,9. Acts xiii. 14. Col. ii. 16.
Deliverer, Rom. xi. 26p. sabbath day. Matt. xii. 123, 2, 5^,

, [)&,]}& delivered, Luke

8, 103, 1123^ 123. xxiv. 20. Mark i.
i. 74. Rom. xv. 31. 2Thes. iii. 2. 21'^ a. ii. 232 8, 242 3. Hi. ^», 4». vi. 2.
2 Tim. iv. 17.
Luke iv. 813. vi. 23, 7, O». xiii. 14.
befoul, defile. xiv. 1, 3. xxiii. 66. John v. 10, 16.

Rev. xxii. 11,

filthiness, Jas. i. 21.

see l)v~6u.
vii. 22, 23i. ix. 14,

12. xiii.

week, Matt, xxviii.

John XX.
16. xix. 31.
27,44. xv. 21. xvii.

l^, Mark
xviii. 12. xxiv. l^.
12, 192. Acts xx. 72. 1 Cor.


xvi. 22.
vile, Jas. ii. 2. Add Mark v. 42, see
Add Rev. xxii. 11, see 1>6. See also
358 (
^, ),

,. .

move, IThes.


L, , .,

Add Rev.
Rev. iv.

Rev. xxi. 20.

3 (see


iv. 3, for

sackcloth, Matt. xi. 21. Luke z. 13. TrS.
Rev. vi. 12. xi. 3.
sardonyx, Rev. xxi. 20.

shake, Mai t. si. 7. xxiv. 29. Mark
xiii. 25. Lake vi. 48. vii. 24. xxi.
fleshly, 2 Cor. i. 12. 1 Pet. ii. 11.
26. Acts iv. 31. xvi. 26. 2 Tiies. ii.
carnal, Rom. vii. 14 GLT
2. Heb. xii. 26.
S).l Cor. iii. GUTS), 3 1(- (-
{marg. may he) shaken, Heb. xii. 27.
— ., those things which can
not he shaken, Heb. xii. 27.
those things that are G"), 3, 4(av&puTTocLTS). 2 Cor.
X. 4. Heb. vii. 16 (G', -locGLT^).
carnal things, Rom. xv.
27. 1 Cor. ix. 11.
shake together, Luke vi. 38.

waves, Luke
stir up, Acts xvii. 13.
move, Acts ii. 25.

^.xxi. 25.
fleshy, 2 Cor. iii. 3.
Addf .. see

flesh, Matt. xvi. 17. xix. 5, 6. xxiv.

trump, 1 Cor. xv. 52. 1

22. xxvi. 41. Mark x. St. xiii. 20.
Tlies. iv. 16.

trumpet, Matt. xxiv. 31. 1 Cor. xiv. 38. Luke iii. 6. xxiv. 39. John
xiv. 8. Heb. xii. 19. Rev. 1. 10. iv. i. 13, 14. iii. 6f. vi. 51, 52, 53, 54,
1. viii. 2, 6, 13. ix. 14.

sound a trumpet \marg. cause a 19. vii.

55, 56, 63. viii. 15. xvii. 2. Acts
ii. 17, 26, 30(ap), 31.

Rom. i. 3. ii. 28. iii. 20. iv. 1. vi.

5, 18, 25. viiil l(^ap), 9>tr,

trumpet to he sounded), Matt. vi. 2.
4, 5i, 8, 9, 12i, 13. ix. 3, 5, 8. xi.
a trumpet soundeth, 1 Cor. xv. 52. 14. xiii. 14. 1 Cor. i.
26, 29. v. 5.
sound. Rev. viii. 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13. vi. 16. vii. 28. x. 18. xv. 39/, 39
ix. 1, 13. X. 7. xi. 15.
(pmS), 39(-G«), 50. Cor. i. 2 17.
iv. 11. V. 16i. vii. 1, 5. x. 2, 3 xi.
trumpeter, Rev. viii. 22. 18. xii. 7.
cavbaXiov, Gal. i. 16. 16, 20. iii. 3. iv. 13,

sandal, Mark
vi. 9.

hoard. Acts xxvii. 44.

Acts xii. 8.
14, 23, 29. V. 13, 16, 17/, 19, 24.
vi. 8i, 12, 13. Eph. ii. 3i, 11/, 15.
V. 29, 30(), 31. vi. 5, 12. Phil. i.
22, 24. iii. 3, At. Col. i. 22, 24. ii.
GaTtQOg. 1, 5, 11, 13, 23.. iii. 22. 1 Tim. iii.
corrupt. Matt. vii. 17, 18. xii. 33i. 16. Phm. 16.
Luke vi. 43i. Eph. iv. 29. Heb. ii. 14, v. 7. ix. 13. x. 20.
had. Matt. xiii. 48. xii. 9. Jas. v. 3. 1 Pet. 1. 24. iii. 18,
21. iv. 1/, 2, 6. 2 Pet. ii. 10, 18.
IJohn ii. 16. iv. 2, 3(aj9). 2 John
sapphire. Rev. xxi. 19.
7. Jude 7, 8, 23. Rev. xvii. IG. xix.
aaqyav^ 18^ye, 21.
basket, 2 Cor. xi. 33. Gen., fleshly, Col. ii. 18. — carnal,
Rom. viii. 7. Heb. ix. 10. — carnally Mark vii. 7. Acts xvi. 14. xviii.

, .-&
(Gr. of the flesh), Rom. viii. 6. 13. xix. 27. — devout, Acts xiii. 50p.
Add 1 Cot, xv. 39 (. of fishes), . 1% xvii. 4p. — devout person, Acts xvii.
S* 17p. — religious,

.{ Acts xiii. 43p.

sweep, Matt. xii. 44.

XV. 8.
. Luke xi. 25.

2 Pet. ii.


measure, Matt. xiii. 33.
Luke xiii.
2 Pet. ii. 4, for

tempest. Matt. viii. 24.

earthquake. Matt. xxiv. 7. xxvii.
Tr 1865.

quench, Matt. xii. 20. Mark ix. 44
(ap), 46(a/)), 48. Eph. vi. 16. IThes.
V. 19 ). Heb. xi. 34.
Pass., go out (marg. be going out),
54. xxviii. 2. Mark xiii. 8. Luke
xxi. 11. Acts xvi. 26. Rev. vi. 12.

viii. 5. xi. 13i, 19(-G°). xvi. ISt.

, (^
Matt. XXV. 8.
. See

-, -.
shake, Heb. xii. 26. Rev. vi. 13.
Pass., shake, Matt, xxviii. 4.
quake. Matt, xxvii. 51.
move, Matt. xxi. 10.

thyself, Matt. 6. viii. 4. xix.
19. xxii. 39 G'). xxvii. 40.
moon. Matt. xxiv. 29. Mark xiii.
Mark i. 44. xii. 31. xv. 30. Luke 24. Luke xxi. 25. Acts ii. 20. 1 Cor.
iv. 9, 23. V. 14. X. 27. xxiii. 37, 39.
XV. 41. Rev. vi. 12. viii. 12. xii. 1.

John i. 22. vii. 4. viii. 13, 53. x. xxi. 23.
33. xiv. 22. xxi. 18. Acts xvi. 28.
xxvi. 1. Rom, ii. 1, 21. xiv. 22.
Gal. vi. 1. ITim. iv. 7, 16. v. 22. he lunatic, Matt. iv. 24. xvii. 15.
2 Tim. ii. 15. Tit. ii. 7. Jas. ii. 8.
thine own self, John vii. 5. Phm. fine flour, Rev. xviii. 13.

thou thyself, Rom. ii. 19. [19.
thy, Acts ix. 34"°.
honest (marg. venerable), Phil. iv. 8.
unto thyself, Rom. ii. 5. ITim. iv.
grave, 1 Tim. iii. 8, 11. Tit. ii. 2.

2 Tim. iv. 11.
Add, for lavTovy -rdv, John
34, LTrS'. Rom. xiii. 9,
V. 14, GhTS.
honesty, 1 Tim.
gravity, 1 Tim.

. ii.

4. Tit. ii. 7.

signify, xii. 33. xviii. 32.
to worship,

^. Rom. i. 25. xxi. 19. Acts xi. 28. xxv. 27. Rev.
i. 1.

that is worshipped, 2Thes. ii. 4.
devotion (marg. god that one wor-
shippeth), Acts xvii. 23.
Augustus*, Acts xxvii. 1.
sign, Matt. xii. 38, S9tr. xvi. 1, 3,
4tr. xxiv. 3, 24, 30. xxvi. 48. Mark
viii. 11, 12i. xiii. 4, 22. xvi. 17
(ap), 20(aj7). Luke ii. 12, 34. xi.
16, 29/r, 30. xxi. 7, 11, 25. John
ii. 18. iv. 48. vi. 30. xx. 30. Acta
Pass., to worship, Matt. xv. 9. ii. 19, 22, 43. iv. 30. v. 12. vii. S6.
viii. 13.xiv. 3. Rom. iv. 11. xv. 19.
Add Luke xviii. 39, for

, L

ICor. i. 22. xiv. 22. 2 Cor. xii. 12i. TTr.
2Thes. ii. 9. Heb. ii. 4. Rev. xv. 1.
token, 2Thes. iii. 17. silence, Acts xxi. 40. Rev. viii. 1.
wonder, Rev. xii. 1 and 3 (jnarg.
sign), xiii. 13.
miracle, Luke xxiii. 8. John
23. iii. 2. iv. 54. vi. 2, 14, 26. vii. 16.
ii. 11, of iron,

iron, adj., Acts xii. 10.

ii. 27. ix. 9. xii. 5. xix.

31. ix. 16. X. 41. xi. 47. xii. 18, 37.
Acts iv. 16, 22. vi. 8. viii. 6. xv. iron. Rev. xviii. 12.
12. Rev. xiii. 14. xvi. 14. xix. 20.

Mid, note

(rnarg. signify), 2Tlies.
that is

strong drink,
a murderer. Acts xxi. 38•

&, Luke i. 15.

to-day, Matt. vi. 30. xvi. 3. xxi.
28. Luke v. 26. xii. 28. xiii. 32, 33.
xix. 5. xxiii. 43. xxiv. 21(-Tr''/S).
Heb. iii. 7, 13, 15. iv. 7i. v. 5. xiii.
apron, Acts xix. 12.

mustard seed.
.Matt. xiii. 31. xvii.
8. Jas. iv. 13.
this day. Matt.
8, 19.
vi. 11. xi. 23. xxvii.
xxviii. 15. Mark xiv. 30.
11. iv. 21. xix. 9. xxii. 34.

Acts iv. 9. xiii. 33. xix. 40. xx. 26.

20. Mark iv. 31.
xvii. 6.

fine linen, Mark xv. 46.

» Luke xiii. 19.

xxii. 3. xxiv. 21. xxvi. 2, 29. xxvii.
33. 2 Cor. iii. 14, 15. Heb. i. 5.

Add Luke xxii. 61 (crow

this day,

. .),
xi. 8.
TTr/S. ,
linen, Mark xv. 46. Luke xxiii. 53.
linen cloth. Matt, xxvii. 59. Mark

. *
xiv. 51, 52.

Luke xxii. 31.

to corrupt, Jas. v. 2.

NeuUj Rev.
xviii. 12.
2 Pet. ,
ii. 4, for
pit, cavern.


], Luke

^, fatted, xv. 23, 27, 80.

moth. Matt. vi. 19, 20. Luke xii. 33, grain, corn.
Acts vii. 12, for G'^LTaS.
moth-eaten, Jas. v. 2.
» NeuLf fatling. Matt. xxii. 4.

strengthen, 1 Pet. v. 10.

portion of meat, Luke xii. 42.

cheek, Matt. v. 39. Luke vi. 29.

Giyaco» iii. 12.wheat, Matt.

xiii. 25, 29,

keep silence, Acts xv. 12. 1 Cor.

17. 30. Luke
xvi. 7. xxii. 31. iii.

xiv. 28, 34. John xii. 24. Acts xxvii. 38. 1 Cor.
XV. 37. Rev. vi. 6. xviii. 13.
hold one's peace, Luke xx. 2G. Acta
xii. 17. XV. 13. 1 Cor. xiv. 30.
keep secret, Rom. xvi. 25.
keep close, Luke ix. 36.
corn, Mark iv. 28. Acts vii. 12(j?/.,
fr. G"LT<S').
Add Luke xii. 18, for Tr, ,
hold one's peace, Matt. .
31. xxvi.
63. Mark iii. 4. ix. 34. x. 48. xiv.

Acts xxvii. 17.

tabernacle. Matt. xvii. 4. Mark ix.


61. Luke xviii. 39

xix. 40. Acts xviii. 9.
Imper., peace, Mark iv. 39.
dumb, Luke i. 20p.

offend, Matt. v. 29 {marg. cause to

offend), 30. xi. 6. xiii. 21, 57. xv.
12. xvii. 27. xviii. 6, 8, 9. xxiv.
10. xxvi. 31, 33i. Mark iv. 17. vi.
5. Luke ix. 33. Acts vii. 43, 44. xv.
16. Heb. viii. 2, 5. ix. 2, 3, 6, 8,

XV. 5.
Add Heb.

of tabernacles,
21. xi. 9. xiii. 10. Rev. xiii. 6.
xsi. 3.


xvi. 9.
ix. 1 (^covenant) j St.

vii. 2.

3. ix. 42, 43 and 47 (inarg. cause to

tent-maker, Acts xviii. 3 (a/)).

offend), 45. xiv. 27, 29. Luke vii.
23. xvii. 2. Jolin vi. 61. xvi. 1.
Rom. xiv. 21(-G''aS). 2 Cor. xi. 29. tabernacle, 2 Cor. v. 1, 4.
make to offend, I Cor. viii. 13i.
o^iavbalov. dwell, John
14. Rev. vii. 15. xii.

occasion of stumbling ( Gr, scandal),

1 John ii. 10.
stumbling-block, Rom. xi. 9. 1 Cor.
12. xiii. 6. xxi. 3.

tabernacle, Acts vii. 46. 2 Pet. i.

i. 23. Rev. ii. 14.

occasion to fall, Rom. xiv. 13.
13, 14.
shadow, Matt. iv. 16. Mark iv. 32.
thing that offendeth (rnarg. scandal),

Matt. xiii. 41. Luke i. 79. Acts v. 15. Col. ii. 17.

offence, Matt. xvi. 23. xviii. 7ir. Heb. viii. 5. x. 1.
Luke xvii. 1. Rom. ix. 33. xvi. 17.
Gal. V. 11. IPet. ii. 8(7).
leap, Luke i. 41, 44.
leap for joy, Luke vi. 23.
dig, Luke vi. 48. xiii. 8. xvi. 3.

hardness of heart, Matt. xix. 8.

boat, Acts xxvii. 16, 30, 32. Mark x. 5. xvi. 14(ap).

leg, John xix.

Plur.f raiment, 1
31, 32, 33.

tackling. Acts xxvii. 19.

vessel, Mark xi. 16.


John xix. 29. Acts ix. 15. x. 11, 16.
xi. 5. Rom. ix. 21, 22, 23. 2 Cor.
vi. 8.

16. viii.



iv. 7.
hard. Matt. XXV. 24. John vi. 60.
Acts ix. 5{ap). xxvi. 14. Jude 15.





ix. 18.

vii. 51.

Heb. iii. 8,

iv. 7. 1 Thes. iv. 4. 2 Tim. ii. 20, 21.
Pass, or Mid., be hardened. Acta
Heb. ix. 21, 1 Pet. iii. 7. Rev. ii.
xix. 9. Heb. iii. 13.
27. xviii. 12t.
Pi'iir., stuff, Luke xvii. 31.•
Matt. xii. 29, Mark iii. 27. crooked, Luke iii. 5. Phil. li. 16.

untoward, Acts
froward, IPet.

thorn, 2 Cor.


xii. 7.

look at, 2 Cor. iv. 18p.

Add, see

Pass,f full of darkness, Rev. xvi.lOP.

Pluralf dung, Phil. iii. 8.

look on, Phil. ii. 4.

mark, Rom. xvi. 17. Phil.
take heed, Luke xi. 35.
iii. 17.
a sad countenance, Matt.
Luke xxiv. 17.
vi. 16.

, .
consider, Gal. vi. 1.
Mark v. 35. Luke viii.49.
to trouble,
mark, Phil.

scatter, Luke
iii. 14.

xi. 23. John x. 12.

Mid,, trouble one's self, Luke vii. 6.
^c/ciMatt.ix.36, for eKXvUfGLTTrS,

xi. 22.


xvi. 32.
scatter abroad. Matt. xii. 30.
disperse abroad, 2 Cor. ix. 9. eaten of worms, Acts xii. 23.

scorpion, Luke x. 19. xi. 12. Rev.
ix. 3, 5, 10.

worm, Markix. 44(ap), 46(cp),48.

emerald. Rev, iv. 3.

dark, Luke xi. 36.

xi. 34.
full of darkness. Matt. vi. 23.

darkness. Matt. x. 27. Luke xii.

3. John i. 5i. viii. 12. xii. 35i, 46.

myrrh. Matt.
emerald. Rev. xxi. 19.

ii. 11. John xix. 39.

IJohni. 5.
dark, John
Add Matt.
. ^
ii. 8,

vi. 17.
9, llir.

iv. 16, for

xx. 1.
mingle with myrrh,
bier (marg. cofiSn), Luke vii, 14.
Mark xv.

10. Eph. iv. 18

darken, Matt. xxiv. 29. Mark xiii.
24. Luke xxiii. 45. Rom. i. 21. xi.
LTS). Rev. thy, thine, Matt. vii. 22<r. xiii. 27.
LT). xxiv. 3. Mark ii. 18. Luke v. 33.
viii. 12. ix.

?, neut., masc.^
darkness, Matt. iv. 16
XV. 31. xxii. 42. John iv. 42; xvii.
6, 9, lOi, 17. Acts xxiv. 2, 4. 1 Cor.
LT viii. 11. xiv. 16. Phm. 14.
Tr). vi. 2;3^viii. 12. xxii. 13. xxv. thine own. Matt. vii. 3. John xviii.
30. xxvii. 45. Mark xv. 33. Luke 35. Acts V. 4.
i. 79. xi. 35. xxii. 53. xxiii. 44. TO
John iii. 19. Acts ii. 20. xiii. 11. XXV. 25,
that is thine. Matt. xx. 14.

xxvi. 18. Rom. ii. 19. xiii. 12. oi thy friends, Mark v. 19.

1 Cor. iv. 5. 2 Cor. iv. 6. vi. 14. aay thy goods, Luke vi. 30.
Eph. V. 8, 11. vi. 12. CoL i. 13.
1 Thes. V. 4, 5. Heb. xii. 18»
G"LT5). 1 Pet. ii. 9. 3 Pet. ii. 17.
See . .
1 John i. 6. Jnde 13. handkerchief, Acts xix. 12.

cocfia 363

XX. 7.
napMn, Luke xix. 20. John xi. 44. 5<. xii.
37 (with
24. xix. 21, 22. John iv. 36,
').1 Cor. ix. 11.
42, 43i, 44.
v. 36,
2 Cor. ix. Qt.

wisdom, Matt. xi. 19. xii. 42. xiii. Gal. vi. 7, 6i. Jas. iii. 18.
54. Mark vi. 2. Luke ii. 40, 52. vii. sower, Matt. xiii. 3p, 18p. Mark iv.
35. xi. 31, 49. xxi. 15. Acts vi. 3, 3p, 14p. Luke viii. 5p. 2 Cor. ix. IOp.
10. vii. 10, 22. Rom. xi. 33. 1 Cor. Pass., receive seed, Matt. xiii. 19,
i. 17, 19, 20, 21i, 22, 24, 30. ii. 1, 20, 22, 23.
4, 5, 6t, 7, 13. iii. 19. xii. 8. 2 Cor.
i. 12. Eph. i. 8, 17. iii. 10. Col. i. executioner {marg. one of his" guard),
9, 28. ii. 3, 23. iii. 16. iv. 5. Jas. Mark vi. 27.
i. 5.
Rev. v. 12.

13, 15, 17. 3 Pet. iii. 15.
vii. 12. xiii. 18. xvii. 9.
Mid., be
Phil. ii.
offered ( Gr.
17. — be ready
poured forth),
to be offered,

wise, 2

Mid., devise cunningly, 2 Pet.

Matt. xi. 25.


14, 22. xvi. 19, 27. 1 Cor. i.



x. 21.
2 Tim. iv.

seed, Matt.

xiii. 24, 27, 32, 37, 38.

xxii. 24. Mark iv. 31. xii. 19, 20,
21, 22. Lukei. 55. xx. 28. John vii.

42. viii. 33, 37. Acts iii. 25. vii. 5,

19, 20, 25, 26, 2'i(ap). iii. 10, ISt,
19, 20. Epli. v. 15. ITim. i. 17(om 6, xiii. 23. Rom. i. 3. iv. 13, 16, 18.

S). Jude 25 {o)i)S). — wise man, ^It.

ix. It, 8, 29. xi. 1. 1 Cor. xv. 38'=''.

xxiii. 34. 1 Cor. vi. 5. Jas. iii. 13. 2 Cor. ix. 10 L). xi. 22.


Gal. iii. 16ir, 19, 29. 2 Tim. ii. 8.

to tear, Mark i. 26p. is. 20

LTr^^/S). Luke ix. 39.
(- Heb. ii. 16. xi. 11, 18. 1 John iii. 9.
Rev. xii. 17.
issue, Matt. xxii. 25.
rend, Mark ix. 26.

babbler {marg. base fellow), Acts

wrap in swaddling clothes, Luke ii.
xvii. 18.

7, 12.

hast3 unto {marg. haste), 2 Pet. iii.

Mid., draw out, Acts xvi. 27. haste, Acts xx. 16. [12.
draw, Mark xiv. 47.

live in pleasure,
live delicately)•

bs wanton, Jas. v.
1 Tim.

v. G {mar;/.
xxii. 18.
with haste,

make haste, Luke xix. 5, 6. Acts


xi. 38.
Matt. xxi. 13.
ii. 16p.

Mark xi. 17.

band, Matt, xxvii. 27. Mark xv. 16.
John xviii. 12. Acts x. 1. xxi. 31.
xxvii. 1.

band of men, John xviii. 3.
Luke xix.
vL 15.

spot, Jude

Heb. xi. 38. Rev.

25 (/^
sow, Matt. vi. 26.

XXV. 24, 26. Mark

15/, 16, 18, 20, 31, 32.
xiii. 3, 4, 19,

iv. 3, 4,


to spot,
defile, Jas.
Eph. V. 27. 2 Pet.

ii. 13.
bowels, Acts i. 18. 2 Cor. vl. 12.
Phil. i. 8. ii. 1. Col. iii. 12. Phin.
7, 12, 20.
bowels of compassion, 1 John iii. 17.
Comp.f ^
the more carefully, Phil.
very diligently, 2 Tim.


inward affection ( Gr. bowels), 2Cor. haste, Mark vi. 25. Luke i. 39,
vii. 15.

tender (jnarg, bowels),

be moved with compassion, Matt. ix.

36. xiv. 14. xviii. 27. Mark i. 41.
Luke i. 78.
forwardness, 2 Cor. viii. 8.
diligence, Ivom. xii. 8. 2 Cor, viiL
7. Heb. vi. 11. 2 Pet. i. 5. Jude 3.
business, Rom. xii. 11.
earnest care, 2 Cor. viii. 16.

vi. 34.
have compassion. Matt. xv. 32. xx.
34. Mark viii. 2. ix. 22. Luke vii.

care, 2 Cor. vii. 12.
2 Cor. vii. 11,

13. X. 33. XV. 20.

sponge. Matt, xxvii. 48.
36. John xix. 29.
Mark xv.
, ^.
basket, Matt. xv. 37. xvi. 10(' L).
viii. SCLS), 20. Acts ix. 25.

furlong, Luke xxiv. 13. John vi.

anobog, 19. xi. 18. Rev. xiv. 20. xxi. IG.

Luke race, 1 Cor. ix. 24^
ashes, Matt. xi. 21. x. 13.
Add Matt. xiv. 28 (ap),

Heb. ix. 13.
1 Pet. i. 23. pot, Heb. ix. 4.

Neut. plur.f corn

Luke vi. 1.


fields, Mark ii.
corn, Matt. xii. 1.

Mark xv.

7, for .^
an insurgent.

be standing, Heb. ix. 8.

Mark xv. 7.

seed, iv. 26, 27. viii.
6, 11.

seed sown, 2 Cor. ix. 10.
Add 2 Cor. ix. 10, for L.
xxiv. 5.

Luke xxiii. 19,

uproar. Acts xix. 40.
Acts xv. 2. xxiii.
25. Acts

7, 10.

be forward. Gal. ii. 10.

be diligent, Tit. iii. 12. 2 Pet. iii. 14.
do diligence, 2 Tim. iv.
give diligence, 2 Pet. 1. 10.
9, 21.

endeavor, Eph. iv. 3. 1 Thes. ii. 17.

2 Pet. i. 15.
xvii. 27.

piece of money {marg. stater), Matt,

cross. Matt. x. 38. xvi. 24. xxvii.

32, 40, 42. Mark viii. 34. x. 21 (-G«»
V'TrS). XV. 21, 30, 32. Luke ix.
labor, Heb. iv. 11.
23(o/>). xiv. 27. xxiii. 26. John xix.
study, 2 Tim. ii. 15.
17, 19, 25, 31. 1 Cor. i. 17, 18. Gal.

V. 11. vi. 12, 14. Eph. ii. 16. Phil,
forward, 2 Cor. viii. 17. ii. 8. iii. 18. Col. i. 20. ii. 14. Heb.
diligent, 2 Cor. viii. 22f.
xii. 2.

diligently. Tit. iii. 13. crucify, Matt. xx. 19. xxiii. 34

instantly, Luke vii. 4. xxvi. 2. xxvii. 22, 23, 26, 31, 35,
38. xxviii. 5. Mark xv. 13, 14, 15,
20, 24. 25, 27. xvi. 6. Luke xxiii.
steadfast, 1 Pet. v. 9.
21i, 23, 33. xxiv. 7, 20. John xix.
6tr, 10, 15f, 16, 18, 20, 23, 41. Acts
ii. 36. iv, 10. 1 Cor. i. 13, 23. ii.
2,8. 2Cor. xiii. 4. Gal. iii. 1. v. .
sure (marg, steady), 2 Tim.
strong, Heb. v. 12, 14.
ii. 19.

24. vi. 14. Rev. xi. 8.

grapes, Matt. vii. 16 (plur.
Luke vi. 44. Rev. xiv.l8(sin^.G"T).

ear of corn, Matt. xii. 1.

23. Luke vi. 1.

Mark ii.
steadfastness, Col.
Acts xvi. 5.
make strong, Acts iii. 16.
Pass., receive strength. Acts


crown. Matt, xxvii. 29. Mark xv.

iii. 7.

ear, Mark iv. 28i. 17. John xix. 2, 5. 1 Cor. ix. 25.
PhiL iv. 1. IThes. ii. 19. 2 Tim.

suffer, 1
vii. 6.


Cor. ix. 12.

bear, 1 Cor. xiii, 7.
can forbear, 1 Thes. iii.
8. Mark ii.

1p, 6p.
4. iv. 8. Jas.
ii. 10.

to crown,
i. 12.


xii. 1. xiv. 14.

1 Pet. v. 4. Rev.
11. iv. 4, 10. vi. 2. ix. 7.

2 Tim.
&. 2, 5. Heb. ii. 7, 9.

iv. 27.
. i. 7, 36. xxiii. 29.
John xiii.

. xviii. 13. xxiii. 48.

25. xxi. 20. Rev. xv. 6.

Mark xi. Rom.

to stand, 25. xiv. 4.
Mid, or pass., withdraw one's self,

stand fast, 1 Cor. xvi. 13. Gal. v.
2 Thes. iii. 6. —avoid, 2 Cor. viii. 20. 1. Phil. i. 27. iv. 1. 1 Thes. iii. 8.
2 Thes. ii. 15.
garland, Acts xiv. 13.

to sigh,
groaning, Acts vii.34.

Mark vii. 34.

Rom. viii. 23. 2 Cor.
Rom. viii.26.

v. 2, 4.
set steadfastly,
fix, Luke
steadfastness, 2 Pet.

xvi. 26.


ix. 51.

i. 11.
with grief, Heb. xiii. 17?. xvi. 251. iThes. iii. 2, 13^. 2 Thes.

grudge {marg. groan, or grieve), ii. 171. iii. 31. Jas. v. SK 1 Pet. v.
Jas. v. 9.


2 Cor.
2 Cor.
vi. 12f.
iv. 8.
10'. 2 Pet. i. 12.
strengthen, Luke xxii. 32. Rev.
strait, Matt. vii. 13, 14. Luke xiii. iii. 2.

Add Acts xviii. 23, for

, .,

xi. 8, for
twig, bough.

distress, Rom. viii. 35.

4. xii. 10.
anguish, Rom. ii. 9.
2 Cor. vi.
mark. Gal.

moment, Luke
. vi. 17.

iv. 5.
shine, Mark

iz. 3.

2 Cor. x. 4. 1 Tim. i. 18.

porch, John
11. V. 12.

branch, Mark
. 2. . 23.

. xi. 8(:8).
Acts iii.
Rev. ix. 16. xix. 14, 19i.
men of war,
army, Matt. xxii. 7. Acts xxiii. 27.

Acts xxiii. 10.
xxiii. Up».

Mid.jgo a warfare, 1 Cor. ix. 7.
element, Gal. iv. 3 and 9 (marg. ru-
diment). 2 Pet. iii. 10, 12. war. 2 Cor. x. 3. 1 Tim. i. 18. 2 Tim.
ii. 4. Jas. iv. 1. IPet. ii. 11. sol- —

rudiment {marg, element), Col. ii.
dier, Luke iii. 14p.
8, 20.
principle, Heb. v. 12.
captain, Luke xxii. 4, 52. Acts iv.

1 (marg. ruler). V. 24, 26.
walk orderly, Acts xxi. 24.

magistrate, Acts xvi. 20, 22, 35,
walk, Rom. iv. 12. Gal. v. 25. vi.
16. Phil. iii. 16.

robe, Luke XV.

9, 13, 14.
, 36, 38.

22. Rev. vi. 11. vii.

host, Luke ii. 13. Acts vii. 42.

long robe, Luke xx. 46. soldier, Matt. viii. 9. xxvii. 27.

xxviii. 12. Mark xv. 16. Luke vii.
long garment, Mark xvi. 5.

8. xxiii. 36. John xix. 2, 23i, 24,
long clothing, Mark xii. 38.
32, 34. Acts X. 7. xii. 4, 6, 18. xxi.
Add Rev.

vii. 14, for
32i, 35. xxiii. 23, 31. xxvii. 31, 32,
(Tr»»), StTr.
42. xxviii. 16. 2Tim. ii. 3.

mouth. Matt. iv. 4. v. 2. xii. 34.

xiii. 35. XV. S(ap), lit, 17, 18.
xvii. 27. xviii. 16. xxi. 16. Luke
i. 64, 70. iv. 22. vi. 45. xi. 54. xix.

32, 35. X. 34. xi. 8. xv. 7. xviii. 14.

xxii. 14. xxiii. 2.
choose .

. to be a soldier, 2

captain of the guard, Acts xxviii.

22. xxi. 15. xxii. 71. John xix. 29. lG(ap).
Acts i. 16. iii. 18, 21. iv, 25. viii.
army, Luke xxi. 20.

Rom. iii. 14, 19. x. 8, 9, 10. xv. wrest, 2 Pet. iii. 16.
6. 2 Cor. vi. 11. xiii. 1. Eph. iv. 29.
. '.
Tim. ii. 4.

vi. 19. Col. iii. 8. 2Thes. ii. 8.

to turn. Matt. v. 39. Acts vii. 42.
2 Tim. iv. 17. Heb. xi. 33. Jas. iii.
Rev. xi. 6.
3, 10. 1 Pet. ii. 22. Jude 16. Rev.
i. 16. ii. 16. iii. 16. ix. 17, 18, 19. Mid. and Pass., turn one's self, John
X. 9, 10. xi. 5. xii. 15, 16t. xiii. 2, XX. U, 16.
— —
turn one, Luke x. 23.
xiv. turn, Matt. xvi. 23. Luke vii. 44.
5, 6. 5. xvi. 13ir. xix. 15, 21.
. .
irpbg face to face ( Or. mouth
ix. 55. xiv. 25. xxii. OL xxiii.

28. Jolin i. 38. Acts xiii. 40.—
2 John 12. 3 John 14.
Luke turn again, Matt. — turn back
vii. 6.
edge, xxi. 24. Heb. xi. 34.
again, Acts vii. 39. — turn one about,
Luke vii. i). — ba converted, Matt,
stomach, 1 Tim. v. 23. xviii. 3.
Addy for ,, Matt, xxvii. 3,
Acts i. 24. iv. 24. vii. 28. ix. 5, x.

TTrS. For

John xii. 40, LTTtaS.

live delioiously,
Matt. ix. 22, 15, 33. xi. 9, 14. xiii. 33. xvi. 31.


Luke x. 22 xxi. 38. xxii. 8, 27. xxiii. 3, 21.
XXV. 10. xxvi. 15. Rom. ii. 3, 17,

xviii. 7, 9.
ix. 20.
4, 10/, 32.
xi. 17, 18, 20, 22, 24. xiv.
1 Cor. xiv. 17. xv. 36.
14. vi. 1. ITim. vi. 11.

&. Rev.
2 Tim. i. 18. ii. 1, 3 (.see

delicacy, xviii. 3.

, (
iii. 10, 14. iv. 5, 15. Tit. ii. 1.

Phm. 12 L^). Heb. i. 5, 10, 11,

sparrow, Matt. x. 29, 31. Luke xii. 12. V. 5, 6. vii. 17, 21. Jas. ii. 3f,
6, 7. 18, 19. iv. 12, 3 John 3. Rev. ii. 15.
iii. 17. iv. 11. vii. 14.

strew, Matt. xxi. 8. Markxi. 8(a;j).
spread, Matt. xxi. 8. Mark xi. 8.
With make thy bed. Acts
Add Mark
xiv. 30 (thou),
Gemtivef ,

ix. 34.
of thee, 1 Cor. xii. 21. Phm. 20.
furnish, Mark xiv. 15. Luke xxii. thy, thine, Matt. i. 20. iv. 6, 7, 10.

12. V. 23/, 24ir, 25, 29/r, 30/r, 33, 36,
39, 40, 43/. vi. 3/, 4/, 6/, 9, 10/, 13
(ap), lit, 18/, 22/, 23/. vii. 3, 4/, 5.
hateful. Tit. iii. 3.
ix. 2, 6/, 14, 18, 22. xi. 10/, 26. xii.
2, 13, 37/, 47/. XV. 2, 4(omS), 28.

Rev. iii.
be sad, Mark x. 22.
lower, Matt. xvi. 3.

Gal. ii. 9.
12. x. 1.
ITim. iii.
xvii. 16. xviii. 8/, 9, 15/, 33. xix.
19(o7nS), 19. XX. 15, 21(-L5), 21.
xxi. 5. xxii. 37/, 39, 44/. xxiii. 37.
15. XXV. 21, 23, 25. xxvi. 42, 52, 73.
Mark i. 2/, 44. ii. 5(-Lb), 9, 11/.
iii. 6(-TTri>), 32/. v. 34/, 35. vi.
(see also .). 18. vii. 5, 10/, 29. ix. 18, 88, 43,
1. Nominative, , 45, 47. X. 19, 37, 37(-L^TTr), 37,
52. xii. ZOjwe, 31, 36/. xiv. 70(ap).
thou. Matt. ii. 6. iii. 14. vi. 6, 17.
xi. 3, 23. xiv. 28. xvi. 16, 18. xxvi. Luke i. 13/, 36, 38, 42, 44. 61. ii.
25, 39, 63, 64, 69, 73. xxvii. 4, 11/. 29/, 30, 32, 35, 48. iv. 7, 8,'ll, 12,
Mark i. 11. iii. 11. viii. 29. xiv. 36, 23. V. 5, 14, 20, 23,24/. vi. 10, 29,
61, 67, 68. XV. 2t. Luke i. 28(aj3), 41, 42/r. vii. 27/, 44, 48, 50. viii.
42, 76. iii. 22. iv. 7, 41. vii. 19, 20. 20/, 48, 49. x. 17 ix. 40, 41, 49.
ix. 60. X. 15, 37. xv. 31. xvi. 7, 25 21, 27six. xi. 2/, 2(ap), 34/r, 36. xii!
(-GTTr5), 25. xvii. 8. xix. 19, 42. 20, 58. xiii. 12, 26, 34. xiv. 12/, 12
xxii. 32, 58, 67, 70. xxiii. 3i, 37, (ap). XV. 19/, 21/, 27/, 29, 30/, 32.
39, 40. xxiv. 18. xvi. 2(-G<'°), 6, 7, 25/. xvii. 3, 19.
John i. 19, 21 i, 25, 42(43)/, 49 xviii. 20, 20(-C>°°LTi•), 42. xix. 5,
(50)i. ii. 10, 20. iii.2, 10, 26. iv. 9, 16, 18, 20, 39, 42(-G"LTr6^) 42(L»»
10, 12, 19. vi. 30, 69. vii. 52. viii. 5 Tr^S), 42, 43, 44/. xx. 43/1 xxii.
(ap), 13, 25, 33, 48, 52, 53, 53(o»i 32/. xxiii. 42, 46.
S). ix. 17, 28, 34i, 35. x. 24, 33. John ii. 17. iv. 16, 18, 50, 51(-
xi. 27, 42. xii. 34. xiii. 6, 7. xiv. 9. LTrS), 53. v. 8, 11, 12(-TTr«»
xvii. 5, 8, 21/, 23/, 25. xviii. 17, 25, S). vii. 3. viii. lO^ap), 13, 19. ix.
33, 34, 37/. xix. 9. xx. 15. xxi. 12, 10 (/ L°>), 17, 26. xi. 23. xii. 15,
16, 16, 17/, 22. 28. xiii. 37, 38. xvii. 1, l(-TTr5),
368 6V
6, 12, 14,
ll(ow5). xix.
7(-«•5°), 2.
26, 27. xx.
xviii. Add, for /', Matt. ix. 5, GLTTr^.
27. sxi. Mark ii. 9, GTTr^. For
18. Acts ii. 27, 28, 35i. iii. 25. iv. vi. 21i, G'LTTr5.
Matt. vi. 22 —
eye), L^. xx. 21 (. left), GL
25, 27, 28, 28(-L), 29i, 30(-L), 30. (.
V. 3, 4, 9. vii. 3i, 32, 33. viii. 20, '. .

mother), LS. Luke

S2(a^). x. 19
xi. 34(. eye),
(. .

21, 22i. ix. 13, 14. x. 4t, 31i. xi. .

14. xii. 8i. xiii. 35. xiv. 10. xvi. (}"8. John V. 10 (. . bed), LS,
31. xxii. 16, 18, 20. xxiii. 5, 35. Acts X. 33 (. . Godi^O» Gt'• Rev, ii.

xxvi. 16. 20 (. . woman), Gp'-LT.

Rom. ii. 5, 25. iii. 4. iv. 18. viii. 3. Dative, coi,
36. X. 6, Si, 9i. xi. 3i. xii. 20. xiii.
to thee, Luke xiv. 9. John iv. 10.
9. xiv. lOt, nt, 21. XV. 9. ICor.
ix. 26. Acts xxi. 23. Rom. xiii. 4.
XV. 55i. Gal. iii. 16. v. 14. Eph. vi. XV. 9. Phm. Hi, 19. Heb. viii. 5.
2. ITim. iv. 12, 15. v. 23(-L>S),
3 John 14.
23. 2 Tim. i. 4, 5i. iv. 5, 22. Phm.
unto thee, Matt. v. 26. viii. 13. xi.
2, 5, 6, 7, 13, 14, 21. Heb. i. St,
XV. 28. xvi. 17, 18, 19, 22.
9t, 10, 12, 13i. ii. 7(), 12. 7, .xviii. 17, 22. xx. 14. xxi. 5. xxv.
9. Jas. ii. 8, 18, 18 (-GooLT5).
44. xxvi. 34. Mark ii. 11. v. 41. x.
2 John 4, 13. 3 John 2, 6. Rev. ii. 51. xiv. 30, 36. Luke i. 3. v. 24.
2, 2(-GooLTTr), 2, 4, 5, 9, 13(a/)),
vii. 14, 40, 47, viii. 39. x. 13i. xiy.
19ir. iii. 1, 2, 8, 9, 11, 15, ISt. iv.
10. xviii. 41. xxii. 11. xxiii. 43.
11. V. 9. X. 9i. xi. 17, 18ir. xiv. 15,
John i. 50(51). iii. 3, 5, 7, 11. iv.
18. XV. 3i, 4i. xvi. 7. xviii. 10, 14,
26. V. 12, 14. xi. 40. xiii. 38. xviii.
23i. xix. lOi. xxii. 9i.
30. xix. 11. xxi. 18. Acts ix. 17. x.
thine own, Matt. vii. 4, 5. Luke vi. 32(ap). xxiii. 18. xxiv. 14. xxiv. 16i.
42i. viii. 39. xix. 22. John xvii. 1 Tim. i. 18. iii. 14. Phm. 16, 21.
11. 2 John 5. 3 John 13. Rev. ii. 5, 16.
thee, Matt. ii. 6. iii. 14. iv. 6. v. xvii. 1.
23, 29, 30, 42. vi. 2. xi. 10. xii. 38. for thee, Matt. v. 29, 30. xi. 24.
xvii. 27. xviii. 8, 9, 15/, 16. xxi. 19. xiv. 4. xvii. 4, xviii. 8, 9. xxvi.
xxvi. 62. xxvii. 13. Mark i. 2(om 17. Mark v. 19. vi. 18. ix. 5, 43 and
S). xi. 14. xiv. 60. xv. 4. Luke i.
28,35(GpbLb,-StTTr>S'). iv. 10. vii.
45 ( LTTr5),
ix. 33. John
47 (_ TTrS). Luke
V. 10. Acts ix. 5(aj}).
27. viii. 28. ix. 38. xii. 20. xv. 18. xxii. 10. xxvi. 14. 2 Cor. xii. 9.
xvi. 2. xxii. 32, 33. John iii. 26. ix. Rev. xiv. 15(om<S').
37. xvii. 7, 8. Acts viii. 34. x. 22. thee, Matt. 13. iv. 9. v. 40. vi.
xvii. 32. xviii. 10. xxi. 21, 24, 39. 4, 6, 18, 23. 19. ix. 2(-G'LT
xxiii. 21, 30, 35. xxiv. 2, 19. xxv. Tr5), biaovGLTTrS). xi. 23, 25.
26. xxvi. 2, 3(-G°oLT-S'). xxvii. xii. 47. xviii. 26 (-T), 29, 32. xix.
24. xxviii. 21i, 22. 27. xxi. 23. xxvi. 33, 35. Mark i. 24.
Rom. X. 8. xi. 21. 2 Cor. vi. 2. ii. 5 (G', -GTTr-S), 9 (cov GTTr5').
ITim. iv. 16. vi. 21 (v LS). vi. 22, 23. ix. 25. x. 28. xi. 28. xiv.
2 Tim. i. 3. Tit. ii. 15. Phm. 4, 7. 31. Luke i. 13, 19, 35. iii. 22. iv.
3 John 3. Rev. ii. 4, 14, 20. iii. 8. 6. V. 20, 23. ix. 57, 61. x. 21, 35.
XV. 4. xviii. 14i. xi. 7, 35. xii. 59. xiv. 10, 12, 14.
thou*"', Matt. vi. 3. xix. 21. Luke XV. 29. xviii. 11, 28. xix. 43, 44i.
xiv. 8. Acts xxiv. 11. XX. 2. xxii. 34.
vTzb ., whereof thou Bpeakest, John
iv. 10. vi. 30. xi. 22, 41. xiii.
Acts xvii. 19. 37. xvii. 5, 21. xviii. 34. xix. 11.
Not rendered, Mk. v. 19. Jn. vii. 3. xxi. 3. Acts iii. 6. vii. 3. viii. 20,
369 (TV yx « ^'
22. ix. 6. . 6 (), 33. xvi. 18. 20, 30. xxiv. 4, S{ap), 25. xxvi. 8,
xviii. 10. xxii. 10. xxvii. 24. 16, 17/, 24.
Rom. ix. 17. 2 Cor. vi. 2. Gal. iii. Rom.ii.4,27.iv. 17.ix.l7.xi.l8,
8. Eph. V. 14. vi. 3. ITim. iv. 14/. 22. XV. 3. 1 Cor. iv. 7. viii. lO(-Lb).
vi. 13. 2 Tim. i. 5i, 6. ii. 7. Tit. i. 5. Phil.iv. 3. 1 Tim. i. 3, 18. iii. 14.
Phm. 8. Jas. ii. 18. Jude 9. Rev. 2 Tim. i. 4, 6. iii. 15.iv. 21.Tit.i.5.
ii. 10. iii. 18. iv. 1. xi. 17. xvii. 7. iii. 12,15. Phm. 10,18, 23. Heb. i.
xviii. 227•, 23/. xxi. 9. 5, 9. ii. 12. V. 5. vi. 14/. xiii. 5/.
thy, Mark v. 9. Luke viii. 30. 2 Jn.5,13. 3 Jn. 14/. Rev, iii. 3(-G°L
Rom. ix. 7. Heb. xi. 18. TTrb),3, 9,10,16. xv. 4 (-Go^LTTi).
thine, Jolm xvii. 6, 9. thee . . "^thou, Acts xxii. 14. xxiv. 4.
thou^*'. Matt, xviii. 33. xxv. 27.
thine own, Acts v. 4.
have thou nothing to Acts viii. 23. ix. 6. x. Q(ap). xiii.
do with, Matt, xxvii. 19. 47. xxiii. 11. xxiv. 10. xxvi. 29.

Mark iv. 38. x. 21

thou°*'. Matt. xvii. 25. xxii. 16, 17. xxvii. 24. Rom. iii. 4. 1 Tim. vi. 14.
Luke i. Tit. iii. 8. 3 John 2. Rev. x. 11.
14. X. 36, 40. xiv. 10, 14. xviii. 22. atthyhouse, Matt. xxvi. 18.
Acts viii. 21. xxvi. 1.
Not rendered, Mark
Not rendered. Acts iv. 30(-T). v. 3.
xii. 14. 1 Cor. Add, for
S. 47, TTrS. X. 21, TS.
ix. 43, 45, LTTr

vii. 21.
Add Mark i. 11, for fr. of, G'LT
V^S. Mark x. 35 (desire
viii. 2, —
TtS. Luke LTTr. John xxi. 18 (thee^d), L\
xxii. 9 (prepare . .), L*^. .),

John ix. 10, for L™. Acts xiv. Acts V. 3(. .to keep), T.
10(a;j»). xxiv. 13 (prove . .), LS.
Phm. 11 (sent .), G'. 12, for
. ,
kindred, Lukei. 61. Acts vii. 3, 14.

See also
LS. 3 John 13 (to write .), LT.S.


Mark vi.
xiv. 12(ap). John

xviii. 26. Acts x. 24. Rom. ix. 3.

thee. Matt. iv. 6. v. 25, 25 (-LTr"
xvi. 7, 11, 21.
S), 29, 30, 39, 41, 42. ix. 22. xiv.

Pliir., kinsfolk, Luke ii. 44. kins-
28. xviii. 8, 9, 15 (-L5), 33. xx.
folks, Luke xxi. 16.
13. XXV. 21, 23, 24, 37, 38, 39i, 44.
xxvi. 35, 63, 68, 73. Mark
24, 37. i.
cousin, Lukei. 3e(ovYyevLgLS)f 8.

iii. 32. V. 7, 19, 31, 34. ix. 17, 43, kinswoman.
45, 47. X. 49, 52. xiv. 31. Luke i. Luke i. 36, for LS.
19, 35. ii. 48. iv. 10, 11, 34. vi. 29,
30. vii. 7, 20, 50. viii. 20, 45, 48. permission, 1 Cor. vii. 6.
xi. 27, 36. xii. 58ir. xiii. 31. xiv.
9, 10, 12, 18, 19. xvi. 27. xvii. 3
with, Marlv xiv. 54 (with

sit fjv fr.
(-G°LTTr5'),4,4(-GT),19. xviii.
42. xix. 21, 22, 43ir, 44. xxii. 64. ). Acts xxvi. 30.
John i. 48(49)/, 50(51). vii. 20.
viii. lO(ap), ll(op). x. 33. xi. 8, make sit together, Eph. ii. 6.

28. xiii. 8. xvi. 30. xvii. 1, 3, 4, 11,

13, 25i. xviii. 26, 35. xix. 10/. xxi.
be set down together,
Luke xxii. 55

15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 22, 23. Acts v.

9. vii. 27, 34, 35. ix. 34. x. 19, 22,
33. xi. 14. xiii. 11, 33, 47. xviii. 10.
xxi. 37. xxii. 19. 21. xxiii. 3, 18,
be partaker of afflictions, 2 Tim.
Add 2 Tim, ii. 3, for cv ovv
nad., G"LT5.
-i. 8.

xi. 25.
suffer affliction with, Heb.

to one's burial, Acts
viii. 2.

xxiii. 13p.

to cover,
call together,
21. — Mid.,

Mark v. 16. Acts
Luke ix. 1. xv. 6,
Acts x. 24. xxviii. 17.


bow down, Rom.

xii. 2.

xi. 10.
X. 12.

compare with, 1 Cor.

compare among, 2 Cor. x. 12.

be bowed together,

chance, Luke
, x. 31.
ii. 13. 2 Cor.

xiii. 11.

^. Luke

rejoice with, i. 58. v. 6, 9.
go down with, Acts xxv. 5.

agreement, 2 Cor. vi. 16. , -.
1 Cor. xii. 26. Phil. ii.

rejoice in {marg. with), 1 Cor. xiii. 6.

17, 18.

confuse, Acts xix. 32.
With consent to,

numher with. Acts i.

Luke xxiii.


Pass., be mixed {marg. united) with,

Heb. iv. 2p.


confound. Acts ii. 6 {marg. trouble
in mind), ix. 22.
stir up.Acts xxi. 27.
Pass., be in an uproar. Acts xxi. 31.

have dealings with, John iv. 9.

temper together, 1 Cor. xii. 24.

confusion. Acts xix. 29.
stir up, Acts vi. 12.

conclude, Rom. xi. 32 (marg. shut
up together). Gal. iii. 22.
shut up, (Jal. iii. 23.
inclose, Luke v. 6.
2 Tim.
live with,
vi. 8.

join together, Matt. xix. 6.

2 Cor. vii. 3.


question with, Mark viii. 11 ix. 14. .

heir with, Heb. xi. 9.

question one with another, Mark ix.
heir together, 1 Pet.
joint heir, Rom. viii. 17.
iii. 7.
10.— question, Mark i. 27. ix. 16.
inquire, Luke xxii. 23.
fellow heir, Eph. iii. 6.
dispute with. Acts vi. 9.

communicate with, Phil. iv. 14p.
have fellowship with, Eph. v. 11.
be partaker of, Rev. xvili. 4.
reason together,

Acts ix. 29.
Mark xii.
Luke xxiv. 15.

With ,
partaker, Phil.

xi. 17. 1
i. 7.
partake with,
Cor. ix. 23.
companion• Rev. i. 9 (^


disputer, 1 Cor.
disputation. Acts xv. 2

disputing, Acts xv. 7,
reasoning, Acts xxviii. 29().

i. 20.
. .
PMl. iv. 3.


.. , .
yoke-fellow, grieve, iii. 5.

quicken together with, Eph. ii. 5. happen, Mark x. 32. Luke xxiv. 14.
Col. ii. 13. Acts iii. 10. 1 Cor. x. 11. 1 Pet. iv.
12. 2 Pet. ii. 22.
befall. Acts xx. 19.
sycamine tree, Luke xvii. 6.
so it was. Acts xxi. 35.
fig-tree, Matt. xxi. 19^,20, 21. xxiv.
confer. Acts iv. 15.
32. Mark xi. 13, 20, 21. xiii. 28. Luke

xxi. 29. John ponder, Luke ii. 19.
xiii. 6, 7. i. 48(49), 50
12. Rev. vi. 13.
Mid., help. Acts xviii. 27.
(51). Jas. iii.
meet with, Acts xx. 14.
StG", encounter. Acts xvii. 18.


fig, Matt.


'. Mark
xix. 4.

xi. 13.
With ', make, Luke xiv. 31.

reign with, ICor. iv. 8. 2Tim. ii. 12.

Luke vi. 44. Jas. iii. 12.
Pass., be compacted, Eph. iv. 16.
knit together, Col. ii. 2, 19.

accuse falsely, Luke iii. 14. gather assuredly. Acts xvi. 10.
take by false accusation, Luke xix. 8. prove. Acts ix. 22.


2 Cor.
to spoil, Col.

xi. 8.
ii. 8.
instruct, 1 Cor. ii. 16.
Add Acts xix. 33, for

to counsel. Rev. iii.

give counsel, John xviii. 14.

LS. .,

(^/ —

talk with, Matt. xvii. 3. Markix. 4. Mid., take counsel together,
— take
. ,ix. 30.

commune with,
speak among,
xxii. 4.
Luke iv. 36.
xi. 53
counsel, Actsix. 23.
xxvi. 4.
consult, Matt.

confer with, Acts xxv. 12p.

council. Matt. xii. 14. Acts xxv. 12.
catch, Acts xxvi. 21. counsel, Matt. xxii. 15. xxvii. 1, 7.
take. Matt. xxvi. 55. Mark xiv. 48.
xxviii. 12. Mark iii. 6.
Luke V. 9. xxii. 54. John xviii. 12. consultation, Mark v. 1.

Acts 16. xii. 3. xxiii. 27.

conceive, Luke i. 24, 31, 36. ii. 21. counsellor, Rom. xi. 34.
Jas. i. 15p.
Mid., help, Luke v. 7. Phil. iv. 3.

fellow disciple, John xi. 16.

48. Luke vi. 44.

. , ,
gather together. Matt. xiii. 30.
gather up, Matt. xiii. 28, 29p.
gather. Matt. vii. 16. xiii. 40, 41,

reason with, Luke xx. 5. (

bear witness with, Rom. viii. 16.
bear witness also (jnarg. witness
with). Rom. ii. 15.
bear witness, Rom. ix. 1.
Mid., testify unto, Rev. xxii. 18
. ,, 372

. .
Mid.f be partaker with, 1 Cor ix. 13. drink with, Acts x. 41.

partaker, Eph.
partaker with, Epb. v. 7.
iii. 6.
Luke vi. 49, for
fall together.

follower together, Phil.


of like form
Luke viii. 23.

Pass.f be fully ccme. Acts
come, Luke ix. 51.
ii. 1. —



fashioned like unto, Phil.

make conformable
viii. 29.

unto, Phil.
iii. 21.

iii. 10
choke. Matt. xiii. 22.
19. Luke viii. 14.

fellow citizen,



iv. 7,


go with, Luke vii. 11. xiv. 25.

. ^
xxiv. 15.
have compassion of, Heb. x. 34. Mark x. 1.
be touched with the feeling of, Heb.
iv. 15.
^. Mark
by companies,

vi. 39.

Plur.j having compassion one of an-
other, 1 Pet. iii. 8.

. &.
also an elder, IPet. v. 1.

come together, Luke xxiii. 48.

stand with, 2 Tim. iv. IQ
(- See

bring together, Acts xix. 19.

. (
Intransitive, and impersonal i.
Pass., be comforted together, Rom.
be profitable, Matt. v. 29^, 30'. Acta
XX. 20. —
Part., profit, 1 Cor. vii.
35 and x, 33 LT/S). Ilcb.
take with one, Acts xii. 25. xv. 37 xii. 10. — ,, to profit with-

38. Gal. ii. 1. 1 Cor. xii. 7-

continue with, Phil. i. 25 (- be expedient,

xviii. 14^ 1
50^ xvi. 7^
12 (marg. be

be here" present with, Acts xxv. 24.
xii. 1».

x. 23.

be good. Matt. xix. 10^

be better, Matt, xviii, 6^
2 Cor. viii. lO^.

Buffer with, Rom. 17. 1 Cor.

zii. 26. consent unto, Rom. vii. 16.

to embrace,
Bend with, 2 Cor. viii. 18, 22.

Acts xz. 10.

1 Cor. vii. 35, x. 33, see

countryman, IThes.

ii. 14
xxiv. 10, 24, 33. Acts v. 17, 21. ?ix.
planted together,

Pass.f spring up with,
Rom. vi. 5.

Luke viii. 7.
38. Rom. xvi. 15. Gal. i.
Add, for
Luke xxiv. 21.

For h, Acts
, 2 Cor.
vii. 35'^^

2. Phil. iv.

iv. 14,
G"LT. 2 Cor.

For Acts xvi. 32'^,
xiii. 4, L'^S.
agree with, Matt. xx. 13. Luke v. GLT*S. For Luke viii. 45, GL
agree together, Acts v. d'^, [36. TTr5.

Matt, xxvii. 44 (with), L
agree, Matt, xviii. 19. xx.2P.Acts TrS. Mark XV. 32 (with), L^". Luke
XV. 15.


2 Cor.

Luke xv.
vi. 15.

/, — —
viii. 51 (a/)). John xii. 2, see

. (^
lead into, Rev. xiii. 10
See also

gather together. Matt. xxii. 10.



of one accord, Phil.

with consent, 1 Cor.
to count, Acts xix. 19.

with, Matt. XXV, 27. xxvi. 35.
ii. 2.
vii. 5. Luke XV. 13. John vi. 13. xi. 52.
Acts xiv, 27. XV. 30?. Rev. xvi. 16.
XX. 8.
gather up, John vi. 12.
gather. Matt.
xii. 30.
ii. 4p.
47. xxv. 24, 2Q.
xiii. 30,
xxvii. 27. Luke iii. 17. xi. 23. John
iv. 36. xi. 47. xv. 6. Rev. xvi. 14.
iii. 12. vi. 26,

xxvii. 38. Mark iv. 10. viii. 34. ix. bestow, Luke xii. 17, 18.
4. XV. 27. Luke i. 56. ii. 5, 13. v.
take in, Matt. xxv. 35, 38, 43.
19. vii. 6, 12. viii. 1, 3S. xix. 23.
Passive or Middle.
XX. 1. xxii. 14, 56. xxiii. 11, 32, 35
be gathered together, Matt. xiii. 2.
(-QoV'TrS). xxiv. 1(/), 29, 44.
xviii. 20. xxii. 41p. xxiv. 28. xxvii.
John xviii. 1. xxi. 3.
17p. Mark ii. 2. Luke xvii. 37 (--
14, 14(-G°°L5'),

ii. 14. iii. 4, 8. iv. 13, 14,
GL ^,8).
XX. 8.
Acts iv. 6(5), 27.
Rev. xix. 19.
ICor. V. 4p.
27. V. 1, 26. viii. 20, 31. x. 2, 20,
be gathered. Matt. xxii. 34. xxv.
23. xiii. 7. xiv. 4?, 5, 13, 20, 28. xv.
32. Mark iv. 1. Acts iv. 26.
22i, 25. xvi. 3. xvii. 34. xviii. 8,
18. XX. 36. xxi. 5, 16, 18, 24, 26,
gather, Mark v. 21.
gather -selves together, Mark vi.
29. xxii. 9. xxiii. 15, 27, 32. xxiv.
30. Rev. xix. 17.
24. XXV. 23. xxvi. 13. xxvii. 2.
xxviii. 16. be assembled together. Acts iv. 31.
Rom. vi. 8. viii. 32. xvi. 14. 1 Cor. ba assembled, Matt. xxvi. 57. xxviii,
i. 2. V. 4. X. 13. xi. .32. xvi. 4, 19.
12p. John XX. 19(-G°LTTr5).
2 Cor. i. 1, 21. iv. 14. viii. 19 (tv assemble together, Matt. xxvi. 3.
G'LT). GaL iii. 9. v.
ix. 4. xiii. 4. assemble themselves, Acts xi. 26.
come together, Matt, xxvii. 62.

24. Eph. 18. iv. 31. Phil. i. 1,

23. ii. 22. Col. ii. 5, 13, 20. iii. 3,

Mark vii. 1. Luke xxii. 66. Acts
4, 9. iv. 9. 1 Thes. iv. 14, lit. v. 10.
xiii. 44. XV. 6. xx. 7.
John xviii. 2.

Jas. i. 11. 2 Pet. 1. 18.
(?}) who
(which) was" with,

1 Cor. XV. 10. Gal. ii. 3.
oi (they) that (which) are with,
ii. 26. Luke r. 9. ix. 32.
assembly ( Gr. synagogue), Jas.ii.2.
congregation, Acts xiii. 43.
synagogue, Matt. iv. 23. vi. 2, 5.
ix. 35.
6, 34.
. 17.
Mark i.
xii. 9. xiii. 54. xxiii.
21, 23, 29, 39. iii.
37 4

sit with,
Mark vi. 22, 26 '-

vi. 2. xii. 39. xiii. 9. Luke iv. 15,
16, 20, 28, 33, 38, 44. vi. 6. vii. 5. Pass, or mid., have company with,
viii. 41. xi. 43. xii. 11. xiii. 10. xx. SThes. iii. 14.
company with, —
46. xxi. 12. John vi. 59. xviii. 20. 1 Cor. V. 9.
keep company, ICor. —

. ,. .
Acts vi. 9. ix. 2, 20. xiii. 5, 14, 42 V. 11.
(op), xiv. 1. XV. 21. xvii. 1, 10, 17.
xviii. 4, 7, 19, 26. xix. 8. xxiv. 12.
Rev. ii.

Plur., with
iii. 9.
in every Synagogue,
Acts xxii. 19. xxvi. 11,
Mid., be refreshed, Rom. .32(;>).

to meet, Luke ix. 37. xxii. 10. Acts

X. 25. Heb. vii. 1,10.

strive together with, Rom. xv. 30. the things that
shall befall, Acts xx. ^2.
strive together for, Phil.
labor with, Phil. iv. 3.
i. 27.

^yith to meet, Matt. viii. 34


gather together, Luke xxiv. 33 (-
Mid., to help, Luke x. 40. Rom.

. .
LTTr>S). Acts xii. 12.
viii. 26.
call together, Acts xix. 25.

With ,
take, Matt, xviii. 23.
reckon, Matt.
reckon, Matt, xviii. 24.
XXV. 19.
away with, ^Pet.
away with, Gal.

Pass., condescend to {marg. be con«

tented with), Rom. xii. 16.

fellow prisoner, Rom. xvi. 7. Col.

Phm. 23. Mark xiv.
iv. 10.

follow, Mark v.
(?.& 37 L).
die with,
Aorist, be dead with,
31. 2 Cor. vii. 3,
2 Tim. ii. 11.

Luke xxiii. 49.
Add Mark ^, ,,
Mid. or pass., perish with, Heb

xiv. 51, for xi. 31.

2 Cor.

. .
send with, xii. 18.
Pans, or mid., be assembled {marg,
eat) together with. Acts i. 4.
join fitly together, Eph. iv. 16.

bring together, rec- Eph. ii. 21.
frame fitly together,
oncile. Acts vii. 26,

catch, Luke viii. 29. Acts vi. 12.

come up with, Mark xv. 41 . Acts xix. 29. xxvii. 15p.
xiii. 31.

sit at

John xii. 2 {
the table (at meat•) with, Matt,
xiv. 91. Luke vii. 49^ xiv. 10', 15'.

sit down with, Matt.

sit together with, Mark
ix. 10.
ii. 15.
Mid., grow together. Matt.

.^ (., ., .,
beginning with
, and , the
, ,
is often retained
xiii. 30.

and words
, , ,

L, , and S
. ;

for ,'^
e. g.,

companion in travel, Acts xix. 29.
to travel with, 2 Cor. viii. 19.
band, Col. ii. 19.

Col. iii. 14.

bond, Acts viii. 23. Eph. iv, 3.

elected together with, IPet. v. 13.

bind with, Heb.

glorify together,
xiii. 3.


fellow servant, Matt, xviii. 28, 29,

viii. 17.

,. .
Acts vii. 26
bear witness also, Heb.
set at one again,


mid., join in assail-


31, 33. xxiv. 49. Col. i. 7. iv. 7.
ing. Acts xxiv. 9, see
Rev. vi. 11. xix. 10. xxii. 9,

xxi. SQce.
run together, Acts
accompany, Acts xx. 4.

work with, Mark xvi. 20(ap). Jas.

ii. 22.
raise up together, Eph.
Pass.., rise with, Col.

council, Matt. v. 22. x. 17. xxvi.


iii. 1.

worker together, 2 Cor.

help with, 1 Cor. xvi. 16.

viii. 28.
vi. 1p.

59. Mark xiii. 9. xiv. 55. xv. 1. fellow worker, Col. iv. 11.
Luke xxii. 66. John xi. 47. Acts iv. work-fellow, Rom. xvi. 21.
15. V. 21, 27, 34, 41. vi. 12, 15. xxii. fellow laborer, Phil. iv. 3. 1 Thes.
30. xxiii. 1, 6, 15, 20, 28. xxiv. 20. iii. 2(ap). Phm. 1, 24.

laborer together with, 1 Cor. iii. 9.

conscience, John viii. 9 (ojp). Acts

companion in labor, Phil. ii. 25. [8.
xxiii. 1. xxiv. 16. Rom. ii. 15. ix. fellow helper, 2 Cor. viii. 23. 3 John
1. xiii. 5. 1 Cor. viii. 7 G" helper, Rom. xvi. 3, 9. 2 Cor. i. 24.

15), 7, 10, 12. X. 25, 27, 28, 29i.

2 Cor. i. 12. iv. 2. v. 11. 1 Tim. i. come with, Luke
xxiii. 55 (with
). John
^ ^. (
5, 19. iii. 9. iv. 2. 2 Tim. i. 3. Tit. Acts x. 45.
xi. 33.
i.15. Heb. ix. 9, 14. x. 2. 22. xiii. come together, Matt. i. 18. Mark
18. IPet. ii. 19. iii. 16, 21. iii. 20. vi. 33(;)). Luke v. 15. Acts

know by, 1 Cor. iv. 4^.

be ware of. Acts xiv. 6.
i. 6P. ii. 6. X. 27.
xxviii. 17p. 1 Cor. vii. 5
S). xi. 17, ISP, 20P, 33P, 34.
xix. 32. xxi. 22.

be with,
be privy to, Acts v. 2^
consider. Acts xii. 12p.

Luke ix. 18. Acts xxii. 11.
23 L), 26.
come, Acts v. 16. xxv. 17p.
company with, Acts
accompany. Acts x. 23.
assemble with, Mark xiv. 53.
go with, Acts ix. 39. xi. 12.
i. 21.

be gathered together,

go into with, John vi. 22.

go in with, John xviii. 15.
Luke viii, 4p.
38. xxi. 16.
AJdy for ^
John xviii. 20. Acts xvi. 13.

Acts xxii. 30, GLTiS.

Luke v. 17, L
5& \},
&. awrihui

eat with,

Luke xv. 2. Acts x. 41. to throng,
Mark v. 24, 31.
xi. 3. ICor. V. 11. Gal.

understanding, Mark xii. 33.

ii. 47. 1 Cor. i. 19. CoL i. 9.
ii. 12.

break, Acts xxi. 13.

ii. 2. vi. 52.
2 Tim. ii. 7.
understand, Matt. xiii. 13, 14, 15,

. ,^
knowledge, Epli. iii. 4. 19, 23,51. XV. 10. xvi. 12. xvii.l8.
Mark iv. 12. vii. 14. viii. 17, 21.
prudent, Matt. xi. 25. Luke x. 21. Lukeii. 50. viii. 10. xviii. 34. xxi v.
Acts xiii. 7. 1 Cor. i. 19.
45. Acts vii. 25i. xxviii. 26, 27
Rom. iii. 11. xv. 21. Eph. v. 17.
be wise, 2 Cor. x. 12 (inarg. under-
have pleasure in (war^.consent with), -Goo).
stand ;

Rom. i. 32.
be pleased, ICor. vii. 12, 13.
consent unto, Acts viii. 1. xxii. 20.

allow, Luke xi. 48.
make. Gal. ii. 18.
commend, Rom. iii. 5. v. 8. xvi. I.
2 Cor. iii. 1. iv. 2. v. 12. x. 12, 18
Mid., feast with, 2 Pet. ii. 13p. xii. 11.
Jude 12P.
approve, 2 Cor. vi. 4 (Gr. com-
mend), vii. 11.
rise up together. Acts xvi. 22. II. Intransitive,
stand with, Luke ix. 32.
Luke xix. 43. stand (i??*. consist), 2 Pet. iii. 5.

consist, Col. 17.

man that holdeth, Luke xxii. 63p.
stop, Acts vii. 57.

constrain, 2 Cor. v. 14. journey with. Acts ix. 7,
press. Acts xviii. 5.
throng, Luke viii. 45.
Pass., be straitened {marg. pained),
company, Luke
^. ii. 44.

Luke xii. 50.

i. 23. —be


be in a strait, Phil.
taken with, Matt. iv. 24.
Luke iv. 38. viii. 37. lie sick of.
Acts xxviii. 8.

dwell with,

build together,
1 Pet.

iii. 7.

ii. 22.

talk with. Acts x. 27p.
delight in,

. ^.

vii. 22.

custom, John xviii. 39. ICor. xi. IC.

Add 1 Cor. viii. 7, see
With /, join hard
to, Acts xviii. 7.

distress, xxi. 25.
anguish, 2 Cor.

ii. 4.
equal (Gr. eq. in years), Gal. i. 14. -.
appoint. Matt. xxvi. 19. xxvii. 10.
bury with, Rom.
break, Matt. xxi. 44(a«).
vi. 4. Col. ii.

Luke xx.
12. Add Matt. xxi. 6, see

end. Matt. xiii. 39, 40, 49. xxiv.

1$. 3. xxviii. 20. Heb. ix. 26.

<. 377
to end, Matt. vii.
Luke iv. 2p, 13p.
Acts xxi. 27.
conspiracy, Acts xxiii. 13.

G, L.
ix. 28.
xiii. 4.
quicksands. Acts xxvii. 17.

,. ^
make, Heb. viii. 8.
to draw, Acts xiv. 19. xvii. 6. Rev.
xii. 4.
cut short, Rom. ix. 28. John xxi.
drag, 8.
Pass, part., short, Rom. ix. 28(«). hale, Acts viii. 3.

keep, Luke ii. 19.

Luke ix. 42.
to tear, {^8.

observe, Mark vi. 20 (marg. keep, Add Mark ix. 20, for

or save).

preserve, Matt. ix. 17. v. 38
-. token, Mark xiv. 44.

Mid., to covenant,

. ( Luke
agree, John ix. 22. Acts xxiii. 20.
assent, Acts xxiv. 9

. ,.
xxii. 5.

of the same body, Eph.

that had made" insurrection with,

iii. 6.

Mark xv. 7 LTr-S).

a few words, Acts xxiv. 4.

of commendation, 2 Cor. iii. 1, 1

run with, 1 Pet. iv. 4p.

run together. Acts iii. 11.
run, Mark vi. 33.
crucify with. Matt, xxvii. 44. Mark
XV. 32. John xix. 32. Rom. vi. 6.

Gal. ii. 20.
break in pieces, Mark v. 4.
break to shivers, Rev. ii. 27.
break, Mark xiv. 3. John xix. 36.
wind up. Acts v. 6.

hearted, Luke
bruise, Matt. xii. 20. Luke ix. 39.
Rom. xvi. 20 (^inarg. tread).

iv. I8(a/)).
Pass, part., short, 1 Cor.

groan together, Rom.

to {marg. be in the
vii. 29.


answer same rank



been brought up with


with), Gral. iv. 25.

fellow soldier, Phil. ii. 25. Phm. 2.

{marg. foster-brother), Acts xiii. 1.

come at, Luke

dissemble with. Gal.

help together, 2 Cor.

viii. 19.




7: .
gather, Acts xxviii. 3p.
Add Matt. xvii. 22, for

., band together, Acta xxiii.
concourse, Acts xix. 40. [12.

travail in pain together, Rom. viii. Mid. or pass., fashion one's self ao-
cording to, IPet. i. 14. — be con- make a rent, Luke v. 36.
formed to, Kom. xii. 2. divide, Acts xiv. 4. xxiii. 7.
open (marg. cleave or rend), Mark i.

slaughter, Acts viii. 32.
36. Jas. V. 5.

slain beast,

,. Acts vii. 42.

Rom. viii.
break, John
Add Luke v. 36 (man

rent, Matt. ix. 16.

xxi. 11.

. .),



division, John vii, 43, ix. 16. x. 19.
slay, IJohn iii. 12i. Rev. v. 6, 9,
1 Cor. i. 10 and xi. 18 {Gr. schism).
12. vi. 9. xiii. 8. xviii. 24. schism (wa^5'.division),lCor.xii,25.

. .
kill. Rev. vi. 4.
wound (Cr. slay), Rqv. xiii. 3. small cord, John ii. 15.
rope. Acts xxvii. 32,
greatly. Matt, xxvii. 54. Acts vi. 7.
very. Matt, xviii. 31. Mark xvi. 4. give one's self to, 1 Cor. vii. 6,
Luke xviii. 23. empty. Matt. xii. 44p.
sore, Matt>. xvii, 6.

exceedingly, Matt. xix. 25.
exceeding, Matt. ii. 10. xvii. 23.

xxvi. 22, Rev. xvi. 21.

exceedingly, Acts xxvii. 18.

Rev. x. 4.
school, Acts xix.

. 9.

to save. Matt, i. 21. viii. 25. x. 22.

xiv. 30. xvi. 25. xviii. xix.
25. xxiv. 13, 22. xxvii. 40, 42i, 49.
Mark iii. 4. viii. 35i. x. 26. xiii. 13,

seal up,
set a seal. Rev. xx. 3.
20. XV. 30, 31/. xvi. Luke6{).
vi. 9. vii. 50. viii. 12. ix. 24?, 56
set to one's seal,
Matt, xxvii, 66. John vi. 27.
iii. 33. (a/>), xiii. 23. xvii. 33(:[7
TTr), xviii. 26, 42. xix. 10. xxiii.
Rom. XV. 28. 2 Cor. i. 22. Eph. i. 35i, 37, 39. John iii. 17. v. 34. x.

. ),
13. iv. 30. Rev. vii. 3, 4i, 5, 5i\ 6ir\
9. xii. 27, 47. Acts ii. 21.
iv. 12.
^t\ 8. xxii. 10. (i-Go°LTTr^'S.) XV,
xi. 14. 1, 11. xvi. 30, 31. xxvii.
Add 2 Cor. xi. 10, for St. 20, 31,
Rom. V. 9, 10. viii, 24. ix, 27. x.
seal, Rom. 11. 1 Cor. ix. 2.
iv. 9, 13.xi. 14, 26. 1 Cor. i. 18, 21.

2 Tim. ii. 19. Rev. v. 1, 2, 5, 9. vi.
1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 12. vii. 2. viii. 1. ix. 4.

iii. 15. V. 5. vii. 16/, ix. 22. x. 33.

XV. 2. 2 Cor. ii. 15. Eph. ii. 5, 8.

1 Thes, ii. 16. 2 Thes. ii. 10. 1 Tim.
i. 15. ii. 4, 15. iv. 16, 2 Tim. i. 9.

ankle-bone, Acts iii. 7.
Tit. iii. 5. Heb. v. 7. vii. 25. Jas.
i. 21. ii. 14. iv. 12. v. 15, 20. 1 Pet,

iii. 21, iv. 18. Jude 5, 23. Rev. xxi.

ix. 22.

fashion, ICor.
almost, Acts xiii. 44. xix. 26.

. vii. 31. Phil.

Heb. 2A(omS).

ii. 8.

— be whole.
28. — do

, save one's self, Acts ii. 40.


Matt. ix. 21. Mark v.
Johnxi. 12.
such as should be saved,

rend, Matt, xxvii. 51t. Mark xv. preserve,2 Tim. iv. 18,
38. Luke xxiii. 45. John xix. 24. make whole, Matt, ix, 22/. Mark v.
3T9 ','
34. vi. 6. . 52 (jnarg. save). Luke that we** should be saved, Luke i. 71.
viii. 48, 50. xvii. 19.
iv. 9.
With that they° might be saved,

. (~
heal, v. 23. viii. 36. X. 1.
Acts xiv. 9. salvation, Luke i. 69, 77. xix. 9.
Johu iv. 22. Acts iv. 12(a/>). xiii.
body, Matt. v. 29, 30. vi. 22t, 23, 26, 47. xvi. 17. Rom. i. 16. x. 10.
xi. 11. xiii. 11. 2 Cor. i. 6i. vi. 2.
25/. X. 2St. xiv. 12 G'LTr

XV. 43, 45 (
S). xxvi. 12, 26. xxvii. 52, 58, 58
(-Tr^^), 59. Mark v. 29. xiv. 8, 22.
LTTrS). Luke
xi. 34ir, 36. xii. 4, 22, 23. xvii. 37.
vii. 10. Eph. i. 13. Phil. i. 19, 28.
ii. 12. IThes. v. 8, 9. 2Thes. ii. 13.

2 Tim. ii. 10. iii. 15. Heb. i. 14. ii.

3, 10. V. 9. vi. 9. ix. 28. 1 Pet. i,
xxii. 19. xxiii. 52, 55. xxiv. 3, 23.
John ii. 21. xix. 31, 38i, 40. xx. 12.
5, 9, 10. 2 Pet. iii. 15. Jude 3. Rev-,
vii. 10. xii. 10. xix, 1.

Acts ix. 40.

Rom. 24. iv. 19. vi. 6, 12. vii.

4, 24. viii. 10, 11, 13, 23. xii. 1, 4,

5. 1 Cor. V. 3. vi. 13i, 15, 16, ISt,

Add 1 Pet.

. deliver,
health, Acts xxvii. 34.
ii. 2(thereby
Acts vii. 25.
.), GL

19, 20. vii. 4f, 34. ix. 27. x. 16, 17.

xi. 24, 27, 29. xii. ]2ir, 13, 14, 15i,
I6t, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27.
xiii. 3. XV. 35, 37, 38i, 40i, 44ir, 44
(-G°LT>S). 3 Cor.
10. xii. 2t, St.
iv. lOt. v. 6, 8,
in one's right mind,
Luke viii. 35p.
that bringeth salvation, Tit. ii. 11.
Neut., salvation, Luke ii. 30. iii. 6.
Acts xxviii. 28. Eph. vi. 17.

Mark v. 15p.

Gal. vi. 17. Eph. i. 23. ii. 16. iv.
be sober minded {jnarg. be discreet).
4, 12, 16i. V. 23, 28, 30. PliiL i. 20.
Tit. ii. 6.
iii. 21/. Col. i. 18, 22, 24. ii. 11, 17,
be sober, 2 Cor. v. 13. 1 Pet. iv. 7.
19, 23. iii, 15. ITlies. v. 23. Heb.

TO soberly ( Gr. to so-

X. 5, 10, 22. xiii. 3, 11. Jas. ii. 16,
briety), Rom. xii. 3.
26. iii. 2. 3, 6. 1 Pet. ii. 24. Jude 9.

Gen., bodily, 2 Cor. x. 10.

slave {marg. body), Rev. xviii. 13. teach to be sober (marg. wise), Tit.
ii. 4.

bodily, Luke iii. 22. ITirn. iv. 8.

bodily, Col.

ii. 9.
sound mind, 2 Tim.

soberly. Tit. ii. 12.



to heap,
lade, 2 Tim.

. xii. 20.
iii. 6.

Eph. V. 23.
soberness, Acts xxvi. 25.
sobriety, 1 Tim. ii. 9, 15.

.. .
sober, ITim. iii. 2. Tit. i. 8.
Saviour, Luke i. 47. ii. 11. John
temperate, Tit. ii. 2.
iv. 42. Acts V. 31. xiii. 23. Pliil.
discreet, Tit. ii. 5.
iii. 20. ITim. i. 1. ii. 3. iv. 10.

2 Tim. i. 10. Tit. 1. 3, 4. ii. 10, 13.
iii. 4, 6. 2 Pet. i. 1, 11. ii. 20. iii.
2, 18. 1 John iv. 14. Jude 25.

saying, Heb. xi. 7^

order, 1 Cor. xv. 23.

set, Acts
xii. 21.

xiv. 11. xviii. 14. 2 Cor. xii.
21. Phil. ii. S. —
Mid., humble one's

be afflicted, Jas. iv. 9.

self, Jas. iv. 10. 1 Pet. v. 6.

misery, Rom. iii. 16. Jas. v. 1.

low estate, Luke i. 48.

in that he° is made

wretched, Rom. vii. 24. Rev. iii. 17.
low, Jas. i. 10.
humiliation, Acts viii. 33.
the weight of a talent, Rev. xvi. 21. Gen., vile, Phil. iii. 21.
talent, Matt, xviii. 24. xxv. 15, 16, to trouble, Matt.
3. xiv. 26.
16(-GoLTr), 20, 20 (-Tr•^), 20i, 22tr, Mark vi. 50. Luke
12. xxiv. 38.

24, 25, 28i. John V. Map), 7. xii. 27. xiii. 21.


Matt. xxv. IS (one

.&. v. 41.
. .), L.

xiv. 1, 27. Acts XV. 24. xvii. 8.
Gal. i. 7. y. 10. 1 Pet. iii. 14.
troubled himself), John xi. 33.
Add Acts xvii. 13 (up ml r.), LS.
troubled ( 6>,

^.. .
store-house, Luke xii. 24.

secret chamber, Matt. xxiv. 26.
closet, Matt. vi. 6. Luke xii. 3. troubling, John v. A{ap).

Hi, 17,
ii. 5.
Matt. vi.



6, G.

1 Cor. xiv. 40.

v. 6, 10. vi. 20. vii.




. xiii. 8(-G'^LTriSe).

xii. 18.

to hell, 2 Pet.

ordain. Acts xiii. 48.

xix. 23.



xiii. 1
lowly. Matt. xi. 29. (jnarg. order).
of low degree, Luke i. 52. Jas. i. 9. set, Luke vii. 8.
Plur., with art., men of low estate appoint, Acts xxii. 10. Mid., —
(^inarg. things), Rom. xii. 16.
mean Matt, xxviii. 16. Acts xxviii. 23p.
humble, Jas.iv. 6. IPet. v. 5.
base, 2 Cor. x. 1.

cast down, 3 Cor. vii. 6. Add Matt. viii. 9
Acts xvii. 26, see
determine, Acts xv. 2.
addict, 1 Cor. xvi. 15.
(. . under), L5.

lowliness of mind, Phil. ii. 3.

lowliness, iv. 2.

bull, ix. 13. x. 4.
humbleness of mind, Col. iii. 12. ox. Matt. xxii. 4. Acts xiv. 13.
humility of mind, Acts xx. 19.
humility, Col. ii. 18, 23. 1 Pet. v. 5.
humble. ,.. See
etc. See
1 Pet. iii. 8, for

bring low, Luke iii. 5.

abase, Matt. xxiii.l2. Luke xiv. 11.
xviii. 14. 2 Cor. xi. 7. Phil. iv. 12,

61, 64,
. to bury

sepulchre. Matt, xxiii. 27.

id^. xxviii. 1, Rom.
in. Matt, xxvii.

iii. 13.

humble, Matt, xviii. 4. xxiii. 12. tomb, Matt, xxiii. 29.

. 381
G). viii. l(df LT,-,S'), 3, ^ LT6•),
peradventure, Kom. y. 7.
perhaps, Plim. 15.

quickly, Luke xiv 21. xvi. 6.

Ihortlv, ICor. iv. 19. Phil. ii. 19,
13, 25, 31. ix. Q^{ap), \b\ 18•, 24((fe

J.S), 21, 26. xii. 6,

[ IjS),
Kol LT^). X. 22, 28, 38, 48, xi. 13(de
L), 12. xiii. li,
4. xiv. 12, 211. XV. 4, 5, 39•. xvi. 11
2,{-& for L
24. 2 Tim. iv. 9.
soon, Gal. 6. 2Thes. 2.
S), 13, 23,
26i(i5£ LS), 34. xvii. it,
19, 26. xviii. 4i, lli(5eL5),

i. ii. 26. xix. 3'^, 27i(d£ St), 29.
61, 11, 12, 18,
hastily, John xi. 31. XX. 3, 7, 11(-LT5), 35. xxi. lli-G»»
suddenly, 1 Tim. v. 22. LTS), 18, 20, 28•, 30i, 37. xxii. 7, 8^.
282(( I.S,-T). xxiii. 10, 24, 35(-LT

, .. (.
S). xxiv. 23(-G<'oLT6'), 23, 27.
swift, 2 Pet. ii, 1.
xxvi. 10, 11, 16, 20•, 30. xxvii. 3i, 6,
shortly^ 2 Pet. i. 14.
8, 17, 20, 21, 43.
Rom. 1. 27•(^ G"LT). ii. 19. xvi.
26. 1 Cor. 30•.
iv. 21. Eph. iii.
Dot., quickly, Rev. ii. 5 ETi•'',
19. Heb. i. 3. iv. 12•. vi. 2t, 4•, 5.
-G<">LT5). ix. 1. xi. 32•. xii. 2. Jas. iii. 7•.
With iv, quickly, Acts xii. 7. xxii. Jude6. Rev. i. 2andxxi.
18. — speedily, Luke xviii. 8. — also, Heb. xi. 32•.

shortly. Acts xxv. 4. Rom. xvi. 20. both, Matt, xxii. 10•. Acts i. 1•, 8•,
Rev. i. 1. xxii. 6. 13•. iv. 27•. V. 142. vju, i2•, 38•. x,
Add 1 Tim. iii. 14, see 39•. xiv. 1•, 5•. xix. 10•. xx. 21•.
xxi. 12•. xxii. 4•, xxiv. 15•. xxv. 24•.
swift, Jas. i. 19. xxvi. 16, 22•. xxviii. 23'. Rom. i.
As an Adverb. 12•, 14/•. iii. 9•. ICor. i. 2•, 24•.
Eph. i. 10\o77iS). Phil. i. 7•. Heb.
Taxvy quickly, Matt. v. 25. xxviii.
ii. 4•, 11•. V, 1•, 14•. vi, 19•. ix. 9•,
7, 8. Mark xvi. S(omS). John xi.
19•. X. 33•. Rev. xix. l8^
29. Rev. ii. 16. iii. 11. xi. 14. xxii.

7, 12, 20.— lightly, Markix. 39.—

, whether . . or. Acts ix. 2.

Add Luke v. 22 (servants .), L

Tr^S. Rev. 5, see .— .
. .

xiv. 8.

and wh.,
whether. or, Rom.


xiv. 8.
J the sooner, Heb. xiii. 19.
then. Acts xxiii. 5. xxvii. 29.
quickly, John xiii. 27. shortly,
1 Tim. iii. 14
23. —
See als•
( L). Heb. xiii.
even, Rom, i, 26^
Not rendered, Luke xxiii. 12•.

with all speed, Acts Acts 15, ii, 10/•, v, 24•. viii. 28.

ix, 24•, 29•. X, 2(-L5), xiii, 1», 2•

xvii. 15.
(-LT^S). XV. 9•. xvii, 10, 14, xviii.
5•. xix. 17•. xxi. 25•. xxiv. 3•. xxv.
Followed by ^ ; by '^
; by yap ^. 23•. xxvi. 3•, 22•. xxvii. 1•. xxviii.
and. Matt, xxiii. LTTr^S). 6^ (Jt 23, Rom, 1. 16•, 20•. ii, 9•, 10•. vii.
xxvii. 48^ xxviii. 12. Mark xv. 3G 73. X, 12•. 2 Cor. X. S^^(-L^). Heb.

(-LTr5). Luke ii. 16^. xii. 45^. xxi. iv. 12'(-G«oL*S'). V. 7•. viii. 3•. ix. 2•.

\\t^. xxii. 66^ xxiv. 20'. John ii. Jas. iii. 7•. —
Add, for xiv. , Luke
15'. iv. 42. vi. 18. 26, L'^tTTr. Acts iv. 14, G'/LT5.xii.
Acts ii. 3», 9», 33, 37, 40, 43•, 46/. 17-, \iii.46•, xiv. 11, 13(5Tfforo(i£),
xvii. 14, xxi. 31, xxiii. 28. xxiv. 10
iii. 10i(fJf hS). iv. 13, 33. v. 19,
XXV. 2, xxvi. 14, xxvii. 21,LT»i). xiii.
35. 42. vi. 7, 12•, 13. vii. 26 (G",
44, GT. XV. G, . 32, StGS. xxviii.
2, LT. For Acts ix. 3, LT5.
Luke XV. 2(And .), LTTr*S\ Acts
, .
bring up children, 1 Tim. v. 10.
XV. 8(
G'LTS. 20, 23(
. .

Phenice), xix. 2(
. at),LT6\
shut up),
unto), LT^. 30
the king), G''LT6\ Rev. xix.
. .
10( . .
. . said),

carpenter. Matt. xiii. 55. Mark vi.3.

( . .

182( . small), G'T.

. perfect, Matt. v. 48i. xix. 21. Rom.

See also 15. xii. 2. Eph. iv. 13. Phil. iii.
28. iv. 12. Heb. ix. 11. Jas. Col. i.
wall, Acts ix. 25. 2 Cor. xi. 33. Heb. i. 4t,
17, 25. iii. 2. 1 John iv. 18.
xi. 30. Eev. xxi. 12, 14, 15, 17, 18. 19

oir.^ they that are perfect, lCor.ii.6.
TOT,, that which is p., 1 Cor. xiii. 10.

infallible proof, Acts i. 3.
of full age {marg. perfect), Heb.v.l4.

man (6'r, perfect, or of a ripe age),
little child, John xiii. 33.
19{ Gal. iv. 1 Cor. xiv. 20.

^ 1 John ii. 1, 12, 28.

. .
iii. 7, 18. iv. 4. v. 21.
Add Mark x. 24, for perfectness, Col. iii. 14.
perfection, Heb. vi. 1.

bear children, 1 Tim. v. 14.

finish, John iv. 34. v. 36. xvii. 4.

child-bearing, ITim. 15. Acts XX. 24.

'. ii.

child, Matt. ii. 18. iii. 9. vii. 11. xii.
X. 21i. xi. Id
9 LTS). Heb. ii. 10. v.
TrS). xv. 26. 9. vii. 19. ix. 9. x.
xviii. 25. xix. 29. xxii. 24. xxiii.
1. xi. 40. xii.
23. Jas. ii. 22. 1 John iv. 17, 18.
{ Luke

43p. John xix. 28.
xvii. 23. 2 Cor.

37. xxvii. 25. Mark vii. 27i. x. 24

perfect, Luke xiii. 32. Heb. x. 14.
(TEKvhvL), 29, 30. xii. 19. xiii. 12.
1 John ii. 5. iv. 12.
Luke i. 7, 17. iii. 8. vii. 35. xi. 13.

Pass., be perfect, Phil. iii. 12.
xiii. 34. xiv. 26. xviii. 29. xix. 44.
consecrate (6V. perfect), Heb. vii.
XX. 31. xxiii. 28. Johii viii. 39. xi.

52. Acts ii. 39. vii. 5. xiii. 33(32).
xxi. 5, 21.
Rom. viii. 16, 17, 21. ix. 7, Str.
1 Cor. vii. 14. 2 Cor. vi. 13. xii. 14t.
Gal. iv. 25, 27, 28, 31. Epli, ii. 3. v.
1,8. vi. 1,4. Col. iii. 20, 21. IThes.
ii. 7, 11. ITim. iii. 4, 12. v. 4.
Tit. i. 6. 1 Pet. i. 14. 2 Pet. ii. 14.
1 John iii. lOi. v. 2. 2 John 1, 4, 13.


Luke i. 45.
vii. 11.

xii. 2.

3 John 4. Rev. ii. 23. xii. 4, 5.

5. xiii. 12.
Matt. ix. 2. xxi. 28i. Mark ii.
Luke ii. 48. xv. 31. xvi.
25. John i. 12. 1 Cor. iv. 14, 17.
Phil. ii. 15, 22. ITim. 1. 2, 18.
2 Tim. i. 2. ii. 1. Tit. i.4. Phm. 10.
to die, Matt,
bring fruit to perfection,

ix. 44(0/?), 46(ap), 48.

v. 4.

Mark vii. 10.

Luke vii. 2.

1 John


daughter (Gr. child),

Gal. iv. 19, for
1, 2.

,1 Pet. iii. 6.

Acts vii. 15. Heb. xi.
be dead, Matt.
ii. 29.

19p. ix. 18. Acta

decease, Matt. xxii. 25.
, 383

Add John xi. 39, for G"L wonder. Matt. xxiv. 24. Mark xiii.
TTr5. 22. John iv. 48. Acts ii. 19, 22, 43.

iv. 30. V. 12. vi. 8. vii. 36. xiv. 3.
death, Matt. ii. 15. XV. 12. Rom. XV. 19. 2 Cor. xii. 12.
2 Thes. ii. 9. Heb. ii. 4.
make an end, Matt. zi. 1.
finish, Matt. xiii. 53. xix. 1. xxvi. forty. Matt. iv. 2i. Mark i. 13. Luke
1. Johu xix. 30. 2 Tim. iv. 7. Rev. iv. 2. John ii. 20. Acts i. 3. iv. 22.
X. 7. xi. 7. XX. 5. vii. 30, 36, 42. xiii. 21. xxiii. 13,
Pass., expire, Rev. xx. 7 {see
go over (marg. end or finish), Matt.
X. 23.
fulfill, Acts xiii. 29. Rom. ii. 27.
). 21.

]. 2 Cor. xi. 24. Heb. iii. 9, 17.

Rev. vii. 4. xi. 2. xiii. 5. xiv. 1, 3.
xxi. 17.

Gal. V. 16. Jas. ii. 8. Rev. xv. 8.
xvii. 17. XX. 3.
fillup. Rev. XV. 1.
accomplish, Luke xii. 50. xviii. 31. ,,
of forty years, Acts xiii. 18.

full forty years

old. Acts vii.
he waS

xxii. 37. John xix. 28.
four. Matt. xxiv. 31. Mark ii. 3.
perform, Luke ii. 39. Luke

xiii. 27. 37. John xi. 17.
pay, Matt. xvii. 24. Rom. xiii. 6. xix. 23. Acts X. 11. xi. 5. xii. 4.
Add Matt. vii. 28, for LT
Tr/S. 2 Cor. xii. 9, for

. LT5.
xxi. 9, 23. xxvii. 29. Rev. iv. 4i,
6, 8, 10. V. 6, St, 14, 14(0^5). vi.

1, G. vii. Itr, 2, 4, 11. ix. ISC-LTr^»
end. Matt. x. 22. xxiv. 6, 13, 14. 5), 14, 15. xi. 16. xiv. 1, 3t. xv.
xxvi. 58. Mark iii. 26. xiii. 7, 13. 7. xix. 4t. XX. 8. xxi. 17.

Luke i. 33. xxi. 9. xxii. 37. John
xiii. 1. Rom. vi. 21, 22. x. 4. ICor. fourteenth, Acts xxvii. 27, 33.
i.8. X. 11. XV. 24. 2 Cor. i. 13. iii.
13. xi. 15. Phil. iii. 19. 1 Tim. i. 5.
Heb. iii. Q^ap), 14. vi. 8, 11. vii. 3. See
Jas. V. 11. 1 Pet. i. 9. iv. 7, 17.
Rev. ii. 26. xxi. 6. xxii. 13.
ending. Rev. i. 8(om).
finally•^", 1 Pet. iii. 8.
With to the uttermost, 1 Thes.
John xi. 39.
hath been dead° four days,

fourth. Matt. xiv. 25. Mark vi. 48.
ii. 16. — J

continual, Luke xviii. 5. Rev. iv. 7. vi. *lt. viii. 12. xvi. 8.
custom, Matt. xvii. 25.

publican, Matt. v. 46,

Rom. 1.7
47 (G', k^vi-
xxi. 19.


fourth part. Rev. vi. 8.
four days affO,
-T» »

Acts X. 30.
GLTTr^^). ix. 10, 11. x. 3. xL ^

19. xviii. 17. xxi. 31, 32. Mark ii.
15, 16. Luke iii. 12. v. 27, 29, 30.
vii. 29, 34. xv. 1. xviii. 10, 11, 13.

receipt of custom. Matt. ix. 9.

ii. 14 {marg. place where custom was"
received). Luke v. 27.
foursquare, Rev. xxi. 16.

quaternion. Acts xii. 4.

four thousand. Matt. xv. 3^. xvi.

10. Mark viii. 9, 20. Acts xxi. 38.
, -.
22, 24. v. 2
iii. { ^
G'LT), 3, 18.

four hundred, Acts v. 36. vii. 6. Jude 6, 21. Rev. i. 3. ii. 26. iii. 8,
xiii. 20. Gal. iii. 17. lOi. xii. 17. xiv. 12. xvi. 15. xxii,
-vov St.
keeper, Matt, xxviii. 4p.
four months, John iv. 35.
holdfast, Rev. iii. 3(a/)).
-. preserve, 1 Thes. v. 23. Jude 1.
Luke xix. 8.
reserve. Acts xxv. 21. 1 Pet. i. 4.

. .
2 Pet. ii. 4 (see 9, 17. iii. 7.
Neut., fourfooted beast, Acts x. 12. Jude 6, 13.
xi. 6. Rom. i. 23.
keeping, 1 Cor. vii. 19.
tetrarch, Matt. xiv. 1. Luke 19. hold, Acts iv. 3.

prison. Acts v. 18.
is. 7. Acts xiii. 1.
(be^) tetrarch,

turn into ashes, 2 Pet.
Luke iii. 1^

ii. 6.
1p, 1p.

to set,

John xix.
Acts xiii. 47. Rev. x. 2.
put, Matt. V. 15. xii. 18. Mark iv.
X. 16.
Luke viii. 16. xi. 33.
Rom. xiv, 13. 1 Cor.
XV. 25. 2 Cor. iii. 13. Rev. xi. 9.

art,Acts xvii. 29. lay. Matt, xxvii. 60. Mark vi. 29,
craft, Rev. xviii. 22. 56. XV. 47. xvi. 6. Luke v. 18. vi.
occupation, Acts xviii. 3(ap). 48. xiv. 29P. xxiii. 53, 55. Jolmxi.
34. xix. 41, 42. xx. 2, 13, 15. Acts
Rev. iii. 2. iv. 37. v. 2, 15. vii. 16. ix.
craftsman, Acts xix. 24, 38.
xviii. 22. 37. xiii. 29. Rom. ix. 33. 1 Cor. iii.

builder, Heb. xi. 10. 10, 11. xvi. 2. 1 Pet. ii. 6.
lay down, Luke xix. 21, 22. John

X. 15, 17, 18i. xiii. 37, 38. xv. 13.
Pass,, melt, 2 Pet. iii. 12.
Acts iv. 85. 1 John iii. 16i.
lay aside, John xiii. 4.
clearly, Mark viii. 25.
— put.
80 great, 2 Cor. i. 10. Heb. ii. 3.
Mid., set, 1 Cor.
Matt. xiv. 3
('& xii. 18, 28.

7. iv. 3. V. 18, 25. xii. 4.

l/irS). Acts
— lay Luke i. —
Jas. iii. 4. i. 12. up, 66. let
so mighty. Rev. xvi. 18. sink —
down, Luke ix. 44. settle,
Luke xxi. 14 (ac^ LTTr-S). — com-
watch, Matt, xxvii. 36, 54. mit (6V. put), 2Cor. V. 19. — ap-
observe, Matt, xxiii. 3(-G°LTTr5'), point,
IThes. V. — purpose. Acts
xix. 21. —

3. xxviii. 20. Acts xxi. 25 (ap).
keep, Matt. xix. 17. Mark vii. 9 bow,
G"). John ii. 10. viii. 51,
52, 55. ix. 16. xii. 7. xiv. 15, 21,
23, 24. XV. 10/, 20i. xvii. 6, 11, 12,
set forth,
Acts v.
Mark xv.
John ii.
John x. 11.

make. Matt. xxii. 44. Mark xii. 36.


15. Acts xii. 5, 6. xv. 5, 24 (a;^»). Luke XX. 43. Acts ii. 35. xx. 28.
xvi. 23. xxiv. 23<=°. xxv. 4, 21. 1 Cor. Rom. iv. 17. 1 Cor. ix. 18. Heb. i.

vii. 37. 2 Cor. xi. 9i. Eph. iv. 3. 13. X. 13. 2 Pet. ii. 6.

ITim. V. 22. vi. 14. 2 Tim. iv. 7. appoint, Matt. xxiv. 51. Luke xii.
Jas. i. 27. ii. 10. IJolin ii. 3, 4, 5. 46. 2Tim. i. 11. Heb. i. 2. IPet. ii. 8.

Add, for
TTrS. viii. 25, Tr.
John sv.
&/^ Mark
viii. 16,
LTTr5. Rev. i. 17, GLTTr. For /car-
16. ITim. ii.

iv. 21,
i. 4.
xxi. 11, 19.

Rev. xvii. 4.

— dear,

Rev. xviii. 19.

xviii. 12t, 16.
Acts xx, 24.

Mark xv. 46, VTvS. For

See also

bring forth,
Gal. iii. 19, G. For
Mark iv. 30, LTTr^.

Matt. i. 21, 23,

punish. Acta xxii. 5. xxvi. 11.

. .
punishment, Heb. x. 29.
i. 15.

31. ii. 7.
xii. 5, 13.
Heb. vi. 7. Jas.

xii. 29, 47. Mark ix. 38.
Luke one,
be delivered (of ^), i. 57. ii. 6.

Heb. xi. lli(G',o»iAS).Rev.xii.2,4.

XV. 21.
49. ix. Luke vii. 36. viii.
19, 49. xi. 1, 45. xii. 13. xiii. 23.
bear. Gal. iv. 27.
be born, Rev. xii. 4°<'. Pass., be —
xiv. 1, 15. xvi. 30, 31. xxiii. 26.
Acts V. 25, 34. vii. 24. ix. 43. x. 6.
born, Matt. ii. 2. Luke ii. 11.
be in travail, John xvi. 21.

. xix. 9(-LTaS). xxi. 16. xxii. 12.

XXV. 19. Rom. v. 7. 1 Cor. iii. 4.
V. 1. xiv. 24. Tit. i. 12. Heb. ii. 6.

Luke vi. 1.
to pluck. Matt. xii. 1. Markii. 23<=«. Jas. ii. 16. v. 19.

to honor, Matt. xv. 4, 6(5), 8. xix.

19. Mark vii. 6, 10. x. 19. Luke
one thing, Luke vi. 9 (EG', StG,

Luke xviii. 2i.
Acts V. 34(-GoLT5'). xvi. 9.
John vi. 7 (-L''

xviii. 20. John v. 23/. viii. 49. xii.

26. Acta xxviii. 10. Eph. vi, 2.
1 Tim. V. 3. 1 Pet. ii. 17 Qnarg. es-
xviii. 14. xxvii. .
Gal. vi. 1. Heb.
a kind of, Jas.
2 Cor. xi. 16.


teem), 17. a man. Matt, xviii. 12. xxii. 24.

Mark viii. 4. xii. 19. Luke xii. •».

value, Matt. xxviL 9, 9(marg. buy).

John iv. 44. Acts xxviii. 10.

John iii. 3, 5. vi. 50. viii. 51, 52.
xi. 10. xiv. 23. xv. 6, 13. Acts xiii.
41 . Rom. viii. 24. 1 Cor. iv. 2. 2 Cor.
Rom. ii. 7, 10. ix. 21. xii. 10. xiii. viii. 12(-GooLT^). ITim. i. 8.
7. 1 Cor. xii. 23, 24. Col. ii. 23. 2Tim. 21. Jas. ii. 14, 18. IPet.
ii. 5,
1 Thes. iv. 4. 1 Tim. i. 17. v. 17. ii. 19. 3 Pet. ii. 19. 1 John iv. 20.
vi. 1, 16. 2 Tim. ii. 20, 21. Heb. ii.
With ,
no man, Heb. v. 4. none. —
7, 9.
3 Pet.

3. V. 4.
17. Rev.
iv. 9, 11. v. 12,
i. 7. iii. 7.
Acts xxvi. 26. —
nothing, Mark iv.
22(-G°L»'Tr). 3 Cor. xiii. 8.
13. vii. 12.xix. l(omS). xxi. 24
With J nothing,
1 Tim. vi. 7-
(-QooLTS), 26.
a certain man, Luke ix. 57. x. 30.
price, Matt, xxvii. 6, 9. Actsiv. 34.
xiii. 6. John xi. 1. Acts xviii. 7.
V. 2, 3. xix. 19. 1 Cor. vi. 20. vii. 23.
xix. 24. PI., certain men, Jude 4. —
sum. Acts vii. 16.
precious {marg. honor), 1 Pet. ii. 7.

honorable, Heb. xiii. 4.

had in reputatioUj Acta v. 34.
a certain thing, Matt. xx. 20. Acts
xxiii. 17.
33(omS). Mark
TvS). vii. 1. xi.
Matt. ix. 3.
v. 2u(-G^-L•
ii. 6.
5. xii. 13. xiv. 51,
xii. 38. xxi.

1 Pet. i. 7 (see ),
precious, 1 Cor. iii. 12. Jas. v. 7.

19. 2 Pet.
57. Luke i. 5. vi. 2. vii. 2, 41. viii.
2, 27. X. 25, 31, 33, 38i. xi. 1, 27,
Ttg 386
37(-TTr5). xii. 16. xiii. 31. xiv. 2,
1 x. 9, 28. xi. 9, 57. xii. 26t, 47. xvi.
16. XV. 11. xvi. 1, 19, 20. xvii. 12. |30. Acts x. 47. xix. 38. xxiv. 12.
Rom. viii. 9. ICor. v. 11. vii. 18.
xviii. 9, 18, 35. xix. 12. xx.
S), 27, 39. xxi. 2. xxii. 56. xxiii. viii. 10. ix. 15 (see ). 28. .
19. xxiv. 22, 24.
Jolin iv. 46. v. 5. xii. 20. Acts iii. Col. ii. 4 (see ),
xiv. 27. 2 Cor. xii. 6. Eph. ii. 9.
8. iii. 13.
2. V. 1, 2. vi. 9. viii. 9, 36. ix. 10, 2Thes. iii. 8. Heb. iv. 11. xii. 15.
19, 33, 36. X. 1, 11, 23, 48. xi. 5. 1 John ii. 1, 15, 27. V. 16. Rev. iii.
xii. 1. xiii. l(-GooLT>S), 6. xiv. 8. 20. xxii. 18, 19.
XV. 1, 2, 5, 24. xvi. 1, l(omS), 12, any, Mark viii. 26. xi. 25. xvi. 18
14, 16. xvii. 5, 6, 18, 20, 28, 34. (ap). Luke xxiv. 41. John i. 46(47).
xviii. 2, 24. xix. 1, 13, 31. xx. 9. ii. 25. vii. 48. Acts iv. 34. ix. 2.
xxi. 10. xxiii. l2(^omS). xxiv. 1, XXV. 16. xxvii. 42. xxviii. 21i. Rom.
18. 24. XXV. 13, 14, 19. xxvii. 1, 16, viii. 39. ix. 11. xv. 18. 1 Cor. i. 15.
26, 39. Rom. xv. 26. Gal. ii. 12. vi. 1, 12. vii. 18. 2 Cor. xi. 21. xii.
Heb. iv. 7. x. 27. 17. Eph. V. 27. Col. ii. 23. iii. 13.
certain "Others, Luke xxiv. l(ap). 1 Tlies. ii. 9. v. 15. 2Thes. iii. 8.

divers, Mark viii. 3. Acts xix. 9. Heb. iii. 12, 13. iv. 1. xii. 15, 16.
some man, Acts 31. 1 Cor. xv. Jas. V. 12, 13i, 14, 19. 2 Pet. iii. 9.
35. 2 Pet. iii. 9.

somebody, Luke viii. 46. Acts v. 36.

6 (G',
as for ), 1 Thes. iv.
marg. the).
some, Matt. xvi. 28. xxvii. 47.

any thing, Matt. xxiv. 17 ( GLT

xxviii. 11. Mark vii. 2. ix. 1. xiv. Tr, TOS). Mark xi. 13. xiii. 15.
4, 65. XV. 35. Luke ix. 7, 8, 27. xi. Luke xix. 8. xxii. 35. John vii. 4.
15. xiii. 1. xix. 39. xxi. 5. xxiii. 8. xiv. 14. Acts xvii. 25. xix. 39. xxv.
John vi. 64. vii. 25, 44. ix. 16. xi. 11. Rom. xiv. 14. ICor. ii. 2. iii. 7.
37, 46. xiii. 29. Acts v. 15. viii. viii. 2. X. 19(/), 19. xiv. 35. 2 Cor.
34. xi. 20. XV. 36. xvii. 4, 18, 21. ii. 10. iii. 5. Gal. v. 6. vi. 15. 1 Thes.
xviii. 23. xxvii. 27. i. 8. Jas. i. 7. 1 John v. 14(seeboTig),

Rom. i. 11, 13. iii. 3, 8. v. 7. xi. any thing at all. Acts xxv. 8.
14. 1 Cor. iv. 18. vi. 11. viii. 7. ix. thing. Acts xxv. 26 (see ).
22. X. 7, 8, 9, 10. XV. 6, 12, 34, 37. aught, Matt. v. 23. xxi. 3. Acta
2 Cor. iii. 1. x. 2, 12. Gal. i. 7. Phil. iv. 32. xxviii. 19. Phm. 18.
i. 15i. SThes. iii. 11. ITim. i. 3, 6, av
L), 23
, (
whosoever, John xx. 23
LS). —
19. iv. 1. V. 15, 24i. vi. 10, 21.
2 Tim. ii. 18. Heb. iii. 4, 16 (G Acts ii. 45.
every man,

LT). iv. 6. X. 25. xi. 40. xiii. 2.
some great one, Acts viii. (av

something, Luke xi. 54. John xiii.

whosoever, John xiii, 20
hut what, John v. 19.
whatsoever, ICor. x. 31.

29. Acts iii. 5. xxiii. 18.
somethings, 3 Pet. iii. 16.
somewhat, Luke vii. 40. Acts xxiii. Ti
Acts iv. 35. Heb. x. 28.
Gal. vi. 3. he,
Acts xi. 29.
broken piece. Acts xxvii. 44.
20. XXV. 26. 2 Cor. x. 8. Gal. ii. 6. Not rendered, Mark xiv. 47(-LTr
Heb. viii. 3. S). Luke vii. 19. xxii. 50, 59. John
any man. Matt. xi. 27. xii. 19. xxi, xi. 49. Acts xix. 14. xxi. 37(-G°T).
3. xxii. 46. xxiv. 23. Mark ix. 30. xxiii. 23. 1 Cor. ix. 12. 2 Cor. xii.
xi. 3, 16. xiii. 5, 21. Luke xiv. 8. 6(-LS). xiii. 5.
xix. 8, 31. XX. 28. John iv. 33. vi. Add Matt. xxi. 28 (certain), C?L.
46. 51. vii. 17, 37. ix. 22, 31, 32. Mark xv. 36, for }, 8. Luke viii.
51, see
John xvi.
(. .
Simon), LT.
ix. 8, for ',
23, see oaoc. Acts x. 5
xiii. 15(any), LT5.
Mark i. 24, 21 (ap). ii. 25i. iv.
V. 7, 9. 141. vi. 2, 24. viii. 36, 37.
ix. 62,101, 16, 33. x. 3, 17, 36, 38i,

xvii. 21 (hear . .), L'S• xxiii- 9 (^^25). 51. xi. 5. xii. 9. xiii. 4, II2. xiv.
xxiv. 1 (. . elders), hS. xxviii. 3 S6H, 402, 63, 64, 681. xv. 12, 14.

see .
(. . bundle), G'LT5?. 1 Cor. xii. 26,
2 Cor. xi. 1 (a), C^EG'LT^.
Luke iii. 10, 12, 14. iv. 34, 36. v.
22. vi. 113. vii. 24, 25, 26, 31. viii.

3 John 9 (wrote

, LT5'. Rev. 93, 28, 30. ix. 25. x. 25, 26. xii.
vii. 1,

,, -
for G'LTTr. 1 Pt. v. 8, for L. 112, 17^ 22^2^ 29^2, 49. xiii. 18. xiv.
, 31. XV. 4, 8, 263. xvi. 3, 42. xviii.
See also
., ., •, VI., Xdpi^v,
61, 18, 363, 41. xix. 4g2. .
13^ 15^
17. xxi. 7. xxii. 71. xxiii. 22, 31'-^,

In an Indirect question, followed by
341 (a/)).
John i. 21, 22, 38(39). ii. 4, 18, 25.
the Indicative 1. Followed by the iv. 27. V. 12. vi. 6, 9, 282, 30/. vii.
Subjunctive 2 ; by the Optative 3. 511. yiii. 5(0^). ix. 17, 26. xi. 47,

who (whose, whom)? Matt. iii. 7. 56. xii. 272. 49i2. xiii. I2i. xv. I51.
X. 111. xii. 27, 48i. xvi. 13, 15. xvii. xvi. 17, 18,
181. xviii. 21», 29, 35,

25. xviu.l(withapa). xix. 25. xxi. 38. xxi. 21.

10, 23. xxii. 20, 28, 42. xxiv. 45.

7. iii. 33. v. 30, 31. viii. 27, 29. ix.

Acts ii. 123, 37. iv. 16. v. 351. vii.
xxvi. 68. xxvii. 17. Mark i. 24\ ii. 40, 49. viii. 36. ix. 6(^),
G'LT6'). X. 4, 6 (a^?), 173,

21, 29.
341. X. 26. xi. 28. xii. 16, 23. xvi. 3. xi. 17. xii. IS^vith apa). xvi. 30.
Luke iii. 7. iv. 34^ v. 21i. vi. 47^. xvii. 183, 191, 21)3. xix. 3, 35. xxi.
vii. 391, 49. viii. 45, 45(). ix. 9, 13, 22, 33. xxii. 10, 26. xxiii. 19.
18, 20. X. 22t\ 29. xi. 19. xii. 5^, Rom. iii. Ii, 3, 5, 9. iv. 1, 3. vi.
14, 20, 42. xvi. 11, 12. xviii. 26. 1, If), 21. viii. 262, 27», 31.
vii. 7.
xix. 3^ XX. 2, 24, 33. xxii. 64. ix. 14, 30. X. 8. xi, 2i, 4, 7, 15. xii.
John i. 19, 22. iv. 10^. v. 13'. vi. 2. 1 Cor. 11. iv. 7, 21. v. 12.

60, 64^1, 68. vii. 20. viii. 25, 53. ix. vii. 16. ix. 18. x. 19. xi, 222. ^.
2, 211, 36. xii. 34, 38i. xiii. 22^, 24^, 6, 15, 161. XV. 2 (see 16yoc), 29, 32.
25. xviii. 4, 7. xix. 24^. xx. 15. 2 Cor. vi. 14i, 15^ 16. xii. 13.
xxi. 12. Acta vii. 27, 35. viii. 33, Gal. iv. 30. Eph. i. 18ii, I91. iii.
34. ix. 5. xiii. 25(
L6'). xix. 15. xxi. 9, 181. iv. 9. V. 101, 17». Phil. i. 18,
33». xxii. 8. xxvi. 15. 22. Col. i. 271. 1 Thes. ii. 19. iii. 9.
Kom. vii. 24. viii. 31, 33, 34, 35. iv. 2. Heb. ii. 6. vii. 11. xi. 32. xii.
ix. 19, 20. X. 6, 7, 16. xi. 34^ 35. 7. xiii. 6. Jas. ii. 14, 16. IPet. i.
xiv. 4. 1 Cor. ii. 16. iii 5. iv. 7. 11. iv. 17. 1 John iii. 2i. Rev. ii.
ix. 7tr. xiv. 8. 2 Cor. ii. 2, 16. xi. 71, 111, 171^ 291. iii. 61, 131, 221. vii.
29i. Gal. iii. 1. v. 7. 2 Tim. iii. 14\ 13. xviii. 18.
Heb. iii. 17, 18. Jas. iii. 13. iv. 12. 1 what is it which ? Matt. xxvi. 62.
Pet. iii. 13. v.S^L). lJohnii.22. Mark xiv. 60.
v. . Rev. V. 2. vi. 17. xiii. it. xv. 4-'.
what is that ? John xxi. 22, 23.
what ? Matt. v. 46, 47. vi. 3^ 252, what thing ? Mark i. 27. Luke xii.
25\-GooS), 252, 31i2. vii. 9. viii. 112(_Trb). John x. 61.
29. ix. 131. X. 192, 191(07)). xi. 7, 8, what manner of, Luke xxiv. 17.
9. xii. 31, 1\ 11. xvi. 26i. xvii. 25. John vii. 36.
xix. 16, 20, 27. xx. 21, 22», 32. xxi. which ? Matt. vi. 27. Luke vii. 42.
16», 28, 40. xxii.17,42. xxiv.3. xxvi. ix. 463. X, 36. xi. 6. xii. 25. xiv.
15, 65, 66, 701. ^^. 4, 22, 23, 5, 28, xvii, 7. xxii. 23'(/< ipa).
. John viii. 46. xxi. 20. Acts
Heb. i. 5, 13. v. 12\
Matt. ix. 5. xxi. 31. xxiii.

title, John xix.

. 19, 20.
whether ?

, ,.
17, 19. xxvii. 21. Mark ii. 9. Luke
Lit. atone by, pay. See
V. 23. xxii. 27.
lit. who . . what ? what every

man, Mark xv. 24^ —

how much ev- See
ery man, Luke xix. 15^(-/• Tr/S).
-i ,
vi. 362(see
xi. 11.
), Matt. xv. 322.

grow whereunto, Acts

viii. 12, 22.
IThes. iv. 8.
Heb. xii. 1.

Luke xx.
25. 1 Cor. ix.

26. Heb. xiii. 13.
where ? GaL iv. 15 (marg. what ?
then, Jas. ii. 24(»5).

Dative, whereunto? Matt. xi. 16.

Markiv.302(7r(yfG"L^TTrAS). Luke
vii. 31. xiii. 18, 20.
Accusative, ,
such, 2 Pet.

such, Matt. ix. 8. xviii. 5. xix. 14.

wherefore ? John ix. 27. Acts xxii. Mark iv. 33. vi. 2. vii. S(ap), 13.
303. Gal. iii. 19. ix. 37. X. 14. xiii. 19. Luke xviii.
i. 17.

why ? Matt. vi. 28. vii. 3. viii. 26. 16. John iv. 23. viii. 5(^ap). ix. 16.
xvi. 8. xvii. 10. xix. 7, 17. xx. 6. Acts xvi. 24. xxvi. 29. Rom. xvi.
xxii. 18. xxvi. 10. Markii. 7, 8, 24. IS. ICor. V. 1. vii. 15, 28. xi. 16.
iv. 40. V. 35, 39. viii. 12, 17. x. 18. XV. 4Si. xvi. 16, IS. 2 Cor. iii. 4,
xi. 3. xii. 15. xiv. 6. Luke ii. 48. vi. 12. X. 11. xi. 13. xii. 3. Gal. v. 23.
2, 41, 46. xii. 26, 57. xviii. 19. xix. Phil. ii. 29. 2Thes. iii. 12. ITim.
33. XX. 23(a/3). xxii. 46. xxiv. 5, vi. 5(ap). Tit. iii. 11. Heb. vii. 26.
38. Johni. 25. iv. 27. vii. 19. x. 20. viii. 1. xii. 3. xiii. 16. Jas. iv. 16.
xviii. 21, 23. xx. 13, 15. Acts i. 11. 3 Jolm 8.
lii. 12i. V. 4. ix. 4. xiv. 15. xv. 10. such an (a) one, ICor. v. 5, 11.
xxii. 7, 16. xxvi. 8, 14. Rom. iii. 7. 2 Cor. ii. 7. x. 11. xii. 2, 5. Gal. vi.
viii. 24. ix. 19, 20. xiv. lOi. 1 Cor. 1. Phm. 9.

iv. 7. X. 30. XV. 29, 30. Gal. ii. 14
GLS). v. 11. Col. ii. 20.
how is it that ? Luke xvi. 2.
such a man, 2 Cor. ii. 6.
such a fellow. Acts xxii. 22.

how is such thing, Luke ix. 9. xiii. 2 (-
it ? Mark ii. lG(-TTr, oih for TrS). Acts xxi. 25 (aj?). Rom.

26. — how, Matt, xviii. 12. Luke i. 27. Heb. xi. 14.
623. John xiv. 22. ICor. vii. 16. Eph. ,
S). Luke ii. 49. Acts v. 9. ICor. xiv. i. 3?. ii. 2, 3. Gal. v. 21. Eph. v.

of like occupation,

wherewith, Luke xvii. 82. [vi. 21. Acts xix. 25.
Add Matt. vii. 14, for on, GLTr. Add Rom. ii. 14, see
Mark vi. 302, for
vi. 9, see . xx.
LTTr^'. Luke

5, see . Jolm
wall. Acts xxiii. 3.

xiii. 18, for 5r, Acts xxiv. 20,
for d GLT/S. xxv. 26,
^1>, G"LTaS\ Heb. usury, Matt. xxv. 27. Luke xix. 2S.

for 10, for
, GLT. Acts
, , iii.

See also
, ^, , .
xiii. 25, for l.S.
be bold, 2 Cor. x. 2. xi. 21i.

boldly, Mark xv. 43". Luke vii. 9. Heb. xii. 1. Rev. xviii.
dare, Matt. xxii. 46. Mark xii. 34. 17.
Luke XX. 40. John xxi. 12. Acts v. so much. Matt. xv. 33. Acts v.
13. vii. 32. Rom. v. 7. xv. IS. 1 Cor. St. Heb. i. 4. vii. 22. x. 25. Rev.

vi. 1. 2 Cor. X. 12. Jude 9.

the more boldly,

presumptuous, 2 Pet.
Rom. xv.


xviii. 7.
as large, Rev. xxi. 16(omS).
so long, John xiv. 9. Heb. iv. 7.
Plural, so many, John vi. 9. xii.
37. xxi. 11. 1 Cor. xiv. 10. so ma-
ny {marg. so great) things, GaL iii. 4.


bow, Rev. vi.

Heb. iv. 12.

these many, Luke xv. 29.

then. Matt. ii. 7, 16, 17. iii. 5,

15. iv. 1, 5, 10, 11. V. 24. vii. 5,

Rev. xxi. 20.

place, Matt. xii. 43. xiv. 13, 15,

35. xxiv. 15. xxvi. 52. xxvii. 33i.
viii. 26. ix. 6, 14, 15, 29, 37. xi.
xii. 13, 22, 29, 38, 44, 45. xiii.
36, 43. XV. 1, 12, 28. xvi. 12,
24, 27. xvii. 13, 19. xviii. 21, 32.

xix. 13, 27. XX. 20. xxi. 1. xxii. 8,


xxviii. 6. Mark i. 35, 45. vi. 31, 32, 13,15, 21. xxiii.l. xxiv. 9, 10, 14,16,
85. XV. 22i. xvi. 6. Luke iv. 17, 37, 21, 23, dot, 40. XXV. 1, 7, 31, 34, 37,
42. ix. lO(ap), 12. x. 1, 32. xi. 1, 41, 44, 45. xxvi. 3, 14, 31, 36, 38,
24. xiv. 9. xvi. 28. xix. 5. xxii. 40. 45, 50, 52, 56, 65, 67, 74. xxvii. 3,
xxiii. 33. John iv. 20. v. 13. vi. 9, 13, 16, 26, 27, 38, 58. xxviii. 10.
10, 23. X. 40. xi. 6, 30, 48. xiv. 2, Markii. 20. iii. 27. xiii. 14, 21, 26,
3. xviii. 2. xix. 13, 17, 20, 41. xx.
27. Luke v. 35. vi. 42. xi. 26. xiii.
7. Acts i. 25. iv. 31. vi. 13, 14. vii.
26. xiv. 10, 21. xxi. 10, 20, 21, 27.
7, 33, 49. xii. 17. xxi. 28i. xxvii. xxiii. 30. xxiv. 45. John ii. lOC-L"»
8, 41. Rom. ix. 26. xii. 19. xv. 23. Tr^^"). vii. 10. viii. 28. xi. 14. xii.
ICor. i. 2. 2 Cor. ii. 14. Eph. iv. ] 6. xix. 1, 16. XX. 8. Acts i. 12. iv.
27. IThes. i. 8. Heb. viii. 7. xi. 8.
8. V. 26. vi. 11. vii. 4. viii. 17. x.
xii. 17 (marg. way). 2 Pet. i. 19.
46, 48. xiii. 12. xv. 22. xvii. 14.
Rev. ii. 5. vi. 14. xii. 6, 8, 14. xvi. xxi. 26, 33. xxiii. 3. xxv. 12. xxvi.
16. XX. 11.
^, 1. xxvii. 32. xxviii. 1.

ii. 8.

quarters, Acts xxviii. 7.

every where, 1 Tim. Rom. vi. 21. 1 Cor. iv. 5. xiii. 10
(-G00LT5'), 12i. XV. 28, 54. 2 Cor.
the same xii. 10. Gal. iv. 8, 29. vi. 4. Col.
iii. 4. IThes. v. 3. 2Thes. ii. 8.
quarter, Acts xvi. 3.
coast, Acts xxvii. 2,
room, Luke ii. 7. xiv. 9, 10, 22.
Heb. X. 7, 9. xii. 26.
6 ,,
that then was, 2 Pet. iii. 6.
from that time. Matt. iv.
1 Cor. xiv. 16.
17. xvi. 21. xxvi. 16. since that —

, ,
license, Acts xxv. 16.
time, Luke xvi. 16.
AcU Mark vi. 11, 54, (a/)). John when°°, Acts xiii. 3.

, ,.
XX. 25, for LT. Acts i. 25,

Not rendered, Luke xiv. 9. John
for G'LT. 2The3. iii. 16, for xi. 6. xiii. 27. Acts xxvii. 21. 1 Cor.
G'L. Rev. xviii. 17(np). xvi. 2.
See also Add Luke xi. 24 (none, .), L^ .

Acts xxi. 13 ( . .answered), hS.

80 great, Matt. viii. 10. xv. 33. Jude 9, for >, L.
. .
Acts xxviii. 15.
The three taverns,

contrariwise, 2 Cor. ii. 7. Gal. ii. 7.
1 Pet. iii.^ 9. Add Mark ix. 31, x. 34,
for G^LTTr^S.
^., etc.
tremble, Mark v. 33. Luke viii. 47.

Acts ix. 6(ap).
be afraid, 2 Pet. 10.


Heb. ix. 12, 13, 19. x. 4.

Matt. xv. 27. xxi. 12.

vii. 28. xi. 15. Luke xvi. 21. xxii.
Matt. vi. 26. xxv. 37. Luke
Rev. xii. 6
to feed,
xii. 24.
nourish. Acts xii. 20. Jas. v. 5.
21, 30. John ii. 15. Acts vi. 2. Rom. Rev. xii. 14.
bring up, Luke iv. 16.
xi. 9. ICor. X. 21i. Heb. ix. 2.
meat, Acts xvi. 34.
bank, Luke xix. 23.
Add Luke xxiii. 29, for

wound, Luke X. 34.
exchanger, Matt. xxv. 27. to run, Matt, xxvii. 48. xxviii. 8.
Mark v. 6 (1611 to 1687 come, prob-
ably a misprint), xv. 36. Luke xv.
20. xxiv. 12 (ap). John xx. 2, 4.
Rom. ix. 16. 1 Cor. ix. 24/, 26. Gal.

to wound, Luke XX. 12. Acts xix. 16. ii. 2t. V. 7. Phil. 16. Heb. xii. 1.


Rev. ix. 9.
have course ( Gr. run), 2 Thes. iii. 1.
to open, Heb. iv. 13.
a hole, eye.
neck, Matt, xviii. 6. Mark ix. 42.
Luke xviii. 25, for pa,LS.
Luke XV. 20. xvii. 2. Acts xv. 10.

XX. 37. Rom. xvi. 4. thirty, Matt. xiii. 23. xxvi. 15.
xxvii. 3, 9. Mark iv. 8. Luke iii.


iii. 5.
rocks, Actsxxvii. 29.
23. John V. 5. vi. 19. Gal. iii. 17.
thirtyfold. Matt. xiii. 8. Markiv.20.

three, Matt. xii. 40/. xiii. 33.

32. xvii. 4. xviii. 16, 20. xxvi. 61.
xxvii. 40, 63. Mark viii. 2, 31. ix.
5. xiv. 58. XV. 29. Luke i. 56. ii.
46. iv. 25. ix. 33. x. 36. xi. 5. xii.
52. xiii. 7, 21. John ii. 6, 19, 20.
xv. three hundred,
xii. 5.

, .
vi. 8.

vii. 16.
xiv. 5. John

xxi. 11. Acts V. 7. vii. 20. ix. 9. x.

19(_GooT). xi. 11. xvii. 2. xix. 8.
XX. 3. XXV. 1. xxviii. 7, 11, 12, 17.
1 Cor. X. 8. xiii. 13. xiv. 27, 29.
path. Matt.
iii. 4.

3. Mark i. 3. Luke

space of three years, Acts xx. 31.
2 Cor. xiii. 1. Gal. i. 18. 1 Tim. v.
IJ. Heb. X. 28. .las. v. 17. 1 John
V. 7, T{ap), 8{), 8. Rev. vi. 6. viii. gnash with, Mark ix. 18.
13. ix. 18. xi. 9, 11. xvL 13, 19. xxi.
13/. Neut., three months, Heb. xi. 23.
tQig 391
thrice, Matt. xxvi. 34, 75.
xiv. 30, 72. Luke xxii. 34, 61. Jolm G'L).

xiii. 38. 2 Cor. xi. 25i. xii. 8.
thrice. Acts x. 16.
times, Acts xi. 10.

way, Rom. iii.
means, 2 Thes.

conversation, Heb. xiii. 5.

— .
suffer one's manners, Acts xiii. 18
(G', C™GLT ; marg. bear
3. iii.


Nieut.j third loft. Acts xx. 9.

three thousand, Acts ii. 41.

eth her child).

Acts xiv. 17. Jas. ii. 15.

meat, Matt. iii. 4. vi. 25. x. 10.
or feed one, as a nurse beareth or feed-

third. Matt. xvi. 21. xvii. 23. xx. xxiv.

45. Luke xii. 23. John iv. 8.

3, 19. xxii. 26. xxvii. 64. Mark ix.
31 and x. 34 (see
25. Luke
xii. 21. xv.
Acts ii. 46. ix. 19. xxvii. 33. Heb.

ix. 22. xii. 38. xviii. 33.

V. 12, 14.
Gen., some meat. Acts xxvii. 34, 36.

, .,

XX. 12, 31. xxiv. 7, 21, 46. John
Not rendered, luitk Acta
ii. 1. Acts ii. 15. x. 40. xxiii. 23.
xxvii. 38.
ICor. XV. 4. 2 Cor. xii. 2. Rev. iv.
7. vi. f>t. viii. 10. xi. 14. xiv. SC-G»

S"). xvi. 4. xxi. 19. nurse, IThes. ii. 7.

,, the third day,

32. Acts xxvii. 19.
TO the third part, Rev. viii.
Luke xiii.

to, cherish.
bring nourishment

7?, 8, 9i, 10, 11, 12^ve. ix. 15, 18.

xii. 4.

Adv., (to)
— the third time,
Matt. xxvi. 44(-G<'oL*>).
the third time, course, Jas.
path, Heb. xii. 13.

.iii. 6.

Mark xiv. 41. Luke xxiii. 22. John

xxi. 14, Vlt. 2 Cor. xii. 14. xiii.
1-— thirdly, ICor. xiL 28.

Matt. xxvi. 23.

Mark xiv. 20.

Add John
Rev. viii. ().
of hair, Rev. vi. 12.
xix. 14, for

i/cr<5f, G",


Luke vi.44. Rev.xiv.18,19.

Luke ii. 24.

trembling, 1 Cor. ii. 3. 2 Cor. vii.

With ,
15. Eph. vi. 5. Phil. ii. 12.

tremble"", Mark xvi. 8.
x. 25.

eye, Matt. xix. 24.
Luke xviii. 25

turning, Jas.

manner, Jude


live in pleasure, Jas. v. 5.

i. 11. —
28. 2 Tim. iii. 8.
xxiii. 37. With—
XV. 11. xxvii. 25,
manner as, Acts
in like
as, Luke xiii. 34. Acts vii.


even as, Matt.
even as, Acts
to riot"",

2 Pet.

Matt. xxiv. 38.

(^with art.), 56, 57, 58.


xiii. 18.

vi. 54»
obtain, Luke
. . 35. Acts xxvi.
vii. 21.
, (he) that was" blind,
ix. 13.
blind man. Matt. ix. 27, 28. xx. 30.

22. 2 Tim. ii. 10. Heb. viii. 6. xi. 35.
enjoy, Acts xxiv. 2 (3) p. Mark viii. 22, 23. x. 49, 51. Luke
xviii. 35. John ix. &{-(^^>8), 17.
Tvxoij it may chance, 1 Cor. xv.

it may be, ICor. xiv. 10.
it may
Cor. xvi. 6.
be, 1 to blind, John xii. 40. 2 Cor. iv. 4.


Pari. J with

Acts xxviii.
special. Acts xix. 11.

Not rendered, Luke x. 30(-LTr^S').

See also
little. 1 John ii. 11.
Pass., be lifted up with pride, 1
— be proud imarg. be a

^ .,
iii. 6. fool),
ITim. — be high-mindedj 2 Tim.
vi. 4.
to torture, Heb. xi. 35. iii. 4.

in figures, typically.
Pass., to smoke. Matt. xii. 20.

1 Cor. X. 11, for LS.

John xx.
25, 25
vii. 43. Rom.
( LT).
v. 14.
tempestuous. Acts xxvii. 14.
form, Rom. vi. 17.
fashion. Acts vii. 44.
manner. Acts xxiii. 25.
of jacinth.
Rev. ix. 17.

pattern. Tit.

ii. 7.

hS). Phil. iii. 17. 1 Thes.

2 Thes. iii. 9. 1 Pet. v. 3.
Heb. viii. 5.
Cor. x. 11 (inarg. type ;

of glass, Rev.
Rev. xxi. 20.

, iv. 6. xv, 2t,

example, ICor. x. 6(Gr. figure).
1 Tim. iv. 12.

to beat, Luke xii. 45. Acts viii.

17. xxi. 32.

entreat spitefully.
Rev. xxi. 18, 21.

Matt. xxii. 6.
strike, Luke xxii. 64(ap).
Luke xviii. 32.
use despitefully. Acts xiv. 5.
smite, Matt. xxiv. 49. xxvii. 30.
entreat shamefully, 1 Thes. ii. 2.

. .
Mark xv. 19. Luke vi. 29. xviii. 13.
xxiii. 48. Acts xxiii. 2, St. reproach, Luke xi. 45.

wound, 1 Cor.

Pass, or Mid.j be troubled,

X. 41



reproach, 2 Cor. xii. 10.
hurt {marg. injury). Acts xxvii. 10»
harm, Acts xxvii. 21.

blind. Matt. xi. 5. xii. 22, 22 (-LT

Tr5). XV. 14/, 30, 31. xxi. 14. xxiii.
16, 17, 19, 24, 26. Mark x. 46. Luke
iv. 18. vi. 39i. vii. 22. xiv. 13, 21.
John V. 3. ix. 2, 8 ( GLT
injurious, 1

be in health, 3 John 2.


(be^) whole, Luke v. 31^. vii. IOp.


8), 18, 19, 20, 24, 25, 32, 39, 40, wholesome, ITim. vi. 3p.
41. X. 21. xi. 37. Acts xiii. 11. be sound, Tit. i. 13. —
sound, 1 Tim.
Rom. ii. 19. 2 Pet. i. 9. Rev. iii. 17. i. lOP. 2 Tim. i. 13p. iv. 3p. Tit. i.
which was° blind, John is. 1. 9p. ii. IP, 2p.
safe and sound,
.Luke xv.

whole, Matt. xii. 13. xv. 31.

iii. 5(o7?i*S). V. 34. Luke vi.

iii. 17, 28. vi. 3. ix. 17. x. 35, 46,

47, 48. xii. 6^ 35, 37.

Luke i. 13, 31, 36, 57. ii. 7. iii. 2,
23. iv. 22. V. 10. vii. 12. ix. 38, 41.
X. 6. xi. 11, 19. xii. 53i. xv. 11, 13,
Johu V. 4(ap), 6, 9, 11, 14, 15. vii.
19, 21i, 24, 25, 30. xviii. 38, 39.
23. Acts iv. 10.
Bound, Tit. ii.

xix. 9. XX. 13, 41, 44.
John i. 42(43), 45(46). iv. 5, 46,

» .
47, 50, 53. vi. 42. ix. 19, 20. xvii.
green, Luke xxiii. 31, 12. xix. 26. Acts ii. 17. iv. 36. vii.
16, 21, 29. xiii. 21. xvi. 1. xix. 14.

water-pot, Jolin

drink water, 1 Tim. v. 23.

which had° the dropsy, Luke xiv.

ii. 6, 7. iv. 28.

xxiii. 6, 16.
Rom. viii. 14, 19. ix. 9. 2 Cor. vi.
18. Gal. iv. 6, ,
22, SOir. Eph. iii.
5. 2Thes. ii. 3. Heb. ii. 6, 10. iii.
6. vii. 5(-L). xi. 21, 24. xii. 5, 6,

, ,
It, 8. Jas. ii. 21. IPet. v. 13. Rev.

water, Matt. iii. 11, 16. viii.

xiv. 28, 29. xvii. 15. xxvii.
Mark i. 8, 10. ix. 22, 41. xiv.
Luke iii. 16. vii. 44. viii. 24,
xvi. 24. xxii. 10. Jolini. 26, 31,
xxi. 7.

(^) &
Said of ,-Christ, with

Son, Matt.

17. iv. 31, 61. viii. 20^, 29i. ix. 6^. x.

232. xi. 192, 27ir. xii. 8^, 322, 492,
xiii. 372, 412. xiv. 331. xvi. 132, 161,

. .
9l iii. 5, 23pi. iv. 7, 10, 11, 13,
ii. 7,
272, 282. xvii. 5, 92, 122, 222. xviii.
14, 14(), 14, 15, 46. v. S(ap), 4i
(op), 7. vii. 38. xiii. 5. xix. 34.
112(op). xix. 282. XX. 182, 232.
272, 302, 372, 392, 442. 13-'(;?),
Acts i. 5. x. 47.
viii. 36i, 38, 39.
312. xxvi. 22, 242, 452, 631, (542.
xi. 16. Eph. V. 26. Heb. ix. 19. x.
xxvii. 401, 431, 541. xxviii. 19.
22(23). Jas. iii. 12. 1 Pet. iii. 20.
2 Pet. iii. 5t, 6. IJohn v. 6tr, 8. Mark i. li, 11. ii. IO2, 282. iii. 11^.
V. 71. viii. 312, 382. ix. 7^ 92^ 122,
Rev. i. 15. vii. 17. viii. 10, 11 (-St),
11. xi. 6. xii. 15. xiv. 2, 7. xvi. 4,
5, 12. xvii. 1, 15. xix. 6. xxi. 6.
21^2, 412, 611, 622. .
312. X. 332^ 452. xiii. 262, 32. xiv.

xxii. 1, 17.

, Luke i. 321, 351. iu. 22. iv. 31, Qi,

411. V. 242. vi. 52, 222. vii. 342. viii.

281. ix. 222, 262, 35, 442, 562 (o;?),

See also ,&.

rain. Acta xiv. 17. xxviii. 2. Heb.
vi. 7. Jas. V. 7(-LT, S), 18.
X. 22/r. xi. 302. ^2^ io2,
xvii. 222, 242, 262, 302. xviii.
82, 312. xix. 102. xxi. 272, 362. xxii.

John i. 18 (
222, 482, 692, 701. xxiv. 72.
h^TrS, -G°), 34i,
adoption of eons, OaL iv. 5.
49(50)1, 51(52)2. iu. 132^ 142^ 1^^
adoption of children, Eph. i. 5.
17, 181, 35, 36i. v. 19/, 20, 21, 22,

adoption, Rom. viii. 15, 23. ix. 4.
23/, 251, 26, 272. vi. 272, 40, 532, 622,
&^\cp), viii. 282, 35^ 36. ix. 351.
son. Matt.
15. vii. 9.
i. 25. ii.
Ii, 20, 21, 23,
x. 37. xii. 23.
ix. 27.
xiii. 55. XV. 22. xvii. 15. xx. 20,
xiii. 312. xiv. 13. .
X. 361. xi. 41^ 271. xii. 232, 34/2.

XX. 311. Acts vii. 56». viii.

1/, xix. 71.
21, 30, 31. xxi. 9, 15. 37i. 38. xxii. ix. 201. xiii. 33.
2. 42, 45. xxiii. 35. xxvi. 37. Mark Rom. i. 3, 41, 9. v. 10. viii. 3, 29,
32. 1 Cor. i. 9. xv. 28. 2 Cor. i. 19^ 15, 33, 34. xiv. 3, 17, 19i, 20(-L^),
Gal. i. 16. ii. 20^ (ap). iv. 4, 6. Epli. 201. XV. 3^ 4^ 5^ 14^ 16^ 161^ 27, xvi.
iv. 131. Col. i. 13. 1 Thes. i. 10. 20/, 22. 27. xviii. 31. xix. 6, 35.
Heb. i. 2(1), 5i, 8. iv. UK
v. 5, 8. Acts i. 5. ii. 15, 33, 36. iii. 13, 14,
vi. 6^ vii. 31, 28. x. 29^. 2 Pet. i. 25. iv. 7, 10. V. 30. vii. 4, 26(-G"
17. 1 John i. 3, 7. ii. 22, 23, 24. iii. LTS), bit, 52. viii. 24. x. 28,37^.
15i. v. 51, xi. 16. XV. 7. xix. 15. xx. 18, 25.
81, 23.
iv. 9, 10, 14, 9,
lOS 10, 11, 12, 121, ni(ap), 13\ 20\ xxii. 3. xxiii. 15. xxvii. 31.
20. 2 John 31, 9. Rev. i. IS^. ii. IS^. Rom. i. 6. vi. 11. vii. 4. viii. 9.
xiv. 142. ix. 26. xi. 30. xvi. 17. 1 Cor. i. 30.
child, Matt. v. 9, 45. viii. 12. ix. iii. 17, 23. iv. lOir. v. 2, 12. vi. 8^.

15. xii. 27. xiii. 38i. xvii. 25, 26. ix. 11, 2. X. 15. xii. 27. xiv. 9^, 12.
XX. 20. xxiii. 15, 31. xxvii. 9, 56. xvi. 1, 6, 16. 2 Cor. i. 14. iii. 2. vi.
Mark ii. 19. Luke i. 16. v. 34. vi. 13, 16( LS), 18. viii. 9. ix. 4^.
35. xvi. 8i. XX. 34, 36i. Johniv. 12. xi. 71. xii. 11. xiii. 7, 9.
xii. 36. Acts iii. 25. v. 21. vii. 23, Gal. iii. 28, 29. iv. 12. v. 13. vi. 1.
37. ix. 15. X. 36. xiii. 10, 26. Eph. i. 13. ii. 11, 13, 22^. iv. 20. vi.
Rom. ix. 26, 27. 2 Cor. iii. 7, 13. 21. Phil. ii. 18. iv. 15/. Col. iii. 4,
Gal. iii. 7, 26. Epli. ii. 2. v. 6. Col. 7, 81, 13. iv. 1, 16. 1 Thes. 1. 6. ii.

iii. 6 (op). ITlipp. v. 5i. Heb. xi. 10, 14/, 19, 20. iii. 8. iv. 9. v. 4, 5.
22. xii. 5. Rev. ii. 14. vii. 4. xii. 5. 2 Thes. i. 12. iii. 13. .Jas. ii. 6. v. 8.
xxi. 12. 1 Pet. ii. 9. 2 Pet. iii. 17. 1John i. 3.
foal, Matt. xxi. 5. ii.20, 24? 24, 27? iv. 4. Jude 17, 20.
xiv. 5, for ,
Matt, xxiv, 36 (ap).
1 John
ye yourselves, Luke xii. 36.
of you•'",Eph. V. 33.
Not rendered, Mark xiii. 9. Luke
23(a/>). V. 10, for

ix. 44. 1 Pet. iv. 1. 1 John ii. 24? 27?
Add Gal. iv. 28, for LT. ,
matter (marg. wood), Jas. iii. 5.

of you, Matt, xviii. 19.

Mark x.

1. Nominative,
Vi, 9, 26. vii. 11, 12. ix.
5. Acts ii.
Matt. v. 13,14,48. 15. xiv.

L). xxvii. 34. Rom. i. 9, 12.
X. 20, 31. xiii. 18. xiv. 16. xv. d\ 1 Cor. i. 12, 14. vi. 1. xii. 21. xiv.
Tr 26(-L5). xvi. 2. 2 Cor. ii. 3, 9. vii.
LS). Luke xi. 11. xiii.
22, 38. iii. 26«•

5, 16. xvi. 15. xix. 28,

S). XX. 4, 7. xxi. 13, 32. xxiii. 8i, 15. Eph. i. 16 (-L5). PhiL i. 3.
13, 28, 32. xxiv. 33, 44. xxvi. 31. 1 Thes. i. 2 (-L5). ii. 9, 11. iv. 4.
xxvii. 24. xxviii. 5. Mark vi. 31, 37. 2 Thes. i. 3. iii. 8. Heb. iii. 12. vi.
vii. 11, 18. viii. 29. xi. 17, 2(/)). 11. Jas i. 5. IPct. iv. 15.
xii. 27(-TTr5). xiii. 11, 23, 29.
Luke vi. 31(-LO. ix. 13, 20, 55
(ap). X. 23, 24. xi. 13, 39, 48. xii.
your, Matt. v. 12, 16/r, 20, 37, 44,
45, 47, 48. vi.
1/, 8,
25/, 26, 32.
14, 15/, 21/
vii. 6,
24, 29, 40. xvi. 15. xvii. 10. xix. ix. 4, 11, 29. X. 9, 13/, 14/, 20, 29,
46. xxi. 31. xxii. 26, 28, 70. xxiv. 30. xi. 29. xii. 27/. xiii. 16, 16(-L
48, 49. John i. 26. iii. 23, iv. 20, Tri'). XV. 3, 6. xvii. 20, 24. xviii.
22, 32, 35, 38/. v. 20, 33, 34, 35, 38, 14 \n<w LTr), 35. xix. 8/. xx. 26,
39, 44, 45. vi. 67. vii. 8, 28, 34, 36, 27. xxiii. 8, 9/, lO(-G'), H, 32, 34,
47. viii. 14, 1,5, 21, 22, 23/, 31, 38, 3S. xxiv. 20, 42. xxv. 8.
41, 44, 46, 47, 49, 54. ix. 19, 27, 30. Mark ii. 8. vi. 11. vii. 13. viii. 17.
z. 26, 36. xL 49. xiii. 10, 13, 14, X. 5, 43. xi. 25i, 26/ (ap). xiii. 18
(-G»°LTTr5)> Luke iii. 14. iv. 21. yours, 1 Cor. iii. 21, 22. xvi. 18.
V. 4, 22. vi. 22, 23, 24, 27, 35i, 36, 2 Cor. xii. 14.
38. viii. 25. ix. 5, 44. x. 6, 11, 20. of yours, 1 Cor. viii. 9.
xi. 13, 19i, 39, 46, 47, 48. xii. 7, 22 your things, 1 Cor. xvi. 14.
(-GooLTTr5), 30, 32, 34?, 35. xiii. on your part, 1 Cor. xvi. 17 (-
35. xvi. 15. xxi. 14, 18, 19i, 28i, 34.
xxii. 53. xxiii. 28. xxiv. 38.

— your
^ your PWl. i.
Jolin iv. 35.
viii. 21, 24i,
vi. 49,
SSi-Qo^LTTr), 41, 42, 44,
56. ix. 19, 41. x. 34.
xiii. 14. xiv. 1, 27. xv. 11, 16. xvi. 6,
20, 22<, 24. xviii. 31. xix. 14, 15. xx.
20. Col.

XX. 30.


state (estate^),
iv. 81
77. G'L).
your own selves, Acts
yourselves, ICor. v. 13.
your own, 1 Cor. vii. 35.
PMl. ii. 19,

17i. Acts ii. 17/ 39. iii. 17, 19, 22i. yourselves, Matt, xxiii. 15. Eph.
V. 28. vii. ZliomS), 37, 43(-LT), 61,
ii. 8.
52. xiii. 41. xv. 24. xvii. 23. xviii. 6.
you, Matt. V. 11, 12. vi. 27. vii. 9.
xix. ^^{vG'fLS).
xii. 11. XV. 7. xvii. 17?• xxi. 2, 43.
Rom. i. 8. vi. 12, 13i, 19ir, 22. xxiii. 11. xxvi. 21, 29. xxviii. 20.
viii. 11. xii. It, 2(-G«°LT). xiv. 16. Mark vi. 11. vii. 6. ix. 19. xi. 2.
XV. 24(G^r. you), xvi. 19, 20. ICor. xiv. 18. Luke ix. 41. x. 16. xi. 5.
i. 4, 26. ii. 5. v. 6. vi. 15, 19, 20, xii. 25. xiv. 28, 33. xv. 4. xvi. 26.
20(ap). vii. 5, 14. ix. 11. xiv. 34 xvii. 7, 21. xxi. 16. xxii. 15, 19,
(-G°L5). XV. 14, 17i, 58. xvi. 3. 20, 27, 53. xxiii. 14.

19(G', ),
2 Cor. i. 6t, 14, 24l iv. 5. v. 11. vii. John i. 26. v. 45?. vi. 64, 70. vii.
{?},8). viii.
14(13), 14,
ix. 2, 5,10?,
19, 33. viii. 7(ap), 26, 46, 55
LTr). xn.^5(^vGLrS).
13. X. 6, 8, 15. xi. 3. xii. 19. xiii. 9. 18, 21, 33. xiv. 9, 16, 30. xv. 18.
Gal. iv. 6 (G', GcLTS), 15, 16. xvi. 4, 5, 22, 26. Acts i. 7, 11. iii. 16.
vi. 18. Eph.
13, 18. iii. 13, 17.
i. iv. 10, 11, 19. vi. 3. xviii. 14. xx.
iv. 4, 23, 26, 29. v. 19. vi. 1, 4, 5, 18. xxiv. 21. XXV. 26. xxvii. 22.
9(a/)), 14, 22. Phil. i. 5, 9, 19, 25, Rom. i. 8. vi. 14. xii. 18. xv. 14,
26. ii. 17, 25, 30. iv. 5, 6, 7t, 17, 19. 24, 28, 33. xvi. 2, 20, 24(ap). 1 Cor.
Col. i. 4, 8. ii. 5/, 13. iii. 3, 5, 8, 15, i. 11, 13. iv. 3. V. 2. vii. 28. ix.l2.

16, 21. iv. 6, 8. 1 Tlies. i. 3, 4, 8. xi. 24. xiv. 36. xvi. 23, 24. 2 Cor.
ii. 17. iii. 2, 5, 6, 7, 10?, 13. iv. 3, i. 7(6), 16?, 23. iii. 1. vii. 4, 12(/)-
11. 2Thes. i. 3, 4?. ii. 17. iii. 5. StLT), 13, 14. viii. 16. ix. 2,
Plim. 22, 25. 3, 14. X. 13, 14, 16. xi. 8. xii. 11,
Heb. iii. 8, 9, 15. iv. 7. vi. 10. ix. 13, 14(-LT5). xiii. 11, 14(13).
14 (r//iawG"L). X. 34, 35. xii. 3, 13. Gal. 2. iv. 12. Eph. 16.

iii. i. iii.
xiii. 17. Jas. i. 3, 21. ii. 2. iii. 14. 1, 13. iv. 31. Phil. i. 4, 7. iv. 9, IS,
iv. 1?, 3, 9, 14, 16. v. 1,^?, 3?, 4, 5, 23. Col. G"LS),
i. 3, 7 9, 24.
8, 12. IPet. i. 7, 9(-T), 13, 14, 17, ii. 1. iv. 9, 12?, 13, 18.1 Thes. i. 2,
18, 21, 22. ii. 12, 25. iii. 2, 7, 15, 8. ii. 6, 7, 8, 17. iii. 6, 9. v. 12, 23,
16. V. 7, 8, 9. 2 Pet. i. 5. 10, 19. 28. 2 Thes. i. 3, 11. ii. 13. iii. 16,
iii. lJohni.4(?^/zd)vStLS'). Jude
1. 18. 2 Tim. iv. 22(ap). Tit. ii. 8 (/}-

12, 20.

Rev. i. 9. ii. 23. xxii. 21
ay'iLw GTr>S, -G^LT).

your, 2 Cor. viii. 7. ix.
GLT5). iii. 15.
Heb. iii. 13. iv. 1. vi. 9. xiii. 7,
2 17, 24, 25. Jas. ii. 6, 16. iv. 7. v.
(-/£ L5).

your own, Mark vii. 9. Acts
2 Cor. vi. 12.
xviii. 3 John 3
xviii. SO».
4. 1 Pet. ii. 12. iii. 16(ap). v. 7.
St5). Rev. ii. 10,
(Gr. your souls).
ye<=°Cyou,lull),Lk.xxii. 10.1 Cor.
you, 2 Cor. xii.
15 38. vii. 9, 26, 28, 32.
12, 19, 20. xi. 8, %
viii. 10.
41, 42, 43, 44,
46, 47, 51, 52. xii. 4, 5, 8, 22. 27,

v.4.xi.l8,20. xiv. 18i.2 Cor.i. 1 ^. 31, 37, 44. xiii. 24, 25, 35i. xiv. 24.
—^ye*'spakeof,Gral.iv. ^.
Mark ix. 4Ui, StGL.
Acts xiv.
XV. 7, 10. xvi. 9. xviii. 17, 29. xix.
26. xxi. 3, 32. xxii. 16, 18, 29, 37.
xxiv. 6, 36(a/?).
John L 51(52)
17, GLT^\ xxviii. 25, LTS Rom. ii. 5. iv. 35. v. 19,

xvi. 1, L•». 2 Cor. i. 11, T. v. 12, 24, 25. vi. 26, 27, 32, 36, 47, 53. 63,
L'^aS^ vii. 12, StLT/S. 14, L. Epli. 65. vii. 22. viii. 24, 25, 34, 51, 58.
V. 2, :. Col. iii. 4, G''L'"*S. Tit. ii. X. 1, 7, 26(). xii. 24. xiii. 16, 20,
10, St. Pet. 21, C"^GLS. 2 Pet. 21, 34. xiv. 10, 12, 25, 26, 27i, 28.
iii.2, LT5.
2 John 12, L.

XV. 3, 7, 11, 15, 20,

LTTr, -.S), 26. xvi.
21{('3(om), 4,
Luke X. 11(077). xi. 13(your), L. 1, 6,
xii. 22 (.
LS. Gal. iv.
G'LS. Eph. ii. 1 (.
. body), L^. Acts
14, for

38 (.
, L
. 12, 14, 15, 20, 23, 25i, 26, 33. xviii.
39i. XX. 19, 21, 26.
Acts ii. 14, 39. iii. 14, 20, 22, 26.
28, for vmv, G'LTS. iv. 10. V. 38. vii. 37. xiii. 38i, 41.

T-S". Phil. 1.

for ,
Col. iii. 19 (your), L. 1 Tim. vi. 21,

See also
LS. 2 Pet. i. 10 (^ap).
i. 3.
XX. 27, xxviii. 28.

ii. 1. iii. 1.
xvii. 3, 23.
11. XV. 15. xvi. 1. 1 Cor.i.

iv. 17. v. 9, 11.

ix. 11. X. 28. xi. 23. xii. 31. xiv.
3. Dative,
37. XV. \t, 2, 3. 2 Cor. i. 13. ii. 3
to you, Matt. vii. 2, 12. xvi. 11. (G«oLT,S), 4. V. 12. vi. 18. vii. 12.
Mark iv. 24. xiii. 21. Luke vi. 31, xi. 9. xii. 19, 20.
38. vii. 32(-Tr5). xvii. 23. xxi. 13.
Gal. i. 8i, 20. iv. 13. 2. vi. 11.
John xiii. 12, 1.5, 33. xix. 4. Acts Eph. i. 17. Phil. i. 2, 29. ii. 19. iii.
xiii. 26, 46. Rom. i. 7, 15. xi. 13.
15. Col. i. 2. iv. 7, 9. 1 Thes. i. 1.
1 Cor. ix. 2. xi. 2, 22. xiv. 6. 2 Cor.
ii. 8. iv. 9, 15. v. 1. 2 Thes. i. 2.
i. 2. vii. 14. ix. 1. xi. 7. Gal. i. 3.
iii. 9. Phm. 22.
iii. 5. Eph. i. 2. ii. 17. vi. 21. Phil.
Heb. xii. 5. xiii. 7, 22. 1 Pet. i. 2,
i. 28 {vvG!'hS). iii. 1. 2Thes. 1.
12, 13. ii. 7. iv. 12. v. 12. 2 Pet. i.
7. Phm. 3. Heb. xiii. 19. Jas. iv. 8.
2, 11, 16. iii. 1, 15. 1 John i. 2, 3, 4
unto you, Matt. iii. 9. v. 18, 20, 22, (?///i7f G'*S), 5. ii. 1, 7, 8, 12, 13<r,
28, 32, 34, 39, 44. vi. 2, 5, 16, 25, 14i, 21, 26. V. 13. 2 John 12. Jude
2i), 33. vii. 7. viii. 10, 11. ix. 29.
2, 3i. Rev. i. 4. ii. 24. xxii. 16.
X. 15, 23, 42. xi. 9, 11, 17, 17(-LT
Matt. xi. 22. xxv. 9, 34.
Tr5), 22, 24. xii. 6, 31, 36. xiii. for you,
17. xvi. 28. xvii. 20/. xviii.
Mark x. 36. Lk. x. 14. Jn. xiv. 2. 3.
11, 12,
xvi. 7. Acts xxii. 25. 2 Cor. viii. 10.
3, 10, 13, 18, 19, 35. xix. 9, 23, 24,
Phil. iii. 1. Col. i. 5. Heb. xiii. 17.
28. XX. 32. xxi. 3, 21, 31, 43. xxii.
for yourselves, Matt. vi. 19, 20.
31. xxiii. 13, 14(a^), 15, 16, 23, 25,
for your cause, 2 Cor. v. 13.
27, 29, 36, 38, 39. xxiv. 2, 23, 26,
34, 47. XXV. 12, 40, 45. xxvi. 13,
70 t(f ,
on your behalf, Rom. xvi. 10
15, 21, 29, 64. xxvii. 17, 21. against you, Luke x. 11. [(-ro LT^S).
Mark iii. 28. iv. 11, 24(a;)). vi. 11 with you, John xiv. 27. Acts xiv.
15. 1 Pet. v. 14.
{ap). viii. 12. ix. 1, 13, 41. x. 15,
of you''", Rev. ii. 23.
29. xi. 3, 23, 24. xii. 43. xiii. 30,
37. xiv. 9, 18, 25, xv. 9. xvi. 7. in you, 2 Pet. i. 8.
Luke ii. 11, 12. iii. 8. iv. 24. vi. you, Matt. iii. 7. vi. 14. vii. 7. x.
24,25, 25(-G-TTio•), 2d(uwi5),27, 19(a/0, 20, 27. xi. 21. xix. 8. xji.
i, 26/, 27.
xxiv. 25. xxviii.
xxi. 24, 27.
x. 3,
7, 20. Mark
xxiii. 3. Add, for
Acts xiv.
xi. 50,
xv. 7, LT^.

5, 43/. xi. 25, 29, 33. xiii. 11, 23. xvi. 17-'^ TS. Eph. vi. 12, L. 1 Pet.

iv. 25. vi. 28 (

xiv. 13, 15. Luke ii. 10. iii. 7, 13.
GLTr^S), 47. ix.
27, 48. X. 8, 13, 24. xi. 9. xii. 5.

12, GLTS. 21, StGLT6\

John viii. 55, LTr. xii. 35,

Mark x. 44, see

John . GL
82, 51. xiii. 3, 5, 27. xvi. 12. xvii.
6, 10, 34. xviii. 8, 14. xix. 40. xx.
6. xxi. 15.
xxiv. 44.
xxii. 10, 12, 26, 67.
viii. 45(you),


you, Matt. iii. lit, iv. 19. v. 11,
John iii. 12^ v. 38. vi. 32i, vii. 19. 44/•(), 44, 46. vi. 30. vii. 6, 15,
23. X. 13, 14, 16, 17i, 19, 23, 40.
viii. 37, 40. ix. 27. x. 25, 32. xiii.
xi. 28, 29. xii. 28. xxi. 24, 31, 32.
15, 19. xiv. 2, 16, lit, 20, 25, 29.
xxiii. 34, 35. xxiv. 4, 9/. xxv. 12.
XV. 4, 7, 11, 14, 16, 17. xvi. 4(, 7,
xxvi. 32, 55(-GoT1V'aS). xxviii. 7>
13, 23, 25. xviii. 8. Acts v. 28. xiii.
14. Marki. 8/, 17. vi. 11. ix. 19, 41.
26, 34. XV. 28. xx. 20, 26, 32(-LT
xi. 29. xiii. 5, 9, 11, 36. xiv. 28,
S), 35. XXV. 5. xxvi. 8.
49. xvi. 7.
Rom. i. 12, 13. viii. 9, 10, lit. xii.
3. XV. 5, 32(a;j). 1 Cor. 1. 4, 6, 10,
Luke iii. 16i. vi. 9, 22i, 26, 27, 28,
32, 33. 5, 41. x. 3, 6, 8, 9, 10,
11. ii. 2. iii. 3, 16, 18. iv. 8. v. 1.
ll(omS), 16, 19. xi. 20. xii. 11, 12,
vi. 2, 5, 7, 19. vii. 35. x. 27. xi. 18,
14, 28. xiii. 25, 27 (-L^^TTr), 28.
19i, 30. xii. 3. xiv. 25. xv. 12, 51.
xvi, 9, 26. xix. 31. xx. 3. xxi. 12,
2 Cor. i. 19, 21. iv. 12, 14. vii. 7,
34. xxii. 31, 35. xxiii. 15 (ap).
11, 16. viii. 1. ix. 14. x. 1, 15. xii.
xxiv. 44, 49.
12. xiii. 3, 5.
Gal. i. 11. iii. 1(-G°<>L5), 5. iv.
John iv. 38. v. 42. vi. 61, 70. vii.
7. viii. 32, 36. xii. 35. xiii. 34. xiv.
15, 16, 19, 20. V. 21. Eph. iii. 16.
3, ISt, 26, 28. XV. 9, 12, 15i, 16/, 18,
iv.6(^i/,u2vG, -Go"LT5), 32{-(}'
19/, 20. xvi. 2/, 7/, 13, 22, 27. xx.
L). V. 3. Phil. i. 6, 25. ii. 5, 13, 17.
21. Acts i. 8. ii. 22, 29. iii. 22, 26.
iii. 18. Col. i. 6, 27. ii. 5, 13(^ vii. 43. xiii. 32, 40(-LT5). xv. 24,
StGLT5). 13, 16. iv. 16. IThes.
25. xviii. 21. xix. 13. xx. 20, 28,
i. 5. ii. 10, 13. iii. 4, 7. iv. 2, 6,
11. V. 12. 2Thes. i. 4, 12. ii. 5. iii. 29, 32. xxii. 1. xxiii. 15. xxvii. 22,
34. xxviii. 20.
4(-T5), 6, 7, 10, 11, 16. Phm. 6
(G', GLT). Rom. i. 10, 11, 13f. ii. 24. x. 19/.
xii. 1, 14(-T). XV. 13, 15, 22, 23,
Heb.' xii. 7. xiii. 21. Jas. i. 26 (G',
24(rt/>), 24, 29, 30, 32. xvi. 16, 17,
omS). iii. 13. iv. 1. v. 3, 6, 13, 14,
19. 1 Pet. iii. 15. iv. 12. v. 1, 2. 2
19, 21, 22, 23/, 25. 1 Cor. i. 8, 10.
Pet. ii. 1, 13. 1 John ii. S(l/fdv G') ii.1, 3. iii. 2. iv. 14, 15, 16, 17, 18,

12, 14, 24/, 27. iv. 4. Jude 12(o?HSt 19, 21. vii. 5, 32. x. 13/, 27. xi. 2,
S), 18. llev. ii. 13. xviii. G{omS). 3, 14, 22. xii. 1. xiv. 6/, 36. xvi. 5,
6, It, 10, 12, 15, 19/, 20. 2 Cor. i. 8,
vi. 5.


xvi. 11. xxi. 15. 1 Cor.
XV. 34.
yourselves, 1 Cor. xi. 13.
erf. 1611),
xxi. 28^ xxii. 42. xxvi. 6Q.
Matt, xviii.
12, 15, 16, 18. ii. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8.
iii. 1. vi. 11, 17. vii. 4, 8/, 12, 15.

viii. 6, 17, 22, 23. ix. 4, 5, 8, 14. x.

It, 9, 14. xi. 2/, 6, 9(8), 11, 20/. xii.
14/, 15, 16/, 17/, 18, 20, 21. xiii. 1,
Mark xi. 24. xiv. 64. Luke vi. 32, 3, 4, 13(12).
33. 34. John xi. 56. xviii. 39. Acts Gal. i. 6, 7, 9. ii. 5. iii. 1. iv. Hi,
V. 9. xiii. 15. 2 Cor. viii. 13'. (/'/ EC™; marg. us), 18, 20.
Not rendered, 1 Pet. iv. 12. V. 2, 7, 8, 10/, 12. vi. 12, 13. Eph.

iii. 2. iv. 1. v. 6. vi. 22. Phil,
7(see marg.), 8, 24, 26, 27. ii.
25, 26. iv. 21, 22. Col. i. 6, 21, 22,
25. ii. 4, 8, 13, 16, 18. iv. 8, 10/,
your, John vii. 6. viii. 17. Acts
xxvii. 34. Rom. xi. 31. 1 Cor. xv,
31 (

StC'^G' ; viarg. our ) •

12, 14. IThes. i. 5, 9. ii. 1, 2, 9, 2 Cor. viii. 8. Gal. vi. 13.

11, 12, 18. iii. 2, 2(-G«LT5), 4, 5,
yours, Luke vi. 20. John xv. 20.
6, 11, 12/. iv. 1, 10, 13. v. 4, 12/,
TO that whick is your own,
14, 18, 23, 24, 27. 2Thes. i. 6, 10,
11. ii. 1, 3, 5, 13, 14 (///mf L), 17
(-G^°LTS). iii. 1, 3, 4, 10.
Heb. V. 12. ix. 20. xiii. 21, 22, 23,
xvi. 12.

1 Cor. xvi. 17, for , LT.

24. Jas. ii. 6. iv. 10. 1 Pet. i. 4
StC»"; marg. us), 10, 12, 15,
sing an
xxvi. 30P.
hymn (rnarg.
Mark xiv.
psalm), Matt,

20, 25. ii. 9. iii. 13, 15. iv. 14. v.
sing praise (praises^ unto, Acts xvi.
6, 13. 2 Pet. i. 12, 13.
ii. 3. 1 John ii. 26, 27/r. iii. 7, 13.

( 251. Heb. ii. 12.

2 John 10, 12. Jude 5, 24


iv. 6.
T). Rev. ii. 24. xii. 12.
for your sakes (sake^),
xi. 15. xii. 30. Rom. xi. 28. ICor.
2 Cor. ii.

10. iv. 15.


viii. 9.
hymn, Eph.

go away, John
v. 19. Col. iii.

vi. 67. xii. 11. xiv.


?' ,
Thes. i. 5^.

iii. 9.
on your part, 1 Pet.
your, Acts xviii. 15.
iv. 14.
go one's way, Matt. v. 24. viii. 4,
13. XX. 14. xxvii. 65. Mark i. 44.
ii. 11. vii. 29. x. 21, 52. xi. 2. xvi.

-(i ',
— your own,your
Acts xvii. 28.
matter, Acts
7. Luke X. 3. John viii. 21. xvi. 5.
xviii. 8. Rev. xvi. 1.
go, Matt. V. 41. viii. 32. ix. 6. xiii.
your*'°, John
xiv. 26. 44. xviii. 15. xix. 21. xx. 4, 7. xxi.
you . °°ye, -Acts xiv. 15.
28. xxvi. 18, 24. xxviii. 10. Mark
ye*'<=Cyou,ef?. 1611), Matt. vi. 8. Jn. V. 19, 34. vi. 31, 38. xiv. 13, 21.
iii. 7. Acts xvii. 22. xix. 36. Rom. Luke viii. 42(ap). xii. 58. xvii. 14.
i. 111. yji^ 4^ xi^ 25. xii. 2. xv. 13.
xix. 30. John iii. 8. iv. 16. vi. 21.
1 Cor. i. 7.x. 1, 13 (o7nS),20. xiv. vii. 3, 33. viii. 14/, 21, 22. ix. 7, 11.
5. 2 Cor. ii. 7. vi. 1. vii. 11 (-G'^L xi. 8, 31, 44. xii. 35. xiii. 3, 33, 36/.
S). xiii. 7. Eph. i. 18. iv. 17, 22. xiv. 4, 5. XV. 16. xvi. 5, 10, 16(ap),
vi. 11. Phil. i. 7. 10, 12. Col. i. 10
17. xxi. 3. 1 John ii. 11. Rev. x. 8.
(-GL5). ii. 1. iv. 6'. 1 Thes. i. 7. xiii. 10. xiv. 4. xvii. 8, 11.
ii. 12. iv. 1, 3. 2 Thes. i. 5. ii. 2.

iii. 6. Jas. ii. 7. iv. 2, 15. 2 Pet. i.

depart, Mark vi. 33. Jas. ii. 16.

Add, ^
iii. 11, j^^g 5 (-G LT).

Not rendered, 2 Pet. iii. 8.

Rom. xv. 7, GLTS.
xvi. 6, G"LS. ICor. vii. 15, TS.
Eph. V. 2, TS. IThes. ii. 15, St.
iv. 8, G"LTS.

get thee hence. Matt. iv. 10.

33. Luke iv. 8(ap),

get thee, Matt. xvi. 23. Mark viii.

obedience, Rom. i. 5. v. 19. vi. 16.

xvi. 19, 26. 2 Cor. vii. 15. x. 5, 6.
1 Pet. iii. 18, T. 21,
LTS. V. 10, G LT^. 2 Pet. iii. 9, G" Phm. 21. Heb. v. 8. 1 Pet. i. 2.

LT.S. Matt. X. 23(op). Luke vi. obeying, 1 Pet. i. 22.
28, for
GLTr^S. John xv. 21,
Col. ii. 13 (. hath he q.),
With , to obey, Rom. vi. 16.
Rom. xv. 18.

to make obedient,
G'LT^S. 1 Pet. ii. 11 (jou), L. Gen., obedient, IPet. i. 14
. 899

Luke xi. 21. xvi. 1. xix. 8. 1 Cor.
hearken (marg. ask who was" there), xiii. 3. Heb. x. 34.
Acts xii. 13.
obey, Matt. viii. 27. Mark i. 27. iv. submit one's self, Heb. xiii. 17.
41. Luke viii. 25. xvii. 6. Rom. vi.
12, 1(3, 17. X. 16. Eph. vi. 1. Phil,

contrary. Col. ii. 14.
12. Col. iii. 20, 22. 2Tlies. i. 8.


iii. 14. Heb. v. 9. xi. 8. 1 Pet. iii. 6.

adversary, Heb. x. 27.

be obedient to. Acts vi. 7. Eph. vi. 5.

which hath an husband, Rom. vii. 2. for,

I. With the
Matt. V. 44.
T/S). ix. 50. xxii. 19, 20. John vi.
Luke vi. 28 (
51. X. 11, 15. xL 4, 50, 51, 52. xv.

to meet. Matt. viii. 28. Luke viii. 13. xviii. 14. Acts v. 41. viii. 24.
27. John xi, 30. xii. 18. xii. 5 G"LT*S). xv. 26. xxi.
go and meet, John xi. 20. 13, 26. xxvi. l(7rept G"LTaS). Rom.
Add, see

With ,
, ^
to meet, John xii. 13.

Add Matt. viii. 34, for
XXV. 1, for LTrS.
i. 5, 8

1 Cor. i. 13
v. 6, It, 8. viii.
26(-G°LT5^), 27, 31, 32, 34. ix. 3.

X. 1. xiv. 15. XV. 8, 9, 30. xvi. 4.
L). iv. 6. v. 7
(_GooLT5). X. 30. xi. 24. xii. 25.
XV. 3, 29/. 2 Cor. 1. 6i, 11. v. 14

. (
Bubstance, Heb. x. 34.
goods, Acts ii. 45.

xvi. 14, 23. Acts ii. 30. iv. 34

(15), 15t, 20, 21. vii. 12. viii. 16.
ix. 14. xii. 8, 15, 19. xiii. 8. GaL
i. 4(GLS).
ii. 20. iii. 13.
Eph. i. 16. iii. 1, 13. v. 2, 20, 25.
to be, Luke viii. 41. ix. 48. xi. 13. vi. 19, 20. Phil. i. 4, 7. Col. i. 7, 9,
24. iv. 12, 13. 1 Thes. v. 10. 2Thes.
LS), 34. V. 4. vii. 55. viii. 16. x. i. 4, 5. 1 Tim. ii. 1, 2, 6. Tit. ii. 14.
12. xiv. 8 iomS). xvi. 3, 20, 37. Heb. ii. 9. v. l^ G'LT^).
xvii. 24p, 27, 29n. xix. 36, 40. xxi. vi. 20. vii. 25, 27. ix. 7, 24. x. 12.
20. xxii. 3. xxvii. 12p, 34. xxviii. xiii. 17. Jas. v. 16. 1 Pet. ii. 21. iii.
7, 18. Rom. iv. 19. I Cor. vii. 26. 18. iv. 1(-G°LT). 1 John iiL I6t.
xi. 7p, 18. xii. 22. 2 Cor. viii. 17. on one's behalf, 2 Cor. 1. 11. v. 12.
xii. 16. Gal. i. 14. ii. 14. Phil. ii. 6. viii. 24.
iii. 20. Jas. ii. 15. 2 Pet. i. 8(<-
in the behalf of, Phil i. 29.
L). ii. 19. iii. 11. on one's part, Mark ix. 40.
after% Acts xxvii. 21p. for one's sake, John xiii. 37, 38.

live, Luke vii. 25. xvii. 19. Acts ix. 16. 2 Cor. xii. 10.
have^". Acts iii. 6. iv. 37. Phil. i. 29. Col. i. 24. 3 John 7.
Not rendered, Lukexxiii. 50. Acts in one's stead, 2Cor. v. 20. Phm. 13.


things which one

concerning, Rom. ix. 27.
vii. 4,
2 Cor.i. 7(6), 8 (
14. viii. 23. ix. 2, 3. xii. 6i.
Lake xii. 15. Acts iv. 32. Phil. ii. 13. iv. 10.
that one hath, Matt. xix. 21 (with toward, 2 Cor. vii. 7.
). Luke xii. 33 (with
xiv. 33.
44. ), by, 2 Thes.
Add, for , ii. 1.
Mark xiv. 24, Johii
substance, Luke viii. 3. i. 30, LTTr5. Col. i. 3, O'L. ii. 1,
goods, Matt. xxiv. 47. xxv. 14. L,S. 1 Thes. iii. 2, GUTS,
II. With the Accusative.
over, Eph.22. 1. wink at. Acts xvii. 30.
above, Matt. x. 24t. Luke vi. 40.
Acts xxvi. 13. 1 Cor. iv. 6. x. 13.
2 Cor. i. 8. xii. 6. Gal. i. 14. Eph.

Tav.f the regions beyond, 2Cor. x.l6.
-. .
Hi. 20. Phil. ii. 9. Phm. 16. See
beyon3, 2 Cor. viii. 3 LTS).
more than, Matt. x. 37 1. Phm. 21. stretch beyond one's measure, 2 Cor.

than, Luke xvi. 8. Heb. iv. 12.

^., .
to, 2 Cor. xii. 13.

See also
more, 2 Cor. xi. 23

^ (-
As an Adverb.
for v-

1 Thes. v. 13,
X. 14.

Pass., run over, Liike vi. 38.

With ,
viii. 26.
make intercession for,



Mid., exalt one's self, 2 Thes. ii. 4.

be exalted abovo measure, 2 Cor.
xii. 7, 7(a/)).



Part., higher, Rom.
preme, iPet. ii. 13.

better, Phil.
pass, Phil. iv. 7.

vii. 22.
— su-
xiii. 1.
— excellency,
ii. 3.



far above,
pass the flower of one's
ICor. vii. 36.

Eph. i. 21. iv. 10.

2 Tim.
. Luke

. i, 51.
2. Jas. iv. 6. 1


i. 30.
Pet. v. 5.

over, Heb.

ix. 5.

grow exceedingly, 2 Thes. i. 3. '.
be more than conqueror,

Rom. viii. 37.

Neut. plural, great swelling words,
go beyond, 1 Thes.

above measure, 2 Cor. xi. 23.
iv. 6. 2 Pet. ii. 18. Jude 16.

excellency, ICor.
ii. 1.
{marg, eminent place),

1 Tim. ii. 2.
exceed, 2 Cor. ix. 14. Eph. i. 19.

excel, 2 Cor.

Eph. iii.

Pass., with rfi

2 Cor. vii. 4.
abound much more, Rom. v. 20.
be exceeding

excellency, 2 Cor. iv. 7. Mark
^ beyond measure, vii. 37.
abundance, 2 Cor. xii. 7.
With exceeding, Rom. vii. 13.
— beyond measure, Gal. i. 13. out — be exceeding abundant, 1 Tim. i. 14.

of measure, '^ Cor. i. 8. more excel-
lent, 1 Cor. xii. 31. ., . exalt highly, Phil. ii. 9.
far more exceeding, 2 Cor. iv. 17.

See , III. think highly,


xii. 3.
vniQcoog. of, Matt. i. 22. ii. 15, 16. iii. 6, 13,
— 14. iv. It. V. 13. vi. 2. x. 22. xi.27.

Neut.f upper room, Acts i. 13.
apper chamber, Actsix. 37, 39, xx. 8.

,Jude 7.
xiv. 8. xvii. 12. xix. 12. xx. 23.
xxiii. 7. xxiv. 9. xxvii. 12. Mark
i. 5, 9, 13. ii. 3. v. 26. xiii. 13. xvi.

ll(a;>). Luke ii. 21. iii. 7. iv. 2, 15.

With ^. 2 Cor. ii.9. Phil.
obey, Acts vli. 39.
ii. 8.
vii. 30. viii. 29,
7, 8. xiv. St, xvii. 2
X. 22.
17, 24. John x. 14(a;?). xiv. 21.


Acts ii. 24. iv. 11. x. 33 LT
serve, Acts xiii. 36?.
5), 38, 41, 42. xii. 5. xv. 4
minister. Acts xx. 34. xxiv. 23.
), xvi. 4, 6, 14. xvii. 13. xxi. 35.
xxii. 11, 12. xxiii. 10, 27i. xxiv.
26. xxvi. 2, 6, 7.
servant, Matt. xxvi. 58. Mark xiv. Rom. xii. 21 xiii. 1. xv. 15. 1 Cor.

54, 65. John xviii. 36. ii. 12, 15. iv. Zt. vi. 12. vii. 25.
minister, Luke i. 2. iv. 20. Acts viii. 3. X. 9, 10, 29. xi. 32. xiv. 2At.
xiii. 5. xxvi. 16. 1 Cor. iv. 1.
2 Cor. i. 4, 16. ii. 6. iii. 2. v. 4.
officer, Matt. v. 25. John vii. 32,
viii. 19. xi. 24. xii. 11. Gal. i. 11.
45, 46. xviii. 3, 12, 18, 22. xix. 6. iiL 17. iv. 9. v. 15. Eph. v. 12.
Acts V. 22, 26. Phil. 12. 1 Thes. i. 4. ii. 4, Ut.

vnvog. 2Thes. 13. Heb. v. 4, 10. vii. 7.


sleep. Matt. i. 24. Luke ix. 32. xi. 23. xii. 3, 5. Jas. i. 14. ii. 9.
John xi. 13. Acts xx. 9i.Rom. xiii. iii. 4, 6. 1 Pet. ii. 4. 3 John 12i.
. Jude 12, 17. Rev. vi. 13.
Not rendered•^. Acts viii. 6. xvii.
19. XX. 3. xxiii. 30(-LT5). 2 Cor.
I. With
by, Matt. ii. 17 and iii. 3
the Genitive.
G'L ( ii. 11. Heb. ix. 19.

Add, for , Mark G"LT

TTr5). xxii. 31. xxvii. 35 (ap).
TtS. Rom.
G"L-S. For
viii. 31,
xiii. 1,
Mark V. 4. xiii. 14(r;p). Luke ii. 18,
Acts xii. 9, T. For Matt, xxviii.
26. iii. 19. v. 15(-(j«oLTTr5). ix.
7(-G°<'Li'TTr-S'). xiii. 17. xvi. 22. 14, LTr. For Acts xxii. 30,

xxi. 16. xxiii. 8. John viii. 9(ap).

Acts iv. 3(
LT^'). x. 22. xiii. 4,
45. XV. 3, 40. xvi. 2. xxiv. L 21(
. With the Accusative.
under, Matt. v. 15. viii. 8, 9t.
T). XXV. 14. xxvii. 11. xxiii. 37. Mark iv. 21 i, 32. Luke
Rom. iii. 21. xv. 2(~6 LT). ICor. vii. 6, St. xi. 33. xiii. 34. xvii. 2At.
i. 11. 2 Cor. iii. 3. viii. 19, 20. Eph. John i. 48(49). Acts ii. 5. iv. 12.
ii.11. V. 13. Phil. i. 28. CoL ii. 18. Rom. iii. 9, 13. vi. 14/, 15t. vii. 14.
2 Tim. ii. 26. Heb. ii. 3. iii. 4.
2 Pet. i. 21. iu. 2. Rev. ix. 18
( xvi. 20.
25, 27. GaL
x. 1. xv.
1 Cor. ix. 20/r.
10, 22, 23, 25. iv.

2, 3, 4, 5, 21. V. 18. Eph. i. 22. CoL

Lake vi. 18 {
with, Matt. viii. 24. xi. 7. xiv. 24.
GtUTTrS). vii, 24.
i. 23. 1 Tim. vi. 1. Jas. ii. 3. 1 Pet.

V. 6. Jude 6.
viii. 14. xxi. 20. Acts v. 16. xvii.
25. xxvii. 41. Jas. iii. 4. 2 Pet. ii.
7, 17.
1. 1-7,
Rev. vi. 8.
Luke i. 26

among, Acts x. 22.


TTr-S). 2 Pet.
into, Jas. v.

Acts V. 21.

Cor. ix. 20

suborn, Acts vi. 11.

12 (see

. . ] 402

. ,.
example, 1 Pet. ii. 21. hypocrite. Matt. vi. 2, 5, 16. vii. 5.
XV. 7. xvi. 3(-G°oLTTr5<=). xxii.

Heb. ix. 23. 18. xxiii. 13, U(ap), 15, 23, 25, 27,
29. xxiv. 51. Mark vii. 6. Luke vi.
ensample, 2 Pet. ii. 6.
42. xi. 44(ap). xii. 56. xiii. 15.
example, John xiii. 15. Heb. iv. 11.
viii. 5. Jas. v. 10.

receive, Acts i. 9.

to show, Luke vi. 47. Acts ix. 16. answer, Luke x. 30.
XX. 35.
warn, Matt.

. .,

iii. 7. Luke
xii. 5.
iii. 7.
Add 3John

Luke vii. 43. Acts

ix. 27, for

8, for ,^
remnant, remainder.



receive, Luke x. 38. xix. 6. Acts
xvii. 7. Jas, ii. 25p.
to leave, Rom. xi. 3.

— be shod
Mid., bind

vi. 15.

shoe, Matt.
John i.
xii. 8.
— have
11. x. 10. Mark i.

16. x. 4. xv. 22, xxii.

27. Acts vii. 33. xiii. 25.
. . shod,

to leave, IPet.

abide. Acts xvii. 14.

tarry behind, Luke ii. 43.
xii. 1,

ii. 21.

endure, Matt. x. 22. xxiv. ]3. Mark
xiii. 13. 1 Cor. xiii. 7. 2 Tim. ii. 10.

. ,
guilty {rnarg. subject to judgment), Heb. X. 32. xii. 2, 3, 7. Jas. i. 12.
Rom. iii. 19.
V. 11.
take patiently, 1 Pet. ii. 20i.
ass, Matt. xxi. 5. 2 Pet. IL 16. patient, Rom. xii. 12p.
suffer, 3 Tim. ii. 12.

nndergird, Acts xxvii. 17.
put in remembrance (of^), 2 Tim. ii.

141. 2Pet. i.Jude5.
Mark Luke

under, vi. 11. vii. 28.

bring to remembrance, John xiv.
viii. 16. John i. 50(51). Heb. ii. 8.
put in mind. Tit. iii. 1.
Rev. V. 3, 13. vi. 9. xii. 1.
remember, 3 John 10.
Aild, for Matt. xxii. 44,
Mid.f remember, Luke xxii. 61.

to feign,

. Mark

Luke xx.

dissimulation, Gal. ii. 13.

hypocrisy, Matt, xxiii. 28.
xii. 15. Luke
xii. 36, T.

xii. 1.

1 Tim.
iv. 2.
remembrance, 2 Tim.

iii. 1.

enduring, 2 Cor. i. 6.
patient waiting (marg.
iii. 5.
i. 5. 2 Pet.


IPet. ii. 1. patient continuance, Rom. ii. 7.

Add Jas. V. 12, for patience, Luke viii.15. xxi. 19.
Bom. V. 3, 4. viii. 25. xv. 4, 5.
i. 3.
vi. 4. xii. 12. Col. 11. IThes.
2Thes. i. 4. ITim. vi. 11.

2 Tim. iii. 10. Tit. ii. 2. Heb. x. 36.

xii. 1. Jas. i. 3, 4. v. 11. 2 Pet. i.

Add Luke
LTTr5. 2
, -.
return back again, Luke viii. 37.
come again, Acts xxii. 17p.

ii. 20, for
21 (ap).


6t. Rev. i. 9. ii. 2, 3, 19. iii. 10.

xiii. 10. xiv. 12.
Luke xix. 36.


suppose, Acts XXV. 18. 2 Cor. ix. 13. Gal. ii. 5.
deem, Acts xxvii. 27.

ITim. ii. 11. iii. 4.
think, Acts xiii. 25.

sunnising, 1 Tim. vi. 4.

put under, 1 Cor. xv. 27ir, 28. Epb.
22. Heb. ii. 8.
put in subjection (untoSunder^), Heb.
5S 8, 82.

sail under, Acts xxvii. 4, 7. subject, Rom. viii. 20.
subdue unto, Pbil• iii• 21.
Middle or Passive.
blow softly, Acts xxvii. 13p.
submit one's self to (unto), Rom. x.

(- 3. 1 Cor. xvi. 16. Eph. v. 21, 22

footstool, Matt. V. 35. xxii. (-G°oT). Col. iii. 18. Jas. iv. 7.
G'LTTtS). Mark xii. 36 (-- 1 Pet. ii. 13. v. 5.
). Luke xx. 43. Acts ii. 35. (be) subject (to, unto), Luke ii.
vii. 49. Heb. i. 13. 13. Jas. ii. 3. X. 17, 20. Rom. viii. 7. xiii. 1, 5. I
Cor. xiv. 32. xv. 28. Eph. v. 24. Tit.
iii. 1. 1 Pet. ii. 18. v. 5(-G<'LT5).
substance {marg. ground or confi-

dence), Heb. xi. 1. be in subjection to (unto), Heb. xii.
person, Heb. i. 3. 9. 1 Pet. iii. 1, 5.

confidence, 2Cor. xi.l7. Heb. iii. 14. be made subject to (unto), Rom. viii.
confident^", 2 Cor. ix. 4. 20. IPet. iii. 22.
(be) obedient to (unto), Tit. ii. 5p, 9.
be under obedience, ICor. xiv. 34.

withdraw, Gal. ii. 12.
Mid., draw back, Heb. x. 38. — be subdued unto, 1 Cor. xv. 28.

shun, Acts XX. 27. keep back, Acts
XX. 20.

Gen., of them
X. 39.
. who draw back, Heb.
lay down, Rom. xvi. 4.

iv. 6P.

Mid., put in remembrance,

run under, Acts xxvii. 16.


turn back, Luke xvii. 15.

turn back again, Luke ii. 45.
return, Markxiv. 40(/}). Luke i.
56. ii. 39, 43. iv. 1, 14. vii. 10. viii.
39, 40. ix. IOp. xi. 24. xvii. 18. xix.
12. xxiii. 48, 56. xxiv. 9, 33, 52.
Acts i. 12. viii. 25, 28. xii. 25. xiii.
13, 34. XX. 3. xxiii. 32. Heb. vii. 1.
pattern, 1
Tim. i. 16.
2 Tim. i. 13.

to bear, 1 Cor. x. 13.
endure, 2 Tim. iii. 11. 1 Pet. 11. 19.

return again, Luke x. 17. Acts xiv. withdraw one's self, Luke y, 16
21. xxi. 6. Gal. i. 17, (with ).
go aside,

keep under, 1 Cor. ix. 27

ix. 10.

{. G'T).

high. Matt.
Luke iv.
iv. 8. xvii. 1.
3{ap). Acts

weary, Luke xviii. 5


, vii. 26. Kev. xxi. 10, 12.

sow, 2 Pet. ii.

hyssop, John xix. 29. Heb.


be behind, 2 Cor. xi. . xii. 11.

come short of, Heb. iv. 1.
ix. 19.
TO .,
teemed, Luke

be high-minded. Pom. xi. 20


., high things,
on high, Heb. i. 3.
that which is highly es-
xvi. 15.
xi. 20, see
Rom. xii. 16.

lack. Matt. xix. 20. M.ark x. 21.
Lk. xxii. ;j5.


want^'', John ii.

part which lacked, l Cor. xii. 24p.

L'^vS). 1 Tim. vi. 17.

most high (most High^), Mark V.
fail of {mar(j. fall from), 7. Luke viii 28. Acts vii, 48^. -'
Heb. xii. 15. 17. Heb. vii. 1.
Pass., come behind, 1 Cor. i. 7. —
Highest, Luke i. 32, 35, 76. vi. 35.
come short of, Kom. iii. 23. be — "()
destitute, Heb. xi. 37. — in the highest.
be in want, Matt. xxi. 9. Mark xi. 10.
Luke XV. 14. —
want, 2 Cor. xi. 9 14. xix. 38.
Luke ii.


have the less; ^)•
suffer need, I'bil. iv. 12.—
be the worse, l Cor. viii. 8 [marg.

behind. Col. i. 2iv\

is lacking, 1 Cor. xvi. 17.
height, Eph.

xxiv. 49.
iii. 18. Kev. xxi. 16.
on high, Eph. iv. 8.

from on hiffh,^
Luke i. 78.

2 Cor. xi. 9. 1 Thes. iii. IOp^.


. in that he is ex-

. alted, Jas. i. 9.
lack, Pbil. ii. 30.
want, 2 Cor. viii. 14(13), 14. ix.
121^'. —
penury, Luke xxi. 4. exalt, Matt. xi. 23. xxiii. 12<. Luke
i. 52. X. 15 xiv. lit. xviii. 14i. Acts
ii. 33. V. 31. xiii. 17. 2 Cor. xi. 7.
want, Mark xii. 44. Phil. iv. 11. 1 Pet. V. 6.

latter, 1

Matt. xxi. 31, for

afterward (afterwards^), Matt.

2. xxi. 29, 32.
iv. 1.

XXV. 11.


xvi. 14
high thing, 2 Cor. x.
height. Pom.
lift up, John iii. 14, 14 (-L'"). viii.
28. xii. 32, 34. Jas. iv. 10.

viii. 39.

(n^>). Luke iv. 2(-G"°LTTr6'). John cpayog.

xiii. 301. Hob. xii. 11.

at the last. Matt. xxvi. 60.

gluttonous, Mt.
. xi. 19. Lk. vii. 34.

last, Matt.

xxii. 27.
last of all. Matt. xxi. 37.

27 («;>).

to weave.
xx. 32.
eat, Matt. vi. 25, 31. xii.
16, 20. XV. 20, 32, 37. xxvi. 17, 26.
Mark ii. 26/. iii. 20. v. 43. vi. 31,

36, 37/, 42, 44. viii. 1, 2, 8, 9 (-G°°T

TrKS). xi. 14. xiv. 12, 14, 22 (om

woven, ('"»•.^• wrought), Jn• xix• 23. S). Luke iv. 2. vi. it. vii. 36. ix.

13, 17. xii. 19, 22, 29. xiii. 26. xiv.

1,15. XV. 23. xvii. 8?. xxii. 8, 11,
2 Cor.
14. iv. 10, 11. v. Hi. xi.

Eph. V. 13i. Col. i. 26. iv. 4.

15, 16. xxiv. 43. John iv. 31, 32. 2 Tim. i. 10. Heb. ix. 8. 1 John ii.
vi. 5, 23, 26, 31^ 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 19. Rev. XV. 4.
58. xviii. 28. Acts ix. 9. x. 13, 14. manifest, Markiv. 22. John xvii. 6.
xi. 7. xxiii. 12, 21. Rom. iii. 21. Tit. i. 3. 1 John i. 2<.
Kom. xiv. 2, 21, 23. 1 Cor. viii. St, iii. 5, 8. iv. 9.
13. ix.4. X. 3, 7. xi. 20, 24(o77i*S), manifest forth, John ii. 11.
33. XV. 32. 2Tlies. iii. 8. Heb. xiii. declare manifestly, 2 Cor. iii. 3.
10. Jas. V. 3. Rev. ii. 7, 14, l1(om show, John vii. 4. xxi. 1. Rom. i.
S)t 20. X. 10. xvii. 16. xix. 18. 19.
Inf., eating, ICor. xi. 21. —
aught Pass, or Mid., be manifest, 1 Tim.
to eat, John iv. 33. —
meat, Matt. iii. 16. 1 Pet. i. 20. show one's self, —

XXV. 35, 42. Luke viii. 55. John xxi. 1, 14. appear, Mark xvi.


xxi. 23.
2 Tim.

ii. 8.


5. v. 35.
Rev. i. 16.
3 Pet.

Pass, or Mid., shine. Matt. xxiv.


viii. 12.
12(^up), 14(op). 2 Cor. v. 10. vii. 12.
Col. iii. 4t. Heb. ix. 26. 1 Pet. v. 4p.
1 John ii. 28. iii. 2t. Rev. iii. 18.

evidently. Acts x. 3.
openly, Mark i. 45. John vii. 10.

27. Phil. ii. 15. Rev. xviii. 23. —

manifestation, 1 Cor. xii. 7. 2 Cor.

be 8een, Matt. vi. 5. ix. 33.

appear. iv. 2.
Matt. i. 20. ii. 7, 13, 19. vi. 16, 18.
xiii. 26. xxiii. 27, 28. xxiv. 30. Mark
xvi. 9(ap). Luke ix. 8. Rom. vii. 13.
lantern, John xviii. 3.
2 Cor. xiii. 7. Jas. iv. 14. 1 Pet. iv.
18. — things which do ap-
Pass, part., sight, Heb. xii. 21.

pear, Heb. xi. 3. —

seem, Luke xxiv.
11. — think*=<', Mark xiv. 64. pomp. Acts XXV. 23.
manifest, Luke viii. 17. Acts iv.
16. Rom. i. 19. 1 Cor. iii.13.xi. 19.

xiv. 25. Gal. v. 19. Phil. i. 13.
1 John iii. 10.

valley, Luke
Matt. xiv. 26.

iii. 5.
Mark vi. 49.


viii. 17.
openly, Matt. vi. 4
(_GooLTTr-S), 6(-LTTr5), 18(om
— outwardly, Rom. ii. 2S.

,Rom. 28.ii.

appear, 1 Tim. iv. 15.

abroad, Mark iv. 22. Luke

be spread abroad, Mark

sorcery, Rev. ix. 21
S). xviii. 23 (-/c/a

witchcraft, Gal. v. 20.

Rev. xxi.
(- ,


sorcerer, Rev. xxii. 15.
vi. 14.
known. Matt. xii. 16. Mark iii. 12.
Add Rey. xxi. 8, for -, OLTTrS.
Acts vii. 13.

Ix. 3.
manifest, John i. 31. iii. 21.
Rom. xvi. 26. 1 Cor. iv. 5.

Acts xxi. 31.

Acts xxv. 19.

^ 406 & — rush.

say, Acts xxiv.
profess, Rom.
Rev. ii. 2(ap) Mid., go on, Heb. vi.
Acts ii. 2.
Addj for , Mark

xi. 2,


stall, Luke xiii. 15.

evil, Jas. ill.

manger, Luke ii. 7, 12,


20p'. v. 29?•.
XXV. 18,
7, G"TTr.

xii. 11,

G"LT5. For

Matt. ii. 13. iii. 7. viii. 33. x.


evil, subst., ill. flee.

Neut., evil thing, Tit. ii. 8. 23. xxiv. 16. xxvi. 56. Mark v. 14.
Add, for

Rom. ix. 11,
TS. 2 Cor. V. 10, G'T-S.
G"L xiii. 14.
xiv. 50, 52. xvi. 8. Luke
xxi. 21. John x. 5,
7. viii. 34.
12, 13(a/)). Acts vii. 29. xxvii. 30.


Matt. xxiv. 29.
xi. 33
ICor. vi. 18. X. 14. ITim. vi. 11.
2 Tim. ii. 22. Jas. iv. 7. Rev. ix. 6.
xii. 6.
flee away. Rev. xvi. 20. xx. 11.
to spare, Acts xx. 29. Rom. viii. escape, Heb. xi. 34. xii. 25
32. xi. 21i. 1 Cor. vii. 28. 3 Cor. i. LaS). —
can escape, Matt, xxiii.
23. xiii. 2. 2 Pet. ii. 4, 5. S3 {with ).

. .
forbear, 2 Cor. xii. 6. Add Matt. x. 23(fijt>).

sparingly, 2 Cor. ix. Qt.
fame, Matt. ix. 26.

. Luke ir. 14.

to bear,
XV. 2t, 4, 8.
Luke xxiii.
xiii. 13.
John ii. 8t.
say, Matt. iv. 7. viii. 8. xiii. 28,
29. xiv. 8. xvii. 26. xix. 21
L). xxi. 27. xxv. 21, 23. xxvi. 34,
61. xxvii. 11, 23, 65. Mark xiv. 29.
endure, Rom. ix. 22. Heb. xii. 20.
uphold, Heb. i. 3.
Luke vii. 40, 44. xxii. 58, 70. xxiii.
3. John i. 23. ix. 38. Acts ii. 38(-L
carry, John xxi. 18.
move, 2 Pet. i. 21p.
8). vii. 2. viii. 36. x. 28, 30, 31.
xvi. 30, 37. xvii. 22. xix. 35. xxi.
bring. Matt. xiv. 11/, 18. xvii. 17.
Mark i. 32. ii. 3, vi. 27, 28. vii. 32. 37. xxii. 2(3), 27, 28. xxiii. 5, 17,
viii. 22. ix. 17, 19, 20. xii. 15, 16. 18, 35. XXV. 5, 22(-LT5), 22, 24.

XV. 22. Luke v. 18. xxiv. 1. John xxvi. 1, 24, 25, 28 (-G°°LT>S), 32.
iv. 33. xviii. 29. xxi. 10.
xix. 39.
1 Cor. vi. 16(-LO. vii. 29. 15, 19. .
Acts iv. 34, 37. v. 2, 16. xiv. 13. 2 XV. 50. 2 Cor. x. 10. Heb. viii. 5.
Rom. 8.
Tim. iv. 13. 2 Pet. ii. 11. 2 John 10.

affirm, iii.

Rev. xxi. 24, 26 Add, for Mk. ix. 38,

bring «^hither, Luke

xv. 23. Tr.S. For Matt. xxii. 37, GLT
reicti ('hitherM> -^'^" xx• '-^7, 27^. Tr.S\Mk. ix. 12, G''TTr5. x. 20, TrS.
20, TS. xii. 24, TTrS. Lk. xv. 17,
lead, Acts xii. 10.
lay. Acts xxv. 7(ap).
bring forth,
24. XV. 2, 5, 16.
Mark iv. 8. John xii.
TTr5. For ,^.
TS. xxii. 58, TTrS. John xviii. 29,
Matt. xix. 18, JjS.

Pass., be to be brought, 1 Pet. i. 13. prevent, 1 Thes. iv. 15.

— come, 2 Pet. i. Up, 18, 21. ba — attain, Rom. ix. 31. —
Aoristy at-
(niarg. be brought in), Heb. ix. 16. tain already, Phil. iii. 16.
In navigation, let drive, Acts xxvii. come, Matt. xii. 28. Luke xi. 20.
15. —
be driven, Acts xxvii. 17. 2 Cor. X. 14. ITlies. ii. 16.

Rom. i.
XV. 53, 54. 1 Pet. i. 23. —
Neut. pL,
corruptible things, 1 Pet. i. 18.

speak, Acts iv. 18. 2 Pet. ii.



1 8?.
ii. 4.
, .
brethren, 1 Pet. iii. 8 (marg. loving
23. iCor. ix. 25. to the brethren)

love one's husband. Tit.

to corrupt, 1 Cor. xv. 33. 2 Cor. vii.
2. xi. 3. Rev. xix.
iii. 4.

love {marg. pity) toward
— kindness.
man. Tit.
Acts xxviii. 2.

Mid., corrupt one's self, Jucle 10.
courteously. Acts xxvii. 3.
Pass., be corrupt, Eph. iv. 22.
destroy, 1 Cor. ill. 17. q]layvcc.
defile {marg. destroy), 1 Cor. ill. 17. love of money, 1 Tim. vi. 10.
Add 2 Pet. ii. 12, see q)^yvog.
covetous, Luke xvi. 14. 3Tim. iii. 2.
whose fruit withereth, Jude 12.
lover of one's own self, 2 Tim. iii. 2.

sound, x. 18. 1 Cor. xiv. 7
(rnarg. tune). q;t.
to love. Matt. vi. 5. x. 37i. xxiii. 6.

to euvy, Gal. v. 26. Luke XX. 46. John v. 20

L^). xv. 19. xvi.
xi. 3, 36. xii. 25.
(fuovog. 2Tt. xs. 2. xxi. 15, 16, ITtr. 1 Cor.
envy. Matt, xxvii. 18. Mark xv. xvi. 22. Tit. iii. 15. Rev. iii. 19.
10. Rom.i.29.Phil. i.l5. 1 Tim. vi. xxii. 15.

4. Tit. iii. 3. Jas. iv. 5 (rnarg., with
enviously). 1 Pet. ii. 1,
envying, Gal. v. 21.
Matt. xxvi. 48.
xxii. 47.

Mark xiv. 44.

friend, fem., Luke xv. 9.

corruption, Rora. viii. 21. 1 Cor.
XV. 42, 50. Gal. vi. 8. 2 Pet. i. 4.

12, 19.
to be destroyed,
to perish.
S Pet.

22. —
kiss, Luke
lover of pleasures, 2 Tim.

vii. 45. xxii. 48.

xvi. 16. ICor. xvi. 20. 2 Cor. xiii.
iii. 4.


vial. Rev. v. 8. xv. 7. xvi. 1, 2, 3,

4, 8, 10, 12, 17. xvii. 1. xxi. 9. .
12. 1 Thes. V. 26. 1 Pet. v. 14.

lover of good
Tit. i. 8.
men ijnarg. things).

hrotherly love, Rom. xii. 10 (marg.

lover of God, 2
friendship, Jas. iv. 4.
(&, Tim. iii. 4.

. .
strife, Luke xxii. 24.
love of the brethren). 1 Thes. iv. 9.
Heb. xiii. 1.
love of the brethren, 1 Pet. i. 22. contentious, 1 Cor. xi. 16.
brotherly kindness, 2 Pet. i. 7/.
hospitality, Rora. xii. 13.
Pluralf with understood^ love as to entertain strangers, Heb. xiii. 2.
given to hospitality,
lover of hospitality, Tit.
understood, use hospitality,
i. 8.
iii. 2.

prate against, 3
Gen., flaming, 2Thes.

, John


1 Pet. iv. 9.
tattler, 1

Tim. v. 13.

3 John

. the

friend, Matt. xi. 19. Luke vii. 6,

34. xi. 5i, 6, 8. xii. 4. xiv. 10, 12.
Middle and Passive,
be afraid (of 0, Matt. ii. 22. xiv.
27, 30. xvii. 6, 7. xxv. 25. xxviii.
10. Mark v. 15, 36. vi. 50. ix. 32.

XV. G, 9, 29. xvi. 9. xxi. 1. xxiii. 12. X. 32. xvi. 8. Luke ii. 9. viii. 25,
xii. 4. John vi. 19, 20. xix. 8.
John iii. 29. xi. 11. xv. 13, 14, 15. 35.
xix. 12. Acts X. 24. xix. 31. xxvii.
3. Jas. ii. 23. iv. 4. 3 John 14(1 5)i.

Acts ix, 26'. xviii. 9. xxii. 29. Rom.
xiii. 3•, 4. Gal. iv. 11^. Heb. xi. 23i.

1 Pet. iii. 6, 14^.
Add Matt. v. 47, for G'.
fear, Matt. i. 20. x. 26, 28 (;mth

28, 31. xiv. 5. xxi. 26, 46.
philosophy, Col. li. 8. xxvii. 54. xxviii. 5. Mark iv. 41.
V. 33. vi. 20. xi. 18, 32. xii. 12.

philosopher, Acts

vii. 18.

kindly affectioned, Rom. xii. 10.

With ,
Luke i. 13, 30, 50. ii. 10. v. 10.
viii. 50. ix. 34, 45. xii. 5/r, 7, 32.
xviii. 2, 4. xix. 21. xx. 19. xxii. 2.
xxiii. 40. John ix. 22. xii. 15. Acta
V. 26. X. 2, 22, 35. xiii. 16, 26. xvi.

love one's children. Tit. 38. xxvii. 17, 24, 29. Rom. xi. 20.
2 Cor. xi. 3. xii. 20. Gal. ii. 12. CoL

11. 4.
iii. 22. Heb. iv. 1. xi. 27. xiii. 6.
strive, Rom. xv. 20.

IPet. ii. 17. IJohniv. 18. Rev. i.l7.
study, IThes. iv. 11. ii. 10. xi. 18. xiv. 7. xv. 4. xix. 5.

labor (marg. endeavor), 2 Cor. v. 9.

oonrteously, Acts xxviii. 7.

courteous, l

reverence, Eph. v. 33.

8{6<> G
Add Matt. ix. 8, for

xxiii. 10, for

LTTr^S. Luke xxi v. 36(a/>).
)?,, G'LS,


LTS). fearful, H(ib. x. 27.

Neut., fearful thing, Heb. x. 31.
to muzzle, 1 Cor. ix. 9 ). terrible,Heb. xii. 21.
1 Tim. v. 18.
put to silence. Matt. xxii. 34. 1 Pet.
-^ LTTr.
fearful sight, Luke xxi. 11.
ii. 15.

Pass., be speechless, Matt. xxii. 12.
— hold one's peace, Mark i. 25. Luke fear,
Matt. xiv. 26. xxviii. 4, 8.
12, 65. v. 26. vii. 16. viii.
still, Mark iv. 39.
—be i.
iv. 35.
37. xxi. 26. John vii. 13. xix. 38.
XX. 19. Acts ii. 43. v. 5, 11. ix. 31.
set on Jas. iii. 6t.
fire, xix. 17. Rom. iii. 18. viii. 15. xiii.
It.ICor. ii. 3. 2 Cor. vii. 1, 5, 11,
flame, Luke xvi. 24. Acts vii. 30. 15. Eph. v. 21. vi. 5. Phil. ii. 12.
Heb. i. 7. Rev. 1. 14. ii. 18. xix. 12. Hob. ii. 15. 1 Pet. i. 17. ii. 18. iii.
15 (marg. reverence)•

10, 15.

23. Rev.
1 John
xi. 11. xviii.

. xii. 1. Luke xiv. 23.
hedge round about,

to fear, 1 Tim. v. 20.

xiii. 3. 2 Cor. v. 11.

Matt. xxi. 33.

Eph. ii. 14.

See also

palm, Rev. vii. 9.

. xii. 13.
TrS). XV.

to stop,




Heb. xi. 33.

Wilh ',
stop of*=°, 2 Cor. xi. 10
murderer, Matt. xxii. 7. Acts iii.

(ocppayl^D St).
14. vii. 52. xxviii. 4. 1 Pet. iv. 15.

Rev. xxi. 8. xxii. 15. John iv. 11, 12. \2t.
pit, Luke xiv. 5. Rev. ix. 1, 2(ajo),
do murder, Matt. xix. 18.
Matt. v. 21i. xxiii. 31. Mark
deceive, Gal. vi. 3.
X. IQC-G"). Luke xviii. 20. Rom.

slay, Matt, xxiii. 35.

xiii. 9. Jas. ii. lit. iv. 2. v. 6.
deceiver. Tit.

i. 10.

murder, Matt. xv. 19.
7. Luke xxiii. 19, 25.
29. Gal. V. 21(-L'^T5). Rev. ix. 21.

Mark vii. 21.
Rom. 1.

tremble, Jas.
PL, understanding,

1 Cor. xiv. 20t.

slaughter. Acts ix. 1.
See also
think. Acts xxviii. 22. Rom. xii. Zt.
ICor. iv. 6(-LT6i). xiii. 11. PhiL
to wear. Matt. xi. 8. John xix. 5.
i. 7.
Jas. ii. 3.

bear, Rom. xiii. 4. 1 Cor. xv. 49t.
be minded. Gal. v. 10. PhiL iii. 15i.
With Tu be of the same mind,

xiii. 6, It.

Luke xx. 22. xxiii. 2.
Rom. xii. 16. PhiL iv.
one mind, 2 Cor. xiii. 11.
minded, Rom. xv.
be of

With rb kf, be of one mind, Phil.


5. Pliil. ii. 2.

ii. 2.
to lade, Luke xi. 45. Pres. imper. pass., with let
Pass., heavy laden, .Matt. xi. 28p. this mind be, Phil. ii. 5.
mind, Rom. viii. 5. xii. 16. Phil.

. ,).
Luke iii.16(ap), 19.
burden, Matt. xi. 30. xxiii. 4.
[LT5. savor, Matt. xvi. 23. Mark viii. 33.

xi. 467. Gal. vi. 5.
Add Acts xxvii. 10, for G regard, Rom. xiv. 6 (marg. ob-
serve), Qt(ap). — set one's affection

(marg. irind) on, Col. iii. 2,

lading, Acts xxvii. (see
PhiL iv. 10.
be careful,

scourge, John ii. 15.

Inf., care, PliiL iv. 10.
Add Rom. xi. 20, see \7.
to scourge. Matt, xxvii. 26p. Mark mind, Rom. viii. 7(. minding),
Kv. 15P. 27.

to be minded (Cr. minding), Rom.
riii. 6i.
keeper, Acts v. 23. xii. 6, 19.
prudence, Eph. i. 8.
keep, Luke ii. 8. viii. 29<"'. xi. 21,
wisdom, Luke i. 17.
28. Jolm xii. 25. xvii. 12. Acts vii,
qjQOi^og. 53. xii. 4. xvi. 4. xxi. 24. xxii. 20.
wise, Matt. vii. 24. x. 10. xxiv.45. xxiii. 35. xxviii. 16. Rom. ii. 26.
xxr. 2, 4, 8, 9. Luke xii. 42. xvi. GaL vi. 13. 2 Thes. iii. 3. 1 Tim.
8. Rom.

xi. 25. xii. 16.
10. 2 Cor. xi. 19.

wise man, 1 Cor. x. 15.
1 Cor. iv. vi. 20.

2 Tim. i. 12, 14. IJolm v.
Mid., keep one's self, Acts xxi. 25.
keep, Matt. xix. 20. Luke xviii.
21. — beware, Luke 2 Pet.

Luke xvi. 8. xii. 15. iii.
•'• — be ware Tim.
of, 2 iv. 15. — ob-

serve, x. 20.
be careful, Tit. iii. 8.
observe, 1 Tim. v. 21.
save, 2 Pet. ii. 5. [LTTrS*.
1 Pet. i.


to rage, Acts iv. 25.

stick. Acts XXV iii.


keep with a garrison, 2 Cor. xi. 32.

PliiL Iv. 7.

Add Jolm

xii. 47, for


Matt. xix. 28. xxiv. 30. Luke

36. xxii. 30. Acts xiii. 21. Rom.
xi. 1. Phil. iii.
Jas. i.

xxi. 12.
Heb. vii. 13, 14.
Rev. v. 5. vii. 4, 5ir, Qtr^

kindred, Rev. i. 7. v. 9. vii. 9. si.

9. xiii. 7. xiv. 6.
flight. Matt. xxiv. 20. Markxiii. 18

(_GooLTTr6^). cfjvlXov.
leaf. Matt. xxi. 19, xxiv. 32. Mark
xxiv. 43.
xi. 13i. xiii. 28.
2. Rev. xxii.
watch, Matt. xiv. 25.
Mark vi. 48. Luke ii. S^^ {marg.
night watches), xii. 38(-Tr5^), 38. lump, Rom. ix. 21. xi. 16. 1 Cor•

ward, Acts xii. 10. V. 6, 7. Gal. V. 9.
imprisonment, 2 Cor. vi. 5. Heb.
xi. 36. natural, Rom. i. 26, 27. 2 Pet. ii. 12.
prison. Matt. v. 25. xiv. 3, 10.
xviii. 30. XXV. 36, 39, 43, 44. Mark
vi. 17, 27(28). Luko iii. 20. xii. 58.
xxi. 12. xxii. 33. xxiii. 19, 25. John
iii. 24. Acts v. 19, 22, 25. viii. 3.

puff up, 1 Cor. viii. 1. Pass, or

xii. 4, 5, G, 17. xvi. 23, 24, 27, 37, Mid., be puffed up, 1 Cor. iv. 6, 18,
Jude 10.

40. xxii. 4. xxvi. 10. 2 Cor. xi. 23. 19. V. 2. xiii. 4. Col. ii. 18.
1 Pet. iii. 19. Rev. ii. 10. xx. 7.
hold, Rev. xviii.
cage. Rev. xviii.
nature, Rom. i. 26. ii. 14, 27. xi.

(-. 2.
24i. 1 Cor. xi. 14. Gal. ii. 15. iv. 8,

imprison, Acts xxii. 19. ,

Eph. ii. 3. 2 Pet. i. 4.
phylactery, Matt, xxiii. 5,

kind {Gr. nature), Jas.
See also
xi. 21, 24.
iii. 7.
2 Cor.
xii. 20.
xiL 19, 26. 2 Pet.
Rev. i. 10, 12, 15.

17, IS. ii. 16.
20. iv. 1, 5.

. 7(-GT),
V. 2, 11, 12. vi. 6, 10. vii.
2, 10. viii. 5, 13<. ix. 13. x. 3t, 4
plant, Matt. xv. 13.
(omS), 4, 7, 8. xi. 12, 15, 19. xii.
10. xiv. 2/ 7, 9, 13, 15. xvi. 1, 17,
to plant, Matt. xv. 13. xxi. 33. 18. xviii. 2{ap), 4, 22, 23. xix. 1,
Mark xii. 1. Luke xiii. 6. xvii. G, 5, Gtr, 17. xxi. 3.
28. XX. 9. 1 Cor.

iii. 6, 7, 8. ix. 7.

xxii. 22.
voices, Luke xvii. 13. Acts xiv. 11.

eyevtro all with

, ,
spring up, Luke viii. Cp, 8. Eeb.
one voice cried out, Acts xix. 34.
xii. 15.
Rev. vi.

noise, 1.
With be noised abroad {Or.
hole. Matt. viii. 20. Luke ix. 58.
voice he made). Acts ii. 6p.
Add Rev. xiv. 18, for
to crow,
Matt. xxvi. 34, 74, 75.
xiv. 30, eS(-V>S), 72/. Luke
34, 60, 61. John xiii. 38.
light, Matt. iv. 16t. v. 14, 16. vi.

23. X. 27. xvii. 2. Luke ii. 32. viii.

xviii. 27.
16. xi. 35. xii. 3. xvi. 8, John i. 4,
cry, Luke viii. 8. xvi. 24. xxiii.
5. iii. 19t, 20t, 21. v. 35. viii. 12i.

Mark iii. 31 (
46P. Acts xvi. 28. Rev. xiv. 18.
call (for^), Matt. xx. 32. xxvii. 41K
LTTiS, -G°).
ix. 35. X. 49tr. xv. 35. Luke viii.
54. xiv. 12. xvi. 2. xix. 15. John
ix. 5. xi. 9, 10. xii. 35/, 36tr, 46.
Acts ix. 3. xii. 7. xiii. 47. xvi. 29.
xxii. 6, 9, 11. xxvi. 13, 18, 23. Rom.
ii. 19. xiii. 12. 2Cor. iv. 6. vi. 14. xi.

14. Eph. V. St, ISt. Col. i. 12. IThes.

i. 48(49). ii. 9. iv. 16. ix. 18, 24.
V. 5. 1 Tim. vi. 16. Jas. i. 17. 1 Pet.

Add Mark
, ,
xi. 28, 28'. xii. 17. xiii. 13. xviii.
33. Acts ix. 4] p. X. 7, 18.
26, for TTrS.
ii. 9. 1 John i. 5, 7t. ii. 8, 9, 10.
Rev. xviii. 23. xxi. 24. xxii. 5.

Said of Christ, Light, Johni. 7, 8/, 9.
John X. 3, for G"LTTr>S'.

sound, Matt. xxiv. 31 (viarg. voice).



Luke xi. 33, for

, ,(,
xiv. 54.
Add Matt. xvii. 5, gen. for
Luke xxii. 56.

John iii. 8. 1 Cor. xiv. 7, 8. Rev. i.

15. ix. 9t. xviii. 22.
voico. Matt. ii. 18. iii. 3, 17. xii.
19. xvii. 5. xxvii. 46, 50. Mark i.
Eph. V. 9, for
xxii. 5 (. .

GLTS. Rev.
[of] candle), G'LTr^^S.

light, Phil. 15. Rev. xxi. 11.
3, 11, 26. V. 7. ix. 7. xv. 34, 37.
Luke i. TTr), 44. iii. 4,
22. iv. 33. viii. 28. ix. 35, 36. xi. day-star, 2 Pet. i. 19.
27. xvii. 15. xix. 37. xxiii. 23i, 46.
John i. 23. iii. 29. v. 25, 28, 37. x.
full of light. Matt. vi. 22. Luke xi.
3, 4, 5, 16, 27. xi. 43. xii. 28, 30.
xviii. 37. Acts ii. 14. iv. 24. vii. 31,
57, 60. viii. 7. ix. 4, 7. x. 13, 15.
xi. 7, 9. xii. 14, 22. xiii. 27. xiv.
10. xvi. 28. xxii. 7, 9, 14. xxiv. 21.
xxvi. 14, 24.
34, 36i.

bright. Matt. xvii. 5 (G", see

give light, Lukexi. 36. Rev. xxii. 5.

light (lighten', enlighten^, John i.

ICor. xiv. 10, 11. Gal. iv. 20. 9. Eph. i. 1S2. Heb. vi. 4'. Rev,
IThes. iv. 16. Heb. iu. 7, 15. iv. 7. xviii. 1'. xxi. 23'.
Heb. . 32?.
bring to light, 1 Cor. iv. 5. 2 Tim.



0., to

2 Cor.
give light,

. iv. 4.
iii. 9.

2 Cor. iv. 6.
of braes.

Rev. ix. 20.

coppersmith, 2 Tim. iv. 14.

chalcedony, Rev. xxi. 19

13. Luke
ii. 10. v. 12. xviii.
14. vi. 23. x. 20/. xiii.

17. XV. 5. xix. 37. John iii. 29. iv.

36. xiv. 28. xvi. 20, 22. Acts v. 41.
brazen vessel,

fine brass,
^. .

i. 15.
vii. 4.

ii. 18.

viii. 39. XV. 31. Rom. xii. 12, 15i.

1 Cor. vii. 3
xiii. 6. 2 Cor. ii. 3.
brass, Matt. x. 9. 1 Cor. xiii. 1.

vi. 10. vii. 7, 9, 16. Phil. i. ISt. ii.

28. iii. 1. iv. 4t, 10.

4. 3 John 3. Rev. xi. 10.

Col. i. 24.
IThes. V. 16. 1 Pet. iv. 13. 2 John
Rev, xviii. 12.
money, Mark vi.

to the ground,
. John
8. xii. 41•

xviii. 6.
joy, 2 Cor. vii. 13. Phil. ii. 17, 18.
Col. ii.

5. 1 Thes.
Luke xix. 6p.
iii. 9.
on the ground,

joy. Matt. ii. 10. xiii. 20, 44. xxv.

be glad, Mark xiv. 11. Luke xv. 21, 23. xxviii. 8. Luke i. 14. ii. 10.
John ix. 6.

32. xxii. 5. xxiii. 8. John viii. 56. viii. 13. X. 17. xv. 7, 10. xxiv. 41,
xi. 15. XX. 20. Acts xi. 23. xiii. 48. 52. John iii. 29. xv. llir. xvi. 20,
Rom. xvi. 19. 1 Cor. xvi. 17. 2 Cor. 21, 22, 24. xvii. 13. Acts viii. 8.
xiii. 9. 1 Pet. iv. 13. Rev. xix. 7. xiii. 52. XV. 3. xx. 24(-G°oLT5').
Imper.j hail Matt. xxvi. 49. xxvii.
! Rom. xiv. 17. xv. 13, 32. 2 Cor.
29. Mark xv. 18. Luke i. 28. John i. 24. ii. 3. vii. 13. viii. 2. Gal. v.
xix. 3. —
all hail, Matt, xxviii. 9. 22. Phil. i. 4, 25. ii. 2. iv. 1. IThes.
— farewell, 2 Cor. xiii. 11. i. 6. ii. 19, 20. iii. 9. 2 Tim, i, 4.
Inf., greeting, Jas. 1. — send Phm. 7aapif StG"T). Heb. xii. 2.


greeting, Acts xv. 23. xxiii. 26. — xiii. 17. Jas. i. 2, iv. 9. 1 Pet. i. 8.

Godspeed, 2 John 10, 11. 1 John i. 4. 2 John 12. 3 John 4.

. ,
Gen., joyous, Heb. xii. 11.

hail. Rev. viii. 7. xi.

let down, Mark ii. 4. Luke v. 4, 5.

Acts xxvii. 30P. 2 Cor. xi. 33.
19, xvi. 21i.

Phil. ii. 29.

Dat., greatly",
joyfulness. Col. i. 11.
joyfully, Heb. x. 34.
gladness, Markiv. 16. Acts xii. 14.

John iii. 29.

In navigation, strike, Acts xxvii. 17. See also
Not rendered, Acts ix. 25.


to bridle, Jas.

2 Tim.

Jas. iii.3.





iii. 2.

Rev. xiv. 20. trenohi Luke

mark. Rev. xiii. 16, 17. xiv. 9, 11.
XV. 2(a/>). xvi. 2. xix. 20. xx. 4.
Dat., graven. Acts xvii. 29.

express image, Heb.

xix. 43.
i. 3.
,. 413
, G(d be thanked, Rom.

give freely, Rom.
viii. 32. vi. 17.

the things that are

freely given, 1 Cor. ii. 12.
give, Luke vii. 21. Acts xxvii. 24.
thankworthy, 1 Pet. ii. 19.
acceptable {marg. thank), 1 Pet. ii.20.
Add Acts vi. 8, for
Gal. ill. 18. Phil. i. 29. ii. 9. Phm. Rom. vii. 25, for
22. 5. Phm. 7, for StG"T.
grant, Acts iii. 14.

deliver, Acts xxv. 11, 16. for . sake. Tit. i. 11. .

forgive, Luke vii. 43. 2 Cor. ii. 7, TovTov for this cause, Eph.
10/. xii. 13. Eph. iv. 32i. Col. ii. iii. 1, 14. Tit. i. 5.
13. iii. 13i.

because of, Gal. iii. 19. Jude 16.
forgive frankly, Luke vii. 42. wherefore, Luke vii. 47.
wherefore ? 1 John iii. 12.

grace, Luke 40. John i. 14, 16i,

ii. See also
17. Acts iv. 33. xi. 23. xiii. 43. xiv.
3, 26. XV. 11, 40. xviii. 27. xx. 24, free gift, Rom. v. 15, 16.
32. Rom. i. 5, 7. iii. 24. iv. 4, 16. gift, Rom. i. 11. vi. 23. xi. 29. xii.

V. 2, 15i, 17, 20, 21. vi. 1, 14, 15. 6. ICor. i. 7. vii. 7. xii. 4, 9, 28,
xi. 5, &tr, Q(ap)' xu• 3, 6. xv. 15. 30, 31. 2 Cor. i. 11. ITim. iv. 14.
xvi. 20, 24(ap). 1 Cor. i. 3, 4. iii. 2 Tim. i. 6. 1 Pet. iv. 10.
10. X. 30 {marg. thanksgiving), xv.
lOir. xvi. 23. 2 Cor. i. 2, 12. iv. 15.
Pass, part., highly favored (marg.
vi. 1. viii. 1, 6, 7, 9, 19. ix. 8, 14.
xii. 9. xiii. 14(13).
graciously accepted or much graced),
Gal. i. 3, 6, 15. ii. 9, 21. v. 4. vi.
18. Eph. i. 2, 6. 7^ ii.
2, 7, 8. iv. 7, 29. vi. 24. Phil.
7. iv. 23. Col.
8. iii.

2, 6.
Luke 1. 28.
make accepted, Eph. 1. 6.
5, 7,


16. iv. 6,
paper, 2 John
. 12.

18. i. 2Thes. i. 2,
1. v. 28.
12. ii. 16. iii. 18. 1 Tim. i. 2, 14. Luke xvi. 26.
vi. 21. 2 Tim. i. 2, 9. ii. 1. iv. 22
(a/j). Tit. i. 4. ii.15. Phm.
11. iii. 7,
lip, Matt. XV. 8. Mark vii. 6. Rom.
3, 25. Heb. ii. 9. iv. 16<. x. 29. xii.

iii. 13. ICor. xiv. 21. Heb. xiii. 15.
15, 28. xiii. 9, 25. Jas. iv. Qt. 1 Pet.
1 Pet. iii. 10.
i. 2, 10, 13. iii. 7. iv. 10. v. 5, 10,

12. 2 Pet. i. 2. iii. 18. 2 John 3. shore, Heb. xi. 12.

Jude 4. Rev. i, 4. xxii. 21.

Gen., gracious, Luke iv. 22.
favor, Luke i. 30. ii. 52. Acts ii.
47. vii. 10, 46. xxv. 3.
pleasure, Acts xxiv. 27. xxv. 9.
liberality (^Gr. gift), ICor. xvi. 3.
gift, 2 Cor. viii. 4.
benefit (war^. grace), 2 Cor. i. 15.
Acts xxvii. 18.

brook, John
Pass., be tossed with a tempest,

tempest, Acts xxvii. 20.
xviii. 1.

foul weather. Matt. xvi. 3.

thanks (thank»), Luke vi. 32^, 33»,
34». 1 Cor. XV. 57. 2 Cor. ii. 14. viii. winter, Matt. xxiv. 20. Mark xiiL
18. John X. 22. 2 Tim. iv. 21.
16. ix. 15.

i. 12.
to thank,
2 Tim.
i. 3.
xvii. 9.
hand, Matt. iii. 12. iv. 6. V. 30,
viii. 3, 15.
ix. 18, 25. xii. 10, 13,
xiv. 31. XV. 2, 20. xvii. 22,
xviii. 8^ xix. 13, 15. xxii. 13. xxvi.
23, 45, 50, 51. xxvii. 24. Mark i.
31, 41. iii. 1, 3, 5t. v. 23, 41. vi.
choose, 2 Cor. viii. 19.
ordain, Acts xiv. 23p.

worse. Matt. ix. 16. xii. 45. xxvii

2, 5. vii. 2, 3, 5, 32. viii. 23/, 25.
ix. 27, 31, 43i. x. 16. xiv. 41, 46.
xvi. 18(a/)). Lukei. 6G, 71, 74. iii.
17. iv. 11, 40. V. 13. vi. 1, 6, 8, 10/.
viii. 54. ix. 44, 62. xiii. 13. xv. 22.

Mark ii. 21. Luke xi. 26. ITim
V. 8. 2 Pet. ii. 20.

2 Tim. iii. 13.

worse, Mark v. 26.
worse and worse,
XX. 19. xxi. 12. xxii. 21, 53. xxiii.
46. xxiv. 7, 39, 40(), 50.
a worse thing, John v. 14.
sorer, Heb. x. 29.
Jolin iii. 35. vii. 30, 44. x. 28, 29,
39. xi. 44. xiii. 3, 9. xx. 20, 25/,
27/. xxi. 18. Acts ii. 23. iii. 7. iv. widow, Matt, xxiii. 14(/)). Mark
3, 28, 30. V. 12, 18. vi. 6. vii. 25,
35, 41, 50. viii. 17, 18, 19. ix. 12,
17, 41. xi. 21, 30. xii. 1 (see
), 7, 11, 17. xiii. 3, 11, 16. xiv.
3. xvii. 25. xix. 6, 11, 26, 33. xx.
- xii.,40, 42, 43. Luke ii. 37. iv. 25.
vii. 12. xviii. 3, 5. xx. 47. xxi. 2, 3.
Acts vi. 1. ix. 39, 41. 1 Cor. vii. 8.
1 Tim. V. 3/, 4, 5, 9, 11, 16<. Jas.
i. 27. Rev. xviii. 7.

34. xxi. 11/, 27, 40. xxiii. 19. xxiv. that was° a widow, Luke iv. 26.

(). &,John
xxvi. 1. xxviii. 3, 4^ 8, 17. LTTr^.
Rom. X. 21. ICor. iv. 12. xii. 15, yesterday, iv. 52. Acts vii.
21. xvi. 21. 2 Cor. xi. 33. Gal. iii. 28. Heb. xiii. 8.
19. vi. 11. Eph. iv. 28. Col. iv. 18.
IThes.iv. 11. 2Thes. iii. 17. ITim.
chief captain, Acts xxi. 31, 32, 33,
ii. 8. iv. 14. V. 22. 2Tim. i. 6. Phm.
37. xxii. 24, 26, 27, 28, 29. xxiii.
19. Heb. i. 10. ii. 7(r.p). vi. 2. viii.
10, 15, 17, 18, 19, 22. xxiv. 7(ap),
9. X. 31. xii. 12. Jas. iv. 8. 1 Pet.
22. XXV. 23. Rev. vi, 15.
V. 6. 1 John i. 1. 16, 17(om
Rev. 1.

S), vi. 5. vii. 9. viii. 4. ix. 20. x.

2, 5, 8, 10. xiii. 16. xiv. 9, 14. xvii.
4. xix. 2. XX. 1, 4.

Not rendered. Acts xv. 23.

high captain,
.Mark vi. 21.
John xviii. 12. Rev. xix. 18.

Plural, thousands, Rev. v. Hi.

thousand, Luke xiv. 31/. Acta iv. 4.

Add Mark xiv. 20 (dippetli

. .), L.
xvi. lS(^Kalh

^. they^^'), Tr.
1 Cor. X. 8, Rev. vii. 4, 5/r, 6tr, Itr,

Str. xi. 13. xiv. 1, 3. xxi. 16.

xiii. 11.

lead by the hand, Actsix.S. xxii. 11.

/., some to lead by the hand, Acts

handwriting. Col.

made with
xvii. 24. Eph.
(by') hands,
ii. 14.

IP. lleh. ix. 11, 24.
vii. 48.
thousand, 2 Pet.
xii. 6. xiv. 20.

xix, 23/. Acts ix. 39.
garment, Jude 23.
Plural, clothes,

iii. 8/.


xiv, 63.
xi. 3.
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.

coat. Matt. v. 40. x. 10. Mark vi.

9, Luke iii. 11. vi. 29. ix. 3. John

With art.f that is made with hands, snow, Matt, xxviii. 3. Mark ix. 3
Mark xiv. 58. I
(-G'"^TTr5'). Rev. i. 14.

. .
Matt, xxvii. 28, 31.

grass. Matt. vi. 30. xiv. 19. Mark

(^ vi. 39. Luke xii. 28. John vi. 10.

mock, Acts ii. 13
S). xvii. 32.
GLT Jas. i. 10, 11.
viii. 7. ix. 4.
blade, Matt. xiii. 26.
IPet. i.

24tr. Rev.

iv. 28.

,/,. hay, iCor. iii. 12.

lukewarm, Rev. iii. 16.

5reen, Mark vi. 39. Rev. viii. 7. 1. lend, Luke xi. 5.

7eut. green thing, Rev. ix. 4. 2. Mid., use, Acts xxvii,

pale, Kev. vi. 8. 17. ICor. vii. 21, 31. ix. 12, 15.
2 Cor. i. 17. iii. 12. xiii. 10. ITim.

entreat. Acts xxvii. 3.
six hundred three-score and six, Rev. i. 8. V. 23.

18 (-at S)
3. Impers.f

. ought*^, Jas. iii. 10,

earthy, 1 Cor. xv. 47, 48, 49.
use, Eph. iv. 29 {marg. profitably*^
G'). Tit. iii. 14.
XV. 48.
they that are earthy, ICor. business, Acts vi. 3.
need, Matt. iii. 14. vi. 8. xxi. 3.

measure, Rev. vi. 6t.
xxvi. 65. Mark ii. 17, 25. xi. 3.
Luke ix. 11. xix. 31, 34. John xiii.
29. Acts
21i, 24.
ii. 45. iv. 35. ICor. xii.
Phil. iv. 19. 1 Thes. v. 1.

swine, Matt. vii. 6. viii. 30, 31, 32,
32(-GLTr5). Mark v. 11, 12, 13, Heb. V. 12i. vii. 11. x. 36. IJohn

14 GLTTr^S), 16. Luke viii. iii. 17. Rev. iii. 17. xxi. 23.
32, 33. XV. 15, 16. With to need. Matt. ix. 12. xiv.
16. Mark xiv. 63. Luke v. 31. xv. 7.
xxii. 71. John ii. 25. xiii. 10. xvi.

be angry, John vii. 23. 30. Eph. iv. 28. 1 Thes. i. 8. iv. 9.
1 Johnii. 27. Rev. xxii. 5 (G', -

Matt, xxvii. 34. Acts viii. 23. GT;.

dust, Mark
vi. 11. Rev. xviii. 19.
needful•*», Luke
necessity. Acts xx. 34.
x. 42.
Rom. xii.

^ .. (
13. Phil. iv. 16.
LTaS ) . , such things

to minister, 2 Cor. ix. 10.
as are necessary, Acts xxviii. 10.

give, 1 Pet. iv. 11.
want, Phil. ii. 25.
hck, IThes. iv. 12.
dancing, Luke xv. 25.
debtor, Luke vii. 41. xvi. 5.
to feed, Luke xvi. 21.
Matt. V.
fill, 6. xiv. 20. xv. 33, 37. ^. See
Mark vi. 42. Luke

vii. 27. viii. 8.
vi. 21. ix. 17. John vi. 26. Pliil. to need, Luke xi. 8. 2 Cor. iii. 1.

iv. 12. Jas. ii. 16. Rev. xix. 21. have need of, Matt. vi. 32. Luke
satisfy, Mark viii. 4, xii. 30. Rom. xvi. 2.

sustenance, Acts vii. 11. Plur., riches, Mark x. 23, 24. Luke
. ^
xviii. 24.
xxiv. 26.

money, Acts

money, Acta iv. 37.


Pass.,be warned of (from) God, Matt.

18, 20.

time, Matt. ii. 7, 16. xxv. 19. Luke
57. iv. 5. John v. 6. xiv. 9. Acts
i. 6, 7. iii. 21. vii. 17. xiii. 18. xiv.

28. xvii. 30. xviii. 20. xxvii. 9.

ii. 12, 22. Acts x. 22. Heb. xi. 7.— Gal. iv. 4. 1 Thes. v. 1. Heb. iv. 7.


be admonished of God, Heb. viii, 5.
reveal, Luke ii. 26 (with
call, Acts xi. 26•=°. Rom. vii. 3.


answer of God, Rom.


xi. 4.
2, 3. Jude 18. Rev. x. 6.
time, Luke xx. 9.
V. 12. xi. 32. 1 Pet. i. 17, 20. iv.

(of) long time, Acts

11. xiv. 3. Flur., for a long



viii. 29.

h '

. ,— the time that.

cJ, all
Neut.j profit, 2 Tim. ii. 14. Acts i. 21.

With spend some time ''there,
Acts xviii 23p. tarry there" a space,
use, Rom. 1. 26, 27.
Acts XV. 33p.
boov (with f^t'i), as long as,
be kind, 1 Cor. xiii. 4. Mark ii. 19(ap). Rom. vii. l^. 1 Cor.
vii. 39'. Gal. iv. l^.

good words, Rom. xvi. 18. while, Luke xviii. 4. John vii. 33.

good, ICor. XV. 33. —

Comp., better,
xii. 35.
,a while, ICor. xvi. 7.

season, Acts xix. 22. xx. 18. Rev.
Luke V. 39 (positive TTrS).

vi. 11. XX. 3.

^ .
Neut.j goodness, Rom. ii. 4. space, Rev. ii. 21.
kind, Luke
vi. 35.

Eph. iv. 32.

Add Luke xxiii. 8, see
gracious, 1 Pet. ii. 3.
See also
easy, Matt. xi. 30.

Add Phil. i. 21, for G'.

spend the time. Acts xx. 16.

goodness, Rom. ii. 4. xi. 22fr.
good, subsi., Rom. iii. 12.
of gold, 3 Tim. ii. 20. Rev. iv. 4.
kindness, 2 Cor. vi. G. Eph. ii. 7.

ix. 20.
Col. iii. 12. Tit. iii. 4.
golden, Heb. ix. 4t. Rev. i. 12, 13,
gentleness, Gal. v. 22.

20. ii. 1. V. 8. viii. 3/. ix. 13. xiv.

anointing, 1 John ii. 27/.

14. XV. 6, 7. xvii. 4. xxi. 15.

Add Rev. ix. 7, for G.
unction, 1 John ii. 20.

See Proper Names. gold, Acts iii. 6. xx. 33. Ileb. ix.

4. 1 Pet.

i. 7, 18. iii. 3. Rev. iii. 18.

anoint, Luke iv. 18. Acts iv. 27. xxi. 18, 21.
X. 38. 2 Cor. i. 21. Heb. i. 9. Add, see

delay. Matt. xxiv. 48. Luke xii, 45.

with a gold ring, Jas. ii. 2.

tarry, Matt. xxr. 5^. Heb. x. 37.

tarry long, I-uke i. 21. chrysolite, Rev. xxi. 20.
chrysoprasus, Rev. xxi. 20.
Mid.y depart. Acts
vii. 10, 11, 15<.
i. 4. xviii. 1,
Phm. 15.

lit. Acts xvii. 29.

Tim. ii. 9 ().
gold, Matt. ii. 11. x. 9. xxiii. 16,
1 Cor. iii. 12.
L). Jas. v. 3.
Matt. xxvi. 36. Mark xiv.
Acts i. 18, 19^
parcel of ground, John iv. 5.
land. Acts iv. 34. v. 3, 8.

xvii. 4

ix. 7 (Gr', see
(xpvainv GLTTr). xviii. 12, 16(^. possessions. Acts xxviii. 7.
ciov GLTTr).
by ''itself, John xx. 7.
to deck. Rev. xvii. 4 (Gr. gild), without, Matt. xiii. 34. Mark iv. 34.
xviii. 16. Luke vi. 49. John i. 3. xv. 5 (inary.

body, Acts xix. 12.

lame, Matt. xi. 5. xv. 30, 31. xxi.
14. Luke vii. 22. xiv. 13. Acts iii.
severed from)• Rom. iii. 21, 28. iv.
6. vii. 8, 9. X. 14. 1 Cor. iv. 8. xi.
11/. Eph. ii. 12. Phil. ii. 14. 1 Tim
ii. 8. V. 21. Phm. 14. Heb. iv. 15.

vii. 7, 20, 21(20). ix. 7, 18, 22, 28.

2. — that is lame, Acts viii. 7.

X. 28. xi. 6, 40. xii. 8, 14. Jas. ii.
18(£/cStC'^'E; viarg. by), 20, 26i.
TO j.,that which Id lime, Heb.xii.l3.
). beside, Matt. xiv. 21. xv. 38. 2 Cor.
lame man, Actsiii. 11 (see

being a cripple, Acts xiv. 8.

halt. Matt, xviii. 8. Mark ix. 45.
xi. 28.

Add 2 Cor. xii. 3, for, LT.
Luke xiv, 21. John v. 3.

country, Matt.
v. 10. Luke
.ii. 12. viii. 28.
8. viii. 26.
xv. 13,
north-west, Acts
. xxviL 12.

Rom. xv. 9. 1 Cor. xiv. 15/.

i. ii. sing,
15. xix. 12. xxi. 21. Jolinxi. 54, 55. sing psalms, Jas. v. 13.
Acts xii. 20. xviii. 23. xxvii. 27. make melody, Eph. v. 19.

region, Matt. iv. 16. Luke iii. 1.
Acts viii. 1. xiii. 49. xvi. 6.
psalm, Luke xxiv. 44. Acts xiii.
land, Mark i. 5. Luke xv. 14. Acts

33. 1 Cor. xiv. 26. Eph. v. 19. Col.

X. 39.
iii. 16. Plural, Psalms, Luke xx.
coasts. Acts xxvi. 20.
42. Acts i. 20.
field, John iv. 35. Jas. v. 4.
ground, Luke xii. 16.
Add Mark vi. 55, see

be room to receive,
can receive, Matt. xix. 11.
Plural, false brethren, 2 Cor. xi. 26.
Gal. ii. 4.

Mark ii. 2.
Plur., false apostles, 2 Cor. xi. 13^

receive. Matt. xix. 12/. 2Cor. vii. 2. '7;.

can contain, John xxi. 25. false, Acts vi. 13.
contain, John ii. 6. Rev. ii. 2. xxi. 8

liar. L).
have place, John viii. 37.
go, Matt. XV. 17. — come, 2Pet. iii. 9.

. .
Plur., false teachers, 2 Pet. ii. 1.

put asunder, Matt. xix. 6. Mark x. 9.

separate, Rom. viii. 35. 39. — Pass. speaking lies, 1 Tim. iv. 2.

part., separate, Heb. vii. 26. See

false witness,
. 1

Matt. xxvi.
Cor. xv. 15.

bear false witness, Matt. xix. 18.


to count,
Luke xiv. 28. Rev.

stone, Rev. ii. 17/. —

voice. Acta
xxvi. 10 (/ii. pebble, hence vote).

false witness,
Mark x. 19. xiv. 56, 57. Lukexviii.
20. Rom. xiii. 9 {om).

Matt. xv. 19. XXVI. whisperer,

whispering, 2 Cor. xii. 20.
Rom. i. 29(30).

\7}]. crumb, Matt, xv.' 27. Mark

vii. 28.
false prophet, Matt. vii. 15.
11, 24. Mark xiii. 22. Luke
XXIV. Luke xvi. 21 (j-L^TTr^S).
vi. 26.
Acts xiii. 6. 2 Pet. ii. 1. IJohn iv.
1. Rev. xvi. 13. xix. 20. xx. 10.

John viii. 44. Rom. i. 25.

Matt. ii. 20. vi. 25i. x. 29t.
xvi. 25t. XX. 28. Mark iii. 4. viii.
35, 35 (-G«). X. 45. Luke vi. 9. ix.
24t, 56 (ap).
2Thes. ii. 11. IJolm ii. 21, 27. xvii. 33. John x. 11, 15, 17. xii. 25f.
xii. 22, 23. xiv. 26.

Rev. xxi. 27. xxii. 15. xiii. 37, 38. xv. 13. Acts xv. 26.
lying, Eph. iv. 25. Gen., lying, XX. 10, 24. xxvii. 10, 22. Rom. xi.
adj., 2Thes. ii. 9.

Add Rev. xiv. 5, for
3. xvi. 4. Phil. ii. 30. 1 John iii. 16i.
GLTTr/S. Rev. viii. 9. xii. 11.
soul, Matt. X. 28i. xi. 29. xii. 18.

xvi. 26i. xxii. 37. xxvi. 38. Mark
Plur., falsa Christs, Matt. xxiv. 24.
viii. 3C, 37. xii. 30, 33(a;9). xiv. 34.
Mark xiii. 22 (-T).
Luke i. 46. ii. 35. x. 27. xii. I9t,
20. xxi. 19. John xii. 27. Acts ii.
Mid., to lis (to'), Acts V. 3^ {marg. 27, 3\(omS), 41, 43. iii. 23. iv. 32.

deceive), 4. Rom. ix. 1. 2Cor. xi. vii. 14. xiv. 22. xv. 24. xxvii. 37.
31. Gal. i. 20. Col. iii. 9. 1 Tim. ii.
Rom. ii. 9. xiii. 1. ICor. xv. 45.
7. Heb. vi. 18. Jas. iii. 14. IJolm
2 Cor. i. 23. IThes. ii. 8. v. 23.
1. 6. Rev. iii. 9. —
falsely. Matt. v. Heb. iv. 12. vi, 19. x. 38, 39. xiii.
llP(6V. lying; -GooLTTrn»i>). 17» Jas. i. 21. v. 20. 1 Pet. i. 9, 22.
ii. 11, 25. iii. 20. iv. 19. 2 Pet. ii.

falsely so called, 1 Tim. vi. 20. 8, 14. 3 John 2. Rev. vi. 9. xvi. 3.
xviii. 13, 14. xx. 4.
heart, Eph. vi. 6.
lie, Rom.
iii. 7.

With h, heartily. Col. 23.


mind, Acts xiv. 2. Phil. i. 27. Heb.

liar, viii. 44, 45. Rom.
John iii. 4. — See also )^

xii. 3.

Add Rev.
10. Tit. i. 12. 1 John

4, 22. iv. 20. v. 10.

xxi. 8, for , i.


natural, 1 Cor. ii. 14. xv. 44i.

rd V'., that which is n., ICor. xv. 46.
sensual, Jas.
Jude 19.
iii. 15 {marg. natural),

Pass, part., that might" be touched,

xii. 18.
xxiv. 39. 1 John i. 1. cold, John
xviii. IS. Acts xxviiL
feel after, Acts xvii. 27. 2. 2 Cor. xi. 27.


. 419

. 15, 16. song, Eph. V. 19. Col. 16. Rev-

cold, iii. iii.

cold water, Matt. x. 42. V. 9. xiv. 3t. XV. 3t.

Pass.y wax cold, Matt. xxiv. 12. travail, IThes. v. 3.

Acts ii. 24.

bestow to
feed, Rom.
feed, 1
xii. 20.
Cor. xiii. 3.

sorrow. Matt. xxiv. 8. Mark xiii. 8
(^Gr. pain of a woman in travail).

sop, John
26, 27, 30.

, 26 (marg. morsel), to travail in birth (of ^), Gal. iv.

Rev. xii.
.2. —travail. Gal. iv. 27.

to rub,

Omega, Rev.
xxii. 13.
Luke vi. 1


11 (ap).

0, Matt. XV. 28. xvii. 17. Mark ix.

xxi. 6.

to buy,
shoulder. Matt, xxiii. 4.

, LT .

vii. 16.
Lukexv. 5.

Luke ix. 41. xxiv. 25. Acts i.

1. xiii. 10. xviii. 14.
ix. 20. xi. 33.
vi. 20. Jas. ii. 20.
iii. 1.

1, 3.
Qgg, Luke
xi. 12.

hour. Matt. viii. 13. ix. 22. x. 19

Not rendered, Acts xxvii, 21.
, 5?, ' See
hither, Matt. viii. 29. xiv. 18. xvii.
(ap). XV. 28. xvii. 18. xx. 3, 5, 6
l-G^LTTrS), 9, 12. xxiv. 36, 42
LTTrS), 44, 50. xxv. 13.
xxvi. 40, 45, 55. xxvii. 45i, 46.
Mark xiii. 11, 32. xiv. 35, 37, 41.
17. xxii. 12. Mark xi. 3. Luke ix. XV, 25, 33i, 34. Luke vii. 21. x. 21.
41 (-G°). xiv. 21. xix. 27. John vi. xii. 12, 39, 40, 46. xx. 19. xxii. 14,
25. XX. 27. Acts ix. 21. Rev. iv. 1. 53, 59. xxiii. 44i. xxiv. 33. John
xi. 12. i. 39(40). ii. 4. iv. 6, 21, 23, 52?,

here, Matt. xii. 41, 42. xiv. 8, 17. 53. V. 25, 28. vii. 30. viii. 20. xi. 9.
xvi. 28. xvii.4i. xx. 6. xxiv. 2, 23. xii. 23, 27i. xiii. 1. xvi. 21, 32. xvii.
xxvi. 38. xxviii. 6. Mark vi. 3. viii. 1. xix. 14, 27. Acts ii. 15. iii. 1. v.
4. ix. 1, 5. xiii. 21. xiv. 32, 34. 7. X. 3, 9, 30, 30(-G°oLT5). xvi.

xvi. 6. Luke iv. 23. ix. 12,
33. xi. 31, 32. xvii. 21,
23. xxii. 38. xxiv. 6. John vi. 9.
xi. 21, 32. Acts ix. 14. Col. iv. 9.
Ueb. vii. 8. xiii. 14. Jas. ii. 3, 3(-G<>°
27 (av- 18, 33. xix. 34. xxii. 13. xxiii. 23.
1 Cor. iv. 11. XV. 30. Gal. ii. 5.
Rev. iii. 3, 10. ix. 15. xi. 13
G"). xiv. 7. xvii. 12. xviii. 10, 17
(16), 19.
LTS). Rev.
l2(omS). xvii.
10, 18. xiv. 12, time. Matt. xiv. 15. xviii. 1
G"L). Mark vi. 35. Luke i. 10. xiv.
(5..5(, here.. there, Matt.xxiv.23. 17. Jolm xvi. 2, 4, 25. 1 John iL

in this place, Matt. xii. 6.

Add Mark
to this place, Luke xxiii. 5.
xiii. 2 (left . .), G'LTr
18/. Rev. xiv. 15.
high'' time, Rom. xiii. 11.
season, John v. 35. 2 Cor. vii. 8.
5. Luke XV. 17 (perish . .), GLT Phm. 15.
TrS. xvi. 25, for b(h, (y'LTTiS. instant, Luke ii. 38.
xxi. 6 (another , ,)» L<S. Gen., short, IThes. ii. 17*
420 $
Add Luke xiii. 31,
See also ,. for CKT/S. Heb. i. 11. iii. 2, 5, 6, 8, 15. if. 3.
vi. 19. vii. 9. xi. 9, 27, 29. xii. 5,
7, 16, 27. xiii. 3i, 17. Jas. 10.

i. ii.

8, 9, 12. V. 3, 5(-LT,S). 1 Pet. i. 14,

beautiful, Matt, xxiii. 27. Rom. x.
19, 24(-L, S), 24. ii. 2, 5, 11,
15.-— Beautiful, Acts ill. 2, 10.
12, 14, 16t, 25. iii. It, 16(ap). iv.
10, Hi, 12, 15<, 16, 19 (-LS). v. 3,
to roar, 1 Pet. v. 8. 8, 12. 2 Pet. i. 19. ji. 1, 12. iii. 8/,
. 9, 10, 16t. 1 John i. 7. ii. 27. 2 Johr
5. Jude 10.
In notation of timei. Of number 2.
Rev, 10, Ut, 15i, 16, 17.
as, Matt. i. 24. vi. 10, 12. vii. 29 27/. iii.

iv. 1, 7(G', -G). v.

3, 21.
ii. 24,

viii. 13. X. IGir, 25t. xiii. 43. xiv.

6. vi. 11, 12/, 13, 14. ix. 2, 3, 5, 7,
. xvii. 2i, 20. xviii. 3, 4, 33. xix.

8/, 9, 17. X. 1, 7, 9, 10. xii. 15. xiii.
19. XX. 14. xxi. 26. xxii. 30, 39.
2/, 11. xiv. 2/. xvi. 3, 15. xvii. 12.
xxvi. 19, 39i, 55. xxviii. ^/?), 15.
xviii. 6. xix. 6(-L), 6, 12(-G°''TaS).
Mark i. 2 TTr5), 22i. iii. 5
XX. 8. xxi. 2. xxii. 1.
(omS). iv. 26. vi. 15, 34. vii. 6.
as . . as, Matt, xxvii. 65.
viii. 24. ix. 3(-G«°TTr*S). x. 1, 15.
xii. 25, 31, 33. xiii. 34. xiv. 48.
according as, Rom. xii. 3. 2 Pet. 1.

Luke ii. 15K iii. 4, 23. vi. Rev. xxii. 12. 10(a/?), 3.

22, 40. ix. 54 (ap).

18, 27.
x. 3, even as, Matt. xv. 28. Mark iv. 36.
xi. 2(a/j), 36, 44. xiv. 22. xv. 19, 1 Cor. iii. 5. Eph. v. 33. 1 Pet. iii.
25^ xvii. 6, 28 (see •&).
xviii. 6. Jude 7.
11, 17. xxi. 35. xxii. 26i, 27, 31, , even as, 1 Cor. xii. 2. — as,

52. xxiii. 14, 26i. John i. 14. xv. 6.
XX. 11^ Acts ii. 15. iii. 12. vii. 51
L). viii. 32, 36^. x. 25'. xi.
17. xiii. 251, 33. xvi. AK xvii. 28.
xxii. 5, 25^ xxiii. 11, 15, 20. xxv.
2 Cor. X. 9. 1 Thes. ii. 6


as soon as\ Phil.
wlien^ 1 Cor. xi. 34.

like as,
as Well as, 1 Cor. ix. 6.
Matt. xii. 13.
ii. 23. —

10. xxvii. 30. like, Matt. vi. 29. xxviii. 3. Mark

Rom. i. 21. iii. 7. iv. 17. v. 15, 16, iv. 31. Luke xii. 27. John 46vii.
18. vi. 13( JjS). viii. 36. ix. 25, {op). Acts viii. 32. Rev. xviii. 21.
27, 29. xiii. 9, 13. xv. 15. 1 Cor. iii. even like, Rev. xxi. 11.
\tr, 10, 1.5. iv. 1, 7, 13, 14, 18. v. Zt. like unto, Acts iii. 22. vii. Zlimcrg,

vii. 7, 8, 17^ 25, 29,
7. ix. 20i, 21, 22(-LI'TaS), 26/. x. 7
O'LT/S), 15. xiii. Utr. xiv.
33. xvi. 10. 2 Cor. ii. 17ir. iii. 1, 5.
v. 20. vi. 4, 8, 9<r, lOir, 13. vii. 14.
30ir, 31. viii. as). Rev. ii. 18.
unto, Rom. ix. 29.
as it
Matt. xxi. 46
ii. 16.

were (had been), John vii. 10.


ix. 5. X. 2, 14. xi. 3, 15, 1 6. xiii. 2, 7.

14. vi. 10.
i. 9. iii.

iv. \2t, 14t. v.
2 Cor. xi. 17.
3. iii. 5. v. 1, 8,
xxi. 8^. Acts X. 11. xi. 5. xvii. 14
LS). Rom. ix. 32. 1 Cor. iv.
Phm. 14. Jas. v.
15i, 22, 23, 28. vi. 5, 6^ 7(-St), 20. Rev. iv. 1. vi. 1. viii. 8, 10. ix. 7,
Phil. i. 20. 8, 12, 15, 22.
ii. Col. 9. X. 1. xiii. 3. xiv. 3(-GT^). xv.
ii. 6, 20. iii.12, 18, 22, 23. iv. 4. 2. xix. 6. xxi. 21.
ITlies. ii. 4, 7, 11, IP-C-StEGLT^). as soon as^ Luke i. 23, 44. xxii. 66.
V. 2, 4, 6. 2Thes. ii. 2^4(om5). iii. .John xi. 20, 29. xviii. 6. xxi. 9.
15i. 1 Tim. V. Ii, 2<. 2Tim. ii. 3, when\ Luke i. 41. ii. 39. iv. 25.
fl, 17. iii. 9. Tit. i. 6, 7. Phm. 9, v^. 4. vii. 12. xi. 1. xii. 58. xix, 5,
16, 17. 29, 41. XX. 37. John ii. 9, 23. iv.
1, 40. vi. 12, 16. vii. 10. viii. 1(ap). XXV. 17. Mark xii. 21. xiv. 31.
xi. 6, 32, 33. xix. 33. Acts v. 24. Luke xiii. 3 (//- LTr5). xxii.
vii. 23. X. 7. xiii. 29. xiv. 5. xvi.
15. xvrii. 13. xviii. 5. xix. 9. xx. 14,
18. xxi. 12, 27. xxii. 11. xxv. 14.
20. Rom. viii. 26. 1 Tim. iii. 8. v.
25. Tit.
Add Luke
ii. 3, 6,
xiii. 5, for , TTr

( ,LT5).
xxvii. 1, 27. xxviii. 4. S. XX. 31 (took her , ), L".
whensoever^, Rom. xv. 24 '.
while\ xxiv. 32t. Acts 1. 10. as were (had been), Luke xxii. 44
(^ap). Acts vi. 15. ix. 18 (- LS).
X. 17.
after\ Acts xvi. 10. xix. 21. xxi.l^e. as, Matt. ix. 36 (
Tr). xxviii. 3
(wrLTrAS), 4(•LTTr5). Mark ix.
after thatS Acts ix. 23.
26. Luke xxiv. 11. Heb. i. 12. xi.
8inc9^,Mark ix. 21.
12 (• GLT^S).
about^ Mark v. 13. viii. 9. Luke
ii. 37 ( 19(
LTTrS). viii. 42. John i.
39(40). vi. L). xi. 18. Acts i.
like as, Acts ii. 3.
like, Matt. iii. 16. Mark i. 10 (wf
GLTTr^). Luke iii. 22 (• LTr5).
15. V. 7. xiii. 18, 20. xix. 34. Rev.
John i. 32(wi-GLTTr5). Rev. i. 14
viii. 1. xvi. 21.

how, Mark iv. 27°°. xii. 26

Luke vi. 4(- LTr'').
( ( -GLTrAS).
about, Matt. xiv. 21. Mark vi. 44
47. xxii. 61. xxiii. 55. xxiv. Q

L'»), 35. Acts x. 28, 38. xi.

( (cm, S). Luke i. 56(ui-LTr5).
iii. 23. ix. 14, 28. xxii. 41, 59. xxiii.

44. Johniv. 6(6VLTTr5). vi. 10

16. XX. 20. Rom. x. 15. xi. 2, 33.
2 Cor. vii. 15. PliiL i. 8. ITlies. ii.
TrS). xix. 14 G'^LTTr^),
GLTTr*S). Acts ii. 41. iv. 4
10, 11.
80, Heb. iii. 11.
Lb, -TaS). v. 36 (• LT). x. 3.
xix. 7.
80 that, Acts XX. 24.
that, Luke xvi. l^". Acts vii. 22«».
Add, for John vi. 19, L. Rom.,—
xxviii. 19. Rom. 1. 9. 2 Tim. i. 3.
Add, for
36, LTTtS. For
, &,
John xii. 35,
Acts x. 47,
vi. 13, L^.

Luke ix. 14 (. . by
fifties), L^Tr^S.
Matt. v. 48 (• LTr-S). xx.

,, ,.
LT5. For Rev. xvi. 13, GL even as,

6 (. . a
i.12, see
sea), GLTTrAS.
TTr. For ov, Mark xiv. 72, LTTr 5.
Rev. iv.
vi. 6 (. . a
Matt. vi. 2, 5 (;: LTr-S), 7, 16
(• LTr5).
xii. 40. xiiL 40. xviii.
17. xxiv. 27, 37, 38(•LTTrS).
voice), LTr-S. xiv. 2 (. . of harp- xxv. 14, 32. Luke xvii. 24. xviii.
ers), GLTTr5'. xix. 1 (. . a great 11 (
LTr). John v. 21, 26. Acts
See also
, GLTTr5.
^ I., fr. . ii. Rom. v. 12, 19,
2. iii. 17. xi. 15.
21. vi. 19. xi. 30. 1 Cor. viii. 5. xi.
12. XV. 22. xvi. 1. 2 Cor. i. 7 (U L

xi. 9, 10.

Hosanna, Matt. xxi.
John xii. 13.
15. Mark
iv. 29.
V. 3.
Jas. ii.

like as,
viii. 7. ix. 5 (6-GLT5).
Eph. V. 24 (• LTaS).
Heb. iv. 10. vii. 27.
Rom. vi. 4.
ix. 25

after the same manner, 1

even so, 1 Tim. iii. 11.
in like manner, Luke xx. 31. 1 Tim.
U. 9.
likewise, Matt. xx.
Cor. xi. 25.

5. xxi. 30, 36.

as when, Rev. x. 3.
Add 1 Cor. X. 7, for

as, 1 Cor. zv. 8*

, •, G'LT5.

V. 16. Gal. iii. 24. iv. 7. Phil. ii.
12. IThes. iv. 18. Jas. i. 19 (/are
80 that, Matt. viii. 28. xiii. 2, 32.

,. ,
G'L, S, fr. elchr). 1 Pet. iv. 19.
iii. 20. iv. 1, 32, 37. xv. 5.

V. 7. Acts xvi. 26. xix. 10,

Add, for Luke iv. 29, , GLT
TrS. XX. 20, LTTr^S.
12, 16. Rom. xv. 19. 1 Cor. i. 7.
xiii. 2. 2 Cor. ii. 7. iii. 7. vii. 7. an ear.
Phil. i. 13. IThes. i. 7, 8. 2Thes. Mark xiv. 47, etc. See
i. 4. ii. 4. Heb. xiii. 6.

insomucli that, Matt. viii. 24. xii.

22. xiii. 54. xv. 31. xxiv. 24. xxvii.
14. Mark i. 27, 45. ii. 2, 12. iii. 10.
ix. 26. Luke xii. 1. Acts v. 15.
ear, Matt. xxvi. 51

Mark xiv. 47
(cjTapcovG'LTTrS). Luke xxii. 51.
John xviii. 10 TTr*S), 26.

2 Cor. 1. 8. Gal. ii. 13.
insomuch as, Acts i. 19. profit, Rom. iii. 1.

John 16. Acts xiv. 1. xv. advantage, Jude 16.

that, iii.

With an Infinitive, to, Matt. x. 1. to profit, Mark viii. 36. John vi.
xxvii. 1. Luke ix. 52(wrL^/S). 63. Rom. ii. 25. 1 Cor. xiii. 3. xiv.
as to, Matt. xv. 33. —
that. might, 6. Gal. V. 2. Heb. iv. 2.

IPet. i. 21.— that . . should, Rom. Mid. or Pass., be profited, Matt. xv.
vii. 6. 1 Cor. v. 1.
80 then, Mark x. 8.
5. xvi. 26. Mark vii. 11. profit"",
1 Cor. iii. 7. Heb. xiii. 9. —be advantaged, Luke

vii. 38. 2 Cor. iv. 12. Gal. iii. 9.

therefore, Mark ii. 28.

2. ICor.
2 Cor.

Gal. iv. 16. Phil. iv. 1.

V. 17.
wherefore. Matt. xii. 12. xix. 6.

12. xi, 27, 33. xiv. 22 39. 2 Cor.

ix. 25. be bettered, Mark v. 26.
Rom. xiii. prevail. Matt, xxvii. 24. John xii.
21. iv. 5. v. 8. xv. 58. 19.

profitable, ITim. iv. 8. 2 Tim. iii.

xxiii. 31. Rom. vii. 4, 12. 1 Cor. x. 16. Tit. iii. 8.
With to profit, 1 Tim. iv. 8.,

Note. —
Besides the few cases of omission marked S", the Sinaitio
Manuscript lacks the context also in the following instances of substi-

. ,
tution, and thus fails to support either reading; viz., Mark iv. 37,
XX. 28,
Acts ii. 21,
XX. 5,
for av.
for avaCau,
vi. 4,
fr. for
?/.-. .
, 8

v. 15, hv for
vi. 55,
xiv. 15,

also the Appendix,
iv. 5,
for .
Mark xvL

9-20; John vii. 53 -viii. 11.
— —


', Aaron, Luke i. 5. Acts ,
, Athenian, Acts xvil


40. Heb. v. 4. vii. 11. ix. 4.

xi. 51.
ix. 11.
xi. 4. xii. 24.

, — of Athens, Acts xvii. 22.

22, 24, 28.
xxi. 38.
xi. 29.

13, 14,

Abia, 1, king, Matt. i. It. 15, 19. Acts ii. 10. vii. 9, \0t, 11,
priest, Luke i. 5. 12, 15(-T), 17, 34i, 36, 39, 40. xiii.
Abiatbar, Mark ii. 26. 17. Heb. iii. 16. viii. 9. xi. 26, 27.
Abilene, Luke iii. 1. Jude 5. Rev. xi. 8. Add Acts vii.
Abiud, Matt. i. 13i. 18 (arose irr'

^/, Ethiopian, Acts

), LS.

2, 17.
xii. 26.
iii, 9t.

viii. 11.
55, 73. iii. St, 34.

xiii. 16, 28. xvi. 22, 23, 24, 25, 29,

xxii. 32.


, -
27. — of Ethiopia, Acts
JEneaa, Acts
John iii. 23.
ix. 33, 34.

30. xix. 9. XX. 37. John viii. 33,37, LTS, Acelda-

, ,,
39ir, 40, 52, 53, 56, 57, 58. Acts iii. Acts i. 19.
13, 25. vii. 2, 16, 17, 32. xiii. 26.
Rom. iv. 1, 2, 3, 9, 12, 13, 16. ix.
7. xi. 1. 2 Cor. xi. 22. Gal. iii. 6,
7, 8, 9, 14, 16, 18, 29. iv. 22. Heb. ,
18, 26.
2 Tim.
iv. 19.
, Acts xviii. 2,
xvi. 3. ICor. xvi. 19.

ii. 16. vi. 13. vii. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 9. Alexandrian,
— '?..
xL 8, 17. Jas. ii. 21, 23. 1 Pet. iii. 6.
Aceldama. 86<^. \^
Acts vi. 9.

at Acts xviii. 24.

, Agabus,
- of Alex-
Acts xi. 28. iv6r T,
xxi. 10. [LaS). andria, Acts xxvii. 6. xxviii. 11,
Agar, Gal. iv. 24, 25 (-G' Alexander, 1, son
Agrippa, Acts xxv. of Simon, Mark xv. 21. 2, a high —

13, 22, 23, 24, 26. xxvi. 1, 2, 7(-Go'' priest. Acts iv. 6.
hTS), 19, 27, 28, 32.
Ac ha la, etc. See
', Adam, ',
Luke iii. 38. Rom.
Acts xix. 33i.

3, of Ephesus,
4, the coppersmith,
1 Tim. i. 20. 2 Tim. iv. 14.

h us u s 1,

1 e , or - se

V. 14i. 1 Cor. XV. 22, 45i. 1 Tim. ii. father of James, Matt. x. 3. Mark

13, 14. Jude 14. iii. IS. Luke vi. 15. Acts i. 13.

^, See
/S^, d d i Luke iii. 28.
A pa .
, 2,

father of Levi, Mark
ii. 14.
Ami -

of Adramyt- adab. Matt. i. 4, 4(^-8). Luke

Acts xxvii. 2.
A d r i a , Acts xxvii. 27.
.ffineas, iEnon. See ,
iii. 33

etc. plias, Rom.


xvi. 8.
iJ^S, Am-

Azor, Matt. i. 13, 14.
A t u s Acts viii. 40. xvii. 1.

Athens, Acts xvii. 15,

16. xviii. 1. 1 Thes. iii. 1. i. lOi.
, Amphipolis,

Am ,


^ Amos, Luke
lem, Acts V. 1, 3, 5.
cus, Acts ix. iOtf 12, 13, 17. xxii. S,


of Jerusa-
2, of Damas-
G', Armageddon,


- xvi. 10.
Ar istobulus,

12. 3, high priest, Acts xxiii. 2. Rev. xvi. 16.

xxiy. 1. See

Andrew, Matt. iv. 18.
X. 2. Mark i. 16, 29. iii. 18. xiii. 3.

vi. 8. xii. 22i. Acts i. 13.

[xvi. 7.
Aiidronicus, Rom.
Anna, Luke
Artemas, Tit. iii. 12.
Diana, Acts xix. 24,
Luke vi. 14. Johu i. 40(41), 44(45). 27, 28, 34, 35.

, Arphaxad, Lk. iii. 36.

Archelaus, Mt. ii. 22.
ii. 36.
,, Archippus, Col. iv.

Annas Luke iii.
xviii. 13, 24. Acts iv. 6.
, 2. John

Aser, Luke ii. 36. Rev.

17. Phm.
- 2.
LTrS, Asa, Matt. i. 7, 8.

of Syria, 1,
Acts xi. 19, 20, 22, 26(25), 26, 27. yii. 6.

xiii. 1. xiv. 26. xv. 22, 23, 30, 35. Asia, Acts ii. 9. vi. 9(-L).
xviii. 22. GaL ii. 11. —
2, of Pisid- xvi. 6. xix. 10, 22, 26, 27. xx. 4,

ia. Acts xiii. 14. xiv. 19, 21. 2 Tim. 16, 18. xxi. 27. xxiv. 18. xxvii. 2.
iii. 11.

xxiii. 31.
[5. ICor. xvi. 19(18). 2 Cor. i. 8.
of Antioch, Acts vi. 2 Tim. i. 15. 1 Pet. i. 1. Rev. i. 4,
tip as. Rev. ii. 13.

Antipatris, Acts

See p. 32.
Add Rom. xvi. 5, for
, ,

of Asia, Acts xx. 4.
chief of Asia, Acts

e 11 e s
See p. 41.
, Rom. xvi. 10.

xix. 31.

Add Acts
As3 s ,

xxvii. 13, for ,—

Acts xx. 13, 14.
xvii. 1.

24. xix. 1. 1 Cor. i. 12. iii. 4, 5, 6,
22. iv. 6. xvi. 12. Tit. iii. 13.

Acts xviii. xvi. 14.

Appii forum,
, .

— See
Asyncritus, Rom.

Attalia, Acts

Augustus, Luke
xiv. 25.
Acts xxviii. 15.

Aqu i 1
Apphia, Phm.
a . See '. 2.
1. also
Achaz, Matt. i. dt.
Achaia, Acts xviii. 12,

Arabia, Gal. i. 17. iv. 25. 27. xix. 21. Rom. xv. 26. xvi. 5
', 33(^,
Aram, Matt. i. 3, 4.
Luke ('Affi'aGLT^). lCor.xvi.l5. 2 Cor.

iii. i. 1. ix. 2. xi. 10. ITlies. i. 7, 8.

. ^^
Archelaus, 3'., etc.
Acts ii. 11.

p. 305.
Achaicus, 1 Cor. xvi.
;;//, Achim, Matt. i. 14i. [17.
, Rev.

gite, Acts xvii. 34.
, Areopa-

etc. See etc,


A r etas, 2 Cor. xi. 32.

Matt, xxvii. 57.
A r m a t h e a or -se a

Mark xv. 43.


Baal, Rom.
xi. 4.
Matt. i.

1 Pet. v. 13.

12, 17i. vii. 43.
xxiii. 51. John xix. 38. Rev. xiv. 8. xvi. 19. xvii. 5. xviii.
Aristarchus, Acts 2, 10, 21.
xix. 29. XX. 4. xxvii. 2. Col. iv. 10. Balaam, 2 Pet. ii. 15.
Phm. 24(23). Jude 11. Rev. ii. 14.

, Balak, Rev.
xxvii. 16, 17, 20, 21, 26. Mark v.
ii. 14.

45. viii.
of Galilee, Matt. xi. 21.
— Add, seeB. 44 (45).
L"»). i.
Mark vi.
Luke x.

7, 11, 15.
xviii. 40i.
/.-, Barak,

Luke xxiii. 18. John

xi. 32.
xii. 21.

— 2 of
-<}, Beth-
Matt. xxi. Mark
ix. 10.

1. xi. 1

xxiii. 35. (-G'LT). Luke xix. 29.

Matt. X. 3.
14. Acts


Bar-jesus, Acts
18. Luke vi.
xiii. ,

LT, erges, Mark
last us, Acts

iii. 17.
Acts xvi. 7.

xii. 20.

^, .
Matt. xvi. 17. , Matt. i. 5. Luke
Barnabas, Acts iv. See 63. . [iii. 32.
36. ix. 27. xi. 22, 25(-G°°LT5), 30. Bos or, 2 Pet. ii. 15.
xii. 25. xiii. 1, 2, 7, 43, 46, 50. xiv. C. SeeK., X. Ch. — X.

12, 14, 20. XV. 2/, 12, 22, 25, 35, Castor. See [13.
Gabbatha, John

36. 37, 39. 2 Cor. ix. 6. GaL ii. 1, xix.

- ,
9, 13. Col. iv. 10. /3|0?;/1, Gabriel, Luke i. 19, 26.
LTS, Barsabas, Gad,
— ?}, Rev. vii. 5.

Joseph, Acts Judas, Gadarene, Mark v.
1, i. 23. 2, 1
Acts XV. 22. G"LTTr.S). Luke viii.
Bartimeus, u s, 26
07'- £e G"LTTr,
Mark x. 46. S), 37 LTTr,

elzebub. Matt. x. 25. xii. 24, 27.

StEGLTTv^, e- S). Add,

Gaza, Acts
viii. 26.

Mark iii. 22. Luke xi. 15, 18, 19.
2 Cor.

vii. 8.
vi. 15.

xi. 1.

Phil. iii.
XX. 4.
Rev. 3 John
Gaius, 1,
Belial, Acts xix. 29.-2, of Derbe, Acts

, —
3, of Corinth,
i. 14.

Galatian, Gal.

of Macedonia,

a Christian,



23. xxvi. 30.

28 (G",
Bernice, Acts xxv.

of Berea, Acts xx. 4.

;/?/3, Bethabara, John i.
[10, 13.
or -oea, Acts xvii.

e t h a y Ij near Jeru-
6. xviii. 23.

iii. 13.
Gal at a, 1 Cor.
xvi. 1.

GaL i. 2. 2 Tim. iv. 10. 1 Pet. i. 1.

Ta?MT/KOr, ofGalatia, Acts xvi.

Galilee, Matt. ii. 22.

iv. 12, 15, 18, 23, 25. xv.
29. xvii. 22. xix. 1. xxi. 11. xxvi.
salem, Matt. xxi. 17. xxvi. 6. Mark 32. xxvii. 55. xxviii. 7, 10, 16.
xi. 1, 11, 12. xiv. 3. Luke xix. 29. Mark i. 9, 14, 16, 28, 39. iii. 7. vi.
xxiv. 50. John xi.
Add Mark

iii. 22, see -&.
1, 18. xii. 1.

21. vii. 31. ix. 30. xiv. 28. xv. 41.
xvL 7. Luke i. 26. ii. 4, 39. iii. 1.


bejond Jordan,
Bethesda, John

v. 2
iv. 14, 31, 44. V. 17. viii. 26. xvii,
11. xxiii. 5, 6, 49, 55. xxiv. 6.
.John i. 43(44). ii. 1, 11. iv. 3, 43,

1, 5, 6, 8, 16.
vii. 42.

Luke ii.

4, 15.

1, ,
45, 46, 47, 54. vi. 1. vii. 1, 9, 41,
52i. xii. 21. xxi. 2. Acts ix. 31. x.
37. xiii. 31.
Galilean, or -sean,



Acts ,
Mark xiv. 70. Luke xiii.
John iv. 45. Acts ii. 7.
xxiii. 6.
of Galilee, Matt. xxvi. 69.

11. V. 37.
Gallic, Acts
1, 2<. xxii. A£p/?i7,Derbe,Actsxiv.6,20.xvi.l.
A^/zcf, Demas, Col. iv. 14. 2 Tim.
iv. 10. Phm.

silversmith, Acts xix. 24, 38.

Demetrius, 1,


xviii. 12,
14, 17. a Christian, 3 John 12.

-, ,
xxii. 3.

(5, Gedeon, Heb. 32.

, , - LTr, - , -, - S,
Acts v. 34.

XX. 24. xxi.
John xi. 16.

Acts xvii

Gethsemane, Matt. xxvi. 36
(- G"). Mark xiv. 32(-niec?. 1611

ret, Matt. xiv.

vi. 53. Luke
v. 1.
LT). Mark

Acts xxviii. 11.

See p. 91.
Diotrephes, 3John 9.
Dorcas, Acts ix. 36, 39.
Drusilla, Acts xxiv
G'TTr, aS, Gerge-

[Lk. iii. 35.

^ ,
Sene, Matt. viii. 28. LT, StG,Heber,
'&^ Golgotha, Matt. xxvii. of Hebrew, Luke
33. John
xv. 22. xix. 17.
xxiii. 38 (op).
or -rah. Matt. x. 15. Mark vi. 11 2 Cor. xi. 22. Phil. iii. 5i.
Hebrew, Acts vi. 1.

(ap). Rom. ix. 29. 2 Pet. ii. 6. Jude
Gog, Rev. xx. 8.
G, Tr in Apoc,
LTaS, Tr in Gospels, David, Matt.
[7. xxii. 2. xxvi. 14.

i. 1, 6^ 17i, 20. ix. 27. xii. 3, 23 ,

See p. 100.
Egypt, etc. See

, ,
Hebrew, Acts xxi. 40.

LT, Ezekias,
XV. 22. XX. 30, 31. xxi. 9, 15. xxii. Matt.
42, 43, 45. Mark ii. 25. x. 47, 48. xi.
10. xii. 35, 36, 37. Luke i. 27, 32,
69. ii. 4i, 11. iii. 31. vi. 3. xviii. 38, , '.

9, 10.

, Elamite,
Matt. i. 15i.

39. XX. 41, 42, 44. John vii. 42^ Acts 1 i ak i , Matt. i. IZt,
i. 16. ii. 25, 29, 34. iv. 25. vii. 45. Luke 30.

xiii. 22^, 34, 36. xv. 16. Rom. i. 3.
iv. 6. xi. 9. 3 Tim. ii. 8. Heb. iv. 7.
Eli as. See
Eliezer, Luke iii. 29.
xi. 32.

/, '.
Tim. iv. 10.
Rev. iii.

7. v. 5. xxii. 16.
a1 D
a t i a, 2 m
LT, ,. -
7, 13,
Eliud, Matt. i. 14, 15.
Elisabeth, Luke i. 5,
24, 36, 40, 41t, 57.

///?<•, Damaris, Actsxvii.34. Eliseus, or -8BUS, Luke iv. 27.

xi. 32.
2, 3, 8, 10, 19, 22, 27. xxii. 5, 6,
2 Cor.

', Greece,
"^, Greek, John
xiv. 1. xvi. 1 ,
Acts xx.

3. xvii. 4. xviii. 4,
(_GooLT5). xix. 10, 17. xx. 21. xxi.
xi. 20. Acts

10, 11. xxvi. 12, 20. 2 Cor. xi. 32.
Gal. 1. 17.
Daniel, Matt. xxiv. 15.
Rom. i. 14, 16. x. 12. 1 Cor.
i^voG^hS), 24. Gal. ii. 3. iiL
28. Col. iii. 11. —Gentile, John
i. 22,



v. 20. vii. 31.
of Derbe,

Acts xx. 4.
vii. 35 (rnarg. G r e e k), 35. Rom. ii.
9 and 10 (GV. Greek), iii. 9. ICor.
X. 32 and xii. 13 (6V. Greek).—
Add Acts xi. 20, see ',

^ '
ofGreek, ,
'^ (^ - ,

xxiii. 3S(ap).
ix. 11 .
— Eutychus, Acts xx. 9.
Euphrates, Rev. ix.

Greek, Mark vii. 26 14. xvi. 12.
(marg. Gentile). Acts xvii. 12. of Ephesus, Rev. ii.

Grecian, 1 (h GLTTr5).

Acts vi. 1.
ix. 29. xi. 20 GLT, Ephesian, Acts xix.

. -

in Greek, John
Acts xxi. 37.
28, 34, 35i. xxi. 29.
19, 21, 24. xix. 1, 17, 26. xx. 16,
Acts xviii.

,. ".
L, LTTr5, 17. 1 Cor. XV. 32. xvi. 8. Eph. i. 1
Elmodam, Luke (-Ti^S). 1 Tim. i. 3. 2 Tim. i. 18.

',^ Ely mas, Acts

xiii. 8. iv. 12. Rev. i. 11. — Add Rev. ii.

Emmanuel, Matt.

1, see

, ,

(1611), Em mo
Luke xxi v. John


r 7. e
xi. 54.
ki as .

GLT, li aim,

Matt, iv
Enos, Luke
,, Enoch, Luke iii. 38.
iii. 37. Heb. ',
13, 15. Rev. vii. 8.
Zaccheus, or -aeus,

^ ,
xi. 5. Jude 14. Luke xix- 2, 5, 8.
'ETratvfroc, Epenetus, or Epse- ara , Matt. i. 3.

netus, Rom. xvi. 5.
Epapliras, Col. 7.
/ac, Zacharias,
1, son of
Barachias, Matt, xxiii. 35. Luke


iv. 12. Phm. 23. xi. 51 . —

2 father of John the Bap-

'^ ii. 25.
iv. 18.
59, 07.

5, 12, 13, 18, 21, 40,

xvii. 18.
Er. See


xix. 22.
rast u s Acts
21i. X. 2.

Mark i. 19, 20. iii. 17.

Luke V. 10. John xxi. 2.
Zebedee, Matt. iv.
XX. 20. xxvi. 37. xxvii.
x. 35.

Rom. xvi. 23. 2 Tim. iv. 20. Jupiter, Acts xiv. 12, 13.
Hermas, Rom. xvi. 14. Zelotes, Luke vi. 15.

1^ in mythology, Mercu-
rius, Acts xiv. 12.

'^ 2, a Christ-
, i. 13.
en as. Tit. iii. 13.

&. .
ian, Hermes, Rom. xvi. 14. Zorobabel, Matt. i.



Esaias, Esau.
See p. 169.
See II.
2Tim. 12, 13.
F., G. See .,

fair havens. The. See p. 242.

Gentile. See
G nidus. SeeKvo,
iii. 27.
/, TTrS, Es li Luke
Esrom, Matt.

i. 3.

Greece, etc. See
,. , etc.


Eva, Eva

xi. 3',

etc. See
Eva G^LT, Eve, 2Cor. Luke
ii. 13'^.
, e ber

, etc.
LTTr, St varies,



LiS, Euro cly don,

u b u 1 u s 2Tim. iv.21. as, Matt.
Eunice, 2 Tim. i.
GLT^, u
Euodia, Phil. iv.
E'vpvK. G,

Acts xxvii. 14. 125. Rom.
xi. 14. xvi. 14. xvii. 3,4,
10, 11, 12. xxvii. 47, 49. Mark vi.
15. viii. 28. ix. 4, 5, 11, 12, 13. xv.
35, 36. Luke i. 17. iv. 25, 26. ix.
8, 19, 30, 33, 54 (op). John i. 21,
xi. 2. Jas. v. 17.

428 *

'^ ,

Matt. ii.
He rod,

1, 3, 7, 12, 13, 15, 16, 19,

the Great,
28. Matt.
xii. 26.
XX. 37. John
i. 2t, viii.

Luke i.
11. xxii. 32. Mark
iii. 34. xiii. 28.
iv. 5, G, 12. Acts iii.
22. Lukei. 5. Acts xxiii. 35. — 2, 13. vii. St, 12, 14(-Go), 15, 32,46.
Antipas, Matt. xiv.
vi. 14, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22. viii.

15. Luke iii. 1, 19^ viii. 3. ix. 7, 9.
xiii. 31. xxiii. It, 8, 11, 12, 15.
iv. 27. xiii. 1.
xii. 1, 6, 11, 19,
3, Agrippa,—
20(omS), 21.
er d i a ii
1, 3, 6t.

Mark i.
Matt, Toc G'). ,
Mark Rom.

Acts ,
15, 16.
ix. 13. xi. 26. Heb. xi. 9, 20,

2, father of Joseph, Matt. i.

James, 1, son of Zeb-

Acts edee, Matt. iv. 21. x. 2(3). xvii. 1
19, 29. iii. lit. v. 37, 37(«i'
ix. 2. X. 35, 41. xiii. 3. xiv.

xxii. 16.


on, Rom.
Mark iii. 6. xii. 13.
Herodias, Matt. xiv. 3,
Mark vi. 17, 19, 22. Luke iii. 19.

Hierapolis. See

xvi. 11.
St. err.f er di-
33. Luke v. 10. vi. 14. viii. 51. ix.
28, 54. Acts i. 13. xii. 2.-2, son
of Alphseus, Matt. x. 3. xxvii. 56.
Mark iii. 18. xvi. 1. Luke vi. 15,
16. xxiv. 10. Acts i.
XV. 13. xxi. 18. 1 Cor. xv.
13 xii. 17.
7. Gal.

',' '.
Hierusalem. See
Hymenseus. See
iii. 3.

, L,
iv. 14. viii. 17. xii. 17. xiii.
ii. 9, 12. Jas.
brother of Jesus, Matt. xiii. 55.
sal as. Matt. Mark vL 3. xv. 40. Gal. i. 19.

1. Jude 1.

2Tim. iii. 8.
—3, (2?)

14. XV. 7. Mark vii. 6. Luke iii. 4.

iv. 17. Jolin i. 23. xii. 38, 39, 41. 24.
LTTrS, J anna, Luke

^, ^

Acts viii. 28, 30. xxviii. 25. Rom. Jannes, 2 Tim. iii. 8.

ix. 27,29. x.16,20. xyA2.
Mark i. 2, (-Tr^)
Luke iii. 37.
L, -per S, Jared,

^ for
Rom. ix. 13. Heb. 9. Rom.

xvi. 21.
Acts xvii. 5, 6, 7,

xi. 20.

, ',
Matt. X. 3(^G°T).

xii. 16.
Tliaddeus, or -seus,


Acts XX. 4. 1 Thes.

— f
Mark iii. 18.
Tliamar, Matt. i. 3.
Thar a, Luke iii. 34.
Theophilus, Lukei.

hessalonica, Acts xxvii.2.


1 . 2 Thes. i. 1
Iconium. See'lKOvtov.
iii. 8.
Idumea, or -sea, Mark

Jezebel, Rev. ii. 20.
Hierapolis, Col. iv.

Jeremias^, Jeremy,

Matt. ii.l7. xvi. 14^. xxvii. 9('I. St).

Acts xvii.
2 Tim. iv. 10.
1, 11, 13.

Phil. iv. 16.

Acts v. 36. ),
except^, Jeri-
cho, Matt. XX. 29. Mark x. 46, 46

', ^,
(see Luke x. 30. xviii. 35.

14. Rev. i.

11. ii. 18, 24.
Acts xvi. xix.

Matt. x. 3.

Mark salem, Hierusalem

18. Luke vi. 15. John xi. 16. etc.. Matt. ii. 1, 3. iii. 5. iv. 25. v.
Heb. xi. 30i.
ed, 1611,

xiv. 5. XX. 24, 26, 27, 28, 29(-GL 35. XV. 1. xvi. 21. xx. 17, 18. xxi.
TTr, S). xxi. 2. Acts i. 13. 1, 10. Mark iii. 8, 22. vii. 1. x. 32,

^ J ai r u s Mark v.22(-G»). 33. xi. 11, 15, 27. xv. 41. Luke ii.
Luke viii. 41.

22, 42(-u'«'TTr^*S). xviii. 31 ('^ TTr

Jacob, 1, son of Isaac, S). xix. 28. xxiii. 7. John i. 19.
ii. 13, 23. iv. 20, 21, 45. v. 1, 2. . TTr5), 17, 18, 19, 20(-LTTr5'),22,
22. xi. 18, 55. xii. 12. Acts i. 4. 25, 26. xviii. 1, 2(-5), 22. xix.
viii. 1, 14. xi. 2(-'LT5), 22eLT^), 1, 14, 18, 21, 23, 26, 28. xx. 17, 22,
27- xiii. 13. xviii, 21(op). xx. 16 25, 30, 32, 34. xxi. 1, 6, 11, 12, 16,

(^T5). xxi. 17. XXV. 1, 7, 9, 15,
24. xxvi. 4, 10, 20. xxviii. 17. Gal.

/,- 2(_^
i. 17, 18.

ii. 1. —
Addj see
21, 24, 27, 31, 42. xxii. 1, 18, 29,
37(-LTTr5), 41. xxiii. 1. xxiv.
LTTrS), 4. xxvi. 1, 4,
6, 10, 17, 19, 26, 31, 34, 36, 49, 50t,

rusalem, Mark i.
TS, of Je-
Jolmvii. 25. xxvii.

salem, Hie r. ei/. 1611, efc, Matt.

xxiii. ZlL Mark xi. l('GLTTr6').
51, 52, 55, 57, 59, 63, 64, 69, 71, 75.
1, 11/, 17, 20, 22, 26, 27, 37,
46, 50, 54, 55, 57, 58. xxviii. 5, 9,
10, 16, 18.
Mark i. 1, 9, 14, 17, 24, 25, 41 (-L
Luke ii. 25, 38 (wor^. Israel), 41, TTr^S). ii. 5, 8,15,17,19. iii. 7. v.
43, 45. iv. 9. V. 17. vi. 17. ix. 31, 6, 7, 13(-GooL^Tr*S), 15, 19(-G°''L»•
51, 53. X. 30. xiii. 4, 22(i L'"^), 33, TTrS), 20, 21, 27, 30, 36. vi. 4, 30,
Z4t. xvii. 11. xix. 11. xxi. 20, 24. 34(-GL^TTrAS). vii. 27(-LTTr5').
xxiii. 28. xxiv. 13, 18, 33, 47, 49 viii. l(omS), 17(-, 27. ix. 2,
(ow5), 52. Acts i. 8, 12t, 19. ii. 5, 4, 5, 8, 23, 25, 27,39. x. 5, 14,18,
14. iv. 6(5), 16. V. 16, 28. vi. 7. 21, 23, 24, 27, 29, 32, 38, 39, 42,
viii. 25 CLT5), 26, 27. ix. 2, 13, 47i,49, 50, 51, 52, 52(aiT^cGLTr6').
21, 26, 28. X. 39. xii. 25. xiii. 27, xi. 6, 7, ll(-G°oLTTr,S), i4(o;»5),
31. XV. 2, 4. xvi.4(»LTAS). xix. 21 15(om5), 22, 20, 33^ xii. 17, 24,
0LT5). XX. 22. xxi. 4(iGLT5), 29, 34, 35, 41(-L^TTr5). xiii. 2, 5.
11, 12, 13, 15(iG"LT5'), 31. xxii. xiv. 6, 18, 22 (-L'^TTr^S?), 27, 30,


5, 17, 18. xxiii. 11. xxiv. 11. xxv.
20(iLT5). Rom. xv.
ICor. xvi. 3. Gal. iv. 25, 26.

Addy see

iii. 32.
19, 25, 26,

Hel). xii. 22. Rev. iii. 12. xxi. 2, 10.

Jesse, Matt. i. 5, 6. Luke
Acts xiii. 22. Rom. xv. 12.
-^, Jeplitliae, Heb. xi. 32.
48, 53, 55, 60, 62, 67, 72. xv. 1, 5,
15, 34, 37, 43. xvi. 6.
Luke i. 31. ii. 21, 27, 43, 52. iii. 21,
23. iv. 1, 4, 8, 12, 14, 34, 35. v. 8, 10,
12, 19, 22, 81. vi. 8, 9, 11. vii. 3, 4, 6,
9, 19{ LmTTr), 22(-LbTTr^),
40. viii. 28, 28(-G''), 30, 35^ 38(-G°<»
LbTTr.S'), 89, 40, 41, 45, 4(S{-G°o),

( (
Jechonias, Matt. i. 50. ix. 33, 86,41, 42, 43(-GooTTr5'),

11, 12.
Jesus, Matt.
47, 50, 58,
IS 21 (-LTtS), 29, 30, 37, 39
i. 1, 16,
(-G°TTr), 21, 25. ii. 1. iii. 13, 15, LTTr5), 41
60(-G«oL^TTr5), 02.

L^^TS). xiii. 2

3(-LTTr5), 4, 5 (
16. iv. 1, 7, 10, 12(-G°oTTr5), 17, (-L^TTr^'), 12, 14. xiv. 3. xvii. 13,
18(om5), 23(-TTr''). vii. 28. viii. 17. xviii. 16, 19, 22, 24, 37, 38, 40,
1(-LTTr^S), 10, 13, 14, 18, 20, 22,
29(om5), 34. ix. 2, 4, 9, 10, 12(-L
42. xix. 3, 5, 9, 35i. xx. 8, 34. xxii.
47, 48, 51, 52, 63(<7i'rdr G"LTTr5).
xxiii. 8, 20, 25, 26, 28, 34(),42,
Tt^S), 15, 19, 22, 23, 27, 28, 30, 35. 43(-TTr»'5), 46, 52. xxiv. 3(-T),
X. 5. xi. 1, 4, 7, 25. 25 15, 19, 36(0^5).
xii. 1, 15,
(-LTTr^O- 36(-G''°L•TTr
xiii. 1, 34, John i. 17, 29, 36, 37, 38, 42(43),

S), 5l(ap), 53, 57. xiv. 1, 12, 13, 43(44, omS), 45(46), 47(48), 48
14(-G<"'LTTr5), 16, 22(omS), 25 (49), 50(51). ii. 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 11,
(omS), 27, 29, 31. xv. 1, 16(-LTTr 13, 19, 22, 24. iii. 2 GLTTr
5), 21, 28, 29, 30 (a/'-i5cG'LTTr5), S), 3, 5, 10, 22. iv. 1, 2, 6, 7, 10,
32, 34. xvi. 6, 8, 13, 17, 20(om5\ 13, 16(-.'^^), 17, 21, 26, 34. 44,
21, 24. xvii. 1, 4, 7, 8, 9, IIC-G^-^L 46(om5), 47, 48, 50 63, 54. v. 1,

6, 8, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17,
. 10, 11, 14(-TTr5),
19. vi. 1, 3,
15, 17, 19,
Gal. i. 1, 3, 12. ii. 4, 16t. iii. 1, 14,
22, 26, 28. iv. 14. v. 6. vi. 14, 15
22, 24, 26, 29, 32, 35, 42, 43, 53, («/)), 17, 18. Eph, i. Ii, 2, 3, 5, 15,
61, 64, 67, 70(-G«°T). vii. 1, 6, 14, 17. ii. 6, 7, 10, 13, 20. iii. 1, 9(ap),
16, 21, 28, 33, 37, 39. viii. l(a;j), 11, 14(a;j), 21. iv. 21. v. 20. vi. 23,
6(a;>), 9(), 10(), 11(;,), 12, 14, 24. Phil.
i. Ii, 2, 6, 8, 11, 19, 26.

19, 20(;75), 21(-a<"'LTTr5), 25, ii. 10, 11, 19, 21. iii. 3, 8, 12
28, 31, 34, 39, 42, 49, 54,58, 59. ix. (om), 14, 20. iv. 7, 19, 21, 23. Col. i.
3, 11, 14, 35, 37, 39, 41. .6, 7, 23, 1, 2(ayj), 3, 4, 2S(om5). ii. 6. iii. 17.
25, 32, 34. xi. 4, 5, 9, 13, 14, 17, 20, 1 Thes. i. 1, l(ap), 3, 10.
14, 15, ii.

21, 23, 25, 30, 32, 33, 35, 38, 39, 40, 19. iii. 11, 13. iv. 1, 2, 14?. v. 9, 18,
41, 44, 45(o?h), 46, 51, 54, 56. xii. 1, 23, 28. 2 Thes. i. 1, 2, 7, 8, 12?. ii.
3, 7, 9, 11, 12, 14, 16, 21, 22, 23, 30, 1, 14, 16. iii. 6, 12, 18. 1 Tim. i. 1/,
35, 36, 44. xiii. 1, 3(-G'>oV'TTrS), 2, 12, 14, 15, 16. ii. 5. iii. 13. iv. 6.
7, S, 10, 21, 23^ 25, 26, 27, 29, 31, V. 21. vi. 3, 13, 14. 2 Tim. i. Ii, 2,
36, 38. xiv. 6, 9, 23. xvi. 19, 31. 9, 10, 13. ii. 1, 3, 8, 10. iii. 12, 15.
xvii. 1, 3. xviii. 1, 2,4, 5, 5(-TTr), iv. 1, 22(-T*S). Tit. i. 1, 4. ii. 13. iii.
7, 8, 11, 12, 15i, 19, 20, 22, 23, 28, 6. Plira. 1, 3, 5, ei-L^"), 9, 23, 25.

rdy, -, 39(
28, 30, 33, 3Si, 38

42. XX. 2,
32, 33, 34, 36, 37. xix. 1, 5, 9^ 11,
13, 16(/), 18, 19, 20, 23, 25, 26,
LTr, ah-
LTTr), 40,
12, 14^ 15, IG, 17, 19, 21
Heb. ii. 9. iii. 1. iv. 14. vi. 20. vii.
22, X. 10, 19. xii. 2, 24. xiii. 8, 12,
20, 21. Jas. i. 1. ii. 1. 1 Pet. i. 1, 2,
3/, 7, 13. ii. 5. iii. 21. iv. 11, v. 10,
14(-G°°LT). 2 Pet. i. Ii, 2, 8, 11, 14,
(-TTrS), 24, 26, 29, 30, 31. xxi. 16. ii. 20. iii. 18. IJohu i. 3, 7. ii.
1(-T),4i,5(-Li^), 7,10, 12, 13,14, 1, 22. iii. 23. iv. 2, 3, 15. v. 1, 5,
15, 17, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25. 6, 20(-G°). 2 John 3, 7. Jude Ii, 4,
Acts i. 1, 11, 14, 16, 21. ii. 22, 32, 17, 21. Rev. i. 1, 2, 5, 9(-G"), 9.

vi. 14. vii. 55, 59. viii. 12, 16, 35, Add, for ,
36, 38. iii. 6, 13, 20, 26(omS). iv. 2, xii. 17. xiv. 12. xvii. 6. xix. lOi.
10, 13, 18, 27, 30, 33. v. 30, 40, 42. XX. 4. xxii. 16, 20, 21.
Acts xviii. 25, L
B7(ap). ix. 5, 17(-G^°), 27, 29(28, TS.
-LT^), 34. X. 36, 38. xi. 17, 20.
xiii. 23, 33(32). xv. 11, 26. xvi. 18,
31. xvii. 3, 7, 18((//0. xviii, 5, 23.
xix. 4, 5, 10(omS), 13?, 15, 17. xx.
Mark xvi.
LT^". For ,
Jude5, G"L.
19, LTr.

T^. After Christ, Acts xxiv.

L5'. Rom.

Acts ix. 20, GL

34, L^S.
viii. 11, L^-S.
2 Thes. ii. 8, Gp'

21, 24, 35. xxi. 13. xxii. 8. xxv. 19. 1 Cor. iv. 17, LS. Gal. v. 24, L^T^'.
xxvi. 9, 15. xxviii. 23, 31. Eph. iii. 6, LTS. Col. i. 2, L. iv.
Rom. i. 1, 3(4), 6, 7, 8. ii. 16. iii. 12, LTS. For he. Matt. iv. 19, L".
22, 24, 26(-G°T). iv. 24. v. 1, 11, viii. 32, L\ xvi. 15, L^ xxii. 20,
15, 17, 21. vi. 3, 11, 23, vii. 25. viii. LT. xxvi. 38, Gp^T. Markv. 34, L.
1, 2, 11, 39. X. 9. xiii. 14. xiv. 14. Luke V. 34, TrS. John xii. 1, LT
XV. 5, 6, 8 (-G^oLT5), 16, 17, 30. —John
xvi. 3, 18(o;;i6'),20,24(a/)),25,27.
i. 43 (44, . . saith), L
Acts X. 48, see
TTr-S. xiv. '.
1 Cor. i, 1, 2t, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 30. ii.
2. iii. 11. iv. 15. v. 4/, 5 ('-
L\ -), vi. 11. viii. 6. ,
lO(ajp). xvi. 7 (Spirit . .), G^'LTS.
Rom. XV. 32, see (5•. Jude25(a/7).
Jesus, 1, son of Nun,
Ix. 1. xi. 23. xii. 3/. xv. 31, 57. Acts vii. 45. Heb. iv. 8 (wiar^. Jo s h
xvi. 22(-GooLT5), 23, 24. 2 Cor. i. ua).

1, 2, 3, 14, 19. iv. 5^ 6 (-LT), 10/, son of Eliezer, see
lit, Ut. V. 18(-G'>"LT*S). viii. 9.
xi. 4, 31. xiii. 5, 14(13).

2, Justus, CoL iv. 11.

Iconium, Acts xiii. 51.


xiv. 1, 19, 21. xvi. 2. 2 Tim. iii. 11.

, —

Illyricum, Rom. xv
ii. 9. iii. 9.
— of Judea,
— Jewess, ^cU xxiv.

-, Joppa,

42, 43. X. 5, 8,
Acts ix. 36, 38,
23, 32. xi. 5, 13.

13. iv. 15, 25. xix. 1. Mark i. 5, 9.

Matt. iii. 5, 6,

22. Acts ii. 14.
'loWac, J u d a s , Judah*, Juda',
1, son of Jacob, Matt. i. 2,
Luke 39^.
Maik i.

5. John


3. ii, 6^2. i. iii.

iii.8. X. 1. Luke iii. 3. iv. 1. John vii. 14-. viii. SK Rev, v, 5% vii.

i. 28. iii. 26. x. 40. — ancestors of Jesus, Luke

2, 3, iii,

or -sea, Matt. 2&^{'3), 302,-4, brother
ii. ], 5, 22. iii. 1, 5. iv. 25. xix. 1. of James, Luke vi. 16. John xiv. 22.
xxiv. 16. Mark iii. 7. x. 1. xiii. 14. Acts i. 13. Jude 1^. —5, (4?) broth-
Luke i. 5, 65. ii. 4. iii. 1. v. 17. vi. er of Jesus, Matt. xiii. 55. Mark vi.
17. vii. 17. xxi. 21. John iv. 3, 47, 32. —
6, Iscariot, Matt. x. 4. xxvi.
54. vii. 3. xi. 7. Acts i. 8. ii. 9. viii. 14, 25, 47, xxvii, 3, Mark iii. 19.
I. ix. 31. X. 37. xi. 1, 29. xii. 19. xiv. 10, 43. Luke vi. 16. xxii. 3, 47,
XV, 1. xxi. 10. xxvi. 20. xxviii. 21. 48. John vi. 71. xii. 4. xiii. 2, 26,

Rom. XV. 31. 2 Cor. 1.16. Gal. i.

22. IThes.ii. 14.
xxiii. 5.


Jewry, Luke
vii. 1.

asdotheJews, GaL
Tit. i. 14.
29. xviii. 2, 3, 5. Acts i, 16, 25.—
7, of Galilee, Acts v. 37.-8, Bar-
sabas. Acts xv. 22, 27, 32.-9, of

Damascus, Acts ix. 11.

-, Julia, Rom. xvi. 15.
Julius, Acts xxvii. 1, 3.

ii. 14.
Jew, Matt. ii. 2. xxvii. Ju i a, properly J u i a s,
II, 29, 37. xxviii. 15. Mark vii. 3. Rom. xvi. 7.
XV. 2, 9, 12, 18, 26. Luke vii. 3. Justus, 1, Joseph, Acts
xxiii. 3, 37, 38, 51. John i. 19. ii. i. 23, —of Corinth, Acts xviii, 7.

6, 13, 18, 20. iii. 1, 25. iv, 9^ 22,
V. 1,10, 15, 16, 18, vL4, 41,
vii. 1, 2, 11, 13, 15, 35. viii. 22,
52, ',3, Jesus, Col, iv, 11,
Isaac, Matt, i, 2i. viii. 11.
xxii. 32. Mark xii. 26. Luke iii. 34.
48, 52, 57. ix. 18, 22/. x, 19, 24,
33. xi, 8, 19, 31, 33, 36, 45, 54,
xii. 9, 11, xiii. 33. xviii. 12, 14,
31, 33, 35, 36, 38, 39. xix. 3, 7,

14, 19, 20, 21/r, 31, 38, 40, 42. xx,

Acts ii. 5, 10. ix. 22, 23. x. 22, 28,

39. xi. 19. xii. 3, 11. xiii. 5, 6, 42
(np), 43, 45, 50. xiv. Ii, 2, 4, 5, 19.

xiii. 28. XX. 87. Acts iii. 13. vii. St,
32. Rom. ix. 7, 10. Gal. iv. 28. Heb.
xi, 9, 17, 18, 20, Jas, ii, 21.
Issachar, Rev.
-'^, Iscariot, Matt.
X. 4(1 L). xxvi. 14. Mark iii. 19(iL
TTr^S). xiv. 10. Lukevi. 16(iLTTr
S). xxii. 3. John vi. 71. xii. 4.
xiii. 2, 26. xiv. 22.— Add
vii. 7.

xvi. 1, 3, 20. xvii. 1, 5, 10, 13, 17. xiv. 43 (Judas .), LTTr»>..

xviii, 2i, 4, 5, 12, 14i, 19, 24, 28, '?/,

Israel, Matt. ii. 6, 20,
xix. 10, 13, 14, 17, 33, 34. xx. 3, 21. viii. 10. ix. 33. x. 6, 23. xv. 24,
19, 21, xxi, 11, 20, 21, 27, 39. xxii. 31. xix. 28. xxvii. 9, 42. Mark xii.
3, 12, 30. xxiii. 12, 20, 27, 30(-LT 29. XV. 32. Luke i, 16, 54, 68, 80.
S). xxiv, 5, 9, 18, 27. xxv. 2, 7, 8, ii. 25, 32, 34. iv. 25, 27. vii. 9.
9, 10, 15, 24. xxvi. 2, 3, 4, 7, 21. xxii. 30. xxiv. 21, John i, 31, 49
xxviii. 17, 19, 2(). (50). iii. 10. xii. 13. Acts i. 6, ii.
Rora. i. 16. ii. 9, 10, 17, 28, 29. 36. iv. 8(-L5), 10, 27. v. 21, 31.
iii. 1, 9, 29. ix. 24. x. 12. ICor. i. vii. 23, 37, 42. ix. 15. x. 36. xiii.
22, 23, 24. ix. 20tr. x. 32. xii. 13. 17(-GT), 23, 24. xxviii. 20.
2 Cor. xi. 24. Gal. ii. 13, 14, 15. iii. Rom. ix. 6i, 27<, 31. x. l(ap), 19,
28. Col. iii. 11. IThes. ii. 14. Rev. 21. xi. 2, 7, 25, 26. 1 Cor. x. 18.
' ,
2 Cor.
12. Phil.
22. Rev.


7, 13.
iii. 5.
Gal. vi. 16. Eph.
Heb. viii. 8, 10. xi.
14. vii. 4. xxi. 12.
John 1.47(48). Rom. ix. 4. xi.l,
2 Cor. xi. 22.— of Israel, Acts
ii. LTr,




Matt. xvi. 17, see

Joram, Matt.
42(43)^ xxi.
father of Peter,

Jorim, Luke iii. 29.

Josaphat, Matt. i. St.
15, 16,

i. St.



xxvii. 1,

12. v. 35. xiii. 16. xxi. 28.
Italy, Acts xviii. 2.
xiii. 24.
Italian «'band.
S). —
xxvii. 56.
Joses, Jose\ 1, son of
Luke iii. 29^ (^
brother of James, Matt,
Markxv. 40, 47.-3,


Acts X. 1. brother of Jesus, Matt. xiii. 55.


, 1.
Iturea, or -sea, Luke

Mark vi. 3.
36 (?/0
4, Barnabas, Acts iv.

Jo at ham, Matt. i. 9i. Joseph, 1, son of Jacob,

xxiv. 10,

ann ,
Joanna, Luke
properly as,
John, 1, the Baptist,
LTTr, ^ viii.

Luke iii.
3. John iv. 5. Acts vii. 9, 13i, 14, 18.
Heb. xi. 21, 22. Rev. vii. 8.-2,
3, 4, ancestors of Jesus, Luke iii.
24, 26, 30. —
5, husband of Mary,
Matt. i. 16, 18, 19, 20, 24. ii. 13, 19.
Matt. iii. 1, 4, 13, 14(-LTri'5'). iv. Luke i. 27. ii. 4, 16, 33 (G',
12. ix. 14. xi. 2, 4, 7, 11, 12, 13, 18. ai'Tov GTTr^), 43(). iii. 23. iv.
xiv. 2, 3, 4, 8, 10, xvi. 14. xvii. 13. 22. John i. 45(46). vi. 42.-6, of
xxi. 25, 2, 32. Mark i. 4, 6, 9, 14.
ii. ISt. vi. 14, IG(-Goo), 17, 18, 20,
24, 25. viii. 28. xi. 30, 32. Luke i.
Arimathsea, Matt, xxvii. 57, 59.

Mark xv.
John xix. 38.
43, 45.
7, see — ,
Luke xxiii.

, (
13, 60, C3. iii. 2, 15, 16, 20. v. 33. Josias, Matt. i. 10, 11.
vii. 18, 19, 20, 22, 24f, 28, 29, 33.
ix. 7, 9, 19. xi. 1. xvi. 16. xx. 4, 6.
John i. 6, 15, 19, 26, 28, 29(0^*5),
J u d se a etc. See
Jupiter. See

. Matt. xxvi.

32, 35, 40(41). iii. 23, 24, 25, 26, 3, 57. Luke iii. 2 L). John
27. iv. 1. V. 33, 36. x. 40, 41i. Acts xi. 49. xviii. 13, 14, 24, 28. Acts
i. 22. X. 37. xi. 16. xiii. 24, 25.
iv. 6.
xviii. 25. xix. 3, 4.
2, the Apostle, Matt. x. 2 iii. 12. Jude 11.
(3). xvii. 1. Mark i. 19, 29. iii. 17.
iv. 21.
C a i a , 1, son of Enos,
Cain, Heb. xi. 4. IJolin

v. 37. ix. 2, 38. x. 35, 41. xiii. 3. Luke iii. 37.

xiv. 33. Luke v. 10. vi. 14. viii. 51. Luke iii.
ix. 28, 49, 54. xxii. 8. Acts i. 13.
iii. 1, 3, 4, 11. iv. 13, 19. viii. 14.
2, son of Arphaxad,

Caesar, Matt. xxii. 17,

21/r. Mark xii. 14, 16, 17<. Luke ii.
xii. 2, 12. Gal. ii. 9. Rev. i. 1,4, 9. 1. iii. 1, XX. 22, 24, 25i. xxiii. 2.


John xix. 12i, 15. Acts xi. 28(o7/i

xxi. 2(o7nS). xxii. 8.

XV. 37.

4, chief priest. Acts iv. 6. xxvi. 32.
5, father of Peter, see

2. ,
3, Mark, Acts xii. 25. xiii. 5, 13. S). xvii. 7. XXV. 8, 10, 11, 12/, 21.

Phil. iv. 22.

xxvii. 24. xxviii. 19.

/?, Job, Jas. V. 11.

iii. 30.
Joel, Acts ii. 16(-L).
TTr/S, Jon an, Luke viii. 27.
Cesarea, orCaesar-
ea, 1, Philippi, Matt. xvi. 13. Mark
2, of Palestine, Acts viii.
40. ix. 30. X. 1, 24. xi. 11. xii. 19.

4 *.
J as, J a ^, 1, the pro- xviii. 22. xxi. 8, 16. xxiii. 23, 33.
phet, Matt. xii. 39, 40, xvi. 4. XXV. 1, 4, 6, 13.
Lako xi. 29, 30, 32<.— 2, See p. 242.
^ &6
/, .,
46. xxi. 2.
Cana, John ii. 1, 11.
, ,
Q a rt
Crescens, 2Tim. iv.lO.
u s, Rom. xvi. 23.

, ^ ,,
Matt. X. 4

Markiii. IS

G"S Capernaum,
(- LTTrS).
G'LTTr). 11.

Actsviii. 27.

iv. 13i.
1 Cor.
— Cretians, 12.
Crete, Acts xxvii. *l(rnarg.
Candy), 12, 13, 21. Tit. i. 5.

1. 14.
C r e t e s Acts
Tit. i.

Acts xviii.


ii. 1.

X. 15.

viii. 5. xi. 23. xvii.

24, 59.


ix. 33.


24. Mark
iv. 23, 31. vii. 1,
12. iv. 46. vi. 17,

xi. 20. xxi. 16.

xiii. 4.

21. Luke
XV. 39. xxi.
xxiii. 26.
i a


xxvii. 4.

vi. 9.
iv. 36.


Mark xv.
— of


Carpus, 2 Tim. iv. 13. C y r e e Matt, xxvii. 32. Acts xi.
Cenchrea, Acts xviii. 20. xiiL 1.
Rom. xvi. 1.
plur. StTTr, CiGLS,
Cyrene, Acts ii. 10.^

xviii. 1.
L, Cyrenius, ,
, ,
Luke ii. 2.


Cephas, John 42(43).

1. Kvpia. See p. 234.

1 Cor.


Gal. i.
iii. 22.
18, G'LT-S".
ix. 5. xv. 5.
— Add,
ii. 11, 14,
Coos, Acts xxi. 1.

ny, John xi.

Cos am, Luke iii. 28.
Lazarus, 1, of Betha-
1, 2, 5, 11, 14, 43. xii.

Cilicia, Acts
23, 41. xxi. 39. xxii. 3. xxiii. 34.

xxvii. 5. Gal. i. 21.
C i s Acts xiii. 21.

xxvii. 16.

LS, Clauda,
vi. 9. xv.

1, 2, 9,

10, 17.
xvi. 20, 23, 24, 25.

Acts iv. 13, 15, 16.

Lao dice a.

2, in the parable,

Luke iii. 36.

Rev. i. U.
— Add,
ii. 1.

, -'
Claudia, 2Tim. iv. 21. Laodicean, Col. iv.
( C^GL

, Claudius, 1, Caesar, 16. Rev. iii. 14

Acts xi. 28. xviii. 2. — Lysias, 8, marg. in
-, Laodicea).

Acts xxiii. 26.

Cleopas, Lukexxiv.18. Lasea, or -sea. Acts xxvii. 8.
Clement, Phil. iv. 3.
Cleophas, marg, Clo-
Latin. See
Lehbeus, or -£eus, ,
', ',
S, L,

pas, John


Be, Col.
xix. 25.
Cnidus, Gnidus
Acts xxvii. 7.
StG", C 1

Matt. X. 3(-G<>LTr5).

ITvS, Levi, 1, son of
Jacob, Heb. vii. 5, 9. Rev. vii. 7.
2, son of Simeon, Luke
iii. 29.

3, son of Melchi, Luke iii. 24.

i. 2.

xviii. 8.
Core, Jude 11.
3 Cor. vi. 11.

- Mark
TTr\ Levi, the apos-
ii. 14. Luke
TTr, L e
v. 21\
e , Luke
i t

Corinth, Acts xviii. 1. X. 32. John i. 19. Acts iv. 36.
xix. 1. 1 Cor. i. 2. 2 Cor. i. 1, 23. , Levitical,
2 Tim. iv. 20.

1, 3,
7 («-(5• GLTaS), 17. 21
22, 24, 25, 30, 31.
Acts x.
(), ,

xix. 13.
vii. 11.
/37/, L ibertines, Acts vi.9.
Libya, Acts
ii. 10.

. Seep. 243.
LT, Linus, 2 Tim.
[iv. 21.
(9, Martha,
41 i. John xi.
1, 5, 19, 20, 21,
x. 38,40,

14. 2

Phm. 24(23)i.
iv. 11.
Lucius, Acts xiii. 1.
1, Luke, Col. iv. 30, 39. xii. 2.
/^, "^, Mary,
er of Jesus 12, Matt. i. 16, 18, 20.
1, moth-

Rom. xvi. 21.
L y d d a Acts ix. 32, 35, 38.

Lydia, Acts xvi. 14, 40.

ii. 11. xiii. 55. Mark vi. 3. Luke i.

27, 30, 34, 38, 39, 41, 46, 56. ii. 5,

16, 19, 34. Acts i. 14.— 2, mother
Acts xiv. 6. of James, etc.^. Matt, xxvii. 56, 61.

Lycia, Acts xxvii. 5.
in tlie speecli of xxviii. 1. Mark xv. 40, 47. xvi. 1.
Acts xiv. 11. Luke xxiv. 10. John xix. 25.
Magdalene^ Matt, xxvii. 56, 61.
Lysanias, Luke iii. 1 xxviii. 1. Mark xv. 40, 47. xvi. 1,
AvGiac, Lysias, Acts xxiii. 26. 9(aj9). Luke viii. 2. xxiv. 10. John
xxiv. j(ap), 22.
(/), ^) L y s t r a Acts xiv.

xix. 25. XX. 1, 11, 16, 18.

ter of Martha^ Luke x. 39, 42. John

4, sis-

, ,

0, 82, 21. xvi. 1, 2^. 2 Tim. iii. II2. xi. 1, 2, 19, 20, 28, 31, 32, 45. xiL 3.

, Lois, 2 Tim. i. 5. motlier of John Mark^, Acts


2 Pet.
Lot, Luke xvii. 28,

dala, Matt. xv.

Maatli, Luke iii.

29, 32.

xii. 12.
6 (Mapiav L).

xii. 12,

^, ^^
6, of Rome2, Rom. xvi.

Marcus', Mark, Acts

25. XV. 37, 39. CoL iv.
iv. 11. Plim. 24^ IPet. v. 13».


Magdalene, Matt. LTTrS, Mat-
xxvii. 56, 61. xxviii. 1. Mark xv. thew, Matt. ix. 9. X. 3. Mark iii.

40, 47. xvi. 1, 9(ap). Luke viii. 2. 18. Luke vi. 15. Acts i. 13.

xxiv. 10. Jolm xix. 25. xx. 1, 18.

agog, Rov. xx. 8.
ad i an, Acts vii. 29.

'&, ?.
1 5t.

a 1 1 h a t, 1,
Luke iii. 24(-? S), 2d\-aa^ S).
at than,

iii. 37.
Mathusala, Luke
JJ>TTyS, {-) -,
Acts L 23, 26.

, Matthias,

Mattatha, Luke iii.


C, e m ( - a
Acts xvi.
) , Luke iii. 31.

, 25, 26.
Mattathias, Luke


10, 12. xviii. 5. xix. 21, 22. xx.
3. Rom. XV. 26. 1 Cor. xvi. 5t.

xi. 9.
iv. 10.



1 Tim.
13. vii. 5. viii. 1.

iv. 15. IThes. i. 7, 8.

Macedonian, Acts
2. — (man^) of Macedo-
i. 3.
?;, Melita,

- 8,

V. 6, 10. vi. 20.

17, 21(ap).
Melea, Luko

24, 28.
Acts xxviii.

Melchisedec, Heb.


vii. 1, 10, 11, 15,


, 1,



nia, Acts xvi. 9. xix. 29^ 2 Cor. See
ix. 2, 4.
a 1 e 1 e e 1, Luke iii. 37.

ii. 9. vii. 2.

a 1 c h s, Jolm xviii. 10. G",
See p. 248. John i. 41(42). iv. 25.
Manacn, Acts xiii. 1. ?],
Mede, Acts ii. 9.
Manassas, 1,son of Miletus, -turn'. Acta
Joseph, Rev. vii. 6. — 2, king of XX. 15, 17. 2 Tim. iv. 20^
Judah, Matt. i. lOt. .?^},
i t y 1 e u e, Acts xx. 14

, 435
, , .

xii. 7.

Michael, Jude

Mnason, Acts xxi. 16.

Moloch, Acts vii. 43.
9. Rev.

iv. 13, 15.
- L%
Rev. vii,
Nereus, Rom.


/, ^
'ppaL, Myra, Acts xxvii. 5.
Mysia, Acts xvi. 7, 8, ,
xvi. 15.
- 5, e i , Luke iii. 27.

St G L^, (SVG^) Niger, Acts xiii. 1
or LTTi'S, Moses, Matt. Nicanor,
Acts vi. 5.
viii.42".xvii. 3,4.xix.7, 8. xxii.24. Nicodemus, Johniii.
xxiii. 2. Mark i. 44. vii. 10. ix. 4, 1, 4, 9. vii. 50. xix. 39.
6. X. 3, 4. xii. 19, 26. Luke ii. 22.

37. xxiv. 27, 44. John i. 17, 45(46).

iii. 14. V. 45, 46. vi. 32. vii. 19, 22i,

23. viii. (). ix. 28, 29. Acts iii.

22. vi.11,141 2. vii. 20, 22, 29, 31, 32, (,
Nivevi, -^ T,

^, -, -,
V. 14. ix. 30, 33. xvi. 29, 31. xx. 28, misprint of mod. eds., Rev. ii. 6, 15.
Nicolas, Acts vi. 5.
Nicopolis, Tit. iii. 12.

e V e , Luke xi. 32

3512, 371s 40, 44. xiii. 39. xv.

23. Rom. V. 14. ix. 153 x. 5, 19. xii. 41.

1 Cor. ix. 9. X. 2. 2 Cor. iii. 7, 13,

512, 21. xxi. 21. xxvi. 22. xxviii. Luke xi. 30.

Add, see
See p. 268.
i —
e e h, Matt,

15. 2 Tim. iii. 8^2. Heb. iii. 2, 3, 5,
16. vii. 14. viii. 5. ix.1912. .
24. xii. 21. .Jude 9. Rev. xv. 3.

Luke iii. 32.

28. xi. Col. iv. 15.

Noe, Noahi, Matt. xxiv.

Naasson, Matt. i. 4i. 37, 38. Luke iii. 36. xvii. 26, 27.
Heb. xi. 7^ IPet. iii. 20i. 2Pet. ii. 5\


Nayyci, Nagge ,

-, -•&, -,
Luke iii. 25.
Obed, Osee. See
Ozias, Matt.
reth, Matt. ii. 23. iv. 13. xxi. 11. '0?., Oly mpas, Rom.xvi.l5.

Mark 1. 9. Luke i. 26. ii. 4, 39, 51. Onesimus, Col. iv. 9.
i. 8, 9.

iv. 16. John i. 45(46), 46(47). Acts Phm. 10.

of Nazareth, Mark
24. xiv. 67. xvi. 6. Luke
Nazarene, Matt. ii.
iv. 34. ,

16. iv. 19.
Onesiphorus, 2Tim,
Urbane, Rom.
Urias, Matt. i. 6.
xvi. 9.

23. Acts xxiv. 5. —

Pamphylia, Acts ii.
Matt. xxvi. 71. Mark x. 47. Luke 10. xiii. 13. xiv. 24. xv. 38. xxvii. 5.
xviii. 37. xxiv. 19. John xviii. 5, 7. Parthian, Aots ii. 9.

xix. 19. Acts ii. 22. iii. 6. iv. 10.
vi. 14. xxii. 8. xxvi. 9.

^, Nathan,
ix. 5 (Jesus . .), L**.



ael, John i.
Parmenas, Perme-

Add Acts nas €£/. 1611, etc.. Acts vi. 5.
Patara, Acts xxi. 1.
Patrobas, Rom.
Rev. i. 9. [14.
'•, Paulus,

45(46), 46(47), 47(48), 48(49), 49 1, Acts xiii. 7.

(50). xxi. 2.

Nain, Luke vii. 11.
2, Paul, Acts
45, 46, 50. xiv. 9,
xiii. 9, 13, 16, 43,
11, 12, 14, 19. xv.

Naum, Luke iii. 25. [11.
Narcissus, Rora. xvi.
Nachor, Luke iii. 34.
Neapolis, Acts xvi. 11.

iv. 27•
LTTr^S, aa ma,
2t, 12, 22, 25, 35,

9, 14, 17, 18, 19,

xvii. 2, 4. 10, 13,

4, 6, 11, 13, 15, 21, 26, 29, 30.

7, 9, 10, 13, 10, 37.
29, 36, 37.
25, 28,
16, 22, 33.
14, 15,
xviii. I(-LTaS). 5, 9, 12, 14, 18. xix. 1,

40. xvi.



. 13, 18, 26, 29, 30, 32, 37, 39, 40.
25, 28, 30. xxiii. 1, 3, 5, 6,
10, ll(om^), 32, 14, 16<, 17, 18, 20,
TT^iiroc, .
Matt, xxvii. 2, 13, 17, 22, 24, 58i,
62, 65. Mark xv. 1, 2, 4, 5, 9, 12,
LTTr, Pilate,
24, 31, 33. xxiv. 1, 10,
^), 24, 26, 27. XXV.
23( GL 14, 15, 43, 44. Luke iii. 1. xiii. 1.
2, 4, 6, 7(^), xxiii. 1, 3, 4, 6, 11, 12, 13, 20, 24,
9, 10, 14, 19, 21, 23. xxvi. It, 24, 52. John xviii. 29, 31, 33, 35, 37,
28, 29. xxvii. 1, 3, 9, 11, 21, 24, 31, 38. xix. 1, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 13, 15,
33, 43. xxviii. 3, 8, 15, 16, 17
GtLTS), 25, 30(om.S').
Rom. i. 1.
22. xvi. 21.
1 Cor. i.

2 Cor.
1, 12, 13i. iii.

1. x. 1.
19, 21, 22, 31, 38i. Acts iii. 13. iv.
27. xiii. 28. 1

xiv. 24.
Pisidia, Acts
vi. 13.

xiii. 14.

4, 5, i.
Gal. i. 1. V. 2. Eph. i. 1. iii. 1. Pliil. liovriKOr, with born in
i. 1. Col. 23. iv. 18. 1 Thes. 1.
i. 1, Acts xviii. 2.
t s ,

1. ii. 18. 2 Thes. i. 1. iii. 1 7. 1 Tim. Pontius, Matt, xxvii.


19. 2 Pet.
2 Tim.
i. 1. Tit. j.

15.— Add Acts xxv.

LTS. xxvi. 25 (he), LS.
1. Plim. 1, 9,
8, 1
2(-TrS). Luke iii. 1. Acts iv. 27.

Tim. vi. 13.
u s Acts ii.

t , 9. 1 Pet.
Paphos, Acts xiii. 6, 13. i. 1. [7, 8.


Pergamos, Rev. i. 11
Perga, Acts xiii. 13, 14.
Publius, Acts xxviii.
Porcius, Acts xxiv. 27.
nor/oAoi,Puteoli, Acts xxviii. 13.

xiv. 25.
Persis, Rom. xvi. 12{ap).
Peter, Matt. iv. 18. viii.
^, Pud ens, 2 Tim. iv. 21.
Up!cKi72a,Fr i s c a, Pr i s-
cilla, Acts xviii. 2, 18, 26. Rom.

xvi. 3 (^ GLTS). ICor. xvi. 19.

14. X. 2. xiv. 28, 29. xv. 15. xvi.
16, 18, 22, 23. xvii. 1, 4, 24, 26(ap). 2 Tim. iv. 19^.
xviii. 21. xix. 27. xxvi. 33, 35, 37, cho ua, Act3vi.5.
40, 58, 69, 73, 75. Mark iii. 16. v.
37. viii. 29, 32, 33. ix. 2, 5. x. 28.
xi. 21. xiii. 3. xiv. 29, 33, 37, 54, ,
xxi. 7.
Ptolemais, Acts
•&. G'LT, divination,
66, 67, 70, 72. xvi. 7. Luke v. 8.
vi. 14. viii. 45, 51. ix. 20, 28, 32,
33, xii. 41. xviii. 28. xxii. 8, 34, 54,
55, 58, 60, 61?, 62(-GTr5'). xxiv.
12(ap). John i. 40(41), 44(45). vi.


Qu artu s
Python, Acts xvi. 16.
Acts XX.

— Compare
. See
4 (Sopater

xi. 31. Jas.

. .),

8, 68. xiii. 6, 8, 9, 24, 3G, 37. xviii.

10, 11, 15,
17, 20, 21.
2, 3, 4, 6.
13, 15. ii. 14,
17, 18,
xxi. 2,
25, 26, 27.
3, It, 11, 15,

R a g a u Luke iii. 35.
Rama, Matt. ii. 18.

Matt. i. 5.

38. Rachel, Matt. ii.

, '
iii. 1, 12. iv. 8,
3, 4, 6, 11, 13, 18.
19. V. 3, 8, 9, 15, 29. viii, 14, 20. Rebecca, Rom. ix. 10.
ix. 32, 34, 38, 39, 40t. x. 5, 9, 13, Red sea.See p. 169.

14, 17, 18, 19, 21, 23 fr.

25, 26, 32, 34, 44, 45,

46. xi.2,4, 7, 13. xii. 3,5,6,7,11,
ar- G'LT,
Remphan, Acts vii. 43.

Rhegium, Acts xxviii.

13( ',
GLTS), Ut, 16, 18. xv. 7.
18(( ', Rhesa, Luke iii. 27. [13.
Gal. i.
11 and 14
1. 2 Pet. i. 1.

Ph alec
Q'LTS). ii. 7, 8,
Q"LTS). 1 Pet. i.

Add John 1. 42(43),
seep. 326. Gal. ii. 9, for
, etc.
^ ,
^ ',
', Rob am, Matt. i. It.
Rhoda, Acts xii. 13.
Rhodes, Acts xxi. 1.
Reuben, Rev. vii. 6.
Ruth, Matt. I. 5.
* ,

38 ().
xvi. 13.
Rufus, Mark
of Latin, Luke

Roman, John


Sara^, Sarah, Rom.
19. ix. 9. Heb. xi. 11'.
1Pet. iii. 6K
Acts ix. 35.
10. xii. 26. xvi. 23. Mark i. 13. iii.
Matt. iv.

Acts xvi. 21, 37, 38.

17. —
of Rome,
xxii. 25, 26,
27, 29. xxiii. 27. xxv. 16. xxviii.
Acts ii. 10.
23, 26. iv. 15. viii. 33. Luke iv. 8
(ap). X. 18. xi. 18. xiii. 16. xxii. 3,
31. John xiii. 27. Acts v. 3. xxvi.

', Rome,

7, 15.
in Latin, John xix. 20.
Acts xviii. 2. xix.
21. xxiii. 11. xxviii. 14, 16. Rom.
2 Tim. i. 17.
S add cee
7. xvi. 1, 6, 11, 12. xxiii. 22, 34.
, Matt. XX.
18. Rom. xvi. 20. 1 Cor. v. 5. vii.

11. xi. 14. xii. 7^. IThes.

ii. 9. 1 Tim. i. 20. v.

15. Rev. ii. 9, 13t, 24. iii. 9. xii. 9.

2, 7.
Saul, Acts vii. 58. viii.


xii. 18.
iv. 1. V. 17. xxiii. 6, 7, 8.
Luke xx.

Sadoc, Matt. i. 14f.

Sal a, Luke iii. 35.
2aAa<?i7/2,Salatliiel, Matt.i.l2i.
27. Acts

1, 3. ix. 1, 8, 11,

1, 2, 7, 9.

21, 25.

See also
19(om6'), 22, 24,
xi. 25, 30. xii. 25.

See also p. 359.

Acts xxv.


iii. 27.
Sal am is, Acts
S a I i m John iii.

Salem, Heb. vii.

Salmon, Matt.
xiii. 5.
1, 2.
i. 4, 5.
, -

Sergius, Acts
Acts xx. 4.
S e 1 e u c i a. Acts xiii. 4.
xiii. 7.
-&, Seth, Luke iii. 38.

??/, S a m
xvi. 1.
iii. 32.

Salome, Mark
Samaria, Luke
e, Acts xxvii. 7.
xv. 40.

/;//, S em, Luke iii. 36.

XV. 21.
Sid on,
Mark iii.
Luke iv. 26
Matt. xi. 21, 22.
8. vii. 24(-G°T),
(^^- G'LTr^).

John iv. 4, 5, 7.
1, 5, 9, 14. ix. 31.
//;/, Samaritan, Matt,
5. Lukeix.
xv. 3.

52. x. 33. xvii. 16.

iv. 39, 40. viii. 48.
of Samaria,

viii. 25.
8. viii.

. —
Add, see
vi. 17. X. 13, 14. Acts xxvii.
of Sidon, Acts

Silas, Silva-
Actsi XV. 22, 27, 32, 3i(ap),
John 40. xvi. 19, 25, 29. xvii. 4, 10, 14,
xii. 20.

iv. 9t.

, ,
15. xviii. 5. 2 Cor. i. 19. 1 Thes. i.

, Samothracia, Acts 1. 2 Thes. i. 1. IPet. v. 12.
xvi. 11. Silo am, Luke xiii. 4.
Sam OS,

xiii. 20.
Acts xx. 15.

John ix. 7, 11.
Samuel, Acts iii. 24. Simeon. See
Heb. xi. 32.
Heb. xi. 32.
iv. 18. X. 2.
Simon, 1, Peter, Matt,
xvi. 16, 17. xvii. 25.

xiiL 21.— 2,
xxii. It,
Saul,1, the king. Acts Mark i.

Paul, Acts ix. 4t, 17. xiv. 37. Luke iv. 38/. v. 3, 4, 5, 8,
13. xxvi. I4t. See
16, 29, 30, 36. iii. 16, 18.

lOif. vi. 14. xxii. 31. xxiv. 34. John

V. 1.

-a L, S a li i r a Acts i. 40, 41. 42. vi. 8, G8. xiii. 6, 9,

[1, 4. 24, 36. xviii. 10, 15. 25. xx. 2, 6.

Sardis, Rev. i. 11. iii. xxi. 2, 3, 7, 11,
Sarepta, Luke iv. 20. 5, 18, 32. xi. 13. 2 Pet. i. 1
16, 17. Acts x.

LTTtS, Sarucli, ^tCj'YS).~Add Mark i. 16,

( -
luke iii. 35. ^
G"LTTr<S. iii. 16, see .-^ for
2, Zelotes, Matt.
Luke vi. 15. Acts i. 13.
4. Mark iii. 18.
3, broth-
er of Jesns, Matt. xiii. 55. Mark

-' -
or Syrophoe

vi. 3. 4, tlie leper, Matt, xxvi, 6.

Mark xir. 3. —
tlie Pharisee,
nician, Mark

, See p. 377.
vii. 26.

Luke vii. 40, 43, 44. 6, of Cyrene,— , S ychar , John iv.5.

Matt, xxvii. 32. Mk. xv. 21. Lk. xxiii. Syche m

son of Emmor,
1 ,


26.-7, father of Judas, Jli. vi. 71. 2, city of Ephraim, Acts vii. 16t.
xii. 4(-TTr*S'). xiii.
gus, Acts viii. 9, 13,
2,26.-8. Ma-
18, 24.-9, the &, Sopater, Acts xx. 4.
Sosthenes, 1, Acts

tanner, Acts ix. 43. x.

Sina,Sinai2, Acts
38. Gal. iv. 24?, 252.

xii. 15.
Sion, Matt.
Rom. ix. 33.
6, 17, 32.

xxi. 5.
xi. 26.
vii. 30,


xvi. 21.

See ',
/59, Tabith a. Acts ix. 36, 40.
1 Cor.

p. 390.
i. 1.

xii. 22.

IPet. ii. 6. Rev. xiv. 1.

, ofTarsus, Acts ix. 11.

Sceva, Acts xix. 14. xxi. 39.

Scythian, Col. iii. 11.
m 3•
Rev. i. II.
se a Rev. ,

ii. 8,
8 25. xxii. 3.

, ,
Tarsus, Acts ix. 30.

Tertius, Rom. xvi. 22.

Tertullus, Acts xxi v.

S d a^,Sodom, Matt. Thaddaeus, etc. See etc.

X. 15. xi. 23, 24. Mark vi. 11(). Tiberias, John vi. 1,
2 Pet.
X. 12. xvii. 29.
ii. 6. Jude
-, Solomon,
7. Rev.
Rom. ix. 29^.
xi. 8.
Matt. i. ,
23. xxi. 1.
Tiberius, Luke
Timeus or -seus, Mark
iii. 1.

6, 8. vi.
xii. 27.

12. vii. 47.

29. xii. 42t. Luke xi. 31;•.
John x. 23. Acts iii. 11. v. Tim the US, Timo-
X. 46.

thy2, Acts xvi. 1. xvii. 14, 15. xviii.

Susanna, Luke viii. 3. 5. xix. 22. XX. 4. Rom. xvi. 21.
Spain, Rom. xv. 24, 28. ICor. iv. 17. xvi. 10. 2 Cor. i. V,

16. xvi. 15, 17.

Stachys, Rom. xvi. 9. 19. Phil. i. 1. ii. 19. Col. i. 1. IThes.
Stephen, Acts vi.
1 Cor.

5, 8,
i. i. 1. iii. 2, 6.

22, 182. vi. 202.

2Thes. i.

xiii. 232.
2 Tim.
1. 1 Tim. i.
i.22. Phm.

9. vii. 59. viii. 2. xi. 19. xxii. 20 Tim on, Acts vi. 5.

(-GO. Titus, 2 Cor. ii. 13(12).

Stoic, Acts xvii. 18. vii. 6, 13, 14. viii. 6, 16, 23. xii. ISt.

Rev. vii. 7.
iii. 30. —

son of Jacob, Gal. ii. 1, 3. 2 Tim. iv. 10. Tit. i. 4.
2, son of Juda, Luke

3, a devout Jew, Luke ii. iii. 1.

25, 34.-4, Peter, Acts xv. 14.—

/, —-/
Trachonitis, Luke

Trophimus, Acts xx. ,

5,Niger, Acts xiii. 1. 4. xxi. 29. 2 Tim. iv. 20.
Syntyche, Phil. iv. 2. Tryphena, or -cena,
Acts xxviii. 12.
2?;/;m, Syria, Matt. iv. 24. Luke
^ Syracuse, Rom.

, xvi. 12.
Tryphosa, Rom.
Troas, Acts xvi. 8, 11. xx.

ii. 2.
XX. 3.
Acts XV. 23, 41. xviii. 18.
xxi. 3. Gal.
Syrian, Luke
i. 21.
iv. 27.
5, 6.
XX. 15(a^).
2 Cor.
ii. 12. 2
Tim. iv. 13.
, Tyre, Matt.
Tyrannns, Acts xix. 9.
of Tyre, Acts xii. 20.
xi. 21, 22. xv.
Philippi, Acts xvi.
6. Phil. i. 1. 1
Philip, Philippi 2,
Thes. ii. 2.

21. 24, 31. Luke the apostle. Matt. x. 3. Mark iii. 18.
Mark iii. 8. vii.
vi. 17. X. 13, 14. Acts xxi. 3, 7. Luke vi. 14. John i. 43(44), 44(45),
Tvchicus, Acts xx. 4 45(46), 46(47), 48(49). vi. 5, 7. xii.
12. Tit.

vi. 21.* Col. iv. 7.

Urban e,Urias. See

,. 2 Tim. iv. 21, 22i. xiv. 8, 9. Acts i. 13. —2, the
evangelist. Acts vi. 5. viii. 5, 6, 12,

or -eeus,
13, 26, 29, 30, 31, 34, 35, 37(fi/0, 38,
39,40. xxi. 8. —3, Herod, Matt. xiv.

le c,

i. 20. 2 Tim.
iii. 35.

Phanuel, Luke ii. 36.

ii. 17.

3(-T). Mark vi. 17. Luke iii. 19(om

4, tetrarch, Matt. xvL 132.

xvi. 15.
viii. 27^. Luke
Philologus, Rom.
iii. 1.

Pharaoh, Acts vii. 10, Phlegon, Rom. xvi. 14.

, , Phebe, or Phoebe, Rom.

13, 21. Rom. ix. 17. Heb. xi. 24.
Phares, Matt. i. St. Luke xvi. 1.
33. Phenice, or Phoenice,

, .

V. 20. ix. 11, 14, 34. xii. 2,
38(-L). XV. 1, 12. xvL 1, 6,
xix. 3. ixi. 45. xxii. 15, 34, 41.
Matt. iii.

14, 24,
11, 12.

-cia^, Acts xi. 19. xv. 3. xxi. 2^.

, See
Phenice, Acts xxvii. 12.
xxiii. 2, 13, 14(a;>), 15, 23, 25, 26,
27, 29. xxvii. 62. Mark ii. 16
. for
TTr>S for ol
oi . L'^S),
StG',), 18, 24. iii.
6. vii. 1. 3, 5. viii. 11, 15. x. 2. xii.
( GL ,
xvi. 17.

xvi. 6.
Fortunatus,! Cor,
xviii. 23.
Acts ii.


13. Luke V. 17, 21, 30, 33. vi. 2, 7.

lus, 2 Tim.
Chaldean, or -aean.
i. 15.

vii. 30, 36<, 37, 39. xi. 37, 38, 39,
42, 43, 44(ap), 53. xii. 1. xiii. 31. Acts vii. 4.
xiv. 1, 3. XV. 2. xvi. 14. xvii. 20. Xavadv, a an. Acts vii. 11. Chan
xviii. 10, 11. XIX. 39. John i. 24. iii. xiii. 19.
1. iv. 1. vii. 32i, 45, 47, 48. viii. 3
(ap), 13. ix. 13, 15, 16, 40. xi. 46,
47, 57. xii. 19, 42. xviii. 3. Acts v.
34. XV. 5. xxiii. Gt, 6 (pi. G"LTS), ims, Heb. ix. 5.
ofCanaan, Matt, v.

Acts vii. 2, 4.
LT, cherub-

7, 8, 9. xxvi. 5. Phil. iii. 5.— Add Chios, Acts xx. 15.

, -
Matt, vii, 28 (scribes ol .), L. Chloe, ICor. i. 11.
Mark ix. 11 (ol

the s.), L^S.
Felix, Acts xxiii. 24, 26. Matt. xi. 21. Luke x. 13
Chuza, Luke viii. 3. ,
TTr-S, Chorazin,
St). (.

xxiv. 3, 22, 24, 25, 27i. xxv. 14.
Fes t us. Acts xxiv. 27. Christian, Acts xi.

XXV. 1, 4, 9, 12, 13, 14, 22, 23, 24. 26. xxvi. 28. 1 Pet. iv. 16.

xxvi. 24, 25, 32. lit. anointed ; commonly

i. 11. hi. 7.

iv. 15.
hiladelphia, Rev, with the article in the Gospels, de-

Philemon, Phm. 1.
hi let us, 2 Tim. ii. 17.
noting the Messiah ; e.g., John i. 20,
25, 41(42). iv. 29. vii. 26. xx. 31.
Christ, Matt. i. 1, 16, 17, 18. ii.
Philippian, PhiL 4. xi. 2. xvi. 16, 20. xxii. 42. xxiii,
S(omS), 10. xxiv. 6, 23. xxvL 63,
440 '
68. xxvii. 17, 22. Mark
i. 1. viii. 7. 12, 13, 15, 20, 32. v. 2, 5, 14,
29. ix. 41. xii. 35. xiii. 21. xiv. 61. 20, 23, 24, 25, 32. vi. 5, 6, 23, 24.
XV. 32. Luke ii. 11, 26. iii. 15. iv. Phil. i. 1/, 2, 6, 8, 10, 11, 13, 15,
4](ow5), 41. ix. 20. XX. 41. xxii. 16, 18, 19, 20, 21 G'), 23,
67(66). xxiii. 2, 35, 39. xxiv. 26, 26, 27, 29. ii. 1, 5, 11, 16, 21, 30
46. John i. 17, 20, 25, 41(42, marg. (-G°T, S). iii. 3, 7, 8/, 9, 12,
anointed), iii. 28. iv. 25, 29, 42 14, 18, 20. iv. 7, IZiomS), 19, 21,
(-GooLTTfaS). vi. 69(a^). vii. 26,
27, 31, 41i, 42. ix. 22. x. 24. xi. 27.
xii. 34. xvii. 3. xx. 31. (
23. Col. i. 1, 2, 2 (ap), 3, 4, 7, 24, 27,
28. ii. 2(ap), 5, 6, 8, 11, 17, 20. iii.
1/, 3, 4, 11, 13 L, S), ^
Acts ii.

ZO{ap), 31, 36, 38.
18, 20. iv. 10, 26. v. 42. viii. 5, 12,
37 (ap). ix. 20 22,
34. X. 36. xi. 17. xv. 11(-GT;S), 26.
iii. 6, 16, 24. iv. 3, 12.
IThes. i. 1, l(ajo), 3. ii. 6, 14, 19
(-G^oLTaS). iii. 2, ll(-LT.S'), 13
(_GooLT-S). iv. 16. V. 9, 18, 23, 28.
xvi. 18, 31(-LT*S). xvii. 3t.
5, 28. xix. 4(omS). xx. 21(-LT).
xxiv. 24. xxvi. 23. xxviii. 31.
ii. 1, 2(
xviii. 2Thes. i. 1, 2, 8(-Li>T), 12(-LbT-S),

5, 6, 12, 18. 1
GLT>S), 14, 16.
Tim. 1. 1/, 2, 12,
Rom. 3(4), 6, 7, 8, 16(/«5).
1. 1, 14, 15, 16. ii. 5, 7(o77i). iii. 13. iv.
ii. 16. 22, 24. v. 1, 6, 8, 11, 15,
iii. 6. V. 11, 21. vi. 3,13,14. 2 Tim.
17, 21. vi. 3, 4, 8, 9, 11, 23. vii. 4, i. 1/, 2, 9, 10, 13. 10, 19
ii. 1, 3, 8,
25. viii. 1, 2, 9, 10, 11, 17, 34, 35, {Ki>ptocGLTS). 12, 15. iv. 1, 22
39. ix. 1, 3, 5. X. 4, 6, 7. xii. 5. xiii. (-LT5'). Tit. i. 1, 4. ii. 13. iii. 6.
29, 30. xvi. 3, 5, 7, 9
16, 18, 20, 24(ap), 25, 27.
ICor. i.
xiv. 9, lOi^EOgG'hTS), 15, 18.
3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20,
L), 10,

1, 2t, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
Phm. 1, 3, 6, 8, 9, 23, 25.
Heb. iii. IComS), 6, 14. v. 5. vi.
1. ix. 11, 14, 24, 28. x. 10. xi. 26.
xiii. 8, 21. Jas. i. 1. ii. 1. IPet. i.
1, 2, 3/, 7, 11/, 13, 19. ii. 5, 21. iii.
12, 13, 17/, 23, 24, 30. ii. 2, 16(Ki> 16, 18, 21. iv. 1, 11, 13, 14. v. 1, 10,
piogL). iii. 1, 11, 23i. iv. 1, lOi, 15/, 14. 2 Pet. i. 1/, 8, 11, 14, 16. ii. 20.
17. V. 4(-LT), 4(-LT^), 7. vi. 15/. iii. 18. IJohn i. 3, 7(-LT5'). ii. 1,
vii. 22. viii. 6, 11, 12. ix. 1(-LT,S), 22. iii. 23. iv. 2, 3(0^?). v. 1, 6, 20
12, 18(-G°oLT*S), 21. x. 4, 9(KiV;- (-Go). 2 John 3, 7, 9, Qi-G^LT^•).
ogG"LS), 16/. xi. 1, 3/. xii. 12, 27. Jiide ]/, 4, 17, 21. Rev. i. 1, 2, 5,
XV. 3, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 9(-LTTr>S), 9(-GooLTTr>S'). xi. 15.
20, 22, 23/, 31, 57. xvi. 22(-GooLT xii. 10, l7(o»i, S). xx. 4, 6.
S)y 23(-T5), 24. 2 Cor. i. 1, 2, 3, xxii. 21 (-LT^).
5/, 19, 21. ii. 10, 14, 15, 17. iii. 3, 4,
14. iv. 4, 5, 6. V. 10, 14, 16, 17, 18,
19, 20/. vi. 15. viii. 9, 23. ix. 13. x.
1, 5, 7/, 7(-GT5'), 14. xi. 2, 3, 10,
13, 23, SK-LT^S). xii. 2, 9, 10, 19.
Add, for i9f(5r, Rom. x. 17, LS. Eph.
V. 21, Col. iii. 15, GLT^". 1 Pet. iii.
15, G'LT^. For Eph. v. 29,
GLTS. Phil. ii. 19, L.
Jesus, Acts iv. 33, L^S.
xiii. 3, 5, 14(13). ICor. vi. 11, ?.— Mark iii. I2(ap).

. ,
Gal. i. 1, 3, 6(-G»), 7, 10, 12, 22, Acts X.48, seeKvpiog. xiv. 10(ap).
li.4, 16/r, 17/, 20/, 21. 13, 14,
iii. 1, ICor. V 5, Gal. ii. 20
16, 17(-G<x'LT5'), 22, 24, 26, 27, 28, (op). Jude 25(a/j).
29. iv. 7(ap), 14, 19. v. 1, 2, 4, 6, See
24. vi. 2, 12, 14, 15(a;>), 18. Eph.
i. 1/, 2, 'St, 5, 10, 12, 17, 20. ii. 5,

7, 10, 12, 13/, 20.

(ap), 11, 14 (ap), 17, 19, 21. iv.
iii. 1, 4, 6, 8, 9
See p. 417.
Obed, Matt.
', . , Osee, Rom,Luke
, etc. Se^ ^
i. 5.

ix. 25.
> — —— — —


%*The letter m denotes a »narg7na/ translation; p, h phrase not given entire In the lodes.
The Is not always added where it might have been. The letten t and
tr refer to two or three Greek words in the same page.

a, an, 127, S83. See also abundance, 7, 95, 324i, 325, act, in the very, 156.
certain, kind, man, while 400.— have abundance, 325. add, 88m, 166i, 850.—add
(416), worse, have more abundance, 325. thereto, IGl. add unto, 165.
abase, 380. abundant, 325, 330, 336. be— — See also conference,
Abba, 1. exceeding abundant, 400. addict, 3S0.
abhor, 43, 61. be more abundant, 325. adjure, 153, 282, 282m.
abide, 26, 52, 8G, 103, 204, more abundant, 825i. administer, 83.
219, 253, 253m, 312, 335, abundantly, 226mp, 324, 332. administration, 83.
402. —
abide in, 163. — See — exceeding abundantly admiration, —
190. have in
also field, .«till, above, 325. more abundant- admiration, 191.
ability, 95, 204. —
according ly, 325i. the more abund- admire, 191.
to one's ability, 176. antly, 325. admonish, 268, 310.—be ad-
able, 9,199.— be able, 94, abuse,!;., 222. monished of God, 416.
USm, 153, 179, 204. be abuser of one's self with admonition, 263.
able to d0j95. make able, mankind, 47. ado, make an, 196.
200. accept, 33, 79, 237, 347. —
adoption, 39.3. adoption of
aboard see go.

accepted, /8, 176. gracious- children, 393. adoption of
abode. 263 ly accepted, 413w. make sons, 393.
abolish, 220. accepted, 413. be accepted adorn, 230.
abominable, 8,61i. of, 174. adorning, 230.
abomination, 61. acceptable, 38, 78, 174, 176, adulterer, 263.
abortive 137m. 413. adulteress, 263.
abound, 825, 830i. make — acceptably, 174. adulterous, 263.
abound, 325. abound more, acceptation, 39. —
adultery ,2C3i. commit adul-
325. abound more and access, 847. tery (with), 263. in adulte-
more, 325. abound much accompany, 170, 179,344,375i, ry, 263.
more, 400. accomplish, 151, 165, 327, advantage, n., 325, 422.—get
about, prep., 145, 157, 158, ool, 383. an advantage of, 330.
160, 215, 233, 251, 270/7, accomplishment, 136. advantage, v., 304, 422.
321,322,323,340,345,346, accord, of one, 373. of one's adventure, v., 88.
421.— be about, 182, 251. —
own, 52i. with one ac- adversary, 31i, 899.
about the time, 27. See cord, 277. adversity, suffer, 212.
also law, midst. according as, lip, 206i, 420. advice, 73.
about, oi/u., 421i. See also according to, 215, 2l5m, advise, 64.
bear, bind, carry, cast, 271,346. according to that, advocate, 311.
compas.«i, country, dwell, 206.— See also ability, fash- afiir off, 247i, 339.— Sfee also
gird, go, hang, hedge, lead, ion, God. see.
look, minister, put, region, account, n., 244, 244m. put affair, 340.—one's affairs, 106,
round, set, ehino, strive, on one's account, 139• 322. See also your.
turn, walk, wander. account, v., 1S4, 243. ac-— affect, 181. See aUo zealous-
above, S-t, 155, 157,158, 159, count of, 243. accounted, ly-
303,322,830,312, 400.— far be, 92. See also worthy. affected, see evil.
above, 400. froui above, 32, accursed, 23. affection, 805i. —

82m. See also abundantly, accusation, 10, 223, 232.— affection, 305. inward af-
exalt, measure, remain. take by false accusation 371.
, fection, 364. set one's af-
abroad, 405. See also blaze, accuse, 82, 101, 222.— accuse fection on, 409. without
come> disperse, fame, go, falsely, 157, 371. natural affection, 60.
known, noise, scatter, shed, accused, 223. affectionately, see desirous.
spread. —
accuser, 223. false accuser, affcctioned, kindly, 408.
absence, 44. —in the absence 82. affirm, 82, 405. 406.— affirm
of, 61. acknowledge, IGl, 161m. confidently, 89. affirm con-
absent, 35, 132. — be absent, acknowledging, IGl. stantly, 82, 89.
35, 132. acknowledgment, 161,161m. afflict, 195.— be afflicted, 196,
abstain, 38. acquaintance, 73.—one's ac- 212, 380.
abstinence, 60. quaintance, 103. affliction, 196, 212, 305.—
—— — —

442 INDEX,
fer ,
afiOictions, 212. suf-
Buffering afaiction, 212. be
agree in, 115. agree not,
51. agree thereto,277. agree
to, 320. agree together,
153, 190 be greatly amazed,
134. be sore amazed, 134.
amazement, 136, 358.
partaker of afflictions, 369. 203, 373. agree with, 373. ambassador, be an, 841.

affrighted, 141. be affright- agreement, 370. ambassage, 341.
ed, 134. aground, see run. amen, 19.
afoot, 319.—go afoot, 319. ah, 292. amend, begin to, 229.
afore, see prepare, promise, aim at, not, 50»i. amendment of life, 256m.
write. air, 8, 297. amethyst, 19.
aforehand, see come. alabaster box, 14. amiss, 52, 212.
aforetime, 340. — See also alas, 292. among, 21, 81, 124,129, 143m,
write. albeit not, 201. 144, 150m, 160, 215, 254i,
afraid, 141. be afraid, 77, alien, 17. —
be an alien, 34. 308, 346, 346m, 401.— See
390. be afraid of, 408. alienated, be, 33, 34. also compare, dwell, fall,
Bore afraid, 137. alive, 181.—be alive, 181. from, in, publican, speak.
afresh, see crucify. bo alive again, 23. make amongst, I43m.
after, prep., 80, 80jo, 82;?, alive, 183. anathema, 23,23m.
145, 158, 160, 216, 255, 279, all,34, 80, 89p, 277, 285,316, anchor, 4.
280, 323, 331, 399.—after 317p, 31Sm, 416i>.—at all, and, 16, 18, 67, 68, 76, 76p,
that, 156, 251, 294, 303.-& 206,259, 260p, 261,
259;o, 91, 97p, 102p, lOBp, 133ir,
also example. Gentiles, man, 277, 292p, 293/^, 294;;i, 307, p, 1347), 183, 207-210, 214p,
manner, men. 386p. all at once, 307. for 24 7p, 2547),255j9,271j9,283p,
after, acfw., 89^?, 251p, 257p, all that, 303. for all there 285, 296, 381.—and
266j7, 286, 421.— after that, were, 117. . long,
all . 277. 68. andrather, 16. and
128, 156, 286, 421. all manner, 316. all man- that, 208. and then, 208.
after, prep, or adv., see ask, ner of, 316, 818. all men, and yet, 76, 211. See also
come, covet, day, feel, fol- 317. in all points, 318. all even.
low, godly, long, adv., long,
v., looldng, lust, morrow,
quarters, SlSp. all that, —
angel, 3. equal unto the
284. all these things, 818. angels, 203.
next, second, seek, spoken. all things, 84, 816, 317, anger, ., 281. See oho pro-
aftenvard, 79, 128, ISSp, 156, Zl'm. all things that, 284. voke.
205, 255, 257, 404. — See also armor, continue, anger, v., 314.
afterwards, 156, 251j5, 404.
again, 32, 79, 91, 306, 307,
first, go, hail, holy, house, angry, be, 281, 415. eoon —
last, means, most, not, once, angry, 281.
350. See also alive, an- one, places, speed. anguish, 195, 365, 376.
swer, ask, beget, bid, born, allege, 312. anise, 27.
bring, build, come, deliver, allegory, be an, 16. ankle-bone, 378.
flourish, foam, give, go, alleluia, 16. anoint, 14, 102, 166, 265,416.
hope, live, measure, put, allow, 72, 92, 847, 376. anointing, 416.
raise, raised, receive, recom- allowance, 305m. anon,175i.
pense, remembrance, re- allure, 78. another, 17, ITp, 81, 172.—
store, return, revile, ri.se, Almighty, 307. another man's, 17i. anoth-
rising, send, set, show, turn, almost, 276, 878. —be almost, er place, 172. another psahn,
word. 251. 172. another's wealth, 271.
against,125,141, 145, 147, 158, alms, 138. —alms-deed, 138. — See also nation, one,
160, 215, 255, 308, 322, aloes, 17. teach, tongue.

346, 896/i. have against, alone, 99. 219, 264<.—be answer, n., 40, 40m, 42, 157.
346p. See also beat, boast, alone, 19ap. See also let. answer o/ God, 416.
bring, dash, crime, cry, aloud, see cry. answer, «., 40,42, 121, 345,
fight, insurrection, judge,
mad, murmur, over, prate,
Alpha, 1. —
402. answer again 31 31m, , ,

already, 185, 2\0.—See also 82. answer for one's self,

prevail, quarrel, rejoice, re- attain, now, sin. 42i. answer to, 877.
ply, rise, say, speak, spoken, also, 16, 18, 76, 76», 80. 103p, answerable, 83m.
Btrive, wanton, Avar, will, 105/?, 10G;>, 108;;, l^ptr, antichri.st,32.
witness. 172, 207, 208, 209;;, 210p, any, 109», 127, 258, 259, 260,
age, 10, 68, G8m, 185, 185m. 214p, 253, 381.— also not, 260;?, 293, 815, SuOp, 886,
— be of age, 185. of a great 292.— iSee also elder, wit- 388.—any man, 109;?, 131,
ago, 342. of full age, 382. ness, n. 259, 260, 260p, 293», 808,
old age, 70. past age, 211. altar, 65, 197. 886. any more, 172, 294.
— See also flower. altered, be, 172. not any more, 260. not in

aged, 341. aged man, 841. although, 97m, 108, 210,211. any wise, 259. any one,
aged woman, 342. altogether, I51mp, 277, 807, 815. any thing, 109», 127,
ago, 342p, 3S3p— a good 337. 260, 293p, 815, 386, 386/?.
while ago, 48. a great while alway, 8, 85, 189, 807.— al- any time, 840. at any time,
ago, 306. long ago, 806.— wavs, 8, 80, 85, 131, 211, 201;>,840, 340m, 855.— See
See also long, year. 307i. also farther, longer, means,
agony, 6. am, 112 IIG.— &« also bo. neither, not, tiu.c. while.
agree, 73, 176, 203, 878, 877. —
amaze, 136. be amazed 138, , apart, 198.— See also lay.
—— — — — — —

INDEX. 443
apiece, 21, 9. soon aa, 175, 2S6i, 420. ae fall, first,
law, least,
Itand, home,
length, look,
ApoUyon, 41. though, 117;?, 276, 287, 350/?.
apostle, 43. —fiilseapostles, iSee —
make. as to, 422.
also marvel, most, not, nought,
417. as weUas, 204, 206, 420. as once, one, piety, set, sit,
apostleship, 43. when, 421. as yet, 294;;, strain, stumble, time, wait,
apparel, 171, 200i, 221. 296, 296;?. wink, wonder.
apparelled, be, 200. See according, be-
also athirst, be, 91.
appeal, 162.— appeal to, 162. cometh, behold, concern- atonement, 219.
appeal unto, 162. ing, crystal, custom, even, —
attain, 237, 406. attain al-
appear, 26, 141, 166,170,281, forasmuch, have, inasmuch, ready, 406. attain to, 219i.
405ir.— things which do insomuch, like, man, man- attain unto, 219. attain
appear, 405. which appears ner, many, men, much, not, whereunto, 311.
not, 7. pertaining, set, 60, such, attend continually upon,
appearance, 111, 805, 351. touching, wont. 349. attend unto, 848. at-
outward appearance, 351, ascend, 22.— ascend up, 22. tend upon, 176;?.
351m. ashamed, be, 9, 155, 217. be attendance, give, to (at), 848.
appearing, 40, 166. ashamed of, 155. make
attentive, be very, 135.
appease, 221. ashamed, 217. that need- audience, 12. give audience, —
appoint, 23, 86f, 203, 206, cth not to be ashamed, 27. 13. in the audience of, 13.
334, 376. 330, 384.—appoint —
ashes, 364. turn into ashes, aught, 109;?, 294, 386, 405.
before, 851. 884. Augustus', 359.
appointed, be, 40, 224. ap- aside, 198. See also go, lay, austere, 52.
pointed time, 343. See also turn. author, 10, 48,48m.
death. ask, 9, 153, 157, 171, 241, authority, 153, 165, 400.—
apprehend, 219, 826. 354, 399m;?.—ask after, 157. exercise authority upon,

approach, 100. which no ask again, 33. ask of, 10, 154, 222. of great authori-
man can approach unto, 44. 156. ask a question (ques- ty, 95. use authority, 60m.
approve, 38, 92, 376. tions), 24, 157. ask for, 10. usurp authority over, 52,
approved, 92, (162.)—which —
asleep, 205. ^be asleep, 205, avail, 204.
isapproved, 92. 228. faU asleep, 58, 228. avenge, 132f, 282i.
apron, 360. asp, 50. avenger, 132.
apt, see teach. ass, 279, 402.— young ass, avoid,82,134,137,310, 823,
archangel, 48. 278. 365.
are, 114, 115. See also be. assault, w., 282. await, see laying.
Areopagites, SOomp. assault, -., 178. awake, be, 83.
Areopagus, 305. assay, 'y.,320ir. awake, v., 89, 100, 101, 135.
arise, 22, 26, 30, 59, 70, 89, assemble themselves, 873. See also sleep.
101, 128.— arise up, 30. assemble together, 373. as- aware (waie)) be, 72, 111.
ark, 226. semble with, 375. assem- — be aAvare (ware) of, 72.

arm, n., 64. arms, 4, 280m. bled, be, 71, 373. be assem- away, 97m, 154. away with, —
— take (up) in arms, 1 16. bled together, 373. be as- 9. See also carry, carry-

arm, v., 206. arm one's self sembled together with, 374. ing, cast, casting, catch,
with, 280. assembling together, 165. convey, do, done, draw,
armor, 280.—all . . armor, assembly, 134, 373.—general fade, fadeth, fall, falling,
397. whole armor, 307. assembly, 807. flee, flood, go, lead, move,
army, 313, 366i. assent, 163m, 377. pass, pine, put, putting,
array, n., 200. assist, 314. roll, sail, send, take, taken,

arrav in, -., 323. be array- assurance, 328, 831. —
full as- thrust, turn, untaken, van-
ed "323. be arrayed in, 147, surance, 331. ish ,wash, wear, wipe, wither.
823. assure, —
320. assured, be axe, 83.
arrive, 220, 808. fully, 331?/J. be assured of,
art, n., 384. — arts, see curi- 329. babbler, 863.
ous. assuredly, h\.-See also gath- babe, 64, 267.
art, v., 112. See also be. er. back, n., 270.
as, 87», 117J9, 146, 118/7, 167;?, astonish, 136. —
be astonish- back, adv., 280, 306??/.- &><
204i, 2u6ir, 210;;. 211, 211;?, ed, 153,190*. make aston- also draw, drive, fraud,
216p, 276, 2%2p, 4, 5, 287m;?, ished, 153. keep, return, roll, turn,
303/?, 391, 420, 420m, 421ir. astonishment, 136. backbiter, 218.
as do the Jews, 431. as f;ir astray, go, 329. backbiting, 218.
as, 58, 180. as far as to, 58. asunder, see burst, cut, de- backside, on the, 279.
as if, 55;?. as it were (h.ad part, dividing, pluck, put, backward, 2S0.
been), 420, 421. as large, saw. bad, 212. 38, 853.
839. aa large as, 284. as at,38,81,117//,12i,12.57?!,130, bag, 58, «3.
long as, 284, 286, 416. as 141,144,157,158.160,211/;, balances, se« pair.
many as. 284, 285, 816. as 215, .308, 322, 345, -346.— ^v^ band,7T., 79, 181, 863, 875.
much, 203. as mudi as, nho aim, all, any, attend —
Italian band, 432. baud
13, 213, 2^4. ail oft as, auce, beginning, charges, of men, 803.
2S4. as often as, 284. as come, death, dwell, dweller, band together, 877
— — , — —— —— — —

444 INDEX.
bank, 890. bed, 227, 227m, 228, 230.— belief, 328.
banqueting, 340. make thy bed, 367. believe 320 820m 827, 8281
, , ,

baptism, 59i. befall, 70, 371.— what was 829.—believe not, 24, 85,
Baptist, 59i. befallen to, 271. the things 36. that (which) believeth
baptize, 59, 72, 118 that shall befall, 374. not, 36. those things
Ear, 69, 425. before, prep., 35, 88, 124, which are most surely be-
barbarian, 69. 141, 145-147, 150, 157, 158, lieved, 831
barbarous peoi)]e, 59. 160, 215, 222i, 254,308,342, believer, 828, 829.
bare, 75. 846, 351.-<Se« also brought, believing, n., 328.
barley, n., 231. day, fall, go, preferring, believing, adj., 329, 329m.
barley, arf;., 232. presence, sabbath. Bet, belly, 68, 227.
barn, 39. stand, take. belong to, 114, 115.—the
barren, 45, 365. before, adv., 293;;, 294p, things that (which) belong
base, 380. --base fellow, 863ot.
base thing, 3.
842i, 851, 853.— be before,
351. before that, 842.— ' to (unto), 271,346.
beloved, 2<.—nearly beloved,
See also well.
baser sort, of the, 5. also appoint, begin, choose, 2.
basin, 267. confirm, determine, gospel, beneath, 223.
basket, 230, 358, 364. hear, instruct, know, mcdi- benefactor, 174.
bastard, 267. itate, never, notice, ordain, benefit, 1,174, 413.
battle, 335. preach, prove, ruu, say, see, benevolence 176.

be, (am, was, etc.,) 5, 36, show, speak, spoken, suffer, berry, sf e ohve.
71, 86, 109. 112-119, 125, tell, world. beryl, 61.
179, 179;^, 206, 216;?, 224, beforehand, see make, mani- beseech, 78, 171, 810, 310m,
251 , 271;; 272;) 298;; 303;;
, , , fe.^t, open, testify, thought. 349m.
335, 399, 406, 406;;.— be bcforetlme, be, 351. beset, which doth so easily,
with, 349, 875,406. be yet, bog, 10, 155, 847. 176.
251. See also about, al- beget, 41, 68.—beget again, beside, 158, 873,417.—be be-
most, bondage, can, cause, 22. side one's self, 153, 246.—
charges, come, here, if, let, beggar, 854. See also and.
may, old, open, say, so, beggarly, 354. besides, 76, 245.—besides
suffer, sure, there, up. begin, 48, 49, 147, 160m, this, 54. 76/). See oZsoowe.
beam, 92. 226m;7, 251, 343.— begin best, 231, 353.
bear, n. , 46. at the first, 48. begin be- —
bestow, 88, 873. bestow to
bear, v., 9, 9m, 26, 61, 69, fore, 343. begin first, 853. feed, 419. bestow upon,
137, 834, 865, 885, 391^;;, begin to be, 118. See also 825. See also labor.
403,406, 409.—bear about, amend, dawn, sink, wanton, betray, 310.
826. bear long, 247. bear world. betrayer, 343.
up, 9. bear up into, 82. beginner, 48m. better, 213, 231. 400, 416.—
bear with, 27, 2blmp.—See beginning, 48, 48m, 353.— be better, 86, 245, 843, 372.
also children, fruit, hostile, at the beginning, 353. from be much better, 247. be the
record, witness. the beginning, 32. See also better, 325. better coim-
beast, 183, 195,233.—venom- rohear.se, world. try, 231. better thing, 231.
ous beast, 195. wild beast, begotten, only, 2G3. only— bettered, be, 422.
195. See also fight, four- begotten son, 263. See also between, 21, 84mp, 144, 254,
footed, slain. first. 256, 256m, 346.—between
beat, 59m, 78, 356, 892.— beguile, 78, 151, 811.— 5*-* some of 130, 25ip.-See also
boat into, 160. beat upon, also reward. diiference, wall,
849,850. beat vehemently behalf, 254.— in behalf, 399. betwixt, 130.
upon (against), 850. beat on behalf, 159, 822, 896, bewail, 226, 229, 321.
with rods, 356. 399. beware, 63, 348, 410.—be-
beautiful. Beautiful, 420. behave one's self, 26, 72.— ware of, 63.- See also ware.
because, 31, 67, 81, 91, 116, See also disorderly, un- bewitch, 61, 163.
148, I56i, 202, 206,281,288. comely, unseemly. bewray, 80.
—because of, 87, 81, 82m, behavior, 221. —of good be- beyond, 156, 321, 400.— <S««
1.30,146,160,816,413. bo- havior, 230. also go, measure, regions,
cause that, 67. 81, 91, 206, behead, 40, 320. stretch.
287, 289. because . . behind, 279, 280.—be behind, bid, 121, 213, 224, 241, 350.
would, 815. because . . 404i. come behind, 404. —bid again, 31. See also
would nnt, 71. tho'e tilings "which are be- i'aiewell.
beckon, 85, 221, 266.—beck- hind, 280. -which is be- bide, 1G3.
on unto, 219. hind, 404. See also tarry. bier, 862.
beoomc, 70. See also dead, behold, 23, 63,110,140,156, bill, 62, 74.
efTect, fool, poor, Forvant, 1(37, 191, 195, 198i, 219, 281. bind, 78, 79<, 118, 351.—bind
uiicircunicised, unproiita- — behold as in a glass, 223. about, 323. bind on, 402,
able, vain. — See also earnestly, etead- bind up, 217. bind with

become, 811. as becomcth, fnstly. 375.— 'SVe also curse, ex»
83, 199m;;.— &e
also holi- behove, 77, 804. cration, oath.
nese. being, have, 115p. bird, 282, 8:16, 853.
— —— — — —

INDEX. 445
birth, 68, 69.— -See also tray- boldly, 315. the more bold breaker, 809.- See also cove-
ail. ly,889. nant, truce,
birthday, 68. —
boldness, 815. holdnesa of breaking, 226, 308.
bir'iliright, 353. speech, 315, 315^//. breast, 865.
bi.sliop,164. —ofiiceof a bish- bond, n., 79, 375. bonds, — breastplate, 197.
op, 164. 13. be in bonds, 80. (that breath, 3o2m, 333.
bi hopric, 164. is) in bonds, 79 breathe on, 141.
bit, 412. bond, adj., 94. out, 140.
bite, 76. —
bondage, 93. be in bondage, brethren, 6<, 407m;7. false —
bitter, 327.— be bitter, 327. 93. be under bondage, 94. brethren, 417. love as
make bitter, 327. bring in (into) bondage, 94, brethren, 407. love of the
bitterly, 327. 217. in bondage, 94. brethren, 407, iOlm.
bitterness, 327. bondmaid, 306. bride, 269.
black, 251. bondman, 94. bride-chamber, 269.
blackness, 73, 182. bondwoman, 306. bridegroom, 269.
blade, 415. bone, 285. See also ankle. bridle, n., 412.
b'ame, without, 20. book, 62i.— little book, 02. bridle,!'., 412.
b'.r.me, v., 265.-to be blamed, border, 231, 251, 282. brieily, 276. See also «Mn-
217. born, 69/».-be born, 09, 885. prehend.
blameless, 19t, 20, 24, 27i. be born again, 22. one bom brier, 890.
blaspheme, 62. out of due time, 137. that bright, 238, 411.— -See also
blasphemer, 62,63. is bom, 69. See also first, shining.
blasphemous, 63. new. brightness, 84, 166, 238.
blasphemously, 62. borne, see grievous. brim, up to the, 32.

blasphemy, 62. speak blas- borrow, 76. —
brimstone, 191. of brim-
phemy, 62. bosom, 229. stone, 191.
blaze abroad, 87. both, acf;., 20, 96, 131. bring, 5, 23, 33, 44, 166, 217,
blemish, 265.—without blem- both, eonj., 106, 207, 209, 229, 238, 314, 334, 347, 350,
ish, 20. 881. 406.—bring again, 23, 43.
bless, 175. bottle, 50. bring against, 166. bring
blessed, 175, 246.— be bless- bottom, to the, 223. down, 217i. bring forth, 5,
ed, 148. call blessed, 246. bottomless, 1. —
bottomless 23,41,62,68, 88, 132, 137,
blessedness, 247. pit, 1. 151,217,834,342, 351,385,
b!es^ing, 176. bound, n., 282. 406. —
See also fruit. bring
blind, a</;.,392.—bUnd man, bound, be, 304, S047n. be forth plentifully, 177. bring
392. that (which) is bUnd, bound with, 824. (forward) on one's journey,
392. bountifully, 176. 344. bring in, 127, 128.
blind, t>., 355, 392. bountifulness, 36. bring in privily, 813. bring
blindfold, 823. bounty, —
176. matter of in upon, 155. bring into,
blindness, 855, 355m. bounty, 176. 127, 128. bring on one's
block, see stumbling, bow, ji., 889. way, 344. bring out, 151,

blood, 8. diseased with an bow, r., 214, 227, 384. bow 342. bring to, 128, 850.
issue of blood, 8. shedding down, 227, 370. be bowed bring together, 372. bring
of biood, 8. together, 370. —
See also unto, 350. bring up, 26/,
bloody see llux.
, knee, 137, 390. bring up again,
blot out, 151. bowels, 364, 864m. bowels — 23. bring upon, 155.
blow, 161, 833.— blow softly, of compassion, 364. See also bondage, brought,
403. box, 14. —
See also alabaster, captivity, child, desolation,
board, 858. bramble bush, 61. hither, light, low, nothing,
boast, make one's, 223. branch, 26m, 58, 226, 227, nought, perfection, power,
boast, v., 218, 223, 241.— 363. See also every, remembrance, safe, salva-
boast against, 218. boast —
brass, 412. fine brass, 412. tion, subjection, tiilings,
great things, 249. boast of brass, 412. word.
ones self. 223. brawler, no (not a), 19. bringing in, 156.
boaster, 14. brawling, 249m. broad, 176.-make broad, 329
boasting, 14, 224i. brazen vessel, 412. broidcd {corruptly, broider-
boat, 381, 361. bread, 47. —
unleavened ed) hair, 329.
bodily, oc//., 379/. bread, 8. show bread, 47. broiled, 280.
bodily, a<if., 379. breadth, 329. broken meat, 226. See also
body, 379, 379wi, 417.— dead l)reak, n., see day. piece.
body, 854. of the same break, v., 85, 217, 218, 220, broken-hearted, 877.
body, 377. 246, 356, 376i, 077, 378.— brood, 268.
boisterous, 204. break forth, 856. break in brook, 413.
bold, be, 190, 815, 388.— be pieces, 377. break off, 1.34. brother, 6, 271,— Set also
much Dold, 815. be very break through, 91. break brethren, foster.

bold, 44. wax bold, 815. to 6hiver.«i, 377. break up, brotherhood, 6.
boldly, 190, 315i, 8S9.— 91, 153, 246.— 6Ve also bro- brotherly kmdness, 407
preach boldly. 815. speak ken. brotherly love, 407.
——— — — — — ——

446 INDEX.
broxight, be, 70, 71, 170,203, called, closej come, compa- careful, be, 253, 409, 410.—

257^. ^be to be brought, ny, constramt, course, di- See also suspense.
406. be brought before,
314. be brought forth, 810.
be brought In,
brought in unawares, 313.
be brought <o pass, 70.
. vide, fifties, force,
hand, highway, hold, hund-
reds, inheritance, interpre-
tation, know, means, order,
pass, protest, reason, eail,
fraud, carefully, the more, 364.
See also seek.
carefulne.'^s, 19.

364. ^without

carnal, 858i. carnal things,

brought up with, STTp. side, sit, soothsaying, space, 358.
brow, 304. stand, take, trade, way. carnally, 359.
bruise, v. 196, 877. carpenter, 382.
brute, ., J
17• Caesar, see court. carriage, see take.
bud, v., 62. ca^'e 410. carried, see flood.
buffet, 228. caff, '264.—make a calf, 264. carry, 5, 9, 44, 61, 138,370,
build, 221, 274. build agam, call,v., 121, 162, 163, 167, 406.
carry —about, 826.
30. build thereon (there- 170, 212, 216/7, 241, 256, carry away, 83, 44, 257.
upon, upon), 16G. build to- 279, 347, 848, 411, 416.— carry away to. 257/7. carry
gether, 376. build up, 167, call for, 10, 256i, 310, &18, away with, 37*. carry forth,
274. build upon, 167. 411. call forth, 213. call 137. carry out, 134, 137.
builder, 274, 384.— 5ee also hither, 256. call in, 128. carry over, z57. carry
master. call in question, 101, 232. through, 86. carry up, 26.
Duilding, 147, 233, 274.—be call on, 182. call to, 238. carrying away into, 257.
in building, 274. call to (unto) one, 343, 850. case,10. —
be in that case,179.
bull, 380. caU to one's self. 256. call be in no case, 259.
bundle, 79, 330. together, 370, 874. call un- cast, n., 63.
burden, n., 59, 73,409.— -See to, 350. call upon, 162. call cast, v., 68, 131, 357.—cast
also greater. whereunto, 848. See also about, 823. have . . cast

burden, v., 217. burdened, blessed, conunon, mind, re- about, 823. cast away, 88,
195. be burdened, 69. membrance. 45. be cast away, 181. be

burdensome, be, 60. be bur- called, 114, 227, 279.—be cast, 135. cast down, 204,
densome to, 219. from be- railed by, 162. be called 217, 357. cast down head-
ing burdensome, 1. upon, 162. which is called, long, 218 . See also hell.
burial, 106, 149. 227.-- See also falsely. cast forth, 131. cast Id
Durn, 134, 211, 218, 223m, calling, 227. one's mind, 84. castin one's
354.— bum up 111, 218. calm, 65. teeth, 278. cast into, 139.
burn utterly, 218. burned, Calvary, 231. cast into prison, 810. cast
be, 211, 223.— See also in- camel, 213. oir, 8, 44, 357. cast on, 160.
cense. camp, 813. cast one's self, 42. castout,
burning, 355. See also licat. can 72, 94, 111, 113m, 114, 69,131,13l7n, 134,136^,857.
burnt-offering, 276.— whole —
179, 204. can be, 147. can cast out of, 131. cast upon,
burnt-offering, 276. do, 94, 204. can tell. 111. 160, 164.— <S'ee also lot,

burst, 856. burst asunder, — See also approach, cea.se, stone.
238. condemn, contain, could, cast down, adj., 380.
Dury, 149, 190.—to bury in, do, escape, find, forbear, castaway, 7.
880. bury with, 376. liave, lie, move, pass, re- casting away, 38.
burying, 149. ceive, remove, see, speak, castle, 813.
I)ush, 61. See also bramble. epoken, tempt, utter, wish. catch, 5, 47, 163, 182, 195,
bushel, 263. candle, 245. 237, 826, 8,1, 874.—catch
business, 271, 340, 364,415. candlestick, 245. away, 46. catch up, 47.
— one's own business, 198. canker, «., 05. cattle, 196. —
6'ee also feed.

busybody, 823. be a busy- canker,!'., 223. cause, n., lOl, 216p, 244.
body, 323. a busybody in cannot, see can. for the same cause, 65. for
other men's matters, 17. captain, 48. 866, 414.—chief tliis cause, 81, 81, 125, 301.
but, 15, 67, 76, 93,108/^,184, captain, 414. high captain, for which cause, 90. with-
208, 2U2}, 22, 253, 258, 414. captain of the guard, out a cause, 97, 111. See
264,209/7, 2l1p, 278^?, 296, 866. also for.
8.30, 330p, 886J9.— but and captive, 10.— lead (away) cause, v., 221, 334, 358mjj.—
if, 97, 103. See also either, captive, 10. take captive, cause to be, 334. See also
moment, nay, rather, time, 182. death, grief, olfend, tri-
yet. captives, multitude of, 10m. umph, trumpet.
buv, 5, 885OT, 419.- buy and captivity, 10. bring into — cave, 279, 363.
sell. 140. captivity, 10. cease, 84, 189, 220i, 229,819.
by. 87, 80, Sl^n, 82, 124, I27p, carcass, 236, 854. — that can not cease, 12
130, 131/7, 145, 115m, 158, care, n., 6m, 253, 364, 409.— cease to be seen, 667.
215, 215;>, 216, 808,316,393, earnest care, 364. have ceasing, without, 7t, 136.

401, 417m. by nndby,15l, care, 253. liave the same celestial, 167.
self, 2G4. by . . ,
by itself, 417. by or.o'ri core, 55. take care, 252.
303. t.ilio care of, 1C3.
by way of, 145. See also care, , 252, 253.
censer, 197, 242.
censure, n., 16Gm.
ceuturioD, 131(, 224
— — — — , ——— — — ——

INDEX. 447
ceremony, 90m. chiefest, 353. —
Tery cliiefest, be clothed with, 101, 147,
certain [sure], 51, 80. See 242. 323.
also dwelling place. chiefly, 247, 353. clothes, 200, 414.— -See utso
certain [one], 82, 188p, 385, child, 64, 267, 305, 806i, 382, grave, swaddling.
386/J.—a certain, 2'Jp, 126, Sdlmp, 894.-be a child, 267. clothing, 147, —
171. long
127. a certain man, 885. (be) with child, G8. great clothing,366. See also eoft.
a certain thing, 385. See with child, 102. little child, cloud, 266<.
also place, season 305,382. ofa child, 305. on- cloven, 85.
certainly, 279. ly child, 263. young child, cluster, 64.
certainty, 51i. 64, 305. See also adoption, coal, 28.
certify, 73. man, this. —
bear children, coals, fire of, 28.
cha£f, 53. 382. bring up children, coast, 254, 282, 889.—coasts,
cliain, 18, 18?n, 79, 359. 382. love one's children, 417. —See also sea.
chalcedony, 412. 408. without children, 51. —
coat, 414. fisher's coat, 156.

chamber, secret, 380. upper child-bearing, 382. cock, 14.
chamber, 401. See also childish,• 267. cock-crowing, 14.
bride, guest. childless, 61. coffin, 362m.
chambering, 228 choice, make,
135. cold, 418, 419.—cold water,
chamberlain, 228, 275. choke, 42, 333, 372. 419. \»ax cold, 419.
chance, n., 370. choose, 9i,135,lG3,219m, 352, collection, 243.

chance, t'., 392. it may 414. —
choose before, 352. colony,229.
chance, 108,_392. choose out, 135. See also color , 351. See oho scarlet.
change, n., 256. soldier. colored, see scarlet.
change, v., 16, 256, 257i. chosen, 135t, colt, 355.
change one's mind, 256, Christ,439.-falseChrists.418. comb, see honey.

256m. ^be changed, 256. chrysolite, 416. come, 22, 86, 88, 70, 79i, 89,
changer, 229. See also mon- chrysoprasus, 417. 114, 117, 119, 128, 136;», 149,
ey. church, 134, 216.— See also 152, 156, 169, 170,170^,178,
charge, n., 83m, 164m, 309. robber. 185, 21977, 222, 251, 272/7,
—give charge, 149, 309. cinnamon, 226. 809, 313i, 314, 327;', 347,
give in charge, 309. have —
circumcise, 325. circumcis- 872, 375, 390, 406i, 417.
the charge of, 157. lay to ed, 326. have .. circumcis- come abroad, 57. come
one's charge, 101, 203, 243. ed, 325. though not cir- aforehand, 844. comeafter,
lay to the charge of, 101. cumcised, 13. 83. come again, 155, 165,

without charge,6. charges, circumcising, 325. 403. come at, 377. be
305. be at charges, 76. circumcision, 326. fully come, 372. be to come,
charge, v., 84, 86, 149, 165, circumspectly, 13. 251. come by, 324. come
133, 243, 282, 309.—charge citizen, 336. —
fellow citizen, down, 216, 222. come forth,
before. 342m. charge strait- 372. 136, 1.52, 313. come in, 127,
Iv, 140, 166. —be charged, city, 215, S5i>.-See also ruler. 128, 178. come in privily,
59. clamor, 231. 813. come into, 127, 13J,
chargeable to, be, 161, 219. clay, 326. 160. come into one's room,
be chargeable unto, 161. —
cleau, adj., 205. be clean, 83. come nigh unto, 847.
charger, 327. 205. make clean, 204. come on, 156, 237. como
chariot, 46, 356. clean, ., 279. out, 152. come out of, 136,
152. come over, 82. come
charitably, 2. cleanse, 204.
charity, 2.-fcast of charity, 2. cleansing, 205. over against, 219. come
chase out, 132m. clear, 4, 205, 233.— -&« also thereout, 152. thing to
chaste, 4. crystal. come, 251. come thither,
chasten^ 305. clearing of one's self, 42. 156,309. come to, 127, 164,
chastemng, 305. clearly, 384. See also see. 178, 219, 347. come to pass,
chastise, 805. cleave, 229.-cleave to (unto), 70,119. come together, 372,
cliastiscment, 805. 349. 373, 375. como unto, 127,
cheek, 360. cleave [split], 878m. 178, 219, 347, 350. come up,
cheer (be) of good, 175i, 190. clemency, 162. 22. come up again, 22.
cheerful, 200. ckrk, see town. come up with, 874. come
cheerfully, more, 175. climb up, 22. upon, 156, 178, 219i. that
cheerfulness, 200. cloak, 162,200, 351,405. which Cometh upon, 165.
cherish, 190. close, r., 214, 353. como with, 375.
cherubims, 439. close, keep, 360. coming, be. 170. bo a com-
chicken. 2G8. clo.se bv, 60. ing, 348. be coming on,
chief, 49, 184, So3.—be chief clo.sct,380. 156/), 251.
184. chief estate, 353. chief cloth, 356. See also linen. See also behind, ears, full,
man, 353. chief of Asia, clothe, 20, 200, 323.—clothe hither, morning, near, new-
424. See also captain, cor- —
with, 147. bo clothed, 117, ly, nigh, nought, remem
ner, priest, publican, room, 323. be clothed In, 147, b ranee, round, run, shor*
ruler, scat, shepherd, speak- 823. be clothed upon, 156. straight, tidings, timei
er, SjTJagogue. be clothed wherewithal. 323. coiueiinees, 177-
— —— — — —

448 INDEX.
comely, be, 177, 341. —that 370. — to be compared with, confounded, 217»i.
which is comely, 177. 346. confuse, 370.
comer thereunto, 347. comparison, 309, confusion, 12,870.
comfort, n., 311, 312i, 314.— compass, fetch a, 323. congregation, 373.
be of good comfort, 1< 8, 190, —
compass, v., 233, 323. com- conquer, 267.
311. pass about (round), 234, 3:-4. conqueror, be more than, 400
comfort, 311, 312.—be
v., — be compassed (about) conscience, 875.
comforted together, 872. with, 324. consecrate, 101, 382.
Comforter, 311. compassion be moved with, consent, with, 373. with one
, —
comfortless, 282. 364. have compassion, 364. consent, 127.
coming, n., 40, 128, 139, 170, have compassion of, 138, consent, v., 103. consent to, —
315. 372. have compassion on, 843, 370. consent unto, 372,
command, v., 86, 121, 149, 138, 257, 275. having com- 876. consent with, 370m.
165, 224, 309, 350, 356.— be passion one of another, 372. consider, 23, 25, 84, 110, 195,
commanded, 86, 216/?. See also bowels.— 219i, 267, 362, 375, 376.
commandment, 8m, 86, 149i, compel, 3, 22. compel — to go, consist, 114, 376.
105, 309. —at one's com- 3. consolation, 811.
mandment, 224. give com- complaincr, 252. consort with, 349.
mandment, 86, 149, 224, complaint, 10, 263m. conspiracy, 877.
809. complete, 331. constantly, see afiirm.
commend, 155, 312, 314, 376. —
comprehend, 219. be briefly constrain, 22, 809, 376.
commendation, of, 377. comprehended, 24. constraint, by, 22.
commission, 106. conceits, in your own, 99. consult, 64, 371.
commit, 88, 100, 167, 310, conceive, 68, 217, 228, 371, consultation, 871.
812, 335, 339, 341, 384.— 384. consume, 24, 76, 219.
commit the keeping of, 312. concern, the (those) things —
contain, 417. can contain,
commit unto, 328. be com- — which, 271, 322. 102, 417.—be contamed, 323.
mitted unto,328p. See also concerning, 125, 216, 321- the things contained in, 271.
adultery, fornication, sacri- 323, 340m, 399.— as concern- contemptible, 153.
lege, trust, ungodly. ing, 216, 244, 322. as con- contend, 84. —contend ear-
committed unto one, that cerning that, 289. the nestly for, 155.
thing which is, 311. that — things concermng, 322. See content, adj., 46, 52.—be
which I have committed un- also strange. content, 46.
to him, 310. that which is concision, 221. content, >.,199. —be content-
committed to one's trust, conclude, 232, 243, 370. ed nitli, 374m.
311. concord, 373. contention, 6, 168i, 814.
commodious, not, 27. concourse, 377. —
contentious, 407. they that
common, 80, 228, 228ot, 336. concupiscence, 162, 162m. are contentious, 168.
— call common, 223. See condemn, 217/, 218i, 232.— contentment, 52.
also hall, man. condemned of one's self, 52. continual, 7, 833.
commonly, 277. See also to be condemned, 232. that continually, 85, 89. attend—
report. can not be condemned, 11. continually upon, 849. give
commonwealth, 336. condemnation, 218i, 232i. one's self continuaUy to,
commotion, 12. condescend to, 374. 849. wait on continually,
commune, 84. —commune conditions of, 346. 349.
together, 277. commvme conduct, v., 206. —conduct continuance, patient, 402.
with, 277, 371. forth, 314. continue, 72, 84, 86i, 163,
communicate, 26, 228i. will- — conferwith,
confer ,347, 871. — 204, 206, 253, 812i, 334m,
ing to communicate, 228. 371. 3o5.—continue all night, 85,
communicate with, 370. conference, add in, 347. 118. continue in, 140, 163,
communication, 228, 244, confess, 153, 278, 278m. SiOt. continue instant in,
277. See also filthy. —
confession, 278. confession is 349. continue steadfastly
communion, 228. made, 278. in, 849. continue with, 849t,
compacted, be, 371. confidence, 315, 321, 403, 872.
companion, 228, 370. See —
403m. have confidence,190, contradict^ 32.
also labor, travel. 320. con tradic tion 32.

company, n., 277, 304, 823p, confident, 190, 403.—bo con- contrariwise, 390.

330, 370. an innumerable fident, 190, 320. wax con- —
contrary, 147, 399. ^be con-
company, 205. gather a fident, 320. trary, 81. contrary to, 35,
company, 304. have com- confidently, see afiirm. 808. See also law.
pany with, 374. in a com- confirm, 61,104, 235, 254.— contribution, 228.
pany, 227. keep company, confirm before, 344. controversy, without, 278.
229,374. one's own coin,- confirmation, 61. —
convenient, 175. be conven-
fany, 198. our company, conflict, 6. ient, 27. those things which
86. —
by companies, 372. conformable unto, make, 372. are not convenient, 205.
company with, 374, 375. conformed to, 372. have convenient time, 175•
compare, —
308. compare conformed to, be, 378. — See also season.
among, 870. compare with, confound, 218, 370. be — conveniently, 175.
— —— —

INDEX. 449
conversation, 26, 336, 391.— courteously, 407, 408. cursed, 162, 220.— be curted,
have one's conversation, 26. courtier, 61ot. 220.
one's conversation is, 336. cousin, 369. cursing, 45, 220.
conversion, 165. —
covenant, n., 83. covenant custom, 107i,376,883,383mjt>
convert, v., 165. be con- — breaker, 51. — as his custom was, 107.
verted, 165, 3CG. —
covenant, v., 377. covenant receipt of custom, 8S3.
convey one's eelf away, 135. with for, 203. cut, —
218, S23m. cut asun-
convict, v., 138. cover, «.,162,213, 218, 323, der (in sunder), 91. cut
convince, 83, 138, 138?n,151. 370.—covered, 215. be cov- down, 135, 229. cut ofT, 40,
cool, t>., 222. ered, 218. 56, 9lOT, 134. cut out, 134.
coppersmith, 412. covering, 823. —
cut short, 377. be cut, 85
Corban, 230. —
covet, 162, 181. covet after, be cut to the heart, 85.
cord, email, 378. 281. covet earnestly, 181. cymbal, 234.
eorn, 228, 360, SQi.—See also covetous, 330, —
407. cove-
car, tread. tous man, 330. covetous daily, 163, 178, 188, 189, 205.
corn fields, S64. —
practice, 830. not cov., 57. dainty, 243.

comer, 48, 75. —
chief-comer, —
covetousness, 8.30. without damage, 181. ^receive dam-
14. covetousness, 57. age, 181.
corpse, 854. craft, 93, 167, 254, 884.—of damn, 218, 232.
coiTecteth, which, 305. the same craft, 278. damnable, 45.
correction, 155. craftiness, 807. —
cunning damnation, 45, 232t.
comipt, adj., 87, 221,358.— craftiness, 807. damsel, 230. 306<.
be corrupt, 407. craftsman, 884. dance, v.,2a2.
corrupt, «., 56, 87, 87m, 214, crafty, 807. dancing, 415.
360, 407.—cormpt one's crave, 10. danger, be in, 226. in da»•
eelf,407. create, 233. ger of, 149.
corruptible, 407. ^not cor- — creation, 233. dangerous, 165.
ruptible, 56. corruptible Creator, 233i. dare,3S9.
tbingSj 407. creature, 233i, 233m. dark, n., 362.
corruption, 87, 407. creditor, 76. dark, Cif;., 56, 862.
cost, 76. creek, 229. darken, 862.
costliness, S85. creep in unawares, 813. darkly, 9.
costly, 337.—very costly ,337. creep Into, 147. darlmcss, 182, 362i.— full of
couch, 227, 230. creeping thing, 169. darkness, 862i.
could not do, vrliat the law, —
crime ,10. crime laid against, dart, 61, 63.
7. that I could, 95.— -See 101. —
dash, 856»i. dash against,
also can, that. cripple, being a, 417. 349.
council, 371, 375. crooked, 861. daughter, 196, 882.—little
counsel, n., 64, 371.— give cross, 864. daughter, 196. young
counsel, 371. take counsel, crow, v., 411. daughter, 196.
64, 371. take counsel to- crown, n., 63, 365. daughter-in.law 269.
gether, 371. crown, v., 865. —
dawn, t'., 86. ^begia to
counsel, «.,371. crucify, 850, 864.—cmcify dawn, 166.
counsellor, 64, 371. afresh, 25. crucify with, day, 54/), S0p,S2p,lS8, ISSp,
count, 179, 184, 243, 373, 377. 29, 836iJ.—before day,
418. See also descent, hap- crumb, 418. 149. break of day, 52. day
py, worthy. crv, n., 63, 231. by dav, 1S8. every day,
countenance, 198, 305, 351. crV,'u.,22,63,161, 166,230, 188. 'for the day, ISSm.
— of a sad countenance, —
231,411. cry against, 166. from day to day, ISS. this
day, 860. unto this day, 47.
362. cry aloud, 22. cry out, 22,
country, 5, 69, 70, 819, 417. 24, 230, 231, 411?. cry with — days, SS3pt. in the days
—country (round) about, a loud voice, 57. of, 157. See also after,
826. go (travel) into a far crying, 231. court, eighth, feast, first,
country, 38. one's o\vn crystal, 233. —clear as crys- following, next, night, sab-
country, 319. See also tal, 233. bath, third, to-day.
better, king. cubit, 26. day-spriug, z6.
countr3'man,372. —one's own cumber, 220, 824. day-star, 411.
day-time, in the, 188.
countrj-men, 69. cuml, 230.
courage, 190. cummin, 234. —
deacon, 81. use the office of
course, 10, 94, 178, 832, 391. cunning, see craftiness. a deacon, 83.
—by course, 21, 254. have cunninoily, see devise. dead, •., 89, 196, 266t.—
course, 890. See also cup, 340. after men are dead, 266. be
straight. cure, n.,197. dead, 88, 89, 196, 228, 382.
court, 5w7, 52, 305^7?.— Cro- cure, v., 194. SS'Sp. be dead with, 374. be-
sar's court, Mlm.—
See also curious arts, 323. come (lead, 190. dead man,
king. curse, «., 219, 220.— bind 196, '2f)G. half dead. 1J?9. he
court days, bm. under a (trreat) curse, 2Ci. that is (load, 206. one dead,
courteoue, 403. curse, r., 23, 212,210,220. 266. — See also body.
— —— .

450 INDEX.
dead, ., 266. defence, 42. —make defence, despair, in, 151.
deadly, 190.—deadly thing, 42. despair, v., 151.
190. defend, 20. despise, 8, 51, 153, 221, 243.
deadness, 266. defer 22 276, 826.
deaf, 236. defile, 228, 261, 263, 863,407. despised, 52.
deal, n., see great. — defile one's self with man- despiser, 221.—desplser of

deal, v., 253. deal with, 150, kind, 47. those that are good, 67.
335, ^O.—See also deceit- defiled, 228. despite unto, do, 150.
fully, Bubtilely. defraud, 43, 380. despiteful, 892.
dealings v.ith, have, 870. degree, 58. See also low. despitefully, use. 157, 892.
dear, 2t, 149, 885.— so dear, delay, n., 22. destitute, 43, 241.— be desti-
20Smp. delay, v., 276, 416. tute, 404.
dearly, see beloved. delicacy, 867. destroy, 41, 87, 153, 204, 219,
dearth, 243. delicately, 891. —
live deli- 220, 246, 276, 339. 407.407m.
death, 23, 190, SS3.— appoint- cately, 863m. — be destroyed, 41, 407.
ed to death, 1G2. be at the deliciously, live, 367. destroyer, 41m, 276.
point of death, 89. cause delight in, 876. destruction, 45, 204, 276,377
to be put to death, 190. deliver, 23, 83, 89, 88, 189, determinate, 282.
lie at tho point of death,171. 151,101,220,310,857, 879, determine, 64, 163, 232,232m,
put to death, 23, 33, 41, 190. 413. —deliver again, 89. de- 282, 380.— determine before,
when he would have put . . liver up, 88, 810, 810m.— 844.
to death, 41.—Death, 190. be delivered, 857, 885. be- device, 148, 267.
debate, «., 169. ing delivered, 132. be de- devil, 75i, 82. —
be possessed
debate, v., 84wi. livered of, 68. 885. (vexed) of (with) a devil
debt, 76, 808i, 804. deliverance, 42, 56. (devilsj, 75. that hath a
debtor, 303, 803?n, 415.— be deliverer, 245. Deliverer, devil, 75.
a debtor, 803, 804m. 857. devilish, 75.
decay, n., 189m. delusion, 829. devise cunningly, 863.
decay, v., 806. demand, v., 157, 854. de- — devotion, 859.
decease, n., 153. mand of, 157. devour, 171, 220, 222.—de-
decease, «., 883. demonstration, 88. vour up, 222.
deceit, 84, 93, 829.— use de- den, 363. devout, 175, 177, 859.—de-
ceit, 92. deny, 82, 34, 46. vout person, 859.
deceitful, 34, 92. depart, 23, 25, 27, 33, 36, 42, die, 89, 41, 45, 196, 382.—
deceitfully, deal with, 214m. 44i, 87, 89, 136, 151, 152, die with, 874.
handle deceitfully, 93. 222, 25Gi, 309, S'oS, 898,417. differ, mm, 87m. — differ
deccitfulness, 84. — depart asunder, 44. de- from, 86. make to differ,
dcceivableness, 84. part from, 57. let depart, 84.
deceive, 84, 151, 811, 829<, 42. depart out, 137. de- difference, 83, 86.—be differ-
409,418m. part out of, 152. ence between, 253. make
deceiver. 829, 409. departing, 57, 153. a difference, 84. put a dif-
deceiving, 84. departure, 25. ference, 84, Simp.
decently, 177, 177m. depth, 58, 820. differing, 87.
deck, r.j 417. deputy (be), 29i. dig, 282, 361.— dig down,221.
declaration, 89. deride, 135. — See also deep.
declare, 22, 26, 83, 73, 80, descend, 216, 222. dignity, 93.
82, 89, 132, 147, 153, 173, —
descent, 217. one's descent diligence, 167, 364.— do (give)
217, 282, 309, 409.— declare is counted, 68. without de- diligence, 864.
manifestly. 405. declare scent, 3. —
diligent, 864. ^bo diligent,
plainly, 141. See also ti- dcpcribc, 74, 239. 864. — See also lollower.
dings. desert, n., 168i. diligentlv, 13, 163, 854m,
decrease, v., 138. desert, adj., 168. 304.— very diligently, 864.
decree, n., 92. desire, n., 1G2, 174, 191. ear- — See also inquire, look,
decree,!»., 282. nest (great, vehement) de- search, seek.
dedicate, 101. sire, 164. diminisliing, 189.
dedication, feast of the, 101. desire, v., 10, 83, 151, 157, dine, 46.
deed, 168, 835, 841.—good 162i, 103,171,181,182,192, dinner, 46.
deed done to, 174. this 281, 810, 310m.—desire ear- dip, 59, 140.
deed, 222;>.—our deed8,841. nestly (greatly), 163. de- direct,!'., 222.
— See also mighty, this, sire to have, 181. disallow. 89.
worthy. —
desirous, 192. be desirous, disannul, 8, 14.
deem , 403. 192. be affectionately desir- disannulling, 8.
deep,n., 1, 58, 65. ous of, 200. See also glo- discern, 24, 24m, 84», Simp,
deep, adj., 58i. dig — deep, ry- 92.
58. deep things, 58. desolate, 168i, 264.—make discemer, 232.
deeply, see sigh. desolate, 168. discerning, 84.
deepness, 58. desolation, 16S. —bring to disciple,246r , 271 .-be a disci-
defiune, 62. desolation, 108. ple, 246. feUow-discJple,371.
— — — — — — — —— — —— — —

dlscoara{;ed, be. 8. can do, 334. do for, 314. dresser, see vineyard.
discover, 26, 138ot, 219. do not, 258/7. we have to dried, be, 270m.

discreet, 879. be discreet, do, 244. —
See also can, drink, n., 338, 339.—givo
879m. could, despite, diligence, drink, 340. strong drink,
discreetly. 268. done, evil, good, have, 330.
disease, 49, 247. 268i.
diseased, be, 49, 212.
murder, sacriiice, service, drink, V. , 827. give to drink,
See violence, well, what, iii- 340. make to drink, 340,

also blood. terrog., wit, wrong. drink of, 327. drink with.
disfigure, 56. doctor, 87. —
See also law. 372. See also drunk, wa-
dish, 391. doctrine, 8Tt, 244. —
See also ter.
dishonesty, 9. teach. drinking, 339m.
dishonor, n., 51. doer, 335. —
See also evil. drive, 35, 131. 131p, 138.—
dishonor, t'., 61, 218. dog, 234, 235. drive back, 2477». let drive,
dismiss, 42. doing, 1G8, 334, 335wi. be — 101, 406. drive out, 154.
disobedience, 34, 34»n, 311. one's doing, 71. See also— drive up and down, 86.

disobedient, 32, 35i. ^be dis- evil, well. be driven, 406. See also
obedient, 35, 3om. dominion, 231, 235, 23577». wind.

disorderly, 51, 51in. ^behave —
exercise dominion over, drop, great, 196.
one's self disorderly, 51. 218. have dominion over, dropsy, which had the, 393.
dispensation, 275. 234. drown, 65, 220.-be drowned,

disperse,85.-disperse abroad, done, be, 71. be to be done 220.
362. away, 220. so be done, 71. drunk (drunken), be, 251t.
dispersed, 86. —
See also deed, well. be made drunk, 251.

displeased, be much, 2. be door, 197. that keepeth the drunk, have well» 251.
Bore displeased, 2. be door, 197. drunkard, 251.
highly displeased with, 197. dote, 268. drunkenness, 250.
disposed, be, 64, 192. double, adj.,Ql. dry, adj., 32, 270'.-diy land.
disposition, 86. double, v., 91. 270.
disputation, 84, 370. double-minded, 91. double- dry up, 270.

dispute, v., 84i, 370. dis- tongued, 90. due, 71., 303.
pute with, 31772, 370. doubt, be in, 85. no doubt, due, adj., 198, 304.— be due,
disputer, 870. 45, 67, 807. stand in doubt, 303. — See also bom, re-

disputings, 309.

disputing, 84, 370. perverse 42.
doubt, v., 42, 84, 85, 91.—
ward, season, time.
dull, 270. See also hearing.
dissemble with, 377. make to doubt, 9. dumb, 14, 58, 236, 361.
dissension, 364. doubtful, 84, 8477?;7.—be dung, 71., 362.

dissimulation, 402. without doubtful, 42m. be of doubt- dung, «.,59, 229.
dissimulation, 32. ful mind, 257. dunghill, 229.
dissolve, 219, 246. doubting, 84. dure, see while.
distinction, 86. doubtless, 80. See also yea, dust, 229, 415.
distraction, without, 35. yet. duty, be one's, 304.
distress,!»., 23, 365, 376. dove, 325. See also turtle. dwell, 205, 223, 253, 274.361.
distress, v., 365. down,^i:j9., 215. — dwell among, 101. dwell
distributed, 83,228,253 ,2o6m. down, adv., 223. See aho at, 223. dwell in, 149, 223.
— ready to distribute, 176. bow, bring, cast, come, cut, dwell round about, 324.
distribution, 228, 253m.— dig,drive,fall, get, go, hang, dwell with, 376. See also
make distribution, 83. hew, kneel, lay, let, lie, stranger.
ditch, 63. press, pull, pulling, put, dweller at (in), 223.
divers, 215p, 835, 386.— 5ee reap, run, sink, sit, step, dwelling, 223.•
also manners. stoop, take, throw, thrust, dwelling-place, have no cer-
diverse, 87. —
tread, turn. down to, see tain, 50.
diversity, 69, 83. foot, hell. dying,»»., 266.
divide, 57. 83i, 84, 253, 878. drag, t•., 377. dying, be (lie) a, 39.
— divide by lot, 218. divide dragon, 94.
rightly, 282.— be divided, draught, 5, 56. each, 21, 99, 127.—each one,
71. draw, 22, 32, 43, 70, 139i, 131. See also other,
divider, 253. 363, 87<.— draw away, 42, eagle, 8.
dividing asunder, 253- 57. be drawn away, 151. ear,297,422.—ear3,12. come
divination, 436. draw back, 403, 40.3/7. noth- to one's ears, 13. See also
divine, 191. See also ser- ing to draw with, 32. draw itching.
vice. on, 106. draw out, 32, 363. ear, SQ5. —ear of com, 365.
division, 85, 91, 378, 878m. draw out of, 342. draw to early, 282, 352ir, 3L•2p.—Se«
divorce, v., 42. the shore, 349. draw up, also morning,

divorcement, 43. writing of 26. See also near, nigh. earnest, n., 47.
divorcement, 43. dream, n., 150, 278. earnest, adj., 136m. See
do, 147. 148, 165. 167, 179, dream, v., 150. also care, desire, expect»•
221, 2^2, 222/),S34, fel7«, dreamer, filthy, 150. tion, heed.
841 ,346,^0.—do away , 220. dresped, be, 69. eameetly,348.—behold (look)
—— — — —
— ——

452 INDEX.
earnestly, 51. mora ear- embolden, 274. envying, 181, 407•
nestly, 136. See also con- embrace, 50, 372. ephthatha, 178.
tend, covet, desire. emerald, 362i. epistle, 164.

earth, C9, 275. in earth, eminent place, 400wi. equal, n..376.
161. of earth, 285. under empty, 224, 378. equal, adj., 203. that which —
the earth, 222.
earthen, 285. emulation, 310.

emulation, 181. provoke to is equal, 203.
See also an-

earthly, 69, 161.—earthly enable, 147. equality, 203.

things, 161. encounter, v., 371. ere, 342.
earthquake, 859. end, n., 132, 821, 376, 383.— err, 42, 50, 329.
earthy, 415. from one end to the other, error, 4, 329.
ease, take, 25. 14. in the end, 305. make escape, v., 44, 86, 87, 137,
eased, be, 27• an end, 383. the latter end, 152, 406. — can escape, 406.
easier, 175. 171. to the end, 125, 382. escape from, 44. escape
easily, see beset, proToked. to this end, 125. to this safe, 86. Avay to escape, 132.
east, 26. end, that, 345.^nd8, 171. eschew, 134.
Easter, 318. — See also world. especially , 247.
easy, 416. See also entreat- —
end, v., 331, 377, 383wi. be espouse, 46. —be espoused,
ed, understood. ended, 71. 263.
eat, 62, 69, 171, 256, 267, endeavor, v., 182, 864, 408m. establish, 61, 203, 268, S65i.
391, 404, 405p.—eat enough, ending, 383. —be established, 203.
230. eat together with, endless, 11, 35. estate, one's, 322. See also
374m. eat up, 222. eat endued with, be, 147. See chief, elders, first, low,

with, 376. be eating, 171. also knowledge, your.
— eaten, see moth, worms. endure, 27, 215, 253, 402, esteem, v., 184, 232, 243,
eating, n., 65, Gbm., 405. —
4C3, 406. endure hardness, 8S5m. —be least esteemed,
edge, 304???, 366.— with two 212. endure patiently, 247. 153. See also highly.
edges, 91. — See also time, afllictions. eternal, 8, 10, 11.
edification, 275. enduring, 402. —
eunuch, 17G. make eunuch,
edify, 274, 274i7i. — the things enemy, 29, 178. 176.
wherewith one may edify, engrave, 150. evangelist, 174.
275. ergoin, 149, 165. —
even, n., 805i. at even,305f.
edifying, 274, 275. —
enjoy, 41, 392. epjoy the even, adj , 281m. See also
effect, become of no, 220. pleasures, 41. ground.
make of none effect, 14, enlarge, 249, 329. even, adv., 54jo, 67, 76,103/),
220, 224. make without ef- enlighten, 4ll. 13ip, 172, 207-209, 209/j,
fect, 220. take none effect, enmity, 178. 210;;, 252, 303, 381.—and
135. —
enough, 40, 199. be enough, even, 209, 278. even as,
effectual, 148. — be effectual, 46. it Ls enough, 36.— See 204,206,211,391,420, 421.
148. effectual fervent, 148. also eat, spare, even so, 211;;, 2G5, 303,421.
—See also working. enrich, 332. even very, 210. See also
effectually, see work. enrolled, be, S8m. into, like, not, now, one,
effeminate, 247. ensamplc,392,402. present, same, to, thus, unto.
egg, 419. ensue, 92. evening, 117/), 171, 305, 305p.
eight, 276. —
entangle, 305. entangle in, eventide, 171,305.
eighteen, 78. 140. entangle one's self ever, 8, 10, 11, 2mp, 307.—
eighth, 273.— the eighth day, —
with, 140. be entangled ever yet, o40. for ever, 10,
276. with, 148. lli, 89. for ever and ever,
either side, on, or of, 149. enter, 22, 127, 128i, 139, 813. 10.— Sre aho or, that.

either, conj., 183, 184. but — enter in, 128i. enter in- everlasting, 8, 11.
cither, 184. to, 128, 160, 170. evermore, 307, 307m. for —
elder, n., 841. — also an elder, entering in, l23. evermore, 10, ll.

372. elders, 341. estate of entertain, —
270. See also every, 127, 131, 1SS;>, 215^,
elders, 341. strangers, 275/;, 285/7. 315, 31um, 318,
elder, aif;' 250, 341.—elder entice, 78. 329wp, 374p.-evcry branch,
woman, 341. enticing, —
319. enticing 315. every man, 21, 34,
eldest, 841. words, 327. 127, 131,315,318,386, 8S8p.
elect, adj., 135. entire, 276. every one. 34, 127, 127p,
elected together with, 375. entrance (in), 128. 131, 315, 818. from every
election, 135. entreat, 171, 310i, 415.— See quarter, 307. on every side,
element, 3G6, 366ot. also evil, shamefully, Epite- 307, 315. every several, 21,
eleven, l47. fully. 127. every thing, 315, 318.
eleventh, 147. entreated, easy to be, 170. every where, 307. 315, 389.
Eli, 185. entreaty, 311. —
See also go. every whit,
Elol, 139. enviously, 407. 277. every woman, 131.
eloquent, 243. envy, n., 181, 18b7i, 407. be evidence, 138.
else, 45, 108, 156, 172, 209. moved with envy, l81. evident, 80, 217, 343.— &•
Set (dso or envy, v., 181, 407. also token.
— — — — — — —
— —
INDEX. 453
eTidently, i05.— iSc« obo set exhortation, 811.—give much falsely, 418.-falsely so called,
forth. exhortation, 811. in one's 418. See also accuse.
evil, n., 211, 212f, 838, 406. exhortation, 811. fame, 12, 189, 244, 406 -
— ao evil, 212. See also exorcist, 153. spread abroad one's fame,
speak. expect, 182, 847. 87.
evil, adj., 212, S38, SSSp, —
expectation, 847. ^be In ex- family, 319.
406.—«vil doing, 7,212. evil pectation, 347. earnest famine, 242.
speaking, 218. evil thiujr, expectation, 40. fan, 853.
406. evil things, 212, 833. expedient, be, 872. far, adj., 247. See also
— See also report, speaking. expel, 131. country, journey.
evil entreat. 212. make evil experience, 92. far, adv., 247i, 839.— be it
affected, 212. experiment, 92. far from, 200. far hence,
evil-doer, 212i. expert, 73. 247. far off, 247. far pars-
exact, v.. 841. expire, 831, 883. ed, 336. from far, 247.
exalt, 404. —
exalt highly, expound, 89, 136, 163. thus far, ISO.— -See also
400. exalt one's self, 155, express, see image. above, exceeding, more,
400. —be exalted above expressly, 856. see, spent.
measure, 400. in that ho extortion, 46. fare, v., 177.
is exalted, 404. extortioner, 47. farewell, 357, 412.—bid fare-
examination, 21. eye, 277, 804, 891i.-with well, 44.
examine, 24, 27, 92, 820. one's eye, 264. —
eyes, see farm, 5.
example, 77, 802, 402i.—af- fasten, set. farther side, the, 321. See
ter the example of, 2157?z. eye-salve, 229. also go.
make public example, eye-service, 804. farthing, 50, 227.
809. eye-witness, 52, 167. fashion, n., 111,351, 378,392.
exceed, S25, 400. — on this fashion, 303.
exceeding, at//., 194,242, 878, fable, 264. fashion one's self according
400. —
far more exceeding, face, 805, 351. fiice to face, — to, 877. —
fashioned like tm-
400. Eee also ioy. 851,866. to, 872.
exceeding, adv., see abund- faction, 91ot. fast, n., 267.
ant, abundantly, glad, fade away, 248.— that fadeth fast, t•., 267.— use to fast,
great, joyful, sorrowful, sor- not away, ISi. 207.
ry- fail, 135i, 163, 220, 827.—fail fast, make, 51. See also
exceedingly, 250, 825<, 878i. of, 404. men's hearts fail- hold, stand, stick.
—{the) more exceedingly, ing, 44. that faileth not, fasten on, 204. fasten one's
825. See also fear, grow, 27. eyes, 51.— fastened, 51/).
trouble. fain, would, 162. fasting, 50, 2G7i.
excel, 325, 400. faint, r., 134, 184777, 135,214. father, 313.— Father, 319.—
excellency, 400ir. fair, 50. — The fair havens, murderer of a father, 319.
excellent, 249. —
more excel- 2iz.—See also show, speech- without father, 84. of one's
lent, 87, 829, 400. m.ost es, weather. fathers, 819i. of the fathers,
excellent, 281. things that faith, 139, 328, 82877?.—of 819. received by tradition
are more excellent, 86, 87. httle faith, 276. See also from one's fathers, 319.
except, 98, 108, 109, 818,830. newly. father-in-law, 821.
—except it be, 1S3. excent faithful, 328.— Faithful, 829. fatherless, 282.
that, 108. faithfully, 829. fathom, 281.
excepted, be, 137. faithless, 86. fat ling, 360.
excess, 13, 26, 51. also Sm fall, n., 312,854. fatness, 327.
wine. fall, v., 70,135,217,220,221, fatted, 360.
exchange, in, 81. 827, Si2p, 353.— fall among, fault, m, 189, 312.-find
exchanger, 890. 140, 824. fall at, 850. fall fault, 252. tell one's fault,
exclude, 1u4. away, 57, 135, 812. fall 133. without fault, 20,
excommunicate, 131?7!. down, 91;7, 21<, 220, 327. 20777. for your faults, 18.
excuse, n., 851m. make ex- — fill down at, 850. fall down faultless, 19, 20.
cuse, 310. without excuse, before, 849777,850. fall from, favor, n., 413.
25. 42. 135, 404777. fall into, favored, highly, 413.
excuse, t'., 42. —excuse one's 140, 1C3, 824. occasion to fear, n., 6777, 77, 408.— he
self, 42.—be excused, 810. fall, 8G1. iixU off, 135. fall moved with fear, 175. godly
execration, bind with an on (upon), 1C3. fall out, fear, 175. put infcar,85?7j.
oath of, 23m. 170. fall to, IGO.— .SVe also without fear, 57.
execute, 835.-5'ei also priest. asleep, sleep, transgres- fear, v., 175, 408, 409.— fear
executioner, 363. sion. exceedingly, 137. in that
exercise, n., 75. falling away, 43. keep from one fcareth,175.
exercise, «., 50, 75, 3.35. falling, 44. fearful, 77, 408.— fearful
See also authority, lord- false, 417. — false teachers, sight, 408. fearful thing,
ship, dominion. 417. See aho accusation, 403.
exhort. Slot, 811771, 8;"1.— ex- accuser, apostles, brethren, feast, n., 77, 94, 154.— keep
hort one another, 810. Christs, prophet, witness. the feast, 154.— Se* al*o
— — —— — . —— — —

454 INDEX,

charity, dedication, gover-
feast dav, 154.
is put In to
fillup, 331.
fly, f.,826/.
foal, 394.
fcam, v., 57. —
foam ont, 15
feast with, 876. filth, 205, 823, 857. that one foameth again, 67.
feeble, 50, 311. filthiness, 9, 11, 263,857. foe, 178.
feeble-minded, 276. filthy, 9, 49.— be filthy, 857. fold, n., 52,835.
feed, 63, 64, 8S-5, ooSni, 390, filthy cou.munication, 9. fold up, 139.
391m;), 415, 419.— feed cat- See also dreamer, lucre. folk, see impotent, sick.
tle, 835. feed of, 171??;. finally, 245, oS3. follow, 12, 70, 79, 92, 119,
feed -with, 840. See also find, 27, 176, 219.—can find, 151,155,218,255, 262,811,
bestow. 176.— be found, 71.— See 874.— follow after, 92, 155,
feel, 72, 818.— feel after, 418. also fault. 205, 217, 218. that should
feeling,be past, 33. be finding out, past, 27. follow, 255.
touched with the feeling of, fine, see brass, tiour, linen. —
follower, 262. bo a diligent
872. finder, 76. follower of, Slim, follower
fcicrn,402. finish, 84, 44, 85, 136, 165, together, 372.
feisncd. 829. 105771,377,382, 383, 383//». following, 150.^<lay follow-
fellow, 28, 172, 257.— See al- —be fini-hed, 71. ins:, 153, 156i, 179.
so ba?e, citizen, disciple, finisher, SS2. follv, 30, 57.
heir, helper, laborer, pesti- fire,o54i, 411. — be on fire, food, 65, 86, 891.
lent, prisoner, servant, eol- 354. of fire,Eet on
S.j4. fool, 80, 50, 58, 265.— as a
dier, such, this, work, work- fire, 408. — See also coals, fool, 313. be a foci, 892ot.
GI* hell. become a fool, 265.
fellowship, 228, 257.—hare firkin, 257. foolifh, SO, 51, 58, 265.—
feSowship with, 22S, 370. firm 61 , make foolish, 265. foolish
female, 195. first, 48, 127, 351. 352, 853, talking, 265. foolish thing,
fervent, 136, 181.— be fer- 3537?!. —
at first, 353. at the 265.
vent, 181. fervent mind, first, 48, 351, 353. be first, foolishly, 57.
ISl. See also effectual, 844, 853. first day, 127, foolishness, 67, 265f.
heat. 853. first estate, 48. from foot, 61, 840. garment down —
fervently, 136. See also la- the Tery first, 32. first of to the foot, 333. en foot,
bor. all, 353. See also begin, 819. to set one's foot on,
fetch, see compass, fetch give, preach, rise, second, 61. See aho left, tread.
out, 151. trust. footstool, 840,403.
fetter, 819. first-begotten, 853. for,prf/7.,31,37,58, 81, 82,
fever, 354. —
sick of a fever, first-born, 353. 82??!, 124, 125, 130, 1437?!,
354. first-fruit (-fmits), 84. 144777,145,1457??, 148, 158,

64, 276.

few, 276. few stripes, 276.
a few things, 276. a few

fidelity, 828.
in few words,
204, 805.— little fish,
small fish, 204, 305.
fisher, 15. See also coat.
fisherman, 15.
160, 210, 272, 322, 845, 846,
899,420. for . e;uise,148,
302, 896, 413. for


(sakes), 81, 82, 145, 148,

188,322,398,899,413. for

field, 5, —
41 7i. abide In the fit, oi//., 174, 205.—be fit, 27. that, Sip, 91???, 1C8, 156i,
field, 5. See also com. tit, i7., 220, 22077!. 158,288, 289. for to, 125,
fierce, 28, 3G1, 412.— be the
more fierce, 1G5.
fierceness, 197.
fitlv, see frame, join.
five, 321.— five times, 821.—
St e also hundred, thousand.
See /
all, answer, call,
cause, contend, covenant,
fierv, 34.— fiery trial, 855. fix, 865. day, do, ever, evermore,
fifteen, 78, lOOiJ. flame, 408. hope, inquire, intent, inter-
fifteenth, 821. flaming, 408. cession, labor, lay, lie, lit-
fifth, 320. flattering, 228. tle, look, looking, make,
fifty, 821.—by fifties, 21.—
flax 243 moment, nought, once, pie-
See also thousand. flee,'l37,'l51,221, 406— flee ty, pray, provide, provision,
fig, 371.— unfimciy fig, 277. away, 406. flco out of, 137. purpose, reoeive, sacrifice,
green fig, 277771. flesh, 31, 858. season, seek, ecr.d, sin,
fig-tree, 371. fleshly, 358i. space, speak, strive, take,
fight, n., 6, 8, 835. fleshy, 358. tarry, time, wait, while, tj.
fight, t•., 6, 249, 335, 854.— flight, 410. See also turn. for, corj., 65, 67, 67771, 76,
fight against God, 192i. flock, 835i. 91,156,208.210, 288, 289.
fight with beasts, 195. flood, 218, 330, 839.—carried —for then, 45, 156.
fighting, 249. awav of the flood, 339. forasmuch as, 108, 117p,
figure, 82, 8C9, 302.— like floor j 18. 156ir, 206.
figure, 82. See also trans- flour, fine, 859. forbear, 27, 80, IGlp, 400.—
fer. flourish {tgain, 23. can forbear, 865.
fill, 68, 140, 225, 327, 331, flow, 856. forbearance, 31.
872,415.-611 full, 63. fill Cower, 28.— pass the flower forbearing, 27771.
up, 25, 81, 8C1, 3S3. piece of one's nge, 400. forbid, 84, 236, 23677?.- -God
that fiUeth up, 831. which flux, bloody, 96. forbid, 71. forbid to take,
—— — — — —— — —— —

INDEX. 455
236. DO man forbidding, 14. frame, v., 220.—frame fitly further, 172, 329, 339.—any
force, be gotten by, G2?n. of together, 874. further, 172. See also go,
force, 61. take by force ,46. frankincense, 242. little, proceed, threaten.
forefathers, 843. frankly, see forgive. furtherance, 844.
forehead, 257. fraud, keep back by, 43. furthermore, 128, 245.
foreigner, 814. free, adj., —
139. ^make free,
foreknow, 343. 139. free woman, 139.— gain, n., 167, 225, 889.—get
foreknowledge, 843. See also gift. pain, 225. make a gain of,
foreordain, 843, 851m. free, v., 9t). 330.—gains, 167.
forepart, 32. freedom, 836. gain, v., 167m, 225, 834,847.
forerunrer, 843. freely, 97, 815i. See also — See also trading,
foresee, 8427n, 843, 344. give, given. gainsay, 81, 32, 32m.
forcship, 852. freeman, 85, 139. gainsayer, 32.
foretell, 843, 844i. frequent, more, 325. gainsaying,32.-without gain-
forewarn, 343, 402. fresh , 72. saying, 25.
forget, 135, 103,205;?, 242. friend, 172, 407, 408.— mako gall, 415.
forgetful, 163.— be forgetful, one's friend, 820. one's gal lings, 809m/j.
1G3. friends, 808. thy friends, gangrene, 65m.
forgive, 42, 57, 413.—forgive 8G2. garden, 225.
frankly, 413. friendship, 407. gardener, 225.
forgiveness. 66. fro, see toss, tcssing. garland, 365.
form, n.,264i, 892, 403. frog, 61. garment, 147, 171, 200, 414.
form, v., 264, 820.— thing from,86,87OT, 81, 100, 129, —long garment, 866. Se4
formed. 329. ICO, 272, 807, 401.— from also foot,
former, 351i, 353. among, 87, 129, 254. from gamer, 89.
fornication, 839, 839???. to,14,&4OT,68, 188,274,
. . garni, h, 230.
commit fornication, 3-39. 275. from . . up, 129. See garrison, keep with a, 410.
give one's self '6to for- also above, beginning, bur- gate, 19< . 842m, 854i.
nication, 136. densome, depart, uifirer, gather, 165, 371, 873, 877,
fornicator, 839. escape, every, fall, far,

891. ^gather assuredly, 871.
forsake, 43, 44, 57. 101, 219. first, gotten, heaven, gather together, 1G5, 371,
forsomuch as, 206. hence, hencefortli, high, 373, 374. gather together
forswear one's self, 163. keep, place, put, refrain, in one, 24. gather up, 371,
forth, 154. See also break, rehearse, severed, swerve, 873. —
be gathered together,
brinp:, bronglit, call, carry, take,takeii, thence, thrust, 873, 375. be gathered thick
cast, come, conduct, fruit, time, top, turn, whence, together, 155. See also
give, go, hold, launch, let, within, without, world. company.
manifest, order, pass, pro- fro ward, 862.
ceed, put, reach, send, set, fruit, 69, 214.—bear fruit,
gathering, 243. —gathering
together, 165.
setter, shed, shine, shoot, 214. bring forth fruit, 214, gay, 238.
show, speak, stand, stretch, 215. without fruit, 11. gaze up, 140.
forthwith, 175^, 313. fruits, 280.— £•«« also first, gazing-stock, make a, 19L
forty, 80, 383.— tbrty years pcrice tion withereth. , gender, v., C8.
old,.383p. of forty years.383. fruitful (be),215. genealogy, 63.

forward, 864. be forward, frustrate, 8, Sm. generalj see assembly,
192, 864.— 6'ee also bring, fulfill,25, 136, 831, 33l7ni, generation, 6Si, COi.
go, put. 8£5, 877, 882, 883.— be ful- (Jcntile, 426, 427m.—Gen-
forwardness, 5;>i.-• forward- filled, 71. tiles, 107. —after the man-
ness of mind, 8j3. fulfilling, 831. ner of Gentiles, 107•
foster-brother, 877»i. full, oc(/., 230, 254i, 831ir.— gentle, 1G2, 1.S9.
foul, 11. See also weather, bo full, 63, 140, 831. (he) gentleness, 1G2, 416.
found, v., 192. full of, 63. make full, 831. get, 151, 176, 23om, B%p.
foundation, 192, 217•- lay — See also age, assurance, get down, 217. get thee
the foundation of, 192. darkness, fill, glory, hcavi- hence, 898. get into, 139.

fountain, 826.
four, 883, 833pt.—See also
hundred, month3,thousand.
cess, idols,
sores, time.
full, adc,
light, proof,

833/).-be full
get out (of),
from, 43.
152. bo gotten
See also
tiige, force, gain, victory,
fourfold, 884. come, 831. See also well. —
ghost, 8.33. give up the
fourfooted beast, 884. fuller, 73. ghost, 136, 137. jield up
fouxscore, 273. fully, preach, 831, 831m.— tiio ghost, 137. —Ghost, see
foursquare, 883. See also assured, come, Holy.
fourteen, 78. know, kno^vn, persuaded, gift, 23, 93i, 96, 97t, 253,
fourteenth, 883. ripe. 415<.— free gift, 41.3.— ^-f*
fourth, 863.— fourth
part, fulness, 831.
furlong, 8(ji. I

prophecy. gifts, see

fowl, 282, 826. furnace, 211. gird. 83. 182.—gird one-fl

fox, IS. fumi.^h, 827. 807.-ftmdsh 8clf, 823. ginl unto one"e
fragment, 226. throughly, 151. I Bclf, 83. gird up, 23•—b•
—— — —— — —

456 INDEX.
girt. 823. be girded (hare abroad, 89, 152. go again, report, eeem, think , tidings,
girt) about, 823. have . . 165. go aside, 27, 86, 404. way oif, while, will, words.
girded, 323. go away, 85, 152, 838,898. goodly, 213, 238.
girdle, 182. go before, 842-344. go be- goodman, 274. See also
give, 89, 42, 83, 88, 97, IGl, yond, 400. go down, 216, house.
248, 256, 309, 313, 814, 834, 222. go down upon, 162. goodness, l,416i.
845,384,413,410. go down with, 870. go ev- goods, 1, 297, 861, 899i.—be
give again ,39. give against, ery where,89. go forth, 136, Increased with goods, 832.
221. give first, 313. give 152, 338. go foi-ward, 343. thy goods, 8G2.
forth, 88. give freely, 413. go further (farther), 89, gorgeous, 238.
give more, 850. give one's 342, 343. how it will gorgeously apparelled, they
self to. 878. give out, 239. go with, 106, 823. go in which are, 2UU.
give over, 809. give pres- (into), 127^,128, 139. go in gospel, 173, 173ot. preach—
ently, 814. such things as (into) with, 375. go near, the go?pel before, 843.
one giveth, 808. give thy- 348. go on, 342, 406. go one's {)reacn the gospel (to, unto,
Eelf wholly to, 116. give up, —
way (outi), 35, 152,i 338, n, of), 173. be preached
88, 809. 398. go out, 36, 38, 136, 151, by the gospel, 173. the gos-
See also attendance, audi- 152, 359. go out of, 136, 152. pel is preached (to, unto).
ence, charge, command- go out of the way, 134. go 173. have the gospel
ment, continually, counsel, over, 85, 89, 883. go over preached to, 173.
diligence, drink, exhorta- all, 89. go round about, government, 233, 235.
tion, fornication, ghost, 823. go thence, 152. go governor, 107, 175, 184i, 275.
heed, increase, leave, liber- through, 85, 89, 128. go —
be governor, 184. gover-
ty, license, life, light, mar- throughout, 89, 91. go to nor of the feast, 48. gov-
riage, offence, order, part, (unto), 3, 848. go up, 21, ernor's house, 84177J.
place, rest, eentence, Bhout, 27. 838, 847. go tip into, grace, 176, 413, ilCm,
evick, testimony, thanks, 139. go upon, 22. go with, graced, much, 413/.
tithes, understand, witness. 12?n,872,875. gracious, 413,416.

given to, 92, 91. ^be given to, See also afoot, astray, graciously, see accepted.
848. the things that are compel, country, journey, graffin(into),101.
freely given, 413. See also law, let, httle, meet, war- grain, 228.
hospitality, idolatry, inspi- fare. grandmother, 248.
ration, lucre, wine. going, be, 838. begoingout, grant, 88, 121, 413.
giver, 93. 859OT. grapes, 865.
giving, 93. See also law, goat, 169i, 890. grass, 415.
thanks. goatskin, 8, 78. grave, adj., 859.

glad, be, 2, 412. ^be exceed- —
God, 11)2, Hop. according grave, n., 7, 7m, 263i.
ing glad, 2. make glad, 177. to God, 194?n. hater of grave-clothes, 224.
— See also tidings. God, 194. lover of God, graven, 412.

gladly, 60, 184. ^most (very) 407. God speed, 412. to gravity, 859.
gladly, 184. See also rc- God, 194;n. without God, great, 200, 250, 837.—a great
8. See also admonished, deal, 247p, 825;;. exceed-
gladness, 1, 177, 412. answer, fight, forbid, inspi- ing great, 250. now great,
glass, 171,392.— of glaRS,S92. ration, taught, warned, 185, 839. how great things,
— See also behold. worshipper, \vould. 284. great men, 250. great
glister, v., 151. god, 75, 194.—god that one number of, 200. great one,
— —
glorify, 93. glorify together, worshippcth, 859»i. 886/». great ones, 250. show
375. be glorified, 147. goddess, 191. great, 249. so great, 884,

glorious, 93, 147• bo made Godhead, lOli, 194. 889. BO great things, 889m.
glorious, 93. godliness, 177, 194. they that are great, 250.

glory, m,, 93, 226. desirous godly, 177i, 194
of vain glory, 224. full of godly manner (sort), 83,

after a great thing, 249,250. very
great, 807, 330. what great,
glory, 93. have glory, 93. 194. See also fear. 185. what great things,
glory, v., 218, 218OT, 223, gold. 416, 417.— of gold, 416. 284. See also ago, ago, au-

224, 224m. nothing to glo- witn a gold ring, 416. thority, boast, child, curse,
ry of, 224. whereof I may golden, 416. dciire, drop, how, noise,
glory, 224. good, w., 1,62,173,213^,416. price, swelling, way off,
glorying', 224<, 224»?. —in glo —dogood, li, 174, 176. while.
rying, 224. good, adj., 1, J/7, 213. 416.— greater, 250, 250m, 825, 830.
gluttonous, 404. bo gooJ,l, 2u4, 872. in a the greater part, 830. great-
gnash, 05.— gnash with, 3L»0. good place, 213. lover of er thing, 250. greater work,
giiasliing, G5. good men, 407. lover of 250.
gnat, 230. gnaw, 249. goodthiugs,407wi. teacher greatest, 250i.
go, 8, 5, 85t. 89, 128, 152, of good tliiuga, 213. good greatly, 242, 249, 337i, 378.
170, 256, 273, 809, 812, 813, thing, 1,213. 412. See also amazed, do»
824, 8;J8, 848, 893, 417. See also ago, behavior, siro, long, rejoice, wonder-
go aljoard, ICO. go about, cheer, comfort, dc.il, do- illg.
89, 166, 182, 820i, 823. go episer, olive tree, pleasure, greatness, 250.
— — — — — — ——

INDEX. 457
^cedilj, set run. hallow, 3. fiJcnce, convenient, conver-
greediness, 330. halt, 417. sation, course, dealings, de-
greedy, see lucre.
Gi-cek, in, 427.
hand, 413 —
at hand, 100. be
at hand, 100. 149, 178.
sire, devil, do, dominion,
drunk, dwelling, fellowship,
green, 21~mp. 303, 415.— (some to) lead oy the hand, gird, glory, gospel^ hah:,
green thing, 415. See also 414. take in hand, 106. hope, husband, unpedi-
fig. with one's own hand, 56. meut, indignation, itching,
greet, 50. lay hands on, 231, 826. journey, joy, knowledge,
greeting, 50, 412. —eend made by (with) hands, 414. lack, leisure, less, let, mer-
greeting, 412. n:ade without hands, 58. cy, ministered, more, need,
grief, 245. —cause grief, 245. not made with handis, 53.
— See also notice, o^'er, palsy, pa-
Avith grief, 3G5.

grieved, 8o, 245,

grieved with, 850.
grieve, 215^ 865m, 371.

grievous, 60, 245, 276, 338.—

right, smite, strike,
handkerchief, 862.
nigh, ready,

handle, v., 195, 418.—-See

also deceitfully, shamefully,
tience, peace, pity, place,
pleasure, power, pre-emi-
nence, quarrel, regard,
remembrance, report, repu-
tation, respect, rule, shod,
grievous to be borne, 93. handmaid (-maiden), 93. spare, testimony,trust, un-
grievously, 77, 212. handwriting, 414. derstanding, will, work.

grind, 15. ^grind to powder, —
hang, 231. hang down, 814. —
haven,242. havens, 5£«fair.
242. hang on, 135;?!. hang one's havoc of, make, 245.
groan, t>., 140, 365, 365m.— self,33. —be hanged about, hay, 415.
groan together, 877. 324. hazard, i>., 810.
groaning, 865. haply, 355. — haply, 45.
if ho, 103, 133p, 134r,252, 271-
gross, wax, 819. See also lest, 273, 298, 380.—he, his, etc.,
ground, n., 69, 106i, 403m, happen, 70, 371.—the things 63-55, 252. —he himself, 63,
417. —
lay even with the which happened unto me, 54,99,891. he it was that
ground, 106. on (to) the 106. should, 298. he that, 109,
ground, 412. parcel of happy, 246. —count happy, 271p, 272, 272;;, 283, 284<,
ground ,417. piece of ground, 246. 2S5. See also him, his.
5. See also stony. hard, adj., 96,361. See also —
head, Head, 225. wound in
ground, v., 192. understood, uttered, the head, 225.

ceedingly, 400.

grow, 62, 70, 170. grow ex-
gi'ow to-
hard, adv., see join,
harden, 855, 850m, 361.—be
headlong, 842p. See also
gether. 874. grow up, 22, hardened, 861. heady, 844.
52, 260. grow whereunto, hardly, 96, 263i. heal, 86, 194, 197i, 879.
38. hardness, 8o5, 855m, 361. healing, 194, 197/.
grudge, inward, 148m. See also endure, heart, —
health, 379. be in health,
grudge, I•,, 865. harlot, 839. 392,
grudging, 73. harm, n., 62 212, 338, 392. —
heap, v., 165, 379. iSee also
grudgingly, 245. harm,'u.,2li!. treasure.
guard, one of his, 868m. harmless, 11, 12, 12m. hear, 12, 84, 118, 127, 155f,
See also captain. harp, n., 226. 30Sp, 350/>.— hear before,

guest, 24. be gue^t, 219. harp, v., 226. 842. neglect to hear, 811.
guest-chamber, 219. harper, 226. which hear, 12.
guide, n., 273.— be guide, harvest, 195. hearer, 13i.
184m. —
haste, n., 864. make haste, hcarii'.g, ii.,12,83.—be dull
guide, v., 184m, 222, 222m, 803. with haste, 863. of hearing, 13. place of
273. —
See also nouse. haste, v., 863, 363m.—haste hearing, 13.
guile, 93. unto, 363. hearing, jjori., 12.
guiltless, 24. hastily, 881. hearken, 13, 899.— hearken
guilty, 402.—be guilty, 804. hate, 17., 262. to, 150. hearken unto, 319.
guilty of, 149. hateful, 262, 867. heart, 214, 418.— hardness of
gulf, 413. hater, see God. —
heart, 861. which knoweth
gush out, 137. hatred, 178. the hearts, 214. See also
have, 81, 36, 72, 98i7, 114, cut, fail.
habit, 153m. 115,117-119,178,179,222, heartily, 162m, 418.
habitation, 155, 223», 274, 233, 256, 271;?, 899. —
heat, 195, 22oi. burning
861. can have, 179. have on, heat, 2"_3. with fervent
hail, n., 412. 147. have sufiicicnt, 179. heat, 223.
hail, V.J 412—all hail, 412. have to dowith,lU4y;, 187/J, heathen, 107t.-heathen man.
hair, 198. 229.- have long 241/), 869/). such things as 107.
hair, 229. of hair, 891.— ono hath, 813. that one heaven, GOp, 296.—from
See also broldcd. hath, 140, 808, 899.—be heaven, 296. in heaven,
hale, r., 221, 377. had, 71. 107. midst of heaven, 254.
half, 139.— iSfee also dead, See also abimdance, admi- heavenly, 167, 296, 297.—
hour, ration, against, being, care, heavenly places, 16/, I67m.
— See52.—
hall, hull, 841. ca.st, charge, circumcised, they that are heavenly, 167.
akc judgment. company, compassion, con• heavenly things, 167, 1<o1m.
— — — —— —

4.58 INDEX.
heaviness, 223, 245.—be fuU hide, 40, 102, 213, 233. 311, hom«, 275. one'e own home,
of heaviness, 7. be in heavi- 324.—hide one's self, 233. 198m.
lOOi), 198,
ness, 245. high, 32, 250, 404.— from on honest, 213, 213m, 859.—
heavy ,59 ,60.—be very heavy, h1gh,404. most high (High), honest thing, 213. See also
7. — See also laden. 404. on high, 4iJ4f. high
places, 107. high things,
honestly, 177, 213.
Hebrew, in (the), 100.—in
the Hebrew tongue, 100. 404i. See also captain, honesty, 359.
hedge, n., 409. priest, time. honey, 251.
hedge round about, 409. higher, 32. 400. honey-comb, 225.
heed to ( unto ) give 157 348.
, , Highest, 404.—in the high- 885m.—
honor, n., 93, 385,
give the more earnest heed est, 404. See also room,
without honor, 52.
to, 325. talieheed,63,281, seat. honor, v.,93, 149m, 385.
348, 362. take heed to (un- highly esteemed, that which honorable, 147, 149, 177, 885.
to, whereunto), 63,157,348. is, 404. very highly, 325.- less honorable, 52.—
heel, 853. See also displeased, exalt, hook, 4.
heifer, 76. favored, think. hope, n., 139. have hope, —
height, 404i. high-minded, be, 392, 404. 139.
heir, 227•—be heir (of), 227. highway, 89, 273.—by the hope, v., 139, 343m. hope —
heir togethi^r (with), 370. highway side, 273. for, 139. hope for again,
follow (joint) heir, 370. hill, 64, 281, 282.— See also 35. thing hoped for, 139.
hell, 7, 7m, 68.—cast down Mars' hill. horn, 225.
to hell, 380. hell fire, 68. him, 54, 55, 98, 99, 298, 301, hor.e, 203.
helm, 326. 302. horseman (-men), 203.
helmet, 324. himself, 53, 54, 98, 99, 143m, llosanna, 421.
help, n., 32, 63, 163.— with- 301p. —
See also he. hospitality, 407. given to —
out help, 151wi. hinder part, 352. —
hinder hospitality, 408. lover of
help, v., 31, 63i, 3,
374— part of the ship, 352. hospitality, 408. use hos-
help together, 877. help hinder, v., 24, 101, 102, 135, pitalitv, 408.
•with, 3^5. 233. host, 270, 307.
helper, 63, 875.— fellow help- hire' n., 262. hire, v., 262. host [multitude], 866.
er, 375. hired house, 262. —
hired hostile mind, bear a, 197inp.
hem, 231. servant, 262t. hot, 181. See also sear.
hen, 282. hireling, 202. hour, 54^?, 65]}, 89/), 419.—
hence, 149. 255, 299^.-from his, 54, 55, 98, 198, 271, 386, in (the) that (Fame) hour,
hence, 149.— -S'ee also far, —
his own, 54, 98i, 271. his 54. space of half an hour,
get. own self, 53. 189. unto this (present)
henceforth, 47, 245,260,260p, hither, 148, 419. —
bring hour, 47.
2G9, 294/?.— from hence- hither, 40G. come hither, house, 96, 274i, 274;?, 275,
forth, 34, 47, 47in, 245, 2G9. 79. —
See also call, reach. 275;?. —
goodman (master)
henceforth no more, 200, hitherto, 47, 58, 79, 296p. of the house, 274. guide
269p. henceforth not, 260, hoise up, 155. the house, 274. of one's
294. not lieucefurtli, 260. hold, n., 384, 410.— lay hold own house, 274. they
henceforward, 260/?. on (upon), 163, 231.— &e which are of the house,
her, 54, 55, 98. 271/>, 299.- take. 271. with all one's house,
her own, 08, 99. hold, v., 118, 179, 222,222m, 307. See also governor,
herb, 238.—herbs, 64. 231, 233, 335.—hold by, hired, Pilate, store, thy.
herd, 3. 231. hold fast, 31, 179, household, 194. 274, 275.-
here, 66, 148, 298p, 372p, 179m, 222, 222OT, 231,884. of the (ones) household,
419.—bo here, Z\Z.—See hold forth, 157. man that 274. household servant,
also present, eojouming, holdeth,S76. hold to, 31. 274. they that be (which
stand, —be holden up, 203. See are) of one's household, 271.
hereafter, 47, 255, 260, 269, also peace, reputation, sus- householder, 29^, 274.
291p.-should hereafter, 251. pcuse. house-top, 96.
hereby, 130, 144. hole, 279m, 411. how, 182???j9, 206, 280, 281
herein, 144. holiestiof all), 4. 287, 288m, 855, 883, 421.~
hereof, 182mp, 299.— i&e holily, 284. how great, 826. how is it ?
also reason, holiness, 3, 4i, 177, 284.—*s 388. how is it that? 855,
heresy, 9. beconieth holiness, 199. 383. how large, 320. how
heretic, that is an, 9. holy, 8, Sni, 199, 284.—be much, 284, 330, 888j9. how
heretofore, see sin. holy, 3. Holy Ghost (Spir- much more, 25. how
hereunto, 125. it), 4. Holy Oie, 3, 284. that, 287. —
See also go,
heritage, 227. holy place, 4. linly thing, great, long, many, oft,
herself, 54, 99. (things), 4, 4m, 199. holy often.
hew, 238.— hew down, 135. women, 199m. ho^^be^t,16,76,258.
hewn In Btone, 238. holyday, 154, 154m. howl, 276.
hid (hildcn), 41, be 233— home, 122m, 193, 275, 275m. humble, '., 880.
hid (hilden), 238. hidden — at home, 274, 275, 27.jm. humble, v., 380. —homble
thing, 23a. I
be at home, 147. keeper at one^s self, 380.
— — —

). 459
hnmbleneea of mind, 3S0. immortality, 8, 56. strength.
humiliation, 380. immutability, 19. incredible thing, 36.

humility, 380. humility of Immutable, 19. indebted, be, 303.
mind, 380. impart, 256, 25677t. indeed, 15, 16, 67, 210, 210p,

hundred,131. five hundred, impediment in one's speech, 252, 279. See also neither.
321, four hundred, 384. having an, 263. indignation, 2, 181, 197, 2S1.
six hundred, 151, 415;?. Impenitent, 19. — be moved with (have) in-
three hundred, 890. two implacable, 50. dignation, 2. with indig-
hundred, 84. hundred implead, 101. nation, 2.
years old, 131. by —
hund- importunity, 23. inexcusable, 25.
reds, 21, 131.— also imposed on, be, 162. infallible, see proof.
thousand. ini inssible, 7, ?7. —be imp,7. infant, 64.
hundredfold, 131i.

impotent, 7. 50. — impotent inferior, be, 189. —make infe-

hunger, n., 242. man (folk), 49. rior, 138m.
hunger, v., 320. imprison, 410. infidel, 36.
hungered, be an, 320. impiisonment, 410. infirmitv, 49, 50, 26S.
hungry, 320. —be hungry, impute. 139, 243, inform, 141, 223.
320. very hungry, 350. in,38, ingrafted, 141.
5.;;, 58, 81, 124, 130,
hurt, n., 892. 141, 143???, 144???, inhabitant, 223.
hurt, v., 7, 62, 212. 157, 157;^, 158, 1587?i, 160, inhabiter (of), 223.
hurtful, 62. 171, 215, 21.5;?, 216;?, 255, inherit, 227.

husband, 28. love one's 275;?, 323, 346, 39G;>, 401, inheritance, 221t. obtain — an
husband, 407. which hath 4.34;?. inheritance, 227. obtain by
an husband, 399. in among, 124. in at, 124. Inheritance, 227.
huibandman, 69. In . . stead, 399. in that, iniquity, 7t, 30, 312, 338.
husbandry, 69. 283, 285;?, 289, 380/?, 404;?. injure, 7.
husk, 225. in unto, 124. injuriou."?, 392.
hymn, 398. —
sing an hvTun, See also abide, absence, injury, 392m,
398. all, any, array, audience, ink, 2ol.

hypocrisy, 402. without hy- behalf, behold, bond, bond- inn, 219, 307.
pocrisy, 32. age, bring, bringing, inner, 171, 172.
hypocrite, 402. brought, busybody, call, innocent, 8.
hyssop, 404. case, clothed, come, confer- innumerable, 25.— See also
ence, contain, continue, company, multitude.
I, 102, 103, 104JJ, 105, 13, creep, danger, days, de- inordinate, see affection.
U2p, 119/7, 139, 140, 177;?, light, despair, dwell, dweller, inquire, 83, 153, 1G2, 182,
304]). 310;).— 1 m\ self, 53.
Idle, 45.— idle tales, 242.
earth, entangle, enter, en- 182???;?, 354, oiO. —
tering, entrance, exchange, diligently, 1.3, 134. inquire
idol. 111.— idol's temple, 111. expectation few, gather, go,
, for, 182.
—full of Idols, 222??!. niciit graff, Greek, heaven, heavi- inquiry for, make, 89.
offered to idols, 111. offer- ness, Hebrew, highest, hour, inscription, 161???. —
with this
ed in sacrifice unto idol^, keep, Latin, manner, midst, inscription, IGl.
111. thing offered (sacri- mighty, mind, morning, insomuch as, 422. insomuch
ficed) unto idols, 111. much, no, nourish, one, that, 125, 422.
idolater, 111. order, part, particular, inspiration of God, given bj-,
Idolatry, 111. — wholly given pleasure, pour, presence, 192.
to idolatry, 222. put, rank, rejoice, reputa- instant, n.,55/>, 419.
if, 95i^ 97, 91p, 98/?, 107, tion, respect, rest, room, —
instant, cif/., 13Gm. be in-
108, 108p, 109, 109^, 214;^, run, eea, season, secret, stant, 162, 178. See also

2Glp. if by any means, sight, some, epit, spring, continue.
109. if haply (perhaps), step, store, subjection, sus- in.stantly, 136, 364.
45. if so 1)0, 45, lOJ. if pense, take, thrust, time, instruct, 2'_3, 246, 264, 805,
that, 108, 210.--a'ee also as, uproar, vain, walk, work, —
871. instruct before, 342.
but, or, so. wrap, write. instruction, 305.
Ignorance, 4 , 5. inasmuch as, 117p, 206, 284. instructor, 805i.

ignorant, 4, 198. be Igno- incense, 197, 197m. —bum instrument, 280.
rant, 4.
be ignorant of, incense, 197. —
insurrection, 364. make in-
inclose, 370. surrection against, 222.
Ignorantly, 4. incontincncy, 13. make insurrection with,
ill, n., 212. incontinent, 13. 377;?.
illuminate, 412. incorruptible, 55. intend, 64, 192, 251.— 5ee

imago, 112. express image, incorruption, 50, 56???. also war.
imagination, 84, 85, 243.
increase, n., 62. give the
increase, 62.
— intent, 149, 244.— for that
intent, 125. for vhat in-
imagine, 251. increa.^c, .,2, 825, 344,350. tent? 846. to the intent,
immediately, 151, 174, 175, — make to increase, SjO. 125p, 200. to the intent
813. Increase more and more, that, 200.
Inmiortal, 56- 825. Het also goodj, I
intercession, 149. — mAk« In
— — — — — —a

460 INDEX.
tercession, 150. make in- journey, SQ.— See also kingdom, 60.
tercession for, 400. bring. Ivinsfolk, kinsfoike, 869.
interpret, 89, 169, 250. journey, v., 273, 838<.— kinsman, 869. ^kinemen —
interpretation, 163, 169. journey with, 376. 308m.
be by interpretation, 169, journeying, 273. kiss, n., 407.
250. by interpretation, 89. —
joy, n.,1, 177, 412. exceed- kiss, v.. 221, 407.
Interpreter, 89. ing joy, 1, 2. have joy, knee, 73. bow the knee, 73 —
into, 58, 122, 145, 158, 160, 279. See also leap. kneel, 73. kneel down to, —
171, 215, 275p, 401.—even joy, v., 224, 412. 73. kneel to, 73.
into, 180. See also bear, joyful, be exceeding, 400. knit, 80.— knit together, 371.
beat, bondage, bring, car- joyfully, 412i. knock, 232.
rying, cast, come, country, joyfulness,412. know, 72, 73, 110, 115, 101,
creep, enter, fall, get, go, joyous, 412. 1G4, 343.—know before, 843.
graCf, intrude, lead, look, judge. Judge, n., 90, 232. knovf by, 875. know fully,
number, one, remembrance, judge, v., 24, 84, 84»7, 184, 811. know not, 4. know
remove, subjection. 2.32i.—judge against, 217);2. of. 111. know the utter-
Intrude into, 140. judgment, 9, 73, 83j?i, 90i, most of, 83. know well, 161.
inventor, 17o. 189, 232ir, 232?/?.— hall of —
See also known, hearts.
invisible, 83.-invisible things, judgment, 341. of no judg- knowledge, 73, IGI, 376 —
33. ment, 7m. righteous judg- endued with knowledge,

inward, 171. inward man ment, 90. subject to judg- 1G4. have knowledge, 72,
(part), 171. — See also affec- ment, 402?n. void of judg- 111. have knowledge of,
tion, grudge. ment, 7m. 161. not knowledge, 6.
inwardly, 171, 233. judgment-hall, 341. take knowledge of, 161.
judgment-seat, 61, 232. known, 73, 405.—be fully
— See alsoS60.—
iron, n., of iron,
Jupiter, Qlp. known, 831. be made known,
Iron, adj., 860. jurisdiction, 154. 23. make known, 73. make
is, 144m/>, 148, 216p. - See be. just, 90, 147. known abroad, o3. which
island, 267t. justification, 90i. may be knovni, 73.
isle, 267. justifier,90.
issue,n.,357, 363. See also justify, 90. labor, n., 168, 229.—bestow
blood. justly, 90. labor (on), 229. companion
issue, u., 133. in labor, .375
it,53, 55, 133, 2np, 278, keep, 5, 64, 86, 87, 179, 218, labor, v., 167, 229, 864, 408.
298-302. 222, 231, 314, 335, 341, 377, — labor fervently, 6. labor
itching ears, have, 227. 377/» ,384, 410i.— keep back, for, 167. labor with, 874.
itself,64, 98, 9Spi,99.—See 268, 403. keep from, 236. —
laborer, 167. fellow laborer,
also by. keep keep in mem-
in, 376. 375. laborer together with,
ivory, of, 139. ory, 222. keep one's self, 875.
410. keep under, 404. be — lack, n., 404, 415. have —
jacinth, 392.— of jacinth, 392. kept, 5m, 71. See also lack, 138.
jailor, 79. close, company, door,fall- lack, v., 241, 313p, 404.—
gangling, vain, 249. ing, feast, fraud, garrison, part which lacked, 404.
jasper, 197. sabbath, secret, silence, vi^hich is lacking, 404. —
jealous over, be, 181. store. See also opportunity,

jealousy, 181. provoke to keeper, 384, 410. — See also lacketh (that), 147.
jealousy, 310. home, prison. lad, .305.
jeopardy, be in, 226. Btand keeping, 384. — -See also com- lade, 379, 409. —lade with,
in jeopardy, 226. mdt. 166. —heavy laden, 409.
jesting, 177. key, 226. lading, 409.
Jews, live as do the, 202. kick, v., 236. lady, 234.
Jews' religion, 203. kid, 169. lake, 242.
join fitly together, 374. join kill, 24, 41, 87, 190, 197,378, lama, 237.
hard to, 376. join one's 409. lamb, 20. 46t. Lamb, 46. —
Bclf (to).229,349. join to- kin, 369. lame, 417. —
lame man, 417.

gether, 370. be joined (un- kind, n., 69, 69m, 410.— that is lame, 417.
to), 221), 349. bo perfectly kind of, 385. lament, 196, 229.
joined together, 220. —
kind, adj., 416. be kind, lamentation, 196, 229.
joint, n., 46, 56. 416. lamp, 2.38.
joint, adj., see heir. Idndle, 25, 44. land, n., 5, 69m, 70, 270,
jot, 204. kindly, see affectioncd. 417/i. —
See also dry.
journey, n., 273i. —go on
have a
Idndness, 177/?!, 407, 416.
See also brotherly.
land, v., 217, 222.
lane, 357.
one's journey, 273.
pro?perousjoumey, 170. in kindred, 69, 2747n, 819, 869, language, 84.
one'e journey, 85. make 410. lantern, 40.5.
one's jounioy, 333. ononc's king, 60,61.— king's country, large, 200, 250.— <S'eea8,^ow.
journey, 814. take one's (U. king's court, ^). —
lascivious way, 45 m.
journey, 89, 833. takiu<{ a Iviug, . lasciviousuess, 49.
— — —

DTDEX. 461
last, 171, 404.—«t the last, leathern, 78. ing (that pertain) to thla
34(), 404. last of all, 404. leave, give, 166. take leave life, 62. of this hfe, 62.
last state, 171. of, 44, 50. things without life, 68.—
latchet, 200. leave, v., SO, 41, 57, 100, iSee also amendment,raised.
late, of, 269. lOOm, 101, 219, 319, 402i.— life-time, 80,181,182.
lately, 350. leave out, 131.—be left, 325. lift out, 101. lift up, 9, 80.
Latin, in, 437. that was left, 324. See also 31, 101, 155, 404. hft up
latter, 305, 404. See also undone. one's self, 24.— be lifted up,
end. leaven, «., 182. see pride.
laud, 155. leaven, v., 182. light, «., 238, 245, 406, 411i,
laugh, V.J 68. —laugh to left,adj., 46.— left foot, 178. 412.—bring to light, 412.
scorn, 217• on the (one's) left hand, full of light, 411. givehght,
laughter, 68. 178i. 166,238,411. givehght to,
launch, —
23. launch forth, leg, 361. 166.—Light, 411.
23. launch out, 155. legion. Legion, 239. light, r., 44, 211, 411.

law, 5, 7p, 268. about the leisure, have, 175. light [alight], 170, 327.
law, 268. contrary to the lend, 76,415.
length, 260.—at length, 340.
hght, adj., 138. —make light
law, 312. doctor of (the) of, 19.
law, 268. giving of the leopard, 313. lighten, 40, 51, 411.
law, 268. go to law, 232i. leper, 241. hghten. 230.—hghten the
receive the law, 268. eue leprosy, 241. ship, 132.
at the law, 232. teacher of less, 137, 262.—have the lightly, 381.
the law, 268. transgress less, 404m. the less, 189. lightness, 138.
the law, 30. transgression —
See also honorable, least, lightning, 51.
of the law, 30. under the sorrowful. like, adj., 203, 277, 303, 420,
law, 149. without law, 31i. lesser, 137m. 421.— like as, 278, 420, 421i.
lawful, 149, 152.—be lawful, lest 201, 202, 258, 259, 261i, be like. 111, 278. be like
152. 261;?.—lest (that) by any unto, 314. De made hke,
lawfully, 268. (some) means, 261. lest 57. even like, 420. in hke
lawgiver, 268. haply, 261i. lest perhaps, manner, 209. made like to,
lawless, 31. 261. lest . . . should. 125. 278. make like, 278. like
la\vyer, 268. let, 57, 100, 152, 222. —let things, 55, 314. like unto,
lay, 24, 59, 217, 221, 227, alone, 57, 97, 100. let be. 2227n, 420.— See also fash-
384, 406.—lay apart, 44. 57,116. let down, 206, 412. ion, figure, manner, men,
lay aside, 44. 56, 384. lay let forth, 132. let go, 42, occupation, passions, pre-
down, 44, 384, 403. lay on, 56, 57, 1G6. let have, 57. cious.
160, 165. lay unto, 350. let out, 132. See also de- — like, v., 92.
lay up, 195, 384. lay upon, part, drive, sink, slip. like-minded, 202, 873.—be
165. lay wait (for), 148, let [hinder], 236. like-minded, 55, 409.
161.—he laid, 224. be laid letter, 73, IGi.—See also liken, 278.
thereon, 162. be laid up, write. —
hkeness, 278. In the like-
40, 224. be laid upon, 162. lewd, 338. ness of, 278.
— See also charge, crime, lewdness, 856. hkewise, lOSp, 209, 278, 2957»,
foundation, ground, hold, liar, 417, 418. 303, 312, 421.
store, treasure. liberal, 36. hly, 232.
laying await, 161. laying on, liberality, 36, 413. limit, v., 282.
162. liberally, 36, 36?72. line, 214, 214wi.
lead, v., 5, 23, 33, 273, 406. Uberty,27,56, 188,153,315wi. lineage, 319.
—lead about, 323. lead — at Uberty, 139. give lib- linen, 243, 360.— Unen cloth,
away, 5, 83, 840;?. lead erty, 166. set at liberty, 42. 274, 360. fine hnen, 65t,
away with, 374. lead into,
lead out,
license, 889. —
give license, 360.
127, 128, 873. 166. linger, 45.
151. lead up, 23, 26.— -See lick, 41. lion, Lion, 242.
also captive, hand, life. he, n., 418i. —speaking lies, lip, 413.
leader, 273. liquid, see nard.
leaf, 410. —
he, v., 418. that can not list, 1) 64, 192.
lean, v., 24, 25. he, 58. he to, 418. little, 261, 276i.—a Uttle, 64,
leap, 17, 861.—leap for Joy, he, 24, 59, 63, 179, 218, 224. 257, 262, 276, 276m. a lit-
361. leap on, 178. leap up, — lie down, 87;«. ho iu tle space, 64. a little while,
151. wait, 251p. lie in wait for, 64, 64ot 262, 284. for a
learn, 248, 805. 148. he on, 102, 1G3. lie Uttle, 2,6m. for a httle
learned, be, 305. —
upon, 162. «See also death, time, 276, 276m. go ahttle
learning, 73ot, 74, 87. dying, much, region, sick. further, 64. no httle, 892.
least, 138, 262.—at least, 68, hfe, 62, 181, 182, 2S3p, 832, httle one, 262. very little,
208. at the least, 214. less 418. —
eternal (everlasting) 138. See also book, child,
thaa the least, 138. that hfe, 11. give hfe, 183. lead daughter, faith, fish, ship.
(thing) which Is least, 138. a life, 83. manner of life, live, 26, 62, 83, 180, 182,
— See also esteemed. 6, 62. of things pertain- 25imp, 272, 836, 899.—Ure
— —, — — —

462 INDEX.
again, 28. live long, 247. love, n., 2. See also breth- late, differ, difference, die•
live of, 171. live with, 370. ren, brotherly, money. tribution, doubt, drink,
— See also delicately, deli- love, v., 2, 192, 407•- See effect, end, eunuch, evil,
ciously, Jews, peace, peace- also brethren, children, example, excuse, fast, fool
ably, pleasure, ungodly. husband, man, pre-emi- ish,free, friend, full, gain
lively, 181. nence. gazing-stock, glad, glorious,
living, 62. —with riotous liv- lovely, 850. haste, havoc, increase, in-
ing, 181. lover, see God, good, hospi- ferior, inquiry, insurrec-
lo, 198i. tality, pleasures. lover of— tion, intercession, journey,
loaf, 47. one's own self, 407. known, light, like, lower,
locusts, 13. loving, iOlmp. mad, made, manifest, mat-
lodge, 52, 219,221,270.— iSee low, bring, 380. low estate, ter, meet, melody, mention,
also stranger. 380. men of low estate, merchandise, merry, new,
lodging, 270. 380. in that he is made noise, number, obedient,
loft, third, 391. low, 880. of low degree, offend, old, oration, peace,
loins, 286. 380. perfect, prayer, promise,
long, adj., 276, 829, 336.— lower, '., 223.— make low- proof, ready, reconciliation,
— of a long season, 200. 60 er, 138. rent, reputation, request,
rich, rise, ruler, see, ser-
long, 389. long while, 200. lower, v., 367.
— See also all, clothing, lowest, 171. vant, shipwreck, show,
garment, hair, patience, lowliness, 880. —
lowliness of signs, sit, sorry, stand,
praj'er, rohe, time. mind, 380. straight, strong, sure, up-
long, how, 180, 840. how lowly, 380. roar, void, war, white,
long ago, 839. —See also lucre, 225.— for filthy lucre, whole, wise,
ago, as, bear, live, patient, 9. given to (greedy of) makebate, 82m.
suffer, tarry. filthy lucre, 9. maker, 80. See also tent,
long, V.J 164.— long after, lukewarm, 415. male, 47.
104,337. long after great- lump,
410. malefactor, 212i.
ly, 164.—longed for, 1G4. lunatic, be, 359. malice, 211.
longer, arfi'., 172, 830.— anylust, 7i., 162, 185,281,305. malicious, 338.
longer, 172, 260. no long- lust, v., 162, 164.— lust after, maliciousness, 211.
er, 260, 294. 162tr. malignity, 211.
long-suirering, n., 247. lying, oi/y,, 418. mammon, 248.
long-suffering, he, 247. lying, n., 418. man, 28/, 47<, 109/?, 382,434p.
lying in wait, 148, IGl.
look, v., 22, 67, 63, 110,198, —
a man, 385. after man,29.
281, 347.— look about on, as a man, 29. man child,
323. look at, 362. look mad , be ,246. be mad against 47, common to man, 28.
diligently, 164. look for, 140. make mad, 326. love toward man, 407. of
35, 132, 847i. look into, madness, 80, 313. man, 28. pity toward
811. look on, 51, 61;?, 63, made, be, 69, 70, 117, 119, man, 407/??. man's, 28. —
110, 156, 191, 195, 362. 224. thing that is made, ISee also aged, another,
look cut, 164. look round 335. — iS'ee also confession, any, blind, certain, chief,
about (on, upon), 323. look drunk, hands, known, like, covetous, dead, every, for-
to, 63, 281. to look upon, lowj make, payment, rich, bidding, heathen, holdeth,
281. look up, 22, 24. look subject, weak. impotent, inward, lame,
upon, 51p, 140, 161, 191. magistrate, 48, 49, 866. men, mighty, neither, nev-
look when, 347. —
See also See also obey. er, new, no, old, one, other,
earnestly, steadfastly, magniflcence, 249. person, poor, rich, some,
looking after, 847. looking magnify, 93, 249, 249m. son, strong, such^ that,this,
for, 132. maid, 230, 80Gi. nngodly, what, wise, young,
loo4,v.,9. 23, 30, 42, 220, maiden, 806i. younger,
245.—be loosing, 246.— to maimed, 25, 234. manger, 406.
be loosed, 245. mainsail, 47. manifest, '., 80, 132, 141,
lord, 234 i, 856.—be lord maintain, 344. 405.—be manifest, 405.
over, 218.— lords, 250.— majesty, 249i.— Majesty ,249. make manifest, 40o. that
Lord, 79, 234. (the) Lord's, make, 86, 88, 114, 165, 206, is not manifest, 56. See
231,308. be Lord of, 234. 221, 233, 269;j, 833, 834, also token.
lordship over, exercise, 218, 852, 356, 371, 376, 377, 884. manifest, v., 141, 405. man-
234. — malce as though, 850. ifest beforehand, 843. man-
lose,'41, 181.—be lost, 41.— the things which make for, ifest forth, 405.
See also paUness, savor, 271. make toward, 222. manifestation, 40, 405.
los.i, 88, 181, 189m.— suffer make up, 220???. make up manifestly, see declare,
loss, 181. suffer the loss of, beforehand, 344. manifold, 835, 836.— mani-
181. 6^eeable, abound, accept- fold more, 836.
227.—be one's lot,
lot, lots, ed, ado, alive, ashamed, as- mankind, 26. See alu
236.—cast lots, 236.—-See tonished, bed, bitter, boast, abuser, defile,
also divide. broad, calf, choice, clean, manna, 248.
loud, blp, 260. ' conformable, defence, deso- manner, 107, 185, 891, 392
—— — —— — — — —

INDEX. 463
— after the manner of, 216. mean, t•., 114, 116, 192, 251, merry, be, 175, 177. —make
after the same manner, 421. 334. merry, 177.
after (in) this manner, 273, meaning, 95. me.ssage, 3, 151, 341.
803• after what manner, —
means, 391. by all means, messenger, 3, 43•
855. as his manner was, 307. by any means, 109/>, mete, 257.
107. in like manner, 209, 259, 855. by no means, mid-day, 188.
803, 421. ill like manner as, 259. by means of, 190/?. middle, see wall.
331. in the like manner, lest (that) by any (some) midnight, 254, 270;>.—at
216. of such manner, 182/j. means, 261. by some means, midnight, 254.
— in divers manners, 338. 355. by the means of, 130. midst, 254.-about the midst,
suffer one's manners, 391. by what means, 145, 355. 254. in (through) the midst,
— See also all, Gentiles, without help of means, 21, 254. See also heaven.
godly, life, like, men, pcr-
151»?;'. —
See also seek. might, J?., 95, 204.
fuct,what. measure, n., 61, 230, 257, might, v., see be, may, that.
man-servant, 806. —
359, 415. above measure, mightily, 95, 177, 204, 231.
manslayer. 2T. 400. beyond measure, 325, mighty, 62, %tr, 204i, 231,
mansion 263.
, 400i. out of measure, 335, 250.- be mighty, 95. be
many, 200, 200, 207, 299;;, 400. things without meas- mighty in, 148. might
330, 336, 337.— how many, ure, 19. See also exalt, man (deed, work), 95
339. how many things, stretch. mighty power, 249. so
284, 339. 6o many, 3S9. measure, t"., 257- measure —
mighty ,384. that is mighty,
80 many as, 284. bo many again, 32. 95.
things, 389. many stripes, meat, 65/r, 350, 390, 391, 405. mile, 262.
837. these many, 389. —
morsel of meat, 65. por- milk, 65.
many things, 330,337. very tion of meat, 360. some mi.*, 264.
many, 330. many ways, meat, 391. meats, Simp. — —
millstone,242, 264i. 279.
337w. See also as. See also broken, idols, sit. mind, n., 73, 85, 149, 267,
Mai-an-atha,248. mediator, 254. 269, 409, 418.—be of one
marble, 248. meditate before^ 344. medi- (the same) mind, 55, 409.
mark, n., 362, 365, 412. tate upon, 251. let this mind be, 409. call
mark, v., 157, 302. meek, 341i. to mind, 25. in one's
market, 6. meekness, 841i. right mind, 379. of one
market-place, 5. mcet,aci[;".,33, 33m, 90, 174, mind, 278. put in mind,
marred, be, 41. 199, 213.— be meet, 77. 155, 402. set one's mind

marriage, 65. give in mar- make meet, 200. See also on, 409m. sound mind,
riage, 05, 132i. use. 379. with one mind, 277
marrow, 264. meet, v., Bit. 374i, 399i. go —
See also cast, change,

marry, 65, 161. marry a and meet, 399. meet with, doubtful, fervent, forward-
wife, 05. —
married, 65. be 312, 371. See also seas, ness, hostile, humbleness,
married, 72. ways. humility, lowliness, readi-
Mara' hill, 305, 305^n. melody, make, 417• ness, ready, trouble, willing.
martyr, 249. melt, 246, 384. mind, I•., 55/7, 251, 409.— be
marvel, n., 191. member, 251. minded, 64i, 409, 410.— -See

marvel, t>., 190. marvel at, memorial, 263. also like.
191. memory, see keep. mmdful of, bo, 262, 263.
marvelous, 191. — marvelous men, after the manner of, 28, mine, 1U3-105, 140. mine —
thing, 191. 29. as men, 29. quit you own, 104, 139, 140. mine
master, 79, 87, 205, 233, 234, like men, 27. See also all, own Felf,l39. See alsomy.
355.— blaster, 164, 205,235. band, busybody, fail, good, mingle, 2ul.-See also myrrh.
— See also house. great, low, man, these, minister, n., 83, 241,401.
master-builder, 48. thrust, two, war. minister, v., 8St, 83w, 88,
matter, 244, 340, 394, 399. mend, 220. 199, 241. 314, 401, 415.-
make no matter, 86. See menpleaser, 28. minister about, 167. min-
also bounty, busybody, menstealer, 27. ister to (unto), 83, 166• —
other, same, such, tliis, mention, 262, 262?n.— make have nourishment ndnis
these, your, weightier, mention, 203. tercd, 166. he that minis-
wrong. merchandi.se, 73, lilt. — tereth, 241.
may, 95, 152, 152m, 204.— make merchandise of, 140. ministering, 83, 241.
may, might, 125. may be, — merchant, 141. ministration, 83, 241
115. it may be, lU8, 204, merciful. 138. 200, 275.— be ministry, 83, 241.
392. See also be, chance, merciliil, 20. minstrel, 62.
that. —
mercy, 138,275. have mer- mint, 185.
me, 102-100, 106m, 139 ,216/>, cy on (upon), 138. obtain miracle, 95. 860 —worker of
28.— of me, 140. (receive) mercy, 138• of miracles, bb
meal, 14. tender mercy, 275. show mire, 63.
mean, adj., 49.— mean merry, 138. wiVhout mer- mischief, 856.
things, 380 w. cy, 30. — mercies, 284. mi.-;erable (most), 138
meaa while, 256• mercy-seat, 200. miserably, 212.
—— — — —
— — — — —

464 ENDEX.
misery, 380. mother, 261, 271.—murder- name, »., 279. be one's —
mist, 58, 182. er of a mother, 261. with- name, 213.
mite, 241. out mother, 19. See also name, v., 218, 241, 279. so
mixed with, be, 870. wife. —
name, 213. named, 279.

mixture, 261. without mix- mother-in-law, 321. —
namely, 146. this saying,
ture, 13. motion, 805. namely, 272.
mock, 140, 264, 415. mount, 282. napkin, 363.
mocker, 140.
mocking, 140.
mountain, 282.
mourn, 196, 229, 321.
nard, liquid,
nard, 26om.
265m. —pure
moderate, a^y., 28m. mournmg, 273, 321. narrow, 195.
moderate, "., 30m. ,
mouth, 244, 866.—stop the —
nation, 68, 69, 107. one of
moderation, 162: mouth of, 164. another nation, 17.
modest, 230, 230m. move, 26, 226, 334, 358i, 359, natural, 68, 410<, 418, 418m.
moisture, 200.
406.—move away, 256. —
— that which is natural, 418
moment, 52, 365. —but for a which cannot be moved, 49.

See also affection,
moment, 812. See also compassion, en- naturally, 73, 410.
money, 45, 225, 268, 412,416. vy, fear, indignation. nature, 68, 410.
— changer of money, 225. mover of, 226. nauglitiness, 211.
love of money. 407. piece moving, 226. nay, 16, 291, 803.—nay, but,
of money, 36i. See also much, adj., 200, 336. as — 253.
tribute. much, 203. as much as in near, 22, 100, 831.—come
money-changer, 229. me is, 216. as much as in near, 100. draw near, 100,
month, 260. — four months, you is, 144m. as as much
—118,347,348. near to, 100.
884. three months, 390. lieth in (no) not
you, 130. See also go.

moon, 859. new moon, 268. so much as, 16, 260, 293. necessary, 22, 23,155. such—
more, adj., 17, 250, 325i,329. so much, 3S9. so much as, things as are necessary .415.
—have the more, 825m. 214, 261. See also as, ex- necessity, 22, 23m, 415.—
much more, 325. the more hortation, how, more, adv., must of necessity, 23. of
(part),829.-<See also abun- eo, speaking, wantonness, necessity, 22.
dance, conqueror, give, work. neck, 890.
speak, spend, value. much, adv., 837. See also —
need, n., 415. be need, 77
more, adv., 112, 247, 400.— abound, better, bold, dis- have need of, 415. need so
far (much) more, 325. so pleased, graced, perplexed. rcquireth,304. suffer need,
much the more, 247, 325p. —
multiply, 830. be multi- 404. See also time,
more than, 109, 155, 184, plied, 830. need, -y., 23, 347, 415t.—See
308, 400. the more, 247, multitude, 304, 830.—an in- also ashamed.
247;?, 250, 284, 325i.— S-ee numerable multitude, 265. needful, 22, 415.—be need-
also abound, abundant, — See also captives. ful, 23, 77. those things
abundantly, any, boldly, murder (do), 409i. which are needful to, 165.
carefully, cheerfully, ear- murderer, 28i, 409.—that is needle, 356.
nestly, exceeding, exceed- a murderer, 860. See also —
needs, 307. must needs, 23,
ingly, excellent, fierce, fre- father, mother. 77, 304. must needs be, 23.
quent, heed, henceforth, murmur, v., 73, 83. — mur- neglect, v., 19, 810. Set
how, increase, manifold, mur against, 140. also hear,
miserable, no, twofold, yet. murmurer, 73. neglecting, 66.
moreover, 16, 76, 172, 209, murmuring. 73. negligent, be, 19.
210, 245, 278. muse,!;., 84. neighbor, 68, 324, 831.
morning, 282, 352ir. (come)
early in the morning, 18,
— music, 873.
musician, 264.
neither, 16, 183, 207, 258-
261, 292i, 293j3, 297.—nei-
282i, 852. in the morning, must, 77, 202.-that . . must, ther any man (thing), 293.
852i. (very) early in the 272. See also necessity, neither at any time, 294.
morning, 58, 352. needs, put. neither indeed, 293.

morrow, 52. on the mor- mustard seed, 860. nephews, 132.
row, 153, 156. the morrow mutual, 17. nest, 221.
after, 156. muzzle, v., 408. net, 20, 90, 858.
morsel, 419m. See also my, 103, 105, 106, 140, 808, never, 11, 258-260, 292-294,
meat. 328;?.—my state, 106.— 5ee 340,355.— never before (yetl,
mortal, 196. also mine, sentence- 294. never (any) man, 293.
mortality, 196. myrrh, 362.— mingle with never man before (yet), 293.
mortify, 190,266. myrrh, 362. yet never, 294. See also
most, adv., 829, 830.—at the myself, 102, 103, 105, 105' n, quenched,
most, 330.—mostof all, 247. 139.— jSee also I. nevertheless, 16, 76, 211,
— See also believed, excel- mystery, 205. 253, 278, 831.
lent, gladly, high, noble, new,4,211,266, 850.—make
etraitest. nan,n., 185. new, lOlm. new man, 266
mote, 215. nail to, 348. new things, 211— Sre also
moth, 860. naked (be;, 75. moon, wino.
moth-«ateQ, 860 nakedness 76. new-bora, 47
— —— — — — —

DiDEX. 465
Uewly oome to the faith, one, etb,hand,henceforth,know, occupation, S84.^-of like oc-
26Gm. knowledge, lie. manifest, cupation, 883.
newness, 211. much, no, obey, one, pass- occupy, 25, 841. be occu- —
next, 153, 156, 170. 179, 256. ing, possible, put, regard, pied, 824.
—the next day, G2, 79, 153, repent, see, epariug, spoken, odor, 197, 284.
156i, 172, 179. on the next suffer, tempted, that, un- of, 87, 8tm. 54, 65, 81, 82,
day, 156. the next day af- derstand, uttered, yet. 125,129,141,144,158-160,
ter, 156. notable, 73, 164, 1G6. 215,216,255,808,822,823,
nigh at hand, 100. be nigh, note, of, 164. 846, 899, 899;?, 401.— one
lUO. come (draw) nigh, note,!'., 860. (some, they) of, 87, 130.—
100. nigh to (unto), 100, nothing. 201, 258, 260, 292, See also account, ask, be-
808, 812, 846.— 6ee also 292/?, 294i, 294/7, 815, 830/?, cause, between, beware,
come. 869/?, 885, 388.— bring to compassion, demand, drink,
night, 80, 269 ,270p.— anight nothing, 8. nothing of, 130. example, fail, full, glory,
and a day, 270. See also — See also draw, glory. guilty, havoc jignorant.know,
continue, watch. notice before, have, 344p. manner, means, necessity,
nine, 149i. notwithstanding, 16, 831. out, ready, reason, respect,
ninety, 149. nought, 294. —bring to short, speak, stop, tell.
ninth, 149. nought, 220. come to off (of in the ed. <?/ 1611),
no, 16, 98, 108, ISO;?, 258- —
nought, 1G8, 21i), 220. for 129. «See also afar, break,
260, 260i, 2G0pi, 261», 291, nought, 97. set at nought, cast, cut, fall, far, put, put-
292p,293i,294;7, 296;7 815. 153i. — be set nt nought. 35. ting, rend, see, 6hake,smite,
— no man, 44^, 258-260, nourish, 26, 137, 890.— nour- take, way, wipe.
260OT, 292, 293, 885. no ish up, 26. be nourished offence, 18, 312, S49i, 861.—
more, 259, 259j9, 260, 260/?, up in, 150. give none offence, 44. void
269, 293, 294, 294p. no, nourishment, see ministered. of (without) offence, 44.
nor, 293. no, not, 293, 297. novice, 266. offend, 18, 853, 361.—cause
no one, 258;?. no such, now,aiii'., 47, 184,185, 269f, to offend, 861?n. make to
292. nothing, 260. in no 269/», 294p. — now already, offend, 361. thing that of-
wise, 259, 807i. See also 185, 210. even now, 47, fendeth, 861.
brawler, case, doubt, dwell- 184. (even) until now, 47. offender, be an, 7.
ing, effect, forbidding, now, conj., 45/?, 76, 80, 108, offer, v.. 23, 26. 88, 162, 813,
henceforth, judgment, lit- 210, 245, 2~i2p, 295.—now —
314m, o50, 850?n. offer up,
tle, longer, matter, n-.eans, then, 295. 26, 850.— be offered, 863.
much, reputation, that. —
nmnber, n., 46, 805. make be ready to be offered, 863

noble, 174. most noble, 231. of the number, 202. take — ^e also idol, wrong.
nobleman, 29, 61, 174. into the number, 219. See offering, 97,350.—offering up,
ncise, n.,411. — make a noise, also great, people. 850.
196. with a great noise, 857. —
nmnber, v., 46, 243. num- office, 83, 164?n, 341.— -See

noise abroad, 84. be noised, ber with, 220, 370. also bishop, deacon, priest,
13. be noised abroad, 411. nurse, 891, 89l??2;?. priesthood.
noisome, 212. nurture, 805. officer, 841, 401.
none, 258-2G0, 292, 293, 297, offscouring, 826.

385. none of these things, 0, 419. offspring, 69.
293.— -See also effect, of- oath, 282i.—bind with an oft, 336, 837, 854.—how oft,
fence, that. oath, 23. See also execra- 839. See also as.
noon, 254. tion, swearing. often, 836, 854. — how often,
nor, 183, 207, 258-261, 292, obedience, 398. be under — 839. See also as.
298, 297.— nor yet, 260, 293, obedience, 403. oftener, the, 854.
297, 297;». See also no- obedient, 898, 401.— be obe- oftentimes, 836, 837wt, 416.
north, 63. dient to (unto), 899, 403. ofttimcs, 836.
uorth-west,417. make obedient, 898. oil, 137.
not, 97, mp, 179, 257-259, obey, 819, 320, 898, 899,401. ointment, 265.

2G0i, 201;?, 290, 292, 293,
294/>, 296/?, 297, 303.—even obey not,
not, 292. not a (any), 293. obeying, 398-
obey a magistrate, 319. old, 48, 69, 800i, 883p.—be
old, 70, 179. in (the) old
time, 840. make old, 806.
not as yet, 260, 294. not at object, v., 222. old man, 341i. of old, 135,
all, 259, 260, 294. not a observation, 312- 806. of old time, 48. old
whit, 260. not even, 292. observe, 812, 835, 377, 884, things, 48, 806. wax old, 70,
not once, 260. not so, 259, 4097?z,410. 306. old wine, 806. old
303. then not, 292. not obtain, 166, 176, 219, 231, wives', 74. See also age,
yet, 261,294,296.
See also agree, aim, albeit, See /
2,33, 236, 237, 824, 392.—
inheritance, mercy,
hundred, forty, year.
olduess, 806.

also, any, appear, ashamed,
brawler, can, cease,

report, witness.

could,covetous,fadeth,fail-l bling.


«See also

occasion, 57. by occasion of,
fall, stum-
olive berry, 137.
olive tree,
good olive tree, 213.
wild olive tree, 6. olive tre•
which is wild, 6.
Olives, 187.
— — — — — — —— . —

466 INDEX.
Olivet, 137.
Omegn,, 419.
omit, 67.
omnipotent, 307.
834, 344, 380, 385, 414.— or-
dain before, 843i. be or-
dained to be, 71.
order, n., 379, 330.— by or-
reign, rule, sail,
over, have, SBOp.
carry, con:c,
. stand,

See odso
on, 3, 124, 130, 144, 155, der, 205. give order, 83. give, go, pass, passing, re-
157, 158, 159, 178/). ISlp, in order, 205. set forth in main, run, sail.
215, 255, 280iJ, 822.—See order, 26. set in order, 86, overcharge, 161. ^be orer- —
also account, affection, 162. chargcd, 60.
backside, belialf, bind, order, v.,BSOm. overcome, 218, 222jn, 267.—
breathe, bring, cast, come, orderly, see walk. be overcome, 189.
compassion, draw, cither, ordinance, 83, 90, 92, 233, overflow, 218.
fall, fashion, fasten, fire, —
310. be Bulyect to ordi- overlay, 823.
foot, go, ground, have, high, nances, 92. overmuch, 825.
hold, imposedjjourney, lay, ordinary, 149m. overreach, 830m
laying, leap, lie, look, mor- orphan, 282ot. overrule, 218m.
row, part, pass, put, put- other, 17, 126, 172, 245i,252;7, overseer, 164.
ting, rail, right, say, eeize, —
271p. each other, 16. oth- overshadow, 104.
ect, sew, sleep, spit, take, er man, 17. other matter, oversi,i;ht of, take the, 164.
think, this, wait. 172. (on) the other side overtake, 218, 844.
on, adv., see say. (of), 821. some other way, overthrow, n., 221.

once, 34, 178, 340. at once, 16. Cher than, 137. the overthrow, v., 2Gt, 219, 221i.
178. all at once, 307. once other, 184 244, 283;?. other —
owe, 803/>, 804. owe besides,
for all, 178. See also not, thing, 172. other things, 849.— 5'ce a/50 own, v.
when. 17, 245.— others, 245, 245;n, own, adj., 73, 211p. be —
one, 126, 126m, 127,
89;?, 252/), 283;?. certain others, thine own, 253. one's own,
22, 266p, 283, 302^. 385. 386. of others, 11.— See 198. See also accord, busi-
—one another, 16, 98-100, also busybody, end, one, ness, company, conceits,
126, SlQp. one . . another, pass. country, countrymen, hand,
17, 34;?, 126, 172,242,252, otherwise, lit, 108, 108/), her, his, home, house, lover,
285, 309mp, 344/?, 370, 372. 156, 112.— See also teach. mine, our, pleasure, their,
—at one, 122. even all one as ought, 77, 304, 415.— things thine, your, will.
every one, 34. in one
55. which they" ought not, 77. own (owe, ed. 1611), v., 114.
place, 55. "into one place, — See also say. owner, 234. See also ship.
IGO. one man, 126, 252p. our, 185, 186, 186p, 187/ ,188, ox, 64, 330.
one only, 263. not one, 180. 189,341/), 398w2.—our own,
the one, 283. one the other, 98.—ours,186,189. pain, n., 338, 419. See also
16. one thing, 177;, 126, 385. ourselves, 63, 98-100, 185. travail.
See also accord, any, com- out, 154. See also blot, pain, v.,60.—be pained,876m.
passion, consent, each, edi- bring, carry, cast, chase, painfulness, 264.
fy, end, every, exhort, eye, cry, cut, depart, —
draw, pair, 181. pair of balances,
gather, great, Holy, little, drive, fall, fetch, finding, 182.
mind, nation, no, of, set, foam, get, give, go, going, palace, 62, 841.
8uch, wickoil. gush, launch, lead, leave, pale, 415.
only, 109p, 126, 263, 264.— let, lift, look, pluck, pour, palm, see smite, strike.
See also begotten, child, one, pull, purge, put, run, send, palm, palm-tree, 409.

open, at?/. 24, 3'J. ho open,
, shoot, sound, speak, spy, palsy, sick of the, 311i.
5. open bol'orohand, 343. stretch, swim, take, thrust, taken with a palsy, 811
See also shame. tread, turned, work. that hath the palsy, 811.
open, v., 25, 30, 85, 378, 390. out of, 87, 8 1,128 ,130m ,131/5, pap, 249.
— that may open, 30. 137, 154, 215, 80S.— Seealso paper, 413.
openly. 80, 315, iO^t.—See born, come, depart, draw, parable, 809, 814, 814in.
also show. flee, get, go, measure, put, paradise, 809.
opcr.ation, 148i. season, sleep, vanish, way. parcel, see ground.

opportunity, 175, 211. lack outer, 154. parchment. 252.
opportunity, 11.

outgo, 343.
one's outrun, 851.
parent, 818, 843. parents, —
oppose, 31. oppose 73, 843.
self, 81, 32. outside, 137, 154. part, n., 221 1, 252, 23,
opposition, 31. outward, 154i,
appearance, show.
405. See also 254m.
part, 253, 254.

give part, 253. in
on one'e
oppress, 217, 220, 3-30m.
01, conj., 183, '247p, 2(;i, outwardly, 154, 405. part, 216, 899. take part
261p, .SSlw.—or else, 108, oven, 227. of, 257. See also fourth,
183, 1S4. or if, 184, 210— over, prep., 130, 145, 155, greater, hinder, Inward,
See also rai/icr. 157-159, S2I, S21m, 322, lack, more, tenth, third, ut-
or ever, 342. 400i.—over against, 81, 82, most, uttermost, your.
oracle, 243. 35, 147,215, 219/7, 222, 345m, part, V. , 85. —
be parted, 89.
oration, make an, 80. be over, 344. See also au- partake with, 370.
orator, 356. thority, dominion, go,j(!al- partaker, 81, 228, 257. 370,
ordain, 86, 206.221.2^2,252. ous, lord, lordship, pass. 372. —
be partaker, 253. b«
——— —— — — — —— —— —

INDEX. 467
Sartaker of, 228, 256, 257, c04. —number of people, 305. petition, 10.
JO. (be) partaker with, — See also barbarous, sick. philosopher, 408.
872(. See also afflictions, peradventure, 261;?, 381. philosophy, 408.
partial, be, 84. perceive, 9, 63, 72. 110, 111, phylactery, 410.
—^without par-
partiality, 349. 161,176, 195, 219i, 26/, 281. physician, 197.
tiality,?. perdition, 45. —
piece, 94, 161, 254. ^broken
particular, in, 254. —every perfect, adj., 13, 47,331,382, piece, 386. See also break,
one in particiiar, 127. 882m.—be perfect, 220, 382. fill, ground, money, pull,
particularly, 127, 131, 254. make perfect, 165, 220, 3S2. silver.
partition, 409.
partly, 252, 254.
perfect manner, 13. that
which is (they that arc) per-
pierce, 89, 134, 270.
through, 89. 324.


partner, 228, 257. fect, 882. See also sound- piety, for one's, 176m.— show
pass, 26. 36, 82, 89, 256, 809, ness, understanding. piety at, 177.
311-813, 400i.—pass away, perfect, v., 151m, 165, 220, pigeon, 325.
36,809, 813. pass by, 85, 3S2.—be perfected. 220ot. Pilate's house, 84lm.
89, 170, 809, 812, 313. pass perfection, 153m, 220, 382i. pilgrim, 313.
by on the other side, 32. — bring iruit to periTection, pillar, 367.
can pass, 86. pass forth, 882. pillow, 349.
809. pass on, 343. pass perfecting, 220. pine away, 270.
over, 85, 89, 313. pass perfectly, 13. See also pinnacle, 853.
through, 82, 89, 91. pass joined, whole. pipe, n., 52.
throughout, 89. not pass- pcrfectness, 382. pipe, v., 52.
ing, 84»ip. See also perform, 39, 165, 222, 835, piper, 62.
brought, come, far, flower, —
383. be performed, 71. pit, 63, 409.— -Sf* also bot-
past. performance, 165, 382. tomless. -

passing over, 813m. —

perhaps, 355, 881. if per- pitch, v., 826.
passion, SOSm.SlS.—of (sub- haps, 45. See also lest. pitcher, 226.
ject to) like passions, 277. pcrU, 226. pitiful, —
177. ^rery pitiful,
passoTer, 818. perilous, 412. 837.
past, 308, 813, 814.— be past, perish, 39, 41, 45, 56, 87, 407. pity on, have, 188. See also
71, 82, 842. in time (times) — perish utterly, 221, per- man.
past, 340. See also ago, ish with, 374. place, 215, 279, 824, 883mp,
feeling, finding, time, peijured person, 163. 389, 417.— from that place,
pastor, 835. permission, 869. 133. give place, 26, 111.
pasture, 267. permit, 166. have place, 417. in a cer-
path, 890, 891. pernicious way, 45. tain place, 340. in thi3
patience, 247, 402, 4027n.— perplexed, be, 42, 42m, 85. place, 419. in what place
have (long) patience, 247. be much perplexed, 85. soever, 2S0. of that place,
suffer with long patience, perplexity, 42. 150. to this place, 180, 419.
2477n. persecute, 92, 132. — in all places, 807.
patient, 27, 162, 402.— be pa- —
persecution, 91, 196. suffer See also another, dwelling,
tient, 247. be long patient, persecution, 92. eminent, good, hearing,
247m. See also continu- persecutor, 92. heavenly, high, holy, mar-
ance, waiting. perseverance, 349. ket, one, secret, skull,

patiently, 247. take patient- —
person, 351, 403. ^have re- steep, stony, this, ways,
ly, 402. See also endure. spect to persons, 351. man's yonder.
patriarch, 819. person, 351. respect (re- plague, 249, 830.
pattern, 392. 402, 403. specter) of persons, 351. plain, n., 319.
Pavement, 433. without respect of persons, plain, adj., 282.
pay, 39, 883. See also tithe. 44. See also devout, per- plainly, 815. See also de-
payment be made, 39. jured, profane, what, wick- clare.

peace, n., 121. be at (have, ed. plainness of speech, 816.
hve in) peace, 121. hold —
persuade, 25, 320. bo per- plaited, 829mp.
one's peace, 189, 8G0, 361, suaded, 320. be fully per- plaiting, 140.
408. make peace, 122. suaded, 331. plant, n., 411.
peace, inier;.,861.
peaceable, 122, 189.
persuasible, 319m.
persuasion, 320.

plant, v., 411. planted to-
gether, 373.
peaceably, live, 121. pertain to (unto), 257, 846/). plat, v., 830.
peacemaker, 122. as pertaining to, 216. in platter, 815, 827.
pearl, 248. things pertaining to, 846. play, «.,806.
peculiar, 824t. the things pertaining to, please, 46i, 92, 174<, 192.—
pedigree, Q8m. 8'22.—See also life. — those things that please
pen, 212. perverse, 86. See also die- (are pleasing), 46. Iw —
penny, 80. putings. pleaded ,376. be well ple&aed
pennyworth, 80. pervert, 43, 86, 256. (with), 174.
Pentecost. 821. pestilence, 244. pleasing, n., 45.
penury, 404. pestilent fellow, 244. pleasure. 1S5, 185m 191,
people, 80, 10', 166, 23S, 271, Peter, 134, 826m. 413 —
(oe cne'l) food pi«•
—— —— —— — — —

468 INDEX.
sure, 174. have (take) plea- 344. preach to (unto), 173. prince, 49, 184.—Prince, 48.
sure, 174. have pleasure — preached, 12. See also principal. 154.
in, 376. live in pleasure, boldly, fully, gospel. principahty, 48, 48m.
3G3,391. their own pleasure, preacher, 225, 226. principle, 48, 3u6.

—— lover of pleasures, 407. preaching, 12m, 225, 243m,

92. print, 392.
See also enjoy. 244. prison, 79, 274, 384, 410.—
plenteous, 336. precept, 150. keeper of the prison, 79.—
plentifully, see bring. precious, 149, 885i. —
like — See also cast, put.
plow, n., 46. precious, 203. very pre- —
prisoner, 79i. fellow prison-
plow, V,, 46. cious, GO, 337. er, 874.
pluck, v., 47, 885. pluck
asunder, 85.

pluck out,
predestinate, 344.
pre-eminence, have the, 352.
private, 198.
privately, 198.
132, 151, IbZ.—See also love to have the pre-emi- privilege, 153m.
root. nence, 408. privily, 236. See also bring,
poet, 335. prefer, 343. —
be preferred, come.
point, see all, death. 7L privy to, be, 375.
poison, 202. preferring one before anoth- prize (price, ed. 1611, etc.),
pollute, 228. erj 844. 64.
pollution, 15, 261. prejudice, 844m. proceed, 136, 152, 344.—pro-
pomp, 405. premeditate, 251. ceed forth, 152. proceed
ponder, 371. preparation, 173, 312. further, 850.
pool, 229. prepare, 173, 220, 221.— pre- proclaim, 225.
S21i,354.—be poor,
become poor, 354.
pare afore, 343. prepare be-
fore, 343wi. prepare one's
profane, adj., 61.
person, 61.
poor man, 354. self, 812. be a preparing, profane, r., 61.
porch, 342,354,366.
porter, 197.

221. prepared, 173.
presbytery, 341.
profess, 154, 278, 844m, 406.

professed, 278.
portion, 254. See also vac^i. —
presence, 315, 851. before profession, 278, 278m.
possess, 222,233. —
the things the presence of, 222. in profit,»., 271, 872, 416, 422.
which one possesseth, 399. one's presence, 150. in the profit, v., 304, 844, 422i.— to
— be possessed with, 179. presence f f, 85, 141, 150. profit withal, 872. —
be prof-
See also devil. present, at//., 147, 149, 178, ited, 422.
possession, 221, 233.
sessions, 417. See

269;?, 313.—be present, 147,
253, 309, 813. be here pres-
profitable, 177, 422.—be prof-
itable, 372, 372m.
purchased. ent, 313. be present with, profitably, 415m.
possessor, 233. 311 , 872p. (even) unto this profiting, 344.
possible, 95. —
be possible, present (hour), 47. things promise, n., 154, 155.—make
95, 95;?, 152m. —
not possi- present, 149. See —
promise, 154. promise is
ble, 7. time. made, 155.
pot, 270, 364. —
present, v., 203, 314. pres- promise, 17., 153, 154, 278.—
Potentate, 95.
potter,224.—of a potter, 225.
ent unto, 350.
presently, 151, 813.
promise afore, 343. prom-
ised to, 255.

pound, 243, 2G2. also give. proof, 92, 147.—infaUible
pour, 59, 221.— pour in, 166. preserve, 182, 877, 878, 884. proof, 382. make full proof
pour out, 137i, 225. press, n., 304. of, 831.
poverty, 354. press, i;., 39, 62, 876. — press —
proper, 50. one's proper,
powder, see grind- down, 827. press toward, 197.
power, 48, 95i, 95m, 153, 92. press upon, 162, 1G3. —
prophecy, 851. of prophe-
153m, 204, 231.—bring un- be pressed, 69. cy, 352. the gift of proph-
der power, 154. have pow- presumptuous, 389. ecy, 351.
er, 88. have power of, 154. pretence, 351. prophesy, 851.
that is of power, 95. See prevail, 204, 223, 267,422.— prophesying, 351.
also mighty. prevail against, 223. prophet, 28, 852.— false
powerful, 148,204. prevent, 352, 406. prophet, 413. of — the
practice, see covetous. price, 3S5. — of great price,prophets, 352.
Prajtorium, 341. 337i. — iS'ee prize. prophetess, 852.
praise, n. , 8, 9. 46, 93, 155. prick, «.,224. propitiation, 200i.
eing praise (praises) unto, prick, <?;., 220. proportion, 24.
398. pride, 14, 400.—be lifted up proselyte, 848.
praise, v., 8, 155. 175. with piide, 892. prosper, 176.
prate against, 408. priest, 199. — chief priest, 48.
prosperous, see journey.
pray, 78, 171, 177, 177»2,310, high priest, 48, 158.— of protest by, 1, 267.
848— pray for, 348. the high priest, 48. priest's proud, 400.—bo proud, 892.
prayer, 77, 149, 177, 848, office, 199. execute the prove, 88. 92, 814, 820, 871.
S48mp. —make long prayer priest's office, 199. —chief of —
prove before, 842.
(prayers), 848. the priests, 48. proverb, 309, 314.
preach, 82, 84, 173, 217, 225, —
priesthood, 199i. office of provide, 173, 233, 814, 334,
237•—preacb before (fir.st), the priesthood, 199. 842, 844.— provide for, S44.
— , —

providence, 344. 140. put put
to, 160, 350.had rather, 192. or rather,
province, 155. under, 403. put unto, IGO. 247. rather than, 184. the
provision for, 844. put up, 69. put up again, rather, 247, 3i5. See also
provocation, 812. 43. put upon, 160, 165, yea.
provoke, 168, 812, 8M.—pro- 325. —
must be put, 63. that raven, 230.
voke to anger, 1G8. pro- is not put under, 32. ravening, n., 4G.
voke to epeak, 43. provoke See also account, death, ravening, '., 47.

unto, 814. ^be easily pro- difference, fear, mind, raw, 4m.

voked, 814. See also emu- remembrance, shame, si- reach, 12, 406. reach forth —
lation, jealousy, •wrath. lence subjection synagogue
, , unto, 156. reach hither,
prudence, 410. trust. 406. reach unto, 178.
prudent, 876. putting away, 39. putting read, 22.
psalm, 898w, 417. —
sing off, 35. putting on, 147, readiness, 173, 843. readi- —

psalms, 417. Psabns, 417.

162. ness of mind, 343.
ike afeo another. reading, 23.
public, see example. quake, 150, 859. ready, 100, 173, 251, 312, 843.

pubhcan, 383. chief among quarrel, n., 263. have a — —be ready, 173, 251, 312.
the publicans, 48. quarrel against, 148• make ready, 172,312. ready
publicly, 80. quarrel, ready to, Slimp. mind, 343. of a ready mind,
publish, 86, 225.— be pub- quarter, 75, 389. the same — 344. things made ready to

Ushed, 71. quarters, 389. —
See also all, hand, 173. See also dis-
puff up, 410.—be puffed up, every, tribute, offered, quarrel.
410. quaternion, 383. —
reap, 194. reap do\vn, 19.

puU, 47. pull down, 204. queen, 61.
pull in pieces, 85. pull out, quench, 359. that never —
reaper, 195.
rear up, 101.
26, 132. shall be quenched, 49. reason, n., 45, 244. bv rea- —
pulling down, 204. question, n., 182i, 244.— -See son of, 81, 82, 130. 143. by
punish, 228, 335.—be pun- also ask, call, reason hereof, 82. reason
ished, 90.
punisMng, 56wi.
question, v., 370. question
with, 157, 370, SlOp.
— would, 216, 244.
reason, v., 84i, 84m, 243,
punishment, 132, 166, 228, quick, 181. 2i3)n, 370.— reason togeth-
385. quicken, 183, 183w7. quick- — er, 370. reason with, 84,
purchase, v.. 233, 324.—pur- en together with, 371. 371.
chased, 824771. purchased quickly, 3Slir. reasonable, 243.
reasonably, 2Ulmp.
possession, 324.
pure, 4, 112, 205.—
cdso & quicksands, 377.

quiet, adj., 189t. be quiet,
reasoning, 84, 243m, 870.
rebuke, without, 20.
pureness, 6. quiet, «., 221. rebuke, v., 138, 163, 165.-
purge, 134, 204, 205,205. quietness, 122, 189. be rebuked, 133.
—purge out, 134. purge quit, see men. receipt, see custom.
throughly, 83. receive, 23, 36, 36m, 33, 41,
purification, 4, 205. Kabbi, 355. 79, 88, 127, 161, 229, 237,
purify, 4, 101m, 205. Rabboni, 356. 256, 271, 309, 311, o47,-
purifying, 205i. raca (ra^ha), 356. 849, 402i, 417.—receive
purity, 4. race, 6, 364. again, 41. can receive, 417.
purlohi,268. rage, ^•.,410. receive for, 229. receive
purple, n., 2287n.339i.— sell- raging, 5, 227. gladly, 38. receive up, 24.
er of purple, 830. rail on, 62. — be received, 33, ^^Zmp.
pvirple, '., 339. railer, 244. that .should be received

purpose, «., 64, 343. for the railing, 62, 63, 244. up, 24. to be received, 256.

(this) same purpose, 54, 125. raiment, 147, 171, 200i, 861. See also damage, fathers,
to what purpose ? 125. rain, n., 65, 393. —
send rain, law, mercy, room, seed,
purpose, v., 64, 73, 334, 342, 64. eight, stren;;th, tithes.
351,384. rain, v., 64. receiving, 242, 349.
purse, 58, 182. rainoow, 203. reckon, 243, 243m, 244, 374.
put, 59, 88, 334, 384.— put raise, 30, 89, 100, 156.—raise reconunend, 310.
about, 325. put asunder, again, 101. raise up, 30, recompense, n., 81, 82, bbp.
417. put away, 8, 9, 42, 101, 151 i, 165. raise up — recompense of reward,
44, 45, 56, 125, 151, 220. again, 30. raise up togeth- 262.
put down, 204, 220. put er, 375. recompense, v., 81, 39. —re-
forth, 131, 186, 137, 239, raised to life again, 26. compense again, 81.
812. put forward, 342. put rank with, be in the same, reconcile, 40, 219. —be recon-
from, 45. put in, 43. put —
377m. in ranks, 841. ciled, 84.
in prison, 310. put off, 35, ransom, 32, 245. reconciliation, 219.— make
44, 246. must put off, 89. nsh, be. 826?7i. reconciliation for, 200.
put on, 147, 165, 323, 325, rashly, 344. reconcUiug, 219.
825"!. put out, 131. put 10 1 her, 241. —
and rather, 16. record, n., 248, 249.—bear
out of, 251. put therein, but rather, 184, 247, 330. record, 248.
— — — — —— —

470 INDEX.
record, take to, 249. removing, 256. resurrection, 26, 101, 151.

recover, 213. recorer one's rend, 85, 356,363,878, 378m. retain, 179, 222, 231.
pelf, 25. —rend 324.
off, return, 24-26, 27ni, 15,
recovering, see sight. render, 31, 89. 165, 403.— return (back)

red, 355. be red, 355i. —
renew, 24i. be renewed, 25. again, 403
lied sea, 1G9. renewing, 24. reveal, 40, 416. —
when . .

redeem, 5, 11,24•5. renounce, 35. shall be revealed, 40

redemption, 42, 245. rent, 378. —make a rent, 378. revelation, 40.
redound, 325. repay, 31, 80, 44. revelling, 236.
reed, 212. repent, 25Gi. —
repent one's revenge, n., 132.
reformation, 91. self, 256. —not to be repent- revenge, t>., 132.
refrain, 319. —
refrain from, ed of, 19. revenger, 132.
57. —
repentance, 256. without re- reverence, n., 8, 409m.
refresh, 25,27. —
refresh one's pentance, 19. reverence, v., 150, 408.
self, 163.— be refreshed, 374. repetitions, use vain, 61. revile, 62, 244, 278.—revile
refreshing, 27. reply against, 81. again, 32.
refuse, v., 46, 310. —
to bo re port,n., 12,248. —
evil report, reviler, 244.

refused, 38. 93. good report, 177. h::vc revive, 23. ^be revived, 23m.
regard to, have, 348. (obtain) good report, 243. reward, n., 31, 262. beguile —
regard, v., 63, 150, IGl, 409. of good report, 177, 248. of of one's reward, 217. due —
—regard not, 19, 309. honest report, 248. reward, 83. See also re-
regeneration^ 30G. report, v., 22, 33. ^report — compense.
region, 22/, —
417. region —
commonly, 87. ^be report- reward, d.,89.
(that lieth) round about, ed, 13. be well reported of, re warder, 202.
326. — the regions beyond, 248. See also slanderous- rich, 332i. bo (be made, —
400. ly• wax) rich, 332. make rich,

rehearse, 22. rehearse from reproach, n., 51, 278<, 892.— 332. rich man, 332.
the beginning, 49. suffer reproach, 278. riches, 248m, 832, 415.
reign, n., 184. reproach, «., 278,392. richly, 332.
reign, v., 60, 61. —reign oyer, reproachfully, speak, 244. right, 78.— right hand (side),
43. reign with, 371. reprobate, 7. 78. on the right side, 254.
reins, 266. reproof, 133. right, 90, 175, 'JS,2.—See also
reject, 8, 8m, 39, 136, 310.— reprove, 138. mind.
rejected, 7. reputation, bo of, 92. had right, n., 153, 153m.
rejoice, 2, 177, 224<, 412.— in reputation, 3S5. hold righteous (be), 90. See also
rejoice against, 218. re- in reputation, 149. make judgment.
joice greatly, 2. rejoice in, of no reputation, 224. righteously, 90.
370. rejoice with, 370, 370m. —
request, 10, 76, 171m. make rigliteousness. 90i, 175. to —
rejoicing, 224i. request, 78. righteousness, 90.
release, v. , 42. require, lOi, 134, 182, 341.— rightly, 282.— -See also di-
relief, 83. so require, 304;?. be —
re- vide.
relieve, 155. quired, 33. ring, 76. See also gold.
religion,196.— (See also Jews'. requite, 20, 39. ringleader, 353.
religious, 196, 359. rescue, v., 151. riot, n., 51.
remain, 41, 84, 245, 253, 324, resemble, 278. riot, r., 891.

325. remain over and reserve, i;., 219, 384. rioting, 233.
above, 325. things which residue, 219, 214. riotous, 51. See also living.
remain, 245. resist, 28, 31, 32i. ripe, bo, 270,310m.— be fully
remember ,25,202, 263,2G3?n, resolved, be, 72. ripe, 12.
402. resort, v., 170, 372, 373, 375. rise, v., 26, 80, 101.— rise
remembrance, 25, 262, 203, respect, 254. —
have respect, again, 30, 101. make to —

402. remembrance again, 33. have respect to, 101. rise, 26. the first that
25. be had in remembrance, in respect of, 216. See also should rise, 26. rise up, 22,
262. bring into (call to) persons. 30,101,151. rise up agiiinst,
remembrance, 25. bring respecter, see persons. 155. rise up together, 376.
remembrance, 402. come rest, n., 25, 27, 122, 220,857. rif^e with, 375.

iu remembrance, 2G2. have —give rest, 25, 220. take rising, 26, 80, 272.—rising
in remembrance, 334. in rest, 25. taking of rest, again, 26.
remembrance of, 262. put 228. riie, 90^,107»».
in remembrance (of), 25, rest, v., 25i, 189, 220, 221.— river, 339.

402, 403.

remit, 57.
rest in, 15o. rest upon, 155, roar, v.. 189, 264, 420.
rest of, 163.
rob, 371.
the rest, 244, robber, 242. robber— of
remnant, 219, 241, 244. 245. churches, 199.
remorse, 220m. restitution 40. , robbery, 46.
remove, 9, 226, 250, 256,257, restore, 39i, 220. —restore robe, 171, 200, 866, 415.—
312. —
can remove, 250. re- again, .39. long robe, 306.
move into, 257. restrain, 220. rock. Hock, 326.—rocks, 390.
— —— — — — —

INDEX. 471
rod, 856, 85&mpt.—Tods, see sacrificing, 350m. say on, 121, 240. say so,
beat. sacrilege, commit, 199. 167/). that is to say, 114.
roll away, 41. roll back, 41. sad, 362.— be sad, 367.— ««e things to say, 244. the —
roll to (unto), 349. roll to- also countenance. said, 54.
gother, 112, 139. safe, 51. — safe and sound, saying, 237, 244,
—356.— these
roof, 365. 393. bring safe, 86. escape sayings, 2iOp. See aiso
room, 389. —
be rooDi to re- safe, 86. namely.
ceive, 417. chief (highest, safely, 51. scale, 241.
uppermost) room, 352. in safety, 51. scarce, scarcely, 263.
the room of, 31. upper sail, n., 361. scandal, 361m.
room, 32, 401. — See also sail, v., 23, 42, 135, 830.— scarlet, 228. —
scarlet color
come. sail away, 135. sail by, 311, (colored), 228.
root, n., 356, 357.—pluck up 312,330. sail over, 85i. sail scatter, 84-86, 362.— scatter
by the root, 186. slowly, 64. sail thence, 135. abroad, 85i. 357, 362.—

root up, 136. be rooted, 357. sail under, 403. scattered, 86. scattered
rope, 378. sailing, 332. abroad, 86.
rough, 390. sailor, 265. sceptre, 356.
round, see compass, sliine. saint, 4. schism, 378.
round about, 233i, 307, 324. sake, see for. school, 378.
come round about, 234. salt,n., 14, 18. schoolmaster, 805•
See also country, dwell, go, salt, adj., 18. —salt, v., 15. science, 73.
hedge, look, region, shine, saltness, lose, 25. scoffer, 140.
stand. salutation, 50. scorch, 223.
row, v., 138. salute, 50. scorn, see laugh.
royal, 60, 61. salvation ,379/ .— that bring- scorpion, 862.
rub, 419. eth salvation, 379. scourge, n., 409.
rudder, 326. salve, see eye. scourge, v., 249i, 409.
rude, 198. same, 54, 134, 301. —
the scourging, 249.
rudiment, 336, 366in. same, 53-55, 210, 255, 298- scribe, 74.
rue, 326. 302. even the same, 55. scrip, 326.
ruin, 356.— ruins, 221. that same, 53, 5ip, 134, 298. scripture, 74i.
rule, n., 48, 214, 214m.— the same that, 285. the scroU, 62.
have the rule over, 184. same matter (thing). 55, sea, n., 189, 320.—thinga in
rule, v., 64, 335, 344.—rule 55p. these same, 54. these the sea, 146. where two —
over, 48. same here, 298. this same, seas meet, 89. See also
ruler, 49, 61m, 184, 230, 54. See also body, craft, Red.

2oQm. chief ruler, 49. hour, manner, mind, pur- sea coast, 311. which is up-
ruler of the city, 333. ruler pose, quarter, rank. on the sea coast, 310.
of the feast, 48.-make ruler sanctification, 3. seal, n., 373. —
set a seal, 378.
206. See also sjiiagogue. sanctify, 3. set to one's seal, 378.
rumor, 12, 244. sanctuary, 4. seal, v., 221, 378.— slal up,
run, 282, 350, 377, 390.—run sand, 20. 378.
aground, 107. run before, sandal, 358. seam, without, 47.
351. run down, 221. run sapphire, 358. sear with a hot iron, 223.
greedily, 137. run in, 128i. sardine, 358. —
search, 24, 153, 168. search
run out, 137. run over, 400. sardius, 358. dUigently, 152.
run (thither) to, 350. run sardonyx, 358. season, n., 211, 416, 419.—
through, 323. rxin together, satisfy, 415. certain (convenient, due)
375, 377. run under, 403. satisfying, 331. season, 211. for a season,
run violently,282. run with, save, v., 86, 3i 7m, 378, 379m, 276, 343. in season, 175.

377. come running togeth- 410. —
save one's self, 378. out of season, 11. See
er, 165. be saved, 379^?. such as also long.
rush, 163m, 282, 406. should bo saved, 378. season, r., 47.
rust, 65, 202. save.prffo., 16, 109, 184, 303, seat, 193, 205. —
chief (high-
est, uppermost) seat, 352.
sabacthani, 857. save (only) that, 109. judgment scat, 61, 232.
Sabaoth, sabaoth, 357. saving, n., 324, 379. —
second, 79., second after the

sabbath, 357. sabbath day, saving, pre^„ 109, 313. first, 79. second time, 79.
357. day before the sab- Saviour, saviour, 379. secondarily, 79.
bath, 3i7. keeping of a —
savor, n., 284. lose eavor, secret, n. and adj., 233. —
sabbath, 357m. on the 265. sweet savor, 178. secret, 233i. in a secret
sabbath, 189. savor, r.,409. place, 233. keep secret,
sackcloth, 358. saw asunder, 3 12. 233, 330.— kept secret, 41.—
Bacrifice, n.,197. —
by a sac- say. 44, 119, 170,236m, 237, See also chamber.
riflce for, 322m. do eacri- 235, 240, 856, 403i.—say secretly. 233, 236.
fice, 197. — See also sin. against, 31. be to say, 114, sect, 9, Qm.
sacrifice, v., 197, 197m. See 240. say before, 343. for secure, 19.
also idoL that one ought to say, 31. security , 199
— — — — —— — —a

472 INDEX.
Bedition, 91, 864. herd, 835. chief Shepherd,
set, v., 43, 88, 203, 205, 206,
Beduce, 42, 329.—be seduced, 380, 384.— set about, 325. 48.
42ot. set at one again, 87&. set sheet, 274.
seducer, 73. before, 812. sot forth, 23, shield, 197.
seducing, 320. 33,351,384. set forth evi- shine, 61, 62, 238, 866, 405.
Bee, 22, 57, 63, 109,111,140, dently, 843. Bet on, IGl, —
shine forth, 135. Bbine
191, 195, 198i, 204, 280, 281. 132,165. Bet one's eyes, 51. round, 823. shine round

see before, 3i3, 344. cau set steadfastly, 865. set about, 823, 324.
up, 81, 165, 203.—set, 879. shining, bright, 61.
see, 140. can not see i'nv

SCO clearly, 82,
see, 412. see
be set,206,224. be set before, ship, 265, 332. little (small)
344. be set down, 24, 25, 205, ship, 831. owner of the

to, 281.—be Been, 405•— -See 206. be set down together, ship, 265. take ship, 160.
also cease. 369. be set forth, 344. such See also hinder part, light-
seed, 363, 304i. —
receive seed, things as are set before, 312. en.
333. seed sown, 3G4. «See— See affection, fire, foot, lib- shipman, 265.
also mustard. erty, mind, nought, order, ship-master, 233.
seeing, ii., 63. seal, uproar, variance, sliipping, 832.
Beeiag, conj., 67, 109, 117i>, set [go down], 96 161.— be shipwreck, make, 265. suf-
150ir. —
seeing that, 156. setting, 96. fer shipwreck, 265.

Beck, 23, 181. seek after, setter forth, 217. shivers, see break.
shod, have, 402. be shod
134, 162, 182. seek care- setting, 255.
fully (diligently), 134. seek settle,192.384.— settled,106. with, 402.
for, 162, 182. seek means, seven, 167. seven times, 167. shoe, 402.
182. —
See also thousand, shooc forth, 342. shoot out,
Beem, 92, 405. —
seem good, seventh, 100, 167. 334.
shore, 8, 413. See also
92, 174. seventy, 100. seventy times,
seemly, 213m. 100. draw.
seize on, 222 sever,57. severed from,417w. short, 276, 377i, 419.—
self, of one's, 62. — -See also several, one's, 198.— -See also short space, 276. come
his, mine. every. short of, 404. See alsocxxi.

selfsame, 134. the selfsame, severally, 198, 198?n. shorten, 229.
shortly, 175, 381/.
65. this selfsame thing, 54. severity, 44.
Bclfwilled, 62. sew on, 164. should, 77, 251, 251io, 298/?,
eell, 39, 327, 855.— whatsoev- shadow, «.,42,301. 304. See also hereafter,

or is Bold, 355. See also shadow, v., 221. lest, saved, shall, that.
buy. shake, 133, 858, 359.— shake shoulder, 419.
seller, see purple. off, 44, 133. shako togeth- —
shout, 224. ^give a shout,
Belves,/ee our, your, ffiicir. er, S5o. —
those things that 103.
senate, 69. are (may be) shaken, 358, show, 80, 244, 351.—
send, 25, 43, 59, 151, 320.— 358m. those things which make a fair show, 176.
Bend again, 25. sondaway, can not be shaken, 358. make a show of, 77. out-
42-44, 66, 132, 135, 151. shall, should, 251. ward show, 812m.
Bend tor, 256. send forth, shambles, 247. show, v., 22, 23, S3, 88, 77,
43,65,132,135. 151. send shame, n., 9,51, 150.— put 80, 88. 89, 141. 147, 161.
out, 43, 132,151. send -with, to an open shame, 309. suf- 217, 221, 239, 261, 314i,

872, 374. he that is sent, fer shame, 51. 334, 402, 405 —show again,
33. show before, 344. show
43. See also greeting, rain. shame, v., 150, 217.

Bense, 9m. senses, 9. shamcfacedness, 8. forth, 147, 151. show forth
one's self, 148. show one'.s
sensual, 418. shamefully entreat, 61, 392.
self, 281, 405. ehowopeniv,

sentence, 40. give sentence, handle shamefully, 62.
141. be showed, 71. —
163. my sentence is, 232. shape. 111, 278. i^ee

separate, od[/., 417. bo sep- sharp, 279. also great, mercy, piety,
arate, 67. sharper, 389. tidings.
separate, v., 89, 57, 417. sharply, 44. show-bread, 47.
separated, 23»i. sharpness. 44. shower, 277.
Bcpulchre, 262, 263, 3S0. shave, 270. showing, 23.
Serjeant, 856. she, 64, 65, 98p, 133, 273, shrine, 205.
serpent, 109,304. 295. shun, 823. 403.
servant, 84, 94i, 194, 274, shear, 224. shut, 40, 226.— shut up, 218,
806, 401.— become servant, shearer, 224. 226, 370. shut up together,
94. fellow servant, 375. sheath, 195. 370m.
— —
make servant, 94. «See also shed, v., 137i. shed abroad, sick, 47, 49, 50. 214, 268m.—
hired, household, man. 137. shed forth, 137. be sick, 49, 212. sick folk,
fcrve, 83. 93, 233, 401. shedding, see blood, (folks), 47, 60. lie sick of,

Bervico, 83, 238, 241.— divine sheep, 312i. 876. sick people, 212. that
service, 233. do service, 83, Khccprold,62. is sick, 47 See also fever, —
93, 238— See also eye. sheepskin, 260. palsy.
eerving,83. Bhepherd, 29, 335.—Shep- sickle, 94.
— — — — — —— —

INDEX, 473
sickly, 47. srt with, 369, 374. soberness, 379.
sickness, 49, 268. six, 150, 415p. See also sobriety, 379.
Bide, 330. See also by, ei- hundred, sociable, 228771.
ther, every, farther, high- sixteen, 100. soever, see place, what,where-
way, other, pass, right, way. sixth, 136. with.
Eift, 3G0. sixty, 153. soft, 247.— soft clothing, 247.

sigh, v., 365. sigh deeply, sixty-fold, 153. softly, see blow,
26. skin, of a. 78. sojourn, t•., 314i.
sight, 63, 111, 195, 281i, 304, skull, 231. — the place of a sojourning here, 314.

3ol7n, 405. in one's sight, skull, 231771. soldier (soldiers), S06/r.
141, 150, 222. in the sl-ht sky, 297. choose to be a soldier, 303.
of, 141, 147, 150, 222, 3J8. slack, be, 64. fellow soldier, 377.
receive sight, 22. recover- slackness, 64. solitary, 168.
ing of sight, 22. without slanderer, 82. some, 17, lip, 109p, 127,
sight, 63. See also fearful, slanderously, report, 62. 172,252,283, 283^,336.—ia
vanish. slaughter, 2i9, 3i'8, 409. some sort, 254. some man,
sign, 359, —
360771. whose sign slave, 379. 386. some things, 386.

:., 312. make signs to, slay, 23, 41, 87, 197, 197771, some time, 339. See also
149. 2il, 378, 4U9.— be slain, 39. between, hand, means,
signification, without, 58. slain beast, 378. meat, of, other, time.
signify, 80. 82, 141, 359 ,300m. sleep, 71., 401. — awake out of somebody, 330.
silence, 189, 3G0. — keep si- sleep, 154i. fall on Bleep, something, 386.
lence, 360. put to silence, 228. sometime, sometimes, 339.
408. sleep, v., 205, 228. somewhat, 254, 336.
Bilk, 3G0. slcigUt, 233. son, 271, 306, 332,393.- Son,
silly, see woman. slip, let, 312. 306, 393.— Son
(son) of
silver, n., 45i. — of silver, 45. rlothful, 270, 276. man, See also adoj)-
piece of silver, 45, 94. slow, 45, 64. tion, begotten, sister's.
silver, adj.^ 45. — silver piece, slowly, see sail. song, 419.
45. sliunber, ., 220. —
soon, 313, 381. as soon as,
silversmith, 45. t^lumber, v., 270. 175. See also angry, iis.
similitude, 278ir. small, 262, 276.— very small, sooner, the, 381.
simple, 11, 12, 12?7i. 138. very small thing, 138. soothsaying, by, 248.
sknplicity, 33. — See also cord, fish, ship. sop, 419.
Bin, 7»., 18i, 312. — sacrifice smallest, 1C3. sorcerer, 246, 405i.
for sin, IStti. without sin, smell, 8wect, 178. —
sorcery, 246, 405. iise sor-

25. for the sins of, 822. smelling, 230. cery,"246.
sin, v., 18. — sin already, 342. smite, 7«, 303, 318, 331, 356, sore, 71., 139.—foU of sores,
sin heretofore, 342. —
392. smite off, 53. smite 139.
since, 38, 156i, 255, 290, 421. with (the palm of) one's sore, adj., 200.
— since the time, 38, See hand, 356i. sore, adv., 212, 242,250,337,
also time, world. smoke, ., 214. 378. See also afraid,
sincere, 7, 12771, 112. smoke, v., 392. amazed, displeased.
sincerely, 5. smooth, 241. sorer, 414.
sincerity, 56, 73, 112. snare, 65, 305. sorrow, n., 245, 273,321,419.
sinful, 18, 19. snow, 414. sorrow, v., 245, 273. •

Bing, 7, 417. See also hymn, so, 7Gj7, 207, 209, 211, 211;?, —
sorrowful, 245. bo sorrow-
praise, psalm. 216, 278, 295, 295j7, 290;?, ful, 245. exceeding sorrow-
single, 36. 300-302, 421.— so as, 201, ful, 324. less sorrowful, 18,
singleness, 36, 56. 276. so be, 71, 116, 192. very sorrowful, 324.

sink, 220. begin to sink, 65. even so I (also), 103. so I, sorry, be, 245. exceeding
sink down, 221. let sink 103. if so be that, 108, 109, sorry, 324. make sorry, 245.
down,3S4. 210. so it was, 371. so sort, see baser, godly, some,
sinner, 19, 303. many as, 284. so much, this, what.
sir, 23, 234, 306)/i. SiAm]}. so much as, 203. soul, 418.

si iter, 6. sister's son, 27. so that, 125, 202, 272, 281, sound, 7»., 189, 407, 411.
Bit, 24i, 205, 206, 203;n.— sit 421,422. so that not, 202. sound, adj 392, 393.—be

at, 310. sit at meat, 24, so then, 45, 295,422. Bound, 3J2. safe and sound,

2182. sit at meat (the ta-
ble) with, 374. sit by, 205.
Bit down, 24, 25, 205, 206,
See also beset, done, even,
falsely, great, it,long,many,
mighty, more, nmch, name,
3J3. See also mind.
sound, r., 63, 71, ,
sound out, i53. See also
21Si. make Bit dov.n, 21, «., not, require, say, BuUcr, trumpet.
218. sit down to meat, 25. then. soundness, perfect, 276.
sit down with, 374. make sober, 207, —
379. bo sober, —
south, 254,268. south wind,
Bit together, 369. sit 27, 379. teach to be so- 268.
together, 24 w. sit ber, 379. south-west. 1\o.
together with, 374. sit soberly, 370i. sow, 71., 4 I.
up, 24. Bit upon, 16a sober-miuded, be, 879. —
BOW, v., 363. eowu, see teed.
— — — — — —

474 INDEXi
eower, 863. spoil, n., 362.—spoils, 14. 163, 23, 349. Sea also stand.
space, 86, 89;?, 416.—by (for) spoil, t'., 35, 85, 371. sting, 224.
the space of, ICO. the space spoiling, 46. stink, 273.
of, ICO. See also hour, lit- sponge, 364. sthr, n., 380.
tle, short, tarry, years. sport one's self, 150. Btirup, 23, 26, 89, 156, 315,

spare, 406. ^have enough and spot, n. 363i. , —
without spot, 358, 370i.—be stirred, 314.
to spare, 325. not sparing, 20, 50. stock, 69.
56. spot, v., 363. stocks, 270.
sparingly, 406. spread, 85, 367, 403.—spread stomach, 366.
sparrow, 367. abroad, 152. spread upon, stone, n., 242, 326, 418.—of
speak, 84, 121. 170, 236, 240, ICCm. —bo spread abroad, stone, —
242. cast stones,
308;?, 3C8p, 407, 416.— speak 405. See also fame. 242. See also hewn, stvun-
against, 31, 218. speak —
spring, d., 26, 69. spring in, bling.
among, 371. speak any 128. sprmg up, 17, 22, 23, stone, v., 219, 242{.
more, 350. speak before, 62, 151, 411. spring up stony ground, 326. stony
343. can speak, 72. speak With, 373. places, 326.
evil of, 62, 121, 212, 218. sprinkle, 856. —
stoop, 234. stoop down,234,
speak for one's self, 41. sprinkling, 351, 356. 311.
speak forth, 44. speak of, spue, 140. stop, 376, 409.—stop of, 409.
22, 170, 217, 237, 241, 39Gi). spy, n., 101, 221. —
See also mouth.
speak out, 26. speak to spy out, 221. store, in, 195. keep in store,
(unto), 349, 350. speak stablish, 61, 865. 195. lay up in store, 39.
•with, 237, 349. staff, 270. 356. store-house, 380.
to be spoken after, 237. stagger, o4. storm, 236.
can not bo spoken against, stair, 21. straight, 175, 281. com•
25. bespoken of, 23G»i, stall, 406. with a straight course, 176.
356/). spoken of, 356. spo- stanch, 204. make straight, 31, 175.
ken of before, Z\^.mp. that stand, 30, 116, 178, 203, 253, straightway, 151, 174, 175,
(it) which was spoken. 272, .314, 365, 376. —
stand be- 313.
356. things spoken, 241j5. fore 178 314. stand by, 178, strain at, 91.
, ,

See also blasphemy, bold- 203, 314, 323. stand fast, strait, be in a, 376.
ly, lies, provoke, reproach- .365. stand forth, 101, 203. strait, adj., 865.
fully, truth. stand here, 314. make straiten, 365. be straiten- —
speaker, chief, 184. stand, 203. stand over, ed, 376.
speaking, evil, 62, 218. much 178. stand round about, straitest, most, 13.
speaking, 336. 234, 323. stand still, 203. straitly, 35, 309, 837.— iSfe*
spear, 244. stand up, 30, 203, 314. also charge.
spearman, 78. stand Avith, 314, 372, 376. strange, 17, 154, 172, 270.—
special, 392. — be standing, 364. See —
strange thing, 270i, 310.
specially, 247. further doubt, jeopardy, thinli strange, 270. think
spectacle, 191. world. strange concerning, 270.
speech, 237, 244,244ot,434^. star, 50, 51. stranger, l7, 161, 270, 313,
— fair speeches, 176. See state, one's, 322.— See also —
314. be a stranger, 314.
also boldness, impediment, last, my, your. dwell as a stranger, 314j>.
speechless, 149,
speechless, 408.
speed, with all, 381.
speed, ., see God.
stater, 364m.
236.—be stature, 185.
stay, n.,
stay, v., 157, 222.
stead, see in.
. entertain strangers, 407.
lodge strangers, 270.

strangled, 333. things stran-
led, 333.
siream, 339.
speedily, 381. steadfast, 61, 106, 865. street, 5, 329, 329wj9, 857.

spend, 76, 347. spend more, steadfastly, behold, 51. look strength, 95, 153,204, 231.—
347.—be spent, 82, 132. bo (up) steadfastly, 61, 118.— be of strength, 204. in-
far spent, 227, 335p, 344.— See also continue, set. crease in strength, 147. re-
See also time. steadfastness, 865i. ceive strength, 305. with-
spices, 49.— sweet spices, 49. steady, 3G5»i. out strength, 60.
spikenard, 265. steal, 227. strengtlien, 9o, 147,149, 164,
Fpill, 137i. steep place, 231. 231, 360, 365.— bo strength-
spin, 2C7. step, n., 204. ened, 149.
spirit, 332, 833m, 405.— Spir- step down, 216. step in, 139. stretch beyond one's meas-
it, 333.— See also Holy. stern, 352. ure, 400. stretch forth, 135,
spiritual, 833*. — spiritual steward, 166, 275. be stew- — 136, 160. stretch out, 136.
gifts, 333. spiritual things, ard, 275. strew, 85, 367.
stewardship, 275. stricken, well, 842/).
piritnally, 833i. stick, n., 410. strife, 32, 168i, 249, 407.—
spit, 354.— spit in, 141. spit stick fast, 163. strife of words, 243.
on (upon), 141. stiT-necked, 3)1. strike, 59, 306, 818, 892, 412.
ipitcfully, entreat, 392. etill, br», 408 —
strike with the palm of
pittle, 853. itm, oi/t;., 172.— abide etill, one's liand, 856.
— — —

INDEX. 476
striker, 830. — Buffer before, 344. suffer gwift,279,381r.
string, 79. it to be so, 57. suffer long, —
swim, 229. swim out, 134.
strip, i\, 132. 247, suffer not, 23. should swine, 415.
stripe, 330. —stripes, 265. suffer, 305. suffer trouble, sword, 249, .357.
See also few, many. 212. suffer with, 372. sycamine tree, 371.
strive, 6, 6m, 8, 84, 168, 249, See also adversity, afflic- sycomore tree, 371.

408. strive about words, tion, loss,manners, need, synagogue. 373, 374jj.— (be)
243. strive against, 31. patience, persecution, re- put out of the synagogue ,43,
strive together for (witii), proach, shame, shipwreck, 44. (chief) ruler of the syn-
374i. tribulation, violence, wrong. agogue, 48.
striving, 249. suffering ,305. —See also long.
strong, 95, 148, 204, 204?^, suffering affliction, 212. —
tabernacle, 361ir. of taber-
250, 365.— be strong, 147, suffice, 46i. nacles, 361.
2.31. be made strong, 147. sufficiency, 52, 200. table, 227, 329, 390.—at the
make strong, 305. strong sufficient, 46, 199.—be suffi- table, 24. See also sit,
man, 204. wax strong, 231. cient, 46. sufficient to, 346. writing.
— See also drink. — See also have. tackling, 361.
stronghold, 305. stun, 225, 385. tail, 296.
stubble, 212. summer, 195. take, 9, 24, 33, 41, 79, 88,94,
study, v., 364, 408. sumptuously, 238. 139, 163, 166, 218, 222, 231,
stuff, 361. sun, 185. 237, 238m, 256, 311, 826,
stumble, 349, 353. stumble— sunder, see cut. 335, 347, 349, 371, 374.
at, 349. sundry, see times. take away, 9, 23, 33i, 56,

stumbling, 349. stumbling, sun-rising, 26m. 151, 237, 312, 323. take
occasion of, 361. sup, 77. before, 344. take by, 1G3,
etumbling-block, 349, 361. supei-fluity, 324. 231. take down, 204. take
stumbling-stone, 242. superfluous, 325. for, 179. take hold of, 103.

subdue, 217. subdue unto, superscription, 161. take in, 24, 373. take off
403.—be subdued unto, 403. superstition, 77. from, 132. take on, 1G3.
subject, be, 23j9, 403.— be superstitious, too, 78. take out, 132. take to one's
subject to (unto), 403. be supper, 77i. self, 237. take unto, 24, 311.
made subject to (unto), 403. supplication, 76, 200. take unto one, 349. take
subject to (unto), 149, 403. supply, n., 166. unto one's self, 237m. take
— See also judgment, ordi- supply, v., 25, 166, 331, 347. up, 9, 23)', 24, 61, 79, 101,
nances, passion. support, v., sit. 155, 237, 323. take up one's
subject, -u., 403. suppose, 92, 184, 243, 267, carriage, 42. take upon,

subjection, 403. ^be in sub- 276, 402, 403. 166. take upon one's self,
jection to (unto), 403. bring supreme, 400. 237. take with, 311, 372.
into subjection, 93. put in sure, 51, 61, 329, 365.— be taken, be, 71. be taken
subjection (unto, tinder), sure, 72, 111. be sure of, from, 42. to be taken, 18.
403. 72. make sure, 51. be taken with, 376.
submit one's self 'to, unto), surely, 15, 184, 205, 307.— See also accusation, arms,
399,403. See also believed. captive, care, counsel, ea.«e,
suborn, 401. surety, 100.—K)f a surety, 15. effect, force, forbid, hand,
substance, 297, 399i, 403. surfeiting, 231. heed, journey, knowledge,
Bubtilely, deal with, 221. surmising, 403. leave, number^ oversight,
subtilty, 93, 307. surname, be one's, 102, 213. palsy, part, patiently, plea-
subvert, 26i, 135. —
surname, t•., 165. be sur- sure, record, rest, ship,
subverting, 221. named, 162. thought, throat, tithe,
succor, -u., 63.
succorcr, 350.
such, 273, 299,
301, 302,
in suspense, .
suspense, be i?i, 347»i. hold

careful suspense, 257m.

live in
talent, 380.— the weight of a
talent, 380.
388i,— such 276, 280,
as, sustenance, 415. tales, see idle.
285, 31Sp. such a fellow, swaddling clothes, wrap in, taUtha, 380.
388. such a man, 77, 338. 363. talk, n., 2U.
such an (a) one, 3^8. such swallow, v., 220. swallow— talk, I'., 237, 244, 277.— talk
matters, 302/>. such thing up, 220. with, 237, 371,872,376.
(things), 148/5, 301, Sl3p, swear, 277. talker, vain, 249.
383. See also give, man- swearing of an oath, 282r/i. talking, see foolish.
ner, necessary, no, set. sweat, 199. tame, v., 76.
suck, give, 19). sweep, 359. tanner. 65.
suck, v., 195. sweet, 72, 197m. — /Se< ulso tares, 182.
suckling, 195 savor, Biiicll, spices. tarry, 04, 86, 103, 20G, 251,
sudden, 10. swcct-smelliug, 178. 253, 347 . 416.— tarrj- beliind.
suddenly, 57, 151i, 881. swell, 3-7. 4()_'. tiury for, 132, 2>3. t.ir-

sue, see law. swelling, n., 411. ry long. 410. tarry tliore,
euffcr, 27, 57, 79>n, 88, 100, swelling words, great, 400. 31;•. tarry tliere a siiact;,
166,818,347,365,401,402. werve from, 60. ta.sle, r., 09. (416.
—— — — — — — —

476 INDEX.
tattler, 408. thank, v., 153, 177. 413.— also tarry, time.
taverns. Thethree, S90. God bo thanked, 413. there is, 148.
taxed, be, 88. thankful (be), 177. thereabout, 821.
taxing, 38. thankfulness, 177. thereat, 65, 81.
teach, 87, 217, 223, 246, 805. thanksgiving, 177, 413mi. thereby, 65, 81, 143, 301.
— teach another doctrine, thankworthy, 413. therefore, 16, 81, 45, 67, 76,
172. apt to teach, 87. teach that, demonstr, pron., 54, 80, 81, 91i, 125, 210, 295,
otherwise, 172. which one 64;?, 109p, 114, 133,210,271, 308, 888i, 422.
teacheth, 87. —taught, 87. 272, 272iJ, 298, 209, 800, therein, 65, 125, 140;?, 143,
be taught, Sip. taught of 801, 802, SSSp, 387/).-for 144,802.— thereinto, 125.
God, 192. See also eober, all that, 803. that man, thereof, 55m, 130,143m, 322.
•wise. 293. that thing, 800, Slip. thereon, 55, 143, 155, 158,

teacher, 87. teacher of good that very, 134. that way ,81, 159.— See also build, laid,
things, 213. false teachers,
417. See also law.
teaching, 87, Sim.
tear, w., <6.
tear, v., 856, 863, 877.

that, re /. pron. ,
See also according,
after, place, time, way.

247p, 255p, 271;?, 212p, 283,

2S8p, 284, 28ipt, 2S5t,2S5p,
think, write.
thereout, see come.
thereto, see add, agree.
thereunto, 54, 55, 125. See
also comer.
tedious unto, be, 102. 41CJ9.— that ever, 284. thereupon, see biuld.
teU,22,83,85,89, 121, 135, that, CO??;., 80o, 38, 81, %p, therewith, 65, 143, 158, 302.
153,170,237,239,261.— tell 108, lOSp, lOdp, 116, 298-302.— these many,
before, 843, 844. tell in 117, 125, 125i?, 146, 201- 389.these matters, 302.
time past , 843. tell of, 121. 203, 207, 208, 210;^, these icen ,299. these things,
— See also can, fault, truth. 272, 280, 28Gir,287p, 288m, 273, 800-302. these woras,
temper together, 870. 2S9,289ot,355, 421, 422.— 8C0. See also none, same,
temperance, 102. that . . could, 845. thatsayings.
temperate, 102, 879.—be tem- . . may, SOp, 125, 125m, they, 63, &Sp, 55, 100, 133,
perate, 102. 176», 224,272,845. that. . 134, 252, 271;>,285p,298,301,
tempest, 196, 236, 359,413.— might, 125, 148, 272, 845, 302, 859.— ;See also of.
be tossed with a tempest, 879, 422. tliick, see gathered.
that . . should,
413. 24p, 125, 272, 879, 422.— thief, 226, 242.
tempestuous, 392. that no, 201. that no man, thigh, 261.
temple, 199, 265, 275.— -See 201, 259. that none, 259. thine, 8G2, 3G7, 369.— thine
also idol. that not, 201, 202, 258, 259. own, 98, 253;^ 271, 862,368,
temporal, 848. that nothing, 201, 202. 369. thine own self, 859.
tempt, 135, 820.—can not that 60 . . might, 125. that thing, things, 244, 244m,
be tempted, 35. . . (will) would, 212.— See 271, 271;?, 272, SOlj?, 840,
temptation, temptations, 320. also after, because, before, 356, 85Gwz, 386.— iS'ee also
tempter, 820. concerning, foam, for, how, all, any, appear, base, be-
ten, 78, lOOj?. See also if, in, insomuch, lest, must, fall, behind, belong, better,
thousand. seeing, so. boast, carnal, certain,
— the, 271, 211p, 299, 886»i. charge, come, concern, con-

tender, 84, 864. -See also
mercy. theatre, 191. cerning, contained, conven-
tender-hearted, 177. thee, ISlp, 200/?, 359, ient, corruptible, creeping,
tent-maker, 861. 867-3G9. deadly, deep, earthly, edify,

tenth, 7Si. tenth part, 78. theft, 226, 227. every, evil, excellent, fear-
terrestrial, 161. their, 55, 98, 198, 302.— their ful, few, fooUsh, formed,
terrible, 408. own, 54, 92p, 98. their own give, given, good, great,
terrify, 137, 853i. selves 00• greater, green, happen,
terror, 409. them, 54, 55, 98, 99, 133, 134, have, heavenly, hidden,
testament, 83, 83m. 299,301,802. high, holy, honest, hoped,
testator, 86. themselves, IGm, 17, 53, uSp, idol, incredible, invisible,
testify, 84, 163, 248, 249.— 64, 64m, 98, 99, 298jJ.— -bee least, life, like, made, make,
testify beforehand, 344. tes- also assemble. many, marvelous, mean,
tify unto, 871. —
to bo testi- then, adv., 128, 156, 271;?, measure, necessary, need-
fied, 249. 889. ful, neither, new, no, none,
testimony, 248i, 249m. give
testimony, 248. have tes-
— then, conj., 45, 76, 207, 208,
210, 245, 294i, 381, 388.-
offend, old, one, other,
ought, pertain, pertaining,
timony, 248. See also for, not, now, so, please, pleasing, possess,

tctrarch, 884. be tetrarch, what. present, ready, remain,
884. thence, 133, 133;>.— from same, Bay, eca, selfsame,
than, 16, 184, BOlp, 308, 830, thence, 133, 273.— iSee also shaken, small, some, spirit-
400. See also conqueror, go, eail. ual, spoken, strange, stran-
least, more, other, ratlier. tlionccfortli, 172. —from gled, such, that, these, this,
thank, n., 413, 41Ll;n. thenceforth, ICO. those, unholy, unlawful,
thanks, 177, 413. give
thanks, 28, 177, 278. giving
— there, 56, 132, 133i, 134, 144,
148, 224, 2S{)p,o00mp, ilC^,
vain, very, weak, what,
whafcooevcr, which, wonder-
«f thanks, 177. 419.—be there, lul.— &« ful, worse, your.
—— — — — ——

INDEX. 477
thini:,84,92,927M, 143, 184, ther, 347. 306, Si5p. (of a) long time,
232, 243, 267,27, 403,405, threatening, 35. 135, 416. since that time,
409.— thinls good, 33, 92m, three, 390.— three times, 311. 389. spend the (one's) tiuse,
174. think highly, 400. -See also hundred, months, 175, 416. spend some time
thmk of, 243. think on, taverns, thousand, years, there, 416. this time, 269,
148, 243. think thereon, threescore, 153,415/).— three- 269/>. this present time,
IGO. See also strange, score and fifteen ^ 100. three- 269. time to come, 251. to
worthy. score and sixteen, 100. (unto) this time, l&O. at
third,391.— the third day, threescore and ten, 100. sundry times, 333.
391. the thb-d part, 391. thresh, 17. See also about, any, ap-
the third time, 391,— iSfetf thrice, 391. pointed, bom, convenient,
also loft. throat, 23S.— take by the five, life, little, neither, old,
tliirdly, 391, throat, 333. past, second, seven, seven-
thirst, n.,91. throne, 61, 19G. ty, since, some, third, thou-
thirst, v., 91. throng,!'., 195, 372, 376i. sand, three, until.
thirsty•, be, 91. through, 80, 82, 130, 145, 158, tinkle, 14.
thirty, 890. 215. See also break, carry, tip, 14.
thirty-fold, 390. go, midst, pass, pierce, run, tired, be, 135m.
this, 53, 4, 76p, 134, 252, thrust, walk. tithe, n., 78.—give tithes, 33.
269/7, 271, 272, 297-302, throu.^hly, 315. See also pay tithes, 38, 78. receive
299ni, 413p.— this child, furuiih, purge. tithes of, 73. take tithes, 33.
298. thia deed, 300. this throughout, 80, 124, 145,160, tithe, v., 38.
fellow, 298. this man, 53, 215, 277, SlSp.—See also title,388.
298, 301, 302. this matter, go, pass. tittle,224.
301. this place,302. this sort, —
throw, 59,357. throw down, to, GSp, 81, 123, 124w, 125,
302. this thing, 300,301. on 59, 219. 142/?!, 145, 150, 158, 159,
this wise, 303. this woman, —
thrust, 59. thrust away, 45. 159//!, 180, 201, 202, 215,
299. See also cause, day, thrust down, 217. thrust 257, 281, 308/n, 345, 346wi,
deed, end, fashion, hour, from, 45. thrust in, 154, 400, 422.— as far as to, 58.
inscription, life, manner, 321. thrust out, 131, 155. even to, 58.
mind, namely, place, pres- thrust out of, 131. they See also according, an-
ent, same, time. that thrust men, 62m. swer, appeal, as, attain, at-
thistle, 390. thrust through, 221- tendance, bottom, bring,
thither, 133, 2S0p.—See also thunder, «., 64- call, carry, charge, charge-
come, riin. thunder, i•., 65. able, cleave, come, conde-
thitherward, 133. thundering, 65. scend, conformed, consent,
thong, 200. thus, 273, 300-302.—even contrary, end, fall, for,
thorn, 3G2.— thorns, 11.— thus, 216. See also far. from, give, given, go, grind,
of thorns, 11. thy, 359, 362, 307, 367;^, 369. ground, hearken, heed, in-
thoroughly, see throughly. at thy house, 369. thy tent, join, kneel, laugh,law,
those, 55, 133, 252, 271p,299, friends, 362. See also look, minister, near, obedi-
301,302,308o.-those things, goods. ent, pertain, place, privy,

156/), 252, 252^, 273, 3'Jl,
302. those words, *b'ee
also behind, believed, coii-
thyine, 197.
thyself, 53, 98, 99, 359.— -See
also thou.
promised, put, ready, re-
gard, respect, roll, run, see,
speak, subject, subjection,
ceru, please, shaken. tidings, 244, 405.— tidings submit, sufficient, take,
tliou, 112i;, 273, 367-369 come, 13. bring glad ti- tossing, turn, uttermost.
thou thyself, 53, 359. dings of, 173. declare glad to and fro, see toss.
though, 97, 108, 109, 117;;, tidings, 173. show glad ti- to-day, 360.
208, 210, 210p, 211i, 214— dings, 173. bi-ing good ti- together, 17, 18, 55, 278.—

though it be but, 278. iS'ee dings of, 173. See also agree, assemble, as-
also as, circumcised. tie, 80. sembhng, band, bowed,
thought, 84, 847n, 85, 148, tiling, 225. bring, build, caU. come,
163,243,207.— take thought, till, 58, 109, 125, 180, 257, comforted, commune, coun-
253. take thought before- 286. sel, eat, elected, follower,
hand, 344. tillage, 69«2. frame, gather, gathering,

thousand, 414i. fifty thou- time, 68, 189, 211,211ni, 416, glorify, groan, grow, heir,
sand, 2G4. five thousand, 410/;, 419. —
at any time, help, join, knit, laborer,
321. four thousand, 383. 204/;, 355. at that time, planted, quicken, raiic,
Seven thousand, 167. ten 189. at this thue, 269. by reason, rise, roll, ruu,
thousand, 264, 265. ten this time, 185. endure but shake, ehut, sit, strive, tem-
thousand times ten thou- for a time, 848. due time, per, travail, treasure, work,
sand, 264. three thousand, 211. for a long time, 41. worker, wrap, yoked, your-
391. two thousand, 91. two for this time, 209. from selves.
hundred thousand thou- that time, 130, 3S9. full 229.
toil, v., 60.
sands, 265.— thousands, time, S21p. high time, 419. token, 860, 877.—evident
265, 414. in time of need, 175. in the (manifest) tcken,147•
threaten, 35. — threaten fur- time of, 157- in tiuio pa^t. tolerable, 27.
—— — — — — —

478 INDEX.
tomb, 262, 263, 880. up treasure, 195. (one's self), 866. turn to
to-morrow, 52. treasure up, 195. (unto), 164, 165. turn to

tongue, 72, 84. of another treasury, C5, 230. flight, 227. turn upside
down, 26.—be turned,
tongue, 172. See also He- treatise, 244. 71,
brew. tree, 78, 270.— See also fig, 137. be turned out of the
too, see superstitious. olive, palm, sycamine, syc- •vsay,137. See also ashes.
tooth, 273. —
teeth, see cast. omore. turning, 391.
top, 11.— from the top, 32. tremble, 141, 150, 390, 391, turtle-dove, 891.
topas, S89. 409.— trembling, 150. tutor, 166.
torch, 238. trembKDg,n., 391. twain, 96.
torment, n.,60i, 228. trench, 412. twelfth, 96.
torment, v., 60. — ^be tor- trespass, n., 312. twelve, 78, 96.— S«< also
mented, 212, 273. trespass, t>., 18. tribes.
tormentor, 60. trial, 92i, 320.-5ee also fiery. twenty, 111.
torture, v., 27m, 892. tribe, 410. —
twelve tribes, 93. twice, 91.
toss, 60, 357. —
be tossed to tribulation, 196. —
suffer trib- twinkling, 357.
and fro, 227. See also tem- ulation, 195.
tribute, «.,88,225,409.
two,96, 96p. (by)
two, 21, 96. two
— two and
men, 96.
tossing to and fro, 12wi. tribute, adj., 225. —
tribute two women, 96. See also
touch, v., 44, 195, 217, S51. monev, 88. edge, hundred, eeaa, thou-
— that might be touched, trim, 230.
triumph, cause to, 196.
sand, ways, years.
two-edged, 91.
418. See also feeling. tri-
touching, 160, 216, 322.—as lunph over, 196. twofold more, 91.
touching, 158, 216, 822. trouble, n., 196, SSO.—See type, 392?n.
toward, 124, 145, 158-160, also suffer.
215, 345, 399. —
to -ward,
. . trouble, »., 26,86, 149,195, unawares, 10, 238. See aiut
345. ~ See also mal^e, man, 229, 313, 362, SSO.— trouble brought, creep.
press. exceedingly, 136. trouble unbelief, 34, 34m, 86.
towel, 241. in mind, 870?^. trouble unbeliever, 86.
tower, 354. one's self, 196, 862.— be unbelieving, 85, 86.
town, 236i. troubled, 196,380, 892. unblamable, 19, 20.
town-clerk, 74. troubling, 880. unblamably, 19.
trade, n.,168m. trow, 92. uncertain, 7i.
trade, v., 167. —
trade by ,167. truce-breaker, 50. uncertainly, 7.
uncertainty, 7m.
trading, gain by, 85. true, 14ir.,73,329.
tradition, 310, ZlOm.—See truly, 14i, 14m, 15, 45, 76», unchangeable, 84.
also fathers. 252, 296. uncircumcised, 13, 85. be- —
traitor, 843. trump, 358. come uncircumcised, 164.
trample, 220. triunpet, 358. —
cause a trum- uncircumcision, 13.
trance, 136. pet to be sounded, 358m. unclean, 11, 22Si.
transfer, in a figure, 256. sound a tnunpet, 858. a uncleanncss, 11, 261.
transfigured, be, 256. trumpet soundeth, 858. unclothed, be, 132.
transform one's self, 256. trumpeter, 358. —
uncomely, 51. behave one's
be transformed, 256i. trust, 321.
71., commit (be self uncomely, 51.
transgress, 308, 809j5, 313.— committed) to one's trust, uncondemned, 11.
See also law. 328. be put in trust with, uncorruptible, 56.
transgression, 308. fall by — 328. put one's trust, 820.

uncorruptncss, 7.
transgression, 308. See al- See also committed. —
uncover, 43. uncovered, 11.
so law. trust, v., 139, 320, 828m. unction, 416.
transgressor, 31, 309 trust first, 343. have where- uudefiled.ig.
translate, 251, 257. of one might trust, 320. under, 137, 145, 157m, 158,
translation, 256. truth, 14i, 14m, 265.— in 223, 401, m.—See also
transparent, 86. truth, 15. of a truth, 14m, bondage, curse, earth, keep,
trap, 195. 15, 279. speak (tell) the law, obedience, power, put,
travail, n., 264, 419.— bo in truth, 14. run, sail, subjection, tread.
travail, 385. try, 92. 92?n, 320<, 345p.— undergird, 402.
travail, v., 419. —
travail in tried, 92. bo tried, 854. understand, 13, 72, 111, 164,
birth (of), 419. travail in trying, 92. 168, 248, 267, 354, 376, 3767n.
pain together, 377. tumult, 12, 196, 304m. —give to understand, 73.
travel, companion in, 875. tune, 407m. understand not, 4. easy to—
travel, v., 89. —
travel with, turn, 38, 1G5, 256, 257, 866. be understood, 177. hard
875. See also country, — turn (one) about, 165, to bo understood, 96.
tread, 220, 318.377m.— tread 256, 366. turn again, 24, understandmg, 85, 269, 876,
down, 220, 318. tread out 165, 366. turn aside, 27, 409. —
have perfect under-
the corn, 17. tread under 137. turn away, 43, 44, 86, standing of, 311. without
foot, 220, 813. 251. turn away from, 43. understanding, 51.
treasure, n., C5, 195. heap — turn bark, 403. turn back undone, be left, 241m.
treasure together, 195. lay again, 866, 403. turn one unequally, see yoked
. — — — , — —— — —

INDEX. 479
unfeigned, 82. submit, take, tedious, testi- uttermost, 307, 383. — See
anfruitful, 11. fy, turn, write. also know.
ungodliuess, 49. untoward, 3G2.
ungodly, adj., 49i. —ungodly unwashen, 30. vagabond, 823.
man, 4y. that is ungodly, unwise, 30, 58. —
vain, 224i, 249. be in vain,
49. unworthily, 25. 224. become vain, 249. in
ungodly, commit, 49. live unworthy, 25, 36. vain, 97, 111, 224i, 249.
ungodly, 49. unwrought, 4m. vain things, 224. See also
— —
unholy, 31. unlioly thing,
united with, be,
unity, 149.

unjust, 7t. be unjust,
. 7.
up, 32. be up, 26.
See also
ascend, bear, bind,
break, brim,bring,brought,
build, burn, carry, catch,
cMld, climb, come, deliver,
glory, jangling, repetitions,
vainglory, 224.
vainly. 111.
valiant, 204.
uuknowTi, 4,5. devour, draw, drive, dry, valley, 405.
unlade, 44- eat, fill, fold, from, gather, value, be of more, 86.
unlawful, 31. unlawful — gaze, gird, give, go, grow, value, t»., 385.
thing, 8. hoise, holden, laid, lay,lead, vanish away, 5Gi, 220 —van-
unlearned, 5, 18, 33, 198. leap,lift,look,make, nourish ish out of sight, 56.
unleavened^ 8. —unleavened offer, offering, puff, put, vanity, 249i.
bread, 8. raise, rear, receive, rise, vapor, 52.
unless, 108. root, seal, set, shut, sit, variableness, 311.
unloose, 246. spring, stand, steadfastly, —
variance, 109. set at vari-
unmarried, 2. stir, store, swallow, take, ance, 91.
unmerciful, 27. treasure, wind, yield. vaunt one's self, 326.
unmovable, 19, 49. upbraid, 278. vehement, see desire.
unprepared, 34. uphold, 406. vehemently, 77, 177, 325•—
unprofitable, 18, 33, 5Si.—be- upon, 38, 51i7, 124, 145, 155, See also beat.
come unprofitable, 53. 157, 157^2, 158, 159, 162p, veU, 213, 220, Z23m.—Set
unprofitableness, 33. 187, 215, 242/7, 2or,.—See also which.
unquenchable, 49. also attend, authority, beat, vengeance, 90, 132, 281.
unreasonable, 17, 52. bestow, bring, build, call, venerable, uoQni.
uurebukable, 27. cast, clothed, come, fall, jro, venomous, see beast.
unrcpro vable 27 , hold, laid, lie, look, medi- verily, 15, 19, 67, 80, 252,
unrighteous, 7. tate, mercy, press, put, rest, 2G5, 279, 296.- -S'eeo^soyes.
unrighteousness, 7, 30. sea, sit, spit, spread, take. verity, 14.
unruly, 12, 32, 51. upper, 32. See also cham- very thing, this, 54. See
unsearchable, 27i. ber, room. also act, that.
unseemly, that which is, 51. uppermost, see room, seat. very, adv., 15, 53, 54, 210,
unseemly, behave one's self, upright,2Sl. 378. See also attentive,
51. upuightly, see walk. bold, chiefest, costly, dili-
vmskilftil, 85. up-oar, 196, 364. be in an gently, even, first, gladly,
unsociable. bOm. uproar, 370. make an up- great, heavy, highiy, hun-
unspeakable, 27, 47. roar, 26. set ou an uproar, gry, little, many, morning,
unspotted, 50. 196. pitiful, precious, small, sor-
unstable, 12, 50. upside down, see turn. rowful, worthy, well.
untaken av.ay, 24. urge, 118. vessel, 3, 361. See also bra-
unthanld"ul,58. us, 1S5-1S7, 3977rt, 398»2. zen.
until, 58, VJ.0, 180, 257.—un- —
use, n., 13, 415, 416. meet vesture, 200i, 323.
til the time, ISO. See also for vise, 177. vex, 60, 212, 220, 304.— be
now. use, v., 72, 179, 257, 341, vexed, 318. See also devil.
untimely, see fig. 415. — be used, 26. —
Set vial, 407.
unto, 55, 58, 123, I2im, 145,
108,159,180,255, 257,845,
also —
authority, deacon, victory, 207i. get the victo-
deceit, despitefully, fast, tory, 267.
4.10. —
even unto, ISO. 6ee — hospitality, rei)etitioiis. victuals, 65, 1G4.
also add, axipcal, approach, sorcery. vigilant, 267, 2l»7»i. —
be vig-
attain, attend, authority, using, 44. ilant, 74.
beckon, belong, bring, call, usurp, see authority. vile, 61, 357,380.
chargeable, cleave, come, usury, '3SS. village, 236.
coumiit, committed, con- utiuo.st part, 321. vine, 20.
formable, consent, day, uttor IK, 88, lu8, 237, 2'0'.).— vinegar, 279.
desfite, fall, fashioned ,gird, liar<i to be uttered, W>. vineyard, 20. —
dresser of
go, gospel, haste, heark- which can not be uttered. one's vineyard, 20.
en, heed, hour, in, joined, 14.
lay. like, look, niinLster, utterance, 44, 244.
violence, 62", 95, 282
ol*>nce to, 85.

Jo vi-
nigh, obedient, pertain, utterly,277.— «See also burn,
preach, present, provolce, peri.sh.
put, reach, roll, speak, fuIj- uttermost, 171.— utteruio.st
leuce, 62
violently, see run.
duc, subject, subjection. part, 14, 171, 321. to tlnj — viper, 178.
— — — —— —

480 INDEX.
virginj 814. washing, 59, 245. well-beloved, 2.
virgimty, 314. waste, »., 45. well-pleasing, 174.
virtue, 46, 46m, 95. waste, v., 85, 339. were, see as, be.
visible, 281. watch, n., 230, 410.—night west, 96. See also north,
vision, 280, 281i. watches, 410m. south.
viiit, v., 164. watch, v., 5, 71, 267, 312,384. whale, 226.
visitation, 1G4. watchful, 74. what, 244, 271p, 276, 283-
vocation, 227. watching, 5. 285, 803, 335, 339.— but
voice, 411,411m, 418.-voices, water, n., 339, 393. drink — what, 252;?, 886. what ev-
411. water, 893. without water, ery man, 388. what man-
void, make, 220, 224.— See 32.— -See also cold. ner, 276. what manner of,
aZso judgment, offence, water, v., 340. 45, 280, 335, 839. what
volume, 225. watering, lead away to, 840. manner of man, 45, 276.
voluntary, 192.. water-pot, 303. what manner of person ,339.
vomit, 151. wave, 227, 234.—waves, 858. of what sort, 280. what
vouchsafe, S3m.- waver, 84. things, 283, 285, 335. what
vow, 177. wavering, without, 12. things ioever, 284<, 285.
voyage, 332. wax, v., 70, 344. —
-See also —
what way, 335. -S'ee also
bold, cold, confident, gross, befallen, great, manner,
wag, v., 226. old, rich, strong, wanton. means, place.
wages, 262, 305^ way, 81, 273, 273/n, 314,338, what, intcrrog., 67, 184j 389,
waU, v., 14, 229, 321. 3S9m , oDl. —a good way off, 837, —
383m. what is it
wailing, 226. 247. a great way off, 247, which ? 387. what is that ?
wait, n., see lay, lie, lying. 330. be out of the way, 887. what manner of? 387.
wait, v., 132.— wait at, 347. 329. out of the way, 254. what then ? 67. what thing ?
wait, for, 25, 35, 132,25Gm, by the way side, 273. place 387. what have I (we) to
324, 347i. wait on, 349.— where two ways meet, 20, do with thee ? 104, 187.—
See also continually. 157. that way, 273. See -See also intent, purpose,
waiting, patient, 402. also bring, by, escape, go, why.
wake, 74. lascivious, many, other, whatsoever, 80, 284i,
walk, v.,324,338,3G6.—waUc pernicious, that, turned, 285i, 816, 355;?, 386.— what-
about, 324. walk in, 140. what. soever thing (things), 284,
walk orderly, 366. walk we, 73p, llip, 115j9, 185-188. 816.
through, 89. walk upright- —
we ourselves, 53, 185. wheat, 360.
ly, 281.— be walking, 324. -See also do. when, 97, lllp, 144, 146,155,
wall, 382, 388.—middle wall weak, 7, 49, 50. be weak, — 156, 189, 198p, 206, 208,255,
between, 254- 49. be made weak, 49. weak 280, 281, 286i, 290, 314p,
wallow,234. things, 50. 336^, 339. 389, 420.—when
wallowing, 234. weakness, 49, 50. once, 290. —-S'ee also as,
wander, 329. —wanderabout, wealth, 176, 21. — See also dead, look, revealed.
323. another. when ? 340.
wandering, a<f;., 329. weapon, 280, 280m. whence, 273, 833.—from
want, n., 404i, 415.—be in wear, 147, 409. wear away, — whence, 273, 290, 333.
want, 404. 227. whensoever, 283, 421.
want, v., 241, 404.—be want- weariness, 229. where, 133, 144, 215p, 273,
ing, 241. wearing, 323. 280, 289.-where . . there
wanton, be, 363.— wanton weary, be, 134. (thither), 280. See also ev-
against, begin to wax, 221. weary, v., 404. be wearied, — ery, seas, ways.
wantonne.';s,49.— much wan- 214, 229. where? 340,388.
tonness, 49. weather, fair, 174. ^foul — whereas, 117;?,144,2S0,285p.

war, n., 335. intend war weather, 413. whereby, 81, 81m, 144, 251»,
Avith, 197m. make war, 335, wedding, 65. 272, 274, 322, 346.
335m. men of war, 366. week, 3u7, 357m. whereby ? 216.
war, V.J 335, 366. —
v.'ar weep, 76, 226i, 226miJ. wherefore, 10, 45, 82, 90, 91,
against, 32. weeping, 226. 125, 148, 158, 274, ^95, 388,
ward, 410. weight, 59, 273. See also 413, 422.
ware of, be, 72, 375, 410. talent. wherefore? 86, 125, 202, 888,
wariare, 366.—go a warfare, weightier matter, 60. 413.
866. Aveighty, CO. wherein, 82, 125, 143m, 144,
warm one's self, 195. be — wcll.n., 326,409. 144m, 158, 290, 822.
warmed, 195. well, adv., 1, 173, 213,213m. whereinsoever, 144, 284.
warn, 26S, 402.—be warned — do well, 1, 378. that do- whereof, 130, 158, 283, 822,

of (from) God, 416. eth well, 1. aycU doing, It, 3447), 8GSp. See also glory,
wary, be, 175. 213. well done, 173. full trutt.
was. 74p, 118./—so It was, well, 213. very well, 61, whereon, 157-159.
371. See also be. 213. See also as, drunk wheresoever, 280.
wasli, 42ir, 59, C4, 215, 2G7, know, please, report, striek, whereto, 125.
832. — wash away, 42. en. wheraunto, 12f 2S3, 348j»,
—— — —— — — —

DiDKr. 481

388p. See also attain, call. wild, 5.— See also beast, drink dwell, eat, elected,
whereunto? 388. olive-tree. endu id, entangle, fear,
whereupon, 144, 274, 283. wilderness, 168*. feast, feed, feeling, fellow-

wherewith, 144,145. where- wile, 251. ship, fill, gnash, go, grief,
with soever, 285. See also wilfully, 135. grieve, hand, haste, have,
edify. will, 71., 64i, 73, 191i.— heir, help, inscription, in-
wherewith? 388. against one's will, 14. good surrection, journey, labor,
wherewithal, see clothed. will, 174, 176. of one's laborer, lade, lead, live,
whether, adj.^ 127, 388. own will, 64. will worship, meet, mind, mixed, noise,
whether, conj., di, 108, 109, 106. niunber, partake, partaker-,
109;7, 1S3, 261;;, 340, SSlp. will, v., 64, 191, 251.— wiU perish, please, possess, pres-
which, relat., 53, lOdp, lllp, have, 192. ent, question, quicken,
252p, 255p, 271; 22,276, wilUng, 343.—be willing, 64, rank, reason, reign, rejoice,
280p, 283, 283;?, 284, 285, 174, 192. wUling mind, 343. rise, run, sear, send, shod,
285;>, 299, 335. —
which willing of one's self, 52. sit, smite, speak, speed,
thing (things), 283, 285.— See also communicate. spring, stand, strike, strive,
See also cause. willingly, 135i, 137, 192, 344. subtilely, suffer, take, ta-
which? 387, 387p. win, 225. ken, talk, tempest, travel,
while, n., 211, 262, 276, wind, 71., 27, 332, 3S3i.— be trust, united, what, iTiter-
276»2, 416. — a good while, driven with the wind, 27. rog., wind, witness, work.
189. a great while, 149;?, See also south. withal, 18, 209.— Sie also
337. —
any while, 306. dure wind, v., 80. wind up, 377. profit.
for a while, 348. See also window, 197. withdraw, 43, 403.— with-
ago, little, long, mean. —
wine, 275. as one in wine, draw one's seljf, 26, 57, 365,
while, adv.. 58, 117, HTp, Slh7ip. excess of wine, 275. 403.
144, 146, 180, 286i, 421.— given to wine, 314. new wither, 270. wither away, —
whiles, 180.— 5ee also wine, 72. —
See also old. 270. whose firuit withereth,
world. wine-bibbcr, 275. 407. —
withered, 270. be
whisperer, 418. wine-fat, 402. withered, 270.
whispering, 418. wine-press, 242, 275. withhold, 222.
whit, see every, not a. wing, 353. within, 81, 125?n, 144, 150,
white, adj., 238, 242.— make nink at, 400. 171i, ITlp, 172p, 346.—from
white, 241. winter, n. , 413. within, 136, 171.
white, v., 229, 241. winter, v., 313. —
to winter In, without, pre/j., 27, 51, 51m,
whither, 125. 280,290. 313. 137, 154i, 201771, 255, 260;),
whither? 340. —
wipe, 135. wipe away, 151. 417. See also affection,
whithersoever, 280, 290. wipe 42.
off, blame, blemish, carefulness,
who, 117, 158»7i),271i?,272i?, wis, see wist. cause, ceasing, charge, chil-
283, 284i, 285, 298. wisdom, 363, 410. dren, controversy, covetous-
who? 387. wise, adj., 363,410. —
be wise, ness, descent, dissimulation,
whole, 34, 276, 277, 316.— 376, 379?n. make wise, 363. distractioa, effect, excuse,
See also armor, burnt-offer- wise man, 246, 363, 410. father, fault, fear, fruit,
ing. teach to bo wise, 379ot. gainsaying, God,hands,
whole (pound), 392, 393.—be wise, see any, no, this. help, hiouor, hypocrisy law,

whole, 204, 378. 892. wisely, 410. life, measure, mercy, mix-
make whole, 197, 378. make wLsh, v., 177.^an wish,177. tui-e, mother, offence, par-
perfectly whole, 86. wist. 111. tiality, persons, rebuke, re-
wholesome, 392. wit, do to, 73. —
to wit, that, pentance, scam, eight, sig-
wholly, 277• See also give, 287. See also wot. nification, sin,spot, strength,
idolatry. witchcraft, 405. tinderstanding, water, war
whore, 339. with, 18, 38, 81, 82, 104/5, vcring, witness, world,
whoremonger, 339. l(H7np, 124, 130, 143m, 145, wrangling.
whoso, 284. 158, IGO, 179, 187;^, 216, without, from, 154. one that
whosoever, 109, 283, 284, 240;?, 254, 308, 30S/7i, 322, (which) ifl without, 154i.
285ir, 316, 8SG. 346, 373, 39(3/>, 401, 411p.— those things that are with-
why, 67, 2S7. that is with, 2u5, 25/?. — out, 313.
why? 86, 125, 202, 388.— See also accord, affliction, withstand, 28, 236.
why, what ? 67. agree, assemble, away, bo, witness (testimony!, .,248.
wicked, 8, 31,212,338,338w. bear, beat, bind, bound, — bear witness, 243, 871.
- the (that) wicked one,338. brought, bury, carry, child, — bear witness also, 371
wicked person, 838/». clothe, fOuie, commune, 875. bear witness with, 371.
wickedness, 52, 211, 838i. communicate, company, bear false witness, 418.
wide, 329. compare, lumpass, compas- false witness, 418. give

widow, 414. that waa a wid- Bion, confer, consent, con- vitnepa, 243. obtain wit.
ow, 414. 6ort, contented, continue, nos3, 248. without witness,
wife, 75, 271p. —wife'emoth- covenant, crucify, dead, 19.
er, 821. Set also marry, dial, dealings, devil, die, witness [one who bears or
old. dispute, dissemble, draw, can bear testimony], n.
—— — — — ——— — — —

482 INDEX.
249.—be witness, 248, false worldly, 230. wroth, be, 197, 281.
witness, 418. See also eye. worm, —
362. eaten of worms, wrought, see work.
witmess, v., 84, 248. —
witness 862.
against, 219. witness with, wormwood, 58. ye. 115, 273, 285j7, 394, 89&-
871w. 424. 898.—ye yourselves, 53,394.
wives', see old. —
worse, 414. be the worse, yea. 16, IGp, 108p, 183, 210,
woe, 292, 404. that which is worse,
138. the worse, 189. worse

210p, 265. yea doubtless,
253. yea rather, 247, 253.
wolf, 245,
woman, 75, 75m, 195. silly — and worse, 414. a worse year, 148, 173, 215p.— a year
woman, 75. See also aged, thing, 414. ago, 826. space of three
elder, every, free, holy,thi3, worship, n., 93. See also years, 890. to years, 250.
two, young. will. two years (old), 89. well
womb, 68, 228, 261. worship, v., .177, 194, 238, stricken in j'ears, 342. See
wonder, n., 190, 860, 883. —
349, 89<. that is worship- also forty, hundred.
wonder, v., 153, 190. won- — ped, 359. See also god. yes, 265.—yes verily, 253.
der at, 190•—greatly won- worshipper, 238, 266, 849.— yesterday, 414.
dering, 134. worshipper of God, 194. yet, 12, 16, 67, 68, 76, 1087:»,
wonderful thing, 191. won- worshipping, 196. 172, 1S5, 209, 214,253,293p,
derful work, 95, 249. worthy, 83i, 199, 213.—ac- 294i.— yet but, 184, 830.
wont, as one is, 107. be count worthy, 220. count yet doubtless, 68. yet more,
wont, 107, 267. worthy, 83, 220. think 172. yet not, 294, 297.—

wood, 270, 39477T. of wood, worthy, 83. very worthy See a/so and, as, be, ever,
270. deed, 223. never, nor, not.
wool, 168. wot, 73, 111. yield, 89, 88, 88m, 814i, 834.
word, 243, 244, 2U77i, 356. would,64,191,251.—I would, —
^yield unto, 820. yield up,

Word, 244. bring Avoid, 177,304. (1) would to God, 67.— See also ghost.
33,121. bring word again, 804. See also because,fain, yoke, 181,182.
83. of the word, 243. reason, will. yoke-fellow, 371.

416. — —
words, 244. good words,
«See also enticing,few,
wound, n., 330, 390. yoked together with, be un•
wound, v., 165, 330, 378,390, equally, 172.
strife, Btrive, 6welling,these. 392. See also head. yonder, 133. to — yonder
work, «., 167, 244, 340.— woven, 404. place, 133.
have much work, 204. wrangling, without, 1m. you, bSp, 98, 99, 258^, 894:-
works, 841. See also great- wrap in, 148, 150. wrap to- 398.
er, mighty, wonderful. gether,
150. See —
also young, 26Gi. ^young man,
young woman,
work, v., 148, IGTi, 222, S34. 266zr, 806.
—work effectually (in), 148. wrath, 197, 281, 814.—pro- 266. See also ass, child,
work out, 222. work to- voke to wrath, 314. daughter.
gether, 375. work with, wrest, 366. younger, 137, 266. younger

875. wrought, iOim. be wrestle, 306. man, 2G6.
wrought, 71, 148?n, 167, wretched, 380. your, 394-397, 398i.—your
222. wrinkle, 357. affairs, 895. your estate,
worker, 167. — ^fellow worker, write, 74, 164, 343. write 395. your matter, 398. on
875. worker together, 875. afore, 813. write aforetime, your part, 395, 398. your
—See also miracles. 343. write in, 100, 161. own, 98, 99;;, 395, 398, 398p.
work-feUow, 875. write over, 161. write your own selves, 98, 100,
working, 148i, 107/».—«ffec- thereon, 161. write (a let- 395. your state, 395. your
tual working, 148. ter) unto, 164. —writteu,74i, things, 395. -yours, 271,
workman, 167. 7. be written, 33. 395, 398. — See also fault.
workmanship, 335. writing, 62, 74. See also di- yourselves, 17, 53;?, 98-100,
world, 10, 0, 230. 275—be- vorcement. 895-397. — yourselves to-
fore the world Degan, 11. writing-table, 327. gether, 17. See also ye.
from the beginning of the —
wrong, it., 7. do wrong, 7. youth, 266.
world, 10. since the world matter of wrong, 7. offer youthful, 267.
began, 10, 11. this (pres- wrong, 814??72>. suffer
ent) world, 269. while the •wrong, 7. take wrong, 7. zealous, 181. be «ealons.lSl,—
world Btandeth, 10. world wrong, v., 7. zeal, 181.
without end, 11. wrongfhUy, 7. sealously affeet,181.

^ —7. -
v. 44, XXV. 13, ^ 6
— '-
^, —- omS. 29,
' . .

G°*'LTTr5'. for
— 41, 7) , . G"L

vi. 13,

'y ,- TTr*S.
—7. G'.

' , ,,.-)
. 19,

— 23, 35,
xxvi. 60,

xxvii. 4,
for ^&
'& G'. —

- ' , ^/ , ^ ?]
Gp^'L**. omS.



Tr.' ;



xxviii. 9,

Mark i. 27,

(, Tr)

G', -/.




- omS.


— 26,
- LTr,
. 19,
. -'

, — —- 21,

xviii. 11, -the verse

-the verse Tr^/S.
— (
S, for
G°. for

3. —

. - ^

L. - GTTrS.
for iii.

12, after

add ,

— 32,

— 17,
-. for iv. 15,

- -
— 24,
—, -
(G'). GLTTr^S.
— 29, - i<V^ TTr, for


?,, -
7, omS.

for 31,

,-, -
, Lb._40,
— 16,

,— vi. 11,



— 23, ^


. ,- ',
TTr 5.

— 33, be-^

•&-& omS.
xxi. 44, -the verse GoL^TTr™.

xxiii. 14(13), -the verse G'^^LTTr^'.
xxiv. 36, after

^ .
, — ?.&



54, after
G'. —


^ -- vii. 8,

Tr^^S. —

- only one in the MS.


h left instead of the
All critics agree that the Gcepel
end at ver. 8 very abruptly, and that
16, —the Mark could not have intended thus to close

ix. 38,

viii. 24,

& —
G", — 45,
G'^VTTvS. — 44,


— 43,
the book. And all confess that the follow-
ing verses differ in style from the rest of the
book, seventeen worcls or phrases occurring
in them either not found elsewhere in the
New Testament, or not elsewhere in Mark,
or used in a peculiar sense. These facts
have led to various conjectures.
The patristic testimony is divided. The
passage is cited as genuine by IrenjEus (flor.

- '&
46, -the verses GoTTr'^AS.— 49, -nal
A.D. ),Ilippolytus ( a.d. 220), in the Apos-
tolical Constitutions (4th cent.?)) by Cyril of
Jerusalem (a.d. 350), Ambrose (a.d. 374),
. — Angus tine

27, A.D. 39G), and Nestorius(A.D.428).

G". - 8. Itis not cited by Justin Martyr (a.d. 140),

Clement of Alexandria (a.d. 194), or Origen,
xi. 3, for the critic of his time (a. d. 230). Victor of
— Antioch (a.d. 401) and Sevcrus of Antioch
cm S. —


verse TTrS,
- (a. d. 513) speak of it as Avanting in many
MSS. Eusebius (a.d. 315) and Jerome (a.d.
392) eay the same of " nearly all " the Greek
xii. 14, add copies. Eusebiu3 and Gregory Nyssen (a. d.

', — L. 21, for

371) assert its absence from the more accu-

L^T!rS. — 29,
rate copies. Nor is it reckoned in the "sec-
tions " of Ammonius (a.d. 220) or Eusebius.
G, G"TTr The modern critics are likewise divided.

— . -
— 30,
The passage is retained by Simon, Mill, Leng-
el, Matthaii, Storr, Eichhorn, Kuinoel, Guer-
icke, Scholz, Eeilmoser, Knapp,Vater, Kinck,

- —
,. — •& ',

. — , ;-
TrS. —40,


TS. Lachmann, Olshausen, Ebrard, De Wette,
Cloomfiekl, Scrivener, Stuart, and others.
L^S. J. D. Michaelis and Hug regard it as a later

addition of
Mark himself. Trcgelles thinks
canonical, but not written by Mark. It
is questioned or omitted, besides Griesbach
and Tischendorf, by Rosenmiiller, Bertholdt,
Gratz, Schott (Isagoge), Schulz, Fritzsche,
Credner,^V'icseler, Neudecker, Theile, Ileuss,

13. — 70, Meyer, Davidson, Green, Norton, and others.

Go°LTTr5. xvi. 14, after add
XV. 28, -the verse G°<'TTr^/S'. L. — 18, before o^af add
xvi. 9-20, -the verses G<^TS.
This passage is contained in most of the
uncial MS3. now extant, including A (the
Alexandrine, 5th cent.), G(Ephraomi, 5th
Luke i.
28, -
cent.), and D (Bezae, or Cantab rigieusis, Gth
cent.). Also in the cursive MSS. and the
ancient versions, except as stated below. It
is omitted in >3 (the Sinaitic) and (the Vat-
ican), each of the 4th cent., and in the Ara-
) ,
16, after

add \
bic codex in the Vatican, apparently based
. ——'-
on an ancient Greek text. Of the cursives,
137 and 138 mark the passage with an aster-
isk ; and about twenty five others, in margi-
nal scholia, note its omission in many, 7nost,
more ancient, or m^ore correct copies.
The uncial L(8th cent.) gives another pas-
- ^

L»>TTr>S'. —
- '-

sage as found in some 51SS., adding the one
in question as also found after ver. 8.
other passage appears for substance in the

Latin k, and the statement in L is supported

vi. 10,
U'TtS» —
35, after
?/ add
by the cursive 274 and by a scholium in the
Uarclean Syriac. Vk blank Bpace the — Ifi. — 45^•^,
— — — —


Luke vii.
^- ' ., ''-
G<»L''TTrAS. —
48, (hu
— 17, -the

'? ?^,

verse G^^L^TTr.
. ..
— 34, -
— 38, —



^ ^ ;, — -
viii. 42,
for LT. — 45,
G" L^TTv.


'— —-',—- — , ,-,--.-

Tlt^S. 51, for xxiv. 1, G°L
LTTr. — 54, TTr>S'. — 12, - the verse L^^TTrb. --
G°LTTr5. TrS. for Tr.
ix. 10, G'TTr, -- — 36, ?'/
G"S. — 23,
G", —•&'
. add L^. —
40, -the verse TTr''. for
— LTrS. —
' '&-
,?, - -
G°°li. 54, 42,
G^TTr^S". — 55, G^LTr^^S. 51,-
LTTr/S*. —


G<*T. — 53, —'
. 11,
add ——•& -
after John i. 27,
. — 22, before
LTTr 5,



add Kai
. . wvGL^TTrAS. 36, after add

— ', -
StC'i'LT. iii. 13, —6 G'^S.

— ^ '

) ?
xi. 2,

. , '. GT

— ?/ /

31, 32,

, -)—
Tr, iv. 14,
GL'^TTr. — 4, ?.? L**.

', ,7 ,
G-TTr^S. 43, after
';- . 3, 4,
QbooTTrS'. —

, — - 7] —
— 44,

GL'^TTr*S'. — 53, vi. 11, -7

G^oLTTrAS.— 22,
' -

' ——
54, S. 51,
— GL
. 27,

'& .
»^, for

xiv. 12,
, L.
. 46, —
• ' 6 G^L

xvii. 24,
36, -the verse St,
xix. 45, — omS. vii.
53-viii. 11, -the passage G***^

( , -
This narrative ia contained In uncials D,
XX. 23, G'^TTr*?. F (9tli cent.), and U
(llth cent.). (9th

— U m

rent.). (9th or 10th cent.), and nioro
24, after add
S')' >y h^S. — 30,
than 300 cursives. It is found also in some
copies of the Old Latin version, and in the

'. - ,
— and Yulirate, the .^^thiopic, the Jerusalem Syriac

G'TTr — 45,
Lectionary,nnd the Arabic. In E(Sthcent.),

(9th or 10th cent.), and about sixty cur-
for . sives it is marked as doubtful (with * or t),
^. — entire or from oh. viii. 3. More than fifteen

43, 44, -the verses V>. — 64, --
cursives place it at the end of the Gospel ;
one after vii. 86 ; and four after Luke xxi. It
is omitted by N, A, B, C, (Sthcent.), L, X
(9th or 10th cent.), (9th cent.), and by
more than fifty cursives, including codex 33.
Also by some copies of the Old Latin, by the
Peshito and Harclean Syriac, the good MSS.
of the Meinphitic, and the Thebaic, Gothic, Acts
^ for ,

ii. 30,

and Armenian versions.
In D the passage differs widely from the

received text, and other MSS. vary still from iii. 22, G•»"
this and from each other.
its place ; its style is peculiar
It seems out of LTiS,
;and Augus-
tine speaks of those who thought its doc
trine lax, while some who omit it still re ?}
iv. 12,


25, —
? -
gard it as genuine tradition and history. for
It is cited in the Apostolical Constitutions,
but without John's name. Also by Euthym
LS. 27, — ?]-
add GLTS.

ius (a.d. IIIG), but Avith the remark that rf/
accurate copieg either omit it or mark it as viii. 37, the verse omS,
doubtful. It is recognized by the Latin Fa-
thers Ambrose, Jerome and Augustine with
note of its omission in some early copies, and
by others since the4th century. On the other
ix. 5, 6,
X. 6,
. omS. 21, —
to omS.
handTertuili.in (a.d. 200), Cyprian (a.d. 248),

— omS.

and Juvencus do not use and

(a. d. 330j it,
it is omitted by the Greek Fathers Origen, 32,
Chrysostom (a.d. 398), Theodore of Mopsues- QoLS.
and Theophylact (a.d. 1077) in
tia (a.d. 407),
xiii. 42, for
their Commentaries, by Nonnu3(A.D. 410) in
his Paraphrase, and by Apollinaris and Basil QLTS.
(A.D.370), Cyril of Alexandria (A.D. 412), and xiv. 10, after ?], add

Cosma3(A.D. 535).
It is retained by Mill, Whitby, Lampe,
Kuinoel, Ilug, Hahn, Maier, Ebrard, Hilgen-
feld, Stier, Lange, Bloomfieldj Stuart, and
others. It is questioned or omitted by Eras-
mus, Beza, Calvin, Grotius, Wetstein, Sem-
24, — '&
XV. 17,


— 18,
— 34,



. —-
ler, Paulus, Tittmann, Wegscheider, De Wet- verse G°°LTS.
te, Bruckner, Knapp, Theile, Lucke, Feilmo-
Credner, Tholuck, Baumgartea-Crusius,
xvii. 18, to G".

Bleek, Olshausen, Hitzig, Baur, Luthardt, xviii. 3,

- ''
Ewald, Ilengstenberg, Meyer, Porter, David- G». 21,
eon, Alford, Scrivener, Green, Norton, and


, — , Q<^°LTS.

viii. 59, XX. 15,

- omS. G"LS. 18, after add

'- —

,— L^Tr 5^.-13,

18. — 26, - ^-
— xxi. 8,

, ^
xxiii. 9,

— . -
xi. 41, G'S, L, for oi
xiii. 24,

- • •&

. - LTTr.
32, xxiv. 6, 7, 8,

7 G^^LTaS*.

, ^—?/.
16, —hTt -26, G°°LT*S.
G^L^TTfaS, ->' GL. XXV. -
xix. 2, after add
(- G', . C^GTiTS.
. S)— - etc. for

G", (G)
- * fur
7, ai-

LTTr. — 29,


,Acts xxvi. 30, Kai

(G") omS.
xxviii. 16, -0 -

iii. 1,

for vU

iv. LTS for


-- -,
G"LT6'. - the G°oLT5. — G"»®.
vi. 12,

- om-S,

kirl G^LS.
. 1,
place after G"
vi. 15, for

- —.

viii. 1,
omS. iii. 9, omS,

ix. 28,


6l• ^ ' [LTa5.

G .



(, G°LS.
.. QLS.
17, after add
vi. 9,

Phil. iii. 16,


— 21,
- --

, —&
XV. 24,
— 32,
xvi. 12,


1 Cor.
— 24, -the
i. 27, — verse LS.


GL^T. —

iii. 6,


, —-
, Ifi,

^ -

. . S,

- (-G°o)

(, , -&., ,
vi. 20,

omS. 1 Thes. i. 1,

vii. 38, G', G*'L''T.

(. .) L^S, for iii. 2, (^ovovS)

viii. 8,

(-& L),
L) LT, for
iv. 1, after , add ^ - \
—' .
., G'LT5.

. 10, Itt*
' for
2 Thes. iii.

, 4,


20, after

. 19,
"^, add
- 2.
1 Tim. vi. 5,



, ^^'
; G^°S.

.. iv. 22, -
- G•.

- 7, avTbv

XV. 51, for
-&6^' G'LS.
iii. 6,
2 CoR.

. , 1,



,* -
- —
for 9,
vii. 21,
for G'

> G<>L^/S.
LS. — 7,
Jas. ill.
^ • -
12, -ovTug, ©««LT,

- Rev. i. 11, ' rb A rh ,

.- (--^ —.-
(ohdl• S) for 6 6 omS.
GLTiS, . 2,

1 Pet. ill. 16, - . (^ ) for

— GLTTr^. 3,

^ iv. 14,
(j Tr,
GLTTr/S. 13,


2 Pet.


. 21,
i. 1,

- , —— ,-&

(^- S^
not rendered with




iii. 3,

S) for
(-S) GLTTr.
, ., .

. .

jSj for iv. 3, G°**Tr^,

1 John . 23, after
add omS.


-&' iv (iv
G') for iv ^'

— LTTr^S.

Though given as doubtful in C, the omis-
eion in eome MSS. plainly arose from the
eimilar ending of the previous clause.


. 11,

. 7/•&

. .
. . , St.
, omS,

iii. 10, o)v for

L. for . . , St,
V, 7, 8, 6 6 add
- viii. 7, after
oi ,] '
ix. 2,
The worda are found in no Greek MS.
], omS.
before the 15th or 16th century, and in ho
early version. " Unless," eays Alford, " pure

. —

for St,

caprice is to be followed in the criticism of >^8.

the sacred text, there is not a shadow of rea•
son for supposing ikem genuine.''^ Tischen-
dorf Bays, " That this spurious addition
. 1,
xiii. 3,
— — •
^- (LTr)
St, /'.
should continue to be published as a part of
the Epistle, I regard as an impiety," etc.
And PresideutT.D, Woolsey, " Do not truth
and honesty require that such a passage
. St.
1, after

— 5,

should be struck out of our English Bibles,
a passage -which Luther would not express
in his translation, and which did not creep
. —
XV. 2,

LTTr, —- omS.

. , ?]
into the German Bible until nearly fifty 17,
years after his death ? " See Orme's " Me- L.
moir of the Controversy on IJohn v. 7," 2, GLTTr/S,
edited by Ezra Abbot. New York, 1866.
G', for — 17,

^ • (
V. 13,

6 >S'.

Jude22,23, S) xix. 12, after add -

(^S), .
(- G)


add -
XX. 14, 6

. - ,
for 6

S). — 25, after LTr.
add - xxii. 14,
GP'"LTiS'. after add for G'LT
O'LTiS. Tr5.

*#*The Sinaitic MS. Accords with these readings when not otherwlee noted. In thoee
which here stand alone the change is in the form or the order of words, or in the addition
of the article or conjunction. S* denotes the Sinaitic MS. ae first written, S• a* altered
by a corrector of the fourth century, So of the seventn.

, .-^, -, - « . 7\. '

Matt. i. 4, 5, viii, 5, 5, 8,

- -
7, 8, 9, 10, 8, for
18, bef. -yap 24, 12, fr.

; ^ .^
- bef.

• , -
, —-
for ||
for fr.

. 16,

13, -/cai-"^ 22,
^^ 21,
- II

& .. ,—
for 22, 25, 27,

--" (-;

28, S)
<5 for


- ^^ for

-0 ?-
— /CfZi*'*»
for ix. 1,
4, /van for
2, 5,
"' ri /•

^ -
" /

10, -/cai-'^ 11,


1, 2, 4,
/ fr. for 12, 22, -?/-

,-' for

- « •- ,
5, for
9, "-
\3 -)• 13, for
jj 14, 17,

. ^ ,
18, 22, 28,
S 16, a«<>m
• ;
? 23, »
,. 24,
18, 19,
(— /S)
. 2, /(
'Ia/c(w,3of , 8,
after add
\. 9, 11, (see pp. 45, 260), 10,
() '
9, ,/;(5
^' for 9•' lyi.

. /^^ --

14, for ^(> after ||

. /6, 13, for 2/ (see 70(5

before 15,


note Lk. 34) 21,


'? - - ?

23, 25, /!^

-'^ -^^^
. .--
etc., 22,

23, for 28,


28, 32, 33, /cayu

vat for
|| -
for oi;rwf 48,
] (5•£9
• for

/./• S
16, -

^-^ 14,



. 25,
1, -"
5, 16,
4, 7 f^oD

• for
^. - ;/ ||

--^;-^ .
^ ||
ycjv for
7/ . . •&^
, fr.



4, e/c for
13, -?/
*" 15, -^''
9, 10,
14, -^
- - 11,
after r/f
(see no/e)
15, -, ;


Tisch. Si/n. evanrj. ed. tert. (1871) p. for 31 — roZf iv-

liv.) 16,
18t, fr.

24, 9
47, -<
85, ra dyai^d,

rerse ^
46, -f^^
(5 omits from f^"
in ver. 46).
— ) 48,

^ -^
xviii. 2,


for Aiyfl

xiii. \, for 2, 5, 6,

-- )-

4, II 7, ^vrvi- for St). 7, 8,

fav fr. for 11, — ^ ;^/1, 15, — 16,
ro7f 17, (?, 18, for 17, 18, — ^

-. 19, /^. ^ {»// for .

28, for . 21, 22,

30, before
- '^ 35, 24, fr. for

48, •&
. -


II ;^,

26, after -


— for

31, for

;}; for owj^fi 56, ; 57, 35,
(( for

/; ?
xiv. 1,
- ' & —
^/ ,
) ^.
xix. 8, 5, 9,

for ||
before || 6

-^ ;; , ^ -
after ywaZica *>. 4, '
^• for 12, after | for / 17,
for // 13, for fcai - 18, for

.- ^ , ^ 15, 21, - 22,

16, 27,

18, «^(^ «»- 24, after


/^^ 26,

' ^- . ' ,

26, (<5• ( -&
^9 -^?^9 //

|| //«^;-
XX. 4,

|| for


II II ||

-O2d 30, 32, 12, \\

for 34, 13, for 16,

33, 15,


- ^- , -^ » - '
1, -



for / r,

15, 21,
for 27,



26, 27,


38, .^
-,- ^*

- —^ ^& II
4> ;^'^^ 36,
30, ipirpav









? 1,

12, after
2, 3,
add ' to (5^- 4,

2, 3,

7, f '

; C''7^?7f

?/ 13, II 8,

(see Prolfif/om.) 14, («S'HXio?-') 11, 18, for

19, -/cai^^'
'& 23,

'- . ||
t//.oi) for ^uo?) ?
29, — (Jf^d
22, for 23,

' --
3, etc., 3, 45, for
. . 7, , . 46, for

for for «at

. . .

verse. 22,
24, -ra2d
for 5ri



/. 16,

for ya^uoc

-. - —- / -


. 27, 30,


^• af-
21, 3,
11, ^ 5,

, \\

32, II
12, 13,

(^ — - ^ [
ter 35, — /cat 39, - iJt" 21, 29, 31,
44, - . , 34, 5.
xxiii. 1, '
4, (' 6').
for o^of. 35,
- -

for 42,
40, icai

—^^ for 5,
// - ?^


JfM 9, before 46, S)

/ 7,


— (5


,- ^ — - 37, opt'ic

(- S)
; 47,

/? \\

' ^•
xxir. 1, row

6, — 7, - </
r) May.

17, aS) 64,
/3iir(j 18, TO
']^ ?.
? 21, /- xxviii. 1,
May. 2, \


29, f /C



. —- -


bef. toD


— >'
— /;


45, fore
- II

• for
for 7/. 10,







. -- •
48, 49, 8, bef.

? '^—»
after 9, 11, 14,


—. — — • -
2, f ^

4, — ^^*'

3, yap 18, 21,


// '
16, 17,


15, 25,


|| ||

^, '—
for g^ 9, 31, 36,
OV/C for — 15, 16, - 39, 7/\? for ^ 40,


17, - —
?£ 7»^? for
^ ) 20, 22, —'
18, yy/v for
• (5 ^.


for /• oT/fov


— 27, 4, fr. for

]. ' —

— ;;« for ^' ^

XXV i.
- /cat

for Jwv


7, || |1

26, —,

-, -H
7) ;;7

/cat /"
S) 8,


. y.

^. ,.

-. ,
36, 38, '
for 15, 15, 16,

- 2- .
52, 7) /^^;^;.
16, for

, •-,
put after /cai 22,

|| |1

58, 59, — /^^ '23, )!' \\

61, before Jo//. 20,

69, 70, 71, \\ 2, 27,
for — iii. 1, -•'^'^^ 2, bef.
xzvii. 2, -** |

|| -IlovnV U II 3, ^ r, .
' ^

4, 6,•&
, --
for '
, /) ,

. '/, , 56,
|| 2•
|| before
| - \\

6, 7, || ||


- / 11,


25, GTa-&fjvaL--

- ical

/cat 2,
3, TTii/cva for

8, -yap

6, -


.- -
for //^(^ 26, II |1

for to end of verse.

^ 27, ". . -ayroi)ist and 2d
?/ after


- (^-^ bef. S). \\ 16, -/ verse.


. ,
iv. 1,
7] ,

? . — --»

7]7 Q-)

35, —^^





»^^' 35,
28, -yap 32,
ol/cov 24,








\[. 1, for 2,

^&) - )
^ 18,

- for
22, bef.
(1871) p. liv.) 3,
ed. tert.
(see Tisch. Si/n. evavg.

, ' /•-

26, 28, 31,

- II

- -


for '^.
note) 19,
to end of verse. 8,
' (see
for (5
for ?/ for ^^^ 38, for ?;-

7^ 23, 25,

10, )- ' })
V. 2,


--- 6,
^^^ -"^

15, uote) 37,

II 26, ,?) for

{see ProJegom.) 28,

to end of verse.

after yap

^^ ^
- ?]- /?]) ')•) ]




for ix. 2,
(5 )?7)
5, 7•



vi. 2,

/• ' /
- , . 4,

for ^*' ?}0 ||




•) /
27, )/ ' /) ^
) /) 20,

23, -/




,<. — 30,

— /cat^d

for ei^.

^^ )
35, || ||

• 36, for 7.
22, 25,

, -
37, ;^;• 27, U after
• /• ;;;
. 43, 28, 33,

^, - .
49, \\ 37, «*•* for

7V for ?/!' }'.'/
for ^dvT.

) 3,

?)^ ^'/
52, av2d for
-7 || before

tiWov cic before 55. after 41, uoi< after


) 493
I 42, for
\ 28,



for xiv. 3, for r?)v 5
43, elaeTSeiv 7, -cyroi)£• 10, -oi*t


47, before || !) 49, 15, 16, 18, Ti^f^•


^^^), — ,
— to end oj" verse. 50, 19, —/caZ -yri 20,
twice for

^ for
. 1,

(aS "^^')
2, ot
/) ~?•
to end of
after 40,
/c 29,

, —


— *^
' /^

for ^^
|| -) - 45,
51, —
52, —
for /cai

<5/, ^,
,' for 53,
54, 55,

16j 68, for ow/c 72,

. ^;•


19, after before /c /^
II ||

20, ^^3;/ for «TTo/c. eZ— 21,
24, — '• XV, 1, for
^ —^ .


^-, -}'
II ||

J^ for 34, /cat 2, 4, 4, 5,

\\ 35, 6, for
36, 37, after •2< for

43, for || 44, 8, 9, 12, 14, 15, 12,
for 47, for viof 51, H for 14,
/.//. 15, 16,

^ - ?/ -^
before for 20,
3, 18,
-'*"' '
31, Jiart

oJv before II
11, /'


17> 22,


for /cai

23, Of

( for

— roi^^'

xii. 1,


11 ^ after ^^*•
36, /
for ? -
' -^ -

« II ||



//^ /^•
- ^^ '

. after

17, 43,
21, 46,
2, ^ //


• - "^- ^

22, 25, 26, 6 5, for ?.^. ||

and 4th 27, ^ Of 28, for 8, for


; . / - 35,
for ||

LuKB i.

6, for

/ .
|| \\

40, 43, before 36, 43,


xiii. 1, -£ic
, before

- /
•- > aurd
for 44,
for 56, for

—. . -
66, yap after
3, 62, 70,
' 4,
2 7,



15, -/•r^v
10, 7> 22,




— )
2, -j)



?, for
— ? 9,

& ,
for /cvpiV


. -



. — .

24, r^
(/S /£ for 45,

. ||








.. -




6, -


51, 52, 11,
^ ^
'^; 12, \\

, /^
) ^
1, ||


11, 14, Trpof 17, -fv2d -yap

for ah ?]'^^ for ;«?; ^
- ^^ ^^33, //7
28, 32,
,/,, . . ,
II ||

16, (for 6 '

for 34, 38,

— /cai^^*

^^^/?- // • for

. 7r<$d.
; ||

43, -^^^ 44,





, 24, 45, 46,

^ ./

?> 29, .
31, 32, 7<5•. 47,

-^ ,
for 33, *
viii. 5, for 7,
(iS'AJa//) 37,
II 9,



|| 12, 13,

ir. 8,
'l7<y• fi^. aw^ii 16, 17, /u^ after ||

for ^*

) ,
|| 20, 18, yap for
, \\

- /
0»?. r^ 24,

19, \\

, 20,

/ --&
' -^ , ( S
25, 6ri



41, for
11 OTc


-: ||


;- - (for

, &-
(• . ,
, -
for — KOiist


; If

/ .
. ,




?]?^ for



^ —?.'
(5 for 24, 39, 40, 42,

. .. 29,

^. after

cJi rerse. 48,

45, —/cat

y. < enc? /*
49, ||

36, 5 after for /t/^ 51, for


•& /"
vi. 2,

. . after
- ^»»
3, 'I?7(t. II
ix. 1,


^*. . ^ . ,
ayr. 6, 7, 8, 12, be-


^? // 7 /• for



^ ^.
fore ayp.
for for yap 15,

for avaaTfjvat

14, ^'*'

29, pic for
33, yap after
-«•» - for rV*^^ after
|| . 31,
30, ' -
. '.
.- - 7] .-

37, ~£v 38,
(/S -iav2d) 49,
48, after Ja
29, -a-o2d
'- r?/f 28,


,,— — .
50, for 52, 5, for

-' ?. » ' - .

for \\ for 6, 10, after

54, 57, ^ 14, Jt for } dp 15, for ^ 16,

for idv II

62, /"
after Jf
|| /ytja 17, \\ 18,
22, for
. 2, 4, ,a^^d for /7?(5 ||
-2 for

^^^ ||
J for

~/ &^
, 8, - (J' 11, -K-Oi^st 31, 33,


- /
12, (5 15, //^ for 34, t 35,
. -
// ||


19, ^/iof mispr. for
21, . ^ ^. 1|
XV. 5, for
7, /. -^


25, -/cai-d
; SAy
- //

5( 20,

' for

' ?

30, -(5 33,
-^ 21,
34, 35, -if- 32,
38, ?/ ||
xvi. 2, (?
(/ 4, before ^-^^ 9,

2 ^^ )-
39, 40, 12, 14,
41, for rup/?. 42, yap for 26, for 27, 29,

(see note)

-- -
II \\

xi. 2,

' .- 12, — ^ .
8, 0/.
17, after

9, - yufi^.

19, /cp^r.

/ II 12, '^-

^^•- /-
22, 25, 26, rr 16, 17, -(ii^d
for ?. 28, for -;/-^^ -(^•

24, 28, for 33,
30, 32, --'^ 34, - 35, ?} //m
eZrai for
/zipof 44, oi
33, \\


- xviii. 1, -^^^
for .< 4,


for oi

13, .
;^;^. . ||


13, ( for /2 \\
^ •
-^^ 16,


«. - . -^^

21, for 17, for 19, 22,

&. 25,
knl . ». after
26, ;(5
29, -.;


- / for /cat 2, 4, elf

. ..


-^/^^" - —
il for || 39,
—. 5, 9,

-^ 42, -ai ?7. ||

- 47, orrot•'-^'
40, 15,
-} (aS


( \\ y for //7;(5 49, for /f t'/zZv) 31, d^ar•

__ — II


hi — r^v^st
52, 53, and 2d

34, 35,

r;;flst and 2d 54^ ^^,^
f^j. ^^^ for ZS^ 43,


II before 59, - for 44,

for rov

/9 29. 48,
xiii. 1, ravra for
rot- . ^. . XX. .>'. air. before

, . -•
2, 2, 4,


/ca .

/ ^,





for 28, / for

19, ,
34, }.




25, -r^''*

35, ya-
44, ,
) •&
, {), 45,
29, 7/(^7 J? 34, 7/^.
^}'. /cfp. -
xxi. -
, ' -&
-' 9,
39, 42, —/cat
47, '^'^ for /cai-'*
« ^//. 10, 11, ///.
12, raf crway. ^ •^ ^'^

49, /iaya for /c.
for 53,



-^ John
17, ota
^/ '? - - 4, for 12,

13, i.

19, 20,
24, 20, e//tii 21, || af-

. ter fi'ist _,fai2d

35, for II 24, -oi 25,

. ||

36, for

. 26,
37, -^^

— ||

?/ for 38,
10, 13,
16, for if
. / 18,
before 40,
- 46, - rov^d 47,
after -
after 19, 50,

{by accident)

- .


df .-^&
- |1
27, c5f

37, &
. 3,

' -. for

ro3d for 42, II before ||

44, -5 8, ( for «ai^d 10, 22,


52, •-*^ for 53, for

. .^

-'& '%• - —- •
for -** 62,
|! for

18, -di
.xxiii. 1,

8, |
before 24,

36, -Jl

after ,^^

^* after .

., .? . —— , ,

for '/^•

6 ter
iv. 1,

4, 5,



I'efore (5-


. 11, 14,
- ^^

- . , , ., ^

18, TOP Bop. 20, for 15, for 16,

. \ ,

23, 24, 17,

. -^

— - at
25, -r/>
27, -/cat2<i 29,
after (^ ac- ( 27,

// 24,
29, for


.^* --&- -
, -^





« after
-6^ 38,


Tou2d for



53, -«»

51, -^^'-


^ .

-^ -/cat 52, V. 1, 2, for


. . 11,-, « -
— H for
B77i?Cai^ii, 9,
for //.

{^ - &. ^ -
55, /c. /cai 15,

. |UV. ^^. 3, 18, 19,

after 4, {mispr.) ||
for ||
av^^t for ||


/' )
10, 20, 23, 25,
""^ ||

77//. 7/ .
17, '&^
13, /// 7//



f (5/( ^
(iS — ^ 19,
;7/.) 22,
21, —ai/ntpoi•

.9 .
i-f'/'se) 27,
28, (koi>-


lyAiJov 27,
^ uy.
40, 42, ;);,
ri. 3,
'& -/. - . ,

9, -^^ 41, 43, 46,

39, for
48, /^-

10, for 11, 52, 55, for «ai

, ,-
- / - 14, 66, ^/

^. ^.
. . 17,
for xat


ix. 1,

4, ^/^of

II ,
(2) for


- ^ « ^ /.
(-0) 18, for for airoi^d 23, for

- "^)
19, ard'^m 21, 28, 30, (S

^?/ & )

^ 22, (5 for 35, —

^ - ^—( -
|| II \\

for 23, -< | for 37, 40,

for /

- ^ 27, (-
7, 8, —

ter - -
for //.
for // 36,
35, oyy af-
12, -(^

37, 14,
5) !

/. ^^*

//^ , for,-•
^ \\

38, 44,
for ^.
46, for 22,
(see note)
. ;
-^. ||

51, /c
. , 25,

oi'/c for

, 27,


|1 || ||

28, d/(5. '..

. , -/
— /(
for ., f;v 29, for Of
, . . .-
/. ^^•


52, 31,


// for //
, //^.
66, 36,
— 42, .
(2*) for


— oyv
vii. 1,




4, r/
(see note;
not so


xi. 1,

. 18,



- -
, - for
- II


^ 5,^
,. . .- ,
and om.

12, ^v












( for

,• /cat 9,


56, ?..
- before


—,^ —' ' for 32, for

. /?.
II || /ca2

35, 37, 16, 20,
40, after 23, 25, for

^** for ^ — /ca2

- 42, 29, 34,



^. . .
—6. ?«,


xiii. 3,
48, (^

18, ' »

10, -^
for oOf


14, -Ji 16, 17, ?7p/cv 19, 25,
for — '^*'
23, for
} 26,
^) ) H

.) /
/c /c(5ff/i. 38, 32, for 33, before
(see note) for || 37, (5mri
(^S for xiv. 3, /, 7, |
a98 supplement.
Si for ^ II
. for XXI.
Ijyoot'f after
- {Sir. icon

~2 before

. '

4, for
11, £
/f 5, 6,

14, ^^ after
16, //£9'
6, /icv^
^ y for
» '^
23, oiiTOf
? 21,
17, /<
XV. 4, uivTf
II ||

; ||

- 24,,\\ -.
25, omits the whole verse.

10, for ||
/itw after
13, -Tif 14, 16, (5 (5" (5) 18, Acts . I, 6 5, h
? .
- ;
26, 7, (not S) 8, before

-/ '
xvi. 7, -^^'^
for 17,
|| 20,

for ^. 10,

. )-- ?
for of 16, 19, before
- before ^/;^,
xvii. 1,
^ || \\ II || 22, for

before 2, {S 4,
11, 2 \\

for oiroi
. for «:u/iOi

. 2,
for /c.
4, . for
3, ica2



?/. for 5*)

19, -^
21, iTLOTchjj
for 17,
- for
;|;; 1 2, (9 . after
6') for

xviii. for 14, for

^• .

- .(9-

before 5, 'Ijyaoif after 16, '\• after 17, «cat

6, 7, 13, 20, - /) after ||
- «
for ^)'. 14, 21, for {S* omits the verse, but

- before
for 15, S^ restores it) 22,


. /.
(. . ,
18, after (5 -'^ 24, 25, after (JioTravTOf, 26,
|| ||

' {S 28, for for 27,

. .- "^. -^^. ,
29, («S so else- S) 31, 34, 37,



. . 9



?. (?^£

(so 37, 38)





for 47,
< for
,, -^


|| after

for |£.



.. -

ot»r^ 5, idoi) for (5 from iii. 1.

6, -

.. - ,. ^ || 7, - ||
- iii. 1 ,
transferred to ii.

8, 10, 11, || (/. 47 II
(5 6, 7, adds

. 12, after at


1.5, 17, for 8,


1 0, <5 for re

- 2,.6.) ^^- ^/ (, ,^ -

19, 21, 22, 23, for oirof 11,

- 24, 25, 2t 13, added before

26, 29, /t and before \\ ||

after {S for S), for c/f



for oi 5 22, for after
. '^ .

'? , ,
30, 31, iv. 4, - 5, for 6,

^^ - / .
ifv after || 35, Koi
38, () || 2t 7,

|| \\


ijpnv || for Td . 8, - 9,

-2» .)
1, - 40,
II, \, (S
1, 19,


^ . 20,

[ ^«>
. 30, oe after
\\ 27,
32, - }

<id«T. 31, irurrewfTe (twice) 33, 'Irjooi

for . , . 34, 24,
- ^^ for \\


3, II
for 26,
for 30, -

• . ^^
before 10, 12, 33, for 37, 39,


-(. S) . .
/f before
15, before

for rot)
for 1|
before ry



vi. 3, de,
{see note)
before ^uapr.
for ,
15, TOvrff for

xi. 9,
12, //77(5

for ' 13, (5 for


-(5 18,



- ;/

.. .
eZdov before
-\9 22, before


vii. 1,






before r^f

and be- 26,


15, -



25, -«0^2(1

9, (Jia for
{see note)

-ai 5,
1 9,


' 21,
. 18, after
xiii. 1,
-T^v2d ^, 4, -T^v^et y 2£•

6, 11,



' /
for II 30, II for 14,
^ 40,
39, iv roif

. - after

(- -
viii. 1,



5, cif


for r^


for 6)






transposed after

/ '

. -
'> (.

44, d^ for

7, II 45, ||

9, 10, after for 46, -d^


. ||
. for di' 52, for


-of before
14, 25,

(by acci- both wrong)


33, {so intended, but the text and note are

10, -r^
8, adivaTOi•


12, 17,


dent) (so S^) for (so S*)


, , .

r^f (5*,
ix. 2, for ||

18, for
2, ^ ^^ XV. 1


13, 4,

- -

21, / for 22, for ^;\;- 6, for 7, for


vrv /S) -7oi)f before 'lovdaiovc 16, for

25, {omitted acci- 17, - 20, 22, ido^f

dentally in ed. 7, see Ho/e) after 23, - ?^- / before 26,

/cav 26, /" for

& for 28, ^

^ ^9 for .

, ^^ .

^^ /^
30, Kaiaapuiv 31, ay. after 30,
^9 II

34, --** 36, 37,

for 32,
.) /3 (so 6"*; aS*

^ ^
40, «/ l)pf()ro i9f/V 4•), omits Kai 37, || rdv
. 1,
3, ircpi before




for xvi. 1, / before

6, di^Xi^ov

-« ^ y for aird
7, after
-^ 10, |]
9, before
- -

^^ - .' - /



, } -
^ & - / -,
misprint in 7th ed.)









S) Tay
17, 15,











22, i/xo?
26, diOTi for




, /^
for 28, - 29, for 27, transposed after

33, for 34, 28, 29, -yap ||

-<^. 32,

. ,II
, .. -
38, for 40, for 30,
xxi. 3,
/c. II


). .^, ^ - \\ \\

xvii. 1, 2, ^ 5, ^jUOf
- \\ \\

3, (also for 8,

-" -
\\ \\

5, 9, ^^. 13,
for ol• for after
] 1|

-^ - - '^ 16, 18, for

for . \\


20, TOif 'lovdaiOif 25,

\\ ||

6, 7, 10, ^
11, 13, 31, 33, dvoi,

. ^^ .-2 -/

for wf


19, '.

-. •&

{misprint for

8, |•


» -
xviii, 1,

- for



after 'loixJaioif


& ?&

23, dt' for

;: 8,


d after


before 9, for

,-. -^
for for

18, ^;^;•

14, ||

16, ^ 17,
22, 23, for 22, //. 23, nvaf
« ||

d^o 24,
-) ^ (5 26,
&. II


, ^.
(/S II
27, 28,
xix. 1, for 2, (5' - 30, - \\
for 3, for 4, 32,

14, -/
after 7rfv 16,

xxiv, 1, . 35,
for , 34,

, .- 27,
dc for

-?/'^' 24,

. 32,
- 30,

13, od

1 2,
after divavrai

|| ||

for 34, 37, 14, TOif before TOif

^/ ^. ||

. * II

before fore
aif for oif
/ 18,
24, /di{i be-
not /S*) 'Ij/ooOv



«^ XX. ,
(see tiote)
{S. . ),
27, ; apparently
(so aS*, omitted by
/S*) 25,
, ,,, ,,
- (5* -)
for (with S*) for

/^- • '& -
1, \\

',| 4, (iS'i) 9, 11, *

dm - before -
5, for 6, 7, for II

' \\ 15,

transposed before
. /3.
-. for yap after
2\ ,

18, for

^' 19,

after OWV 18,

^/, 17, 1,

' for ^'
6, In after
-), - •^b

) -/ .
{S* for »7. 20, /fi»' 24, 8, ^/zttf 12, ^
for /3. || 25, || adds after

(S'^, but iS* 17, for
before vi. 11, after 13, for


transposed after
, .

. 2,
4, ^ /c \\ \\

^ . •

- oi

^ 20, -{• before


after for

viii. 2,

for / 11,


. ) - » ,
after (5 28, for 21, dion for 23,

^//" before

' ||
31, ^
27, 34, /^ 26,


,^ ,^, .- - 2,


^• ^


14, 7th edition)

for -^
also before

(see noie


' ^ . •

-, 9-

. 5,
32, diari
placed after

; ||
- yap

& ' ')

. II
(JuvaiVTo for 41, II
for 14,

3, ^\? 6,
for ^. 4,



for 19,

' 15,

^) . 16,

, ., -
xi. 2, (5 6,


1 7, 20, for
«. 21. (5 22, 8, for

/ - d

- ' ^-
23, ^^- for 25, 10, 13, for
for de 31,
- after 17, after pi'ivf


Romans i. 24, 27, for ||

19, 20, for
2t (so aS*, but S^ for 21, 22, \\

2d .) II
(so -S*, but aS» .) 23, 25, for 31,

2, yap for 8, ||
- / xii.
1, 9

16, (so aS*, not /S») 26, 5, for di 14, i'/xof after
;); for
iii. 4, «^ 29,
for |
xiii. 1,
7, (5 for

1 2,
22, -

jjdi; v/idf for
xiv. 5,


^ 6,
. -*

XV. 4, after
-acJfA^oi, II

/ ;
. after


18, 16,
for ^.


. . Tif

, , ,• .
19, after for
23, for
' 24, 2, 3,

\\ for

/ 26, 5, 7, 8, || e//co-

^ .
also 27, 30, after 9, for



- '


31, TOif iy.
xvi. 2,

24, owi'is


- /cat
6, i/zaf. for

? ^,
1 9,




• /-

5 /. €
^^. «
29, ivari

, after xi. 2, - 5, for

1 Corinthians

placed after
25, -kant^-^
i. 2,

- 14, 28,


{see note to 7th ed.)


, 19, -'^^



ii. 3, for xii. 6, for 9, - 10,
^^*- --
9, -'^
- 10, (5 for


, \\
- after 12,

. - ,
15, 24, 25,


, •


•, II


(so aS*, but



for 26, -fv2d

for for


7, ,

9, yap for
for -,



?7, after

^ .-

. 7.-
4, -^^*•
5, ^.

did for

16, euAoy^f

25, -
26, -


- -

, \\

2t 1 0, after
-. 38, for

11, 'Ij/ctov 16,7 39, after \\

before -

19, XV. 5, for
. 6, 10,

;.^ ? ^- , - ^
for ^Tif







|| ^
-7 before
{so intended ; hut text and note
are both wrong) 14,
34, 21,-0 38, -Td before
55, transpose

. -

. -


II 38, xvi. 17, for obTol 22,
2 after ya/zi- ?.


, - -
viiL 2,
lyv« 4,

, ; . -- .- ,*^)-



2 CoRiNTHiANsi.
for pose,
and r^f
from the end

6, between
of the verse, «Ire


, ,

6, 11,
3, /.

. .

8, irepi for

- ^., ,« - ;-


. for 12, for II

, for «are-









- /


xiii. 4,






after 18,
for II
. { *^2
before i/tavoi
9, ry (5«2/covt(i


eawrcLvfor 16,

5, 14,

-. -
^), after






, (5 for d'

29, «ara


^^ 7rvf for

iv. 6, 10, iv. 3, for 9,

. 16,
^ )-'^
13, ." 14,
18, - Td
19, for
for rif

.- . 3,
for (5.
{see note)
15, -
5, -



1 ,
- J?


- 'Ayap

- - ^
' \\ 4, 7,

vi. 16,

3, .

) .) {S
{S .)

vi. 2,

yap for

- before



. ^/' ,
14, -;? before
for 13, -(5 18,



;^ 7,

5, ,u^ for




// after '

- &

^f for




. ) . 7,
after ^£

/ .
for ^'

. 3, ///\?
- / { 8,

10, /if 12, iii. 1, 7, r^f 8,

' (so aS*; S* 18, -

in 7th ed.) -
omitted by
12, -

, ^- -^ ^, ||

« - - - 2\

3, 9,

|3, /3
|| ,

II, (Jion; 17, '/). . 8, 9, // after

-^, , ,^,^
18, -^ 21, 23, 14, 16, for 17,
for - XoiTra 26, - 28, idiaif
, ||


- ) for
^ . for
2, for // 4, ^ for


(so 5"*; 5* for

. ',

) - ' -

• for (5^ (5 \\ 5, for 15,


aiv, for
\\ for
« ^^^
10, for
30, -
. ^
17, 19,


. ^/,

el for

for ^rrov
oi for

(see tiotr)
,, ' oi /iJ/T.


31, rdv
Ty yvvowcJ, for

{tee note on Heh.

^. ||

xii. f




5, roLi

^^^ 21,

|| -\
16, after




^ 10,

10, -


before t»

. -«2



- after

i. 5,

.- ),
after , 14,

27, for
2 Thessalonians



2, ^jwwv after


(5'* for 12,
. 3, «' 5, -yap ||

«. 14, « «. 16,


18, (
for for
-/cai before
/ - oul

iii. 4, 6, ly/Mjv
{S after Ipyol•• || after 8, «ai 13,
for 14, - /cai 16,

/. -
iii. 7, - 8, for //
-civoiSd 10, -T^v2d II
_7 ||

{see note)

Colossi ANS
12, -«ail»*



?)- 5/(


1 Timothy





1, 3, 6,
before -


\\ ||
iii. 3,
^, 2
Ty for 12, iv. 2, 3,

-. ^^^
»/• for ^/iof 16 after 10, - /cai'st
yvi^|^1>, for


26, for
1, for \\ ||
V. 5, - 8, - II

- yap nvcf

2, 1 1

?, 5,
|| || ,

- -
after - after -

3, /coi 16,
4, 7, avTy 12, 13, 23, -•» jy ||

- / &, -)
(so S*; /S» has 17, vi. 3, for
- 4,

- lii.

for 5,
(see noie)

- 16,


- ^**

. ^



17, for 20, 21, /?' for

^5//• for yap


for ^ \\

13 and 15,

2 Timothy



,, ^ for



- r^y



5, Ijei'ore

2, -

iv. 2,
15, -^•»

/iow for ^/x^f


« 7, rd»

3, for 5, 6, aywva for ay. 8,



13, . 2,
after avroO,
for II

ayaye 13,
', ', II


II. > for

. ,' 50S

- r^
for \,

^/ 5,
13, for
6, ,

20, -/cai^•* 28,
32, - r« ';
i. 1, 5,

6, ,- .

before {see
/caiiet - /tai before 'Ic^i^ae, 33, i^pyo-
for c/py. 34,


), .« -- 9,
(so S*^; S*
xii. 3,
. 8,

^ ?.^^. .?.

omits 11, -^ before vodoi 11, for

13, del** II
13, 16,

d for 21, 23,


for .
10, 18,
25, for 27, ^

4, yap for (5 6, - «oi 9, Trcpt-


- /^ for 10, after

for ^/ - ;fapav 11, -cp? after 15,

-. , ^ -.
6, || 7,
for 21, ^/^ for
for Afopiv
2 , 1

, before
^^ || after II
after o/wvof 23,


12, (5 || after 25,

. . -, ^
- .^
, 21,

8, b
3, - '


Jambs i. 18,
iso aS"; S*




9. 9, before 26, for

/^ 2

. -.
for for 27,

/. ( ^
, *«(5. ,
1 2, if ||

. 15, U. 2, - 3, /ca? for

iii. 6, after 4, - 6, ;^ for
13, 19, ' for 15,

•£., ^;
iv. 2, 6, di' 18, 19, eZf

,• ,•
15, for /f <? ; 22, for
, ,-

9, placed after 26,
vi. 1 6, - /i€V 3,
.^ ,
1 8, 1 9, iii.

3, 6, - ^* 9, 4, - after

' - \\ 5, 6,

{see note) 10,
26, ^ (see note)
w mi's- 6,
1873) 27,



;, .
. , --

{so also in ed.

for avrvfyxaf. 8,

1 2,
1859 and comma)

- xai

17, dia-
10, 14,
iv. 2, KuZ


. .

3, 4,



- . - \?
not (5' for
24, - before . 26, r^f
; 18,
- «oi before

;- .
^ -
-, ,
{see note) 13, 7 for |]

. 2, ; for
10, -oi 12, oirof for airdf . 4, for


34, w«)c (
30, 10,

«-* (5

(S omits)


; |




. . ^^

), ?) - .,

, '
adds. . .

; H

- avrbv after


, 18,


misprint, for
7, Tf/cvm, for Ilaidia,


{S after

. ^^
19, 23, ||

'AdfA^i 20, after after

^ ^ . 12, ' 16, after

Peter 2

1 i. 9, after 20, || for
12, before 14,
-^^** ' . 13, for . 18,

for CTi'va;:t• 16, ||
(Jtori 21,
for on^d 24, -

ii. 3,
- for «/3 5,
'&. ,
2 JoHX 3, 7(" for

- ,
\\ \\

7, for 7, {see note) 9,

20, -yap^d 21, for before

13, 11,
;\;' 12, y. (S* )
3 John 3, -yap
^ 10, - ,
^juof for
ut — 1 , uvi £

{S* omits) 22, - 12, || oZdaf

.- -

.- . -^- ^




18, -de

8, JuDE



8, -
•) 5, -



^ ?/ '(
uwvTff Acard \>, atter
\?, after

, • . . ^^ .
II \\

for /u^^d ^ ;\;

^^r^/,,. q
^^^^^.^r... Revelation . 3, 5,
9 - «

(5^' , -
10 for for

9, 10, 11,


after 1 2, 6, after 8, , for

, 9, before 10,

2 Peter i. 3, 4, UOV 1 , \\

. .


• )

after ay. (5

|| \\



14, wf for 1.5, 17,


4, otpoif for





) •)
>7// /
after for

after 2,

1 ,



[see note)


- (5^

after /dot»
- «/'^ (be-


cif iiyurtf,

10, -01
^^, . ') f5i' i»//uf, fore . 7(".) II
(S* reads

* -^
II ||

11, for 13, xaiv^v 14, before -^"*

. \\ II

Nt«. \8,

16, \\ 15, 16, 19,
- o2d 20, ||
- ||

1 John i. 1, 2, 3, 3, for 22, 28,

^ . ^/
)2 i/uZv, for . for

, , /. 4 «' •

Zpya ^^
. 10,
iii. 2,

{see note)
<^^ ( ||

20, for 27, 7
iXo^ere 1| 28, for for 8,

14, (5(


iv. 4,
-Toif before (S
18, irati'

|| ,^
^ - <>
< {S

{see note)

. etc.)



. .

omits, with context) (or || 2, 6, for

{S omits, with context) 5, 7, - before
(S* omits, with context) 6,

1, 2,
^ ^ . . 3,
\\ for -
12, -oi before
xiii. 1,


- /cai


before roOf
13, Troij


3 times (Vomits , vfiih . 14, 15,

context) for -«2
.. ^
4, 5, 17, ||

6, twice xiv. 4, ^^. 6, (5 7, ?.


for \\ \\ 8, {S* om. oyy.)

8, foroi {see note) \0, 10, for
vi. 6,


/ - , .

11, «do»', 13,

for 18,

for yvc-
{see note)
<5c 14,


^^ « ,

after XV. 2, 3,

7, 8, 6,
," ,
before t^ovarof,

8, -
\. ;; -^

after )7)'
^ -
after 12, /uiyof 1, 4, 5, 6
\\ 13,
92< "^^^
6, for


&) )
16, 17, 12, before
. 1, [Tisch. ed. 1859 14, 17, *

mistake; see his note) II

, .)
(Jtvdp. for devip. 6, 1, (see note)
(S 7, 3, f idov for // ^;\^
;\; 1| ||

9, ^Oi^taaf 11, 4, for

{S 12, /u^v. after -'^ \\

(or {S


14, after 15, 6, 7, drnW ||

oWe oW 9-
)? .
(see tiote) 16, /^^ for 8,

"•' ,
\\ ||

17, 13,

\\ \\

viii. 5, 6, 14, airovn, misprint for
for 7,
- | 16,
before 17,

\\. 3, 4, 5, 18,

6, 7, for xviii. 2, for 4,
;^; /» ^ («
before 9

.) \\

for ^ de
«o/e) 12,
mispr. for

for /.

,' ,- ^, ?.
II || II

20, for

^ ) /. ^


. l.fidov' 5, 8, 16, ;^'^^ 19,


for xix. 5, « for ||

- before
before (see note) 6, {S 7,
^9'='' fortfw - -/

^ ^<^
xi. 2, (,?* 9, after 11, e/dov
« ht'forc' (5.

5,i)t/J/C7] for t^cAfr^ 12, 13,
|| for
10, - after

9« II
11, - rof (s^e noie)
. . .
- II

120, KOi
' ^/)
aiirov h
1 8,
- Tf after
. ^
.. )



. ..
, 2,


?.. misprint for

without ^)



12, 5,

, - ^ .& , ,
11, \\ R
xxi. 1, 2, 3, ||

«. 8,
for ;^

after ^wrdf2d g^


- || \\

^& ^& ^
for \\
before 6, - for \\ for
, ,
-^ II
for 9, 10, after 11,
- opof for 13, ,

, .

^ ^ .-

for ^^ 12, 13, for , ;^ ., 1 5, «2

II ||

( 16,
for d£Aca(5vo

18, - for
16, before
18, ' \\


Date Due

1 .^^^^^^^^^^^^^a BS2302 .H88

A critical Greek and English concordance

Princeton Theological Seminary-Speer Library

1 1012 00065 4618



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